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The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.
An online session, recorded by permission of the author for the benefit
of members unable to attend.

August 17, 1998.  PernMUSH.  Kathall's POV.
Your location's current time: 22:55 on day 6, month 1, Turn 24, of the
Tenth Pass. It is a winter evening.
Cast:  Kathall, Sierra, Lara, Fogan, Kassima, Ciaran.

Kathall and Sierra discuss craft life (and life in general) over
dinner, which is punctuated by visitors.
Great Hall, Benden Hold(#366RJM)
Residents gather to eat, gossip, sing, and work beneath the vaulted
ceiling of this friendly Hall. A large hearth is set into each wall,
and the Hall is decorated with colourful rugs and tapestries.
Residents dress in their warmest clothes, and gather around the cheery
fires burning in the hearths. During the evening hours, residents sit
down for a hearty dinner, lingering over their meals to chat
together. Many stay after dinner, talking, singing or finishing up the
day's tasks.
The kitchen lies just to the northwest, the meeting hall beside it to
the north. A large archway to the east connects with the work cavern,
the opposite archway opening on the games room. A stone stair leads up
towards the residence areas and guest rooms, and you can exit the Hall
through the metal doors to the south.
Auntie Zinna
Klah Pitcher(#8235V$)

Sierra walks down the steps from the upper levels of the Hold.
Sierra smiles to Kathall as she walks in. She walks over to her
"Hi. What do we have tonight?"

Kathall stands at a table and fusses with a pair of pots and a basket
of long, thin bread. "Nothing yet," she mutters. "--There! Go ahead,
have a seat. I'll serve it myself."

Sierra smiles "Ok Kathall. Thanks." She goes and sits at one of the

Kathall hums under her breath as she deftly throws the dinner
together: A plate takes a burden of whisper-thin pasta noodles and
then a drizzle of heated, jewel-bright olive oil and /then/ slivered
almonds trickled all on top. She balances the plate in one hand, a
pair of breadsticks in the other, and offers them
triumphantly. "Dinner."

Sierra smiles as she sees the delicious meal. "You are a true artist

Kathall smiles back and retreats to the pots. "Well, we're taught that
presentation is important, too. If a meal doesn't look and smell good,
why would a person bother to try it? Would you like any spices? I have
salt, pepper, oregano, thyme, basil..."

Sierra smiles "Salt and pepper would be nice. Thanks."

Kathall returns, sets down the salt container, and gestures the
Recordkeeper to sit back. "Don't want to grind any on you," she
explains, holding up the neat pepper mill. "It's best fresh, don't you

Sierra sits back as instructed. She watches Kathall work. "It looks so
good Kathall. I can see why you moved up so fast."

Kathall frowns over her grinding. "It wasn't that," she says between
hard, gritty turns that sift pungent black stuff into the noodles. "We
all work hard. Getting recognized is more difficult. --Tell me when to

Sierra nods "You can stop now. Thank you. Some time you'll have to
tell me what it is like to be in a craft. I don't know anything about

"Why not now?" Kathall asks, stepping back to her table and replacing
the mill. Her round brown eyes dart back over. "If you don't mind my
joining you; I haven't eaten since lunch."

Sierra smiles "I'd love the company. Thanks."

Kathall fixes her plate without the almonds or pepper, but great,
crinkly basil leaves in their place, and comes back to sit
opposite. "Thank you," she murmurs. Tries a bite. "--Oh, it's hot! I
left the oil on too long."

Sierra takes a bite and smiles "Ummmm.... This is very good."

"Thank you," Kathall says again, winding noodles absently around her
fork's tines. "So ... you wanted to hear about craft life?"

Sierra smiles as she takes another bite. She then answers, "I'd love
to hear about it. I don't know enough to even know what to ask."

Kathall's face furrows, focuses in thought. "To start ... the
Bakercraft is actually a Holdcraft: We don't have a centralized
Crafthall, with subsidiary Halls across Pern; we work in the Holds,
Halls, and Weyrs instead, bound only by our knot." She lifts that
shoulder, and red and white glimmers against her gown, twined around
Benden's violet.

Sierra nods as she looks at the knot. She takes another bite of dinner
as she listens.

You say "We do have a Craftmaster, Craftsecond, and so on, like any
craft. They're like our Lord and Lady Holders, hmm? With masters
beneath them like headwomen and stewards." Her smile briefly
resurfaces. "The Weyr parallels the hierarchy, too, but no matter,
that. Except for being Hold-based, the bakers are like any craft. --Am
I lecturing?"

