Jeniath's Second Clutch
Dam: Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden
Sire: T'gerey's bronze Kath of Benden
Date: November 10, 1991
Clutch: Benden's 2nd, PernMUSH's 7th
- Aara
- Annalyn
- Arianna
- Caloren
- Chana
- Danin
- Deirdre
- Devin
- Dorelei
- Falryx
- Farioll
- Garavon
- Gwyneth
- Jalor
- Khyronn
- Kylana
- Kyton
- Largand
- Miriar
- Silkelin
- Sualtain
- Tarven
- Tivor
- Tylar
- Volitar
- Xalith
The Log
[the candidates arrive]
From the ledge, Shaleth croons at the eggs.
From the ledge, Kyriath hmmmmms!
From the ledge, Bayanth hummmm's excitedly.
From the ledge, Mnedranth trumpets a welcome to the candidates!
Chareth ooohs!
Kelen gives up reading ecveeryone's messages as they fly past!!!!
Brennin eeks!
Citrel says "Hooray!"
F'dan says "yay"
Marra oohs!
M'ndor ughs......
Jonah looks at the sands
Selric is on the edge oif his seat.
Ilmatar urks and decideds to stay quiet.
Telos shouts GO! DEVIN!
Kelen cheers
M'ndor says "Hi Tavella!!!"
Doriana cheers.
Brennin says "They're heee-ere!"
T'lean kisses Tavella passionately.
Tavella smiles at T'lean and kisses him fiercely.
Citrel says "Yeeeeeeeee-------haaaaaaaaaa!"
Elorna oohs,
Chareth says "Garavon!!!!!!"
R'shard gets spammed.
Brennin says "Hi, Tavvie!"
Kelen cheers
Vernar stares very intensely at the grounds.
On the sands, Garavon bows to Jeniath.
On the sands, Aara bows to Jeniath.
On the sands, Sualtain marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
On the sands, Khyronn marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
From the ledge, Tuerth starts to hummmm.
From the ledge, Tidirth begins to hum with the others...
Elyssa raises her glass to the candidates and drinks.
CloudShape sings "March of the Canditates" with Brennin (to the tune of 'Song
of the Carillions'...)
Tavella stands up and goes down to the sands.
Leprechaun pops in from Between with a puff of cold air.
Leprechaun chirps a greeting and swoops to a landing..
Jonah wonders if all 52 are there
Resav sits forward to get a better cview.
Elorna cheers
Aryne applauds for the Candidates.
Citrel doubts it.
On the sands, Xalith takes her place at the white egg and waits for the other
people to form a circle.
On the sands, Kyton bows to Jeniath and to Amberyl
On the sands, Volitar bows to Jeniath
On the sands, Arianna moves gracefully to the gold egg
On the sands, Tavella wanders here from the southern area of the cavern.
On the sands, Largand smiles at Sualtain.
On the sands, Kylana curtseys to Jenaith before walking to the queen egg.
On the sands, Tylar bows respectfully to Jeniath.
On the sands, Xalith bows deeply to Jeniath.
On the sands, Annalyn bows to Jeniath, then nervously takes her place near the
gold egg.
On the sands, Caloren joins the circle of men around the eggs.
On the sands, Gwyneth bows deeply to Jenaith.
On the sands, Jazmyn marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
On the sands, Tivor bows to Jeniath.
On the sands, Arianna bows to Jeniath
Darion cheers for Arianna, Tarven, Deirdre,
Doriana shouts "Last call for bets! Whisper 'em to me!"
From the ledge, Mnedranth takes up a loud, low hummm.
Daria calles to Leprechaun, who flies over to land on her arm, chirping for
M'ndor says "No, Dorelei is missing...."
Brennin giggles. "Oh, yes, I want to be in that number ... when the Can'dates
start marching in ..." she quotes :)
On the sands, Khyronn moves around to stand by the gold egg.
On the sands, Jalor bows to Jeniath.
On the sands, Tylar walks around to the far side of the group of eggs.
On the sands, Caloren bows to Jeniath and the Weyrwoman.
On the sands, Volitar looks at hte eggs.
On the sands, Tavella walks over to Amberyl.
On the sands, Aara moves off to the other side.
On the sands, Dolar marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
Synelle wows at the eggs and the candidates
J'shua chuckles at the mega-scroll.
Joanna sits down quickly where she stands near the edge of the sands. She
doesn't want to be in anyone's way...
M'ndor twiddles his thumbs.
Citrel youches.
M'ndor laughs at Brennin.
On the sands, Jazmyn bows to Jeniath
On the sands, Danin bows respectfully to jeniath
On the sands, Kyton joins the loose cirlce around the eggs
On the sands, Miriar bows to Jeniath and stands by the golden egg with the
other girls.
On the sands, Tivor goes over to the men's circle.
Brennin twiddles M'ndor's thumbs.
windwalker holds back the tears.
Marra is cheering for Devin, even though he is a kidder...
Elyssa leans over intently.
On the sands, Chana bows to Jeniath, then stands near the other female
Candidates near the queen egg.
On the sands, Devin takes his place next to Garavon in the circle of men.
On the sands, Gwyneth moves over next to Annlyn.
On the sands, Tarven follows Tivor.
Darion says "Aaaaaaggggh Lag...Major scroll through....."
Aryne snuggles closer to Ketyar,excited.
On the sands, Farioll takes his place
On the sands, Falryx walks over near Tylar and starts to form a half circle.
M'ndor twiddles Brennin's ears.
From the ledge, Shaleth hums loudly.
From the ledge, Kyriath hummssss excitedly!
Doriana watches the Candidates, remembering.
Brennin twiddles M'ndor's fears.
On the sands, Silkelin takes his place in the circle of men..
On the sands, Sualtain smiles and bows to Jeniath and walks to the queen egg
with the other women.
On the sands, Dolar falls in line around the loose men's circle, standing next
to Garavon
On the sands, Largand moves over to join the circle around the eggs.
On the sands, Deirdre goes to stand by the Queen Egg, taking her place in the
On the sands, Jalor moves along with the men.
On the sands, Volitar Stands in the male ring being formed.,
Citrel says "Looks like around 20 candidates for thequeen..."
Ilmatar peers out at the sands, shocked.
On the sands, Jazmyn moves quietlt over to the queen egg and waits.
Brennin pouts. How come men never get the queens?
From Citrel's shoulder, Bolt humms.
From Citrel's shoulder, Eris humms.
From the ledge, Brimath blinks at the mass of words on the screen....
From the ledge, Bayanth hummm's loudly.
On the sands, Deirdre curtsies to Jeniath from her place in the circle.
On the sands, Aara shuffles her feet on the hot sands.
On the sands, Garavon stands and admires the eggs.
J'shua presses his cheek against Mira's.
Kelen cheers for jazmyn!!!!
CloudShape shakes hir head. "Elath! But they're busy, aren't they..."
Daria leans against J'lan.
Marra can't believe how many Candidates there are!
Miri goes home.
J'lan smiles
Lorthan grows ears and can now hear.
Synelle cheers for Devin and Garavon
CloudShape says "They do, they do, Brennin. =) It's just that men's queens are
Lorthan caws loudly!
Ilmatar sits down abruptly.
Kelen says "51 cand's i heard..."
On the sands, Annalyn smiles at Gwyneth and clasps her hand briefly.
On the sands, Kyton edges his way towards the purple egg, that being his
On the sands, Khyronn shoots Devin a good luck look.
On the sands, Xalith takes a deep breath and gazes with love at the white egg.
On the sands, Arianna stands next to Kylana and gives her a little hug
Citrel hee hees.
Brennin blinks!
Kimri keeps her fingers crossed for Aara and Garavon.
Resav can't read that fast.
Gelov calls to Lorthan. Lorthan perches on Gelov's shoulder.
Darion cheers for the three Tillekians. :)
Marra wants both Annalyn AND Arianna to Impress. 8(
H'kon doubts that many actually showed up...
Brennin can read this fast, but hir eyelids are going numb.
On the sands, Gwyneth smiles back and squeeze Annalyn's hand.
On the sands, Kylana hugs Arianna back.
On the sands, Khyronn turns her attention to the eggs.
On the sands, Volitar feels very calm righ now.
On the sands, Jazmyn gazes at the sparkling golden egg in wonder.
From the ledge, Palantirth begins humming.....
From the ledge, Kyriath hummms more loudly!
From the ledge, Bayanth HUMMM's loudly.
From the ledge, Duzorth hmms from deep in his throat
Jonah looks
Citrel wishes everyone could Impress.
Darion says "Who is getting a log?"
From Selric's shoulder, Regent Humms.
From the ledge, Branth hums
From Marra's shoulder, Quillow hums quietly.
From the ledge, Shaleth hums more intensely.
From the ledge, Minayth hums softly... his voice rising...
From the ledge, Mnedranth takes up his deep humming, the walls vibrating
with the tone.
Resav has the same problem with Deirdre and Khyronn.
R'shard is
Kalinor watches the proceedings intently.
Joran has a log.
Jonah sips his wine
CloudShape glances at Daria, who smiles back.
M'ndor says "I AM LOGGING!!!!"
Citrel says "Kidding, right Darion?"
Elyssa leans forward furthur, knocking Bubastis from her lap.
Elyssa dropped Bubastis.
Lilt appears suddenly with a small *pop* out of Between.
Lilt trills a greeting and backwings to land neatly.
Lilt files over to Synelle, lands, and trills happily!
Doriana shouts "Turn off the adescs and odescs!"
A leaf green firelizard zooms out of *between*
Resav always does Marra. :)
Heiwa dives downward and lands on a solid perch.
Jonah calls to Blizzard and he trotts over to his side...
On the sands, Kyton shifts from foot to foot
On the sands, Aara takes a deep breath to calm herself.
On the sands, Volitar admires the Ebon egg with love.
On the sands, Tivor gazes in wonder.
On the sands, Jalor stares in awe at the multitude of eggs.
On the sands, Kylana calmly waits for the eggs to begin cracking.
On the sands, Dolar walks over to the Starlight silver egg with a starry look
in his eye :)
From the ledge, Cyalinth flies in from the bowl.
From the ledge, Bayanth hummm's urgently.
From Selric's shoulder, Regent Increases his volume of humming.
On the sands, Largand closes his eyes to medidate silently.
On the sands, Xalith watches hopefully.
On the sands, Deirdre breathes deeply, clearing her mind of fear.
On the sands, Volitar move as close as he can get to the black egg.
Marra giggles.
M'ndor twiddles his thumbs.
Heiwa pops into *between*
M'ndor walks over and sits by Joanna and hugs her.
Kelen waits breathlessly
Citrel thawaps M'ndor.
M'ndor laughs.
Jonah drinks and watches
CloudShape gives Brennin a hug and grins. Gender-inspecific have to stick
On the sands, Tivor meditates, then opens his eyes.
On the sands, Arianna stands calmly and does not feel the warmth of the sands
On the sands, Jalor shifts his weight to his left foot.
On the sands, Farioll gives up trying to calm down.
From the ledge, Cyalinth adds her voice to the others.
From the ledge, Kyriath hummms more and more loudly..
From the ledge, Branth hums louder.
On the sands, Khyronn closes her eyes and tells herself to calm down.
On the sands, Mottled purple Egg rocks slightly.
On the sands, Gwyneth smiles to all her Friends.
On the sands, Falryx sighs hopefully at the eggs.
On the sands, Kyton gasps
On the sands, Caloren is not embarrased to be a bit nervous, but he calms
On the sands, Jalor spins to look at purple egg.
On the sands, Volitar calms himself down.
On the sands, Xalith breathes deeply and watches the purple egg.
On the sands, Khyronn takes a deep breath and opens her eyes.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg wobbles just a bit.
On the sands, Aara watches quietly.
On the sands, Gwyneth whispers "good louk every one "
CloudShape giggles and looks around for M'ndor's thumbs to twiddle Extra Fast.
Aryne gasps,she's never been to a dragon Hatching befoe.
Brennin wobbles just a bit, hirself.
From the ledge, Minayth humm gets louder.... his wings spreading slightly....
From the ledge, Mnedranth hums a few octaves below Kyriath.
From the ledge, Tidirth continues to hum only now increaing in volume...
On the sands, Arianna smiles warmly at Gwyneth
On the sands, Annalyn swallows.
On the sands, Tivor examines the Coral pink egg.
On the sands, Jalor spins to look at corla egg.
On the sands, Kyton watches anxiously
On the sands, Jalor remembers to breath.
On the sands, Volitar watches intently.
On the sands, Gwyneth Takes a deep shakie breath and grins.
Vernar gets very excited.
Citrel wishes good luck to all the Candidates.
Brennin does a stunning imitation of an egg!
Mira holds J'shua's hand tightly.
Lilt cocks her head and concentrates on something far away
Brennin tries to attract really dumb Candidates.
Lilt flies up and disappears, blinking into Between.
Darion says "Join the club Aryne... And I have been here since June OOC. :)"
Jonah smiles at Arianna
Kalinor laughs.
CloudShape giggles helplessly at Brennin.
Doriana grins.
M'ndor puts an arm about the quiet Joanna.
On Daria's arm, Leprechaun croons at the eggs.
On Daria's shoulder, Indigo croons too.
Chareth looks excited.
Mira smiles at ilmatar.
Citrel humms.
Doriana says "Any more takers?"
Selric watches intently.
Ketyar scollls and scrolllssss
On the sands, Dolar eyes the starlight silver egg intently, concentrating on
what is about to happen.
On the sands, Tivor wipes his hands on his robes.
On the sands, Mottled purple Egg rocks a bit more strongly, bouncing a bit on
the sands.
On the sands, Sparkling gold Egg wobbles slightly to the left.
On the sands, Kylana smiles at the beautiful Jenaith and the eggs.
On the sands, Caloren concentrates on thoughts of welcome.
On the sands, Largand opens his eyes, looking calmly at the eggs.
On the sands, Arianna gasps
On the sands, Volitar Begins to hum softly to himself.
On the sands, Annalyn gasps.
On the sands, Enamel white Egg rolls over once.
Telos says "Which on eis the Queen Egg."
CloudShape stares at Brennin and thinks thoughts of lots of meat and happy warm
caring at the good egg-impostor. =)
Vernar says "There's a few of us, but I've only been around since Friday."
On the sands, Deirdre breathes and smiles at everyone
On the sands, Jazmyn waits quietly, tuning out the other candidate and focusing
on the golden egg..
On the sands, Farioll is resolved to relax and let what happens happen.
On the sands, Largand takes a deep breath, and silently crosses his fingers.
On the sands, Volitar thinks of open skys and food galore.
On the sands, Tivor thinks peaceful thoughts.
On the sands, Xalith watches the white egg with awe.
On the sands, Khyronn concentrates on the little queen.
On the sands, Jalor shifts to his right foot.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at it.
Brennin wobbles, and leans a bit towards CloudShape!
Kelen wishes jazmyn gets the queen....
Gelov says "White egg?"
Citrel drinks some Benden Red. He knows what's important in life.
Jonah joins Citrel
Joanna watches the golden egg in awe at its size.
Gelov laughs.
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg tilts slightly.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg shifts slightly.
On the sands, Gwyneth hugs her self tightly in awe...
On the sands, Mottled purple Egg rolls back and forth, its occupant struggling
to crack the tough shell.
On the sands, Kyton clears his mind of any fearful thoughts
On the sands, Garavon watches the eggs intently.
Brennin giggles.
J'lan holds Daria closer
Marra giggles.
Chareth smiles.
Elyssa sips her wine, unable to look away from the sands.
Kimri chuckles.
Chareth stares down at the sands.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg rocks once, then is still.
On the sands, Dolar inclines his head with the tilting Starlight silver egg as
it rocks slightly. As if that would do him any good.
On the sands, Tivor thinks warm thoughts to the Mottled purple egg.
On the sands, Annalyn resolutely ignores the colored eggs behind her and
concentrates upon the queen egg.
On the sands, Volitar <come on, come and join us>
On the sands, Chana sighs softly, and clasps her hands tightly together.
On the sands, Xalith looks warmly at the white egg as it rocks.
On the sands, Enamel white Egg gives a violent jolt.
On the sands, Largand glances nervously to the sides, wishing luck to his
fellow candidates silently.
Selric slides next to Joanna.
Kelen unconshously holds marra's hand
Aryne drinks her wine.
M'ndor chuckles at J'shua....someof us do know J'shua...:) :)
On the sands, Sualtain takes deep breathes to calm herself as she watches the
golden egg.
On the sands, Ebon black Egg shifts slightly on the sands.
Citrel takes a humungous gulp of wine.
Aryne squeezes Ketyar's hand.
M'ndor says "Like you and me, and the rest of the riders. :)"
Brennin pose-whispers, "Psst, anyone want to buy some unreliable information?"
On the sands, Volitar inhales.
On the sands, Farioll concentrates on making an inner peace.
On the sands, Caloren concentrates on mentally encouraging the hatchlings.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg begins to wobble.
On the sands, Mottled purple Egg shakes urgently.
On the sands, Jalor starts at the sudden movement of the white egg!
J'shua involuntarily clenches Mira's hand.
Marra shivers a little as she watches.
J'shua nods.
Citrel says "Sure, BRennin."
R'shard pose-whispers back "No! :-)"
Mira catches her breath.
Doriana grins to D'nal. "I'll trust you."
CloudShape considers getting out a little mallet to crack open the egg-impostor
faster. S/he gets impatient sometimes.
On the sands, Gwyneth marvles at the eggs.
On the sands, Kylana smiles to the queen egg, as if to welcome the little
On the sands, Xalith hopes for the enamel white egg to crack soon...
On the sands, Tivor thinks encouraging thoughts to the Mottled purple egg.
Jonah refills his glass
Brennin eeps!
CloudShape grins.
Doriana says "Last call!"
From the ledge, Branth humms encouragingly.
From the ledge, Mnedranth hummmmmmmmms deeply.
From the ledge, Tayefeth hummmmssss.
From the ledge, Shaleth croons.
On the sands, Fire red Egg wabbles half-way over, then rocks back.
On the sands, Jalor calms himself.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg jerks suddenly, drawing all eyes to it.
On the sands, Volitar thinks <come into the open world, free yourselves.>
Brennin makes crackling noises!
Citrel drinks some Benden Red.
Ketyar takes a drink of water
On the sands, Mottled purple Egg rolls back and forth frantically. A network of
tiny cracks appears on its surface.
On the sands, Kyton projects encouragement to the purple egg's occupant
On the sands, Devin stands perfectly still, watching and waiting.
On the sands, Aara rocks back and forth on her feet, partly from the heat and
partly from nervousness.
On the sands, Falryx's eyes focus broadly, shingly hopfully
On the sands, Khyronn clasps her hands tightly in front of her as she continues
sending thoughts of welcome, friendship and love to the queen inside the
golden egg.
On the sands, Tivor projects love and happiness to the Mottled purple egg.
From the ledge, Tidirth hums very loudly with the others.
From Selric's shoulder, Regent hmmmmms softly.
From the ledge, Palantirth adds a low, quite thrumming.
Brennin sells information that at least one of the eggs will Impress to anyone
willing to pay hir 100 marks!
Gelov says "I'd like to get in Doriana, but I have no idea what the pool is."
Daria leans into J'lan's embrace, craning her head for a better look.
Aryne smiles at Ketyar.
Windwalker smiles
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg seems to quiver subtly.
On the sands, Xalith encourages the enamel white egg..
On the sands, Jazmyn ignores everything, but the sparkling gold egg and it's
On the sands, Dolar thinks of bonding, reliance, trust, while staring intently
at the starlight silver egg.
On the sands, Mottled purple Egg is hammered from within by its determined
On the sands, Jalor stands squarely on the sands, not noticing the heat any
J'shua can't rightly recall how he was feeling out there the day od his
Brennin looks around, eyes whirling.
Kelen cheers for jazmyn!!!
Brennin's eyes fix on CloudShape.
Citrel cheers!
Chareth cheers for Garaovn!!
On the sands, Volitar gazes at all the eggs in wonder.
On the sands, Gwyneth shift quitl inplace to ease her feet.
On the sands, Tivor gazes intently at the Mottled purple egg.
On the sands, Torr marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
On the sands, Tarrah marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
On the sands, Volitar thinks loving thoughts to all the eggs.
On the sands, Deirdre tunes out here fear...
On the sands, Garavon seems calm as he watches the eggs shift on the sands.
CloudShape isn't sure that s/he really wants to buy information that at least
one of the eggs is going to Impress a Canditate instead of vice versa. =)
J'lan says "Go Garavon!"
Kimri grins at chareth.
On the sands, Mottled purple Egg bounces violently, the cracks widening.
On the sands, Tarrah drags Torr out with her.
On the sands, Mottled purple Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet stumbles out.
On the sands, Falryx sighs nervously.
On the sands, More interested in watching his surroundings fascinatedly this
hatchling seems, but from time to time his pangs of hunger wrest a loud,
shrill cry from him.
On the sands, Chana gasps quietly.
On the sands, Kyton gasps
H'kon cheers for Deirdre, Gwyneth and Sualtain...hoping they all do well!
R'shard says "Alright, people, let's try to keep the posing up here down, ok?"
Brennin says "The Mottled purple egg there ... I bet it's gonna impress!"
J'shua says "Yay!"
Citrel says "HoortY!"
Jonah smiles
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg makes a faint popping sound.
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome little one. >>
On the sands, Caloren encourages the young dragons.
On the sands, Deirdre oohs at the bronze.
J'shua says "A bronze!"
Chareth yeahs!!!!! A bronze is first!
Doriana says "BETS ARE CLOSED!!!"
Elyssa toasts "A Bronze is first!"
On the sands, Tivor thinks thoughts of welcome to the bronze.
On the sands, Xalith watches the white egg and continues to encourage it with
warm thoughts.
On the sands, Largand thinks thoughts of welcome to the bronze!
On the sands, Garavon ooooohs.
On the sands, Gwyneth says "A bronze good omen."
On the sands, Kylana smiles to see the little dronze.
From the ledge, Bayanth trills!
On the sands, Kyton projects thoughts of love to the bronze dragonet
On the sands, Tylar lets out a long breath, and stands his ground.
On the sands, Tarrah says "Always is a good omen."
On the sands, Devin welcomes the bronze to the world.
On the sands, Volitar thinkse <<welcome>>
On the sands, Farioll smiles at he wonderful little dragons.
CloudShape thinks thoughts of sunsets and evenings and other fun things at
Brennin teasingly. =)
Vernar says "A bronze!"
Doriana cheers!
Citrel drinks a toast to the Bronze.
J'lan says "Good sign"
T'lean cheers
Daria nods.
Marra cheers!
Joanna smiles up at M'ndor,then turns her attentionm back to the eggs.
Brennin's eyes fix on CloudShape, rolling with love.
On the sands, Largand thinks thoughts of courage, and bravery, and, um, valor
to the bronze.
On the sands, Garavon admires the bronze hatchling and projects a welcome to
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet looks around curiously, watching the
world eagerly, looking for a life's companion.
On the sands, Gwyneth smolies and nods.
On the sands, Jalor smiles widely!
On the sands, Falryx looks hopefully to the bronze.
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg wobbles uncertainly.
On the sands, Sualtain is overcome with joy.
Doriana says "Very good sign."
H'kon cheers happily!
M'ndor says "here, here.. a good sign when a bronze hatches first."
T'lean remmembers his impression...he got the first hich was a bronze...:)
Aryne kisses Ketyar! "A bronze!!
Mira squeezes J'shua's hand tightly.
Kelen tries to keep up...
Resav watches the proceedings intently.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet stumbles about the sands, looking into
each face intently.
On the sands, Volitar Thinks of love and peace, and open flight.
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg spins suddenly!
On the sands, Khyronn switches her glance to the bronze hatchling and smiles
softly before returning her attention to the golden egg.
From the ledge, Mnedranth breaks his humming to croon to the new hatchling,
then returns to his vibrating thrum.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles encouraggemennt to the young bronze.
Kimri smiles.
Ketyar grins
Marra hopes the bronze chooses well..
Darion cheers for Deirdre, Tarven and Arianna...And everyone else. :)(
J'lan says "They always do"
On the sands, Kyton tries to catch the bronze's eyes
On the sands, Annalyn ignores the commotion behind her and continues to gaze at
the golden egg.
