The Hatching of Gold Lhiannonth and Bronze Gelth's Clutch
PernMUSH, January 13, 2008
The World of Pern is
copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a
registered copyright.
Public announcement: Josilina announces "In the next 5-10 minutes, the eggs
at Igen Weyr will begin to hatch! Come one, come all, to bet, watch, and
mooch Igen's food at the feast afterwards! To get there: +go igenw-bowl;
wtf; hatching grounds - or come in from above, and hang out on the ledges. :)"
IGEN-> Kassima says, "Is it a bad sign that I see the 'bet' part of that
+announce and start humming, 'We're In the Money'? ;)"
IGEN-> Walladru would be worried about you if you didn't, Kassi.
IGEN-> Raykini is going to be so broke after the hatching, he bets.
IGEN-> A'deth says, "Kassima: $.$"
IGEN-> Kyana woots! I'm all 'cited
IgenW-Sands>> Lhiannonth shifts restlessly, getting up and pacing around
the eggs, nosing them here and there, resettling them in their mounds and -
did that one rock a little extra, after its nudge? Hard to tell.
Dragon> All dragons sense that Gelth is in fine voice tonight as he takes
to humming far and wide. << The wee ones are coming! The wee ones are
coming! >>
You stride into the Candidates' Barracks.
IgenW-Sands>> Lhiannonth settles back and sets her head low, just above the
ground, staring at the eggs as she begins to hum in earnest.
IgenW-Sands>> In the bleachers, Nadzia arrives with Q'tar, nodding politely
to people as the two pass them and find seats. Once they do find two seats
together she leans in towards him, whispering a seemingly non-stop babble
until the noise form the sands distracts her enough to remember why they
actually came here.
IgenW-Sands>> Josilina clambers down Lhiannonth's side to the ground, as
the dragon warbles a greeting.
Beli adds, or answers, "Eventually." Then she just sits, there on Kant's
trunk, legs folded up again.
A bone-deep hum starts to resonate through Caverns and over stone, begun by
Gelth, continued by every dragon throat in Igen. Almost as soon as it's
begun footsteps clatter outside. Kassima pulls her dead run up to a lope
before actually entering the room, but that sense of hurry, of speed, is
none the less for it. "Show time! D'you hear it? Stupid question, who
*doesn't* hear it... into your robes, Candidates, that sound's our cue."
It's a relaxing thing, lounging lazily while the drone of conversation
buzzes all around you. Icarus has been semi-listening to the three talking
but hasn't interjected. Let them talk. He'll just lay here and stare up at
the ceiling and-- feel the vibrations of a lot of dragons humming at once
rumble the cot under him. There it is. Calm, collected, not at all rushed,
he gets to his feet and in a few minutes has his robe on and clothes off.
Raykini laughs loudly, grinning over at Kant with a twinkle in his eye,
"Aye, I'll visit, I promise ya. I'll bring plenty of fish with me, too,
we'll have a good feast!" Indeed, Ray's in a good mood, as always. He's
laying leisurely on his cot with his hands wrapped up behind his head as he
chats with the others. And, as the humming starts, he launches himself off
of his cot easily and strolls over towards his bunk and starts to sort
through the thing. He easily pulls out his robes and sandles and starts to
IgenW-Sands>> A'zric walks over from the bleachers.
Walladru blinks and levers himself from his cot. Kneeling down before the
press at the foot of his cot, he opens it, pulling out some cloth and a
large pair of cork sandals. Quickly enough he gets himself changed.
IgenW-Sands>> Josilina is a spaz. It's been said. It's probably being said
again as the Weyrwoman dashes onto the sands, stopping very abruptly - and
with a bit of skidding - before she flies headlong into the clutchparents
or - worse - the eggs. "Why don't you ever give me special warning," she
demands of Lhiannonth, who gives her a very bland look before turning back
to her humming, and her eggs.
"So we..." Kant's attention jolts over, eyes showing their whites, and he
crouches to give the side of his trunk a sudden thunk. "Off," he tells
Beli, "Or I'll take your robe instead." Which would fit him so well.
IgenW-Sands>> Gelth hums happily along with the golden beauty, he looks
about as happy as a lark and pauses in the humming to rumble something tot
he weyrwoman. "He says that there's no fun in warning." A'zric's voice
comes from behind Josilina as he follows her onto the sands at a more
sedate pace.
Raykini tugs his robe over his head and situates it about his frame,
tugging on it to make sure that it's in place. He steps into his sandles
and wipes his hands on the white fabric, "Shards, I'm all ready sweating
and we haven't even entered the sands." He moves to get into line, sweeping
a hand through his hair in a quick manner.
Beli freezes - that hum! - then moves with a tangle of limbs. She's off,
she's off. "You'd look -" she tells Kant, but doesn't quite finish, pulling
her own robe, neatly folded, from her own belongings, and donning it.
IgenW-Sands>> "And she said I'm being silly," Josilina responds, tone
implying this is not the first such time. "Oooh, they're going to hatch!"
she half-squeals, going up to half-bounce on her toes as one egg gives a
particularly pronounced wiggle. "Where are the candidates?" she glances
over her shoulder, as if expecting them to appear right there. "We need
them for this."
Kant ducks his head, but only to bend to his trunk and creak it open. If he
weren't attempting to change so quickly, it would be a quicker job, but
eventually he gets his head through the right robe-hole and kicks his way
into his sandals, not bothering to tidy up the leavings before getting into
line after Raykini. Shifting from foot to foot. Staring.
Walladru makes his way over, getting near the back of the line, running
fingers through his long dark hair, trying to keep himself calm.
