
Herath's Third Flight

Date:  November 27, 1998
Places:  Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern, Southern Bowl, Feeding Grounds,
and Upper Skyspace
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  This was a *great* flight.  K'tyn, who couldn't make it,
asked me to puppet Prometh for the occasion, so I did... and it was 
wonderful fun for me, for which I thank Kiat and Kin both. :)  This is
a looong log, because pre-flight foo (including Kassi's first public
declaration of her suspicions as to a third pregnancy) and post-flight
foo (including Tas heading off into the sunset with both May *and* 
Aurian, for Faranth's sake!) are both included.  So are knot chatter 
and the flight channel stuff.  Buckle your safety belts, folks... 
you're in for a fun, but spammy ride. :)  (Oh, and one last thing:
thanks and credits are due to the creators of South Park.  Read on, and
you'll see why. ;)


The Log:

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives.

Schmitt glances at Ramona, disgustedly. "Hmmmph."

"Now, look, Val. D'you *really* want me t'remove your intestines through 
your nose, then teach Kay and Khari to play jump-rope with 'em until 
they're sick and you have t'wipe off said intestines ere you can use 'em 
again? I didn't *think* so." Indeed, green Chymeth's rider looks rather 
dismayed by this threat delivered by Kassima... but who wouldn't? "So, 
either find someone else t'hear out your manuscript for you, or stop 
talking about the heroine's bust all the time! Dear *Faranth*, but if'n I 
hear just one more word about... oh, heyla." Kassi blinks, realizing 
that--gasp!--there are people in here. "Sorry about that. I'll finish this 
discussion later, Val."

Schmitt looks at Kassi, flabbergasted.

Ramona glances up from her plate in pure delight. Here, then, is the 
exception to the rule, as Kassima surely hasn't done any settling down 
since she was a kid.

Very astute observation, that. Kassi gives her Wingmate a light swat 
upside the head to hasten him on his way, then strolls her own path 
towards the others, shaking her head with mock-sorrow. "Honestly. As smart 
as that lad is in Threadfall, you'd *think* he'd be able t'write a story 
without filling every other page with descriptions of either guts and gore 
or the female protagonist's chest. D'you know, he managed t'go on 
describing the scene where she kicks one of the renegades between the legs 
for *four bloody pages*? If'n I weren't already prone t'nausea, I would've 
been after reading that. If'n only from laughing m'self sick. Please tell 
me that you lot aren't talking about death, mayhem, or voluptuous women. 
I'd love t'have a spot of decent conversation for a change."

Ramona says "Oh, the conversation's been shamelessly decent. I was 
contending that people settle down as they get older. Aurian was 
contending they do not. I'm not sure what Schmitt's opinion is, but maybe 
she's too young to be well informed."

Maylia walks in from the bowl.

Pierron twirls his moustache at the Weyrlingmaster.

Schmitt hopes so, otherwise that Terror'll wear me out.

Schmitt waves to Maylia

Kassima tosses in her own thirty-second's worth cheerfully enough: "Some 
do, some don't. If'n I ever settle down, I want someone t'shoot me--nay 
counting being grounded, mind. Settled down permanently. Become boring, 
stolid, dignified, all that nonsense... you know. Gag me. Name's Kassima, 
by the by; green Lysseth's rider--what's yours? Hey, May, will you come 
over here and help persuade this person that we're all a bunch of bloody 
looneys regardless of age?"

Aurian snickers as she listens.

Maylia heads into the living cavern, riding gloves slapping against her 
thigh as she walks. Nods of greeting are given to those who notice her, 
but her attention's mostly on the gaggle of weyrlings preceeding her. As 
they head for the kitchens, she veers towards Kassi. "A bunch of what?"

Aurian grins, "We've been accused of dignity."

T'saren walks in from the bowl.

Pierron grumbles something to himself as the Wingleader of Dawnslight 
walks in.

Schmitt laughs. "Some of us."

Schmitt nods to T'saren.

Ramona looks electrified, enraptured bug to Kassima's brilliant bug 
zapper. "Ramona. Ramona's the name. And no one's accused anyone of 
anything. I'm just saying that the general tendency is for people to lose 
their momentum as they get older. The taller you are, the harder it is to 
chase kittens." Schmitt is her example of choice this afternoon.

Schmitt is rather tall, but manages to chase Pris all the same.

T'saren wrinkles his nose in a grimace at Pierron's greeting, but it's 
become such a standard thing between them that neither really minds. The 
Wingleader stalks towards the Dawnslight table, riding gloves bunched in 
his fist. "Of all the sharding! Someone remind me not to have my 
wingriders pregnant in a hold where I'm serving watchrider duty!" With 
that, he flops down in his seat and sighs, then notes his weyrmate and 
gives her a wan smile.

Kassima reiterates, "A bunch of bloody looneys. Between you, me, Auri, and 
the Tas-Man, methinks we can do it. Don't you?" The greenrider then bobs 
her head in an amiable fashion to the Ramona-bug. "A pleasure t'make your 
acquaintance, duties t'you and yours, and all of that stuff. Is there 
aught wrong with being tall?" She draws herself up to her full height, 
which--while hardly gigantuan--is respectable for a woman. "Nay that I 
chase kittens, mind. I already have t'chase spawn, fire-lizards, and 
errant Wingriders; that's about enough for me."

Prismatica jumps down from her chair and prowls around the new arrivals.

Kassima squints at Tas, apparently not having heard that quite right. 
"Remind you nay t'get your Wingriders pregnant while on watchrider duty? 
Uh. I should think May would be best able t'remind you of that, Tas."

Schmitt laughs.

"There's nothing wrong with being tall," says Ramona, who's hardly petite 
herself. They raise big women on Pern, evidently. That said, she makes 
serious headway into Schmitt's daily special, which isn't bad, not bad at 

"Well, I doubt it has much to do with height," Maylia says to Ramona with 
a smile. "But point well taken. And yes, Kassi, we're all a bunch of 
bloody looneys." Patience itself, this girl is. A concerned glance is 
given her weyrmate, and she heads towards him. "Alright, let me guess. 
Neliea?" She asks, in a quiet voice.

T'saren rolls his eyes at Kassi, miming a smack in her direction. "I wish 
it was something as simple as that," he comments with a half-chuckle. "Not 
that I'd have a simple time explaining that to you, my love," he adds in 
Maylia's direction, accompanied with a nod for her former question. "Aye, 
Neliea. It's bad enough to be short-handed, but to have all Bitra acting 
so, I don't know, *smug* about it." He throws up his hands in a gesture of 

Maylia somehow manages to not trip over the kitten as she makes her way to 
the dawnslight table, Kassi's comment prompting a roll of her eyes. "Aye, 
you'd have a very tough time explaining it to me," She agrees, though in a 
light tone of voice. Taking a seat next to the bronzerider she reaches for 
his hand, grimacing. "Smug? How? That they're housing one of the Weyr's 
dragons? And surely she'll be able to fly between again soon."

Kassima suggests, succinctly, "Pull her out. Have her fly home straight, 
or just wait a bit more; she should be into her second trimester soon. 
Just remind me t'be glad that, with one or two notable exceptions," and 
there's a peculiar, wry quirk to her mouth as she says that, "Thunderbolt 
has been free of the Flu this winter. Between Nel and Lirra, though, I 
guess Dawnslight hasn't been so lucky?"

Aurian glances up from her hides, "What do you mean smug? She was here the 
other day, personally I think its time she gets her tail back to the 

Prismatica begs for some food.

T'saren tries to answer everyone's questions at once, turning from person 
to person like a dragon in a feeding pen. "Aye, smug because there's a 
decent watchrider there. Y'know that toothless old Gormath isn't the 
swiftest, nor is his rider. I'd pull her out, but she really ought to 
stay. I know how sensitive women can get about things like that when 
they're pregnant." A quick shrug is given to Kassi. "Dawnslight hasn't 
been having any luck but bad lately, if you ask me. Over half of the 
riders we had last Turn are somewhere else now, or they're in the 
infirmary for some reason."

Aurian scowls, "Well she did say she'd be up for light duties soon."

Schmitt looks up from her empty stew bowl. "I must scoot." She grabs the 

"I wouldn't say that Nel's one t'put personal sensitivity above duty," 
Kassi objects, lifting both brows. "Still, you're her Wingleader; you 
likely know her better than I. Sounds as though you need t'start having 
your ranks wear kilts at every opportunity, Tas."

Schmitt strolls out, grabbing a muffin on the way.

Schmitt walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Maylia frowns, shaking her head. "Certainly, she's pregnant, and likely to 
be touchy." The greenrider states with an attempt at understanding. "But 
shells, she's a rider first, that's where her first duty lies. She 
should've winged it home straight immediately." Opinionated? Of course.

Telgar Weyr> Neliea laughs and just points to Xylath. He made me stay. ;)

Aurian nods, "Exactly."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia grins. Get control over your beast, girl! ;)

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "He'd forget you know"

T'saren raises a brow at Kassi's comment. "Now why on Pern should my 
riders wear kilts? Wouldn't that make other places want them more?" A 
sorry attempt at humor it might be, but that's about all the Dawnslight 
Wingleader is in the mood for. "As for her being a rider first, I agree 
she shouldn't have gotten pregnant, but hey, I'm not the one sleeping with 
her, so what can I do about it?"

Telgar Weyr> Neliea chuckles. "Not with morning sickness he wouldn't. I 
have control, except when he plops and stares me down." ;)

Telgar Weyr> T'saren digs both himself and Neliea a big hole with his last 
pose. ;)

Reed stirs again, obviously he'd fallen asleep in the back of the room, 
but all the comotion and chatter seems to of aroused him. "Mrph." Tired 
hands idly wipe away the white gooey matter collecting in the corners of 
his eyes, his mouth falling open for a mighty yawn. All the while the 
percariously perched firelizards on his body have given him a moment's 
peace, uncurling and gliding away, chasing after a drudge with a bowl of 
meat. His chair is slowly pushed out from his table, and he stands, arms 
stretched out above him. Eyes sweeping the room, he nods to a few people 
he recognises, then pats his pants. "Shards, fell asleep and I've still 
got to go repair the stables." He hot foots it towards the bowl exit, not 
really giving much of a goodbye.

Reed walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Neliea should show up over there sooo bad.

Aurian snickers a bit as she hears Tas.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren wooos to Neliea. Do it! Join the pre-flight 
grumpiness! ;)

Kassima agrees with an impish grin, "Oh, probably. But I referred to the 
good luck of kilts--*aside* from that in attracting attention." The second 
set of comments elicits a pensive silence, almost brooding. How odd. "I 
wouldn't say she failed her duty by getting pregnant in the first place," 
she says finally. "Nay that. After all, any woman can find herself in that 
situation. What I'd argue against is her staying at Bitra rather than 
coming back at once."

Telgar Weyr> Neliea laughs! But I'm not in the flight! And do I dare? 
Nel's in hot water enough. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Still its a very grumpy thing"

Aurian sighs and rolls her hides up infront of her. She glares at the bowl 
again, "Shush you."

Maylia chuckles, and leans over to give her weyrmate a quick kiss on the 
cheek. Nothing like being nauseating to Kassima. "That's right, love. 
You're not. It's hardly your fault she's pregnant, but I agree with Kassi. 
She should've come straight back." She stands, tugging her riding jacket 
straight, and offers, "Klah, love?"

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "Hey, I don't want to do any groveling 
there. :)"

T'saren notes Kassi's sudden quiet spell and eyes her curiously. "Any 
woman? Oh please, tell me you're not pregnant *again*, Kassi?! You keep 
going at this rate and you'll have more children than firelizards!" He 
suddenly realizes that probably wasn't the brightest thing to say to 
someone who could be pregnant and grimaces. "Uh, I didn't mean that like 
it sounded." Oooo, something to divert attention? "I'd love some, 
dearheart. Thanks." So what if he normally doesn't drink klah; who's going 
to notice.

Aurian glares at her cold mug of klah, "Shards."

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "Um, should I go duck now?"

Telgar Weyr> Maylia dohs! and would've offered Cider had I thought about 

Kassima presses her lips together and doesn't answer for a few minutes, 
much to the surprise of those of her Wingmates who were obviously waiting 
for her to throw something at Tas's head while exclaiming fervent denials. 
"Maybe," she answers at last, with a sigh. "Probably. Nay certain yet, 
though. And for Faranth's sake, bronzer, 'twould only be *three*, nay 
sixty and four! Get a grip! Can I help it that I come from a long line of 
ridiculously fecund women?" Shaking her head, she inquires of Maylia 
hopefully, "Any cider over there? I could use some."

Telgar Weyr> T'saren giggles. But it worked so well, Maylia. Tas would 
have done anything to distract Kassi from that comment. ;)

Aurian glances to Kassima, "Are you sharding kidding me?"

Neliea walks in from the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "I must be insane here.... :)"

Kassima rolls her eyes towards Aurian, favoring the younger rider with a 
droll look. "Ask the barf-bucket I have t'keep in m'weyr now whether I'm 
kidding you."

Aurian hmmphs, "What haven't you asked Lysseth yet?"

Maylia heads towards the klah pots, distracted enough by the 
conversation - and the revelation of Kassi's condition, to offer her 
weyrmate a drink he'd not usually take. From near the hearth, a look 
that's dangerously close to envy is directed towards the Thunderbolt 
Wingleader, but passes quickly. Returning to the table, two mugs full of 
the dark liquid gripped by the handles in one hand, and a mug of cider in 
the other. "Faranth, Kassi." Is all she manages.

T'saren was ready to duck something too, so is rather surprised not to 
find a mug or emasculator flying in his direction. "Well you could start 
*betweening* or something when you suspect it. Faranth only knows that's 
what Maddy did not too long ago." Oh gee, is Tas' mouth running away with 
him or what tonight? Neliea's appearance draws a sudden *look* from Tas - 
something like surprise mixed with sheepishness mixed with everything 

"Always this tactful Tas?" The wingsecond asks her wingleader.

Neliea steps into the caverns, tucking her gloves into her pocket as she 
catches snipits of the many conversation. Sencing the need to salute 
rather than blink in confusion, she does and rather crisply at that. 
"Evening, all. What's this about betweening and suspecting what?"

Maylia looks just about ready to dump the klah over Tas' head, but 
grits her teeth. "Klah, love." something strikes her as odd about this 
offer, though not odd enough to distract her from the sight she sees. 

"*She* isn't telling me aught, because she wants t'push me into going to," 
shudder, "a *Healer*." Kassi loads that word with disgust and dismay--and 
given her history with Ushu, who can blame her? "After all, since *she's* 
still grounded, 'tis nay as though she has t'keep me from going anywhere. 
Why d'you all seem so bloody appalled? Khari's almost four now, y'know; 
'tis nay as though I just spawned yesterday, for the first queen's sake." 
Another *look* is given to Tas, that one nearly a glare. "If'n 'tis truth, 
I plan t'have it," she informs him simply. "Jal will just have t'lead in 
Fall for awhile. I can still do everything else, once Lysseth's wing 
heals." An absent wave is given to Neliea. She's preoccupied enough that 
she probably hasn't realized just who has just arrived.

Aurian blinks and simply blinks.

T'saren just sighs in response to Aurian's comment, not trusting himself 
to manage a comment without his foot ending up in his mouth. His eyes dart 
from Neliea to the mug in his weyrmate's hand, not knowing who or what is 
safe to look at. He finally nods to Maylia and gestures absently to the 
table with a muttered 'thanks'. Kassi, on the other hand, does get a 
comment. Most like a non-thinking comment from the sound of it. "I can't 
understand why you female riders want to have children anyway. It's not 
like you don't have something to take care of already, in the form of your 
dragons. You think that'd be enough."

Neliea lingers at the entrance for a brief moment while listening and just 
puts bits and pieces together as she moves towards the klah pot, 
forgetting that she just ate before coming here. "It is enough, it's not 
like I planned to be pregnant with Dawnslight so short handed," she 
comments quietly in passing, recalling a smiliar conversation days ago. 
She's not upset with everything how it is though.

"Not the same thing, love." Maylia states, a hand on her hip as she 
delivers the mug of cider to Kassima. Another glance to her weyrmate's 
mug. "Tas, love. You sure you'd not rather cider, or something? Evening, 
Neliea, good to see you back where you belong," nope, she's not about to 
hide her opinion here, especially not with the mood her weyrmates' 
comments are putting her in.

