Tiamanth's First Clutch
Benden Weyr
April, 1993
- Benden Weyr Leaders
Krystlin - Senior
Weyrwoman, Gold Tiamanth (Dam)
D'vin - Weyrleader, Bronze
Kedranth (Sire)
R'till - Weyrlingmaster,
Blue Brandalth
- The Candidates:
Candidates Barracks
This room is quite large, and contains neat rows of cots. On each cot is a pillow and a sleeping fur; at the foot of each cot is a small press for personal belongings. The candidates live here before they Impress; the lifestyle is spartan, but not at all
uncomfortable. An archway leads out to the banistered ledge in the Inner Cavern of Benden Weyr.
White robes of all sizes hang from the pegs on the wall.
Krystlin says "Lets move into the Waiting room."
Telefian goes to the Waiting Room.
Waiting Room
A rather plain room with few furnishings. This is where the Candidates gather before a Hatching and where the new Weyrlings come after they Impress. On the day of a Hatching a vat of fresh meat is found in this room, as is a vat of oil. A bar along one wa
ll holds several white Candidate robes of all shapes and sizes.
Obvious exits:
The other candidates and Weyrfolk come into the Waiting Room.
Deyaan says "Everyone know who they follow?"
Kildas releases Milady, who flies off to land nearby.
Krystlin gently settles Milady on her shoulder.
Telefian nods to Deyaan.
Krystlin says "Again, remember this is all for fun. And hopefully things will run smoothly."
R'till says "I'll follow the last Candidate."
Zane smiles at the Weyrwoman.
Tudah oopses and brings the list here
Zane says "that's me, R'till. I'm last."
Kildas says "I will remain in here for them, R'til.."
Faramir stands back and leans on a wall.
Telefian grins to Tudah and moves over next to Jalyn. "Group hug... :)"
Sorna says "Where's Teshla, then?"
Deyaan gives everyone a hug. "Luck, all!"
Krystlin says "Any last minute questions?"
Ilura hugs you all.. "good luck and best wishes.."
Fanord shakes his head, no.
Telefian hugs everyone. "Good luck all," he says and then moves behind Tudah.
Krystlin nods.
Jalyn says "Good luck, my friends..."
Deyaan walks over to Faramir and gives him a slow hug.
Zane says "Teshla. You can go out before me. I'll follow you."
Fanord hugs everyone..."May we EACH get the dragon best for us!"
Deyaan walks behind Kelli.
Teshla quietly wishes everyone the best of luck.
Jalyn smiles, and wipes those annoying damn tears out of his eyes.
D'vin nods. Right soon now.
R'till says "Luck all. I look forward to working with nine of you."
Artemas says "Everyone, good luck."
Sorna moves up behind Faramir, in font of Artemas.
Teshla says "Alright Zane...who was supposed to go before you?"
Faramir smiles and hugs Deyaan, lifting her a little of the ground.
Kelligrien moves behing Telefian, dragging Deyaan with her
Deyaan grins and pokes Kelli.
Ilura moves in front of Fanord and hugs him
Fanord places himself behind Ilura.
Jalyn stands behind Fanord.
Teshla nods, checking her place and moving into place
Faramir lines up with the rest, after Deyaan, in front of Sorna. He stands quietly, looking down at his feet.
Finn steps behind Jalyn...
Deyaan runs fingers over Faramir's cheek, and smiles.
Zane smiles happily.
Jalyn turns around to look at Finn behind him. "Good luck, dude. Master Nigel sends his luck..."
Faramir looks up at her touch and smiles slightly.
Krystlin takes a deep breath and steps out to the sands.
Sorna reaches over to squeeze Teshla's hand.
D'vin takes a deep breath and steps out to the sands.
Jalyn gets a bit jumpy...
Deyaan says "Give a 2 or 3 second pause, and walk out in order...sound good?"
Kildas leans against the cool stone, half smiling.
Deyaan grips the sides of her robes, and looks over to the Sands...
Finn starts looking rather nervous....and looks out to the sand....
Faramir shakes his hands at his sides and bobbles a little on his toes nervously.
Kildas says "Be patient..tis almost curtain time.."
Sorna waits, staring at Faramir's back.
Teshla fiddles with a loose string on the side of her robe, tugging idly at it while she waits.
Jalyn says "That's what I mean, Kelli. I'm emitting a general bow to the dragons, the Weyrleaders, and honored guests..."
Deyaan nods to Kildas.
Kelligrien leans her head on Telefian's shoulder
Faramir reaches a hand behind him and squeezes Sorna's hands.
Kildas says "The eggs are moving, almost time.."
Deyaan is much calmer now.
Teshla keeps her eyes on the doorway, waiting patiently.
Tudah got his energy out terrorizing Salless and Merla earlier.
Kildas says "Ok, first candidate out, NOW!"
Tudah takes a deep breath and steps out to the sands.
Jalyn sucks in breath...
Faramir says "Luck."
Kildas says "Next"
Telefian takes a deep breath and steps out to the sands.
Kelligrien takes a deep breath and steps out to the sands.
Jalyn says "Deyaan..."
Teshla gives herself a little shake to loosen up, then waits behind Finn
Deyaan takes a deep breath and steps out to the sands.
Faramir takes a deep breath and steps out to the sands.
Hatching Sands
You stand in the center of Benden's largest cavern, the Hatching Grounds. The ceiling is incredibly high, and the cavern itself is several hundred feet wide and thousands of feet long. Most of the eastern wall is taken up by the galleries, rows of tiers c
apable of seating several hundred spectators. Cut high into the walls are ledges for dragons and their riders. The mound of sand for clutches is to the north; the tunnels to the Bowl are south.
The sands underfoot are sizzling hot.
Wispy Blue Egg
Sunburst Orange Egg
Faded Rose Egg
Twilight Violet Egg
Scorched Off-White Egg
Creamy Golden Egg
Faint Peach Egg
Whirled Sea Green Egg
Turquoise Blue Egg
Telefian stands next to Tudah after nodding to the weyrleaders.
