Merinth & Taloth's Hatching

Log edited with Logedit 2.6.6pl on Fri Apr 5 13:55:10 CST 1996

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Logged by Tilani
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IgenW-LC> Dysira clears her throat, giving her brother a teasing, mock-sort of
glare. "I'm flying agian, thanks."
IgenW-LC> Narai frowns at her son, "No, no, Naiyl. Don't mess up your hair. I
just combed it.."
Merinth> In the bleachers, Starlight pops out of *between* and flutters to a
IgenW-LC> Aaron sips quietly from his mug, not really taking part in the hubub
around him -- where *did* these people come from? Aaron listens quietly,
smoothing out his tunic.
IgenW-LC> Berin glances at R'tar and nods almost imperceptibly, then goes back
to staring at the far wall, though without a scowl this time.
IgenW-LC> Mikel leans back in his chair swirling the klah around in his mug
and listening to all the excitement.
IgenW-LC> Irina slips in when you're not looking.
IgenW-LC> Alea finishes her food and hands them to a kitchen drudge.
Merinth> In the bleachers, From Yeldon's shoulder, Facet chirples at Starlight
IgenW-LC> Marjon ambles out from the inner caverns.
IgenW-LC> Arden chuckles. "I -know- that. What I was asking.." He reads
Dysira's face, then laughs. "Oh. Nevermind."
IgenW-LC> Kershala leans over to dip up another mug of cider, trying not to
squish the hatchling in her lap.
IgenW-LC> Jalen waves to Marjon, inviting to take a seat.
IgenW-LC> R'tar grins, a little sheepishly, at Celie. "No no." he assures her,
"Just, well -- there are a lot of folks here tonight. I'm not what you
would call entirely comfortable in large social situations." He nods his
head to those greeting him.
Merinth> In the bleachers, Starlight looks at Facet and chirples back.
IgenW-LC> Mikel sits down at the table by the kitchens.
IgenW-LC> Celie ohs, slipping into a seat. "Join me for a bit? I don't bite,
at least."
IgenW-LC> Marjon waves to Jalen, firestone dust falling from his arm as he
does this.
IgenW-LC> Dysira sits up, taking a long drink from the cup.
Merinth> In the bleachers, Starlight starts and turns her attention to the
egg., crooning encouragingly.
IgenW-LC> R'tar weaves his way over to Celie, sitting down across from her. He
looks grateful. "Why so busy? Everyone eating at the same time?"
IgenW-LC> Zinadre scoots over by Aaron with a grin. "Hey there. Shells, but
it's crowded in here."
IgenW-LC> Narai looks over at Celie, grinning felishly, "You don't?"
IgenW-LC> Marjon walks out to the Bowl.
IgenW-LC> Alea watches the people around the cavern, catching bits of
conversation here and there.
IgenW-LC> Irina sits at the corner of a table by herself with a small plate of
IgenW-LC> Kershala picks at a bit of meatroll idly.
IgenW-LC> Brenon slurps down the last of his klah and mops up the last bit of
gravy from his bowl with some bread. He licks his lips. "It's /way/ too
crowded for me in here. I'm up for some air and I think my 'lizards are,
too. Anyone want to join us?" he asks, then adds, "I'd love some
knowledgeable help with training Pliut and Blazer..."
Dragon> Brenneth bespoke all dragons with << We can fly! We can come home! >>
IgenW-LC> Jalen stomach rumbles, and he goes for some stew.
IgenW-LC> Jalen stands and leaves the table by the kitchens.
IgenW-LC> J'rell comes down the stairway.
IgenW-LC> Celie shrugs. "I'm not sure..." She pauses to grin at Narai. "The
dragons are edgy t,too."
IgenW-LC> R'tar nods his head to J'rell. "Weyrleader."
IgenW-LC> Brenon stands and leaves the table by the kitchens.
IgenW-LC> Kershala nods. "Sure, I'll come. Though mine are sound asleep."
Merinth> In the bleachers, From Yeldon's shoulders, Semalwyn, Rummage, Facet,
and Glib warble and chitter amoungst themselves.
IgenW-LC> Arden pokes his sister, mouthing a questioning "what?" to her.
IgenW-LC> J'rell looks a bit surprised at the crowd. He nods to those he knows.
IgenW-LC> Celie turns to greet the Weyrleader.
IgenW-LC> Jalen walks over to the food table, filling a bowl to the edge with
steaming stew, and refilling his klah. He returns to his seat.
IgenW-LC> J'rell snags a wineskin.
IgenW-LC> Narai nods, pausing to nod respectfully to J'rell. "I know, Celie.
Farrith's been strange all day. Moreso than usual."
IgenW-LC> Jalen sits down at the table by the kitchens.
Dragon> Brenneth bespoke all dragons with << We're home! >>
Merinth> This is just a tiny little stone. It wouldn't possibly do anything if
you typed 'hatcher help' near it.
IgenW-LC> J'rell strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
IgenW-LC> Irina eats without comment.
Dragon> All dragons sense that Erith croons in satisfaction.
IgenW-LC> Jalen strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
You open the door and walk out of Tilani and R'tar's Weyr, closing the door
behind you.
Upper Hallway(#517RJs)
Obvious exits:
Weyrleaders Guest Weyr Council Room South STairs
IgenW-LC> Jalen ambles out from the inner caverns.
IgenW-LC> Dysira gets poked and ows. "What what?" she answers.
Dragon> All dragons sense that Jadith brushes Brenneth's wingtip, happy to
have him home.
IgenW-LC> Kershala shrugs. "But first I have to go change. This shirt is kind
of dirty. Maybe more than kind of."
Dragon> All dragons sense that Trianneth dragonyawns. << About time! Where
were you, again? >>
IgenW-LC> Brenon nods politely to the Weyrleader, "Evening, J'rell." He offers
his arm to Shala, grinning impishly, and asks, "Shall we?"
IgenW-LC> Jalen sits down at the table by the kitchens.
You head down the staircase, past the balcony and into the Weyr's Living

Igen Weyr Living Cavern(#600RJMQ)
Obvious exits:
Bowl STairs Records Room INFirmary Kitchen Inner Caverns
Kershala grins to Brenon and takes his arm. "Shall indeed."
Jalen walks out to the Bowl.
Celie hmmmms, glancing outside.
Jalen comes in from the Bowl.
Merinth> In the bleachers, Starlight chirples at the blue.
Kershala strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Alea walks out to the Bowl.
Mikel stands and leaves the table by the kitchens.
R'tar scratches his fingers through his hair. "shells." he says, very quietly.
Tilani catches his eye and he watches, a question on his face.
Mikel strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Brenon walks out to the Bowl.
Jalen walks out to the Bowl.
Zinadre watches a mass exodus, and decides maybe getting someplace quiet might
be wise. Yeah.
Merinth> In the bleachers, From Yeldon's shoulder, Glib warbles at wonder.
Zinadre strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Tilani raises a finger to R'tar. Her nod is so slight as to imperceptible.
Triks leaps into the air and pops *between*.
Pilut leaps airborne suddenly, crooning before dissappearing *between*.
R'tar looks at his hands and nods. "Celie. You'll have to excuse me. I hate to
be rude, so close to sitting down with you. We'll have lunch soon, yes?"
Aaron gets almost precisely the same idea as Zinadre, but not for a few
moment's alter -- and he stands, trailing down into the lower caverns.
Aaron strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Irina sighs slightly and pushes her food away.
Celie nods. "I understand. Go on."
Merinth> In the bleachers, Yeldon chitters and wings off of Yeldon's shoulder.
Sayra stands and leaves the table by the kitchens.
R'tar stands, looking indeed nervous. He weaves back through the rapidly
emptying tables to Tilani. "Ready?"
Sayra looks around the busy cavern, waves, and wanders off.
Sayra strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Merinth> In the bleachers, Tavian climbs into the stands.
Celie sits expectantly in her chair, waiting.
Tilani nods, "I believe so, yes." She scans the caverns for remaining
Candidates, "If you'll follow me."
R'tar strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
You stride through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.

Inner Caverns(#310RAJ)
Obvious exits:
HeadWoman Living Cavern Weyr Staff Residents' Hall NUrsery Candidates
IgenW-LC> Tilani strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
IgenW-LC> Arden shrugs. "You just sat up like, I don't know.. someone showed
up that you didn't particularly want to see." He shrugs and refills his
sister's cup.
You stride into the Candidates' Barracks.

Candidates' Barracks(#309RAJ)
Ethan's Hammock
NEW Candidate Information
Aaron's Cot
Brenon 's Cot(#12626Le)
Torl's cot
Jalen's Cot
Obvious exits:
Inner Caverns
Zinadre looks about puzzledly. Wait. Everyone started coming in here.. there's
a weyrleader.. and a R'tar. She blinks, plopping on her cot.
Alea sits on the edge of her cot, tapping her foot nervously.
IgenW-LC> Narai watches bemusedly, smoothing her skirts again. "Well, I knew
there was a reason for Farrith's nervousness.."
IgenW-LC> Irina says plaintively, "I was just starting to *eat*."
Merinth> In the bleachers, Starlight chitters to the blue.
Merinth> In the bleachers, Tavian pulls a thick blanket out of her pack and
carefully spreads it across the ground, smoothing out a few wrinkles before
sliding onto it and curling her legs beneath herself. "Care for a seat,
Yeldon?" She gestures to the empty part of the blanket next to her.
IgenW-LC> Berin stands and returns to the barracks, muttering to himself.
IgenW-LC> Berin strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
R'tar stands quietly near the entrance to the barracks, eyes far away.
Berin strides in from the hallway.
Merinth> In the bleachers, Yeldon smiles and accepts, "Thank you Tavi."
Sayra sits on the edge of her cot, fidgeting.
Merinth> Merinth turns briefly to regard her mate and then the eggs. Her
challenge is more welcoming than angry.
IgenW-LC> Narai watches the remaining people in the cavern, "Back to just
being a normal rider.."
J'rell says "Ok, most of you are here now."
J'rell says "Make sure you have your robes on."
Kershala glances at Sayra, her eyes wide, and darts a look around at the
Weyrwoman and leader.
Mikel smiles over at alea, "I've already changed."
IgenW-LC> Arden looks around, oblivious.
IgenW-LC> Kelesta comes in from the Bowl.
Brenon enters, wide eyed. "They're really.." he doesn't even finish, and dives
for his cot, looking for his robe.
IgenW-LC> Arianna comes in from the Bowl.
Kaeya plops down onto her cot, fingering the edges of her robe nervously.
Tilani stands quietly, hands clasped behind her back.
IgenW-LC> Sejan comes in from the Bowl.
On Torl's cot, Triks is no longer listening.
On Torl's cot, Torlana dropped Torlana's BPC.
Jalen slips into his robe and sandels. :)
Kershala scrambles into her robe in record time, then pulls her hair back in a
tie to keep it out of her eyes. Her firelizards all complain as she dumps
them unceremoniously onto her cot.
Ethan rummages under his hammock for his robe and sandals.
IgenW-LC> Kelesta saunters in, nodding greetings. She grabs a cup and scans
for the juice jug.
Jalen sheds off his belt-knife and pulls his hair back into a nice pony tail.
Sayra runs her fingers through her hair and straightens her robe nervously.
IgenW-LC> Shaphayl comes in from the Bowl.
Zinadre goes fishing for her robe, hanging upsidedown over the edge of her
cot, mumbling. "Where is it.. oh, there! No, not that.. ah-hah!" She trades
her clothes for the white robe quickly, somehow managing to fish all four
'lizards out of her hair, too.