On the sands, Xalith joyfully watches the miracle of life in awe at the odd way
the dragons are born.
On the sands, Tivor smiles at the bronze hatchling.
On the sands, Dolar continues to stare at the starlight siilver egg.. His eyes
never left it.
M'ndor hugs Joanna.
Citrel chhers!
CloudShape feeds Brennin a big meat pie and hugs hir happily! =) "His name is
Brenninth!" s/he announces.
Citrel acks.
Brennin croons clumsily to CloudShape!
Kimri watches the sands intently.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet creels hungrily, and scrutinizes the
group of males eagerly.
On the sands, Falryx squats and joyfully stares into the eyes of the hatchling.
On the sands, Largand projects welcome and thoughts of warmth to bronze.
On the sands, Devin thinks of strength and courage...and devotion and loyalty.
On the sands, Caloren emanates welcome and happiness.
On the sands, Spotted green Egg rocks once, from end to end.
From the ledge, Bayanth warbles excitedly.
From the ledge, Minayth 's humming drops and croons deeply to the young
On the sands, Tivor projects food to the bronze.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the white egg.
On the sands, Largand thinks <Welcome, my new friend...>
On the sands, Garavon projects love and companionship to the bronze hatchling.
On the sands, Farioll is so glad the Bronze is alive and healthy.
Mira sighs happily.
CloudShape giggles and snugs 'sides Brennin, watching the events.
Aryne hold her breath,for a short time.
Citrel boozes it up.
Doriana grins to F'dan.
Elyssa sticks her tongue out at Cloudshape
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet stumbles towards Devin, crooning
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg shivers, moving slightly on the sands.
On the sands, Fire red Egg slides sideways, light flickering across its surface
like flames.
On the sands, Farioll knows Pern needs this bronze.
On the sands, Volitar grins <Come, join us>
On the sands, Deirdre tunes out fear and gazes upon the golden egg.
On the sands, Kyton thinks thoughts of love and companionship
From the ledge, Branth croons to the young bronze.
F'dan smiles at Doriana.
Ketyar squeezes Aryne's hand
J'shua kisses Mira lightly on the cheek before turning back to the sands.
Ilmatar stands up and goes down to the sands.
Selric grins in sympathy to the cases of nerves down on the sands.
Kelen wonders where jazmyn is..?
Jonah is tense
On the sands, Falryx smiles at Devin.
On the sands, Devin looks back at the bronze with his eyes damp, and beckons it
on, thinking of companionship and love.
On the sands, Farioll hopes the other dragons hatch just as easily.
On the sands, Dolar continues to eye the Starlight silver egg asa it continues
to show signs of life.
From the ledge, Shaleth croons encouragement to the bronze.
CloudShape grins and winks at Elyssa.
Marra wows!!!!!
Chareth shifts nervously at HOPES for Garavon!
Darion wonders where Eliene is.
On the sands, Khyronn gazes lovingly and tenderly at the golden egg, sending
warm thoughts to its inhabitants.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet glances into Devin's face, and then turns
away, evidently not having found just the right one.
On the sands, Tarrah runs a finger down her brother's nose. "Go for it."
On the sands, Garavon watches the bronze, thinking of open skies and flying
Citrel ohs.
Marra says "The tension is incredible"
M'ndor says "72 people...good grief."
Kelen says "no kidding!!"
Doriana cheers for Garavon.
Citrel cuts the tension with one of his knives.
Aryne smiles lovingly at Ketyar and then turns her attention to the sands.
On the sands, Torr stands next to his sister, looking quite quiet and a lil'
confused. Whispers to her one thing.
On the sands, Tivor projects harmony and peace to the bronze.
On the sands, Volitar tinks of steaming wherry and open air.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet turns towards Garavon, crooning
On the sands, Jalor looks encouragingly at the bronze.
On the sands, Ebon black Egg shifts a bit to the left.
Elyssa says "Such tension... and how many more eggs are there??"
On the sands, Largand thinks thoughts of brotherhood to the bronze...of working
together to defend Pern...of riding the skies...
Chareth holds her breath........
On the sands, Xalith has tears in her eyes as she watches the white egg rock..
she is flattered that she gets to stand before it.
On the sands, Falryx croons cautiously to the bronze.
On the sands, Miriar stares intently at the golden egg, oblivious to all else.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet peers up at Garavon, seeming to like what
he sees, and stumbles forward!
On the sands, Volitar glances at the ebon egg.
Selric offers Citrel a scalpel.
On the sands, Farioll knows the bronze will chosose without his help.
Zagan nods to M'ndor. "It'll likely go higher. The new limit is in the
Citrel declines, thanks
F'dan wanders over to Doriana and asks if he might sit with her.
On the sands, Tarrah whispers back to Torr.
On the sands, Garavon admires the bronze and projects thoughts of companionship
to him.
M'ndor wonders about brotherhood sometimes...
T'lean roots for Garavon
Doriana says "Sure, F'dan!"
On the sands, Aara watches the eggs, wondering who will hatch next.
M'ndor says "I know Zagan."
On the sands, Jazmyn calls out to the occupant of the gold egg with her mind
and soul, but no one on the sands hears a word from her...nothing human that
J'lan says "Go Garavon!"
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet moves towards Garavon eagerly, creeling
Elyssa says "Go Garavan!"
Citrel cheers Garavon!
Daria cheers for Garavon.
Doriana says "Yay, Garavon!"
Citrel says "Hooray!"
F'dan sits down next to Doriana and smiles happily.
Ketyar yea's
Jonah says "Garavon!"
M'ndor cheers on Garavon!!!
On the sands, Caloren continues to think encouraging thoughts towards the
moving eggs.
Resav says "Come on Garavon!"
Kimri urges the little bronze to choose Garavon.
On the sands, Dolar fixedly admires the Starlight Silver egg. That's it little
one, rest a second. No rush I'll be here.
On the sands, Volitar grins at the bronze tenderly.
Marra says "yeah, Garavon!"
Doriana grins to F'dan.
Aryne cheers for Garavon.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet searches Garavon's face carefully.
Everyone cheers for Garavon. :)
J'shua holds his breath.
On the sands, Gwyneth nervously plays with her hair winding one curl aroun her
finger and watches the Queen egg.
Citrel fires up the chain saw.
On the sands, Torr takes a step forwards, up closer to the front.
On the sands, Deirdre sends thoughts of love to the golden egg.
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg hops suddenly, rolling away from the cluster
of eggs.
On the sands, Falryx opens his heart to his surroundings.
On the sands, Enamel white Egg rocks tentatively.
On the sands, Kyton watches the bronze anxiously
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg wobbles strongly.
Marra wonders if Garavon will be the one chosen...
Citrel slices into the Tension with Gelov's Chain Saw.
On the sands, Garavon smiles at the bronze, thinking of love and friendship for
On the sands, Sualtain clenches her eyes shut trying hard to let the queen egg
know of her thoughs of love and happiness.
Kelen watches wonderingly
Doriana hopes for Garavon....
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg bucks and rolls a few feet.
On the sands, Tivor projects <<You can do it!!>> to the orange egg.
On the sands, Volitar sends encouragement to the Ebon egg's occupant.
On the sands, Tarrah clasps her brother on the shoulder, and runs over to where
Deirdre is standing.
On the sands, Xalith smiles with joy and a tear trickles down her cheek and
onto the ground as she watches the white egg.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet tries to move towards Garavon, stumbles,
and falls over on its face at his feet.
On the sands, Ebon black Egg spins on its axis.
On the sands, Devin continues to watch ever hopefully.
Chareth HOPES......
On the sands, Torr , finding a place in the frontlines where he can see it all
happening, crouches down to watch without being in the sightline of those
behidn him.
Selric wishes Garavon good luck.
J'lan crosses his fingers
On the sands, Garavon moves to help the bronze up.
Marra says "Help him up, Garavon..."
Doriana says "Help him up, Garavon!"
On the sands, Enamel white Egg rocks again, a bit more urgently.
Daria holds her breath.
Chareth says "Come on, Garavon...."
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<Come on, you can do it!>>
Jonah smiles
Kelen says "help him up!!!"
On the sands, Deirdre takes Tarrah's hand and squeezes it. "You'll be fine, and
so will he. You'll see."
J'shua grins. "The dragonet knows."
Aryne hopes that Garavon will Impress the bronze for both him and Chareth.
On the sands, Farioll looks at the white egg.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet glances up into Garavon's face.
D'nal watches quietly.. eyes intent...
Ketyar says "Go Garavon."
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet looks deeply into Garavon's eyes.
On the sands, Curious bronze dragonet croons lovingly at Garavon.
Elyssa bites her nails
On the sands, Aara shouts "Congrants Garavon!!" while tears run down her
On the sands, Kyton watches garavon intently
On the sands, Xalith smiles with love at the enamel egg yet again.
On the sands, Fire red Egg bounces as though the occupant is eager to get out!
Doriana cheers!!!
J'lan says "YES!!!!!"
T'lean cheers!
On the sands, Falryx smiles at Garavon.
Chareth SHOUTS!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg knocks against the Ebon egg, sending it spinning
Citrel cheers!
F'dan smiles.
J'shua cheeeersssss!
Vernar sighs wistfully...
Selric says "Yes!!!!"
Marra sighs.
CloudShape does wonder why it always seems like people have to think thoughts
of violence and food. Why don't they think about sweet music, beautiful days,
long luxurious backrubs... =)
On the sands, Arianna gazes at the happy pair, tears in her eyes
On the sands, Gwyneth cheers..
Resav says "ALRIGHT!!!"
On the sands, Garavon says "He says his name is Tevrath!"
End of G'ravon's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
H'kon cheers for Garavon.
On the sands, Kylana smiles at the new dragonpair with joyous tears in her
On the sands, Khyronn concentrates of the beautiful golden egg.
Darion whistles...
J'shua says "G'von?""
On the sands, Chana realizes her mouth is hanging open, shuts it, and turns
back to watch the gold egg.
On the sands, Arianna cheers!
From the ledge, Bayanth BUGLES!!!!!
Daria cheers loudly. "Yeah!!!!"
CloudShape cheers!
On the sands, Kyton cheers Garavon
Jonah Garavon!!!
On the sands, Largand claps!
On the sands, Tivor thinks encouragement and love at the Orange egg.
On the sands, Volitar says "Congrats."
On the sands, Jalor smiles broadly at Garavon and fine young Tevrath!
Kelen says "yeah!!!"
Telosshouts "YES!!!"
Brennin yays!
On the sands, Xalith dearly hopes the occupant of the white egg will come to
Tragor says "garavon!"
On the sands, Enamel white Egg rockrocks.
On the sands, Deirdre yays!
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
Mira smiles happily.
Citrel thinks about a backrub.
On the sands, Tarrah nods, and squeezes back. "Helps having him to worry about.
I don't have to be scared.
On the sands, Tivor grins.
Kimri cheers!
Doriana says "Finally!"
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles
On the sands, Sualtain cheers.
On the sands, Largand pats Garavon on the back. "Or is it G'von?"
Aryne jumps up ecstatic!!!
On the sands, Tarrah says "Yah! Garavon!!! Told you..."
Elyssa raises her glass "To Garavon!" and drinks
Gelov cheers!
Daria hugs J'lan.
M'ndor says "Congrats G'von, G'ravon?"
On the sands, Caloren smiles and congratulates Garavon.
On the sands, Danin says "congrats Garavob and Tevrath!"
On the sands, Xalith's eyes let out another tear.
F'dan is amazed he hasn't been spammed yet. :)
On the sands, G'ravon smiles broadly.
On the sands, Kylana wonders why anyone would be afraid on this jotous
J'shua applauds for Tevrath and G'ravon!
Marra says "To Tevrath and his Rider!"
Elyssa sighs...
On the sands, Enamel white Egg shakes a bit.
J'lan hugs Daria
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg rocks more strongly, shifting across the
Citrel drinks a toast!
Telosfinally remembers to breathe.
On the sands, Kyton turnsa to look at teh other eggs
On the sands, Annalyn stands quietly watching the queen egg.
Aryne kisses Ketyar,excited and happy!!!!!
Bubastis purrs even louder and closes her eyes with pleasure.
On the sands, Khyronn congratulates Garavon and Tevrath.
On the sands, Tivor smiles broadly at the Mottled orange egg.
J'shua hugs Mira tightly.
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg jerks again, rolling back toward the circle of
Doriana thinks Kylana hasn't really realized how big hatchlings are....
On the sands, Jalor is distracted by the Enamel White Egg.
On the sands, Caloren emanates friendship and togetherness.
Ketyar grins...
On the sands, Aara smiles happily at G'ravon, glad he finally found his friend.
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg moves slightly on the sands.
Jonah says "and that was just one!"
Daria softly asks J'lan if it was like that for him?
Selric drinks a toast to G'ravon and Tevrath.
On the sands, Jeniath bugles happily at the pair.
On the sands, Xalith is overly joyed, watching the enamel egg, hoping for it to
On the sands, Tivor welcomes the Swirled orange egg back into the group.
Kelen does too
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg rolls over, bumping into the Starlight silver
On the sands, Volitar Thinks deep loving thoughts.
On the sands, Devin watches eagerly, cheered by the success of his friend.
Citrel boozes it up.
On the sands, Largand turns back to the other eggs, after giving G'ravon a
congradulatory smile.
Aryne hugs Chareth.
On the sands, Dolar envisions the joy of flight and beams the thought in the
direction of the Starlight Silver egg.
On the sands, Torr puts a hand on the warm sand to steady his crouching
position, and watches the eggs' motion.
On the sands, Kath trumpets his congratulations!
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg rocks slowly and steadily.
On the sands, Jazmyn nearly forgets to breath as she focuses all that she is on
the golden lady within the egg..
Chareth hugs Aryne happily, crying with joy.
Ketyar hugs Chareth.
On the sands, Enamel white Egg moves back and forth.
On the sands, Farioll is caught up in everything and really speechless.
Kelen hopes for JAZMYN...
On the sands, Aara turns back to watch the eggs.
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg rocks steadily, as though its occupant is
patiently determined to work its way out.
Aryne says "Congratulations!!!"
On the sands, Tivor thinks of the glory of fighting thread to the orange egg.
Elyssa says "How many eggs are there?""
On the sands, Kylana calmly wits for the golden queen to make her entrance.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to G'ravon and Tevrath.
J'lan says "Congrats Chareth"
Chareth hugs Ketyar happily.
Telos says "13"
Kelen says "13 eggs..."
On the sands, Khyronn shifts her weight on the sand to her right foot and
continues to send loving thoughts to the occupant of the golden egg.
On the sands, Tarrah likes starlight on a moonless night..
On the sands, Xalith knows the white egg will crack very soon, she just knows
On the sands, Kyton lets out a deep breath that he didn't realize he was
Citrel drinks some more. "12 now.
On the sands, Sea blue Egg slides down the heap of sand.
Aryne hugs Ketyar.
M'ndor says "12 eggs."
From the ledge, Bayanth trumpets excitedly.
Jonah breaths deeply
From the ledge, Mnedranth trumpets for the new dragonpair, and hummmmms again!
Vernar says "One down and 12 more, wow!"
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg rattles.
On the sands, Gwyneth breaths a happy but whisfull sigh.
Ketyar hugs Aryne and kisses her
On the sands, Dolar That's it. Ooh you're a smart one from the start. You'll
make it. No doubt of that.
Chareth thanks J'lan.
On the sands, Volitar grins widely. <COme join us. COME be free!>>
Selric wonders at the scene.
On the sands, Torr skitters out of the way as the sea blue egg almost slides
into him.
On the sands, Tivor once again projects encouragemtn to the Orange
From the ledge, Branth croons happily
Aryne kisses Ketyar back.
On the sands, Torr stands again, and watches it.
Brennin sings, "Up in those sterilized stands where they let you be lazy ...
knowing your attitude's all wrong and you've got to change, but it's not ...
easy ... dragon shining with all values known, dazzling you, don't you want
your own ...?"
On the sands, Coral pink Egg bounces once, and settles.
On the sands, Falryx thinks of the wonder of riding a dragon and all it
On the sands, Turin marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
On the sands, Tarrah composes her thoughts.
Aryne sits down again.
On the sands, Xalith's blue-gray eyes are wide as she inhales a huge breath.
Marra thinks the eggs are so beautiful..
M'ndor hrms.
On the sands, Enamel white Egg rocks furiously.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg shakes a bit tentatively.
Jonah sips his wine
Brennin filks a song no one else has probably ever heard :)
On the sands, Volitar considers if he is really worthy of being here.
On the sands, Deirdre breathes deeply and continues to focus on the golden egg.
<<Don't let us rush you, lovely one. Take your time.>>
On the sands, Falryx glances at the White Egg.
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg vibrates as the hatchling inside tries to get
CloudShape grins at Brennin. "Why, when I've got a Brennin? =)"
On the sands, Tarrah looks up at Jeniath. Crosses her arms over her chest and
bows in respect.
On the sands, Xalith looks truly hopeful for the white egg and encourages it to
On the sands, Sualtain takes a deep breath and concentrates on the queen egg.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg moves about on the hot sands, as if its occupant
were frantically rocking back and forth.
From the ledge, Tuerth hummms.
Aryne says "I wonder which will hatch next."
On the sands, Volitar thinks loving thoughts to the ebony egg.
Citrel drinks some more.
Brenninth, CloudShape :)
Kelen wonders which will hatch next
Brennin sings, "I got you, babe!"
On the sands, Jeniath meets Deirdre's gaze boldly.
On the sands, Farioll looks at the rocking eggs, hoping they come out soon!
Doriana grins and restrains herself from betting....
Citrel says "Mira gets netbombed!"
CloudShape grins. True. She gives Brennin another meat pie.
From Selric's shoulder, Regent continues hummming.
Brennin munches.
J'shua shakes his head.
On the sands, Devin watches the eggs patiently.
Resav wonders which one is next.
On the sands, Fire red Egg shifts on the sands... once... then again.
On the sands, Tivor peers intently at the orange egg.
Citrel says "No?"
J'shua says "Nope. RL called."
On the sands, Caloren waits patiently, quietly encouraging the hatchlings.
On the sands, Chana thinks hopeful thoughts, and watches all the eggs with wide
eyes, but most especially the gold one.
On the sands, G'ravon walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg rocks a bit more, shifting on the sizzling
Brennin laughs at CloudShape! "Obeying the tenor of the day, hey?"
On the sands, Coral pink Egg turns and settles itself deeper in the sand.
On the sands, Deirdre curtsies again to Jeniath. "A clutch to be proud of,
On the sands, Annalyn appears motionless, but if you look closely you can see
her lips moving as she subvocally whispers encouragement to the queen egg.
On the sands, Jeniath bugles happily.
M'ndor hmms.
Ketyar smiles and takes another dirnk of water.
Marra starts! She didn't know Chana was a Candidate!
Chareth beams with delight.
Zagan groans at the pun.
On the sands, Danin smiles patiently
On the sands, Jeniath meets Turin's gaze boldly.
On the sands, Dolar watches the Starlight Silver egg rock rhythmically, you can
see him swaying slightly as if he's in there struggling with the hatchling to
get out.
Aryne finishes her wine happily.
Citrel drinks some Benden Red. He's getting DRUNK, scorch it.
On the sands, Kyton projects encourgement to the soon to be hatchlings
On the sands, Spotted green Egg rocks back and forth with a quick, steady
Doriana whispers to F;dan to get her some wine.
On the sands, Enamel white Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
Marra says "Now I have three to root foor---Annalyn, Arianna, and Chana!"
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet stumbles out.
On the sands, The small but long-tailed green hatchling shows a preference for
scooting awkwardly across the sand on her belly.
CloudShape thought Citrel was trying to be. <grin>
On the sands, Arianna calmly waits and watches the Gold egg
On the sands, Largand thinks encouraging thoughts at the eggs, for lack of
something less cliche'd to do. :)
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome little green! >>
Citrel cheers!
On the sands, Falryx smiles at the little green.
Telos whispers encouragement to Devin.
Jonah says "Yeah!"
Elyssa sips nervously
On the sands, Xalith cries at the sight of the green, at what a beauty she is!
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the green.
On the sands, Volitar smiles in wonder.
Rasell finds an empty seat.
Marra thinks the green is a cutie. 8)
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet scoots across the sands, peeping eagerly,
her tail dragging on the sands clumsily.
Doriana laughs at the little green, scooting on her belly.
On the sands, Farioll looks at the green
From the ledge, Mnedranth bugles, then keeps hummmmung.
Citrel yippees
On the sands, Jalor smiles at the green.
From the ledge, Mnedranth bugles, then keeps hummmming, too.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles encouragement to the little sister.
Marra likes greens. 8)
On the sands, Aara smiles at the dragonet.
Aryne admires the green.
On the sands, Miriar shifts a little nervously, still intent on the golden egg.
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet blinks her red-whirling eyes at all the
On the sands, Jazmyn concentrates all her love and pours it out to the gold
dragonet within the sparkling gold egg.
CloudShape grins. "Nice and bouncy."
On the sands, Tivor waves to the green.
Daria smiles at the green.
On the sands, Khyronn smiles at the little green, welcoming it to the world,
then looks once again to the golden egg.
J'lan says "Another green for Kereneth to chase"
J'shua chuckles.
From the ledge, Palantirth continues a low thrumming...
On the sands, Farioll says "Such a beautiful dragon."
On the sands, Volitar grins. <Come, let us find you some food>
Brennin gets bored and starts thinking bizarre and twisted thoughts at the eggs
and dragons below.
On the sands, Largand smiles at the green, then turns his attention back to the
other eggs.
Aryne laughs.
On the sands, Xalith blinks back tears and smiles at the green.
Daria elbows J'lan lightly.
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet trips over herself in her eagerness to
examine all the Candidates.
Doriana grins.
On the sands, Sualtain smiles at the green. 'Such a beautiful green.'
F'dan walks over and pours some Benden red for himself and Doriana, then sits
down and hands Doirana a glass.
J'shua baps J'lan playfully. "But of course!"
F'dan smiles.
On the sands, Torr turns and looks around a few other Candidates, so he can see
the Green better, and watches it.
On the sands, Tivor concentrates on the orange egg.
J'lan says "Oif!"
Darion looks around for a quiet spot to study...
On the sands, Xalith picks the green up and quickly backs away..
M'ndor hmms at Largand, picky aren't we...
Brennin imagines chartreuse trees and green sunrises, and a Harper Hall
decorated all in fuscia.
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet rolls about on the sands, rights herself,
and continues on her headlong course across the sands.
On the sands, Volitar says "'Tis such a wonderous sight."
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg tilts suddenly as the egg next to it shatters
and collapses.
On the sands, Kylana chuckles at the little green. <<Welcome little one>>
Brennin giggles.
On the sands, Kyton grins at the reckless dragonnet
J'lan cheers
Vernar stands on tiptoes to see.
Doriana accepts the glass and toasts with F'dan. "To dragonets, all of them!"
Brennin thinks happy thoughts at CloudShape!
On the sands, Falryx chuckles. "What a wonderful little one!"
Kelen smioles
On the sands, Arianna smiles tenderly at the little green
Jonah smiles
Ketyar chuckles
On the sands, Tarrah says "Imagine that green in the air..."
Brennin wants another meat pie, though :)
F'dan toasts and smiles at Doriana.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg slides further down the mound of sand, closer to
the candidates.
Elyssa grins, hopefully the green will be a bit more graceful in the air...
M'ndor says "Cheerful little thing."
On the sands, Xalith says "She's pretty hyperactive!"
Marra thinks the green will be a little terror!
On the sands, Gwyneth giggles.
R'shard says "That tail will make her very maneuverable."
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg wobbles erratically.
On the sands, Volitar grins. "She will be quite a fighter!"
On the sands, G'ravon wanders here from the southern area of the cavern.
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet stumbles down the pile of sand, eventually
tripping and sliding down the rest of the way on her tummy.
J'shua grins. "Original, at least."
Citrel says "Most greens are."
Aryne grins.
Daria can't believe Largand is that coosy.
Kelen agrees with R'shard
Doriana nods. "No bronze'll catch her..."