Kassima drawls in response, perfectly bland and even neutral, "I for one 
wouldn't mind leaving something behind after Thread gets me, if'n you 
truly want t'know. And it makes m'kinsfolk happy. And beyond all that, I 
love m'spawnlings. I don't think I'd *plan* a pregnancy, but 'twill nay 
curse and moan if'n one happens; who am I t'be throwing away a gift of 
fate?" Her fingers curl around the cider mug, and she gives first Maylia, 
then Neliea, grateful and appreciative nods for their own arguments.

Aurian sighs and doesn't even bother answering. She just sips at the 
bitter cold klah in her hands and stares up at the cieling.

T'saren doesn't even glance at his mug, intent as he is on the 
conversation. "How can it not be the same thing? I mean, you play mother 
to them both, both are terrors when they're young... The only thing they 
don't share is a child can't talk to you like your dragon can, and you 
think that'd be a blessing." He shakes his head in puzzlement.

"It's good to be back, Maylia. There's quite a change in living at a hold 
then a Weyr," Neliea replies klah mug in hand and seemingly (or is that 
blissfully) unaware that something's wrong. Heading over to the Dawnslight 
table, the rider opts to sit next to Aurian, considering how and what kind 
of mood her wingleader is in.

Aurian sighs, "Cold klah." She rubs her temples.

Kassima gives T'saren an odd look. "How could they be aught similar? I 
never played mother t'Lysseth--more like the opposite, i'truth, and sister 
when she was young. She's half m'heart and all m'soul, but she's still nay 
the same as a child of your own blood. Children grow beyond you. They 
survive you, hopefully; they impact the world after you're gone... they 
live lives that aren't yours, and how could it be the same for a dragon?" 
Giving a vague snort, she suggests, "Mayhaps you should try spawning 
sometime, Tas. You'd like as nay see what I mean."

Maylia gives Tas a look of utter disgust, disbelief, and mistrust that 
he's not just saying such things to get a reaction. "Here," She says to 
Aurian, sending Tas' mug sliding across the table to the brownrider. "And 
just how should he try that, Kassi?" She asks, evenly. "I've hardly the 
time nor the ability it seems to get pregnant with my duties."

Neliea grimaces and had just taken a sip of the klah at Aurian's comment. 
"Hmm, not you tell me that," she muses eyeing the mug and standing again 
to get a mug of somthing else. Cider perhaps? The other conversation 
seems like something she may put her quarter mark into to in a few 

T'saren listens to Kassi's speech with increasingly wide eyes. "Well how 
the shards should I know what having a child is like? As far as I know, I 
don't have any, and I think Maylia would have just as much say in spawning 
as I do, if not more since it's her belly the kid would be in." He gives 
his weyrmate a raised eyebrow glance, trying to fathom what she thinks of 
all this fuss.

Aurian sips at the mug that appears next to her. She grins a touch to 

Kassima grimaces apologetically at Maylia. "Ach, m'sorry, May. As 
Weyrlingmaster, I suppose 'twouldn't. Nay that I'd have *encouraged* it 
when 'twere one of m'Wingriders, but... ech. Mayhaps 'twill nay have 
t'worry about it after all, either of you--and there are definite points 
to that; don't get me wrong."

Aurian sips her klah, "You know some of us are young enough that we can 
wait till the end of the pass."

"Assuming you live that long," Kassi feels obligated to qualify.

Aurian glances to Kassima, "Personally I'd rather not plan on dying. That 
seems to make it happen."

Neliea pours herself a mug of cider, taking a small sip before crossing 
over to her earlier vacated seat with an amusedly arched eyebrow. "Wait? 
What if it just happens, Aurian," she asks, sliping into her chair.

T'saren suddenly looks down at where Maylia set the mug a while ago, 
surprised to find it missing. He looks back up at his weyrmate 
questioningly. "Love, I thought you were going to get me something to 

Maylia's snapping, glaring, and just gave away the mug of klah she'd 
fetched for her weyrmate. One might guess she's not overly thrilled. But 
at least her weyrmates' next comment soothes her, and she gives him 
another peck on the cheek as she heads past him. "And would you prefer 
some cider, Tas?" Is asked, nicely. "So, Tas, you don't think it'd be nice 
to have a little one eager to see you home, part you, part me."

Aurian sips her klah, "There are things you can take."

Kassima points out with a shrug, "I've been prepared for the chance that 
I'll get toasted for some time now, but I've nay gotten m'self scored 
yet. Luck's a precious quality. Moot in this point, anyway; I'll be... 
gah... fifty and three when the Pass ends, methinks. What a horrid 

"Kvasith gets upset when I ponder it, so I don't." Aurian says quite 

T'saren brightens at the quick kiss from his weyrmate and nods in answer 
to her first question. "Aye, cider'd be lovely, dearest. As for a child, 
if that's what you mean by a little one and not all those firelizards 
skittering about, I can't imagine where we'd find the time for one, what 
with both of our duties. Can't say it'd be a bad thing, but what would we 
*do* with one?" Pretty easy to tell Tas has never really considered 
himself father material.

Aurian raises an eyebrow, "Tas have you ever been around children?"

Neliea tilts her head to one side in though at Aurian's comment and 
replies absently, "I suppose so." Leaning back and hooking a chair next to 
her with one foot, she easily props her feet onto the seat.

T'saren turns to Aurian with a frown. "A couple times. I have younger 
siblings, and I did play with Cail a few times." He shrugs a shoulder 
absently. "I just never had time to spend with kids much, what with chores 
and duties and all that over the Turns."

Kassima stretches back in her own chair, wrinkling her nose a touch. 
"'Tany rate, I hardly meant t'try and pressure anyone into thinking they 
should spawn. Far from. I hated when people did that t'me. But 'tis nay 
necessarily a neglect or abandonment of duty t'get pregnant in the first 
place. Flights happen, life happens, and that's that... say, Tas, y'know, 
you're always welcome t'baby-sit Kay and Khari if'n you've ever the time 
and want more exposure."

Maylia soon returns with a mugful of cider for T'saren, but regards him as 
if he's from another planet. "It'd be difficult to have a firelizard thats 
part you and part me, dear," she reminds him, and settles back into her 
seat. Entreating eyes go to Kassima, the local mother figure, scary as 
that thought might be. "Kassi, why don't you tell him what one does with 
ones children? And no, love. We'd not have overly much time, you're 
right." But from the sounds of it, the lack of time doesn't keep her from 
entertaining the idea.

Aurian sips her klah, she rests her head on her fist. "My my."

T'saren looks like a lone wherry who's just been spotted by a hungry 
dragon. "You want me to babysit your children, Kassi?" A slight shudder 
runs through the Wingleader's body. "And don't you think that's putting 
them rather at risk, what with me never having spent much time with kids? 
I wouldn't know which end is supposed to be up." He focuses on the mug of 
cider and takes a big swallow from it. "Although it can't be much 
different from taking care of a bovine calf," he muses.

Kassima appears willing enough to fulfill May's request. "For starters, I 
advise fostering," she begins, shifting in her seat to face the 
Weyrlingmaster and Wingleader duo. "Some riders can raise theirs, but 
almost none can alone, nor if'n they've heavy duties--which is safe t'say 
for both of you. A'course, they can only be full-fostered after they're 
weaned. You spend time with 'em, play with 'em, take 'em places, give 'em 
things--spoil 'em shamelessly, in the case of mine. You help teach 'em and 
make sure they'll always be provided for. And most important, a'course, 
is that you love 'em. Nay so very hard as all of that, especially the 

Kassima just *grins* at Tas. How reassuring. "I've had bronzer baby-
sitters who didn't know what 'twere doing a'fore, as part of bargains and 
the like. Besides, 'tis nay as though they're babies. You'd have t'fend of 
Khari's questions as t'how lecherous you are, though."

Neliea settles her mug lightly on her lap, listening to what could be 
considered her options as well in between sips of her cider.

Aurian chuckles, "Besides Kassima's are old enough that you don't have to 
worry about which end is up."

T'saren starts to relax as Kassi begins the instructions on how to take 
care of kids, then gapes at both her grin and the comment on Khari's 
questioning him. "She'd really ask things like that?" he asks in shock. 
"And how the bloody shells am I supposed to answer something like that?" A 
quick glower is given to his wingsecond. "I guess I should be glad for 
that, shouldn't I?"

Maylia blinks, regarding her weyrmate as though she'd never seen him 
before. "A bovine calf." She repeats, slowly. "Hardly. Have you honestly 
not watched the riders who do have children? They seem just fine. 
Admittedly, it's not usually in such a duty-intensive weyrmating, but 
still." A nod is given to Kassima, distractedly. "Fostering, of course. 
'Twould be insane to think we could do otherwise."

Aurian blinks at her wingleader, "And what did I do?"

Kassima snickers--actually snickers--before pitching her voice in an 
uncannily accurate imitation of her youngest daughter's: "Uncle Tas, are 
you letch'rous? Mum told me all bronzers 'cept Uncle Gar are letch'rous, 
and their dragons, too. Your dragon letch'rous, Uncle Tas?" A wink, and 
she drops back to her normal tone: "She'd ask, all right. Both she and Kay 
are very precocious." She sounds proud of the fact. "You might do what I 
did, and drag some hapless relative-type out of hiding t'serve. Simaeva 
had some sort of problem as a youngling that the Healers said would likely 
leave her barren, but she loves kids, and always wanted t'live in the 
Weyr. So, 'twas an ideal arrangement for us both."

T'saren shakes his head in answer to his weyrmate. "I barely have time to 
watch where I'm walking, much less stop to see how people take care of 
their children. I've never even seen a dirty diaper, and I really don't 
think I want to, from what I've heard about them." He rolls his eyes at 
Aurian then turns to Kassi with horror etching itself deeper and deeper 
onto his face. "I think I'd probably have to let Maylia answer that one 
for me, actually. If anyone knows if I'm lecherous, it'd be her." He gives 
his weyrmate a weak grin.

Kassima promises Tas, with utmost impishness, "If'n m'suspicions prove 
true, Tas, old friend, I promise t'let you change m'next spawnling's 
diapers at every opportunity. Did I tell you about the time Khari asked 
someone's lady-love if'n 'twould be all right for him t'spawn with someone 
else? Talk about embarrassing."

Aurian rests her chin on her fist, "You know Tas... you can spend time 
with Kassima's whelps. Just do it on one of the days you have me working 

Maylia reaches for her weyrmates' hand, shaking her head. "You're a 
lecherous terror, and I love you for it," She teases. "And if he's got 
enough time on his hands to change a diaper, he's got more important 
things to do with it. With me." A wink, and she reaches for her klah, now 
drinkable temperature.

T'saren chokes at Kassi's words. "Um, maybe you should let someone else 
watch your children, Kassi. I've been in enough trouble for things like 
that before." The briefest of looks is given to his weyrmate before her 
words make him do a doubletake, then grin in relief and happiness. He 
gives her hand a slight squeeze, then looks at Aurian. "Not until all the 
problems with Dawnslight are straightened out."

Neliea smiles over the rim of her mug before blinking and muttering 
amusedly, she stands, "I'll be right back, Xylath's calling for a bit of 

Neliea walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kassima assures Tas, enjoying this *far* too much, "I'm certain Maylia 
would know better than t'pay too much heed to any spawn of mine. Wouldn't 
you, May?"

Maylia keeps her hand entwined with Tas', and makes a face at Kassima. "No 
more heed to the spawn than to the spawner," She quips, finally seeming to 
come out of her ase of the grumps. Her other hand cradles her mug of klah, 
from which she idly sips, hiding a grin as she watches Kassima.

T'saren debates on whether he could manage to hide deep in his weyr so 
Kassi would never see him again, but decides it's not possible. His 
weyrmate's rejoinder to Kassi brings a bit of a chuckle as the Dawnslight 
Wingleader also starts to cheer up a bit.

Kassima makes a face at both riders, sticking her tongue out at them for 
good measure. "Hah! And what'd I ever do t'you, I'd like t'know, that you 
feel it needful t'gibe me so? Evil people!"

Aurian points at Kassima, "You've laced my klah with strange alcoholic 
beverages that had me staring at the cieling of my weyr for hours."

"Recruited me to Thunderbolt," Maylia offers as one offense, though she's 
obviously jesting. Now, if only she knew what Tas had been debating, she'd 
likely suggest that they could give it a try.

"What did you ever do?" T'saren innocently queries Kassi. "Why you were 
born, of course, which is yet another good reason not to fill the world 
with children. Especially *your* children," he adds with a wink.

Pierron looks up from his cooking to expound to you his opinions on the 
latest news.
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. You know, just when I think I'm 
starting to figure out that Thunderbolt Wingleader, she goes and finds a 
new way to horrify me. Wasn't just me, either, this time--you should've 
seen the reactions to her letting slip that she thinks she's pregnant 
again! Might as well have told the lot that Thread has become intelligent 
and fireproof, and knows where they live! And that's not all she's been up 
to, either, though it's certainly the worst. Some cavern girl's hair got 
hit with a flying roll the other day. I think twas Kassi, but the girl was 
quite upset. The red-haired lass, you know her. And, Kassima is trying to 
convince A'lex to get pregnant...A miracle of nature. That strange 
Assistant Steward, Sas or whatever her name is, has herds of hungry 
kittens that are going to eat up the Weyr! One already chewed a hole in my 
favourite sweater! It's all because of those blood red socks of hers. They 
attract the strangest things! And she's giving them away too. I saw the 
baker girl, Cereal or something, with a pure white one. Madra says that 
K'tyn brought a sack of kittens and asked if Sassy or Cereal would give 
them away, and that red girl volunteered. But she has a crush on him like 
most of the other lower caverns girls, so I don't believe a word of it.  
One of the children broke my favorite mug." He sighs mournfully. "Yet 
another example of the irresponsibility of today's youth. "

Telgar Weyr> Kindre promises to come out and be proddy as soon as she 
finishes writing her poses :b :D

Kassima starts to object at once, of course. "You *asked* for that strange 
liquor--and May, being recruited into the Weyr's finest Wing is a *good* 
thing! You should blame Mum and Da 'twas born, nay I, and as t'my 
children... feh. They're nay *that* bad. 'Tis nay as though they painted 
Pierron's head blue more than *once*."

Maylia grins, shaking her own head. "Painted his head blue?" She asks, 
then mumbles something about Sionelles effect on him, but the exact words 
are lost in her klah mug.

T'saren should have learned to fear Kassi by now, but from the look on his 
face, it's obvious that until this moment, he's always considered her to 
be rational *most* of the time. Except maybe when she's proddy. Or when 
she's pregnant. Or maybe when... Oh well, she must be sane *occasionally*. 
"I really wonder about what you're teaching those poor kids," is all the 
comment he can manage.

Kassima must? Funny; that never seems to have registered with her. "Who, 
*me*? Hey, don't blame me for everything. 'Maeva's the one who tells 'em 
the bedtime stories about bovines with crossbows and three-legged runners 
from the Red Star."

Aurian chuckles with a laugh, "What?"

T'saren also looks at Kassi like he had to have misheard her. "Do we 
really want to know?" he muses, glancing around at the others.

Maylia's nose wrinkles just a tad, and she shakes her head. "No, trust me 
Tas, we don't." Another dubious glance is cast towards the Thunderbolt 
Wingleader. "And if we ever do have a child, her cousin... Faranth, her 
whole family is out of the running for fostering."

"Bovines with crossbows and three-legged runners from the Red Star," 
Kassima reiterates, grinning. "Lovely stuff. Much like the tales Da and 
Grandsire told me as a youngling. You should pity the world if'n Kaylira 
ever manages her ambition, let me tell you... hey! They're nay all *that* 
bad, May. Why, Cousin Simian is quite pleasant, if'n you don't mind 
seashells or occasional moments wherein your eyes bleed."

M'hryn walks in from the bowl.

Pierron sniffs thoughtfully as the Weyrleader arrives, grunting a 

M'hryn steps into the living cavern and walks over to the hearths.

Aurian just blinks repeatedly, "Kassima..." She shakes her head. She grins 
as she notices the entrant into the cavern.

