The Hatching of Gold Wirenith and Bronze Kereneth's Clutch
PernMUSH, July 14, 1991

The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. Many thanks go to D'riana for providing this log.

On the sands, Doriana walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Doriana has arrived.
On the sands, Taltor walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Taltor has arrived.

Tavella waves.
Sh'dow shouts "Ahhh shit!"
Rishard says "What did I miss? NU wend down."

On the sands, Philar falls down on the sands in thanks
On the sands, Taltor shakes his head.
On the sands, Shalynra walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Shalynra has arrived.
On the sands, Kilroy walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Kilroy has arrived.
On the sands, Arlon breathes a sigh of relief
On the sands, Kerridis walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Kerridis has arrived.
On the sands, Taltor says "That was close."
On the sands, Riyja kisses the sands gratefully

F'zik says "No, the mush went down."
V'nar says "It all starts over?"
Tobinth has arrived.

On the sands, Huma walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Huma has arrived.
On the sands, Orion walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Orion has arrived.
On the sands, Khyri looks gratefully at the pointy egg
On the sands, The Candidates look eagerly towards the eggs.
On the sands, Kimri walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Kimri has arrived.

Bright has arrived.

On the sands, Talexis walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Talexis has arrived.
On the sands, Kassandra walks out of the waiting room.

Th'lin sighs.

On the sands, Kassandra has arrived.
On the sands, Orion resumes his previous stance.
On the sands, Marlena walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Marlena has arrived.
On the sands, Fatoma walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Fatoma has arrived.

F'gron says "Gee, will it be different second time around?"

On the sands, Joram walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Joram has arrived.
On the sands, Jelal walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Jelal has arrived.
On the sands, Kilroy says "I think it'd be a good idea not to pose or talk
   this time"

V'nar says "Wow! Deja-vu!"

On the sands, Telyr walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Telyr has arrived.
On the sands, Talexis says "I hope everyone makes it back!"
On the sands, S'jeev walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, S'jeev has arrived.
On the sands, Huma thinks the eggs got reset.
On the sands, Arlon says "yup"
On the sands, Jelal walks into the waiting room.

Moonchilde shouts "folks.. I do not know what happened there was no core

On the sands, Zenith walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Zenith has arrived.
On the sands, Bulky Egg moves forward.

F'lor thinks all the new riders will have to reimpress !

On the sands, Marlena wows.
On the sands, Arlon says "do they have to reimpress?"

Rishard says "What? Again?"

On the sands, Joram says "oh gee the db wasn't saved!"

Th'lin says "Did the hatches survive? R'ken is Reken again."
On the sands, Taltor says "This tim the bulky egg is moving already"
On the sands, Marlena says "Let's just wait and let them deal with it..."

F'zik says "SH!"

On the sands, Bulky Egg starts a shaky movement
On the sands, Arylian walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Arylian has arrived.
On the sands, Orion sighs.
On the sands, S'jeev says "It's OK. It'll be taken care of."
On the sands, Arlon sits down to wait

Chedris climbs a few steps from the lower entrance.
Chedris has arrived.

On the sands, Orion waits for the chaos to end.
On the sands, Arlon stands back up "The sand is hot!"

Kitty perks up attentively.

On the sands, Pointy Egg shakes around.
On the sands, Arylian wonders did we crash?

Th'lin says "Shit."
T'lean has connected.

On the sands, Talexis wonders if we should not talk or pose?
On the sands, Khyri wishes strength and stability to the pointy egg!

Iliana has arrived.

On the sands, Marlena thinks so.
On the sands, S'jeev says "Something like a crash."

Moonchilde shouts "I don't know what happened.. there was no core file, no
   nothing.. I am working with the run log now.. please don't page me."

Iliana walks down the short flight of stairs to the sands.
Iliana has left.

On the sands, Iliana walks down from the galleries.
On the sands, Iliana has arrived.

Player Name          On For     Idle
Malachite             00:00      18s
T'lean                00:00      21s
Iliana                00:00       6s
Arylian               00:01      24s
Amberyl               00:01      25s
Saevin                00:01      13s
Joram                 00:01       3s
Chedris               00:02      25s
Thenomain             00:02      11s
Tavella               00:02       2m
V'nar                 00:02       6s
Fatoma                00:02       1m
S'jeev                00:02      11s
Sh'dow                00:02      12s
F'zik                 00:02       0s
D'rek                 00:02       0s
Th'lin                00:02      21s
Marlena               00:02      11s
Telyr                 00:02       1m
F'lor                 00:02       1m
Kassandra             00:02       1m
Moonchilde            00:02      10s
Orion                 00:02       5s
F'dan                 00:02      48s
Shalynra              00:02       2m
F'gron                00:02       1m
Kilroy                00:02      35s
Silverlock            00:02       2m
Rishard               00:02       1m
Jelal                 00:02      29s
Arlon                 00:03      31s
Garavon               00:02       2m
Kerridis              00:02      19s
Taltor                00:03      11s
Tabbifli              00:03      34s
Charisse              00:03      35s
Loric                 00:02       2m
Kimri                 00:02      25s
Roger                 00:03      46s
Doriana               00:03       4s
Huma                  00:03       1m
Khyri                 00:03      12s
Talexis               00:03      13s
Riyja                 00:03       1m
Baril                 00:03       2m
Philar                00:03       1m
Cathy                 00:03       2m
There are 47 players connected.

On the sands, Zenith wahhhs!
On the sands, Iliana says "Okay nobody move!"
On the sands, Jelal walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Jelal has arrived.
On the sands, Shiny Egg moves backward a bit.
On the sands, Zenith stops.

Tavella kisses T'lean
T'lean draws Tavella close to him and gives her a long, passionate kiss.
Kitty looks sleepy.
T'lean grins
T'lean sighs with hapiness

Moonchilde shouts "I know where it died.. yet another bug in the RWHO code..

F'zik says "Don't do anything. Don't force puppets. Don't say. Don't move."

On the sands, Bulky Egg keeps on moving.
On the sands, Orion says "Oops!"
On the sands, Orion says "I hit Rwho..."
On the sands, Iliana says "Nobody move."

Moonchilde shouts "NOBODY use RWHO!!!! PLEASE!~!!"

On the sands, Taltor urges Kimri to move out of the bulky egg's way.
On the sands, Kimri moves to one side.

Tavella says "what is RWHO, anyway?"

On the sands, S'jeev says "No moves. Pleasee."
On the sands, Segev has arrived.

Thenomain climbs a few steps from the lower entrance.
Thenomain has arrived.

On the sands, Iliana says "Okay we'll have to restore what was lost."

Th'lin says "The new WHO...did an alphabetical WHO."
Saevin has arrived.
R'han has connected.
Sh'dow climbs a few steps from the lower entrance.
Sh'dow has arrived.

On the sands, Iliana says "Those who impressed have just lost it. But we'll
fix this slowly and get back on track."

F'dan climbs a few steps from the lower entrance.
F'dan has arrived.
Saevin says "Thanks!"

On the sands, Iliana says "If you notice none of the eggs are hatched now."

Selin has arrived.

On the sands, Amberyl has arrived.

Amberyl walks up the stairs, leaving the sands.
Amberyl has arrived.

On the sands, Iliana says "So we'll have to do this one step at a time."
On the sands, Orion will have to be going soon....
On the sands, Iliana says "First egg to hatch was the Plain egg. A bronze

Kerolth who impressed to R'ken I believe."
Tabbifli has arrived.
Saevin says "Can we see the eggs?"

On the sands, Marlena nods yes.

Tabbifli hmmms.=

On the sands, Bronze Hatchling is born!

Sh'dow sighs. Never dull at Ista is it?
Th'lin says "Nope. ;)"

On the sands, S'jeev says "Next..Blue Joith?"

Thenomain smirks. "Nope."

On the sands, Bronze Hatchling impresses to Reken.

Sh'dow smiles weakly.
R'han chuckles

On the sands, Kerolth walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Iliana nods.
On the sands, Zenith nods.
On the sands, Orion says "Will someone force me?"

Sh'dow bolts for a bit.
Amberyl says "Crashes are a Pern Hatching tradition, Sh'dow."
Rishard says "It's a lot less impressive the second time around"

On the sands, S'jeev says "Yes.. To zenith"
On the sands, Talexis i'm working on a window. I can cut and paste it?

Amberyl says "Remember the first Fort Hatching?"
Sh'dow chuckles.

On the sands, Orion says "Taltor"
On the sands, Joith looks at Zenith

Sh'dow laughs.

On the sands, Joith impresses to Zenith
On the sands, Taltor smiles. Gee now I'm running the competition.

Sh'dow says "Very well."

On the sands, Orion pokes Taltor.
On the sands, Iliana says "Next was oblong. Green Serketh to Jelal."
On the sands, Zenith cheers!

Tavella thinks that is an unusual way to impress a dragon and looks at

On the sands, Joith heads away with Zenith.
On the sands, Small green hatchling is born!
On the sands, Marlena grins.

Sh'dow walks down the short flight of stairs to the sands.
Sh'dow has left.

On the sands, Sh'dow walks down from the galleries.
On the sands, Sh'dow has arrived.
On the sands, Jelal smiles shyly at the small green hatchling.

On the sands, Orion grows ears and can now hear.
On the sands, Kereneth has arrived.

Thenomain says "It's a hatching tradition, noted to impress the newcomers and
   the oldtimers, alike."

On the sands, Orion says "EEK!"
On the sands, Zenith reaches for the blue hatchling but he backs away
On the sands, Sh'dow walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Joith goes to the Waiting room with Zenith.
On the sands, Orion has arrived.
On the sands, Taltor dropped Orion.
On the sands, Jelal grins foolishly.

Saevin says "Theno, you already paid me!"

On the sands, Serketh impresses Jelal.

Jiendtal has connected.
Th'lin says "Serketh? Sounds like 'circus' with a lisp."
F'dan congratulates Orion on his ears. :)
Tavella says "Theno, you already paid me!"

On the sands, Orion smiles at himself.
On the sands, Iliana says "Okay did the round egg hatch?"

F'gron says "RWHO is a separate program which keeps track of who's logged on
   for multiple muds."
Thenomain says "Yeah, but that was before the crash."

On the sands, Joith wr
On the sands, S'jeev says "Yes."

Tavella says "or did that get lost too?"

On the sands, Large brown hatchling is born!
On the sands, S'jeev says "Galiath.. to Kalel"
On the sands, Zenith reaches for the blue hatchling but he backs away
On the sands, Jelal is happy Serketh is back.

Thenomain nods.
F'gron says "When you do an RWHO here, the MUD server just connects to the
   RWHO server and relays what it says."
Tavella says "eep! no Thenomarks!"
Saevin nods sagely. He understands, now.

On the sands, Arlon says "yes"
On the sands, Iliana says "Right. And Kalel got brown Galiath."
On the sands, Marlena says "Kalel yes."

Tavella mourns her lost Thenomarks.

On the sands, Joith walks into the waiting room.

F'gron says "The code is by Marcus Ranum. He wrote it for use with UnterMUD
Midnight comforts her.
F'gron says "The client library can be stuck into pretty much any MUD though."

On the sands, Galiath looks for Kalel.

T'lean comforts Tavella
Saevin says "LPMud?"

On the sands, Kalel walks his dragon to the waiting room.
On the sands, Z'nith goes off to find his dragon!
On the sands, Taltor says "Ok Orion. You're twin is ready"
On the sands, Z'nith walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Orion says "Bye all! Taltor will be runnin my puppet!"

Tavella curls up with T'lean and watches.
F'dan hmmms. danmark. sounds like a country.
F'gron says "Really, the MUD server shouldn't do the RWHO... People's clients
   should just connect to the server directly."

On the sands, D'rek walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, D'rek has arrived.
On the sands, Kalel walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Galiath impresses to Kalel and head off to the Waiting Room.
On the sands, D'rek takes a step back.
On the sands, Orion bows to Doriana.

T'lean kisses Tavella

On the sands, Galiath walks into the waiting room.

F'gron says "Do you mean can LPmud do it? If someone stuck the interface in,
   like Moonchilde did, yes."
Rishard says "There you go, Saevin."
Saevin says "thanks, rishard!"

On the sands, Doriana grins.
On the sands, Orion says "Luck all!"
On the sands, S'jeev says "OK.. Is that it?"
On the sands, Iliana says "Okay then what happened?"
On the sands, Marlena wishes Doriana luck.
On the sands, Khyri Waves goodbye to orion
On the sands, D'rek thinks os
On the sands, Marlena says "I think that was it..."
On the sands, Orion does too.
On the sands, Khyri too
On the sands, Arlon says "then we crashed"

Saevin says "Cool! I'm helping with the setuup of a new type of LP-3.0"

On the sands, Kilroy nods.

Th'lin says "Lets start her back up...."

On the sands, S'jeev says "Yes."
On the sands, Orion kisses Doriana's hand "And more luck to you."
On the sands, Smallish Egg wobbles!
On the sands, D'rek says "@dump someone?"
On the sands, Orion gasps!
On the sands, Iliana nods.
On the sands, Bulky Egg starts quivering.
On the sands, Khyri concentrates on pointy egg
On the sands, Smallish Egg cracks all over!
On the sands, Arlon looks back to the eggs
On the sands, Talexis hopes beyond hope....
On the sands, Marlena nods... somebody @dump! :)
On the sands, Smallish Egg makes up for lost time!
On the sands, Orion think >>cmon little hatchling<<
On the sands, Bulky Egg moves around with a lot of strenth.
On the sands, Smallish Egg rocks and heaves little bits of egg falling to the

Th'lin says "Who is Jelal?"
Sh'dow shouts "Ok, we're caught up, and dumped. And I now return you to our
   regularly scheduled hatching."

On the sands, The Candidates *
On the sands, D'rek smirks.
On the sands, Talexis thinks of warm meat...
On the sands, Arlon smiles
On the sands, Kilroy remains still.
On the sands, Brave green hatchling is born!
On the sands, Marlena thinks encouragement to the bulky egg!
On the sands, Doriana thinks thoughts of love towards the green dragonet.

Brennin has arrived.

On the sands, Orion encourages the smallish egg.
On the sands, Bulky Egg has cracks forming.
On the sands, Talexis thinks of warm meat and emeralds!
On the sands, Khyri smile and thinks love and food to the new green
On the sands, Brave green hatchling warbles in a young voice!

Cathy says "'lo, Brennin."
Rishard says "Come on Tal!"

On the sands, Doriana thinks about how much she loves the little green

F'gron says "Geez, back up to 51 players already."

On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the green hatchling.

Brennin rewaves!

On the sands, Bulky Egg shakes quickly.
On the sands, Marlena thinks love and hope to the bulky egg
On the sands, Brave green hatchling pushes the shards of her egg away with her
On the sands, Orion >>come and be fed lovely brave one<<

Cathy cheeres on Shalynra.
F'zik says "I want virtual reality NOW."

On the sands, Talexis hopes!!!

Tabbifli is NOT suprised.

On the sands, Khyri still stands very still

Amberyl grins.

On the sands, Shy gold hatchling is born!
On the sands, D'rek oooos.
On the sands, Marlena gasps!

Saevin says "A gold!"

On the sands, Khyri stares in wonder at the beautiful gold
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the gold hatchling.

Thenomain says "No. No VR. My IIgs couldn't handle it."

On the sands, Brave green hatchling presents herself to the candidates.
On the sands, Talexis stops in amazement.
On the sands, Kerridis kerridis looks at gold
On the sands, Taltor wishes Kimri luck
On the sands, Doriana admires the dragonet's beautiful green hide.

F'lor says "Yeah ! A Gold !!"
F'gron says "Uh oh, mad scramble of women for the gold..."

On the sands, Shy gold hatchling cries out loudly

Vargath bugles as the gold is born!

On the sands, Kilroy looks at the green.
On the sands, Riyja drops to one knee at the sight of the gold
On the sands, Jelal has connected.
On the sands, Shalynra encourages the gold.
On the sands, Marlena thinks love and welcome to the beautiful gold!
On the sands, Khyri thinks comfort to the gold

Thenomain says "Wow! Gold! More Breninmarks!"

On the sands, Talexis thinks very carefully....
On the sands, Kimri stares transfixed at the hatchling.
On the sands, Kassandra sends thoughts of love and comfort to the hatchling
On the sands, Brave green hatchling wanders towards the candidates.

Thenomain says "Taking bets!"

On the sands, Shy gold hatchling looks around.
On the sands, Khyri projects thoughts of food and love and companionship
On the sands, Doriana smiles at the lovely green dragonet.
On the sands, Jelal walks into the waiting room.

F'dan hopes for Marlena.

On the sands, Huma stands bravely.
On the sands, Kerridis sends thoughts of love to the gold.

Amberyl says "500 or Doriana."
Tavella says "Marlena....."

On the sands, Talexis looks over to the little green. So beautiful!

Saevin wishes pmf and its sound files worked at his terminal, rather than the
   Sun that is now 120miles away.

On the sands, Brave green hatchling creels hungrilly and flaps her wet wings.

Tavella says "for the gold."

On the sands, Marlena thinks of love and food friendship always

Kitty perks up attentively.

On the sands, Doriana thinks thoughts of love towards the green dragonet.
On the sands, Orion thinks of how beautiful the green is
On the sands, Orion goes home.
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling moves forward quickly but stops.
On the sands, Khyri wonders at the beautiful little ones
On the sands, Kimri thinks. "Donn't be one here will harm you."
On the sands, Brave green hatchling notices Doriana!
On the sands, Doriana thinks about how much she loves the little green
On the sands, Talexis thinks just

Amberyl says "500 on Doriana, and another 500 on Marlena, for the two golds!"

On the sands, Khyri thinks <courage little gold>
On the sands, Shalynra thinks of love to the gold. <<Find your true partner
   little one>>

F'dan says "Amberyl, you still owe me from the clutching. :)"

On the sands, Brave green hatchling stumbles forward then stops and regains
   her balance.

Tavella says "go doriana!"

On the sands, Marlena encourages the little queen.

F'gron says "I guess Orion gave up :)"
Lammpoy climbs a few steps from the lower entrance.
Lammpoy has arrived.

