-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lysseth's Ninth Flight Date: July 22, 1998 Places: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern, Southern Bowl, Central Bowl, Feeding Grounds, Upper Skyspace, and Guest Weyr Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: ICly, this was actually Lysseth's tenth flight... but due to poor turnout, the original flight number nine was held off-camera. I was positively thrilled when this one made up for the last with the best roster yet: *nine* chasers. :) And they were all wonderful! I will worship them forever, and sacrifice many small children to them in dark rituals, and... err, well, never mind. Suffice it to say, thanks, guys. ;) Knot chat relevant to the proceedings has been left in, as have a few bits and pieces of +watches, so this log isn't exactly Spam Lite. You *have* been warned. Poses prefixed by Lysseth> take place in first the Southern Bowl, and then follow her along the flight-path. As a side-note... when did it become impossible for me to keep Monty Python and the Holy Grail references out of a flight, anyway? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. A'lex appears to be asleep over a mug of klah. No, appears is wrong, he's snoring. "Green dragon mincemeat, green dragon pot pie, green dragon stew, green dragon steak..." Kassi's chanting to herself. With the crystal-pommelled riding crop she's been carrying around for a few days now, she gives the table A'lex is at a sharp and very audible *thwack*. "How'm I supposed t'hear m'own list of recipes t'be made with dead green dragon over your snoring?" she demands of the bronzerider, asleep or no. A'lex jerks awake violently, making an odd snerking sound as he does so. Unfortunately that snerking sound turns to a shreik as the klah mug he was using as a pillow empties into his lap. "Faranth's great golden arse Kassima, have you no sharding respect for dead? Oh shards this is hot... towel, bring me a towel!!" A snickering LCG scurries over with a towel. "Have *you* nay respect for the living, making such a Star-spawned racket where people who aren't blessedly deaf are around? Mnementh's prostate, man!" Kassi seems too caught up in her own righteous wrath to heed the wish for a towel, but someone a bit more merciful grabs a wet one from a stack that was recently used to mop the floors and tosses it in the direction of 'Lex's head. Unfortunately, it instead hits the hapless LCG. A'lex arrghs as he pats himself dry, lifting the damp towel to try to actually clean the mess. "Sorry, next time I'll pass out somewhere else. Reason number eighty-eight not to have a weyrmate. They get pregnant and spend all night keeping you awake with their wretching noises. Months and months of this. Faranth flame me for ever wanting to be a father." He continues to mutter incoherently as he cleans up. Apparently someone isn't a morning person. Kassima folds her arms, just *eyeing* the bronzerider somewhat indignantly. "Have you ever considered how much worse 'tis t'be the one who has t'puke all night and nay get any sleep either? 'Tis *your* fault that she's that way, so you should *have* t'pay the bloody consequences. If'n more men had t'listen t'women retch, there'd be fewer babies, mark m'fardling words. And if'n men had t'do the retching themselves... hah! There'd be a sharding great deal more of 'em devoting themselves to celibacy, I assure you!" A'lex fehs, "Don't ye think I realize this? Don't ye think I hate myself for it? Don't ye think I'm gonna string up that sorry excuse for a Pierron we have for not letting M'kla make stronger klah?" He fehs again, "Shardit, that's why I'm sleeping down here, because my snoring was keeping her awake. She's nice and comfy in the weyr." He picks a new noise, "Muh." Handing the now stained towels back to the LCG, he sits again, "Marvelous, now I feel like I've soiled myself... wonderous things to improve my mood. Ye really should stop startlin' people. If tha'd been hot klah, I'd not be fathering any more children." Aurian rakes a hand through her hair as she enters. Lysseth> Kvasith lumbers here from the north. "And *what*," Kassi asks pointedly, "would the downfall of *that* be? Oh, shush your whining, for Faranth's sake. There are ways around Pierron." She storms over to a rather solitary looking klah-pot, and pours a liquid dark enough to be classified as black into two mugs... one of which is truly a mug of epic proportions. A measure of blue-green liquid spikes the latter, and the former she gives to A'lex. "There. Drink up. But if'n you want it spiked, you'll have t'part with your own liquor, because I'm nay about t'do it for you." Lysseth> Kvasith stretches as he comes to find a preferrable place to sleep. A'lex snorts, "Typical, I drag back CASKS of Benden Red to stay on your good side, and what do I get in return. 'Serve yourself.' Well fine." He pulls a flask of his own out of his boot. When did he start carrying that? From it drips some peach colored liquid. The flask dissappears back into his boot, and he lifts the mug in salute to the Greenrider, "To Lysseth, soon may she rise." Lysseth> Lysseth has, once again, chosen a place for herself that's as remote as she can manage. Currently, she is occupied with sharpening her claws against a jagged and much-abused rock. Sceereeeeeech.... Lysseth> Kvasith curls up near the older dragons, his eyes widen and starts to stare at Lysseth just like he did last night. Lysseth> Nraith rumbles at Kvasith. It could be a "Stay back" rumble, but it may also be a "Watch out, that one bites" rumble. Aurian keeps a wide berth around Kassima, the weyrling heads to the klah and just keeps her eyes on what is going on in the cavern. Kassima replies heatedly, "As if'n you didn't drink most of those casks yourself, Master Lushcrafter? And as if'n you have half as much reason t'want t'be drunk as I do? Please. Go tell it t'one of the half-wits; *they* may believe you." She does raise her klah-stein in toast, though. "To the fardling sadistic wench; soon may she put me the shells out of m'misery." Lysseth> Kvasith senses that Lysseth asks in a flash of black fire, rimed paradoxically with ice, << Why do you stare so? It is annoying. There are other places for you to look besides at me. >> A'lex kicks back some of the spiked klah. He gasps a bit, then rumbles, "No, I'm not cranky because my dragon's all randy. That's your perogative. I'm cranky because my dragon is all randy for YOUR dragon, and I'm tired, and... and... well, I don't really have any good reasons, but being in a bad mood is making me feel good about myself. Please tell me she's going up soon so Nraith will start thinking about something else." Telgar Weyr> A'lex turns on the Bronzerider Whine. Lysseth> Kvasith rears back obviously startled out of his contentment. He warbles in a rather petulant tone. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kvasith sends in tones of petulance and curiousity, << You are funny. And quite different now. >> Lysseth> Kvasith stretches his wings before curling up to stare at Lysseth again. Kassima gives the table another whack with her crop. Apparently, beating things up is therapeutic for her. "Lysseth is *nay* randy. She'll be randy in a few hours, I hope--by the first bronze's ego, *please* let her nay take longer'n that about it--but she's nay randy *now*. As t'tired, well, I've gotten about five minutes of sleep in the past three days. Top *that*." Channie wanders in from the bowl, looking a little pale and under the weather. She's smiling though and tosses out an almost cheerful wave. A'lex fehs again, "This isn't a contest. You're in a bad mood, I'm in a bad mood, can't we just be angry without BEATING THE FARDLING SHARDING TAR OUT OF THE SHARDING TABLE? It's making my ears ring." Channie frowns at A'lex's voice, her little smile fading as she hears he is in a bad mood. Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern. A'lex turns to his weyrmate, and his mood softens perceptibly, like someone throwing a switch. "Nie? How are you feeling?" Ro walks out quietly, looking thoughtful. Lysseth> Kvasith senses that Lysseth's reply is immediate and scorching. << I am *not* funny. I am glowing. That is all. It is not a humorous thing. >> Channie walks over to her weyrmate uncertainly. "Better." Pale eyes look between bronzerider and greenrider curiously. "How are you doing?" As she reaches A'lex's side she rubs a hand over the back of his neck. "What happened to your pants?" She points down at the wet mark in amusement. Perhaps he isn't weyr-broken yet. Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Lysseth with << I did not say it was humorous. I said it was funny. >> Kassima slaps the crop down on the table, folds her arms, and favors 'Lex with the sort of glower that would make him spontaneously combust if she had pyrokinetic abilities. "Would you rather I beat the fardling sharding tar out of *you*? At least the table can't whine about it!" Channie gasps aloud at Kassima, stomping one small foot. "oh, you will Not!" She stands up a little straighter before her shoulders droop down. "Ug...that wasn't such a good idea." Quickly grabbing a chair, she sits down. A'lex looks down, anger flaring up for a moment, before being snuffed out by LOOOOOVE. "Spill... nothing serious, it wasn't hot or anything." He flinches as the crop slaps down on the table, "No," he says softly, reigning in (barely) the anger he so wants to display, "The table will be fine." He takes a slow breath, "Although might I recommend placing a towel down on the table first..." he thinks, "So as not to mar Pierron's fine polishing job." Aurian sips at her klah as she tilts her head towards the bowl for a moment. Kassima replies to Nie, waving the crop around vaguely, "Oh, I won't. Tempting though 'tis. I'd get in trouble for it, y'see, and he's simply nay worth it." To A'lex, she just has to ask, "Since when have you ever given a shard for Pierron's well-being?" A'lex glances at Nie with concern, "Are you okay?" A'lex smirks at Kassima, "I don't, and you know that well. I'm trying to manipulate you, shardit. Give in for once. I'm tired of loosing to your stubbornness." Channie lays her head on A'lex's shoulder. "Oh, I'm fine. Just that I shouldn't move around so quick like that at the moment." She peers at Kassi from her tilt-headed possision on A'lex's shoulder. "Whipping him around like that is my job. I thought you used knives for /that/ sort of thing anyway." Channie oupsies and quickly puts a hand to her lips. A'lex chuckles and turns on his Bronzerider Charm. To Kassima he says, "Wanna see the scars?" Lysseth> Kvasith rests his chin on his forefeet. He whirls his eyes wearily. Channie mutters to A'lex, "... to... THERE..." A'lex winks at his Weyrmate. Lysseth> Kvasith senses that Lysseth rumblesnorts, replying with a hint of a snarl, << They're close enough to make no difference. You would not find it funny from where I'm standing, I assure you. >> Channie blushes and gives the bronzerider's arm a playful pinch. "I don't make a practice of giving in to anyone or aught without good reason. And you've yet t'provide me with good reason," Kassima points out to the bronzerider, tapping the end of her whip idly against the table- surface. "*What* sort of thing, Nie? Flaying people? Usually, aye, but I figured this might be good for a change. Variety is the raw meat of life. And if'n 'tis all the same t'you, 'Lex, I'd rather swallow shards of broken glass." Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kvasith rumbles back, but with out the snarl, << Its Funny and not in a humorous fashion. In an odd fashion. >> A'lex raises an eyebrow, "That can be arranged, dearest Greenrider." Channie shakes her head at Kassi, blushing a painful shade of red, "i really don't want to go into it. I mean, it's all your own personal thing what you want to do with people afterall." Lysseth> Kvasith senses that Lysseth subsides somewhat, black flames banking to darkly iridescent embers. << It is odd, >> she agrees, << and irritable, and annoying, and frustrating, and infuriating. It is all of these things. >> A'lex turns to Nie, "Oh, come on, it can be a game! We can learn something, then take turns playing Greenrider." Channie gasps again and ducks her head towards her weyrmate with a loud, growled protest of "A'LEX!!" Kassima snorts at the bronzerider, all defiance. "I'd like t'see you try!" Splitting a glance between the weyrmates, she says slowly, "I don't know *what* you're talking about, brownrider. And I have a feeling that I truly do nay want to. I want t'wring the neck of people, and that's the long and short of it. I fail t'see what's so difficult t'comprehend about this concept." Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kvasith sends an affermation, << See so it is funny. >> Lysseth> Kvasith senses that Lysseth grumbles, << I would prefer words that can not be taken to imply that it is a laughing matter. >> A'lex looks all innocent at Channie, "What?" Then he looks quickly at the entry to the cavern and points, "Look! It's M'rgan!" Kassima whirls about, of course, one hand dropping onto her belt-knife. "Where?" Not seeing her favorite torture victim, she sighs, closes her eyes, and confers a moment--unwillingly--with Lysseth. "Are you *trying* t'double m'frustration, 'Lex, by adding to it the fact that I very much want to kill you and can't, or had you some more productive goal in mind?" Telgar Weyr> Kharty grins, thinking the big news/decision is if the 'lings want to chase tonite. :) A'lex snickers and sings, "Maidja look. Maidja look." Channie smiles at A'lex, looking all sheepish and embarrassed at his suggestion. "M'rgan?" Her sheepish expression turns to laughter as Kassi's sudden reaction. "oh shards!" Kassima very slowly turns, and very slowly walks over to where A'lex is standing, and very slowly and *very* coldly asks, "Just how much do you want to die, bronzeboy?" Channie frowns and stands up suddenly. Without a word she makes a dash for the bowl. Channie walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Ro breaks from her reverie and gives Kassi and A'les a worried glance. A'lex sighs, "Right now, quite a bit actually. Otherwise I wouldn't be taunting a proddy Greenrider. No, no, that's not right. Och, look, I chased her away." He cocks his head for a moment in commune with his lifemate, "No, she's just feeling ill." Again, he pauses, "And Kemith says to stay away, so stay away I shal. Now, where were we? Oh, yes, death. Death would not be welcome at this point. Maybe later. But may I keep taunting you?" S'dar walks in from the bowl. S'dar wanders in. He peers at Kassi, as though there was a bug on her nose or she was wearing polka-dotted breeches, then, snapping out of it, greets the gang with, "Good evening, Wingleader, Wingleader, and all." Ro's concerned look turns to a pleased smile and she says "Sandy! Good evening. Can I get you something?" A'lex stands, apparently confronting Kassima, with a large wet spot on the front of his trousers. He turns and smiles at S'dar. "Evening, Bronzling." Kassima holds up two long fingers, informing A'lex in quite a deadpan voice, "You have two choices, bronzeling. You can either leave off, and live happily ever after with all your parts intact, or keep going until I cry insult, at which point you'd either have t'fight me--nay to the death; I'm nay a fool--or be revealed as the honorless creature you are." S'dar smiles at Ro. "No thanks. I'm alright for now." A'lex tsks, "I don't want to insult, just taunt. Your eyes flash the most fabulous color when you're angry." This man is stupid. Yup, S - T - U - P - I - D. Ro says "How is Chezroth? I saw him as I was taking food to one of te injured riders the other day and he is getting so -big-." S'dar examines Kassi's eyes. They certainly are colorful - mostly red, it seems, from this vantage point. To Ro, he grins. "Full grown, just about," he says proudly. Ro says "When do you graduate from being a weyrling, have they said?" Kassima's eyes are certainly flashing now at the Extremely Idiotic One. "I don't care if'n m'eyes flash *puce*," she spits. "You know sharding well that t'taunt me when I'm proddy is to insult me!" She'd probably wave to S'dar and the others, but, well, she's a bit intent on trying to decide whether or not to bring 'Lex's life to a sudden end at the moment. Lysseth> Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to brown Ularrith and his rider, M'rgan of HighReaches Weyr. S'dar mumbles to A'lex, "is this part of being a Bronzerider? Courting death?" Lysseth> Ularrith backwings for a landing. A'lex sighs, "Fine then, I'll leave off. My apologies if I've offended. 