Kaeya glances over to Sayra, a tentative smile lghting her lips. She inhales
deeply, exhaling slowly.
IgenW-LC> Shaphayl sweeps up into the air and gives a few swoops round before
going *Between*
Sayra flops down on Sayra's cot with a sigh of relief.
IgenW-LC> Arden nods to Kelesta, but still studying the blank look on his
sister's face.
Sayra hauls herself up off of Sayra's cot with reluctance.
Kershala shrugs as Darkling takes flight from her shoulder.
Darkling clambers into the cot and pulls the covers over its head.
Berin, with an unreadable expression, finds his robe, unfolds it, smooths it
out, and lays it on his cot, pulling his hair into a 'tail, rummages around
for some sandles, and then slips into his imperfect white robe.
Torlana wends her way out the Inner Caverns.
Kershala shoos the 'lizards onto the cot and waits until they curl up, bellies
still bulged from their recent feeding.
Torlana strides in from the hallway.
Ethan slips from his working garb into his robe and sandals.
IgenW-LC> Sejan strolls over and takes a seat.
IgenW-LC> T'vor comes in from the Bowl.
Brenon pulls the white cloth over his head, quickly pulling on the rope belt.
He smooths back his hair and turns to Shala, asking, "Is everything okey?"
He turs to let her examoine him.
Kershala gropes under her cot, apparently unable to quite make her hands work
as she snags the sandals clumsily and pulls them on.
Aaron fishes through various belongings by his cot, which takes a rather
ridiculous amount of time, considering he could fit all of them into a
small basket; pushing the hair out of his face and smacking it so it'll
stay there, he pushes his boots under the cot and changes into his robe,
sliding on plain-looking sandals when that's done.
IgenW-LC> Sejan waves to his brother from where he's sitting.
IgenW-LC> T'vor strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Alea looks at R'tar and Tilani, "Aree the stands filling up?"
T'vor strides in from the hallway.
IgenW-LC> Arianna justs stands in mist of things.
Jalen stands at attention, "Ready for inspection, sir."
Zinadre straightens her hair, already tied back in a 'tail, and glances
around. Eeep.
IgenW-LC> A young boy comes sprinting into the cavern from the kitchens.
Scanning the room, he finally spots Arden and rushes up to him, tugging on
his sleeve. "Uhm, sir.." he begins, then whispers something in his ear.
IgenW-LC> Dysira comes out of her thoughts and shakes her head to Arden.
"Nope." she sasy simple.
T'vor walks in, and stands by J'rell.
Kershala nods jerkily and takes a deep breath. "Looks good. How about me?"
Tilani glances to Alea. Her head shakes, not in answer, but as an imperative.
Ethan straightens out his robe, then taps Kershala on the shoulder, "Do I look
R'tar shakes his head at Alea. "I don't rightly know." he says. He follows
with a smile.
T'vor mutters to J'rell, "How are things?"
Brenon kneels, finding sandels and slipping them on before standing straight,
also announcing he is ready.
Kershala turns to Ethan and looks him over.
Shandra strides in from the hallway.
Kershala nods. "Looks good."
IgenW-LC> Narai stands, hefting Naiyl to her side. "I think I'm going to go
get a nice spot on the ledges."
Torlana rocks nervously back and forth on her feet
J'rell smiles when he sees the WW.
IgenW-LC> Irina strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Kershala scuffs at the floor, eyes darting around.
Irina strides in from the hallway.
IgenW-LC> Arden looks at the boy with a look of suprise, then nods. "Of
course." He gets up, but not before saying a half-hearted "Thanks" to
Dysira. He disappears into the kitchen.
R'tar nods at Shandra. "Weyrwoman."
IgenW-LC> Marjon comes in from the Bowl.
IgenW-LC> Arden wanders into the Weyr's kitchens.
Shandra clears her through, "Well, hmm, it's certainly crowded in here."
Jalen says "Have the dragons begun to hum?"
Sayra fidgets, playing with the ends of her sleeves, and watching her fellow
Alea nods to Shandra.
IgenW-LC> Marjon strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Brenon nods respectfully at the Weyrwoman's arrival. He looks stright forward,
breathing nervously.
IgenW-LC> Marjon ambles out from the inner caverns.
Aaron stands quietly in front of his cot, hands clasped behind back as he
glances around occasionally. Lips pursed, he remains rigid and unmoving.
Kaeya nods politely to Shandra, her hand clutching her middle to still the
wherres wthin.
IgenW-LC> Marjon strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Marjon strides in from the hallway.
T'vor smiles to Shandra and Tilani.
Kershala takes a quick bow to Shandra, one hand gripping her robe so tightly
her knuckles are stark white.
IgenW-LC> Arianna walks out to the Bowl.
Mikel is so nervous, all he can do his lay there with his eyes shut.
IgenW-LC> Narai walks out to the Bowl.
Berin takes a deep breath and tries to go through routine motions, fixing up
his cot, folding his cloths, taking a count of his firelizards, finding
that as per usual, his bronze is nowhere to be found, which is just as well.
Marjon looks about, confused.
Alea sits quietly, although her face seems to have lost its tan.
Kershala glances at Alea and tries to smile comfortingly.
Torlana sits on her cot and hugs her pillow
Merinth> Myca swoops through from the Bowl and lands neatly.
Zinadre flashes a quick grin at Aaron, checks her 'lizards, checks everything
again. "Shells, what now?"
Merinth> Myca flies up from the sands.
Brenon motions to Marjon, mouthing "Get your robe on" before sitting down on
his cot, stroking his lizards nervously.
Aaron glances over at Zinadre idly, looking a bit perplexed, for all his
impassivity; "I've absolutely no idea," he replies cheerily, helpfully.
Ethan paces nervously by his hammock.
Kershala arches her eyebrows at Aaron, completely inable to understand how he
can be so quiet. She drops to sit on her cot and puts her head in her
hands, shoulders shuddering as she breathes deeply.
Marjon fumbles for his robe and starts putting it on.
Kaeya glances over at Kershala, smiling, "Here we go.." she mouths.
Sayra walks over to Kershala and rests a hand on her shoulder.
Zinadre chuckles nervously. "Me either." She looks around. "Does anyone?"
Alea gets up and takes Sayra and Kershala's hands.
Kaeya looks up, startled, "Anyone what?"
Narai strides in from the hallway.
J'rell says "Everyone needs to make sure they're not carrying anything onto
the Sands."
Kershala bites her lip and lets Alea pull her to her feet. The lizards on her
cot scarcely stir.
Alea puts her hand on Kaeya's arm. "Luck to you."
Celie strides in from the hallway.
Narai pokes her head in.
T'vor says "no lizards, etc."
Kaeya grasps Alea's arm, smling brightly, "And you, Alea."
Alea moves towards Mikel, she takes his hand and squeezes it. "For luck,
Torlana is ready
Kershala nods, glancing back at her cot to be sure they're all asleep.
Kaeya nods as well.
Sayra looks over at her cot, checking for Rill, and sees he's sound asleep.
Zinadre erms, "Have any idea what to do.." She bobs her head up and down at
the riders, checking for the upteenth time that her firelizards have curled
up into a ball and that nothing's out of order.
Alea looks around. "Good Luck to you all." She smiles, catching eyes here and
Ethan looks around at everyone, excitement and nervousness written in his
Berin sternly instructs his 'lizards to stay right where they are. Well, okay,
so he only really addresses his gold, but the little queen will keep the
others in line anyhow.
Narai looks around, smoothing her skirts. She clears her throat. "Candidates?"
Torlana look sup at Narai
Jalen stands to face Narai.
Ethan looks to Narai, "Ma'am?"
Kershala glances up and nods to Narai, shivering barely enough to see.
Sayra jumps a little and focuses her attnetion on Narai.
Zinadre jumps, and promptly turns to grin sheepishly at her aunt.
Alea turns her attention to Narai.
T'vor stands in a relaxed position by J'rell.
Aaron looks over at Narai, gratefully, for once. Somebody who knows what
they're talking about. Aaron eyes Narai attentively, straight-faced.
Berin looks up at Narai, standing up straight, clasping his hands behind his
Marjon looks up from straightening his robes.
Mikel opens his eyes at least.
Torlana stands
Brenon finally coaxes his fls under his covers and looks up to Narai, almost
trembling with excitement.
Narai looks around, grinning. She claps her hands together, "This is the night
you all have been waiting for. The night where your lifes will turn around
-- for some of you. I hope that the work you all have done as candidates
has prepared you.."
Irina leans against the wall.
Ethan smiles slightly.
Jalen says "Are the eggs rocking yet?"
Brenon is so nervous he doesn't even reply to the "work" comment. Wow.
Kershala closes her eyes briefly, trying to calm herself.
Marjon reaches up to finger his craft knot, only to find it not there.
Sayra reaches out and grabs Alea's and Kershala's hands.
Aaron braves a faint smile at Narai's funny joke about work. Silly Narai.
Aaron nods.
Berin does wonder how peeling tubers and washing dishes would ever prepare him
for weyrling-hood, but says nothing.
Kershala grins weakly at Sayra, and squeezes her hand a little.
Alea squeezes Sayra's hand back.
Kaeya grins at Narai, understanding in her eyes.
Mikel moves up into a sitting position, "Ohhh...I can't stop my hands from
Torlana rocks back and forth slowly and nervously
Marjon sits on his cot and pulls his pendant out of his pouch, squeezing it
Narai continues on, eyes twinkling, "Hopefully you'll understand this as your
dragons mature." She notices Shandra, paling slightly. "That's it. Watch
yourselves on the sands."
Zinadre chuckles faintly, muttering, "I can't possibly impress a dragon as big
as Taloth.. I'll be able to handle the oiling at least."
Alea holds out her hand to Mikel, smiling nervously.
Ethan crosses his amrs to stop his fidgeting.
Celie stands near the entrance, watching everyone quietly.
Kershala grins to Zinadre. "I doubt you'd impress one /like/ him, anyway..."
Shandra clears her throat and waits for attention.
Narai goes over near Celie quietly.^
Mikel takes Alea's hand and gives it a squeeze.
Marjon jerks his head around to look at the weyrwoman.
Zinadre jumps again. Scary weyrwoman. She pays careful attention to Shandra,
absolutely quiet now.
Aaron smiles to himself, distanced a bit from the other candidates, but
smiling nontheless.
Torlana stands still and watches Shandra
Brenon smiles reassuringly to all his new friends and looks to the Weyrwoman,
finally ready to stand at this crossroad. He thinks.
Shandra says "I'm sure you'll all do fine. Just remember that these are Igen
sands that you're representing Igen Weyr, so cast out all thoughts of fear
and, as you've been told, don't let them overeat."
Berin makes no little side comments to the Candidates surrounding him, simply
listening to the riders as they address the group of young white-robed men
and women.
Ethan smiles with a bit of confident.
Narai looks around, finally ducking out.
Sayra nodnods.
Narai wends her way out the Inner Caverns.
Aaron stands a little straighter at Shandra's words, his smile becoming
slightly more genuine. Perhaps.
Marjon puts his pendant back into the pouch with a sigh.
From Jalen's Cot, Rami is now listening.
Alea smiles and nods at her weyrwoman.
From Jalen's Cot, Rami springs into the air and disappears *between*.
T'vor passes a glance over the candidates, and offers, "Try to relax out
Kershala looks at T'vor incredulously.
From Jalen's Cot, Rami explodes from *between* and glides to a perch.
Marjon turns very pale.
J'rell glances at T'vor and chuckles.
