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The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.
An online session, recorded by permission of the author for the benefit
of members unable to attend.

November 29, 1998.  PernMUSH.  E'vrin's POV.
Your location's current time: 21:25 on day 1, month 4, Turn 25, of the
Tenth Pass. It is a spring evening.
Cast:  E'vrin, Kassima, Ro, Trevor (cameo), Saskia, Aurian, M'kla,
       Schmitt, D'ton, J'lyn, Lela

E'vrin visits Kassima, who has news for him, and he reciprocates with
a declaration for /her./
[I used +go to the LC; no desc.]

Kassima insists staunchly, tilting her chin, "I *like* kilts. Men turn
the most fascinating shade of red when dragons whuffle them. Though,
okay, you've a point: wouldn't work for 'lizards."

Ro pauses to smile at the Igen rider "Telgar's duties, Sir." she says
in a friendly enough tone.

A frowning man wanders by; Trevor is instantly distracted and jumps
out of his seat to chase the fellow down, erstwhile companions cleanly
forgotten. "Hey. /Hey!/" The Weyrfolk half-turns to espy Trevor
coming; he winces, visibly, too late to retreat. Trevor slings a
muscular arm over the taller man's shoulders, and herds him towards
the lower caverns. "So, you thought over--?"

[He left.  In retrospect, probably a good thing for all involved.
 Trevor is a ... /matchmaker./]

E'vrin slogs in from the bowl, at which he casts a dour look over his
shoulder. Then -- face-front, peer about, and latch on. "Good
evening," he replies nicely to Ro, matching her tone for dutiful
tone. "Igen's regards to Telgar and its leaders."

Saskia looks at Trevor and sighs, "I see I wasted my breath. Well, I
tried. And yes, I'm a chatterbox. Born and bred that way, though I'm
not usually that long-winded."

M'kla walks in from the bowl.

Pierron nods knowingly as the assistant weyrlingmaster enters.

Aurian waves to E'vrin, "Telgar's duties!"

M'kla makes her way in on her walking-stick, looking around with a

E'vrin rises on tip-toe and waves back towards Aurian's voice. He's
out of M'kla's way, certainly, and edging forward every
moment. Looking rather hectic, but ah, those desert types.

Saskia looks up and waves to E'vrin, "Telgar's duties to Igen Weyr."

M'kla makes her way around the bronzerider, nodding to him, then says,
"Pah...someone said there was a fuss down here."

Kassima abandons her fight for equal kilt-rights for 'lizards at the
calls of duties, swivelling about in her chair to see
who--oh. Surprise registers, but she nevertheless calls out, "Duties
to Igen and her queens, E'vrin. Here t'find your sister?" She offers a
smile, though a slightly... awkward? one. Curious.

Saskia smiles up at M'kla, "Yes, a bit of a fuss, I'm afraid. Can I
get you anything?"

"Not mine," E'vrin defends immediately, respectfully towards M'kla,
then tips Saskia a bashful smile that fades around Kassima's
insertion. "Igen's duties all around, and no, Wingleader, not this
time. I ... mm." Intense concentration. "--Was looking for you."

M'kla picks her walking stick up and comes into the cavern towards a
chair, "Somethin..aye, juice if there's any fresh. What was it? Looks
all quiet now.""

W'ger murmurs to loudly to L'cher, "2 marks says she doesn't tell him

[I suspect Aurian for the NPCs.]

More surprise; dark green eyes widen, but perhaps Kassi has heard too
many startling things today to be *too* surprised. She inquires of
him, "'Twere? That's convenient, actually; I'd been hoping for a
chance t'speak with you... is something amiss?"

Schmitt has connected.

E'vrin shakes his head quickly; he's /near/ Kassima, but not /too/
near. No. Skittish fellow. With an eye on the rest of the cavern, he
says quietly, "Bad timing -- I should've come earlier, not during all
this, but -- No, nothing's wrong." He blinks a few times around. "Is

Schmitt's eyes open suddenly and the snores stop. "Hmm. Did I miss

Saskia rises to her feet and pours a glass of redfruit juice which she
brings over to M'kla. She mutters to M'kla, "... man... Myklan and

Schmitt looks around. "You weren't here earlier. Neither were you."
She nods to E'vrin and M'kla. "Don't know either of you, either. And
hey, that Trevor's gone."