'Twas not my intention, only to poke fun and maybe raise a smile where none has been raised before." To S'dar, he grins and whispers, "Yup." Lysseth> M'rgan hops down Ularrith's side to the ground, using his foreleg as a step. Lysseth> Kvasith stretches and the pauses to rub his head against the ground. S'dar nods, watching Kassi out of the corner of his eye. Lysseth> Lysseth is curled up quite comfortably away from any and all dragons, and is, from the sounds of tortured rock coming from her direction, sharpening her claws. The resultant noise is rather earsplitting, which is indubitably delightful to any human-types about. Lysseth> M'rgan slowly clambers down Ularrith's straps after releasing himself from them, his gaze wandering towards Lysseth. At the same instant he turns his head towars the green dragon, Ularrith curves his head around also. "Oh, shells." Kassima reverses her grip on the crop, shaking the crystal-studded handle- end of it at the annoying bronzerider. That'd be A'lex, by the way, even though all bronzeriders are apt to be annoying to her at the moment. "If'n you want t'see me smile when I'm proddy, sing a song about blood or cut off your hand and let me watch, or something. *That* would amuse me." Aurian murmurs, "The raw bloody fish song is ok." S'dar is the type of guy to lend a hand, but he isn't about to go THAT far this evening, so instead he starts humming, getting in key. Lysseth> Lysseth looks up from her rock-torturing to eye both brown dragon and brownrider in a way that's pretty far from friendly. Maybe it's the red eyes that give that away, or the fact that she's snarling. Either one could be a pretty strong clue. S'dar ahems, then in a baritone voice, starts... "Oh my blood bubbles and my heart beat doubles for Kaaaaassiiiiii..." Aurian doubles over laughing. A'lex tries not to laugh, "Well, it beats cutting off my hand." Lysseth> Ularrith gives his neck a canine-like rippling shake, forcing his rider down from the straps. As soon as his rider is standing on the bowl floor, the brown dragon abruptly rises out of crouch, standing straight and tall. His straps are now too far into the air for his rider to reach again though M'rgan does try to climb back aboard. After a few desperate leaps that only result in his grabbing air, the brownrider finally gives up and gives his lifemate a glare. "Fine. Have it your way. But now /you/ owe /me/." S'dar says "I'd chop off my hand in a foreign land if she aaaassssked meeee..." At this, Kassi whirls around to just *gape* at S'dar. "Who replaced his regular klah with new Flirk's brand?" she demands of the room in general. "He's gone bloody blooming berserk!" A'lex shakes his head, "I specifically heard you ask for a song." Lysseth> M'rgan twists on his bootheel and marches into the living cavern without so much as a backwards glance. M'rgan walks in from the bowl. A'lex points at the entry, "Kassima, it's M'rgan!" S'dar continues, "I'd take a knife in the gut and a boot to the butt if... eh?" he stops, looking confused. Lysseth> Okay, that got Lyss to quit snarling. She's now sniggering as best a dragon can. Sardonically, too. If dragons could muwahahaha, she'd be muwahahahaing. A'lex tries not to laugh again. He's not having alot of luck. "Really!" S'dar nods to A'lex, having heard a request for a song himself, but he's not one to argue. Seeing the visiting brownrider, he straightens up. "Good evening, sir," he offers. A'lex nods, "Telgar's duties to the 'Reaches and her Queens." "I *asked* for a song about blood and death and stuff, and while there *was* blood in that song, I did *nay* have weird romantic connotations in mi--*oh*, nay, A'lex." Kassima thwacks her whip against the table again, apparently feeling that 'Lex has really earned the torment this time. "I'm nay falling for that one again, so you really might as well give it up!" A'lex shakes his head, "No, I'm not lying this time, it's really him." M'rgan blinkblinkblinks as he hears his name the moment he enters the cavern. His right hand continues to work at the buttons his flight jacket as his eyes sweep across the room, looking for the source of the..."Oh, shells," is mumbled under his breath. With a tight smile he nods to the folks greeting him, adding the traditional, "High Reaches' duties to Telgar." S'dar nods. "Telgar's duties," he repeats, sizing up M'rgan, as though he's heard a thing or two about this man and is intrigued to see him standing in the Living Cavern. To Kassi, he hmms. "But it was about blood and death and all the other things any sensible rider of a male dragon would go through to be your woo thang," he mumbles. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Your woo thang?" Telgar Weyr> A'lex dies. Aurian sips at her klah trying not to laugh hysterically. Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "WHAT!?" Telgar Weyr> Jayna laughs! Telgar Weyr> S'dar shrugs, seemed like a good idea at the time :) Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "A'lex, what're you going on about this time?" Telgar Weyr> K'tyn lol! Lysseth> Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to blue Bhalth and his rider, R'ehn of HighReaches Weyr. Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "You DON'T want to know." Telgar Weyr> Mehlani a-*HEM*! Lysseth> Ularrith flomps back onto the dirt and sand now that his rider is gone and he's safe. For a moment his legs kcik at the empty air until they too fall against the bowl floor. Kassima begins to say, "'Lex, if'n you don't stop lying t'me, I'm going t'claw out your eyes with m'bare ha--" when, lo and behold, the bronzerider is proved to be telling the truth. Imagine that. "Duties," she says to the brownrider, nodding. Her eyes are narrowed. This is not a good sign. "I suppose you've come t'taunt and make fun of me too? S'dar, what in the name of Faranth's rotted shell is a 'woo thang'?" Lysseth> Kvasith rumbles and tucks his head under his wing until the older brown stops kicking sand in his area. Treena walks in from the kitchen. A'lex give Kassima a "Told you so," look, then says, "Told you so." R'val walks in from the bowl. Lysseth> Bhalth backwings for a landing. R'val ambles into the cavern, hands in his pockets. He nods vaguely, and moves towards the klah pot. Treena smiles, walks in, and sits at the far corner of a table by herself, and pours a glass of juice, looking into it as if it contains all the secrets of the universe Lysseth> Lysseth watches this whole display incredulously. Then, of course, it occurs to her that a male dragon acting like a demented fire- lizard probably shouldn't surprise her in any way whatsoever. She gives the snort common to disgusted women everywhere, and turns back towards making sure her talons are nice and sharp. Very sharp. Very, very sharp. The better to claw you with, my dear, and all that sort of thing. S'dar coughs a bit. "Uh... I'm not sure, Kass... Wingleader," he mumbles. "I wager it's an object of woo. You woo me and I woo you, and that sort of... um, thang," he finishes lamely. "Though it doesn't necessarily have to be _me_," he adds hastily. "It could be, you know... him!" he finishes as R'val enters the Cavern. The boy looks hopeful that the attention will shift from him to R'val. That'd be banner. Lysseth> R'ehn climbs down Bhalth's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a greeting. Having managed to get his jacket off without too much trouble, M'rgan stares at it for a long while, now and then raising it a bit towards his face, as if he was contemplating throwing it over his head and using it as a disguise. If I can't see you, you can't see me. Ever so slowly he starts to approach where the other riders are. "Kassi, if the lump would've let me leave, you can believe I'd be gone right now. So, no, I /didn't/ come here to taunt you." Lysseth> R'ehn waves a greeting to those dragons he knows, looking mildly suspicious. He heads for the living cavern. R'ehn walks in from the bowl. Kassima just watches S'dar without a hint of expression on her face for a few long moments. "M'rgan, A'lex," she finally says, "I'll make you a deal. If'n you hold him down while I choke the living daylights out of him, I'll let you both live." A'lex looks at S'dar, "Congratulations man, you've earned death already!" M'rgan immediately tosses his jacket onto the nearest chair, freeing up his hands for holding. "Sounds good to me," he says agreeably as he looks over at A'lex. R'ehn pauses at the door to salute to the room at random, he manages to open his mouth for the beginning of the stock polite greeting before blinking. Ooh, they're killing people already. S'dar greets R'ehn with a "Telgar's duties to..." when he hears Kassi's threat. He thinks about it for a moment, then comes out with, "I would endure that, yes." To A'lex, he grins sheepishly, and to M'rgan, his eyes widen. A'lex sighs, "Kassi, ye know I can't do that, I'm his Mentor, it would look bad." A'lex looks over towards where S'dar had previously been looking and sees the new rider, "Telgar's duties to the 'Reaches and her Queens. Welcome to the fun house." "Lysseth informed me about the little air-dance 'twere doing," Kassi agrees far too sweetly with Mart, looking briefly (and sadistically) amused indeed. "R'ehn! You're just in time t'help Mart help me throttle this Weyrling t'death. 'Lex will have t'die, but you can still live if'n you grab his right arm and pin him." S'dar nods. "Telgar's duties to 'Reaches," he finally finishes to R'ehn. M'rgan's eyes widen at A'lex's reply and he none-too-subtly cocks his head in S'dar's direction while trying to get A'lex to go along with it. "Just do what she says," he hisses at the bronzerider. A'lex nods and takes S'dar's arm, hoping for the best. Aurian raises her eyebrows, "Ummmm I think Kerlyn wouldn't be happy if you killed him." R'ehn nods to those offering greeting, offering quietly. "'Reaches duties..." He trails off, briefly considering death by Kassi or simple flight. He decides to do instead what he always does. He meanders over and hisses quietly to M'rgan, "Did I -miss- something?" S'dar mumbles to the two male riders, "someone stuff a pillow up my shirt, and I'll make a real ruckus while you hit me 'til she chooses a new victim!" A'lex looks at S'dar. "You HAVE a pillow?" he whispers. Kassima eyes M'rgan with suspicion. "Just do what I say? You're nay going t'complain, or scream, or flee, or argue that I'm a raving madwoman who should be locked away until the Pass is over? This *is* a change of pace. Tell me, brownrider, when did you develop common sense?" She starts to roll up her sleeves, ostensibly the better to slug S'dar senseless. But then, she pauses. "Aren't you going t'complain 'tall?" she demands of the Weyrling. Lysseth> A'ser emerges from the infirmary. S'dar shakes his head sadly. Quick thinking, however, is on his side. "Stuff those bubbly pies up my shirt," he seethes. "They're fluffy 'n light." At Kassi's query, he turns to look at her. "Would it help?" he asks meekly. Lysseth> Kvasith leans over and wuffles A'ser. A'lex rolls his eyes, "She wants to hear you beg." Lysseth> A'ser marches out of the caverns, and blicks as Kvasith whuffles his wet hair. "Hello, you brown lump," he says and pats Kvasith's nose. Kassima sets her fists on her hips, looking annoyed. "How am I supposed to enjoy beating the living excrement out of you if'n you're nay going t'*mind*?" Aurian watches this with interest, "For what? Freedom, or the right to be pummled? Lysseth> A'ser walks north. "Lysseth's proddy," M'rgan says to R'ehn, adding a long roll of his eyes. That should explain everything. He starts to move towards S'dar's other arm, his hand reaching out as if to grab the young man's upper arm. "Just as long as it isn't me." He twists around to look at the young man's chest before his eyes drop noticeably lower for an instant. "I don't think it's your shirt she'll be aiming at." A'lex shivers and backs up a step. "Bad, bad, bad..." R'ehn's eyes widen. That -does- explain everything. "She's been chewing socks... Ohhhhh." He blinks a lot and takes a few surreptitious steps back, intent on procuring a position that allows for ease of escape. Having learned the evils of greenriders he offers, "Yell a lot, it will make her happier and you might escape with most of your parts." S'dar doesn't look like he's about to beg. Trapped between A'lex, and M'rgan, who can be sure _what_ he's about to do. Staring at the bristling eyes of sleeves-rolled-up Kassi, he asks perhaps his lamest question so far: "Would uh... singing help?" A'lex nods at R'ehn's statement, "Most..." Kassima shakes her riding crop at Mart. She's been waving the thing around all evening, and has finally gotten enough of the hang of it not to thwack him in the nose accidentally. If she *does* thwack him in the nose, it'll be quite by purpose. "You're mistaking him for you again, brownrider-- bluerider! For Faranth's sake, *I'll* be the one t'decide if'n they'll escape with most of their parts!" S'dar sings, "Ohhhh I'd take a lickin' but my heart'll keep tickin' for..." at Kassi's snap at M'rgan he quickly quiets down again, blushing a bit. R'ehn mentally thumbs through the appropriate response book. He comes to a well worn page. "Yes ma'am. Whatever you say ma'am." He backs up again. M'rgan adds to R'ehn's statement, "But not your favorite bits." As he steps back out of range of that crop, he just happens to also edge a bit behind S'dar. Accidentally of course. He certainly wouldn't be hiding behind the weyrling. Kassima just sighs and drops abruptly into a convenient chair, covering her face with her hands. "All I want is t'slug *one* Weyrling. Just one. Just t'make me feel better. And 'tis one who'd *deserve* it, too... but *nay.