T'vor smiles, 'Hard as it may seem to do.'
Jalen nods, and laughs at Marjon's face.
Berin simply rolls his eyes, and if anything, looks more tense.
Alea starts to giggle.
Celie says "T'vor, you've a gift for words."
Kaeya gulps at T'vor's words, and nods vigourously, repeating the word relax
over and over quietly.
Mikel chuckles nervously, "Easier said than done."
From Jalen's Cot, Rami is no longer listening.
Kershala glances down, and forces herself to let go of the folds of robe
clenched in her fists.
Jalen's heart begins to race.
Ethan moves over to Kershala, smiling timidly.
Zinadre is already shifting from foot to foot, dead silent.
Brenon takes a deep breath and forces his knees not to knock together like a
Aaron musters a faint chortle to reward T'vor for his advice. Aaron's just
going out into a pit of burning sand, with lots of sharp, pointy objects
running around. Not like there's anything to worry about. "Aye," he says
quietly, to nobody in particular, as nobody's listening.
Torlana stands stifly, her fists clenched
Kershala smiles back to Ethan an elbows him. "It's all right.."
Marjon stands up, nearly falls over, and sits back dow.
Ethan grins at Kershala, nudging her back, "For you, maybe."
T'vor chuckles, "Of course, I couldn't relax either."
Sayra shifts her weight from one foot to the other, and looks at T'vor
Torlana holds a hand out to Marjon, " Need help?"
Celie rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
Irina says "Do try to remember that if a dragon doesn't come to you, it's not
any fault of yours. They don't decide so much as they just *know*."
Jalen says "So are we going to go? :)"
The very stone seems to resonate suddenly as a low sound gradually fills the
Kershala shivers. "It's starting..."
Sayra looks around quickly.
Marjon continues to sit on his cot, totally lost to his surroundings.
Ethan gulps, turning a bit pale.
Jalen grins, his hands begining to shake.
Mikel pales.
Brenon nods, alsmost saying somthing then..... "Is that....?" Or course. He
knows. It is.
Alea takes a deep breath and settles herself
Torlana looks Marjon in the Face," Time to get up
Sayra reaches out a hand to Marjon and tries pulling him to his feet.
Jalen waves a hand infront of Marjon's face, "Anybody home?"
Zinadre pales, not /quite/ as white as her robe, but close, eyes going
extremely wide. "Shards, that's louder than Merinth roaring.."
Kaeya jumps of her cot, standing straight as a pole, and leans slightly,
whispering to Kershala.
Kershala chuckles weakly. "But not by much."
Torlana backs away from Marjon so as not to crowd him
Marjon stands and takes a step. He falls to one knee before regaining his
Sayra sticks a hand under Marjon's elbow. "You ok ?"
Kaeya giggles, the sound slightly strained.
Celie rests with her back against the cavern wall. "I've always enjoyed this
Marjon nods slowly.
Shandra chuckles. "I hear that some of you discovered why this tapestry is
Jalen grins at Kaeya.
T'vor looks at Marjon, nodding slightly. He chuckles at Celie.
Sayra looks sheepish.
Kershala looks nervously innocent.
Shandra walks over to the far wall and pulls it back to reveal a secret
Brenon stands and crosses to Sayra. He puts a hand on her shoulder and
whispers something immaterial to her. He faces dragonflok, waiting with an
almost silly terrified grin.
Kaeya glances at Jalen and winks, her hands twisting before her.
Ethan looks innocent and pale.
Sayra eyes the passageway and swallows hard.
Kaeya gapes. "WOW!"
Alea looks at Mikel and grins innocently.
Kershala starts to shiver.
Tilani smiles quietly.
Sayra smiles at Brenon.
Torlana nods and looks into the dark passage
Aaron looks mildly impressed, but tries to pass it off not only as if he knew
about it, but if it was somehow his creation. "Neat, isn't it?"
Brenon raises a brow. "The wonders never cease.." he says inaudibly.
Mikel can't help but quirk a smile at Alea.
R'tar steps away from the wall and stands next to Tilani, waiting.
Tilani tilts her head in silent contemplation of the Candidates.
Zinadre gulps, peering at the passageway, and edges closer to Aaron with an
anxious chuckle.
Ethan nudges Kershala, "We aren't suppose to be scared.." Though he is pale
and shivering a bit himself.
Shandra gestures broadly, "Tilani, R'tar... and then Narai, maybe you'd like
to lead your Candidates out?"
T'vor remains close to J'rell and Shandra.
Marjon staggers a little
Alea wends her way out the Inner Caverns.
Alea strides in from the hallway.
Sayra keeps her hand under Marjon's elbow.
Brenon clasps Sayra hand, and with a reassuring smile, waits to go.
Kershala looks faintly green.
Torlana shivers
Sayra grins nervously at Brenon and smiles at Kershala.
Kaeya moves beside Alea, hands clasping at her robe. "Did you know?" she asks
Marjon turns an impossible shade of white
Alea looks at Kaeya and winks.
Jalen yawns.
Sayra peers at Marjon in concern. "Brenon, help me with him, I think he might
Something close to laughter escapes Kaeya, though it's sort of choaked in
Kershala pats Kaeya's arm with a trembling hand.
Tilani nods to Shandra, the heat of the room and the sands beading sweat
across her brow. She steps through the passageway with R'tar.
You slip down a dark narrow passageway, which suddenly opens into the Weyr's
hatching grounds.

Igen Weyr Hatching Grounds - Sands(#1045RJQa$)
Gem of the Fire Rose
Silver's Shadow
Arcana's Tome
Mystic August Forestry
Mines of Imagination
Moonless Bourn
Fiery Ember's Twilight
Obvious exits:
Up STands
R'tar comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Merinth's agitation grows, as does her form, rising up on her haunches to
answer the humming of the dragons gathered.
Kaeya comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Kershala comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Marjon comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Jalen comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Ethan comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Brenon comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Aaron comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Alea comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Torlana comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Sayra comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Mikel comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Taloth turns his head to regard Tilani and R'tar. He rumbles in his usual,
low, voice.
Kershala inches out of the opening and toward the eggs. She drops a quick,
terrified bow to the gold and bronze.
Irina comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Celie comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Zinadre comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Ethan humbly bows to Tilani and her golden Queen before searching for a place
in a semi-circle.
Shandra comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Kaeya dips into a deep boy to Merinth and Taloth, quickly righting herself and
moving to stand quietly.
Sayra stops on the edge of the Sands and bows nervously to Merinth and Taloth.
Berin comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Jalen bows politely to the bronze and gold dragon, then joins the rest of the
Torlana Bows before the dragons then moves to her spot
Alea bows to Merinth and takes her place on the sands.
Marjon bows to the the gold and bronze.
J'rell comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Sayra moves forward to join the other Candidates.
Mikel waits till there's room, moves forward to bow repectfully to both
Merinth and Taloth.
Brenon gulps and moves forward, immediately having to stifle a yelp at the
heat of the sands as he bows first to Merinth, then Taloth.
Aaron trails out after the other candidates, a walking bastion of stoicism and
impassivity, for now. He stops, rather abruptly, eyes darting to the pair
of dragons on the sands for a scant moment before he bows to the queen
dragon, deeply and fully, repeating this gesture for the sire. Satisfied
for the moment, he sidesteps, falling into place in the semicircle to
stand, more or less, by Zinadre.
J'rell moves to one side, next to Shandra.
Berin bows deeply and quite formally to the dam and sire of the clutch, then
to their riders, respectively, nodding respectfully to the Weyrleaders as
he straightens and takes his place with his fellow Candidates.
Marjon moves to stand next to Brenon.
Zinadre bows clumsily as she finds herself suddenly on the sands; she scurries
after the others and grabs Aaron's hand, looking half petrified of Merinth
and Taloth.
Jalen looks over at Marjon, a smile on his lips.
Mines of Imagination rocks, quietly at first and then with more animation.
Shandra hangs back against the wall and scans the audience with a faint smile.
Kershala shivers, then gasps as an egg wobbles.
Irina lingers on the edge of the sands, eyeing each of the candidates in turn.
R'tar clears his throat, a sound lost to the noise of the cavern. Looking
straight forward, he follows Tilani towards the eggs.
Brenon continues forward into the smeicircle, immediatly gasping at the first
egg movement.
Kaeya's eyes flicker brightly, gripping her robe tightly with one hand,
staring at the rocking eggs.
Sayra swallows hard and watches the rocking egg.
Ethan gulps, moving over to Kershala's side, still pale as he watches the egg
Jalen turns his full attention to the rocking egg, standing at the edge of the
semi-circle. He folds his hands behind his back, his breath coming in deep
Torlana shivers
Gem of the Fire Rose quivers and shakes, rolling a half turn on the sand.
Marjon goes very pale.
A distant hammering, muffled but persistant, beats rhythmical percussion from
the inside of the Mines of Imagination.
A nervous ripple passes through a group of huddled candidates, their feelings
Mystic August Forestry moves slightly.
Alea grabs Sayra's hand as the Rose egg moves.
One crisp note, a resounding crack, sharp and clear and then nothing more. The
Mines of Imagination begin to open, a fissure looking into its black depths.
T'vor comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Kershala picks up a foot as the heat seems to increase
Mikel takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself, but can't help gasping as
the eggs start to move.
Berin worries at his lower lip, forcing his hands to stay limp at his sides.
Squat and modestly large, his markings display a deep, earthy brown. The
shading blends to a lush near-green about his muzzle and the leading edges
of his wings: heavy cloak-like mantling which shroud his lumbering frame in
labyrinthine shadows. Jaw thrust forward and deep-set eyes elongate his
features -- features which portray a dragon whose demeanor includes both
the devoted mate and the curmudgeon.
Ethan mumbles nervously, looking to Kershala then back to the eggs.
T'vor stands over by J'rell and Shandra.
Aaron's gaze flickers between the eggs that seem to move, not having noticed
Zinadre's taken his hand. Resolute and firm, he takes a deep breath and
puffs out his chest, the heat from the sands pounding away at his sandles.
Kershala's fingers dig into the fabric of her robe. Her whole body is
Sayra grips Alea's hand, looking at the eggs.
Tilani clears her throat as she enters the grounds. The smell of sweat and
dragon's oil thick in the air. Her hands unclasp from behind her back as
she approaches her lifemate. Eggs begin to split about her, and she smiles.
Kaeya shivers, despite the warm air, and gsps at the brown who has emerged.
"The first!" She stares for a while, her hand stilling as amazement sweeps
through her.
Sayra gasps as the first eggs cracks open.
Brenon eyes widen in direct proportion to the crack on that egg. He stands,
rooted, at the lovely brown that emerges. "He checks Mrjon, saying, "Look!
It's beautiful!"
Marjon nods dumbly.
Ethan's eyes go wide, watching the first hatchlings appears.
Zinadre stares at the Mines of Imagination egg, perhaps finding the sight of
one egg less daunting than the sight of /all/ the eggs. She scarcely moves,
her free hand hanging limp, then /jumps/ as the egg the was hatching
actually hatches.
Kershala's eyes widen as the brown cracks his shell and tumbles to the sands.
Torlana gasps at the beautiful brown
Berin peers at the newly hatched brown and rolls his eyes at the comments some
of the other Candidates make. "/He/, not /it/," he murmurs to nobody in
Jalen gasps as the brown comes out of his egg. He smiles, and starts to chew
on his lower lip.
Surly Troth Brown Fledgling raises his head proudly, arching the glistening
neck to salute his dam, his sire. No voice, merely eyes, piercing eyes.
