-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lysseth's Twelfth Flight Date: February 19, 1999 Places: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern, Southern Bowl, Feeding Grounds, Upper Skyspace, and Guest Weyr Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: What do you get when you combine Moxy Fruvous, Monty Python, Star Trek, chicken, Looney Toons, Tarzan, the Beverly Hillbillies, Gilligan's Island, Red Dwarf, They Might Be Giants, Dilbert, South Park, the Muppets, and Dr. Seuss? What else but one of Lysseth's flights? This one was particularly wild, and many thanks go to all the participants who helped to make it so. You were all fantastic enough to almost make me wish dragons were into menage a cinq. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Aurian walks in from the bowl. Like the lamb to the slaughter the unsuspectin brownrider enters, Aurian stretches muttering, "Terribly boring turnday." "Mayhaps you'll moon the meek mundane, live L'cher's life in love's fast lane, map out the mists of Mart's mad brain--your friends will say you've gone insane," Kassi is singing tonight, as she works on the all-important task of carving painfully mutated 'animals' out of wood. As Auri's voice interrupts her serenade, she fixes the brownrider with the Evil Eye. "Care t'be trading places with me instead, O blissfully-lucky-and-yet-nay- knowing-it non-proddy one?" Aurian blinks as she picks up an overripe redfruit, "Beg pardon Kassima?" The fruit gooing in her hand. "I asked, after you interrupted my delightful new song before I could even get to the verse with nudity in it, whether you'd like t'trade places," Kassi growls, gesturing towards the Bowl with her knife. "And have that glowing *thing* for a lifemate instead of a solid, sane brown. For Faranth's sake, can't you ever eat aught besides those bloody redfruit?" "I um think I'll um keep Kvasith and um well I um like redfruit," Aurian looks about frantically for a means of escape. Escape? No escape. Resistance is futile. You will be Kassimilated. The greenrider narrows her eyes, and gouges out one of those of the poor, hapless carving in her hands. "Haven't you ever tried *real* food? Like meat. That's real food." M'rgan walks in from the bowl. Pierron raises an appraising eyebrow at the Wingleader of Skyfire. M'rgan is brushing at his nose as he wanders in from the bowl, a sheaf of hides gripped in his other hands. "Someone really needs to clean that records room," he complains to the air as his blue eyes scan the room. Aurian whimpers, "I've um had um real food," She places down the overripe redfruit and takes up a better selection. Kassima is perched in her usual seat at the head of Thunderbolt's table, a respectably sized knife in one hand and a half-carved... something... in the other. Small, misshapen things that might be animals and might just be unfortunate are scattered across the area in front of her. "Mayhaps you should do it, rather than complaining about it?" she retorts to the newest-arrived malerider, with an oh-so-helpful glare. "So have some real food *now*, Auri, and stop nauseating us all with that... what *is* it? I don't know if'n it can be called redfruit anymore. Redgoo, mayhaps." M'rgan arches an eyebrow at Kassima for a second but immediately shrugs it off. It must be that time of the month. Kena gets like that too sometimes around then. The joys of living with women. He gives Aurian and Kassima a cheery wave with his hides-holding hand as he tromps over to the serving table and contemplates the selection. Aurian takes up a much more solid redfruit, "This um acceptable um ma'am." Kassima decides to ally momentarily with Aurian against this much more annoying nemesis. "You hold him down, and I'll gouge out his eyes," she hisses, waving her knife towards that evil creature known as a man. Worse: that evil creature known as a Mart. "But call me ma'am again, and mayhaps 'twill decide yours would make better earrings!" Aurian moves so there are several tables between her and Kassima, "Faranth. Faranth Faranth." Aurian mutters, "It was not my turnday wish for this to happen." M'rgan doesn't hear the hissing as he's much too absorbed in deciding what his stomach really wants to drink. His hand hovers in mid-air as it makes several passes over the various pitchers. "Klah. Klah. Citron. Klah. More klah. Hmmmmm. I think I'll have...klah." His hand darts down to pluck the third klah pitcher from the table. After pouring a mugful for himself, M'rgan languidly turns around and gives the nearby cavern a casual look. His looking grows less casual as he watches Aurian move away from Kassima and his eyebrows arch in a 'that's odd' gesture. Kassima gives Aurian a rather disappointed look. "Oh, *c'mon*," she wheedle-whines. "Most people would consider a gouging t'be perfectly good Turnday entertainment! I certes would! Think they'd be willing t'gouge out thirty eyes in honor of the occasion? Drink the M'kla's klah and you die," she thinks to call sweetly--okay, so not so sweetly--to Skyfire's Wingleader. Now M'rgan does hear that warning and he gives the klah a suspicious sniff. After a second or two of careful contemplation he pronounces it okay with a smile. "Thanks for the warning, Kass, but it's fine." Kassima eyes the brownrider over the rim of her own mug of Death-Inna-Cup. It's the sort of look one gives to someone who's being *incredibly* obtuse. "I meant," she clearly enunciates in a voice that just drips 'duh,' "that if'n you touch *my* pot of klah, I'll tear your spleen out through your nose and then jump on it until you either die or it's been turned to mulch. Whichever comes first. Clear?" You can never be sure what'll get through to these malerider types, after all. Aurian calls to distract Kassima and keep the greenriders attention on M'rgan, "He is drinkin' the klah from your pot." M'rgan takes that threat with surprising calm, a slight widening of his eyes the only sign that he's at all ruffled by it. "Let me guess. It's Lysseth that Ularrith's been staring at all day. Hey! Brownriders stick together, Aurian. Don't they teach you that here??" "Not when she's this way.. Faranth no bucky," Aurian ducks down behind the serving table and starts tow work on her redfruit." Kassima's eyes widen in indignance. She's perfectly willing to buy this story; after all, it means she gets to be evil to a brownrider. Rising to her feet, she stalks with measured paces towards Mart, then stops perhaps three feet away. She folds her arms, and *glares*. Note the emphasis. "Is this *true*?" she asks, pointing an accusing finger towards the klah mug. "Are you drinking *my* klah? And aye, the bloody beast's proddy, without giving me any fardling *warning*. She's nay done that a'fore." Slight concern there? No. More like extreme annoyance. It's hard for a brownrider to maintain an air of tranquil equanimity in the face of a well-armed proddy greenrider that is only standing three feet away from him but somehow M'rgan manages. Though the corner of his right eye does develop the oddest twitch. Wordlessly he extends the mug towards Kassima, adding as an afterthought, "You can sniff it yourself. No way could I drink M'kla's klah. It's for greenriders only." Kassima is clearly untrusting of this. Rather than sniff, she produces one of the multitude of knives hidden about her person and dips *that* into the klah. When the metal doesn't begin to melt away, she pronounces, "Nay M'kla's. All right, brownrider, I'll let you live. *This* time. But just you watch yourself." Turning, she pleads, "Auri, are you *certain* you wouldn't want to see death as a Turnday entertainment?" There is a yell from under a table, "You can kill him but I am na' watching." Kassima yells back, "Chicken! Buck-buck-buck-buck-buckaw!" She kindly flaps her arms in her best poultry impersonation to go along with the fowl noises. Now that's entertainment. M'rgan grimaces as the knife is dipped into the klah and he gives the klah several worried sniffs when he pulls it back to him. After taking the tiniest of sips of the klah, and grimacing all the while, he abandons the mug on the table. He has no idea where that knife has been or who it has been in after all. He slides back a step from Kassima as she starts up her chicken impersonation, the sole of his boot never leaving the floor. Aurian yells, "I knew she was sharding nuts, and its not just Proddy sillyness." Kassima whirls about to inform Mart, her knife pointed accusingly at him, "And you're chicken, too! Chicken! Chiiiiiicken! Bawk! Hey!" Slamming her knife back home at her belt, she spins this time towards the sound of Aurian's voice. "Come out here and say that, you yellow brownrider! I'll bite your legs off!