On the sands, Torr chuckles at the Green's way of getting around, and settles
back down into a crouch, looking over the sands at all the commotion.
On the sands, Farioll says "Poor little thing!"
M'ndor chuckles....too agile.
On the sands, Tarrah oofs. Sand burn.
On the sands, Volitar helps th e green to her feet.
On the sands, Caloren thinks welcoming thoughts towards the yet-unhatched eggs.
From the ledge, Branth hummmmmmmssss!
On the sands, Spotted green Egg shivers and shakes on the mound.
M'ndor says "Some blue maybe..."
On the sands, Shards of a Enamel white Egg stares at Volitar momentarily,
swings her tail clumsily, and scoots off.
Doriana grins. "Or a very agile brown."
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet stares at Volitar momentarily, swings her
tail clumsily, and scoots off.
On the sands, Xalith tries not to start crying again as she watches the green.
On the sands, Largand didn't see that, nope. :)
Doriana winks to F'dan.
On the sands, Devin , either.
On the sands, Sualtain looks happily at the green dragonet.
Brennin prods CloudShape with your nose. 'E wants a meat pie!
Kalinor removes a last few tangles of Net about himself.
On the sands, Volitar grins. 'THere is a Fiesty one!
On the sands, Deirdre firmly ignores that moving shards.
Darion says "Hi Selina.."
F'dan grins.
Brennin ums, _my_ nose?
On the sands, Arianna chuckles softly
On the sands, Xalith keeps shaking her head... "You're such a beauty..."
On the sands, Chana stifles a giggle.
On the sands, Tivor gapes at the white shards.
Selina says "Hi everyone!"
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet slides over towards the women.
On the sands, Farioll concentrates on dragons, not shards.
From the ledge, Mnedranth hummmmmmmmmmmmssss louder than Branth, encouraging
the eggs and new dragonetes.
On the sands, Falryx stares at the green.
Marra thinks thegreen is great.
CloudShape thinks so, Brennin, s/he'd hate to be poked by everyone's noses. =)
S/he gives the cute Brenninth another meat pie.
Brennin thanks CloudShape!
Marra greets Selina, and turns back to watch thegreen.
On the sands, Tarrah says "Maving shords, more like."
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the green, and tears come to her eyes again..
M'ndor says "Hi Joanna."
From the ledge, Bayanth croons, looking happy.
Brennin munches, and looks less hungry.
On the sands, Aara smiles as she watches the little green.
qyph wants to get some wine to calm his nerves
From the ledge, Branth hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmssssssssss to outdo everyone
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet uses her tail to propel herself across the
Citrel drinks up.
On the sands, Fire red Egg rocks hard, turning completely over!
On the sands, Sea blue Egg jerks wildly, the striations on its surface growing
more prominent.
On the sands, Khyronn finds her attention pulled to the green. She smiles at
the little dragonet and and thinks warm thoughts to her.
On the sands, Volitar thinks loving thoughts to those yet unhatched, and wills
them to break free.
Jonah drinks
From the ledge, Bayanth trills a laugh at Branth.
Selric moves giving way for Joanna.
On the sands, Jazmyn ignores all, but the sparkling gold egg before her..
F'dan sits back and smiles.
On the sands, Sualtain looks at the green dragonet, and thinks happy thoughts
at her.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg wobbles tentatively.
Ketyar sips some more water
On the sands, Annalyn steps out of the green's way.
Citrel cheers Jazmyn.
J'lan says "What an ego maniac my dragon is"
Selina sits nw ext to Darion
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet lashes her tail and speeds across, running
headlong into Miriar.
Joanna gapes.
On the sands, Farioll looks at the bronze egg wobbling.
On the sands, Kyton watches the wobbling eggs intently
CloudShape stockpiles some more meat pies in case Brennin gets hungry again.
Tch, these Harper hatchlings. =)
On the sands, Tarrah surrounds her thoughts with peace, strength and
Doriana grins. "If Jazmyn doesn't get the Gold, she'll be absolutely crushed at
this rate....'
Chareth laughs. Like dragon like rider???
On the sands, Dolar continues to focus his attention on the as yet unhatched
eggs. still paying special attention to the Starlight silver egg.
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<Come, break free.>>
On the sands, Gwyneth smilse and moves over.
R'shard says "Like Rider, like dragon? :-)"
On the sands, Deirdre thinks of love and loyalty as she continues to
concentrate of the gold egg.
J'shua chuckles. "Wonder where he gets it, J'lan?"
Aryne laughs.
On the sands, Miriar suddenly notices the green at her feet!
On the sands, Devin watches the eggs, barely taking a breath at all.
J'lan says "Hey, I resent that!"
Brennin rumbles happily, and munches pies.
On the sands, Tivor projects loving and kind thoughts to the orange egg.
On the sands, Jalor smiles broadly at the green and friend.
Chareth teases her relative-to-be.......
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet thumps her tail a bit.
On the sands, Volitar looks longingl at the ebony egg before him.
J'shua smiles. "Someone should tell that green she's not a tunnel-snake."
On the sands, Arianna grins
On the sands, Kylana hopes the green won't hurt herself, and turns back to the
queen egg.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg turns over, and then stops moving.
J'shua grins.
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet pokes Miriar in the knees with her snoot.
Kelen laughs
F'dan grins and the dragonet and sips his wine.
On the sands, Khyronn watches the gold egg, glancing every once in a while, at
the green and Miriar.
Citrel cheers Miriar!
J'lan says "Go Miriar"
J'shua ouches for Miriar.
On the sands, Miriar looks at the pretty green dragonet. "What's the matter
little one?
Marra thinks the green is just great the way she is, J'shua!
Jonah says "Miriar!!!"
On the sands, Coral pink Egg rocks experimentally.
Teloscheers wildly.
On the sands, G'ravon walks south, to the center of the cavern.
Doriana cheers for Miriar.
Citrel says "Hooray!"
M'ndor chuckles at the little green.
Chareth cheers Miriar on.
Keeson says "Thanks R'shard."
Brennin thinks thoughts of hapless androgynous journeymen waiting on them hand
and foot to the dragonlings!
Ketyar says "Yeh Miriar..."
On the sands, Volitar says "Where is the lab?"
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet looks hungry.
R'shard nods and deals with the scroll.
Marra says "Go on, Miriar!"
On the sands, Xalith says "She's probably hungry."
On the sands, Farioll looks at the pink egg's thrashings.
On the sands, Tarrah grins softly at Miriar. "I think you've found a friend."
On the sands, Fire red Egg shakes violently.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg rocks, bouncing itself an inch off the
sands! It lands with a thump.
Windwalker stands up and goes down to the sands.
On the sands, Largand thinks encouraging thoughts at the unhatched eggs.
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg rattles again the Ebon egg as it rocks
Brennin giggles.
Vernar smiles and sighs, once again.
Aryne says "Yeah Miriar!!"
Joanna smiles at Speedy..
Windwalker finds an empty seat.
On the sands, Jalor wows!
On the sands, Arianna smiles at Miriar "What's her name?"
On the sands, Largand watches the burnished bronze egg!
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet wants someone to feed her!
On the sands, Gwyneth says "She must be starving.."
On the sands, Tivor thinks to the occupant of the orange egg <<you can do it!>>
On the sands, Kylana sneaks a look at the green and Miriar.
CloudShape thinks thoughts of androgynous journeymen tickling Harper hatchlings
at Brenninth. =)
On the sands, Miriar takes the greens head between her hands..."Hungry?'
On the sands, Xalith says "You'll be fed as soon as you find someone."
On the sands, Sualtain wishes she could get something to feed the hungry dreen
dragonet with.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the green.
Doriana says "C'mon, Miriar! That's better...."
On the sands, Dolar still focuses on the Starlight silver egg.
Marra says "That's it, Mirirar."
J'lan says "Miri, come on!"
On the sands, Volitar grinns at the small one.
Kelen cheers for Miriar!!!
On the sands, Xalith yet again gets tears in her eyes.
Citrel says "Yeee-haah!"
Brennin thinks thoughts of apologetic Masters to the hapless androgynous
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet stares into Miriar's eyes. << YES!! >>
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet looks deeply into Miriar's eyes.
On the sands, Speedy green dragonet croons lovingly at Miriar.
J'lan says "YES!"
Doriana says "Yeah!"
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the new pair.
Brennin says "Miriar, huzzah!"
Marra waits to hear her name!
Chareth cheers!!!!
Citrel says "All right!"
F'dan grins.
Resav cheers!
On the sands, Gwyneth looks whistfully at the Gold Egg.
On the sands, Dolar watches it intently, thinking: That's it, rest. Take your
time :)
Elyssa cheers--Two down, eleven more to go!
Jascot cheers!!
CloudShape awwws at the peppy 'lil dragonet.
Ketyar cheers...
Jonah says "All right Miri!!!"
D'nal whispers softly.. as if Miriar could hear him...
J'shua says "Hoooorays!"
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles tothe ne pair
M'ndor says "hip, hip hurrah!"
On the sands, Kylana smiles joyously at Miriar and the green.
Citrel says "Hooray!"
On the sands, Miriar looks up with tears in her eyes..."She says her name is
End of Miriar's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
Aryne cheers for the new dragonpair.
From the ledge, Palantirth trumpets down at the Candidates.
On the sands, Arianna beams
On the sands, Chana smiles at Miriar and Rianath.
On the sands, Torr smiles at the lil' event between Miriar and Speedy, and taps
a to-himself rhythm on his kneecaps in reflection of a tune brought to mind.
Kalinor smiles.
On the sands, Aara says "congrats Miriar and Rianath!"
Elyssa says "Which one, Cloudshape? Miriar's or Brenninth?"
On the sands, Farioll grins.
Tragor says "Yea for Miriar!"
Kelen smiles and wiats for the next egg to hatch
On the sands, Khyronn smiles upon Miriar and Rianath.
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg rattles.
On the sands, Kyton cheers Miriar and Rianath
Teloscheers for Miriar and her new green.
On the sands, Xalith smiles...
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg rocks determinedly, almost crashing into
Doriana says "Wow, that's a close one...."
From the ledge, Branth bugles happily
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg jounces and bounces.
On the sands, Tivor smiles at Miriar and the green, then concentrates on the
orange egg.
From Selric's shoulder, Regent flaps his wings in excitement.
On the sands, Deirdre cheers softly for Miriar!
On the sands, Tarven ducks away from the caroming egg.
On the sands, Volitar thinks of love and openb flight in a thread free PErn.
On the sands, Sualtain cheers.
Citrel says "You lose, Kerridis...Kerridis?"
On the sands, Danin smiles encouragingly to Miriar and Rianath
On the sands, Largand cheers for Miriar!
On the sands, Xalith turns her attention to the dirty grey egg.
On the sands, Dolar snaps back to the starlight silver egg..
From the ledge, Mnedranth trumpets for Miriar and Rianath!
From the ledge, Bayanth trills happily.
Telosis amazed at the spectacle before him.
On the sands, Tarrah cheers for Miriar! "Yup."
On the sands, Torr smiles and nods to Miriar and her new friend.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to Miriar and Rianath.
Citrel darns.
CloudShape grins at Elyssa. "Miriar's. Brenninth isn't going anywhere just
On the sands, Gwyneth Smilse warmly at the new pair, and then gazes at the
queen eeg....
On the sands, Caloren congratulates the new pair.
On the sands, Dolar thinks thoughts of soaring through the skies on a sunlit
summer day with a nice breeze.
On the sands, Xalith gives the dirty grey egg as much love as she did the white
On the sands, Miriar says "Come on, silly dragon...let's find some food.""
From the ledge, Mnedranth returns to his encouraging hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
On the sands, Aara smiles at the new pair and then watches the eggs, once again
wondering who is next.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg moves ever so slightly.
Brennin looks at hir stomach thoughtfully. "No," 'e says, trying to move, "I
may not be."
On the sands, Miriar walks south, to the center of the cavern.
J'lan holds Daria closer
Brennin hrms. One too many meat pies?
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg rolls about and off the mound, bouncing
violently. Ouch!
Brennin giggles, and moves, okay.
On the sands, Falryx focuses his love towards the eggs.
Joanna begins to feel all the tension of the event.
Aryne says "What's the name of G'ravon's bronze?"
On the sands, Spotted green Egg spins suddenly.
On the sands, Caloren projects warm thoughts of welcome towards the eggs.
On the sands, Jazmyn concentrates soo hard on the sparkling gold egg, you would
think she was trying to crack the shell by force of will.
Doriana says "Tevrath."
On the sands, Miriar wanders here from the southern area of the cavern.
Ketyar squeezes Aryne's hand.
Telos says "Tevrath."
On the sands, Dolar thinks of that same summer's day flight on the way to the
feeding area :)
On the sands, Volitar firmly focusses himself on the eggs.
On the sands, Tivor hums softly to the orange egg.
Chareth tries to recall... YeP!
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg rolls onwards, in imminent danger of smashing
into a wall!
Zoodle pops out of between and flies around.
On the sands, Spotted green Egg rocks with determination.
Chareth waves to Zoodle.
Jonah smiles
Citrel ooohs.
On the sands, Farioll goes over and halts the egg!
J'lan says "You mean you can't remember Chareth?"
On the sands, Coral pink Egg shifts suddenly to one side and then lies still.
On the sands, Khyronn projects thgouths of love and ever-lasting loyalty to the
golden egg.
Daria says "I..can't..breathe..J'lan.""
Zoodle trills.
On the sands, Arianna croons softly and sweetly at the gold egg
Aryne squeezes Ketyar's hand back.
On the sands, Xalith thinks warm thoughts of happiness to the dirty grey egg.
On the sands, Farioll keeps the yellow egg from bashing into the wall.
On the sands, Kylana laughinly thinks that the little queen is going to make
quite an entrance, the gold egg hasn't rocked once.
On the sands, Deirdre sends thoughts of love and ecouragement to the golden
J'lan loosens up a bit.
On the sands, Volitar is excited.
Doriana thinks Farioll is more likely to get run over than to stop it....
Selric grins widely.
J'lan says "Sorry Daria"
Chareth blushes. Um.... Just forgot for a bit, J'lan...
On the sands, Farioll steadys the egg.
On the sands, Arianna grins and nods at Kylana
On the sands, Annalyn whispers "Yes it has!"
F'dan smiles.
On the sands, Kyton watches on in nervous anticipation
On the sands, Sea blue Egg continues to rock steadily, like the waves of the
On the sands, Devin blinks at the mobile yellow egg!
Citrel boozes it up.
On the sands, Tarrah says "Perhaps she's asleep."
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg comes close to bowling Farioll over.
On the sands, Torr looks down at his feet, where the sea blue egg starts moving
Jonah joins Citrel
Tarak wonders if anyone is taking bets...
Citrel is already quite drunk, thanks.
On the sands, Volitar watches the antics intently.
On the sands, Spotted green Egg rocks with increasing speed, the striations of
hatching becoming noticeable.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg begins slowly rocking from side to side once
On the sands, Farioll gets out of the way, still protecting the egg.
Vernar says "She's probably waiting to come last!"
Doriana says "The bets closed before the first egg hatched."
Aryne says "Not anymore Tarak"
On the sands, Arianna smiles and thinks a Queen should make a grand entrance :)
On the sands, Chana says "She's not ready to hatch yet, that's all.."
On the sands, Xalith wishes the dirty grey would crack, the occupant come to
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the thought of the sleeping dragonet. "We're
all out here having nervous fits while she naps...I can see it!" :)
Brennin will take a bet, if the odds are rig ... um, drastically in my favor
On the sands, Kylana agrees wholeheartedly with Arianna.
F'dan wishes the queen would come out so he could see if he won. :)
On the sands, Ebon black Egg wobbles slightly, then falls over with a thump.
On the sands, Devin watches the yellow egg curiously and anxiously.
Citrel cuts the tension again.
Daria says "That's K, J'lan."
On the sands, Chana grins at Deirdre.
Marra thinks the queen iswaiting for a red carpet to be put out for her
welcome. 8)
On the sands, Torr curiously puts a hand on the sea blue egg for a second, to
feel it. He pulls his hand back and gives it more room.
On the sands, Kyton chuckles at Deirdre's comment
On the sands, Jazmyn waits and focuses..
On the sands, Tarven plants himself in front of the yellow egg and halts it.
On the sands, Xalith dearly wishes a dragonet would come to her..
Kelen agrees with Marra
M'ndor sighs at Xalith.
On the sands, Volitar looks at the ebon egg with loving concern.
J'lan smiles at Daria
On the sands, Coral pink Egg moveo
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg stops just in time.
Citrel says "Hey, Gelov, where'd that Chain saw go?"
Resav chuckles at Marra's coment
On the sands, Miriar walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Falryx shivers nervously, and thinks of soaring among the heights
of Pern.
On the sands, Tarrah says "Nervous. Don't be nervous..."
On the sands, Coral pink Egg moves more suddenly, gyrating on its end.
Elyssa says "Brennin, it's no bet, Cloudshape seems to be quite impressed with
On the sands, Tivor shifts from foot to foot anxiously.
Selric hands Citrel his scalpel.
Citrel says "Nice try, Tarrah."
On the sands, Caloren projects quiet, friendly strength towards the dragonnets.
On the sands, Ebon black Egg twists and spins on the mound, sending sand
On the sands, Largand projects calm, and welcome to the eggs, reassuringly.
On the sands, Dolar gets even closer to the Starlight silver egg, now showing
signs of it's occupants fight to be free, thinking : "almost, you're *so*
close. Think of food :) Food, scritchings and someone to give both of those
to you for the rest of your life is just on the other side of that shell :)
Citrel says "Thanks, Selric."
Chareth grins foolishly.
Marra says "Ah, a captive audience... 8)"
Citrel saws into the tension with the scalpel.
On the sands, Farioll stands by the egg in case ...
Brennin nods! I Impressed CloudShape a long time ago.
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg rocks violently, its occupant obviously eager
to get out of the shell.
On the sands, Sunlight yellow Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Rusty brown dragonet stumbles out.
Kelen hates to miss everything but has to be going....
Brennin was prodigal.
On the sands, Notably heavier than his siblings, the russet-toned hatchling's
moist hide quickly gets covered with the sand he kicks up.
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg rocks intently, the cracking audible.
On the sands, Farioll looks lovingly at the dragonet.
On the sands, Sualtain looks longingly at the queen egg.
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to rusty brown.
On the sands, Volitar winces at the flying sand, but continues his loving
On the sands, Tarven dodges teh sand.
On the sands, Tivor smiles at the brown.
J'lan says "A brown"
On the sands, Jalor smiles at rusty brown.
Windwalker smiles.
Joanna watches the golden egg with a smile.
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles to the ne hatchling
Jonah smiles
On the sands, Xalith gasps at the brown! <I'm not worthy of you, though, am I?>
Ketyar colls
On the sands, Devin cheers on the brown.
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the brown, glad he didn't go *splat* into the
On the sands, Largand thinks welcoming thoughts to the rusty brown.
Elorna stands up and goes down to the sands.
CloudShape yeps. S/he just impressed Brenninth now, though, so we're even. =)
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles the the little brown.
M'ndor hugs JOanna.
On the sands, Dorelei marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
On the sands, Kyton welcomes the newly hatched brown
On the sands, Rusty brown dragonet looks up curiously at Tarven.
Doriana grins to F'dan.
On the sands, No, Xalith, you're not.
From the ledge, Bayanth trills.
Citrel says "Cloudshapeth."
On the sands, Torr looks over to Tarrah fretting over on the other part of the
sands. His return expression is one of that he's having fun, in this
commotion, instead.
On the sands, Tarven brushes sand off the rusty brown.
From the ledge, Shaleth bugles a greetng to the brown.
On the sands, Volitar smiles at the brown <<come, we will find you some food>
From the ledge, Mnedranth rumbles to the brown hatchling amidst his hummming.
Aryne leans forward a bit to watch the sands.
Citrel says "Hey, that was real nice."
Elyssa says "Citrel, it sounds like you've got a lithp..."
F'dan smiles. "Nice to see some quality dragons hatching. :)"
Brenninth thought she was worthy!
On the sands, Dorelei says "Oh my!"
CloudShape and Brennin were at a fire-lizard hatching. CloudShape it stays.
On the sands, Farioll hopes the brown is okay.
From the ledge, Branth bugles at the young brown
On the sands, Falryx focuses on the brown, "Greetings little one!"
On the sands, Tarrah shoots Torr a grin. "Fret? Moi? I fret for others
fretting, no more."
On the sands, Shards of a Sunlight yellow Egg looks up curiously at Tarven.
On the sands, Farioll says "DOn't crowd him!"
Citrel is just drunk, thansk.
Kelen smiles at Marra thankfully
On the sands, Dorelei looks at Tavelaa.
Doriana giggles.
On the sands, Kyton offers thoughts of love and encouragement to the brown
On the sands, Rusty brown dragonet looks up curiously at Tarven.
H'kon smiles at the little brown hatchling on the sands... =)
On the sands, Dorelei says "Thanks."
On the sands, Devin looks curiously at the shards. Good grief! :)
On the sands, Tivor's face crinkles in a smile at the brown.
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg rocks at the same steady pace. It's in no
F'dan grins.
On the sands, Rusty brown dragonet looks deeply into Tarven's eyes.
On the sands, Rusty brown dragonet croons lovingly at Tarven.
Doriana grins.
Daria looks at H'kon. "Thinking of Nalith?"
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg wobbles and turns half-over in a lurch.
Aryne says "That was fast"
J'lan says "All right Tarven"
Telos smiles.
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles to the new pair!
On the sands, Tarven says "He says his name is Bardolth!"
End of T'ven's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
Citrel cheers Tarven!
On the sands, Elorna marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
F'dan says "yay. :)"
Vernar wishes he could be down there.
Chareth wows. That was fast!
On the sands, Deirdre didn't see those shards either.
On the sands, Gwyneth says "Yes yea tarven."
Keeson cheers.
From the ledge, Tuerth bugles!
Kimri cheers.
Doriana shouts "What's his name?"
J'lan says "He knew right away"
On the sands, Arianna grins and smiles tearfully at her love!
J'shua cheerrs for T'rven and Bardolth!
Selric cheers for Bardolth!
On the sands, Tivor turns back to the orange egg, thinking peace, love,
harmony, happiness, and the like.
On the sands, Turin walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats Tarven and Bardolth!"
On the sands, Kyton cheers Tarven and Bardolth
On the sands, Khyronn cheers for Tarven and Bardolth!
On the sands, Caloren pats Tarven on the back.
Aryne cheers for Tarven
Turin finds an empty seat.
Citrel says "Hooray!"
Ketyar claps
J'lan says "Bardolth"
On the sands, Torr 's concern for his sister shows in his sarcasm, as he yelps
back "Suuuure." To Tarrah. He smiles, and turns back to look at the sea blue
On the sands, Dolar continues to watch the Starlight silver egg, proud of it's
occupants progress.
On the sands, Danin says "Congrats T'rven"
On the sands, Tivor cheers Tarven and Bardolth.
On the sands, Sea blue Egg begins to rock more fiercely and erratically, like a
boat in a storm.
Resav cheers for Tarven!
On the sands, Deirdre cheers for Tarven!
On the sands, Chana cheers quietly for Tarven and Bardolth.
Citrel says "or T'ven?"
Windwalker holds back the tears, it's such a touching moment.
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
Jonah cheers
On the sands, Sualtain cheers for Tarven.
On the sands, Dorelei all right, Tarven!
M'ndor beams happily.
On the sands, Ebon black Egg rocks suddenly!
On the sands, Falryx smiles gladly at T'rven and Bardolth. "Congratulations."
Elyssa says "Tarven--would that become Tr'ven, T'ven, or what?""
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the dirty grey egg, and supposes she's not
worthy of its occupant as well.
Darion cheers for T'rven. "1 for Tillek. Alright!!!!!!!
M'ndor says "Allright T'rven."
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg does an impressive end-to-end rollover, and
lands with a thump!
Marra says "T'ven?"
Brennin eeps!
From the ledge, Branth bugles at Bardolth and T'rven
Citrel backs T'ven.
On the sands, Farioll blinks at the acrobatic egg.
On the sands, Starlight silver Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet stumbles out.
