The Hatching of Gold Fianath and Brown Farlioth's Clutch
PernMUSH, September 16, 1994

The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. Many thanks go to Jehrina for providing this log.

S'drel waves, salutes, or hugs people as appropriate, and quiets to help 
lessen lag. (As he busily Halts items :)

Kheveth nuzzles Mirth back, and concentrates on the sands below.

Elth backwings and lands nearby.

T'lyn slides down Tabbenth's neck to his offered foreleg, and jumps to the 

Corrin slides down to Erith's proffered foreleg then to the ground.

E'dran slides down to Erith's proffered foreleg then to the ground.

T'lyn says "Hello all..."

From atop Erith, Ariandra unfastens the straps, tugging at the leather for 
a moment before the tight fit of leather in the buckle slides free.

Casorth warbles merrily to ELth.

From astride Elth's neckridges, Amara unbuckles herself from the straps.

Elth drops down next to Casorth.

Amara swings one leg down from Elth, stepping down to her offered 
forelimb, and then to the ground.

Gwyneth smiles and waves to T'lyn, "Heya stranger"

Sianth crooons softly to Tayleth, and then goes back to watching the eggs, 
eyes whirling soft blue.

J'cot waves to T'lyn. "Howdy."

Jehrina waves to J'cot.

Corrin salute all of the riders..

Tasya waves. "Amara!" She goes to sit by Amara and K'vein, Polleth making 
his way after her.

E'dranlooks around and salutes the riders.

T'lyn says "Heya J'cot..."

Jehrina eesh. Salutes. 8P

Ariandra slides down to Erith's proffered foreleg then to the ground.

Amara waves to Tasya and runs over to K'vein, giving him a big hug.

J'cot waves over to Jehrina as he notices her. "Hello Benden!"

P'tran makes one huge wave to all and goes back to being quiet (for 
once :) )

Beltanth rumbles to Erith, then returns to splitting his attention between 
his cold, silent rider and the heat of the Sands.

T'lyn smiles at Gwyn..."Heya dear..."

Cataryth backwings and lands nearby.

Janelle threatens saluting Weyrlings with dire things if they ever salute 
her again.

K'vein grins and holds his arms out to his weyrmate, flashing a smile at 

T'lyn smiles at Aria too and hugs hello..."Heya there..."

Kirse smiles at another group from High Reaches Weyr then glances back 
down for the first glimpse of candidates.

From Cataryth's back, Aninna chuckles at Janelle.

Ariandra smiles, waving and murmuring hellos. Occasionally she hugs 
someone she knows well.

Jehrina grins at Janelle, agreeing fully.

From Cataryth's back, Aninna unstraps herself from the solo riding straps.

Amara gives her weyrmate and quick kiss and turns t give Tasya hug as 

Aninna slides down Cataryth's leg gracefully, landing lightly on the 

Corrin blushes deeply...

Gwyneth grins and winks at the weyrlings, "Don't be scared of Janelle, 
she'll all bark and no bite" ;)

R'lain finds a comfortable perch near Thoth and Jacella and sits.

Amara turns to Tasya, "Ok, I'm sure the rumors got back to you, they 
always do, and I'll let you know right now, they are true."

Janelle hah!@s at Gwyneth.

Kheveth rumblesnorts.

Tasya frowns at Amara. "I'm clueless. What rumors?"

T'lyn says "Not true.. she's bitten me before... ;)"

K'vein raises and eyebrown. "Rumors, love?

Ariandra takes a seat between Erith's forelegs and smiles, her eyes 
glowing dark blue.

Gwyneth grins at Janelle, "Hey remember I knew you when..." ;)

Corrin smiles...

Amara turns to K'vein with a grin, "You didn't tell her?"

Gwyneth laughs, "and I'm sure you loved it T'lyn" ;)

Jacella sits down with R'lain, spreading her skirts out on the rocky 
ground. Phaeth draws nearer to the grouping, her humming rising in 
creshendo, slowly.

K'vein laughs softly. "Only person I've told is Cinne.

Aninna smiles, and takes a seat near her lifemate, who managed to squeeze 
into a perfect spot. She looks down at the sands, counting all the eggs.

S'drel sits next to Avoth, quietly.

Corrin looks at E'dran.."We get to watch this one.." and winks at him..

T'la escapes to a quiet section of the ledges :)

T'lyn grins at Gwyn..."Well yea, but... ;)"

Tasya well? :)

G'fen sits down and quietly watches the action.

Thoth adds his deep bass hum to the chorus, vibrating the teeth of those 
near him.

Cyth backwings and lands nearby.

Gwyneth giggles.

Jehrina sits down in front of Leilanth and watches quietly.

Gwyneth finds some old papers from back when she started and thinks we 
should have waited till the 22nd :) and had this hatching on the 
anaiversary(SP) of the hatching that Ambar impressed at :)

Amara coughs and tries again, "What do you think of the name Kevara?"

E'dran grins at Corrin, "Makes it a litle less nerve racking doesnt it..."

Corrin looks at E'dran.."Veronica is a candidate here...should be quite 
interesting..and I believe she will impress this time."

Tasya cheers!

K'vein waves over at P'ral with a friendly grin, then turns to Amara. 
"Already told you I like it.

Amara looks at Tasya with a smile.

Aeolth backwings and lands nearby.

Amara says "I was asking Tasya...""

Tasya bounces over and hugs Amara and K'vein and then even tries to hug 
Elth. "FanTAStic."

E'dran nods to Corrin, "I hope so"

Beltanth remains, strangely, silent -- or at least very quiet. Perhaps 
it's because of his Rider....

Amara gives K'vein a friendly punch on his arm.

K'vein nods off against Amara's shoulder quietly.

Corrin nods.." will be less nerve racking...I wonder who else is 

Amara hugs her weyrmate gently.

T'lyn is shocked, Beltanth... truly... ;)

Cyth snuggles next to Casorth.

Elth bugles softly.

E'dran shrugs, "I havent' heard."

Jehrina pokes S'drel to see if he's still conscious. ;)

Beltanth is responsive for a dragon, T'lyn. ;)

S'drel is, he's just quiet. :) He pokes back.

Jehrina eeps.

T'lyn laughs

From Aeolth's back, C'dre unstraps himself before dismounting.

Avoth snorts.

Leilanth rumbles amusedly.

Kirse waves at C'dre. "Hurry, it'll be starting!"

Ariandra smiles, "This will be the second hatching I've seen."

P'tran places himself betwen Jehrina and S'drel :)

Elth croons softly to Cyth from snuggling Casorth's otherside.

Jehrina 8P at Avoth and Leilanth.

Pliarth backwings and lands nearby.

Ryialla undoes the buckles and straps tying her to Pliarth.

Gwyneth chuckles and thinks Casorth is a popular dragon tonight

Ryialla quickly slides down Pliarth's foreleg and jumps to the ground. She 
turns to pet Pliarth's muzzle and grins as she gets soundly whuffled.

Merinth backwings and lands nearby.

C'dre jumps off Aeolth's back with an amazing, agile flip.

S'drel chuckles, and waves to Ryialla.

E'dran smiles at Ariandra, "Does that count the one at High reaches?"

Arimeth backwings and lands nearby.

Jehrina grins, "H'lo Ryialla."

C'dre smiles to everyone, and walks over to Kirse.

Ryialla salutesand waves and all that..then goes to sit with her fellow 

Tilani slides easily out of her seat on Merinth's neck to land on the 

Amara looks at all the pale mottled eggs.

T'lyn says "Ack, its a Tilani.. ;)"

Ariandra chuckles and shakes her head, "I don't count the one when I 

Jehrina oh nos! Not a Tilani!

Corrin smiles.."This will be the second I've watched...third hatching I've 
been to though.."

Allis clambers down from Merinth's neck.

From on top of Arimeth, Zeby waves and salutes all the riders, "Hello!"

Aurelinth lowers her head and Darci slides down from her neck and jumps 
the last few feet to the ground.

T'lyn says "Allis!"

Ariandra waves to Darci as Erith croons to Aurelinth softly.

R'lain waves to Ryialla from his seat.

T'lyn smiles....

C'dre waves to Allis and Tilani.

Aninna salutes C'dre and Allis.

Tilani salutes the riders. "Hello."

Ryialla waves to R'lain.

Kirse smiles up at C'dre. "Have a seat." She grins and waves over at Darci 
then Allis. "Hey, 'Lis!"

Zeby calls for Arimeth to extend her leg so that people can get on and off 
her which she does right away.

Amara thinks, "This will be my fourth, if I count the one I Impressed 

Zeby climbs down from Arimeth's extended leg.

S'drel scoots over for Ryialla, or does she want to sit between him and 

Jehrina eesh, more salutes. 8P

Zeby calls for Arimeth to pull up her leg so people can't climb on and off 
her anymore and she quickly moves back her leg.

Ryialla says "Heyla, 'Rina.."

Aninna waves to Zeby and Tilani.

C'dre salutes back at Aninna.

Allis smiles and waves, turning back to looks at the sands.

J'cot waves to teh arriving Igenites. "Hi there!"

E'dran smiles at Zeby

Darci finally catches up with the other highReachers, and she and 
Aurelinth settle by them.

Mirth warbles hellos to Aurelinth.

Zeby waves to E'dran, "Hi!!"

Gwyneth waves to Darci.

P'tran waves to Ryialla. She can sit here if she wants :)

From the Hatching Sands, Fianath thrums softly as the eggs shiver, sending 
grains of sand cascading away from the mound. Kirra steps backwards a bit, 
grinning at Miritha, then glances briefly towards the tunnel.

Jehrina moves a bit, and sits in her usual spot. On P'tran. ;)

Darci waves to Gwyneth and everyone else on the ledges.

P'tran grins

From the Hatching Sands, Tariana walks out of the waiting room.

Beltanth and T'rod stand (well, in the dragon's case, sit) somewhat apart 
from the rest; the bronze gives an image of a vaguely curious feline, and 
the black-shrouded rider....

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, N'ren walks out of the waiting room.

Ryialla moves to sit on P'tran and drats. ;)

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn walks out of the waiting room.

Corrin watches...looking at all the riders and dragons..

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan walks over near Kirra after a polite bow 
to Fianath.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin walks out of the waiting room.

Jehrina smirks, "Mine, Ryialla, get yer own."

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica walks out of the waiting room.

P'tran raises an eyebrow at Ryialla :)

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha paces beside Kirra, white clothes and 
blue belt a pristine, shining accompaniment to the order forced onto her 
hair. As Deyaan and N'ren, and finally the Candidates, arrive, she stops, 
settling into a calmer pose.

Tierney grfs. Just when you think you'll make it through a Hatching...

Zeby sits down slowly and watches the candidates walk out, remembering 
what it was like.

S'drel waves at T'rod, and chuckles to Ryialla.