T'saren laughs, giving his weyrmate a nod of agreement. "If we ever have a 
child, we'll find some nice, safe person to foster it out to." His fellow 
Wingleader's words receive a look of abject horror, which mellows into 
only a quiet sigh of displeasure as M'hryn enters. A salute is given to 
the Weyrleader, though Tas could really care less if the man saw it or 

M'hryn retuns T'saren's salute perfunctorly, smiles brightly at Aurian, 
and pours himself a glass of mulled wine. "Good evening, everybody," he 

D'ton walks in from the bowl.

Pierron nods knowingly as the assistant weyrlingmaster enters.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia gets back to this window, and laughs! Kassi, did you 
call your cousin Simian?

Kassima snaps an echoing salute, which transmutates into a wave when aimed 
at D'ton. "Nice, safe person?" she asks Tas, sounding horrified herself 
now. "What sort of interesting life are you granting your offspring with 

Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins. Yep. Kassi has a cousin named Simian, son 
of... lessee... ugh. Wish I had my tree here. Merysithra and whoever the 
heck her husband is.

Maylia snaps off a letter perfect salute - what else would one expect of 
the weyrlingmaster? Somebody's got to show them how it's done. "G'deve, 
M'hryn," she greets, nodding as the few weyrlings around salute. A nod is 
given to her assistant as he follows the weyrleader in.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia was just curious about the name... a rather hairy 
woman, is she? Monkeys around a lot? ;)

D'ton looks more than a little hassled as he enters. He's even developed 
rather impressive eyebags. He snaps off salutes to M'hryn, T'saren and 
Maylia like a pro despite that, though (carefully avoiding saluting 
Kassima. "Has anyone seen Aladis around?" he asks.

T'saren chuckles at Kassi. "Any offspring I have might not have an 
interesting life, but they'll certainly not be dreaming of three-legged 
bovines from Rukbat or whatever you said before."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia ers, man. Son usually means man.

M'hryn nods at D'ton, then Maylia, just having noticed her 
"Weyrlingmasters," he says politely as he finds a seat near Aurian.

Telgar Weyr> D'ton whaps both Maylia and Kassima. Inveterate punsters!

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snickers. Actually... yes. ;)

Maylia shakes her head to D'ton, before answering Kassima. "A life, 
period? Where they needen't fear?" Is suggested.

Aurian grins at M'hryn, she shifts her seat closer to him, "Its been a bit 
of an odd evening."

Kassima sets her fists to her hips, protesting, "Three-legged runners from 
the Red Star! And 'tis a *good* story. They take over the world and force 
all the bronzeriders to eat cheese until it comes out their ears. The 
greenriders became their allies, until finally they got fed up with the 
overload of ear-cheese and killed all the foreign runners, leaving them 
t'be blooded in the biggest and most hectic multiple greenflight of the 
Interval... okay, so mayhaps 'tis a *touch* frightening. But only for 
bronzeriders and three-legged runnerbeasts."

Devyn enters from the Bowl.

Devyn walks in and looks around: "duties to Telgar"

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn acks and half expects to see ten thousand firelizards 
all scream in rage and terror and disappear between.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Nah, they probably did that the first time 
Kassi said 'three-legged runners from the Red Star'. The phrase has 
cropped up several times this evening."

Telgar Weyr> Aurian chuckles. "I think they would have ran at the bovines 
with crossbows remark

M'hryn smiles at Aurian, asking, "Is that all that unusual." He looks 
towards the Thunderbolt wingleader. "Cheese?"

D'ton replies to Devyn promptly with "And Telgar's duties to you.." Then 
he turns to Maylia and says, "Sal fed Monellath from the toss bin in the 
middle of the night, and the dragon's been throwing up since."

Kassima affirms gravely, "Fortian cheese, sir. And most of it was moldy."

T'saren raises a brow slightly as the Weyrleader sits down at the 
Dawnslight table, but doesn't comment. Especially not as Kassi expounds on 
her previous words. Tas just stares at her instead, trying not to gape in 
wonderment that some dragon actually considered her sane enough to Impress 

Kassima turns her head to favor T'saren with a rather bright grin. She 
knows that look--and, knowing her, considers it a complimentary one. 
"Should I tell you the story sometime, Tas? Or ask 'Maeva to?"

M'hryn looks up and over at Devyn. "And Telgar Weyr's duties to ... uhm?" 
He trails off, not seeing the tall, young man's knot.

Kassima, very belatedly, seems to register Devyn's voice. "Duties 
t'Smithcraft and her Masters in turn, Apprentice," she greets cheerfully. 
"Delivering another commission?"

Aurian chuckles at M'hryn, "Sometimes its normal," she tilts her head to 
examine who he's speaking too.

D'ton eyes Kassima. She's talking about something horrific again. Or she 

Devyn says "Not to Telgar Weyr. There is a small cothold northeast of 
here. I am on my way back from there and thought I'd take a break"

T'saren just shakes his head quickly in answer to Kassi. "Um, I think I'll 
pass, but thanks for the offer. I think." He turns as the others greet the 
new arrival, also giving the young man a nod of greeting. "Telgar's duties 
to you and yours," he offers a bit belatedly.

Maylia's attentions' diverted from the three legged runners and bovines 
with crossbows from the Red Star, by D'ton's statement. Releasing her 
weyrmates' hand for a moment, she covers her face with both of her own. 
"Shells and shards, I swear that weyrling..." Whatever else is said is 
muffled. Dropping her hands again, she sighs. "But they'll both live? 
Telgars' duties." This last is offerd to the stranger in a distracted 

Kassima hrms, nodding and frowning at once. "I'm going t'have t'send a 
missive t'Master Jorj or something. That commission is months overdue now. 
Ah, well, 'twas but a hope; be welcomed anyway. There's klah and cider, as 
always." And in order to balance out that moment of seeming sanity, she 
sticks out her tongue at Tas and accuses, "Wimp."

M'hryn looks back at Aurian and laughs. "Normal for here would send those, 
uh, what were they... three legged runners from the Red Star screaming in 

Kassima watches yet more fire-lizards disappear from the premises. "Three-
legged runners from the Red Star, aye, sir," she confirms happily. "*Nay* 
three-legged bovines from Rukbat. That's *another* story. And they have 
only one leg, anyway, and two heads."

Aurian grins brightly, "More than true." She reaches for her klah and 
takes a quick swallow.

D'ton nods to Maylia, and comments, "They'll both live, but I had to let 
everyone else out onto the field for a bit. It really smells terrible in 
there. Or it did. Now it's just unspeakable."

T'saren gives his weyrmate a sympathetic smile. "Sometimes you wish you'd 
never accepted Weyrlingmaster, don't you, love? I know I wasn't always 
thrilled when Kiat gave the position to me."

D'ton eyes Kassima again, and asks suspiciously, "Did you tell Kharisma 
this story? Aladon came back from playing with her and wanted to know how 
to run with three legs. And he's scared to death of cheese all of a 

Devyn says "Escuse me, Kassima. What commission is this?"

M'hryn shakes his head at Kassima. "Sometimes I think you must have given 
your weyrlingmaster absolute fits," he comments with a smile, then looks 
around the cavern for a moment. "T'saren, your wing had the Far Cry sweep, 
right? What were the conditions over there? Is it still as warm as it was 
last night?"

Maylia rises, giving her weyrmate a kiss, letting that stand as her 
answer. "Duty calls, if they're out of the barracks anyways, it's drill 
time." And grabbing her riding jacket, she heads off.

Maylia walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kassima asks D'ton rather rhetorically, "It ever smells better than 
unspeakable in there? Well, a'*course* I told her the story, D'ton--or 
rather, Simaeva did. 'Tis one of her bedtime favorites, right alongside 
the bovines with crossbows and chickens in mysterious flying Smithcraft 
devices. The commission? 'Twas for a goblet, Devyn--a Turnover gift. 
Originally to Ambryl, but with her being Searched to Ista, Master Jorj 
said he'd be taking it on." A puzzled look is shot to M'hryn. "Me, sir? 
Whatever would make you think that?"

T'saren returns his weyrmate's kiss, then looks at M'hryn with a frown. 
"Aye, most of my riders had that sweep, and I did get reports from them 
that it was pretty warm still..." The Wingleader's frown deepens. "Sounds 
like we're going to be in for a full-fledged 'fall soon, eh?"

Devyn says "I will check on it as soon as I get back."

M'hryn glances out towards the bowl. "Overdue, I'd say. There's a 
threadfall scheduled out there in two days and I've not heard anything 
about storms coming in from the west or down from the north. If it stays 
as warm out there, I think we'll be fighting a fall for sure."

Kassima nods, at once abandoning talk of three-legged runners from the Red 
Star for business. "Which Wings will you be sending, sir?"

D'ton says to Kassima, "Kassi, if *I* can smell it, it must be really bad 
in there this time. Besides, usually, less than half of the weyrlings 
throw up in one day. I'm just glad I have the next few hours off." He 
leans back absently, eavesdropping on the talk of the Fall to come with an 
unreadable expression on his face.

T'saren nods in agreement with M'hryn (shocking as that is). "My riders 
said it was rather clear in all directions as well, so I have to say we'll 
be doing full duty. Be nice to get back to the task, if I may be so bold 
as to say so."

M'hryn cocks his head to the side. "Depends on the weather the day of the 
Fall. If it stays like it has been, two Flights. I've not decided on which 
wings, though. I'll probably have A'lex leading one of them and Ursa the 
other." He looks at T'saren and nods. "Two winters up here and I still 
can't get used to having so few threadfalls to fight."

Aurian sips her klah as she listens to both T'saren and M'hryn.

M'hryn looks over at Devyn. "If I might ask, Apprentice, how did you 
travel out here? By dragon or what?"

T'saren either has mellowed towards the Weyrleader or his mind's not all 
there tonight. Hard to say which. The former Istan gets a half-smile. "Be 
glad of it. Everyone needs a rest occasionally, much as it takes us out of 
practice for the real fighting."

Kassima nods briskly, assimilating this data. "I'll inform J'lyn. I'truth, 
many of the riders will probably be glad t'get back into the air; at the 
end of winter, I can think of a number who seem t'go stir-crazy. Makes 'em 
more eager than ever in drills, though, which is all to the good."

M'hryn smiles. "It certainly makes me understand why so many babies are 
born up here between eighth and eleventh month." He nods at T'saren. "The 
break is nice. But it seems like there's another thousand things that come 
up during the winter time. Watching the pass, keeping those traders not 
smart enough to find someplace to winter out of trouble, evacuating those 
unprepared cotholders."

"Well, a lot of greens tend t'get randy in winter, too," Kassi argues--a 
touch defensively? "At least there wasn't another emergency call from 
Bitra this Turn, with Holders needing rescue. The weather could've been 

T'saren cocks his head to one side as he listens to the Weyrleader. "Most 
of which would come up in some form at another Weyr. After all, didn't you 
have those really nasty storms down at Ista, where you had to evacuate 
cotholders? Each place has its problems."

Aurian nods as she hears Kassima, "At least we didn't have another rider 
get stuck out in the blizzard like that last time."

M'hryn nods at T'saren. "Helped evactuate the Sea Hold, too, when they 
were worried about tidal waves from the volcano."

T'lar walks in from the bowl.

"Probably would've if'n I hadn't sent M'vir to High Reaches," Kassi 
mutters over the rim of her cider mug. "I keep meaning to inquire about 
how he's doing there."

T'lar doffs his jacket, tosses salutes to those who deserve them and 
outrank them - which is admittedly most everyone - and waves to Devyn. 
"Hey howdie ho. Any ale lying about?"

T'saren takes a swallow from his mug then uses the pottery container to 
gesture broadly. "Which proves my point. Telgar and the 'Reaches have 
blizzards, Ista has tidal waves, Igen has drought. 'Bout the only decent 
Weyr is Benden, and they obviously have their own problems with the water 
supply, else most of us wouldn't be here." T'lar gets a quick wave before 
the Dawnslight Wingleader turns back to conversing with M'hryn.

Kassima threatens with an audible groan, "T'lar, if'n you ever do that 
again, I'll convince Kaylira that she should *really* borrow her sister's 
paints and draw an Emasculator on her Da's weyr just as she did on Uncle 
Gar's. Honestly!" The entire room is favored with a long-suffering, 'You 
can just shoot me now' look from Kassi. She never has taken being saluted 
very well. "About the only decent Weyr is Benden," she then contentedly, 
even happily agrees with T'saren. "I hope the water problem back there is 
continuing to improve. F'hlan did say that they'd gotten it stabilized 
awhile back, if'n I recall aright."

Aurian sighs, "You know those of us who know Telgar and only Telgar do get 
tired of hearing how our weyr is apparently the lowest of the low." She 
shoots a look at both Kassima and T'saren.

"Hey, I remember winters at Benden where the snow went over my head. Not 
that that's difficult," T'lar quips as he fetches the ale, then skitters 
away from Kassima at the mention of that e-word.

M'hryn nods. "I know. It's kinda wierd though. I mean, Benden's water 
supply. Especially with all the rain they get. They got almost as much as 
we did down at Ista, from everything I heard. And... oh, Kasssima beat me 
to it.

Ro walks in from the kitchen.

D'ton comments briefly, "Only low so far as weather's concerned."

Kassima points out matter-of-factly to Aurian, "Telgar can't compare to 
Benden for me. Never has. But, granted, I do have a considerable bias. As 
Weyrs go, Telgar's better than the 'Reaches or Fort, I should say. Nay 
certain about Igen."

Devyn says "Telgar has always served the Smithcraft better"

T'saren manages to grin at Aurian. "I never said Telgar was the lowest of 
the low. Just saying that every Weyr has its problems. Depends on what you 
prefer that makes one better than another. Like me, I'd much prefer Benden 
because of the weather, but I'm sure M'hryn would prefer to be back in 
Ista for the same reason."

T'lar quaffs some of his ale, licks froth off his lips, and just listens 
to the banter. He winks at Ro as she passes, however.

Ro emerges from the kitchen carrying a -large- platter of wherry, which 
she carefully carries over to the serving table, and from the deliberate 
slowness of her movements, it would seem even her strength has limits.

M'hryn smiles at Aurian. "They're worse than me when it comes to 
homesickness. But I can't argue their sense of duty and responsibility. I 
mean, giving up their Weyr to follow their Weyrleaders. Says a lot for 
Jehrina and K'tyn. Even if he's not quite as good a Wingleader as he is a 
practicial joker."

Aurian rolls her eyes, "Pardon me for being born at the hold. The weather 
doesn't strike me as anything that terrible." She grins at M'hryn, "Rather 
true all of it."

T'lar snickers and mumbles something about bonfires.

D'ton looks up at Ro, and asks, "You need a hand with that?"

Kassima suggests whimsically, "Mayhaps someday, Benden will be out of 
danger water-wise, and Telgar's numbers will have risen substantially, and 
some of us can finally go home." She shakes her head, though, knowing 
better than to put much store in that. "Heya, Ro. T'lar... why d'you drink 
that disgusting stuff? And better than whom, Devyn?"

Devyn says "Nothing wrong with being born at a hold"

T'saren holds his tongue after M'hryn's words, though the look in his eyes 
reveals he's keeping control by the bearest of threads. He gives Kassi a 
nod and sighs, returning to sipping from his mug and listening.

T'lar answers across the mug, cheerfully, "Well, it's to drown out the 
seemingly continuous mention of emasculators, Kassima my dear."

Devyn looks at Kassima: "I guess compared to Ista, as that is the only 
weyr I've come in contact with"

Kassima retorts, with a roll of her eyes, "Only mentioned it *once*, T. 
And that's because you *saluted* me. Don't you know better'n that by now?"

T'lar's grin, broad and boyish and bright, says it all.

Public announcement: Kindre taps the proverbial MUSH mike. "Sorry for the 
spam/intrusion into your rp :) Full from all of those turkey sandwiches 
and leftover pie today? Tired of football? Well, have I got something for 
you! Seriously, Herath will be rising at Telgar Weyr soon. Blooding will 
begin in about 20 minutes in the fields off of the Central Bowl. All are 
welcome! Thanks :)

Telgar Weyr> Kindre wows. That only cost 5005 credits :)

Telgar Weyr> T'lar uhhhhs.

Kassima makes a face at her clutchmate, and tosses a bread-roll in his 
general direction. "Eh, Ista's got some fine riders," she comments then to 
Devyn. "I could name a few there that I'm definitely pleased t'know."

