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The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.
An online session, recorded by permission of the author for the benefit
of members unable to attend.
June 3, 1998. PernMUSH. Everin's POV.
Your location's current time: 20:07 on day 16, month 2, Turn 23, of
the Tenth Pass. It is a winter evening.
Cast: Everin, Halden, Alia, Norri, Thaniel, A'lex, Jaellyn, B'ael,
Krystyna, Rock, Tana, Renna, Kassima, D'ton, Amberan, K'tyn,
Maylia, Meli, Verna, Evelina, T'saren, Micha, Erdrick, W'il,
Channie, Lyxia, Rilsa, Rillae, Melina, Lestat, Kymria,
Alysiana, Ninya, Rylle.
Bitra Hold hosts a dance to close out its Gather, which actually ends
with the start of Telgar Weyr's Hatching. Harper performers:
Masterharpers Orric (drums) and his wife, Igrall (pipes/vocals);
Journeyman Tas (harp); and Apprentice Everin (gitar). Love NPCs. :)
Bitra Hold Great Hall(#757RLM$)
The great hall expands around you, a vast cavern serving as living
area, meeting area, dining area, and anything else the residents can
come up with. Staff and holders mingle as drudges hustle past with
goods, and a trader or two sits nearby, drinking wine and avoiding
would-be hustlers. The noise would be deafening if most of it didn't
diffuse into the open area of the high cavern.
A ledge has been cut halfway up the western wall; this balcony
overlooks the hall and a pair of doors leads to the Hold's inner
chamber. From time to time, chitters and chirps can be heard from the
ledge over the main doors to the courtyard, across the hall from the
balcony on the east wall.
A large 'tapestry' hangs from the wall beneath the balcony,
its intricate patterns drawing the eye. (Use +detail tapestry to see
more!) A long table near the fireplace is piled high with
scrolls. Apparently the Lady Holder and her stewards prefer to do
their work in a fairly open place, and it would appear that they've
been working!
An archway leads north into the busy kitchen; beside it, in the
northwest corner, steps lead up to the balcony. Bitra's chronic
gamblers have claimed the southwest corner of the room as their own,
and thick red curtains section it off from the rest of the great hall;
from time to time the curtains part and bystanders can see fortunes
being made or lost within.
The upper floors of the hold can be reached via the stairs to the
Klah Pitcher
Buffet Table
Obvious exits:
Kitchen Stairs Up The Even Odds Little Hall Courtyard
Halden smiles at Norri, "So we are in the right place then ?"
Everin scuttles in, breathless, hugging a gitar case to his
chest. Behind him trail a few more harpers, masters and journeyman,
laughing and looking bright-eyed about.
Thaniel comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Alia had opened her mouth to say something to Halden, but stops her
efforts when Norri speaks to them. "The place look very nice," she
tells the Headwoman with a smile.
Norri smiles back, "you certainly are! " She turns to Alia, "Is this
your partner?"
Kymria comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Alia smiles a little shyly up at Halden before looking back to Norri,
nodding a little.
Halden smiles at Alia, "Hope so."
Jaellyn comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
With natural insouciance, the harpers begin diffusing through the
crowd, only to reform as a performing unit that waits politely for
Norri's attention. The lead harper, a portly dark-haired man, coughs
into his meaty fist.
Norri smiles back, a touch wistfully. "That's wonderful. I hope you
have a pleasant time." She moves off to greet the others, pausing to
check with Everin, "Can I do anything to help you get set up, Harper
Thaniel looks around as he walks in..his face falls as he apparently
doesn't find what he is looking for..
"We're fine, Headwoman," the masterharper says before the apprentice
-- the /mere/ apprentice -- can so much as open his mouth at being
addressed. "If you'd be so kind as to show us where you'd like us to
Alia lowers her eyes, still with her arm in Halden's. "It was very
nice of you to invite me," she quietly tells him.
Norri smiles up at the master harper, who easily dwarfs her, "We've
set off an area right over here, and Melisa will see to it that you
have plenty to eat and drink in between playing, " she says,
indicating a well scrubbed drudge wearing her gather best.
The big harper dimples a smile and bows himself and his entourage (no
other word for it) towards Melisa.
Jaellyn has left.
A'lex comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Halden hrms softly at Alia, "Who else would I ask ?" he asks softly.
Everin darts a little smile of his own at Norri. She addressed him, at
least. Then a master bawls his name, and he has to scurry to catch up
with the group.
Amberan comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
A'lex looks about, finds someone appropriate to deliver a formal,
"Telgar's duties," to.
Norri makes sure the harpers are comfortable, sneaking a smile at
Everin and then turns to greet a rider arriving from Telgar, as well
the others coming in. "And Bitra's Duty to Telgar and her Queens!" she
responds politely.
Rock comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Tana comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Jaellyn comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Jaellyn glances around looking for something to do.
Alia lifts her eyes back up to Halden, at a loss for words for a
moment. "I don't know. I would have thought there would be someone..."
she starts saying before deciding it isn't right to pry.
A'lex wanders about the Hall, socializing, greeting folks he recognises.
Krystyna comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Halden shakes his head at Alia, "Noone at all."
B'ael comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Thaniel sits at one of the benches that sit along the outside of the
room..watching the crowd dance away..
Norri finds a chair to stand on and clears her throat loudly to get
the attention of the crowd. "Welcome to Bitra Hold this evening! I'm
Norri, the headwoman, and I welcome you all on behalf of our new Lord
Bitra, Tenfel!"
B'ael glances around as he wanders in, spotting a figure ahead of him
and gives a wave, "Master Rock !" he says cheerfully.
Alia smiles again at her escort, then looks over the crowd while Norri
speaks up.
Thaniel glances at Norri..
D'ton comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Krystyna walks over to Thaniel and sits down. "Hi.
Meli comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Rock laughs as he descends the stairs from his chamber level. Seeing
B'ael he grins "Well Rider B'ael ... how goes the free life of the
flying healers?"
Kassima comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Jaellyn heads north into the hold kitchen.
Tana hides behind Jaellyn, "I um... Hi," she says shyly.
Jaellyn comes out of the busy kitchens.
Thaniel smiles.. "I didn't think you were gonna show there for a
A'lex waves to D'ton from across the room.
Everin bends his head over his gitar, tuning softly under Norri's
words, and waits with the other harpers in their comfortable corner.
B'ael smiles at Rock, fingering his knot, "Wingsecond now, and the
dragonhealing is going well, lots to learn."
Krystyna grins "What me miss a dance?
K'tyn comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Maylia comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Norri continues, as loudly as she can, "I hope everyone enjoys the
dance! A special thank you to harper hall for supplying the music!"
She applauds in the direction of the harpers, as a prelude to their
begining, and then jumps down nimbly from her chair, continuing to
applaud as the instruments are tuned.
Rock chuckles "Dear god .. they placed you in charge of people
.... well stranger things have happened I supoose. I made it to master
rank after all."
Renna comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Renna sighs as she spots Rock. She makes her way over to him,
smiling. "There you are!"
Softly, very softly in the harpers' corner, music limps and sputters
towards starting. A sour gitar chord is met by a burst of young tenor
laughter, then two stronger voices, sharp baritone and husky-sweet
contralto, argue about just which song to play to honor their
hosts. Baritone wins, and the first sweet strains of a stately dance
sweep 'round the hall.
Kassima pauses at the threshhold, stepping aside so as to be
unobtrusive. "Now, t'find a seat with a good view..." she mutters.
B'ael smiles at Renna as she approaches, "Master Renna."
D'ton makes his way around the edge of the crowd quietly.
Thaniel looks at Krystyna.. "May I have this first dance with you?" he
asks quietly?
Jaellyn dances by herself, a smile on her face....
Halden offers his arm to Alia as he hears the music, "Shall we ?"
Krystyna smiles shyly "Sure...
Rock grins "Well yes ... I am here. There was .. umm .. free Brenden
Red. And this is my Hold after all in terms of healing and such
.... but .. well ops?"
Amberan looks around the room. His eyes narrow when he spots D'ton,
for some reason.