On the sands, Kyton looks from egg to egg in anticipation
On the sands, Gingerly does the awkward dark-green hatchling wend her way
across the sands, and her every labored attempt to drag herself forward seems
to be towards a specific place.
On the sands, Khyronn croons softly to the inhabitant of the golden egg.
On the sands, Torr makes a 'yeah' clenched-fist motion, and congradulates
F'dan is impressed. :)
Vernar thinks T'ven sounds best.
R'shard waits for the name...
On the sands, Dorelei looks to the green egg.
From the ledge, Tidirth lets out a happy bugle for the new pair.
J'lan says "Another green"
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to green dragonet .
On the sands, Dolar gasps and thinks thoughts of life long love at the valliant
little dragonet
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles ot the ne green
F'dan says "Good, we need more Greens."
On the sands, Ebon black Egg pivits quickly.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the green. <Will you come to me?>
On the sands, Falryx smiles! Another green!
On the sands, Kylana smiles at the little green.
On the sands, Volitar gasps,
Doriana grins to J'lan.
From the ledge, Bayanth trills a welcome to the little sister.
Selina says "Allright Tarven:)"
On the sands, Dorelei Hello, there..
On the sands, Kyton smiles at teh dainty green
On the sands, Deirdre smiles happily to the little green.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles happily to the little sister.
Marra always likes the green ones.
Citrel says "Darn right...I was going to do a percentage study..."
J'lan says "Whats that for Doriana?"
On the sands, Volitar says "Arrgh, I hate delays."
CloudShape looks curiously at the dainty little green.
From the ledge, Mnedranth bugles to the green.
From the ledge, Shaleth croons encouragement to the hatchling.
F'dan grins at Doriana.
Doriana says "Greens are the best!"
On the sands, Ebon black Egg rocks over onto one end, and then suddenly lurches
back into place with a sudden urgency.
On the sands, Dorelei says "no bad thought, Volitar.."
On the sands, Tivor smiles at the new life, then concentrates on the Orange
Selric cheers for Dorelei.
On the sands, Farioll wonders how these dragons choose as crowded as they are.
Citrel says "Who's got the current list of riders?"
J'lan says "So R'shard says"
Kimri chuckles. "No, blues are!"
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg jerks, rolling over the shards of the silver egg.
On the sands, Dorelei encourages the ebon black egg.
On the sands, Ebon black Egg shudders violently.
J'lan agrees with kimri!
On the sands, Volitar says "that was OOC"
Doriana licks Kimri's ear in revenge.
Aryne says "Kerenth will be awful busy soon."
On the sands, Deirdre shrugs. "Dragon's know."
On the sands, Dorelei encourages the black egg.
Selina says "I love greens!"
J'lan laughs
Brennin giggles.
J'shua says nothing. He knows bronzes rule.
On the sands, Caloren contcentrates warmth and friendship towards the eggs.
On the sands, Volitar thinks of love to the ebon egg.
On the sands, Xalith breaks out into a tearful smile as the dirty grey egg
moves a bit..
On the sands, Ebon black Egg pivots again.
Jonah smiles
On the sands, Xalith watches intently.
F'dan laughs.
On the sands, Torr suddenly jumps back a step, as the sea blue egg's motion
nearly goes into him while his attention is on Tarven.
On the sands, Ebon black Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet stumbles out.
Brennin says "Bronzes rule, but the women are the power behind the throne!"
On the sands, Dorelei projects love to the little green.
M'ndor agrees with J'shua.
On the sands, The green is smaller than dragonets usually are, but it is very
vocal in its cries for food.
Citrel says "God, another green."
Kalinor grins. So long as the golds pick them, that is.
Selric says "Let's see a Healer Impress Dorelei!!"
Darion beams at 'rvens impression.
Doriana says "Aryne, Kereneth only flies Lanth."
H'kon still think Browns are the way to go.. =)
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the green and would be glad to feed it.
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet blinks her wide wide eyes at the many
people around her.
M'ndor sighs, they do Brennin, the do.
Aryne claps at Brennin's comment,griining.
On the sands, Dolar stares into the green's eyes, searching for any signs
On the sands, Tivor peers intently toward the dragonets.
Chareth says "What's wrong with greens, hmmm???"
Go, Green, Go.
On the sands, Tarrah turns her thoughts back to the gold egg.
On the sands, Falryx smiles at the green.
On the sands, Sualtain looks at the green dragonet projecting thoughts of love.
M'ndor says "Come one Dorelei!!!"
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the Capricious green.
CloudShape giggles at Brennin.
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet swings her head awkwardly from side to
side, looking about her for just the right person.
On the sands, Volitar grins, <<You look lovely>>
On the sands, Khyronn smiles at the two little greens.
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to capricious green .
On the sands, Dorelei says "Food..there's plenty here.."
J'lan says "He chased Tayefeth once"
On the sands, Elorna walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg slides even farther down the mound, stopping at
Gwyneth's feet.
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet glances about.
Elorna finds an empty seat.
On the sands, Devin watches the eggs breathlessly.
On the sands, Falryx projects thoughts of beauty and peace to the dragonet.
Citrel says "Was that a netbomb?"
On the sands, Khyronn welcomes both to the world.
On the sands, Dolar thinks thoughts of food, but more importalntly than that
the commitment behind it.
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet looks around suddenly, trying to gain
her surroundings.
On the sands, Gwyneth grins but watches the gold egg.
Doriana says "Chased but didn't catch."
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg spins
On the sands, Chana oohs, at the two pretty greens, then glances back at the
queen egg.
Marra chhers! Another green!
On the sands, Dorelei projects a full belly to the little greens.
Brennin blinks at the spinning egg.
On the sands, Someone acks, victim of call waiting!
Vernar says "Felt like a nice bomb."
Brennin giggles.
On the sands, Jazmyn continues to concintrate on the gold egg..
Resav looks at kaos
Windwalker burps and says "What are you looking at?"
CloudShape grins! at the capricious green.
Chareth grins at all the greens.
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet stumbles over to Dolar, snuffling
R'shard says "There goes Sh'dow! :-)"
CloudShape can empathize. =)
Citrel says "Sh'dow just got bombed!"
J'lan says "Sh'dow bit it. :)"
On the sands, Largand studies the eggs, watching the bronze one spin.
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet creels.
On the sands, Someone shakes his head, coming slowly awake.
On the sands, Kylana smiles at the greens.
On the sands, Xalith watches the capricious green dragonet.
On the sands, Devin marvels at the bronze egg.
Citrel hee hees.
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<Come, let us go and find foo, then we will fly
Brennin eeps! No Sh'dow? Then all is light? :)
On the sands, Shards of a Ebon black Egg screams her hunger!
From the ledge, Duzorth warbles to the new green
Jonah drinks some more
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet screams her hunger!
On the sands, Sualtain wishes she could feed the dainty green dragonet.
On the sands, Aara grins at poor Sh'dow.
Resav baps Brennin.
On the sands, Dolar continues to stare into the Dainty greens eyes, thinking of
Wherry, lots of it. Every day, FOREVER
On the sands, Falryx thinks of food.
Brennin erps. Poor greens.
On the sands, Farioll doesn't quite know how to feed shards.
Brennin says "And poor shards :)"
On the sands, Fire red Egg makes faint cracking noises as the hatchling inside
On the sands, Dorelei offers food to the green from the starlight egg.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the capricious green. <If you come with me, I
will feed you soon afterwards.>
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet warbles sadly, stumbling slightly to the
right, and tripping over one wing.
J'lan says "Hungry shards?"
On the sands, Tarrah whistles softly toherself.
CloudShape says "Well, no, Brennin, but Harpers can make light of _anything_.
On the sands, Farioll says "Which won't stop me from trying."
F'dan finishes off his wind, and looks to Doriana's glass.
On the sands, Falryx assists the green.
On the sands, Caloren encourages the hatchlings.
Citrel boozes it up.
On the sands, Deirdre sends warm thoughts too the golden egg. <<I hope you're
enjoying your nap.>>
Joanna beams too!
Marra says "Why is she sad?"
Doriana gives F'dan her empty glass.
Brennin whishts CloudShape! As you know, _I_ am always serious!
On the sands, Volitar watches th dragonets in awe.
On the sands, Arianna stands calmly surveying the happy scene
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet stumbles past Falryx, towards the
women. Maybe one of them will feed her1
On the sands, Torr hears Tarrah's tune, and reflects it.. also quietly to
On the sands, Coral pink Egg rocks some more, rolling over Gwyneth's foot.
On the sands, Dorelei says "Where are you, little starlight green dragonette?"
On the sands, Kyton projects encouragement to the remaining eggs
Brennin tosses a wild thought of cloudscapes and castles down at the arena just
to see what happens :)
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet disentangles herself... and lurches south.
Daria hugs J'lan.
Marra thinks the capricious green is well named!
On the sands, Sualtain thinks of thoughts of food that she will get for her.
On the sands, Gwyneth chuckles at Deirdre
Citrel says "Girls impressing fighting dragons. Hmmmph."
On the sands, Someone acks, victim of call waiting!
J'lan hugs Daria.
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet goes to each Candidate in turn, looking
questioningly for signs of food.
Citrel says "There he goes again!"
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg plods steadily on, at the same boring pace.
Doriana says "Hey! What was that, Citrel?"
CloudShape scritches under Brennin's chin. "Serious my left foot."
On the sands, Falryx smiles. "Food will come in time."
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet peers up into Kylana's face.
Chareth grins at J'lan.
Marra glares at Citrel!
On the sands, Tivor smiles at the orange egg.
On the sands, Farioll will feed the little capricious one :)
Darion citrel
On the sands, Aara smiles watching the dragonets.
On the sands, Kylana smiles at the dainty green.
On the sands, Annalyn steps absently out of the way of the green, still
watching the gold egg.
Zagan says "It's happened a lot, Citrel."
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<we have foo, just not here>>
Brennin looks at CloudShape's left foot humorlessly. "Huh?"
F'dan goes over to the keg, and pours two more wines, and walks back over to
On the sands, Farioll likes the eggs with the boring pace!
Brennin giggles.
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet warbles hungrily, her eyes spinning!
M'ndor says "Hey, Girls can do quite well Citrel, look at Chareht and Doriana."
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet wants to know if Kylana will feed her!
CloudShape thought so. =)
Citrel thinks women ought to stay in the Weyr where they belong.:)
On the sands, Kylana smiles at the capricious green.
Chareth says "Thank's M'ndor!!"
On the sands, Falryx is dizzied by the eyes.
Marra wonders if Volitar has bar too!
CloudShape phhpts Citrel.
J'lan won't comment
Chareth smiles at M'ndor.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the dirty grey egg once more. <Please come
Doriana grins to M'ndor.
On the sands, Dorelei projects security to the forgotten green.
On the sands, Kylana says "Sure I will feed you little one!"
F'dan hands Doriana a glass and smiles.
On the sands, Tarrah listens and hears a counterpoint. Smirks and goes into a
slightly more complex tune.
CloudShape says "Men ought to stay in their taverns where they spend their days
anyway. =)"
M'ndor baps Citrel...behave.
On the sands, Sualtain thinks thoughts of a full belly to the dainty green.
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet looks deeply into Kylana's eyes.
On the sands, Capricious green dragonet croons lovingly at Kylana.
Daria glares at Citrel.
On the sands, Dolar is looking at the Dainty green, thinking thoughts of food,
food, and more food. but companionship and caring also.
Jonah stops a lugh
Vernar yips in excitement.
Citrel thwaps M'ndor.
Chareth glares at J'lan. We do well as fighting draong riders.
On the sands, Sea blue Egg slows down, as though the hatchling inside was tired
J'lan says "Yeah Kylana!!!!!"
Joanna smiles. She loves greens.
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet lurches past Xalith and Tivor, and up to
Arianna, crooning her hunger.
Zagan snorts at Citrel. "It's a good thing you're not in a Weyr, then."
F'dan says "yay"
On the sands, Kylana smiles radiently. "Her name is Peridith!"
End of Kylana's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
On the sands, Khyronn smiles adn congratulates Kylana and Peridith.
M'ndor baps J'lan, you behave to.
On the sands, Jazmyn trembles slightly from the strain..
On the sands, Kyton cheers Kylana and Peridith
Aryne frowns at Citrel.
On the sands, Xalith thinks of warm thoughts of food to the dirty gray egg,
thoughts of flying, soaring..
Brennin claps!
On the sands, Tivor grins at the Dainty green.
Citrel is a traditionalist at heart!
Resav says "ay!"
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet looks deeply into Arianna's eyes.
On the sands, Dainty green dragonet croons lovingly at Arianna.
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats Kylana and Peridith!"
Citrel cheers!
On the sands, Falryx smiles at the Dainty green.
On the sands, Farioll smiles at them.
On the sands, Arianna looks lovingly at the little green
On the sands, Deirdre says "Yay for Kylana and Peridith!!"
Resav says "Yay! even."
Doriana cheers for Kylana and Arianna.
On the sands, Torr and Tarrah's small trial-tunes between each other are
*almost* audible, as both twins deal with their nervousness and overabundance
of hopefulness.
Brennin claps again!
Darion cheers for Kylana !!!! "YAY!!!
On the sands, Arianna says "Her name is Cylbeth"
End of Arianna's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
On the sands, Jalor applauds Kylana and Peridith!
Chareth cheers!!!!
Jonah says "Kylana!!!"
On the sands, Falryx smiles at Arianna! Congratulations!
Selric thunks that the coincidence is unbearable!
J'lan says "Heym shes a?6clmost family"
On the sands, Largand applauds!
Citrel says "Hell, I just lost monet."
Vernar gives a thumbs up.
On the sands, Dorelei chers.
On the sands, Tivor thinks food, that seeming to be the key, to the Orange egg.
On the sands, Khyronn cheers for Arianna and Cylbeth!
On the sands, Kyton cheers Arianna and Cylbeth
Ketyar yay's
On the sands, Aara says "congrats Arianna and Cylbeth!!"
Keeson worries about the blue egg.....
Aryne says "cheers for Arianna and Kylana!"
On the sands, Dolar grins, Congratulations Arianna!
On the sands, Volitar claps.
On the sands, Tylar cheers for Arianna!
On the sands, Chana smiles. "Congratulations!"
Citrel oopses. Moneyy.
On the sands, Tivor cheers for al.
On the sands, Sualtain cheers!
On the sands, Kylana smiles through joyous tears. "Congrats Ari!"
J'lan says "Alright Arianna"
F'dan smiles.
On the sands, Gwyneth says "Horriya Ari :)"
On the sands, Deirdre cheers Arianna nand lovely Cylbeth!
M'ndor cheers for the new pair!!!
On the sands, Caloren applauds the new pairs.
On the sands, Dorelei looks to the remaining eggs and green.
On the sands, Tarrah applauds!
Brennin thinks thoughts of money to Citrel!
Citrel says "Hooray!"
On the sands, Arianna smiles tearfully
Zoodle trills!
Aryne ooopes.
Jonah says "Arianna!!!"
From the ledge, Bayanth bugles happily.
On the sands, Sea blue Egg rocks patiently.
On the sands, Aara turns back to watch the other eggs.
Aryne says "Yeah!!"
Marra CHEERS for Arianna!
Chareth scritches Zoodle.
Selina says "Congrats Arianna!!!!"
On the sands, Jalor yays Arianna and Cylbeth!
Selric says "What did Arianna impress?"
On the sands, Xalith hopes one of the dragonets will find her suitable...
Doriana wows at the amount of money lost on *that* Impression.:)
Citrel says "OK, Selric, all up to you know!"
On the sands, Danin applauds the new pairs
On the sands, Torr stops whistling, and congradulates the new 'ex-candidates'
On the sands, Spotted green Egg suddenly bounces into activity1
On the sands, Kyton absently shifts from foot to foot as he nervously awaits
the eggs hatching
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg rocks insistently, nearly flipping over.
Aryne says "A green"
Citrel says "Nope, never mind."
On the sands, Farioll wants the blue egg to hatch.
From the ledge, Palantirth continues a low thrumming...
Darion cheers loudly for Arianna "Hooray!!!!! 2 down for Tillek..Yeeehaaaa"
Brennin giggles at Doriana :)
On the sands, Coral pink Egg spins again.
Zoodle watches from Chareth's shoulder.
On the sands, Spotted green Egg rolls about frantically as its occupant
struggles to get out.
On the sands, Chana sighs softly and looks back at the silent golden egg.
From Tragor's shoulder, Fairwind I am burnished bronze!
On the sands, Xalith watches hopefully at the dirty gray egg.
Citrel says "Arianna AND Kylana...ow."
On the sands, Largand watches the bronze egg!
F'dan grins.
On the sands, Caloren projects strength and friendly welcome to the unhatched
On the sands, Volitar thinks calmly of the excitement of batteling thread.
Selina says "What's her name?"
Doriana grins to Brennin.
Vernar says "Any movement from the gold yet?"
On the sands, Devin tries to watch all the eggs at once!
Citrel nopes.
On the sands, Dolar stands his ground. his thoughts unchanged, He has
confidence in the hatchlings ability to choose.
On the sands, Khyronn fixes her attention on the golden egg once again,
projecting thought of encouragement and love to its occupant.
On the sands, Spotted green Egg spins about dizzily.
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the Harper Blue egg.
M'ndor cracks his back.
On the sands, Fire red Egg begins to rock more strongly.
Selric says "There goes the bet!"
On the sands, Tivor projects <<all the food you want>> to the unhatched
Citrel thwaps R'don's back.
Telos crosses his fingers for Devin.
Citrel oopses. M'ndor's back.
Brennin projects 'Booze!' to Citrel.
Aryne laughs.
On the sands, Fire red Egg nearly bounces along the sands.
Kalinor says "Queens take longer to hatch, it seems. :)"
Citrel boozes it up!
M'ndor heys, I made 75 marks on Garavon, allright. :)
Marra is losing her ability to keep up...
Selric says "Trying to impress Citrel?"
On the sands, Spotted green Egg whirls about and bounces. Tiny cracks begin to
appear in the shell.
On the sands, Deirdre grins at the bright red egg. "Certainly energetic!"
On the sands, Farioll mutters a hatching song under his breath.
Doriana says "Queens like to make an entrance."
On the sands, Gwyneth smiles warmly at the Queen egg.
On the sands, Kylana walks south, to the center of the cavern.
Citrel says "NOT!"
CloudShape tries projecting "Tickle!" at Citrel.
On the sands, Torr watches the Sea Blue egg take a 'rest', and not move for a
little bit. He looks concerned, until it starts to rock again.
Brennin thinks someone needs to get him out of the way! :)
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg continues to rock in the midst of the silver
shards, grinding them into powder.
On the sands, Volitar emits to the unhatched ones <<Come,be one with us>>
On the sands, Spotted green Egg rolls itself into the midst of the male
Brennin is a very responsible sort :)
Resav LOST his ability to keep up! :)
Tarak says "Queens do everything when -they- are ready, not before!"
On the sands, Kyton gets dizzy looking from egg to egg, tryiong to determine
which will hatch next
On the sands, Tivor smiles at the Spotted green egg.
On the sands, Tarrah lets a deep breath out.
On the sands, Volitar is startled.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg wobbles uncertainly.
On the sands, Dorelei says "a male canidate..for a lady green?"
On the sands, Arianna walks south, to the center of the cavern.
T'lean acks at his lag
On the sands, Devin looks down at the advancing green egg.
On the sands, Jalor watches spotted green.
R'shard says "Pretty much."
Daria thinks this Hatching is very different from the books.
Vernar laughs.
On the sands, Spotted green Egg cracks. A tiny hole appears and a brown head
pokes out.
On the sands, Farioll goes over to the harper blue egg.
On the sands, Spotted green Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Xalith watches the dirty gray egg, witnessing the birth of a
beautiful creature who will help save Pern.
On the sands, Kyton quickly backs out of the way of the egg
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet stumbles out.
On the sands, Remarkably precise in his movement, the small chocolate-brown
hatchling zigzags across the sands aimlessly.
Citrel cheers!
On the sands, Dolar looks intently at the Spotted green egg, wondering if the
hatchling will find him suitable, and thinking. Just a bit more
From the ledge, Tuerth bugles!
Chareth smiles at Zoodle, still looking foolishly happy.
On the sands, Tivor smiles to the brown dragonet and thinks of lots of food.
Aryne holds Ketyar's hands.
On the sands, Dorelei says "Ahs."
Brennin says "It's a precise dragonling!"
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg jerks wildly, banging against first one egg,
then another.
On the sands, Gwyneth says "Why not A male for a green?"
Jonah says "A brown!"
On the sands, Volitar grins at the brown.
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to the green dragonet.
On the sands, Tylar ahs, watching the handsome brown.
On the sands, Largand looks at the brown hatchling...
On the sands, Gwyneth smiles.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to the brown dragonet.
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet follows a zigzag path towards the thoughts
of food!
From the ledge, Duzorth arbles to the bron
Zoodle croons to Chareth!
On the sands, Farioll says "come on, you can do it"
On the sands, Farioll grins.
On the sands, Devin watches the feisty bronze egg out of one eye.
On the sands, Falryx smiles at the agile brown dragon
On the sands, Tivor projects <<tons and tons of wherry>> to the brown dragonet.
On the sands, Deirdre says "Used to be only males Impressed greens--so why
From the ledge, Bayanth hummmms.
CloudShape giggles and thinks he should have been named 'Precise brown
On the sands, Volitar <<Food, I have much of that>>
On the sands, Coral pink Egg rocks feistily!
From Selric's shoulder, Regent continues low humming....
On the sands, Aara projects << Weclcome! >> to brown dragonet.
From the ledge, Palantirth thinks Duzorth should get his 'w' key fixed :-)
On the sands, Largand thinks, "Hello, little brown..."
On the sands, Kyton projects love and thoughts of food to thee new hatchling
Citrel acks.
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet croons, << MEAT! >>
On the sands, Traditionaly all but gold were impressed by men..
On the sands, Dorelei giggles.
On the sands, Falryx says "Meat! Later little one.."
On the sands, Shards of a Ebon black Egg spins and hops.
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet zips across the sands in a wildly weaving
F'dan says "Male green riders make mating flights less interesting. :)"
On the sands, Falryx says "I will feed you."
On the sands, Deirdre agrees with the masked emitter.
Elyssa says "Well, the original Ping dragons were gender specific..."
M'ndor hrms at the spoof.
Aryne says "Hungry fellow isn't he!!"
On the sands, Annalyn shifts from one foot to the other, wondering why the gold
egg isn't moving.
R'shard says "Somethin glike that :-)."
On the sands, Caloren continues to encourage the hatchlings still struggling
inside the eggs.
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet doesn't trip, unlike the rest of his
Citrel imagines a male queen rider....
On the sands, Tivor projects <<I'll feed you, little one>> to the brown.
Doriana looks at F'dan strangely. Why?
On the sands, Khyronn smiles welcomingly at the brown hatchling.
On the sands, Farioll says "COme on brown, you'll get fed!"
Daria hushes her firelizard that's crooning too loudly too close to her .
On the sands, Sea blue Egg knocks against the fire red egg, sending it sliding
down the mound.
On the sands, Torr watches the brown zag and zog back and forth, rambling
between thoughts of candidates like a feather in a wind-blown maze. Reminds
himself to committ that thought to paper or song sometime.
On the sands, Dolar stares at the dragonet, thinking thoughts of whery flocks
just waiting to be eaten
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the dirty gray egg. Her tears are gone, though
she is still joyful.
On the sands, Farioll tries to catch the blue egg.
On the sands, Volitar projects <<come, eat with us, be one with us, fly in
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet makes a beeline towards the promise of meat.
Well, sort of. It's path is equivalent to a Gatherer who's had a bit too much
Benden Red.
On the sands, Kyton watches the brown, continuing to project love
On the sands, Deirdre sends thoughts of love and ecouragement to the golden
egg. <<Are you awake yet, lovely one?>>
F'dan says "Ususally fewer males show up."
On the sands, Farioll hopes it isn't hurt!
On the sands, Tivor projects thoughts of love and satiation to the brown
F'dan grins.
R'shard chuckles.
On the sands, Devin grins. "Some beeline."
On the sands, Tarrah says "In other words, it goes backwards."