On the sands, Shy gold hatchling looks at Marlena then Shalynra.
On the sands, Riyja admires the gold....
On the sands, Doriana smiles at the lovely green dragonet.
On the sands, Bumpy Egg wriggles and cracks!

Amberyl chuckles. "How much, F'dan?"

On the sands, Kilroy thinks warm thoughts about the green.

Thenomain says "YOu taking or giving, Amber?"

On the sands, Marlena says "Find your friend little beauty!"
On the sands, Talexis loves
On the sands, Orion pictures fresh wherry and herdbeast and fields and fields
   of hunting

Tavella says "I'm not going to argue with that!"
Amberyl is betting. ;)

On the sands, Brave green hatchling warbles loudly and moves forward.
On the sands, Shalynra waits thinking of love.

Tabbifli cheers, hoping that the drum apprentice got a clue.

On the sands, Khyri thinks food and friendship to both green and gold

F'dan says "You owe me 3000. :)"

On the sands, Marlena thinks how much she loves the little gold.
On the sands, Doriana thinks thoughts of love towards the green dragonet.
On the sands, Arlon thinks of friendship

Lammpoy says "well, my log just died..."

On the sands, Shy gold hatchling wanders around. She calls out again.
On the sands, Talexis thinks of warm ledges ad hot food...

Malachite has arrived.

On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the gole hatchling.

F'zik gasps and staggers at the size of F'dan's bet.
Amberyl reluctantly tosses F'dan a large, heavy purse.

On the sands, Kimri watches the hatchling quietly.
On the sands, Talexis smiles tenderly

Charisse has arrived.

On the sands, Brave green hatchling trots off towards Doriana crooning at the
   thoughts of love.
On the sands, Khyri whispers her joy at the gold's beauty


On the sands, Riyja hums to the gold....
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling thinks of a great hunger!
On the sands, Doriana smiles at the lovely green dragonet.

Malachite smiles at Charisse.

On the sands, Khyri thinks of FOOD

F'dan bows and thanks his Weyrwoman.
Saevin says "Sheesh, F'dan bet more than I'm worth!"

On the sands, Tayefeth trills!
On the sands, Shalynra thinks <<Find your true partner pretty gold>>
On the sands, Talexis wishes doriana lick!
On the sands, Kimri says "Don't be"
On the sands, Marlena imagines mounds of hot red meat!
On the sands, Orion offers to always scratch the itches.
On the sands, Talexis lucj!
On the sands, Kimri says "C"

Selin says "Malachite! 500 marks says more of my apprentices Impress than

On the sands, Doriana says "Her name is Tayefeth!"
On the sands, D'rek says "D"
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling rapidly glances at Riyja then Marlena.
On the sands, Kimri says "Choose your rider and she will feed you."

Thenomain says "YEAH!"
R'han cheers for Doriana

On the sands, Bumpy Egg cracks more as it heaves violently.

Tavella says "yeah! Starcrafters!"
Lammpoy says "who's impressed since k'lel?"
Amberyl lost about 11,000 marks at the Clutching.

On the sands, Talexis thinks how wonderful for Doriana!
On the sands, Riyja looks the gold in the eyes
On the sands, Arylian congratulates Doriana
On the sands, Marlena smiles warmly to the gold... how beautiful you are!
On the sands, Telyr smiles at Doriana.

Rishard says "That's 2 of 3 Starcrafters!"

On the sands, Khyri thinks We will care for you and feed you little queen
On the sands, Talexis looks a the green with love...

Charisse smiles at Malachite.
Thenomain jumps up and throws off his hat, cheering.

On the sands, Shalynra thinks love to the gold.
On the sands, Marlena cheers to Doriana!

Thenomain says "Yyyyeeeeeehaaaa!"
Garavon cheers for Doriana.

On the sands, Huma congradulates Doriana
On the sands, Talexis prays...
On the sands, Kerridis gasps how lovely
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling moves towards Marlena with curiousity.
On the sands, Arlon thinks encouragement to the gold <find your friend!>

Malachite says "I'll take that bet, Selin."

On the sands, Riyja thinks she is so beautiful
On the sands, Marlena turns and watches the little gold....
On the sands, Khyri murmurs joy to Doriana
On the sands, Orion wishes Doriana happiness
On the sands, Marlena says "Hello little one..."

F'zik says "Go Arylian!"
D'nal climbs a few steps from the lower entrance.
D'nal has arrived.

On the sands, Kimri congratulates Doriana.

Tavella says "Greens are great!"

On the sands, Talexis thinks of flight and hunts

Th'lin says "Yep! ;)"

On the sands, D'rek walks up slowly and Congratulates Doriana with a
On the sands, Khyri stares with wonder at the gold and Marlena
On the sands, Kilroy remains calm.
On the sands, Bumpy Egg shatters into fragments!
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling moves to Riyja.
On the sands, Taltor thinks <Choose young queen. Your mate is waiting to feed
On the sands, Doriana grins happily to all.

Malachite notes that two of his apprentices need to impress now in order for
   him to win the bet.

On the sands, Green Hatchling is born!
On the sands, Doriana steps off the sands towards the entrances.
On the sands, D'rek urges Doriana to the wr.
On the sands, Marlena kneels down low
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the green hatchling.
On the sands, Doriana has arrived.
On the sands, Talexis stops.

Rishard says "DOriana, I think..."

On the sands, Green Hatchling falls out of the egg flat on her back!

T'lean says "Oooh...another green, Th'lin..."

On the sands, Riyja touches the gold reverently
On the sands, Doriana walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Khyri looks arouund..wishing to comfort everyone

Th'lin smiles!

On the sands, Shalynra helps the green hatchling.
On the sands, Talexis rights the green!

Tavella says "Talexis for this green...."

On the sands, Khyri turns to help the little green
On the sands, Huma helps green
On the sands, Green Hatchling oooof!

Tavella says "I'll bet 100 marks."

On the sands, Orion rushes to help the green up
On the sands, Marlena encourages the little gold...
On the sands, Segev wows!
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling looks back to Shalynra. Then to Marlena.
On the sands, Talexis chuckles. So much help!
On the sands, Segev oogles at the green that fell.
On the sands, Khyri reaches to steady the green
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the green hatchling.
On the sands, Green Hatchling flaps her wings still down.
On the sands, Huma steps back.
On the sands, Marlena says "Find your friend for life!"

Tavella says "and 100 on marlena for the gold."

On the sands, Talexis smiles gently
On the sands, Taltor smiles at the crowd
On the sands, Segev rushes to help the green.
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the gold hatchling.
On the sands, Philar helps green

Charisse wishes the Minecrafters luck!
F'dan notes the Gold likes prolonging things. :)

On the sands, Talexis hopes beyond hope...
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling cries out and moves unsteadily to the right.
On the sands, Arlon says "give her room!"
On the sands, Khyri smiles at the beautiful little green and says COURAGE
On the sands, Huma smiles at the gold.

Tavella says "somehow, I don't think anyone will bet against Marlena....."

On the sands, Marlena folows the gold but gives her room
On the sands, Green Hatchling is helped up by Segev and Khyri.

F'zik says "Golds are natural teasers."

On the sands, Riyja looks at the little gold her gray eyes full of love
On the sands, Segev smiles!
On the sands, Khyri turns to look at the troubled gold
On the sands, Talexis backs off to give the dragonetts room...
On the sands, Kerridis How wonderful
On the sands, Kilroy looks at the green intently.
On the sands, Orion makes sure the green is ok

F'zik says "I've never met Marlena. WHy's everyone so hot on her?"

On the sands, Shalynra thinks of love to both hatchlings and the eggs.

F'dan says "I might, but not much. :)"

On the sands, Shy gold hatchling moves closer to the Candidates.
On the sands, Green Hatchling tottles off across the sands ignoring her
On the sands, Khyri wants to help them all

T'rin climbs a few steps from the lower entrance.
T'rin has arrived.
Malachite will bet against you, Tavella. 100 aganst Marlena.
Tavella says "oh, inside information, you might say!"
T'rin waves

On the sands, Green Hatchling notices the gold hatchling.
On the sands, Talexis watches the green worrydly
On the sands, Green Hatchling moves over towards the other hatchling.
On the sands, Marlena hums in her throat to the gold...

V'nar puts 200 for Marlena. "Any takers?"

On the sands, Khyri watche ready to intervene

Tavella says "or just a feeling..."

On the sands, Talexis thinks of love o the green
On the sands, Marlena looks worriedly..
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling moves towards Riyja and Talexis.
On the sands, Kimri smiles reassuringly at the Hatchlings. "Everything will be
   all right."

Tavella says "Taken, Malachite!"

On the sands, Green Hatchling chirrups in an awkward voice trying to steal the
On the sands, Talexis hopes....
On the sands, Riyja drops to one knee to see the gold better
On the sands, Talexis hopes.....
On the sands, Arlon smiles

Malachite notes that gold impression isn't random...

On the sands, Khyri steps forward toward the dragonnettes
On the sands, Huma laughs

Saevin says "How many eggs left? It's getting late!"

On the sands, Talexis prays...
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the green hatchling.
On the sands, Taltor smiles to Kimri. I'm glad to unburied to gold :)
On the sands, Every little thing... is gonna be alright...
On the sands, Green Hatchling sees her choice!
On the sands, Marlena thinks love and welcome to the gold...
On the sands, Arlon says "you just want attention little green princess"
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling looks questioningly at the Green.
On the sands, Talexis hopes...
On the sands, Marlena smiles hearing Arlon...
On the sands, Khyri watches and waitts
On the sands, Shalynra hopes.

Thenomain says "Late? Midnight?"
Silverlock wonders if Golds have ever impressed to males.
Tavella dropped Tavbets.

On the sands, Green Hatchling holds her wings out wide and rushes forward
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the green hatchling.

Saevin says "yeppers!"
Malachite thinks the green will impress the gold.

On the sands, Kilroy remains still.
On the sands, Green Hatchling looks very silly.

Saevin says "IO gotta work tomorrow!"
Tabbifli wishes everyone good night..
Cathy wonders about Silverlock!

On the sands, Huma laughs
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling looks confused.
On the sands, Riyja hopes excited

Malachite says "Goodnight, Tabbi."
Tavella waves to Saevin.

On the sands, Marlena keeps her attention fixed on the shy little queen.
On the sands, Kassandra stretches her hand out shyly to the little gold
   thinking coorting thoughts
On the sands, Kerridis says "don't worry little one"

Tabbifli says "It's a bit late for those of us who need to work."

On the sands, Green Hatchling stops short at Riyja.

R'han says "bye tabbi!"
F'zik says "Shy indeed."
Selin says "My connection stinks. I know that Z'nith Impressed... does anyone
   else know of a StarCrafter who Impressed?"

On the sands, Orion tries to calm down and wait.
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the green hatchling.

Moonchilde shouts "we will be back shortly."

Saevin waves to Tabi

On the sands, Kilroy looks hopeful.
On the sands, Talexis smiles wistfully
On the sands, Green Hatchling seems transfixed.
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling lifts her head up and lets out a miniature

F'zik says "I feel the urge to run down and throw her at Marlena."
Tavella says "just Z'nith....."

On the sands, Khyri smiles at the green and wishes encouragement to the gold
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the gold hatchling.
On the sands, Marlena kneels down slowly...

Tabbifli says "Bye"

On the sands, Green Hatchling makes a questioning peep at Riyja.
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling starts to wander off again.

Lammpoy says "Two have, Selin"
Tabbifli has left.

On the sands, Riyja thinks that both hatchlings arte beautiful

F'zik says "Bye MasterHarper."

On the sands, Kimri watches calmly. "Everything will be fine little ones."
On the sands, Huma waits

Saevin says "Zenith was a Smith!"

On the sands, Talexis backs off and sits down gently in a corner.
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the gold hatchling.
On the sands, Khyri projects <don't fear us little queen - we will feed and
   nurture you>

Tavella says "I'm betting for Talexis, thought! For this green, or another

On the sands, Pointy Egg picks this time to starts shaking.
On the sands, Marlena calls to the little gold... come back and find a friend!
On the sands, Green Hatchling makes small creeling sounds.
On the sands, Khyri turns to glance aththe pointy egg...she is worried about
   how long it is taking
On the sands, Riyja looks at the green
On the sands, Taltor says "The golds like to be chased even as hatchlings :)"
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling moves back towards the shards.
On the sands, Green Hatchling looks up...
On the sands, Kilroy continues to look at the green.
On the sands, Talexis smiles at the beautiful things

Tavella says "anybody want to take a bet, Marlena for a green?"
Silverlock wonders if the gold is going to come up to the Gallery.

On the sands, Marlena gets up and follows the gold
On the sands, Pointy Egg tries harder.

Thenomain says "Zenith was a Smith? No he wasn't."
Tavella says "100 marks!"

On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the gold hatchling.

Silverlock pokes Cathy.
D'nal silently watches the hatching, ...and Chedris.

On the sands, Khyri encourages the pointy egg <come out little one!>
On the sands, Riyja says "Her name is Datanth!"
On the sands, Arlon says "you can't go back into the egg gold beauty"
On the sands, Kerridis follows Marlena
On the sands, Kimri smiles. "You can't return to the egg little queen."

F'dan says "I'll take it."

On the sands, Shiny Egg moves suddenly.

Saevin says "I thought so..."

On the sands, Huma claps
On the sands, Biggest Egg rocks ominously!
On the sands, Talexis thins what a wonderful green!@
On the sands, Riyja hugs the little green
On the sands, Orion wishes the green to feed well.

Cathy deftly turns Silverlock onto his head.

On the sands, Taltor looks at the biggest egg.
On the sands, Datanth bugles!
On the sands, Huma stands as still as he can.
On the sands, Marlena stands very quietly.

Silverlock flounders.
F'gron says "Riyja female?"

On the sands, Biggest Egg heaves so hard it rolls twice!
On the sands, Shy gold hatchling looks back at Kimri and turns around quickly.
   She then stops.

F'zik says "Well Th'lin, there's another female green rider."
Tavella says "Taken, F'dan! I bet 100 marks for Talexis to impress a green."

On the sands, Talexis hopes...
On the sands, Kilroy looks at the biggest egg.

V'nar still has 200 on Marlena for a gold.
Malachite says "Yes, Riyja's female."

On the sands, Khyri glances worried at the gold hatchling and encourages the
   pointy egg
On the sands, Kimri says "It's all right little one"
On the sands, Shalynra thinks <<LOVE COMFORT WARMTH>> to the gold hatchling.
On the sands, Marlena doesn't move and keeps thinking to the little gold...

Th'lin smiles.
F'gron says "There ya go, Th'lin... How old is Riyja?"

On the sands, The candidates watch the confused gold worriedly
On the sands, Huma thinks to himself about Companyonship.

Charisse chuckles.

On the sands, Kimri says "You mustn't be frightened of anything."
On the sands, Arlon smiles at the gold then turns back to the other eggs

Th'lin says "Dunno...never met her."
F'zik says "He's a phonetic speller, obviously.`"
Malachite says "She's like 11 or so."

On the sands, D'rek says "Who Impressed Dantanth?"

F'gron says "It sounds like Huma is going to have a party on his boat or

On the sands, Khyri says "Come on little pointy egg!"

Malachite says "Just kidding."

On the sands, Marlena looks astonished....
On the sands, Kassandra croons softly to the little queen

Silverlock says "It would be terrible if the gold didn't impress."

On the sands, Kimri says "You are a queen you will never lack for care or

F'gron says "There you go, Th'lin :)"

On the sands, Maylith looks at her persistent follower.

Selin says "Malachite, as far as I can tell, only one StarSmith has Impressed,
   not two... so you're still in the running."

On the sands, Talexis thinks of the free sky and hunting.
On the sands, Kilroy encourages the biggest egg.
On the sands, Marlena cries joyously "Her name is Maylith!

Amberyl has disconnected.
F'zik says "HA"

On the sands, Huma chears

Saevin cheers for Marlena!

On the sands, Riyja walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Shalynra congratulates Marlena.

Th'lin says "Is that two or three green females?"
F'dan hmms. Did I just lose? :)

On the sands, Spherical Egg starts having cracks appear.
On the sands, Biggest Egg rolls over again as something pushes from the
On the sands, Marlena bends down and hugs the little gold tenderly.
On the sands, Talexis laughes!

Garavon cheers!
D'nal says "Way to go Narlena.."

On the sands, Khyri turns from the now safe queen to the pointy egg

Tavella says "told you, Malachite!"

On the sands, Kimri smiles at Marlena.
On the sands, Taltor congratulates Marlena
On the sands, Slender Egg shifts in the sands.
On the sands, Maylith looks quickly at Marlena.. Food?
On the sands, Marlena smiles
On the sands, Telyr smiles.

R'han cheers!!
Tavella says "100 marks, please!"

On the sands, Marlena nods... right away!
On the sands, Shalynra turns back to the eggs.

Malachite hmphs. I just paid you, Tavella.

On the sands, Marlena says "Come with me to the waiting room..."

F'dan throws a rather small purse to Tavella.

On the sands, Huma thinks of the shiny egg.
On the sands, Orion watches the biggest egg moving

Tavella says "oh."

On the sands, Slender Egg wobbles only slightly.
On the sands, Marlena leads Maylith off the sands.
On the sands, The candidates breath a sigh of relief that the queen has
On the sands, Kerridis claps her hands enjoying the excitement
On the sands, Marlena walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Spherical Egg starts knocking a few shards away. Slowly.

Malachite says "So who _is_ Marlena, and how did you know they chose her?"

On the sands, Maylith walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Talexis watches the slender egg with care...

F'zik says "Yes, who is Marlena?"
Sigh of relief.

On the sands, S'jeev says "Whew!"

Tavella says "ooh, sorry lost it in the scroll...."
Th'lin smirks.

On the sands, Biggest Egg heaves and rolls towards Telyr!
On the sands, Taltor comforts Kimri

Tavella smirks.

On the sands, Talexis says "dodge!"
On the sands, Biggest Egg almost rolls Telyr over!
On the sands, Telyr minds his toes.
On the sands, Arlon says "careful Telyr"

Tavella says "Carice knows, I don't!"