Raykini lets out a quiet sigh as he composes himself mentally, his eyes
scanning around room in a nervous manner, shooting a little grin to the
other candidates as they file into the line.
As soon as people are dressed, Kassi shoos them into a line. "Don't be
nervous," she advises, never mind whether that's likely. "Bow to the
clutchparents and be ready t'dodge if'n a dragonet barrels your way. That's
the main thing t'remember. And better t'jump away when you don't need to
than stay put when you should've jumped. Everyone's ready?"
Walladru nods, seemingly ignoring that Ashryl slips into line directly
behind him. His eyes are focused on Kassima, listening to instruction.
"Remember my bet," Icarus calls from his place in the line. And he smirks,
because that's what he does.
IgenW-Sands>> A'zric nods patiently. "It's really very hard to mistake the
hum of the dragons for anything else. The candidates will be here, this is
why we have staff who specifically wrangle candidates."
Raykini gives a quick nod to Kassi's words, "Yes, ma'am, ready here!" Ray
quickly chirps at her question and tugs at the edges of his robe as he
shifts in his position.
Kant half-swallows his snicker: in his case, not likely at all. "Bow,
dodge, and better embarrassed than bleeding. Right."
Beli has her robe on, and her hair is back, and she's left with nothing to
do but stand there and look nervous. Then there's a line - oh, good - and
she quietly gets into it. She murmurs a barely-audible, 'jump. jumped.'
"You should be so lucky as t'have me forget," Kassi retorts, in good humor
even at a time like this. "All right, then. Follow me--"
You wend your way out to the Inner Caverns.
IgenW-Sands>> Josilina taps her foot against the sand - not terribly
effective - as the eggs shiver more rapidly, and one develops a hairline
fracture. "Clearly, we need to pay them more. Or less. Something. If they
hatch before they get here, do we get to keep them?" She's teasing,
clearly. Hopefully.
You walk down a long, winding corridor into the bowl.
You head north along the wall of the Bowl, towards the weyrling barracks
and the Hatching grounds.
IgenW-Sands>> Icarus walks in from the Weyrling Barracks.
You stride into the Weyrling Barracks.
You walk out onto the hatching sands.
Raykini walks in from the Weyrling Barracks.
Kant walks in from the Weyrling Barracks.
Walladru walks in from the Weyrling Barracks.
Beli walks in from the Weyrling Barracks.
A'zric laughs, a deep rich note through the humming of the dragons both the
two on the sand and those all around watching from the galleries. "Were we
not just talking not half an hour ago about the joys of weyrlinghood? No
thank you, not for me. Once was enough." He gives Gelth an affectionate
slap on the haunch.
Raykini makes his way into the hatching sands, standing stiff as he tries
to get used to the light adjustment, blinking his eyes momentarily before
bowing low first to the dam, then in turn to the sire of the clutch before
righting himself. "Here we go." He murmurs quietly to himself as he follows
the rest of the candidates and settles around the eggs.
Kassima, leading the Candidates in, isn't so much less nervous than some of
her once and future charges--although her nerves are probably of a happier
sort. She takes a few steps forward on the Sands and bows low to Lhiannonth
and Gelth. "All present and accounted for, Weyrleaders."
Beli makes her way in, eyes wide - always wide, still wider - but she
recovers some to regard the clutchdam, and sire, and bow to each of them
The subdued secretive egg makes a few furtive little wriggles in its bed of
sand, giving a flash of sparkle in the light of the cavern.
Kant, entering behind Raykini, gets to follow his example rather than
having to remember all by himself. He delivers a jerky bow towards
Lhiannonth and then Gelth, though not so low as the other candidate's, so
he can keep his eyes on them until he can sidle past and join the growing
Walladru follows along near the end of the line, rubbing his palms against
his robe. Taking cue from the lad in front of him, he waits his turn, then
bows to the dam and sire, in turn before moving along, following almost in
the very footsteps of those before him, his eyes going from the sand
beneath his feet to the eggs and then back.
The Smoke on the Water Egg gives a tiny rock.
Smoke on the Water Egg
A swirled haze of grey hangs above the rippled silver liquid, ghosting
across the shell and giving it an appearance of nonsubstance. The ethereal
surface mirrors clinging vapor and though tranquil in appearance, it most
closely resembles the smoldering pall left after a roaring conflagration.
Raykini shoots a quick grin over at Kant as he settles into his spot,
gluing his eyes now to the rocking eggs and running his hands nervously
over his robes. "Shards, it's almost as bad as the last time." he murmurs
to no one in particular.
Beli appears very subdued, properly so, as she attempts to take it all in -
Smoke on the Water Egg gets a second look, at that shiver, and then she
glances down the line of Candidates, too.
And so it begins.. the subdued egg that flashed its sparkles to everyone
gives another little wriggle and then cracks right in two. A stumbling
little brown emerges, nearly falling headfirst into a girl from Benden.
"Rheuth!" She calls out. "Oh of course you're hungry!"
Walladru shifts a little nervously, the heat seeming to be even worse than
usual. Now at his spot in the line he glances to his right and his left,
nodding to those next to him. His attention drawn from the sound of a
crack, eyes coming up and locking on the eggs.
Smoke on the Water Egg doesn't take long to get moving in earnest now that
it's figured out how. First, a tentative shiver: confirmation that it
worked. That now's the time. A good, solid shake follows, small grains of
sand flying from the force of the motion.
Icarus did the bow thing, now does the standing thing. And he's been to
hatchings before, but being down here is somewhat more complicated. Feet
shift, hands clench, sweat drips. After this he'll be taking a long bath,
Kant catches the tail end of that grin as he drops his nervous gaze from
the galleries, and returns a hair-swinging nod. Whatever anyone else says,
though, is lost in... "Her? Already?" He swallows disjointedly, attention
gone hither and yon as more and more of those eggs begin to rock.