On the sands, Kyton chuckles at teh brown
Gilead says "If men can impress female greens, why noty a man imprtessing a
Doriana grins. "Their loss..."
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg is covered with silvery powder from the shards of
the silver egg.
On the sands, Jalor smiles at the Broen.
On the sands, Aara chuckles while watching the brown.
Telos is amazed at the brown.
On the sands, Falryx smiles at the thought of benden red. "Meat.. and
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet butts at Tivor's knees. << Feed me! FEED
On the sands, Deirdre giggles at the brown's beeline.
CloudShape tickles Brennin and grins.
On the sands, Xalith thinks of the pleasure of saving many people from Thread
to the dirty gray egg.
Brennin reminds hirself to finish reading 'Dragonsdawn.'
M'ndor says "7 eggs left..."
On the sands, Devin watches the grey egg frolic. :)
Citrel cheers!
T'lean chuckles
Aryne says "Damn,will that gold ever move?!"
On the sands, Tivor offers to feed the brown.
On the sands, Volitar laughs hysterically. He would roll if there wern't so
many shards.
On the sands, Farioll pats the poor blue egg. "You'll be here soon."
On the sands, Dorelei encourages the un-hatched golden ..
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet looks deeply into Tivor's eyes.
On the sands, Agile brown dragonet croons lovingly at Tivor.
On the sands, Dolar continues to project thoughts of lifetime friendship, which
includes lifetime food.
Citrel says "Hooray!"
On the sands, Tivor says "His name is Renedth!"
End of T'vor's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
On the sands, Khyronn tentatively reaches out and gently brushes the golden
egg's shell lightly and retracts her hand quickly a she realizes what she's
On the sands, Fire red Egg pops and jerks, sliding even farther down the mound.
F'dan says "yaya@!"
Vernar says "Do candidates hurt very often?"
On the sands, Gwyneth cheers.
On the sands, Dorelei wipes away a tear.
Jonah says "Tivo!"
Selric cheers!!!
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles ot hte new pair
On the sands, Dolar stares at the fire red egg.
On the sands, Kyton cheers Tivor and Renedth
J'shua cheers!
On the sands, Turin marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
On the sands, Volitar grins.
On the sands, Khyronn congratulatey T'vor and Renedth!
Doriana cheers!
Ketyar says "The Gold will be last, for sure."
On the sands, Dorelei says "Congrats, Tivor!"
Chareth yeahs.
On the sands, Sualtain cheers!
On the sands, Deirdre congratulates Tivor and Renedth
H'kon cheers..
Aryne cheers for T'vor!!
On the sands, Chana cheers Tivor and Renedth.
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats Tivor and Renedth!!"
M'ndor says "Yeah!"
Daria cheers.
On the sands, T'vor smiles widely.
Selric says "How many are left?"
On the sands, Largand applauds!
Aryne says "You're probably right Ketyar."
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to T'vor and Renedth.
On the sands, Jalor smiles from ear to ear at T'vor and Renedth!!!
On the sands, Volitar says "Congrats|!"
Telos adds his cheers for T'vor and Renedth.
From the ledge, Palantirth thrumms quietly, awaiting the Queen's hatching.
Windwalker says "how many more are there/"
Resav says "Congrats Tivor and Renedth."
Doriana says "Six."
Marra says "T'vor?"
M'ndor says "6?"
On the sands, Torr watches the sea blue egg intently, as it seems to interest
him. The way it's been moving about, and its colorswirl.
On the sands, Xalith thinks of the rewards of escaping from its shell to the
dirty grey egg covered in silver powder.
On the sands, Dolar continues to eye the Fire red egg.
On the sands, Dorelei just loves hatchings.
On the sands, T'vor walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Kyton looks anxiously to the reamining eggs
On the sands, Turin walks south, to the center of the cavern.
Chareth counts eggs.
On the sands, Sparkling gold Egg begins to rock, just a little bit.
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg nearly bounces its way into the pink egg, so
frantic is its rocking.
Turin finds an empty seat.
On the sands, Danin applauds Rededth's choice of T'vor
Daria tells J'lan to stay still, she's getting dizzy. :-)
On the sands, Jalor watches T'vor leave.
On the sands, Devin Watches the eggs.
On the sands, Gwyneth Shifts on the hot sands
T'vor finds an empty seat.
Marra congratulates the newpair
On the sands, Dorelei says "come can make it.."
J'lan says "Any blues?"
On the sands, Deirdre oohs at the golden egg
M'ndor says "Hi T'vor. :)"
On the sands, Volitar thinks lovingly of all the pair made.
On the sands, Sualtain quietly looks at the queen egg.
On the sands, Falryx smiles at Gwyneth.
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the Gold egg.
J'lan sits down
T'vor says "Hi, M'ndor."
From the ledge, Tayefeth shifts excitedly.
Daria says "Not yet."
Telos says "No blues yet."
From the ledge, Duzorth hums from deep in his throat
On the sands, Annalyn sways from side to side with the rocking of the gold egg.
On the sands, Farioll mutters "about time" inaudibly.
Brennin sings the blues.
On the sands, Jazmyn bites her lower lip..
From the ledge, Palantirth thrumms, louder still, and deeper...
On the sands, Xalith thinks to the gray egg, <You've been moving. Time to make
it the rest of the way out...>
From the ledge, Bayanth rustles her wings, looking excited.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg knocks back against the orange egg, as if in
On the sands, Sparkling gold Egg rocks back and forth rhythmically.
On the sands, Khyronn is mesmerised by the golden egg and stares lovingly at
it, sending warm thoughts of companionship and love to the little queen
Resav watches the gold egg intently.
From the ledge, Mnedranth starts humming Really Loudly!
From the ledge, Branth hums
On the sands, Deirdre projects <<Come on out here! There are people ready to
love you!>>
On the sands, Gwyneth Gasps.
On the sands, Tarrah realizes she forgot to take off her boots as she sees
On the sands, Largand looks at the geen egg...
On the sands, Dolar reconsiders, backs up a bit from the eggs, and just thinks
thoughts of compassion, friendship, and food. They know who/what they want.
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg wobbles urgently, cracks on its sides starting
to show.
From the ledge, Duzorth sily hummns louder
On the sands, Falryx removes some of the sand from his pocket and lets it
dribble to the ground.
On the sands, Chana oohs!
M'ndor says "Shit, someone disk quote went bonkers....."
On the sands, Swirled orange Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Eager green dragonet stumbles out.
J'lan says "Good I get to see the gold"
On the sands, Farioll looks at the blue egg. "Come on, you're late."
On the sands, This green dragonet's eyes whirl brightly as she stumbles about,
curiously peering into every face, eagerly exploring the new world that she's
just entered.
Rellan finds an empty seat.
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to green dragonet.
On the sands, Deirdre thinks of love and loyalty as she watches the golden egg
Daria says "I'm logging."
On the sands, Dorelei projects to the dragonets.
D'nal has been logging.
Brennin grins! Yet another green :)
Jonah drinks more Benden red
From the ledge, Duzorth continues humming
M'ndor says "Okay, cool..."
On the sands, Falryx welcomes the new dragonet hopefully.
Selina says "Come on Gwyneth!!"
From the ledge, Palantirth thrumms deeply, and loudly at the golden egg.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the eager green.
On the sands, Eager green dragonet bugles at her new world!
On the sands, Volitar grins at the green <<Welcome, We love you, come feed with
On the sands, Dolar looks at the dragonet, thinking, am I the one?
J'lan says "More greens wonderful"
On the sands, Dorelei says "You hungry, little green?"
On the sands, Sualtain thinks thoughts of food, oiling, love and happiness to
the green.
Gilead says "I'm logging, M'ndor"
On the sands, Sparkling gold Egg spins, the sparkles on its surface whirring
M'ndor nods to D'nal.
Aryne says "C'mon Jazmyn!!!"
On the sands, Kyton welcomes the newcomer
On the sands, Aara smiles at the green.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles back to the eager green sister.
On the sands, Sparkling gold Egg is hammered from within.
Daria says "I bet Branth will be happy about that."
T'vor could use a drink of Benden Red.
On the sands, Fire red Egg dances and spins, tumbling all the way down the
mound, and rolling intothe midst of the candidates.
On the sands, Gwyneth ahhs.
On the sands, Annalyn oohs.
On the sands, Xalith thinks towards the green, <I'll feed you soon, if you come
to me.>
From the ledge, Duzorth humms lously now
On the sands, Devin watches the red egg approach!
On the sands, Chana watches the gold egg, her eyes wide.
On the sands, Kyton dodges teh egg
J'shua smiles, and wraps an arm about Mira.
From the ledge, Duzorth means loudly
On the sands, Dorelei worries that the dragonet inside will be hurt.
On the sands, Xalith moves out of the red egg's way.
On the sands, Eager green dragonet spreads her wet wings, creeling her hunger.
On the sands, Khyronn stands perfectly still, transfixed on the golden eggs
On the sands, Volitar projects <<COme, we have food for you, someone will
surely love you as I do>>
On the sands, Deirdre projects thoughts of encouaragement to the golden egg
From the ledge, Tayefeth humms with the bronzes.
Citrel cheeers!
On the sands, Largand looks at the fiery egg...
Aryne moves closer to Ketyar.
From the ledge, Palantirth's humming rises in pitch and volume.
Teal pops out of *between* and warbles a greeting.
On the sands, Dorelei offers food to the eager green.
On the sands, Aara projects love to the green.
Citrel says "Go Jazmyn!"
From the ledge, Mnedranth humms deeply, so deeply you can feel your bones
On the sands, Caloren continues to encourage the hatchlings in their efforts to
get free of their eggs.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg gives a sudden jerk. Pay some attention to
me, too!
On the sands, Largand thinks calming, welcoming thoughts at the red egg.
On the sands, Deirdre projects thoughts of lack of typos to the golden egg. :)
On the sands, Xalith looks with love at the green.
On the sands, Eager green dragonet clumsily makes her way over to the knot of
women by the gold egg.
On the sands, Sualtain trys to project thoughts of food to the grren dragonet.
On the sands, Falryx croons to the eager green.
On the sands, Dolar looks towards the dragonet with pictures of the dragonet
feasting on wherry floating throught his head.
On the sands, Dorelei says "..hungry..?"
On the sands, Devin pays attention to the bronze egg, too!
Gilead says "Wow, lot's of greens!"
From the ledge, Bayanth hummmm's.
On the sands, Sparkling gold Egg rocks again, more urgently, the shell battered
violently from within as the queen struggles to get out.
On the sands, Jalor watches burnished bronze intently.
CloudShape giggles! at Deidre's thoughts.
On the sands, Farioll pays attention to the Bronze Egg.
On the sands, Kyton looks to the bronze egg in compliance
Windwalker goes home.
On Daria's arm, Leprechaun croons, turning her head away from Daria's ear.
On the sands, Largand thinks attentive thoughts at the bronze egg! "You can
hatch...come on..."
Aryne says "Go Jazmyn!!!"
T'vor cheers Jalor.
On the sands, Falryx watches the eager green stumble past. "You can make it
little one!"
On the sands, Gwyneth stares intently at the gold egg.
Citrel says "Go Jazmyn!"
On the sands, Dorelei says "..take your time choosing, little one..."
On the sands, Farioll says "You're a mighty bronze and deserve attention!"
Marra is still cheering for Devin!
Ketyar puts his arm around Aryne.
On the sands, Deirdre waits eagerly, encouraging the golden egg.
On the sands, Farioll wishes the harper blue egg would get with it.
On the sands, Annalyn's hands move involuntarily, as if helping the little
queen to break through the shell.
On the sands, Chana glances over at the little green, smiling at it, then looks
back at the gold egg.
Telos adds his cheering for Devin too.
On the sands, Eager green dragonet whuffles softly at Deirdre, then moves on to
Citrel cheers wildly!
On the sands, Xalith encourages the dirty gray egg. <Come on... keep moving...>
Doriana keeps her fingers crossed.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg goes back to steady rocking, seemingly
On the sands, Tarrah shakes her head.
On the sands, Volitar projects valiant thoughts to the bronze's occupant.
Selina says "Hello!"
Earendil hi Selina
On the sands, Torr puts a hand on the red egg that rolled into the crowd,
steading it slightly. And then walks back to where he was, so he can watch
the Sea Blue egg.
J'lan says "Some one run down who has Impressed already"
Joanna looks lovingly at the dainty green.
Tarak says "Annalyn. It will be Annalyn."
F'dan grins at Doriana.
Vernar leans forward and watches even more intently.
Resav rests his eyes.
Aryne concentrates on the activity surrounding the gold.
Joanna stares at the golden agg...
Brennin sings a duet on netlag with CloudShape.
Selina says "Go Geyneth!"
On the sands, Dorelei tries to comfort the golden dragonet. "Come and live with'll be very happy at Benden, I promise!"
On the sands, Gwyneth sighs deeply and whisfully.
On the sands, Volitar emits thoughts of love to the beautiful eggs.
On the sands, Deirdre projects <<Come on, beautiful one!>>
On the sands, Jazmyn ignores the green
On the sands, Xalith waits to see if her thoughts on the dirty gray egg have
made any influence.
On the sands, Volitar projects <<Come little ones. Come into the light. We need
you, we love you, we have food for you, and the freedom of flight to share
with you! Come, and be one with us!>>
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the green, sending it thoughts of love.
On the sands, Sparkling gold Egg cracks, its occupant evidently eager to come
out! A wedge-shaped golden head pops out, glancing at each female in turn,
wondering which is right?
On the sands, Eager green dragonet makes her way around the circle, crooning
eagerly, seeming to look for just the person she wants.
Jallwa sits next to Selina
On the sands, Khyronn gasps
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the green dragonet..
From the ledge, Tuerth bugles!
On the sands, Dorelei says "We'll be safe at Benden.."
On the sands, Farioll sees thingas are starting up again :)
On the sands, Deirdre projects << are lovely!!>>
On the sands, Sparkling gold Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet stumbles out.
On the sands, The queen of the clutch is a beautiful specimen, long but
slender, and loudly piteous in her cries for food. Her skin glows moistly,
the light catching the golden glints of her smooth hide. She swivels her
wedged-shaped head back and forth, scrutinizing each face carefully, looking
for that special person...
From the ledge, Duzorth humms loudly
On the sands, Devin cheers!
Elyssa says "To the green!""
On the sands, Khyronn sings softly to the gold, a song of love and
Aryne gasps.
Citrel says "Hooray!"
On the sands, Falryx crouches hopefully before the green.
On the sands, Gwyneth Smiles joyfully.
From the ledge, Duzorth rears up and bugles!!!!
On the sands, Jalor WOWS at the Gold!
Vernar gasps.
On the sands, Largand applauds the gold!
Earendil says "Selina, how do I read my mial in my pouch?"
On the sands, Farioll is in awe of the Queen.
On the sands, Dorelei continues projecting to the queen, " and I."
CloudShape grins, "Netlag, netlag, wonderful laggity?"
Elyssa drinks to the new hatchling
J'lan says "Wow!"
On the sands, Annalyn takes a step forward, then stops herself.
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome!! >> to golden dragonet.
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the gold. "You're wonderful!!"
Daria gasps.
On the sands, Volitar looks on with wonder.
On the sands, Sualtain thinks thoughts of love, oilings, food, happiness.
Marra says "Already Impressed: Garavon, Arainna, Miriar, Tarven, Kylana, Tivor"
Zoodle trills!
Jonah cheers
Resav starts at the site of the gold.
J'shua cheers!
CloudShape oohs and sees the Queen's hatched!
On the sands, Caloren projects welcoming thoughts towards the other eggs.
On the sands, Falryx stumbles at the beauty of the Gold.
On the sands, Dolar thinks thoughts of food toward the as of yet unhatched
From the ledge, Bayanth bugles!!
From the ledge, Palantirth humms loudly at the queen!
J'lan says "Who got that green?"
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet looks into each face in turn.
On the sands, Jazmyn calls to the gold with all her heart.
On the sands, Dorelei says "You'll be well-oiled.."
On the sands, Xalith attempts to beckon the green towards her with thoughts of
love and food.
On the sands, Tarrah thinks of strength and courage..
On the sands, Aara thinks she is beautiful!
Citrel says "Go Jazmyn!"
From the ledge, Branth croons to the new gold
T'vor grins.
On the sands, Dorelei says "..always be full.."
On the sands, Torr ooos at the Gold, but is almost more amused at all the girls
gaping at 'er.
On the sands, Deirdre thinks of lifelong love and companionship
From the ledge, Mnedranth bugles loudly for the gold!
H'kon says "Go Deirdre!"
On the sands, Eager green dragonet stumbles over to Khyronn.. and stops,
confused, looking back and forth.
On the sands, Caloren is stunned by the attractiveness of the baby queen!
On the sands, Falryx looks deeply towards the forgotten green. "Food?"
Aryne says "GO Jazmyn!!!"
On the sands, Khyronn projects warm thoughts of food, contentment and
friendshiup to the queen as she continues singing her song.
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet pulls herself free of the shell, and
wonders which Candidate thinks herself deserving!
J'lan says "Go Aara!"
On the sands, Khyronn looks lovingly at the gold.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg begins a slow rock again.
From the ledge, Tidirth lets out a bugle as the Gold hatches.
On the sands, Xalith knows the green is hungry, and will satisfy her needs to
learn about the world.
On the sands, Dorelei says "Little gold, we'll have a wonderful life together."
From Selric's shoulder, Regent humming starts to pitch to a trill.
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet proudly walks up to each Candidate,
confidently looking into each face.
On the sands, Deirdre would never think herself that worthy....unless you did,
little gold!
On the sands, Annalyn gazes intensely at the gold, willing it to her.
On the sands, Eager green dragonet likes Khyronn's song.
On the sands, Chana gathers her scattered thoughts, and smiles happily at the
gold. "You're beautiful.."
Elyssa whispers "Oh I wish...
Doriana laughs. "None of them really are deserving, of course..."
On the sands, Sualtain projects thoughts of friendship and food and love and
more food.
On the sands, Aara projects love to the little queen.
Citrel says "Go Jazmyn! You better, I've got a hell of a lot of money on you!"
On the sands, Kyton smiles warmly at teh gold, but doesn't forget teh bronze
egg in the process
T'vor says "The key is food."
On the sands, Torr whistles a tune that he and Tarrah have known since their
youngest days, hoping it will ease his sister's mind.
Brennin sings, "Well, I'm in the Benden seating, and I'm watching a Hatching, I
think, I have charted a course back to Ista, but the captain is lost in his
drink ..."
On the sands, Dorelei says "We will work together.."
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet gazes at Annalyn, looking for someone
On the sands, Tarrah confidently meets the gaze.
On the sands, Dolar eyes the rocking egg.
On the sands, Gwyneth gazes at the lovely queen.
On Daria's arm, Leprechaun :croons louder.
On the sands, Devin keeps watching the as yet unhatched eggs.
On the sands, Dorelei says "..forever and ever.."
On the sands, Deirdre projects thoughts of food, warmth, love and flying to the
little gold.
On Daria's shoulder, Indigo croons loudly.
On the sands, Dorelei loves the little gold from afar.
On the sands, Tarrah isn't tense at all.
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the Harper Blue egg...just like a harper to
wiat to make an entrance!
Tarak shakes his head. "It'll be ANnalyn, I'll bet."
On the sands, Khyronn continues to think warm thoughts as her song continues.
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet dreams of open sands, warmth, food, and
flying free!
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<Come, come out into the world, and be one with
On the sands, Falryx sighs hopefully. The beauty of the dragons is unsurpassed.
Aryne grins.
On the sands, Xalith gazes longlingly at all the eggs.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg shivers.
Darion tries logging using dos...
On the sands, Eager green dragonet snuffles softly at the woman next to
Khyronn.. then seems to make a decision.
On the sands, Jazmyn concentrates feircely at the gold..
On the sands, Tarrah finds herself calm and collected. Not even apprehensive.
Eye of the storm..
J'lan says "GO Aara!!!!!"
F'dan did bet. :)
On the sands, Annalyn looks back at the gold, hoping...
On the sands, Eager green dragonet looks deeply into Khyronn's eyes.
On the sands, Eager green dragonet croons lovingly at Khyronn.
On the sands, Dorelei says "..Litte gold, you will always be loved for.."
Aryne C'mon Jazmyn!!!
CloudShape oohs. This is a switch. The golden dragon is the one thinking at the
canditates. =)
On the sands, Xalith turns back to the dirty grey egg.
Doriana cheers for Khyronn!
On the sands, Deirdre projects <<Yes...that's right. Flying free, and all the
food and love you want. Forever!!>
Jallwa grins at Darion's effort
On the sands, Khyronn smiles exultantly, "Her name is Myranth!"
End of Khyronn's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
M'ndor says "Allright Khyronn...."
R'shard says "Don't complain! :-)"
On the sands, Falryx says "Congratulations Kyronn and Myranth!"
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet wants to know who will take her flying!
On the sands, Kyton cheers Khyronn and Myranth
On the sands, Sualtain cheers!
Marra wonders how long golds usually take to decide.
On the sands, Myranth butts urgently at Khyronn.
On the sands, Volitar appluads.
Brennin hrms. /course/boat :)
Jonah says "Khyronn!"
On the sands, Aara projects thoughts of love and compionship to the little
Citrel cheers
On the sands, Deirdre yays Khyronn
Resav sighs in relief for Khyronn.
Telos chhers for the Gold.
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles loudly
On the sands, Devin cheers for Khyronn!
On the sands, Dorelei says "..always have security."
On the sands, Fire red Egg rolls, scattering the male candidates.
On the sands, Jalor looks happily at Kyronn and Myranth!
CloudShape cheers!
On the sands, Khyronn smiles.
Chareth cheers!!!!!
On the sands, Xalith gasps audibly and breaks out into a smile, as the dirty
gray egg starts to move again.
Selina says "Earendil, I'm soorry. I'm busy!"
On the sands, Dorelei cheers for Khyronn.
On the sands, Chana says "Congratulations, Khryronn!"
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet looks like the sands are too small to
confine her!
Vernar leaps up and cheers. Accidently bumping into Citrel.
On the sands, Jalor says "WHOA!"
Telos chhers for Khyrron.
On the sands, Tylar ducks the rolling egg!
Brennin yays!
From the ledge, Branth bugles!
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats Khyronn and Myranth!!"
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to Myranth and Khyronn.
On the sands, Falryx stands and looks towards the queen, watching carefully.
From the ledge, Bayanth trills happily.
Darion says "I have to dump every 24 lines. :)"
On the sands, Sualtain thinks of flying the skys with the golden queen.
Aryne cheers!
On the sands, Gwyneth says "huzza."
On the sands, Kyton dodges quickly to the side
Ketyar whistles.
On the sands, Deirdre projects thoughts of warmth and security...and food.
On the sands, Dolar stands his ground, being the only one not scattered. it is,
after all, an egg.
On the sands, Devin moves around the red egg, still watching it all the while.
On the sands, Dorelei projects, "We'll alwasy be free," to the little queen.
Citrel nudges
On the sands, Largand dodges the fire red egg...
R'shard has it all in Emacs.
Tarak smiles at Kerridis.
On the sands, Shards of a Spotted green Egg rolls intently.
On the sands, Falryx dodges barely...
Selina says "I want to see everything!:)"
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet takes a look at each face, and quickly
comes to a decision!
On the sands, Dorelei projects the open sky to the little green.
On the sands, Danin cheers Khyronn
On the sands, Coral pink Egg rolls gently to one side, shifting back to rest in
its original position.
J'lan says "Yes....?"
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet prods at Annalyn with a wet wing.
On the sands, Largand thinks calming thoughts at the red egg.
On the sands, Tarrah tries to look impressive and fails.
On the sands, Gwyneth Smiles warml;y at the beatuiful Queen.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg rocks sharply and spins.
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the wonderful gold.
On the sands, Jazmyn calls out mentaly to the little queen...
Citrel ohs!
T'vor thought as much.
On the sands, Falryx grasps his leg, pained.
Daria holds her breath, watching the beautiful young queen.
On the sands, Volitar grins
Brennin hmphs. _I_'d take a gold flying, but does anyone ask _me?_
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg rocks again.
Brennin giggles.
Darion is testing. :)
Citrel aaargghs!