Norri pours herself a glass of the Benden red. She holds the glass up
to the light and smiles.
Alia nods, her smile warm as she looks up at Halden and takes his arm.
B'ael nudges Rock, "Just admit it, you wanted to lure her hear and ask
her to dance."
Thaniel stands..leading her to the dance floor..
Norri goes over to the buffet and takes a glass of wine, sipping it,
watching the couples pair off to the music.
Halden leads Alia out onto the dance floor, eyes only for her.
Rock grins "Well actually Wingsecond ... I have just asked this lovely
lady to do more than just dance and she accepted."
K'tyn cranes his neck about, peering quite curiously at the Hall--a
rather pleased expression on his face. "Isn't this a lively place," he
grins at a passerby, waiting for the crowd to thin and move out and
into the dance.
B'ael ohs softly, "A handfasting ? Really ?" He laughs,
"Congratulations. I do hope I'm invited."
Renna greets B'ael with a kiss on the cheek and takes Rock's
arm. "That's how I knew where to find you, Rock. I asked where the
Benden Red was." She actually almost blushes at Rock's next comment
and smiles at B'ael.
Maylia follows, not too far behind Kassima, a grin on her face as she
reaches the elder greenrider. "Evening, Kassi." She greets, loosening
her coat and finding a place for it.
Meli brushes a hand at her kilt, then takes a moment to straighten the
sash as well.
Verna climbs down the stairs from the second floor.
Evelina climbs down the stairs from the second floor.
Verna lovingly pats Sairie on the head, and sends her off to play.
Renna nods. "Of course you're invited, B'ael!"
Evelina wanders down the stairs.
Amberan walks over to the bronzerider from Telgar. "D'nton, is it?"
Tana sniffs the air and wanders to the buffet, a look of slight
boredom and an obvious readiness for mischief on her small pointed
B'ael smiles at Renna, "Much thanks master. I'll happily attend."
Kassima finds a seat on the fringes of the action, not far from the
entrance; she seems content to perch there and stay far, far away from
this dancing business. "Gathers tend t'be, sir," she points out
impudently. The call of her name draws her attention to Maylia, and
she raises a hand to wave to her mentee. "Evening, Maylia! Here
t'dance, or will you be sitting it out too?"
Rock grins "Well at least you can keep track of me MyLady. But you
sure we want to invite this guy .. I mean he is a wingsecond now after
all *wink*" He turns to B'ael "Thankyou my friend, much appreciated."
Evelina spies the Headwoman, "Evening, Norri!"
Jaellyn sneaks up behind Tana, snatches her off her feet and swings
her around.
Everin's gitar adds a shy harmony to the soft, shimmering melody, and
then the tall, fair masterharper steps forward, a smile slight on her
angular face, to add lyrics to the swaying dance: words redolent of
the springtime and sun long gone from this Hold, but cycling
faithfully back soon.
A'lex continues to wander around, watching the festivities.
D'ton has disconnected.
Norri sips her wine and then heads across the crowded room, pausing
when she sees evelina, "'evening Evelina," she smiles. "Isn't this
Tana shrieks, "Nonononononono! I don't wanna!"
Meli tilts her head to listen to the music, becoming lost in it for
the moment, swaying gently from side to side.
Alia moves into Halden's arm once they are on the dance floor, her
eyes lowered until she gains enough confidence to look up at her dance
parter again. When she does, her soft smile grows.
Renna chuckles. "Well, I'll make an exception for him, Rock, because
he was once a Healer. Only that saves him." She winks at B'ael.
Halden's eyes are lost in Alia's as he dances slowly to the music,
arms around Alia.
Jaellyn laughs merrily, and puts Tana down.
Maylia snorts a little inelegantly, shaking her head. Curls of dark
brown sweep over her cheekbones at the motion, reminding her to
stop. "I'm not a very talented dancer," She admits to her
mentor. Unfortunately, the brown curls don't hide the blush creeping
up the young greenrider's features.
T'saren comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Krystyna looks at Thaniel and smiles. She holds on to him and follows
as he starts to dance.
K'tyn grins at Meli. "Want to dance, hm? Or wait? I can do either." He
nods a response toa greeting called from across the hall.
Rock chuckles deeply "I thought that generally damned us in the eyes
of all others. After all, we know more about the body than is healthy
in some ways and so much better in others.
Thaniel smiles softly.....wandering around the dance floor in who
knows what kind of pattern..
B'ael chuckles at Renna, "I'm still a healer, dragonhealer. And why
does it save me ? If I wasn't once a healer, I wouldn't be able to
attend ?"
Meli grins slyly at K'tyn. "Dance... we c'n show 'em how it's done."
She gives another mock-curtsy, holding out the edges of her kilt.
T'saren pauses in the doorway to get his bearings, letting the
assorted conversations wash over him.
Tana edges back towards the food, eyes nearly on level with the
table. She reaches up and nearly spills the contents of a platter in
the process.
Verna shoos the youngster Sairie away, the little girl dashes between
legs to find her playmates in the Little Hall. The elderly woman eases
herself past chatting groups, smiling earnestly, until she reaches her
usual seat near the hearth.
Norri slips and dodges her way across the crowded hall, finally
getting closer to the Telgar Weyr contingent, her eyes seeking out the
prominent knot of the weyrleader, Pausing before him, she says
formally, though with a smile. "Bitra's Duty to Telgar Weyr and the
clutch on her sands. Welcome to you and all your riders tonight!"
Evelina nods. "I see quite a few riders form the Weyrs, especially
Telgar, what with them having eggs on the sands. So nice to see them."
Kassima admits without a moment's hesitation, "Neither am I. I can't
dance at all, in fact--nay a single step. I've nearly killed Mart and
E'ryn on the dance floor a'fore." Is she exaggerating, or isn't she?
Faranth only knows, with Kassima. "'Tis why I stick t'watching these
things when I can."
Jaellyn wanders the floor in search of something elusive....
Alia glides effortlessly along with the music, not because she's a
skilled dancer as much as because she isn't concentrating on her feet,
all her attention on the man leading her, Halden.
A'lex spies T'saren from across the hall and waves, rather hopelessly,
since there are so many people between them.
Renna grins at Rock and nods to B'ael. "Exactly. I've known a few
wingseconds in my time, especially Fortian wingseconds....."
The journeyman harper's silver-gilt lap harp chimes a rippling flood
of notes below the master's husky voice, poignant counterpoint as the
lyrics darken, deepen: autumn's first chill breaths, and the heartless
strike of winter.
Rock chuckles "I am not sure I want to know this Renna." He winks
B'ael hrms at Renna, "Known a few ?" he teases, "Does Master Rock know
about them ?"
Halden moves to the music, not a great dancer but adequate enough. He
whispers to Alia.
K'tyn grins down at Norri. "Madame, tis our pleasure to be here--and
more for me than most I think. I hope that tis no surprise to you that
we've eggs hardening on the sands at Telgar, and we may need to leave
at any time... but tis a wonder to be out of the weyr, if only for an
hour or so,"
Renna smacks both men lightly. "I didn't say I knew them /that/ well,
you two!"
Lyxia comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
T'saren catches the wave and stands on tiptoes to see who it was
from. He spots A'lex and tosses a jaunty salute back, probably just as
hopeless of being spotted.
Erdrick comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
B'ael laughs, "Perhaps I should sit down with yo uand tell you all
about the holder girls Master Rock 'knows' ?"
Rock grins and wiggles his eyebrows "I have known a few female riders
in my time ..... they sure know how to party .... not that I ever have
Jaellyn dances and hums to herself in a corner.....
Alia smiles, as she has been since the dance started, nodding to her
partner. She mutters to Halden.
Micha comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Micha tries to lose himself in the crowds.
Lyxia smiles as she sees her friend "Hi Krystyna."
Renna just rolls her eyes and grins. "Now about that Benden Red,
Rock....where's mine?"
Tana glances around furtively for someone with longer arms than her
own, "I'm hungry." she announces to the table, obviously piqued at the
foods inability to respond.