On the sands, Shalynra thinks <<COME OUT AND BE WELCOMED LITTLE ONES>>
On the sands, Spherical Egg has its lower half crumble away.

Amberyl has connected.

On the sands, The candidates gasp
On the sands, Arylian watches the biggest egg.
On the sands, Kilroy watches the biggest egg.

Th'lin says "Thats 7 out so far...8 more to go."

On the sands, Kimri smiles at Taltor."Nothing to be sad about....the dragon's
   always right."
On the sands, Huma watches the shiny egg.
On the sands, Khyri still looks with concern at the pointy egg

F'gron says "I think that Shalynra is BIFF"
Thenomaineven being non-psychic, is bowled over by Shalynra's thought.
T'rin says "How do you contract Arlon?"

On the sands, Taltor is also following the biggest egg with his eyes.

Tavella says "hmm, F'dan, I thought your bet was against Tal, not
F'zik gives 1000 Marks to you.

On the sands, Spherical Egg throws off its upper half!
On the sands, Talexis wonders who all has Impressed? She lost track...

Tavella eeps!
Saevin says "Huh, F'zik? I never bet with you?"
F'zik waggles his fingers. You should check your pockets Amberyl.
Tavella says "F'zik is giving away large sums of money!"
Saevin looks confused.
F'dan says "F'zik?"

On the sands, D'rek || Bronze Kerolth Reken(plain) || Blue Joith Zenith ||
   Green Serketh Jelal(oblong) || Brown Geliath Kalel || Tayefeth Green 
   Doriana || Datanth green Riyja
On the sands, Large bronze hatchling is born!

F'zik says "Light fingered I am."

On the sands, Spherical Egg crumbles away!

Saevin says "Ah!"

On the sands, Kilroy looks with wonder at the Large bronze.
On the sands, Talexis thanks the sender...
On the sands, Segev ooos!
On the sands, Huma aws

Spreading chaos wherever he goes, F'zik stalks the land.

On the sands, Large bronze hatchling looks around imperiously

V'nar says "Ummmm."

On the sands, Segev begins to think warmth and love.
On the sands, Khyri cries out with joy at the wonderful bronze
On the sands, Taltor chuckles at the giant bronz

Th'lin says "R'ken, Z,nith, J'lal? K'lel, Doriana, Marlena, and Riyja."

Silverlock cheers for Kilroy!!!

On the sands, Huma thinks of comfort
On the sands, D'rek welcomes you.

Silverlock says "Come on Kilroy!"

On the sands, Orion is in awe

R'han was right about the big one...
Th'lin says "Ack!"

On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the bronze hatchling.
On the sands, Arlon smiles at the bronze <will you be my friend?>
On the sands, Huma thinks of love.

F'zik says "Looks like D'rek is trying for another."

On the sands, Arylian wows at the bronze.
On the sands, Segev controls his thoughts. Nothing but warmth and trust.
On the sands, Kilroy thinks of companionship and love.
On the sands, Biggest Egg sits silent.
On the sands, Large bronze hatchling opens and closes its eyes a few times.
On the sands, Kimri admires the bronze.
On the sands, Segev takes a slow step towards the bronze.
On the sands, Huma thinks of nice oil to stop those itches.
On the sands, Arlon bows to the bronze

Malachite is waiting for someone to think, <won't you be my neighbor?<

On the sands, Large bronze hatchling looks at Huma and Segev. He moves away.
On the sands, Taltor thinks <We have been waiting for you young one>
On the sands, Segev watches his eyes as big as moons!
On the sands, Segev refuses to give up.
On the sands, Kilroy looks at the bronze.

Thenomain thinks 'Won't you be ny neighbor?'

On the sands, Slender Egg wobbles.

F'zik rolls his eyes.
F'gron says "giggles at Malachite"
Th'lin says "Segev will get it."

On the sands, Khyri watches the bronze while keeping an eye on the pointy egg
On the sands, Talexis thinks of lots of warm food...
On the sands, Huma cocentrates on the bronze.
On the sands, Orion watches the slender egg
On the sands, Kilroy smiles warmly at the bronze.

Silverlock says "Come on Kilroy."

On the sands, Huma thinks of meat.
On the sands, Segev imagines flight and life-long companionship.
On the sands, Large bronze hatchling looks over its body at Kilroy but starts
   heading forward.

Saevin says "How do people get egg shards?"
Malachite says "Mr. R'dger's Neighborweyr?"
R'han roots for kilroy....
Cathy cheers on Shalynra.

On the sands, Pointy Egg shakes again. It's trying!
On the sands, Taltor offers Food. Oilings. But most of all his love and

Silverlock says "Come on Kilroy!! Get a bronze!!"
Saevin doubles over with laughter!
F'dan thwaps Malachite.
F'gron doubles over with laughter.
Chedris watches avidly.

On the sands, Khyri reaches out with her mind and her heart to help the pointy

F'dan grins.
Cathy laughs.

On the sands, Huma thinks of love.
On the sands, Talexis urges on the pointy egg!
On the sands, Biggest Egg begins to rock again!
On the sands, Large bronze hatchling looks around. It notes Arlon's bow.
On the sands, Shalynra thinks <C'mon little ones hatch be welcome>

Malachite says "Kil-roy, Kil-roy, Kil-roy!"

On the sands, Arylian thinks to the bronze <<I will provide what you need>>

F'dan says "NeighborHold."

On the sands, Segev projects comfort food...
On the sands, Kilroy keeps his eyes on the bronze.

D'nal smiles at Chedris.. "Better?"

On the sands, Orion hopes for the slender egg to hatch
On the sands, Arlon smiles and nods <be my friend>

F'zik says "The shards of hte Benden Hatching are still sitting there."
Thenomain pulls out a knife and kills Roy for Mal.
T'rin laffs @ F'dan

On the sands, Biggest Egg cracks rapidly as it is battered from within.
On the sands, Huma thinks loving thoughts.
On the sands, Khyri thinks <we're waiting little one just a little more

Tavella says "really?"
Chedris smiles back at D'nal. "Better."
Tavella says "I'll have to go pick up mine...."

On the sands, Segev holds his breath he projects so hard.

F'zik says "Yes, Tav."

On the sands, Shalynra thinks of love and comfort.

Saevin says "Well, folks, gotta go. Gotta work tomorrow!"

On the sands, Large bronze hatchling looks at Huma. It shakes its head. Not
   the right one.

F'zik says "Well, I've tried to get them."
Silverlock holds his breath in antisipation.

On the sands, Talexis chuckles. Don't pull something :)

F'dan waves.
F'zik says "But Jeniath is still protecting them ;)"
Th'lin laughs!

On the sands, Biggest Egg cracks into several large chunks!
On the sands, Brown hatchling is born!

D'nal hugs Chedris warmly than watches the little bronze..
Garavon waves.
Perith has arrived.

On the sands, Brown hatchling warbles loudly!
On the sands, Huma concentrates on brown.

Saevin waves to everyone good-bye!

On the sands, Talexis is awed by the brown!
On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the brown hatchling.

Silverlock starts turning blue.

On the sands, Large bronze hatchling wanders towards the main group of
On the sands, Kilroy keeps trained on the bronze.
On the sands, Kimri chuckles.
On the sands, Slender Egg wiggles.

Kaneda has connected.
Saevin goes home.
Saevin has left.

On the sands, Orion smiles at the brown
On the sands, Khyri glances at the new brown and smiles

F'dan agrees. "Amazing how she can do that when not even there. :)"
Thenomain says "Poink!"

On the sands, Huma thinks of loveing thoughts.
On the sands, Brown hatchling flaps his wings as hard as he can.

Perith circles about D'nal chittering happily.

On the sands, Talexis thinks carefully....
On the sands, Taltor thinks of flying and thrilling with the bronze
On the sands, Large bronze hatchling looks at Arlon and Talexis.
On the sands, The candidates sway forward concentrating on the hatchlings

Kaneda goes home.
Kaneda has left.
Valen has left.

On the sands, Huma thinks of flight.
On the sands, Talexis hopes harder!
On the sands, Khyri smiles at the brown's efforts and chuckles
On the sands, Brown hatchling rubs an itchy headnob on a wingtip.
On the sands, Arlon thinks <may I be your friend?>

Silverlock looks like he is going to faint.
D'nal says "Talk to Amberyl about getting the shards of your dragons egg."

On the sands, Huma thinks of oiling
On the sands, Brown hatchling takes a few steps towards the waiting
On the sands, Talexis reaches out to scratch the knob but pulls back in fear!
On the sands, Segev sighs long wishing the bronze had loved him.

F'zik says "Oh, I don't need Shards. I need Between lessons!"

On the sands, Orion humms to the beautiful carefree brown
On the sands, Talexis thinks how wonderful the bronze is!
On the sands, Arylian offers to scratch the brown.
On the sands, Huma thinks of companyonship.
On the sands, Kimri thinks of food bathing oiling and comforting.

Silverlock gasps for air.

On the sands, Large bronze hatchling starts heading towards Orion but changes
   his mind. It starts again and heads for Arlon.

F'gron says "You too?"
Silverlock says "Come on Kilroy."
F'zik says "It's loooooong swim to Ista."
T'rin grins.

On the sands, Arlon kneels
On the sands, Brown hatchling stops again to itch his tail. He rumbles
On the sands, Kilroy smiles at the bronze warmly.

F'dan says "what's wrong, Silverlock?"
F'gron glances at T'rin who, noticing, turns and smiles.
T'rin offers rides home to anyone...

On the sands, Segev looks at the curious brown glancing now and then at the
On the sands, Arlon holds his breath

Th'lin says "F'jon needs to make you btw active, eh?"
Cathy says "Silvelock ios Constipated."

On the sands, Large bronze hatchling slowly comes up to the kneeling

F'zik says "Yes."

On the sands, Talexis hopes......
On the sands, Segev says "You're a very pretty brown!"

F'gron says "Me too..."

On the sands, Huma thinks how good oil would feel.

Silverlock thwaps Cathy.
Tavella glances at T'rin who, noticing, turns and smiles.

On the sands, Brown hatchling seems to notice Segev.
On the sands, Talexis thinks of oil nd food...

Cathy ducks.

On the sands, Taltor waits for the hatchlings and just thinks the same
   positive thoughts.

Tavella says "t'lean, who is our new blue rider?"

On the sands, Arlon stares into the bronze's eyes
On the sands, Large bronze hatchling looks steadily at Arlon.
On the sands, Joram smiles at the dragonets

D'nal smiles up at Perith.
R'han damns.

On the sands, Talexis urges Arlon on!

F'dan says "150 says S'gev gets the bronze!"
Th'lin says "Z'nith."

On the sands, Shalynra simply waits thinking of love.

T'lean says "Our new blue rider is K'rin."
Silverlock says "I am hoping for Kilroy.. Or isn't that obvious ;)"
Tavella says "no, in the Firestorm wing...."
Th'lin says "Hm?"

On the sands, Zienth looks with a question in its eyes
On the sands, Khyri encourages the pointy egg with thoughts of food and

Th'lin says "Ah."

On the sands, Arlon says "his name is Zienth!"
On the sands, D'rek smiles.

R'han has disconnected.
F'zik says "Arlon wins!"

On the sands, Zienth nudges Arlon
On the sands, Arlon says "you are wonderful!"

Malachite hms. Who's Arlon?

On the sands, Fatoma smils warmly

Silverlock sighs.

On the sands, Pointy Egg shakes.

R'han has connected.

On the sands, Khyri looks expectant
On the sands, Brown hatchling watches the bronze impress.
On the sands, Kilroy looks at the brown and smiles.

F'zik says "He was at the Benden Hatching too."
Malachite says "And worse, how do you ' it?"
F'zik says "A'lon."
T'rin looks strangely @ F'zik...What adesc?!?!?

On the sands, Segev moves towards the brown slowly.

Tavella nods.
Tavella glances at T'rin who, noticing, turns and smiles.

On the sands, Arlon feels weak from excitement as he hugs Zienth
On the sands, Rough Egg moves a lot to the right.

Perith lands on Chedris's shoulder nuzzling her warmly.
R'han says "odesc."

On the sands, Brown hatchling notices Segev and flicks his tail.
On the sands, Orion doesn't pay attention to the bronze just concentrates on
   the slender egg
On the sands, Segev oooos!
On the sands, Talexis thinks warm brown thoughts
On the sands, Pointy Egg moves forward too to fill the space.
On the sands, Segev gets noticed!
On the sands, Brown hatchling stands up and begins to walk forward.
On the sands, Khyri moves toward the pointy egg..wanting to help it along

F'dan says "ooops. good thing no one took that bet. :)"

On the sands, Segev stands perfectly still!

V'nar grins.

On the sands, Talexis smile for Segev!

F'zik says "That pointy egg is having problems."

On the sands, Kilroy looks hopefuly at the brown.
On the sands, Broken Egg Shards quakes with a series of movements.
On the sands, Kerridis looks encouragingly at Segev
On the sands, Khyri stops short and looks at the pointy egg
On the sands, Arlon walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Talexis concentrates hard...
On the sands, Arylian offers again to scratch the brown and thinks of soothing

Tavella giggles.

On the sands, Brown hatchling walks right on past Segev...

V'nar chuckles.
V'nar says "Hate them shard-quakes..."
Th'lin smirks.
Lyra chuckles.

On the sands, Brown hatchling heads towards the other candidates resolutely.
On the sands, Talexis looks at the brown.
On the sands, Segev oh no...
On the sands, Huma thinks of love.
On the sands, Rough Egg look close to breaking.

F'zik says "What did Segev impress?"
Silverlock says "Come on little brown, go for Kilroy."

On the sands, Taltor sighs but look at little hopefull
On the sands, Segev looks very sad cries a little inside.

Rishard says "Go Talexis!"

On the sands, Kimri remains still..just happy to be present to welcome the
On the sands, Brown hatchling listens for just the right candidate.
On the sands, Rough Egg leans forward.
On the sands, Talexis goes and comforts segev

Th'lin says "Nothing....a between-time kid like that? ;)"

On the sands, Kilroy thinks of love and warmth.
On the sands, Huma thinks of companyonship.
On the sands, Kerridis says "Oh how wonderful!"
On the sands, Brown hatchling doesn't seem to know who he wants.
On the sands, Roger smiles at the dragonet.
On the sands, Small blue hatchling is born!
On the sands, Kilroy smiles at the brown.
On the sands, Taltor waits
On the sands, Talexis tentavely looks at th blue!
On the sands, Khyri smiles and welcomes the little blue
On the sands, Huma knows the brown will pick right.
On the sands, Arylian thinks <<Fun playing in the fields>>

Malachite gets tired of Huma not knowing how to spell companionship.

On the sands, Brown hatchling moves past Taltor and Kilroy...

Silverlock thinks the brown may want someone in the Gallery.

On the sands, Huma thinks of the wide open sky.
On the sands, Talexis hopes...
On the sands, Joram looks calmly at the brown.
On the sands, Shalynra thinks of love and companionship.
On the sands, Small blue hatchling looks back at Talexis but then looks at
On the sands, Brown hatchling stops to scratch an itch!

Tavella looks around the gallery.
Th'lin says "Uh-oh...."
Thenomain says "Hummina."
Chedris leans over to whisper something to D'nal and heads out of the Grounds.
Cathy thinks Silverlock is doing too much idle hopeing.
F'zik laughs at the brown.

On the sands, Talexis moves back and lets segev move forward.
On the sands, Brown hatchling uses his foreleg to itch an eye ridge.
On the sands, Kilroy thinks of oil.

Tavella says "crisis!"
Chedris walks down the stairs to the entrances.
Chedris has left.

On the sands, Brown hatchling can't seem to get the itch!

F'gron says "I think he's inviting the dragons to a party on his boat...

On the sands, Khyri stands still..waiting
On the sands, Huma thinks of companionship(spelled right this time)
On the sands, Talexis reaches forward....

D'nal smiles at Chedris, and hugs her just as she goes.
Thenomain says "Where do all the vowels go?"

On the sands, Arylian offers to scratch the brown.
On the sands, Kilroy scratches the brown.

Selin says "Anyone in authority! Zagan was a Candidate for this Hatching! Will
   anyone authorize me to create a puppet for him to attempt to Impress?!"

On the sands, Brown hatchling looks around for help.
On the sands, Small blue hatchling starts trudging forward with its eyes
   looking in a different direction.

Amberyl says "Go ahead, Selin."

On the sands, Brown hatchling looks unsure at his helpers.
On the sands, Talexis hopes towards the blue

Lammpoy says "Go Huma!"
Tavella says "do it......"

On the sands, Kerridis reaches up as high as she can to scratch the brown too
On the sands, Taltor thinks of <oiling and rubs>

In the Gallery, F'dan emits <I wish people would stop using <>'s >

On the sands, Huma comes over to help the brown.
On the sands, Small blue hatchling suddenly trips!
On the sands, Talexis and looks back to the brown
On the sands, Kilroy smiles warmly at the brown while helping him.

D'nal nods... "Do it."
Selin dropped A Puppet of Zagan.
Silverlock sighs.

On the sands, Small blue hatchling tries struggling up.
On the sands, Talexis runs to hte blue!
On the sands, Taltor stays back and gives everyone else room

Amberyl says "Just call it Zagan."
Tavella says "just name it zagan...."

On the sands, Kimri looks concernedly at the blue.
On the sands, Kerridis turns to watch the other eggss.
On the sands, Brown hatchling walks around the sands looking very lost.
On the sands, Shalynra helps the blue hatchling.

F'zik shakes Zagan's hand.

On the sands, Khyri looks with concern at the blue
On the sands, Talexis helps the blue get back to it's feet1

Selin has left.

On the sands, Kassandra helps the blue up gently
On the sands, Huma hopes the brown feels better.
On the sands, Brown hatchling can't seem to make a decision.
On the sands, Taltor says "At least the bulky egg was healthy."
On the sands, Talexis thinks to the brown...
On the sands, Small blue hatchling gets up.. But starts moving away! :(
On the sands, Kilroy backs away.

Tavella cheers for Zagan too!