* He has t'spoil *everything*! 'Tis nay *fair*!" Then her head snaps up and she yells at R'ehn, "And *don't* call me ma'am!" Bad move, that. R'val sips his klah, shaking his head with an amused smile at the proceedings. Aurian leans at the table, she certainly doesn't need to worry about emasculation, so whatever is about to happen to S'dar should be entertaining at least. R'ehn mentally edits the stock response book and just takes a step back this time, without the 'ma'am'. He nods mutely. S'dar offers helpfully, "I heard somewhere that Aurian's a Weyrling..." indicating the young brownrider with a twist of his head. Ro walks off towards the kitchen. From the kitchen, Ro carefully cuts something up in the kitchen. M'rgan pokes his head out from behind S'dar, peering over at Aurian. "Do you want us to get her instead, Kassi?" He seems perfectly happy to trade one weyrling for another. A'lex nods, "Yea, we can grab her too." S'dar nodnods. "She's very uh... plush," he puts in quickly. "Your hand won't feel a thing." Kassima suggests irritably to R'ehn, "Now... slap the smiling one silly for me while I attend to the rest of these idiots." Getting back up, she stares at the cluster of male maleriders. "*Look* at yourselves," she says contemptuously. "Acting like this just because I'm *proddy*. D'you *really* think I'd lop any of your parts off? If'n I haven't castrated *Mart* yet, methinks 'tis safe t'say that the rest of you have naught t'worry about! Faranth's hind end!" Eyeing Aurian consideringly for a moment, she shakes her head. "Nay... nay unless she's been singing about woo thangs or whatever too." From the kitchen, Ro hmms to herself, trying to block out the sounds from the living cavern. Aurian raises her eyebrows, then drops her jaw at S'dar. "I sang about raw fish and blood for her last night, I most certainly will not sing about what ever you were." Ro walks in from the kitchen. A'lex sighs, apparently his taunting wasn't enough to keep her going till the blooding. "Well I guess that's nice to know." M'rgan's answer to Kassima's question about lopping things off is a simple, direct "Yes." Though he does also turn to give R'ehn a hidden wink. Telgar Weyr> Kassima is about ready to die laughing here. You guys are too much... too much, I tell you. Ro walks out of the kitchen with a plate, which she sets near Kassi. It looks like something no sane person would be interested in touch. R'ehn looks about for anybody crazy enough to be -smiling- at this juncture and preictably takes another step back, his hair quaking in fear. He does try to be helpful though and states, "Yes, but nobody wants to be -first- see..." Kassima snorts at Mart. "Well, I suppose *you* have something t'worry about. But I won't make eunuchs out of anyone else until I'm finished turning you into Martina for all time, so they're safe. See? A'lex, don't *tempt* me t'be slugging you instead!" Telgar Weyr> R'val just..snickers. Kassima starts to ask R'ehn in exasperation, while gesturing towards R'val to indicate him as the smiling one, "What does it matter whether you're castrated first or second? The result's the same, and--what's this?" Mercifully, she's been distracted by the arrival of food. M'rgan abruptly releases S'dar, stepping out from behind the young man. "Hey, I don't want /them/ to be safe. I want /me/ to be safe," he says indignantly while crossing his arms stiffly in front of him. A'lex purses his lips, a Taunt at the ready, but he holds back, since S'dar is mostly between him and Kassima. Wouldn't do to have the Mentee get bruised up as she tries to crawl over him to get to A'lex. "Sorry." is all he says. R'ehn mubles to himself, running a nervous hand (Yes, just the hand is nervous, honest) through his hair, making it stand up even more iddly than before, "She has a point... Probably several very sharp points..." A'lex snorts at R'ehn, "You have no idea, man." S'dar shakes his shoulders a bit now that one of them is free, eyeing the exit for a quick getaway should Kassi's fingers suddenly sprout emasculators. He remains silent for the moment. A'lex lets S'dar's other arm go, "Oh, sorry..." Kassima is then distracted yet again (her attention span is not very long tonight) by this protest of M'rgan's. "Look," she informs him, pointing at the brownrider with her crop-less hand, "*you* are doomed regardless of what you do or say, so you might as well just resign yourself to it and prepare to kiss your masculinity good-bye." As a matter of fact, among the other weird things Kassi is wearing are four visible knives. One can but wonder how many others she's managed to hide somewhere. Aurian shifts so she can sit on one of the tables to watch better, shortness can make things difficult. A'lex looks over to Mart, "I know we've never been close M'rgan, but... well... better you than me." He winks. "Drink?" Ro takes a deep breath "Well, I was going down to the store rooms to do an inventory and this young tunnelsnake ran across in front of me, so I had to kill it," (she doesn't say anything about why she decided to leave the LC for the stores so fast, wisely) "And then I was thinking that you might like some, so I cut it up for you." Indeed, the plate is filled with fresh tunnelsnake fillets....fresh enough to still be quite warm and bloody. Telgar Weyr> Aurian gags, "Ro! Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Nice, Ro... nice..." Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "That's just all class, that is." Telgar Weyr> R'val for some reason thinks of oktoberfest. Dragon> All dragons sense that Lysseth snags the OOC mic for a moment. << To whom it may concern: I'll be rising over Telgar Weyr in a few moments. Interesting parties are welcomed to come to Telgar for the blooding, which will begin in about fifteen minutes, and to join the +flight channel. Thank you. :) >> Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Hey, I know what Kassi likes, usually." R'ehn peers from frightening food item to frightening greenrider and back again. He also nods worriedly to A'lex. He creeps back towards the door some more. S'dar nods to A'lex, though the offer wasn't for him. "I'll take two." Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Raw tunnelsnake? I dunno, that's...Let's play...Will Kassi Eat It!" A'lex snorts, "You can't drink Weyrling. Can you?" Lysseth> Wroxath backwings for a landing. Lysseth> D'thon slides off Wroxath's back to the ground, landing lightly. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Put a comma in there before Weyrling, okay?" Telgar Weyr> R'val snickers at A'lex. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick blinks at A'lex and is lost, as usual. :) Kassima points that finger A'lex-wards now. "Ah-hah! I knew it! You *were* having an affair with him, weren't you?" Faranth only knows where this one comes from. "I knew you'd slip up and admit it eventually, and... tunnelsnake?" She darts a glance down at the plate, to see whether or not they are, indeed, leaking ichor. "Fresh? Nay the poisonous kind, right?" Lysseth> D'thon glances to one side, noticing a glow in the corner of his eye. He nearly jumps, but makes his way into the cavern anyway. D'thon walks in from the bowl. S'dar shrugs to A'lex. "Maybe not, but I can hide my head in the glass." A'lex buhblinks, where did THAT come from? "What?!? I think not!" "It's /not/ going to be me," M'rgan informs A'lex in his most serious and deepest tones. The deepness was just in case anyone was doubting his masculinity. "She'd never do it anyway. She knows what she'd be missing." Wink wink. Nudge Nudge. A'lex mumbles something about deluded greenriders. R'ehn blinsk from A'lex to M'rgan, his eyes widening. "So -that's- what that meant..." Ro nods "Yes Kassi....I've hunted enough to know the difference, and this was a young one too. I killed it not more than a few minutes ago, in the stores. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn ohdeargods, and stays in his weyr, barricading the door... R'val snorts. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick chuckles at J'lyn and goes to join the madness. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn ohs, hey, Jal--come barricade in my weyr.:) hee.:) we can play boggle:) Telgar Weyr> R'val wants to play boggle! Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Ichor, right. @bap @bap @bap....I should have remembered that." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Boggle?" A'lex looks at R'ehn, "It meant no such thing." To M'rgan, though, he just gapes, "You two? You mean she LIED to me? I **KNEW** it!!" A'lex looks mildly triumphant. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Game with lettered dice, Erdrick. *peer* You are really young, aren't you?" D'thon appears in the entrance of the cavern, taking in the scene with surprising rapidity. Kassi with tunnelsnake on her plate... M'rgan doing the wink-wink-nudge-nudge thing... only one conclusion's possible, really. He quietly scuttles over to the klah pot, apparently hoping to remain out of sight and mind. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins. I have an online version of boggle. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do to get it to work correctly. S'dar looks more than mildly baffled as his head spins from A'lex, to M'rgan, to Kassi. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "I know the game, but Boggle on Pern???" Telgar Weyr> D'thon had to do Boggle for a programming project. Real &@($, that one was. R'ehn's eyes are still wide open. He briefly wishes he could take notes without being noticed, all of this has -got- to mean something. Will Kassi eat it? The answer is yes. A knife seems to appear magically in her hand, and she uses it to spear a piece of tunnelsnake, shoving it into her mouth. "Mmrph mph," she mrphs, which might or might not mean 'Thank you.' "Now, look here, 'Lex," she begins once she's paused to swallow, "we all *know* that you lust after the brownrider; you admitted it yourself that once, remember?" Evil, evil is she. She's a greenrider, you know. "Mart, you're about *this* close to seeing whether or nay I'll really carry out m'threats when pushed far enough. 'Lex, what're you babbling about *now*??" Someone's getting exasperated and confused, and for once, it's the greenrider herself. S'dar gives D'thon a look - the kind of look a wherry might give another wherry to welcome it to the feeding pen, perhaps? and greets him with a, "good evening, sir." Telgar Weyr> K'tyn uses it for those times ( such as after winning a flight) that one needs to be in a room and not idle :) Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Erdrick, I'm almost completely OOC in my weyr..." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick laughs and pouts 'cause he forgot to place any bets. Telgar Weyr> Treena says, "boggle is fun.. but I wouldn't want to code it" R'ehn gives up, he does take notes. He has not learned from V'hryn's folly. Telgar Weyr> Rowen shudders, and asks, "J'lyn, can I barricade with you?" Telgar Weyr> Erdrick waves at Jorenan and directs his attention (and fear) to the +flights. Telgar Weyr> S'dar imagines K'tyn winning a goldflight, and then leading a dazed and lusty goldrider back to his weyr to play some serious Boggle. Telgar Weyr> Jorenan knows. He just.... yeah. Perhaps he'll log off again. :> A'lex just shakes his head, "Your drunken mind misheard me, Greenrider-- WHAT are you eating? Tunnelsnake? How disgusting! Are you pregnant?" Erdrick walks here from the Inner Cavern. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn nods, you got it s'dar! D'thon nibbles on his lower lip, glancing at DangerKassi (c), and nods to S'dar. "Evening," he replies mildly. "Nice weather tonight." Telgar Weyr> Rowen laughs! Telgar Weyr> D'thon ROTFL at S'dar's ideas. Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel peers at S'dar. What would /you/ do with her? Aurian looks rather green herself as she watches Kassima eat the raw tunnelsnake. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "So that's what Kin meant by Kiat being Boggling in the sack... ;) (sorry, couldn't resist)" Erdrick walks quietly in, records piled in his hands as he heads for the klah pot. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn groans. A'lex, I will have to kill you for that.:) Telgar Weyr> Rowen giggles. M'rgan turns slightly to look around at the nearby men, a cocky, arrogant grin on his face. "Kassi'd never do it. Women say that all the time but they can't ever resist us, can they? It's always chop this and slice that but who do they come running to, claiming they need someone to keep them warm?" Ularrith must strongly influencing the brownrider tonight. Too bad this influence could lead to his rider's sudden death. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "I said SORRY!" R'ehn stuffs the scrap of hide with the various noted upon it back in his pocket. He blinks a lot at Kassima's choice of taste treats before stepping forward enough to comment quietly to M'rgan. "I think you're doomed sir." S'dar peers at M'rgan. Apparently, brownriders like to court death too! A'lex grins at M'rgan, FINALLY, someone who understands his joy in taunting the Greenrider, "Good point." D'thon shakes his head sadly. "After so many Turns," he notes in an undertone to S'dar, "one'd expect a little more common sense out of him." Aurian stretches and glances at the ceiling. "*What*?" Kassima shrieks, her attention swerving at once back to A'lex. "A'*course* I'm nay pregnant, you wher-brained, maggot-infested, bug-arsed excuse for a lackwit!" As a red film slowly comes over her vision, she starts to reach for a knife to put an end to the bronzer once and for all. Then she hears Mart. Definite target-change. Turning about quickly enough that her boots probably leave heel-marks on the floor, she reaches one hand for the brownrider's throat and growls, "You. Die. Now." Erdrick nods about to those he knows, doing a double take at Kassi as he pours himself a mug of klah. Telgar Weyr> R'val hees! Wher-brained maggot-infested bug-arsed excuse for a lackwit. That /is/ a nice one. ;) R'ehn edges carefully back from Knife Wielding Kassi With Kung-Fu grip. He did his part, he warned M'rgan, really. Without even flinching, though certain parts of his body that are hidden beneath his clothes might be trying to make their escape, M'rgan stares down Kassi. "Did you want something?" he asks mildly, his voice only breaking once at the very end. S'dar nudges M'rgan. "Quick! Bust into song!" Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth hees at this RP, and does a quick role- call. << Okay, men: how many of you are going to exercise your masochistic streaks tonight and chase me? :) >> Erdrick walks over by Ro and whispers to her, "Let me guess, Kassi's proddy?" A'lex laughs, "She can't kill ya M'rgan, she couldn't slice a straight line if she tried." Keep her spinning out of control, and she won't hurt anyone, right? Right? RIGHT??? Dragon> Flight sense that Sorath dunno about 'chase'.. he has other things in mind.. :> Ro nods and says softly "Aye." Dragon> Flight sense that Bhalth raises a wingtip. Dragon> Flight sense that Nraith raises his hand, << With a stick. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Sioneth trumpets and is glad he had his wheaties. Dragon> Flight sense that Wroxath raises a foreclaw and ignores the double-entendre in Nraith's pose. Dragon> Flight sense that Kvasith raises a claw, << What the heck. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Chezroth's survival instinct not kicking in. Looks like I'm there. Kassima raises her knife and informs Mart in a deadly serious-sounding voice, "Your life, brownrider. Your li--" Ooh, and there goes A'lex. Kassi modifies that to, "Your life, *and* his! Get your rear end over here pronto, bronzerider, or I'll eviscerate you instead of making this quick!" Dragon> Flight sense that Virroth sends a whuffle to the lovely Lysseth. ME! :) R'ehn thought M'rgan was nuts, but A'lex has now taken the cake and beaten the baker. He blinks a lot, "Umm, I ah think I left something on the fire at home..." Dragon> Lorieth bespoke Flight with << Lysseth, sweetie, you've got -children- flying after you! Sands-Robber! >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth woo-hoos! << Wonderful! :) In that case, blooding starts when you're ready, gents! Oh, Lorieth, you hush. >> A'lex laughs, "What, too rickety to come here and get me?" He looks ready to run despite the bravado. Lysseth> Nraith snarls loudly and eyes the feeding pens. R'val blinks at A'lex. He makes a quiet bet with a fellow Dawnslight rider about how long A'lex will live. Erdrick looks on, rather amazed at everyone apparently provoking a Proddy Kassi. Dragon> Flight sense that Juliath eyes her SkinnyButt clutchsib with a laconic draconic stare. << You go, girl. >> M'rgan is somehow managing to keep his bravado for now. Perhaps it's the fact that his skin still seems to be intact. Perhaps it's true courage. Or perhaps it's that Kassima has such a tight grip on his throat that if he were to run she'd rip it out by accident. D'thon stands well back. Do not taunt Proddy Fun Kassi. S'dar blinks a bit, looking confused. "What is he..." he mumbles to himself. Lysseth> Sorath lumbers north. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "D'thon!" Telgar-Bowl> Sorath springs into the air for a quick flight over the fence and into the feeding grounds, where he settles again. Telgar Weyr> R'val snickers at D'thon. Lysseth> Kvasith wakens fully something is different, he can tell and he glances to the pens as well. He stretches and starts to stand. Telgar-Bowl> Kharty stands beside her blue, eyes questioning. "He's saying something about hunger, ma'am." Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith still thinks we should skip the flight. Tormenting a proddy Kassi is much more fun. A'ser walks in from the bowl. Kassima doesn't bother to moderate her voice, more's the pity for Mart's ears. Worse yet, her grip on his throat tightens as she yells at the bronzerider, "More like I don't want t'have t'let go of him and risk him escaping while I rend *you* limb from limb, you utmost idiot. Get *over* here! Now!" Lysseth> Nraith snarls again and launches himself skyward. Telgar-Bowl> Kerlyn drags Kharty with her by the arm, headed towards the south end of the bowl. Lysseth> Kerlyn walks here from the north. Lysseth> Nraith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. Lysseth> Above, Nraith flies towards the north end of the bowl. Lysseth> Kharty walks here from the north. Aurian blinks from where she sits on the table. She is looking completely confused. Lysseth> Kvasith lumbers north. Telgar-Bowl> Above, Nraith flies downward towards the feeding grounds. Lysseth> Virroth lumbers here from the north. Telgar-Bowl> Sioneth springs into the air for a quick flight over the fence and into the feeding grounds, where it settles again. Telgar-Bowl> Chezroth springs into the air for a quick flight over the fence and into the feeding grounds, where he settles again. Telgar-Bowl> Kvasith springs into the air for a quick flight over the fence and into the feeding grounds, where he settles again. Lysseth> Bhalth snarls as well, following the others and trying to look like he knows where the food is kept, really. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Sorath cruises over the fence into the feeding grounds. Lysseth> Bhalth lumbers north. Lysseth> Wroxath blinks glimmering eyes, still idly watching the glowing form. Abruptly, he gets up Lysseth> Wroxath lumbers north. Telgar-Bowl> Bhalth springs into the air for a quick flight over the fence and into the feeding grounds, where he settles again. Telgar-Bowl> Wroxath springs into the air for a quick flight over the fence and into the feeding grounds, where he settles again. A'lex snorts, "Is that an ORDER, ma'am?" Oh no, there he goes. A'ser blinks his dark green eyes at Kassima mildly. "Oh," he says quietly and walks to a seat. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth heys! << Now that's a nice thing to say to a lady, Ularrith. :P ;) Oh, yeah... the Feeding Grounds are off of the Central Bowl, either ground or Skyspace. :) I'll join you in a couple of minutes and give you the lowdown on the rules as we go. Sound clear? >> R'ehn looks more than a little worried, and then he looks more than a little annoyed. He invents so new choice language very quietly. R'val glances at A'ser from his seat with a cluster of Dawnslight riders, and nods amiably. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Chezroth hops the fence and lands in a corner, wings spread wide. He snarls at the animals in the pen, sending one ramming head-first into the fence. *THUD*!! Lysseth> Virroth watches the older dragons with eyes whirling, then follows along behind them. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << As CrystalMUSH. >> Lysseth> Virroth lumbers north. Lysseth> Ularrith languidly waits until all of the others have left the area before he lumbers slowly to his feet. He teasingly swishes his tail in Lysseth's direction just once before launching into the sky. Lysseth> Ularrith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. Kassima actually lets go of Mart as A'lex distracts her. Lucky Mart. Unlucky A'lex. "Aye, 'tis," she snarls. "By the power invested in me as a proddy greenrider who's had it up t'*here* with you, I--" She breaks off, then, and gapes towards the Bowl. "What d'you *mean*, they're blooding?" she wails. "But this was just getting to the fun part! I was finally going to kill somebody!" Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Wroxath glides over the fence, backwinging. As a herdbeast stampedes past, the blue neatly sits on it, then turns to draw blood from its jugular. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, As his eyes whirl red hunger, Sioneth glides over the fence, no longer the curious dragonet, but a brown shadow of need. He eyes the herd from the sky, head swiveling from one beast to another. Lysseth> Above, Ularrith flies towards the north end of the bowl. S'dar hmms a bit, looking somewhat lost as activity commences in the feeding grounds. He looks at Kassi, perhaps a bit too calmly. "You know... you're right, A'lex," he murmurs. "Her eyes _do_ get more colorful when she's angry." Telgar-Bowl> Virroth springs into the air for a quick flight over the fence and into the feeding grounds, where he settles again. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Nraith streaks from a rather high vantage point and snares a heardbeast, snaping its spine in several places as he wrenches it from it's gravity induced position on the ground. Dropping to the grass himself, he rips its head from its body in a move that would make Kassima proud and drinks heartily. Telgar-Bowl> Above, Ularrith flies downward towards the feeding grounds. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, A flash of polka-dotted blue, Bhalth swoops into the feeding grounds bugling fiercely. With a hawklike stoop he descends on a luckless wherry. Although considering the wherry in question was in a Weyr's feeding grounds, luckless could probably be assumed, neh? He bloods the creature swiftly, his bright-tipped tail disturbing the grass with its lashing. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Kvasith hovers for a few moments before selecting out the perfect morsle. He pounces hard on a large herdbeast and starts to drain the blood from the creature. A'ser looks at S'dar very oddly. What in the world has taken possention of his friend? A'lex shudders as he feels Nraith make his first kill, "Well then, looks like we'll have to save this for later." He licks his lips and looks towards the bowl. Lysseth> Kerlyn strides up from the central bowl, amidst a small cluster of weyrlings. Her voice is crisp, barking out stacatto as they come north, "Don't let them eat too heartily, it'll slow them down. Best to have them stick to the blood. Don't get too excited- this is a natural part of being a rider." Although, from the look on her face, currently an unwelcome one. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Chezroth snags a nearby wherry and stamps it in the back with his foreleg. As it scrambles he cranes his neck down and *rips* the creature's head off, spitting it against the fence. After a few more shudders, the headless wherry remains limp. R'ehn tries not to snicker, he -tries- really, he should get a cookie for effort. But he fails, snickering quietly. "Oh dear..." One of the bystanders can't help getting his own taunt in now that Kassima seems to be losing some of her killer instinct. "So, Kassima. How long have you and V'dan been weyrmated?" Aurian blinks, and tilts her head at the bowl. "Yes." She bites her lower lip. Lysseth> Lysseth finally stirs from her long spate of languidness, stretching out in what's definitely a sensual manner. Her wings spread to their widest extent, and she holds that pose for a moment before leaping effortlessly into the sky. Lysseth> You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. Erdrick starts to slip out quietly with his klah but blinks at the taunting bystander halfway to the lower cavern exit. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Virroth arcs upwards into the air, wings snapping, cutting the air crisply. Bugling loudly, he catches sight of one lone wherry, off to the side, and banks sharply, moving downward with speed and fury. Catching the wherry's neck, it cracks loudly, blood spurting, until he's at it, drinking deeply. Telgar Weyr> R'val snickers. This is just too fun. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Sioneth plunges, wings back, arrowing toward the herd, not playing with them, not idly. He bring his powerful wings at the last second, forcing a pause, and plunges claws into a fat wherry. Dragging his squealing prey to a nearby ledge, he deftly dispatches it and bloods, rumbling. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Wroxath crouches and leaps, in an almost feline pose, to sink his foreclaws into a wherry's back. The bird squawks loudly, abruptly silenced by the severing of its air passage and jugular, and Wroxath drinks again amidst a flurry of bloodied feathers. Jorenan walks here from the Inner Cavern. M'rgan rubs at his throat as he's released, a ragged cough erupting from somewhere deep within him. The pale skin of his neck prominently displays exactly where Kassima's finger had gripped him. "It's about time, Ularrith," he mumbles between bouts of coughing. Kassima turns and, faster than the eye can track, flings one of her knives so that it lands--ker*thunk*!--in the table *right* in front of the malerider. "Don't," she screams, "tick me off!" That said, she whirls about and runs out to the Bowl, her hair streaming behind her and thwacking a few people in the face as she goes. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Lysseth> You fly towards the north end of the bowl. Telgar-Bowl> In the Feeding Grounds, Sorath tosses aside the remains of his first herdbeast, a limp remnant of a once fabulous specimen, eyeing the rest of the herd balefully. He strikes quickly. Telgar-LC> A'lex pats M'rgan on the shoulder, "Nice work." Telgar-LC> A'ser looks back and forth quickly. What....? Not ALL of his friends are traitors, right? He perches on the end of his chair, face curious and hopeful as he looks from one weyrling to another. Lysseth> You fly downwards towards the feeding grounds. Telgar-LC> R'val sighs, "Thank Faranth she's left.' Telgar-LC> Jorenan strolls in -- and stops. And backs up against the wall. Telgar-LC> R'ehn is duly impressed and stepping back comments towards M'rgan, "Wow, see now that had to hurt..." Telgar-LC> D'thon seems to freeze in place, as if indecisive. Telgar-LC> Erdrick blinks and stops his retreat to plop down into a chair. Lysseth> Ularrith's technique is simple and short. Pounce. Grab. *SQUEEEAAALLLLL* Chomp! *SQUEAL* Chomp! *Squeal* Chomp! Chomp! *Squish* Suck. And another bovine is sacrificed at the alter of his lust. Lysseth> Kvasith rumbles low as he finishes his herdbeast. There above him is his next target, he snatches a particularly plump wherry from the air, and slaughters it on the herdbeast he has already drained. He gouges the belly and starts to lap at the blood with an unusual eagerness. Telgar-LC> A'lex fidgets then heads for the bowl. A'lex comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Lysseth> Chezroth finishes sucking the blood from the headless wherry's neck and looks around, snarling, for his next kill. Finding a beast galloping frantically nearby, the young dragon reaches out and swipes its legs out from under it with a foreleg. Snagging it with his jaws, he hurls it, an audible *CRACK* to be heard, up in the air. It falls to the ground, bloody dust swirling into the air around it. Dragon> Juliath bespoke Flight with << Ewww, Uly. :b >> S'dar comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Telgar-LC> Aurian rakes a hand through her hair, "You would think they would warn you better." She dashes out. Lysseth> Lysseth plummets from the sky with a great deal of speed and a great deal of control, flattening her wings to skim--whoosh!