Maylia tugs at her clothing rather self-conciously, the young rider's
not overly used to dressing up, even yet. She doesn't roll her eyes at
Kassi's claim - she, for one, is quite willing to believe that her
mentor is capable of killing someone simply by dancing with them. She
carries enough knives, for certain. Her eyes catch her weyrmate
entering the Hall, and she sends him a gentle smile.
Meli pauses a step behind K'tyn, content to let the formalities
ensue. She nods to the Holders, keeping her tongue for the nonce.
Erdrick walks in quietly and looks around.
Norri nods to K'tyn, "Of course! Duty first!" she says firmly. She
smiles, "Please make sure your riders know they can freely help
themselves from the buffet. I wouldn't want to send them back hungry
or thirsty!"
Rock grins and produces a secong glass "I had a feeling I would be
needing this ...."
Renna chuckles, taking the glass and a long sip. "I /knew/ I would
need it."
Micha no longer has Mahogany, who flies off to circle overhead.
The fair masterharper trills the last lyrics into a soprano magnificat
to the return of spring, echoed by the musicians behind her:
apprentice's gitar, journeyman's harp, masters' drums and pipes, which
take the coda to a slow, gentle end. Silence.
Channie comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Rilsa comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
B'ael smiles, "But don't let me keep you from the dance floor. You two
should go an enjoy yourself."
Rillae comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
W'il comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Rock grins "You know .. I think my collection of benden red is in
danger as a result of this handfasting ..."
Jaellyn wanders nonchalantly to the buffet and offers Tana a platter
of tubers.
Evelina walks ober to the well laden food table to gather a plate for
herself. She takes a sampeling of many items, and a large slice of
bread. She pours herself a glass of wine and turns to look for a place
to sit in the crowded hall. She finally spies a spot near a Journeyman
Smith and a fellow Bitran.
Renna oohs! and waves to Rillae. "There's Rillae! And Channie!!"
Erdrick places a few slices of roast wherry on his platter.
A'lex wanders about, passing friends and waving politely.
Renna jumps up and down at bit, waving Rillae, Channie, and their
company over.
Verna eases herself into her rocking chair, moved a little away from
the hearth from its usual position to clear room, but she doesn't seem
perturbed. The elderly woman beams smiles at folks as they pass by
her, she's content to sit and watch the dancing couples whirling
'round the Hall in time to the music. Those near her might catch a few
hummed bars now and then as the music reminds her of songs of ages
W'il sketches a salute in the direction of the Telgar Weyrleader as he
looks around, hoping he hasn't missed any other notables.
Tana smiles happily, "Thank you!"
Channie swirls her skirt as she steps into the room, then stops short
at all the people. "whoa!" She pushes by a few people, waving madly to
Renna. She spots A'lex and narrowsher eyes a little, waving to him as
Krystyna smiles at Thaniel "I see a friend. Do you mind if I sit out
the rest of the dance?
T'saren finally manages to lay eyes on something a lot more welcoming
than a wave from his fellow wingleader - the smile on the lips of his
weyrmate. "Heyla, love!" T'saren calls to her, almost a bellow to make
himself heard above the noise. Fortunately, there's probably so much
else going on that his shout doesn't interrupt the music or
dancers. Ignoring the startled glances of people nearby, he starts in
Maylia's direction.
A'lex hears someone shout his Weyrmate's name, and he looks about,
catching her wave. He returns the wave happily.
Micha sits on the stares, drumstick in hand (and mouth).
Lyxia selects a plump piece of fruit.
"I think, Ma'am," K'tyn beams at the Bitran Headwoman. "That they have
found that out!" He waves at the crowds of riders milling about, and
then grins at the greenrider at his side, offering her his arm. "Shall
Rillae grins, pointing over to Renna and looking back to W'il and
Rilsa. "Have you all met my sister?"
Thaniel smiles.. "Sure..I don't mind.."
Jaellyn replaces the platter and goes off dancing to the music,
content to be by herself.
Channie bounces and waves a little more to get A'lex's attention while
moving against the tide of people to get to Renna.
Erdrick looks about among the crowd, as if seeking a friendly face
among strangers, while he eats some roast wherry.
Kassima chuckles after a moment at Maylia's lack of denial. "Nice,"
she remarks, eyes twinkling with impishness, "t'finally know someone
who won't contest that." A few Telgarians--and Bendenites, too, that
she knows from the olden days--in the crowd receive waves and smiles
from the greenrider. The 'Reachian contingent is nodded to, with a
bright grin directed Channie-wards. "Hey, Nie!" she calls over. "Good
t'be seeing you here, brown lady!" If only she knew....
Rilsa gives waves, salutes and greetings to those present. She follows
Channie as she heads toward Renna. Shaking her head, she responds,
"Nope, Ril."
Meli takes K'tyn's arm with something akin to grace, letting him lead
her out to the dance floor.
Krystyna grins "I'll expect another dance later." She walks off the
dance floor.
W'il waves at Renna. "Well met."
Norri smiles and nods to the Telgar weyrleader and leaves them to
enjoy themselves, going over to sit down by Verna. "Isn't this nice to
watch, Auntie?"
Channie hears Kassi's voice and smiles a little /too/ sweetly in the
greenrider's direction, "ho there Kassi! 'Reaches duty!"
Lyxia waves as she sees her friend leave the dance florr.
The dance ended, the harpers exchange a quiet set of
deliberations. Then the portly dark master strikes up a throbbing
rhythm on his drums, harp and gitar layer gossamer melody, and the
pipes call a bright beckoning to the dancers in the crowd, to a
faster, energetic round.
Krystyna walks over to Lyxia "Hi. Glad you could make it.
Rillae hugs her sister firmly, kissing her cheek. She introduces W'il
and Rilsa to her. "This is my sister, Master Renna of Healer Hall."
W'il steps closer. He mutters to Rilsa, "Would... to dance?"
Maylia reaches out a hand to slip 'round her weyrmates waiste as Tas
finally reaches her, the smile on her lips only growing wider,
lighting up her eyes. "Hello, love," She murmurs once he's close,
prefering not to try to make herself heard above people's heads,
peoples conversations, and the music.
D'ton has connected.
Rock grins "Oh dear .. the family thing ..."
Thaniel smiles as he watches her go...he wanders around to the food
table..picking up a slice of redfruit and munching down on it before
wandering on..he stops by Jaellyn and asks "Would you like to dance?"
as he smiles
A'lex squeezes between crouds of gatherers until he finally manages to
wind his way over to Channie. He gives her a peck on the cheek. "G'd
B'ael grins at Rock, "Soon everyone will be knowing..."
With a spritely step, K'tyn leads his partner about the floor in time
to the music. "Meli! Tis a wonder to be here. And thanks to you for
dancing with me! I'm in the mood for it, tis true," he grins.
Rillae gives Rock a big hug, too, punching him in the arm
playfully. "And how are you, Rock?"
Mahogany sits on the harper's lute, causing a sour note in an
otherwise excellent performance.
Alysiana comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Evelina munches on her food, watching the crowd. She spies a few of
the hold children milling about and calls clearly across the room,
"Off to bed with the lot of you. It's too late for you to be up. And
don't let me catch you out again." They sulk away, turning back to see
Evelina eyeing them out the door.
Jaellyn blushes and accepts."I would love to"
Renna smiles at the two riders, greeting them. "Well met!"
Rock grins "All the better for seaing you Rillae."
Rilsa smiles at Renna, "Well met, Master Renna. I'm Rilsa, rider of
Corineth." She chuckles as she looks at Rillae then her sister,
"Obviously, she's the prettier one, Rillae."
Channie smiles at A'lex and presses he wrist to his nose, "smell
smell! W'il got me some perfume! I didnt know you were here!" Her pout
is pretty until she gets a smooch on the cheek.
Rock turns to wingsecond and nods "Tell me about it ...."
"S'a good time t'celebrate," Meli replies, as the pair begin to swirl
to the rapid beat. "Eggs hardened, wintertime, babies bein' born..."
Rilsa nods to W'il, "Love to."
Thaniel grins and takes her hands.leading her around the dance floor
in time with that wickedly fast tune the harpers are playing..
Lyxia grins "Me too, I love gathers." She licks juice from her
lips. "mmmm.... This fruit is good."
W'il grins at Renna. "And I'm W'il, Danaeth's rider. Well met."
Kassima retains her smile, but her eyes narrow slightly as she takes a
good, long look at Nie. "She's up t'something," the greenrider
murmurs, just loudly enough to be heard by those closest. "Mayhaps I
should flee now, ere 'tis too late...."
B'ael winks at Rock, "Perhaps I should talk to the headman to announce
it to everyone ?"
W'il takes Rilsa's hand and leads her towards the dance floor.
A'lex sniffs, and grins, "Oooooh! Nice!"
T'saren puts his own arm around Maylia's waist, giving her a fond hug
and a kiss before murmuring, "Quite a crowd here, isn't there?" to
Tana hides behind a table and watches Jaellyn, eyes gleaming.
Renna looks a bit shocked. "We don't need to do that, do we?"
Rock grins "THanks .... nice to know I have freidns B'ael"
Pipes and gitar combat in the harpers' corner, where their wielders
frown and scowl and sweat just as much as any dancer, striving to
outdo each other while drummer and harpist grin at each other. Ah,
Alysiana has left.
Jaellyn laughs happily, keeping in time with the handsome young man.
B'ael grins at Renna and winks at Rock, "Perhaps we should go chat
with him ?"
Krystyna smiles at Lyxia "Gathers are such fun.
Norri claps to the music as she watches the dancers, laughing with
pure excitement at the color and movement, occasionally leaning over
to saysomething to Verna.
Rilsa waves to Kassi as she follows W'il to the dance floor.
Lyxia says "I was going to go to the Woodcraft Hall firsst, but then I
remembered the gather and I had a feeling you'd be here.""
Rillae winks at Renna. "It's about time, you know." SHe turns around
to look for a victim to dance with, now that family has been greeted.
Erdrick sits down, watching the dancers with a bit of a sigh.
Rock grins "Well I could let my beloved talk to her sister to gossip
with ...."
A'lex notices Rillae, and gives her a friendly wave as well.
Meli laughs, her short hair fluffing from the wind of her passage, as
she and K'tyn cut up the...ah... rug.
Rillae waves back to A'lex, mouthing a greeting to him over the crowd.
Evelina smiles as she watches the dancers whirling around. She
finishes off her food and sets the now empty plate under her chair,
and sips her wine. On her shoulder, Lady's tail is twitching to the
Krystyna smiles "Well I'm glad you came here first. I was hoping you'd
Melina comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Channie beams at A'lex and takes his hand, continuing to move in
Renna's direction. She casts another oh-too-nice smile in Kassi's
direction. "Oh, we had a wonderful wonderful day! Wish you could have
been with us."
W'il takes Rilsa into his arms and guides her around the floor.
B'ael takes Rock's arm, "Lets then." and looks around for Norri.
Amberan walks over to one of the Telgar bronzeriders, arms
crossed. "D'nton, isn't it?"
Rillae looks back at Rock and grins. "Are you kidding? We've already
done that."
Verna ceases her rocking, her elderly knees can't keep up with the
tempo of the more energetic music being played. But she still sits
there, nodding her head, and tapping one foot in time to the
Harpers. The elderly woman grins up at some comment made by the
Headwoman, her chuckles eliciting smiles now and then from those near.
Thaniel grins again as the tune ups itself even more...faster than
this and they would be flying surely..
Rock grins as he is dragged of "Caught in the line fo duty .. I'll be
back in moments for my dance Renna."
Rillae sighs as Rock forces her to gossip with Renna, grinning.
Melina wanders into the hall and waves cheerfully. She seems quietly
excited as she gets her food and sits.
Renna nods, draining her glass. "Make sure you do!"
Lyxia raises her eyebrows in surprise "Me? Miss a gather??"
Micha has disconnected.
Mahogany has left.
A'lex grins, "Me too."
B'ael makes his way over to the headwoman and smiles at her, talking
softly to her and master Rock.
D'ton starts, and looks back at the Miner. "Master Amberan," he says
with a hint of apprehension in his voice.
Micha has left.
Lusani has left.
Jhalor has left.
Norri laughs, pointing out a particularly spry couple to Verna, her
foot tapping. She looks up as two men approach.
Krystyna laughs "Well we had such a good time at the last one I kinda
thought you'd not miss it.
Jaellyn laughs merrily and tells him, "I feel like my feet aren't on
the floor anymore!"
Laughing gaily, K'tyn twirls Meli about in a move that might make her
a little dizzy, but the music is so infectious that his feet and body
seem to move of their own accord.
The drums, as ever, ground the swirling, whirling, thirling music:
rock-solid beats like that of a planet's own heart, while the master
pounding them out grits his teeth in concentration. The pipes and
gitar fade, fade until the drums play alone for a few measures, hearty
and deep.
Kassima wiggles her fingers towards Rilsa, while watching Channie with
ever-growing suspicion. Silently, she gets to her feet and begins to
thread her way through the throng to where they are. "Heya, Nie,
A'lex," she says, once she's near enough to them to be heard.
Halden hrms softly, "Kind ? Just telling the truth."
Rock rolls his eyes "Oh dear ....."
Norri listens carefully to B'ael, "Of what sort?" she whispers back.
A'lex turns towards his name, "Kassi! Heyla Greenrider!"
Amberan says to D'ton, "You're the one who searched my daughter,
didn't you?"
Lyxia chuckles and nods "You got that right."
Rilsa grins as she dances with W'il, trying to keep in time with the
fast beat.
Krystyna sways in time with the music.
Meli keeps up with K'tyn quite nicely, the two bekilted riders cutting
a colorful swath amidst the numerous dancers.
W'il smiles easily, obviously enjoying himself.
Lestat comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
D'ton glances around briefly, but everyone else from Telgar Weyr is
half-way across the room. "Yes, sir," he replies politely.
Norri listens carefully and then nods. "Let me just talk to the
harpers." She gets up and goes over to the master harper, whispering
to him.
B'ael nods, "Thank you kindly ma'am." eyes beaming with pleasure, or
perhaps amusement. He nudges Rock, "See, easy as that."
Maylia rises on her toes to return the kiss, and nods. "Aye, lots of
people gathered here." Is her quiet response, though the greenriders'
eyes are fixed on T'saren's. Quite clear, the message might be, that
only one person present counts, and that one person is in her arms.
Melina's eyes grow wider as she finds someone she hasn't seen in
turns. She gets up and walks over to him, "W'il? Shards, didn't think
I'd see you here"
Amberan frowns. "You'd best hope she doesn't get hurt, D'nton."
Alia hasn't a clue what is going on around her, the focus of her
attention still Halden. "I am not so sure of that, but thank you
nonetheless," she replies, her cheeks flushed.
Alysiana comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Lyxia takes a bite of her fruit, keeping a hand under in chin in case
of runaway juice.
Rock looks at B'ael "THanks mate .... is three a cliff you want to
push me off as well."
Lyxia looks at Krystyna "How long have you been here?"
Alysiana walks in holding Lestat's hands and looking around wide eyed
then smile up at him affectionately.
"Evening yourself," Kassi replies to A'lex, smiling amiably enough. "I
hope you'll forgive the bothering... 'twas just wondering why Nie's
been smiling at me in such a very alarming way."
Channie's eyes twinkle at Kassima, "hello there greenrider. How are
you doing? Haven't had a chance to gossip with you in a long time."
B'ael whispers to Rock and laughs.
The harp springs to lusty life atop the drums, swashing its silver
voice like a sword through the resonant thunder, and closes out the
song with a blurred parry of notes that leaves its journeyman puffing
and shaking out his hands. Then he calls out in the new silence, his
fine tenor strong and clear, "We'll take a short break, my lords and
ladies, and let you rest your feet -- and my fingers!"
Channie tries to look at herself, "I'm /just/ smiling Kassi"
A'lex says "Alarming?"
Halden slips his arm around Alia as the music stops and smiles, "Shall
we get something to drink ?"
Rock shakes his head "And to think I let you esape in anything but a
straight jacket?"