From the Hatching Sands, Diamond walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella walks out of the waiting room.

Tierney climbs up Sianth's foreleg, and swings a leg over, settling gently 
between her neckridges.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta walks out of the waiting room.

T'rod apparently ignores -- or does not see -- S'drel's wave.

Tilani salutes the arriving riders.

Darci smiles and points down at the sands, rememberingone of the girls 
from their own clutch.

Tilani sits on the edge of the ledge, near Merinth and the other Igenites.

Ryialla looks about ,dosn't find a lap she likes and leans up against 
Pliarth instead.

E'dran smiles at Corrin then turns to watch the sands

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen hangs onto Metta's hand and scowls at 

From the Hatching Sands, Diamond walks to the far side of the sands, 
watching the candidates walk around the eggs.

From the Hatching Sands, Tariana steps carefully on the superheated sands 
and takes a place off to the side against the wall, near the waiting room 

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Several eggs give shudders and spins.

From the Hatching Sands, N'ren smiles at Miritha and Kirra, quiet, walking 
behind Deyaan.

Aisha emerges from behind the big sack she's carrying.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre walks out of the waiting room.

Amara settles down to quietly watch, and try not to make any bets this 

Corrin salutes at riders...

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew takes a deep breath as he comes on the 
sands. He bows slightly to the Weyrleader, Weyrwoman, then Miritha and 
Kirra. Lastly he bows deeply to the dragons, and then turns to face the 

Zeby notices Tilani and remembers to salute as each rider arrives, looking 
less and less enthusiastic about it each time.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Fianath shifts from foot to foot, not nervous, 
but very, very attentive. She scrutinizes each person in the herd of 
Candidates as they walk past and bow, a far cry from the amiable gold of 
the past sevendays.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna nods nervously to first Fiananth and then 
the Weyrwoman and Miritha, turning back to murmer to Cija, pointing at 
some of the rocking eggs.

Aninna grins at Tilani, "Quite a view from here."

Aisha slides down off Lunarth's back.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta walks out with Kathen and looklooks at the 
eggs, all worried.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks up at Fianath and bows to her, the 
weyrwoman, Miritha, and all assembled.

Aisha smiles and waves.

E'dran begins saluting starting at one side and working around.

P'tran waves to Aisha

From the Hatching Sands, Talion walks out of the waiting room.

S'drel watches the arriving candidates.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre looks up at Fianath, and looking up into 
the great sparkling eyes, slowly nods...

Ryialla wavewavewaves to Aisha!

From the Hatching Sands, Garren nods to Kirra and Miritha, then stares at 
the eggs.

Kheveth rumbles, the humming taking an upturn in loudness as his rider 
appears on the Sands.

Tilani grins at Aninna, and teases, "Wanna jump?"

Tilani waves to Aisha.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella comes onto the sand, and after a curtsy to 
the the gold and the weyrleaders, she then faces the eggs

From the Hatching Sands, Kirra smiles an easy grin at the Candidates, 
occasionally elbowing Miritha while murmuring something quietly.

From the Hatching Sands, Farlioth studies every Candidate with whirling 
eyes, blue and green but spinning very, very fast.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija minces quickly up beside Treyna after having 
made her respects to the dragons and riders.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne watches everything wide-eyed and somewhat 
mystified as she takes ehr place.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion bows slowly to Fianath and Farlioth, and 
then to Kirra and Miritha.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen moves Metta in front of him, his hands 
heavy on her shoulders.

From the Hatching Sands, Morwyn walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks over at Kirra and flashes a very 
nervous grin in her direction.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala walks out, and bows a little jerkily to 
Fianath, the weyrwoman, and Miritha, and joins the group of candidates, 
blotting her eyes with the back of her hand.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree ohs happily. It's finally happening! :)

P'tran raises and eyebrow as he sees Sylvidre on the sands

From the Hatching Sands, Bairn walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican moves over towards Veronica, offering 
a bow at to the dragons and their riders.

Jehrina waves to Aisha from ehr usual spot. 8)

P'tran hmms

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica chews her lip badly now as she nods with 
an excited expression to Fiananth, the Weyrwoman and Miritha. She then 
hops her gaze to the eggs.

Merinth joins the other dragons in a low thrumming tone, vibrating from 
her throat.

Aisha smiles. "Hi P'tran, Ryialla and Jehrina."

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna shifts slightly from foot to foot as the 
heat of the sands breaks through her awareness.

From the Hatching Sands, Splashed Klah Egg gives a hop on the sand.

From the Hatching Sands, Silver Festooned Ecru Egg gives a hop on the 

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree pays her respects to the weyrleaders, and 
the riders of the proud parents.

From the Hatching Sands, Waxed Profane Egg gives a hop on the sand.

S'drel waves to Aisha too.

Kirse nods, grinning, at her old friend Aisha, then focusses on the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks down at his feet for a moment, then 
begins to shift from foot to foot.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre looks away from the queen, then to the 
weyrleaders, then to the eggs...

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn stares down at the eggs, moving from foot 
to foot, visibly wincing at the heat.

Cataryth adds her humming to the voices of the others, raising the overall 
pitch somewhat.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna bites her lower lip in excitement, 
forgetting everything else as the eggs start to move in earnest.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta looks up at Kathen and gives him a small 

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne shifts on the Sands, more from anxiety 
than from the heat.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella eyes go straight towards the egg as she 
absentmindly shuffles her feet

From the Hatching Sands, Talion bows finally to Deyaan and moves back to 
stand with the rest of the candidates.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree's attention is consumed by the active eggs, 
and she wathces them intently.

From the Hatching Sands, Bairn cocks her head as Tariana whispers to her, 
and slips back into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala jumps a little as the eggs hop, and hides 
behind another candidate. She scans the galleries quickly, makes a curious 
expression, and turns back to the eggs.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew stands apart from the other Candidates, 
and watches the eggs curiously, not even noticing the heat of the sands 

From the Hatching Sands, Splashed Klah Egg rocks back and forth until 
sliding off the mound, sliding to a stand still.

From the Hatching Sands, Bairn walks into the waiting room.

Aisha smiles and settles down in a hollow on the ledge.

From the Hatching Sands, Silver Festooned Ecru Egg does a little hop 
before spinning around a few times.

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan smiles at the young faces, and stands near 

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks at Aragorn and swallows hard.

Jehrina starts for a moment as Leilanth adds her voice to the thrumming 

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica can't help but smile as the eggs start 
to hop, and glances over at Vanth just for a sec. She's too excited to 
notice the heat... yet.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen hehs down at Metta, watching her, and not 
the eggs.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin stands confidently near his friends, 
attention riveted on the rocking eggs.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija puffs drying hair from her eyes as they skip 
from egg to egg then sweep over the stands and back.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks back at Garren and smiels 
nervously, whispering encouragement.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre murmurs gently to Asfala, humming a soft 
song, eyes locked on the eggs.

From the Hatching Sands, N'ren crosses his arms before his chest, standing 
next to Deyaan and Kirra, and glances up at the ledges, smiling when he 
sees his dragon and Mirth.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna bounces lightly up on her toes, having to 
hold herself back from moving any closer to the eggs.

From the Hatching Sands, Waxed Profane Egg rolls enthusiastically, bumping 
into several other eggs before getting stuck in a hollow and being 
confined to rocking back and forth in the crevice of sand.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala's hand finds Sylvidre's, and closes on it 
for reassurance.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree moves slowly sideways, watching the eggs.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta looks back at the eggs again, all 

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne squeezes Galin's hand in encouragement 
and stares intently at the eggs.

Corrin smiles...and reaches to grab E'dran's hand..squeezing it gently..
fingering her necklace..

From the Hatching Sands, Morwyn joins Tariana and takes a relaxed pose, 
watching over the eggs and candidates.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the eggs, staring raptly.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre squeezes firmly, and she looks away for 
a moment to give her a reassuring look. "We're in this together," she 

From the Hatching Sands, Silver Festooned Ecru Egg bangs into the Wax 
Profane Egg as it rolls, and rocks in the opposite direction from it.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion just stands, quietly, barely moving.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen stands stoldily, feet planted in the sands 
with no regard for the heat.

From the Hatching Sands, Fianath rumbles protectively, taking a step 
forward towards the clutch.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna lets her breath out in a whoosh, realizing 
that she had been holding it in her excitement.

S'drel watches the eggs roll on the sands. "Hm. Anyone started betting 

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican inhales deeply, watching in 
thoughtfully amazed silence.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks up at Fianath nervously, backing up 
a bit.

From the Hatching Sands, Splashed Klah Egg hops about, nudging against 
eggs on either side, until coming to a stop once more.

E'dran looks over at Corrin then returns to watching the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin smiles quiet reassurances at Veronne, then 
returns his gaze to the moving eggs.

P'tran always loses :P

From the Hatching Sands, With a burst of shards, a small brown emerges 
from a mottled egg, and drags himself from the scattered egg remnants. He 
nearly stumbles in his rush to get to a small dark-haired boy.

Zeby shakes her head, "I don't bet."

From the Hatching Sands, Ella watches the eggs in facination as she slows 
her shuffling down.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala glances at Sylvidre and smiles gratefully, 
though wet eyes.

Aisha leans over and patpats P'tran.

Ariandra murmurs quietly, "I'll bet on Veronica."

Kirse leans out to look down. "I don't know anyone to bet on. Who would do 

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles happily at the brown and the boy.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew stands, his arms limp at his side as he 
watches the eggs rock. He smiles as the first dragon hatches.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks back to the boy, grinning. "Great 

Amara glances at S'drel, "nope."

T'lyn says "Brown is the first.. how fitting.. ;)"

Zeby quiets up as the first egg hatches, and the first Impression is made.

J'cot watches eagerly, though he does occasionally glance around at those 
around him.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican smiles at the first impression.

Tabbenth warbles proudly...

Gwyneth grins.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree ohs, with her hand over her mouth. tears 
are in her eyes already..

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne smiles at the pair and peers intently 

E'dran turns and nods, "Veronica I would bet on"

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna smiles at the first little hatchling, 
turning to congratulate the young boy.

P'tran seems to jinx candidates when he bets on them so he will wisely 
refrain :)

S'drel chuckles. "A brown. not bad."

R'lain says "Hmm. I'll put an eighth down on...hmm. Sylvidre, to Impress a 

Corrin frowns..."I also will bet on Veronica will impress..5 marks on she 

Mirth thrummmms

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles warmly at Lyree and puts an arm 
around her shoulders.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre smiles faintly, wistfully..her hands 
clenches convulsively, though her face is (desperately?) calm.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija's head whips around in time to see the first 
Impression, and some tension leaks from her body as she looks over the 
rest of the clutch.

Tilani turns to Aninna, "Veronica is your friend, no?"