On the sands, Arylian feels for the brown/

F'zik says "Go Brown dragons!"
A Puppet of Zagan walks down the short flight of stairs to the sands.
A Puppet of Zagan has left.

On the sands, A Puppet of Zagan walks down from the galleries.
On the sands, A Puppet of Zagan has arrived.
On the sands, Khyri looks concerned at the confused dragonnettes

Thenomain says "Do the Women greenwings get them?"
Silverlock says "Come on little brown, go for Kilroy."

On the sands, Talexis reaches out to the brown...

F'dan grins. "change the name!" :)

On the sands, Talexis hopes....

Th'lin says "Just name it 'Zagan'."

On the sands, Small blue hatchling moves toward Joram.
On the sands, Iliana wonders at the Puppet of Zagan. :P
On the sands, Huma thinks joyfull thoughts.
On the sands, Kerridis turns to look at Zagan
On the sands, Iliana urges the PUPPET to go home.
On the sands, Telyr grins.

Cathy cheers on Shalynra.
Thenomain says "Can't. There's a rule against imitating character, me

On the sands, Brown hatchling stops!
On the sands, Joram looks cheerfully at the blue.
On the sands, Small blue hatchling looks confused.
On the sands, Talexis reaches out a hesitant hand to the brown
On the sands, Orion watches the slender egg

F'zik says "No, Zenith is a puppet tonight."
Malachite says "Name it Zagan."

On the sands, Brown hatchling tries to warble but it doesn't sound right.

Silverlock looks over into the sands at the Brown Hatchling.

On the sands, Huma tried to help the brown.

F'zik grins.
Tavella says "look I did it....."
Malachite hrmphs. If people can't be bothered to show up, they shouldn't
Silverlock says "What is wrong with you, pick a mate."

On the sands, Brown hatchling searches the candidate's faces!
On the sands, Small blue hatchling put out a claw tentatively towards Joram.
On the sands, Kilroy smiles.

Thenomain says "Ahhaha..."

On the sands, Taltor is concerned by the brown's confusion
On the sands, Arylian Watches the brown with hope and joy.
On the sands, Zagan thinks of love and of flight of fighting Thread spinning
   from the Red Star.
On the sands, Talexis wishes food and oil to the brown!
On the sands, Taltor says "Maybe his mate isn't here?"
On the sands, Small blue hatchling squawks?
On the sands, Huma hopes the brown is alright.
On the sands, Kilroy looks hopeful.
On the sands, Kerridis hums encouragingly at the brown dragonet

Th'lin says "Ack."

Moonchilde shouts "This is a public announcement.. do NOT use the RWHO command
   for now."

On the sands, Segev notices the blue and Joram so looks back to the brown.
On the sands, Fatoma smiles warmly
On the sands, Brown hatchling seems confused again. Where did that candidate
On the sands, Small blue hatchling moves in front of Joram. It looks at his
On the sands, Talexis hopes....

F'zik says "Almost 1000 players."

On the sands, Huma looks around.
On the sands, Arylian <<over here??>>
On the sands, Small blue hatchling looks tired.
On the sands, Kilroy continues his gaze at the brown.
On the sands, Joram reaches carefully toward the blue
On the sands, Brown hatchling decides to check one candidate at a time then!
On the sands, Kerridis says "Oh Joram!"
On the sands, Zagan gazes at the dragonets and smiles.
On the sands, Small blue hatchling tried very hard to hatch!
On the sands, Huma introduces himself to the brown.
On the sands, Talexis encourages the hatchlings!
On the sands, The hatchlings seem to be having a hard time choosing

Lammpoy says "I think we have a very confused brown..."
Tavella says "yeah.... only 2002 rooms, though!"
Malachite thinks that the idea of impressing when you can't even be bothered
   to show up is a dumb one.

On the sands, Khyri thinks <come on little one!>
On the sands, Kilroy looks at the blue.
On the sands, Brown hatchling moves over to Talexis. Nope that's not him!
On the sands, Bruxth looks at the reaching hands.

F'zik says "Well, Zagan is around a lot."

On the sands, Brown hatchling looks at Kilroy. Nope!
On the sands, Talexis thinks or hir!
On the sands, Orion urges the slender egg to hatch.
On the sands, Joram says "his name is Bruxth!"
On the sands, Kimri smiles at the brown's determination.

Silverlock sighs.
F'zik says "But he is sysadmin for Ames RC"
D'nal will be going.

On the sands, Bruxth calls out joyfully!
On the sands, Brown hatchling looks at Orion and Huma. WHERE IS HE?
On the sands, Huma claps
On the sands, Taltor says "He's going to get this right."

F'zik says "He's probably really busy."

On the sands, Some of the Candidates look pretty confused too...
On the sands, Talexis says "can Puppets impress? Orion?"

Malachite shrugs. Then maybe he's too busy to be a dragonrider?

On the sands, Pointy Egg starts another series of complicated moves.
On the sands, Brown hatchling looks at Taltor. No....
On the sands, Huma shows the brown around.

Perith circles and lands on D'nal's shoulder.
Perith has left.
F'zik says "No, like I said, he's around a lot. He's nice too."

On the sands, Khyri reaches out and tries to lend her strength to the pointy
On the sands, Kilroy stays in his place.
On the sands, Bruxth moves closer to Joram.
On the sands, Brown hatchling shakes his head at Kimri and Khyri.

Tavella says "yah, and a STARCRAFTER!"

On the sands, The candidates look hopeful.
On the sands, Taltor looks sad at being passed over but expected it by now.
On the sands, Arylian smiles at the brown.

F'zik says "Just tonight he probably has to install OS or

On the sands, Brown hatchling stops to scratch an itch!
On the sands, Telyr smiles at the fray.

D'nal bows to all.

On the sands, Khyri thinks <we're here for you...just a little more!>

D'nal walks down the stairs to the entrances.
D'nal has left.

On the sands, Brown hatchling passes Arylian by but wait!
On the sands, Orion looks at the brown
On the sands, Huma thinks of how much oil would help that itch.
On the sands, Brown hatchling rushes to Telyr!
On the sands, Telyr acks!
On the sands, Kilroy looks sullen.
On the sands, Arylian thinks oil and food to the brown.
On the sands, Huma claps.

Silverlock sigh
Thenomain says "Ahha!"

On the sands, Telyr says "His name is Girenath!"

Malachite hmphs. There's still something not-right about people showing up to
   impress, and being beaten out by a puppet.
Th'lin laughs.
Tavella says "yeah!"
F'dan grins.

On the sands, Pointy Egg is getting fuzzy with all of its moves! This looks
   like its time!
On the sands, Segev sighs!
On the sands, Talexis smiles in congrats!

Amberyl grins.

On the sands, Huma cheers.

F'zik says "You're right."

On the sands, Segev looks at the pointy egg!
On the sands, Joram walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Elliptical Egg shifts slightly.
On the sands, Huma waves to Girenath.
On the sands, Telyr gives Girenath a good scritch.

Lammpoy  agrees with Malachite

On the sands, Khyri stares at the pointy egg and wishes with all her might

R'han chuckles
Thenomain pulls out a parchment and starts writing something down.

On the sands, Talexis thinks of stranght and food

Rishard says "How many left now? 5?"

On the sands, Silky Egg decides to wobble.
On the sands, Kilroy looks at the elliptical egg with curiosity.
On the sands, The candidates look disappointed
On the sands, Segev ohs! The queen egg moved!
On the sands, Shalynra thinks <<Be welcome little ones.>>
On the sands, Huma look sat the Shiny egg.

F'gron says "What happened to the bulky egg?"

On the sands, Pointy Egg breaks its shell!

Tavella says "but a few people may have emergencies...."

On the sands, Zagan says "Hello little dragons. Come out and find your
On the sands, Khyri glances at the queen egg....
On the sands, Green Hatchling is born!

Th'lin says "Turned to dust."

On the sands, Huma claps
On the sands, Khyri turns back with joy to the pointy egg!

Malachite says "It sorta sucks for the people who DID bother to show up, who
   DID take the time to be here, and then lose to someone who doesn't show 

On the sands, Shalynra thinks thoughts of love at the green hatchling.

Thenomain mutters something about life and spoils...

On the sands, Talexis thinks of flight food and emeralds1
On the sands, Taltor sits down towards the back of the bowl

F'gron says "Oh ho, Th'lin, another green.."

On the sands, Silky Egg wobbles then shakes and cracks a little.
On the sands, Telyr kneels in front of his dragon.
On the sands, Kimri smiles at the green.
On the sands, Green Hatchling falls out exhausted!

Th'lin smiles.
Tavella says "but having a really obvious puppet like that...."

On the sands, Shalynra admires the beautiful green.
On the sands, Khyri <welcome lovely little strong!>
On the sands, Huma helps green.
On the sands, Talexis thinks of strenght and food!
On the sands, Girenath croons happily.

Tavella says "go Talexis!"
F'zik says "But the people who are chosen are usually chosen for a reason..."
Cathy shouts "Go, Shalynra!"

On the sands, Khyri thinks of food and comfort and rest

Malachite says "If you can't make the hatching, you can't make the hatching.
   *shrug* You don't show up, you don't impress."
F'zik says "The fact that they are here a lot."

On the sands, Huma moves away.

T'rin waves, bedtime

On the sands, Talexis hopes
On the sands, Khyri kneels by the green

Malachite says "I was told it was random, F'zik."

On the sands, Green Hatchling was trying all during the hatching to get out.

F'dan sighs. Life sucks. Live with it.
Rishard says "Talexis!!!"
F'zik says "Not all. Queens, bronzes..."
Th'lin says "Dest the Zagan."
Thenomain says "Go vote republican!"

On the sands, Kilroy looks at the green with compassion.
On the sands, Silky Egg shakes. A single long crack forms and splits into 3
   long cracks.
On the sands, Khyri <I'll hlep you little green>
On the sands, Orion wishes for the eggs to hatch. Especially the slender one.

T'rin shrugs Thenemainwards

On the sands, Shalynra kneels by the green not quite so close as to crowd it
   and thinks love adn comfort to it.
On the sands, Huma thinks of strength.
On the sands, Talexis projects food thoughts!
On the sands, Silky Egg is battered from within.

T'rin shrugs at his spelling

On the sands, Kerridis moves closer to the silky egg.
On the sands, Green Hatchling looks around with open eyes full of emotion.
On the sands, Khyri thinks of food and love and flight
On the sands, Silky Egg stops shaking. A nose pokes out!

T'rin byes y'all
Thenomain shrugs at shrugging.
T'rin walks down the stairs to the entrances.
T'rin has left.
V'nar says "Bye, T'rin."

On the sands, Kerridis thinks comforting thoughts.

F'dan waces.
T'lean says "Hmmm..another one for you Th'lin..."

On the sands, Talexis thinks what a wonderful green color!
On the sands, Shalynra thinks <<Beautiful green>>
On the sands, Huma looks around the room/

Thenomain says "Tah, Tarin."

On the sands, Zagan smiles.

F'dan waves, too.

On the sands, Silky Egg cracks into pieces as a gold nose pushes through!
On the sands, Kilroy looks hopeful.
On the sands, Khyri thinks of emeralds
On the sands, Kimri thinks reassuring thoughts to the green.
On the sands, Huma cheers.
On the sands, Gold Hatchling is born!
On the sands, D'rek ooos.

F'zik says "Whoa."

On the sands, Kerridis says "Like a sunrise!"
On the sands, Talexis keeps looking at the green in love
On the sands, Khyri gasps
On the sands, Gold Hatchling creels!

Malachite says "NOther gold?"
Thenomain says "Tah-dah. Another one."
Silverlock says "It would be cute if Kilroy impressed a gold. ;) *hehehehe*"
Lammpoy says "That's two golds"

On the sands, Wirenith warbles.

Charisse says "Another Gold?"

On the sands, A second queen!!!
On the sands, Green Hatchling looks at Talexis.
On the sands, Kimri thinks of food.

F'zik says "The Pass is coming."
Tavella says "shalynra?"
Malachite says "Where'd that come from?"
R'han cheers

On the sands, Taltor grins from his seated posture far back at the queen.
On the sands, Khyri is overcome by love for the new hatchlings
On the sands, Kereneth bugles a welcome to the new queen.

Cathy is surprised. "Isn't two golds unusual?

On the sands, Talexis bows to Warenith and kneels in fromt of hte green!
On the sands, Arylian thinks of cool beaches.

Thenomain says "I wonder if a gay could impress a Gold?"

On the sands, Telyr sways a bit and looks for the door.

Amberyl says "Not here."
Silverlock says "Thred must be on it's way."

On the sands, Talexis thinks food?
On the sands, Huma thinks of a good rub.

Tavella says "she's most likely for a gold, right?>"

On the sands, Shalynra thinks love to the green.
On the sands, Khyri projects food and comfort to the green
On the sands, Gold Hatchling stops to preen.

R'han says "Could you Thenomain?"
F'zik says "Are you hoping Thenomain?"

On the sands, Green Hatchling looks at Shalynra. It seems she heard something
   coming from that direction.

F'zik grins.
Thenomain says "Could I what?"
Lammpoy says "I believe your right, F'zik.""

On the sands, Talexis chuckles at the Queen.

Silverlock says "Well, maybe so, but what about the weremate, wouldn't they be
   a bit upset?"

On the sands, Zagan says "Little green. Like the loveliest grass in the
   meadows replete with wherrys and love."
On the sands, Kilroy smiles at the green.
On the sands, Khyri humms to calm the little green
On the sands, Huma thinks the gold is beutiful.

R'han says "Impress a gold...we would like to know from an authority..."

On the sands, Shalynra thinks <<Pretty green>>
On the sands, Talexis loves....
On the sands, Telyr walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Khyri laughs under her breath at the gold's
On the sands, Kassandra smiles at the lovely little queen
On the sands, Kimri watches the hatchlings with a soft smile.

R'han smiles wickedly

On the sands, Sexth looks back and forth between Khyri Kilroy and Shalynra.
On the sands, Talexis sits back and concentrates!!!!

Thenomain says "On golds? I don't know thing one 'bout dragons, Rahan."

On the sands, Shalynra says "Her name is Sexth!"

Malachite says "Sexth?"

On the sands, Huma cheers.

F'gron says "Jeez, Zagan is a poet"

On the sands, Talexis claps!

Malachite says "SEXTH????"
Tavella thinks about Thenomain's mating flight....

On the sands, Orion spares some attention for the green. Her rich color is
   stunning. He then goes back to sitting by the slender egg

F'zik doubles over and laughs hard.

On the sands, Khyri cheers that the green has found her mate!

Amberyl giggles.
Loric smiles quietly.

On the sands, Gold Hatchling seems unaware of the candidates.

Malachite says "What kind of STUPID name is Sexth???"

On the sands, Sexth rests her head on Shalnra's feet.

Charisse laughs!

On the sands, Kerridis smiles

F'gron says "Would you like to have SEXTH with me?"

On the sands, Shalynra hugs Sexth overjoyed.
On the sands, Zagan says "Congratulations!"

Silverlock says "That is an awfully Freudian name."

On the sands, Khyri turns to help with the queen

F'dan smiles and thinks about the mating flight.
Tears stream down F'zik's face.
Amberyl laughs.
Malachite says "That is just TOOOOO Dumb..."
F'gron says "Maybe Joith would have Sexth with you?"

On the sands, Taltor says "Oooh. Sexth on the beach."

Lammpoy says "And a very interesting name to boot..."

On the sands, Kilroy looks at the shiny egg.

Tavella says "hmmm, who for the queen?"

On the sands, Talexis hopes...
On the sands, Segev looks around. Nothing out here he can impress.
On the sands, Kimri smiles at Shalynra

F'lor would drop out of Theno's flight FAST !
Thenomain says "'Cept that they're lots like ducks."
R'han chuckles...

On the sands, Taltor says "What a description"

Tavella says "any bets?"

On the sands, Sexth moves her head closer to Shalynra's.

F'gron says "Geez, Th'lin, you're going to be a busy man..."
Charisse falls over laughing at F'gon!!!!!

On the sands, Khyri moves toward the queen hatchling...very slowly
On the sands, Kassandra frowns at Taltor
On the sands, Kerridis laughs at Taltor
On the sands, Khyri humming comfort and thinking of food

Malachite says "That's the WORST name for a dragon that I've EVER heard."

On the sands, Talexis thinks food and warmth
On the sands, Shiny Egg quivers a bit.
On the sands, Gold Hatchling moves towards the candidates questioningly.
On the sands, Shalynra smiles at Sexth and turns to lead her back to the
   waiting room. <<There is food>>
On the sands, Khyri <You re truly perfect queen!

Th'lin smiles widly.

On the sands, Kerridis hums and thinks of love

Baril says "I could write a book: The Joith of Sexth..."

On the sands, Sexth walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Gold Hatchling shakes her head. She needs no flattery!

Cathy laughs.
Charisse laughs!!!!!

On the sands, Kimri laughs.

T'lean says "Another chance for you, Th'lin...:)"
F'zik says "No, Blueth is the absolutely worst name."
Thenomain falls over at Baril's joke.

On the sands, Shalynra walks into the waiting room.

F'dan says "Shhh. Not nice to make fun of a young dragnet. :)"
F'lor grins at Baril.
V'nar BONKs Baril

On the sands, Talexis hopes and thinks hard!
On the sands, Huma smirks
On the sands, Khyri chuckles and nods to her

Th'lin falls down laughing!
Rishard says "Baril, your a Starcrafter, not a harper!"
Vargath gently picks Thenomain up and thinks of throwing him in the lake, like
   a duck.

On the sands, Gold Hatchling watches Kerridis momentarily.

Amberyl LOL.
Lammpoy groans at Baril's joke

On the sands, Khyri sighs
On the sands, Shiny Egg responds to an unheard thought
On the sands, Gold Hatchling spreads her wings wide to show off! She shines!
On the sands, Khyri gasps with awe and love
On the sands, Kerridis says "Ooh!"

F'gron says "Blueth, and Greenth, and Bronzeth, and Brownth, and Goldths."

On the sands, Shiny Egg begins to quiver.
On the sands, Talexis chuckles...
On the sands, Huma thinks of the Shiny egg.