Everin leaves his gitar with the masters and creeps towards the buffet
Renna gets a refill on her Benden red and squeezes Rillae's arm.
Jaellyn thanks the gentleman for the dance and sits on a vacant chair.
D'ton glances sidewise at Amberan, and keeps his answer brief, "Sir,
yes, sir."
Krystyna looks at Lyxia "Just a short while. How about you?
Verna's eyes twinkle with enjoyment of the evening. She might complain
that her bones are too old and stiff for dancing, but she still enjoys
watching, and comparing the couples, chatting with Norri. As the two
'lads' from her perspective come to talk to the headwoman, she turns
her attention to the Harpers, smiling with encouragement.
Rilsa smiles, looking up at W'il with relief, "A moment longer, I was
afraid I'd trip over my own feet." She tucks her arm with the
greenrider's, glancing toward the group she arrived with.
T'saren nods his head to Maylia, a hint of a teasing smile playing
about his lips and eyes. "Guess they wouldn't call it a gather if
there wasn't a gathering, now would they?"
B'ael takes Rock's arm and leads him towards the harpers.
Erdrick quietly stands up and walks toward the doors.
In the pause and sudden quiet, Norri clears her throat and says as
loudly as we can, "I believe we have a gentleman here who would like
to make an announcement, if we could have everyone's attention?" She
beckons B'ael over to the front of the room.
K'tyn nearly stumbles to a halt, but refrains from tripping over his
feet as he leads Meli off to the side for a quick rest and a drink
from the fine display of drinks available.
W'il smiles back at Rilsa and leads her off the floor.
Lyxia says "Same. I only went to the Games Tent before I came here."
Erdrick walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Renna hides conveniently behind Rillae.
Rock grins and pushes B'ael over "Go for it bigmouth."
Kassima rolls her eyes at Nie. "Just? A smile *that* sweet bespeaks
true evil at work, Nie, and well you know it... I'm well, but methinks
'twould be better if'n I knew what in Faranth's name you're up to."
She knows her friend so well, doesn't she? She does, however, shush
for the announcement.
Channie has disconnected.
Lestat comes into the hall with Alysiana, looking around wide-eyed,
and he smiles to himself. He give Alysiana's hand a little squeeze,
his smile going from cheek to cheek. At Norri's words, he looks over,
and listens quietly.
Alia nods somewhat shyly to Halden, "I could use something right now,"
she confesses.
The masterharpers, dark and portly paired with tall and fair, trade
curious looks and then step forward together to hear Norri better.
Rilsa heads over to Rillae, stopping by the woman as she hears the
announcement introduction.
B'ael smiles at Norri, "Much thanks.", flashes a grin at Rock, and
says loudly, for everone to hear, "Yes, I do. I would like to propose
a toast or two, and get everyone's best wishes for Master Renna and
Master Rock. Now engaged to be handfasted."
W'il spots Melina and waves at her, smiling.
Amberan hmphs. "Are you enjoying yourself, as a rider? If I recall,
you were a miner yourself."
Rillae claps loudly!
Norri raises a glass to toast the couple, "Congratulations!"
W'il follows Rilsa.
Renna hides even farther behind Rillae, blushing furiously.
Kymria has remained somewhat off-to-the-side during this whole
confusing thing. Which is just her current mood. Or
maybe...maybe...never mind. She twitches closer to hear the
announcement, grinning as it reaches her perked ears.
Rilsa smiles, applauding the couple, "Congratulations."
Jaellyn claps and bounces excitedly.
Rock smiles and looks to Renna with a Kind of Sorry .. could not stop
him but hay .. I am glad he told em all look.
A'lex grins.
Halden smiles at Alia, then applauds the masters.
Melina returns W'il's wave, now back to her seat. She claps quietly,
almost overwhelmed with all going on around her.
Alysiana slips her hand out of Lestat's to clap.
Renna laughs, looking around the acknowledge the congratulations, her
face still burning red.
Evelina adds her congradualtions to the crowds.
Lestat claps his hands, momentarilly removing his from Alysiana's, and
grinning broadly.
T'saren applaudes quite firmly for the happy couple, though his eyes
are only for the weyrmate at his side.
Maylia groans, playfully slapping her weyrmate's arm. "Yes, I suppose
you're right." Even she can admit when she's getting a little too
obnoxiously absorbed in T'saren's eyes. As she hears the Bitran
Headwoman call for attention, she twists around, staying well wrapped
in Tas' arms, to listen.
Alia is clapping as well, but doesn't take her gaze away from
Lyxia looks around the room "There are so many people... All of Pern
must be here...."
K'tyn turns, goblet in hand and offers congratulations for the
handfasted pair from Telgar.
Rock chuckles and raises his glass to all and salutes them in thanks
for their wellwishes and toasts.
W'il looks a bit confused but joins in the applause.
Renna downs her whole glass of wine, then, smiling even broader now.
Krystyna looks around and smiles "Yes it would appear so.
The journeyman harper draws a hand across his harpstrings, a luxuriant
felicitations to add to the others', and the masters applaud
politely. Get the wine! Let there be toasts!
W'il speaks quietly to Rilsa and nods towards the courtyard.
D'ton does his best not to be distracted by the festivities around him
as he answers Amberan. "Yes, sir. It's a good life, sir," he says
Lyxia finishes off her fruit.
Drudges scurry about the hall, pouring wine freely. It seems to take a
particularly long time when they stop by the harpers.
Evelina has disconnected.
Rillae spots W'il and Rilsa, waving to them. "When do I get my dance,
Krystyna grabs a glass of wine from a passing drudge.
Lestat takes two glasses of wine from a drudge, handing one to
Alysiana with a smile.
Meli accepts a mug of Benden red, lifting it in her own toast to the
couple even as she waves a cooling hand at her face.
B'ael takes a glass from one of the drudges, and says loudly, "To the
masters, may they have a long life of love together."
And don't think the harpers don't notice: The heavyset master frowns,
but his pale partner puts her hand on his arm and accepts their
goblets with delicate diplomacy.
W'il glances at Rilsa, then smiles at Rillae. "Soon."
Thaniel walks back over to Krystyna and sits.. "So.."
Rillae nods, winking at the two. "I'll keep you to that, greenrider."
Verna raises her hand, if she'd had a drink it would've been raised in
a toast to the couple. Her blue eyes twinkling, she smiles around the
large room, now and then focussing her eyes on a couple.
Kassima applauds for the couple politely, with a smile that does hold
some real warmth despite the fact that she doesn't know either one of
them from Faranth, and then eyes A'lex rather dubiously. "I *know*
you're up to something, bronzer...."
Krystyna sips her wine and smiles at him "Hi.
Alia has disconnected.
Lyxia smiles a hello at Thaniel.
Rilsa takes a glass of Benden red in hand and heads toward the
Norri slips back to her seat by Verna,sighing wistfully, "Isn't that
romantic? Announcing your engagement in front of a whole gather!"
Rilsa walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
A'lex shakes his head, "I've no idea what you're talking about."
Thaniel smiles at both of the lovely girls "Enjoying the dance??"
Jaellyn makes a quiet, but very content, exit.
D'ton unconsciously straightens his clothing, keeping his eyes on
Amberan. He stands up a little straighter.
Tana walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Halden walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
W'il walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Rock chuckles and hugs Renna "Well you said you wanted a big event
Jaellyn climbs up a short flight of steps in the northwest corner of
the room, up to the balcony and through the door.
Everin creeps back to the corner, bearing a platter of nibbly food for
the journeyman. They share a few bites before their masters turn
'round and gesture imperiously: next song!
Alysiana smiles and takes a tiny little sip before setting it down on
a table.
Amberan nods, "I guess so."
Renna kisses Rock lightly on the cheek. "I suppose so." She grins up
at him.
Meli sips her wine slowly. She mutters to K'tyn, "... y'may be... at
home soon."
Krystyna smiles at Thaniel "Of course.. Are you?" She takes another
sip of her wine.
Lestat takes a sip of his wine, setting it down on a table as well. He
slips his hand back into Alysiana's.
Thaniel nods..