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima clearly needs to listen to 'Ghost Chickens In the Sky' less often. Despite how close he came to death, M'rgan's face actually splits into a beaming smile as he hears Aurian's latest yell. Now that should get the focus off of him. His other foot slides back to join the first one. And bravely, brave Sir Mart turned tail and ran away... Aurian yells again, "I'm a former healer I'll taste icky." Maylia enters from the Bowl. Pierron twirls his moustache at the Weyrlingmaster. Aurian isn't to be seen as she's hiding under a table. "Then I'll tear your liver out of your ear! I'll cut off your foot and stick it where the sun doesn't shine! I'll sicc L'cher on you!" shouts Kassima, as she stalks amongst the tables in search of the Holy Auri. It is here! She has seen it! "M'rgan, find me that brownrider!" she decides to order when her own search is mostly fruitless. Eyes are not at their keenest after a sleepless night, after all. Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Telgar dragons with << Have you ever noticed how lovely Lysseth is by the moonlight... >> There is a squeak at the mention of L'cher. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Lysseth's only reply is a low snarl. There is no Lysseth; only Zuhlth. M'rgan is wisely backing away from the scene before him. Aurian betrayed him so he's perfectly willing to leave his fellow brownrider to Kassima's evil machinations. Maylia heads into the living cavern, intent on a late dinner, and looks more than a little tempted to turn and head out again. "Kassi, what in the name of Faranth's tailfork are you doing?" She asks, clearly stunned, though probably not overlys uprised at her mentor's behaviour. There is a yell of pure panic, "May she's gonna eat me!" Kassima tells Maylia quite seriously, "I'm going t'root out that redfruit-eating chicken and clean out a latrine with her head. Help me find her!" Dragon> Ularrith bespoke Telgar dragons with << She would look even lovelier if she was curled up against my hide. In the moonlight too, of course. >> Dragon> All dragons sense that Lysseth takes the OOC mic for a moment. << If any gentledragons are interested, blooding for my latest flight should commence at Telgar in... oh, five minutes or so. Interested parties should also join the +flight channel. :) >> Maylia blinks slowly, taking advantage of the time it takes for her to do this, to think up an answer. "Kassi," she says, gently, with the manners of a mindhealer, "That's not a chicken under there." No. Really? Aurian whimpers, "May help!" Kassima snarls back, "I'm nay going to *eat* you, I'm going t'tie you to Mart and put you both in a sack and drop you both in the Lake, then see who manages t'fight free a'fore drowning. Now get out here!" After an offer like that, how could one refuse? Aurian thinks on that, "D' you know how heavy he is, I'll never get a chance to escape, he'll drag me down like a stone.. no thanks!" "I'll drag *you* down like a stone?!?" is what M'rgan chimes in with as he steps into the fray. "What's this with blaming everything on me again?" Kassima hops up on a table, the better to peek underneath it in search of her prey. "That's the whole *idea*, though I'm actually hoping you'd both drown and put me out of m'fragging misery. Which reminds me--Mart, get the tying-rope!" And she sounds as though she actually expects him to do it, too. For a second M'rgan looks very tempted and he does take a step towards the bowl. Until he realizes that he doesn't know what the fardles she's talking about. "The tying-rope? What the shards is a tying-rope?" Aurian yells, "And what would you tell our weyrmates!?" "I'd fix them up together or something," Kassi yells back. "And a tying rope is what you tie obstinate brownriders together with! *There* you are!" That screech of triumph is given as she espies Aurian, and she quickly tries to dive in under the table after the brownrider. 'Tries' is the operative, here. It'd be more accurate to say that she falls off the table in a rather undignified fashion, winding up on her rump on the floor. "Shardit! That always works in the ballads!" Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth snugs a Tierth/Muinyth in re-welcome, and gets out her clipboard. << All righty, then. Who am I going to get to torment tonight? >> Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth deepens her voice and puts on a southern-US drawl. << Count me in! >> That'd be Muinyth. M'rgan hmms as he considers this. His gaze wanders haphazardly around the room before it drifts down to his trousers. He gives his pants a little hiking as he contemplates his navel. "I don't have a rope. But you could borrow my belt." Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith is here. :) Dragon> Flight sense that Kvasith is here. Aurian acks and scoots back away with a pure panicked expression from the evil Kassima. Kassima glares up at the brownrider from her indignified sprawl on the floor. Sadly, a glare loses most of its effect from such a position. "Take off your pants in here and I'll remove your reason for *wearing* them." Aurian blinks, "My Pants?" Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth dragon-grins and wingsnugs the brown trio. << Okay, then. Blooding starts at your leisure, gents; I'll join you shortly, and after that, I think we're all familiar with my regular rules and regs (such as they are). Yes? :) >> Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << ayeaye >> Telgar Weyr> Erdrick thinks Kassi ment M'rgan's pants. :) "My reason for wearing them?" M'rgan asks innocently as he practically bats his eyelashes at Kassima. It's not nice to poke the proddy fun greenie but he can't resist doing it anyway. He tugs at his pants, lifting the cuffs a few inches. "Don't you like my ankles?" Lysseth> Above, Ularrith leaps from Ularrith's Ledge and flies into the air. Telgar Weyr> Jessalyn says, "I don't think any of us need to know about that. :)" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Geee you think..." Maylia attempts to cover up a laugh as her mentor winds up on the floor. "You're going to what?" She asks, again, shaking her head. "Aurian, how do you get yourself into these messes?" she asks, making no move whatsoever to intervene. Her attempts at camouflaging a laugh as anything else fail miserable, as M'rgan pushes further. "Same goes for you with your pants," the greenrider doesn't hesitate to agree. "I'd have t'cut your rear end off somehow or something, but I'd find a way. Trust in that!" Something about her homicidal teeth-baring that's supposed to pass as a grin probably doesn't inspire much trust. A sharp kick is sent towards the indicated ankles, though not apt to hit from this distance. "Back! Back, foul brownriding creature of the slimepits! Back! Chicken! Bawk, bawk, bawk!" Lysseth> Muinyth backwings for a landing. Lysseth> Above, With a bellow to shake the Weyr and to inform everyone of the appearance of his august presence, Ularrith the arrogant brown bursts from his ledge. Lysseth> Above, Ularrith flies towards the north end of the bowl. Telgar-Bowl> Above, Ularrith flies downward towards the feeding grounds. Aurian blinks, and whimpers, "But I like my rear and sooo does.." she cuts herself off as something seems to happen. Lysseth> Lysseth stirs from her uneasy sleep at that bugling, snarling up at the sky. What, does he expect her to throw rose petals or something? Think again! Lysseth> Kvasith bugles and rises upwards. Shasta comes in from the bowl. Lysseth> Kvasith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. Lysseth> Above, Kvasith flies towards the north end of the bowl. Telgar-Bowl> Above, Kvasith flies downward towards the feeding grounds. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Kvasith snarls as he lands, a small wherry quickly being snatched from the air. His brilliant teeth tear into the flesh, as he begins to lap up the wine dark blood. M'rgan dances back from Kassima nonetheless though his bright jig is interrupted by his lifemate's sudden plunge into the sky and the heated connection between rider and dragon causes him to stumble and gasp. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth does note that since we're a cozy crowd tonight, I might be indulging in a wee bit more silliness than normal, unless anyone has objections? :) Lysseth> Muinyth rumbles, casting his whirling eyes on the awakening Lysseth, clearly admiring. Umber-touched wings spread wide, he leaps aloft again, with one last longing look under his wing towards the green. Parting is such sweet sorry, but distance makes the heart grow fonder. And blood, well. It's needed. Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth's got no objection :) Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << Just for you baby >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth solemnly promises that *Lysseth* will be making no chicken sounds, however. Kassima recognizes those gasps of horror and manages to get to her feet somehow, hopping up and down--yes, literally--with rage. "Lysseth! Why d'you pull this *every* time I'm about t'get t'kill somebody?" Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Ularrith wastes not one iota of time separating a bovine from the rest of the herd. The cow's calf bleats for its mother but the brown dragon doesn't care a thing for the animal's pleas and he carries the cow over to a low ledge where he is quickly consumed with consumming every drop of the spicy, hot blood of the beast. Shasta groans, spinning on her heel just as the Southern wingsecond is within the cavern. "Muinyth!" she hollers. "I said /don't/ chase, not do! Don't, Do! Don't you see the difference?" Her speech lowers from a yell to a grumble as she goes on, glaring green ice towards the bowl. "Happens every sharding time." Lysseth> Muinyth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry it aloft. Lysseth> Above, Muinyth flies towards the north end of the bowl. Telgar-Bowl> Above, Muinyth flies downward towards the feeding grounds. Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles smugly towards the rider within. Because she *can*, of course. Spreading silvered wings wide, wide, she tenses in her previously langorous coil, and then--springs. Aloft, aloft; the skies are hers! Lysseth> You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. An older greenrider leers at Shasta, "Y' should b' glad yuir sister's dragon na' th' one risin'" Once he's able go come back to himself, M'rgan gives Kassima a self- satisfied, almost smirkish look. Now who's in control? "I guess your fun is over now, Kassi." "That'd probably result in incestuous three-eyed children with porcine tails somehow, and there'd be nay anyone for them to let me castrate!" Kassima yells in an indignant fury. *That* seems to be the final straw; the greenrider takes a moment to flip Pierron the finger, then races outside, the better to kick some green dragon butt. The older greenrider's mate wheezingly laughs. "Though that'd be an interresting sight to see," the old blue rider speaks. "Not so sure I'd leave the guest Weyr, if her brown caught." You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Lysseth> You fly towards the north end of the bowl. Lysseth> You fly downwards towards the feeding grounds. Telgar-LC> Aurian stands up as the feeding begins, she pushes her hair out of her eyes as she grabs a skin of wine. Telgar-LC> Maylia drops into a seat, and shakes her head. "Shasta, we'll talk, later." She says, ignoring the older pair pointedly. "Just do, please check before you turn up here?" Plainly, she's not so keen on the idea they find so amusing. Aurian comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Telgar-LC> Shasta gives Kassi a look torn between lust and fear, as the woman heads out. "Oh, shells and shards." she mutters, giving in to the first. Shasta comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Lysseth> Lysseth has no intent of letting her green dragon butt be kicked, however. Not when there's work to be done--so much blood to suck, so little time. And where to begin? Moonlight catches on curving claws, which snicker-snack an impatient rhythm as the green soars loftily over the grounds, searching for the perfect victim. But Kassi won't *let* her blood the male dragons, so this poor bovine buck will have to do. *SQUISH.* Sadly, he didn't take Lysseth's landing on his back very well, but at least there's enough left of him for the green to sink her teeth into and drink. Herdbeast blood: it's mmm, mmm good. Lysseth> With a sweep of his leg, Ularrith pushes the dessicated bovine corpse off of the ledge, where is drops to the ground with a sickening squelchy squish. He hops off the ledge, barely missing the calf who has come over to nuzzle at its mother's body, and proceeds to stalk a plump ovine that is just right for the plucking. Satisfaction. Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "Aw, Mart, makes me think of Bambi. :(" Telgar Weyr> M'rgan is in one of those moods tonight. ;) Lysseth> Kvasith raises upwards agin, an ovine is brought into his clasp. The talons sink in, they tear into the white woooly beast letting the blood splatter onto his muzzle. He sinks his teeth greedily into the dying fuzzy. Kassima bounces on the balls of her feet, the wind playing with the hem of her tabard and the lengths of her equally black hair. She'd make an imposing sight, if she weren't shifting her weight from side to side as though she had a bad case of S'jeet's Pih Syndrome. "Blood, blood, bloody blood blood blood," she yells to her dragon, though whether in encouragement or command is hard to say. Telgar-LC> M'rgan stares all around him for several seconds with a nearly absent gaze. Slowly, as if drawn, he heads out to the bowl. M'rgan comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Aurian watches Kvasith eat almost with a hunger of her own, she opens the skin of red she brought with her and pours some into her mouth. The benden dribbling a little down her chin. Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to brown Parth and his rider, E'ryn of Ista Weyr. Parth backwings for a landing. Lysseth> Muinyth wheels overhead, as the herds below turn into a roiling sea of clipped-horned heads, churned into a frothing mass of terror. Sun- touched earthen wings fold, and the southern brown dives. Like a boulder cartoon boulder plummeting from the sky, the bovine he lands on wouldn't even have the time to hold up a sign that reads 'Yikes!' before the beast is flattened, legs splayed out. With a macabre nature, this sandstone boulder-dragon does something never done to a poor little coyote - he latches his teeth to the squished bovine's throat, and proceeds to blood it. And this blood's not Acme, so it might just do the trick. E'ryn twists his body, sliding along the side of Parth's neck and to his foreleg. He then hops down easily. Lysseth> Lysseth would groan, if she weren't preoccupied. Really. You'd think her rider didn't know that she's already *learned* the joys of blooding, of savoring the hot, coppery tang of the life-juice as it slides down her gullet to stoke those convenient inner fires. The bovines are rather like batteries, in their own way. A contemptuous tail-lash downs a wherry-hen, knocking its head right off and sending it sailing across the grounds. Follow the bouncing head! Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth notes, I have /no/ clue where that pose came from, I've not watched the Road Runner in years... Parth lumbers north. Lysseth> Parth springs into the air for a quick flight over the fence from the central bowl. He settles, terrifying the animals within. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth welcomes Parth and E'ryn to the fun and games, too. :) We're blooding right now--rules are the usual: two sky- spaces up, one pose to every Lyss pose, no rider pose limit, no length limit, please pardon my silliness, channel OOC, Guest Weyr IC, and most importantly, have fun. (Whew!) Lysseth> Parth serves into a swooping spiral that takes him lower and lower over the pen. Claws range out, arcing as he dips down to capture a herdbeast. Foreclaws rake across the beast, drawing crimson ribbons over its hide, then he lands upon it, jaws gnashing at its neck, tearing open its throat as he feasts on its blood. Lysseth> Kvasith tosses aside his ovine, he snarls towards the new arrival and snakes his way about the pen. His talons raking across the earth as he stalks his next bit of tasty meat. A buck is grabbed and pinned quickly, the brown is almost leisurely about this. His teeth shred across the body of bovine, his tounge lapping up the salty tang that is flowing from the herdbeast. Lysseth> Ularrith trades a bit of teeth gnashing, chest puffing, and bellowing with a somewhat smaller blue. Me, Ularrithzan. She, LyssethJane. You, Cheetahth. Their posturing only ends when some very foolish, one- braincelled ovines plunge into their midst and the two males forget their differences long enough to enjoy this little snack. Back to Celebrity Deathmatch after these important messages. "Blood, blood, blood blood, bloody blood, bloood," sings out the Kassi, still preoccupied with bouncing and weight-shifting and generally looking like an idiot. Aurian just drinks slowly from her wineskin, its almost as if she's nursing from it, well except for the tremendous amount flowing down her chin and onto her shirt. E'ryn lets his gaze drift toward the oh so familiar Kassima with the faintest of bemused smiles. He shucks open his hide jacket and offers no reason for why he's there -- no explanation for what brings him to Telgar. He remains silent, stance steady as his gaze switches back to the pens where Parth is reaving his fill. Lysseth> Muinyth's whirling eyes look up, set in a now blood splattered granite head. Bounce. Bounce. They track the wherry's head as it rolls, then trace back. Wherry. Ah! yes! The Southern brown gives an approving rumble, as his eyes light upon the shimmering grey-green of a tail! Let the Northern ones pose and puff up their chests - he knows what's important. Almost absently, fixated on that tail, he lunges for a second bovine, dragging the squealing beast back by the haunches, blood seeping out around obsidian black talons. M'rgan kicks at a slight bulge in the floor of the bowl, cuffing the dirt like a bored child. Lysseth> Lysseth slugs back another wherry's worth of blood during the commercial break, the red droplets splattering against an otherwise flawless, well-oiled, and let's not forget *glowing* green hide. Her hind-talons clench against the churned-up grass of the pasture, raking great gouges that are quickly filled with the trickling gore from the abandoned corpse. The scene of the green's victory against nature is left behind with similar lack of thought--there's blood in them thar beasts, and Lysseth has every intent of making it *hers*. Not, however, without first roaring her rage and contempt at the males that share the grounds with her. Really! Can't a lady ever dine in peace around here? Shasta does what Shasta does best during flights. She stands, shoulders thrown back, chin tilted up in the air at an angle that's more defiant than snobbish. "Shaddup," Kassi begins to mutter. At least it makes a good change from 'blood, blood, blood.' "Shaddup, shaddup, shaddup, shaddup...." Then again, this could get tiring quickly, too. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << One more set of blooding poses, and then we'll be off--sound okay? :) >> Lysseth> Kvasith finishes his herdbeast pressing his chin into the internal organs of the animal, his eyes whirl with lustful hues. His gaze now locked onto that fabulously fantastic glowing hide, his body tightening as he waits everready for her to take flight. Dragon> Flight sense that Juliath has to bop off, have fun everyone! I wanna risk snorting Dr. Pepper out my nose when I read the log later. ;) Lysseth> Parth is not one for leaving anyone at peace. He roars back his answer to the lady, a gentleman picking up the handkerchief dropped in challenge, in invitation. His violet gaze immolates her with the heat of his desire, the lust driving him to seek another beast for his prey. The carcass of the first is forgotten, left behind and stomped over in his avid quest for another. Ivoried swords are bared and slash out, not to be paried by the unarmed creature as he chomps down on its head, tearing it off in his fury to be filled with the pulsing life that flows within. Scarlett splatters his rich, dark earthy brown hide like rusted flecks. The beast is quickly drained, lending him its energy to throb through his body like ichor through his veins. Lysseth> Muinyth lifts his head from his kill to listen, as Lysseths roar mingles with the terrified bawling of ... oh. He's not killed it yet. Music to his ears, nonetheless, and the contempt in the glowing green's voice rolls off his back like rain over well oiled hide. The bovine's vocal accompanyment is cut short abruptly after a crescendo, and Muinyth indulges in a little intermission snack. Lysseth> Let me tell you a story about a dragon Reaches bred. Poor brown lad hardly ever kept his head. Then one day he saw himself a green and the white-flecked Ularrith thought that she was pretty keen. Tails, you know. And curvy necks. Ularrith leisurely sucks on the ovine's neck as he stares at Lysseth with lusty determination. Like a teenager sucking on a milkshake as he stares across the restaurant at the Prom Queen. Oh you will be mine. Yes, you will be mine. Dragon> Parth bespoke Flight with << That Ularrith, was truely horrifying ;) >> Dragon> Flight sense that Kvasith is just scared in general by the reachian brown Dragon> Flight sense that Parth laughed his tail off. No more tail. Now how will I ever fly? Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith would have an easier time with flights if I could ever remember the tv show jingles. ;) Hey, it's my 46th flight. Gotta have fun. ;) ;) Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth ROLLLS! Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth giggles maniacally. Ularrith, that was *evil*. I love it! ;) Dragon> Flight sense that Parth doesn't want to count how many flights he's done on all the games in all the years he has played, but I don't think I can count 46 flights with just one dragon ;) Lysseth> Lysseth is nothing if not thorough about this, her final blooding. So thorough in fact that she starts making those annoying slurp noises that little kids do when they're trying to get the absolute last drop of drink from a glass. Still, the result may be worth it; the luminescence of her hide increases exponentially, offset well by the deep, dark amethyst to which her eyes are changing. Slowly but surely, she withdraws her talons from the guts of the disemboweled kill... and pauses. Namely because the intestines are wound up around her claws like some sort of cat's cradle straight from the mind of Stephen King. A few impatient jerks and snaps release her from *that* bondage, and she's soon to seek another freedom--that of the skies and stars, where none can outmatch her, none can stare at her, and *none* can sing old TV theme songs to her. Follow the leader, boys! Lysseth> You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft -- much to the relief of the wherries. "About bloody effin' frickin' frackin' fraggin' fewmettin' shardin' blasted *time*," Kassi shouts up at the glowing streak of green that is her lifemate, and spins on her heel