Kassima's turn to give a quick head-shake this time. "Ah, nay,
a'course nay. Hardly that. What did you seek me for? Or would it
better be explained somewhere else?" Confidentially, she adds, "Though
you missed the real havoc. There was someone in here earlier who had a
fixation on fire-lizards wearing loincloths."

Schmitt laughs. "That he did."

D'ton notes dryly, "And that was just for starters."

Saskia giggles, "He had many strange fixations."

E'vrin gives Schmitt a blink, too, from his skittish post near (not
too near) Kassima. "E'vrin from Igen," he adds for manners' sake, then
backpedals through the conversation. "--Fire-lizards? In
/loincloths/?" His eyes don't skip down to any convenient body area,
instinctively, but it's a close thing. "Well. I'll avoid this person,

Schmitt is a tall, skinny girl of about age 18. She is so thin that
she looks starved. Her brown hair is tied back with a stray piece of
string, but a few pieces have escaped and swing about her
shoulders. Her clothing has been replaced with a plain but clean
blouse, and trousers that are a little too short, showing a few inches
of leg above her leather shoes. A good quality cloak is slung about
her shoulders. You wonder where she got it from. Her eyes are grayish
brown, but infinitely curious. The dirt upon her indicates that she
works outdoors, and the faded seat and inside thighs of her pants show
that it is with runnerbeasts.

Schmitt says "Schmitt. Duties to you 'n yours."

D'ton notes, "We'll just have to be sure to keep him away from the

E'vrin frowns. "Are they in loincloths?"

Aurian chuckles, "Not yet

Schmitt eeps, "He's not a permanent feature, is he?" She looks worried.

Saskia smiles to E'vrin, "That sounds like a good thing to do. Wish
I'd thought of that earlier."

Chestnut brown hair forms a glossy halo about her head, ending just at
the line of her square jaw. Olive tanned skin limns the delicate
contours and high cheekbones of her expressive face. Bright periwinkle
eyes gaze with keen perception and a glint of mischief while a
freckled upturned nose softens the stubborness of her chin. Her broad
shoulders and hips define a tall solidly built muscular frame, the
type well-suited for the Hold life she was originally bred
for. However far from being stiff or perfectly correct, her movements
portray an easy comfort with herself and those around her. Sturdy long
limbs move with fluid elan and her mouth often curves into a quioxtic
smile. Her eager slightly naive demeanour marks her as sweet sixteen,
though when she's poring over some wherhides or negotiating, she
appears older.
She's clad in simple rust coloured trous and an olive shirt that fit
her well, covering the curves of her womanly figure. Garish vermillion
socks, the sort of blood red that makes dragons and firelizards think
longingly of dinner, peek out from sturdy black boots. The colour is
hard to miss against the dark leather. A Telgar Weyr Assistant
Steward's knot hangs from one shoulder.
Small Sign: Please give generously to the 'Dress Kassi' fund!

Kassima asks E'vrin, nudging out a chair, "If'n here suits you, then
sit? You're welcome t'be giving your business first, a'course; you
came all this way... uh, aye. 'Lizards in loincloths. But that was one
of his milder ideas, really."

Schmitt smiles, remembering his erratic ideas. "He -was- interesting."
She snitches a redfruit, tossing it up and down, then chomps into it.

"'Milder,'" E'vrin mutters, somewhere between disbelief and dismay,
and obeys the green rider in scooting up to the table. "...Well,
business can wait, really." He eyes her, looks away, back into the
group. To Schmitt: "Telgar always has interesting visitors. Could you
send some down to us at Igen? Not /this/ one, but..."

D'ton chortles at E'vrin's comment, as he's heading out.
D'ton walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

M'kla quirks a brow, looking at the man Saskia points to...then shakes
her head, "Shar...Weyr collects all sorts of loonies these days."

Aurian watches E'vrin and Kassima for a moment before taking up her
mug again She hums lightly as she thinks.

Schmitt looks at E'vrin. "Are you -sure- you don't want that one?
Please?" She grins.

Saskia chuckles, "Yeah, interesting like how the Weyr was interesting
a few days ago."