Verna adds her sigh to Norri's. "Aye, t'is the sort of thing ev'ry
young lass dreams of. An'I wish th'm both all the best in Turns to
come, I do." Sincereness shows in the elderly woman's blue eyes.
Amberan looks around, "Speaking of former miners, has anyone seen my
old craftmaster, retired Lord Malachite?"
B'ael smiles at Rock and Renna and moves to one side, leaving the
happy couple to themselves.
Alysiana smile and squeezes Lest's hand gently.
Lyxia shrugs "Well I just got here, but I am enjoying it."
Norri nods as Verna speaks, watching as the couples return to the
dance floor. "Maybe someday..." she sighs.
Channie has connected.
K'tyn halts, suddenly, at an inner prodding. "I have to go, Meli," he
apologizes to his erstwhile dance partner. "Ah...Leilanth..." The rest
is left unsaid, but the meaning is clear. "Requires Prometh." Moving
for the doors, he stops to bow to the newlyengaged coupler, and
grins. "G'deve to you. May you both be happy!" before moving on to
take his leave of Norri, and the Lord Holder and his wife. "Good Eve!
I must go. If Telgar can serve, do not hesitate to call on us."
Strong gitar chords announce the next song, indeed: a waltz well-worn
by the Turns but no less a favorite for it. The drums pick up by the
next measure, then the harp, and then the precious, trilling pipes.
Renna smiles her thanks to K'tyn as he leaves.
Norri waves to K'tyn, "Clear skies! Thank you for honoring us with
your attendance."
Meli nods to the weyrleader, making her way back toward the other
Telgar riders, sipping slowly at the fine wine.
Krystyna looks at Thaniel "This dance is mine Than. Would you like to
dance with me?
Verna has disconnected.
Acaline comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
K'tyn walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Lestat grins at Alysiana, "I've always loved to join
me, Aly?"
Channie looks startled from her thoughts and glances between A'lex and
Kassi in wonderment, "hatching?"
Renna waves to Acaline!
Acaline slips in quietly, cringing as Renna spots her, and goes near
her, at elast.
Alysiana grins, "Sure, but I don't know how to dance."
D'ton shrugs, looking around at the crowd. "One of the Bitrans might
know where he is," he says.
B'ael smiles over at Acaline.
Renna chuckles. "Acaline, it's a Gather dance. No need to be
Meli pulls a handkechief from her belt pouch, using it to wipe the
back of her neck as she arrives beside Kassi and Maylia. "Whew!"
Ninya climbs down the stairs from the second floor.
Amberan says "Good point."
Thaniel grins at Krystyna.. "Of course.." he says as he leads her to
the floor
Amberan looks around at the knots in the room.
Norri waves to Ninya from where she sits watching the dancers.
Lestat grins at Alysiana, "Just do what I do," he says, and leads her
over onto the dancefloor.
Ninya walks down the stairs to the Great Hall. She finds a seat near
the food, perhaps to feed her little brown.
Krystyna she swings into Thaniels arms as they start to dance.
Alysiana smiles and waits for Lestat to show her.
Maylia catches the elderly woman's comments, as she leans back
contentedly in T'saren's arms. "Or infront of a living cavern full of
people," she murmurs, a smile still touching her features. She's soon
grinning at Meli, though. "My, you two can dance," she says,
Kassima comments to Meli, without taking her eyes totally away from
Channie, "You looked good out on the floor, m'friend... 'twas a
pleasure t'watch you. I don't suppose you could help me interrogate
Nie as to why she's looking so evil this eve, eh?"
Lyxia has a knowing look in her eyes as she watches Thaniel and
Krystyna begin to dance.
Amberan approaches Norri and says, "The minecraft sends its regards to
Bitra, and compliments on a lovely gather. I'm Amberan,
jadecrafter. Can you tell me if Lord Malachite is still in residence
in Bitra these days?"
A'lex grins, "She's always looking Evil... tis why I love her."
Thaniel smiles at Krystyna again as the swirl around the dance
floor.. " going to the hatching with me?"
The music dips and rises with the dancers, bobs and dives, ebbs and
flows: The waltz flows thick and rich across the hall, warm with drum
and gitar collaboration and the grace notes of a singing harp.
Meli quirks a brow at Kassi, glancing over at the rider in
question. "Evil?" she asks, probably knowing better than to do so, but
doing so nonetheless. She nods her head in acknowledgment of Maylia's
comment, giving both her and Tas a warm smile.
Norri watches the dancers, eyes on a particular man, looking as if she
might get up and speak to him.
Lestat smiles at Alysiana, one arm going around her waist, the other
taking her hand. Then, he begins the waltz, leading her through the
Channie sighs and wraps her arms around A'lex, "You say the sweetest
Krystyna smiles at Thaniel "Wouldn't miss it.
Ninya walks over to Norri, the only person she really knows. "May I
sit with you, Headwoman. I don't recognize anyone here."
Alysiana smiles and follows Lest blushing as she steps on his toe,
Melina gets up from her seat, her eyes fogging slightly. She nods and
tosses a wave as she takes her leave.
Melina walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Norri nods to Ninya, "Oh, please do! Most everyone else is busy
dancing or talking. I'd love some company!"
A'lex says "I try..."
Kassima remarks as drolly as drolly can be, "Only you--and maybe
me--would consider *that* sweet, Nie... aye, Meli, they're up
t'something. Nie was smiling at me earlier in a very suspicious way."
This from a woman who claims other people are paranoid.
T'saren returns Meli's smile, pulling Maylia a bit tighter against
him. "I wish I'd learned to dance, but there really isn't much
opportunity at the Herder Hall," he says with a soft sigh.
A'lex laughs at Kassima. "Maybe she's glad to SEE you Kassima..."
Ninya smiles and settles into a chair, popping food into the mouth of
her little brown. "There're /so/ many people here. I'd be afraid to
Acaline looks around, "But who do you dance with, Msater Renna?
Lyxia hears the word 'hatching' and silently reminds herself to ask
about it.
Channie tightens her hold on A'lex and looks over her shoulder to see
what effect this might be having on Kassi. "Oh Kassi...did you smell
me?" She frees one arm to hold out for the greenrider to whuffle.
Lestat smiles at Aly, and shakes his head a bit, holding her close
against him.
B'ael smiles at Acaline, "I think she should go dance with her
Norri smiles, "Oh, I wouldn't be. I'd love to. I haven't danced -
well, since our last gather. But I've had too much to do to find
myself a partner."
"Learned while I was at Seacraft," Meli replies to Tas. "Though m'a
bit out of practice.
Renna ahs at Acaline. "Now that's the real question. That's what I
keep Rock around for." She pats his hand. "There are plenty of young
men out there to dance with, but if you aren't in the mood to find
one, I'll lend you mine." She winks at her.
Rylle comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Erdrick comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Ninya smiles shyly, still feeding wherry scraps to her brown
hatchling. "I'd like to, but there're so many people!" She looks
uncharacteristically shy.
T'saren nods to Meli with a teasing grin. "I'll bet dancing wasn't the
only thing you learned there, Meli. I've heard some of those lewd
Seacrafter songs."
Norri looks up as Amberan speaks to her and smiles politely, "Bitra's
duty to you! Lord Malachite? He is certainly in residence here, but I
believe he's already gone to bed. He's an older man you know.."
Alysiana dances close to Lestat smiling but stepping on his feet every
now and then.
Erdrick walks quietly in, glancing about.
Acaline looks at B'ael, "No, who does everyone else dance with?"
Meli rolls her eyes, then turns to Maylia, as if to confide to
her. "Aren't they cute when th'tryin' to be funny?"
Lyxia pours herself a glass of the Benden red. She holds the glass up
to the light and smiles.
Kassima asks with blatant skepticism, "Glad? T'see me? That'd be a new
one... um, nay, Nie. I can't say that I did." A bit warily, she
obediantly sniffs the brownrider's extended hand. One eyebrow arches
upwards. "Nice," she comments. "Perfume, 'tis?"
Rock chuckles and rolls his eyes again
Thaniel smiles again and continues to twirl around the floor..
Maylia reaches up to caress T'saren's cheek, smiling at her love. "We
should learn, together, sometime." She suggests to him.
Rillae eyes B'ael. "And I think you should dance with me." She extends
her arm to him, giving Renna and Rock a wink. "How 'bout it,
D'ton finally makes his way inwards from the edge of the crowd, to
join A'lex, Kassima and Channie.
Lestat doesn't seem to mind atall as he dances with Aly, grinning,
twirling around with his partner as they dance.
B'ael hrms at Acaline, "Me, I dance with my weyrmate, who isn't here
at the moment. I'm hoping she is coming though." He looks over at
Rillae, "Hrms, dance with a greenrider can be dangerous to your help I
The waltz comes to a flourished end, and the dark masterharper leans
over to the apprentice for a hushed whisper. The lad stows his gitar,
blushing, and leaves the corner while the remaining harpers begin a
slower song that deserves a performance under moonlight and a young
lady's glowing eyes.
Rylle has disconnected.
Ninya smiles to Erdrick, not recognizing him but deciding to wave to
someone her own age.
Rillae nods. "Aye, that they can be!"
Krystyna smiles at Thaniel as the dance ends "That was fun.
D'ton says wryly to Kassima, "Looks like I'm not dancing tonight
either. Where did K'tyn get to?"
Lyxia slowly sips her wine and sits down t.
Erdrick waves back curiously, getting a mug of klah and sitting down
to watch the dancing with a bit of a sigh.
Everin approaches Norri diffidently, his cheeks still stained with
color. "Headwoman...?"
Verna spots, and recognises the young woman who's come close to chat
with Norri. "G'deve, there, child," she says, meaning no offense, of
course. Its just to her, almost everyone is young.
Alysiana giggles and finally quits stepping on his toes as she gets
the hang of it and let's him twirl her around laughing softly and
B'ael takes Rillae's arm, "Lets dance then ma'am."
Amberan nods to Norri, "Thank you, if you could tell him that his
former apprentice Amberan visited, I would be grateful."
Channie nos quickly to Kassi, curls bouncing. "It was a gift." She
stops hugging onto A'lex and contents herself with holding his
hand. "So, anyone dancing?"
T'saren wrinkles his nose at the greenrider's joking, but he does
chuckle. "Maylia here thinks I'm cute all the time, so I don't have to
try." He gives Meli a wink, then bends his head to brush his lips
across the top of his weyrmate's head.
Rillae curtseys to B'ael and wheels out onto the dance floor with him.
Lestat grins at Aly as the dance ends and they stop, but then it only
spreads as the next song begins. "Hmm...beautiful song," he comments
Kassima draws back a bit to reply to D'ton, jerking her thumb back
over her shoulder, "He said that Leilanth summoned Prometh... gah,
dancing, Nie? Y'know well that I can't dance worth a shard."
Norri smiles at Amberan, "I certainly will give him your
regards. He'll be sorry to have missed you I'm sure!" She nods to
Everin, "Can I help you Harper?" she asks pleasantly.
B'ael gets himself dragged out by Rillae, "Hope you don't step on
Everin studies his toes. "Master Orric told me -- that I should ask
you to dance, since you're our hostess, so to speak." He peeks up, his
eyes very green and very young. "If you want."
Rillae shakes her head. "Nah, I'm an excellent dancer."
Ninya looks around, wanting to dance with someone but much too shy to
ask anyone.
Thaniel looks at Krystyna..putting his arms around her waist as the
dance begins..he smiles softly..
Rylle has connected.
Alysiana looks up at Lestat, "Slow and romanic."
B'ael smiles and starts dancing with Rillae, "Hrms, not bad, no broken
toes yet." he teases.
Norri blinks at this. "I see! And Master Orric doesn't dance himself,
is that it?" she says rather sharply, cheeks flushing pink.
Rillae chuckles. "Watch out."
Masterharpers look indulgent, but keep playing the soft ballad, which
owes its touch to the song of the harp and the lull of the pipes.
Maylia chuckles, just softly, at T'saren's comment. Louder, to the
gathered riders, she states, "Just as soon as you 'catch' a man, he
thinks he can stop trying to impress you," with laughter catching at
the edges of her words.
Lestat smiles, holding Alysiana close as they dance slowly. He closes
his eyes, resting his head gently against her's.
Krystyna smiles up at Thaniel as they again start to dance.
B'ael grins and steps on one of Rillae's feet on purpose.
Rock grins and takes Renna's hand, heading up the stairs towards his
room. He nods and waves to people as he passes, stopping to thank
Norri and compliment the Hold on the gather.
Everin clears his throat. "Well, he's rather ... out of shape,
Headwoman. And he's playing, and he said I'm the youngest one, so I
should do the Hall's duty by Bitra." Now he just looks
miserable. "I'll go tell him you don't want to."
Channierolls her eyes at Kassi, "sure sure, whatever." She leans
against A'lex and taps her foot along with the music.
Alysiana rests her head against Lestats shoulder and chest and dances
slowly with him holding him close.
Rock climbs up the stairs to the second floor.
Renna says her goodbyes and follows Rock.
Renna climbs up the stairs to the second floor.
Erdrick glances about, almost nervously, as he sips his klah.
Eyes glinting with excitement, Rylle scans over the myriad of cpeople
in amazement.
A'lex rocks back and forth slowly to the rythm, "Nice, eh?"
Kassima winks at Maylia. "Wouldn't know--but 'twill take your word for
it, methinks, mentee mine. Nie, you know 'tis truth! Have you ever
seen me dance and nay step on someone's foot at least once?"
Norri sighs and takes pity on the apprentice, "No, that's very
generous of you. I'm sure your masters are always giving you
unpleasant tasks. Let's dance and show them how well you can do
representing your craft!"
Everin protests because he has to, "It isn't unpleasant, ma'am." He
ducks his head. "Sorry."
Ninya watches silently, shushing her brown when he sqwacks. She stands
up, apparently making a decision. She walks over to someone who looks
almost as nervous as she is. Erdrick. "Um... hello..."
Kymria has disconnected.
Channie nods, tilting her head up to smile at A'lex before looking
back at Kassi, "You ah, did you step on M'rgan's foot when you danced
with him? Or was that only a rumor that you danced with him at all..."
Erdrick blinks and looks over at Ninya, "Hello."
Lestat smiles softly, letting out a gentle sigh as he dances slowly
with Alysiana.
Norri laughs and gets up, "Oh come on, don't be shy," she says,
blushing herself, "I can't be more than a couple of turns older than
you are yourself! Pretend I'm your sister." she says, not unkindly.
Rillae ohs! "Pardon me for a moment, B'ael!"
B'ael smiles at Rillae, "I better head back to the weyr, thanks for
the dance."
Rillae grins. "No, thank /you/."
T'saren snorts, giving his head an amused shake. "Not for a moment,
dearheart. I put on this kilt just for you, and so now everyone here
knows what my knees look like!"
Rillae has disconnected.
Rillae has connected.
Rillae has left.
Lyxia, the hopeless romantic, sighs slowly with a contented look in
her eyes as she watches all the couples on the dance floor.
The ballad flows on, rippling with yearning, breathless with
longing. The masterharpers -- dark and fair, portly and thin, male and
female -- have their eyes only for each other, and they smile, and
they look back towards their work. The journeyman rolls his eyes.
Ninya smiles and hesitantly sits down next to Erdrick. "My name is
Ninya. I live here at Bitra."
Alysiana whispers in Lestat's ear and dances slowly with him keeping
herself arm in his arms and smiles.
Alysiana mutters to Lestat.
Erdrick gestures to the bench next to him, "I'm Erdrick, a stablehand
from Telgar Weyr."
Everin nods mutely and offers his arm. "I'm Everin," he says
uselessly, "but you already know that. And my sisters would never
dance with me. One has a jealous husband, and the other likes to kick
my shins."
Maylia's hand brushes T'saren's kilt, sending the pleats swishing back
and forth. "And wonderful knees they are." She murmurs up at
him. "They can all look, but they can't have."