to make a mad dash for the sanctity of the Guest Weyr. You push aside the curtain and enter the weyr. Lysseth> You soar upwards and into the open sky above the Weyr. Lysseth> Kvasith flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Aurian comes into the weyr from the bowl. Lysseth> Muinyth flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth eyes the dragonpoker table thoughtfully. << I hope there's no one playing in there right now, or they're going to get a surprise. ;) >> Lysseth> Ularrith flies up from the southern half of the bowl. M'rgan comes into the weyr from the bowl. Lysseth> Parth flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Lysseth> Parth gleams with the suffusing energy of blood, a lucent dark brown-amber crystal in the sky streaked with veins of jet and citrine and jade. His wings flex back, spanning the sky like a shadow over the sun he rears up as he climbs, tail lashing behind him as he roars his defianance to males and to illuminated green. As he climbs, he chases, mastering the wind, suborning the breezes to his whim. Translucent wings billow, capturing air, flooding with it as he thrusts it away and scoops up more with the sound of many heartbeats. E'ryn comes into the weyr from the bowl. Aurian drops into a chair at the dragon poker table, she starts to shuffle and un shuffle the deck in front of her. She looks near manic. Lysseth> Lysseth blazes up into the sky with nary an effort, stars, clouds, and moons alike seeming to stream past as their placid courses attempt--and fail--to match the green's breathtaking speed. Frost-chilled air caresses neck and wingsails and tail, coaxing from the dragon a bugle of sheer, fierce crystalline defiance--while the wind is at her beck, how could any stop her? Besides, they're all chicken anyway. Buck-buck-buckaw! Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Okay, so I lied about Lyss and the chicken noises. ;) >> E'ryn follows along after the others, behind Kassima with an air of electric urgency and anticipationg clingin to him like sweat. His brow furrows ever so slightly, showing the concentration on expression. M'rgan slogs and trudges and slugs his way into the guest weyr, his every step the same length as a baby's. Maybe if he's lucky by the time he gets in here the whole sordid mess will be over with. His eyes catch sight of Kassima. Hmm. Maybe being in here isn't such a bad thing after all. That's quite a nice little chickie right there. Less than smoothly he leans an elbow on the wall and crosses his right foot over his left jauntily. "Hey there, sweet stuff" his expression seems to say as he gives the greenrider a pouting but come hither sort of look. Lysseth> Kvasith stretches through the night sky, speckled with the after effects of his recent meal. Wings catch and hang on the wind, he swoops forwards with speeds quick for a brown. The youngster moves with all the hormonal intent of a teenager. Pleasepleasepleaseplease/ Kassima had been heading towards the dragonpoker table herself, instinctively recognizing the gambling contrivance as some source of obscure reassurance. Lucky in cards, lucky in flights? Pity that's not how it works. Teeth are bared at Aurian in a canine-ish growl as the brownrider beats her to the punch, and she skitters back to her usual solace of cold stone wall. Hello, wall. We must stop meeting like this. Lysseth> Muinyth rises steadily, abandonning his kill without a second thought. Macabre pictographs upon his sandstone form dry swiftly in the cold spring air, remnants of a near-forgotten ritual of fertility and strength. His gaze fixes on that glowing green speck far above him - Now... sit right back and you'll hear a tail, a tail of a young brown's lust. A tailtailtailtailtailtail... get the idea? Shasta comes into the weyr from the bowl. Aurian continues to shuffle the deck, the fluttering shfffffting noise continueing. Perhaps she remembers a night when Kassima was definitely not the lucky one in cards, she watches the room. There is a shudder as she watches that look that M'rgan gives the greenrider, the um lovely greenrider, the um very lovely and attractive greendrider. Oh Faranth. Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth gave up trying to fit words to the tune... and just settled for tail. Lysseth> Ularrith's wings beat out a staccato pattern as he rises after the Prom Queen. The staccato pattern segues into a more triumphant, full orchestra, battle march as he finds himself in the front of the pack, his wings beating deeply and fully but more slowly. When a bronze comes up behind his rear, so close that the brown dragon can feel the other's hot breath on his important bits, his wingbeats turn more frantic, the pattern much more like that of a certan llama-related song during a certain movie's opening credits. This brown is not about to be sacked. Dragon> Parth bespoke Flight with << Is there some kind of tune? Well. I'm no good with that kind of thing. Sheesh. I didn't even realize :) >> Lysseth> Let's just hope this isn't a three-hour tour. Still, Lysseth *is* quick; perhaps the Weyr's fastest, and she's experienced enough to be canny in the arts of evasion. While *they're* busy eyeing her tail, she can... uh... well... she'll think of something! And she does. A coy lash of that tail later, she's pumping those widespread wings of hers as vigorously as though they were her Air Jordans and she about to compete in the NBA Playoffs. Wind shrieks a complaint as dragonflesh slices through it, headed up, up, up! When every green is glowing bright, frigid, fractious, and forthright, proddy and presenting a plight, trim the trad-- go troglodyte! Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth laughs. There's no set theme, no. :) I think Tierth meant her Gilligan's Island moment. ;) Dragon> Flight sense that Parth oohs :) Lysseth> Kvasith pushes himself higher and higher. The gee forces pulling the flesh from his bones, oops wrong window. Still the brown rises upwards with a single minded intent, his amber tinged self shimmering with his efforts. Kassima is lovely and attractive? Well, she's sulking. Maybe that counts. Lower lip juts out just *so* in a pout, and her sweater-clad arms fold over her chest. The others in the room are treated to a look of extreme suspicion and distaste, lucky them. What're *they* doing here? Lysseth> Muinyth doesn't slide into the jostling pack of would be suitors, he doesn't belong there, nonono. With confidence borne of obsession, he stays clear of the shredding talons of other males, remaining on the outskirts of the race. His eyes fixate on that lashing tail, while his wings and heart beat out a rhythm. She is his obsession. His Obsession. He will find a way, and he will have her - like a butterfly, a wild butterfly, he will collect her, and /capture/ her! Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth can't stay away from tunes tonight, but at least I got off the TV jingles... Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << You are going to stick a pin through her!!! >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth notes, by the by, that she's having a lot of fun already. Y'all are all terrific. :) Kvasith, I'm just not touching that.... Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth DIES!, Auri! Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << but that's what happens to butterflies.. they stick big needles through them. I could have said he intends to pin her to the wall >> Lysseth> Far from becoming frothy and fretful as fascinating and fair female flies further from him, Ularrith flicks his feather-free wing at her as he follows his own farflung flight. The snow-flecked brown dragon rolls onto his side, streaking away from both Lysseth and the rest of the pack of the males, forging another path to Her Promness. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth laughs! and thought that was Her Promethness for a sec there, Ularrith. Very scary thought. Lysseth> Parth lets his wings flare out, like unfurled sails after being loosened from battening. They ripple then beat with the force of the air that he uses to carry him after. His tail the rudder that steers his sail through the sky. He dips, then swerves, body shaped by the currents he surfs through. That green, glowing brightness is the star that guides his way and he pursues, navigated by an excellent sailor. Parth is well known for his daring-do antics and he wings high one moment before banking sharply to skirt some imaginary foe. Shasta pulls out a chair from the dragonpoker table, the wooden legs creaking along the stone floor. Expression set as hard as the granite her lifemates' head seems to be sculpted of, she drops into the seat, and fixes her gaze on Kassima. M'rgan waggles his eyebrows whenever he thinks that Kassima is looking his way. That's sure to get her. In a poll of 100 women for Telgarpolitan, 80 of them said waggling eyebrows was a total turn on. Of course 80 of them also said that dragons sucking the life out of poor, defenseless animals was a turn on too. So this attempt of his probably means nothing. E'ryn glances Shasta's way, giving her a blank stare of unfamiliarity. Then his eyes shift back to the one who rides the green, Kassima. His indigo gaze is darkened into midnight, unreadable and mysterious. He watches her, as if seeking some knowledge there to share with Parth to be applied to the chase. Aurian flicks a card before Shasta oddly enough it appears that the Telgarian brown rider is dealing cards between the pair. Lysseth> Lysseth is not a perfume. If one were truly being romantic, though, one could say that her breath perfumes the sky as it clouds like stardust in the air, that the scent of her oiled and exertion-warmed hide is the tantalizing lure of an olfactory siren. But if one were being honest, one would admit that she has dead wherry-breath and that blood is only tempting if you're hungry for something other than the purpose of this exercise. She is not one to tilt at windmills, this green; she continues her dizzying climb into the heights, pointed towards the heavens like a glowing arrow of lust from the bow of Cupid himself. Or perhaps Eros. If Eros has a bow. Why contemplate this, however, when one's mind should be on *escape*? Just when she's reached the crest of her fantastic flight, she furls wings tightly to her sides to plummet--unchecked--from Heaven to Earth, a falling angel... or risen devil. In Lysseth's case, let's face it, it's really hard to say. Dragon> Flight sense that Parth laughs. << That was hillarious >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth grins. << Thankee. Y'all are inspiring me! :) >> Kassima doesn't look inclined to be greatly helpful. Her arms have unfolded themselves, the better to grip against the back of a chair she's chosen to hide behind, knuckles white with the force of her hold. "Don't splat, don't splat, don't splat," she chants like a monk's mantra, desperation erasing the prior pout. Splattering across the Bowl floor would be *such* an undignified way to die. Right up there with mooning unfed cannibals. Lysseth> Tiny bubbles in the wine..damn the muzak in his head, Kvasith gets all Don Ho for a moment there. He pulls the wings tightly against him in pursuit of the luscious Lysseth. His slender body pushed to the limit as he chases. Lysseth> Parth is a dragon just like Lysseth, albeit male and brown and chasing rather than being chased -- so it just goes to reason that he has similiar likes and habits -- his breath is none to keen, smelling a lot like the dead carcass of the last herdbeast he ate, and his hide is splattered with blood, wedding garments amongst dragon-kind. He's the suitor in hopes of capturing a bride. Perhaps its not really the lure of her glowing hide, but the scent she exudes that drives him on, surely it must be something that causes him to show his skill in the air, the artfull dip of a wing, the blazing flare of the other, the delicate flick of the tail and the minute shifts of muscle which ripple beneath rich hide the color of fresh dirt. Lysseth> The succulent Lysseth must be an angel because with the thoughts that are running through Ularrith's head right now he can only be a devil. Or a demon. A demon and an angel. His pace quickens as he rises up towards her and his sudden zig-zagged movement makes him appear, just for a second, to be in three places at once. But the other two apparitions disappear a heartbeat later, leaving only him. One demon to join with one angel. Fun. Fun. Fun. Even though there's no sun, sun, sun. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth groans as she now has the Red Dwarf theme song stuck in her head. << I want to lie, shipwrecked and comatose, drinking fresh mango juice.... >> Lysseth> Muinyth drifts on, head extended, his eyes would droop closed if not for that tail he persues. Lead on by, and floating on that heavenly dead wherry perfume, he desires nothing other than to fold Lysseth in his arms, bat his eyelids (darn, no lashes) and murmur sweet nothings in her ears. My darling! Mwah Mwah Mwah! Unfortunately, though, this southern lad's not Peppe le Pueue. As the lovely lady plummets from the heavens above, a gift from the angels, the brown rushes forwards, straining his wings to the utmost. E'ryn doesn't pay much attention to what looks like a game of cards. His arms cross over his chest, over his belly in a symbol of vast paitence. Glassy gaze swallows Kassima as the corner of his lips, twitches. Shasta doesn't pay her cards much attention - she simply scoops them up, puts two down, and gestures to Aurian. Habit, more than anything else. Something to do to occupy one's hands, even if the only thing she sees is Kassima. Lysseth> Lysseth may be a devil, she may be an angel, she may be a siren, she may be a frightened black cat with a white stripe painted down her back--but whatever she is, she's clever and she's quick. No rocky earth embrace shall snag *her*, no--wings snap out with a great retort like a crossbow shot, saving her from certain death and sending her skimming *just* over the crown of the Bowl wall on her flight back up. Let's see how many of those chasers we can get to act as crash-test dummies against that same wall, hmmm? Another mocking bugle--more ragged, this time; she's using up her energy like a spendthrift with tricks like these--sails back from her lungs, carried by fickle wind. Attention, male dragons! Her body is not available! Even if she *is* looking nice. She's looking nice, her shadow's looking nice... what a team! But you're too slow, Chasers Marengo--too slow for *this* dragon, or so she hopes as she hurls herself back across the heavens. When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a building? M'rgan runs a hand through his hair, smoothing it back, as he continues to give Kassima the eye. That special look he read about in the records room on a scroll labelled Get A Better Lovelife Through Hypnosis. And if that doesn't work he also read another...100 Chat-up Lines Guaranteed To Work. As he sucks in a breath he adjusts the collar of his shirt, nearly ready to try one out on her. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth sings, << When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a building? Somewhere they're meeting on a pinhead, calling you an angel, calling you the nicest things. Sorry; mild TMBG attack there. Anyone have any preferences in when the catch attempts should be? :) >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth also whaps Mart/Rimmer, just on general principle. Lysseth> Kvasith erks at the change in direction, ohboyohboyohboy.. pull up pull up Pulllllll upppppppp! Kvasith gets his rear back in gear and on the right track, his pursuit is now a little further back but he keeps after the Thunderbolt dragon. Lysseth> Lysseth can be anything she wants to be but as the bowl wall looms in front of him Ularrith decides, nay firmly commits to in perpetuity, that he is not Tom nor is he Jerry. He's also not Sylvester or Daffy or Elmer Fudd. What he is is a dragon with wings meant for soaring and not for splatting. Like Speedy Gonzales sensing that that mouse hole is just painted on the building, the brown dragon sharply swerves away, skimming along the inside of the bowl as he rises ever so slightly towards the rim. Ptooiiinggggggg. Kassima eyes the cards a moment herself, desperately, as though she could read her fate in them. Alas, she's never had much talent for divination. Taking a deep breath, she grips that poor chair-back hard enough that it seems apt to splinter in her hands. Witness thus the Greenrider Grip of Death, and ye shall know fear. Either that, or Deep Hurting. Take your pick. Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith doesn't know Spanish so I couldn't spell what Speedy usually says. ;) Lysseth> Parth dares the same trick Lysseth used, not one to be beaten or defeated in aeriel games of chance. Bravely he swoops upwards, one claw even catching on a rock to thrust him off of the bowl's wall when he just barely grazes past. But the cost is dear, wings skim the air, slicing like a hot knife through butter. He pumps his wings frantically as soon as he's over the rim, seeking to get further from it with the heavy battle of wings against wind -- and the wings win, carrying dragon up and up like a hot-air balloon. But he's not full of hot air, the things that drive him are need, desire, the hunger for the silken smoothness of dragon hide warm against his. These silibant thoughts seem to echo thier feelings, turbulent emotions for those that could sense them. Her tail is a hypnotic enticement which crystaline eyes follow faithfully. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth thinks it's 'Andele! Andele! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-hah!' But isn't sure. ;) Lysseth> Muinyth rumbles with frustration as the glowing green avoids the rocky embrace of his earthen brown wings, then with concern as she veers away from a more permanent embrace of the cliffs. His own sandstone carved form careens past the wall, caverndark legs tucked up close against his belly, nearly raking new lines in the wall of the bowl, he rockets upwards. Eyes wild as a coyotes would be, strapped to a speeding missile that reads Acme, he'd be holding up a hand-painted 'yikes' sign if he could read or write. E'ryn is the opposite of Kassima, radiating serenity. Muscles bunch in reflex upon occasion, shoulders twitching as if they would aid his dragon in flight. Lips part as he sucks in a breath in the close confines of the room. Dragon> Ularrith bespoke Flight with << This flight is /hilarious/!! :) >> Aurian deals two more cards to Shasta, her own hand she removes three and adds three. What she doesn't know is she dealt away a Conclave at that point. Good thing they aren't playing for marks since Kassima is such a distraction. Dragon> Parth bespoke Flight with << Whenever you're ready to -end- the flight Lysseth, deign to be caught :) >> Lysseth> Lysseth climbs her way back up into the skies with no attempt at stealth. Like Dogbert working up to his seat of world domination, she goes right for her goal--height, freedom!--without pause for considering the welfare of those others who'd probably be happier if she'd just stay down where they are. Hah! Kiss her feet, knaves, and begone, demons of stupidity! She's out and she's flappin' free! Beep, beep! Her wingbeats clap a summons against the air--but it isn't Winston and Piglet she summons, nor is it any Sir Galahad the Chaste she hopes to aid; the taunt is to those pursuers who remain, daring them to follow her beyond the limits of mortality. Heeeeeey, kiiiiiids! She's up here! Neener, neener, neener! Pthbbbbt! Bawk, bawk, bawk! Of course, actually *making* all those sounds would tax reserves that already tire--witness the slowing of wingbeats, the dimming of hide--so she just keeps them in her own spiteful brain. Shasta spares a glance at her cards, snorting disgust at her hand for only the briefest second. Or, perhaps its a sort of disgust at what's happening in the sky, with that other body that's screaming for attention, for air, and for rest for those gawdawfully tired wings! Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth giggles. Okay... pose attempts after my next. Sound good? :) Dragon> Flight sense that Kvasith nods. "You tell 'em, Lysseth," Kassi mumbles to no one in particular, most of the fury and hatred gone from her eyes to be replaced with a reckless glee. She and her lifemate could be Loki's daughters; little wonder that they're enjoying all this trickery and taunting. And both have probably forgotten, willfully or honestly, that there will come a time to pay the piper. Lysseth> Parth charges after, rising into the sky like a sun in ascendancy. Wings soothe the air and he's caressed in return, the breeze washing over aching, tired muscles. The dragon breathes heavily, wearying from the flight but still with much stamina left. He flys straight and up, head lifted as if seeking a benediction from the heavens, wings outflung as if in supplication -- the only one above him in the heavens is Lysseth -- is she ready to recieve him at her gates? Dragon> Flight sense that Parth is glad. I'm running out of ideas ;) Lysseth> Kvasith whirls closer and closer, he bugles a charge worthy of the confederate armies. His little brown tuckus presses onwards towards victory oh and Lysseth. Lysseth> Ularrith drifts first to the right and then to the left as he indecisively tries to settle on the right course to take him smoothly sliding up to the Prom Queen so that he can offer her his...ring. He boogies through the sky as if dancing to a song. I'm going after Lysseth, going to have myself a time. His...err...earthy brown color seems to go perfectly with his music and so he finds the going easier than he expected though his every breath comes out hot. Almost as if it was on fire. Almost like he was shooting fire out of his...mouth. This is one dragon that definitely isn't going to get upset and go home. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth nearly snorts Dew out her nose. << Cartman gets an anal probe?!? >> Dragon> Flight sense that Parth gahs. Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith looks completely innocent. Now did I ever come out and actually say that? ;) Dragon> All dragons sense that Caliath shoots a wing up and ooos oooos ooos like a nerd from a 70s sitcom "Ms. Kassima, I wanna see the log!" Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth does remind, BTW, that if you *don't* want to win, now's about the time to page. :) Lysseth> Muinyth strains his wings even more, as Lysseth strives yet higher. Remaining on the outskirts of the chasing pack of males, he veers away from Ularrith sharply. Dude! You wih respect mah authoritay! Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth's laughing waaayyyy too hard to pose Muinyth... Lysseth> Lysseth would flee forever if she could, were her heart truly made of steel and her blood of fire. Or battery acid, or something. Sadly, she's not a solar-fueled car: she's a dragon, a mortal dragon, a tiring dragon, who can only keep to the height of the angels for so long. Her faint remaining glow illuminates her like a looming UFO in the sky, though with luck, there will be no Visitors in this episode. Will there, however, be a chicken-lover? Because you're all still chickens, you know. Bawk! Bawk! Baw--oh, forget it. No time for bawking now, only for flight, and fleeing, and the clawing against the tightening grip of the hand of fate. Death before dishonor! Give her liberty or give her death, and in either case, give her a cheeseburger with double fries! Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Y'all are just *priceless* tonight, I must say. If Meli doesn't spew her Dr. Pepper as she said she wanted, I'll eat a bug. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith waves his front paw in the air. << Can I pick the bug? >> Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth ahh-ooooos. Tho, the exhaust pipe might be a bit crunchy... Kassima fidgets behind her protective chair, eyes gone very wide and very dark. She bites her lip. Those others frighten her now, much as though they were Visitors themselves (but no, she has no memories of being abducted, nor did Scott Bayo give her pinkeye). Still, she draws herself up with all the pride of her greenriding profession to meet each set of eyes with defiance. She's no house of cards, to topple easily--pardon the phrasing--at the first touch of wind. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth eyes Ularrith. << I dunno. You might pick one that had a driver and passengers in it, and then there'd be a legal mess to take care of. >> Lysseth> Parth overreaches Lysseth, soaring up, and over in the sky. He halts himself, rearing back as his neck cranes to survey below. And there she is, ever so close, nearly within his clutches. He levels out, wings brandished like a weapon as he steadies his exhausted flight before stooping from his lofty height to dive toward the green who still carries the seed of burning luminescence. He is like that hook-beaked blue wonder that forever chases after chickens -- if Lysseth were a chicken and he a rooster, he'd crow -- instead he bugles in preemptive triumph -- perhaps too soon does he make the call, but then he goes silent, lending the last dregs of his energy to silence, determination and deadly skill as he drops closer, his attempt to catch only to be detered by another dragon's triumph over his in the battle of Flight. E'ryn shifts his stance just barely, a breath sucked in sharply then eased out chin tilting in slight query. Lysseth> Muinyth strains ever upwards, seeking the answers, for he knows that the Truth Is Out There! And scientific logic be dammed, the only sane reaction to an insane world is insanity. To prove this, he flings himself, talons extended, into the fray, the most insane action he can come up with in his flight-maddened state. For somewhere just ahead is that luminous green tail that he's obsessed about for all of eternity. Lysseth> What goes up, must come down. Every dragon knows this and Ularrith looks eagerly up at Lysseth, knowing as she tires that she'll have to come down to him. Won't she? Pleeeeeeease. As his whirling eyes lock on her body, he notices something that they didn't mention in dragon school. Though what goes up is smooth and soft and very cute, what comes down has sharp pointy things on the end nearest him. Oh, Ularrith, Oh, Ularrith, she might give you a scar. Oh, Ularrith, Oh, Ularrith, it'll make you handsomer by far. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, the brown dragon concludes as he continues after her, extending his neck. The early avian catches the insect. A 32nd piece for your thoughts. Would you jump off a bridge if all of your friends did? If it meant getting his tail around that green piece of meat, Ularrith would. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Green piece of meat?!?!? ;) >> Shasta maintains her stoney poker face, cards splayed out infront of her, though her eyes don't grace them with her attention. All her stakes are on the table, now. And the stakes are, indeed, high. Dragon> Caliath bespoke all dragons with << What? No one is doing green eggs and ham? awwwwww >> Dragon> Parth bespoke Flight with << I dunno about you, but if some guy called me a piece of meat and I was a woman... ;) >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth refuses to say *anything* about 'I would not, could not, in a tree,' much less 'I would not, could not with a fox' or the various other verses. Dragon> Parth bespoke Flight with << On another note. Can someone drag the Wintogreen Lifesavers away? They're terribly addictive. >> M'rgan hungrily watches Kassima straighten, finding the shifting of her body very, very mesmerizing. He would, he could, in a box. He would, he could near a fox. He could do it anywhere. As long as Kassima was right there. Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth howls!!! Telgar Weyr> M'rgan thinks there's something in the water here. ;) Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth shudders with horror at Wintogreen Lifesavers, and considers. << I'd hate to wind up ending this just before Auri gets back, but there's no telling how long she'll be gone. ROTFL, Mart!! >> Telgar Weyr> Jared blinks. Water? Telgar Weyr> Gwinaver says, "It was imported from Benden?" Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth's laughing so hard it /hurts/!!!!! Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth asks whimsically, eyeing the dragonpoker table, << Could you, would you? Are you able? Could you, would you, on a table? >> (Sorry. It had to be said. ;) Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth iiieeewwws, and ain't playing poker in here anymore... ;) Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith laughs!! Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << In other news, I'm going to go ahead and write up the catch pose. Looks like Auri's 'Net might have her out for a long time. Thank you again, y'all--you've made this one of my best flights ever, if not *the* best. :) >> Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth giggles, and hugs! Thanks so much for letting Muinyth chase - it was a /hoot/! Awsome flight, and y'all are NUTS! ;) Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth rephrases that: << It might well have been the best; I'm not saying it wasn't, instead that it could've been. That read oddly. :) >> Dragon> Flight sense that Parth was -- so amused that he hurt his stomach laughing, and lost his tail twice ;) Dragon> Ularrith bespoke Flight with << This is definitely the wildest flight I've since since an early one with T'quinn at HRW that involved dragons catching buses and starships named Enterprise. Hee hee hee. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Parth looks scared. Dragon> Flight sense that Tierth's with you, Parth. Yeeeek. Lysseth> Lysseth is not a plane, is not a train, is not a house, is not a mouse. She's not a fox--well, okay, so she's a fox; rrowr--she's not a tree, she's not a box; please let her be! But somehow, it doesn't look as though the chasing males are apt to fulfill *that* last request. With an echoing cry of dismay, she attempts to fling herself in a final snap of wings... towards... the sky... like a desperate actor... trying to get... the last toupee... on sale... but fails dismally, caught in Ularrith's clutches for all that she's *not* a piece of meat. Oh, dear. I suppose it's too late to ask Scotty to beam her up, isn't it? Lysseth> Parth is defeated, doomed and in despair. He spirals off, a dark, black spiral in the air that sinks to earth and he echoes a soft howl into the wind of iritation as he lands in the bowl. Lysseth> Parth flies downward towards the southern end of the bowl. Dragon> Parth bespoke Flight with << Now I can make my dinner :) >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth apologizes for the Shatner impersonation, and wingsnugs you all! << Thanks so much, you guys, especially for putting up with my ridiculousness tonight. Especially the chicken references. :) >> Lysseth> Ularrith rumbles sweetly to Lysseth as he twines his tail around hers. It looks like he got to pin his Prom Queen after all. Sometimes the nerd does get ahead. E'ryn leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl. M'rgan hollers, "Geronimo!" Lysseth> Muinyth howls his indignation, as his wings fold around naught but the form of... ieewww, a blue. With a squak, the Southern brown scrambles away as fast as possible, and drops groundwards, a rock returning to its Hard Place. Lysseth> Muinyth flies downward towards the southern end of the bowl. There's a creak of wood as the tortured chair finally snaps, leaving Kassi to give Mart an *exceedingly* odd look. Oh, well. In for a sheep... but let's not answer that earlier question about the table, okay? Shasta slams her hand of cards down on the table, with all the vehemenance of a sore looser at cards. Scowling, the Southern Wingsecond pushes away, and stalks out of the weyr. Shasta leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl.