-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Is Water Wet? Date: September 22, 2008 Place: Igen's Weyrling Training Field Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: I moved several states over two days after this class took place, and was absent for a couple of weeks while that went on; I chose to schedule this one the day after the Hatching so I'd have at least one chance to be WLM pro-hiatus. With three of the 'Lings coming out to play and my lovely assistant on hand, I think it went well! The new riders and dragonets get a quick talk about shielding and then learn the first moves in dragon Jazzercise. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Kassima and Lysseth stand not that far from the Barracks entrance, a few paces distant from the gathering group of Weyrlings. Both rider and dragon watch the assembly with expressions of vague approval for all the growth the babies have already put on, the gleam of their hides from oiling, and above all else, the lack of any thick tails. Thank Faranth. A'deth leans against Jaelith's foreleg and looks on quietly, amused and pleased at the weyrlings' progress (and antics). "You know what? I'll ask the Weyrlingmaster or someone later, okay?" he asks, his eyebrows folded down. Apparently Ch'ton hasn't gotten used to the idea that he can speak in his head, yet. His lifemate, Mobeth, looks up to him with gently swirrling eyes, full of the curiosity of youth. "And I think class is about to get started..." "You look good, dragonets," Kassima tells the Weyrlings, a smile tucking up a corner of her mouth despite herself. It's difficult to be appropriately grave around so many baby dragons. "But the humans have a terrible problem. What's the rule regarding saluting--" A quick scan and her eyes land on one young man of the lot. "--Ch'ton? Remind me? While he does, everyone form a loose semi-circle. We aren't being terribly formal today." T'nnusen walks out from the Weyrling Barracks. Gack! "Uh! You're supposed to salute to everyone of rank higher than you... which is everyone... and adress them by title...?" then he pauses for a moment as this processes. DUH!! He quickly throws up a salute. "Weyrling master!" an add on. CYA is a beautiful thing. Mobeth looks for a moment like he may be chuckling, a high wheesy noise comming from the small dragonet. Ch'ton rolls his eyes. Dragonets. H'sen and Lekath join the others in the semi-circle, the dragonet looking rather smug at the compliment, as if he were the only one who was "looking good." H'sen can't even scold him, though, because he belatedly realizes he should be saluting. "Sorry, Weyrlingmaster, ma'am!" he says and snaps a quick salute. He will probably need reminding a dozen times more. That job looks like it will be taken over by Lekath if Kassima doesn't do it. Kassima returns the salute briskly. "And?" she prompts, nodding towards A'deth. "Still nay a ma'am, H'sen! Everyone! Also in the rules, 'ma'am' or 'sir' is only acceptable address if'n the party addressed doesn't mind. The M-word gives me hives, so I mind. 'Weyrlingmaster' is more than enough." She sets one hand on her hip and scrutinizes the various salutes. "You need more practice at that. But a good effort, if'n belated. We're going t'talk a bit about separating yourselves from your lifemates when it comes t'eating and sleeping, and we're going t'practice a skill I promise can come in very handy... but first things first. Ch'ton, it sounded like you had a question. How about the rest of you? Now that it's sunk in a little, are there things you want t'be asking about?" T'nnusen also joins the semi-circle, the black-blue dragonet beside him, and sketches a guard's salute! Dustenyth tries too, but only gets his right paw up to his chest before re-thinking how silly it looks and putting it back down. A'deth cheerfully salutes the weyrlings, slow and precise, so that they might observe. Ch'ton salutes A'deth. "And Assistant Weyrlingmaster." He looks down from his salute as he's nudged by his lifemate. "Yes, I'll ask. Gimmie a chance." he looks up at Kassima. "Uh. I do... well, I dont. Mobeth does... He wants to know... and I can't explain it... why water is wet." and his ears turn red and he shakes his head. "I dunno why water is wet, just that it is." sigh. "Amongst a million other questions, this one seem sto be most important to him." Lekath still can't help trying to stand at attention, clearly alert and attentive to everything the Weyrlingmaster says, whether or not he understands everything she says. H'sen is far more concerned about not messing up any more in class. "Sorry about that, Weyrlingmaster, m--er, not-ma'am." Unma'am? Ma'amless? Would those give her hives too? IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "Ma'amless. XD" IGEN-> Naara O_O Ch'ton is /brave/... IGEN-> H'sen says, "LOL Ch'ton will get blamed ;)" IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "What? No! Hector.. shards. I mean H'or... err.. H'sen said it, not