From the Hatching Sands, Talion cannot help but smile at the little brown, 
his body seems to relax somewhat.

Amara clenches her hand in the effort to keep from betting

Zeby says "She's mine. I didn't know she knew Aninna."

Aisha smiles. "Well, I'd bet on Galin if I had any marks."

From the Hatching Sands, Fianath's edgy rumbles quiet at the first 
Impression and brief soothing from her weyrmate

Tilani blinks, and turns to Zeby, "That's right."

Jehrina nods, "Me too, Aisha."

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica opens her mouth with awed surprise, and 
smiles waay over at the young boy, his dragon; the very firs impression.

Ariandra looks up at Erith and smiles, nodding, "Brown is very good, yes."

P'tran smiles

Ryialla says "Half a mark Galin Impresses..anything. ;)"

Kheveth thrummmmmmmmmmmmmmms, and lets out a loud BUGLE as the first 
dragon, a brown, makes his way around.

Tilani scratches her head, "I'm losing my mind."

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala relaxes a little at the sight of the first 
impression, and, pumping Sylvidre's hand once, turns to watch the other 

Kirse tosses Ari a grin of agreement.

E'dran chuckles at Erith.

T'rod's form remains immobile, glaring coldly down at the Sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Fianath retreats slightly, to rest next to 

Jehrina grins at Tilani, "Likely it's yer dragon."

T'lyn says "Isn't it too late, Tilani? ;)"

From the Hatching Sands, Silver Festooned Ecru Egg burrows a little into 
the sand with all its rocking.

Ariandra smiles over at Kirse, almost winking.

Aninna smiles, "I don't know her well, Tilani. But that's OK - all the 
names and face."

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna turns back from the brown with his new 
lifemate to watch the eggs once more.

Mirth rumbles on a happy note.

Tilani nods to Jehrina, and says to T'lyn, "What 'Rina said."

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree giggles as her favourite egg digs itself 
into the sand.

From the Hatching Sands, Farlioth rumbles happily, nuzzling Fianath before 
turning his attention to the very first hatchling.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella smiles as she watches the joy in the browns 
and lifemate eyes, but quickly turns back to the other eggs

Aisha grins at Tilani and Jehrina.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen takes a step back, his hands still on 
Metta's shoulders.

Allis smiles.

Aurelinth warbles delightedly at the hatching eggs, unfolding and 
refolding her wings more comfortably, not noticing that she brushes the 
heads of several other spectators with her wings as she does so.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne steps nack a little, somewhat angstfully, 
and watches...

From the Hatching Sands, With a sudden rending of the Silver Festooned 
Ecru Egg, a green snout pushes out of the egg and a damp, dusky green 
shape dumps out onto the black sand. A Spindly Solemn Green Hatchling 
straightens herself out from the pile of shards and shakes loose the egg 
membrane tatters from her wings.

Gwyneth grins at her dragon, "Ack I hope that new browns not -just- like 
Fari, one of him is enough." ;) :) ;0

Amara murmurs sadly, "So many Candidates, so many happy and broken 
hearts...I wish I'd remembered to bring a 'skin."

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica quietly sways her brown eyes back to the 
lovely mound of rocking eggs, the rims almost melting to keep back happy 

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn gasps, wide-eyed at the green. He steps 
back involuntarily.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew instincticely takes a step forward as the 
dragonette stumbles out of the shards. His eyes sparkle and a slight smile 
tugs at the corners of his mouth as he watches the little green.

K'vein wakes slightly with a soft snort, bets a Mark on Galin and one on 
Veronne before nodding off again.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican sighs softly with a smile at the first 

P'tran laughs at Gwyneth

J'cot chuckles at Gwyneth, nodding. "I'm sure."

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna sighs in wonderment at the beauty of the 
solemn little green.

From the Hatching Sands, Splashed Klah Egg jumps and spins, two cracks 
begining to appear over the eggs serface.

Janelle grins at Gwyneth!

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks at the Green in awe.

T'lyn grins..."Agreed.. now if He's like *Tabbenth*... ;)

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne oos at the green's emergence and watches 

From the Hatching Sands, Waxed Profane Egg rocks enthusiastically in its 
confining hollow, long cracks of stress appearing in the brightly colored 

Gwyneth groans, "Even worse" ;)

Kheveth rumbles happily, and BUGLES again, just because.

Amara winces at the the thought of many Farlioth's. "Then again, the 
thought of many Orillenth's wasn't too pleasing either. ;)"

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan smiles at the eggs and murmurs something 
to Kirra.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija spots the green through the forest of white 
robes, but keeps glancing at the other eggs, her brows slightly dipped 
over dark eyes.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala rocks back and fort on her hot feet, and 
tiptoes to see the green.

Ariandra blinks overat Amara.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta takes a step back without realizing it.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella looks at the green hatchling with a smile as 
she shuffles on the sand nervously

Tabbenth croons to Gwyneth...

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree sighs happily and watches the green free 
herself from her shell.

J'cot laughs!

Tasya heh's at Amara. "And now we'll be getting many Amara's--shards. :)"

Jehrina grins, "Try dealin' with this monster." Leilanth peers down at her 
rider, and snorts loudly, before humming again.

T'lyn laughs

S'drel smiles.

Darci chuckles softly at Amara's comment, "All of Orillenth's children are 
quite a pleasure."

T'rod abruptly turns and climbs aboard Beltanth...

T'rod climbs up onto Beltanth's neck with the aid of one of the dragon's 
knees and the flying straps.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre's jaw is clenched very tightly, and her 
eyes are locked on the green...she seems almost frozen in place as her 
hand slips from Asfala's.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna holds her self in check as she stares at 
the green, silently willing it to move closer.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica smiles softly at the first female 
dragonette, and fidgits with the hem of her robe.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin scrutinizes the hatchlings and eggs, 
shifting his weight anxiously.

From the Hatching Sands, Spindly Solemn Green Hatchling flaps her wet 
wings, and peers around her, as if to figure out just what she's supposed 
to be doing.

Amara chuckles, "Hey, I say it all in jest. And it is a girl, I can tell 
you that much...."

R'lain smiles as he watches, eyes distant as he remembers...

E'dran smiles at Darci.

Aisha grins and shakes her head.

Ryialla says "At least yours MOVES, 'Rina.."

Corrin looks down at the hatching grounds..hoping Veronica will impress 
this time..

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen scowls slightly, but doesn't move, letting 
Metta stick close to him.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn steps forward a bit more confidently, 
smiling down at the green.

Gwyneth smiles over at J'cot.

Tasya hm's at Amara? "How do you know?"

T'lyn says "Lets just hope there isn't another Valenth down there.. ;)"

Tilani looks at T'rod's departure and just shakes her head, terribly 

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne smiles at Galin through awed-eyes as she 
watches the green move about the group assembled.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen hehs, "Green..of course."

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha smiles at the green encouragingly; her 
right hand touches Kirra's shoulder, light, almost unconcious.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree almost swears, as she suddenly notices how 
*hot* her feet are..

Pliarth snorts. She moves. When she wants to.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren watches Kathen for a moment, then a large 
grin corsses his face.

From the Hatching Sands, 

A Mottled Pale Blue Dragonette bursts from his shards.

   His hide is made of mottled and speckled pale blues blending together 
to make a mosaic of glacier and sky. He shakes himself vigorously, almost 
as if shivering, sending a blizzard of white shards everywhere. Lifting 
his head, he surveys the line of Candidates cooly, though his eyes betray 
the fire within him, while his hide dries ever lighter. With a passionate 
bugle, he leaps away from his shards, heading for the Candidates.

Amara chuckles softly, "I am sure they, as is Orillenth himself. YOu know 
he caught my Elth as well..."

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn grins

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala watches the green, stepping back away from 
it a little.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion inches forward and forces himself to stop, 
with much gritting of teeth.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks at the blue in awe, letting out a 

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna stays in her spot, smiling at the green, 
mumuring almost to herself encouragement.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks back to the new BLue. "A blue..." he 
whispers softly.

J'cot smiles back at Gwyneth.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican crosses his arms over his chest, 
shoulders slumping a little as he relaxes, watching the first hatchlings 
with a smile.

E'dran grins at the blue, "Imagine that...a blue with energy."

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew looks at the blue from the corner of his 
eyes and turns towards him, eyes wide with admiration for the little 

From the Hatching Sands, Galin cracks a grin as the blue emerges.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella stands mostly still, while watching the 
green with a hopeful glance, until the heat makes her feet move again

Corrin chuckles.."Reminds me a bit of Windraveth that blue does.."

Jehrina grins over at Ryialla.

T'lyn says "Who would have thunk.. ;)"

From the Hatching Sands, Cija raises her head to see the blue better, 
hands dug into the sides of her robe.

Mirth watches the flurry on the sands and hummms happily.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna glances over briefly to smile at the the 
not very shy blue.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree is distracted form the green by the 
emergence of more hatchlings. So much to wathc!

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica holds her place in the sands, not daring 
to move an inch, lest to scare the lovely glistning blue and green. She 
continues to smile.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre looks from the green to the blue, and 
shitfs suddenly from foot to foot, as if she had forgotten just how warm 
the sands really are.

Amara turns to Elth, "I know that look. They are definately too young!"

Gwyneth rolls her eyes at her dragon.

T'lyn chuckles

From the Hatching Sands, Metta opens her eyes wide as she watches the 
dragonettes with asmile, picking her fet up from time to time.

Beltanth launches from the ledge and into the air.

Tabbenth warbles happily

Tasya grins at Amara. "She's not proddy again -already-?"

From the Hatching Sands, N'ren chuckles quietly, watching. He glances back 
up at the dragons again, and turns slightly, trying to keep all the 
cracking eggs within his sight.

Gwyneth chuckles at Amara. "Her too huh?"

Zeby's eye mist up for a moment as she talks to her dragon, but as they 
turn back to normal she tries to hold back a laugh.

From the Hatching Sands, Tariana shifts a bit on the sands.

Darci points out another girl to the weyrlings sitting ner her, "That girl 
there, I don't know her name, but she looks a solid type. I think I saw 
her somewhere around our weyr too."

Tabbenth slips in a croon to Elth..

J'cot glances up at Mirth, then smiles at Gwyneth. "Not much longer before 
she's acting like that for _you_."

Amara chuckles to Ista weyrwoman, "Yes ma'am."

From the Hatching Sands, A group of older boys wistfully watch a damp and 
creeling bronze fall from its confining shards. Righting itself with a 
minimum of effort, the bronze cocks his head once before making a beeline 
towards a tall, gawky boy with bright red hair. "His name is Vsorth!"

Ryialla grins at Pliarth. "Thank goodness you're *not* proddy.."

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen wiggles Metta's shoulders back and forth, 
keeping her limber. " either go ear 'em, or you run the other 

From the Hatching Sands, Diamond grins, watching the candidates.