Schmitt raises an eyebrow at Saskia, "hmm? Was it?"

E'vrin manages to mask well-bred horror at Schmitt's
suggestion. "Perhaps if I met him," he says diplomatically instead,
"and then decide? --And 'interesting a few days ago' how?"

Kassima chews her lower lip a moment. "Mmm. I suppose it could. In
that case, as I said, I do have something I wished t'discuss with
you--though if'n now's a bad moment.... Methinks we could mention
that. Mayhaps we could send down the man who had a rock he wanted to
deliver to some man named Verininarin?"

Saskia nods to Schmitt, "Definitely. I've not seen Kassi so purple in
a long time."

Schmitt looks at Kassi, "Oh, -him-." Her statement has a world of
meaning in it.

J'lyn walks in from the bowl.

E'vrin clasps his hands on the table as if to grip the threads of the
conversation busy around him. "Another rock being delivered? That's
two--" Now Saskia gets a blink. Purple. He tries to study Kassima
sidelong, surreptitiously.

Schmitt waves, "Have I met you? I don't remember." She squints at

J'lyn wanders in, a sly look on his face. He heads to the wine cabinet
and pours himself a glass of Benden Red before settling into a chair
at the Thunderbolt table.

Saskia peers at Kassi and then Schmitt, looking lost again.
Saskia stiffles a yawn and rises to her feet, "Well I should get to
bed. Night all."

E'vrin bobs a quick nod to Saskia with a little smile and, "Sleep

M'kla settles into a chair, "Evening J'lyn..."

Schmitt waves "Night Sas."

J'lyn smiles at M'kla, sort of. "And to you, M'kla."

Kassima asks with some astonishment, "Y'mean that rock really was for
you? He mentioned Everin as one of the several names for the
recipient, but it seemed more apt t'be coincidence... ach. Never
mind. I'm getting off-topic." Taking a deep breath, she peers at the
bronzerider for a long moment before asking, "D'you remember what we
discussed after the flight, by any chance?"

M'kla smiles a bit, towards the other greenrider, "How's the

J'lyn chuckles. "Your grandchildren are fine, last I saw."

M'kla snorts, looking faintly amused.

Saskia smiles to E'vrin and gives him a sympathetic look, "Good
luck. I hope you sleep well too."

M'kla shakes her head, and has another sip of the brought-juice.

E'vrin startles. Skin tautens cheeks and brow, all the better to
backdrop stare-y eyes. "I," he starts at Kassima, nearly squeaking,
"--I suppose." Voice drops. "What part...? And /here/?" He squints
round the cavern again. Um.

Saskia waves cheerily, "Night Schmitt."
Saskia hides another yawn and then trundles off.
Saskia walks towards the inner cavern.

M'kla slowly puts two and two together. Ah. THAT'S E'vrin. Not
realizing the delicacy of the situation, perhaps, she calls,
"Congrats, lad...m'boy Myklan brought the news up this mornin."

Schmitt peers at M'kla, "You look like that youngster that was in a
while ago.:looks interestedly toward Kassi and Ev'rin, tying not to be
tooo nosy.

All eyes. E'vrin's face is all eyes and flat, thinned mouth, pointed
palely in M'kla's direction, then in Kassima's.

M'kla looks to the young woman who inquires of her, and chuckles,
"Which one, lass? I've got three here in the caverns right now, an two
little grandchildren as well."

Kassima points out, bringing up a hand to rub at one of her temples,
"I did ask whether here or somewhere else would be better--M'kla!" A
squawk of appalled dismay. Trying to ignore the other greenrider,
though it's clear she's losing her precarious grip on dignity, she
lowers her own voice to reply, "We discussed... children. You recall

Schmitt says "The one you mentioned, Myklan, was his name? Ovine

M'kla chuckles, "Aye...that'd be Mykkie...always on about his
ovines. That's the youngest of em."

E'vrin nods dumbly at the wingleader. A puzzled quirk is bothering his

Aurian walks quietly to the weyrlingmaster and places her hand over
M'kla's mouth, "Hush you."

J'lyn chuckles into his glass.

M'kla mppps, almost sloshing Aurian with her juice, which was on the
way up. She looks up to the brownrider, blinking. "Mmmmrph?"