Sorna comes out of the Waiting Room.
Artemas comes out of the Waiting Room.
Ilura comes out of the Waiting Room.
Fanord comes out of the Waiting Room.
Kelligrien follows, and stands next to Telefian, her eyes strong and concentrated
Jalyn has arrived.
Krystlin smiles, nodding to the Candidates and watching them thoughtfully. Tiamanth hummmmms brightly, watching the eggs.
Fanord moves to the right of Ilura, keeping his eyes on the eggs.
Teshla comes out of the Waiting Room.
Finn comes out of the Waiting Room.
The Turquoise Blue Egg hops to one side.
Zane comes out of the Waiting Room.
R'till comes out of the Waiting Room.
Deyaan settles into one place and her eyes watch the moving eggs quietly.
The Candidates bow to Tiamanth and Kedranth, to Weyrwoman Krystlin and Weyrleader D'vin, and then settle themselves into a loose semi-circle around the eggs...
Sorna stands, hands loosely at her sides, watching the eggs.
R'till bows and stands back a few steps.
D'vin nods approvingly.
Zane adjusts his robe, and lets his eyes sweep over the eggs. He smiles happily.
Artemas shifts his feet to avoid getting burnt by the hot sands.
Jalyn smoothes his robe as he shifts his weight from foot to foot...
The Turquoise Blue Egg jerks to one side a little.
Finn fidgets, adjusting his robe, and such, eyes running over the eggs.
The Faded Rose Egg rolls halfway over.
Sunburst Orange Egg twists and spins suddenly, making sand fly.
Teshla keeps her hands at her sides, chin up as she watches the eggs with a quiet smiles.
Deyaan watches the eggs quietly, her hands curling in the robes.
Tudah closes his eyes briefly, feeling the dragons resounding hummmm fill him.
Sunburst Orange Egg rolls over on its side.
Fanord shields his face from the flying sand with his hands, but continue to watch the eggs as best he can.
The Wispy Blue Egg rolls halfway over.
Deyaan flicks a gaze over to Tiamanth, listening.
Tiamanth's tail lashes slightly, and she hums louder, eyes whirling green and blue.
Zane watches each egg in awe.
Sunburst Orange Egg bounces into the egg next to it.
Faramir bites nervously on his lower lip and runs damp hands against the sides of his robe.
Zane bows his head to the Golden Queen, then shifts his weigt to again, watch the eggs.
Kelligrien closes her eyes as her nervous lids flutter, and as she opens them, you can see the strength is back. She watches the eggs intently
Jalyn breathes heavier, and his eyes widen as the eggs rock in front of the Candidates. He turns and smiles to all of the Candidates.
Cracks run down the side of the Sunburst Orange Egg.
Deyaan's eyes widen visibly as she sights the cracks.
Bits of shell fall off as the hatchling pecks its way out of the Sunburst Orange Egg.
The Turquoise Blue Egg shudders once.
Fanord hops back as the first egg opens.
Kelligrien takes a deep breath...
Silky Pale Blue Hatchling has arrived.
Sunburst Orange Egg falls to pieces as a Silky Pale Blue Hatchling spills onto the sands.
The pale, pale blue color reminds you of the bleached shell of an avian's egg. His damp hide only slightly reflects the light of the glows, as he spills out of his egg, and you just -know- it must be silky smooth to the touch. He pushes himself to his fee
t and shakes the sand off his body. His eyes whirl quickly, a mixture of red and blue, as he looks over the assembly before him. He creels loudly and makes his way smoothly towards the Candidates.
Artemas watches the egg, hoping his dragonet will appear.
Ilura stands letting the heat of the sands comfort her as the first dragon is hatched
Faramir smiles kindly, a bright twinkle in his eyes. He opens his arms slightly in a welcoming gesture to the hatchling.
Silky Pale Blue Hatchling creels!
Jalyn gasps, and stands back a bit to insure the blue more room.
Tudah blinks and hadnt expected them to be so...so...beautiful..
Kelligrien smiles, but steps back from the blue hatchling, toward the galleries, then holds firm.
Sorna's don't leave the blue. She stands transfixed.
Telefian's eyes open brightly and his mouth opens slightly, obviously an exclamation of awe as the silky pale blue hatchling falls from his shell.
Creamy Golden Egg shifts with a slight hissing of sand.
Deyaan's hands clasp in front of her tightly, shifting from foot to foot unconciously as she looks incredulously at the li{tle blue.
Zane sturdies himself, and smiles at the new hatchling. His breathing quickens, and he sings a little melody in his head to keep himself calm.
Kaylenna comes out of the Waiting Room.
Silky Pale Blue Hatchling lumbers clumsily in front of the Candidates, making plenty of noise about it.
Finn watches the young blue dragonet, eyes never leaving him... he centers his thoughts, love, topmost.
Krystlin gestures Kaylenna quickly to the semicircle.
Tudah moves to allow Kaylenns room, welcoming her to the circle.
Kelligrien takes a deep breath, watching with icredulousness as the little lives are born.
Kaylenna steps quickly and quietly onto the sands, next to Zane
Teshla smiles, eyes following the blue's movements. She shifts slightly to resist the discomfort of the heated sands.
Deyaan shifts nimbly from foot too foot, watching intently.
Artemas looks hopefully at the soft young blue.
Telefian smiles in absolute wonder at the marvelous beauty of the blue.
Zane smiles to Keylenna as she arrives.
The Turquoise Blue Egg gives a little hop.
Jalyn looks over in the blue's direction, smiling, his eyes bright...
Ilura feels the Blue's rumbling shake her body... She holds fast and peers in his direction
Kaylenna smiles at Krystlin, and nods, then gets absorbed into the scene before here
You think you notice the Faded Rose Egg slip in the sand a bit.
Fanord focus's his attention on the Turquoise Blue Egg.
Jalyn glances over toward the Faded Rose egg...
The Turquoise Blue Egg shudders once.
Faded Rose Egg rolls away from the other eggs.
Kelligrien steps forward, wanting to steady thee Rose egg, but not sure if its okay...
Tudah breathes deeply, accepting that this night is not a dream, and that he is truly far far from his old life.
Silky Pale Blue Hatchling staggers towards one very tall person in particular to look at him.
Deyaan lifts her chin and her fingers start to relax a bit more as her eyes flick between eggs and Hatchling.
Faded Rose Egg starts to rock steadily as the hatchling inside struggles to get out.
Zane straigtens himself and watches the activity in front of him.
Kaylenna just watches, becoming more entralled
Kelligrien stands tall, leaving it be
Faramir watches the blue with a hopeful light in his eyes.
A large crack runs down the center of the Faded Rose Egg.
The Wispy Blue Egg shudders once.
The Scorched Off-White Egg shudders once.
Faded Rose Egg falls apart as the Hatchling is born.
Jalyn shifts from foot to foot, barely feeling the heat of the Sands beneath him...
Bright Green Hatchling has arrived.
Faded Rose Egg cracks wide open and deposits a Bright Green Hatchling on the sands.
She rolls out of her shards with a bugle! Bright bright green, her hide seems to almost glow from the inside. Large for a Green, she flaps her wings excitedly and tears about the cavern, kicking up sand as she goes. She stops short as she suddenly notices
her hunger and creels loudly! Looking around, she makes a beeline for the Candidates somehow knowing that food lies that way!
Teshla flicks a glance at the rose egg quickly, then turns back to watch the blue as well. She brings her hands forward, twining the fingers together somewhat nervously
Silky Pale Blue Hatchling decides the tall person is perfect!
Telefian watches the handsome blue softly, his eyes alight with joy and hope and a little fear.
Artemas shifts his weight on the hot sands, watching intently.
Finn turns his head slightly, noticing the green... he watches between her and the blue... back and forth.
Deyaan's eyes go *wide* as she sees the bright, shimmering green Hatchling.
Kelligrien gasps, watching the Bright green Hatchling with huge eyes.
Ilura notes the power of these hatchlings, And struggles to remain still as the Green careens around
Silky Pale Blue Hatchling looks deep into Telefian's eyes.
Kaylenna smiles brightly
Jalyn sighs happily as the green comes into the world...
Tudah grins broadly at the green at her energetic arrival.
Telefian smiles with wonder. "He says his name is Meroth!"
Jalyn smiles broadly at Telefian and Meroth.
Kelligrien looks at Telefian, smiling
Tudah smiles at the quick, sure impression happy for his friend.
Telefian shows Meroth the way to the waiting room.
Telefian steps through the arch to the waiting room.
Deyaan looks over to Telefian on the other side of Kelli, and her face goes warm, but then she flicks her gaze back rapidly to the eggs.
Bright Green Hatchling bugles, wings wetly flapping, sending a bit of sand at one green eyed Canddiate.
Kaylenna chuckles at the sand thrower
Artemas watches the dragonets intently, too awed to move.
Tudah moves clower to Kellegrien, tightening the circle, and affords her a brief glance before he once again stares in wonder at the sands...wondering..
Jalyn shields his eyes from flying sand, then looks down to the green, smiling...
Teshla watches the green, trying to avoid any sand coming her way. A quiet chuckle escapes her.
Zane smiles happily for the new pair and turns his attention to the new green. He watches her move following her with his eyes.
Kelligrien half closes her eyes and thinks of love...and warmth...
Sorna looks closely at the beautiful grren, trying to work out what hse wanrts.
Ilura holds steady, but is entranced by the hatchling so she couldn't run anyway
The Turquoise Blue Egg shakes from side to side for a moment.
Bright Green Hatchling turns, moving clumsily along the line of white blobs, her tail knocking into Tudah lightly as she passes him.
Finn turns a tad to watch the candidates and the other eggs, but his eyes always trail back to the lovely green.
Kelligrien gasps as the hatchling comes closer
Tudah steadies himself, stepping back carefully to void injury.
Twilight Violet Egg tilts, and some sand falls away from it.
Sorna stands very still, eyes on the lovely green.
Deyaan watches the shimmering creature approaches, her fingers tightening in her robes again.
The Whirled Sea Green Egg shudders once.
Twilight Violet Egg seems to shudder, then begins to rock.
Zane turns his attention to the purple egg admiring its color.
Artemas looks at the eggs cracking and the appoaching hatchling in total awe.
Twilight Violet Egg twists and falls over onto the other side.
Jalyn wrings his hands, his eyes shimmering, his face bright, smiling down to the green...
Fanord makes sure that he's out of the way of everything, letting the dragons decide wwhere they want to go.
The Creamy Golden Egg shudders once.
Kelligrien interlocks her fingers, taking a deep breath as she watches all the activity...
Kaylenna watches the green's passage around the sands, whilst wiping nervous sweat from her hands
Cracks runs quickly through the shell of the Twilight Violet Egg.
Twilight Violet Egg begins to lose bits as the foreclaw of the dragonette inside breaks through.
Finn fidgets, watching everything.
Twilight Violet Egg falls apart, revealing a Mahogany Brown Hatchling.
Deep colored and deep chested, he moves away from his shards confidently. A loud rumble comes from deep within his chest and he pauses a moment to take in his new surroundings. His hide reflects the light, showing what looks like swirls of red and honey b
rown amongst the deeper, steadier brown that is his hide. He opens his mouth quite suddenly and ROARS a challenge to this new world. He moves slowly, steadily around the Candidates, though his pace picks up a bit towards the end as his hunger exerts itsel
f. He bugles loudly, startling the nearest Candidates.
Jalyn wipes some sweat from his face, and his eyes dart over the cracking eggs. They unerringly return to the Green.
Sorna smiles in the direction of the loud brown.
Bright Green Hatchling BUGLES loudly as she trips before a long black-haired male, burying her snout in the sand.
Deyaan startles at the small *roar* and her head turns to look at the brown Hatchling.
Faramir's mouth breaks in a nervous grin at the brown's challenge.
Artemas looks hopefully to the two hatchlings as he shifts his weight nervously.
Tudah opens his mouth in a silent wow at the brillaint brown.
Finn blinks, turning his head to the brown.. he lets a small smile cross his face, watching in awe, perhaps?
Kelligrien looks at the brown, then turns away, her eyes searching the Green, wanting to help.
Jalyn gasps a bit as the green takes a tumble. He says softly, easy, little one... Don't hurt yourself..."
Ilura's eyes open wide in comfort to The now dirty Green..."there, there"
Fanord's jaw opens wide at the beauty and brashness of the brown.
Bright Green Hatchling shakes her head, snorting, sending sand flying. She looks up, whirlings eyes takig on a bit of blue-green with the red.
Mahogany Brown Hatchling sandstomps over to the woman with the streak in her hair.
Bright Green Hatchling looks deep into Jalyn's eyes.
Kaylenna glances between the brown and green, seeing if the green reacts at all to the brown large entrance to the world
Teshla blinks at the sudden noise of the brown, her gaze sliding toward him while following the progress of the green peripherally
Zane stands tall, and confidently watches the new brown hatchling. He smiles as the fella tests his lungs and follows his movements with his eyes. He catches his breath and continues to sing the melody in his head. His eyes seem to twinkle as he stands in
awe of the wonder before him.
Jalyn drops to his knees... "H-her name is Lorieth!"
Sorna takes one step back as the brown moves so fast.
Artemas watches the brown silently, wondering who will Impress next.
Deyaan looks down into the whirling eyes of the brown, her face still and serene, but with bright eyes, returning the approach with a small nervous smile....
Kelligrien drops her head
Kaylenna smiles at Jalyn at the utterance of another dragonet's name
Jalyn wipes tears from his eyes, and helps the green up...
Artemas steps back from the ferocious brown, out of its way.
Jalyn runs off towards the waiting room with Lorieth to feed the hungry hatchling!
Fanord moves over, to even up the space left by Jalyn.
Jalyn steps through the arch to the waiting room.
Sorna smiles happily at Jalyn and Lorieth.
Finn watches, enthralled, with the brown.
Mahogany Brown Hatchling snurfles at Deyaan, shakes its head, and runs clumsily after the male walking backwards.
The Whirled Sea Green Egg jerks to one side a little.
Faramir looks at Deyaan and the brown in quiet expectation.
Tudah becomes focused, and you can nearly feel the intensity as he drowns out the noises, and takes in the clutch, the sands and the 'now'.
Wispy Blue Egg shudders, moving a bit in the sand.
Artemas looks amazed at the ferocious brown and moves a bit closer, silently.
Deyaan looks up at Jalyn as he departs, then back at the Sea Green egg briefly.
Sorna looks at the brown heading not quite towards her.
Kelligrien looks up at the whirling eggs, her eyes wet, her hands clenched with hope.
Zane continues to follow the brown with his eyes.
Fanord move his head quickly to watch the WIspy Blue Egg.
The Turquoise Blue Egg shudders once.
The Faint Peach Egg gives a little hop.
The Wispy Blue Egg suddenly gives a twitch then lies still on the sands.
Ilura regains control after the two impressions and her eyes connect with the eggs and then to the brown
Teshla glances at Kelligrien, a reassuring smile on her face.
Spinning, the Wispy Blue Egg falls on its side, cracks running through the shell.
Mahogany Brown Hatchling looks curiously at said male, and BUGLES at him!
Deyaan glances up at Tiamanth, and visibly trys to relax.
Tudah looks up to Tiamanth, not sure what to make of the egg, and searching for some sone of distress...
The movements of the Wispy Blue Egg begin to seem almost desperate as its occupant struggles to be born.
Finn shakes his head, clearing his thoughts. He watches, still yet... a slight look of hope on his face.
Tiamanth hums louder, glowing proudly. She warbles softly to the young brown.
Sorna smiles at Artemas next to her, and then turns to watch the rest of the eggs.
Kelligrien takes a deep breath and regains her composure, staring at the eggs intently
The Wispy Blue Egg bursts open in a shower of shards.
Deyaan stares at the smaller egg, in obvious concern.
Artemas looks at the hatchling, trying to meet its eyes.
Wispy Blue Egg bursts apart as a Silent Pine Green Hatchling forces her way out of the shell.
This small Green tumbles out of her egg after giving one last, mighty shove at its restraining walls. She gathers herself up and shakes the sand off her wings. Her mouth opens, as if to let out a creel, but no sound follows. Her hide is a deep pine green,
the underside being a bit lighter in color. Wings almost too large for her body unfold and flap wetly. She looks around, her eyes whirling red with hunger and distress at the unfamiliar place she's been thrust into.
Tudah looks relieved and kneels, egging the Wispy Blue Eggs conteon...
Kaylenna smiles at the emergance of the hatchiling
Faramir expells a held breath as the Wispy Blue's hatching emerges.
Mahogany Brown Hatchling looks deep into Artemas's eyes.
A look of concern crosses Sorna's face at the green with no voice.
Kelligrien's eyes widen again as she sees the green hatchling be born
Tudah sighs relief and stands, smiling back to the others.
Artemas kneels to the ground, amazed. "He says his name is Roriath!
Silent Pine Green Hatchling stumbles back away from the sudden noise, her jaw working for a few moments before snapping shut.
Zane shifts a little, on the far end of the semi-circle. His eyes still watching the brown...he glances to the green..and then back to the male again.
Ilura looks silently at the Pine Green, Ilura's mouth is also open, but she is too focus's with awe to speak
Fanord, The pressure of all Pern's eyes on him, and the Heat of the sand getting to him, finds every bit of strength he has left to hold himself perfectly still. His face, locked in an expression of 2 pars determination, 2 parts hope, and 3 parts love, lo
oks up at the little Silent Pine Green Hatchling.
Kelligrien wonders why she is mute and if there is anything she can do....
Finn watches the green, quietly...
Teshla shifts noticably, her hands dropping back to her sides as she watches the green emerge. She tries to keep a quiet way about her as she watches the new hatchling
Kaylenna looks with concern at the silent green but with impression that little one will not always be silent to its partner
The Scorched Off-White Egg hops to one side.
Artemas sets off with Roriath to the waiting room, and food.
Zane smiles for the new pair, and turns his attention to the young female, and the rest of the eggs.
Artemas smiles happily and heads towards the waiting room.
Tudah intent on the clutch, fails to notice the latest pairing, and encourages the green to find herself.
Ilura steps over, her first movement, to fill in Artemas's space
The Turquoise Blue Egg twitches slightly.
Silent Pine Green Hatchling narrows her many lids for a moment, then surges forwards across the sands, lurching slightly. Her wings, almost over large, drag wetly in the sand.
Kelligrien stares at the green hatchling, her eyes filled with compassion and love
Deyaan watches the smaller green, and a gentle smile mingles with relief as she sees her moving with determination.
Finn watches the green, concerned.. he centers his thoughts of love on her...
Sorna takes an involuntary step forward as the green makes its ungainly way over the sands.
Zane nods his head to the green, urging her on.
Kaylenna smiles seeing lots of other strength within this green
Ilura hopes the Green finds her voice enough to impress and croons softly to it.
The Creamy Golden Egg tilts to one side.
Fanord's legs buckle under the stress, but Fanord catches himself before he hits the sand, and keeps himself in a crouched position.
Teshla tilts her head somewhat, gaze following the green as she moves across the sands. Her right hand moves absently to rub at the opposite arm somewhat nervously
Scorched Off-White Egg starts to rock slowly.
Kelligrien smiles....."youre beautiful!...."
Zane smiles encouraginly to Teshla beside him.
Scorched Off-White Egg's movements become more frantic.
The Faint Peach Egg shudders once.
Scorched Off-White Egg jerks violently.
Tudah takes a deep shuddering breath, and shakes his head, then, remembering to breath this time, looks back to the clutch and the little green.
Deyaan's chin lifts as she watches the Off-White egg move.
Kaylenna glances at the movement in the other eggs and then back to the green
Silent Pine Green Hatchling stops short, head swaying a bit as she looks between three Candidates. She spies the black-eyed female step forward and rushes over, butting into her, wings giving an awkward half-flap.
Scorched Off-White Egg is covered with cracks, almost unseen among the darker lines.
Scorched Off-White Egg suddenly shatters.
Deyaan jumps slightly as the Off-White egg bursts.
Scorched Off-White Egg falls apart as a Deep Royal Blue Hatchling imperiously breaks out of his shell.
Deep, dark royal blue hide glimmers wetly in the light. He straightens himself and puffs out his chest, moving away from his shards with a haughty stride. His head swings from side to side, looking around. Once he spies his sire, he puffs out his chest a
bit more. Large for a blue, and with enough attitude to match it, if his carriage is any hint, he moves around the clutch looking for that perfect match.
Sorna looks at the green, rooted to the spot.
Kelligrien watches the green out of the corner of her eye, wishing she would look this way...
Zane smiles happily as another hatchling starts his life on Pern.
Tudah stands aback briefly and muttures somethingto his comrades.
Ilura watches the Pine Green move quickly around, and is impressedd with her strength and speed
Deep Royal Blue Hatchling trumpets proudly!
Faramir nibbles on a thumb without thinking looking fron the green to the blue to the other eggs.
Finn watches the handsome blue, a look of awe, still on his face.. eyes shining.
Kaylenna sees out of the corner of her eyes the explosion of the Off-White egg, she glances at it and watches the emergance of another hatchling, then back to watch the green's progress
Fanord rocks side to side, hopeing to allevate some of the heat on his feet.
Deyaan lets a wide smile play across her face, as she glances over to Tudah then back to the Blue.
Sorna continues to stare at the green, only half-aware of her blue brother's appearence.
Silent Pine Green Hatchling looks up from the Candidate she was butting, and turns whirling eyes on the Blue. Suddenly she turns back and rushes towards Sorna again!
Deep Royal Blue Hatchling bugles! Where's his attention?
Silent Pine Green Hatchling looks deep into Sorna's eyes.
Finn watches the blue.. definately attentive, yeah.
Zane chuckles as the blue tries his lungs, and nods his head that it sounded good.
Sorna crouches. "Her name is Yarenth!"
Ilura brushes some shards off her robe and peers back at the Blue
Tudah smiles at the blues antics, but shies from his manner.
Faramir chuckles nervously at the blue's outcry.
Deep Royal Blue Hatchling tries to strut in front of the hopeful Candidates. He stumbles frequently.
Teshla glances back at the blue, grinning quickly at Sorna before turning a bit to face him. She keeps her expression as calm as she can, her lips maintaining an quiet smile
Kelligrien smiles at Sorna, her eyes sad as another female is born who is not meant for her.
Kaylenna chuckles in her throat, pursing her lips as the strut becomes stumble
Finn doesn't notice the stumbling, just the wonderful blue.
Deyaan suddenly notices Sorna crouching, eyes going soft in happiness for her friend.
Deyaan glances back to the Blue, and watches the proud blue with an amazed look that looks a bit like recognition.
Ilura's grins shows that she doesn't mind the blue's stumbling.. she finds it quiet natural..
Zane clenches his fists nervously, and urges the blue on.
The Turquoise Blue Egg gives a little hop.
Deep Royal Blue Hatchling stares at the grinning female speculatively.
Sorna urges Yarenth towards food.
Kaylenna smiles brightly at the showy blue
The Turquoise Blue Egg twitches slightly.
Fanord keeps an eye on the Turquoise Blue Egg...wondering what's inside of it.
The Faint Peach Egg hops to one side.
Ilura notes, to the Royal Blue, "with your size and sire, you will have plenty of coordination to strut about
Sorna steps through the arch to the waiting room.
After a slight shivering of motion, the Creamy Golden Egg once again goes motionless.
Kelligrien watches the eggs, her eyes strong and hopeful
Finn watches the Turquoise egg for a split second, but his eyes trail back to the blue dragonet, a smile on his face as he watches him.
Deep Royal Blue Hatchling looks at the chatty female. Well, why not go for it?
Kaylenna smirks at Illura's comment
Deep Royal Blue Hatchling looks deep into Ilura's eyes.
Creamy Golden Egg twists suddenly, burying itself deeper in the sands.
Tiamanth warbles suddenly! Her humming growing louder.
Tudah resumes his concentration, breathing deeply and staring to the eggs, risking brief glaces to his companions, happy to have made such company.
Creamy Golden Egg starts to wobble more insistently.
Fanord braces for the hatching of the Gold.
Deyaan glances over at Ilura and grins, lost in momentary thought.
Ilura announces, "His name is Hadranth"
Kaylenna watches the golden egg, and frown as it disappears somewhat into the sand
Cracks spider web across the surface of the Creamy Golden Egg.
Teshla watches the new pair for a moment, then turns with a smile to regard the golden egg
A wet tail tip can be seen as flecks begin to fall off the Creamy Golden Egg.
Faramir looks up at Tiamanth and nods quietly watching the gold egg's movements.
Deyaan glances back to the golden Egg, her fingers burying into the robe again.
Blackened Gold Hatchling has arrived.
Creamy Golden Egg shatters and deposits a Blackened Gold Hatchling.
Kaylenna watches the tail emerge and watches intently to see the emergance continue
The Turquoise Blue Egg tilts to one side.
After struggling through her shards, this dark Gold Hatchling pauses to collect herself. She starts at all the noise and looks around herself, surveying her surroundings. She blinks her eyes a few times to clear them and takes a hesitant step towards the
gathered Candidates. Her hide is spotted along her back and across her wings with a blackish tinge. The color of her hide lightens considerably once it reaches her underside, though it continues to gleam in the light.
Kelligrien gasps, her eyes growing large as the Gold is born. Her face pales with amazement of the beauty of her stature...
Deyaan's blinks *wide* at the unusual Gold Hatchling, and she closes her mouth with a snap.
Zane stares in awe and amazement at the golden hatchling and moves back a little for the two women beside him.
Kaylenna's smile seems to reflect the gold of the hatchling in her face
Tudah ooohs and then looks up to Tiamanth, bowing to her, and then turning he defers to the fine, wonderful, newest of Perns queens, and its hope for the future.
Teshla lets her eyes flicker across the moist golden form, admiring the dark young queen. One hand moves to nervously twist a strand of hair between her fingers.
Blackened Gold Hatchling pauses again, eyes whirling slowly, but consistently red. She wanders up to Tudah and peers at him closely, then snorts at him. She turns and fixes her eyes on the female closest to Tudah's right.
Kelligrien locks her knees as the threaten to buckle under her, then takes a deep breath and stands tall, and strong, her eyes filling with love and tears...
Tudah smiles and praises the gold as she passes.
Kelligrien looks the dragon in the eyes and nods...
Deyaan wraps her arms around herself, her feet shifting unconciously as she watches the dark Gold Hatchling.
Kaylenna watches the gold's movement over the sand and smirks at the snort
Faramir looks along the line at the gold and the candidate. He smiles.
Blackened Gold Hatchling continues along the line, pausing a moment before each female and watching her, almost seeming to look *through* them.
Teshla stands quietly, chin up, as she gazes across the sands at the hatchling. She drops her hands, clasping them behind her back.
Kaylenna mumbles "yes, take a good look at all"
Deyaan's face relaxes as she feels the whirling eyes bore through her, and her shouders square themselves.
Fanord 's head flicks back and forth between the Gold, the female candidates, and the eggs left of the sands.
Kelligrien leans forward, watching the Gold walk the line.....
Blackened Gold Hatchling makes her rounds twice more. She settles down in the center again, thoughtfully looking around. She warbles softly up at Tiamath, who returns it with a warble of her own.
Ilura takes Hadranth to food after the hatchling bugles imperiously.
Kaylenna wipes her hands nervously as the Gold looks at her, smiling with happiness of being perused
Kelligrien staightens her spine and raises her chin up, Staring at the Gold...
The Whirled Sea Green Egg rocks back and forth a few times.
Teshla tilts her head slightly, eyes half closed as she watches the gold contemplatively.
Zane turns his eyes to watch the Whirled egg, admiring its shell, reminding him of his days back at his Sea Hold home.
Faramir's drift from the little gold to Tiamanth, he studies the hatchling intently.
Blackened Gold Hatchling nods her head once, decision made and she heads for her choice.
Blackened Gold Hatchling looks deep into Deyaan's eyes.
Kelligrien smiles at Deyaan
Tudah is drawn back to the clutch by movement.
Deyaan looks quietly at the gold, her hands relaxed again, and her face widens into a look of incredulous joy. "HER NAME IS ZAERITH!"
Faint Peach Egg gives a small hop.
Teshla flashes a grin at Deyaan and her new weyrmate, then turns to watch the remaining eggs.
Deyaan walks off towards the waiting room. Zaerith follows her new lifemate towards food.
Kaylenna smiles brightly at Deyaan "Congrats!"
Krystlin smiles quietly, as Tiamanth bugles once more. She brushes idly at one cheek, eyes over bright.
The Turquoise Blue Egg jerks to one side a little.
Kedranth nods his approval.
Faint Peach Egg gives a shudder, shifting in the sands.
Faramir clenches his hands into fists tightly at the Impression of the Gold.
Tudah witnesses the impression and beams!
Deyaan kneels, and her hands reach out to touch the loving Hatchling, and walks off the sands...absorbed in her.
Kelligrien lets the air out of her lungs, turning back to the eggs
Zane smiles VERY happy for this new pairing.
Deyaan steps through the arch to the waiting room.
Hopping about agitatedly, flecks of the Faint Peach Egg begin to fall away as the hatchling inside fights its way out.
The Turquoise Blue Egg shakes from side to side for a moment.
Faint Peach Egg spins and jerks, more and more cracks running though the shell.
Ilura steps through the arch to the waiting room.
Faint Peach Egg suddenly shatters as the hatchling bursts free!
Finn looks at the eggs.. watching.. hoping...
The Whirled Sea Green Egg jerks to one side a little.
Fanord trys to adjust to the new spaceing left by candidates that have impressed.
Shamrock Green Hatchling has arrived.
Faint Peach Egg breaks apart and a Shamrock Green Hatchling leaps out.
Her hide sparkles and glitters wetly, like dew on the leaves of a shamrock. She lets out a high warble and looks around the room, blinking to adjust to the sudden light. After a moment, she half leaps out of her shards and looks around, eager to get on wi
th her new life. The hide arounds her left eye is a darker green color than the rest of her hide and gives her an impish look.
Tudah looks filled with joy, so happy for his barracksmates.
Kelligrien looks up, her eyes filling with hope and love....
Shamrock Green Hatchling bounds away from her shards!
Faramir shuffles along the line a little and smiles a warm greating to the green.
Zane hopes to attention after the gold impression, and watches the new green, admiring the color of her wet hide.
Finn watches the greem, smiling slightly in greeting.
Teshla fails to supress a grin at the appearance of this new green. Her eyes follow the hatchling, a faint spark of amusement showing in them
Tudah smiles at the Shamrock Green and notes she might make her sister Jealous someday.
Kelligrien watches the quick movement of the flash of green, and smiles a bit at the though of that impish look....
Krystlin leans quietly against Tiamanth after she settles back to humming and watches.
Kaylenna watches the bouncing bundle of green move around the sand, her smile seemingly fixed to her face
Shamrock Green Hatchling whips her head left and right. It was, of course, only a trick of the light on her coloration that made it look like she winked.
Kaylenna giggles
Kelligrien laughs, watching the hide that matches her eyes so well...
The Whirled Sea Green Egg rocks back and forth a few times.
Fanord makes sure to give the Hatchling all the room she needs.
Teshla narrows her eyes a bit, the smile on her face reflecting in them openly as she brings her hands back to her sides. The fingers fidget somewhat absently
Zane turns to look at the Whirled egg again, following it as it rocks.
Finn smiles at the green, and watches her, wondering what she thinks..
Tudah smiles broadly,
Kelligrien takes a step forward, drawn so strongly to the green she needs to hold herself back...
The Whirled Sea Green Egg gives a little hop.
Shamrock Green Hatchling hops hither and yon, tumbling to the feet suddenly of the female who stepped forward.
The Turquoise Blue Egg rocks back and forth a few times.
Turquoise Blue Egg remains motionless.
Faramir catches Kelli's movement in the corner of his eye and looks at her.
Fanord watches the Sea Green Egg, shakeing visably.
Kelligrien looks down and smiles broadly to the green who even matches her name...
Finn looks over at Kelli, smiling, then looks at the moving eggs...
Turquoise Blue Egg rolls a tad as the sand beneath it gives way.
Kaylenna ohs at the tumble but watches Kelligrien in anticipation
Turquoise Blue Egg gives a short hop.
The Whirled Sea Green Egg hops to one side.
Shamrock Green Hatchling looks up mischievously at the Candidate smiling at her.
Waiting Room Entrance
Tudah watches the eggs and the Hatchling in an alternating blitz, that segues into a constantbit od joy, new lives joining, and finding their pairs.
Kelligrien laughs and does a little jig, unable to stop herself
Turquoise Blue Egg suddenly cracks after a hard thump from inside.
Turquoise Blue Egg starts to fall apart as the hatchling fights its way clear of the confining egg.
Shamrock Green Hatchling starts to nip at the person's robe, but is drawn to look at her instead.
Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling has arrived.
Turquoise Blue Egg breaks open and reveals a Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling.
Damp and gleaming, this Green's hide grabs your attention. Spots, looking almost like the shadows of leaves moving in the wind, show clearly all over her hide. The color ranges from dark forest green, to a light, almost yellowish color. She holds her wing
s half open to dry and looks around herself, grace showing despite her young limbs. Her eyes whirl red with hunger, and she sets out across the sands.
Shamrock Green Hatchling looks deep into Kelligrien's eyes.
Zane smiles happily at the newly arrived green.
Kaylenna takes her locks of hair in her hand and twirls them, her eyes fixed on the arrival
Finn watches the Graceful green emerge from her shards, and smiles widely, welcoming her...
Tudah smiles up at Tiamanth, and in a fit of audacity murmers something up to her.
Kelligrien drops to her knees, looking at the green in amazement "She says her name is Marilith!!!!!
Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling pulls herself up, out of her shards, and takes a step away. She slowly turns her head, her neck arched gracefully.
Whirled Sea Green Egg moves slowly, like a storm building in the distance.
Kaylenna smiles at all the other Candidates left
Teshla turns her head suddenly to watch the new green, her smile faltering as she takes a moment to admire the hatchlings coloration and form
Faramir smiles tenderly has he watches the grace of the newborn on the sands.
Whirled Sea Green Egg jerks a bit in the sands, tumbling onto its side.
Zane glances to the Queen as she watches the eggs hatch and smiles to himself happily.
Tudah is drawn to the sea green egg, and looks far off, as if remembering something.
Whirled Sea Green Egg rolls ugently, bumbing into a nearby egg.
Suddenly covered by cracks, the Whirled Sea Green Egg stops moving.
Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling moves quietly to the Candidates, her wings carefully held off the sand. She looks around, eyes whirling red, and a tinge of yellow/orange.
Bit of shell fall away from the Whirled Sea Green Egg, revealing its contents.
Muted Bronze Hatchling has arrived.
Whirled Sea Green Egg crumbles as a Muted Bronze Hatchling shoves his way out of his egg.
This large Bronze Hatchling jumps out of his shards and promptly trips over his own tail. His hide is a dark bronze color, which seems to lack the reflectiveness that most dragon hides have. He looks large and healthy and bugles loudly as he looks around
at all the activity. He plows head first towards the line of Candidates.
Kaylenna giggles softly at the brown's arrival and keeps glancing between the two hatchlings
Fanord Gasps Audibly... "By the First!!!
Finn watches the green, then his eyes are drawn to the bronze, and he gasps softly...
Teshla keeps her gaze on the young green, reaching up to push a stray lock of hair away from her face. She shifts from foot to foot, the quiet smile returning to her face.
Faramir's face reflects hopefull enchantment as the bronze emerges.
Zane holds back a gasp as the bronze hatchling enters this new world. He stands up tall and straight, proud to be on the sands, and watches the bronze move with awe and wonder. He looks at the rich hide and feels attracted to the little fellaas he bugles
his entrance. A little more relaxed, he unclenches his fists.
Tudah tries to step back, but is plowed into, and all he can do is remain staring at the young dragon, and more specifically his egg.
Kaylenna oopss and changes that to 'bronze'
K'rien runs after Marilith after the hatchling takes off for the waiting room.
K'rien takes her love gently into her arms and stands, tears rolling down her face
Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling starts at the arrival of the bronze, letting out a soft creel. She stumbles closer to the Candidates.
Muted Bronze Hatchling bugles, as if to prove he's muted bronze, not mute!
Kaylenna gives a look of consoling to the green and whispers "it's ok!"
Fanord says "Oh...little Bronze, NO ONE thought you were mute!"
Finn looks between the two hatchlings, torn between them..a look of adoration on his face...
Faramir smiles and his hands clasp tightly at the bugle from the bronze.
Zane steps out from the end of the line to make himself noticable, and smiles. He nods the the fella that he certainly is not mute and does have a very nice voice.
Tudah smiles broadly to the bronze and think that a tad of Oil will have him the most brillaint bronze on pern.
Teshla chuckles quietly at the bronze, her eyes never leaving the green. She turns her head to follow the hatchling's movement
Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling warbles at her loud brother and steps back
again, bumping into one ebony haired male.
Faramir steps aside quickly to give the green the room she needs.
Finn watches the bronze, knowing he'll chose his life-mate....almost daring to home it might be he...
Muted Bronze Hatchling is not so little! He goes over to look closer at the male Candidates.
Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling turns and looks up, her apologetic warble
turning to a croon as she meets his eyes.
Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling looks deep into Faramir's eyes.
Kaylenna wows and smiles at Faramir encouragingly
Faramir staggers a little as he is overcome with the wave of consciousness from the young dragon. He opens his mind and lets the surge fill him.
F'mir smiles and sends his love back to the hatchling and with that becomes one with his lifemate.
Zane admires the movements of the bronze and follows him with his eyes, as the fella inspects the candidates.
Finn smiles widely at Faramir, then turns his attention back to the bronze, watching him...
F'mir says "Her name is.. Vyrinth!"
Muted Bronze Hatchling sees the selection pool go down by one, but that's okay. He's decided.
K'rien steps through the arch to the waiting room.
Tudah stands entranced, eyes flicking from the young bronze to his shell, entranced by both.
Teshla grins at the green's pairing, then steps back a bit to watch the bronze make his choice from the men remaining
Zane watches the bronze, not taking his eyes off of him.
Kaylenna steps back a little to let the bronze get a good viewing of the men left, but doesn't want to leave just yet
Finn keeps his eyes on the bronze...waiting for him to choose...knowing he will choose right.
Muted Bronze Hatchling looks deep into Tudah's eyes.
Fanord's body goes compleatly rigid, as every muscle in his body locks to fight the overwhelming fatigue in his body. His face contorts into a mass of emotions, fighting to gain control, when finally a look of love wins out over all and locks itself into
Tudah looks down, eyes drawn from the rolling seas he sees in the Green egg and then smiles, "Of course you are named Jariveth, there is no other name for you. :)"
Kaylenna smiles at the final pairing and she moves off to the waiting room to see all the hatchlings
Kaylenna steps through the arch to the waiting room.
Zane smiles happily to the new pair.
Tudah leans down and scritches his new friend just in the right spot, "Food? I know where some is, shall we?"
Damp and gleaming, this Green's hide grabs your attention. Spots, looking almost like the shadows of leaves moving in the wind, show clearly all over her hide. The color ranges from dark forest green, to a light, almost yellowish color. She holds her wing
s half open to dry and looks around herself, grace showing despite her young limbs. Her eyes whirl red with hunger, and she sets out across the sands.
Teshla smiles, watching the final pairing, then gives a nod to dragon and Weyrleader alike before stepping from the sands. There is still a quiet smile on her face
Teshla steps through the arch to the waiting room.
D'vin salutes the Candidates, all.
Finn watches the bronze choose, and his face falls...
Zane bows to the Golden Queen and her bronze mate. He then nods in respect to the Weyrleaders and leaves the sands.
F'mir looks at Vyrinth and smiles, he peers up at Tiamanth and thanks her.
Jariveth bumps his head into T'dah and heads him towards the food, eyes whirling hungrily.
Krystlin smiles and announces that after Hatching festivities are in the LC, just across the bowl.
Tudah tries to keep up with Jariveth as he heads off to the waiting room.