From the Hatching Sands, Mottled Pale Blue hatchling studies the row of 
candidates before him, walking carelessly towards them. He lifts his head 
a bit higher to see better.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin wipes the beads of perspiration from his 
forehead with a hand, lacking any sleeves to use.

E'dran hmms and tries to get a look at the girl.

From the Hatching Sands, Lace Bedecked Cream Egg gives a hop on the sand.

Gwyneth grins

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew continues to stand comfortably on the 
sands, not even feeling the heat, just watching the little blue with wide 
eyes, scarcely daring to hope that he'll come this way.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles happily for the boy and Vsorth.

Elth slips in a croon back, now that Casorth is completely asleep.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican grins in silence.

S'drel grins.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija whispers to Treyna, "I *thought* he 

P'tran nearly flinches at the word 'proddy' ...

From the Hatching Sands, Spindly Solemn Green Hatchling turns around and 
peers at a few other her clutchmates for a moment, then turns and follows 
their direction towards the Candidates.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne grins at the latest Impression and 
wacthes the cracking eggs witha glimmer in her eyes.

Ryialla smiles as the first bronze Impresses. :Oh very good.."

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha's head turns towards the bronze, and then 
upwards, to meet the eyes of the brown whose neck suddenly arches over 

Polleth playfully interposes his head between Tabbetnth and Elth and 

From the Hatching Sands, Talion chews his lip, again resisting the urge to 
move forward.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren smiles to Vsorth and his lifemate.

Jehrina makes a face at the mention of 'proddy' and glances over her 
shoulder at Leilanth.

Aninna smiles, "That lacy egg looks alot like Cataryth's."

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn turns to watch the spindly solemn green 
with an amused grin on his face.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna turns to smile as another impression 
occurs. She eargerly turns back to nod at the little green beauty as she 
moves closer.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala sees the bronze Impress and smiles. She 
keeps hopping back and forth on her hot feet.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella smiles as she hears the name of the bronze, 
but her attention remains rivetted on the hatchlings in front of her.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree is so busy admiring hatchlings, she almost 
doesn't get out of the way as the blue goes by her...

Tilani nods to Aninna, "Indeed."

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan folds her arms in front of her, and shifts 
a bit on the hot sands, herself.

From the Hatching Sands, Lace Bedecked Cream Egg rolls end-over-end, 
coming to an awkward stop.

From the Hatching Sands, Dew Grey Egg gives a hop on the sand.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica spots the bronze impression from the 
corner of her eye, and grins, still not daring to move her gaze from the 
emerald or bluebell.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre's hands slowly clench into fists, so 
tightly the knuckles are white; she moves forward a little, nearer the 
others, then stops abruptly, taking a deep breath.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican shuffles his feet as the heat starts 
to bother him a little.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks out of the waiting room.

Jacella wrinkles her nose up as the word 'proddy' seems to be making its 
way about the ledge. She smiles then, though, and gives R'lain a quick 

Gwyneth grins at the first bronze, "Wonder how many more. 2 or 3.... or 
more, given the dam and sire and they great stock they come from."

From the Hatching Sands, Talion watches the bronze and mate move off, 
something akin to a mix of envy and happiness.

R'lain hugs back and murmurs something to Jacella.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin flashes a congratulatory smile at the 
bronzerider, then returns his attention to the hatchlings that are 

From the Hatching Sands, Dew Grey Egg rocks out of a hollow. After a 
moment or two more, it stills.

Mirth croooms smugly.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree smiles a congratulations to the new 

From the Hatching Sands, A fair-sized green manages to hatch herself after 
several minutes of struggle with a difficult shell. She makes her 
purposeful way towards a young woman almost immediately, and impresses 
soon after.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna can't decide which way to look first as 
she is slightly overwhelmed by all the action on the sands. Her attention 
is caught again by the green as she wobbles slightly

Kirse leans way over with a frown, trying to see things better.

Corrin wipes a few tears from her eyes..and mutters something about 
something in her eye..

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn grins happily for the woman and the 
green, shifting from one foot to the other on the burning heat of the 

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne's glance darts about as she tries to take 
everything in at once...

E'dran smiles at Corrin and gives her hand another squeeze.

Jacella smiles at R'lain, and nods.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen nudges Metta a bit forward, making sure 
he's well behind her.

From the Hatching Sands, Waxed Profane Egg spins urgently, small flakes 
falling from the shell.

Jehrina peers down at the sands, watching Galin and Veronne.

From the Hatching Sands, Mottled Pale Blue hatchling peers up towards a 
hopfull face of a boy, snorting a little, he moves quickly on and stands 
before another, a girl this time.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew concentrates solely on the handsome blue 
fellow, a grin on his face as he watches the dragonette.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala clutches her arms around her, as she peers 
over someone's shoulder.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion oohs at the Dew Grey, his favorite. He 
starts to moves back and forth, one foot to the other, seemingly without 
realizing it.

From the Hatching Sands, Spindly Solemn Green Hatchling half-waddles 
towards the Candidates, stilll trying to get a certain persisten egg shard 
from her wing as she does so. She gives each Candidate in turn a long 

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree's face is streaked with sweat and tears, 
but she doesn't even notice as she watches lives being changed forever...

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna leans forward as an egg is about to hatch, 
sighing as another blue comes out.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks over at the blue, watching it 

From the Hatching Sands, Lace Bedecked Cream Egg rocks some more, small 
cracks spreading their way across the surface.

From the Hatching Sands, Dew Grey Egg rocks once more, slow.

Kheveth rumbles, humming quietly (for him).

From the Hatching Sands, Garren watches the Blue carefully, eyeing the 
other eggs from time to time.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta moves up closer to the rest of the 
candidates, peering around.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna reaches forward, wanting to pull the shell 
off the green, but knowing not to move any closer.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija blinks her own eyes and forcibly relaxes. 
She gives Treyna an inquisitive glance.

Amara hmps softly, thinking Fort is making a very bad showing, coming here 
and falling asleep. :)

Gwyneth watches the blue and green, trying to figure out who they'll 

From the Hatching Sands, Galin looks at the blue hatchling as he moves 
along the semicircle of Candidates, blinking the sweat out of his eyes.

From the Hatching Sands, The small flakes falling away from the Lace 
Bedecked Cream Egg turn into full-blown shards, which suddenly crumble 
entirely to gracelessly spill a Careless Vibrant Blue Hatchling onto the 

T'lyn is not asleep, thank you.. :)

Tabbenth warbles

S'drel chuckles.

Gwyneth grins.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre seems almost whiter than her dress; her 
hair is starkly black, brushing the sand, gathering dust; she doesn't 
notice, not even that she is shifting from foot to foot... she takes a 
small step forward, suddenly, worryobvious as shelooks at the gray egg.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks over at the latest hatchling and 
grins from ear to ear, murmuring, "What a beauty!"

P'tran grins

From the Hatching Sands, Ella shuffles her feet on the hot sand as she 
stands there, staring at the beautiful hatchlings

T'lyn snugs Gwyn to prove it.. :)

Tilani says "Pity."

Ryialla giggles.

From the Hatching Sands, Dew Grey Egg explodes into a flurry of 
back-and-forth motion, brief but productive: a single crack spreads into 
tiny fine lines.

Tilani winks at T'lyn.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne breathes rather audibly as she wtaches 
the hatchlings meander about the Sands.

Amara smiles to T'lyn, "Nope, but K'vein and tasya...tsk tsk. :)

From the Hatching Sands, Talion wipes the sweat from his eyes, trying to 
focus on too many things at once.

Kheveth lifts his head to nuzzle the golden next next to his. His humming 

Jehrina grins, and pokes both bronzeriders from Benden just to make sure 
they're awake. 8)

Mirth bugles loundly to wake the dragons of her 'birth' Weyr.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren grins as another BLue hatches, his grins 
almost forming into a chuckle.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala peers at the beautiful blue that just 
hatched, and smiles.

T'lyn snugs Tilani too, so there.. :)

P'tran ows

Tilani ewww. Ick.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew watches the two blues carefully, chuckling 
as the Vibrant one falls onto the sands, but holding his breath as the 
pale blue comes closer and closer to the candidates.

Mirth croons to Kheveth.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre stops, relaxing suddenly as the egg 
decides to crack.

P'tran is /trying/ to watch a hatching :)

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree wipes some stray hair out of her face as 
she turns to watch yet another egg cracking open, shifting from foot to 

Tilani cuffs T'lyn playfully, "Over there. Over there."

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican watches the two blues and the green, 
anxious to see who they find.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna smiles quickly over at Cija, her eyes 
shining brightly as more eggs hatch. She takes a deep breath, trying to 

Jacella turns her head slightly, looking about the sands, trying to take 
it all in. Suddenly, she grins, and tugs on R'lain's sleeve. "Hey.. I made 
that outfit N'ren's wearing!"

From the Hatching Sands, Spindly Solemn Green Hatchling peers around her, 
and turns her appraising look to a few young girls standing in a cluster, 
and headds in that direction purposefully.

From the Hatching Sands, Careless Vibrant Blue Hatchling pushes out of his 
shards, bumping into another hatchling and two eggs as he finally gets up 
and starts looking around.

T'lyn grins at Tilani

S'drel eeps.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica starts to bounce lightly on the black 
sands, unable to stay still anymore. She smiles softly at the lovely 
leafie green, and the blues.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna grabs Cija's hand in excitement as the 
solemn little green moves even closer.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn grins at the spindly green amusedly, 
noting its new found resolve. He turns and looks at the careless vibrant 
fellow, shifting nervously on the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne turns her gaze to Cija, smiles quickly, 
then watches the hacthlings once more.

Jehrina grins and lays her head on P'tran's shoulder, and continues to 

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala spots the green coming closer, and 
inadvertantly steps back, away.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree holds her breath as the lovely green heads 
her way..

Tilani eyes T'lyn significantly.

From the Hatching Sands, Mottled Pale Blue hatchling peers up towards the 
girl for the longest time, contuning down the line of candidates, her 
looks at everyone, stumbling once or twice, but never quite falling down.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin's gaze alternates between blue and blue, a 
hint of confusion in his demeanor.

Aisha grins at Jacella.

Aninna chuckles.

R'lain looks down at himself, then at N'ren. "Feh. I _would_ come back 
from Sweeps just in time to not change out of my leathers."

From the Hatching Sands, Cija squeezes back and smiles at Veronne, licking 
dry lips.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles gently, watching the mottled blue 
make it's way slowly down the sands.

P'tran places an arm around Jehrina and smiles softly

Amara chuckles softly at R'lain.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew flicks his eyes back and forth, and hopes 
the vibrant blue learns how to coordinate himself, as he's knocking into 
everything. He also watches the pale blue come down to his side of the 
line and takes a deep breath to stay calm.