Aaron notices rather readily as Zinadre jumps, nearly bringing Aaron along
with her. Flashing a quick, reassuring smile to the candidate at his side,
he allows a brief flicker of daunt and awe to register.
Alea smiles at the brown dragonette emerging. "How lovely," she murmurs to no
one in particular.
Kershala shifts unconsciously as the heat builds up in her sandals.
Brenon nods at Berin; how could he have said that? He waits at the movement of
the hatchling, watching it intently.
Sayra shifts a little on her feet, clinging to Alea's hand as she watches the
Mikel sighs and watches the brown with pure admiration, "Ohh..."
Kaeya's hands find each other, twisting and knotting within themselves as she
leans from one foot to the other.
Gem of the Fire Rose half-spins, digging itself a little further into the sand
as the crack widens, fractures. Small pieces of shell begin to fall free.
Jalen inhales deeply through his nose, letting it come out of his mouth. His
eyes watch the brown hatchling.
Surly Troth Brown Fledgling's too-short wings, rise above the black sands as
he paces towards the semi-circle.
Ethan looks down at his feet, suddenly realizing that the sands are hot. So he
starts to lift each foot off the sands a few seconds at a time. He looks up
from his marching feet back to the hatchling with a small confident smile.
Marjon grips his robe, nearly tearingg it.
Kershala watches the brown as he walks toward them, and nearly backs up a
little in nervousness before stopping.
Mystic August Forestry rocks back and forth, almost dislodging itself from its
pit in the sand.
Berin looks away from the brown only to check on his favorite egg, one that is
the glossy color of a polished onyx-stone. Seeing that nothing's happened
to it, he looks back to the brown, curious to see who he chooses.
Kaeya's flight from hatchling to the rose egg, her eyes widening as her lips
move in a silent wish.
Zinadre grins sheepishly at Aaron, calming as she gets used to the idea of
little dragons at close range and begins to watch them with silent
Gem of the Fire Rose rocks violently, and splits almost evenly down the middle.
A sparkle of light refracted, and the gem tilts in its setting. Sprays of
color begin to emerge upon the black sands.
The rose's fire burns through the shell, crackling and tearing itself apart as
the young life strives to be born.
Torlana watches the egg movement and the brown
Hers is the airy green of daydreams that drapes itself over a carriage petite
for her hue. Motion reveals a graceful frame and an utterly guileless
curiosity in what lies about her, mirrored by the scintillating whorls of
color on the undersides of her delicate wings. They flash sunshine-shades
as she moves: tangerine and aqua and pale rose. The pointed features of the
nymph describe her pinions, talons and muzzle, flesh sculpted to exquisite
Kershala glances momentarily at the gemlike egg, then back to the brown. One
hand clutches Kaeya's in a tight grip.
Kaeya grabs the nearest candidate's hand, jerking it with her own as she
points to the green hatchling, "LOOK!" she exclaims, as though the person
-wouldn't- be.
Jalen watches the green hatch, a shiver going down his spine, however, he
returns to watch the browns.
Surly Troth Brown Fledgling moves along the knot, boys, women, men, girls
gathering tightly too him his neck. The tail gathers sand along the stick
hide, undisturbed.
Alea's eyes widen as the egg she has touched so lovingly turns into a
beautiful, marvelous, green dragonette! Her eyes light up. "She's
Kershala nearly tips over at Kaeya's pull and she yelps.
Sayra abruptly sucks in air as she sees the green. "Oh... she's beautiful."
Aaron notices, somewhat in direct sucession to the surly brown dragonet's
hatching, that the ground sure is *hot*. Comforted not at all by the fact
that the icky things with egg goo running about like the heat, Aaron shifts
a bit.
Ethan gasps at the new green before taking a step back, her runs a quick hand
through her hair before turns his wide eyes on the hatchlings again.
Beauty's Fatuity Green Fledgling struggles daintily free of the trappings of
her egg, stumbling onto the sands, her wet hide gleaming in the light.
Torlana stares at the green but keeps and eye on the brown
Brenon shifts from foot to foot, wowing again at the appearance of yet another
new dragonet. He watches the brown move along, wondering who his choice
might be....
Mystic August Forestry twists violently and rolls down off its mound.
Berin grins at the emergence of the beatiful young green, but his attention
slips back over first to that favorite egg, then to the brown.
Kaeya eeps, an apologetc look shot to Kershala before returning to watch the
hatchlings with keen interest. Her eyes remain widened, her hands balling.
Zinadre ohhs at the green, "She's awfully small.. and all those colors." She
picks up a foot and shakes it, then sets it down and repeats.
Mikel gasps, "They're all hatching so fast." but he keeps his attention on
that beautiful brown.
Torlana rocks back and forth on her feet
Alea suddenly feels intense heat on her feet and lifts them one at a time,
trying to find relief.
Beauty's Fatuity Green Fledgling sits straight up, looking at the nearest
couple of candidates, a small knot of girls. Cautiously she raises herself
up to her feet and begins to move away from the shell, towards the
scattered groups of people.
Surly Troth Brown Fledgling shuffles, as he learns -- right here and now --
how to walk. His voice, untested, roars forth with significance, if drowned
by the dragons' hum, above.
Kershala stares at the brown's roar, and her hands twist together in her white
Aaron stands rather unremarkably, just another fellow in white on the sands.
His impassivity begins to fade as more dragonets hatch, snatching his
attention at a whim. Trying without much noticeable success to watch every
dragonet and every egg in one enormous absorbing gaze, Aaron asides to
Zinadre: "Wow." And that's a secret.
Jalen grins at the Brown's roar, remaing still and silent. He too begins to
feel the heat even through his sandles, and carefully shifts feet.
Ethan trembles a bit, watching the brown and green, he musters some courage
and stands his ground. Though his feet are constantly push up and down to
keep cool.
Sayra smothers a grin as she watches the brown.
Marjon tears a small hole in his robe as he twists his hand into it.
Brenon has a nice hop system going to keep his feet tolerably cool. He grins
at the brown's first utterance, just waiting now...
Kaeya's foot moves the sand about underneath it, a huge, half-frightened,
half-exuberant smile flashing.
Berin's eyes widen as the brown 'speaks'. "Whoa...heh, I think we already did
notice you were there tho'..." he chuckles.
Beauty's Fatuity Green Fledgling swivels around almost completely at the sound
of the roar, and after a couple of moments of staring at the other
hatchling on the stands begins to pick her way daintily across the sands in
that direction.
Alea realizes she has a silly smile frozen on her face from watching the
A clash of tearing shell brings forth a startling bronze. Formed after his
sire, the delicate verdigris is already visible along his neck. He moves
swiftly and Impresses even more so: to a Sailor out of Tillek.
Torlana takes a deep breath as she watches the dragonettes
Kershala shivers, watching the green with wide eyes, then looking back to the
brown as he approaches.
Mikel takes a step forward before catching himself, "Look...a Bronze!"
Zinadre giggles nervously at Aaron, "I was thinking the same thing." Her head
turns this way and that as she watches several different hatchlings. Her
gaze continually shifts as well to two other places: first, the stands,
though surely she cannot make out any of the places, second, a silvery-dark
Surly Troth Brown Fledgling's approach clouds Berin's view of his egg, looming
towards the Candidate he pauses, considers and rushes forward.
Surly Troth Brown Fledgling gazes into Berin's eyes.
Ethan smiles a little more, tromping on the sands in place as he watches the
Impressions, totally fascinated.
R'tar shifts on the sands, smiling as a bronze twin to his lifemate is born.
His attention is torn away by Berin's impression. His smile widens.
Jalen smiles as the Brown impresses Berin, and returns to watch the rest of
the eggs.
Kershala grins to Berin and his brown excitedly, but her eyes are drawn back
inevitably to the eggs and the green.
Sayra watches as the brown moves to Berin and grins.
Kaeya's gaze returns to the green as she sways from foot to foot, hands
clasping and stilling for a moment, in deep concentration.
Beauty's Fatuity Green Fledgling picks her way daintily over, avoiding a few
stray shards of eggshell. She weaves her way through a few knots of
Candidates who leap out of her way, mindful of the warnings not to
interfere with the hatchlings, looking to left and right with unblinking
Tilani gestures to R'tar, noting the Impressions, so swiftly born and then
T'vor nods as the first Impression is made. A smile forms.
Ethan looks over to Berin and the brown; his smile widens.
Berin just.../blinks/ and mutters a quick "Oh shards," rooted to the spot. His
very scared expression quickly turns to one of elation. "Oh, Orith...yes,
I'm with you too..." He looks up with shining eyes. "Orith, he says!" and
Shandra catches J'rell's eyes and grins.
Alea nudges Sayra and smiles. "The first of us!"
J'rell grins back at Shandra.
R'tar looks down at his feet, unable to hide a chuckle. He reaches over,
taking Tilani's hand, and squeezes it.
Sayra grins hugely at Alea.
Aaron catches Berin's Impression out of the corner of his eyes and
acknowledges it with a nod. There. Aaron's nodded. Life can now proceed.
Scant attention is promptly diverted back to the task at hand which,
presently, is smoothing out a wrinkle in his robe.
Merinth returns her out-spread wings to her back, neatly folded. Her own
excitement shows in the glow of her hide, and brilliant cerulean blue in
her eyes.
Kershala closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself.
Brenon smiles as he notices Berin's and the brown's success, he must
concentrate on what's ahead. He does smiles at the mention of Orith, though.
Mikel watches the Bronze with a curious gaze as he absently shuffles his feet
in the warm sand, "Hmm..well proportioned...beautiful color..."
The quiet of the forest is disturbed by the crack of breaking boughs. Leaves,
amber and green, sway with the violence.
Torlana notes the Impression then turns back to the green and the eggs
The magical forestry removes itself, falling to the floor of the cavern to
give rise to its true treasure.
Zinadre startles at the sound of a shouted name, realizing what that means..
she grins a little, and shuffles her feet as she watches the green.
From its upright position, Fiery Ember's Twilight combines a series of
piercing pops and cacaphonous crackles with the beginnings of a slow roll
to its side.
Ethan rubs his warm hands together, his eyes scanning the crowd of hatchlings
and people alike, a little fear rides on his face but excitement glows in
his eyes.
Long and angular, he is a newborn mountain rising with jagged spires out of
the tumultuous earth. Bruised wings, blackish-brown with violet streaks
along the spars, appear almost tattered at the edges, as if formed by the
indiscriminate battering of an immense wind. Rough cut, the fledgling's
head is slightly lighter than the rest of his hide and larger than his
body's proportions should support. This variation serves to accent his
chiseled features and the deep contours that form muzzle, eyeridges and
headknobs. His gaze is powerful, his movements calculated, decisive and
well-timed, forming an intense and formidable presence.
Now tilted, the dying ember sparks, catching fire from the light around it.
Beginning to split, layers of molten color and wisps of smoke pour forth.
Kershala's face is stark white, her eyes fixed on the eggs.
Beauty's Fatuity Green Fledgling picks her way over to a couple of girls
standing to one side, lingering there as she studies each of them as if to
see what they are.
An indomitable will lies just beneath the watery green of this fledgling's
hide, expressed in the steady glare of her eyes and the contrived motions
of her body. She is impressive -- statuesque at times, sinuous at others,
mercurial always. The sultry coral of sunset's beginning paints her talons,
her hide tinted with the same reddish tone under deep, cool jade. Sharply
defined features sculpt a cold, almost unsettling, physical perfection
which justifies her lofty display and icy demeanor.
Alealooks from hatching egg to green dragonette, she moves her feet and
rememberst to breath.