--over the herds like a speeding bullet. Curving claws hook into the back of a beast that just couldn't run from her fast enough, and she lifts the thrashing, bellowing creature up into the skies with her before dropping it with a sickening *thud* to the grounds below. The mass of broken bones and torn muscles that remains becomes her prize, and she lowers her head to sink her teeth into the oh-so-appetizing carcass. Aurian comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Lysseth> Discarding the wherry's corpse, Bhalth leaps into the sky. His wings barely have time to open before he spies a herdbeast stampeding just a hair behind the others. The animal has only a moment to bawl in fear before Bhalth tears it down, ignoring the other animals charging about as he consumes the beast's lifeblood. He rumbles warningly to the other males. Telgar-LC> A'ser gapes and stares after Aurian, half getting up out of his seat. Telgar-LC> Erdrick blinks. Lysseth> Wroxath pauses for a moment, almost as if calculating. As a herdbeast stampedes past, the blue slashes out with a foreclaw, breaking its neck neatly. His wings flare as he rears up, then crouches over the carcass to drink deeply. R'ehn comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Telgar-LC> R'val glances at A'ser, "There's nothing you can do." He says, matter-of-factly. Telgar-LC> D'thon, apparently, comes to a decision. Not much of one, in fact. D'thon comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. R'ehn follows the general crowd, muttering. "I swear, -never- gonna get these glasses delivered." Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Okay, all, here go the rules. :) One pose for every pose of mine, please--and while I don't care about spam, since we've got such a crowd here (which thrills me, believe me :), you might want to try and keep 'em short for everyone's sake. We'll be going up two skyspaces to save on spam. Guest weyr poses are IC; the channel will be OOC. Indulge in as much heckling and wise-cracking over the channel as you want; I won't mind. ;) And most importantly, have fun! :) >> Telgar-LC> A'ser turns an evil glare on R'val. "I don't want another speech from you, sir!" and sits again quickly, fidgeting. Meekly, he adds, "I thought that they were too -young-." Lysseth> Nraith shrieks as Lysseth approaches from above. Hurling the drained husk of Heardbeast from him, he lashes his tail and pounces on a wherry that thought it was doing a good job of looking like fence. In a flash it's head is gone, and he drinks from it like a drunk from a flask of good Benden Red. Lysseth> Sioneth thunders from his vantage point as Lysseth, emerald fire, enters from the sky. He trumpets, and, driven, flaps once, twice to gain height. Plunging, he takes a herdbeast, claws not gentle and mouth a ravening maw that matches the lust in his eyes. Telgar-LC> R'val grins, "One sentence is a speech? I'm just tellin ya, bud. There's nothing you can do. And no, they're not too young." Telgar-LC> M'rgan continues to rub at his neck as he starts towards the bowl, picking up his jacket as he goes. "It's always a pleasant experience when I visit Telgar." Lysseth> Virroth leaps back up into the air, now furiously desiring more of the energy giving blood. Pausing in midflight, he turns, then banks sharply to descend, talons held outward, toward a young bovine. Bugling loudly in his young voice, his sharp claws grab at it, shaking, writhing, squeeling, as it's beaten down to the ground. Spurting blood pours out of it's neck as Virroth clamps his teeth in and sucks hungrily, bloodied maw flexing with each bite. M'rgan comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Emerald fire Sioneth? Suck up. >> Kerlyn points towards the two weyrling exiting the living cavern, and waves them over towards the rest of the crowd with a resigned sigh. "Don't completely lose track of who you are- you've got to keep them from doing anything too rash or stupid. It's not uncommon for a dragon to hurt themself going too far." Her instructions are stacatto, as she finds it a challenge to keep her mind on them. Telgar-LC> Erdrick looks from A'ser to R'val toward the bowl then back to R'val, "The Weyrlings?" It seems that's all he can manage to say. Kassima skids to a halt just outside the Cavern, her eyes turning unerringly towards the Grounds. "Blood, blood, blood, blood, blood," she starts to chant, eyes intent on the distant spark of green that marks her dragon. "Don't fight me, Lysseth, don't you dare...." Telgar-LC> R'val nods to Erdrick, "yes, it would seem some of the weyrling dragons are chasing Lysseth, the poor beasts.' S'dar nods dumbly to the Weyrlingmaster. Telgar-LC> A'ser is red in the face, wishing he had some thing to do with himself. "Well, if you ask me, they're FAR too young, thank you." Telgar-LC> Erdrick looks rather stunned, "It seems as though they just hatched the other day!" Telgar-LC> R'val grins at A'ser, "No one asked you. Or the weyrlings, for that matter. Dragons don't ask about this sort of thing, they just do it." Dragon> Flight sense that Sioneth chuckles, and calls 'em as he sees 'em, bronze boy. Lysseth> Kvasith almost slithers as he abandons the dried out corpse behind him. He rears up and crashes down on a young herdbeast. He latches to its throat and lets the metallic taste of blood flow into his mouth. Kharty shudders a little as she holds on tightly to the fence post, her eyes intent on her blue's work. "Easy.. easy.. save your energy.." M'rgan gently prods at the darker spots on his neck. The spots that resulted when Kassima's hand was tightly gripping his throat a few minutes before. He glances over towards the pens. "This'd better have been worth it, lump," he says sullenly as he stares at his lifemate. Lysseth> Lysseth screams with anger and defiance, drawing back as though struck from her kill. One can just see the battle of wills taking place as the green is forced, quite unwillingly, to obey her rider's edict: blood only. Savagely, she rakes a long tear in the side of her corpse, letting the blood spurt for a moment before drinking of it. As she drinks, her glow seems almost to intensify... slaked bloodlust increasing other lusts, one might say. Aurian closes her eyes, she rocks on her heels as she waits and waits. Telgar-LC> Jorenan considers unflattening himself from the wall. "Is there anyone else going to be throwing knives tnight?" R'ehn shakes his head sadly, still muttering over the glasses and it being over a -turn- now... Lysseth> Chezroth gives a single beat of his wings to cover a good portion of the grounds, looking for that lucky beast that doesn't have to worry about those pesky vtols anymore. There it is! The young dragon darts forward, growling, and snags it between his claws before taking a juicy bite. Blood spatters across the nearby fence, followed, after a bloodfeast, by the *THWACK* of a dead animal carcass. Telgar-LC> A'ser quietly speaks, trying to sound uncaring, "Well. The least they could do was tell me what they were doing." Telgar-LC> R'val shakes his head at the baker, "They've all gone." Telgar-LC> R'val shakes his head, "They didn't have time, A'ser, their minds are with their dragons right now." Lysseth> Wroxath gives off a deadly screech, wings beating as he rises. He plummets towards an unfortunate wherry, claws razoring through its back, then slashes at its ribcage with tooth and claw. Raising up the bird's still-beating (though not for long) heart in his mouth, almost like a sacrifice to the glowing goddess before him, the blue dragon bites down - with surprising gentleness - and lets the lifeblood drain into his mouth. Unceremoniously, he deposits it on the ruin of the bird's carcass. A'lex's eyes unfocus and refocus and he revels in the extacy of blood trickling down-- wait... he shakes himself slightly from his lifemate's mind. Just enough to maintain a grasp on what's going on. Lysseth> Sorath is done with his feeding, and his claws dig silently into the dirt at the edge of the grounds, leaving deep nasty gouges in the earth behind them. He rears up adn spreads his wings for a moment, displaying his magnificent (in his own mind) wing span and muscled chest for the current object of his desire. Lysseth> Bhalth's eyes are locked on Lysseth as he finishes blooding the downed herdbeast. Slowly he backs away from the chaos of charging animals, unfurling his wings. Tracking the green's every movement he coils in on himself; waiting for any movement she makes skyward. Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Okay, who ends up with a black eye tonight." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Huh?" Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "?" Telgar-LC> Jorenan nods and comes all the way into the cavern, then. He goes over and gets himself a mug of klah. "Kassi and Lysseth are, err, pretty closely linked." Telgar-LC> A'ser mutters, "Bloody unconsiderate, that," and folds his arms over his chest. D'thon blinks, then blinks again. Realising that his mouth is open, he quickly closes it - and then his eyes become distant again. Dragon> Flight sense that Bhalth hates semicolons. ;) Telgar-LC> R'val chuckles, "Just you wait till that green of yours starts glowing." Kassima mutters witheringly, "Oh, shut up." Whether this is directed towards Mart, one of the other maleriders who's just said something stupid, or Lysseth is somewhat hard to determine, but the point is probably moot anyway. She absently shoves her hair back out of her eyes, still needing her own to see with. Lysseth> Kvasith raises his blood stained muzzle to gaze at Lysseth, he whirls about and rakes his claws along another herdbeast. He laps at the hot blood that is released from the still bellowing beast. Telgar-LC> A'ser gives R'val a dangerous look. "Why is that?" Lysseth> Ularrith lets the dessicated corpse slide out of his mouth, to *plop* on the ground. Of course, parts of the bovine *plopped* there earlier as beast's poor, beat up body couldn't take the shaking he was giving it as he tried to drain a little more blood from the animal. His tongue darts out to lick at the blood staining his lips and chin though only time will remove the red from his sharp teeth. Like Bhalth he starts to remove himself from the other males, his whirling eyes intent on Lysseth's glowing body and on her alone. S'dar, standing beside Kassi with mouth agape and eyes completely unfocused, drools on the greenrider's wherhide jacket. Dragon> Wroxath bespoke Flight with << MK gives one /so/ many inspirations for blooding poses. >:> >> Kerlyn eyes Kassima with a mix of various expressions on her face, none of which really match her words, "If you hurt any of them, you'll regret it." Her head nods briefly towards the weyrlings nearby. Lysseth> Nraith pitches the wherry carcas from him and scans the pens for another victim. Leaping up and over several smaller males, he lands forcefully upon another wherry, snapping it's neck with one forepaw, as the other rends its head from its body. **GULP GULP GULP** Lysseth> Tearing into the flesh of his prey and savoring its blood, Sioneth raises his scarlet muzzle to roar into the sky. He watches Lysseth warily, ready to pursue, as he drinks. Telgar-LC> R'val grins at A'ser cheekily, "Because you'll find out what it's like to be at the mercy of your dragon's emotions, like your fellow weyrlings are right now." Lysseth> Virroth whirls his head about to get a better vantage point for seeing Lysseth more clearly. Energy coursing through his veins, he springs, muscles outlined distinctly as he soars upward, wings extended, beating fast and hard. Another bank and he's pointed at his mark. The wherry has little time to let go with a final scream as he's beaten down and blooded. Virroth's eyes glance toward Lysseth as he looks about for yet another feast. Jorenan comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Jorenan wanders through, klah and a snack in hand. Perhaps he's come to watch the festivities. Lysseth> Lysseth leaves behind the dead beast once it has been sucked dry of the important fluids, her forked tongue flicking out to lick the last few drops from her muzzle as she considers this field over which she currently reigns. At the moment, the herdbeasts are *far* more interesting and worthy of her attentions. She leaps into the air again, wheeling about to soar right over the waiting males on her path to her second kill: another hefty buck, filled with the needed blood. No fighting now. She realizes for herself what she wants, and tears out the beast's throat with a wet *schlup* to give her a prime blooding-place. Telgar-LC> A'ser gives R'val second, third, and forth looks warily. He wishes the blue rider would stop grinning. "Yasinth is polite enough to warn me, I'm certain." Dragon> Prometh bespoke Flight with << MK? (Michael Knight?) :) >> Lysseth> Wroxath almost absently slits the throat of another passing beast, but this time his attentions are rather distracted. As he slowly dehydrates the creature's form, jewelled eyes watch Lysseth with an entirely different hunger. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << No, Michael Keaton! >> Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Last flight of Leilanth's, Prometh won and Kiat ended up with a black eye. I'm wondering who will end up with a black eye tonight......just sounds like the sort of thing Kassi would do." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Oh." Telgar Weyr> D'thon notes that Kassi probably won't go for eyes... other parts maybe, but not eyes. Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Darn." Kassima's reply is rather absent, as more and more of her sense of self gets torn away by her dragon. "If'n they stay away from me, they won't get hurt." She darts an angry glance at all the maleriders anyway, though, that makes one wonder just how sincere she was. Telgar-LC> R'val grins that grin of his, "She is now. She won't be when she starts to be proddy. And she may not even know it's happening, they usuallyd on't." Lysseth> Nraith hunkers down, eyes whirling violet and red as he waits for Lysseth to spring into the air. Lysseth> Chezroth paces the ground, muscles flexing and unflexing as he eyes the creatures, daring them... just DARING them... to even glance his way. Lysseth> Bhalth backs up a bit, giving slightly worried looks to the other males, realizing all of a sudden. Hey, I'm really -small-. This brief bit of male anxiety is quickly quelled and he attempts look as impressive and manly as an undersized blue with polka-spots really can. Lysseth> Kvasith watches Lysseth with eyes that whirl with his lust. He slowly licks muzzle clean of the red stain as he waits for that moment she heads into the open sky. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins at Ro. It was the Jaw, this last time, Ro, as wel as the eye.;) Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << One more blooding pose, and then we're off. The guest weyr is off the Southern Bowl--GW is the exit name. :) >> Telgar-LC> A'ser gets up quickly, and marches past R'val for the serving table. "I'm going to have something to drink. Can I get you something... sir?" Kerlyn snaps back, rocking back on her heels, "Might be hard for one of them." It's not, after all, unheard of for a successful first time suitor. She looks around at the rest of the maleriders then, evaluating the competition. Telgar-LC> R'val wiggles his half-full klah pot, "Nah, thanks." Lysseth> Sioneth roars again, and lifts skyward to glide down for a third beast, reaching out with his confident, questing claws to seize another wherry. He settles to drain it, balefully, nearly snapping with energy, as his eyes whirl wildly. Jayna walks here from the north. Lysseth> Wroxath flicks a forked tongue out, licking the remainder of the blood from the carcass before him. He crouches, hindleg muscles tightly coiled, and watches the glowing green form before him intently. Lysseth> As Ularrith marches over to a low ledge that he has claimed as his own, he continues to stare anxiously at Lysseth. So it's not really a surprise that he's lost track of his back legs and it's even less of a surprise when one hind foot comes crashsplatting down on that bovine's body. The firelizards won't find much there to feed on after all. As he climbs up on the low ledge, he spreads his wings just a touch, readying himself for the flight to come. R'ehn begins counting quietly to himself. Numbers, nice sequential lovely things that don't remind one of what is going on, or how well armed Kassima is. Jorenan waves to Jayna. He's got klah and a snack, and is perhaps hanging around to watch. Lysseth> Lysseth consumes the blood rather efficiently, though she doesn't bother to hurry about it. She doesn't care if she's making them wait. Degree by degree, her radiance intensifies, until finally the beast is as dry as a bone. Ah. Blood. Good to the last drop. Raising her head to the sky to shriek her defiance to the uncaring stars, Lysseth leaps aloft in a flurry of grey-streaked wings. Lysseth> Nraith eventually gets tired of waiting and snags a babbling wherry as it stumbles by. Tearing it in half, he covers his muzzle in ichor as he drinks deeply. The other half follows, then he returns to the wait, absently licking his muzzle. Lysseth> You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft -- much to the relief of the wherries. Lysseth> Ularrith rises up from the feeding grounds. Lysseth> Nraith rises up from the feeding grounds. Lysseth> Kvasith rises up from the feeding grounds. Lysseth> Chezroth rises up from the feeding grounds. Lysseth> Sorath rises up from the feeding grounds. Lysseth> You soar upwards and into the open sky above the Weyr. Lysseth> Sorath flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Lysseth> Chezroth flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Lysseth> Kvasith flies up from the southern half of the bowl. "We'll just see," Kassi snarls, turning about to shove her way towards the Guest Weyr. You push aside the curtain and enter the weyr. S'dar comes into the weyr from the bowl. A'lex comes into the weyr from the bowl. R'ehn comes into the weyr from the bowl. D'thon comes into the weyr from the bowl. Jayna comes into the weyr from the bowl. Kharty comes into the weyr from the bowl. Kerlyn comes into the weyr from the bowl. M'rgan comes into the weyr from the bowl. Aurian comes into the weyr from the bowl. A'lex struts in, much unlike himself, and perches near the doorway. Best to make a quick escape if the knives start flying. Jayna edges close to Kassima, hugging the wall, eyes slightly unfocused. D'thon follows blankly, still as silent as ever, and finds a place to stand not far from the couch. Kassima claims one of the walls for herself, folding her arms and leaning back against it, trying to appear as though she hasn't a care in the world. This is pure and simply not working. Her eyes are empty; her brow, furrowed, as she flies along with her dragon above. M'rgan casually flings his jacket onto the bed as he passes it on his way towards the back of the room and the nice, cool, sturdy stone wall there. He puts a hand against the wall as if to test its sturdiness before abruptly spinning around and leaning his back against it. Lysseth> Nraith flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Kharty attempts to look about through misted eyes at the unfamiliar surroundings, then finds a spot near the far wall. Hands behind her back, her palms clutch at the wall, fingertips curled. Kerlyn stops abruptly just inside the doorway, "Keep clear of her." she snaps loudly, toward Jayna. "And that goes for all of you." she scowls around the weyr, shoulders hunched against the wall. Aurian sits on the ground, pulling her knees against her chest. She bites her bottom lip hard as tries to focus on something, anything. Lysseth> Ularrith flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Lysseth> Sioneth flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Lysseth> Virroth flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Lysseth> Bhalth flies up from the southern half of the bowl. Lysseth> Wroxath flies up from the southern half of the bowl. R'ehn shakes his head, fluff fluffing fluffily. He mumbles rather distractedly, "Oh dear, oh dear, oh.." You get the idea. Dragon> Flight sense that Prometh hrms, with y'all up that high, us +watcher can't see.:) Lysseth> Lysseth streaks across the sky in a blur of green, using every iota of her considerable inherent speed to gain an early lead on those daring fools who consider themselves good enough to chase *her*. Droplets of blood spin from her claws, blown away by the winds that scream resistance to the green's devil-may-care velocity. Chasers? She sees no chasers. Right now, her only concern is speed, strength, and a manipulation of the air currents to her own advantage. Startled, Jayna blinks, herself for a moment. She glances at Kerlyn, not quite seeing the weyrlingmaster. But she backs against the wall. Dragon> Flight sense that Prometh ohs, you can see it. My apologies.:) Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth hrms, really? Oh, okay. Good. :) No problem, Prometh. :) Lysseth> Having learned the lack of wisdom in trying to fly -through- the pack, Bhalth darts quickly to one side of the cluster of wings and tails. In quick spurts of forward movement he makes his way towards the front ranks, snarling at a brown whose tail slaps across his muzzle. He is a little polka-dotted arrow of lust, and his target is Lysseth. S'dar stands near A'lex and M'rgan, shaking his head slightly. Every now and then he mumbles something to himself, but even that stops as he stalls beside his mentor. At Kerlyn's comment he stumbles a bit. Dragon> Sorath bespoke Telgar Weyrlings with << DAMN, umm, my Mom just showed up to visit rather unexpectedly with an out of town AUnt. I have to run- It looks like y'all are doing just fine though, and I'll be back as soon as they head out. :( >> Lysseth> Sioneth eyes the streaking green, following with a roar and flapping his wide wings. He pulls to the left, dodging a puny competitor, and roars as his muscles draw him upward toward his target. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth oh, yeahs, and almost forgot.... << Anyone who *doesn't* want to win, please page Kassi before the flight's over. :) >> Lysseth> Nraith beats wings fast and furious, heaving his Bronze bulk through the skies above the bowl. He pulls himself skyward, gaining as much altitude as he can. A thermal bumps him higher, catching in his wingsails and forcing him along. Love those native air currents.... Lysseth> Virroth himself becomes a blue beacon, headed straight after the elusive Lysseth. Wind against his muzzle, the blood there becomes light streaks, complementing his sea blue hide. Eyes focused on 'her', his desire, the energy courses through him strongly as he heads toward that incredible tail. Lysseth> Wroxath flicks into a quick turn, silvery-grey streaks flashing, tail lashing as he follows. A quick scissoring maneuver brings him through most of the pack, a contemptuous tailflick left behind for the nose of a slower bronze. Lysseth> Kvasith stretches his wings as wide as he can, his body slipping easily through the air. His eyes focused totally on the luminous green hide. A'lex turns to glare at S'dar, but catches himself and tries to look reassuring for the Bronzling, who's lost in his dragon's lust. Of course that only lasts for a moment before his gaze is back on Kassima, and a snarl is rippling across his face. Lysseth> Ularrith moves across the sky with the ease and simplicity of movement borne of experience. Meaning that he's done this more times than he can count and he's not about to let some young whippersnapper turn him into an old fogey loser. His wingsails whistle as he abruptly changes direction, sliding past a young blue that spent too much time staring in amazement at Lysseth and not enough time chasing. His tail teasingly twitches in front of the blue's face before he moves away with a sudden burst of wingbeats. Lysseth> Chezroth's wings thunderously grope the air as the young bronze attempts to lose himself to the winds. His tail snakes beneath him as he lifts, then thrashes outwards with energy, as though this might somehow help to propel him. He heaves upward with the rest of the clustered pack, eyes on the green. Kharty looks toward the others in the room, eyes almost radiantly gleaming. Fingernails scratch at the wall behind her as her feet raise her upward to tiptoes. Aurian rolls her head about on her shoulders, her lower lip still clenched between her teeth. Jayna leans back, both hands splayed against the wall, eyes fierce as she surveys the room. Lysseth> Lysseth is something of an old claw at this game, though one certainly couldn't call her *old*; she still has all the strength and vitality that she had during her first flight, but now experience has taught her how best to be canny and to make every last one of the chasers work for the privelege of getting within a hair's breadth of her. Satisfied for the moment with her considerable lead, she changes course-- going not only onwards, but upwards, and cutting through the clouds like a knife through cake-frosting as she goes. Let's see how many of *them* can follow her to the physical height of heights. The metaphorical version can wait until flight's ending. D'thon's eyes are distant, nibbling on his lower lip quietly. He paces back and forth, warily glancing about the room for a moment before returning his eyes to something only he can see. M'rgan widens his stance by an inch or two as he crosses his arms in front of him, rather than leaving them hanging ineffectually at his sides. His breath comes out in long, forceful puffs that happen to be in time with the flapping of his lifemate's massive wings. The brownrider watches Kassima with an expression that is caught somewhere between confusion and arrogance as he is caught somewhere between himself and Ularrith. R'ehn goes back to counting, he's well up into the hundreds. He kicks idly at a spot on the floor trying to keep track of where he and Bhalth both are. Kassima's fingers clench against her arms, the knuckles turning white. So much for looking casual. Her thin brows dart downwards, and her eyes narrow, as she steals a moment from the flight to eye each of the maleriders around her consideringly. Stare is met for stare; snarl, for snarl. Whatever she sees must not interest her greatly, though, since she soon closes her eyes to resume her spiritual soaring with her airborne lifemate. Lysseth> Nraith refrains from trumpeting as he sees Lysseth arc upwards. He continues his abuse of the air about him, and pulls him self higher, farther and faster, trying to gain on the lythe Lyss. The light of the two moons shimmers on his outstretched wingsails, bringing life to the gold streaked lightining on them. Each boom of a wingstroke is accompanied by a shimmer of illusionary lightning. Farther... Farther.... Farther... Lysseth> A larger blue shoves in front of Bhalth during the endeavor upawards into the wild blue yonder, sending the would-be Casanova careening and crashing back through the cluster of dragons. Sorting himself out quickly, he re-orients and is off again caroling a chorus of helpful calls. How will she ever know he's back here with all these other folks if he does not announce his presence? He continues his quick darting. Lysseth> Relying on strength, Sioneth plunges upward, thundering his desire. He banks slightly to avoid the pitiful efforts of a competitor, whirling eyes focused, the other males secondary to his attention. Lysseth> Kvasith whips through the air, and slips towards the lead of the group. He presses towards Lysseth, as she climbs he climbs, he is following instinct as best as he can. Still it is a long way to the green. Lysseth> Virroth watches Lysseth's progress, and decides that the best plan might be to take the lower route, skimming through a light cloud formation directly under the green one. What goes up must come down is his reasoning as his wings cut through the air with youthful vigor directly under the path she's taking. Lysseth> Wroxath streaks after Lysseth, wingbeats bringing him through the cloud layer. For a moment it's difficult to see, but then the swirling fog about him clears and he bursts through, eyes glittering redly in stark contrast to the luminescent green hide which they are focused on. A defiant screech for those still before him echoes across the vault of the sky, speeding onward ever before him. Snarl turns to grin (albeit a rather