
Disturbing the Peace

Date:  November 1, 2008
Places:  Igen's Weyrling Training Field and Skyspace; Southern Boll
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  It's gotten fun to torment the NPCs living near the 
Star Stones with all the joyous whoops from happy Weyrlings. ;)  K'avu
and Luscinth are ready for their *between* lesson, and it goes 
swimmingly--but that's not literal either, to Lysseth's grumpy, Boll-
loving dismay.


The Log:

It would take someone familiar with dragons to see that Kassi and Lysseth
are gossipping, since the former stands silently with her lifemate's chin
cupped in her hand and her eyes slightly glazed. Whatever's being said is
entirely silent. Until: "That would just be silly," the rider protests
aloud, "how would he get the tartar sauce out of his boots even if'n he
survived?" Lysseth snorts softly and raises her head, the gesture appearing
to remind Kassi, oh, right, class. She fiddles with the chin strap of her
riding helmet and waits.

Luscinth leads the way! She was up and ready right away, having been
napping for a good long while, and she needed a good stretch outside from
the barracks. K'avu was slipping onto his jacket, carrying the (much better
made) straps to get his lifemate into. "Feelin' alright, Lus?" he calls up
when she stares in the direction of the older green pair. Kav follows her
gaze, arching his brows up. Weird. "Uh," he calls over, and then takes one
step back. "We ain't buggin', are we? Though we had a lesson ta do, but..."
What was that about surviving and boots? He was looking nervous.

Kassima raises an eyebrow at K'avu and salutes--pointedly. "You do. Get
those straps on; can't go *between* without 'em. We think you're ready."
She gestures to Lysseth and herself, indicating them both. "D'you and

Awkwardness averted, K'avu salutes just seconds after she does before a
grin splits his face. "Yes, Weyrlingmaster." He's learned well over the
months, at least. He turns to focus on Luscinth now, who was still watching
the pair. "Down ya go, Lus," he calls over to get her attention. She turns
with a rumble, getting the straps over her head and neck. Kav gets them on
and tugs at a few spots. At the greenrider's question, he turns wide eyes
to her and looks up to Luscinth. "Do we? Shards yah we do! We always been
ready, Weyrlingmaster."

"Shards, I hope you're nay being literal. Always? A'fore you knew how
t'visualize?" Kassima hooks her fingers through one of Lysseth's D-rings.
The two green pairs are alone in the field, so evidently this is another
solo lesson. "I get your meaning. Don't take this too lightly, but 'tis a
natural talent of Luscinth's, and so long as you follow directions--mount
up once your straps are on and take the place t'Lysseth's right," Kassi
instructs. "We'll go up on m'signal, fair high. You should never be too
near the ground going *between*. You shouldn't be near aught coming back
out of it, for obvious reasons. You'll concentrate on an image of Igen's
Star Stones and give it t'Luscinth, and she'll pass it t'Lysseth, who'll
tell you whether 'twill serve. We'll jump on another signal if'n it does.
You've got all that?"

K'avu blushes darkly even as he turns an arm around to rub at the back of
his neck. "N-no, M-Weyrlingmaster. Not literal." That just threw him off a
bit! "But definitely ready now, an' all that." He glances up to Luscinth
who was looking quite confident in herself and her abilities, sitting there
on her haunches now that her straps were in place. "Yes, Weyrlingmaster!"
he calls back, bobbing his head as he gets his instructions. "From me, ta
Lus, ta Lysseth. Get it all right, then go." He was already clambering up
his lifemate, after urging her down again and grabbing ahold of her straps.
Once settled, he begins buckling down.

K'avu mounts Luscinth.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

Kassima shakes her head as she scrambles up the straps. "I know, K'avu,
'twas teasing a bit. I forgot t'wear the ribbons or the fang earrings this
time," as if that logic makes total sense... or any sense at all, on planet
Pern. She's quick to get herself settled and buckled and strapped, oh my,
and when all's in place for herself as well as him she raises her hand,
then lowers it again quickly. That's the signal and Lysseth takes off less
than a breath afterwards.

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up
dust as she takes to the skies.

You wing cautiously up into the Bowl.

You leap into the sky.

<*> Luscinth leaps into the sky.