Raykini turns his head in the direction of a voice, but he seems to miss
it, his head quickly turning to the eggs once more, narrowing his eyes as
he shifts in his spot. He reaches up a hand to wipe off the sweat on his brow.
Lhiannonth rumbles low as the candidates come out - welcoming, rather than
warning, and she shifts back as if to give them a little extra room,
humming all the while. Josilina moves her arm as if to deliver a jab of the
elbow to A'zric's side, though she doesn't make contact, "Look!" she
half-hisses, "it's Beli! And all the rest, of course."
Kassima breaks into a wide, delighted smile at the birth of the first
dragonet, even though, "'Twere supposed t'be green, y'know!" But she
murmurs it so Rheuth won't hear. Not that he would, nor his new partner,
with their worlds so wrapped in each other. "This way," she says to them
instead, crossing the Sands to stand by them. "He wants food, aye? Food's
waiting, come with me." To the Weyrling Barracks where Sria lurks in wait.
Smoke on the Water Egg won't stop, can't stop to rest, but rolls and nearly
bounces in its half-decimated bed of sand, an unbearable prison for a
dragonet who never knew it was prisoned until now. Let! Me! Out!
Walladru's head turns as the Benden girl goes quickly. A smile crosses his
face, back to the eggs go his eyes, and the rocking, burrowing egg. He
raises an eyebrow and swallows. Twice.
Beli watches the brown, and murmurs, to no one in particular. "He's very
small, isn't he." Especially next to those other two out here.
Raykini runs a hand distractedly through his hair, trying to get it to look
halfway decent. A soft sigh escapes his lips as he tries to calm himself.
"Anyone know who that was? I didn't catch it." He turns to try and peer in
the Benden girl's direction, sneaking in quick peeks at the eggs.
"Huh?" Kant may not exactly know who he himself is, right now, much less
the Benden girl. Or the dragonet. Who may or may not be small. "Look at it
The perfectly plum egg gives a squirm and a wriggle and a bumpbump around
before chipping off enough to let a little green snout out. She's running
late, clearly, she /was/ supposed to be first after all, but it seems
likely that this little diva is destined to be running just a shade behind
schedule for much of her life. She's only got her nose out, but it's enough
to let her set up a pitiful wail of a cry. A shy boy takes a few steps
forward, stupidly probably.. but watching the green wriggle free, finally,
and their eyes meet. He's Ol'dra now, and whatever he might have said for
her name, is lost as he half carries his little princess off the sands.
Swirling, swirling--the grey pall of the Smoke on the Water Egg swirls one
last time, spinning on its axis in a circle made wobbly by its occupant's
fierce effort. A chunk of shell breaks away. A set of hind talons splays
out of it, pale brown, glistening. That's the only break he needs: his
prison is beaten to shards in seconds.
The Lilac Iced Cupcake Egg gives a tiny rock.
Lilac Iced Cupcake Egg
Rich, inviting yellows, and tans with that slightly toasted to golden
appearance that a yellow cake has just as its perfectly ready to pull forth
from the oven. The darker tones shadow as lighter highlight the semi
regular stripes like ridges covering two thirds of the shell, but the
crowning glory is lilac in swirls; as though some creamy confection were
spread over the remainder, covering the top and dripping, thickly down a side.
A rumpled brown hatchling stands among the shards, a ball of red-eyed
energy that can't seem to sit still.
Restless Rubicon River Brown Hatchling
A full and proud river may look blue from a distance. A pure-watered stream
throws light back at you, dazzling. Ancient waters far past their glory,
dwindled to something a man could straddle and rich with the silt of
Turns... they aren't blue, they aren't clear, but a rippling pale brown
made darker when motion churns up something from its depths. The
hatchling's stocky body isn't very deep in color. Tan hide damp from birth
covers him from strong, well-shaped muzzle to ever-flickering tail, dark in
the creases of his joints but changeless elsewhere. His wingsails,
though--they have a cloudy, swirling murk of character, a brown that hints
at black here, red there, textured like silk and full of secrets.
Walladru watches the inhabitant of the first egg explode out of the shell.
He mouths the word 'wow' and then his eyes are drawn by other movement.
Another egg shaking. Palms get another wipe on the robe.
Raykini shifts a bit more in his spot, managing to catch another
impression, this time he recognizes the boy, "Oh, it's that shy lad! Pretty
little green, too." He grins wickedly, but then his attention is stolen by
the brown, "Oh, he's a handsom little thing, isn't he? I thought a green
was going to come out of that shell, guess I lost that bet."
Beli is clearly overwhelmed. A green, and another brown - she gives her
head a minute shake, perhaps losing track. So she focuses on the purple
egg. One of them, any one.
Kant swallows again, picking at his thumb. 'Handsome' could as well be
'small' for all he registers it; he does glance at the others in his boat,
and tries to straighten up, but can't help but look with fascination at
whatever claws are nearest him. And cloudy wings. And claws.
Restless Rubicon River Brown Hatchling shakes the egg goo from himself as a
canine might shake water. At least, he tries. The stuff defies his attempts
to be rid of it, and maybe that's why he's so spastic, kicking a hindlimb
and jerking his head around without seeming to notice yet the Candidates
around him. One big chunk of shell finally flies away and he's... not
satisfied, but no longer obsessed. His heavy wings twitch feebly against
his sides while he takes that first cautious step into a world beyond eggs.