me! Ch'ton just asks stupid questions like "Why is water wet?"" "Just Weyrlingmaster will do." Kassima bites the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at all. Very formally, she returns Dustenyth's salute. "Make sure you take a look at A'deth, he does a beautiful salute. Why is water wet. For the same reason you're curious, Mobeth, or grass is soft, and sand scratchy: 'tis its nature t'be so." IGEN-> Naara laughs! Because it is. ;) Mobeth pauses and looks at Kassima closely, his eyes betraying his excitement at having been answered, and a million other questions being born that is, no doubt, flooding Ch'ton's head. He shakes his head and pats Mobeth gently. "See? I told you I'd get you an answer." Oh ye of little faith. "And you /can't/ be starving. You /just/ ate." Dusty trills with all the cheer of a baby dragonet and bounces a little on his front paws. Tannu gives him a wry side-glance, "I'll explain it later," he says to the blue, and then, with a glance at A'deth, "How long will we be restricted just to this area, Weyrlingmaster?" A'deth might find it easy to avoid him over the flute /now/, but not for forever! Lekath tilts his head slightly, clearly trying to make sense of the Weyrlingmaster's answer. He then looks back at H'sen, who simply shrugs at him. "Well, that's the answer the Weyrlingmaster gave. No, I think we're going to have to wait a little while longer to find out the nature of the sky. No flying yet." H'sen is quite firm on this point. Over Kassima's head, Lysseth rumbles soft amusement for Mobeth's so-evident curiosity. "*Ah*, well, and that's an issue we'll get to a'fore long. You'll be able t'go anywhere ground-accessible in Igen--*if'n* your lifemates don't need you right then, and don't mind being left--after... two months. Three," she deadpans, "or longer yet if'n I don't believe you'll salute properly when we turn you loose, but probably two." H'sen's remark wasn't exactly a question, but she addresses it next. "The nature of the sky is t'be forbidden t'young dragons who might cripple their wings trying t'reach it. It will come, Lekath. Be patient and I promise it t'you. Getting back t'hunger," she says. "This business of feeling what your lifemate feels is precious and wonderful. But you can't keep yourselves healthy if'n you can't tell who should be eating and who should be sleeping, aye? A'deth, would you describe for 'em that shielding exercise?" IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "Do you guys know how badly I want to go "And No, Mobeth, I will /not/ tell the weyrlingmaster that her accent is funny...oops...shards."" IGEN-> Iesia says, "Dooo eeeeet." IGEN-> Naara dies. Please. Please do. XD IGEN-> H'sen says, "I double dog dare ya!" IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "But... Kassie would make weyrlingjerky out of me!" IGEN-> Naara ups that to triple dog dare... IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "Damn. You can't back down from that kind of peer-pressure." IGEN-> Naara, the corrupted becomes the corruptor. IGEN-> Kassima says, "Awww, Ch'ton, I thought you liked being alive. ;)" "Yes, Mobeth I will thank the Weyrlingmaster for answering your question. Thank you Weyrlingmaster." approproate thanks in his tone, then he's back to paying more attention to his lifemate than is healthy. "No! No, I will most certanly /not/ tell the Weyrlingmaster that she has a funny accent. That's just rude.... wait.... shards." he slaps his hand to his face, his ears reddening. "Gee, thanks, Mobeth."" IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "Oh, and btw, Ch'ton gets +5 awesome points for giving in to peer pressure." IGEN-> H'sen says, "ROFL" "It's one I learned at Fort a long time ago," A'deth replies quite agreeably; for some reason, he seems to be trying to look deliberately innocent. But on him, it fails. "Imagine drawing a very soft, thick blanket around yourself, or rather, your mind... take your time, if you like, and deep breaths. It isn't a wall, it simply enfolds you, and gentles what's between you and your lifemate." IGEN-> A'deth XD IGEN-> H'sen says, "Oh, just wait until we get the DTU. Then Mobeth can get into a lot more trouble once he can speak for himself." IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "I can't wait. I've got a full writeup curtosy of B'yan on his temperments from hatchling through adulthood written up very nicely. And I can't wait to explore all of his personalities." IGEN-> H'sen says, "Fun :)" IGEN-> T'nnusen has to get Dusty's sillyness in while he can, too, with his personality based off Ramirez. XD IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "now waits for Kassi to drop the pernese equivalnt of the "A" bomb on his rear." Lekath seems content with this answer, though it doesn't keep him from looking up into the sky a little wistfully and enjoying the feeling of the wind against his hide. Besides, how to tell the difference between dragon and boy is a lot more of an issue for H'sen