Thenomain would have to do his Quantum Duck bit, Vargath.
F'zik says "That's right F'gron."

On the sands, Talexis hopes and thinks just

Malachite grins at Baril.

On the sands, Gold Hatchling trills in a new shaky voice.

F'zik dances the disco duck!

On the sands, The candidates admire the newly hatched queen

F'zik has been playing LPmud too much.

On the sands, Shiny Egg rolls..
On the sands, Gold Hatchling begins to search the women's faces.

Vargath sets Thenomain down, uninterested in the Human trying to splash about.

On the sands, Zagan thinks of the Stars seen from dragonback. Of wind in the
   face and the Dawn Sisters.

On the sands, Taltor sighs from the back of the bowl
On the sands, Kerridis holds out her hands entranced
On the sands, Khyri stares longingly at the golden queen
On the sands, Huma cheers for the Shiny egg.

Silverlock is still cheering on Kilroy.

On the sands, Kimri looks at the gold.
On the sands, Shiny Egg and rolls...
On the sands, Gold Hatchling takes a tentative step forward...

Thenomain sings "Howard the duck, quackquackquackquack!"
Tavella says "how many eggs left?"

On the sands, Talexis hopes..
On the sands, Khyri reaches out her love

Th'lin says "3."

On the sands, Kilroy encourgaes the shiny egg.

Gwyner has arrived.
A firelizard appears in the air above you.
Gwyner swoops down to land on the nearest perch.

On the sands, Huma projects strength for the shiny egg.

Th'lin says "Or 2? I think one got dested."

On the sands, Kassandra waits hands trembling with hope
On the sands, Shiny Egg stops rolling and starts shaking violently.

Gwyner hums happily.

On the sands, Gold Hatchling walks VERY careful not to trip and embarass

Tavella says "go, Talexis!"
Silverlock says "Could be worse, how about 'Eggeth?'"

On the sands, Gold Hatchling notices Kassandra trembling.
On the sands, Khyri <so proud!>
On the sands, Talexis smiles tenderly in love

Thenomain says "Right. Bets on the gold!"
Rishard says "Com on Talexis!"
Tavella says "who is Kassandra?"

On the sands, Shiny Egg begins a steady movement.
On the sands, Kimri chuckles at the gold's pride.
On the sands, Huma watches in aww
On the sands, Kassandra stares in wonder at the queen

F'zik says "No, Thth. That's awful."

On the sands, Orion concentrates on the Slender Egg <Hatch. Come join us. Join
On the sands, Kerridis laughs musically

Th'lin says "Kassandra Ree maybe?"

On the sands, Segev watches that shiny egg!

F'zik says "That's killashandra."

On the sands, Slender Egg seems to respond.
On the sands, Shiny Egg starts having cracks form on one side!!

Thenomain says "Madame Von Tschupp."

On the sands, Huma watches the shiny egg even more.

Baril says "Thpth would be worse..."
Silverlock says "How about 'Pith'"
Th'lin says "Close enough."

On the sands, Khyri stands still and thinks her admiration to the young queen
On the sands, Kerridis says "Adorable!"
On the sands, Talexis thinks of sun-warmed ledges hot meat and the hunt!

Tavella says "I haven't seen her around..."

On the sands, Gold Hatchling tilts her head to one side.

F'gron says "or AckPhtpth"
F'zik says "Thpthtphtphtpthtpht."
Tavella groans at Silverlock.

On the sands, Zagan gazes at the Gold Hatchling. "Ah if only..." And smiles at
   the dragonet of the shiny egg.
On the sands, Khyri thinks of food and spoiling and love

Silverlock chuckles.

On the sands, Gold Hatchling looks completely adorable standing there. She
   takes another step forward.

F'zik says "Ista humor."

On the sands, Shiny Egg has one side fall down.. A blue tail emerges and
   shakes a bit.
On the sands, Philar smiles at the gold's poise
On the sands, Huma keeps his eyes fixed on the shiny egg.

Rishard says "If the Zagan puppet impress the Queen.... Ack!"

On the sands, Khyri can't take her eyes from the gold
On the sands, Talexis thinks hard!
On the sands, Segev oohs! A Blue!

Thenomain says "Well, we have Sexth. How about a little Kith?"
Malachite says "Dragonth?"

On the sands, Kimri smiles at the gold. "Taking your time?"
On the sands, Huma concentrates.

F'zik says "Not now Thenomain."
Tavella says "flirt!"

On the sands, Gold Hatchling snorts. Who is just right?

F'gron chuckles at Theno.
Th'lin says "Myth? ;)"

On the sands, Khyri thinks OH think of me little queen!

Baril says "Tease!"

On the sands, Zagan says "Hello little blue."
On the sands, Gold Hatchling stops in front of a candidate. Is SHE right?

Thenomain pthththts.

On the sands, Kimri chuckles. "Picky picky."

Silverlock says "or 'Fifth'"

On the sands, Taltor gazes at the other candidates and hatchlings.
On the sands, Talexis thinks of the beautiful sunrise...

F'zik mumbles, "Sexth" and laughs.

On the sands, Gold Hatchling looks Arylian up and down.
On the sands, Shiny Egg looks strange. It's other side is starting to break...
   The tail is clearing away more of the shards.
On the sands, Kilroy is lost in thought.

F'gron says "Excuse me, Myth, could I have a Kyth, or some Sexth?"
Silverlock says "or Sixth"

On the sands, Gold Hatchling marches all around Arylian examining her.
On the sands, Talexis smiles and looks at the blue
On the sands, Kerridis says "Anything you want my darling"

Amberyl laughs!

On the sands, Huma cheers for the Shiny egg.

F'zik says "HAHAH."
Rishard says "Wasn't Sevinth used?"
V'nar grins

On the sands, Arylian is a he!
On the sands, Talexis urges on Arylian!
On the sands, Blue hatchling is born!
On the sands, Kassandra admires the lovely queen wistfully
On the sands, Khyri smiles...she knows what she's looking for all right!
On the sands, Huma cheers!

Silverlock says "Math?"

On the sands, Kereneth thinks Arylian is male little gold.
On the sands, Talexis looks at the blue tenderly and stops shaking..or tries
On the sands, Gold Hatchling snorts. Nope.
On the sands, Taltor says "Alisanda impressed a brown why not?"

Th'lin chortles.
V'nar says "Seventh was..."

On the sands, Gold Hatchling moves on.

F'gron says "Wasn't Beethoven a candidate once? He would impress Fifth"

On the sands, Blue hatchling shakes off the uncomfortable shards.

Lammpoy says "Death?""

On the sands, Zagan says "Come out of your shiny egg little one. Come say
   hello to us."
On the sands, Taltor grins

Gwyner chirrups with enthusiasm.
Malachite says "BAth?"
Tavella says "that would be interesting..."

On the sands, Arylian laughs hartily.

R'han groans...
Thenomain says "Earth?"
F'zik says "Xanth. Earth. :P"

On the sands, Huma welcomes the blue.
On the sands, Talexis thinks loving thoughts nad of lots of food!
On the sands, Khyri <come be fed little wonderful queen!>

Th'lin says "Depth."
V'nar says "Oh no! Xanth puns!"
Malachite says "Width?"

On the sands, Blue hatchling looks with its head cocked at the Candidates.
On the sands, Kerridis says "Ramoth's reflection in miniature!"
On the sands, Think of the confusion at mating flights

Silverlock says "Wraith"
Thenomain says "Health?"
Gwyner acks.

On the sands, Kilroy returns the gaze.

Malachite says "Birth?"
Malachite says "Death"
Baril says "Length?"
Lyra says "Filth"

On the sands, Sh'dow walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Sh'dow has arrived.

Silverlock says "Obviously the Healer-Hall dragon."
R'han says "forth, for rider B'ack"
Garavon says "Breadth"
F'dan says "Math"
Tavella says "Wealth?"

On the sands, Talexis sneaks a glance at the beautiful ble saffire!
On the sands, Gold Hatchling wanders to the next candidate.
On the sands, Arylian shakes his head what a thought!

Malachite hehs at R'han.

On the sands, Zagan cocks his head in return and a slow grin spreads across
   his face.

F'zik says "Clueleth."
F'zik says "All of you."
Thenomain threatens to pull out *th from /usr/dict/words
Amberyl giggles.
V'nar still thinks that a green named Pith would have been absolutely

On the sands, Huma keeps watchingnn the blue.
On the sands, Blue hatchling begins its moves towards the Candidates. It
   follows the Gold's path.
On the sands, Khyri gazes adoringly at the queen...<choose soon for comfort
   little one!>
On the sands, Talexis starts to hum a bit.

R'han laughs
Silverlock nods.
F'gron says "No, a yellow named Pith."

On the sands, Gold Hatchling stops at Khyri next. Do I know you?

Rishard says "Come on Talexis!"

On the sands, Orion sits by the slender egg and just waits.
On the sands, Zagan says "Pick thy own path little blue."
On the sands, Khyri says "Oh you're wonderful!"

Tavella says "usually you can gues who the queen will impress..."

On the sands, Blue hatchling spares a moment to look at Huma but trudges
On the sands, Talexis sneaks another look at the blue. Oh wow!

V'nar chuckles at Orion...
Silverlock says "Path, what a wonderful name."
Tavella says "yeah, go Tal!"

On the sands, Huma follows blue.
On the sands, Khyri reaches out to the queen

F'zik says "Clueleth. heh."

On the sands, Segev chuckles.

F'zik says "Path was taken."
Brennin mutters, "Pith toth."
Rishard says "Path was taken."
F'gron says "Someone rescue Zagan from those dragons and make him a harper."
V'nar chuckles at F'zik
F'zik says "JINX"
Tavella says "there was a Path!"

On the sands, Blue hatchling looks tentatively at Talexis but turns the other

Thenomain would HAVE to impress Cluleth if it was available.

On the sands, Khyri <I am your friend and will love and feed and share joy
   with you!
On the sands, Gold Hatchling sizes Khyri up.
On the sands, Talexis hopes are damped a little...

Silverlock says "I know."

On the sands, Zagan thinks of river blue and Dragon blue.
On the sands, Blue hatchling looks for a certain face. He'll recognize it when
   he sees it.
On the sands, Philar thinks of adventure
On the sands, Huma moves away
On the sands, Kereneth bugles something and departs between in the middle of
   the cavern!
On the sands, Segev makes himself available to the blue!
On the sands, Kereneth disappears into 'between'

F'zik says "Shamu-th."

On the sands, Talexis chuckles. They all seem to look at her and turn away.
   She hopes some more...
On the sands, Khyri stares at the beautiful golden dragonnette in awe
On the sands, Gold Hatchling sighs a long sigh.

F'zik sighs.
Th'lin says "If they think of greens they might get the blue. ;)"
Thenomain says "Ka-BOOIM!"

On the sands, Gold Hatchling moves away from Khyri.

F'gron says "Yogshoggoth?"

On the sands, Talexis thinks of love...
On the sands, Wirenith warbles uncomfortably.
On the sands, Khyri kneels in disappointment

Malachite hehs at F'gron.

On the sands, Blue hatchling examines a particular group of Candidates. Among
   them are Segev and .... Kimri..
On the sands, Arylian wonders at Kereneth's departure.

Silverlock laughs.

On the sands, Khyri <little one come back!
On the sands, Slender Egg rocks!
On the sands, Kimri looks at the hatchling.

Tavella says "go Talexis!"

On the sands, Kerridis looks at Wirenithh

F'zik says "The Elder Gods went to Yog-Soggoth and all I got was this lousy
   sacrificial dagger."
Thenomain says "Kneely little wench that Gold, eh?"
Malachite says "Kenneth has a nice ring to it."

On the sands, Kilroy looks down at the sand.
On the sands, Talexis smiles in wonderment!
On the sands, Slender Egg decides NOW IS THE TIME!

Malachite says "Of course, that's MY name..."

On the sands, Huma thinks comforting thoughts.
On the sands, Kereneth has arrived.
On the sands, Orion watches the slender egg and smile spreads on his face
On the sands, Gold Hatchling looks at Talexis but sighs.
On the sands, Blue hatchling looks back at Kimri. It takes more time to look
   away than any one else.
On the sands, Zagan says "What did you think of in the Egg little one? Did you
   dream of a WeyrFriend? Of the sky?"
On the sands, Orion stands up
On the sands, Gold Hatchling creels. She is so hungry!

Th'lin says "Tir' Na' No' Gth'"

On the sands, Huma look at gold.
On the sands, Slender Egg cracks again!
On the sands, Khyri <You need food! Come to me!

F'zik says "Thenomain, wanna go snipe hunting sometime?"

On the sands, Talexis thinks of food a

F'gron says "See what I mean about Zagan?"

On the sands, Kereneth bugles as a new candidate is dropped off.
On the sands, Kimri thinks to the little blue "Are you curious about me?"
On the sands, Wirenith sighs with relief.
On the sands, Kilroy looks off at the selnder egg.

F'dan says "Sounds like a lodge name. :)"
Thenomain says "Hmm? Sure, F'zik. You bring the rifle."

On the sands, Kilroy then away.

Tavella says "wow!"
Rishard says "That Zagan puppet should be a Harper"

On the sands, Blue hatchling has a strange expression on its face. It nods.
On the sands, Sheanna has arrived.
On the sands, Kereneth dropped Sheanna.
On the sands, Talexis wonders who the new person is!
On the sands, Orion thinks <I've been waiting for you love to feed you and oil
   you. Come out now>

Tavella says "who isthe new candidate?"

On the sands, Talexis says "good luck Sheanna!"
On the sands, Kimri smiles at the blue.
On the sands, Sheanna eeps!

Th'lin says "Zowie."

On the sands, Kimri says "I would welcome you."
On the sands, Slender Egg trembles like an earthshake cracks spreading with a
   loud CRACK.
On the sands, Arylian nods to Sheanna
On the sands, Sheanna looks positivly amazed..
On the sands, Zagan says "Did you think of the strange wingless ones?"
On the sands, Iliana says "Sheanna! We were wondering about you."

Thenomain says "People are dropping left and right."

On the sands, Khyri stares with concern after the little gold

Th'lin wonders where Shanna is?

On the sands, Blue hatchling looks out of the corner of his eye at Kimri.
On the sands, Sheanna says "I.."
On the sands, Sheanna says "I was a bit ill.."
On the sands, Talexis thinks of flying and wind!@
On the sands, Gold Hatchling flops in the sand. Where could she be? The gold
   is tired.
On the sands, Sheanna says "I do apologise."
On the sands, Kimri moves to get a better look at the blue.

Tavella says "is Sheanna someone I should know?"

On the sands, Taltor closes his eyes to fight back tears
On the sands, Blue hatchling smiles a cute draconic smile.
On the sands, Sh'dow shoes Sheanna out on to the sands.
On the sands, Khyri walks toward the gold
On the sands, Talexis edges towards the gold
On the sands, Sheanna looks at the gold hatchling...
On the sands, Kimri grins.
On the sands, Philar looks sympathetically at the fold
On the sands, Slender Egg bursts open after much hard labor!

Tavella says "because it looks like someone is running her...."
Rishard says "Cute? I n a dragon?"

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling is born!
On the sands, Khyri says "I will help you little gold and feed you!"
On the sands, Zagan says "Did you think about gemstones? Did you think of
   winging birds and swimming in rivers?"
On the sands, Kerridis kneels in the sand
On the sands, Kilroy looks at the slender egg.
On the sands, Taltor grins to the bronze
On the sands, Sheanna goes to the gold and tries to help her to her feet.
On the sands, Talexis looks at the bronze. if only....
On the sands, Blue hatchling looks more decicive.
On the sands, Taltor says "oops"
On the sands, Huma looks in awe at the bronze.

F'zik says "Sheanna is the 15 Turn old child."
Tavella says "is she supposed to impress the gold?"

On the sands, Orion grins to the bronze
On the sands, Blue hatchling makes a decision!

Thenomain says "Sheanna logged in. She's a person."

On the sands, Khyri thinks she looks like true gold
On the sands, Talexis thinks of saffires and wishes she could spell it.

Lammpoy says "great...Rowdy Roddy Piperith""
F'gron says "As opposed to a bleach-gold?"

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling stomps away from his egg.
On the sands, Orion I've been waiting for you brave one
On the sands, Kilroy gazez at the bronze.

Tavella says "yeah, but I could log in as her. If I was a wizard."

On the sands, Kimri looks amazed. "His name is Shaleth!"

V'nar chuckle.

On the sands, Gold Hatchling perks up.
On the sands, Shaleth clods clumsily towards Kimri.
On the sands, Talexis says "yes! conggrats!"

I was wondering how they got that sheen. Bleach, huh?

On the sands, Kereneth bugles a hello to the bronze!

Silverlock says "come on Kilroy!!"
F'zik says "Oy."
V'nar applauds.

On the sands, Huma cheers
On the sands, Talexis hopkes some more...
On the sands, Arylian thinks of beaches lekes and fun wrestling with other
On the sands, Gold Hatchling is glad for the help!
On the sands, Khyri bends down toward the gold "You are the most wonderful!

Amberyl shakes her head. "No, Tavella."

On the sands, Kimri looks at the blue then rushes to hug him.
On the sands, Huma watches the bronze.

Malachite says "Is Kimri a boy or a girl?"

On the sands, Sheanna reaches out to scratch the gold's eye ridges.

V'nar wishes he know where that keeps coming from....

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling looks back at his egg hey!
On the sands, Taltor sees Kimri's Impressed and smiles a bit

Amberyl says "Wizards can't see player passwords."

On the sands, Shaleth looks startled and then looks to Kimri for support.
On the sands, Segev looks at the beautiful bronze!

Rishard says "They can on Pegasus..."
Thenomain says "Only Moonchilde can snag 'em from a file."

On the sands, Talexis moves towars taltor.

F'dan nods. could @fo tho.
Tavella says "really? not even Moonchilde?"

On the sands, Talexis says "hello."
On the sands, Huma projects fun to the bronze.

V'nar says "Player passwords are encrypted. Not even the player could make out
   his password."
Malachite says "Pegasus sucks."