Lilac Iced Cupcake Egg rocks - hesitently, at first, then with increasing
determination. As it rolls, it exposes darker tan swatches on its base, as
if burned darker by the sands' heat.
Raykini tilts his head to the side, now shifting uncomfortably on his feet
as they start to get hot from the heat of the sands, "Shards, I forgot how
uncomfortable it got out here." But his attention is mainly on the eggs,
however a quick look is given to the line, seeking out his friend. Wall's
not hard to miss, since the man towers over everyone. Satisfied, Ray turns
his attention back to the eggs.
Icarus is unimpressed by the brown, by the other brown. Browns are nice but
uninteresting in general, and rather repellent when they're covered in very
questionable fluids. He lifts a foot, stork-style, and shakes it liberally.
Kassima cheerfully informs Raykini, "You did. 'Twill collect later," as she
returns from guiding Ol'dra and his lady to their new fate. "Aren't they a
group! And that brown's perfectly healthy--nay the least grey."
Josilina oohs and ahhs properly over the dragonets as they hatch, though
she remarks on the latest brown, "His color doesn't look weak, does it?" To
Kassima she nods, "Good to see they're healthy. Couldn't help worrying,
over this clutch, you know? Congratulations, by the way," she adds, with a
nod toward the greenrider's new knot.
Beli just keeps watching whatever egg or claws are nearest, with an
occasional glance spared to regard the fully-grown dragons, and their
riders. It's fleeting, for then she's back on target. Hopefully not a
target, though.
A'zric assures easily. "His colour looks great. And it'll look even better
once he's gotten on the far side ofa good bath." He rocks a little on his
feet, hands clasped behind his back looking.. well.. like a proud grandpapa.
Raykini can't help but burst into laughter dispite his nervousness,
shooting a wry grin over at Kassi. "Aye, I'll be sure to pay you later!" A
mischevious glint enters his eyes but soon he turns back towards the brown,
facinated by it's colors, "I would say that his color is beautiful." And he
settles back into his position, occasionally swaying on his feet.
Walladru continues to split his attention between the brown and the egg
that makes one hungry. The girl to his left leans over to make a comment to
him, getting a nod of agreement back to her.
Kant says out of nowhere as he stares at the wet dragonet, "That's what I
forgot to do. Bet." He glances up to the galleries, as though he'd still
have time if only he were to run fast enough, and then at the other
candidates. He lifts one of his feet, like Icarus, and starts to shake it
before nearly tipping over and just setting it down again. Carefully. In
case he has to run.
Restless Rubicon River Brown Hatchling can't seem to make up his mind what
he wants to do. Can his parents help this horrible gnawing in his gut? He
starts to waddle that-a-way. Only instinct nags at him, says there's
something else to do and another hunger to see to first. He lets everyone
know he's not happy with this state of affairs by creeling a long, broken
note while his eyes whirl faster and brighter. Where's his one? Where? The
little brown shivers all over.
Purple purple purple. That hardly distinguishes one egg from another around
here, but this deceoptively debonair despot egg flashes little bits of
white as it twitches. A twitch, a twitch and then.. a pale blue leg
emerges. Followed by the rest of the dragonet at high speed. Zoom zooom
zoooom.. it's like watching a superball go bouncing in a tile room. Finally
it stops at the feet of a short dark haired lad.. Rederick.. who knwos what
his name is now. "Wow.. Turveth.." And the pair are bundled off to where
the weyrlingstaff wait.
Lilac Iced Cupcake Egg takes to shuddering, when trying to tip over doesn't
work out. It's a practical solution, and while the rocking eases, cracks
begin to spiderweb across the shell as insistent pressure from within
strains the hatchling's enclosure.
Kassima agrees, "You always worry, when 'tis yours," for all she couldn't
possibly know; but then, she has children. "Oh--thankee for that. Sria's
insane, isn't she? I never appreciated the depths of her madness a'fore.
But, well." She grins and flicks invisible dust from the knot. "I'm still
taking bets if'n someone's of a mind... oh, dear. Poor little lad."
Raykini runs his hands mentally over his robes, a brief glance turning
towards the brown, a look of admiration on the young man's face, but the
other eggs are shaking. "Doesn't sound like he's very happy." Ray notes
quietly to himself, fingers idly scratching at the side of his head. A foot
lifts from the ground, standing on one foot for a moment in a feeble
attempt to cool his feet.
Walladru watches the blue, fast and energetic. Reminds him of someone,
getting a warm chuckle. Then its back to the brown and the egg that looks
like a baked good, which now has cracks on it. For the moment he doesn't
seem to notice his long black hair is starting to mat to this head from the
sweat and heat.
Cracks widen along the drips of lilac, and the color flake away in chunks,
leaving patches of dark hatchling hide. The egg gives a last, mighty shake
and the last of the shell falls away.
A goo-covered bronze hatchling picks himself up out of the remains of his
Blunt, Barbed Babylonian Bronze
Shaded in weathered bronze, oxidized over time to brush traces of minty
green accents over faint remnants of copper-based hide, suggesting in him
the frailty of aging where none really applies. That mantle settles
between, yet not over head knobs, surrounding them incompletely even while
his neck ridges are topped with the hue, which then stretches from brow to
tail and fades as it drapes along neck and torso - although not so much
across wing and sail. Solid of form, even in the midst of hatchling
gawkiness, without fully being stout or blocky, he has strength built into
his lines but with a certain softness in evidence as well. Reddish
undertones rest beneath the burnished, bronzen sheen which radiates from
below, spreading up from talon tips, along legs, underbelly, the curve of
neck and throat before tipping over his muzzle to spread across an amiable
face. The effect lends overall to an unfinished look to last a lifetime,
despite proportions in balance and the substance of his frame.
