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The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.
An online session, recorded by permission of the author for the benefit
of members unable to attend.
October 20, 1997. PernMUSH. Kathall's POV.
Your location's current time: 18:25 on day 6, month 6, Turn 20, of the
Tenth Pass. It is a summer evening.
Cast: Kathall, K'nan, Asrai, Melata (cameo), Kaitra, Lal, Ofira,
Symoria, Maarie, Camilla, Aero, Kassima, Ceria, Lathen, J'cob,
Jorenan, Yarrow, R'val.
Kathall's second baking lesson, with Kassima as partner, some
green-flight weirdness in the middle, and a nice, knotty surprise at
the end for Our Heroine. Note: I didn't watch the flight; was spammed
enough! (Only select descs included.)
Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr(#1000RJs)
The impressive living cavern is seemingly as large as the bowl that
cradles the hatching sands. Rivers of polished wood tables and benches
arrow towards a raised platform crowned with a compact version of
their sturdy design. Neatly crafted pegs, some fancifully carved, are
tapped into holes in the wall and support clothing dangling like lazy
sleepers. Woven baskets, both useful and decorative, hang along
another wall. Piles of summer fruit give off a shimmer of color and a
waft of sweet aromas from their cradling bowls. Hanging sheaves of
herbs and spices rustle in the breeze, adding their fragrance as
well. Banners worked with the designs of Holds and Halls beholden to
the weyr cascade down the walls high above, interspersed with several
brilliantly colored tapestries. Drudges move briskly about the room,
unlidding plentiful glow baskets to help banish the thickening
dusk. The clatter of pots and pans signal the approaching evening
Painting of a Blooding
Firelizard Perch(#5030Jae$)
Obvious exits:
Kitchen Bowl Lower Caverns
K'nan walks in hand in hand with Asrai..looking about the familiar
cavern with a light smile.
Melata sips her cider.
Kathall trails a moment after the hand-in-hand couple, shedding her
cloak and making for the kitchens. Shh.
Luther says "Now it's getting crouded in here...."
You step away from the tables and head into the busy kitchen.
[Travel deleted.]
You stride purposefully into the training center.
Baker Training Center - HRW
Although smaller than the main kitchen, this area is no less
active. All of the equipment a Baker could possibly need is found
here, arranged so that groups of trainees can be positioned to watch
any demonstrations that might be occuring. This mini-kitchen also
provides space for Bakers to experiment with recipies free from the
distractions that abound in the main area. In addition, an informal
lecture and study area, complete with tables and benches, is organized
in the portion of the room not taken up by the test kitchen. The study
area is ringed with shelves containing craft manuscripts both old and
new for the trainees to utilize.
A variety of interesting scents fill the warm air of this room.
Obvious exits:
Baker Barracks Kitchen
Kaitra eyes her new partner, and the knives about her person. Seems
she's more used to skinning animals. With a grin, Kaitra picks up a
finger root and demonstrates. "Ive done this lots, here. No skin like
an animal, but jus'take off the outer layer."
Lal smiles briefly as she peels. "I've had practice."
Ofira looks around. "Odd," she murmurs. "Knives, but no Kassima. " She
shrugs slightly. "Once you have them all peeled, the next step is to
chop them as finely as you can. It's useful to place your palm over
the back of the knife and guide it tthat way..."
Symoria appears to enthralled with her own peeling to have any
interest in helping others.. Which is probably a good thing, given the
poor job she's doing of peeling her own fingerroots, managing to take
off more of the top layer than could ever be necessary.
Maarie snatches up both a knife and fingerroot, making quick process
of peeling them as her weyrmate simply sits by.
Kathall, cloak slung over her arm, scuttles inside, pauses to scan the
stations, and then sidles to the nearest free place.
Kathall is short but not delicate, built instead along square, strong
lines; and she is quiet and nondescript to boot. Straight, medium
brown hair, knotted securely at the back of her head, matches round
brown eyes. Her skin is pale, but freckled and tanned over her plain
face and the backs of her thin, capable hands. A simple knot of red
and violet adorns one shoulder of her thinly woven sweater; its
tawny-brown wool tucks into a darker wherhide skirt that whirls warmly
over matching boots. She looks about 19 Turns, 0 months, and 26 days
[Has since been redesced.]
Camilla is done peeling, and she begins chopping, working quickly. She
grins over at Lal, and asks quietly, "Used to do a lot of cooking
before you impressed?"
Aero watches Kaitra carefully, though she does not attempt it herself.