Sierra grins and shakes her head "Oh no. I find this very
interesting. Please continue."

Kathall tips her head in acknowledgement and forks up another
bite. "--Let's see. You join a craft by apprenticing. For me, that
involved demonstrating some competence already with the craft's
skills: I worked here as a cook for months, and I attended
craft-sponsored lessons at the High Reaches training center when I
could. Finally, Craftmaster Ofira offered me the knot, and I

Sierra nods as she takes another bite. "How long did you stay at the
training center?"

You say "Actually, I didn't stay there, although I could have; some
bakers, especially the teachers and their apprentices do. I might,
someday, if I give up my position here." She pauses to chew on that
and more pasta. "I just took lessons there, when I could get away from
duties here. I haven't been back in -- oh, almost a Turn, I
guess. Since I came back from Igen."

Sierra nods "Did you work at Igen too?"

Kathall pokes at her plate. "I Stood," she says quietly but calmly,
"for Irrylath and Tularth's clutch. Failed, obviously, and came back

Sierra nods and looks thoughtfully at her "I have heard that standing
changes a person. Is that true?"

Kathall nods without hesitation. "For me, it surely did. For others? I
don't know. It might be a personal, private, individual experience,
like Impression itself is."

Sierra nods and speaks softly "Do you still want to impress someday?"

Kathall's fork clinks against the plate; then she composes
herself. "No, I can't say that I do, Sierra. I'd ... /like/ to, but I
can't, now, I think. I have a home, a position to uphold, and people
around me. I can't give that up now."

Sierra nods and speaks gently "I understand."

Kathall prods her pasta. "Do you?" she asks. "Have you ever been in
that situation?"

Sierra she looks at her "I don't understand the personal feeling but
can understand the effect it would have had on you. I can read that in
your eyes." She takes another bite.

Kathall lowers them. "Sorry. After all this time -- I do try to keep
it under control."

Sierra smiles "It is ok. It helps at times to talk and work it out
that way, but I've heard others say that it changes you permanently. I
have a friend that also stood and didn't impress."

You say "Oh?"

Sierra nods "She has talked to me about it, but like you she can't
express the exact feelings just concepts if that makes sense."

You say "It does. Oh, I could find words, but it's my brother who's
the harper in the family, not me. You have to /be/ there to know."

Sierra nods "That's what she said too. It has made her much more
serious and driven in her goals now. Has it affected you that way

Kathall laughs quietly, shaking her head. "Sierra, I /went/ to Igen
serious and driven. I never laughed until I was there, do you believe
that? I loosened up; I learned who I was, not who the world was
forcing me to be."

Sierra smiles "Then it was a good change for you. I am glad. I have
yet to discover some of those things myself." She takes another
bite. "And you are happier for it?"

"Happier?" Kathall echoes and begins scraping together the last of her
noodles under a pensive frown. "I don't know. I suppose I am. I'm kept
/busier,/ that's for sure. Not much time to worry about it!"

Lara steps in from the courtyard, the metal doors sliding shut behind
Lara closes the door behind her, still shivering as she removes her
cloak to hang it on a peg near a hearth. "Good evening," she mumbles
through chattering teeth.

Sierra nods as she takes another bite. Looking up she waves at Lara
"Hello ma'am."

Kathall murmurs, "Speaking of," to Sierra, sitting opposite her with
their dinners between them, and stands. "Headwoman. Would you like to
try the latest recipe?"

Lara has her hands extended before the flames in the hearth. "A new
recipe, Kathall?" she asks with a stiff smile, only because her face
is still cold.

Kathall moves adeptly around to the table holding steaming pots and
the breadsticks' basket. "Noodles," she says, "again, with heated
olive oil and slivered almonds on top. Plus any spices you might
like. Interested? Sierra and I have been eating it, and we're still

Sierra smiles "It is delicious. Hard to stop eating them." She takes
another bite.

Lara's brows lift, her smile warming a fraction. "Noodles? That sounds
/very/ good. Had you said fish I would have started crying, I
believe. It was near impossible for me to get away from some
cotholders serving that for dinner this evening." Her smile then goes
to Sierra and she chuckles.

Kathall assures the headwoman, "No fish, no fish. Only the almonds for
protein, actually, but this isn't a whole meal. Perhaps some veal,
sliced and grilled amid the noodles..." She starts serving up another

Fogan walks out of the kitchen.
Fogan smiles. "Hello, everyone."

Lara feels warm enough to venture away from the fire, looking at the
noodles with interest. "Just the noodles are fine with me," she tells
Kathall with a smile, taking her usual seat.