On the sands, Gold Hatchling looks up at Sheanna with whirling green eyes.
On the sands, Kilroy looks hopeful.
On the sands, Kimri gently scratches Shaleth's eyeridges.
On the sands, Arylian <<I will take care of you>>

Tavella says "could change it, hwoever....."

On the sands, Zagan smiles at Shaleth.
On the sands, Khyri looks down and lets a tear fall

F'zik says "Oy. Gold."

On the sands, Talexis smiles with love

F'zik says "Sheanna."

On the sands, Orion says ""Come to me great flier. Let us feed and hunt with
   each other"
On the sands, Shaleth responds.

Tavella says "and log in wit the new one."

On the sands, Kereneth peers at the little gold.
On the sands, Sheanna falls to her knees in next to the gold.
On the sands, Taltor says "Hi Talexis"

F'dan says "But then the player couldn't get in."
F'zik says "How preordained"
F'zik :P

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling stomps on his egg!
On the sands, Sheanna says "She says her name is aurith!"
On the sands, Shaleth looks happily at Kimri.
On the sands, Kilroy smiles at the bronze.
On the sands, Talexis says "how many unIMpressed?"

Thenomain does a cartwheel.
Tavella says "yeah, but you would send them e-mail."

On the sands, The eggs shards go CRACK CRACK CRACK!
On the sands, S'jeev cheers.

Tavella says "told you......"
F'dan says "Be easer to play with flags and force."
Silverlock says "I guess that dragon is claustrophobic."
Lammpoy says "whoever get's the bronze is asking for a real stinker..."
Silverlock says "He seems pissed."
Th'lin says "Then what was Shaleth?"
Malachite chuckles a little, "Gee, did anyone think Sheanna would impress?"
F'zik says "wasn't he from the pointy egg?"
Thenomain says "The eggs shards go CRACK CRACK CRACK and we'll have omlettes
   for breakfast..."
Cathy looks at the rowdy bronze and wonders if dragons can take lythium?
Tavella says "a little obvious......"
Silverlock thwaps Cathy.
Tavella says "should have had her arrive earlier."
F'dan says "obvious? no......."
F'zik says "Yeah. Must be annoying to the other female candidates."
F'zik says "And the emitter dies quiet everyone."
Cathy again ducks.
Th'lin says "A gold named AUrith....cute."
Tavella nods vigourously.
F'dan says "I would have been pissed, if that had happened to me."
Amberyl murmurs, "That's THREE queens with a-names. Arlianth, Altianath,
Th'lin says "Ditto,."
Thenomain figures there'll be an @allhalt soon...
Jiendtal thinks this is rigged....
Rishard says "Not again"
F'gron hopes they'll @dump, maybe?
Th'lin says "Dunno."
F'gron says "55 players."
Thenomain whaps F'gron. "Hush. It might happen."
Rishard says "They say three times the charm. *Groan!*"
Th'lin says "WHo got Shaleth and what was it?"
Thenomain says "Charmeth?"
Amberyl says "Kimri, bl. Shaleth."
F'zik says "SH!"
Vargath wonders how Thenomain would taste in an omlette.

On the sands, Philar grins at the bronze's antics
On the sands, Kilroy and chuckles.
On the sands, Kimri grins at the blue. "Shall we go?"
On the sands, Huma cheers on the bronze.
On the sands, Talexis hopes some more and thinks wonderful thoughts
On the sands, Khyri sighs and looks around
On the sands, Sheanna eyes oen wide and she looks around with joy.
On the sands, Arylian watches the bronze with love and amazement how fun!
On the sands, Huma thinks of the wide open sky.
On the sands, Iliana notes the bronze is stuck. Shhh.
On the sands, Talexis thinks of the elliptical egg with hope!
On the sands, Khyri feels lonely
On the sands, S'jeev says "Yes.. Please. Shhhhh!"
On the sands, Taltor has almost given up hope
On the sands, Khyri glances at the elliptical egg and worries why it hasn't
On the sands, Talexis prays and hopes
On the sands, Huma hops

F'gron says "cheers"

On the sands, Segev stares at the bronze in wonder.
On the sands, Philar feels sorry for the poor stuck bronze
On the sands, Huma and hopes too.
On the sands, Sheanna looks around at Kerenth
On the sands, Huma thinks warm thoughts.
On the sands, Kimri steps off the sands towards the entrances.
On the sands, Kilroy looks in pain.
On the sands, Khyri reaches out to comfort Kilroy
On the sands, The QUEUE is stuck. Please wait quietly.
On the sands, D'rek lays a hand on Kilroy's shoulder. "Relax son."
On the sands, Huma figits.
On the sands, Taltor says "Shhh"
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling has fun!
On the sands, Segev wipes the tears from his face. He doesn't want to get his
   hopes shattered again but... such a beautiful bronze... and... he wants to 
   be a rider so badly!
On the sands, Kereneth cheers at the new pair!
On the sands, Kereneth bugles what sounds like another cheer.
On the sands, Elliptical Egg hasn't shook but once.
On the sands, Orion thinks <Already a great fighter>
On the sands, Khyri reaches warmth to the elliptical egg
On the sands, Arylian thinks of lakes to bathe in and oil rubdowns.
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling crunches his egg into dust!
On the sands, Orion thinks <Already a great fighter>
On the sands, Khyri <strength..we're waiting for you!>

On the sands, Huma cheers on the bronze.

V'nar cheers.
Th'lin says "Kimri is a a girl or a guy?"
F'gron says "You're insatiable, huh Th'lin?"
Malachite says "Good question, Th'lin."

Moonchilde shouts "the queue seems clear to me?"

Baril walks down the stairs to the entrances.
Baril has left.
Th'lin says "Yep. ;)"
Gwyner makes girl motions.
Cathy says "One or the other, Th'lin. ;)"

Moonchilde shouts "oopss. sorry"

On the sands, Talexis goes over and starts to examine the elliptical egg. Will
   it hatch?
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling looks for more trouble to get into.
On the sands, Taltor looks up at the bronze and smiles a bit through his tears
On the sands, Philar grins at the bronze
On the sands, Segev thinks he can show the bronze some fun!
On the sands, Arylian <<we could have great fun together.>>
On the sands, kista walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, kista has arrived.

Thenomain says "One or the other or both or neither."
F'zik says "Eh? Who's kista?"
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling spies all the white robes...
Th'lin says "Ouch."
F'gron says "just connected"
Rishard says "There's another late one. Who is she?"

On the sands, Huma thinks of all the fun in the mines.
On the sands, Khyri puts her hands on the elliptical egg and tries to project

Thenomain points. "That's kista."

On the sands, Kilroy looks back at the bronze.

Rishard says "Or is it he?"
F'zik says "Never seen her."

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling runs up to Arylian and rips a bit of his

R'han has. kista is nice.
Silverlock says "Come on Kilroy.. A miner needs a strong Dragon."
Thenomain says "Maybe she's her own evil twin."

On the sands, Zagan smiles.
On the sands, Huma laughs
On the sands, Segev says "Wait I have a robe!"
On the sands, kista says "hi huma~r"
On the sands, Sheanna coughs a bit and steadies herself.
On the sands, The candidates scatter as the bronze rushes them
On the sands, Arylian Chuckles and sidesteps.
On the sands, Orion says "I knew that you would be great but not how
   beautiful... eep"
On the sands, Huma says "Hi"
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling stands there but of robe in his mouth
   looking roguish.

T'lean chuckles

On the sands, Kilroy remains in his place.

F'zik says "What a card he is."
Malachite hehs at the bronze.

On the sands, Huma waves his robe.
On the sands, Taltor can't help but smile at that.

R'han chuckles

On the sands, Kerridis Laughs
On the sands, Arylian reaches for his robe....
On the sands, S'jeev looks arounds.
On the sands, Kilroy laughs at the bronze.
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling drops the bit of robe.
On the sands, Sh'dow walks Sheanna and Aurith into the Waiting room.
On the sands, Talexis starts to peel the egg away! This egg will hatch!
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling looks around slyly.

F'zik says "Hey...look at Talexis."

On the sands, Kerridis helps Talexis

Th'lin says "Foul!"

On the sands, Arylian thanks the bronze and grins.
On the sands, Philar winks at the bronze
On the sands, Khyri helps Talexis and projects courage to the hatchling
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling notices a short candidate!
On the sands, Huma looks at the bronze.
On the sands, Sheanna walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling heads straight for little Segev!
On the sands, Zagan says "Care for a Craft badge to munch on?"
On the sands, Talexis prays that this egg is alive!
On the sands, Sh'dow walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Huma cheers.
On the sands, Segev eeps!
On the sands, Khyri <hold on little one!>

Th'lin says "I knew S'gev whould get the bronze."
F'dan says "craft badge to munch on?"

On the sands, kista smiles

Thenomain says "Cute, Zagan. Offer it craft munchies."

On the sands, Kilroy tries to distract the bronze from running over Segev.

Thenomain snorts. "What divotion."
Cathy says "If the bronze doesn't get Segev first. :)"

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling stumbles just short of Segev nose first
   in the sand!

Silverlock says "Bubbly pies?"

On the sands, Huma laughs
On the sands, Khyri whispers encouragement and works at the elliptical egg

Malachite thinks there's too much of a similarity between S'gev and S'jeev.

On the sands, Segev runs away! WHEW!
On the sands, Kilroy laughs again.
On the sands, Talexis keeps working on the egg through her tears!
On the sands, Huma comes over and helps up the bronze.
On the sands, Taltor stands up
On the sands, Segev says "Impress me don't eat me!!!"
On the sands, Arylian thinks <<food fun oil....>>>
On the sands, J'ram walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, J'ram has arrived.

Th'lin says "Its a set-up. Somebody wanted it I think."
Amberyl smiles. "Well, it *is* S'jeev's son..."
F'zik screams! "What an idiot!"

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling is helped up by Huma.

Tavella says "what?"
J'ram walks up the stairs, leaving the sands.
J'ram has arrived.

On the sands, Huma stands back.

F'zik says "He ran away!"
Tavella says "Sheanna to Impress?"
F'zik tears his hair.

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling warbles what fun!
On the sands, Kerridis pulls at the shards of shell
On the sands, Khyri projects courage to Talexis and helps with the egg...
On the sands, S'jeev nods!

Jiendtal says "I've seen kista before... helped her with her @desc, I thought
   she was a newbie like me."

On the sands, Orion goes over to help with the bronze
On the sands, Huma laughs

Th'lin says "Segev."

On the sands, Talexis works harder!
On the sands, Arylian Laughs.

Thenomain says "Ge"

On the sands, Khyri cries out "We'll hlep you little one!

Charisse smiles at Malachite.

On the sands, Fatoma smiles warmly
On the sands, Huma thinks of flying.
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling sees a ribbon!
On the sands, Kilroy stares down the bronze.

F'zik says "S'jeev's son? From the future?"
Malachite says "Segev is S'jeev's son?"

On the sands, Philar thinks of flying together with the bronze

Silverlock says "come on Kilroy!!"
Tavella says "ah..."

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling rushes towards Taltor!

F'gron says "Wouldn't his name be Silian?"

On the sands, Zagan smiles at the little bronze. "Hope you're as much a terror
   with Thread as you are with robes!"
On the sands, Talexis says "go Taltor!"

Th'lin says "No...I think Iliama's."
F'zik counts on his fingers and mumbles to himself confusedly.

On the sands, Taltor looks at the Bronze in suprise

Th'lin Pfrowns.
Thenomain says "And his son's Siliar."

On the sands, Huma laughs
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling bonks right into Taltor!
On the sands, D'rek says "Don't say that word! :)"
On the sands, Khyri strokes the egg and tries to make an opening for the
On the sands, Talexis works on the egg! it will hatch!
On the sands, Taltor falls backward under the dragon

Thenomain says "Illama?"

On the sands, Kilroy watches the bronze with intrest
On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling rears up on his hind legs and pulls the
   ribbon from Taltor's hair!
On the sands, S'jeev says "It'll throw them into a fright."

Th'lin says "Iliana...sorry."

On the sands, Segev laughs!
On the sands, Taltor seems a tad worried
On the sands, Elliptical Egg shivers.
On the sands, Talexis says "please! hatch!"
On the sands, Huma helps up taltor.

Malachite hrms. Hatchings are fun until you start to see the rules behind

On the sands, Rowdy bronze hatchling looks at Taltor. What fun!
On the sands, Talexis works harder!
On the sands, S'jeev looks at the Egg with shock.
On the sands, Arylian says "This one is a riot!! :-)"

Silverlock says "come on Talto!!"

On the sands, Khyri urges it on and pleads with heaven
On the sands, Huma laughs

Silverlock says "Taltor!!"
Thenomain says "Rules? /What/ rules?"

On the sands, Kilroy tries to take the ribbon from the bronze.
On the sands, Taltor laughs. He chose me. His name is Argosylth

F'zik says "Or until you are down there, Malachite."

On the sands, Khyri projects <come out to us live!
On the sands, Argosylth gives the ribbon back to his Weyrmate.
On the sands, Kilroy smiles.
On the sands, S'jeev says "!"
On the sands, Iliana frowns.
On the sands, Huma cheers.

Malachite has been down there with other characters, F'zik.

On the sands, Taltor falls to his knees and hugs the bronze
On the sands, S'jeev looks over at Iliana with concern.
On the sands, Huma goes over to the last egg.

Thenomain laughs. "Good luck with the name, Taltor."
Silverlock groans at the name.

On the sands, S'jeev talks to Iliana
On the sands, Elliptical Egg trembles. Only the people very near it notice.

F'zik says "T'tor."
Th'lin says "Argosylth?"

On the sands, T'ltor thinks <Hungry?>
On the sands, Philar walks over to the last egg.
On the sands, Huma stands slightly back from the egg.
On the sands, Khyri feels hope and tries to help the hatchling along
On the sands, Talexis starts to help the egge even more!

F'zik says "Wow. T'ltor."

On the sands, Segev watches Taltor and Argosylth sadly but glad for the new
On the sands, Kilroy remains in his place.
On the sands, Orion watches the last egg
On the sands, Kassandra joins the little group around the egg
On the sands, Khyri says "Come to us little one!"
On the sands, Iliana nods to S'jeev. "If I can keep Wirenith under control."
On the sands, Huma projects light .
On the sands, Talexis whispers incouragement and kepps working
On the sands, Kerridis says "don't cry Talexis!"
On the sands, S'jeev nods.. T
On the sands, Philar thinks curious thoughts toward whomever may reside in the

Tavella says "argosylth?"

On the sands, Khyri projects <food is waiting!
On the sands, T'ltor steps off the sands towards the entrances.

F'gron says "Metasynth?"

On the sands, Zagan says "Hatch when you are ready my friend."
On the sands, T'ltor has arrived.
On the sands, S'jeev nods.. "Try Iliana.. Please"
On the sands, T'ltor walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Huma waits

Thenomain watches Tavella lag.

On the sands, Talexis sniffs ! waht a terrible way to die! not even hatched!

Gwyner grins.

On the sands, Iliana nods slowly.
On the sands, Talexis works!

J'ram says "What are the rules btw?"

On the sands, Khyri kneels by the egg and tries not to cry out
On the sands, Kilroy encourgaes the egg.
On the sands, Segev looks towards the commotion at the last egg.

Th'lin says "Nine."
F'lor says "Rules ?"
F'zik says "Hey, J'ram, you're not supposed to be here."
Th'lin says "Ack...none...."
Thenomain says "Eight."

On the sands, Philar tries to aid Talexis.

Th'lin says "Yes he can."
Silverlock says "Use a Knife, it would cut better."

On the sands, S'jeev looks back to the scene.

F'zik says "Can he?"

On the sands, Talexis starts to peal harder. it's coming?
On the sands, Khyri tries to rip at the egg to free the dragonette

Tavella says "lag?"

On the sands, Zagan strides to the egg... and his face twists in pain.

Silverlock says "Those eggs are hard!"

On the sands, Kassandra says "Somebody help it!"
On the sands, Wirenith watches the elliptical egg.

Tavella says "did I miss something in the scrolling?"

On the sands, The remaining candidates are gathered around the last egg hoping
   it'll Hatch.
On the sands, Talexis is afraid to pound or kick it she does't want to hurt
On the sands, Khyri tries to to make a tear in the shell
On the sands, Segev nods! "Somebody!"

Silverlock sighs.

On the sands, Huma looks up at Wirenith.
On the sands, Talexis works in a frenzy
On the sands, Wirenith warbles at Khyri!
On the sands, D'rek wonders who came out of the huge egg.

Q'sar has arrived.

On the sands, Zagan says "Everyone! Join hands! Think of love!"
On the sands, T'ltor walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, T'ltor has arrived.
On the sands, Khyri gently pulls at the egg but is afraid to hurt it

R'han says "did the bulky egg hatch???"

On the sands, R'ken walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, R'ken has arrived.
On the sands, Huma concentrates.

Th'lin says "ICK!"

On the sands, Wirenith flaps her wings hard!
On the sands, D'rek says "Don't touch it!"

Thenomain shouts "Use a spatula! Crack it over a bowl!"

On the sands, Zagan gropes for hands to take.
On the sands, Khyri kneels back and projects HOPE
On the sands, Talexis bows to wirenith and backs off

Silverlock laughs.

On the sands, Riyja walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Riyja has arrived.
On the sands, Huma keeps back.

F'zik slaps a gag on Thenomain.

On the sands, Orion urges the egg to PUUUSSSSHHH

Gwyner acks.
Amberyl kicks Thenomain.
V'nar BONKs Thenomain!

On the sands, Fatoma thinks strongly of love
On the sands, Huma thinks as hard as he can!
On the sands, Talexis hopes!!!!!!!
On the sands, Kilroy continues his encourgament
On the sands, Segev says "Go go go!"
On the sands, Khyri thinks <we are all here to help you!
On the sands, Kerridis prays
On the sands, R'lon walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, R'lon has arrived.

Amberyl grins. "Now, how many of you would like me to GAG Thenomain?"
Vargath bugles dangerously at Thenomain
Thenomain says "Hey, a little light in a time of dark..."