Lal says "Nope. I used t'do a lotta peelin'."
Kassima strides purposely in from the kitchen.
Ceria smiles slightly when she hears Ofira's comment. She continues to
peel the fingerroots with a glance at Symoria. Once she's finished,
she begins to chope them up carefully.
Asrai strides purposely in from the kitchen.
Lathen takes up a nice and deftly reduces a peeled root to shavings so
fine they could be grated. He tells a tanner from Lemos, "Now you
try." As the man comes close to losing a finger, Lathen manages simply
to nod and keep a neutral expression. "Not bad." He moves to the next
Kaitra grins, a sort of lopsided one, and hands her partner the peeled
fingerroot. "I'll peel if you chop?" she suggests.
J'cob stares at Maarie's knife quickly flashing, and grabs a
fingerroot, staring at it for a long moment.
Asrai walks in, hand in hand with K'nan. At the sie of all the people
she takes a step back..right into K'nan's chest. "woa...people."
Lal finishes peeling, and whistling, begins to chop like a chef. Then
chaops a little harder, licking her lips. "Shards."
Kassima pokes her head into the room, blinking a bit at the evident
crowd. "Whoa. People. Heya, people. Benden's duties to... High
Reaches, the Bakercraft, the Seacraft, Ista and her queens, and--oh,
shells take it; everyone and everything." Casting a glance at Ofira,
she wonders, "Are we too late?"
Ofira nods as Kassima comes in, things making sense again, and waves
to her and to Kathall, smiling. "Good, you two can be partners if you
like!" She looks around to see how the chopping is going.
You see a spirited woman with long, straight, thick black hair, cut in
bangs across her forehead, falling forward over her shoulders. Her
complexion is fair with just a touch of pink that fades or darkens in
accordance with the ebb and flow of her sentiments. Deep blue eyes,
framed with long, dark lashes, look out at you, shining with a hint of
joyful laughter leavened in more recent turns with a touch of
somberness. Her regular features, in repose, give her a serene, almost
serious appearance. This is not readily noticeable, however, as her
expression is nearly always animated by the force of one emotion or
another, lending her a more compelling attractiveness. Ofira is about
five feet, four inches, with a slender, but soft feminine figure. She
favors dresses in deep colors, of simple fabrics and usually wears the
large white apron that is the trademark of her Craft.
She also wears, in her hair, a recent turnday gift. Made of many
charms bound together by thin links, this item of jewelry is meant not
only as ornamentation but also as a more practical means of keeping
the hair out of the way. The red-orange hue of each flat link in the
headpiece shimmers with a subtle glow in the faintest light, making it
look asthough the heart of the setting sun had been captured and
imbued in the brown metal. Once someone is close enough to perceive
the actual shape of the charms, they may be surprised to discover that
each one is a different leaf--the various leaves of several cooking
herbs, to be precise. Turmeric, coriander, mint, thyme,
rosemary... all are here on display, to make this the perfect set of
Bardic Laurels adapted for adapted for Bakers. Only the back clasp
doesn't fit the pattern hiding the actual catch mechanism from sight
is a thin diamond shape, in which can be seen the Roman numeral two of
Benden Weyr.
The knots at her shoulder proclaim her a MasterBaker and
co-CraftMaster, posted to Benden Weyr. Ofira is 27 Turns, 6 months,
and 26 days.
bouquet of flowers
Jorenan shakes his head at Symoria, for she is the student he's
stepped over to help. "Think -shave-, not slice!"
K'nan strides purposely in from the kitchen.
Aero looks at the fingeroot, then slips a blade from her waist and
starts to slice it into thin piecies.
"Not /too/ late," Kathall supposes to Kassima -- her new partner? She
finds a resigned smile for being late at all and makes room at her
Kassima is a slender young woman standing about 5'10" in
height, whom you'd guess to be around 24 Turns, 1 months, and 18 days
of age. Her midnight-black hair is pulled back in a very long braid,
with a thick forelock trimmed just above arching eyebrows; beneath
these, emerald green eyes usually sparkle with merriment and wry good
humor. Kassi seems to be in good health and physical condition; she is
strong and fit, though remarkably slim, and her skin is faintly
sun-bronzed. Currently, she is dressed in a peacock blue blouse and
plain black slacks. A knife, a wherry skewer, and two pouches hang
from her belt. She's often wearing or carrying a unique riding jacket.