All at once the Restless Rubicon River Brown Hatchling stills. That's
remarkable in itself. He stands without twitching a muscle, perhaps without
breathing, taking in something he senses. Then--a burst of speed and he
scrambles on his baby legs without caring how undignified it might look,
whether he skids a bit on the sand or bumps into a girl's legs on his way.
His partner is there, *there*, and as he fixes his eyes on Raykini, they
rapidly shift to blue.
The Restless Rubicon River Brown Hatchling gazes into Raykini's eyes.
It's a strange strange egg, and there was a lot of bets that if any werent
gong to hatch, it would be this one. However, apparently it has different
ideas, because it's wriggling and twitching fit to be tied. Soon, it
shatters with a loud crash and there sits a little bronze. He trumpets to
the sky. Really, he just does his best to make any sort of little cry. Two
bronzes on the sands at once.. this one unlike his brother, has no second
thoughts about who might be his lifemate. He's just headed for a tall
sandyhaired lad and the two.. well the rest is history.
Icarus lazily picks up the other foot. Standing one-legged, if he had
pockets he'd have his hands in there instead of tucked into his armpits.
There's a weird stiffness in his neck; he cranes it in hopes of relief.
Bah, standing. "Could have chairs, I'm only saying."
Kant's jaw drops, which makes it hard to exclaim, "Red... he really did
it!" in anything much more than a stutter, although once he gets started,
he really keeps going. Focusing more on his friend than on Raykini's actual
subject, "He did so look happy! Wonder if they're going to let him be R'rr
after all? Probably not, or maybe, what do you..." but in checking what
Raykini thinks of it, he misses the new-hatched dragons entirely. Because
he's looking at Raykini, and his lifemate, and all he can says is, "...Fish."
The world dissapears, and for a long time Raykini locks eyes with the brown
that is now in front of him, a distand look on his face. And then, there is
joy, his arms going around the brown's neck and joyous laughter erupts,
eyes tearing at their sides. "It's how it should be. I promise,
Diusuth, there's going to be food. Lots of food!" The now R'kyi murmurs to
his new lifemate.
Walladru turns from the bronze just in time to see the brown making for his
friend. Another crack and there's the second bronze, who makes for his
quickly. Just in time he turns back to see the brown looking up at Raykini.
"Good choice, little dragon." he says with a broad grin.
R'yki helps Diusuth to a better spot.
That lots of food idea gets Kant repeating, but more quietly, "...Fish." He
shakes his head, grinning, and watches the pair well on their way before
the heat and chaos can bring him back.
Blunt, Barbed Babylonian Bronze is in no hurry to leave his shattered
domain. He stays where he is at first, surveying his surroundings. Parents,
people, people in white, a whole bunch of sand, some eggs... Only once he
has his bearings does the bronze hatchling start forward, walking slow over
the hot sand, and keeping a careful distance from, well, everyone, people,
dragons, and eggs alike.
Lavender lavender lavender.. there is no smell of lavender as the pale
pastel lavender egg shatters into a million litlte pieces. Instead there is
a squeal of a green, her pale hide marred with bits of lavender shell
sticking to her as if she's got some bizarre disease. Ashryl can't help but
laugh.. the poor green.. and another impression is made.
Kassima protests, "He doesn't look a *thing* like a fish." Does she mean
Diusuth or R'yki? She's so openly pleased for both as she hurries to them.
"You lost the bet but won a lifemate. Methinks you're on tops here," she
gently teases the new brownrider. "C'mon, you two. You'll have food and oil
Walladru watches the newly hatched green, it moves to Ashryl and his
eyebrows nearly wring some of the sweat from his bangs. A delayed grin as
he turns to look down the line to where Beli is before turning his
attention back to the sands, shaking his head.
R'yki grins wickedly to Kassima, joy obviously in his eyes, his arms still
locked around the brown's neck, "Yes ma'am, let's go, Diusuth, there'll be
food, Promise!" And the new weyrling chases after Kassima.
R'yki strides into the Weyrlings Barracks.
Kant asks, "Look like... what?" but it's a little blankly, and although he
keeps talking for a while longer, it's more under his breath than anything.
As long as the big hatchling keeps his distance, he keeps his own: it's
quicker meetings and lifematings, like Ashryl's, that Kant seems to watch
out for more.
The hatching in full force, dragonets are popping out all over the place.
The tenebrous treat egg is nto log for this world, the white cracks over
its surface soon becoming real cracks over it surface and another green
emerges to follow upon her sister's heels. The little green walks right
into the tempest in a teacup egg, tripping over it to land.. smack... right
on her face. A blue snout peeps out from the teacup, giving his sister a
nudge and the two are soon off and going again, finding their lifemates in
a pair of twins from the hold.
Icarus leans to bring Kant into view, then glances at Kassima to maybe give
her a look that says 'don't bother'. Kant's weird. And Icarus speaks weird.
He trades foot for foot and heaves a huge sigh.
Josilina purses her lips as Ashryl Impresses a green, "Wasn't that the
strange girl wearing orange at the nut cooking thing?" She wonders aloud. A
grin's still lingering for Raykini - R'yki, as it were - and she shakes her
head, "Guess he won't be sailing much anymore. Good for him, though. Nice
looking brown."
Beli has not stopped looking awed, though surprise doesn't quite register,
not yet. She just watches, glancing back to Walladru, over to Kant, after
the new Diusuth, and his lifemate.
Blunt, Barbed Babylonian Bronze :continues pacing, tail held just above the
sand so it doesn't drag. It's his parents he ends up approaching first, and
Lhiannonth lowers her head, giving him a firm nudge in the direction of the
candidates. That way. He follows her insistence, and while he still keeps
some distance, he begins to study them with more focus.