Beauty's Fatuity Green Fledgling rears up on her hind legs to get an
especially good look at one of the girls.
Ethan gulps. Another green and brown. He blinks, regaining a bit of his
composure and smiles, "Beautiful..." She mutters.
Kershala's hands tighten on her robe as another brown and green hatch in quick
Jagged Spires Brown Fledgling scans the sands, getting his bearings. His
movements are slow as he learns to use his limbs.
Brenon chuckles at the coincedence; two browns and two greens already. He
watches anew, though, captivated, regardless of color.
Beauty's Fatuity Green Fledgling gazes into Alea's eyes.
Another bronze, and three blues hatch almost simultaneously. Adding more chaos
to the event as they disentangle themselves from their own limbs and move
to find lifemates: a baker, a trader, a carpenter and a holder's son.
Torlana stares at the beautiful new dragons
B'rin slowly moves to one side along with his lifemate, already starting to
explain things to the brown.
Jalen watches the Brown, and new Green intently. He flashes a quick glance
over at the other eggs, then returns it to the brown.
Kaeya's hands return to fidgetting uncontrollably, twisting about, as she
swallows painfully. She looks at Alea and grins broadly, winking before
turnng back to the newest green. "She's incredible, 'Shala.."
Aaron tears his attention from his robe for a while, which will just have to
be wrinkled if that's how it's going to behave. He gives Zinadre's hand a
slight squeeze before releasing it, clasping his hands behind his back.
Arcana's Tome shifts ever so slightly, leaving a shallow mark on the sands.
Kershala nods to Kaeya distractedly. "He's absolutely wonderful..."
Sayra, standing next to Alea, gasps as the green stops in front of her
companion. "Alea !"
Marjon tears a larger hole in his robe as he watches the hatching.
Alea's eyes start to tear. "Oh my! Oh my! Her name is Gwirith!"
Saber's Edge Green Fledgling stands, just atop her shards, for a long moment.
Her eyes glare around the huge cavern. First, the candidates. Then, head
tilting upward, the stands and finally the ledges. Her eyes sit on the
dragon ledges, her body on her perch.
Jagged Spires Brown Fledgling begins to walk toward the knot of people in the
robes, obviously looking for something or someone.
Torlana shivers when she sees Arcana's tome egg move
Ethan blinks and smiles, watching more Impressions, his face aglow with sweat
and happiness, seemingly all his fear is gone as he jogs in place to keep
his feet cool.
T'vor's smile widens as Alea Impresses.
Zinadre nods faintly at Aaron, hopping from one foot to the other. Eyes follow
a blue until he impresses, then a new green.
Kershala clutches Kaeya's hand as the brown begins to approach, and her eyes
stray to the self-contained beauty of the green.
Jalen grins as Alea impresses the green.
Celie smiles softly, watching the newly-hatched green and her lifemate.
Alea looks up, tears streaming down her face. "Oh yes, indeed. You are a
Tilani moves closer into the warm cover offered by R'tar. She stands in front
of him, pulling his arms around her. Watching.
Kaeya's hand tightens around Kershala's, and her eyes mirror thanks to
Kershala before returning once more to the fledglings.
Kershala grins to Alea and her beautiful green, but can't keep from looking
back to the hatchlings.
Saber's Edge Green Fledgling moves her gaze back to the candidates standing
before her. With one powerful lunge, she lurches forward, tail swinging out
to catch her shards and spray them upwards in an arc of color and sand.
Brenon notices he is sweating profusely. He smiles at Alea, waiting
expectantly with the omni-present wonder of a candidate.
Mikel can't keep track of all the hatchlings , so he focuses on the Bronze and
Brown. "Congrats Alea...I knew you would."
Jagged Spires Brown Fledgling examines a clump of youngsters carefully, then
moves on. His air of frustration is obvious.
Kershala eeps and backs off as the sands sprays into the air.
Alea gently leads Gwirith over to one side toward Iriana.
Aaron's hair manages to stay out of his face while he regards the Sands,
thoughtfully, nervously. Not at all the stoic statue that walked onto the
the sands, he wipes his brow, letting out his breath slowly.
Torlana watches the fledglings and the eggs closely
Kaeya's mouth, unfortunately, was open, and collected quite a few bits of
sand. She pittles them out the side, careful not to spit on anyone.
Jalen watches as the Brown turns down a group of youngsters. He coninutes to
watch silently, his nervousness growing.
Ethan eyes the snads cautiously, keeping his watch on stumbling hatchlings. He
watches the hatchlings with pure fascination written on his face.
Sayra watches Alea move away, and then turns back to the eggs and the
Mikel watches as the Brown moves from Candidate to Candidate.
Irina observes each Impression without comment.
Arcana's Tome moves again, another slight shallow marked in the light Hatching
Jagged Spires Brown Fledgling zeros in on a particular group, one member
clearly his goal.
Kershala shuts her eyes again, wanting and not wanting to look. She peeks open
with one eye though, unable to help herself.
Zinadre edges away from a hatchling who comes too close for her liking,
brushing back a loose strand of hair from her sweaty forehead with a low
Sayra edges closer to Kaeya and Kershala.
Saber's Edge Green Fledgling recovers nicely from her stumble, blowing out a
great gust of air as she begins to march over towards a clump of candidates.
Brenon grins at the hatchlings antics, watching the brown in particular, which
seems to be close.
Jalen watches the brown, his hands tucked tightly behind his back.
Ethan brushes his sweaty locks from his eyes, watching over the sands again as
he shuffles his feet for some momentary coolness.
Jagged Spires Brown Fledgling gazes into Mikel's eyes.
With a quiet creak, the hoary tome begins to shift and rock, as if to open.
Kaeya's chin lifts and a determined light glows in her eyes, her hands forced
to her sides, though not lax by any means.
Crackling bits of shell -- pages from a book -- fall to the floor as the
mystery within finally frees itself.
Torlana wrings her hands nervously
Kershala's eyes dart to the green as she approaches, then to the egg that has
begun to crack.
Jalen manages a grin for Mikel and his brown, and returns his attention to the
His knotty carriage twisted and sinuous, the pale hue of this long-boned
fledgling has been drawn out long the gawky expanse of hide to a brown
marbled with a striking slate. His blocky head moves with a swift,
suspicious air, as the gnarled lines of his bones accentuate the faint
cobalt shadows about his pinions and the broken curve of his spine.
Dangerous swirls of emotion course through his faceted eyes expressing his
naive confusion transforming into a calculating intellect.
Ethan smiles broadly, watching his friends Impress, then back to the rocking
eggs, watching them hatch.
Marjon looks down at the hole in his robe and clasps his hands together.
Mikel throws his arms around the hatchlings neck, "Oh....oh....Imrath?"
Tilani spies Mikel's Impression and her chin lifts. Then falls. Merinth adds a
note, one, quietly. Her own salute.
Jalen watches yet another brown hatch, a huge grin coming across his face.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling twitches, ridding himself of the last few
shards of his shell, tail twitching across the sands.
Kershala's eyes fasten on the egg that cracks into another brown, and they
widen in wonder. Her hands clutch tightly at her robe again, which has
begun to become rather dirty with.
Brenon watches all the new dragons make their choices; he silently cheers on
Mikel, but is again drawn towards more hatching activity.
Saber's Edge Green Fledgling spins around, catching the form of a woman who
she passed. Mistakenly. With whirling, almost slitted, eyes, she regards
Kershala. Moves closer. Nose tilted up, she snorts and spins away again.
Another woman, near the first.
Sayra sees Mikel's Impression and grins.
Aaron's gaze flickers once more as Mikel's brown parades past, simply on
general principle of small gooey things running past. His eyes are promptly
snatched by a recent hatchling, a brown one. Aaron's hands fall to his
Ethan rakes his hair from his face again, spying at the hatchlings scrambling
from their shards and around to find their lifemates. A smile still rides
his lips.
Kershala watches the green with wide eyes as she draws near, then her
shoulders fall as the hatchling moves away.
Torlana notes the impressions but doesn't turn her gaze from the fledglings
Mikel leads his new companion to the side as to be out of everyone else's way.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling opens his mouth to bugle clearly, the higher
pitched tone echoing back and startling him, so that his imperious
beginning ends in a squawk.
Kaeya's eyes follow the saber green, caressing her hide and demeanor. She
dares not breath..
Kershala gasps in wonder and watches the brown. "He's a lovely one... and what
a voice."
Alea murmurs softly to Gwirith gently scritching her eye ridges.
Saber's Edge Green Fledgling stands right in front of Kaeya, looking her up
and down. Quite suddenly, her features soften from savage impatience, to a
deep, quizzical look. A small query escapes her, in the form of one
sustained and musical note.
Irina almost smiles, hiding it quickly behind her hand.
Jalen continues to watch the Brown, his breath coming in in big gulp.
Brenon chuckles at the particularly loud and close brown. He waits quietly.
Ethan looks to the screeching brown, he winces slightly before he returns to
smiling like a fool.
Greens and blues, browns, and a third bronze emerge from the eggs near the far
wall. Some slow to Impress, studious, others hasty in their decision charge
the Candidates. Luck, dexterity and tenacity yield pairs of lifemates
without injury.
Saber's Edge Green Fledgling gazes into Kaeya's eyes.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling shifts his head to gaze towards Merinth
accusingly as though he credits her with the noise. After a moment,
however, his tense pose relaxes and he warbles with a hint of inquiry.
Zinadre smiles, noting that another's impressed who she can name, but her eyes
follow roaming browns and blues more easily than they settle upon fellow
candidates, now weyrlings. Again, she gazes up into the stands a moment,
then back to the dragonets.
Kershala squeezes Kaeya's hand excitedly before letting her go to meet her new
Kaeya gasps, her face brilliant with raw radiance, "Narsilth! Her name is
Narsilth!!" She shouts for all to hear.
Moonless Bourn rocks a bit and then falls quiet.
Silver's Shadow rocks vigourously in its mound. Faster faster still... Silence.
Jalen turns his attention from the brown as Kaeya Impressed, "Good job." He
Sayra peers around Kershala to grin excitedly at Kaeya. She grabs Kershala's
hand and squeezes it.
Celie motions for the newly Impressed to join her off to the side by the meat
Kershala's eyes dart to the rocking Moonless egg, widening.
Merinth lowers her head to the floor, nudging the brown away, towards those
among whom he must find his mate.
T'vor smiles at Kayea, his gaze scans the Candidates, in turn.
Kaeya's hand reaches out, touching Narsilth gently, walkng slowly to Celie,
looking beside her at her lifemate.
Kershala grins back weakly to Sayra, still watching the brown.
Moonless Bourn arrives with a whisper, a gentle lapping of tentative touch. A
ripple marks its next movement, fading with time to be still once again.
Torlana watches the brown as he moves about
Ethan gulps, watching the eggs decrease and the Impressions increase, he
smiles briefly to fellow candidates before watching the beautiful
hatchlings again.
Aaron takes a deep breath so as not to appear that he's panting, or anything
that he'd certainly not consciously do. Gaze wavering every so often, he
still watches the former occupant of Arcana's Tome in particular. His gaze,
as his stance, is quiet and attentive.
Brenon notes the eggs rocking, but seems mainly interested in the brown that
is near.
Over to its side with one swift jolt, Moonless Bourn rocks and sways as its
contents struggle to surface. It begins to disolve, pieces falling away to
bright specks of sand.
Zinadre glues her eyes to the silver egg as it shakes, hardly looking as if
she's even breathing.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling cocks his head as someone's interest in him
catches him.