Lysseth> Luscinth senses that Lysseth's touch on your thoughts has the
glowing clarity of crystals lit from within. The facets have their edges,
but all of those are blunted now and she is calm and matter-of-fact. <<
When you have your image of the *Star Stones*, share it with me. It's
important it be exactly right. >>

<*> Luscinth was quick to find her place beside Lysseth and with a warble
at the signal she takes off after her, stretching her wings out as wide as
they could go. With all the exercises, she could at least fly for much
longer than before, and she keeps in the sky easily even with the weight of
her lifemate. She rumbles vocally towards Lysseth, turning her head enough
to look back at K'avu as he seems to concentrate, then bob his head towards
his lifemate, who turns back to look at the older green.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Luscinth springs into the mind almost
immediately with a confident cooling touch. <<Mine's envisioned, and I have
it in mind right now.>>

Lysseth> Luscinth senses that Lysseth takes that as invitation to study the
image she holds. Rock, sky, the ancient formations.... << This will serve,
>> she agrees. << Be ready to jump when Kassima makes the sign. >>

<*> Lysseth curves her long neck to return the younger green's regard, and
Kassi, too, turns somewhat to glance that way. Once again what passes
between them is silent. This time, it doesn't involve tartar sauce--well,
one *hopes* it doesn't involve tartar sauce, and it's a reasonable
assumption since rider and dragon both look forward again. The former
repeats that earlier signal, and both blink out of sight.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Luscinth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Luscinth appears with a loud warble and a few flaps of her wings as she
tries to stabalize herself, tipping one way or another in excitement.
K'avu, on the other hand, had decided he wasn't quite ready and was looking
a bit pale. "F-faranth! Calm yerself, Lus!" The green only complies after a
moment, back in position with Lysseth and calming down, even if she was
still rumbling merrily. With a few deep breaths, the teen looks around
himself before looking back towards the Weyrlingmaster and offers a shaky
grin. No harm here! Really! He grips the straps tightly. While he wasn't
used to :between: at all, at least he didn't wet his pants like the first

<*> Lysseth's trumpet chases Luscinth's warble, and a brownrider on one of
these high ledges who's heard quite enough noise since the Weyrlings
started *between* training yells at them, "For Faranth's sake--!" His brown
rumbles to them, anyway. He sounds decidedly amused. Kassi grins a
brilliant grin back at K'avu and waves her whole arm in clear delight. Yay,
no pants-wetting!

Lysseth> Luscinth senses that Lysseth's pride sparks and dazzles as vividly
as it did for the first young dragons to go *between* and every beginning
jump after. A first pass through the cold survived is victory, for her as
well as Luscinth, for dragonkind! << You've done it, you know the way of it
now. We'll make two more jumps today. To *Boll*-- >> They've practiced this
visual in class. It's one of Lysseth's favorites, after all. Waves wash
over a long, pale shore quickly lost in color-flecked green, the L-shaped
Hold grows out of its mountain. Lyss provides the visual even though it's
familiar; there's no taking chances this soon. << We're not staying,
though. After we arrive we'll come straight back, with the same coordinates
we just used. Do you have the image? Repeat it back to me. >>

<*> Luscinth only warbles further, even to the brownrider's annoyance.
K'avu can't even help himself by grinning smugly back down to the older
rider. His enthusiasm has been heard plenty of times, it was also time his
lifemate shared a bit. She at least keeps in formation, though, and snaps
her head to attention when the older green starts talking. Eyes whirling
quickly, she peers at her, then turns back towards the teen on her neck,
and then back to the pair. Seems they were discussing it, and K'avu was
looking serious all of a sudden, getting the visual himself to be familiar
with. A crease on his forehead later, and he finally nods his head.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Luscinth turns her brilliant mind on, sparkling
in happiness at their first jump between and the pride heard in the older
green's voice. <<Boll!>> She suddenly sounds excited, but her shining voice
cuts off immediately as she focuses on the image itself. After a long
pause, she finally sends it back, image for image, no difference
whatsoever. <<I think we are ready,>> she adds at the end.

Lysseth> Luscinth senses that Lysseth can only be approving of excitement
about Boll. Amused, as well, but without any mockery in it. << I think so,
too. Wait for Kassima's signal and we will go. >>

Kassima waves cheerily to the brownrider and confers with Lysseth at the
same time, multitasker that she is. What she's told satisfies her. Now the
brown pair sees them; and now, after her signal, they don't.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Luscinth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Luscinth couldn't help herself. She just had to warble that time as
well, but this was followed by a full welcoming trumpet as she looks around
her different surroundings. It was new and exciting! Her eyes were
everywhere, barely focused on keeping her place in formation. When she
drops some, she gets a stern glare from her lifemate who was looking pale
but not as bad as the first time. "Pay attention, ya silly gal! We ain't
done yet, or cleared ta go!" He gives her a playful swat against her neck,
before he leans back in his straps and finally takes several deep breaths.
Dragonriding was getting easier to do, the more he did it.

<*> Lysseth bugles as loudly to Boll's watchdragon, but that green doesn't
mind the greetings. Lyss starts one wide circle over the Hold proper rather
than just hovering. It may have been her own idea. Come to her favorite
place for only a *second*? Wouldn't that be some kind of heresy? "Nay time
t'stay today," Kassima yells back to K'avu and Luscinth. "But you can at
least get a look! We'll show you all the Lava Lounge after graduation. Nay
point when you can't get drunk and dance on bars."