T'lyn eyes Tilani right back.. :)

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha's eyes flick back and forth, focusing on 
the Candidates, the eggs, her dragon, all in turn.

From the Hatching Sands, A creamy-colored brown stumbles at the feet of a 
young, nervous Candidate who kneels inadvertantly when the brown looks up 
into his eyes, creels of dismay pealing into croons of joy.

Gwyneth grins at R'lain, "Poor dear, well you could always leave and 
change." ;)

Tilani snorts.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre frowns a little, saying, "he'll hurt 
himself," absently...

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna sighs, turning to watch the blue walk down 
the line of candidates, watching him slightly anxiously.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles happily at the change in sounds, a 
blissful smile.

R'lain says "And give up the best seat on the ledges? Never!"

From the Hatching Sands, Cija murmurs to Sylvidre, "Only until he finds 
his mate...."

R'lain grins.

Gwyneth laughs.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella holds her breath as the hatchlings examine 
her, she tries to appear calm and collected, even thou her stomach is in 

From the Hatching Sands, Spindly Solemn Green Hatchling carefully examines 
a few Candidats, and then just STOPS.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree lets her breath out because she just can't 
hold it anymore, and places a steadying hand on Asfala's arm.

Tilani watches the Hatching progress, oh yes.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks over at the Creel and grins.

From the Hatching Sands, Mottled Pale Blue hatchling stops infront of the 
same girl again, peering towards the hopfull face of Veronne.

From the Hatching Sands, A green and a blue both manage to hatch nearly on 
top of one another, and both head for a group of Candidates. The green 
gets there first with a burst of speed, and a young man kneels to embrace 
her with cries of joy.

T'lyn chuckles at Tilani....

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks over at the Spindly green, frowning 
at her sudden stop.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne holds her breathe

Jacella chuckles. "Aw, R'lain. You're handsome even in just riding 
leathers. You don't need anything fancy."

From the Hatching Sands, Talion watches the green dragonette curiously...

P'tran leans forward ..

Jehrina sits up and watches Veronne.

From the Hatching Sands, Careless Vibrant Blue Hatchling almost runs into 
Miritha and Kirra, but trips over a shard and stumbles, his muzzle burried 
in the Sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre nods a little..."Good..." she murmurs...
"He'll stop now..."

From the Hatching Sands, Garren watches the Mottled BLue with abated 

Aisha ooohs softly and peers closely at Veronne.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna watches the green, her excitement 

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn grins and chuckles, watching the blue.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne smiles. "Oh, Swith.... I love you too!"

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala turns to Lyree, and smiles, and looks back 
at the beautiful vibrant blue.

R'lain blushes a truly remarkable shade of beet-red...

T'lyn says "Swith?"

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn grins happily. "Veronne!"

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican sighs for the fallen blue, glancing 
towards Veronne with a smile.

From the Hatching Sands, Kirra grins at the blue, stepping back a 

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna grins, cheering for Veronne.

Ryialla cheers! "Yay Veronne!!!!"

Aisha cheers for Veronne!

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala looks over at Veronne happily!

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree quietly congratulates her friend.

P'tran smiles, "Veronne Impressed!"

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew takes a hesitant step forward as the 
vibrant blue goes down but checks himself, remembering some piece of 
advice about dragonettes. He smiles a congrats at Veronne.

Jehrina cheers!

From the Hatching Sands, Garren lets out a quick yelp. "Veronne!"

R'lain smiles brightly.

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha chuckles at the blue, head tilting; she 
murmurs, "Not us, little one."

Amara smiles brightly and looks up happily at her green.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica suddenly stops chewing her lip, and 
opens her mouth to a tiny O as the green approches. She smiles BIG at 

Gwyneth whooops

Tilani catches sight of Aisha's and Jehrina's attention and follows their 

E'dran smiles at the impression.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion blinks back tears of joy as Veronne 

From the Hatching Sands, Cija murmurs warm congratulations, but returns 
her attention to the clutch with rather frenetic speed.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin beams at Veronne next to him, quelling an 
urge to hug her as he watches her gaze into the hatchling's eyes.

Jacella grins at R"lain, than looks back down to the sands, and cheers for 

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley smiles vibrantly to Veronne, and steps 
forward to escord the newly impressed pair from the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre smiles at Veronne, looking wistful, and 
rather pale...

J'cot cheers for Veronne, his dragon echoing with a soft, happy bugle!

Aninna smiles at the Impression, daydreaming a bit, and leans against the 
legs of her lifemate.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna turns quickly back to the green, waiting 
for her to make another move.

Kirse waves at Liselle, beckoning her over.

From the Hatching Sands, Dew Grey Egg resumes its sudden rocking, violence 
of the motion indicating the fury behind the inhabitant's attempt to 

From the Hatching Sands, Crinkled Lavender Egg gives a hop on the sand.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella cheers for her freind as she impresses, 
before looking at the hatchlings and eggs, wishing that she too will 

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks into the waiting room.

Corrin cheers for the she's cheered for all the others 
that had impressed..

From the Hatching Sands, Fianath croons encouragement.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronne walks into the waiting room.

Kheveth lifts his head, BUGLING again.

From the Hatching Sands, Mottled Pale Blue hatchling walks into the 
waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion shakes a bit, closing his eyes. Thus 
calmed, he opens his eyes once more and looks for the dew grey egg.

Liselle waves and heads over to Kirse after dismounting that dragon that 
dropped her off...

T'lyn chuckles..."Oh hush, Kheveth... ;)"

From the Hatching Sands, Careless Vibrant Blue Hatchling gets up, shaking 
the sand off his muzzle (spraying Kirra and Miritha, and parts of Fianath 
and Farlioth). Somehow, he gets turned in the right direction and sees the 
Candidates. He ambles over dizzily, almost running a few down.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen mutters to Metta "She wasn't all that much 
help in the kitchen anyway."

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn turns and frowns confusedly at the 
mottled blue as it walks off.

From the Hatching Sands, Pale Woodchip Egg gives a hop on the sand.

Mirth echos' Kheveth's bugle.

From the Hatching Sands, Crinkled Lavender Egg rolls off the mound, 
wobbling in a half-circle.

P'tran moves foward a bit to see if any of the hatchlings are near Galin

C'dre smiles and cheers.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn turns to stare at the vibrant blue.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta watches all the dragonettes as she bites 
her lip.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren watches the VIbrant Blue amusedly.

Gwyneth watches the blue, "I hope there are no serious injurys to the 
candidates tonight."

From the Hatching Sands, Stubbornly, the Dew Grey Egg refuses to 
completely shatter until one last, desperate heave sends it careening into 
a neighboring egg. The remainder of the shell seems to crumple, leaving a 
Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling standing amidst the rubble.

Ryialla eeps. "That poor blue..."

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala hears Kathen and frowns.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin peers at the careless blue.

Kirse cheers at the new brown.

E'dran hmms

From the Hatching Sands, Pale Woodchip Egg gives one LONG shiver and then 
stops. It twitches a few times, throwing black sand up into the air.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks up suddenly. "A brown!" He watches 
it raptly

Kheveth bugles again. A new brown!

T'lyn smiles at the new Brown...

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican glances at the new brown thoughtfully, 
glancing at the other hatchlings in turn.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew stands his ground as the Vibrant blue 
zooms right past him and chuckles softly, never taking his eyes off of the 
vibrant one. He briefly turns to look at the brown, but then continues to 
watch the blue.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna brushes her hair quickly out of her eyes 
as another egg hatches. She smiles, crooning softly to all the hatchlings.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree gasps as the dew grey egg shatters against 
another one!

Tabbenth bugles now too...

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks at the newest Brown. "shards..."

From the Hatching Sands, Waxed Profane Egg pauses for a few moments before 
beginning to rock and spin violently once more, shoving sand up about it 
in wide swaths and tall ridges.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin sucks his breath in audibly as the brown 

From the Hatching Sands, Talion ooohs soflty, "Good job little grey 

Jehrina grins, and leans back against P'tran again, her eyes on Galin.

T'lyn says "Oh shards.... Tabbenth! :)"

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidregasps softly at the blue, and moves 
forward, then stops short as her gaze falls, and catches, on the brown...
she stares, wide eyed, very still, as if she has forgotten she is still 

From the Hatching Sands, Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling stands amidst the 
ruins of his shards, wings flapping weakly against the air.

Tabbenth rumbles happily...

From the Hatching Sands, Cija rubs her palms on her robe then lets her 
arms swing free. She tracks each hatchling in turn, expression rapt.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles at the stocky oaken brown, 
watching it begin it's life.

From the Hatching Sands, Pale Woodchip Egg cracks belatedly in the spot 
the Grey egg hit, sending slivers of faults across it's surface.

T'lyn says "Overgrown firelizard.. yeesh... ;)"

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre jumps a little, paling... "Thank moved..."

From the Hatching Sands, Galin looks from one hatchling to another 

From the Hatching Sands, Ella watches the hatchlings with a small smile 
as she watches the truimph over there eggs

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica holds her breath, just unable to find 
anything to say, or even think about. She continues to travel her eyes 
about the lovely scene.

Corrin smiles...watching the hatchlings..

From the Hatching Sands, Garren simply shakes his head at all the 
hatchlings. He stares evenly at both the BRown and the Blue.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen frowns right back at Asfala and jerks his 
head towards her, silently telling her to move on up.

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna can't help but smile at the helpless 
looking little brown before her attention is drawn to an egg about to 

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree smiles at all the hatchlings. They are all 
so beautiful!

Ariandra chuckles softly, absently toying with the fastening of her flight 
jacket. "Warm here.."

From the Hatching Sands, Diamond shifts her feet and grins.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala hugs herself as she watches, looking 
curiously at all the eggs, as if she's never seen them before.

From the Hatching Sands, Farlioth turns his head towards the newest brown 
hatchling, peering at him curiously. He flaps his own wings, stirring up 
the sand around his rider's feet.

From the Hatching Sands, Crinkled Lavender Egg trembles slightly, 
beginning to rock from side to side. Slowly at first, it soon gains speed, 
until it nearly manages to roll right over itself

From the Hatching Sands, The Waxed Profane Egg rolls into a neighboring 
egg, virtually exploding upon impact and leaving a somewhat baffled Staid 
Glossy Bronze Hatchling in its place.

From the Hatching Sands, Careless Vibrant Blue Hatchling moves along the 
line, looking for something...his tail knocks into an egg and three 
candidates as he approaches a group of females.

From the Hatching Sands, With a flurry of shards that showers nearby 
Candidates, this green bursts from her egg in a slight spray of egg 
fluids. She screeches once at the indignity, then sets about making 
herself presentable. It doesn't take long, and her eyes whirl crimson as 
she starts down the line of Candidates with her head held high, trying not 
to drag her dragging wings, or trip on her feet.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala ignores Kathen and stays where she is, 
lightly hopping on her hot feet.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the careless vibrant blue, 
his eyes wide.