Kassi almost seems to radiate energy, and she grins at you
when she notices your gaze. Adorning her neck is a charm necklace,
from which hang four pendants: one of crimson-streaked eggshell, a
silver dagger, one of jade, and the fourth a silver-and-malachite
dragon. Rings sparkle from each of her ring and index fingers (+detail
available). Many fire-lizards can be seen flying around her at almost
any time.
Pinned on one shoulder of her jacket is the red and black knot
marking her as a Benden Weyr Wingsecond, with a single thread of
grey-green to show the color of her lifemate, Lysseth. On the other
shoulder is sewn a careworn Moonrise patch; beside it is the patch
that identifies her as a rider in Thunderbolt Wing.
Symoria looks over at Jorenen after finishing the last fingerroot,
blinking uncertainly as she says, "What do you mean?" She looks down
at her fingeroots, apparently satisfied with them, then arranges them
to be diced.
Yarrow gathers up a pile of shavings and stuffs them into a rubbish
Camilla looks over at Lal. "Problem?"
Jorenan takes up an unfinished fingerroot and demonstrates. "See?
-Much- thinner on the peeling."
Ceria continues to carefully chop her fingerroots.
Lal grumbles. "Depends on who yer askin'."
Lal personifies large. She is a full six feet (1.85m) tall, and very
fit, muscles reflecting hard work and a penchant for athletics. Lal's
large bosom is carried by broad shoulders, and complimented by larger
hips and long, muscular legs, with powerful calves. Lal's hair, which
is jet black with a few silver hairs, and very curly, falls over her
shoulders in a wild mass, an explosion of curls. Her eyes are large, a
clear navy blue, which glow from her squarish face and deeply tanned
olive skin, naturally dark skin. The features of her face are round
and soft, with full red lips and a round nose. Lal wears a jacket and
pants of old brown wherhide--so old, in fact, the leather is pretty
thin. A pair of newer gloves hangs out of a side pocket. Matching
boots complete the ensemble.
Lal wears a simple rider's knot of orange and black, woven with a
brown string, indicating she is a brownrider at Ista Weyr.
Dovell waves cheerfully at the arriving riders, helpfully directing
them to a station, where the work is partially done, well.
Asrai makes her way over to one side, dragging K'nan along. "Ofire,
got a little more room. I finally dragged K'nan to one of these things
and I'm not letting him go home."
Camilla frowns slightly, then looks out towards the living cavern and
frowns even more.
Kassima tilts her head, nodding her thanks at the answer--and for the
table space. "Thankee... ah... Bendenite. I fear I know nay your
name. Mine's Kassima, by the by--green Lysseth's rider and perpetual
servant. What's being made this eve, if'n you don't mind m'asking?"
Kathall lifts her shoulders (her cloak's already disappeared, so they
can do that now). "Something with fingerroots," she divines wisely and
smiles again. "Kathall, of Benden Hold. Well met, Kassima; my duty to
your dragon and Weyr. Hand me a knife?"
Ofira waves to Asrai and laughs. "Yes, plenty more aprons ," she says
as more people crowd in. "For those of you who are a little late,
we're doing fingeroot pudding and we're peeling and choppind one pound
of fingeroots."
Dovell makes sure everyone's settled in, then keeps working on the one
unoccupied station.
K'nan gets dragged along by Asrai..looking pensive. It's not
-actually- a kitchen..maybe he'll survive it..he waves over to
Ofira. "Is it going to kill me?" And winks, teasing.
Lal takes the knife she's using and slams hard into her fingeroot, the
stuff jumping as she chops with it a *WHUMPH*. Twice more. *WHUMPH*
Kaitra peers about for the young lad she and Aero were working with,
but he's nowhere to be seen. She sighs a bit in relief, young boys and
knives arent good combinations. As she hands her other partner a
peeled root for chopping she remembers her manners, "Oops, sorry, I'm
Kaitra by the way..." Her eyebrows raise, awaiting a reply.
Ceria looks up when she hears K'nan. She pauses in her chopping to
grin at him.
Ofira coughs, "Chopping," she repeats, as Lal's knife slams down. "Not
Symoria quickkly chops up the peeled fingerroots, doing a much better
job of chopping them than she had of peeling them earlier.
Camilla winces at Lal's enthusiastic chopping. "Careful..." she
Aero grins roguishly, "Aero.. well met." she looks down at the
fingeroot and asks, "This good?"
As most of the stations get their pound of root peeled and chopped,
Lathen drifts over to Ofira. "You're looking healthy. Did you get that
load of smoked bluefin?"