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Goshyouknowit'sbeenrealandfunbutIgottabuffmy

Telgar Weyr> Kassima gets out a small Prometh suit, and tries to coax 
Kyril into it.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian chuckles.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "That's how much my +announce the another night 
cost. SHould have found M'rgan to the announce, though. :)"

D'ton finally ventures conversation with his recent wingmates. "So, uh, 
how are things with the wing?" he asks T'saren and Aurian.

Ro shakes her head at offers of help, not speaking until the platter is 
safely on the table. And even then she pauses to take a breath before 
saying "Tis no trouble, really, but thanks for offering." A smile makes 
it's way to her lips.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre prays to the Notepad gods that her c&p will work...

Telgar Weyr> Kassima still hasn't recovered from her last +announces. I'm 
only back to 6992, in fact. And Kin, it should, unless you've got carriage 
returns in there.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "If it fails, just pose Nicoth catching Herath 
and we can all go home."

Telgar Weyr> T'saren isn't earning any more credits, he's so high. :p

Telgar Weyr> D'ton sacrifices a random firelizard to the notepad gods for 
Kindre, ensuring her success and decreasing the surplus population all in 
one go.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "Oh, that's a good idea, T'lar. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima throws something large and blunt at T'lar's head.

Aurian smiles a touch at D'ton, "Things are going better, though we are 
rather short handed with a sudden increase in pregnancy."

Aurian glances to T'saren, "Though he may have a different opinion."

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "OW."

M'hryn smiles. "I should go ask K'tyn how he handled the spring 

T'lar pipes up, "Not a one's my fault this time."

M'hryn looks at T'lar curiously. "Are they usually your fault?"

T'saren sets his mug down and shrugs in reply to D'ton. "Could be a scorch 
of a lot better, if you ask me." Aurian's comments get a nod. "That, and 
several other things, like having riders transferred out of the Wing 
again." A darting glance is shifted in M'hryn's direction before the 
Wingleader returns his attention to D'ton.

Drew walks in from the bowl.

D'ton says to Aurian dryly, "Well, none of them are my fault, though I'm 
not sure whether to be happy or sad about that."

Kassima notes, somewhat cautiously, "K'tyn usually made pregnant leader-
types give up all of their responsibilities for the duration, sir. Might I 
suggest that this may nay have been the best option?"

T'lar shrugs and, with an impish smile, answers grandly, "Well, you know, 
M'hryn. I can't keep the women off me."

Drew slips in unabtrusivly. And stands by the door of the living cavern 
out of the way.

Kassima then suggests to T'lar, "Don't *make* me kill you, bronzeboy."

T'lar pouts.

M'hryn looks back at T'saren and shrugs. "I thought you could spare K'tyn, 
Wingleader. Skyfire needed his skills." He then looks over towards the new 

T'saren rolls his eyes as M'hryn looks away, muttering something about 
Dawnslight needing *anything* at this point. He leans towards Aurian and 
comments softly, "I really don't know how you can sleep with him. I really 

Aurian chuckles as she takes M'hryn's mug out of curiousity and sips at 
the mulled wine, "Not bad." She tilts her head to Tas, "We'll have to make 
up some of our numbers with the graduation of the weyrlings. I know it 
doesn't give us experienced riders but they will be riders."

Kindre walks in from the bowl.

Pierron gives a small bow to the Weyrwoman.

Aurian coughs as she hears T'saren and simply looks about ready to die 
from sheer embarresment.

"Faranth save your soul, Pierron," Kindre utters in a contemptuous tone of 
voice as she stalks into the cavern, "if some of M'kla's klah is not 

D'ton looks down at his hands, which are wrapped around empty air as if 
wondering where the klah mug has gone. He frowns momentarily, then looks 
back up at T'saren and Aurian. "The wing'll be fine. Even without K'tyn. I 
have faith in you two." he says, giving Aurian an oddly apologetic look.

        Okay, so this isn't really Prometh. It's actually Kyril in a 
very small Prometh suit. But since the real Prometh couldn't be here 
tonight, just play along, okay?

[Editor's Note:  The above desc was left in for posterity and comic 
relief. ;) ]

M'hryn doesn't hear the comment from T'saren, probably thankfully.. He 
instead looks towards Kassima. "I don't know about that. It seems, though, 
that if a wingleader becomes pregnant then she should turn the running of 
her wing over to her 'seconds. I don't know though, having never been 
pregnant, though."

Prometh> Talibenth lumbers down the ledge from M'hryn's weyr.

Kindre hears a name and can't help but chuckle a bit. "K'tyn's been 
spending too much time in our new Weyrlingmaster's bed as it is," she 
quips as a mug of steaming liquid is hurriedly placed before her. "I'm 
sure the Wing has done fine since then, eh?"

Prometh> Kyoteth opens both eyes and does a slow, draconic blink. Then he 
greets Herath's arrival with his very lowest rumble, the one he seems to 
think impresses other dragons (even though it hasn't worked yet).

"Now that, on the other hand..." T'saren comments under his breath as his 
attention his caught by Kindre's entrance. A quick blink and a blush 
later, as Tas realizes exactly what he said, and he's paying attention to 
D'ton again. "Thanks for your support, D'ton. We'll need all of it we can 
get at this rate."

Prometh> Talibenth scrambles down the ramp from his weyr, rather 
gracelessly. He rumbles in consternation, a rumble which suddenly finds 
itself a croon as the bronze sees Herath.

T'lar salutes Kindre while angling toward the ale cask again. "Hey, 
Kindre, you want...uh...can I get you some, uh, wine? Ale? Klah? Tea? 

Aurian murmurs, "Thank you D'ton." Somehow she seems to relax at that. She 
notes the weyrwoman, "Evening Ma'am." She does try not to look at the 

Prometh> Nicoth sends Talibenth a quiet warble of greeting that has the 
slightest, darker tone of warning at the end while keeping his gaze 
steadily on Herath's luminous hide.

"Nothing but sludge in a mug," Kindre replies to T'lar and then holds up 
what is likely M'kla's famous brew. Taking several long drinks from the 
object, she sighs. "Evening all, forgive my mood. I think I slept on a 
rock all last eve and haven't been right since."

D'ton pauses, looking momentarily abstracted, then eyes Kindre.

Kassima asks, sounding more wary than before, if possible, "How much of 
the running of her Wing? Sionelle, from what I recall, was allowed to 
continue with most of her duties. Up to a point, a woman could do 
everything except lead in Fall herself, and then all but leading Fall and 
drills. Handling reports, adjusting formations... plenty of things." She 
breaks off to nod to Kindre, with a smile--also wary--for her. "Hey, Kin. 
Need aught t'be spiking that klah with?"

T'saren winces as Kindre utters his weyrmate's title and Kiat's name in 
the same breath, coupled with the word bed. A long sigh is given before 
Tas can even begin to look comfortable again. That certain glow the 
Weyrwoman currently has helps a bit too.

D'ton's eyebags seem to darken, if anything, and he slumps further in his 
chair, looking even more fatigued than he was on entering the cavern. "Oh 
Faranth, not today. I need a nap," he mutters under his breath.

T'lar tenders Kindre his most affable smile and offers, "Want me to rub 
your back for you, Kindre? Nothing quite like a stiff back to set your 
mood wrong."

Aurian hands M'hryn back his mug, a hand is raked through her hair as she 
realizes why Kvasith has been telling her how lovely Herath is all 
sharding day.

Drew stand by the wall almost not seeming to breath. She is obviously very 
quiet., and does not know who to apporach for she is looking around as if 
looking for someone.

Kindre wards off some unseen demon, it would seem, before glancing across 
the cavern. "Hrm? Backrub? Shards, that would be nice. Nicer if 'twas my 
weyrmate doing it but shards if I know where he might be lurking." Bitter? 
Kindre? Nah. A long sigh escapes past her lips before she shakes her head. 
"Thank you, but no. My head is pounding as well and I fear I'd be more of 
a crank than a good patient, T'lar." A simple nod is offered to Kassima. 
"Any of that Bottle stuff to add to this," she wonders and looks down into 
her mug.

M'hryn looks over at Kindre. "I'm sorry, Weyrwoman," he says politely. "I 
hope you sleep better tonight." He turns back to look at Kassima. "I 
think, after the Healders proclaim you grounded, then the wing should be 
turned over the wingseconds. They can certainly ask and recieve the advise 
of the wingleader. And you are still the wingleader, but the day-to-day 
running of the wing should be left to the wingseconds." He smiles as 
Aurian hands the mug back. "You like?"

Prometh> Kyoteth stretches slowly. He attempts to give Herath a good view 
of his claws, which are actually clean for a change. When she appears to 
pay no attention, he actually changes position to try to come into her 
field of view.

Ro decides that now is a time for a distraction. Hmm....then she chimes 
in "We made a new dish today.....smoked wherry with herb glaze....anybody 
want to try it?"

M'hryn looks over at Drew. "Good evening, uh, ma'am," he says to the young 
woman. "You look lost."

D'ton asks without looking at Ro, "Could I have some ale, please?"

T'lar shrugs at Kindre, finds a seat at Aerie's table, and sits down with 
his feet propped up.

Aurian grins at M'hryn, "Yes it does taste rather pleasant." She glances 
at Drew, "Duties and all.."

Dragon> All dragons sense that Herath waves...wings...whatever :) << I'm 
heading for the grounds soon...again, everyone is welcome to attend. 
Roleplay is Good! I'm switching to flight channel...give a yelp there if 
you're coming >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Talibenth eeks. I've got to idle for a couple 
minutes, but I'll be right there.

Drew ohs softly, "Um, no, actually I'm looking for my cousin.

Dragon> Flight sense that Solarith is coming, or going, or whatever.

Ro nods and swiftly takes D'ton's mug off for a refill before returning it 
to the table in front of him.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Flight with << Hoo baby. >>

Prometh> Herath stretches out one long, impressive limb. Then the other. 
Her neck cranes as if loosening muscles tightened up for far too long. A 
snort stirs up some dirt as she surveys the dragons about the bowl.

"Who's your cousin?" D'ton interjects without introducing himself. He 
takes the mug from Ro with a mumbled thanks, and drinks from it like a man 
with purpose.

Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << Of course going to be there.. >>

Kassima purses her mouth, looking notably displeased for a bare second 
before she manages to shield this. "As you would have it, sir," she agrees 
stiffly. "I hear and obey. By all means, Kindre--" She relaxes when she 
turns to the Weyrwoman; proddy or no, she's still the more reasonable of 
the Weyrleading pair in Kassi's eyes at the moment. "The Bottle? I've got 
some right here." She fishes out a small vial of blue-green-gold liquid, 
and tosses it Kin's way.

Prometh> Kyoteth is caught in the middle of a rather silly pose by 
Herath's wandering gaze. If only he knew how daft he looks when he's 
trying to show off his musculature.

Prometh> Nicoth cocks his head to a 45 degree angle and croons to Herath 
with the basso affection that a bronze has to a glowing gold. Single-
minded, that.

Dragon> Herath bespoke Flight with << Nicoth baby...you're my favorite...
no matter what that Adonith says ;) >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Nicoth grins while his typist thbbts.

Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth hangs a sign around her neck that reads 
'Prometh-For-A-Day.' << My rider has stuffed her fire-lizard into a 
Prometh suit for the occasion, at Kiat's request. :) >>

Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Flight with << Hoody hoo, a Prometh-For-A-Day with 
attitude! >>

"Uh...Kassima, you might want to reconsider that since...Herath's kinda 
bright outside," T'lar calls to the wingleader.

Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth's wearing a sign around her neck, Nraith-

Prometh> Solarith raises his wings in a weird sort of draconic salute to 
such a lovely gold as the one who has graced the bowl with her presence 
tonight. He warbles in warm tones, letting her know he's ready when she 

Prometh> Kvasith lifts his head. His tail coiling about him. The much 
smaller brown tries to look as impressive as the larger bronzes, he it 
works in his mind.

Dragon> Flight sense that Nicoth hangs a sign around his neck that says, 
"Talibenth for a day."

Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Flight with << If my connection freezes, I'm gonna 
pass the baton on to Neliea and Xylath. >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Solarith ooos and wants to catch Nraith-for-a-
day. ;)

Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Flight with << Knock it off, A'lex is already 
pregnant! >>

Dragon> Talibenth bespoke Flight with << Let us know when we can start 
blooding. :) >>

Maylia walks in from the bowl.

Pierron twirls his moustache at the Weyrlingmaster.

Kassima just shrugs at T'lar. "I drink like a fish when Lysseth's proddy; 
what's the harm? Probably won't even affect her. Besides, I'm always 
generous with liquor when it looks like I've just won a load of marks fit 
t'make a Bitran weep."

Dragon> Flight sense that Isadith ponders being Keth-for-a-day. But ... 
Ick! ;)

Kindre seems to brew as dark and mysterious as the klah she called for 
when she entered. "Hush, T'lar. She's just...grumpy, that lump of mine. 
Glowing indeed."

Dragon> Flight sense that Nicoth smooches Isadith. << You're perfect as 
you are, baby. >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath will head on over now :)

T'lar makes a motion like buttoning his lips and kicks back again. "no 
nose off my skin."

Drew shifts to put all of her slight weight on the other foot. She is very 
quiet when she answers, "Um, her name's Verassa. She's supposed to be a 
resident here. I'm sure I'll find her I don't want to put people out of 
their way or anything." She looks so shy with her head tilted down like 

Prometh> Herath has had enough of this. Enough of being nice, enough of 
all these dragons in her space. Just enough. With a rumble of dismissal, 
she leaps from the ground.

Prometh> Herath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to 
carry her aloft.

Prometh> Above, Herath flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Public announcement: M'hryn announces "The male dragons at Telgar Weyr 
have begun blooding in anticipation for Gold Herath's rising. Spectators 
can +watch or +go telgar-bowl."

Prometh> Nicoth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to 
carry him aloft.

Telgar-Bowl> Above, Herath flies downward towards the feeding grounds.

Prometh> Above, Nicoth flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Prometh> Solarith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to 
carry him aloft.

Telgar-Bowl> Above, Nicoth flies over from the south end of the bowl.

Prometh> Above, Solarith flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Prometh> Talibenth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl 
to carry him aloft.

Prometh> Kvasith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to 
carry him aloft.

Prometh> Nriath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to 
carry it aloft.

Prometh> Above, Kvasith flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Telgar-Bowl> Above, Solarith flies downward towards the feeding grounds.

Prometh> You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the 
bowl floor to carry you aloft.

Telgar-Bowl> Above, Kvasith flies downward towards the feeding grounds.

Prometh> Talibenth flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Telgar-Bowl> Above, Nicoth flies downward towards the feeding grounds.

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath ohs...for any who don't recall from last 
time..."mf" is the exit up for mating flights :)

[Editor's Note:  Argh!  So that's where the exit name was mentioned!]

Prometh> You fly towards the north end of the bowl.

Prometh> Talibenth flies downward towards the feeding grounds.

Prometh> Nriath flies over from the south end of the bowl.

D'ton scowls, "Verassa, Verassa. Can't say I know her..I'm sorry, you've 
got to excuse me tonight. I'm...none of us are quite our usual selves."

Prometh> You fly downwards towards the feeding grounds.

T'lar eyes the bowl. "No. No, not tonight. No. Nicoth, back. That's HERATH 
out there. We don't chase Herath anymore. Just her rider. Nic, no."

T'saren glances over at his weyrmate, but the direction of his gaze is 
soon pulled back in Kindre's direction. Eyes go wide as some inner tugging 
is given from the direction of the bowl. Not as if he didn't expect it, 
but... The Wingleader gets to his feet, eyes utterly fixed on Kindre now.

Prometh> Kyoteth flies over the feeding grounds from above the bowl.

"Faranth and her crumbled egg, not now..." Kindre half-curses, half-moans 
as she suddenly stands up and away from the table. "That bag of bones 

M'hryn starts and looks out to the bowl, then at Kindre, then at Aurian. 
"I guess it's time," he murmers.

Kindre walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Prometh> Herath surveys the grounds with a look that can only be described 
as dangerous greed. Each dragon that dares to land within them is afforded 
a glare easily discernable as contained voracity. A threatening bugle 
erupts from her maw as she spreads her wings wide. I'm bigger. I'm faster. 
I'm stronger. It would seem that the queen is not feeling...lonely and 
would prefer to have the fields - her fields - all to herself.

Aurian sighs and nods, she places a kiss on M'hryn's cheek as she stands.