Kassima fans herself with a hand while jogging back to her place. This is
not terribly effective. "'Twas," she affirms for Josilina. "The one who
torments Walladru. Mayhaps 'tis a win-win for him, Impress and he has a
dragon, nay Impress and he escapes her evil clutches. Awww," and that's for
the twin Impression. "That's two bronzes now? Good ratio in a clutch this
size; he's got a strong look."
Kant sighs too, simultaneously, despite himself. It's coincidence, though,
for he's looking at the twins find their fates, and then his toes, and then
around at Beli before large Lhiannonth's motion catches his eye and it's
back to the sands again. He stands.
Gelth's rumble is all paternal pride at Kassi's metnion fo two bronzes.
Enough to have A'zric shoot him a look and snicker softly.
Icarus looks bored, probably in spite of all the obvious excitement.
Everyone else thinks these things are so great, look at him yawn and have
droopy eyelids. And sweat. His nose wrinkles, he tests his forehead with a
finger. Yep, slick. "Ew."
Josilina's giving a more critical eye to those yet to hatch, particularly a
couple which have reduced their rocking efforts, if they even ever had much
by way of an effort going. She moves as if to nudge A'zric again, this time
more to gain his attention, and she nods to one, Illuminated Iridescent,
She mutters to A'zric, "... gold, yet... do... think... Lhia... of course,
but... sort... shiny.... Igen /needs/..." She flashes a thin grin at
Kassi, "Ihope it works out that well for him! Could end up her dragon
torments him too!"
The shadows and shading of the Glistening Glob egg make it really hard to
determine if anyting was happening. Enough to bring out the curiosity of a
little lad from Nabol as he gets closer.. and closer.. and closer to
watching it. And then it explodes into legs and neck and wings and nto only
scares the life out of the kid, but there's a little bit of egg that gets
im on the cheek.. nothing drastic just a little cut. The blue is just as
surprised and squeeals and scrambles over into his lifemate. A pretty
redhaired girl who bends to soothe her new lifemate.
Maybe she's wishing for a trunk to sit on - Beli's feet are finally moving,
if barely, one bothered sole and then the other lifting, and not really
high enough to provide relief whatsoever. She glances over toward the
Weyrwoman, a stolen glance, and then refocuses: red hair, blue dragon. The
fingers of one hand clenching around the loose fabric at the side of her
robe, leaving it wrinkly.
Blunt, Barbed Babylonian Bronze lashes his tail, stirring up sand in a hot
flurry - some nearby candidates flinch away, and he throws them a red,
scornful look. They're not his type, oh no. No, instead.... maybe that one.
He settles his gaze on one candidate in particular - one tall, tall
candidate - and stares at him from a distance before pacing forward and
stopping in front of Walladru, looking at him with directness. You.
The Blunt, Barbed Babylonian Bronze gazes into Walladru's eyes.
Walladru turns at the noise from the hatching blue, just in time to see a
small bit of shell cut the boy on the face. A little wince as his eyes
follow the blue to his lifemate. Then another look back at the lad before
back at the activity of the eggs and the skulking bronze. He lifts his arm
and wipes his forehead. Speaking of the Bronze his quick motion catches
Wall's attention. As he gathers himself to dodge, he stops a moment.
Instead, his motion is forward and to a knee before his new lifemate.
"Right, Nergath. Food. I think I can help you with that."
W'adru helps Nergath to a better spot.
A'zric is quiet a moment. He mutters to Josilina, "... I'm..."
Kassima slants an amused glance at Gelth en route back to the Barracks with
the young blue pair, no sooner than she'd returned from shepherding the
twins. "For his sake," she says to Josilina, "I hope nay!" Faster than
usual, she's back again to get a look at the boy's cut face: "You'll be all
right. It won't be much longer," she reassures him, if reassurance it is.
There's Wall and a bronze in front of him, and it doesn't take a moment to
see that's not coincidence. "Oh!" Back across the Sands to their sides,
now. "Answers the question... you certes can help him. Nergath, is it?
Icarus raises eyebrows and blinks quickly to clear his stinging eyes. He
murmurs a dull congratulations since it's the Thing to Do and rolls his
shoulders back.
Beli can't miss that, motions on both sides, the meeting for Walladru and
Nergath. She smiles, just a little, and looks back down along the line,
across the remaining eggs.
W'adru gets back to his feet, nodding to Kassima. "Nergath it is." he looks
back at the bronze again before they start their walk, following Kassima's
W'adru strides into the Weyrlings Barracks.
Skulking, hulking, two tastes that taste great together: Kant spots the
candidate formerly known as Walladru and pumps his fist. He watches them go
for a moment before turning back, forcibly slowing his breathing, standing
There's a slowing of activity as lifemates pair off and head off to the
barracks. It's almost a lull befroe the Frigid Fimbulwinter Flush egg has
thawed out enough to have a final brown emerge. He's in no rush. He's
lumbering along and practically knocks a tall boy over, as imperious as any
Josilina runs her fingers through her hair - a difficult feat, as it's tied
back - and pulls a smile for Walladru's Impression. "Oh, that's fantastic,"
she murmurs. She lets out a long exhale as the Frigid Flush egg cracks and
hatches - and glances back, startled, as Lhiannonth stops humming, two eggs
still whole and unrocking.
At the humming's cease, Kant's eyes shift this way and that, though at
first he doesn't otherwise move. A few moments later, he tries flexing
cramped fingers, and then gives his shoulders a roll.