"And fine knees they are, too," Kassi oh-so-helpfully informs
T'saren. "'Twas nay rumor, Nie--he wouldn't let me go when I tried
t'pull away--but I stepped on his feet more times than I could rightly
Ninya grins. "I'm a stablehand as well. I've never been to Bitra's
Channie smirks just a little smirk and quickly litts her wrist to
pretend she's smelling it.
Norri listens bemusedly to this bit of information as she takes
Everin's arm, the young man quite a bit taller than she is, "Oh dear!
Well, I don't have a jealous husband. I don't even have one at
all. And I'll try not to kick you." she promises, laughing, as he
leads her to the dance floor.
Erdrick blinks, "Me either, I've visited a friend here before but
never been here for a Gather."
Meli excuses herself to catch some fresh air.
Meli walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Lestat smiles at Alysiana, giving her a little kiss on the forehead,
"Shall we rest a few moments after this song?" he asks her quietly.
Symoria comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.
Rylle wanders without focus about the Great Hall as her large eyes
absorb the sights of floating ladies as they dance, shy men standing
along the wall, and the warmth of all the bodies.
T'saren laughs, reaching up a hand to play gently with one of his
weyrmate's curls. "Aye, there's only one woman for me, outside of a
Ninya smiles, a little more at ease. "I love runnerbeasts, and I have
so many brothers and sisters that my father didn't need my help." She
stops suddenly. "Sorry about rambling."
Alysiana looks up at Lestat and looks into his eyes, "Sure...just
don't let me go OK?"
Everin finds inoffensive places to put his hands and leads her into
the steps with the paranoid care of one handling porcelain (and
porcelain that might explode in his face at any moment). "No husband?"
he asks Norri politely. "I can't imagine why."
B'ael stops heading out as he nearly runs into Symoria. He smiles,
Lestat smiles at Alysiana, and he nods.
Erdrick chuckles, "I didn't like mucking out stables back in the cot
hold I grew up in so I left, now I'm mucking out stables at Telgar."
The irony doesn't escape him.
Alysiana smiles and rests her head back against Lestat's shoulder.
Symoria stops abrubtly upon entering the hall, looking around herself
curiously. It appears that she doesn't immediately spot anyone that
she knows, for she begins to aimlessly wander towards the side of the
The harpers linger over their ballad as if over the first strong mug
of klah in the morning. While the journeyman takes the melody line
with expert fingers woven around his harpstrings, the masters bounce
drum and pipe off each other, building a glowing tribute to the young
love that the song immortalizes.
T'saren's eyes go distant for a moment, then he comes back to himself
with a chuckle. "Sol's found an aquaintance of his. A young man we
transported from here to Keroon, if I remember correctly."
Ninya giggles. "Well, I'm mucking out stables at Bitra with
firelizards looking over my shoulder and trying to land on the shovels
and rakes."
B'ael blinks as Symoria just wanders right past him, shrugs and heads
Krystyna smiles up at Thaniel as she circles the dance floor with him.
Norri patiently lets Everin guide her through a careful, rather tame
dance, smiling at him. "I don't know why myself," she replies. "I did
have two fiancees though."
Maylia makes a face, playfully pulling her head - and attached curl of
hair - away from T'saren. Of course, the same goes for her, after
all. Wrinkled nose as she jests, she says coyly, "The men can look
too, but they can't have either." Her eyebrows raise. "Oh?
B'ael walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Erdrick chuckles, "I've four flits of my own, though Buttons is the
only one I broght here."
Everin concentrates on his footing. "I hope nothing bad happened to
them, Headwoman."
Lestat smiles at Alysiana, "Such a beautifl song, isn't it? Though, of
course, not nearly as beautiful as you."
Thaniel smiles and slowly leads Krystyna around the dance floor
Erdrick glances toward the dancers with a sigh.
A'lex walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Acaline walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Ninya nods. "I have six, one just Impressed at the Gather. I could
show my browns to you if you wish, as they're the only ones awake. You
don't have any queens or bronzes, do you?" She gives Erdrick a look
that would be jealous if not for the teasing smile on her
face. "What's the matter?" She directs her gaze at the dancers.
Norri moves daintily and gracefully to the music, "I hope not too! One
went off to apprentice and one disappeared!"
After fully taking in all the sights and sounds, Rylle makes herself
sociable chatting with another unpartnered young lady.
T'saren nods in answer to Maylia. "Sol and I pulled errand duty one
day, and we ended up transporting more than just hides and
supplies. Now it seems that Gaivn has made his way back here to see
the gather."
Alysiana looks into Lest's eyes and smiles, "You knwo this si a song
about young's about us." she kisses him softly for a moment
before resting her head back on his shoulder.
D'ton walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Erdrick quietly replies, "I can't dance." Then in a normal voice he
continues, "I've only two browns and two greens. I'd like a queen or a
bronze though."
Lestat smiles at his partner, his face turning red as he kisses her
The ballad winds its way down to silence, and the tall masterharper
announces in her husky voice, "Another break, my good people, but
never fear: We're here all night--" she darts amusement at the other
master "--or at least until the wine runs out."
Channie tsks softly as a'lex heads out and quickly turns to follow him.
Channie walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Ninya nods and replies equally quietly "That makes two of us." Louder,
she says "I have two browns, a blue, and two greens." She looks
slightly embarrassed.
Rylle approaches the slender young woman in a green dress, her smile
friendly and inviting, "A lot of people here tonight, no?" She
inquires, making small talk.
Norri smiles at Everin as the dance ends and stands on tiptoes to kiss
his cheek lightly. "You did your duty to Bitra very well. Thank you
for the dance."
Everin smiles helplessly and tries a small bow. "Thank /you./ The Hall
is always glad to perform, you know -- including its clumsy
Lyxia sips the last of her wine rolls it around in her mouth for a
while to savor the taste.
Kassima excuses herself, and heads outside with a rapid stride.
Kassima walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Alysiana smiles and just sorta falls limp in Lestat's arms holding him
softly as the song ends.
Erdrick chuckles quietly, then glances about, "I've the strangest
feeling something's about to happen."
Maylia shivers as a welcome blast of chill air sweeps through the Hall
as the great doors swing open and shut. "Oh, that's refreshing," she
murmurs to herself. "Well, can hardly blame him, so much activity
here. He's likely going to try to catch a ride back," the young
greenrider teases T'saren.
Norri smiles and nods to Everin and then goes to see that the buffet
has been kept full and that all the guests have full glasses.
Lestat, strangely enough, doesn't leave the dancefloor as the other
people do. Instead, he just stays there, holding Alysiana close.
Ninya glances about. "Really?" Her grey eyes dart around the room.
In one of those suddenly quiet moments every large gathering of people
seems to have, a soft noise makes itself heard, quickly growing in
strength and volume to resolve itself into many dragons giving voice
to a firm, and slightly impatient, huuuuummmmmm.
Ninya gasps. "A hatching!"
Norri blinks and looks up from instructing a drudge, ears cocked at
the sound.
Erdrick blinks, "The eggs! Telgar!"
Thaniel looks up.. he smiles.. "I think its time to get to Telgar"
Thaniel walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Norri says excitedly, "That must be it!"
Krystyna walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Ninya stands. "Oh! A hatching! I'd love to..." She stops.
Symoria spots a rider she recognizes. She changes direction to bring
herself over towards the woman. After a few exchanged words, Symoria's
head snaps up, she says, "To the hatching?" The two women turn in tune
towards the exit, and quickly walk off.
Lyxia walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Symoria walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Ninya walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Lestat blinks, looking around, and then blinking at Ninya a
moment. "What the-?"
"Oh, shards," one of the masterharpers mutters, and sighs. Time to
pack up.
Erdrick walks out the main doors to the courtyard.
Rylle's large eyes widen in full suprise as the hum starts pulsing
about her. Her head darts widely thi way and that in all the
commotion. Her instincts drive her quickly to the nearest
door. Hopefully they'll be rides.
Norri shooes everyone out, "Better hurry - I'm sure some of the riders
here will take those of you who who want to go!"
[And Everin went to the Hatching with Kassima and Rylle on Lysseth.
Log ends.]
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