T'lar's boots land on the ground with a thump as he hauls himself up. 
"M'hryn, good luck. Make Talibenth win, will you?"

T'lar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Alais walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre snugs y'all, btw, thanks for being here :)

Drew ohs. Her hands are at her sides and she's looking at the floor 
although her appearence is clen so she can't be a drudge. "W"Well then 
I'll just wait until..." She trails off not knowing quiet what to say.

Prometh> With talons fully extended in a wide, roughly shaped circle of 
sharpness Nicoth plunges into the array of frenetic herdbeasts, downing a 
plump buck with the jarring sound of a back breaking. The creature is 
mercifully out of its misery before the bronze rends him from neck to 
rear, spilling entrails and blood that he meticulously begins to lap. He 
has no worries, no concern. Business as usual.

D'ton slams his ale mug down on the table with what might almost appear to 
be irritation. He walks out of the living cavern with an expression like a 
thundercloud on his face.
D'ton walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Prometh> Talibenth circles over the feeding ground, sending panicked 
herdbeasts scattering in all directions as they fall under the long shadow 
of his wings. With an ear-splitting roar he dives down on an unfortunate 
creature that apparently has frozen in fright. Too late, it tries to bolt, 
but the beast's spine is crushed under Talibenth's weight. With a mewling 
sound of pleasure, the bronze lowers his powerful jaws to its neck and 
rends it, drinking the blood that foundtains out.

Prometh> Solarith flings himself down with the utter abandon of one 
possessed, and possessed he is - by the sight of Herath's golden glowing 
form. Lucky for him, and unlucky for the beast, a bovine bull is directly 
beneath him as he plunges downward. The clenching of talons is all it 
takes to crush the beast's spine, and the big Benden bronze bends his head 
to tear a chunk from the hide, gulping at the blood within.

Prometh> Prometh wings after the luminescent gold with a sort of casual 
haste, the moonlight shimmering across his bronze hide to reveal glints of 
ruddy, bloody fire. Not nearly so bloody as the first of his kills will 
prove, though. With a *trumpet* that announces his intent and his 
challenge, he downs his first buck, sinking fang and claw alike into the 
monstrous creature. Only the finest blood available will be the fuel he 
needs to catch *this* one, queen of his weyr and queen of desire.

T'saren walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Drew blinks and sighs to herself. "I never should have left." She mumbles 
to herself.

M'hryn smiles at Aurian as he stands up, but he bites his lower lip, 
indicating his nervousness. He smiles apologetically at Drew, then follows 

Kindre and the male riders out to the bowl.

M'hryn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Lysseth> T'lar keeps his distance from Kindre, but his gaze is on her well 
enough. Admiringly so, same as always, but with that undertone of dragon-
inspired lust. Then he just mumbles, "Why couldn't we have gone south 

Maylia heads into the living cavern, glancing over her shoulder back 
towards the bowl as she walks. Sighing, she steps easily out of the way as 
male riders begin heading out, her eyes quickly finding Tas. "They're 
blooding," she needlessly tells a few scattered riders and weyrfolk who 

Prometh> Kvasith hops upwards. Its a quick movement that brings down a 
large buck, the brown clenches his teeth into the beast's neck sucking the 
blood from the creature as it screams its death.

Aurian walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

"Glad I had m'liquor-stores at the ready," Kassi observes brightly, her 
mood shifting as swiftly as it always does when great sums of marks are 
positively involved. "Now, who's willing t'be wagering on the flight 
itself...?" Even as she asks this, she heads to the Bowl, the better to 
get front-row seats.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Maylia comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Prometh> Kyoteth doesn't land on herdbeast, but quite near one. If his 
intention was to slay it instantly, he covers up his failure quite well, 
by slapping it down with his tail. The herdbeast skitters over the soft 
soil almost ten feet from the force of the blow, and lands in a heap right 
in front of Kyoteth's jaws. Eyes still fixed on Herath, Kyoteth chomps 
down on the beastie's neck with a loud slurping sound.

Kassima skirts neatly around the malerider-types, heading directly to 
Lysseth's strap-pouch and the liquor stored therein. Nobody here but us 

Kindre shakes her head. "I swear...gold...carpet...soft...know..." are 
bits and pieces of the conversations she apparently is having with her 
lifemate. "If we were still at Bitra when this happened, good broken 

T'saren steps out of the living cavern with a sigh, eyes flicking towards 
the feeding grounds and his lifemate before returning to Kindre's form. A 
hand is quickly raked through hair before being dropped back to his side, 
where it tightens briefly into a fist before relaxing once again.

Ro walks here from the north.

Dragon> Flight sense that Talibenth laughs. Kyoteth toys with his victims.

Prometh> Apparently having had wasted enough time on the males scattered 
about, Herath gets down to the business at hand. Watching a few beasts 
trample here and there for a moment, she finally makes her move. The 
crunch of claw on bone echoes along the ground as the gold preys on her 
first "meal." Her teeth sink deep into the baying creature, cutting off 
its wails, and then suddenly stop short. Her eyes dart towards the spring-
warmed air towards her human-half. The contempt garnished on the males a 
twinkling before is nothing compared to the look now in her eyes.

Prometh> Nriath flies over the feeding grounds from above the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Woofster."

Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth dohs! and was wondering why I wasn't 
seeing any poses...

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Fake woofster."

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn nods. It's Nraith, not Nriath. :)

Telgar Weyr> Maylia nodnods. Very fake woofster...

Kindre shakes her head. "I swear you'll be in Pierron's next stew," drops 
from her mouth.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Uh, thanks, boss."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs! whoops!

Telgar Weyr> Kindre giggles. Who wants to be Hera?? ;)

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "I want to be Herath IRL. :)"

Ro walks towards the gathered riders, her arms laden with wine skins which 
she sets to one side, staying out of the way.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren does! But fake Nraith would win then. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Maylia beams! :)

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "How do we know fake Nraith won't win anyway. Or 
is it Nriath, riden by A'elx?"

Prometh> Prometh offers a low, hoarse snarl to the nearest competitor. 
This is *his* ledgemate, thankyouverymuch, and he *will* have her. She 
won't be feeling... lonely when he's done with her, oh no. Blood entirely 
drained from the carcass of his kill, he sweeps it aside with a 
contemptuous lash of his tail, takes a brief moment to strike a pose for 
Herath's benefit, then lashes out with scything talons to snag the jugular 
of a stampeding bovine cow. The throat comes away in his claws, leaving 
the creature to bubble out its last attempt at a bellow before abruptly 
becoming Prometh's next snack. Blood: it's mmm, mmm good.

Prometh> Nicoth keeps his ardent - all right, downright lustful - gaze on 
Herath during the bloody first course of his pre-flight meal, eyes 
wheeling with crimson fervor. Good thing he's not cognizant of the 
unbecoming gobbet of gore dribbling from his chin.

Prometh> The brown flickers his tounge over his redstained muzzle. Kvasith 
rises up again and cuts his way through the flock of wherries. Feathers 
fly in a very willynilly manner. When the feathers settle Kvasith is seen 
lapping the dark blood from the avian, the metallic tang filling his 

Prometh> Solarith drinks long and deep from the carcass clutched beneath 
his feet, violet whirling eyes riveted on the beauteous queen before him. 
Completely ignoring the other suitors all doing their part to clear the 
feeding grounds of the beasts within, the bronze drains every drop of 
blood from the herdbeast then tosses it aside with a whip of his head 
before peering around for his next victim.

Kindre seems to relax a bit. Her eyes glaze over the faces in the bowl and 
land on one in particular. "Ah, Maylia, I was just speaking of you not 
long ago. It's a wonder..." Her words, thankfully, cut off as her mind is 
drug back to her lifemate.

Prometh> Nraith rumbles ominously, the sound growing louder amongst the 
bawling of herbeasts and squacking of wherries, until it grows to near a 
roar. With ease, the bronze dispatches of his first kill, draining it of 
blood before any seeps to the dusty ground it lies on. Intensely violet 
eyes fix on the glowing form of Herath, daring to caress over her form 
before he lunges after another kill.

Prometh> Talibenth's eyes whirl a brilliant reddish-violet, spinning madly 
as he jerks his neck back and forth, rending and tearing at the very-
deceased herdbeast he sits over. Finally, annoyed with trickle of blood 
that remains within the creature, he sits up and looks around. Red blood 
and bits of flesh drip from the bronze's muzzle as he finds another 
victim, this one a wherry with its clipped wings spread, screaching at the 
top of its voice. One powerful snap of his jaws and the bird-like 
creature's head is gone, replaced by a fountain of its dark fluids.

Prometh> Kyoteth drops the herdbeast he's been messily blooding on and 
strikes down another one with one flick of his great claw. Then he regards 
his kill, which is a very small herdbeast. Inadequate, yet somehow still 
juicy. Kyoteth sniffs the beast once before draining it dry.

Aurian watches Kvasith and the others as she waits. She reaches up and 
rubs the bridge of her nose.

Prometh> Relinquishing to whatever specters danced their will into her 
head, Herath begins to blood the beast within her maw. Despite her "regal" 
heritage, it seems the queen has little patience for manners or primness 
right now. The creature betwix her jaws is sucked drier than a glass of 
Benden red at a Gather and then tossed aside in favor of another. Droplets 
of blood dive down from between her teeth and trickle along her amber neck 
to the ground.

T'lar crosses his arms and taps his foot impatiently and tries not to look 
at Kindre. Hard, though, since his body keeps turning his head in that 

T'saren tries to murmur something to his weyrmate, but is only half-
successful, the words "Ledge...Later..." being all he can gasp out as the 
lash of emotions from his lifemate begin to flood into his mind.

Prometh> Prometh finishes causing death to ensue upon his hapless victim, 
and leaves the piteous, blood-daubed corpse behind him. Well behind... his 
eyes are focused ahead, now, on the queen who bloods. The queen who lusts, 
for blood--for him. He knows that it must be so. A deep rumble escapes 
him, appreciative and lusty: a dragon's wolf-whistle. He licks the last 
drops of blood from his muzzle and remains poised, waiting. The heat of 
the beasts that he's blooded is nothing to the heat sent pounding through 
his veins by Herath's presence alone.

Maylia leans idly against Tierth's silvery green hide, remaining out of 
the way to watch. Kindre's voice pulls her attention from the blooding 
males far off in the distance, then her weyrmate's. "I'll wait there, 
love." SHe calls, reassuring him however much she can.

Prometh> Nicoth sucks lustily from the opened carcass of the buck, 
ignoring the steam that rises from its open wound and draining it with 
steady efficiency. When he's finished, and his hunger demands he move 
along to another victim soon, he tosses the herdbeast aside with a 
negligible twitch of his head...and the bloodless carcass, entrails 
dripping, heads toward the other bronzes.

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath ohs, those pesky rule type things: same 
old same old...one pose per and such :) I'll also prepare you all for the 
pre-catch pose :) Is that okay? :)

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Flight with << Anything you want, Herathbabe. >>

[Editor's Note:  I got disconned for a second here.]

Prometh> Herath conquers beast after beast, each left with nothing more 
than the memory of golden talons before their expiration. She plucks them 
from their home grounds like a firelizard snaps up scraps at a hatching - 
as greedily as if her very life depended on their sanguine fluid. And, in 
a way, it does. Suddenly her head lifts, her neck lifting it high into the 
evening sky as a trumpeted scoff reverberates off the walls of the bowl 
still containing her. Nothing but she and the welkin now exist, it would 
seem, as her eyes fixate and some star or planet far above...and she's 

Prometh> Herath takes off, wherries scurrying from around her. With 
massive wingbeats, Herath catches a thermal rising to the top of the bowl.

Prometh> Kyoteth prepares to end the short, poignant life of yet another 
herdbeast. He draws a bead on it, readies for launch at the target, and 
almost slashes Solarith's rear end as the other bronze crashes down upon 
the desired herdbeast. Kyoteth bellows in protest, eyes now a roaring hot 
vermillion in colour.

Prometh> Nicoth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to 
carry him aloft -- much to the relief of the wherries.

Prometh> Talibenth takes off, wherries scurrying from around him. With 
massive wingbeats, Talibenth catches a thermal rising to the top of the 

Shards, here we go..." Kindre whispers quietly to herself and heaqds 
towards the guest weyr.

Kindre moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of sight 
as she enters the Guest Weyr.

Prometh> Kvasith takes off, wherries scurrying from around him. With 
massive wingbeats, Kvasith catches a thermal rising to the top of the 

Prometh> You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the 
bowl floor to carry you aloft -- much to the relief of the wherries.

M'hryn moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of sight 
as he enters the Guest Weyr.

Above, Nraith rises up from the feeding grounds.

Aurian moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of sight 
as she enters the Guest Weyr.

Above, Solarith rises up from the feeding grounds.

Above, Nicoth rises up from the feeding grounds.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Flight with << GEEZ >>

T'saren moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of sight 
as he enters the Guest Weyr.

T'lar moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of sight 
as he enters the Guest Weyr.

Above, The clouds above Telgar part away as Herath crashes through them 
without a care. Moonslight feathers across her golden hide like a soft 
blush creeps along a young lass's cheek. Her wings cup large pockets of 
air as she sore higher and faster...and away! Freedom fuels her drive, the 
males all but forgotten as her triumph slowly comes to fruition.

Prometh> You fly towards the south end of the bowl.

Above, The young brown finds himself caught in a cluster almost 
immediately. Kvasith snarls and starts trying to weave his way out as his 
pursuit of Herath begins. Amber-toned wingsails pump furiously.

Above, Nicoth tackles the sky and the lengths separating him from Herath 
with deliberation and determination. He appreciates her desire for 
freedom, certainly, but wants to eclipse the moons' light by inserting 
himself between Timor and Belior and that lustrous gold. So his flight is 
half-sprinting during the first minute before patience and caution preach 

Above, A quick launch seems to pay off for Talibenth as he finds himself 
momentarily at the front of the pack, with an unobstructed view of the new 
star that lies before hm,im, brilliant and warm and within his reach 
unlike the distant cold stars that lie far above. But within moments he is 
being passed by smaller dragons that dart around his bulk almost as if he 
were standing still.

Above, Nraith springs aloft, his bugle ringing across the bowl. Thundering 
beats of his wings lift him higher and higher, till he may slip into a 
thermal. Caught amidst the bronze and brown bodies of fellow pursuers, his 
competitors, his foils, he veers sharply, fighting for position.

Above, Solarith thrusts himself forward, trying to make some progress from 
where he's stuck in the middle of the pack of suitors all striving for the 
same golden prize he is. Wingsails cup and fling air heavily behind him, 
cutting contrails and whirls through the night skies as moonlight silvers 
his ebon patches into gleaming streaks of mirror reflection.

Ro glances at Kassi "So, who are you betting for?"

Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Flight with << So, did my pose make it through at 
all? :) >>

Above, Kyoteth rises up from the feeding grounds.

Prometh> The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the 
open skies.

Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth curses the 'Net discon that made her 
miss the directions, and hangs her head in shame. Prometh was here all 
along, really; his puppettress is just an idiot. :P :)

Dragon> Herath bespoke Flight with << Prom? Kyo? Want me to go ahead and 
pose? Or wait for y'all to :) Sorry about the directions :b >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath hugsa Lyss/Prom...no worries! We all know 
that Prom is kinda slow anyhow ;)

Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth nahs, and comforts her... niece? Ya just 
didn't know that goldflights go into the flight room. Greens don't haveta 
know these things. :)

Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Flight with << Just go ahead. Don't mind me. :) I 
feel no driving need to make all the poses. >>

D'ton moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of sight 
as he enters the Guest Weyr.

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Oh, go ahead; don't wait on my 
account, honest. It'll give me a sec to try and stop blushing enough to 
write something decent. :P :) >>

Above, Herath is enwrapped in self-absorbed thoughts, the world falling 
where it may beneath her. She feels only the rushes of caressing her 
impressive wings and the glory of cutting a new trail into the deep, rich 
sky. A triumphant bugle is proffed to the heavens while her golden 
penicles cut the distances for her. The speckles of blue, brown and bronze 
are nothing more than afterthoughts.

Above, With the well-known thermals uplifting his golden bronze wingsails 
Nicoth finds a groove for his flight, utilizing strong, deep wingstrokes 
and the familiarity of the flight process (not to mention Turns of chasing 
Herath) to establish a rhythm and flight plan. He is the oldest of the 
pursuers, so one may accept a bit of underhanded, lust-driven treachery 
might follow. And truly, that whipped tail across some poor brown's muzzle 
was an accident.

Above, Kvasith bugles with dismay as a Igen brown gets in his way. It 
takes a few moments and some amazing feats of draconic flight but he gets 
about the other quickly. Kvasith finds himself starting to pull free of 
the cluster and heading closer to Herath.

Above, Talibenth glides effortlessly over a blue that has already begun to 
falter and drop back. Silently he drives through the air with the grace 
and power only a dragon can display. His course is straight and true with 
no deviation, even as his wingtips pass less than a foot from the wingtips 
of a large brown.

Above, Prometh rockets into the chill, starry night, a heartbeat after 
Nraith--much, it may be sure, to his dismay. An enraged roar is favored to 
the younger bronze as the elder swings into a thermal... ah, to have the 
wind beneath his wings, carrying him up to her! He shall follow the trail 
she blazes, yea, though it lead past the sky-lands where mere mortals 
would fear to travel. To capture the elusive divine, he too shall forsake 
the humble earth and seek the light of that which is fairer than moons, 
fairer than stars. And not, he should hope, nearly as cold as either.

Dragon> Talibenth bespoke Flight with << Tip. Singular. Not tips. >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Flight with << That'd have been a neat trick. >>

Kassima blinks out of a long trance, peering at Ro. "Eh? Oh. Mrph... much 
as I'd rather 'twere Nraith, I suppose I shouldn't bet against Talibenth." 
And my, doesn't she sound sour. "But if'n I decide t'bet on him, for once, 
I hope to Faranth I lose."

Dragon> All dragons sense that Eilonth even has to giggle at that, just 
imagining that pose

Above, Solarith finds his place in the mass of suitors trailing behind the 
gleaming topaz gem that lures them all on higher and higher into the 
midnight-dark skies. Sails and spars slice up and down, forward and back 
in the rhythm that's served him well in many flights before, though he 
doesn't remember them. He shoots through the pack as it begins to spread 
out a bit, each point of light on his bronze hide seeming to sparkle like 
the star-bedecked sky he streaks through.

Above, Kyoteth storms upwards into the sky like a...well, like a male 
dragon with procreation on his mind. In his overwrought state, he disrupts 
not only his own wind eddies but the wind eddies of several other dragons 
around him. He ends up to one side of the pack, riding a nice updraft just 
behind Solarith's tail.

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath now has the image of Tali doing a little 
ballroom dancing in the skies... :)

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "You know, listening to Les Miserables just isn't 
flight music."

Ro nods most thoughtfully.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "Nor is watching Hey! Arnold."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre laughs and is watching that Maen! :)

Telgar Weyr> T'saren thinks some Phantom of the Opera might be good flight 
music though.

Telgar Weyr> D'ton has the Blue Danube going through his head. But it 
ain't a spaceship that's going to end up docking with the station. ;)
Telgar Weyr> Aurian is watching What a Cartoon Show herself.
Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Bolero. Or Metallica ;)"

Above, Nraith might be little more than an afterthought to the golden one 
soaring high overhead, but he is after her, as well. Disparaging the 
cluster of tightly packed male bodies, he sacrifices some forward motion, 
opting for a leap upwards to the relatively unobstructed view at the edges 
of the pack. The nearby bronze form of Prometh elicits a snarl from the 
younger one, but does not hold his attention for long: The golden body 
he's chasing, Herath, is far more interresting a subject with which to 
fill his eyes.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar grins at T'sar. Well, I had my London Cast Recording of 
Les Mis stolen a few years ago and just broke down to get it tonight.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Not Bolero..."

Telgar Weyr> T'saren giggles at Kin, then throws her a Ride the Lightning 
tape. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kindre never saw 10 :)

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "It's hilarious."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre woohoo's! Master of Puppets should work nicely in this 
situation ;) Ooops...I should pose... :)

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn laughs.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren chuckles.

Ro says after a long silence "Well, I just hope that none of them get 

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Just remember, Kindre. If you lose your place, 
just pose Nicoth catching. His usual player'll have a nasty surprise in 
the morning. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima doesn't have any music playing at all. Somehow, 
'Devil Went Down to Georgia' doesn't seem quite fitting. ;)

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn decides to turn off the TV and puts in Rush' Grace 
Under Pressure.

Above, Herath catches a thermal which lifts her even higher. A bellow of 
joy is offered to the heavens enveloping her form - the cool spring air 
dancing across each curve and slope of her hide. The presense of warmth...
of ghostly figures treading on her freedom trail...cause the gold to peer 
down and around her. How dare they!!! echoes off of every snowy-capped 
peak as she barks at the dragons below.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren hmms. Sounds pretty apropos to me, Kassi.

Above, Nicoth follows Herath's ascent with deep downward thrusts of his 
wings and a matching upward surge of his torso. His right wingtip glances 
off another bronze's flank before he cants sideways, leaving him more of a 
direct aftward line of pursuit.

Telgar Weyr> Selaye isn't playing music, but her sister is playing 'return 
to Sender'....

Telgar Weyr> T'lar eeks. That's a bad song to get in one's brain.

Above, Prometh attempts to barrage through a blockade of suitors, leaving 
subtlety for those who haven't the courage to apply strength. *Move* it, 
bronze-butts! You're blocking his stairway to heaven! Infuriated red eyes 
turn to drink in the sight of the glowing queen ahead, and are in turn 
stained a pure, deep violet by the vintage... violet for love, violet for 
lust. She *will* be his, oh yes, and for that moment--that breathtaking, 
earth-shattering moment--he will give his everything. One of the things he 
gives, in fact, is a growl of anger to that flyspeck--that vtol--that 
*Nraith* who dares to climb the sky-spirals with him. Didn't he tell you 
to go back to your room, sonny-boy? Leave the flying to the true masters 
of the winds, and the loving to the true connisseurs of lust!

Above, Talibenth isn't lucky enough to find that thermal Herath catches. 
Instead, the bronze just flies upward, long wing beats pushing him onward, 
managing to not lose ground on the golden star that ascends the night sky 
before him, but he doesn't gain any either. A wingtip from another nearby 
bronze grazes him, knocking him slightly off balance. With a frustrated 
roar that echoes through the cold air, he recorrects and redoubles his 

Above, Kvasith doesn't waste time and starts to pull upward as the gold 
does. He does find himself nearing Solarith, the small brown working 
determinedly to get to his goal. Each wing stretching to speed his way 
towards Her...

Above, Solarith sends a gentle croon riding on the night air towards the 
alluringly misty gold above and before him, not caring if she hears it or 
not, as long as she catches the burst of passion and lust behind it. He 
cocks one wingtip ever so slightly, attempting to slip into a bit more 
clear space while not losing ground, or air maybe, to the other suitors. 
Unfortunately, the move takes him more directly into the path of Nraith 
and Prometh than it does carry him into a vacant spot. THe crooning turns 
to grumbling as even Kvasith seems to be slipping into what the big bronze 
thought was just the right spot for his flight.

Above, Nraith struggles to maintain his place, and is soon overtaken by 
the swarm chasers. Male bodies pressed close all around, he battles for 
wingspace, hardly noticing that he's buffetted a Southern brown about the 
head. As the smaller beast drops out of the chase, the young bronze climbs 
again, trading insults with Prometh. Somebody clear the sky of this sack 
of old bones, wasn't it garbage day yesterday?

Above, Aware of the dragons attempting to foul her blazing avenues into 
the heights, Herath utters another nasty taunt into the skies embracing 
her. Several blue forms, nearly masked by the navy welkin, drop back down 
towards the bowl. The gold seems to take this as decided comfort - she can 
surely outlast the rest of these suitors so unfit for her favors. Watching 
a few pairs of males foul each other, one would swear she might be 
laughing as humored sounds piroette along the nights mists.

Above, Kyoteth makes one slightly wrong move after another, trying to 
catch that most elusive thermal. First, his wingtip grazes Talibenth's, 
slowing them both down, then Nraith knocks some strange Southern brown in 
front of his face. By some wild miracle, he still keeps his position 
within the pack, stubbornly trying to stay the course the lofty gold sets.

Above, Prometh continues his dogged, barrelling path, pursuing Herath as 
might a large, dark, lusty man in a chef's hat pursue the world's best 
recipe for salisbury steak. Hey, baby, he's here to give you some sweet 
loving. She is his fantasy, and gladly would he sing to her of such, if he 
could just get close enough for her to hear! And if these bloody little 
bronze-wannabes would get the shells out of his way. Another petulant roar 
is directed to Solarith and Nraith. Shard you guys--he's going after 

Dragon> Flight sense that Kyoteth meant that to go with Herath's last pose
set, the one I missed.. oops.

Above, Nicoth is a stubborn bronze bas...bug...beast and will not be so
easily dissuaded, however, so as the blues expend their limited energies
and drop away, he rumbles concisely with a little 'neener' undertone. Yet
such smug self-satisfaction cannot last long, not with Herath awaiting his
embrace and the incomparable joy of helping him sire a clutch of eggs, so
he ignores Talibenth - the one closest to him - and inhales deeply to
expand his not-inconsiderable ribcage and inspire him to greater speeds.

Above, The young brown is dertermined to win this flight, especially this
flight. Kvasith whips upwards and rumbkes his annoyance as he finds himself
in another cluster this time consisting of Solarith, Nraith, and that
Prometh fellow. Big bronze butts.

Above, The sound of Herath's glee emboldens Talibenth, causing him to push
all the harder. Downward strokes of the bronzes long wings, golden-green
wingsails spreading far to either side of the marbled bronze hide, drive
the young bronze upward, higher and higher. Several blue dragons fall past
him, spiralling downward -- done already. He angles his flight in a sharper
ascent, trying to pull away from Nicoth and Kyoteth, their own bronze bulks
far too close to him for comfort.

Above, She dares laugh at him! If it were any other dragon but Herath,
Solarith would certainly put them in their place, but she is allowed to get
away with such an insult to his bronze pride, for she is the only one who
can call the shots, who can fly the flight, who can dance the dance, who
can walk the walk and talk the talk. A snarl is sounded for the
embarrassment and he lashes out blindly towards some insignificant brown
nearby. The brown shrieks in pain and spirals down to the bowl far below.
Hmm, if he'd slashed any harder, the big bronze might have killed Kennith,
but since he didn't, it's business as usual as he slips closer to the
grouping of Prometh, Nraith, and Kvasith.

Above, Nraith raises his voice in a lonely bugle, throwing the notes up
into the air in a pas-de-deux with the sweet tones of Herath's voice
echoing down from above. His voice then muffled by dragonwings too close,
something rude is grumbled in Kvasith's direction, as Nraith struggles for
his place amid the others.

Above, Herath now begins some aerials meant to confuse and, mayhaps, cause
mishaps with the males so intent on twining their tails with hers. She
darts to the east, then the west before gliding along a pillow of air to
rest her muscles a bit. She mocks those below and around her with an eerily
sweet trumpet. A dare? From this queen? Surely she'd offer no less. Oh my
Faranths! Solarith almost killed Kennith!

Ro cringes and murmurs "Well, so much for hoping."

Dragon> Flight sense that Kyoteth grabs his connection and holds on with
his teeth.

Dragon> Talibenth bespoke Flight with << Ow. >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath is so sorry for that pose...well, kinda
*hugs Kyo*

Dragon> Flight sense that Abrieth grins. << Something makes me suspect a
male got too close for his own good? >>

Dragon> Herath bespoke Flight with << South Park. Someone mentioned
"Kennith" and I couldn't resist :b :) >>

Above, Prometh will give Kvasith a fine display of that big bronze butt in
a moment, because he has every intent of rocketing ahead of the smaller
brown. So what if it's his own son he's one-upping? Compared the creature
of amber shadows and aureate resplendance, blood can hardly win out.
Besides, she *is* his sister, and that counts for something. With a
tail-lashing that's intended to kick some bronze arse, he draws on his
inner reserves to coast after the joyful queen. His lust for her can only
grow, like a blazing snake that's gone utterly out of control. Solarith
almost killed Kennith? That bas--but no, Prometh has other things to think
about. Like big, lusty Prometh's big, lusty Herath-chase!

Above, Nicoth bugles back his answer to that draconic challenge, though
it's an arrogant usage of precious breath. He angles downward again,
letting his tail slap toward Talibenth's left nostril to distract the
younger and more agile male.

Above, Kvasith snarls right back Nraith. Its an old game at this point for
the pair. The brown rumbles in annoyance as he still finds his way blocked
by the large bronzes. He tries again and again to work his way about them.

Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth starts chanting, << I must watch less
South Park. I must watch less South Park. I must.... >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth's giggling too hard to pose!

Above, Kyoteth follows the tangled course Herath weaves with reasonable
skill, if not overwhelming finesse. It's one swift flick of the wings after
another, trying to anticipate the mad moves of the fickle female of his
species. He almost bodyslams Nraith as they both struggle for position. Ah,
if only Nraith had been the queen, it would all be over now..

Dragon> Flight sense that Kvasith says it cause the joke must be finished,
<< You tunnelsnakes! >>

Above, Talibenth takes the bait, hook line and sinker, and banks sharply to
the west, somehow managing to avoid Nicoth's tail. The movement from the
older bronze, though, causes him to jerk and drops back, missing Herath's
return to the east. For an eternity -- to him-- Talibenth continues going
west before his wings and body respond to the frantic commands of his brain
(<< The OTHER way! The OTHER way! >> With a sharp, impossibly agile bank
for a dragon of Talibenth's size, he rolls back in the right direct, and
passes over Nicoth, giving the bronze a retaliatory slap of his own tail
over Nicoth's muzzle.

Ro sighs softly before herding Kennith off toward the infirmary.

Above, Solarith forgets all about Kennith as he flings himself higher into
the skies in pursuit of the gleaming gold above who floats around in the
night skies like an ice cube in a glass. Maybe she'll melt into his talons
like the aforementioned cube of frozen liquid and maybe not, but if one
doesn't try, one will never find out what might have been. Like sand
through an hourglass, Solarith slides through the air closer and closer to
the shimmering gold and oblivious to the nearness of the other suitors.

Ro moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Man, D'ton. :/"

Dragon> Talibenth bespoke Flight with << Who wants to nail D'ton to the
game? >>

Telgar Weyr> T'saren tosses D'ton some super glue.

Above, One lusty young bronze from Benden gets a little too close for
Herath's comfort. A bellow lets forth from her maw loud enough to rattle
the poor beast. He whips his tail erractically in an attempt to just get
lucky. The gold, however, seems to be the one with the luck. A quick bump
of her head to his right shoulder leaves him barreling for control. Another
yell slips into the evening sky as she cries her triumph...for the moment.

Dragon> Flight sense that Kvasith takes out the 5 inch long nails he bought
the other day.

Above, Nicoth roars and rears back, coming to a near-standstill until he
recalls that dragons cannot stop midair. A flutter and flurry of wings
follow, and downward he plummets, catching himself just above the frenzied
rush of those beasts who escaped the earlier blooding. Rumbling with anger
he lands near the feeding grounds and scrambles with his claws as though
considering rejoining the flight.

Above, Prometh has won clear of the others for a moment, sheer bullheaded
persistance leaving him with a good, clear flight-path. Too clear,
actually. No Nraith... no Solarith... no Kvasith... no Kennith... no
Herath, in fact. A shriek heralds his realization that he's turned in the
wrong direction, and he hurls himself back the other way, narrowly missing
snapping his own wings with the force of his turn. He meant to do that! He
meant to do that! And sheer irritation causes him to snarl, snap at, and
otherwise berate the nearest dragons--Nraith, Solarith, and Kvasith once
again, in fact. He's not sure how, but this is all *their* fault. But the
game's not over yet!

Dragon> Flight sense that Kyoteth apologizes again. His poses are obviously
coming all a step too late.

Nicoth backwings for a landing.