Marjon silently watches the brown.
Kershala glances at the rocking, dark egg as it shakes and chips away...
Nature has endowed this fledgling with an unusual hue of crisp umber lit by
pale yellow accents. His frame combines slight stature with a willowy
figure giving him a long, lean and graceful appearance. Angular, almost
sharp features shape every detail, from spiked pinion to faceted haunches,
protruding eyeridges to small triangular head. Talons and teeth match his
regal bearing, touched by flecks of gold.
Jalen continues to watch the Brown.
Kershala glances back away from the egg and to the brown, inhaling as he draws
Ethan bounces a bit as he tries to keep his feet cool.
Jalen watches the other brown hatch. Two.
Torlana stares at both Browns, yet keeps more of an eye on the frist one
Kershala glances away just in time to see her favorite egg crack into a new
brown, one so beautiful... Her hand grips Sayra's tightly, white-knuckled.
Brenon looks up just in time to see the beautiful bronze shell. He smiles
wondering at such a regal little being.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling steps forward, but, unable to keep his
balance, sprawls on his nose, a cloud of dust rising around him.
Jalen gasps as the Brown falls, but keeps his distance.
Sayra gasps in dismay, watching the brown stumble and fall on his nose.
Torlana gasps when she sees the brown fall
Ethan winces as the brown falls down, but watches to make sure he's ok.
Aaron glances up from the mysterious brown to spot the bronze, which strikes
Aaron a bit off-guard, almost as if he somehow hadn't expected to see a
dragonet on the sands. Swallowing, he lets out yet another breath, short
and trite. Aaron shifts his weight, again -- only so long before these
sandals just up and catch on fire, which apparently is what they're made to
Kershala's eyes follow the new brown, hardly drifting away enough to notice as
the older one topples. She bites her lip, but turns back...
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling struggles to his feet, sneezing and
fluttering his wings.
Alea watches the hatchlings, urging those close to her to impress.
Jalen watches both browns intently. He sighs as he sees the fallen brown is
Marjon sighs as the brown regains his feet.
Ethan bites his lower lip, watching to see if the brown is alright.
Brenon ohs at the little brown, hoping he's alright. He catches a general gaze
of the whole sands, however, noting all the happy couples already and looks
a little wistful.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling thumps his tail on the sands, sending up
another cloud of dust, and snorts in disgust.
Sagacious Eccentric Brown Fledgling flicks his wings open, disengaging the
last few bits and pieces of his brightly colored egg. His head lowers,
studying the sand as his talons scrape through it. Rearing up, he extends
his wings fully, causing a flurry of wind-driven matter to fly towards the
Zinadre winces, turning from the silver egg to peer at the little brown, but
her gaze goes back where it was the moment she sees the fledgling get up
Kershala coughs as the dust drifts into her open mouth, and she looks back to
the brown in startlement.
Torlana coughs when she inhales some sand
Aaron digs a tiny depression into the sands while he shifts; the sand's going
to pay for being hot, it is. Glancing back at the once wise inhabitant of
Arcana's Tome having spralwed on his face, Aaron raises a brow, curiously.
Jalen blinks, as the dust reaches him, but continues to watch.
Sayra turns her head and squinches her eyes shut as a cloud of sand and dust
fly over the Candidates.
Ethan watches the brown with great interest.
Marjon sneezes at the dust, eyes watering.
Kershala's eyes flicker to the wing-waving brown and she shuts her eyes to
protect against the sandstorm, one hand drawing up before her eyes.
Sagacious Eccentric Brown Fledgling settles back down, studying the commotion
he has caused carefully. His head tilts, first one way, then the other. He
begins a slow movement across the sands.
Jalen inhales a big breath of the dust, and breaks into a fit of coughing. He
eventually stops, his face bright red.
Kershala watches the brown approach as she lowers her arms. She sighs softly
and looks after the creature wistfuly.
Mikel tears his gaze from his beautiful brown Imrath to look out at the sands,
"Look at all the Browns."
Ethan chuckles softly to himself. His eyes shining bright with excitement. His
arms are crossed over his lean chest.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling moves closer to the Candidates, more cautious
until he discovers the trick of coordinating all his limbs. He pauses in
front of Aaron, nostrils flaring.
Zinadre coughs faintly, eyes darting again to that brown, then to Aaron
watching the brown. She scuffs a toe in the sand, then steps back several
paces as the brown advances.
Brenon is surprised at all the falls, but he figures that new dragonets must
commonly do thids, for no one seems to concerned. He watches, slightly
smiling at Aaron's attention to the closest brown.
Sagacious Eccentric Brown Fledgling stops near a young man, red hair and
sparkling blue eyes. The boy stands tall although his demeanor speaks to
his obvious fear. Bugling a crisp, high, blasted note, the hatchling speaks
his first.
Jalen watches the Brown, then up at Aaron, and realizes it. He turns the rest
of his attention to the other brown.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling twitches again as if to rid himself of the
dust which clings to his hide, and then turns to regard Jalen's back.
Aaron's gaze drops to the directly local area around him, eyeing the newbrown
dragonet levelly, almost pensively, half ready to simply step aside so as
not to get run over.
Kershala watches after the brown, shoulders drooping once more as the
hatchling walks away from her to the redhaired boy.
Jalen does not realize the brown looking at his back and when he turns to find
Aaron having Impressed him, he looks him in the eye.
Torlana watches both browns excitedly
Ethan bounces almost visibly on the sands, his feet getting hot. He calmly
watches over the browns that keep searching through his area; a small sigh
escapes his lips.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling suddenly trumpets in joy, rushing through the
Candidates gathered near to him towards someone else.
Brenon sighs and stands next to Shala, patting her shoulder. He scans for
anymore eggs at all, and, finding few, steps back a step, an unreadable
expression on his face.
Sagacious Eccentric Brown Fledgling cocks his head, as if listening to the
young man before him. The next note uttered is a bit sad, and he turns away.
Kershala smiles up to Brenon unhappily, and her eyes drop to the ground.
Jalen watches both browns, which is quite hard since the are moving around so
Sayra puts one arm around Kershala's shoulder, watching the remaining eggs and
Alea smiles over Gwirith's head at Mikel, no M'kel!
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling creels as if in distress and then begins to
croon madly, butting against a Candidate - his Candidate - urging him to
stop his melancholy.
Ethan wipes his sweaty palms on his dusty robe, her eyes flying from each
hatchling, a bit of sadness on his face as he notice the decrease in eggs.
The shadow shifts, turns. Quiet for a moment, the silence builds within.
Silver turns to black, darkening as it begins to rupture.
Writhing Mystery Brown Fledgling gazes into Brenon's eyes.
The echoes of hoofbeats: a runner in full gallop explode from within the shell
of this Silver's Shadow.
Aaron scuffs his feet in the sand a bit, growing increasingly pensive as the
remaining dragonets skitter nearby. Aaron runs his fingers through his hair.
Illuminated by the warm glow of midnight fire, this fledgling's lustrous blue
hide appears alive and vibrant; ember-red eyes the measure of the heat that
fuels his burning inner need. Talon and tooth complement perfectly,
yellowed ivory, flawless and untouched. Wings spread out, rich with
undertones of light and flush with boiling ichor, revealing a build that is
impeccable, proportions articulately designed and exquisitely rendered.
Minimal movement and sound give the impression of a character already
defined by an air of true authority and tranquillity which serve to paint a
compelling, potent portrait.
Zinadre blinks, eyes torn from browns, fellow candidates to stare at the
Silver's Shadow egg as it hatches.
Sagacious Eccentric Brown Fledgling looks about, seemlingly expecting someone
to be there. Missing. He rears again, wings flared open as he lets out and
exasperrated trill of accusation. Another sandstorm washes over the
remaining candidates.
Marjon pats his fellow Starsmith's shoulder in silent congratulations.
Kershala ducks and buries her face in her arms as the sand sweeps across her.
Jalen closes his eyes, and can't help but coughing as the dust rolls over him.
Ethan cringes, getting hit with more sand, he sighs and wipes the cumbersome
grains off his face and eyes. He looks back up, his face calm and a bit
sad. Watching more Impressions.
Sayra looks surprised as the brown comes so close, then sees him butting
against Brenon, who stands on the other side of Kershala. She grins over at
Kershala coughs violently and rubs at her eyes, hardly able to see.
Brenon falls to his knees, entire face expanding with indescribable joy. He
utters, first quietly, then with more vigor, "Deloth... Deloth! His name is
Deloth!" By now, tears run down his face.
Aaron's abstraction edges back into his vision, unfocusing slightly to take in
the dragonets nearby. Carefully, he steps out of the little despression his
feet have created and makes a gesture as if he were stuffing his hands in
his pockets. Except he hasn't got pockets.
Tranquillity's Quintessence Blue Fledgling tumbles out of his egg, a ball of
blue. He rights himself, shrugging off sand and debris as his eyes get
thier first look at his new world.
Torlana shuffels aroubd a bit in the hot sand, never taking her eyes bron the
Marjon looks over at his fellow starsmith, a look of sad pride spreading over
his face.
Kershala grins up and Brenon, eyes still watering badly. She glances toward
the blur of blue as a hatchling tumbles out, then looks down again a the
ground, shuffling her feet to cool them.
Sagacious Eccentric Brown Fledgling settles. Again. Sitting back, he
contemplates his position. Near him, three women. Two men. One is his. Lid
by lid, his eyes close.
Torlana stares at the blue," He's beautiful."
Ethan blinks, getting dust and sand from his eyes, he smiles a bit at the new
blue before rubbing his eyes. He looks up and smiles to the new joined
Impressions. He looks a bit sad, but sticks his chin out and looks a bit
Jalen has totally ignored the heat on his feet in exchange for his full
attention on both the blue on brown.
Merinth's golden tail twines casually with that of Taloth's as the last
remaining hatchlings emerge from their shells.
Zinadre studies the blue who's tumbled from her favorite egg carefully,
tilting her head as she inspects the fledgling from across the sands.
Shaking a foot, she murmurs faintly to Aaron, "Look at that one.."
Sayra nods in agreement with Torlana. One arm still around Kershala's
shoulders, she looks over at Marjon, seeing the expression on his face. She
quirks an eyebrow questioningly.
Brenon cradles the brown head in his arms, saying quietly, "Yes.. of course!
Food.. yes, right over here.... oh, so am I!" he stands, slowly helping his
new lifemate off to the side.
Kershala looks up and nearly jumps back at the sight of the brown, so close.
Her fingers entwine themselves in her robe again.
Aaron ends up, one way or another, watching the Sagacious brown as it plunks
down on the sand. Almost oblivious to the candidates near him, he purses
his lips.
Alea whispers quietly to Gwirith, "Food....soon....beautiful."
Tranquillity's Quintessence Blue Fledgling lifts his head to the dragon ledges
and belts out a loud bugle. He waits, watching with curiosity for any signs
of reaction. However, his attention-span is short and he begins to move far
before it comes.
Marjon turns his attention back to the eggs and fledglings.
Celie crooks a finger at Alea and her lifemate, motioning with the other hand
to the meat bins.
Kershala winces at the blue's bugle, but her eyes remain fixed to the still
brown shape before her.
Jalen watches the brown sitting in the sand, and his attention is caught by
the blue's bugle. He returns to watching the beautiful brown.
Ethan winces a little, rubbing his ears before raising a brow at the loud
blue. He crosses his arms again, trying to keep a proud stature.
Sayra watches the blue and the brown, a faint look of hope on her face.