J'shua kisses Mira lightly.
On the sands, Khyronn walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Annalyn kneels down to gaze into the little queen's eyes.
Selric watches intently to see who impresses the Queen..
Doriana watches the Queen intently.
On the sands, Caloren concentrates encouragement towards the eggs.
On the sands, Deirdre thinks of love. <<That's right, little one. Make your
On the sands, Kyton watches the bronze egg intently but keeps an eye out for
that red egg
Darion says "I wantto see what it comes out like. :)"
On the sands, Xalith thinks of food to the occupant of the dirty gray egg and
wills it to move again with lovely thoughts and images.
On the sands, Fire red Egg continues rocking fiercely.
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet creels delightedly!
On the sands, Devin watches the eggs excitedly.
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet looks deeply into Annalyn's eyes.
Marra cheers for Annalyn..
On the sands, Beautiful golden dragonet croons lovingly at Annalyn.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg slowly begins to gyrate.
Aryne says "C'mon Jazmyn!!"
Citrel says "Oh, shells."
On the sands, Khyronn wanders here from the southern area of the cavern.
On the sands, Sea blue Egg rolls violently, then returns to a steady rocking.
On the sands, Dorelei oos.
On the sands, Chana sighs a bit disappointedly, but smiles at Annalyn. "She's
beautiful. Congratulations!"
Zoodle trills to Annalyn.
Telos chhers for Annalyn.
J'lan says "Yeah Annalyn!"
Citrel watches in deep disgust.
Marra says "YEAH!!!!!!"
On the sands, Tavella congratualates Annalyn.
On the sands, Falryx holds his leg and watches the Fire Red Egg.
On the sands, Annalyn exclaims "She says her name is Iriniath!"
End of Annalyn's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
On the sands, Farioll watches the bronze egg curiously.
Jonah says "Annalyn!"
On the sands, Dorelei says "congrats--both of you"
On the sands, Volitar cheers for Annalyn!
On the sands, Torr woah!s and jumps aside. He's gotta keep a better eye on that
sea blue egg. :)
Darion says "?Yays"
Mira smiles happily.
Ketyar yeahs!!!
On the sands, Kyton cheers Annalyn and Iriniath
Chareth cheers for Analynn.
From the ledge, Palantirth bugles at the new queen and her rider!
Citrel cheers Annlyn Anyway!
J'shua cheeers!
Kalinor cheers for Annalyn.
On the sands, Jeniath bugles LOUDLY in triumph!
On the sands, Farioll says "What a pretty name!"
Resav says "Poor Deirdre."
On the sands, Jalor applauds Annalyn and Iriniath loudly!
On the sands, Falryx says "Congratulations Annalyn and Iriniath!"
M'ndor ughs at thename.
On the sands, Jazmyn trembles from the strain, but can no longer take the
On the sands, Largand applauds!
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats Annalyn and Iriniath!"
On the sands, Deirdre congratulates Annalyn.
On the sands, Dolar Yahoo's for annalyn and then, realizing that's out of place
in this ceremony, puts his poker face on and looks back at the eggs
J'lan hugs Daria!
On the sands, Kath trumpets his congratulations proudly.
Doriana ARGHS!!!! My connection's SHOT!!!!
Tarak looks smug. "I knew it."
Aryne is happy for Annalyn though damn disappointed about her money.
From the ledge, Mnedranth bugles loudly!
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles!
On the sands, Largand says "Hurray Annalyn!!"
On the sands, Coral pink Egg moves quicker and quicker.
On the sands, Xalith watches the dirty gray egg and nothing else...
On the sands, Dorelei looks to the remaining green.
On the sands, Torr stands and claps to annalyn, while keeping an eye askance at
the sea blue egg.
On the sands, Khyronn walks south, to the center of the cavern.
From the ledge, Bayanth bugles happily.
On the sands, Deirdre l
J'shua squeezes Mira.
T'vor wonders who's in the orange egg.
Marra thinks Iriniath is a beautiful name.
On the sands, Jalor turns to the bronze egg.
From the ledge, Branth croons to Annalyn and the new queen
Mira agrees.
Gilead says "Fantastic, Annalyn!"
On the sands, Falryx limps towards the now silent Red Egg.
Aryne says "Yeah Annalyn!!!"
On the sands, Volitar watches the remaining eggs intently.
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the remaining eggs.
On the sands, Annalyn embraces the little queen.
From the ledge, Palantirth bugles down at Iriniath and Annalyn.
On the sands, Kyton looks from egg to egg anxiously
D'nal laughs softly...
M'ndor says "5 eggs"
On the sands, Chana turns and watches the rest of the eggs and Candidates.
On the sands, Xalith thinks of travelling the world with the dragonet in the
dirty gray egg, travelling the world together.
On the sands, Annalyn has tears running down her face.
On the sands, Fire red Egg rolls again, making a circle in the midst of the
J'lan says "Any blues yet?"
Darion thinks that should be enough testing...
Telos says "Not yet."
Marra whoops is up for Annalyn!
On the sands, Fire red Egg hops suddenly, as though the dragonet in there were
impatient to be free.
On the sands, Dorelei offers a tissue to Annalyn.
On the sands, Jazmyn was fool for thinking she had a chance anyway...
Tarak says "Nope."
On the sands, Devin looks at the five remaining eggs, of red, bronze, blue,
grey, and pink.
Marra says "it even"
J'lan says "BAH!"
On the sands, Dolar gazes intently at the red egg.
From the ledge, Minayth bugles welcomes and cogratulations to Annalyn and
On the sands, Jazmyn walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Silkelin walks over to red egg
Citrel hee hees.
Jonah takes a deep breath
On the sands, Amberyl walks over to Annalyn and embraces her warmly.
On the sands, Falryx gives a start, and grins broadly at the red egg.
On the sands, Volitar grins, <<Thats right, fight your way out>>
On the sands, Largand tells the red egg it can hatch, come on out...
On the sands, Gwyneth LAGS but stares at the queen hoping..........
On the sands, Deirdre moves to the other eggs.
Darion cheers for everyone!!!
On the sands, Kyton projects encouragement to the rewamining dragonets
R'shard says "Still more eggs, J'lan. Bound to be blues in there with that many
On the sands, Silkelin encoiurages red egg
On the sands, Dolar thinks, Feisty at first steps! What a dragon you will be my
little one.
On the sands, Torr is outside the circle of candidates around teh Fire egg, and
near the blue. He tries to look over a few shoulders at the commotion the
fire egg is causing.
Resav says "When did Silkelin get here?"
J'shua says "C'mon Kyton!"
Jallwa says "He just arrived."
T'vor says "Perhaps there'll be a blue in the orange egg."
Citrel was wondering the same thing.
Chareth laughs.
On the sands, Sea blue Egg spins wildly, rolling over shards and knocking
against the remaining eggs.
On the sands, Sea blue Egg rocks sharply, almost caroming into the pink egg.
On the sands, Devin quietly thanks his fate of being tall enough to see. :)
On the sands, Xalith sighs as she watches the eggs rock..
On the sands, Farioll watches Torr approach.
On the sands, Xalith moves away from the blue egg..
On the sands, Deirdre wishes she weren't so short!
On the sands, Farioll says "Stay back. He's finally coming out."
On the sands, Volitar agrees with Devin.
Selina says "Hello Jallwa.:)"
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the blue egg.
On the sands, Falryx grins at the active eggs!
Citrel stands up and goes down to the sands.
R'shard says "Um.. T'vor.. aren't you supposed to be down in the waiting room?"
On the sands, Torr decides it's best to keep his distance, and walks out of the
exuberant egg's way.
On the sands, Torr ... only a little.
Jallwa says "Hello again Selina"
T'vor says "Oh!"
On the sands, Silkelin says "come on red!"
Marra now is cheering wholheartedly for Devin.
T'vor stands up and goes down to the sands.
On the sands, Falryx smiles knowingly at Torr, rubbing his leg.
Teal goes to sit on Darion's shoulder
Citrel oopses.
R'shard chuckles a bit. :-)
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg grinds some more silver shards to bits, then rolls
across the sands, adding sparkling gold bits to it's shell.
Citrel drinks.
J'lan laughs
On the sands, Farioll waits for the Harper blue egg to dance around.
On the sands, Aara watches the rest of the eggs.
On the sands, Torr nods to Falryx. you bet. :)
On the sands, Coral pink Egg spins suddenly.
On the sands, Dolar thinks just the opposite and stays right where he is,
within a few inches of the feisty little red egg
J'shua chuckles.
On the sands, Dorelei shivers.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg rocks insistently.
Citrel boozes it up.
Selina says "I'm sorry I can't read fast at all!"
Aryne sips some water.
On the sands, Sea blue Egg bounces insistently, the striatations showing
Jonah smiles
Jallwa says "That's ok. It's hard."
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<COME ON, you can do it!>>
On the sands, Silkelin encourages the reed egg
On the sands, Sea blue Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Strong bronze dragonet stumbles out.
Tarak puts his arm around Kerridis.
On the sands, This hatching is clearly larger than any of his brothers; he
moves slowly but he ignores anything in his path.
On the sands, Caloren welcomes the newly-arrived young dragon.
On the sands, Devin says "Yay!"
On the sands, Deirdre aahs at the bronze.
R'shard says "There you go!"
J'lan says "A bronze!"
On the sands, Farioll says "YOu did it!"
On the sands, Kyton gasps at teh bronze
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to the bronze.
On the sands, Largand smiles at the bronze hatchling!
On the sands, Falryx welcomes the bronze dragonet.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the dirty gray egg. <Just a bit more.. you're
almost out.>
On the sands, Volitar looks excitedly at the small bronze.
On the sands, Farioll smiles broadly.
On the sands, Torr oooos at the bronze dragonet, and lowers himself down so
he's eyelevel.
Marra says "A bronze!"
On the sands, Jalor WOWS the new bronze!!!
Tarak says "About time!"
J'shua cheers!
Citrel ooohs.
On the sands, Coral pink Egg pivots suddenly and wrenches to the sides, rolling
On the sands, Kyton projects warmth and love to the new hatchling
On the sands, Torr smiles. "Wow. you're quite the sight."
On the sands, Farioll says "Come on out!"
On the sands, Devin gapes in open admiration of the big bronze!
On the sands, Largand thinks "Welcome!" at the bronze dragonet.
On the sands, Strong bronze dragonet creels hungrily, his wet hide shining in
the light.
Jonah says "a bronze!"
Marra says "Come on, Devin...."
On the sands, Caloren thinks friendly encouraging thoughts.
On the sands, Dolar concentrates intently on picturing his personality for he
dragonet, knowing it will make the right choice
From the ledge, Mnedranth bugles again, then hummmmms once more.
From the ledge, Duzorth arbles to his ne bronze brother
On the sands, Farioll says "We;ll go get you somethig to eat.."
Brennin scritches Mercury amusedly and watches the bronze.
Aryne says "A bronze!!"
J'lan says "Go Devin!"
Telos shouts "Go Devin!"
On the sands, Farioll marvels at him.
On the sands, Jalor says "I'll bet you're twice as hungry as your brothers,
On the sands, Devin offers food, and love, and companionship to the bronze, and
in general makes a fool of himself. :)
Ketyar nods
On the sands, Volitar emits <<Come, I have food for you>>
On the sands, Largand thinks wlecoming calming thoughts to the bronze...
J'shuasqueezes Mira's hand again.
On the sands, Falryx returns to the red egg. "Come little one, you can do it!"
On the sands, Coral pink Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet stumbles out.
On the sands, The exceedingly-lean bronze hatchling creels insistently for a
morsel of food, and he looks like he'd be quite aggressive in his attempts to
get it. His searching glance seems to probe all those around him, as he tries
to find the person who would most likely be willing to stuff his greedy maw
with meat. He moves quickly and decisively, his tail dragging in the sand.
Aryne grasps Ketyar's hand.
From the ledge, Palantirth's trumpeting subsides into a deep humming agin.
On the sands, Strong bronze dragonet spreads his shining wet wings, and bugles
his hunger to the entire ground.
Resav thnks that's easy for Devin to do!
J'shua says "Yay! two!"
Citrel says "Another bronze!, Yay!"
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet looks around suddenly.
On the sands, Devin would be so willing. :)
On the sands, Torr reaches out a hand to the strong bronze. "Care to stay with
a person of rhtym, who'll feed you well?"
On the sands, Kyton gasps at teh seconmd bronze and offers his love to that one
On the sands, Dorelei giggles.
On the sands, Caloren quietly admires the new hatchling.
On the sands, Farioll says "COme on then!"
On the sands, Largand looks over at the hungry bronze...
On the sands, Volitar thinks of valiant battles and manny wherries.
On the sands, Falryx smiles at the hungry bronze.
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to the hungry bronxe.
Mira hugs J'shua.
On the sands, Dorelei says "..and yet so demanding.."
On the sands, Largand says "Two bronzes!"
On the sands, Dolar continues to gaze at the dragonet
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the bromze.
On the sands, Deirdre ooohs at the second bronze
On the sands, Falryx says "What beauties!"
J'lan says "Big clutch!"
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet tries to get his bearings.
On the sands, Farioll is smiling at the harper bronze.
On the sands, Largand projects calm to the second, hungry bronze.
On the sands, Devin says "So many bronzes! Jeniath has outdone herself!"
J'lan says "I want to see some blues!"
On the sands, Falryx hums a tune he learned in his youth.
Marra thinks the 2nd bronze needs someone to feed it soon!
Ketyar nods
On the sands, Deirdre agrees with Devin
Citrel says "How many left?"
On the sands, Jalor attempts to relax!
R'shard lost count.
On the sands, Farioll says "The one from the Harper blue egg."
On the sands, Xalith warms the dirty gray egg with happy thoughts.
On the sands, Aara thinks Jeniath has had a beautiful clutch.
On the sands, Strong bronze dragonet stalks the sands, looking surprisingly
graceful for a hatchling.
From the ledge, Duzorth rears up and bugles again
Citrel is disgusted.
On the sands, Torr whistles that same tune again, this time to steady himself
for a second. Then he stands his ground and looks to the bronze, relaxing.
On the sands, Caloren thinks welcoming thoughts towards the new dragon.
Ketyar says "three"
On the sands, Kyton thinks thoughts of food and love and flying and
companionship and...
On the sands, Devin looks in admiration at both bronzes. "Wow!"
On the sands, Farioll stares at the magnificent bronze.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg wobbles.
On the sands, Largand looks at the strong, handsome bronze...
Darion says "3 eggs."
On the sands, Chana nods! "Every one has been beautiful.."
On the sands, Volitar thinks calming thoughts to the bronzes
On the sands, Farioll says "Aren't you hungry?"
On the sands, Jalor watches the strong bronze in awe, imagining how wonderful
it would be to feed it, oil it, . ..
Jonah watches and sips his Benden red
On the sands, Deirdre thinks thoughts of calm.
On the sands, Dolar knows this bronze has more going for it than most, it's
stature says it all. I'm here if I'm the right one..
On the sands, Farioll says "We can go get some food."
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet wanders around, stretching his wings a
bit, as if reassuring himself they are there.
R'shard says "Little does he know how big a bronze grows :-)."
Citrel boozes some more.
Marra leans against Resav. She is getting worn out from theemotions..
On the sands, Dorelei thinks of calming herself...not to mention her shaking
On the sands, Farioll says "Spread you r wings..."
On the sands, Falryx fingers the good luck sand in his pocket.
On the sands, Strong bronze dragonet thinks he's graceful, anyway. He lurches a
bit to the left, but pretends not to notice.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the dirty gray egg. <You'll be beautiful when
you get out, and very, very, *VERY* hungry. If you come with me I will feed
you. But you must hatch first.>
Kadur appears out of Between with a puff of cold air.
Kadur calls out a greet and swoops to a landing..
From the ledge, Branth croons at the Bronzes
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg rocks and slides its way across the mound.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg wobbles again, a bit more insistently.
On the sands, Annalyn tells Iriniath "Wait until the others have hatched."
On the sands, Deirdre grins at the dragon's wings. "Yes, they're there."
Gilead says "I came late, I've only seen one brown. Have there been others?"
On the sands, Devin assures the hungry bronze that he has beautiful bronze
wings, and they are in fact present!
On the sands, Farioll says "Of course you're gracefuul!"
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet wanders away from the Candidates.
T'vor wonders where he's supposed to be.
Resav put his arm around Marra for support. He is too.
On the sands, Kyton says "No, NO, over here"
J'lan laughs
On the sands, Tarrah aacks as her net dumped her.
On the sands, Silkelin encouarges the red egg to hatch.
On the sands, Dorelei encourages the hatching withing the dirty grey egg.
On the sands, Falryx limps slightly after the bronze.
On the sands, Largand thinks, "Back this way, hungry bronze!"
On the sands, Dolar wanders after the hatchling
On the sands, Caloren looks towards the bronze dragonet, making sure he is
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg shakes, twists, and spins.
On the sands, Torr smiles. "Confident, aye. And with enough confidence,
gracefulness and strength are always present.":
Citrel says "Hey, where's he going?"
On the sands, Volitar watches curiously. <<we have food for you>>
On the sands, Fire red Egg wobbles and whirls.
Marra says "2 browns"
Ketyar looks at the bronze walk away
On the sands, Deirdre wonders if the hungry bronze sees someone in the stands?
J'lan says "Ther goes RPI!!"
On the sands, Strong bronze dragonet walks straight up to Devin, and butts him
Kimri breathes a sigh of relief.
Jonah smiles
R'shard says "The same area you were before you came out onto the sands."
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg rolls over and is bashed frantically from
On the sands, Farioll says "Come on now ..."
On the sands, Dorelei giggles.
Doriana says "Review the Impressions, starting with the Queen, for me?"
F'dan just scrolled for an entire minute!
T'vor says "Thanks."
Telos shouts GO DEVIN!
On the sands, Devin staggers a little bit! "Hello, strong bronze!"
On the sands, Xalith thinks towards the dirty gray egg, <You're moving more...
come on...>
On the sands, Farioll says "You need some food. I know you're hungry."
On the sands, Strong bronze dragonet looks deeply into Devin's eyes.
On the sands, Strong bronze dragonet croons lovingly at Devin.
On the sands, Falryx whirls around to the once-again active red egg.
On the sands, Fire red Egg rolls around, plowing through the candidates.
T'vor stands up and goes down to the sands.
On the sands, Devin says "His name is Kedranth!!"
End of D'vin's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the
On the sands, Silkelin says "come on red, you can do it."
On the sands, Kyton continues his litany of food and love
J'lan says "Yeah Devin!"
M'ndor hmmms...
Jallwa cheers Devin
On the sands, Torr smiles to Devin, and nods.
On the sands, Sualtain cheers.
Gilead says "Thanks Marra."
From the ledge, Duzorth arbels to the ne pair!
On the sands, Dorelei says "Come on..little grey egg.."
On the sands, Farioll jumps back.
Zoodle trills!!!
On the sands, Xalith moves out of the way of the fire red egg.
Chareth yeahs!
Ketyar claps
Citrel cheers!
On the sands, Dolar alright devin!
On the sands, Falryx stumbles back and falls to the sands.
Jonah says "Devin!!!"
On the sands, Jalor says "Congrats, Devin and Kedranth!!"
On the sands, Kyton cheers Devin and Kedranth
On the sands, Largand thinks "Where are you going, hungry one?" to the remaing
Aryne applauds.
From the ledge, Bayanth trills.
R'shard says "D'vin. :-)"
H'kon punts thnet.
On the sands, Caloren encourages the unhatched young dragons.
On the sands, Silkelin follows red egg around
On the sands, Danin congratulates D'vin and Kedranth
J'shua cheers!
On the sands, Chana blinks back tears, and smiles. "Congratulations, Devin and
Daria drop-kicks the net.
Keeson cheers for D'vin!
Marra cheers Devin!!
On the sands, Dorelei smiles, "Good, Devin..and Kedranth!
Kimri cheers.
On the sands, Dolar goes back to intently encouraging the egg
M'ndor hurrahs for Devin.
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg rocks patiently.
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats D'vin and Kedranth!"
On the sands, D'vin walks south, to the center of the cavern.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to D'vin and Kedranth.
On the sands, Dolar steps back a bit. give him some air.
Turin stands up and goes down to the sands.
On the sands, Farioll wonders why no blues have hatched.
On the sands, Caloren says "Congratulations, D'vin!"
On the sands, Kyton continues to offer his thoughts to teh other bronze
Darion cheers.
Tarak smiles.
On the sands, Jalor stares intently at the burnished bronze. . .
Vernar says "Anything I missed(crashed right after the gold hatched)."
J'lan says "Sit down dear, :)"
On the sands, Falryx picks himself up, and follows the red egg masochistically.
On the sands, Dorelei says "Com on..greg egg."
Telos says "And I bet he'd only get a blue."
Kadur springs into the air and blinks Between.
Aryne says "Yeah D'vin!!"
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg rocks and bounces.
D'vin oops, wrong turn :)
On the sands, Xalith looks truly hopefully at the dirty gray egg... <You're
making it!>
D'vin stands up and goes down to the sands.
Citrel yipeses.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet wanders forward.
Chareth cheers the hungry bronze on.
Daria sits back down.
On the sands, Dorelei smiles, "You can come....
Jallwa says "Congrats, D'vin!"
On the sands, Gwyneth wonder What happend????? she missse 5 screens..
On the sands, Volitar emits to the wanderer, <<Come, we have food for you over
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg bounces and whirls impetuously.
On the sands, Farioll says "COme on, you hungry dragons."
On the sands, Largand offers food to the hungry, lean bronze...
Gilead says "Vernar, there have been two bronzes hatched, since the gold
On the sands, Falryx stumbles near the hungry bronze in his efforts to follow
the red egg.
On the sands, Silkelin loves the red egg.
Doriana says "Hey, anyone know who Impressed the Queen?"
On the sands, Farioll says "The sooner you choose the sooner you eat! :)"
On the sands, Xalith encourages the dirty gray egg with happy, joyful,
wonderful warm thoughts!
On the sands, Volitar walks to the hungry bronze.
On the sands, Fire red Egg rolls about in the midst of the candidates.
M'ndor says "Annalyn."
Telos says "Annalyn did."
J'lan says "Annalyn"
Aryne says "Annalyn did"
Chareth says "Annalynn did.,"
Kimri grins.
Marra hopes the hungry bronze chooses soon so he gets fed!
F'dan says "annalyn, I think"
On the sands, Dorelei projects warmth to the grey egg.
On the sands, Dolar again beams thoughts of the thrill of biting into a freshly
killed wheerry at the bronze
F'dan grins.
On the sands, Jalor says "The better you choose, the BETTER you eat!!!"
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg rocks frantically, the shell almost
appearing to stretch.. finally a crack is heard.
On the sands, Torr looks over to the hungry bronze. He nearly didn't see him.
On the sands, Deirdre nods agreement with Farioll. "He's right, you know!"
On the sands, Dorelei laughs.
On the sands, Volitar looks at the bronze.
On the sands, Silkelin follows the red egg obiediently
Chareth laughs at J'lan.
Doriana says "Name? Of the gold?"
On the sands, Largand thinks thoughts of love and comfort to the bronze...
Turin finds an empty seat.
On the sands, Fire red Egg is butted from within. Help!
On the sands, Dorelei hopes the hatchling in the grey egg has a sense of humor.
On the sands, Fire red Egg cracks against Farioll's shins.
On the sands, Falryx stands.
On the sands, Caloren admires the young bronze dragon.
Kalinor says "Iriniath."
On the sands, Volitar smiles <<I have food for you, come with me>>
On the sands, Shards of a Coral pink Egg wanders about curiously, snuffling at
this and that.
Aryne says "Iriniath I believe"
On the sands, Fire red Egg has been struggling and struggling...
On the sands, Farioll helps the fire egg.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet wanders about curiously, snuffling at this
and that.
On the sands, Xalith promises the gray egg that she will feed the occupant as
soon as she can.
On the sands, Largand projects images of caring and love and comfort to the
On the sands, Kyton lloks over at teh cracking sound of the bronze egg
On the sands, Silkelin runs to the red egg
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<you are so wonderful>>
On the sands, Farioll helps the poor hatchling escape!