Dragon> Herath bespoke Flight with << Allrightythen...Herath's next pose
will be the "almost caught" one and y'all can pose the "almost got her"
one...then she'll get caught :) I think I may be jumping ahead Kyo :/ >>

T'lar emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Dragon> Flight sense that Nicoth drops out a moment early THANKS Tali. ;>

Above, Nraith bugles protest at his clutchsibs' proximity, finding himself
nearly /entwined/ with the other bronze. Hunching his shoulders, he returns
the bodyslam favour, aiming it though towards Prometh as the elder bronze
berates him. We'll see who belongs up here, alzheimer-boy, the gold's

Kassima, grimacing up at the sky, looks down long enough to fish a skin of
wine from her collection and offer it to T'lar. "Is he hurt?" she asks
anxiously, glancing towards the Infirmary where Kennith now resides.

Above, Kvasith manages to pull a touch above the bronzes, he does snarl
right back towards Prometh. Yeah dad, its always his fault. He stretches
towards the glimmering golden figure though anyone can tell his straining
the very depths of his strength and stamina.

Above, Talibenth doesn't spare a backwards look for Nicoth, but he can feel
with that positional sense that all dragons share that Nicoth is no longer
there and no longer a threat. Suddenly, the sky seems clear and there are
no males near. Kyoteth has joined the other pack of tangled bronzes and
browns, leaving him alone. Revelling in the freedom, he chases the object
of his desire, the jewel that lays before him in the night sky, with a wild

Above, Solarith suddenly seems to realize just how many other dragons are
in the immediate area, especially since Prometh just whipped a tolan right
in front of his muzzle. The bronze applies the brakes for a split second,
then flings himself after the one who dared try to take a chunk from his
hide. Talons, teeth, and tail all lash out, accompanied by a roar of fury.
He's probably not hitting anything, but it's definitely making one heck of
a display, if Herath's attracted to that sort of thing.

Shaking his head as he heads toward the entirely peeved bronze, T'lar
mutters, "Just pissed, like me, I think. And I could sure use some wine."

Dragon> Flight sense that Talibenth grins at Nicoth, showing teeth. <<
Sorry about that, >> he says, sounding anything but. ;)

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Flight with << Yeah, yeah, teacher's pet. ;) >>

Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << Vicious bunch tonight >>

Dragon> Talibenth bespoke Flight with << Hey, it wasn't as bad as what I
did to Prometh last time Herath rose. :) >>

Above, The darting back and forth seems to have taken its toll on the
lovely Telgar queen. Although her taunting was quite a treat, that too has
milked away her energy. A brown from the Reaches seems too close for
anyone's comfort, especially hers! It is by a 'lizards breath the Herath is
able to escape. Her weakness is obvious...

Dragon> Flight sense that Solarith didn't get enough blood pre-flight. ;)

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath got spammed...kid foo...okay, that's the
almost caught one :)

Dragon> Talibenth bespoke Flight with << So we can pose attempts now? >>

Dragon> Herath bespoke Flight with << Sure thing :) >>

Above, Prometh lets loose a bellow of outrage. Hey! Look, you stupid
bugger, he is *not* the gold. Battering at the other bronze with his
wings--get away, get away, I don't swing that way shard you!--he pours his
last dregs of energy into the battle to win past his nemeses and snare the
gold medal for effort. Herath, babe, he sure hopes you're as in the mood
for sweet loving as he is, 'cause those guys are going to kill him if you
don't help him get away from all of this... and take him up the last spiral
that leads to divinity, infinity, eternity.

Kassima nods, getting to her feet to hold out the skin. "Take all you like;
there should be plenty to go 'round, and if'n anyone could use it, I
daresay 'tis you."

Above, Kyoteth finds himself suddenly free from the pack as several of the
dragons near him suddenly decide to vent their wrath upon Prometh. This is
fine with him, since he was dangerously close to entwining the wrong
dragon. Time seems to pause. Clear, empty air is the only thing between him
and Herath. The moment of decision crystallizes and he throws all his
energy into a dive for the Queen, and Faranth help any other dragon he hits
on the way.

T'lar grabs the wineskin and half-considers - by the look in his eyes -
doing the same to Kassima.

Above, Kvasith strains towards his goal. The gold aunt? Eh whatever. He
stretches wings evading the Solarith Prometh entanglement. He reaches
towards her though it is clear he is in the sky still on sheer nerve alone.

Dragon> Flight sense that Kyoteth chortles. This is one dangerous flight.

Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth takes a moment to wing-snug Herath. This
has been a lot of fun, though I don't know if Kiat will thank me in the
morning. ;)

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath . o O << Divinity. A fragrance for
dragons? >> :)

Above, Nraith shrieks as Solarith flings himself towards Prometh! Only one
problem - he's in the way! Gleaming bronze wings fold, and the young one
drops just far enough to see! Herath?!? There she is, boys! Go get her!
Eagerness lending to his wings a strenght unseen before, he leaps forward,
eyes fixed on the golden peice of tail that's visible between the bodies of
browns and bronzes.

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath hugs and really had a blast...thank you!

Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth's giggling uncontrollably here folks...
wonderful flight, Herath!

Kassima isn't as naive as all of that, though perhaps close. "Meli's
probably waiting," she points out in a low voice, perhaps with just a hint
of regret. Being unable to get thoroughly drunk during a goldflight is not
a goodness.

Dragon> Flight sense that Nicoth nods and claps.

Above, The gold is faltering, weakening, her star seeming to slip from
ascendence, but to Talibenth's eyes nothing can diminish Herath's beauty,
her strength. Especially now that he's drawn close enough to nearly touch
her. Angling in, from on high and to the left, he approaches her from
behind. Now! He seems to scream, drawing back. He holds his wings out,
wide, tail reaching for hers, loosing forward momentum, but intertia still
carries him forward.

Dragon> Flight sense that Kyoteth agrees! It's been a riot. ;)

Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << Its been oodles of fun. >>

Dragon> Talibenth bespoke Flight with << This has been the funnest flight
I've been in in a while. :) But then again, I like 'em a little bloody. :) >>

Above, Solarith blinks all three sets of lids as he notices Herath is
already tiring. Gee, and just when he was having fun eliminating his
competition the hard way. Oh well, must be time to put some real effort
into it, and so he does just that, sideslipping away from the grouping that
regales the heavens with outrage. No time for that now, he's got a gold to
catch! He whips neck and tail up towards the shining star that is his goal,
hoping to ensnare her from behind and below.

T'lar gives Kassima a long, assessing look, ensnares her in his arms and
dips her before giving her a resounding kiss...then repeats the process
with Maylia. Once he's released her (and with reluctance) he looks ready to
go for another round.

Dragon> Flight sense that Isadith woulda sent Keth, but Herath wouldn't
agree to take him off my hands. . o O << Darn. I gotta make better friends
with some of these other golds. Maybe I could actually get rid of him! >> ;)

Dragon> Flight sense that Solarith has enjoyed it muchly. Nothing like
slicing up other dragons. ;)

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Flight with << I have a booboo, Isadith. Come smooch
it? >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Irianth doesn't want him, sorry. :)

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Flight with << Irianth!!! C'mere, c'mere... >>

Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Flight with << Slicing? Some of us almost
accidentally entwined each other! Slicing's safer by miles... ;) >>

Dragon> Flight sense that Isadith gives Irianth a pitiful look.

Dragon> Flight sense that Solarith hmms. << Depends on what's getting
sliced, I would think. >>

Telgar Weyr> T'lar kinda likes this losing thing out here in the bowl and
all. :>

Above, Herath taunts another young dragon, despite the drain on her, as she
bumps him from clear from his intentions. The movement sends her backwards
a bit - she finds herself fouling with something...one? Her head twists to
attempt to bump this self-delusional beast off when her wing is brushed
by...Solarith's tail. Unable to keep herself from bugling her contempt at
him, she does not notice how close Talibenth has managed to get...until it
is too late! The Telgar queen is decided caught.

Maylia ambles close to where Kassi and T'lar stand, her attention raised to
where the glowing Herath disappeared, leading her suitors in their chase.
Of course, she finds herself dipped low and kissed soundly out of the blue.
"T'lar?" She asks, stunned, once she's back on her feet again. "Never
thought he had it in him..." Is muttered more quietly.

Telgar Weyr> Dossa peers?

Telgar Weyr> Maylia giggles, and swooons!

Dragon> Flight sense that Irianth will just invite you all to Irrylath's
flight and take up the slack ;)

Kassima can but blink as she's summarily grabbed and smooched, though she
hardly offers forth a protest. I mean, yeesh, she *is* only human. And a
human who narrowly avoids falling on her rump when she's let go of, too.
"Methinks you *really* need that wine," she repeats once she's gotten her
breath back, still blinking incongruously at the man. "Oh, you'd be
surprised," she notes offhand to Maylia. "He's got a lot more than just
that. Ask Meli sometime."

Telgar Weyr> T'lar cheers! Another round of M'hryn's weyr leadership!

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath laughs and really had a great time...thank
you guys so much! I don't think I've ever laughed at a flight like this :)

T'lar nods, eyes gleaming, and siezes Maylia for another kiss. If she'll
have him, that is, and won't beat him for touching her.

Dragon> Flight sense that Kyoteth snorks. Better end this before half the
males of this weyr disable each other, Herath. ;)

Above, Talibenth seems to be surprised as he suddenly finds himself caught
up, enfolding the golden beauty in his wings. A rumbling sound can be heard
in his throat that quickly changes to a crooning song to Herath.

Above, Prometh shrieks with fury and denial as the catch takes place, and
he is left amidst the melee of dragons. Fardles, Talibenth! You caught
Herath! You bas--arrrgh! Before he can pursue that line of thought, and
perhaps take a shot at trying to beat the other bronze away from what
should be *his* sharditall, he finds himself entangled once again by all
those other loser males. Solarith, he doesn't care how lusty you are, he
just *doesn't* go that way.

Above, Kvasith snarles and lowers himself. Yeah well he's gonna sleep in an
unusual place tonight.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "You may all groan and wail at the unknindess of
fate now. :)"

Kvasith backwings for a landing.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima ICly does just that, or would be, if Kassi weren't too
busy watching T'lar and Maylia smooch. ;)

Kvasith huffs and crawls into Talibenth's weyr.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Now, easy, Kassi, you'll get your turn."

Kvasith lumbers up the pitted ledge to M'hryn's weyr and passes through the
large opening.

Ro emerges from the infirmary.

Aurian emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

T'saren emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima leers. I'd better, bronzeboy. (Meli's +quiet, right?)

Telgar Weyr> Neliea chuckles and stays safely up here.

Above, Solarith flips his tail upward hard as it brushes Herath's wing, but
he's just a fraction of a second too late, and so missed her completely.
And of course, who should profit by this but that sharding runt of an Istan
bronze... Again... With a grumbling sigh, Solarith flips around and smacks
right into Prometh. A croon is given before he realizes this is *not* what
he wants and disengages, sheepish as a dragon can get.

Solarith backwings for a landing.

Dragon> Talibenth bespoke Flight with << Thank you Herath and everybody for
a wonderful flight. It's so much fun when you can interact with all the
dragons in the flight rather than only the gold. :) >>

Ro emerges, bespattered with ichor, hands redworted, and in general looking
like she might be wanting some wine as much as the riders.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren says, "Gee, does everyone but me get a piece of my
weyrmate? ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Meli comes back to this window and realizes she missed
something.... what did my weyrmate do?

Maylia's, well, caught up in the flight - happens, you know. And doesn't
protest overly much the second kiss. Pulling away, she rocks back on her
heels. "Wine. Very, very good idea lest somebody do something others might
cause them to regret." She's babbling, and she knows it.

Kassima can't really think of a suitable reaction to that, besides to
applaud, and so she does so. Several moments of clapping precede her
stooping to scoop up more wineskins, which are in turn offered to the
others who are now emerging.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Uhhhhh."

Above, Kyoteth almost barrels directly into Talibenth and Herath both, but
embarassing disaster is averted at the last moment, and he tumbles through
the air in a sort of controlled crash bugling at the unfairness of the
world all the way down.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "I think he's manhandling T'saren's weyrmate."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia grins. You get the best peice? ;)

Telgar Weyr> Meli stands, hands on hips, tap tap tapping.

Dragon> Flight sense that Herath nods and thanks you all again...that was
honestly a ton of fun! :)

Telgar Weyr> T'lar grins sheepishly.

Prometh> You fly downwards towards the southern end of the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren would hope so. ;)

Prometh backwings for a landing.

Telgar Weyr> Meli .oO(Why did I never get one of those Emascualtors?)

Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "Her HEART, guys..."

Dragon> Flight sense that Kyoteth sighs. Everything I send is lagged! Sorry
if things I say make no sense in context.

T'lar's arm stays around Maylia, eyes shimmering, while he holds the other
arm to Kassima, invitingly.

D'ton emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Yikes."

Aurian coughs, "Wine."

T'saren comes out of the guest weyr and just stops dead, seeing his
weyrmate in a liplock with T'lar.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Man, I'm dead meat."

Dossa comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn doesn't say a word. Not one.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar asks for a transfer to Honshu or something.

Ro watches the proceedings with a wearily arched eyebrow.

Alais comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Telgar Weyr> Meli thinks T'lar better find himself a cold rock to sleep on
tonight. :b

Telgar Weyr> T'lar gets that, M'hryn, and thbbts.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren gets out the bronzerider brass knuckles.

Dossa wanders out, hands wrapped around a mug of warm cider. She blinks as
she sees so many people.

Aurian watches Maylia, T'lar, and T'saren. She groans, "I don't wanna break
my ribs again."

Kassima just peers at T'lar for a moment. Okay, maybe she really is that
naive, since she seems to decide that the man *really* must need wine and
picks up another 'skin to offer him. Of course, to properly offer it, she
*does* have to come within arm's reach, doesn't she? "Y'know, I don't think
Meli or Tas would approve," she begins. Some things never change.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "M'hryn's too busy to grant any transfers right
now. Please come back sometime in the morning, after K'tyn's through
beating him up. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Kindre giggles! Another round of "burn the britches" planned
M'hyrn? ;)

Alais blanches. Her hands curled about a mug of wine, though, and her eyes
are bright.

Telgar Weyr> M'hryn grins at Kindre. Probably. :)

Maylia doesn't stay in an embrace with T'lar for long, gently pushing away
from him. "Wine, T'lar," She reccomends. "I think Kassi's likely right."
This, and she's not yet even seen her weyrmate.

T'lar, probably too flight-addled to think, snares Kassima as well and
hauls her over. He seems like alternating kisses between greenriders would
make him quite happier than the wine.

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Will he be in the flaming britches this time?"

Aurian blinks and blinks, "Someone please give me some wine."

T'saren finds he actually can still move his feet and stalks in the
direction of his weyrmate and T'lar. "What the bloody shards! I lose a
flight and my weyrmate in the same night? I don't *think* so!" As Maylia
pushes away from the shorter man, Tas nods his head in distinct agreement.
"You tell 'im, love. You've got a real man to sleep with."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia wooos, Tas!

"Yeah," retorts T'lar, "but I don't see K'tyn here yet."

Juliath backwings for a landing.

Dossa blinks several times before whimpering, "Oh no. No, not a post-flight
brawl." She worries at her lower lip, watching the proceedings.

Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to the
ground, giving her a gentle caress.

Maylia looks just about ready to sock T'lar, herself, for that one.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "All right, no ganging up on me."

"I mean, Solarith *was* chasing, and he'll probably be out here any moment,
an--mmph!" Kassi's logic is abruptly silenced in a most effective fashion.
With her non-wine-occupied hand, she starts waving frantic signals. Either
they mean, 'Help, help, I'm being repressed,' or 'Get outta here and leave
us in privacy.' So darned hard to read those frantic hand signals
sometimes. "But Meli's waiting!" she gasps when she's let go. They probably
meant 'help', then.

Meli lands, brushing idly at her sweaty hair. "Evenin', gang. Jus' back
from sweeps. I miss much?" Spotting her weyrmate, she heads toward him,
pausing as she senses the tension.

Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "Aw, but it's such fun to tousle your hair."

T'saren's eyes blaze with fury at T'lar's comment. "K'tyn be shoved in the
ashpit, and you along with him, little man. If you think I'm going to let
you get away with that, you've got another thing coming." The Wingleader's
hands ball up into fists at his sides, and his teeth make an audible
grinding sound as he grits them together.

Lysseth> Juliath senses that Lysseth rumbles, sounding rather amused, << My
rider was hoping yours would show up. >> Well, half-hoping, anyway. But
Lyss doesn't think it'd be prudent to clarify that.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren says, "And you all thought the dragons were violent
tonight. ;)"

Aurian sighs as her demands for wine go unheard again. And Again. There's
Maylia... Yeah Maylia will do. She walks over to the green rider and pulls
the taller girl into a lingering embrace and kiss.