<*> Seated atop Luscinth, "Ya hear that, Lus?" K'avu points out to his
green as he listens to Kassima, bobbing his head towards her. He also took
the opportunity to be glancing around, though, no longer quite that scared
of heights after so much training with his lifemate. "Lookin' forward to
that, Weyrlingmaster!" he shouts back, all big grins at the mention of
drinking it up. "Boll's gonna be our favorite place after that!" He
chuckles and pats the green's neck, who tried not to look too disappointed
as she looks towards the ground and the distant foreign scenery.

"There'll be more jumps." Kassima--or Lysseth--has picked up on Luscinth's
disappointment enough to call that reassurance. "*Many* of 'em and all
over." Hold and fountain, jungle, beach. Spilling, frothing ocean waves.
All slide away below on the course of the circuit, far different from
stark, sere Igen. "And believe me," Kassi shouts over as they reach their
starting point, "so am I! Now! Back to the Weyr--visualize!" Her green
heaves a distinct sigh before vanishing on cue.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Luscinth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Lysseth sticks to a pleased rumble for the sake of Brownrider
Fussypants, and leads them back to the field.

You furl your wings slightly to glide lower into the Bowl.

You carefully wing lower into the Bowl.

You glide over to land in the training field.

<*> Luscinth backwings to land neatly.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

K'avu slides down Luscinth's side to the ground.

Just for the brownrider from before, Luscinth makes sure to be extra-loud
in her return, excited as she was to have done a full trip from somewhere
foreign to back home. She keeps to Lysseth though, more focused back in the
dry air than in that mysterious Boll. At least her curiosity was sated
somewhat by looking at it from above. She lands gracefully onto the ground,
shifting on her feet happily before crouching to allow K'avu down. "'Course
ya did great, Lus! We can go all over Pern, now!" he beams up to her, the
green preening just a bit.

Kassima's feet hit the ground and immediately bounce once. She doesn't hide
her happiness with their performance at all. "Wonderful. You did so well!
I've naught t'complain about in either of you. Aside from straying from
formation for a moment, a'course." So she did notice. "That'll come better
with practice. 'Twill practice jumps every day from here on out, but," she
adds, holding up a hand, "don't think of going all over Pern without me or
A'deth or Sh'sen there t'supervise. I want you t'live t'see the bar, so
don't get cocky."

Both rider and dragon seem to radiate with the praise from their
Weyrlingmaster. K'avu chuckles and rubs at his hair, bobbing his head a few
times. "Lus jus' got a lil' bit excited, Weyrlingmaster. Won' happen
'gain." Luscinth isn't bothered at all by that little mishap, stretching
her wings out a bit and humming in pleasure. She :between:ed. She did good.
That's what she cares about. The teen's grin falters, but he laughs and
nods after a bit of hesitation. "Right. Won't be goin' an' gettin' myself
lost or... or anything." His laugh turns nervous at the thought. "We'll be
good, Weyrlingmaster."

"It happens, first time. Don't make a habit of it and 'twill nay call it a
problem." Kassima splits her grin between the young green and her lifemate.
"You did well," she repeats to K'avu. Reassuring this time. "I believe
you'll be fine. Y'know how we do these things: practice, practice,
practice, practice, you won't have a *chance* t'get sloppy. Starting
tomorrow." She claps her hands once. "D'you have any questions for me?
Class is dismissed otherwise and I'm thinking a celebratory soak's in
order. Or a big slab of pie from the kitchens, or something."

K'avu grows serious when he hears practice, and he straightens out to nod
towards the older greenrider. "Yes, Weyrlingmaster. Won' dissapoint ya on
that." The smirk is quick to return. Luscinth doesn't help at all,
continuing to look as confident and even more now that she actually
:between:ed successfully. Kav quickly shakes his head, grinning broadly at
the mention of pie. "I could go for some sweets. Don' got any questions for
ya at all, Weyrlingmaster." It was so much easier to say ma'am, but he was
talking slow enough not to slip that up again.

Kassima just says, "See that you don't," and there's an inflection to it:
she doesn't hope they'll succeed. She expects them to. Nothing else will
do. "Fair enough. Tomorrow, then, both of you. If'n there's any strawberry
pie, save some for me?

K'avu just gives her that cheeky arrogant grin. Just no way that /he/
won't. He probably got some of that confidence from Luscinth, too, since
she ruffled her wings at the two of them. "Absolutely, tomorrow! Ya hear,
Lus, no runnin' late ta count yer things." The green snorts in response.
"Will do, Weyrlingmaster!" He makes sure to snap his trademark salute and
then starts heading across the bowl, lifemate still following in hopes of
getting her dip as well.