On the sands, Dolar continues to look at the bronze
Citrel cheers randomly.
Doriana says "Thanks. Any between Iriniath and Kedranth?"
On the sands, Jalor holds his breath . . .
Chareth laughs.
On the sands, Fire red Egg jounces! No one seems to be helping it!
On the sands, Xalith thinks, <But that will only be if you come with me.>
On the sands, Torr looks over to the red egg, as if he could hear it.
Jonah smiles
On the sands, Burnished bronze egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet stumbles out.
On the sands, Silkelin helps the red too.
J'lan says "Nope"
On the sands, The moist hide of the gangly newly-hatched dragonet glistens with
an emerald-green.
Keeson says "Another set of wandering shards:-)."
On the sands, Dorelei oos.
On the sands, Falryx sighs with joy! "They are all wonderful!"
On the sands, Farioll rips part of the shell for the red.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg rolls to a stop, as if admiring it's now
glittering shell.
On the sands, Falryx stumbles to the Red egg..
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to the green dragonet.
On the sands, Deirdre aahs at the green. <<WElocme!!>>
T'lean os..."Another green"
On the sands, Farioll says "COme on!"
Brennin grins, "Another green!" :)
Citrel says "Another green. Sigh."
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet creels with hunger and looks about her.
J'lan says "Another silly green"
On the sands, Silkelin encourages and helps the red egg
On the sands, Dorelei runs over to the little green.
Kimri sighs and thinks she has no idea who hatched and who impressed.
R'shard says "No blues, though."
Telos cheers on Xalith.
Chareth wows! Lots of greens!
Brennin tickles Citrel and J'lan.
On the sands, Dorelei projects warmth to the green.
J'lan laughs
Aryne says "And not one blue!"
Citrel baps Brennin!
On the sands, Kyton welocmes teh green and then goes back to the hungry bronze
Marra says "What a gorgeous green!`"
Brennin looks bapt.
On the sands, Fire red Egg cracks rapidly, its occupant coming eagerly into a
new world!
On the sands, Sualtain thinks thoughts of love and a full pot of oil and as
much food as she can eat.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the green, but continues watching the dirty grey
egg. <You will be more beautiful when you are out of that shell.>
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet wanders forward tenatively once more.
Kimri looks disappointed. "No blues?"
Kadur appears out of Between with a puff of cold air.
Kadur calls out a greet and swoops to a landing..
Elyssa says "Another green... Imagine when they're all ready to mate..."
On the sands, Fire red Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet stumbles out.
J'lan is surprised there are no blues
On the sands, Deirdre moves to the little green. <<You'll find food here!>>
On the sands, Better not get too close! He's very animated in his motion, and
in fact he never quite _stops_ moving, but if his razor-sharp claws were to
get in the way...
On the sands, Dolar looks at all the dragonets thinking, food.
On the sands, Largand projects calm to the bronze!
On the sands, Falryx steadies the red egg, encouranging its occpent.
On the sands, Dorelei offers a warmth to the green.
On the sands, Caloren, his mind calm, welcomes the new arrivals.
On the sands, Volitar projects love and open skies, food and many long oilingsd
to the bronze.
M'ndor says "Still two eggs folks."
Selric smiles exhausted from the suspense.
On the sands, Farioll helps the playful brown.
On the sands, Torr says "Another bronze! That's great!"
Doriana wonders why no blues....
On the sands, Silkelin says "come to me brown"
On the sands, Tylar watches hopefully.
On the sands, Farioll says "COme on out!"
On the sands, Deirdre sends thoughts of love to the little green.
Mira pulls J'shua close.
On the sands, Falryx brushes shards of egg from the brown.
On the sands, Silkelin loves theborown
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome! >> to the brown.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet frolics!
On the sands, Torr ahs. HE sees wrong from his distance.
On the sands, Dorelei says "..hungry, little green beauty?"
On the sands, Farioll says "We;ll get you some food!"
Elyssa agrees with Selric
On the sands, Largand opens his mind to the bronze, thinking thoughts of
On the sands, Largand er, love, even.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet walks slowly towards the surrounding boys.
CloudShape confesses! Mr. Grinch stole all the blues!
On the sands, Jalor wants to play with playful brown!
On the sands, Silkelin jumpos with excitemnt....
Citrel cheers.
On the sands, Falryx smiles at the frolicking brown.
On the sands, Sualtain projects thoughts of the freedom of flight to the green.
Turin stands up and goes down to the sands.
Marra giggles at the brown.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet zips across the sands, kicking up hot
sizzling sand playfully into everyone's face.
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet wobbles uncertainly this way and that.
Jonah wows
On the sands, Torr looks over a shoulder. Aaaaah. a *brown*.
M'ndor chuckles at CS.
Kimri laughs.
On the sands, Volitar grins at the brown, but keep looking at hthe bronze.
Daria gets zapped with about 8 screen.
On the sands, Silkelin plays with the borwn
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet extends his talons every which way.
On the sands, Gwyneth sighs deeply at her lagg..
On the sands, Iriniath buts at Annalyn's knees.
On the sands, Torr ducks from teh sand, and laughs out loud.
On the sands, Largand steps forward towards the bronze, thinking thoughts of
On the sands, Aara projects thoughts of love and compaionship tto the green
On the sands, Xalith watches the green...
On the sands, Deirdre projects images of full bellies and flying to the little
On the sands, Falryx sputters, wiping sand from his face.
On the sands, Caloren stands tall, but not intruding.
On the sands, Dolar thinks thoughts of summer flights and long summer naps
after nice meals
On the sands, Dorelei says "Over here, little greeen.."
Aryne smiles at the brown.
Citrel gets spammed.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet rakes long streaks in the sand.
On the sands, Silkelin plays with brown
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg suddenly stills.
On the sands, Farioll gags on line noise
On the sands, Dorelei projects the open sky to the green dragonet.
On the sands, Xalith goes back to the dirty gray egg..
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet rolls about in the sand delightedly.
F'dan grins. "Lots of Browns and Greens."
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet wanders towards Largand, stepping on
Silkelin's foot and stumbling to the side a bit
On the sands, Silkelin says "come brown."
J'lan nods
Doriana grins at the brown. "He'll hurt someone..."
On the sands, Deirdre projects love and companionship to the small green.
On the sands, Chana steps back, out of the way of the brown.
Kalinor says "We lost some of the female candidates after the queen Impressed,
I think."
On the sands, Largand acthes the bronze!
On the sands, Largand catches, even!
On the sands, Xalith looks alarmed at the dirty gray egg stopping.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg sits alone on the mound.
R'shard says "Few bronzes. No blues, thought."
On the sands, Farioll hopes the brown will forgive his lapse!
On the sands, Falryx limps towards the dragonets.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet regains his balance, and looks up at
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet wanders along the circle, sniffing
curiously, her eyes spinning hungrily!
R'shard says "A few bronzes..."
On the sands, Largand wonders if the bronze knows how to type better than he
does. :)
On the sands, Silkelin follows the brown
On the sands, Tarrah looks at the Dirty Grey Egg. "Oh no. Not again.."
On the sands, Dorelei worries.
On the sands, Xalith warms the egg with love. <Come out. You will be
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet suddenly turns away and wanders off.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet plows into Xalith. Ouch!
On the sands, Farioll wants to get the little brown fed!
Citrel boozes up.
J'lan says "Where is the bronze going?"
On the sands, Dorelei feels caught.
On the sands, Dolar continues to stare at the bronze lovingly
On the sands, Farioll goes over and helps the brown.
On the sands, Volitar come little ones.
CloudShape waits for Citrel to booze down.
On the sands, Falryx smiles hopefully at the bronze.
Keeson wonders if the grey egg need help...
On the sands, Largand thinks, "Come back!" to the bronze. :)
On the sands, Gwyneth looks around.
On the sands, Farioll gets him to stand up.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet watches its sharp claws curiously. Hmm.
On the sands, Jalor wonders where some food is.
On the sands, Xalith stares down at the brown before her and smiles..
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg sits absolutely motionless.
Vernar looks wistfully at the bronze.
On the sands, Dorelei walks to the unhatched grey egg.
On the sands, Silkelin emits.((I love you brown))
Citrel boozes down and collapses.
On the sands, Deirdre projects thoughts of food to the little green. <<You'll
be fed, then oilde, thefed>>
On the sands, Aara chuckles at the little brown.
On the sands, Sualtain watches the green dragonet, thinking about food and love
and friendship.
On the sands, Dorelei says "..come on, you, inside."
On the sands, Farioll says "It isn't his fault..."
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<come I have food for you>>
Marra uh ohs.
On the sands, Tylar grins at the playful brown..
On the sands, Kyton says "c,mon you little bronze, hurry up and cose and then
you can eat"
On the sands, Tarrah looks at Jeniath, and indicates the grey with her head.
"May I?"
Kimri args.
On the sands, Torr smiles at the playful brown. A silly one. That's good!
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet bumps into Farioll and goes nose first
into the sand.
J'lan laughs at the brown
On the sands, Dorelei says " can make it..just come through the grey.."
On the sands, Silkelin projects love and compassion. not to mention
J'shua wraps his arm about Mira's waist again.
From the ledge, Datanth flies in from the bowl.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet looks for someone else to play with, but
not before knocking Xalith down and trampling her, quite by accident.
On the sands, Farioll helps the brown upright.
On the sands, Jalor says "Take your time, little bronze."
Selric makes sure Citrel is still breathing and turn back to the hatching.
On the sands, Deirdre grins. <<And then oiled again. And there's some flightand
swimming in this too!>>
Aryne says "Where is the bronze goign?"
On the sands, Silkelin helps brown up
Brennin winces.
R'shard says "Ouch!"
On the sands, Falryx wanders over near Xalith.
On the sands, Aara runs to Xalith. "You ok?"
Citrel says "Hic!"
Chareth gasps.
Marra says "Ouch!"
M'ndor says "Ouch."
On the sands, Falryx says "Are you ok?"
On the sands, Jalor says "Know who you want."
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet wobbles this way and that.. and staggers
towards Deirdre, examining her curiously.
On the sands, Xalith ows..
Doriana says "Ouch."
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg jerks as if in surprise at Tarrah's touch.
On the sands, Farioll says "Let's go outside, brown, where there's room!"
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet frolics onwards, looking for new
Ketyar oooooooohs
On the sands, Largand turns to Xalith too, and helps her up...
On the sands, Caloren prepares to help the bronze should the need arise.
On the sands, Dolar grins at the dragonets, happily.
On the sands, Deirdre admires the little green. <<Yes, I'll love you.>>
On the sands, Xalith says "I suppose this means I lose my chance of
Citrel says "Go, Deirdre!"
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet lifts his nose up with a creen, and looks
around, suddenly aware of everyone staring at him.
On the sands, Silkelin goes to play with brown
On the sands, Volitar thinks to the bronze <<We will share many flights
together, you and I.>>
On the sands, Falryx grins towards the playful brown...
Kimri flinches.
On the sands, Amberyl glances over at Xalith. She's okay. "Just remember to get
out of the way fast enough next time..."
CloudShape thinks the little brown doesn't know his own size, tch.
On the sands, Deirdre send thoughts of love to the wonderful green.
Resav watches closley...
On the sands, Farioll says "Come on, brown, that's irt!"
On the sands, Xalith picks herself up and dusts some sand off of her.
On the sands, Largand looks back to the bronze...
On the sands, Falryx frolicks in the sand.
On the sands, Torr walks over next to his sister.
On the sands, Silkelin tries to play woth brown
Joanna can feel something in that egg.
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet wobbles towards Dorelei, as though to
compare the two.
H'kon cheers, "Come on Deirdre!!"
Marra doesn't want to idle...
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet flips across the sand, scooting on his
stomach and stumbling forward.
On the sands, Dorelei encourages the green...come here, brilliant one..
On the sands, Sualtain lloks at the green thinking about how much fun they
would have together.
Resav says "Don't then!"
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg rolls, seeming to follow Tarrah as she backs away.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet pivots to look at Volitar... and then
turns to look at the rest of the boys.
R'shard says "Getting hit and getting mauled are a tad different. You get up
from the first one."
M'ndor says "Come one Dorelei!!!"
On the sands, Aara steps back from Xalith after lookong over her again and then
watches the dragonets.
On the sands, Deirdre projects <<Make your choice, little one. But con't let us
rush you.>>
J'lan says "Go Dorelei!"
Jonah smiles
On the sands, Dorelei says "...I'm right here.."
On the sands, Jalor wants to feed a dragonet!
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the playful brown and trries to help him up.
On the sands, Tarrah didn't touch it, was asking if she could, but.. yipe?
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the dirty gray egg.. <I haven't abandoned you.>
Resav says "Come on Deirdre!"
On the sands, Volitar grins at hteh brown
On the sands, Silkelin follows brown and plays with hjim
On the sands, Dorelei projects love to the brilliant green.
On the sands, Largand tries to catch the bronze's eyes again...
Marra doesn't want to get booted she meant.
On the sands, Deirdre projects images of flying and feeding to the green.
Darion says "Come on Deridre!!!!"
On the sands, Farioll can't type fast enough!
On the sands, Falryx says "Come little bronze. Make your choice and be at
Citrel says "Come on, everybody! (hic)"
Ketyar looks wistfully at the dragons.
On the sands, Dolar looks to the dragonets thinking food, sleep.
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet stretches her wings, as though only
noticing them for the first time..
On the sands, Deirdre sends love to the green.
On the sands, Largand thinks, "I will feed you, and fly with you, and love
Darion says "Deirdre even!!!"
On the sands, Silkelin says "let's play brown!"
Doriana grins at the little green.
On the sands, Silkelin smiles
On the sands, Dorelei says "....yes, we can fly.."
On the sands, Amberyl helps Xalith up, watching the brown closely. "Better not
get too close..."
On the sands, Torr pats his sister on the back, and points at the egg. "You're
being followed."
On the sands, Caloren projects warm encouragment towards the bronze.
On the sands, Gwyneth hopes for Sualtain...
Citrel hics and gets spammed.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet trounces over a few shards and once again
surveys the room.
Riyja finds an empty seat.
On the sands, Farioll says "Let's fly, brown!"
On the sands, Chana watches all the dragonets bewilderedly.
Brennin leans back and starts thinking of a song. :)
Vernar has a big, silly grin on his face.
On the sands, Deirdre laughs gently. "Yes, little one, they're with you. And
soon you can use them!"
Lazarus explodes out of Between above your head.
Lazarus trills a greeting and comes in for a landing.
From the ledge, Tayefeth croons encouragement to the little green sister.
On the sands, Dorelei bends down to the brilliant green, "You and I will
someday fly.."
On the sands, Farioll is getting dizzy.
On the sands, Silkelin emits.(( love you brown
On the sands, Volitar walks over to the bronze.
On the sands, Dolar stares at the bronze, amazed, saying My you are a careful
one aren't you?
On the sands, Xalith gazes lovingly and logingly at the dirty gray egg, and
supposes someone else will Impress the occupant.
On the sands, Jalor says "Hungry?"
From the ledge, Bayanth trills to the bronze. <<Choose!>>
On the sands, Largand thinks loving thoughts to the bronze...
Riyja says "Ah. I got here in time."
M'ndor says "Come on Dor."
On the sands, Xalith doesn't give up.
Elyssa says "Poor Xalith..."
On the sands, Deirdre projects <<companionship and lifelong loyalty...>>
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet works his way towards the gathered boys.
Aryne hugs Ketyar.
On the sands, Dorelei says "Brilliant green........."
From the ledge, Shaleth bugles.
CloudShape grins at Brennin and subliminally whispers to hir, "How the
Journeyman Impressed the Master..."
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet looks up into Volitar's eyes once more and
suddenly moves into him, trying to get to someone behind him.
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet creels hungrily, and butts at Dorelei.
On the sands, Farioll says "Let's go on, little, brown, and get some food!"
Ketyar sighs
On the sands, Silkelin gets in front of brown
Doriana hopes Torr Impresses the playful little brown.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet frolics playfully, glancing about,
seemingly without a care in the world.
On the sands, Volitar projects <<why won't you chose, DO you not like us?>>
On the sands, Jalor projects <<FOOD>>
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg rolls down the hill, nearly tumbling a candidate
On the sands, Torr turns to watch the crowd of boys the bronze stumbles to,
then turns bck to his sis.
On the sands, Tarrah holds her ground and puts out her hands to stop the roll.
On the sands, Silkelin says "come to me brown. I love you"
On the sands, Kyton watches the brown, offering his love and *lots* of food
On the sands, Dorelei kneels down to the brilliant green.
On the sands, Falryx looks at the bronze.
On the sands, Dorelei says "Hungry?"
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet listens to the calls, confused.
F'dan hopes for Silkelin.
On the sands, Deirdre thinks of food. <<Make your choice and you'll be fed!>>
On the sands, Torr aids Tarrah in stopping the roll!
On the sands, Largand thinks happy thoughts to the bronze...
On the sands, Farioll says "COme on and get out of here, brown!"
Citrel hopes the Bronze Impresses before he hurts himself.
On the sands, Dorelei looks down to the little green.
J'lan says "this is getting violent"
On the sands, Dolar thinks of food,flying, friends
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet looks for someone that looks like he might
be fun to play with.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet moves straight towards Silkelin, stopping
directly in front of him.
On the sands, Tylar smiles quietly at the brown.. waiting for him to decide.
Elyssa grins, "The Grey egg is more active than some of the dragons..."
On the sands, Caloren thinks of welcome and frendship.
On the sands, Farioll is getting as confused as the hatchling.
Jallwa sits next to Selina
On the sands, Jalor projects <<fresh wherry and steaming runnerbeast>>
On the sands, Silkelin says "hi bronze!"
On the sands, Deirdre backs up, letting the dragon choose.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet looks upwards slowly.
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet looks deeply into Dorelei's eyes.
On the sands, Brilliant green dragonet croons lovingly at Dorelei.
On the sands, Silkelin loves the bronze
On the sands, Falryx stares into the eyes of the brown.
Darion cheers for Deirdre!!
Selric looks nervous at the rough housing..
Marra says "Come on Silkelin!"
Citrel says "hooray!"
On the sands, Largand thinks, "Here, bronze..."
On the sands, Falryx says "Come play with me little one."
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet creens a creen of utter dismay and wanders
Aryne says "I'm glad there's a railing between us and that bronze!"
J'lan says "YES DORELEI!!!!!!"
Telos cheers for Dorelie.
M'ndor jumps into the air, YES!!!!
On the sands, Dorelei wipes away a tear, "her name is Alaneth!!"
End of Dorelei's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
On the sands, Xalith wills the dirty gray egg to crack. <You've been moving so
much.. it's about time for you to get yourself out of that little shell!>
Citrel says "poor thing..."
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats Dorelei and Alaneth!"
On the sands, Falryx says "We can lead a life of joy."
J'shua says "Yay! for Dorelei and .....?"
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
On the sands, Torr , whistles a small, yet shrill, whistle as he and Tarrah
stop the roll.
On the sands, Tylar laughs joyously at the brown's antics.
Selric says "Allright Dorelei!!!"
On the sands, Kyton projects thoughts of companionship to the bronze
On the sands, Largand applauds Dorelei!
On the sands, Volitar grins
Keeson says "Does that bronze want someone up here???"
Gilead says "I wish there wasn'T!"
Jonah says "cheers for Dorelie"
On the sands, Jalor says "Congrats, Dorelei and Alaneth!"
Kimri cheers.
On the sands, Sualtain cheers.
J'shua cheers for Dorelei and Alaneth!
Marra hopes the bronze chooses someone!
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet bounces towards the candidates.
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the draongets.
On the sands, Caloren steps forward slightly.
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles
J'lan says "Doubt it"
On the sands, Gwyneth says "Hey congrats...."
Chareth cheers.
Zoodle trills!
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to Alaneth and Dorelei.
On the sands, Danin smiles happilly at the newly impressed
Citrel says "Does that Bronze want someone not on the Ground"
On the sands, Largand continues thinking loving throughts towards the bronze.
On the sands, Dolar says "looks at the bronze... You *are* indeed careful. Am I
the one you want?"
On the sands, Silkelin come to me brown
On the sands, Deirdre wyays for Dorelei and Alaneth!
Mira hugfs J'shua happily!
Gilead says "It looks like the Bronze can't find anyoine on the sands"
On the sands, Kyton cheers Dorelei
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet looks around at the boys, trying to find
that one.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet looks for someone young and happy.
On the sands, Volitar watches the bronze intently.
R'shard says "Not with that many candidates down there."
Doriana cheers. "Another Dor!"
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg wobbles, reminding people that it's still here!
Aryne says "Yeah Dorelei!"
On the sands, Deirdre yays even. :)
On the sands, Farioll looks at the brown.
Joanna eyes Citrel warily.
F'dan grins.
On the sands, Jalor wonders if the bronze is really hungry?
On the sands, Silkelin is young happy and loving
On the sands, Largand steps forward to the bronze, smiling at it...
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
On the sands, Aara watches the playful brown, and then looks to the grey egg.
J'shua kisses Mira lightly on the cheek.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet casts a glance at Jalor, fidgeting.
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<why won't you let us feed you, we love you?>>
On the sands, Xalith hasn't forgotten about the dirty gray egg. <I've been
paying attention to you pretty much the whole hatching.>
On the sands, Deirdre aahs at the grey egg. "We won't forget you!"
Kimri grns at Doriana.
On the sands, Falryx says "Little one.. I am both young and happy."
Citrel boozes it up!
On the sands, Silkelin lovces brown
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg bangs into Torr, leaving silver sparkles all over
On the sands, Caloren makes sure not to intrude on the young dragons too much.
Aryne says "I think that bronze wants someone uo here..."
On the sands, Torr looks to the brown, as if to say "an' who's more playful
than one who plays, shouts, and bangs on the drum all day?"
On the sands, Tylar is sure the brown knows his mind.
On the sands, Jalor says "You must be starving, little one."
On the sands, Dorelei smiles proudly.
J'lan shakes his head art Doriana
Doriana yells "Hey, Torr! Look at the brown!"
On the sands, Torr OOOOFS in the middle of looking the other way, and ends up
on his hindside.
On the sands, Farioll says "The brown reminds me what it is to be young."
Jonah sips his wine
CloudShape briefly imagines the playful brown hiring a P. I. to find someone
like that. =)
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet plops himself at Jalor's feet and looks
like he wants to be skritched.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg wobbles onward.
On the sands, Gwyneth Chuckles at the anics of the hatchlins.
On the sands, Torr breaks out laughin at the situation, and wobbles to his
On the sands, Dolar says "wonders if the bronze will make a decision"
J'lan hugs Daria
J'shua grins.
On the sands, Silkelin skritches brown
Citrel has a prodigious capacity fpor booze.
On the sands, Falryx smiles at Jalor.
On the sands, Jalor scratches behind the brown's ear.
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the gray egg and hopes for it to hatch and the
occupant to come to her...
Kerridis laughs at Cloudshape's joke
On the sands, Tarrah hopped back before she got hit too by the grey. "Bro, you
is too slow.
On the sands, Deirdre projects thoughts of calm to all the hatchlings.
On the sands, Dorelei looks about for the shards.
Daria leans against J'lan.
On the sands, Shards of a Ebon black Egg bounces and shifts.
On the sands, Silkelin plays with brown
On the sands, Torr turns around in place, with all the shardbits on him. "Hey
Tarrah! look at this..."
On the sands, Jalor tries to find just the right spot.
On the sands, Dorelei looks to Amberyl for help.
Citrel gets spammed.
On the sands, Volitar thinks of love and long warm nights together.
J'lan laughs at the active shard
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet peeps happily, rolling over and extending
his claws playfully, glancing up contentedly.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet looks at Jalor, and then to Dolar.
Daria hopes her lag times don't get her kicked off for idling.
On the sands, Largand thinks, "Come to me, bronze..."
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg bumps into Silkelin's rear, nearly knocking him
into the brown.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet looks deeply into Jalor's eyes.
On the sands, Playful brown dragonet croons lovingly at Jalor.
On the sands, Tarrah grins drily at her brother. "Of course, now you aren't
going to want to wash that."