On the sands, S'jeev looks very confused. "Do it y'all!"

F'lor offers handcuffs dor Theno.

On the sands, Khyri feels <YOU MUST COME OUT
On the sands, Elliptical Egg trembles gently.
On the sands, Huma feels faint.

Th'lin says "Please!"
F'zik jumps up and down! "YES!"

On the sands, Philar thinks encouragement.

Malachite raises a hand!

On the sands, Tension mounts on the sands. Will the last egg hatch?

Rishard says "YES! GAg!"
Thenomain notes that no one had seriously asked him to stop.

On the sands, Talexis pleads! "come on!"

F'gron holds up his hand.
Thenomain says "No one."
Malachite says "Okay, stop, Thenomain."

On the sands, Elliptical Egg shakes but the hard shell it too tough.
On the sands, Huma hopes.
On the sands, Kimri walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Kimri has arrived.

Silverlock holds his breath.
Malachite says "That's an order. :)"
Thenomain says "Okay, I wll."

On the sands, T'ltor smiles to Kimri

F'lor says "Stop Theomonain !"

On the sands, Khyri tries to send the hatchling her strength

Moonchilde shouts "good news folks!! I just found a bug(and fixed) that a"

On the sands, Segev watches nervously. HATCH!
On the sands, Talexis says "no it must hatch! stillbonrs are so sad!"
On the sands, Zagan says "Come out! You have so many friends to chose from!
   Come out!"
On the sands, Kilroy ignores the warning and attempts to open the egg with all
   his might.
On the sands, S'jeev nods.. "Hard shell... Hmmmm"

Jiendtal says "No gag, He does lighten up the place.....;)"

On the sands, Arylian thinks confidence.
On the sands, Huma projects warmth.

F'zik says "Moonchilde the entomologist."

On the sands, Iliana nods to S'jeev.
On the sands, Talexis says "please!!!!"
On the sands, Khyri thinks <YOU CAN LIVE and FLY>

J'ram says "ah come on lighten up!"
Thenomain is smothered. No light.

On the sands, Iliana says "It happens in first clutches."

Lammpoy says "oh, just ignore him. The egg down there is more important...""

On the sands, Elliptical Egg wants to live! It shakes again.

Moonchilde shouts "good news folks!! I just found a bug(and fixed) that a\"

On the sands, S'jeev thinks the Candidates are doing the right thing!
On the sands, Talexis says "ruth survived! So will this one!"
On the sands, Huma wishes
On the sands, Khyri cannot levae the WILL live!

R'han says "gags aren't any good...they hurt the game."
Deja vu.

On the sands, Philar's heart leaps!
On the sands, Kilroy listens to the egg.

Th'lin says "Oh no....not another white...."

On the sands, Orion punches the ground since he can't hel the egg
On the sands, R'lon dropped Zienth.
On the sands, Talexis prays with all her soul!
On the sands, Kassandra says "Iliana please...let them help the dragonette.."
On the sands, D'rek laughs at Moonchilde's stuttering.
On the sands, Khyri <<<come to use little one come to us!>>>
On the sands, Segev moves right in next to the egg. Open up!
On the sands, Huma comes over to the egg and lends a hand.

Moonchilde shouts "good news folks!! I just found a bug(and fixed) that (a)
   could have been causing the pointer stomps that crashed us about 1/day and 
   (b) caused some people to appear to lose commands when they were carrying a
   puppet!! this fix will be installed the next time we restart the game!!

On the sands, Kerridis helps Talexis pull at the shell
On the sands, Talexis oh!!!
On the sands, D'rek says "It mustn't be helped."
On the sands, S'jeev says "This is a hard situation Kassandra."
On the sands, Iliana speaks to Kassandra. "If I do what if it's deformed?"

F'gron agrees... Theno annoys him, but he finds him entertaining a lot.

On the sands, Zienth bugles encouragement to his sibling!
On the sands, Talexis doesn't care!
On the sands, Khyri projects <<<I am here for you... no matter what!>>>>
On the sands, Elliptical Egg wobbles. The shell does not crack.
On the sands, Talexis says "illl love it!"

F'zik pokes Thenomain. "You're amusing the same way firelizards are. Nice to
   have around, but..."

On the sands, D'rek says "It won't live if it's too weak to come out."

F'zik grins.
Malachite agreed to gag Theno, just to bug him.

On the sands, Talexis says "can I help it?"
On the sands, Orion screams out. LIVE. HATCH. PUSH. PUSH
On the sands, Kassandra looks worried. "yes...but what's not?

Th'lin hmmmmmmmms.

On the sands, Huma Projects his own strength.
On the sands, Segev kicks the egg. Open up!
On the sands, Kilroy kicks the egg ingoring the waiting others.
On the sands, R'ken says "It may not live long if it is... Do you want to take
   that chance?"
On the sands, Wirenith hisses!
On the sands, Talexis pleades!
On the sands, Khyri offers the hatchling everything it has!

Thenomain looks dourly down at the sands.

On the sands, Huma feels weak.
On the sands, Talexis says "yes!!!!"
On the sands, Orion runs to go get food if it hatches too weak.
On the sands, Khyri says "We can help it! We can helpit live!"
On the sands, D'rek says "It's how the species survives..."
On the sands, Orion walks into the waiting room.

Th'lin says "Ack."
Lammpoy says "Must be a white in there...""
Jiendtal  grins with F'k.
F'zik says "F'k?"
Silverlock sighs.

On the sands, Philar thinks of a beak pecking as hard as it can at that which
   surrounds it.

F'zik says "I wonder what his original name was."

On the sands, D'rek says "It's cold but it's true..."
On the sands, R'lon says "Ruth survived!"
On the sands, D'rek says "Then again there WAS Ruth."
On the sands, Talexis says "if it's malformed it wont' mate. I will love it!"
On the sands, Elliptical Egg shakes again. A small crack appears at the

Vargath Trumpets!
Jiendtal  whoops; grins with F'zik.

On the sands, S'jeev shakes his head quickly.. "No... Don't disobey Wirenith!"
On the sands, D'rek shrugs.
On the sands, Zagan gazes at the little egg. If it lives to hatch it will live
   to fly.
On the sands, Huma cheers
On the sands, Kassandra says "YES! Anyone would...give it a chance" Kassandra
On the sands, Kilroy grabs the crack and pulls.
On the sands, Khyri It's trying! she wishes all her strength and love!
On the sands, Talexis says "please!"
On the sands, Kereneth bugles a note of warning. That egg should not be
On the sands, T'ltor steps off the sands towards the entrances.
On the sands, Iliana turns away from the scene.
On the sands, T'ltor has arrived.
On the sands, T'ltor walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Huma helps Kilroy.
On the sands, Talexis prays with everything she has
On the sands, Kilroy continues to pull.
On the sands, Khyri thinks <I will wit for you little one!>
On the sands, Huma pulls.
On the sands, D'rek says "Vargath says it will live."
On the sands, Elliptical Egg rocks! Finally!
On the sands, Segev complains. "But it HAS to come out!"
On the sands, S'jeev says "Iliana..."
On the sands, Several candidates are knocked over.
On the sands, D'rek says "Vargath wants you to help it."
On the sands, T'ltor walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, T'ltor has arrived.
On the sands, Kassandra bites her lip
On the sands, Talexis chants "come on ....come on....
On the sands, Kilroy pulls with his last bit of strenth.
On the sands, T'ltor walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, S'jeev turns back to the scene.
On the sands, Khyri reaches toward the egg
On the sands, T'ltor walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, T'ltor has arrived.
On the sands, Philar thinks of strong pecking muscles...
On the sands, Talexis hopes!
On the sands, Huma pull with all his might.
On the sands, Orion walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Orion has arrived.

Amberyl stands up and yells, "Iliana, *do* something! Deformed eggs should not

On the sands, Elliptical Egg pulses the crack spreads.

F'dan agrees.

On the sands, Kimri has disconnected.
On the sands, Kilroy stands back exshausted.
On the sands, Talexis says "oh this must survive!"
On the sands, Arylian emits confidence in the egg.
On the sands, S'jeev says "??"
On the sands, Fatoma watches intently
On the sands, Huma keeps pulling.
On the sands, Kilroy falls to his knees.
On the sands, Khyri <<<COME OUT...WE ARE HERE!>>>
On the sands, Orion comes running out with some meat for the hatchling if its
   too weak.

Q'sar hmmms.
Thenomain says "Thank you, Miss Darwin."

On the sands, Elliptical Egg shakes as a dull croon can be heard from inside.
On the sands, Kassandra clenches her fists willing the egg to hatch
On the sands, S'jeev says "The crack!!"
On the sands, Talexis hopes and hopes and hopes

F'zik thinks it should stay in the egg.
Th'lin says "Oops...wronfg line."

On the sands, R'ken prays quietly.
On the sands, Fatoma will it warmth and love

Malachite chuckles at Charisse.

On the sands, Khyri croons hope to the dragonnette

Th'lin sighs.

On the sands, S'jeev says "It may hatch by itself!"
On the sands, Khyri says "Can't we help with the crack?"
On the sands, Kilroy thinks of freedom with all his heart.
On the sands, Huma prys at the crack.
On the sands, Kimri has connected.
On the sands, Segev hopes! Hatch! Do it!
On the sands, Talexis says "come on!!!"
On the sands, S'jeev says "Let it try!"

Malachite hmphs. Amberyl would probably shoot downs syndrome babies, too.
Silverlock looks hopeful.
Thenomain says "The damn thing has every right to live."
Th'lin says "No....adhesion."

On the sands, Khyri reaches out to help the dragonnette break free
On the sands, Elliptical Egg tilts and the crack moves to the side.
On the sands, R'lon says "give it room"

F'gron says "People who act like Jason Downs?"

On the sands, Zagan whispers to the egg "The first crack is the hardest. Come
On the sands, Talexis backs off immediatly
On the sands, Elliptical Egg is battered from the inside.
On the sands, Huma waits regaining his strength.
On the sands, The candidates try to will the hatchling out of the shell.
On the sands, Khyri kneels back and hopes
On the sands, Kilroy continues to concentrate his will.
On the sands, Talexis prays!
On the sands, Orion hands some of his meat around since he doesn't want to
   bribe the dragon just save it.

F'zik says "Looks like it's doing fine on its own anyway."

On the sands, Elliptical Egg twitches as the crack spreads.

F'dan says "What deformed dragon would want to live?"

On the sands, S'jeev keeps silent. It is up the the Dragonette.
On the sands, Khyri <<<YES!! YOU CAN DO IT!!>>>
On the sands, D'rek says "It's going to make it...."

Kitty meows.

On the sands, The candidates move back VERY reluctantly
On the sands, Huma projects.

Jiendtal wonders how this got to be so philosophical...;>

On the sands, Elliptical Egg shakes! LET... ME.... OUT!!!

Malachite says "Just as a deformed person would want to live, F'dan."

On the sands, Kilroy stays on his knees.

Rishard says "I was wondering where Kitty was..."

On the sands, Talexis says "come on..."

F'lor thinks Ruth wanted to live !

On the sands, Khyri <<<<Come to me!>>>
On the sands, Kerridis kneels by Kilroy

Q'sar says "This isn't Ruth, though."
F'zik says "Ruth's shell was extra thick."

On the sands, Segev wonders why anyone won't help.
On the sands, Khyri projects <We're here with food for your strength and

Malachite says "Who's to say that a being does or doesn't have the right to

On the sands, Talexis says "you have the stranght! come on!"

Mimi has arrived.
F'zik says "The dragon itself was fine."

On the sands, Orion thinks <Come Out. Be Fed. Be Oiled. Be Loved>
On the sands, Loki walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Loki has arrived.
On the sands, Kilroy says "I di I did"
On the sands, D'rek says "Segev you can't help it."

Amberyl has left.
F'zik says "This dragon is having problems getting out of a shell."
Th'lin says "Might be red for all we know...or black or violet."

On the sands, Huma hopes
On the sands, Zagan <Come to anyone! But come! PLEASE!>
On the sands, Segev nods. "But it's so sad!!!"
On the sands, Kassandra falls to knees and grinds her fist into the sand with

F'zik says "Normal shell, that is."

On the sands, S'jeev nods!
On the sands, Khyri <<WE WILL ALL HELP YOU!

Thenomain says "Red? Yeah, that and the seas."
F'lor hopes for plaid.

On the sands, Elliptical Egg stops to rest. Then it trembles again.
On the sands, Huma concentrates.

Charisse grins at F'lor
Q'sar says "You know, we're all trapped in a shell one way or another...."

On the sands, Talexis oprays fervently!
On the sands, Philar projects images of all the wonderful things outside to
   the hatchling
On the sands, Kilroy continues to concentrate.
On the sands, Khyri projects strength to it

Charisse says "How about Houndstooth?"

On the sands, D'rek says "opray?"

Charisse says "Tartan?"

On the sands, Elliptical Egg stops shaking. A small hole appears in the side
   of the egg.
On the sands, Talexis :)
On the sands, Kilroy knows it will hatch.

F'gron urrgs at Q'sar

On the sands, Kerridis reaches for Kilroy's hand and prays
On the sands, Orion puts some meat in front of the egg so the smell might make
   the hatchling fight even harder and so food will be there.
On the sands, R'ken stiffles a grin.
On the sands, D'rek says "It'll make it."

R'han cheers!
Q'sar grins.

On the sands, Roger says "Segev often sad. Hopefully this won't be."
On the sands, R'lon thinks <you have friends waiting for you>
On the sands, S'jeev raises his eyebrows.
On the sands, Talexis prays "please!"
On the sands, Khyri puts her hand on Talexis' shoulder..."IT's coming!
On the sands, Segev tries to look in the hole!
On the sands, Huma thinks

F'dan says "If it hatches, then it should live. If it can't....."
Thenomain sets his @opray.

On the sands, Talexis hugs khyri "I know! I hope!
On the sands, Khyri projects <<love and companionship waiting>>
On the sands, Philar thinks of warmth waiting

Q'sar says "@Oprah?"
F'zik raises an eyebrow at the uncharacteristic Theno.

On the sands, Huma keeps thinking of all the wonderful things outside.
On the sands, Elliptical Egg rocks. The hole enlarges.

Gwyner puts a wing on his forehead.
F'lor sets his Oshoot for Thenomain.

On the sands, Segev can't see!

Rishard says "What color!?"

On the sands, Talexis prays!! OH come on little one!

Malachite wonders who the heck Q'sar is?

On the sands, Kilroy feels within his heart that is will hatch!

Silverlock roots for the little strugler.

On the sands, Khyri closes her eyes and sends all of her strength in one final
   push to the dragonnete

Thenomain doesn't have an @opray. Golly, darn.

On the sands, Segev bounces up and down.

Th'lin says "Chartuese?"
Q'sar says "Just a dude....."
Mimi << Gerath's rider, of Fort. >>
Tavella says with confidence, "It will hatch."

On the sands, D'rek says "It's not moving."

Malachite says "Okay."

On the sands, Elliptical Egg makes ONE FINAL PUSH.
On the sands, R'ken says "There ya go! Come out of there little fella."
On the sands, Kilroy says "You must come out!"
On the sands, R'lon says "go!"
On the sands, Huma clenches his fists.
On the sands, Roger lifts Segev up so he can see.
On the sands, Khyri opens her eyes and HOPES
On the sands, Talexis says "come ON!"
On the sands, Elliptical Egg cracks!

Silverlock says "Pomogranate and Puce?"

On the sands, Orion waits in mental anguish. <Hatch. Please>
On the sands, R'ken cheers.

Charisse says "That's because you haven't set your religion..."

On the sands, Philar will "COME!"
On the sands, Khyri says "YES!"
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling is born!

R'han cheers!

On the sands, D'rek ^_~
On the sands, Kilroy crys with wonder on his knees

Q'sar says "Yippee!"
Cathy thwaps Silverlock.
On the sands, R'lon says "copperish?"
Malachite chuckles.

On the sands, Talexis oh!

F'zik says "Cooperish?"

On the sands, Huma cheers

Rishard says "Copper"

On the sands, R'ken says "Coppetish?"
On the sands, Khyri reaches out to steady the copperish dragonnete

Hatch it, and they will come.

On the sands, D'rek says "Copper?"
On the sands, Talexis how beautiful!

Malachite says "Copperish????"

On the sands, Kerridis says "Yes!"

Rishard says "Copper."

On the sands, Copperish Hatchling loos about itself.
On the sands, Talexis hopes
On the sands, Zagan says "Hello little unique one!"
On the sands, Kilroy looks at the copperish dragonnete with utter joy.
On the sands, Iliana turns to look.

F'gron grins at Charisse
Th'lin says "A dwarf bronze."

On the sands, Khyri says "Wonderful! Like copper and beautiful"
On the sands, Arylian thinks <<I knew you would make it! You will do anything
   you put your heart to>>
On the sands, Sh'dow walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Sh'dow has arrived.

F'lor grins.

On the sands, Huma helps the copperish hatchling.

Malachite says "Now wait a minute..."

On the sands, R'ken says "Hmmm... Copper is better than being stuck in there."
On the sands, Fatoma wish it warmth
On the sands, Segev says "It's bronze!"

F'dan says "bad color."

On the sands, Talexis hpoes an dthinks love and pride at it's hatching!

R'han grins up at Vargath

On the sands, D'rek says "No too big to be a Ruth."
On the sands, Khyri projects <<We're here!>>
On the sands, Orion encourages the young dragon to regain strength and eat.

Q'sar frowns.
Lammpoy says "Copper? A Copper dragon? I think we're in trouble..."

On the sands, Segev says "It has to be bronze! It's just tired!"
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling moves forward and it face falls in the sand.
On the sands, Sh'dow peers at the little one.

F'dan says "bad color for a bronze."

On the sands, Khyri reaches and steadies it
On the sands, Kilroy helps up the copper.
On the sands, Orion helps it up
On the sands, D'rek says "Part Brown part Bronze?"
On the sands, Huma helps up hatchling.
On the sands, Philar sends his love towards the hatchling
On the sands, Talexis prays!
On the sands, Kerridis helps hatchling to get up
On the sands, Segev remembers that tired dragons change color.
On the sands, Kilroy says "You did it!"