Beli eyes retreating pairs, tall boys, imperious browns. And two eggs left,
still. She glances to the side: who's still here, as well. And then up to
Icarus's eyebrows lift. Oh?
Gelth joins Lhiannonth in the silence, and the whole sands are in a moment
of pause. A'zric takes a step forward. "Could the candidates gather close
please.." He's not directly looking at the two unhatched eggs.
Kant glances to his own other side, and then up to Lhiannonth, and then
looks frankly grateful to have someone tell him what to do. He starts for
the Weyrleader, awkwardly at first, joints not entirely remembering how to
Well if nobody else is going to, Icarus will look. And gather. And look.
Mostly look.
Josilina joins A'zric in not looking, focusing instead on the candidates,
who she also encourages forward with little beckoning motions. "We'd like
to thank all of you for agreeing to stand for these eggs, and for putting
your time and energies into candidacy. We've been lucky to have all of you,
and want you to know that if you wish to stay at Igen, there's a place for
you - if not, we can arrange transportation for you to where you want to
get." She glances at A'zric, a prompt for the speech's second half.
Beli picks up her feet, tentatively, and joins the group around the
Weyrleader and Weyrwoman. Mostly looking at her toasted toes, with not just
one look back for those eggs, either, but two.
A'zric takes a deep breath. "Thank you all for being part of Igen, and part
of this. Being here, hearing this speech does not mean that you have done
something wrong, or are something wrong. It means your lifemate was not on
the sands today. Many riders stand more than once, many residents stand
more than once. If you have questions, or just need to talk. Come find one
of us."
Icarus has other things to be doing. He does glance again at the unhatched
eggs but, since they're /unhatched/, he'll leave them to their immobile
devices. About face, forward march.
Icarus climbs up into the Stands.
Kassima takes a few steps back, as the Weyrleaders speak, eyes on the Sands
rather than on the eggs or the Candidates; the better to hide the
inevitable glint there. A swipe of her sleeve across them and she turns to
join those in the Barracks.
You stride into the narrow tunnel leading to the Weyrling Barracks.
From the sands, Kant's jaw works: he moves it to the left, to the right,
and then back to seat properly again. He nods a few times.
Sria pauses, mid-instruction, her eyes distancing for a moment. "Hmm," she
says, and glances toward the sands. Her gaze re-registers for the present,
however, and she continues - though with slight concern shadowing her eyes.
"Good work, R'yki." That for the exaggerated demonstration. "Feel free to
have another one ready, W'adru, once he's gotten the hang of it - just
don't let him grab it from you before he's ready for it."
W'adru turns his head towards Sria, nodding. "Yes, Ma'am." His eyes stay
focused on Nergath and his steady chewing.
IGEN-> W'adru has to break for dinner, the beef roast is ready to be cut
and served.
From the sands, Beli lifts her head finally, and nods along with the
Weyrleader's words, listening with purpose, focusing. Her hands clasp
behind her back, alongside more telltale scrunched fabric.
From the sands, Kant tries out his jaw again: "Could we? I mean, could we
get to go somewhere? And then come back? Maybe, I mean?"
R'yki can't help but shoot a grin over at Sria, a little grin pulling at
his lips. "Thank you, Weyrlingmaster!" Finally, Diusuth seems satisfied
with what he has in his belly and R'yki starts to squirm a bit. "I
think..." He's confused. "Itching?" Yeah, don't mind the broken up speach.
He's not really sure himself.
From the sands, Josilina nods along to the Weyrleader's words, chiming in,
"And really, thanks again. And please go enjoy the food in the living
cavern." She raises her eyebrows at Kant's question, hesitating before
nodding, "Of course. I mean - you're always welcome back here. But if
you're looking to try somewhere else out, we can get someone to take you
Kassima is rather formal, for a woman wearing a spotted-and-swirled white
and purple vest. Her hands clasped behind her back, her expression blank,
she pauses at the entrance to nod to Sria and--who could resist this
part--get a better look at the hatchlings all together. The greenrider
starts to smile despite herself. "They look good," she says. "They look
From the sands, Beli swings her head around as Kant speaks, maybe eager for
something else to look at, away from A'zric and Josilina. Though she does
have to look, once the Weyrwoman answers - but she shifts her gaze over to
the galleries, and back again.
Lysseth> Chantha comes out from the gaping entrance that leads to the
Hatching Grounds.
From the sands, Kant can't help but look over his shoulder at that thought,
food, and even take a step that way, but then he explains, "It sounds sort
of like a sock, trying it on? But it's just what Ray said that got me
thinking, and I never have seen the ocean, but I bet their fish isn't as
good, and..." He blinks a few times, glances at Beli, looks back. "Now
maybe isn't the time, huh."
"Itching demands oil," Sria reminds, pointing to available tubs and
paddles, for the chorus of weyrlings starting to reach the next stage in
Immediate Care. "They do, don't they." Sria replies to Kassima, though
there's a question there, too: "Sruth tells me two are left."
Lysseth> Chantha emerges from the cavern wiping her eyes frantically.
Vurraeth lowers his big head, his eyes whirling pale yellow, and she leans
against him for a minute or two, just holding on.
R'yki turns his attention to Sria, rather confused exactly what it's going
on. "Oiling?" He echos and pushes himself to his feet, dusting himself off.
"Be right back, I'll...try and see if I can get oil to make it stop." The
brown's still a flurry of movement, whether it's from the itching or
something else, it's unknown.
Lysseth> It's probably customary to get out of your robe when you've left
the hatching sands. Or at least put some pants on. Icarus managed proper
boots, at least. There's a rather hushed conversation going on between him
and another, properly dressed, gentleman that lasts maybe a minute after
one or the other of them realize Chantha might be within hearing distance.