rather than Lekath, who doesn't seem to have as much trouble with it. He gives the dragon a sidelong glance, imagining the insulating blanket that A'deth describes. "It doesn't bother the dragons to be closed off like that?" T'nnusen shoots an amused glance at Mobeth's lifemate, and Dustenyth eyes A'deth's innocent look with open skepticism. Uh-huh. Other than that, he tries the blanket trick... "Do you keep it that way most of the time, or is it just to see what is who's?" Kassima turns a long look on Mobeth and Ch'ton. Her gaze focuses on the boy, and her good humor is replaced by something more serious. "Rude, aye. Rude 'tis. Nay so much a problem, though, as that 'twere chatting with each other instead of listening to the lesson. Fifteen push-ups, Ch'ton." Expression relaxing when she turns it on the rest of the class, she tells H'sen, "'Tis why you don't want t'be imagining a stone wall. They aren't closed off... you can still feel him, can't you? And he you? Even if'n 'tisn't as intense? For m'self, T'nnusen, I don't, but Lysseth isn't so young anymore." Lysseth snorts. She isn't exactly *old*, either. IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "Everyone on this knot owes me a cookie, btw." IGEN-> Kassima denies any such debt. ;) IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "and by everyone, I mean all of you peer-pressureers." Ch'ton sighs. "Yes, Weyrlingmaster." he assumes the position and goes at, but does the little blanket trick at the same time. Perhaps this way he won't be so distracted. Blanket. Blanket on his mind. A warm, snuggly blanket.... pushups! two and a quarter... three! A'deth shakes his head slightly. "You're not shutting them out so much as blunting the sharpness of their emotions, or yours from them. It's like speaking in a soft tone instead of screaming. I don't advise doing this all the time, but if you find yourself getting emotional, or they are, or you feel their hunger pangs and so on, you may wish to try it. It's better to keep a clear head when you hear each other." IGEN-> H'sen tries looking innocent. No double dog dares here. :) IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "Lies and slander! I have proof!" IGEN-> Ileste says, "What is a double dog dare? Does Cerberus (Cerebus?) wander out of the underworld and taunt you?" IGEN-> <Kassima> Cerberus: "Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!" IGEN-> H'sen says, "mm, that's probably a triple dog dare, since Cerebus has 3 heads." IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "Puh-lease. The pup wouldn't waste his time on small chips like me. Oh, and H'sen, you totally owe me a packet of crisps along with that cookie." IGEN-> H'sen offers some jerky ;) "So only when needed, right," T'nnusen headtilts at something or other as Dustenyth lowers his head and sniffs Chaton's way. "Yes, that's push-ups. I know Alley does them different. No, I don't think he wants anyone to sit on his back right now." IGEN-> Ch'ton O LOL. That's simply cruel. IGEN-> Ch'ton says, "@T'nn" H'sen takes note of Ch'ton's punishment and gives Lekath a little nod. That could happen to them if they're not careful. It actually is almost guaranteed to happen to them before too long. "Right, okay. Hear that, Lekath? It'll just be like a soft little cloud between us. I'll still be there, but it'll help us." He gives the bronze a reassuring pat, though the dragon doesn't look entirely convinced as he leans a little closer to his rider. IGEN-> T'nnusen hmms? No, Alley's just a hard*** and A'deth based Dusty's personality after someone who ends up somewhat like her, so he thinks T's sister is awesome Kassima inclines her head to A'deth: 'listen to the man,' the gesture says. "Learning t'put the sensations at a remove is one step. You'll need t'be able t'tell what's their feeling and what's yours, which may mayhaps take more time. When you feel hungry even though you just ate because your lifemate needs food, or you've only been up a couple of hours but he's yawning and you feel exhausted, *think* about how you feel, try t'sort out the differences between it and hunger and tiredness that comes from inside your body. The difference is subtle but real. Work on that--when you can do it, you won't need t'put a blanket between you for *this* purpose. 