J'cot glances over at Gwyneth. "How're you doing?"

From the Hatching Sands, Talion ohs softly, "By the first....A bronze."

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna stops cold, staring into Minth's big 
whirling eyes. She throws her arms around her neck. "I love you too!"

Leilanth rumbles at the new bronze.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew barely dodges the blue's tail and turns to 
help the few that were knocked down near him, not quite surpressing a soft 
laugh. He continues watching the blue, but glances at the brown every now 
and then.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree eeps! at the vibrant blue, and tries to 
keep out of his way without getting out of reach...

Vorinth backwings and lands nearby.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren stares quesitoningly at the Vibrant Blue.

From the Hatching Sands, Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling peers back at 
Farlioth. After watching the larger brown's stronger efforts, he flaps his 
wings a few more times. Losing interest in that, he starts towards the 
Candidates, slow and careful.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley smiles solemnly at the newly impressed 
pair, gestures toward the Waiting Room, and escorts them from the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella stands still staring at the hatchings, until 
she almost jumps and starts hoping on her feet again

From the Hatching Sands, Treyna walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre's breath hisses as she moves 
instinctively towards the fallen candidates, reaching almost reflexively 
for a satchel that isn't there, then stops abrouptly as she reccalls where 
she is...her eyes search the eggs wildly.

Ryialla smiles as another Impression occurs.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion chuckles at the antics of the drown 
dragonette and his sire.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican grins at Treyna

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha turns her head to glance back at 
Farlioth. "Don't even think it, Farli."

Mirth trills joyfully over the bronze.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks over at Treyna and blows her and 
Minth a kiss.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn hops a bit on the sands, looking 
uncomfortable. He watches the brown make it's way slowly in the direction 
of the Candidates.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija smiles broadly at Treyna and digs her feet 
further into the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree smiles warmly as Treyna impresses and 
congratulates her.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin sighs audibly as the bronze emerges.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella grins over at Treyna as she hears her words, 
before looking wistfully at the eggs and hatchlings again.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta smiles as Treyna impresses.

Kheveth bugles congratulations to the new green and her new rider.

Tilani looks up, startled. She salutes, "M'gan!"

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles happily.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala smiles for her friend Treyna, and tears 
start from her eyes again.

Jehrina grins.

Vorinth furls his wings and settles down to watch the spectacle.

Gwyneth missed it, "What one did Treyna impress?""

From the Hatching Sands, Imperious Slender Green Hatchling SNORTS 
violently, shell flying.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn says "Way to go Treyna!!!!"

From the Hatching Sands, Pale Mottled Egg gives a hop on the sand.

From the Hatching Sands, Spindly Solemn Green Hatchling walks into the 
waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew grins at the newly Impressed pair and 
turns all of his attention to the stocky brown who is slowly moving 
towards him and his fellow Candidates.

From the Hatching Sands, Kirra elbows Miritha as the bronze hatches, a 
wicked grin on her face.

From the Hatching Sands, Careless Vibrant Blue Hatchling moves after the 
female curiously. He walks over two Candidates.

Aurelinth warbles in surprise at her brother's arrival.

Amara says "A green names Minth"

Ryialla says "The green.."

Gwyneth says "Ah thanks."

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the careless vibrant blue 
and grins.

Aisha smiles. "A green called Minth."

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica looks thoughtfully delighted at Treynas 
impression, and squeezes Vanth's hand again, trying to watch everything at 
the same time.

P'tran says "Who Impressed??"

Amara shakes her head, "Minth green."

Amara says "Treyna"

From the Hatching Sands, Crinkled Lavender Egg stops suddenly, and faint 
cracks begin to form along its curving surface. Is that a dark bit of 
muzzle that's seen where the shell is chipped away?

P'tran ahs

Vorinth croons contentedly to Aurelinth.

From the Hatching Sands, Imperious Slender Green Hatchling tilts her head 
regally one way, then the other, looking up and down the line of 
Candidates. With a studied graces, she begins to walk.

Gwyneth giggles.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin smiles broadly at Treyna as she Impresses.

Ryialla eews...

Aisha shakes her head.

Gwyneth says "Well we now have Mirth and Minth ;)"

P'tran ughs

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen mutters to Metta, "If your feet get to 
hot, stand on mine."

T'lyn says "Soemone needs to be hurt for that one.. ;)"

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks over at the imperious green and 
laughs nervously.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican steps back, glancing nervously at the 
careless blue, and watches the other hatchlings

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, In a blink of the eye, the Crinkled Lavender Egg 
shatters, scattering shell fragments all over. Within, a Clumsy Navy Blue 
Dragonet stands, or, more appropriately, trips.

   He tumbles erratically over the scattered remains of his shards, 
careening wildly off to the side. After a few moments, still wet and 
near-black, he pauses, trying to get his bearings. A blink of his eyes, 
then another, and he starts to struggle to his feet, only to sprawl back 
to the sand, spread-eagled. He creels in frustration, though hidden in his 
whirling eyes is the determination to overcome his new-born clumsiness.

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan chuckles and points at the little bronze, 
and then the green, to Kirra.

From the Hatching Sands, Pale Mottled Egg wiggles, almost experimentally, 
and manages to roll over out of its depression in the sand.

From the Hatching Sands, Staid Glossy Bronze Hatchling shakes his head 
once, clearing the confusion and startlement. Lifting his wings, he shakes 
them out vigorously, managing to blow sand across a row of nearby 

Jehrina loos at Amara, "So what Elth is new about that?" 8)

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree keeps moving, careful of the blue's claws..

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre makes a soft protesting sound, and 
shudders, obviously torn between staying where she is, and going to the 
fallen candidates...her face looks anguished.

Kirse says "Lot of blues, I think...."

From the Hatching Sands, Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling stops where he can 
see the Candidates and Farlioth both. After another look at Farlioth, 
whirling red eyes meeting whirling blue and green, he bounces forward, 
wings sweeping to create a flurry of sand around himself and nearby 

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks up in surprise, gasping as the 
crinkled blue hatches. His eyes widen in amazemnt at the bronze.

Aisha elbows Jehrina.

Amara winces with a grin.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta nods quietlike to Kathen, and cranes her 
neck, looking to see who's in the stands, especially up on the ledges.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren does a double take as his eyes get 
bombarded by first the sight of the Navy Blue then the Bronze!

From the Hatching Sands, Talion acks and wipes sands from his face, 

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley oohs, softly, "Pretty pretty."

Ryialla makes faces.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala instinctively moves away from anywhere 
near the bronze.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin brushes the sand off his shins absently, 
his attention riveted on the hatchlings.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican shifts his feet, glancing around 
quickly to try and watch all of the hatchlings at once.

Amara says "No worse than Fort's own Tith and Tath, I suppose.."

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling lifts his head, 
blinking in the light. Glancing down at his sprawling legs, he slowly 
begins to straighten them out.

From the Hatching Sands, Diamond giggles at the brown and the lovely 

From the Hatching Sands, Pale Mottled Egg continues its roll with another 
flop into a deeper depression and shudders there.

P'tran makes a face. "Tith and Tath??"

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha covers her eyes with her hand with a 
somewhat dejected look as the brown starts throwing sand around. 
"_Farlioth_." The dragon croons amusedly above her.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew sputters as the brown sprays the sand, but 
grins good-naturedly, sand gritting in his teeth. He chuckles softly and 
tries to see where the vibrant blue went.

Tilani grins at Jehrina. She shakes her head.

Vorinth makes a face. Tith and Tath indeed.

Liselle remembers that.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn grins at the clumsy blue, watching it 
makes it slow way forward as he shifts nervously on the sands.

Torinth backwings and lands nearby.

Amara says "Those two blues out there are gonna hurt each other..."

From the Hatching Sands, Staid Glossy Bronze Hatchling hops forward, 
skidding to a momentary halt in front of a short, stunned-looking 
Candidate. With a curious chirp he looks upwards, then moves onwards.

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan casually wipes sand from her dress.

M'kla pats Torinth fondly, and swings out of the riding straps, sliding 
down her shoulder to the ground.

Tilani salutes M'kla.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks at the Bronze for a moment, then 

From the Hatching Sands, Imperious Slender Green Hatchling screels, nearly 
tripping. She rights herself most properly, then glides in baby steps to 
one Candidate. She looks up and warbles demandingly.

P'tran waves to M'kla

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles gently, looking around at the 
other candidates and smiling encouragingly as he looks back to the bronze.

Aisha shakes her head.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree stops moving abruptly, and just stares at 
the blue... then falls to her knees. "I love you too, Sooth! I really do!" 
Tears run freely down her face, unheeded.

Janelle climbs up Vorinth's side in order to *hug* his rider and tell him 
the news!

Jehrina grins, "Sorry." She looks very contrite. Really.

Aisha waves to M'kla.

Zeby saltes the arriving rider with a soft, "Hello."

From the Hatching Sands, Cija gnaws her lower lip as her gaze travels the 
group, then lifts her face to watch the clutch, smiling at Lyree.

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica blinks her gaze from glistning 
dragonette to egg to candidate, not knowing what to watch. She chews her 
lip, and fiddles with her hair.

Aisha snorts at Jehrina.

From the Hatching Sands, N'ren chuckles, and wipes said from his velvet 
tunic, shifting to his opposite foot.

Tilani looks at Janelle, then up at Vorinth.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn grins happily. "Lyree!!!!!" He smiles as 
his eyes glisten with tears.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre's eyes rove wildly back and forth....she 
is shaking now, rather obviously, and struggles to breathe and calm 

Aninna smiles at the cute green.

From the Hatching Sands, Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling moves along several 
Candidates, wings and claws moving sand perhaps too enthusiastically.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta gives Lyree a small, happy smile.

M'kla returns saltues with waves, wishing she could have gotten off duty 
sooner. :P

From the Hatching Sands, Garren says "Good choice Sooth."

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican grins for Lyree, watching the 
impressions all around.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin beams at his sister, tears of joy shining 
in his eys.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella absentmindly brushes the sand of her robe, 
but her eyes remain concentrating on all the hatchlings

Aisha glances at Janelle curiously.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala snatches in her breath, smiling for Lyree.

Ryialla says "Oh, this is going way too fast.."

From the Hatching Sands, Pale Mottled Egg shudders all over, parts of the 
shell seeming to move in completely opposite directions. The bright 
colours mottled across the surface seem to dance.

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling snorts, and plants his 
two hind legs down. There. That's how they're supposed to go. And up onto 
his forelegs, now. Arighted, he bugles triumphantly, and starts towards 
the Candidates.