Alea whispers to Gwirith and points to Celie. "Over there, dearone."
Sagacious Eccentric Brown Fledgling stops short, staring at a particular
woman. He moves closer, looking at her thoroughly before closing his eyes
again. His hide shimmies as he lifts, shadowing her with his bulk. His
wings open as if to engulf Kershala.
Irina hands out food to the newly arriving hatchlings.
Torlana smiles at the blues Bugle,
Kershala stares at the brown uncomprehendingly. "Oh...."
Zinadre startles at the loud sound from such a quiet-looking dragonet, eyes
still fixed upon the young blue as if she'd forgotten the other dragonets;
she murmurs, despite Aaron's inattention to her, "Wonder where he's going,"
and shakes the other foot.
Sayra removes her arm from Kershala's shoulder, grinning widely.
Tranquillity's Quintessence Blue Fledgling grounds to a screeching halt,
lifting up and flapping his wings furiously as he answers the call of
several dragons around him.
Kershala says "Oh, oh, oh...." Ker stumbles forward a little. "You..."
Marjon slowly closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He stands there, eyes
Sagacious Eccentric Brown Fledgling gazes into Kershala's eyes.
Sayra moves over to Marjon and reaches out to take his hand. "You ok ?"
Jalen watches the blue, with a smile on his lips.
Marjon opens his eyes and gazes at Sayra.
Kershala sets a hand on a brown wing and stares into the hatchling's eyes.
"Cirdanth..." she breathes, then shouts, "Cirdanth! His name is Cirdanth!"
Torlana doesn't take her eyes from the blue
Aaron glances over his shoulder at Zinadre helplessly, shrugging faintly,
steel eyes returning to the sands wistfully.
Ethan lets out a long sigh. He tries to keep a solid face, but it starts to
get a sullen look.
Tranquillity's Quintessence Blue Fledgling quite suddenly bursts down the line
of candidates, eyes glued to one in particular. Knocking white-robed
hopefuls this way and that, he plunders through.
Zinadre flashes the faintest grin at Aaron, hopping up and down from either
heat or nervousness. She nearly giggles, though it's very quiet, "He's
terribly loud.." She winces as a girl she knows gets knocked about.
Kershala wraps her arms around the brown for a moment, trembling, then inches
off the sands with him, eyes bright with near-shed tears.
Sayra can't seem to peel her gaze away from the blue.
Jalen watches the blue come charing down the line.
Irina quickly hands out meat for ravenous mouths and oil for itchy new hides.
Ethan keeps his amrs crossed, rocking a bit, his somber face watches the blue
wander around for someone.
Kaeya takes the oil, applying it to Narsilth with tender love.
Torlana watches the blue closely.
Aaron, the essential white-robed hopeful, is fortunate in that he hasn't been
knocked aside yet. First time for everything. Aaron watches the blue
dragonet blunder, slightly detached.
Tranquillity's Quintessence Blue Fledgling stops with a spray of sand. Sayra.
She stands before him, just the right way. Just the right one.
Sayra stares at the blue.
Alea gratefully takes the meat and offers it to Gwirith, who accepts
B'non looks up from Deloth's opalescent pools to see Shala. He beams, and his
eyes unfocus. "Yes... itch? THere's oil right here, and meat..." he
mumbles, retriving necessities for his new partner.
Tranquillity's Quintessence Blue Fledgling gazes into Sayra's eyes.
Kershala glances away from Cirdanth, just barely able, in time to see Sayra
Impress. Then her eyes drift back to Cirdanth's in utmost awe.
Celie weaves her way between the new lifemates, offering food, oil and warm
smiles as appropriate.
Sayra drops to her knees, throwing her arms around the slightly damp blue. She
looks up, cheeks wet. "His name is Vilyath !"
M'kel smiles as he watches Imrath devour the proferred meat, "Yes... there is
Kaeya laughs softly, "yes ma'am" she says to the green before her, oiling
where demanded.
Jalen watches the last one Impress. The last one.
Kershala grins up at Celie and holds up the meat to Cirdanth. He takes it
gently from her hands. "More? More... yes..."
Irina walks the crowd of new pairs with a bowl of meat almost too big for her,
an oil jug in her other hand.
Marjon steps back, allowing Sayra room for her new lifemate.
Torlana calls over to all her friends who IMpressed," Congrats
Celie nods, watching. "Not too much, now. Don't want to overfeed him."
J'rell smiles at Shandra, looking pleased.
R'tar looks much releived, caressing Taloth's muzzle as the large bronze
snakes his head over the rider's shoulder. Still holding Tilani's hand, he
smiles at the Weyrwoman.
Sayra staggers to her feet, one arm around Vilyath. She gently leads him
towards the others, Murmuring "And that's Alea, and yes... food ! Oh, of
Zinadre grins faintly in Sayra's direction, giving another glance to that blue
before turning to smile sheepishly at Aaron.
J'rell walks over to Tilani and R'tar. "A fine bunch you've given us."
Alea smiles and takes some of the oil from Celie as Gwirith declares she has a
terrible itch!
Aaron backpedals slightly, inclining his head toward Zinadre softly.
J'rell says "Congratulations."
Quietly and without fanfare the last dragon finds his mate and the chaos of
the Hatching turns to the creels and crys of hungry hatchlings.
T'vor looks very pleased with the clutch and the Impressions, he smiles
towards R'tar and Tilani.
B'non is holding out meat to Deloth with one hand while massaging some oil
into his back. You can read the relief on both faces, which suddenly looks
R'tar smiles, proudly. "Thank you, Sir. They really were, weren't they." It is
a statement, more than a question.
J'rell nods, smiling.
M'kel beams at J'rell, "I still can't believe it."
Sayra casts one glance back at the other Candidates, then her attentio is
fully absorbed by her blue. She nears the bins of meat and carefully starts
feeding Vilyath.
Kershala giggles at Alea, then blinks up at Cirdanth. "You do too? All right,
all right." She scoops up some of the oil and begins smearing it onto the
brown's hide with trembling hands. He leans down to nuzzle her softly, and
she smiles up at him shakily.
Shandra looks around, "It's over already... praise Faranth, I can use a glass
of wine."
T'vor turns towards the new weyrlings, and smiles, "Congratulations to all of
J'rell grins and hands Shandra the wineskin he's been hiding.
Marjon looks wistfully after Sayra and turns slowly away.
B'rin strokes Orith's eyeridges fondly, the brown already has his hunger
sated, since he's had more time to eat his fill than the most recent
Kaeya beams at T'vor. "Thanks!"
Kershala grins up at T'vor, still with a touch of incredulity. "Thank you!"
Shandra steps forward to address the Candidates, "I am sorry for all of you
whose dragons did not hatch today, but as I'm sure you're aware... many
fine riders.." she grins and J'rell and takes the sking, "Stood multiple
times. You're more than welcome to stay as part of the Weyr for as long as
you like."
Alea looks over at J'rell and Shandra, "Isn't she beautiful!"
Torlana turns to Marjon," I'll walk with ya back
Torlana says " Thanks Shandra"
Shandra says "And, we have a celebration - to which I invite everyone."
Merinth wastes little time, springing to the air and out into the bowl to feed.
J'rell says "I stood twice myself. So don't lose heart."
Merinth wings up from the sands and out the tunnel into the air of the Bowl.
Shandra comments in a louder voice for the last, to include the benches and
the ledges.
Kershala places her hands on either side of Cirdanth's muzzle and lays her
cheek against it, eyes shut. "Yes..." she whispers. "We'll fly, we will."
Deloth's hunger is abating quickly now, and B'non leans back against a wall,
cradling the brown's head in his lap and stroking his eyeridges.
Sayra looks up from feeding Vilyath. She spots Marjon, and frowns slightly.
She then grins, as the blue buts imperiously against her legs.
Celie chuckles. "Not today, you won't."
Kershala blinks open her eyes and grins. "No. He heard me, though. He
remembered me singing to him."
Ethan sighs deeply.
Alea's eyes unfocus. "She says she's excited!"
Torlana calles to the Weyrlings," COngrats!
Celie grins. "She should be. Today's her Turnday!"
Zinadre blinks around, baffled. "It's hot.. how do we get out of here?"
Shandra says "The Stands is the fastest way."
M'kel walks slowly around his lifemate, Imrath following his every move with
big jeweled eyes, "I'm just making sure you're perfect is all."
Alea smiles at Celie. "Oh! Your right!"
Kershala glances up at Cirdanth and shakes her head, unbelieving joy in her
eyes. "Yes, I know. I know."
B'non raises his eyes to the dragonless ones out on the sands, and frowns for
the first time. They don't even know.. they couldn't....
Aaron nods to Zinadre, meekly, looking around for the way the came in,
but--Ah. There's the polite invitation to the way out.
Alea climbs up into the Stands.
Ethan is no longer listening.
Shandra steps back and leans against the wall, craddling her wine, "Although
suddenly I'm not in such a rush."
Kaeya helps Narsilth to a better spot.
Kershala helps Cirdanth to a better spot.
T'vor excuses himself.
T'vor climbs up into the Stands.
Torlana climbs up into the Stands.
B'non helps Deloth to a better spot.
J'rell follows Shandra, "That wineskin was for both of us, you know :)"
Jalen climbs up into the Stands.
Aaron climbs up into the Stands.
B'rin helps Orith to a better spot.
Irina clears her throat loudly. "Weyrlings, please come with me to the
barracks. There's more food there, and oil, and everything else you'll
Marjon climbs up into the Stands.
Shandra steps back, mock-defensively, a gleam in her eye as she says, "Well,
gee, isn't it enough to share Igen's moment of glory?"
Zinadre climbs up into the Stands.
Sayra helps Vilyath to a better spot.
M'kel nods to Irina and helps his hatchling off the sands.
Kershala sets a hand on Cirdanth's wing and follows Irina, chuckling now and
then as the brown makes some comment or another.
Irina walks out to the barracks.
Alea blushes.
Celie chuckles.
Alea helps Gwirith to a better spot.
Celie nods approvingly. "Let's go, Weyrling."
Celie climbs up into the Stands.
J'rell chuckles, "Nope."
Taloth looks up. Opens his wings and follows his mate.
Taloth flies up from the sands.
Shandra says "Well, I think I've had sufficient wine to head to the living
cavern... care to join me, either of you?"
J'rell smiles. "Sure. I'll be along."
Shandra says "Good, you can get yourself another skin of wine."
J'rell grins.
Shandra chuckles and climbs up into the stands.
Shandra climbs up into the Stands.
J'rell climbs up into the Stands.
R'tar slips into the small opening in the southern wall.
You slip down a long narrow passageway, eventually emerging into...

Candidates' Barracks(#309RAJ)
Ethan's Hammock
NEW Candidate Information
Aaron's Cot
Brenon 's Cot(#12626Le)
Mikel's Cot
Obvious exits:
Secret Passage Inner Caverns
You wend your way out to the Inner Caverns.

Inner Caverns(#310RAJ)
Obvious exits:
HeadWoman Living Cavern Weyr Staff Residents' Hall NUrsery Candidates
You amble out into the Weyr's Living Caverns.

Igen Weyr Living Cavern(#600RJMQ)
Obvious exits:
Bowl STairs Records Room INFirmary Kitchen Inner Caverns
R'tar ambles out from the inner caverns.
Triks wings through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Shandra waves to T'vor and grins at Jaela.
T'vor smiles at Shandra, and has a seat.
T'vor sits down at the table by the hearth.