Sierra smiles at Fogan "Hello."

Kathall slurps some of the fine, long noodles onto Lara's plate,
forgoing the olive oil. "Any almonds? Some pepper, basil, oregano?"

Fogan looks around. "So, what's going on?"
Fogan hmmmms. "Food. :)

You say "Dinner, if you'd like it."

Fogan grins, "I'd never say no to dinner! That is, unless I'm not

Lara shakes her head, always being one fond for bland food. "Just the
noodles are fine, Kathall, thank you." To Fogan she smiles and waves
him over. "Don't be silly. You know you're more than welcome. Do sit
down. Have you met Sierra here, Fogan? I'm sure you know our cook
Kathall by now."

Kathall murmurs, "Yes, we've met," and slides Lara's bland noodles
toward her. "What would you like, Fogan? Noodles with olive oil and
almonds, something more on top?" She pushes over the basket of
breadsticks, too.

Fogan looks over at Lara. "No, I don't think I've met Sierra." He
smiles to her, "Hello. I'm Fogan, Apprentice Vinter at your
service. Kathall, how could I forget her excellent food?"

Fogan hmmmms as he takes a seat. "What do you suggest?"

Sierra smiles at Fogan "Hi I'm Sierra. I'm the new Records Keeper here
at the Hold. Well met Fogan."

Lara chuckles while reaching for one of the delicious looking
breadsticks, allowing Fogan and Sierra to get acquainted.

Fogan smiles to Sierra and says conversationally, "How long since
you've been here? I'm sure I would've rememberd you if I had seen

Kathall eyes the pots critically. "The whole meal, I'd say, Fogan. It
/is/ winter; we all need our strength." She starts slurping more
noodles onto a plate, topped by the hot, slick olive oil and slivered

Fogan reaches for a breadstick.

Kathall slides the full plate over and then resumes her seat near

Lara is dabbing at the corner of her mouth with a napkin after eating
some of the noodles. "As usual, it's very good, Kathall," she tells
the cook with a smile, refolding the napkin.

Fogan picks up his fork and digs in.
Fogan he looks over at Lara, "Your quite right! Wonderfull! :)"

Sierra looks at him "I have been here only for several sevendays."

Lara chuckles softly at Fogan's exclamation, reaching for her fork

Kathall smiles briefly, practiced. "Thank you, both of you. I'm hoping
to get these recipes added to the training center's repertoire
someday, for future generations."

Fogan eats some of the breadstick, "They should be, couldn't have
future generations never knowing this!"
Fogan nods to Sierra, "How do you like it here?"

Sierra smiles "It is delicious Kathall." She takes another bite. Then
looks at Fogan "I really like it here."

Fogan smiles, "As do I." He eats another forkfull of the steaming

Lara falls silent for a while as she eats her dinner, giving a nod of
thanks to the drudge who brought her a glass of redfruit juice.

Kathall props her chin on a hand's heel, smiling faintly. "Now, you
mustn't keep complimenting me. I don't know what to do with it; I'm
only a baker."

After eating another bitefull, Fogan smiles. "Well, I only give
compliments where they are due." He eats another piece of breadstick,
"Besides, it's always a good idea to be on the cook's good side."

Kathall grins a bit. "So I won't slip something into your food?"

Fogan chuckles. "I never would've thought of something like that, I
meant more.... size wise." He smiles.

Sierra finishes the last bite on her plate. "It was so good
Kathall. Thank you."

You say "It's my duty, Sierra; I'm glad you enjoyed it." She stands
and starts clearing the dishes away. "I do these regular dinners, as
you've noticed, testing recipes and seeing what will and won't hurt a

Fogan smiles. "I don't think anything thing could hurt a diner, other
then there being *no* diner."

Kassima steps in from the courtyard, the metal doors sliding shut
behind her.

Kathall crooks her mouth. "The wrong spices, the wrong amounts -- many
things can go wrong with a recipe." She straightens at the
table. "Kassima?"

Sierra smiles at Kassima "Hello."

Fogan sees the Dragonrider from the corner of his eye and falls quite.

Lara pushes her plate away, the noodles half eaten, and is reaching
for her napkin when she notices Kassima. "Benden's duties to Telgar
Weyr, Kassima," she says with a pleased smile.

"Duties t'Benden Hold, her Lord, and her Lady," Kassima offers first
thing as she steps past the door, offering a smile and respectful nod
to those in the Hall. "G'deve t'you all, also. I hope I'm nay
interrupting; I'd a wish t'speak with Kathall--and I see that she's
here, which is marvelously convenient."