J'lyn pales slightly at M'kla's mention of Myklan. "Myklan's around,

M'kla smiles a bit to Schmitt, "Tell Torinth, lass...I were happy as
Mykla, but she insisted. Think she mistook me for a boy, even with my
long hair."

Schmitt giggles.

M'kla glances at J'lyn, "Well, I assume he is...he brought me lunch,
but seems to have forgotten supper entire."

Aurian places her hand firmly over M'kla's mouth, "Wait to speak."

M'kla makes a gesture, "Prolly out with his ovines, daydreamin and
woolgatherin. I swear, I think he's got a ladyfriend an's just
embarrassed t'say."

Kassima shoots the various helpful Telgarians a widespread dirty look,
then turns back to the Igenite bronzerider. "And I said 'twould
probably never be an issue," she continues doggedly. "Well... 'twas
wrong. 'Tis an issue." Pause. Was that clear enough? Better make
certain: "I'm pregnant, E'vrin."

E'vrin blinks. Blinks again. "...Is it -- /my/ issue?"

J'lyn backs away from E'vrin and Kassi. Deadly question.

Aurian rolls her eyes, "Another man who doubts Kassima's chastity."

E'vrin pales. "No, no, that's not what I--"

Kassima casts her eyes up towards the ceiling for a brief
moment. "Nay, I'm just making a special point of telling you because I
thought you'd be curious. I thought you knew me better
than--well. Aye, 'tis." She lifts both eyebrows,
watching--hopefully?--for his reaction.

Schmitt dishes herself up a bowl of nice, -hot- stew. "Anybody else
want anything?"

E'vrin first needs to get his jaw working. Which he does after a long,
pensive, careful moment. Then he smiles. Oh, he smiles, and picks up
Kassima's hand in both of his. "That's /wonderful,/" he declares and
proceeds to gibber hopelessly. "And I was so worried, so I came all
the way up here to tell you, but it works out perfectly, and we'll
have to think up names, don't you think?"

Kassima is first relieved, of course; you'd think she'd braced herself
for a different reaction entirely. With a tentative smile of her own,
she asks with a hint of shyness, "You're pleased? Truly? With your
talk of aborting and suchlike, 'twasn't certain, and--" But then
confusion starts to seep in. "Names, aye, but... tell me what? What
works out perfectly?"

Lela walks here from the Inner Cavern.
Lela walks and notices all the people and nods a hello

Schmitt waves, "Hi. Do I know you? I don't think so."

M'kla offers across the cavern, "Kevmissa? Keverin? Kevressiman?"

E'vrin squeezes Kassima's hand in his and then brings it up to his
lips, without breaking soulful eye contact. "Perfect," he repeats from
behind the oblivious curtain of delight (although some part of him
might be taking notes from M'kla's suggestions). "Why, I wanted to
tell you that I love you, of course, Kassima."

M'kla blinks, no more suggestions forthcoming. She didn't just hear

Aurian blinks wide eyed. WIDE EYED at E'vrin. She looks at M'kla, "Did
he say what I think he did?"

M'kla looks up at Aurian...and nods, "Aye...I think he did."

Schmitt just LOOKS at those two. Her mouth gapes.

J'lyn blinks as his head almost hits the table.

Lelalooked around and in a low voice introduces herself "My....Name is

Schmitt is too flabbergasted to answer Lela at the moment.

Blink. Blink. Blink. You know, it takes a miracle for Kassi to ever go
completely still, even for a moment, but that just did it. That
couldn't possibly have registered correctly in her head. "Excuse me?"
she asks politely. No, she didn't just hear what she thought she
heard; impossible.

E'vrin beams. He's still got her hand. By the grip of it, he isn't
letting go, either. "I love you," he repeats firmly, with a slow and
solemn joy. "I wanted to tell you all month, but I've been busy. Then
your news...! What timing, dearling. It's wonderful, isn't it?"

Nothing Trevor said managed to elicit *this* expression from
Kassi. Appalled isn't the word for it, no; she's not that--not even
upset, exactly. More like... dumbstruck. Could it be summed up in a
word, that would would invariably be, 'Duh?' "Um... oh, my. Y'know,
E'vrin, you might've been right--this isn't the best place; we should
discuss this elsewhere...." Could it be all the dropped jaws and looks
of sheer disbelief and astonishment she's garnering from her Wingmates
that makes her say this? Nahhhh.