Kyrenda brightens. "Maybe so. I'll ask her. It'd make a good Weyrling chore, I
Jaela smiles and waves to Shandra, "Hi Shandra....oh my. Weyrlings...."
J'rell grins. "Now maybe things will settle down a bit here."
Shandra looks back and forth between Jaela and J'rell and chuckles, "Those two
concepts seem in compatible... maybe we just haven't factored in the
Diana smiles at everyone
Shandra nods to Diana pleasantly.
Jaela sits down at the table by the hearth.
J'rell grins. "Weyrlings are generally off in their barracks, and not
traipsing through the LC like candidates do."
T'vor waves, somewhat tiredly, but highly relieved.
Kyrenda looks at Rissa with some amusement.
You walk out into the Bowl.

Field outside the Main Entrance
Healers' Herb Garden
Obvious exits:
Guest ledge INFirmary Main Entrance Center of Bowl Feeding Grounds North
R'tar walks out from the Weyr's Living Cavern.
R'tar heads north along the wall of the Bowl.
You head north along the wall of the Bowl, towards the weyrling barracks and
the Hatching grounds.

Weyrling Training Field
Obvious exits:
Igen Weyr Pass WeyrLings Hatching Grounds Center of Bowl West South
You stride into the Weyrling Barracks.

Weyrling Barracks(#1745RAJ)
Mikel's Cot
Obvious exits:
R'tar strides in from the Bowl.
Alea stands up as R'tar and Tilani arrive.
B'rin remembers something about saluting, so, stifling a yawn, stands and
salutes Tilani and R'tar.
Kershala looks up, eyes unfocused, the leaps to attention as R'tar and Tilani
walk in. Cirdanth looks at them startedly, and rumbles a question.
Sayra looks up from she is curled up against Vilyath.
B'non sets Deloth to rights gently.
Tilani shakes her head, "Not tonight. And never in here. This is your place."
R'tar stands back, quietly clasping his hands behind his back.
Kershala grins and glances back at the dragon, whispering, "The lifemates of
your sire and dam, Cirdanth!"
B'rin nods and falls back sleepily against the already slumbering Orith.
B'non dropped B'non's Cot.
Tilani chuckles, "However, before you all drop off to sleep, or run around in
circles screaming, or whatever it is you fancy doing ..."
Tilani pauses dramatically.
Kershala sinks back against Cirdanth, the hatchling curling his tail
posissively around her arm as he croons.
Alea nods and grins at Gwirith. "Yes, dear one."
Sayra blinks sleepily. "Hmmm ?"
Kershala tears her eyes away from Cirdanth's to look at Tilani. "Yes, ma'am?"
Tilani says "We would like to formally welcome you to Igen Weyr."
B'non isn't sure if he's awake, and so does little but listen to Deloth and
B'rin yawns. "Personally, I prefer triangles to circles, but...go on."
Tilani opens a small wooden box she's carrying. "These were comissioned at the
time of the Clutching for this moment."
heading off to bed. *waves to the three other muskateers and igen*
M'kel smiles at Tilani, "Thanks."
Alea giggles and looks at the weyrleaders. "She says Merinth told her to
behave around you and she wants to know what /behave/ means.
B'non snorts, suddenly covering his mouth to supress laughter.
Tilani walks over to Alea. She plucks a gleaming object from the box and
extends it to Alea. "/That/, is for Irina and Celie to drill into you over
the course of the next two turns. Believe me, you'll both know, at the end
of it." -- "Welcome to the desert, Alea."
Tilani hands the ring to Alea.
Alea slides the Fire Rose Ring onto its finger.
Alea smiles and hugs Tilani, Thank you!"
Sayra watches curiously.
Alea steps back, "Er...Ma'am."
R'tar pushes away from the wall, walking over to stand next to his weyrmate.
Gingerly, he reaches over her shoulder, pulling something from the box. He
crosses to Kershala.
Cirdanth tilts his head to regard the gift-giving, then noses Ker again,
warbling imperiously.
Alea looks at the beautiful ring
Kershala nods to Cirdanth. "Lovely..." She looks back as R'tar walks over to
Kaeya's eyes peel open, looking up at everyone from her sleeping position next
to Narsilth.
B'rin half-dozes, leaning against Orith.
Alea shows the ring to Gwirith. "It reminds me of your egg, dear one."
R'tar's lips flicker in a grin that deceives the seriousness of the moment. He
moves around Cirdanth to stand in front of the new weyrling. "Kershala," he
says. "Welcome to Igen. And Congratulations."
B'non sits up, more awake now, he smiles at the gift-giving. Deloth shows
interest, too, regarding the older riders curiously.
R'tar slides the Moonless Bourn Ring off its finger.
Kershala slides the Moonless Bourn Ring onto its finger.
Tilani nods to Alea, "They were modeled after the eggs from which your
weyrmates hatched." She moves to the next.
Tilani states, "B'rin."
Kershala fingers the moonless ring with a sigh, then grins up at R'tar. "It's
so beautiful." Cirdanth snuffles at the ring and looks at Ker questiongly.
Gwirith looks at the /little/ ring on Alea's finger.
Kershala chuckles and nods. "Beautiful, darling. Just like you..."
Cirdanth whuffs, blowing Ker's hair around. She grins and bats at him
R'tar nods, reaching out to hold Kershala's hand, bringing it closer to him.
"It really is beautiful."
Gwirith's whirling eyes slowly close as Alea scritches her eye ridges.
Narsilth nudges Kaeya again, and she mumbles, sitting upright, her hand
straying to her lifemate. She laughs, "yes, I see that.."
Sayra scritches Vilyath, grinning.
Kershala lifts an arm as Cirdanth noses under it. She smiles up at R'tar.
"It's perfect..."
M'kel leans against Imrath, stroking his hide absently as he watches the
others receive their awards.
Alea snuggles up against Gwirith, unwilling to go as far as her cot.
Cirdanth looks disgusted at his lack of attention. Ker blinks and turns to hug
him. "Oh, stop. I'm your forever, and you know it."
Deloth croons a question to B'non, and B'non leans back. "Of course...
they;ll learn with us! Isn't it wonderful?" he decides against sharing
the comment amidst the impromptu ceremony.
R'tar steps over a sleepy dragon's tail, he moves to Kaeya and Narsilth. He
stops, reaching a hand up to massage his temple. "The ring." He turns to
Tilani and retrieves it, moving back to Kaeya.
Kaeya smiles brightly, if a bit foggily, watching R'tar move about.
R'tar smiles sheepishly. "Your ring."
Alea smiles over at M'kel.
R'tar slides the Fiery Twilight Ring off its finger.
Kaeya slides the Fiery Twilight Ring onto its finger.
R'tar says "Welcome to Igen. Both of you."
Kaeya grins, "My deepest thanks, sir."
Tilani clears her throat, "B'rin."
Narsilth warbles deeply at R'tar, peering at Kaeya's SMALL hand.
Gwirith raises a sleepy eyelid at Narsilth's warbling.
B'rin's head lolls back against Orith's hide, he's practically dead to the
Kaeya yawns agains, barely covering her mouth, and giggles, "Yes, I'll sleep
with you now.." She laughs softly, settling down again, murmuring, "My
R'tar says "He seems more than asleep, love. Perhaps you ought to simply leave
it with him."
Tilani nods to her weyrmate, and quietly slips B'rin's ring on his hand.
B'rin slides the Mines of Imagination Ring onto its finger.
R'tar reaches up and gently caresses Narsilth's eyeridge, before moving o.
Deloth nudges B'non's hand when it falters skritching, B'non being all but
B'rin wakes with a start at Tilani's touch, instinctively grasping her wrist
in a defensive reflex. "Oh shards," he murmurs, hastily letting go. "Sorry,
weyrwoman..." he mutters sheepishly.
Narsilth crooooonnnss at R'tar, sleepily yet content.
Cirdanth nuzzles at Ker, whose eyes are beginning to drift shut. She giggles
sleepily. "You can sleep too, yes. No, we can't fly yet, you'll have to
wait a while. Yes, I /know/ I said we could, I didn't say now."
Tilani smiles gently down to B'rin. A quiet alto, "Welcome, B'rin."
Tilani steps over to B'non. "This seems to be a common condition."
B'rin looks down at the ring, studying it for a long while, murmurs a near
inaudible "many thanks..." and goes back to sleep.
Alea murmurs to Gwirith. "Yes, we'll fly too, but not just yet."
R'tar chuckles, stepping to another sleeping weyrling.
B'non's eyes snap opem, he is determined to be awake at his own congrats
ceremony. "Tilani..." He is really struggling, you can tel....
Tilani says "Welcome to Igen, B'non. And welcome Deloth."
B'non slides the Arcana's Tome Ring onto its finger.
R'tar says "And this one is for you, Sayra. Welcome to the desert."
R'tar slides the Silver Shadow Ring off its finger.
Sayra slides the Silver Shadow Ring onto its finger.
Sayra grins sleepily. "You know.. I thought Vilyath's egg would be a bronze,
but it was my favorite egg, anyway..."
B'non nods, luckily returning to its former upright position. "Thank you so
much. And Deloth thanks you, too. He says the couches are quite
comfortable." He chuckles.
R'tar smiles, "Mine, too. Truth be told."
R'tar says "But don't tell anyone. I'd hate to be known as one who plays
R'tar glances up, a curious expression on his face, then back to Sayra, "As
would Taloth."
Alea smiles. "There was just something about her shell....She smiles up
lovingly at Gwirith.
Kershala nods to Sayra, still trailing her fingers along Cirdanth's hide. "So
did I. It was a lovely egg. And Vilyath is lovelier still." Cirdanth whuffs, and Ker grins. "Yes, love. Yes."
Sayra grins. "Thank you Tilani, R'tar. And thank Merinth and Taloth for me too..."
Kershala nods. "For me as well. Tell Merinth she's hatched the most beautiful
hatchlings I've ever seen..."
Tilani finally moves over to M'kel, with her last ring. "Imrath, M'kel. This
is for you."
M'kel slides the August Forest Ring onto its finger.
Tilani says "Welcome."
Kershala lifts her hand as the hatchling brown nuzzles at it. "That was like your shell, yes."
Tilani looks over to Sayra and Kershala. She smiles, "I will. I will. Thank you."
M'kel bows his head, "Thank you so much. It's strange being welcomed into
you're own home, but thanks anyways."
Tilani says "It's a new home, now."
Tilani says "An entirely new home."
Alea nods at Mikel.
Sayra flails outward, trying to reach M'kel and poke him, but he's too far
away. "Becuase it's a new /life/..."
B'non lays back, his hair whuffled by a final sigh from Deloth before both
drift hopelessly off to sleep.
M'kel smiles and loops his arm around Imrath's neck, "And we're never leaving."

---------------------LOG ENDS - STATISTICS----------------
Original file (MerinthTalothHatching): 2427 lines
This file (MerinthTalothHatching.log): 1958 lines
Player Statistics:
Aaron 34
Alea 63
B'non 21
B'rin 13
Berin 19
Brenon 40
Celie 23
Cirdanth 6
Darkling 4
Deloth 3
Diana 2
Ethan 48
Gwirith 4
Imrath 2
Irina 17
J'rell 25
Jaela 3
Jalen 56
Kaeya 34
Kershala 97
M'kel 11
Marjon 38
Merinth 5
Mikel 26
Narai 11
Narsilth 5
Orith 2
Pilut 3
R'tar 48
Sayra 69
Shandra 30
T'vor 30
T'vor's 1
Taloth 5
Tilani 25
Torlana 51
Triks 6
Vilyath 2
You 24
Zinadre 39