Kathall fixes a pleasant look on her face, to cover the startled
wariness in her eyes. "Serving another experimental dinner, Kassima,
if you're interested: thin noodles, olive oil, and slivered almonds."

Fogan gets up from the table.

Lara is about to say something more to Kassima when a drudge steps up
behind her chair and murmurs something in the Headwoman's ear. "If
you'll please excuse me a moment?" she says apologetically as she
rises. "I should be back soon. Excellent meal, Kathall."

Kassima inclines her head and asks, with good humor, "Have I ever nay
been interested in food of your making, Kathall? Though, only if'n
you're certain 'tis nay an imposition; I'd nay wish t'be a burden on
the hospitality of the Hold." She flashes Lara a wide smile, adding,
"However generous that hospitality may be."

You say "Thank you, Headwoman. --No kiwis, I'm afraid, Kassima, but
come join us anyway. This is Sierra, our new Records keeper, and
Fogan, senior apprentice vintner."

Lara gives Kassima a wider smile before slipping away to take care of
some important business.
Lara walks through the eastern archway and into the work cavern.

Bini appears from *between* very carefully, then searches for a few
moments for a place to perch.
Bini swoops down towards Kassima.
Bini works her self up, very slowly, to going *between*. Then finally

Kassima grins at the two introduced, offering them a nod in
turn. "Well met, Sierra, Fogan; 'tis a right pleasure t'make your
acquain... tance." There's a pause in the word as she peers puzzledly
at the amazing disappearing and re-appearing fire-lizard. "That was
odd. Anyway, the name's Kassima, green Lysseth's rider; most people
just call me Kassi. In that case, Kathall, don't mind if'n I do."

Kathall begins serving up the thin, slippery noodles, dashing on the
heated, green-bright oil. "Let me know if you want the almonds, or any
spices," she says quietly, allowing the other two to slip in their
conversation with the rider.

Sierra smiles "Well met Kassi.

Fogan nods to Kassi. "Hello."

Kassima looks rather abashed as she protests, "You certes needn't
serve me, Kathall; do m'arms look broken t'you? But I thank you,
nevertheless... and I'll try any food once that doesn't have tubers in
it." To the other diners, she offers the earnest advice, "Tubers are
the epitome of evil, you see. Tubers and Water. Avoid them both, if'n
the latter comes from Benden or Telgar."

Fogan looks confused. "Water?"

Kathall snorts, but sprinkles in the almonds and grinds on some fresh
black pepper. "You're a guest, Kassima; hush and eat with suitable
demeanor," she advises sternly, sliding over the plate and breadstick

Sierra grins and nods "I surely will do that Kassi."

You say "And I rather like water, myself, although I agree about the

Fogan nods, "Yes, of course tubers, but water.... You need water for

Kassima picks up her fork, assuming a properly abashed
expression. "Aye, ma'am," she says meekly to Kathall. "This looks
delicious, if'n I may say... oh, aye. Have you never heard the legends
about the Benden Water?" she inquires as she twirls her fork through
some of the peculiar noodles.

Kathall sits. "Benden Weyr's, maybe, but not Hold's."

Sierra shakes her head "No I have never heard about the legends. I
haven't seen mention in any records yet."

Ciaran steps in from the courtyard, the metal doors sliding shut
behind him.

Kassima inclines her head, acknowledging the point. "True
enough. Still, there's nay denying that Telgar's Water has been
polluted with the stuff." A bite of the pasta later, she adds with
sincerity and perhaps a touch of amazement, "Say, Kathall, this is
really something! And it sort of ties in with what 'twas going t'speak
t'you about... oh, well, I can certes enlighten you about the Water in
that case--if'n you want t'be knowing, that is."

Sierra smiles a greeting to Ciaran.

Fogan, still confused says, "As much as I'd love too, I have duties to
attend to." He nods to Kassima, "Glad to have met you," and smiles to
Sierra, "And you as well."

Ciaran listens to the conversation before intruding

Sierra smiles at Fogan "It was nice meeting you too."

You say "Good night, Fogan, and why /did/ you come, Kassima? Oh,
finish eating first; I'll pounce you after."

"A pleasure," Kassima repeats, after swallowing more of the noodles,
"t'make your acquaintance, Apprentice. Our duties t'your Hall and her

Still curious, Fogan looks at Kassima. "Thank you, and to the Weyr,
but eum... I think that I still might like to hear this legend of
yours, if the delay is not too long."