As his own fist curls up, T'lar answers crisply, "I've seen you in the
baths, bronzeboy, so I know you don't have a right to call me little. No
wonder Maylia's after someone else." And while he's about to swing his
fist, he forgets what he's holding and swings the wineskin toward T'saren's

Dossa shrieks, quickly heading back into the living cavern.

Dossa walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre don't wanna know...well, yes I do. Kassi? Logging? Or
is that a silly questions??? ;) OH! I didn't log the flight...but can now
if no one else did...?

Telgar Weyr> Aurian wonders why the brawls always start with wine going
towards some one's head.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Juliath rumbles back sleepily << We have been
*sweeps flying* and must of course come back. Why would *your rider* wish
us back now?>>

Telgar Weyr> T'lar is like this without wine. :>

Alais doesn't deal well with this, for all that she's weyrbred. She steps
back, against the wall, fingers tucking at auburn locks of hair despite the

Kassima closes her eyes for a moment to groan. "Okay, hold on *just* a
minute. If'n you're going t'be pummelling the crud out of each other, I am
*nay* going t'be caught in the middle again." And so she very prudently
slips out of reach of the two, backtracking to the safety of the wine. Yes.
Wine's safe. Everyone wants something other than wine tonight, after all.

"Waitwaitwait," Maylia protests, trying to get herself between T'lar and
her weyrmate in more than just the figurative sense. Doesn't last for long,
though, as she becomes rather occupied dealing with a redheaded brownrider.
A muffled Mrrrpph is about all that she manages.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia just howls!

Telgar Weyr> T'lar hates having his height referred to in the diminutive

Telgar Weyr> Reed waves 'ello. :)

Lysseth> Juliath senses that Lysseth explains succinctly, << Because
Nicoth's rider was... let's see... 'smooching the bloody blazes', I believe
Kassi called it, out of my rider and Maylia. She figured it would probably
be best for your rider to put a stop to this. I'm not quite certain why. >>

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Hello, Reed. Might want to duck. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Neliea waves to Reed. :)

Ro looks about, sighs, and edges closer. _Someone_ is going to have to
break this up, and she looks like the most likely nominee at the moment.

Telgar Weyr> Reed ...ducks?

Telgar Weyr> Kassima is logging! Got the flight and the pre-flight, too. :)

Realizing the moment is even tenser than she had first realized, Meli steps
forward toward the two bronze riders. "By th'first egg, /gents/," she
exclaims. "Get y'selves away an' home, or drink some o'that shardin' wine
that's bein' so rudely tossed about!"

Aurian doesn't let go of Maylia. She'll let T'lar and T'saren kill
themselves. Though she may join in it a bit later. She continues to kiss
the weyrlingmaster.

Needless to say, more than just a few weyrlings are looking on with
interest as their Weyrlingmaster gets smooched by /two/ different riders,
infront of her weyrmate, and he's not one of them.

Telgar Weyr> Reed SQUEAKS!! Meep!! Oh dear, I logged on in a flight fight?

Meli then pauses, catching a thought from her dragon, and turning a rather
livid shade of red. "Smoochin'???" she near-yells.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "You dah best Kassi! Welp, gotta put the SO, the
kidlet and myself to bed :) See y'all tomorrow :)"

Telgar Weyr> T'lar smooches Kindre.

Telgar Weyr> Reed waves to Kindre, bubye!

Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "Mwah!!!"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs! That was a great flight, Kin!! :)

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "And it won't be for long, Reed; I can take
T'saren out in a few seconds flat...or Meli can take me out. One of the two."

T'saren sees the wineskin coming and darts forward, as only someone who's
dodged runnerbeast and bovine kicks can do. He manages to evade the skin,
but forgets there's a hand holding that skin, which connects hard with his
left shoulder. A curse hisses out between clenched teeth and Tas swings
round to catch the offending hand and skin, probably with the intent to
break it off at the wrist.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "Night, Kindre!!!"

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Only cause of y'all, Kassi! *snugs!!* Thank you
tons everyone :)"

Kassima watches all of this for just a minute before yelling, grabbing up
another wineskin and shaking it at the two, "Will you all just go sleep
together already, or drink yourselves insensible? Either one, I don't care,
but I'm nay going t'be carting anyone to the infirmary who's got broken
ribs, for Faranth's sake!"

Telgar Weyr> Ro says totally evilly "Well, I guess that tells us something
about our WL's post flight...um, performance."

Reed just kind of blinks as he skids by, aiming himself in the gerenal and
/safe/ direction of the lower caverns.

T'lar ignores Meli for a moment and stomps at T'saren's foot. "Leggo leggo,
you bloody idiotic small-witted..."

Reed walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima now tries to figure out where the heck the little
piece of glass that she found caught in her knuckle came from. :P

Telgar Weyr> Alais winces

Some of the Dawnslight greenriders are of course highly amused, especially
since its now their wingsecond kissin' the weyrlingmaster, who is of course
the wingleader's weyrmate.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Lotta w's in that pose"

"E'd!!!!" Meli yells. She steps over between the two, obviously aiming more
toward her weyrmate than any other. Face still red, she lifts her hands to
push the two apart.

Kyoteth backwings for a landing.

Ro approaches from the other side, trying her best to work in concert with
Meli. Maybe between the two of them.

T'saren just sneers at T'lar. "If you think that's going to hurt me, you
don't know your rump from a hole in the ground. Bovine calves stamp harder
than you do." A shove from Meli catches him square in the chest and he's
pushed back, losing his grip on T'lar's wrist.

Maylia's rather incapable of helping her weyrmate, or rather helping Meli
break up the fight. She has this growth attached to her, y'see.
"Auuuuiiinn" She somehow protests, pulling away. "Shells, girl! where' you
learn..." But nevermind where the wingsecond learned to kiss like that,
she'd likely rather not know. More important things, like perhaps getting
to her weyrmate.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren grins at Maylia. She learned when you, Aurian, and
Kassi ended up in my weyr. ;)

T'lar seethes around his weyrmate, "Yeah, I know my rump from a hole in the
ground, T'saren, because I'm LOOKIN' at a hole right now!" And he pretty
clearly means the bronzerider. Taking Meli's hand, he adds, "Come on, love,
let's go and leave T'saren to watch his weyrmate making out with someone
else. AGAIN."

Telgar Weyr> Aurian whistles innocently.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar coughs.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar needs not to know that. :)

Meli yanks her hand back, hard, eyes tight with a low grumble in the back
of her throat. "WHAT in Faranth's name," she yells, "makes y'think I want
to go /any/where w'you now?"

Kassima spits out a curse and starts to reach towards a bronzerider--never
mind which--with the intent of helping the others separate the two, only to
find that they're apparently calling it quits. Oh. Letting her arm drop,
she looks mournfully at the wineskin in her other hand. "All of this makes
ever so much more sense when you can get drunk."

Aurian sees the fight has stopped and grabs Maylia back to her. Somehow the
weyrlingmaster is back in her arms and is being thoroughly kissed.

Ro takes this opportunity to make sure the two bronzeriders don't close
again, mainly by interposing her not insubstantial form.

T'saren flings himself after T'lar but is stopped by several other
Dawnslight riders who took the opportunity to grab him while Meli had them
separated. "Let go, you idiots! I want his hide for boots!" A few moments
of struggling against superior numbers is all it takes to take the fight
out of Tas, who turns to look for his weyrmate. Seeing her in Aurian's arms
puts the fire right back in his eyes.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "This is like some psychotic version of the
Dating Game, with all the pairs swapped this way and that. :P ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian laughs.

Telgar Weyr> Meli already asked Maylia if she were busy tonite ;)

Telgar Weyr> T'saren chuckles.

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Something of a love pentagon, isn't it?"

T'lar recoils, surprised, and hisses, "Fine!" Taking his wineskin, he moves
around Ro and heads for Nicoth with the clear intent of departing.

Telgar Weyr> Dossa says, "A lust goulash, more like... :)"

Kassima, now watching *Maylia* and *Aurian* kiss, decides that she can now
be most useful by pointing out, "Hey! Auri! You don't want to get slugged
again with those ribs of yours!" Isn't she helpful? "Tas, c'mon, let her
live... she's your Wingsecond. You need her."

T'lar is catapulted up by a quick movement of Nicoth's snout. He gets the
bronze an affectionate slap.

Maylia finds herself occupied yet again, bracing her hands against the
shorter wingsecond's shoulders and /pushing/ as hard as she can. "Aurian!"
She yells, as they break contact, and she can make a noise again.

Meli watches T'lar stomp off, sniffing speculatively. Her face falls
slightly as she turns away, watching the remaining crowd for signs of new

Nicoth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Aurian blinks up at Maylia wide eyed, "What?"

T'saren glowers briefly at Kassi before turning back to the pair in front
of him. Hmm, how best to go about this... Ahh, maybe this way... He drapes
his arms around both women's shoulders.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs! and hoooo boys...

Telgar Weyr> T'saren would've kissed both too, but you got separated. ;)

Kassima does the only thing she can do. She sits down on the ground, covers
her face with her hands, and moans, "What the shells is *with* you people?!?"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snickers! Oh, boy. Are Auri and May going to do a
repeat of that bed incident? ;)

Telgar Weyr> T'saren can't think of a better way to get back at M'hryn for
winning the flight. ;)

Maylia's holding Aurian by both shoulders, and before she knows it, Tas has
his arms draped over both of them. "Care to..." Her eyes track up towards
their weyr, questionning.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "OK, I'm going now. Night, all."

Ro watches wide eyed for a moment before slipping over to join Kassi, who
would seem to be a kindred spirit at the moment.

Aurian blinks as she realizes sort of that she's across from Maylia and hey
look T'saren has his arm about her, "What? Oh um ok..."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs, and knew I shouldn't have pushed Aurian away...
either the bed incident, Kassi, or the original incident that got TAs and
May together... see ya, T'lar!

Telgar Weyr> Meli oocly snuggsa T'lar and icly smacks him ;)

Telgar Weyr> T'saren snickers.

Telgar Weyr> T'lar says, "Ooohow!"

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Buhbye T'lar."

Shaking her head and cursing mightily under her breath, Meli backs off from
the crowd toward her patient green.

Telgar Weyr> Neliea waves to T'lar. :)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima just snugs a T, albeit with IC confusion. :)

Meli climbs smoothly up Juliath's extended foreleg and settles herself
between the neck ridges, as the green gives a welcome rumble from deep in
her throat.

T'saren nods to both his weyrmate and his wingsecond, also following
Maylia's glance toward their weyr. "Why not. M'hryn's a bit busy, I
believe, so I doubt he'd notice."

Juliath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her

"Well," Kassi observes philosophically, having gotten something of a grip,
"At least you're nay all in Gather finery this time." She's smart enough to
at least realize the blackmail potential of this, and even add a cheerful,
"Have fun!" Not that she doubts they will, mind. Ro is just given a 'Can
you believe these looneys?' sort of look.

Ro shrugs and murmurs to Kassi in a low voice "Well, at least they're not
tearin' one another apart."

Telgar Weyr> T'saren hmms. We could do this in M'hryn's weyr. Make the
morning all that more interesting. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Dossa says, "Definitely to be mentioned as a potentially
hazardous ingredient on the label. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Maylia oooos, and likes.... ;) Easier to get to, ICly for
lustful riders...

Telgar Weyr> Aurian snickers.

Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on
hind legs and bugles a greeting to brown Nisanth and his rider, Catalina of
Igen Weyr.

T'saren looks over at Aurian, snugging his arms a bit tighter about both
riders. "Well, since you must have started this, why don't you pick a place?"

Nisanth backwings for a landing.

Catalina slides down Nisanth's shoulder and foreleg.

Maylia releases one of Aurian's shoulders, snaking her arm around her
weyrmate's waist. "Where?" Is her quiet question. They can hardly remain
out in the public eye of the Weyr.

D'ton walks back over from the other side of the bowl, where he'd been
commiserating with Kyoteth. He's obviously in a very, very bad mood after
the flight. He stares at T'saren, who has managed to snag not one, but two
other riders.

Aurian rests her head against T'saren's shoulder. She blinks still.

Kassima snorts faintly at Ro. "Aye, you've a point there. Shards, though.
Remind me t'be glad I'm nay a malerider?" She starts scooping up the
abandoned wine supplies, of which there are several. Wine wasn't a popular
recourse tonight. "Why nay go t'Auri and the Weyrleader's weyr?" she
suggests, facetious-like. "Bet he'd *love* that."

Catalina slides down from Nisanth's neck, giving a brisk salute to the
Telgar Weyr residents and looking none too pleased about something. Turning
quickly on one heel, she marches into the living cavern, grumbling under
her breath.

Catalina walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Ro eyes Kassi and chuckles "Do you -really- need to be reminded?"

T'saren muses on Kassi's words for a moment, then nods sagely. "Sounds like
a plan to me. It's not like he'll be back any time soon. Shall we, ladies?"
He inclines his head in the direction of M'hryn's weyr.

Aurian blinks and blinks, "The weyr is a bit barren, but uh ok."

Maylia waits for Aurian to decide where the trio shall go, giving her
weyrmate a rather bemused smile. As Tas speaks, she nods, apparently liking
the idea, and reluctanltly releases the brownriders' other shoulder.
"Privacy is all that's needed, really," She tells Aurian, and begins in
that direction.

"It's not like we need anything fancy," is T'saren's words as he begins
heading in the direction Kassi suggested.

D'ton clenches both fists at the sight of T'saren, and emits something that
sounds like, "Agh!" Then he turns to Kassima and Ro, and says, "Don't take
that wine away."

Ro gazes at the trio for a moment, just shaking her head, then notices
D'ton's return "Need some wine?" she asks him.

Kassima shakes her head vaguely, stuffing skins and bottles back into the
bundle. "Nay, nay really. But gatherings like this always remind me in and
of themse--oh, all right, D'ton. Sorry. Thought everyone was done for the

T'saren walks up the pitted ledge and disappears into M'hryn's weyr.

D'ton's eyes glaze over briefly, then he says to Ro, "Yes." This is
followed by the repetition of a mantra, "IhateflightsIhateflights.."

Aurian walks up the pitted ledge and disappears into M'hryn's weyr.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia okays... what's the exit...

Telgar Weyr> T'saren says, "TAM"

Maylia walks up the pitted ledge and disappears into M'hryn's weyr.

Ro nods and hands a full skin up to the bronzerider "Will this do?"

Kassima offers the cheerful, "At least you can't get pregnant from them, so
it could be worse."

D'ton takes the skin, and sits down on the cold, hard ground. He looks up
at Kassima and Ro and says mournfully, "Kyo's a wreck, as usual. I'm a
wreck. And I feel like an idiot." He uncorks the skin and starts drinking.

Telgar Weyr> Reed gulps.

Ro makes a feeble attempt to brush some of the grime off her arms and shirt
as she sits, legs crossed before her "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Kassima replies, with a sigh, "You're nay an idiot; you're just
flight-lost. Happens to everyone but greenriders sooner or later."

Ro adds helpfully "And goldriders."

Kassima agrees drolly, "Well, aye. Them too."

D'ton pauses drinking long enough to suggest, "Keep me away from all other
bronzeriders for a while. I'd really like to smash..."

Kassima shakes her head, explaining, "Can't do that. I have an appointment
t'go up to m'weyr and try to imagine a dip in the Ice Lake. I'll tell
you... nay being able t'drink really bites dead bovine butts."

D'ton freezes at Kassima's last comment, "Speaking of dead bovine
butts...who does the cleaning up after we leave all those blood drained
carcasses all over the field?"

Ro answers softly "The beastcrafters and the stablehands."

D'ton slumps, and says, "Great. Now I have guilt."

Kassima makes a disgusted face at D'ton. "Oh, for Faranth's sake, get over
it. They do it every day, or nearly; they're used to it." And with that,
she starts to climb up to her dragon's neck.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

<*> D'ton says to Ro apparently at random, "Anyone ever tell you you look
really good while..uh..." he flounders briefly, "Sitting cross-legged?"

<*> D'ton blinks and tries to look less like a drunken, randy bronzerider.

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with
a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor
to carry you aloft.