Schmitt blinks and with a shred of decency turns away from the
lovebirds toward Lela. "I'm Schmitt. Duties etc."

What dropped jaws? What looks? All E'vrin seems to see is Kassima's
lovely jaw, Kassima's glowing looks. He's glowing, too, after
all. "Whatever you like, love," he acquiesces cheerfully. Still got
that hand in his. /His./

Dossa walks in from the bowl.

Lelanods in the direction of Schmitt

Kassima is still too numb to remember that she's *got* hands, much
less take note of their location. "Uh-huh," she agrees vaguely and
oh-so-intelligently, getting up out of her chair to make her zombified
way towards yonder Bowl. Strange. You'd think someone had just told
her the world was coming to an end, and her without six pints of

E'vrin traipses along with his lady, hand-in-hand, smiling
ear-to-ear. 'Ware sugar shock.

Schmitt says "Nothing can top -that-. I'm heading to bed, while I can
still walk."

Kassima walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.
Southern Bowl(#396RJL$)
Some fluffy white clouds skirt across the skies above you.

Telgar-LC> Dossa blinks, watching Kassima and E'vrin leave together,
as she wanders in. She blinks again. "Did I miss something?"

Telgar-LC> M'kla says "Aye." She sounds in shock, "E'vrin just
announced his undying love of Kassima.""

Telgar-LC> Aurian sighs, "Isn't it sweet.. its love."

Telgar-LC> J'lyn regains speech capability. "WHAT, by Faranths great
golden arse, was THAT all about?!? Has the boy gone mad? Has he lost
his sensibilities??" Ohwait... he's a bronzerider...

[I resent such colorist sentiments, but...]

Telgar-LC> Schmitt nods, "Quite a big somerting, Dossa. Goodnight."

Telgar-LC> M'kla looks at Aurian in horror.

With the help of the cold air, Kassi regains enough presence of
mind--barely--to register that there are dragons out here, and dragons
can have dropping jaws too. "Records Room?" she suggests feebly.

Telgar-LC> M'kla looks at J'lyn in doublehorror. Then bursts into

E'vrin still smiles. Still has her hand. Still, apparently, has that
lovin' feeling working. "Oh, sure, sure." He squeezes fingers. "Where
we first talked, remember?" Awww.

Telgar-LC> M'kla laughs and laughs...then sobers, "Ohshards...that's
/exactly/ the look my boy's been wandering around with. Who the shards
is he mooning over, I wonder." She looks suspiciously around at all
the young women of his approximate age.

Telgar-LC> Aurian glances to M'kla, "What's wrong with love? Heaven
knows she could use something to keep her occupied while she's
grounded and while J'lyn leads the wing."

Telgar-LC> Schmitt ducks from m'kla's glance. Then grabs another
muffin and heads to her bed.
Telgar-LC> Schmitt walks towards the inner cavern.

Telgar-LC> J'lyn glares at Aurian. "Don't remind me. I have to deal
with all that sharding hidework now."

Telgar-LC> M'kla chuckles at J'lyn, "Who's yer wingsecond right now?"

Telgar-LC> Aurian cackles and drops back into her happy wingsecond

Kassima nods and even manages a sickly smile. Very sickly. In fact,
it'd take quite the leap of the imagination to call it a smile; she's
still in shock, you know. But as the shock wears off, she's becoming
aware that to faint out *here* would be a bad thing. So she makes
tracks for the RR. Much better fainting place, that.

Telgar-LC> J'lyn glares even harder at M'kla. "I haven't picked any
acting Wingseconds yet."

Kassima disappears into the records cavern.