The ex-candidate stays while the other leaves, turns to take the bluerider
in and says, "Ahem."
From the sands, Beli seems glad for something else to talk about, though
all she says to Kant is: "It's good. Fish from the ocean."
Dragon> Lysseth senses that Vurraeth is black-silk courtesy, though muted
to a whisper by sorrow. << The clutch that you will train is very fine. We
wish you well with them. >>
From the sands, "A sock," Josilina echoes, and grins. "Fish is pretty good.
Why don't you guys go cool off, relax," she encourages. "We'll see you
later - around, hopefully before you leave, if you do."
Lysseth> Chantha takes a very deep breath, lets go of Vurraeth, and
inclines her head toward Icarus. "I wasn't listening, if that's what you
were worried about. I'll be on home in a minute, it's just dangerous to
*between* when your mind's not on it."
Sria gestures to a weyrling already deep in the oiling process, and more
than elbow deep in oil, by the looks of it. He carefully dips the paddle
into the tub and then slathers the oil across his lifemate's itchy hide.
"All over their hide - even if a spot isn't itchy now, it will be soon
enough. Use your hands," she says, lower, to a redheaded girl looking
dubiously at her dragonet's maw and the flat, overlarge paddle.
Lysseth> "I'm seldom worried," replies Icarus, his tone kept carefully
polite. If he's reaching for some undefined dignity-- well, he doesn't seem
aware that he's standing in the middle of a field with little else but a
dingy robe on. "It is dangerous. I've heard that. Good of you to wait."
And, since there's little else to say, he turns to go.
"There are. They didn't... nay sign of moving again." If Kassi's voice is
too flat it's not because she doesn't care or means to be rude. She
grimaces apology for it, tries for better in telling R'yki. "He'll be all
right once that's on, even if'n it feels right now like his skin's about
t'twitch off--they're going t'be needing a lot of oiling as they grow."
R'yki blinks as he turns his head towards the weyrling, picking up a batch
of oil. Oh, he understands. "Is it anything like oiling firelizards?" He
calls over to Sria, settling back at Diusuth who is still having a hard
time sitting still. "Just...sit still, it's only gonna make it hard for me
to do this." He quickly murmurs to the brown as he gets to his task.
From the sands, Kant admits, "Food sounds good. And getting clean. Had to
stand kind of still during the last part of the hatching, got this itch
under my... uh." He chuckles awkwardly, not looking around much, certainly
not at the remaining shells. "Thanks for getting to, anyway. Right." With
that, and after a last look up high, he turns for the stands.
Lysseth> Having little dignity at the moment, Chantha will share it with
Icarus. "Luck follow you wherever you go. I'd give you a lift, but--" Weak
smile. "--you're not dressed for it."
Lysseth> Chantha climbs up onto Vurraeth's neck.
From the sands, Kant climbs up into the Stands.
Lysseth> Vurraeth senses that Lysseth's mindscape is dimmed, too, its
usually vibrant colors dusted with the black soot of mourning. << They will
*survive*, >> she says, almost fiercely. << We will see to it that they do.
Thank you. >>
From the sands, Beli nods a little, starts to offer "collar?" and then
takes a breath, heading up, herself.
From the sands, Beli climbs up into the Stands.
Sria seems to understand, even get it - the concern lingers, but she turns
to help a struggling talon-caught-on-wing situation. "Well - there," as the
blue's released, "-I've only one firelizard, and you'll likely rue the day
you ever compared them, once he's all but doubling in size every few days,
but yes. Involving quite a lot more oil."
R'yki looks over his shoulder, confused at that, "I wasn't really
compairing him to a firelizard, I was just wondering, if it was like oiling
a firelizard." But since the answer is given, he sets himself to the task,
making sure to cover the squirming dragon in the slimy substance,
"Just...sit still. You're only making it harder."
Kassima offers a little more brightly, "'Tis a bit, just a wee bit, like
oiling thirty, how's that? He'll like as nay wriggle as much as thirty--"
She doesn't know the half of it. "Once he's grown 'twill be different. At
least, Lysseth has more patience now than she did then."
Lysseth> Kant comes out from the gaping entrance that leads to the Hatching
Lysseth> Kant emerges from the hatching grounds with lengthening strides,
until finally he can get a deep breath of really clean air, and so he just
stops beneath the mural and does.
Sria smiles a little, at something, as she checks with the two pairs
nearest her. "Thirty -would- wriggle," she says, stepping back to join
Kassima and survey the room as a whole, and all its tiny dragons. "Sruth
has more patience, but now it's contingent on other matters. What he's
getting in return for the wait, that sort of thing."
Lysseth> Beli comes out from the gaping entrance that leads to the Hatching
R'yki now turns to Kassima, a wry smile to his lips, "So, just how much do
I owe you Kassima? I owe you marks for my lifemate here." He winks
playfully before laughing, "Nothing, Diusuth, just a little wager between
her and I. It's...well...putting marks down on something that you think is
going to happen. Like I thought you were gonna be a green before you
hatched." R'yki explains to the brown in a content manner. "Maybe I could
teach Noyi and Nip to help me when he gets bigger."
Lysseth> Beli is muttering something about changing, and her family is
talking over each other, allowing themselves to be led towards the living
caverns. Beli herself separates from them as they get the idea, and picks
at her robe, lifting it away from sticky skin. "Need real clothes."
Lysseth> By now, Kant's standing under the mural no longer, nor is he
already feasting; he's spotted his searchdragon, and has started toward
her, quietly. Maybe she doesn't smell human stink as much, or doesn't mind.
[Editor's Note: The game crashed for a few hours here, alas. Log ends.]