Vorinth watches Janelle's look of puzzlement as she climbs up one side of 
Vorinth and down the other. Oops.

Kheveth BUGLES as another dragon Impresses!

Tilani says "M'gan didn't come."

Aisha blinks and then cheers for Lyree!

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the clumsy blue, smiling 

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew smiles for Lyree and turns back to the 
brown, watching him and his claws scratch in the sand carefully. He takes 
a slight step towards him, and only now begins to fidget on the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija edges nearer Sylvidre and takes her hand, 
murmuring something.

M'kla giggles. "For Sooth."

From the Hatching Sands, Careless Vibrant Blue Hatchling pushes Lyree over 
as he nuzzles her enthusiastically.

Aninna smiles at Ryialla, "It always does."

From the Hatching Sands, The last shards of Pale Mottled Egg fall to the 
sands in a shower of flakes, and a very baffled and uncoordinated 
Perspicacious Muck Brown Hatchling tumbles to the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley grins at Lyree and Sooth! "Lovely! Come, 
dears, this way," she gestures to the Waiting Room.

Kirse bleahs at M'kla. :)

Jehrina eesh, "That's just as bad, M'kla."

From the Hatching Sands, Tariana smiles softly, watching the eggs hatch 
and impressions being made.

P'tran blibks.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks up and grins at the new brown as it 
enteres the world with a bang.

T'lyn says "Another Brown..."

T'lyn smiles

P'tran uuuughs

Aisha groans.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree glances to Asfala and grins, then grins at 
the rest of the candidates. His name is Sooth!"

From the Hatching Sands, Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling stops to look at 
Mattew, spinning away in another burst of sand to move further down the 
Candidates' line.

From the Hatching Sands, Imperious Slender Green Hatchling croons lovingly 
to Veronica, nudging her eagerly.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles gently at Lyree. 

Jehrina peers down at P'tran, "A' least th' color is familliar, no?"

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre shivers, and seems to relax 
immediately...her lips move as she mouths,"thank you."

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala smiles at Lyree, and waves a little, happy 
for her friend!

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica races from her spot on the sands, to 
wrap her arms about Lirrath. "Oooohhh.. me darlin'!! I love you with all 
my heart!!!"

Kheveth cranes his neck up again, and gives another enthusiastic (and 
LOUD) bugle as another brown cracks his shell.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican grins broadly and steps back from 

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha mutters under her breath about Farlioth 
and sand and Hatching Grounds as she glances at the stocky brown.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the speedy little brown.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta watches all the dragonettes around her, 
noting especially when they go off the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn laughs merrily. "COngratulations 

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre looks at Lyree, and smiles 

Pliarth warbles happily as the green Impresses.

From the Hatching Sands, Lyree walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew chuckles as the Brown stares at him and 
follows him wistfully with his eyes as the oaken brown moves further 

From the Hatching Sands, Talion smiles over at Lyree and Veronica, very 

Corrin smiles.."YES!!! Way to go Veronica!!" she yells..but doubts that 
veronica can hear her..

E'dran cheers for Veronica!

From the Hatching Sands, Cija sighs, watching Veronica with a delighted 
look while keeping an eye with Sylvidre.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella grins at Lyree, and then Veronica for a 
breif moment, before looking at the remain eggs and hatchlings

Torinth bugles rustily across at Kheveth.

From the Hatching Sands, Galin tears his gaze away from Lyree to focus on 
the hatchlings, his hands clenched.

Liselle grins broadly for Veronica

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica can feels tears welling up in her eyes, 
and she nods furiously to Lirrath. "Y-yes... Littath! You can eat!"

Kirse applauds for new riders she doesn't know. :)

Amara says "Who did Veronica Impress?"

From the Hatching Sands, Careless Vibrant Blue Hatchling walks into the 
waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling scuttles slightly, 
swaying, as he makes his bumbling way. He looks up at one man in the line, 
and blinks, surveying the blond lad. Creeling, he continues down the line.

Liselle peers over the edge, watching

From the Hatching Sands, Perspicacious Muck Brown Hatchling shakes all 
over and peers across the sand with surprisingly alert eyes. His shrewd 
gaze seems to rest on each candidate in turn, as if weighing some 
unnameable quality.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles gently. "Congratulations to you 

Liselle says "Green Lirrath"

From the Hatching Sands, Veronica walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the muck brown fellow, 
hopping on his feet in the hot sands.

Zeby OOCly swears. Same thing happened during my hatching.. (DId anyone 

From the Hatching Sands, Imperious Slender Green Hatchling creels 
demandingly, following Veronica to that wonderful smell...

From the Hatching Sands, Staid Glossy Bronze Hatchling snaps at a piece of 
shell still clinging to his leg briefly, his tail lashing once in 
irritation. He takes a few more steps, stopping in front of three or so 
youths and examining each of them carefully. His gaze stops on Galin, and 
a surprisingly strong croon emits from his young throat.

From the Hatching Sands, Imperious Slender Green Hatchling walks into the 
waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren shuffles quickly from foot to foot, 
watching the brown ad the others.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion watches the new weyrlings leave, then 
turns back to the army or dragonettes on the sands.

Tilani nods to Zeby, "Veronica just Impressed Green Lirrath.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican smiles happily after Veronica and her 
new green, turning his eyes back to the hatchlings.

Corrin says " Lirrath chose her.."

Ryialla holds her breath.. "Come on, Galin..."

P'tran blinks and leans forward as the bronze stops near Galin

Jehrina leans forward, looking at Galin.

Zeby gasps, "Ronnie!"

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre suddenly remembers she has feet, and 
that they are getting *very* hot (because she hasn't moved for a 
while...)... she catches the brown's gaze, and seems to shrink,, then 
straightens with a deep determined breath.

Tilani leans forward, watching Galin.

Ryialla leans forward.

Zeby smiles widely.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew stands perfectly still as seemingly every 
dragon inspects him and everyone else. He smiles a little, rocking on his 
heels from the heat of the sands.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles widely at the bronze as he stops 
before Galin.

Aisha leans forward and watches Galin closely.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen slowly shifts his feet, tucking one hand 
behind his back, the other still on Metta's shoulder.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion holds his breath for Galin...

Everyone leans forward.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren watches Galin carefully.

Amara chuckles

From the Hatching Sands, Perspicacious Muck Brown Hatchling paces forwards 
towards a knot of candidates. He stops to peer closely at one, but turns 

Kirse chuckles and keeps her relaxed-back posture, thanks.

And falls over...

S'drel says "Who were we rooting for again?"

From the Hatching Sands, Staid Glossy Bronze Hatchling crooooooooons, 
nudging G'lin's (probably weak) knees demandingly.

P'tran says "Galin! :)"

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala peers out around a candidate's arm, and 
watches Galin, holding her breath.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the muck brown hatchling, 
his eyes locked on him.

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling stops, and sits up on 
his hind legs, trying to peer further down the line. He bugles, and makes 
a half-hop, half-leap, and all-out-tumble, landing at the feet of 


From the Hatching Sands, Metta smiles quietly for Galin then turns her 
head to watch the remains of the clutch with concern.

Ryialla says "Galin!!!!!"

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks out of the waiting room.

Tilani says to Jehrina, "Poke him."

From the Hatching Sands, G'lin freezes, staring into the bronze's jeweled 
eyes. His face breaks into a broad smile as he exclaims triumphantly, 

S'drel ahs.

Oops! Who Impressed that dragon when they fell?

P'tran says "YES!!!!"

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn grins happily. "Congratulations, G'lin! 
And Devith!"

Aisha cheers loudly. "Galin!!!"

Ryialla letsout a loud yell. "Yessssssssssssssss!"

Liselle grins

Laerth >>>> BUGLES <<<<

Zeby cheers, "Congrats, G'lin!!"

From the Hatching Sands, Talion whispers his congrats to the pair.

From the Hatching Sands, Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling stops near where 
Lirrath had been, and then a step or two farther along. No longer 
spreading sand around, he stops, looking up into one woman's face 

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley shouts! "G'lin! Devith! YAY!"

Aninna grins at Tilani, "A bronze!"

From the Hatching Sands, Garren says "I told you so , Galin. Good choice 

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican blinks at little at the blue before 
him, and stands very still.

Leilanth bugles loudly.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew grins at G'lin and his new lifemate, then 
goes back to watching the browns longingly.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija slants opaque looks at the remaining eggs, 
barely noticing the Impressions on the other side of the group.

Pliarth BUGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the stocky fellow.

Jehrina smiles happily.

Tilani cheers!

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala smiles for G'lin, and moves a little out 
into the open for once.

S'drel cheers.

Merinth croons softly down to the sands.

P'tran cheers LOUDLY. "Yes, G'lin!!!"

Tilani nods excitedly to Aninna, "I see that."

From the Hatching Sands, Kirra hasn't stopped grinning once, and at the 
bronze's impression nudges Miritha again, murmuring something.

Elth croons for the new bronze and his lifemate.

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling raises his head from 
his sprawl in the sand, cocking it slightly as he looks at the 
coppery-haired lad.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley grins at G'lin, "If you'd be so kind as 
to come with me?" She nods toward the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre looks at the brown, that GAZE goading 
her into *almost* defiance... she clenches and unclenches her fists...

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha sticks her tongue out at Kirra and 
mutters back.

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan rubs her lower lip thoughtfully and peers 
at Galin, then the little bronze.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen smirks at G'lin, "There'll be no living 
with you now, eh, lad?"

From the Hatching Sands, Kirra giggles slightly.

From the Hatching Sands, Cija's knees give out, landing her in a trembling 
embrace of the little brown. "No, Kilenth, I'm fine--I'm fine!!"

Aisha smiles widely. "G'lin!!"

From the Hatching Sands, N'ren glances up at his dragon, smiling for a 
moment, then looking back around, serenely watching the dragons and thier 
new riders pairing off.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles happily at Cija and Kilenth.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion ohs, "Cija...wonderful..."

From the Hatching Sands, Diamond breaks into a large smile.

From the Hatching Sands, Perspicacious Muck Brown Hatchling stumbles 
towards a tallish fellow and looks into his blue eyes just as deeply as 
those blue eyes cut back into his own. He sits back onto his hind legs and 
stretches up to get a closer look.

Ryialla blinks in surprise. "That's Cija! Way to go Cija!!"

E'dran cheers for Cija too!

From the Hatching Sands, Devith thinks the waiting room is a wonderful 
idea. He is starving, and lets G'lin know with a piercing creel.

Jehrina grins, and cheers.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn Looks down curiosly again at the muck 
brown and smiles.

T'lyn smiles

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks at the Brown carefully.

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican looks down at the blue, unclenching 
his hands from his sides in a forced calm.

Tabbenth warbles

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew softly smiles at Cija, and then tries to 
catch the other brown's gaze.