'Tis a trick you'll find useful for other purposes all your lives." IGEN-> Ileste XD Ch'ton finishes up, panting lightly, and sits down beside Mobeth, giving him a gentle scratching. Everthing's alright now. He concentrates on the blanket trick, trying to seperate his mind from the tangle that holds the two of them together. He sighs as his mind slowly untangles, and he can tell where he ends and where his lifemate begins. "Oh!" and Mobeth squints at him, looking suprized. Ch'ton giggles a little. "This is useful!" Brilliant. H'sen isn't so good at the psychological lessons--the mental learning is hard enough. He'd much rather run around the Bowl a few times and then butcher a few herdbeasts. "We'll try, won't we, Lekath?" He grins at the dragon, who begins to look decidedly determined. "Yeah, we'll get it done!" Though H'sen's interest in this little exercise might waver, Lekath will keep them on track. "We'll discuss those other uses later on in your Weyrlinghood," A'deth observes, "For now, you could try to have your lifemates practice as well, as overwrought dragonets can project to an entire Weyr. But their memories are short -- so that kind of lessoning can take time -- and their volume does go down as they get older in any case. For the most part." Tannu and Dusty exchange looks, but the human says nothing! IGEN-> T'nnusen is lame like woah :P "For the most part," Kassima echoes. "They never stop being gossips. Jareth and his miggsy balls... never mind, but remember it if'n you even *think* of breaking a Weyrling rule. We'll hear about it! The entire Weyr might hear about it. Which, for certain of the rules, can be very, very embarrassing." She claps her hands and shifts subjects--and H'sen's in luck, because: "Exercise! This is the last thing, but 'tis important; pay attention. We've already had the human halves of your pairs doing exercises. 'Tis your turn, dragons! All of you stand up--" She makes 'up, up' motions at the dragonets. "Space yourselves a bit apart so there's plenty of room between you even with your wings spread out." Lekath immediately perks up and stops leaning to the side. H'sen helps position him so he won't be crowding any of the other dragons with their growing wingspans. Like a soldier standing at attention, Lekath stands straight and tall... well, escept for his folded wings drooping a little. He still needs to learn how to keep control over all his parts. Other weyrlings end up with much the same success: a lopsided wing here determinedly straightened; a wayward tail there. Two manage to tangle themselves up before they fortunately successfully extricate themselves and stand to attention. Dustenyth also perks up, and trots a bit back from the rest to spread his stained-glass wings out under the sun just to be sure there's enough room. "He wants to know if this is part of getting them ready to fly," T'nnusen asks for his dragonet, staying out of the little blue's way while remaining fairly close to him. Kassima surveys the lineup with satisfaction. Drooping wings, wandering tails and all. "You *will* fly eventually," she tells them--addressing the dragonets directly and indirectly answering Dustenyth's question. "If'n! Only if'n your wings are strong enough t'carry you, and your leg muscles strong enough t'get you off the ground! You have t'train up muscles just like your riders do. Lysseth will demonstrate." The dusky green may heave an inward sigh, but outwardly she's all poise and grave dignity in standing before the dragonets... and crouching into the draconic version of a deep knee bend, which, let us be honest, is not a position intended for either dignity or poise. "This one's for the legs. Primarily 'tis the back legs you want t'get strong, those are the ones that provide most of the push. Try it out." Lekath is happy to apply himself to this exercise. He studies Lysseth's body position and tries to copy it, H'sen coming along side him and trying to correct and encourage him. "There, that looks pretty good. Do you feel like you're getting stronger doing that? Well, you'll have to do it for a while longer if you want to get strong enough to fly.... I know, but we have to wait a little longer." Dustenyth peers intently at Lysseth for a moment and then mimics her with a fair bit of accuracy. It's not a salute, but he's gotta start somewhere! Tannu grins at him, and glances from big green to tiny baby blue and back again a few times. Aww. Kassima leaves Lysseth's side to walk into the Weyrling semicircle herself and take a close look at the dragonets. "Bend more," she tells Alvarath. "Bend less," Salvadath. "For the most part, good! Straighten up now. Repeat these bends ten times a day in succession, and we'll tell you when you're ready t'do more." Lysseth straightens slowly as the young dragonets should do. The sight of the little ones playing mirror-mirror makes it worthwhile, almost, to look silly in front of them. "Next, wings. Jaelith," she turns to ask the pale green, "would you do us the honor of extending your wings and showing us five beats?" Jaelith shifts away from A'deth, who leans on his shiny new black-and-silver cane instead. The older green obligingly extends her wings, holding them at the proper angle, and begins to very slowly beat them-- one, two, three, four, five. The wind kicked up is enough to make hair blow about, and loose clothes, and anything else not nailed down, really. "Beautiful," Kassima says, cheerfully and sincerely--she doesn't just mean any blowing silver hair, either. And being no fool, she's got a hand up to protect her face and mouth from airborne dust. "Do as she does, dragonets!" H'sen gives Lekath a satsified nod when the Weyrlingmaster