You walk into the records cavern, leaving the bowl behind.
Records Room(#403RJs$)
Sounds echo off the cool stone walls of the records room, and bounce
hollowly off the uncarpeted floor. Though perfectly neat and dust
free, this room seems to maintain an aura of unease, though that may
be the weight of the ancient records that are contained within, and
the heavy decisions that have been formed here. A large, stained wood
table with seats stretched along one side stands on a raised area to
the north, up a single step from the rest of the room. The east and
west walls are covered, ceiling to floor, with book shelves and scroll
shelves containing records dating back nearly to the First
Interval. The most stunning feature is the broad sheet of clear
muscovite that stretches across the ceiling like a giant
skylight. Through the skylight, some fluffy white clouds skirt across
the skies above you.
An exit leads out into the bowl.
Lapis Lazuli
Telgar NPC List
Turn Day Register
Council Table

Telgar-LC> M'kla laughs, despite herself, fending off the glower,
"Ach...what a predicament."

Telgar-LC> J'lyn nods. "Tell me about it! I'm not ready to lead this
wing, let alone pick anyone to -help- me with it."

E'vrin drops her hand, all the better to try and hand her down into a
chair with the nervous care of a glassmith handling new wares. "Are
you all right? You don't look well, and we can't let anything happen
to the baby...."

Telgar-LC> Dossa shakes her head. "Poor Kassima. It's fortunate for
her, though, that love is coming out of that flight, and not just a
child. It would be a shame, otherwise." She refills her mug with some
more mulled wine and goes to sit by the fire.

Telgar-LC> J'lyn raises an eyebrow at Dossa, but doesn't say
anything. You can take the girl out of the Hold...

Telgar-LC> Aurian glances to Dossa, "What? You have got to be kidding."

Telgar-LC> M'kla snorts a bit at that, "Aye...well, children are more
likely than love for a greenrider...All but my triplets were outta
flights, and I guarantee they caused less heartbreak. Love's a fool
holder's notion, when it's paired with bedding. Ye can love someone
dearly, an nev'r get between their legs. Relationships of'times better
of it."

Kassima takes a good, deep breath, inhaling the heartening scent of
ink, and parchment, and... well... mold. But it wouldn't take much to
hearten her at this point. "Now, let me just recap," she begins,
allowing herself to be set down before she *falls* down. "Aye, I'm
fine, I'm fine. Just let me get this straight. I told you I'm
pregnant, and you're happy; that's good. But then--did you say you
*love* me?" Squeak. She's not given to squeaking, but she'll make an
exception in this case.

Telgar-LC> Dossa shrugs her shoulders. "I've learned that I can't
expect other people to live up to standards I hold for myself. But
love is wonderful, and I'm happy for Kassima... even if she might
dread it after the child's weaned and E'vrin's off chasing after more

Telgar-LC> Ro goes home.
Telgar-LC> Ro crawls onto her bed.

E'vrin hauls up a chair and sits with the table's corner between
them. "Yes, of course." A frown threatens like a distant stormcloud in
a sunny day. "Why?"

Telgar-LC> M'kla chuckles, " remember those standards
when ye find yerself heartbroken an wailing...and then ye'll come to
realize...they're fine and guld in a Hold, where people need't be
concerned with who fathered what child so the land and Blood can pass
on ... but in a Weyr, a child is a child, and love is love, and a roll
in the firs yet a third."

Telgar-LC> Dossa sets her mug down and hmphs, folding her arms across
her chest. She grows suspiciously quiet, although the glower on her
face sugests she's holding her tongue.

[A shame.  I was on her side.  Loosened morals doesn't mean none at all.]

"I'm just... stunned," Kassi replies, quite honestly. "Nay something I
hear every day, y'know. But, E'vrin--methinks I'm confused. Why would
you love me? How *could* you love me? You don't even know me!"
Confused is one word for it, yes.

Telgar-LC> J'lyn finishes his wine and sighs. "Well, I'm off to
bed. All this organizing is giving me a headache."

Telgar-LC> Dossa smiles quickly at J'lyn. "Goodnight, wingleader," she

Telgar-LC> Lelanods a goodnight to J'lyn

Telgar-LC> J'lyn waves, and is gone.
Telgar-LC> J'lyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

[LC talk moved on, between M'kla and Dossa, so log stopped +watching.]

The frown pushes closer, but no rumbling yet. "'Why,' because I
do. 'How,' because I do." E'vrin shakes his head quickly,
shallowly. "I don't understand. Is this ... bad?"