From the Hatching Sands, G'lin walks into the waiting room.

Liselle cheers for these people she doesn't know. :)

S'drel watches Deyaan's peer, and chuckles.

From the Hatching Sands, Devith walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Perspicacious Muck Brown Hatchling unfolds his 
wings and bugles to Mattew.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen hehhehhehs.

From the Hatching Sands, Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling flaps his wings 
slightly, not enough to disturb Cija.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn blinks.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta gives a secretive grin for the impressing 

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala moves up next to Vanth and touches him on 
the arm lightly.

From the Hatching Sands, Mattew's jaw drops as he stares into the rainbow 
eyes of the brown. "Lyath! Yes, I believe you're hungry..."

From the Hatching Sands, Vanthrican glances over at Asfala, giving a 
little smile.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles weakly. "Congrats."

From the Hatching Sands, Cija straightens up and starts helping Kilenth 

From the Hatching Sands, Ella grins at the sight of the happy impressions

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha glances over at Cija, and murmurs to 
Kirra, loudly enough to carry, "I'm going to have to talk to her, if he 
keeps up as he began."

From the Hatching Sands, Cija walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling sneezes, shaking his 
head as if to clear it. He struggles up to his feet, having difficulty as 
he never takes his eyes off Vanthrican.

From the Hatching Sands, Stocky Oaken Brown Hatchling walks into the 
waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling suddenly croons.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala steps back from Vanth and smiles broadly.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion nudges Vanth with a grin.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta lifts her head to look up in the stands 
once more.

From the Hatching Sands, M'tew drops to his knees and embraces his brown, 
then gets up and heads towards the Waiting Room.

From the Hatching Sands, Perspicacious Muck Brown Hatchling wobbles and 
seems almost to fold in upon himself as he settles back onto the sands. He 
buts M'tew softly with his head.

Ryialla cheers for Mattew, then turns to watch again..

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre relaxes a bit, and glances down at her 
hands... they are shaking violently. She stills them abruptly...and looks 
at the blue worriedly..."You should find someone," she says to it.."Before 
you hurt someone else, or yourself."

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks out of the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, V'rican grins broadly, reaching down for the 
blue, "Shards...Lorith, I....I love you too!"

From the Hatching Sands, Garren grins at his fellow Candid ates happily.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley grins and grins, waving to M'tew.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion steps back from Vanth, watching the last 

From the Hatching Sands, Lyath stumbles across the sands after M'tew.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala finds her tongue. "Oh, wonderful, Van...

From the Hatching Sands, M'tew walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta smiles at V'rican and his blue.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn smiles. "Congrats V'rican, M'tew."

Amara blinks, that was the last one?

From the Hatching Sands, Metta looks around.

From the Hatching Sands, Kirra chuckles.

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling croons deeper at his 
new lifemate.

Ryialla cheers again, her throat hoarse from all the yelling she's done.

Aisha smiles softly.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala turns back to the rest of the eggs and 

From the Hatching Sands, Lyath walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren looks at the Blue with a happy grin.

From the Hatching Sands, V'rican looks around and smiles at everyone, 
starting to stumble towards the side room, knowing how hungry Lorith is.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley shakes her head as the impressions happen 
one after the other! "V'rican! Cool! Come this way!"

From the Hatching Sands, V'rican walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Ainsley walks into the waiting room.

Ryialla blinks. Shards, but that was fast..

S'drel says "Cool? :)"

From the Hatching Sands, Clumsy Navy Blue Hatchling walks into the waiting 

Corrin smiles...wipes tears from her eyes...and gives E'dran a hugs..then 
blushes as she realizes what's she's doing..

T'lyn says "Very IC.. ;)"

From the Hatching Sands, Tariana smiles at Kirra and Miritha and heads for 
the waiting room herself.

Jehrina grins.

From the Hatching Sands, Tariana walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan scans the sands, and the shards of eggs, 
and murmurs a congratulations to Kirra and Miritha.

Liselle thinks the sands would be hot, herself. Actually, she knows they 

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks down at the sands and his burning 
feet, his expression blank.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre's legs suddenly give way...she collapses 
onto the sands.

Amara nods with approval to T'lyn, "Very much."

E'dran hugs Corrin back not even paying attention.

P'tran figures she was talking about how ths sands are cooler over 
there :)

Aninna takes a deep breath. "Wow."

From the Hatching Sands, Talion blinks and moves to help Sylvidre.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta looks around, very quiet for a bit.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn falls to his knees, grabbing Sylvidre by 
the shoulders and picking her up.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren rushes to Sylvidre's side, proping her up. 
"Easy Sylv..."

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn murmurs, "It's ok, sylv."

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre's head lolls...her eyes are blank.

Tilani nods to Aninna, "Yeah."

P'tran senses "Jehrina rolls ehr eyes."

P'tran hmms at Sylvidre

From the Hatching Sands, Ella blinks and walks over to Slyvidre in deep 
concern, but stays in the back, to keep out of the way of the others

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala looks around, confused, a little, then 
spots Sylvidre and moves to her side numbly.

Aisha frowns slightly as she watches Sylvidre.

From the Hatching Sands, Diamond walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Kirra smiles distractedly to Deyaan before 
turning to Fianath, embracing as much of the great gold head as she is 

Zeby looks down at the candidate with concern.

Ryialla looks down at the collapsed girl with some concern evident in her 

T'lyn torments Ainsley happily.. ;)

From the Hatching Sands, Garren shakes his head, holding her head in his 

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen sketches a bow to the dragons, "No 
defective eggs..well done." He turns to Metta, "Come on, let's go 

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre jerks to herself, suddenly, and nods 
mechanically to the others.

J'cot takes a few deep breaths and sighs, looking up at his dragon and 
caressing his chin as Valenth lowers his head to nuzzle his rider.

Vorinth rises to his haunches and spreads his wings, fanning them out in 
preparation for his escape.

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan puts her hand on Kirra's shoulder and 
moves quietly into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Deyaan walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Morwyn takes one last look across the sands and 
pivots on her heel to head out.

From the Hatching Sands, Morwyn walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Talion walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta turns and walks away without a word, 
ignoring everyone.

Corrin looks down at Sylvidre on the grounds...wondering if Sylvidre is 

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala kneels down by Garren's side, then look 
sup into the stands, searching. Tears begin falling down her face, and she 
hides her face in her hands.

From the Hatching Sands, Metta heads out towards the entrance.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn looks around, lost. "Where do we go?"

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha looks up at Farlioth, smile wide and 
gentle. The look slides from proud to tender, absorbed.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre jerks away.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren says "Back the way we came..."

Amara sighs happily and waves to all.

From the Hatching Sands, Aragorn walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Garren walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, N'ren turns slightly, directing the remaining 
Candidates to return to the waiting room, heading that way himself

Kirse sighs as it ends and watches the aftermath with a reminiscent smile.

From the Hatching Sands, Ella walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, N'ren walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Kathen walks into the waiting room.

J'cot smiles over at Kirse and waves to her.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre looks at Farlioth, gaze empty and blank, 
and stumbles mechanically off.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala hears N'ren, and follow his instructions 
numbly, blotting her eyes.

From the Hatching Sands, Asfala walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre walks into the waiting room.

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre walks out of the waiting room.

Darci breaks from the intent mode she was in while she saw all the 
impressions and smiles understandingly to those on the sands.

Amara steps up on Elth's politely offered forelimb, and throws a leg over 

R'lain sighs softly.

Kirse grins at J'cot. "Well, party time, I guess."

From the Hatching Sands, Garren walks out of the waiting room.

From astride Elth's neckridges, Amara straps herself in.

Zeby calls for Arimeth to extend her leg so that people can get on and off 
her which she does right away.

Janelle uses Lunarth's leg to climb on, glancing at him warily to make 
sure he does not pull it back at the last minute, and settles between his 
two ridges.

T'lyn uses Tabbenth's offered foreleg and climbs onto his neck.

Zeby climbs up Arimeth's extended leg and onto her back, leaving.

M'kla swings up onto Torinth's neck with the ease of Turns of riding.

Jacella turns her head, and looks at R'lain curiously. She leans towards 
him, whispering.

Torinth launches from the ledge and into the air.

From on top of Arimeth, Zeby buckles herself in with the strap.

Aisha shakes her head and looks away from the sands up to the ledges.

P'tran hmms. "They're over so fast."

From the Hatching Sands, Sylvidre walks into the waiting room.

Jehrina nods.

Vorinth launches from the ledge and into the air.

Aninna nods, "That they are."

Arimeth launches from the ledge and into the air.

On Lunarth's neck, Janelle says "Aisha, do you want to stay for a while or 
return with me?"

From the Hatching Sands, Garren walks into the waiting room.

Ryialla smiles at P'tran. "Seems like they get faster each time I attend 

Darci nods to P'tran, "It always feels that way, doesn't it, except when 
you are on the sands, it seems to be an hour for every second."

E'dran sighs still staring at the sands.

Corrin looks at E'dran..."It's so wonderful...even when one has already 

P'tran waits for some of the dragon-traffic to clear :)

S'drel smiles, and stands, looking to Avoth.

Aisha nods. "Aye, that's the truth."

Jehrina nods in agreement with Darci, "Aye.. tha' seemed ta take forever."

P'tran nods at Darci with a faint smile

E'dran turns and nods to Corrin, "I am so happy for Veronica!"

Liselle smiles

Jacella nods quietly.

Elth launches from the ledge and into the air.

Tilani nods in agreement with Darci.

Aninna smiles, "It seemed like Cataryth hatched _days_ after the rest." 
She looks up fondly, "Saved the best for last."

R'lain hugs Jacella gently.

Ariandra stands up, brushing off her pants absently.

From the Hatching Sands, Kirra sighs happily and hugs Miritha too, in an 
uncharacteristic burst of affection.

Aisha says "I would like to stay for a bit. I think I can get a ride back. 
Thanks, Janelle."

Jehrina rmembers getting stuck between for 10 minutes at the last Ista 
hatching. 8)

Corrin nods.."So am I. Soon we can visit her and Lyrrith.."

P'tran chuckles

From Lunarth's back, Janelle nods at Aisha and waves.

S'drel hops into Avoth's foreclaws, and is carried up to the Bronze's 
back. Rumbling a greeting, Avoth turns his head to his rider, who rubs the 
dragon's snout.

E'dran nods and gives Corrin another hug.

From the Hatching Sands, Miritha slides her arms around Kirra in a return 
hug, murmuring into her ear.

Aisha smiles and waves. "See you later, Janelle."

Lunarth concentrates for a few seconds, tensing to take off. Unfurling his 
wings in a luxurious indolence reminiscent of fluffy clouds on a lazy 
summer's day, he launches himself toward the sky.