Kassima then replies, waving her hand dismissively, "Oh, I'm used
t'talking through dinner. 'Tis standard operation proceedure at the
Weyr, y'know. I mainly just came t'thank you for helping out with our
Feast at the Festival; I lost track of you in the crowds ere I could
at the time." To Fogan, she grins and suggests, "Methinks that can be
arranged. I make a practice of spreading the legend where I can, as a

Sierra smiles and listens to Kassi.

Kathall rolls her eyes -- and sees Ciaran. "Good evening; come in and
have some dinner?"

Ciaran says "Yes'm, if ya please."

The gentleman you are looking at appears to be in his early 20s. He
has dark hair, and is clean shaven. His face is rugged as is he. He is
fairly muscular, although not overtly so. Even as tall as he is, he
dresses neatly, finding clothes that are fit to his form.

Fogan grins, "Well, water being something very important to wine, I
guess I could stay as an..." he falters, "educational experiance."

Kathall stands. "Of course. I'm Kathall, Benden's head cook and
ranking baker; these are Kassima, green Lysseth's rider from Telgar,
Benden Records keeper Sierra, and Fogan from the Winecraft." She goes
to fill up a plate of thin noodles and olive oil on top.

Kassima scoops a few almonds off on her fork, chewing on them
thoughtfully for a moment before she begins explaining to Sierra, "At
Benden Weyr, there's a euphemism for pregnancy called the Benden Flu,
and--oh, heyla," she belatedly says to Ciaran, with a nod of
welcome. "Anyway, the Water is said t'have some sort of... mystical
property, I guess you'd say. Any woman who drinks of it is supposedly
more likely t'contract the Flu; any man, t'cause it. Some people
whisper that 'tis the fault of Salless, the Weyr matron, who was so
fond of small children that she added a special ingrediant to the
Weyr's water supply t'ensure there'd be many of them for all the Turns

Ciaran is a bit overwhelmed by all the introductions

Foganahhhhhs. "Well, I shouldn't be dallying any longer.... Goodbye
everyone, nice to have met you all.

Sierra smiles as she listens to the story.

Kathall waves after Fogan and then offers Ciaran his plate of
noodles. "Have a breadstick or two, too. --Kassima, you know that's
just a story."

Fogan smiles to everyone and rushes out of the room.
Fogan walks under the wide archway to the west, going into the

Kassima clears her throat with a sip of fruit juice before directing
to Ciaran, "'Tis a pleasure, Apprentice, right enough. Hmmm, Kathall?"
She shakes one finger at the Baker in a chiding fashion. "Story,
Faranth's rear end. 'Tis *truth*. Ask Asrai, ask K'ti, ask Tria... ask
me, if'n you're so inclined. Plenty of women are believers."

Sierra looks at Ciaran "Hello. I'm Sierra."

Ciaran says "Evening ma'am"

Kathall rolls her eyes again, but says nothing. Friendship meets
diplomacy. "At any rate," she says instead, waving Ciaran to a seat if
he likes, "I was pleased to help however I could at the festival, even
if I did spend the time in the living cavern, out of the cold."

Ciaran says "The Apple Festival?"
Ciaran says "I was working there. My first festival where I was
allowed to work with the craft, instead purely joining to enjoy it."

"*Someone* had t'oversee things in the Kitchen and Cavern," Kassima
says pragmatically. "Ceria and Jorenan likely envied you. 'Twas cold
enough that I still can't believe A'lex's costume, aye... ah, nay,
'twere speaking of a Festival that Telgar had recently. Though the
Apple Festival seemed quite the success, too."

Ciaran says "I dint get to go to Telgar. Too new, I guess"

Sierra sighs "I wanted to go but was too busy here at the Hold."

Kathall coughs into her fist. "A'lex likely needed warming up
afterwards," she agrees quietly.

Ciaran pours himself a steaming mug of klah from the pitcher.
Ciaran takes a careful sip of his klah.

Kassima's agreement is more droll. "A'lex likely needed *thawing out*
afterwards. The man is a looney." She smiles then and says before
nibbling from a breadstick, "Many people were too busy, I
imagine. 'Tis why 'tis a good thing there tend t'be a number of
Gathers through the Turn."

Kathall agrees, standing. "I'll go see about scrounging some dessert
together. Excuse me a moment."

Ciaran knocks back some of his klah and sighs at the taste that fills
his mouth.
Ciaran takes a careful sip of his klah.

Kassima looks up and says, "By all means, Kathall. Though dessert
would have a challenge in matching this meal."

You say "Then I'll have to find something very good, hmm? Just a
You walk under the wide archway into the kitchen.

[She sent out some citron bread; I went to bed.  Log ends.]

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