gives him her approval. He can already tell, though, that it'll be difficult keeping Lekath from doing the exercise a hundred times a day rather than just ten. Then, when Jaelith begins doing slow and measured wingbeats, Lekath gets a bit overly excited. He stiffens his legs, sinking into the dirt underfoot like he needs it to keep from taking off. He begins flapping his wings with wild excitement, kicking up at least as much wind as the green does with her much larger wings. "Hey, cut it out," H'sen scolds. "If you're going to do it, do it right!" Lekath trumpets a tinny complaint and slows the pace of his wingbeats, though his form is still far from Jaelith's. The shadows underneath Dustenyth's outstretched wings show blue, more vividly so than the almost-black dragonet's hide almost everywhere /but/ those pretty pretty wingsails. Dusty very deliberately flaps them /down/, a bit too far and the edges hit the dirt. Ow! But he tries again without much of a pause, though his human eyes him carefully through the rest of the movements. Two, three, by the forth he's got it just about right! Yay! "They're disgustingly cute at this age," A'deth mutters to Kassima, and from the 'aww' look on his face, he's not meaning anything lecherous about the humans. << Swivel your wings and shoulders back a little more, >> Jaelith advises to one dragonet. And, << stretch them out all the way, but not too quickly, >> to another. And so weyrlings flap away quite industriously, trying to do it just right! Kassima speaks sharply to Lekath: "Nay! Five only and more slowly! Sprain something and you'll stay on the ground while your classmates fly, m'lad, and mayhaps do yourself permanent damage. As Jaelith does, or nay 'tall." It's not a glare she fixes on the excited young bronze. It's a Look, though: an I-am-dead-serious-about-this Look. "That's better. Good, Dustenyth. Did he scrape himself?" She calls a few more encouragements to other dragonlings in the line; she walks backward as she does until she's beside Lysseth again, there to grin sidelong at A'deth. "So earnest and excited. I'm glad I'm nay a queen dragon, there's nay use saying, 'awww, I want one.'" Lysseth harumphs! "Meaning *you*, a'course, lump. Just smaller." H'sen argues with Lekath for a couple minutes as the others work diligently, the bronze displaying a definite stubborn streak. Finally the boy just begins counting: "One, two! Up, down! One, two!" and Lekath's form seems to improve a little, not counting an overly pronounced neck-bob that dragonet is also doing in time with the counting. "No," Tannu replies, checking said wing edges over after that fifth flap. "He only startled himself." Dustenyth cranes his neck around to look, too, as his human moves his wings around however he likes. Once in a while, T'nnusen still has the presence of mind of a Dragonhealer Trainee, even if it's hard to think all that clearly with a newly-hatched dragonet's mind linked in to yours. Once he releases Dusty's wings, the dragonet makes as though to try another round, but his human stops him by pointing at him. I see what you're doing there. Eek! A'deth shudders. "Best to borrow them for a while and send them back when we're done. Even if they really are cute." Jaelith just inspects each Weyrling as closely as Kassima does-- perhaps her rider does, too, through her eyes. "Watch the bobbing neck," Kassima suggests to Lekath without the earlier sharpness. "Excellent start, you lot. Nay more beats. Three repetitions of five beats each per day, and remember two things: any hint of injury, *any*, call to one of us--probably better A'deth," she adds with a brief grin. "That being more his speciality. Any doubt, stop at once and ask us. The second, the dragonets will probably enjoy a soak in the hot part of the Lake after their exercises as much as you do after yours. Aught t'be adding, A'deth?" She bites her lip this time to keep from laughing; she's entertained, regardless. H'sen finally calls a halt to the exercises... or convinces Lekath to halt them, at any rate. "You'd better listen to the Weyrlingmaster, or she'll keep you grounded until you're fifty Turns old," he says, giving the dragon a pat on the shoulder. "We'll have to work on the head bobbing, too, as she says. You don't want to end up looking like the dorkiest one in the wing, do you?" Despite the caution about limiting the dragonets' exercise, Lekath seems full of energy and ready to splash around and go swimming rather than have a soak. T'nnusen nods, dropping his hand and thus the pointing finger. Dustenyth eyes him sidelong and then... folds his wings. Okay, okay. Fiiiine. A'deth considers, and then shakes his head. "Swim in the hot springs, and oil them after. Yes, even if you just finished oiling them up, dry skin right means cracking skin, and cracked skin means scars." Kassima nods her agreement. "They're so fragile at this age. Be *careful* in everything you do," she says. "All right--good job, everyone. Class dismissed!"