On the sands, Falryx's heart beats loudly at all the excitment and activity.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet swivels his head suddenly to look at
J'shua says "Someone should tell Jalor that dragons don't have ears! ;->"
On the sands, Kyton cheers Jalor
From the ledge, Duzorth arbels to the ne pair!
Telos cheers for J'lor.
Ketyar claps
On the sands, Farioll wonders what the grey egg is doing.
On the sands, Jalor says "HIS NAME IS VNARETH!!!"
End of J'lor's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
On the sands, Deirdre sends thoughts of love to the gray egg. <<We know you're
there...we're just waiting!>>
J'lan says "Yeah Jalor"
On the sands, Dolar looks at the bronze, thinking food
On the sands, Torr smirks at his sister, and gives her a hug.
Jonah says "Jalor!"
Aryne says "Cirtel also had prodigious capacity for alchohol!"
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats Jalor and Vnareth!!"
On the sands, Falryx says "Congratulations J'lor and Vnareth!"
Chareth cheers for Largand.
J'shua cheers!
Aryne cheers!
Brennin yays!
On the sands, Deirdre grins at Jalor and Vnareth. "Congrats!!"
On the sands, Silkelin walks to the bronze
On the sands, Xalith warmly loves the dirty gray egg. <Please hatch. I'll feed
you as quickly as I can.>
On the sands, Torr looks to see where the egg went after it knocked him on his
J'lan says "More J riders :)"
On the sands, Largand projects thoughts of love and companionship and bravery,
and, yes, food, to the bronze...
On the sands, Dolar thinking further, flying would be such fun.
Citrel icks at the name.
On the sands, Volitar thinks <<come to me you hungry thing, I have an appetite
as big as yours, come and feed with me!>>
On the sands, Chana smiles. "Congrats.."
Vernar stares at the grey egg.
J'shua says "How many left?"
Selric grins broadly..
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to Vnareth and J'lor.
On the sands, Dorelei holds her heart in place, "Congrats, J'lor!"
On the sands, Deirdre oopses. "That was J'lor."
Telos wonders what is keeping the bronze.
On the sands, Silkelin says "hello bronze"
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet approaches tennatively stepping again on
Silkelin's feet.
Aryne hugs Ketyar.
Marra cheers.
Jascot comes out of his trance and cheers.
On the sands, Dorelei walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Largand says "Are you okay, Silkelin?"
Elyssa says "Just the bronze and the grey egg, right?"
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg rocks bumptiously, as though finally getting down
to business.
Kimri cheers.
From the ledge, Mnedranth trumpets happily.
Doriana grins at the name. V'nar and Vnareth, eh?
Telos nods.
Mira thinks J riders are wonderful. One in particular.
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the bronze. <<You're taking your time, aren't
On the sands, Falryx smiles curiously at the little bronze, "Come to me, test
me and you fill find me to be true."
On the sands, Silkelin says "yep"
Darion says "Only 1 egg left...The grey egg."
On the sands, Farioll says "About time!"
From the ledge, Palantirth warbles, too. And adds some 'w's to Duzorth's
warbling :-)
J'lan says "Me Mira? :)"
On the sands, Xalith smiles happily at the gray egg. <Hatch. You're making
Ketyar grasps Aryns hand and holds her close
On the sands, Farioll hopes the dge is a blue.
Brennin bets a green :)
On the sands, Deirdre grins at the grey egg. <<You can do it!>>
Citrel smiles.
On the sands, Silkelin offers love to bronze
On the sands, Largand resumes thinking loving thoughts to the bronze.
On the sands, Farioll says "No blues yet?"
Telos says "Nope."
On the sands, Torr , holding his sisters hand, trots over to the errant grey
On the sands, Dolar thinks towards the bronze, I'm here. and stares at it
intently, hoping.
On the sands, Farioll is confused.
Mira grins at J'lan. "Don't you wish ;->
Chareth cheers for Largand.
On the sands, Jalor walks south, to the center of the cavern.
Kimri chuckles and thinks she's partial to T riders.
J'lan says "This one has to be a blue"
On the sands, Aara hopes the grey egg will hatch soon.
J'shua baps J'lan.
On the sands, Silkelin walks toward brone
On the sands, Xalith adds strength to the dirty gray egg. <You must get out!>
J'lan says "Ouch!"
J'shua kisses Mira.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet looks up at Largand and then moves his
head from side to side as if looking behind him.
Brennin argues, "Green!" :)
On the sands, Falryx thinks of love, and food.
On the sands, Silkelin looks into bronzes eyes with hope
Mira hugs her favorite J rider tightly.
On the sands, Deirdre thinks warm thoughts to the bronze. <<Go ahead...make
your hccoice!>>
Brennin adds, "Less filling!"
On the sands, Volitar grins at the bronze.
On the sands, Dirty grey Egg gives one last wobble and cracks open!
On the sands, Dolar happens to be standing behind Lagrand
Citrel says "Who is that Bronze looking for>"
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet stumbles out.
On the sands, Well-meaning but quite uncoordinated, the adorable blue hatchling
never quite seems to end up in the place he was trying to get to.
On the sands, Deirdre sighs at her typos.
On the sands, Kyton tries to catch the bronze's eyes
On the sands, Tarrah sighs at her lag.
CloudShape guesses Brennin lost that bet. =)
Doriana says "Yes! A blue!"
Vayne smiles at the blue dragonet. <You're beautiful..>
On the sands, Farioll smiles at the harper blue dragon!
Jonah watches the bronze
On the sands, Largand smirks at the hungry bronze, looking not at him but at
something slightly behind him which only the bronze can see?
Elyssa says "Yes! A blue!""
On the sands, Aara projects << Welcome little one!! >> to the blue.
Telos says "A blue."
From the ledge, Shaleth bugles a welcome to the blue.
From the ledge, Duzorth arbles to his blue brother
Selric says "tastes graet!!!"
R'shard says "One blue."
J'lan says "A BLUE!!!"
On the sands, Volitar thinks loving thoughts at the grey, unhatched egg.
On the sands, Falryx looks out from around Lagrand.
Brennin pouts.
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the blue. <<WElcome to the world!!>>
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet staggers, tripping over the shards of his
shell and landing nose-first in the sand.
Keeson hopes the bronze finds SOMEONE suitable!
On the sands, Farioll Isn't he beautiful!
Marra wonders if the bronze will choose at all!
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet wanders past Largand and looks at Dolar,
then to Falryx.
Brennin throws a peanut at Volitar!
Aryne says "Finally a blue!"
On the sands, Caloren projects welcome to the bronze.
On the sands, Farioll says "I knwew there's be a blue!"
Kimri grins broadly. "A bliue!!!"
Jonah says "A Blue"
Ketyar thinks it's about time for a blue..
On the sands, Largand smirks at the people lining up behind him.
From the ledge, Tayefeth trumpets to the little blue!
On the sands, Xalith gasps at the blue's beauty..
J'shua grins, and hugs his favorite Journeywoman.
Citrel says "Less filling!"
J'shua cheers for the blue!
On the sands, Farioll says "Come here blue one!"
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet lashes his tail, trying to free himself.
On the sands, Dolar helps the blue up.
On the sands, Gwyneth says "Humm only one blue.."
On the sands, Xalith thinks of food the the probably incredibly hungry blue.
On the sands, Volitar walkes over towards the bronze.
On the sands, Silkelin walks to brone
From the ledge, Branth bugles loudly at the blue
Aryne agrees with Ketyar.
On the sands, Farioll goes over and helps the blue escape.
From the ledge, Mnedranth trumpets for the last to hatch!
On the sands, Danin gasps sympathetically as the blue lurches into the sand
Selric says "Tasters Great!!"
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the blue. <<Poor little one. You'll learn to
walk--and fly--soon enough!>>
On the sands, Silkelin emits thoughts of food, warmth and compassion
On the sands, Dolar continues to stare at the bronze while he makes sure the
blue gets back on it's feet
On the sands, Deirdre send the blue thoughts of love.
On the sands, Torr 's net dies horridly, just as badly as he was pushed to his
hindside by the rolling grey egg. He gets up, and nearly dragging Tarrah with
him, he trots over to it.
Lazarus projects <<eep!>>
Marra thinks the blue is adorable in his clumsiness.
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet rights himself, and trumpets to blow the
sand out of his nose.
Kimri smiles softly as she watches the blue and glances across the sands at
On the sands, Farioll says "I bet he has perfect pitch!"
Citrel says "Less filling!"
On the sands, Xalith hopes for the blue to come to her...
On the sands, Torr sees it's hatched! And looks closely!
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
On the sands, Largand thinks encouraging thoughts to the bronze..."Come back!"
On the sands, Falryx looks down at the bronze.
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet sprays sand all over Dolar.
On the sands, Aara projects thoughts of love and companionship to the little
Chareth encourages the bronze. CHooswe!
J'lan thinks about his silly blue.
Daria elbows J'lan, as soon as she can get her connection to react.
On the sands, Silkelin will always care for bronze
On the sands, Dolar grins, and wipes the sand off
On the sands, Xalith smiles at the blue. <I'll feed you, if you only come to
me. Please.>
On the sands, Falryx says "Come little one."
Citrel says "Choose, even."
On the sands, Deirdre projects loyalty, love, and food to the beautiful blue.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet croons suddenly and moves quickly with
Darion notes there are a cool 73 players.
On the sands, Tarrah helps the Blue out, and gets sand in her face.
On the sands, Silkelin loves bronzes
Elyssa says "That blue is adorable..."
On the sands, Falryx says "We can go feed."
J'lan kisses Daria on the cheeck
Chareth can't spell.
Selric says "Tastes Great and that's final!"
Vernar says "A blue..."
On the sands, Farioll looks lovingly at the Harper Blue Dragon.
Zagan says "I saw 74 once."
On the sands, Dolar looks to the bronze
Telos cheers for Xalith.
From the ledge, Tayefeth croons encouragement to the blue dragonet.
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet creels, unsatisfied, and wobbles uncertainly
to the right.
Marra watches the bronze tensely.
Mira sighs at J'shua. "what a lovely blue.
On the sands, Volitar thinks to the bronze <<Why are you destined to wander? We
have food and love for you here!>>
On the sands, Kyton watches the bronze intently
On the sands, Torr uses the edge of his robe to help Tarrah get sand out of her
On the sands, Largand projects love to the bronze...
On the sands, Gwyneth smiles.
On the sands, Farioll tries to help the blue stand up.
On the sands, Deirdre watches the blue carefully. <<I know you're in a
hurry...but don't hurt yourself!>>
Darion says "74! Do I hear anything higher?"
Selric cheers for Xalith in sympathy..
Aryne hopes for Xalith.
Zagan chuckles.
J'lan says "75!"
Telos wonders if the bronze will ever impress.
On the sands, Falryx lags, but in lagging thinks of the bronze.
From the ledge, Tuerth peers down at the sands closely.
Lazarus projects <<Less Filling!>>
On the sands, Xalith kneels down to the blue and smiles at it. <Come here,
please. I will feed you. And love you. If only you come here.>
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet stops suddenly, and looks upwards at a
special person.
On the sands, Deirdre looks back at the bronze, to see if its made up its mind
On the sands, Torr smiles at the blue. Simply goes _wow_.
J'shua grins. "Hmmm, Mira. Can't hold a light to Mnedranth, tho."
On the sands, Sualtain looks at the blue dragonet.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet croons with joy.
On the sands, Falryx hopes to be that special someone.
On the sands, Farioll says "Come on, blue -- let's eat!"
Marra wonders who the bronze sees.
J'lan says "Come on Bronze"
On the sands, Volitar smiles wanly.
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
On the sands, Silkelin says "I hope it's me!"
On the sands, Silkelin hopes
Keeson hopes the bronze finds someone to love him.
On the sands, Dolar stares at the bronze, wondering.
Jonah wondres also
Mira agrees, turning to look at the great bronze on the ledge.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet looks deeply into Caloren's eyes.
On the sands, Hungry bronze dragonet croons lovingly at Caloren.
Darion says "75 for Amberyl and J'lan... Do I hear 76? :)"
On the sands, Tarrah grumps. "Deja vu."
Kerridis's eyes widen as she looks at the bronze hatchling
Riyja hopes for Largand.
On the sands, Volitar grins!
On the sands, Dolar alright Caloren :)
Resav wonders too.
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet bugles urgently.. and trips, landing in a
heap on his right wing. He cries out in panic!
J'shua says "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"
On the sands, Falryx smiles at Caloren!
On the sands, Deirdre kneels on the sands. <<You're a wonderful blue, aren't
you! I bet you're hungry.>>
Aryne says "Yeah!!"
Zoodle trills!
On the sands, Gwyneth says "Huzzza."
Resav cheers for Caloren.
On the sands, Farioll goes to the blue and helps.
On the sands, Caloren smiles and says, "His name is Galventh!
End of C'loren's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
J'lan says "Alright Caloren"
On the sands, Dolar pays quick attention to the blue
On the sands, Xalith helps the blue up!
On the sands, Falryx says "Hurray for the quiet one!"
On the sands, Kyton cheers Caloren
Kimri cheers!
On the sands, Torr knows a friend of his that is Clumsy, and Blue. Very
Telos applauds.
D'nal watches... eyes lost in the memory...
Kerridis says "Yes!"
Keeson says "Finally!"
On the sands, Dolar picks the blue up again
On the sands, Aara goes to the blue to help him up.
On the sands, Farioll frees the trapped wing.
Maddox explodes out of Between above your head.
Maddox trills a greeting and comes in for a landing.
On the sands, Deirdre helps the blue out a bit...
On the sands, Chana cheers quietly.
On the sands, Sualtain cheers.
Aryne says "Finally!"
Jonah says "Caloren!"
Jascot cheers for the hungry bronze!
From the ledge, Shaleth croon to the blue.
On the sands, Silkelin looks sad.
On the sands, Dolar thinks , don't worry little one you'll be fine.
Maddox projects <<food!>>
On the sands, Farioll says "Thwere, there."
Doriana cheers!!!
On the sands, Xalith moves towards the blue..
Marra says "C'loren?"
J'lan says "Go blue go!!!!!"
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet staggers to his feet with a little help from
his friends.
On the sands, Deirdre projects thoughts of of love and food to the blue.
On the sands, Aara says "Congrants Caloren and Galventh!"
Jonah says "that took awhile...."
On the sands, Farioll helps him stand.
Aryne says "Or C'ren?"
On the sands, Largand looks a little sad also.
On the sands, C'loren looks lovingly at the new hatchling.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to Galvent and C'loren.
J'lan says "Go blue go!!!!!"
On the sands, Silkelin wonder's if there is hope with blue
On the sands, Falryx smiles at the last dragonet.
From the ledge, Duzorth bugles loudly
On the sands, Farioll pats the blue's eye ridges.
H'kon keeps his fingers crossed..."Come on Deirdre..."
On the sands, Torr smiles, and lets the blue dragonet lean on him if he wishes,
to steady his balance.
On the sands, Deirdre projects <<You'll be fed presently.>>
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet happens to glance to his left.. and sees
something that interests him very much!
Citrel gets totally spammed.
On the sands, Dolar makes sure the blue is able to walk, then backs away. it's
YOUR choice
On the sands, Largand half-heartedly thinks loving thoughts at the blue.
Daria puts her hand over J'lan's mouth.
On the sands, Tarrah hums softly.. "Would you believe it's a song that I sing,
I get by with a little help from my friends.."
On the sands, Silkelin walks to blue
Telos hopers the blue goes to Xalith.
Aryne says "C'mon blue!"
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
On the sands, Volitar grins at the blue, <<come, eat with us>>
J'lan says "MMmmmmmmmm!"
On the sands, Xalith backs away from the blue.
Marra watches the blue...
On the sands, Deirdre thinks of flight and freedom...and feeding.
Jonah hmms
Mira hopes...
On the sands, Xalith supposes she doesn't have a chance at Impression now.
On the sands, Silkelin says "come to me blue. I will take care of you"
On the sands, Volitar sings a lullabye to the blue.
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet takes another step or two forward.. managing
not to trip over *anything* this time.
Riyja says "Thank you Daria!"
On the sands, Falryx stands.
On the sands, Kyton lloks to the blue, offering his companionship
On the sands, Xalith doesn't give up.
J'lan tickles Daria
On the sands, Farioll sighs.
On the sands, Deirdre smiles at the blue. <<That's the way...slow and
Selric says "Too negative Xalith!"
R'shard chuckles at the blue's antics :-).
Aryne wonders who the blue will choose.
On the sands, Aara smiles at the blue.
On the sands, Xalith looks trusting in the blue's walking.
On the sands, Silkelin offers repspect and loyalty
Ketyar stands up to watch the last impression
On the sands, Deirdre projects thoughts of companionship to the blue.
Lazarus projects <<my human agrees, Selrick.>>
On the sands, Dolar continues to stare at the blue... thinking: I helped oyu
up, remember? I'll always help you up..
Kimri chuckles as she watches the blue.
Marra sighs. It isalmost over.
On the sands, Torr taps a stubmle rim-shot on his legs, slaps it out nearly,
with the Dragonet's walk.
Elyssa says "If men can impress greens, can women impress blues?"
On the sands, Xalith offers food for thought.
Daria doesn't uncover J'lan's mouth.
Aryne stands beside Ketyar.
M'ndor says "yes."
On the sands, Silkelin gives blue room to walk
Kimri grins.
J'lan tickles mire
On the sands, Farioll is overwhelmed by al the people crowding the blue.
Keeson hopes Xalith gets the blue.
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet takes another step.. and promptly lands in a
heap at Silkelin's feet. But he doesn't seem to mind! He looks up, crooning
with delight!
J'lan says "more even"
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet looks deeply into Silkelin's eyes.
On the sands, Clumsy blue dragonet croons lovingly at Silkelin.
Kimri says "I sure hope so, Elyssa!"
On the sands, C'loren smiles happily and warmly at his new friend.
Resav smiles and hugs Marra.
On the sands, Deirdre backs away slightly, still kneeling.
On the sands, Gwyneth grons "Puns...."
On the sands, Farioll smiles.
Citrel says "Yay!"
Darion watches the who list, wondering if it will get past 75.
On the sands, Falryx says "Congrats Silkelin!"
J'shua says "Only Golds and Bronzes are fixed."
On the sands, Dolar alright Silkelin!!
Telos cheers
Ketyar cheers
Marra hugs Resav back.
On the sands, Xalith sighs. "I knew I never had a chance."
J'lan says "Yeah S'lk"
On the sands, Silkelin says "He says his name is Misroth!!!"
End of S'klin's Impression.
You can continue reading, or go back to the beginning.
On the sands, Deirdre yays for Silkelin!
R'shard says "How do you contract taht?"
Riyja cheers!
On the sands, Kyton cheers Silkelin
J'shua yays!
On the sands, Aara says "Congrats Silkelin and Misroth."
Jonah says "Ahhh Silkelin!"
From the ledge, Duzorth arbles as the lasdragon impresses
On the sands, Torr smiles. "Congrats, Silkelin!"
On the sands, Largand hugs Xalith comfortingly.
Keeson sighs. "Wrong agian:-).
Vernar says "Yeah!"
On the sands, Silkelin lepas with joy!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the sands, Dolar says "good job! :)"
On the sands, Volitar does a backflip.
On the sands, Tylar cheers!
On the sands, Largand says "There's always the next hatching..."
Aryne says "Yeah!!!"
From the ledge, Shaleth bugles his congruatulations.
Citrel says "S'kelin"
Daria says "You can' talk with my hand on your mouth, J'lan!"
On the sands, Chana smiles. "Congratulations, Silkeline and Misroth.."
On the sands, Volitar cheers wildly!
Selric cheers for the new pair!
From the ledge, Branth bugles at Misorth
Kimri cheers.
On the sands, Gwyneth says "Yea silk."
Elyssa cheers and finishes her wine
On the sands, Xalith says "The next hatching is always weeks away."
On the sands, Farioll congratulates everyone.
On the sands, Sualtain cheers.
On the sands, C'loren walks south, to the center of the cavern.
From the ledge, Palantirth trumpets at the hatchlings and their new riders!
On the sands, Falryx falls to his knees, exhausted by the ordeal.
Marra says "S'lin?"
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to S'lkelin and Misroth.
Jonah consoles Keeson
On the sands, Chana nods firmly. "Yes, there's always the next Hatching."
On the sands, Aara sighs, there goes her second hatching.
On the sands, Jeniath and Kath roar their approval of the new pairings!
Jascot applauds the candidates and dragonettes.
On the sands, Dolar nice sceremony :) I had a good time.
On the sands, Torr smiles to his sis. "This was fun."
On the sands, Largand hugs Aara too.
On the sands, Dolar waves
Elyssa says "S'lkelin--now there's a mouthful."
On the sands, Danin sighs soflty, "Well, maybe at fort
On the sands, Deirdre sighs. "You all better come to my wedding!"
J'lan says "Great Clutch Jenith!"
On the sands, Danin waves
On the sands, Aara hugs Largand.
Aryne claps until her palms hurt.
From the ledge, Tuerth bugles!
On the sands, Volitar grins
From Selric's shoulder, Regent trills in delight!!
Tarak waves.
Elyssa dropped Goblet of Wine.
Daria kisses J'lan to keep him shut up.
On the sands, Chana turns to Jeniath, and bows. "It was a lovely clutch. Thank
On the sands, Farioll gets out his trusty gitar and plays a happy tune.
Kimri sighs to see everything over.
From the ledge, Branth bugles loudly.
From the ledge, Tayefeth bugles to Jeniath and Kath.
From the ledge, Kyriath bugles!
Kadur springs into the air and blinks Between.
Jonah stands
On the sands, Iriniath grows ears and can now hear.
On the sands, Kyton plops down, exhausted
J'shua takes Mira into his arms and kisses her passionately.
Aryne hugs Ketyar excitedly!
On the sands, Annalyn walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Volitar has to go, pressing obligations call!(OOC)
Brennin giggles at Iriniath. :)
On the sands, Aara bows to Jeniath.
On the sands, S'klin says "yee haa"
On the sands, Tarrah bows to Jeniath. "Thank you for everything.."
Citrel is totally spammed.
Marra applauds all the new pairs!
On the sands, Farioll says "Such a happy occasion!"
On the sands, Tylar looks quite worn out.
Mira holds J'shua close.
On the sands, Iriniath follows Annalyn out.
On the sands, Jeniath meets Chana's gaze boldly.
On the sands, Iriniath walks south, to the center of the cavern.
On the sands, Iriniath has left.
F'dan smiles at Doriana.
From the ledge, Mnedranth bugles happily.
On the sands, Falryx smiles at Kyton. "I know how you feel!"
On the sands, Aara walks south, to the center of the cavern.
Keeson smiles. "A Good Hatching."
On the sands, Farioll will get off the modem before he is OOC flamed alive!
On the sands, Torr , per usual, learns from his sister. He bows in sync, to
Heiwa dives downward and lands on a solid perch.
Resav baps Darion! "No, that's ok.
On the sands, Deirdre bows to Jeniath one last time.
On the sands, S'klin loves Misroth
Aryne kisses Ketyar fiercely.
Chareth stands up and goes down to the sands.
Telos says "While everyone is here, anyone know when a FL hatching will be?"
Dolar grins
Doriana grins and goes off to figure out who won what.
On the sands, Deirdre walks south, to the center of the cavern.
Jonah says "Aye...a good hatching"
On the sands, Amberyl smiles. "Congratulations to all new riders!"
Zoodle hears a call from Garavon.
Zoodle goes between!
Jallwa grins
CloudShape takes hir new Brenninth off to feed him plenty of meat pies? =)
F'dan won something... :)
On the sands, Misroth loves company.
On the sands, S'klin scratche Msiroth's head.
On the sands, Farioll would rather stay, but would prefer to be able to come
back again :-)
R'shard says "End of log. I'll clean it up and post something on the bulletin
Final Results
- Annalyn and gold Iriniath
- C'loren and bronze Galventh
- D'vin and bronze Kedranth
- G'ravon and bronze Tevrath
- T'ven and brown Bardolth
- T'vor and brown Renedth
- J'lor and brown Vnareth
- S'klin and blue Misroth
- Dorelei and green Alaneth
- Arianna and green Cylbeth
- Khyronn and green Myranth
- Kylana and green Peridith
- Miriar and green Rianath