sick, demented grin) as Kassima meets A'lex's gaze. He continues to stare, pursing his lips, perhaps contemplating the curve of that neck thats hiding so temptingly beneath her flight jacket. Lysseth> Chezroth follows Lysseth ever higher, clouds billowing and rolling as his wings pocket them with each thrust. His tail touches the nose of a brown behind him and instinctively snaps at it, warning the follower to keep his distance! Sky meets sharp bronze muzzle and whistles by as Chezroth ascends. Aurian opens her jacket, and leans back against the wall. She rakes her hands through her hair. Lysseth> /He/ is the height of heights or so Ularrith braggingly claims often enough. Though for some reason his former mates don't join him in those proudful boasts. And since he is such, he can easily follow her to those lofty planes, metaphorical or otherwise. He skims over a deepwater- toned blue that has taken the lower path as he follows Lysseth into the clouds, the stars, and whereever else she might lead him. D'thon glances to one side, eyes running over the greenrider's form. He steps back - perhaps for a better view - with his fingers entwining with each other silently. Jayna half snarls at the other riders, startingly overcome by emotion she hadn't expected. She loosens her collar absently, skin flushed red. S'dar suddenly gasps, and blurts out, "Glows bubbly Seacrafter, Faranth what?" Shaking his head, he looks around, blushing, edging into a dark corner where he can hide. Lysseth> Lysseth is a spear of light aimed towards the heavens, seeking the heart of the stars so that she may pierce it in vengeance for their being brighter than she. At this moment, of course, this is not so; those mere flickerings could not compete with *her*, for she glows with all the fire of a Benden-born dragon's spirit. And lust, too, we can't forget. As the height begins to tax her reserves, she levels out, spinning towards the southeast in a deft manuever that belies her large size for a green. Kharty stands on tiptoe, flexing up and down quietly, eyes now turned to her mentor. Her eyes seek Kassi's as her hands now use the wall to push herself higher on her toes. She sighs, breath irregular. Lysseth> Large for a green she may be, but Nraith is large for a Bronze as well, and he chases that spear with all the strength that this large size will lend him. Ripping through the heavens on lightning streaked wings, the Thundercloud Bronze doesn't even see the stars, so intent is his gaze on that Emerald Grail, Lysseth. Lysseth> Bhalth lashes his tail as he moves forward, slapping the blue that sent him back across the snout. He warbles mockingly behind him before once again affixing his eyes on the gloriously green Lysseth. He makes another of his darting skips forward, looking about desperately for clear air. He veers swiftly in a strict southern direction looking for a thinner area in the pack. He's in the mood goshdarnitt and dosen't want to rub shoulders with -guys-, that's why he's chasing Lysseth after all. Lysseth> Virroth bugles loudly, seeing Lysseth's descent. Ahh. Possibly his course has proven the most advantageous. Powerful thrusts of his wings increase his speed as his body tilts, sending him onto a better interception course with the lovely green. Youth, not age is his most powerful advantage here. Kassima's own eyes are still closed. Her head is tilted back to rest against the cooling stone; she's still trying to seem carefree about it all. The thought of Lysseth's eventual capture isn't a telling blow to her spirit... it's just a flesh wound. Right. Perhaps she could get away with that, if it weren't for the sheen of perspiration on her skin or the rather tense way she's holding herself. Lysseth> Sioneth curves his wings to cup the sky, raising himself bu -pushing- on thermals, if such a thing were possible. His eyes are riveted on Lysseth as he bobbles around, out of the center, with its morass of flumbling wings and tails. Lysseth> Wroxath slips easily into a banking turn, a blue-grey shadow ghosting across the surface of the night sky. Light is ever before him, starlight filling his vision, but a greater light is before him in the form of Lysseth. Light pours around, filling his veins with a blood-hot exaltation, urging him onward. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Kassima with << Nice, multiple Python References... outta my head! >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth croaks, in the voice of Galahad, << I seek the Emerald Grail! It is here! I have seen it! >> Lysseth> Nraith senses that Lysseth pthbbbbts! ;) Dragon> Juliath bespoke Flight with << Zoot! >> Lysseth> Kvasith slices through the air, his body catching the winds. His tail whipping about behind him. Dragon> Sioneth bespoke Flight with << Woo thang! >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Flight with << Bad, awful, naughty Zoot? >> Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << A spanking! A spanking! >> R'ehn finaly runs out of numbers, no he's not -that- clueless, he's just far too enwrapped in what Bhalth's doing, "No, see, don't run into him... No that's a brown... you want the -green-..." Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Spank ME! Spank ME! >> Dragon> Wroxath bespoke Flight with << Frink. >> Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Does this make me Sir Galahad, the Chaste... err, Chased? ;) >> Lysseth> Chezroth soars above Pern, hide glistening a squeaky dull red as he erupts from a particularly billowing cloud. Wings arc and stop as the young dragon gets his bearings, and for a moment the dragon is motionless in the air, energy rippled within each young muscle. Spying the shooting star that is Lysseth, the bronze swoops back into motion, steady as he goes. Dragon> Thoth bespoke Flight with << Ekky, ekky, ekky, ekky, f'TANG zoopBOING z'nourwngnm. >> Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Flight with << And then the... umm, oh dear, no... >> Dragon> Flight sense that Juliath ...oO(Let me stay and face the peril.) Lysseth> Ularrith's rider often says that it's not the size that matters, it's what you do with it. And what Lysseth does with hers causes his hearts to beat a touch faster as his passion grows. Deeply dropping his shoulder until his wings are almost perpendicular to the ground, the brown dragon turns as tightly as he can, trying to get himself in a line that will take him in front of Lysseth. You see, he knows what to do with it too. Dragon> Flight sense that Wroxath hmms. Ma'am Galahad? No, that doesn't sound right... Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Flight with << No, no. There's too much peril. >> Aurian pulls off her jacket and lays it across her lap. She places her hands on it and starts to twist it up. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << There's only nine of them! I can tackle them all single-handed! Err... winged! >> Dragon> Flight sense that Yasinth sighs as Prometh counts five greens. << Three, sir. >> A'lex licks his lips, mayhaps tasting the bead of sweat on Kassima's brow in his mind. He inhales deeply, then exhales slowly, a deep rumble echoing in his chest. Oh, wait, maybe it's HIS sweat he's tasting... darn. D'thon paces back and forth some more, nearer Kassima, farther, nearer... He shakes his head to clear it temporarily, but it doesn't help. Nearer, farther, nearer... Dragon> Flight sense that Prometh snickers. Lysseth> Lysseth does not, surprisingly for her, choose a plummet as her next manuever--nor does she bank towards any of the rock formations so far below to try and lose her pursuers. She has achieved the physical height, and is going to *stay* here, the better to reach that metaphorical. With a mocking call that could be considered a taunt from on high to those still behind her, she flattens her wings and furls them close, the better to slice through the sky and leave it bleeding stardust in her wake. M'rgan's breathing begins to turn ragged as the strain that Ularrith is putting on his body begins to seep into his connection with his rider. Unfortunately for Mart, that isn't the only thing that seeps in as he ends up with a silly-looking, on him, leering grin as well as he continues to stare at Kassima almost unblinkingly. Dragon> Flight sense that Wroxath wonders if Lysseth studied every poetry book she could get her paws on before this. Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith wonders how close we are to the 'try' poses. A dragon's got to pace himself after all. ;) Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth shakes her head. << Nope. No poetry for me. :) Um... lessee. One more of mine, then capture attempts? :) >> Lysseth> Trying to cut closer and outmaneuver the larger dragons, Bhalth wastes breath on a plaintive croon to Lysseth. Hey lovely lady, we're back -here-. If you could just slow down a bit? He can't seem to catch up to her, so he'll whine. It's worked for guys since time immemorial. Longer pauses begin to form between Bhalth's short skipping thrusts forward as muscles begin to tire. He tries to streamline himself, forcing himself to keep up with the larger dragons despite the extreme height. S'dar twitches uncomfortably, looking as though he would like to shed his body which is causing him undue anguish at this moment, the feelings all completely new to the boy. He has looked Kassi's way warily before, but today there's fear in his eyes for the woman, and for what her dragon is doing to him. Lysseth> That taunt was meant for Nraith, he knows it! His croon in reply is ripped from his maw by the wind, just as his wings rip the wind and force it to his bidding. Again, he croons, as if calling out to her. He would be the one to carry her to those heights she so desires, he would be the one to plummet to those depths she so enjoys, he would be everything for her, bleed for her, die for her. Kassima takes a deep breath, abruptly letting go of that illusion of iron-clad self-control and pressing herself close to the cool wall. Her nails rasp against it as she scrabbles for some sort of support that isn't forthcoming--but her eyes are still blazing, and she tilts her chin to regard those who would regard her in turn with dark emerald defiance. Lysseth> Virroth sends a longing look toward the green before angling himself to rise upwards, strength still abounding from his lower soaring. With a great heave of his body, he rises upward, a blue soaring shield of happiness for this beauty he desires in his young heart. Closer and closer to her.. he imagines he can feel her breath on his muzzle, her heart beating close to his. Lysseth> Kvasith carves the air, on the small side for a brown, he is able to move with out most of the bulk of the other larger dragons. He keeps pressing onward and onward towards the green. Lysseth> Wroxath follows, determination fuelled by the siren song ahead and above. Tired, certainly, but drawing strength from the thought of that lovely green form intertwined with his own... for a moment, he doesn't seem to notice that she's changed direction, and his resulting turn is a moment late. His wings fold back and he dives, hoping perhaps to parlay height into the speed he desires, nay, *needs* to make her his alone. A'lex licks his lips carefully, shoulders tensing as Kassima's nails rasp across the rock. His breathing is shallow, his instincts base. Life is good. Lysseth> Sioneth leans his left wing out, -slightly- upcurling the right. It spins him, around the outside of the pack, as he attempts to gain airspace. He thunders, swiveling his head to keep his wary, whirling eyes on those others and on the brilliang green. R'ehn continues his mumbled dialogue with his lifemate, "No see, if you whine they get annoyed and then they -hit- you..." He swallows several times finally giving up and closing his eyes so as not to have to try and reconcile more sensory input than he has to. Lysseth> The whistling of Ularrith's wings from his sharp turn continues to rise until it sounds like the hunting shriek of a fabled black beast as it flomps off in search of prey. But just as quickly as the beast's cry ends with its death (and that of its animator) so does the whistling end when Ularrith whips himself out of that turn, shoulder muscles bulging as he fights to get ahead of Lysseth. Aurian jerks a bit at the sounds of the nails against stone. She opens her eyes wide, to gaze at Kassima hungrily. Lysseth> Chezroth hisses at the clouds, having conquered them, and soars high above most of the pack, extended wings blanketing them with shadow. Extra bursts of speed are pumped with each beat as the bronze's excitement grows, the feeling of freedom, the life pulsing within him, screaming in his veins. Telgar-LC> A'ser leaves his place by the bowl, and paces uneasily to stand beside the fire. He's dropped and forgotten about that silly pitcher by now. The lad knows better then to linger about afte r a flight, what with all of the weyr-bred shinnanigans that go on and about. But shard it, those other stupid weyrlings are in this flight....and he has to know who wins, and who loses. D'thon reaches out, almost blindly towards the greenrider. A second, half a second, before contact, he jerks his hand away as if burnt, a gasp escaping his lips, and shakes his head to clear it. Again, this has marginal effect. Again... Lysseth> As Lysseth continues her breakneck course, darting and veering as much as the height and her dexterity will allow, her luminescence begins to fade. Like the flames of a shooting star that falls at last to earth, her glow streams away from her, burned up moment by moment as she throws her all and everything into her frantic, desperate, impossible need to *escape*. She can *hear* them behind her, too close behind her, and she will *not* let them triumph over her without putting up every sort of fight imaginable. That's pure and simply the way she is: as stubborn as a goat. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Okay, capture attempts now, please... and I have to say that y'all seem intent on making this *terribly* hard for me. :) >> Kharty leans out from the wall, body arched upwards, sweat now on her brow. Dark eyes burn as she turns toward Kassi, long forgotten is she of her being the rider's mentor. S'dar bites his lip, the feeling of lust exciting, new, and downright frightening to the boy. He grips at his stomach, as though trying to reach in there and pull out the knots, blinking rapidly in his corner. M'rgan smiles as he hears Kassima's nails scrabble against the stone, interpreting the noise as some sort of primitive mating call. The smile is slow, heavy, languid, lusty. It displays the line of his teeth and a bit of his tongue as his mouth drops open. He gives the greenrider a lazy wink as his tongue darts out to touch his lips. Lysseth> Kvasith reaches towards Lysseth, as she is suddenly near trying to foul her wings with his. His eyes locked on the green. She's soooo close... Lysseth> All the suggestive calls and playful challenges have been tossed aside, Bhalth is all business now. Each beat of his be-freckled wings is neat and simple. Pushing past another tiring dragon he tries desperately to get closer to Lysseth struggling up to try to level up with her and entwine his tail with hers. Each wingbeat however is a step closer to exhaustion. Just like a woman, runs you all over the place and still expects something out of you. Kassima bares her teeth in a rictus of outrage, snarling a snarl that would sound more in place if it came from her dragon's throat. *She* isn't given to giving up easily, either. Edging as close to the wall as she can get without actually melding with the stone, she closes her eyes, hurling all of her own resources to her dragon like a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch in hopes that maybe, just maybe, it'll help. Lysseth> Wroxath lets out another screech, this time of exaltation as Lysseth descends towards him with the cool winds rippling around. A wingbeat, another, following the warm smell of her body - close enough, indeed, to smell - and he's rising up through the air to meet her. Up ahead in the distance, the lights of the Weyr twinkle, but the blue's mind is fixed on one thing: to end this night alone, with her. Time stands still as he reaches out, reaches out for her... Lysseth> The lessening of the glow only suprs Nraith on. Closer, she is closer. Each and every snap of his tail makes him stretch, reach, farther.... But she tires where he does not (at least not yet) and this allows him to close that last bit of gap. Collapsing his wings he dives down from above, letting mother Pern and her gravitational attraction pull him downwards towards her. As he nears, he reaches out with wing and limb and neck and tail, trying to snare the dimming flame... Lysseth> Sensing a change in his target's flight, Sioneth spreads his wings, veering to the right and twisting around, tail flapping in tempo. He reaches outward, attempting to get a wingtip close enough to the flaring green to capture her, or at the least befuddle the others. Lysseth> Chezroth hangs over the pack, nearing the glowing Lysseth. Wings hammer the air, creating muffled explosions as the air pops with each beat. Instinctively and without fear he nears the prize, slick hide sparkling wet red in tune with the stars sprinkled in the sky above him. The final swoop will come, wings are spread, the other dragons have disappeared from his sight, the primative energy has built itself up to its pent up maximum. R'ehn frowns to himself, a brief thought of R'ehnish thought invading. He -thought- he was going to deliver glasses, now he's ina cave with Kassi and her vicious nasty teeth. It's time to learn to run faster. These thoughts are discarded, although he trains his gaze intently on the floor. Lysseth> Virroth senses that now is the final moment, the blue puts on a final burst, energetically calling out all that is within him. Bugle matching his attempt, he shoots through the air, almost nipping another dragon who crosses his path too close. He is offering her his whole being, who he is, all he can be as it is her who will bring that out in him, her who will be the victory catch. Close enough to her now, he gives his last try. A'lex stands ramrod straight, neck stretching towards the ceiling. His silver eyes flash almost violet themselves as he locks his gaze again on the Greenrider. Breath rasping in his throat, he shakes. His tensed muscles tire, he needs release. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Ya know, I hate re=reading my poses after I type them... I find so many mistakes... >> Aurian shakes as she watches Kassima, stress and lust is evident from the tension in her body. Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << I was thinking that about my poses too. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Yasinth often does her best to pin all poorly written mistakes on Kvasith, through some device or another. D'thon gasps again - strange, he hadn't realised he was out of breath - and his fingers tremble. Again, he reaches out towards Kassima. Again, his hand pulls back at the last moment. He nibbles on his lower lip, sweat beading on his brow. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << That's always the bad thing about rereading flight-logs. I find all these poses that I wish I'd worded better. :P >> Kharty groans inwardly, pressed outward still, clutching at invisible air about her curled fingers. She chokes on air, then wipes the perspiration with a quick press of her sleeve. Kassi.. Lysseth> Ularrith's neck is stretched out to its furthest extent. The tight tension in the muscles there, like a gitar string that has been tightened too much, is reflective of the tension in his entire body as he struggles to get in front of Lysseth. He is coming in almost perpendicular to her and though the path seems to be right, he may not be fast enough. Deciding that a flesh wound is preferable to a wounding of his pride, the forces his wings to beat a little faster. He can still teach these youngsters a trick or two. Dragon> Flight sense that Wroxath hands Kvasith a sponge and concurs. Got too carried away with some. Dragon> Flight sense that Juliath doesn't think any of you have anything to complain about tonight. :) Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << But I see so many places I could have sucked up better! >> Dragon> Flight sense that Kvasith treats Yasinth like a youger sister, << Brat. >> He dumps the wet sponge on her head. Dragon> Flight sense that Parth croons to Juliath. << Juliath is very sleek and fast when she flies. >> He sounds as if he remembers very well still the warmth of Juliath's agile flying. Dragon> Flight sense that Yasinth wonders if Parth should be calling Juliath slick and fat...even if she is gold. ^_- As Ularrith makes his last desperate stand, M'rgan does as well. With a sharp rocking motion he pushes his shoulders away from the wall and levers himself upright, daringly taking a single step towards Kassima. A bead of sweat shakes loose from his hair at this movement and plinks down on the toe of his boot. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth okays, and gets together with her panel of expert judges to make the final decision. Before I do, *thank* you all for coming. :) A wonderful turnout like this is more flattering than I can say--and, y'know, it seems appropriate to have had nine chasers for my ninth on-camera flight. :) You've all been wonderful, and if it were possible you could all win, I'd make it so. :) Now... everyone's in this for the win, right? Because if anyone paged Kassi, methinks I missed it. Dragon> Flight sense that Juliath rumblesnorts at the young Yasinth. Dragon> Flight sense that Wroxath blinkblinks at Yasinth. Dragon> Prometh bespoke Flight with << Gold? Juliath's is a most lovely Green, Yasinth.:) >> Dragon> Parth bespoke Flight with << Besides which. I said sleek and -fast-. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Virroth would like Lysseth to know that he is honored to have flown his first flight with her! Hubbahubba! Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Suck up. (Wish I'd said that) >> Dragon> Wroxath bespoke Flight with << GOMH, Nraith. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Bhalth snickers. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << I *AM* the Brain Cell... >> Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << I thought Bronzes didn't have braincells? >> Dragon> Flight sense that Sioneth smacks Virroth. << Hey, you trying to make the rest of the homelings look bad? >> Dragon> Flight sense that Juliath sends a puzzled thought << My *image of Meli* wishes to know how you fit in her head sometimes then, Nraith? >> Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Don't make me hurt you. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth would blush, if dragons could blush. << Hey, the honor to have been the dragon to first corrupt you 'Lings is mine. ;) I'm typing up the catch pose... it should be just a second more. Thank you all again. :) >> Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith isn't very good at this but tries anyway. << Lysseth, you are a goddess. I would willingly worship at your feet and drink wine from your shoes. Even those shoes that you've worn until there are holes in the soles and they have that extra special smell about them that always reminds me so wonderfully of you. ;) ;) >> Dragon> Flight sense that Kvasith flutters all his eyelids, << Hurt moi? >> Dragon> Flight sense that Nraith thunders << Great Big Ego, Itty bitty living space, Juliath. >> Dragon> Flight sense that Virroth yelps and looks oddly at Sioneth. << butbutbut >> Dragon> Flight sense that Prometh grins. Virroth, you sound like a boat;) Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Ularrith, are you really THAT desperate? >> Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << That's telling'm Sioneth. Brown power! Yes there is a rather disturbed version of the spice girls about telgar weyr. >> Dragon> Juliath bespoke Flight with << I but, you but, he or she buts... >> Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith is always desperate. But don't tell the ladies that. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Here a but, there a but, everywhere a but but >> Dragon> Virroth bespoke Flight with << We but you but they but? >> Dragon> Flight sense that Bhalth pokes Ulie, << I'm telling Cymrith... ;) >> Dragon> Juliath bespoke Flight with << We know, Uly. Believe me. >> Lysseth> Lysseth continues to zoom along the skies with reckless abandon, burning reserves like a rich person would burn marks, until... she stops. Stutters. Stalls. Her wings give out on her, refusing to serve her sadistic will any further. It's with a cry of despair that she faces the prospect of plummetting to the ground and her death... but look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! Actually, it's a brown dragon, there *just* in time to save her from the terrible peril. Even if he's not Super-Brown, Lysseth clings to Ularrith anyway. Even capture is a better fate than being splattered messily on the grounds below, don't you know. Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith tries to remember how that phrase goes. << A bird in the but is worth two in the hand? >> Dragon> Flight sense that Wroxath hees. Whose but? Dragon> Flight sense that Nraith woohoos for Ularith! Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Hey, I *like* being worshipped. ;) >> Dragon> Juliath bespoke Flight with << Cleanup on Aisle 9!!! >> Lysseth> Bhalth bugles brokenly, frustrated. Exhausted he tucks in his wings slightly, spiraling in long low circles towards the ground, letting the air currents support him. Dragon> Flight sense that Chezroth cheers for Ularrith!! Dragon> Flight sense that Wroxath does the wave to the tune of Tubthumping for Ularrith. :> Lysseth> Nraith shreiks as Ularrith slips in beneath him to snare Lysseth. Throwing himself back into the wind, he returns to the bowl. Dragon> Flight sense that Virroth ooos! Yay, Ularrith! Dragon> Flight sense that Bhalth applauds lots, apllauding is good. S'dar lets out a deep breath, blinking a bit, his eyes moist with the sweat that's dripped from his brow. Dragon> Flight sense that Sioneth woohooos! for Ularrith...and extra ones for Wroxath for the Tubthumpery. Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Flight with << Congrats. >> M'rgan manages to get in a brief "Oh, shells!" before draconic lust takes over his mind and he finds that he doesn't mind his situation so much. Here, Kassi, Kassi, Kassi. Lysseth> Wroxath scissors away, quietly returning to the Weyr without noise or fanfare. Lysseth> Kvasith bugles and heads away flying towards the Star Stones. Lysseth> Kvasith flies downward towards the southern end of the bowl. Dragon> Flight sense that Ularrith is stunned. A'lex shudders and looses his balance, falling back against the wall. With a curse, he whirls and leaves the Guest Weyr. Dragon> Flight sense that Lysseth whews! Gee-yawds, talk about your tough choices... y'all were fantabulous. I do so regret that dragons aren't into menage a... um... great. Three years of french, and I can't remember the word for--oh, yeah! Menage a huit. ;) A'lex leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl. S'dar leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl. R'ehn manages to snap back to sanity thankfully escaping the peril. He flees. Fleeing is a goodness. R'ehn leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Neuf... >> Lysseth> Bhalth flies downward towards the southern end of the bowl. Aurian stands up as quickly as she can, she stumbles out. Lysseth> Nraith flies downward towards the southern end of the bowl. Aurian leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl. Lysseth> Virroth banks sharply, to descend, without her. Lysseth> Chezroth flies downward towards the southern end of the bowl. Lysseth> Virroth flies downward towards the southern end of the bowl. Jayna stumbles out of the weyr. D'thon blinks, shaking his head for a moment. A quiet exhalation, and he steps outside. D'thon leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl. Jayna leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl. Lysseth> Sioneth flies downward towards the southern end of the bowl. Kassima blinkblinks back to herself, and for one moment, looks horrified. Lyss, are you *sure* death wouldn't have been...? Oh, to heck with it. She steps over to the brownrider, throwing her arms around him. Mine! Kharty attempts one step then another,silently walking toward the door. Kharty leaves the weyr and heads out into the bowl. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Flight with << Would've been neuf, if Sorath had gotten back in time. :) >> Dragon> Juliath bespoke Flight with << Et avec ca, je deviens me coucher. >> Lysseth> Ularrith is certainly too much of a gentledragon to let Lysseth go plunging to the ground. So in order to keep her from injuring herself, and for that reason only of course, he twines his tail and neck with hers, wings spreading wide to slow their fall. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Flight with << Let me have my fantasy's, okay? >> Lysseth> Oh, sure. Only for that reason. Lysseth is *so* sure. But, hey, far be it from a lady to reject chivalry... whatever the actual motive.