Thenomain says "Copper's just a light bronze."
Silverlock says "Bronze, part Gold?"
F'dan doubts that it is normal. :|

On the sands, Amberyl has arrived.
On the sands, Khyri projects <<we love you...are you hungry?
On the sands, Talexis hopes! WArmth food!
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling gets up with the help.. It backs off from
   the crowd.
On the sands, R'ken says "Part Bronze Part Gold?"
On the sands, Huma projects his last ounce of strength.
On the sands, D'rek ooos.

Th'lin says "A hermaphaditic dragon?"

On the sands, Kilroy backs away and slumps
On the sands, D'rek says "That's a thought."

Silverlock wonders about Hermaphroditic dragons.
Malachite says "Heh."

On the sands, Talexis thinks "it make it!

F'zik says "IT? Is it female or male?"

On the sands, Khyri says "Does it matter? It's wonderful!"

Malachite says "Taht would be cool."

On the sands, Philar kneels and looks towards the hatchling
On the sands, Arylian <<If you need a friend...>>
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling flaps its wet wings.

Lammpoy says "Copper has a reddish tone to it..."

On the sands, Orion thinks <You hatched. Now eat the food we have for you>
On the sands, R'lon says "give it a moment its tired"
On the sands, Huma thinks of love.
On the sands, Khyri projects <<<I am here...if you need me>>>
On the sands, Segev thinks You are just tired! I can help!

Thenomain says "Uh oh, Amberyl's on the playing field... and the're the
Q'sar says "A red dragon?"

On the sands, Philar thinks "Safe here"
On the sands, Kassandra stands up tears trickling down her cheeks
On the sands, Kilroy rests his will drained.
On the sands, Kerridis goes to support Kilroy
On the sands, Talexis backs off. She is happy!

Malachite says "Why's Amberyl there, anyway?"

On the sands, Khyri wipes away tears of joy
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling stops for a moment.. It then begins a mad
   dash for the Candidates.
On the sands, Segev says "Food will fix everything! You'll be fine! You'll be
   a great big bronze!"
On the sands, Zagan says "Not part bronze part gold. Copper." And smiles at
   the incredible little dragonette."

Kimri walks up the stairs, leaving the sands.
Kimri has arrived.

On the sands, Roger sets Segev down.

Malachite says "Everyone page Amberyl and ask her why sh'es therfe."

On the sands, Marlena walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Marlena has arrived.
On the sands, Huma cheers.
On the sands, Kilroy thanks Kerridis.
On the sands, Riyja walks into the waiting room.

F'zik says "Where does a 12 ton dragon's rider stand?"
F'zik says "Anywhere she wants to."
Q'sar groans.
Thenomain says "Bingo."

On the sands, Talexis smiles in delight! Copper!
On the sands, Khyri watches the active youngster with joy and love
On the sands, Huma thinks of love.
On the sands, Amberyl is helping Sh'dow.
On the sands, Orion <You are beatiful and special. Pretty Copper>
On the sands, R'lon walks into the waiting room.

Mimi has left.

On the sands, Marlena walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Khyri <<<we are here for you!
On the sands, Kilroy still on the ground can only watch as it approaches

F'dan sighs. He hopes he is wrong.

On the sands, Huma thanks kista.

Silverlock says "Come on Kilroy!"

On the sands, Copperish Hatchling looks around almost angrily.

Thenomain says "About what, Fadan?"

On the sands, Talexis laughs in delight! S/he made it! wat a dragon!
On the sands, Zagan says "Quite a journey from the egg to the world little

Malachite says "Wrong about what, F'dan?"

On the sands, Philar wishes for a companion

Mimi has arrived.

On the sands, Marlena walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Marlena has arrived.
On the sands, Khyri <<No don't be angry! We will feed you and help you!
On the sands, Kilroy says "Give it room!"
On the sands, Arylian <<You will be special>>
On the sands, Segev eeps! He doesnt' want to get chased again!
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling leaps from one Candidate to another. It has
   energy now!!
On the sands, Orion is worried that the copper hasn't moved
On the sands, Khyri kneels...waiting

Q'sar says "Special?"

On the sands, Huma waits
On the sands, Zagan says "What has angered you?"
On the sands, Huma feels tired.
On the sands, Talexis is happy. She backs up and sits on a mound of sand to
On the sands, Orion puts down the bowl of meat
On the sands, Khyri says "So like pure copper!"
On the sands, Philar thinks encouraging thoughts towards the hatchling.
On the sands, Orion dropped bowl of meat.
On the sands, Huma thinks of love.
On the sands, Segev shakes his head. "It's bronze it has to be. He's just
On the sands, Huma thinks of companionship.
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling jumps in front of Philar.. It then turns
On the sands, Kilroy closes his eyes and falls back abit.
On the sands, Kassandra stands on her tip-toes trying to see the hatchling
On the sands, Khyri thinks <<Oh you will be beautiful in the sun!

Rishard says "Huma spelled it right!"
F'gron says "haemophiliac, maybe?"

On the sands, Talexis says "what's wrong with copper! It's beautiful!"

F'lor thinks orion is trying to bribe the copper :-)

On the sands, Philar stares sadly at the hatchling's back

Malachite thinks the copper will turn green.
Thenomain cheers for Huma!

On the sands, Philar reaches out
On the sands, Arylian says "No it appears to be sexless...."

Jiendtal says "Is there a Dragon Healer in the house?"
F'zik says "Orion is cheating."

On the sands, Huma loves the hatchlings color!

Lammpoy cheers Huma for spelling correctly

On the sands, R'ken says "Nothing is wrong with copper Talexis."

F'gron say "Someone told him how to spell it" to Rishard

On the sands, D'rek thinks it's neat.
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling looks at its back..
On the sands, Kilroy opens his eyes and looks to the hatchling.

F'gron says "We already have Sexth."

On the sands, Khyri <<<Are you hurt? Do you itch?
On the sands, Philar looks with love at the hatchling arms out
On the sands, Zagan tries to hear what has irritated the little dragon.
On the sands, Talexis smiles dreamily

Th'lin says "No wings?"
Thenomain says "Rah, Copper! Rah, Copper! Rah!"
Thenomain snickers.

On the sands, Copperish Hatchling whips its head back and jumps towadds
On the sands, Orion <Tired?>
On the sands, Huma projects his inmost feelings.

Malachite says "Maybe it will be named Talexith."

On the sands, Kilroy looks into his eyes.
On the sands, Talexis hope

Thenomain says "No, it's got wings."
Silverlock gasps.
F'gron says "This dragon would make a good policeman's mount."

On the sands, D'rek uhohs.

F'dan hopes he is wrong about the feeling he has about the dragon.
F'zik says "Cluleth.`"

On the sands, Khyri <<PLayful too! I love it!
On the sands, Segev stays out of the way.
On the sands, Philar sadly sits feeling alone.
On the sands, Arylian <<You are unique choose well.>>

Rishard gives Malachite a d!rty look

On the sands, Talexis hopes!

Malachite says "What feeling is that, F'dan?"
Thenomain says "Are you syre that's F'gron and not F'groan?"
J'ram says "I know copper dragons just can't spell!"

On the sands, Khyri says "Who is right for you little wonder?"
On the sands, Kerridis smiles
On the sands, Huma looks at the hatchling with awe.

Charisse poketh Rishard!
F'dan says "That it isn't a normal dragon."
Rishard says "Ouch"
Malachite says "Poketh?"

On the sands, Copperish Hatchling runs past Khyri and nearly knocks Khyri

Silverlock shouts "Come on Kilroy!!!
Thenomain says "Y'know, that's almost a cute dragon."

On the sands, Marlena walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Talexis gets up and joins everyone else again to project!

Malachite says "Poketh and Gumbeth."
F'gron smiles at Theno

On the sands, Khyri stand her ground...just wanting to be close to it!

V'nar says "I assume you mean, 'besides the obvious', F'dan."

On the sands, Sh'dow walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Segev watches from a distance. All the taller Candidates are
   moving around and bumping him.
On the sands, Huma goes over teo help Khyri
On the sands, Orion thinks. <Be rubbed and eat well and we'll hunt. Special
On the sands, Talexis thinks of love and warm food!
On the sands, Amberyl walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Kerridis says "Careful little one!"

Q'sar says "What;s next a tin dragon?"

On the sands, Philar wishes the copper hatchling well in his mind.

F'zik says "Lithpth the dragon."
Gumbeth hatches from the little green ball of egg.

On the sands, Zagan says "Copper. Perhaps at some time there were no dragons
   but green and blue... perhaps copper is the next step.""
On the sands, Kilroy carefully watches.
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling looks around at the group. It is confronted
   by many thoughts!
On the sands, Khyri <<<Oh you are beautiful when you move!

Th'lin says "Acxk!"
Charisse says "No like F'rajoke... he had Comalo, the Aluminium Foil Dragon

On the sands, Segev thinks it is a bronze.
On the sands, Huma thinks of peace.
On the sands, Talexis smiles. Food and warm ledges...

F'gron says "Taking bets on Segev"
Charisse says "Erm Comalco"

On the sands, Huma thinks or rest.
On the sands, Khyri <Do you need comfort little one?

F'zik sighs.
Malachite hehehs at Charisse.

On the sands, Arylian is confident the copper hatchling will do great things.

Th'lin says "He IS a puppet."

On the sands, Zagan thinks. And the dragonette knows what he thinks of.
On the sands, Talexis carefully extends a hand an inch
On the sands, Philar thinks of warmth food and a place to rest.

Thenomain says "Whee! Now things are getting interesting."

On the sands, Copperish Hatchling moves almost agilely toards Kerridis.
On the sands, Orion thinks <You must eat. You've had a hard hatching. The meat
   is here for you>

Jiendtal says "Next is a silver, then the Mega-King: Platinum."

On the sands, Segev stands still and begins to concentrate on Trust.

Q'sar says "A plutonium dragon!"
Silverlock says "I would love to have a Silver Dragon.."

On the sands, Khyri still hopes...

Thenomain wants to see Dilithium...
Silverlock grins.
Malachite says "Oooh, Bahamuth, the platinum dragon."
Jiendtal says "Just kidding..."

On the sands, Talexis smiles at sucha wonderful color!

V'nar says "Iridium..."
Malachite says "Dilithiumth?"
Charisse grins... kryptonite?
V'nar says "Oh; we already have an Irideth, don't we..."
F'zik says "Iridith exists."
Th'lin says "There is no 'Segev' in the who...he's a construct."

On the sands, Huma thinksyou must choose. Choose right!!
On the sands, Kerridis stands wide-eyed with shock

Thenomain starts chanting again. "Go, Copper! Go, Copper!"
F'zik says "Was Tenli's."
R'han says "Iodinth..."
Jiendtal says "Then again, isn't everyone -- including the dragon."
F'zik says "I think."

On the sands, Copperish Hatchling looks quickly at Orion and Segev.
On the sands, Khyri <<YOu must eat soon little one!
On the sands, Talexis inches out her hand a bit more..
On the sands, Marlena walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Marlena has arrived.
On the sands, Kassandra chuckles at the candidates' reactions

F'gron says "Chromatic dragon?"
Malachite says "Kryptonith? That should have been Kalel's dragon."

On the sands, Kilroy trys to continue watching his eyes almost shut.
On the sands, D'rek sighs.
On the sands, Talexis puts out her hand a ...bit...more
On the sands, Segev projects Comfort and Strength.
On the sands, Huma looks into the hatchlings eyes.
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling flexes its wings.. It loves its freedom.
On the sands, Orion thinks <My beauty. Never has there been one to rival you>
On the sands, Talexis hopes!!!!!!!

Thenomain says "Rah, rah, rah!"

On the sands, Philar thinks "be free...!"

Charisse says "Uraniumth?"

On the sands, Copperish Hatchling glances at Huma but turns away.
On the sands, D'rek thinks maybe it won't Impress.
On the sands, Khyri <<I must see you fly someday! You are wonderful!

Q'sar says "Hydrogenth"
Cathy says "I am not a construct! I am a real personality! ;)"
Jiendtal says "Shish Boom Bah!"

On the sands, Kilroy slumps back.
On the sands, Zagan <You will ever have freedom little one.>

Tavella says "you got it!"

On the sands, Talexis reaches out a trundlebug lenght more....
On the sands, Arylian steps back from the crowd.

F'gron jumps up and puts his hand in the air and looks for the person to his
   left to continue the wave.

On the sands, Segev projects LOVE!!!
On the sands, Huma falls to the ground too exausted to stand.
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling slows down its pacing.
On the sands, Khyri reaches out her hands in awe

Silverlock shouts "Come on Kilroy!
Th'lin sighs at Pern politics.
Thenomain is a George Carlin construct.

On the sands, Talexis a bit....more and thinks just

Q'sar stands.
Q'sar sits.

On the sands, Kerridis runs to help Huma
On the sands, T'ltor steps off the sands towards the entrances.

Rishard stands
Charisse stands.
Malachite nods to Th'lin. Aren'
Rishard sits
Jiendtal says "I wish I had a projector....."
Charisse sits.

On the sands, Copperish Hatchling looks into space. And its head starts coming

Malachite nods to Th'lin. Aren't pern politics fun?
F'zik does the disco duck!

On the sands, Iliana thinks thoughts of flying.

Thenomain says "Polotics? We don' need no steekin' polotics!"
Th'lin says "They suck."

On the sands, Talexis draws back her hand a bit...

F'gron stands again.

On the sands, Huma gets to his knees.
On the sands, Khyri <Do not be afraide...come fly with us!
On the sands, Marlena walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, Iliana is glad Wirenith has no more eggs!

F'gron sits again.

On the sands, Huma thinks of the open air.
On the sands, Copperish Hatchling ends up looking into the eyes of Segev.

Q'sar says "Hey batter batter, hey batter batter, Impress!"

On the sands, Iliana walks over to Wirenith.
On the sands, Kerridis says "Flying?"
On the sands, Zagan says "Chin up my friend. You will live... and love.""

Thenomain sings "Come fly, come fly with me..."

On the sands, Orion thinks <You are the first. Everybody will sing your
   praises. Your shadow will grace the land>
On the sands, Talexis thinks of love and food and sunshine off such a
   wonderful hide!

Jiendtal chuckles.

On the sands, Arylian <<Go on pick one>>
On the sands, Kilroy opens his eyes.

F'gron laughs at Theno...

On the sands, Huma cheers on the hatchling.
On the sands, Khyri thinks..OH..he will be loved!

Charisse stands again.
Th'lin says "Dest the runt and the construct and call it a night. Sheesh."
Q'sar says "First and hopefully last."
Charisse sits again.

On the sands, Segev gasps!
On the sands, Talexis hopes beyond all hopeo....

F'gron sings "You are the wind, beneath my wings...."

On the sands, Huma cheers on Segev.
On the sands, Orion thinks <The most beautiful and loved.>
On the sands, Khyri reaches out with love
On the sands, R'ken says "Do the deep."
On the sands, Erydenth keeps on looking at Segev.
On the sands, Segev says "Are you looking at me Erydenth?"
On the sands, R'ken deed.
On the sands, R'ken cheers!
On the sands, Segev blinks.

Thenomain says "Yeah. It looks like Segev the Construct gets is. What a balmy
   lousy drip."

On the sands, Khyri cheers!
On the sands, Talexis prays...
On the sands, Huma says "Erydenth?"

F'gron says "Man, I was right..."

On the sands, Iliana talks to her dragon about their ability to fly once more.
On the sands, Huma cheers
On the sands, Fatoma smiles happily

F'zik says "Segev is a puppet?"

On the sands, Erydenth doesn't stop looking.
On the sands, Segev cries with joy!
On the sands, Marlena walks out of the waiting room.
On the sands, Marlena has arrived.
On the sands, Philar says "well met!"
On the sands, Zagan cheers! "Congratulations!"
On the sands, Talexis hoples!!!!!
On the sands, Kilroy stands and rejoices.

Silverlock goes home.
Silverlock has left.
Tavella says "I think the candidates are going to be upset when they check the

On the sands, S'jeev says "Shards!"
On the sands, Loki goes home.

Thenomain nods. "Boooooooo!!"

On the sands, Segev leans against Erydenth sobbing.

F'gron says "Look up his butt for S'jeevs or Iliana's hand."
Someone says "Segev is Iliana's son."
Brennin notes that the player who plays Segev is indeed on.
Thenomain says "Booooooooo!"
That player does not seem to exist.
Th'lin walks down the stairs to the entrances.
Th'lin has left.
T'ltor climbs a few steps from the lower entrance.
T'ltor has arrived.
F'zik says "Oy."

On the sands, D'rek says "Shards?"

F'gron says "Wow, we had Norse gods here."

On the sands, Khyri collapses into the sand and lets the tears flow....
On the sands, Roger looks at S'jeev. "Huh?"

Thenomain says "We know."

On the sands, Huma relaxes.

F'zik says "No real segev"

On the sands, Talexis smiles at Segev
On the sands, Arylian congratulates S'gev.
On the sands, D'rek says "S'jeev what's wrong?"
On the sands, Iliana strokes Wirenith's neck. Good clutch. :)

R'han doesn't like it that puppets impressed...unless they absolutely couldn't
   be here...

On the sands, Orion smiles to Segev. "Congratulations"
On the sands, Erydenth leans forward into Segev. It is suddently unsteady.

Thenomain says "Boooooooooo!"
F'zik says "there is no REAL segev"

On the sands, Th'lin has arrived.
On the sands, S'gev holds his dragon tight!
On the sands, Kilroy congratulates Segev.
On the sands, Khyri cries out "Help him!
On the sands, Th'lin walks into the waiting room.
On the sands, kista steps off the sands towards the entrances.

Vargath walks down the short flight of stairs to the sands.
Vargath has left.

On the sands, Talexis wipes a tear. Over so soon so beautiful!
On the sands, Orion says "Give him some of the meat I brought."
On the sands, Vargath walks down from the galleries.
On the sands, Vargath has arrived.
On the sands, S'jeev says "I'm fine D'rek..Just fine."
On the sands, Vargath nudges Roger with his head and looks at him curiously.