Kassima swallows, but shakes her head. "Bad--nay, nay, 'tis nay. I'm
more flattered than I can express." True enough, however you read
it. "'Tis just... um... unexpected. Truth be told, 'twas expecting you
t'be aghast or something, mayhaps even angry with me. And I'm nay
precisely the most lovable of people!"

"Angry at you!" E'vrin's aghast. Appalled. And so on. "Why? You know I
wanted -- want -- children; that news doesn't bother me. I mean,
consider: if we were in the holds, it would work out sublimely, going
from pregnancy to marriage." He looks shyly away. Then back.

"Well, I'd told you 'twould probably nay have t'worry about it," Kassi
answers, helplessly. "And then I spring it on you; 'twasn't sure
*what* you'd think. But I'm truly, truly glad you're pleased." A brief
but genuine smile lights dark eyes for a moment. Until: "Marriage?
You'd want t'marry *me*?" Uh-oh. Shock is creeping back in. Perhaps
more rushing than creeping.

E'vrin goes for the hand again. There's that smile, although doubt has
leeched away some of its wondrous light. And he looked so young, and
carefree, and happy before -- "Well, I'd want to spend more time with
you, of course, to make sure we're suited for each other, but I do
like you, I do respect you, and I would work hard to make it work
out." Deep breath. Decisive nod. "What about you?"

Kassima appears to be feeling somewhat guilty, though that can only
add to her confusion. "I...." She allows her hand to be taken, even
attempts a half-hearted finger squeeze, meant to comfort. She didn't
*mean* to make anyone unhappy, honest! "I'm nay used t'thinking of
matters like love." Understatement of the decade. "But I do like you,
aye, and respect you...." She trails off there. Perhaps--probably--at
a loss?

[He's so adorably devoted and oblivious that she doesn't want to hurt
 him, /but/ she'll find a way to tell him he's all wrong.  Somehow.]

E'vrin ventures after a moment, "Then ... we could spend more time
together? I don't want to rush -- stars and shards, Kassi -- but
... but ... I /love/ you." The frown troubles him with vague
bewilderment. "We should be together. Or try."

Kassima bites her lip again, but after a moment of her own,
nods. "Sudden, 'tis," she confesses, as though it needed to be
said. "Forgive me my confusion. Aye... I don't see why we
couldn't. Though I'll warn, 'twill nay be very good company for
awhile." An apologetic smile hovers on her lips. "Nausea, headaches,
and all."

E'vrin smiles back more confidently, even if he has to force it
now. It isn't a /hard/ force. "I know. I remember when my sister went
through her two pregnancies back at Riverfeld. I can bring you herbs
and fruit -- whatever you want. Rub your temples, your back, your
feet. Wash out basins. Hold you. Whatever. All right?"

Kassima is back on considerably more familiar ground now, and her
relaxation is perceptible. "E'vrin, that'd be wonderful," she replies
with sincerity, eyes bright. Augh. Mood swing? "I don't mean t'be a
trouble, though, i'truth. I know 'twill be busy at Igen most of the
time, and I understand that."

E'vrin stands and then bends to kiss her forehead. "Well, then I'll
just have to see about a transfer if it works out," he replies
lightly. "No need to stress ourselves with flitting between Weyrs if
we commit, right? Weyrmates shouldn't have to do that. I'll visit
tomorrow if I can, though."

[Thought I'd throw that in.  Weyrmating?  He moves fast, hmm?]

Kassima goes gape-mouthed for a brief moment, probably at the words
'transfer' and 'weyrmates'. "Well, nay, they shouldn't," she agrees in
a vague sort of way. "There's that. I just don't want you to think I
expect you t'inconvenience yourself for me or aught." Though she's
indubitably getting the feeling that he probably wouldn't care.

E'vrin bestows a smile upon her lovely head. "You aren't. I can
balance private and professional needs, don't worry. /Sharath/ will
remind me, certainly, the way he is now. Sleep well, love. Tomorrow,

Kassima's smile may be somewhat on the uncertain side of things, and
she's still pale--though that might be the last vestiges of
nausea--but it is a smile, and not a forced one. "Tomorrow," she
agrees. "And 'twill sleep, certainly. You... you be well, too, aye?"

"I will. I /am./" And E'vrin's gone.

[And so was I.  Log ends.]

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