If there's one request Kassi can fulfill effortlessly, it's that. One
of her multiple knives seems almost to appear in her hand, and she
proffers it to Kathall. "Will this do? Oh, good--" She smiles as she
hears Ofira's description of the dish. "Pudding. We'll be cutting
things up, then, and it sounds like there'll be enough chopping for us
Lal grunts. "Yeh said 'were a puree--so I started early." *WHUMPH*
Camilla winces again, and starts chopping faster.
Kathall nods amiably. "Likely, yeah." And so she starts, with a set of
washed roots and the tip of her tongue worrying her mouth's
corner. Her next comment to Kassima's lost under the repetitive thunks
of her work.
Ofira winces, looking at Lal's poor fingeroots and then nods to
Lathen, wondering if healthy means fat, and glances at her waistline,
"I did, It was good to have some fish I didnt' need to poach,what
withour water problems and all."
Asrai takes two aprons and hands one to K'nan as they safely make it
to an open space. "Here." she takes out her own belt knife. Wiping it
off before spilling out the fingerroots. "Here dear..we're late so
we'll have to make quick work of these. think you're up to it?" she
adds with a wink.
Kassima senses "Kathall mutters sidelong, "If this is your first
lesson here, I thought I'd mention: be careful around the
fires. Things get burnt a lot with us new folk around.""
Yarrow collects some knives from people who really shouldn't have
Kaitra keeps peeling, and nods. "Well met, Aero! And sure, it should
be good." She cheerfully keeps slicing off thin shavings of peel.
Symoria finishes chopping up the fingerroots, then looks over at Ofira
expectantly. She calls out, "What's next, Ofira?" After a second, her
eyes widen, and she adds, "Master."
Another knife flickers into Kassi's hand as she, too, reaches for some
of the fingerroots, setting to the task of chopping with enthusiasm
and verve. Fortunately, she also seems to have some talent at this
sort of thing; nothing goes flying, and especially not any of her
fingers. Though her chuckling is audible, the words of her reply to
Kathall are similarly drowned out.
Aero lapses back into silence as she listens to the master speak.
Lal finishes chopping. She looks towards the caverns outside, eyeing
the entrance. And shakes her head out.
Camilla grins over at Symi.
Lathen nods to Ofira and crosses his arms. He doesn't have time to
speak before most of the people have finished their chopping. "Shall
we go on to the next step? The others can listen as they finish up,
Ofira sighs , turning to watch the riders. "We have plenty of
/kitchen/ knives out," she calls. She gives Symoria a stern look, but
winks too. "Once the fingeroots are all chopped, set them aside. In
another bowl, we cream the butter. Who remembers how to do that from
another class?"
Dovell stretches quietly.
You sense Kassima flashes you a grin, eyes dancing. "Oh, I know it,"
she assures you. "I've been to... oh, I think 'tis three of these
classes now. At the first one, a greenrider got a *salt-shaker* stuck
in his wherry, and at the third, he went berserk with cookie
dough--if'n a bit of burning's all that occurs, I'll count m'self
Lal says "When do we get t'puree this stuff, Ofira?"
Aero crinkles her brow and mutters, "Don't think I c'n make this over
a fire.."
Kathall looks up at the masterbaker's question; her tongue-tip's
retracted in the face of a pensive scowl. Creaming. Butter. Hmm. Best
keep quiet. Keep chopping, and then scoot the roots to one side, with
room for Kassima's (and watch her knife!).
Ofira looks warily at Lal, "Well, creaming the butter is kind of like
pureeing it."
K'nan awkwardly ties the apron around his waist, and sighs..starting
to reach for his beltknife before Ofira mentioned the kitchen knives -
good, he doesn't have to dull his own. He settles in to the side of
Asrai with a long-suffering sigh. "Alright, alright.."
Kassima senses "Kathall asks, eyes wide, "A salt-shaker stuck in his
what?" 'Wherry' must be a euphemism. Surely."
Asrai grins over at Ofira, not even looking as she slices the finger
root neatly into thin slices. "What's the matter Ofira? You sound
Lal growls. "Please hand me some butter."
Camilla reaches for the butter, frowning a bit as she tries to
remember the proper technique.
Ofira shakes her head at Asrai, "Of course not. I've creamed butter
many times. Just take half a cup and mash it with a fork until
smooth," she reminds the class.
Camilla quickly hands the butter to Lal. Clearly she'll do a better
job right now, anyway.
Kaitra glances at Aero, and still grinning shakes her head. "Not
likely, but wait. Y'might be able to change it abit t'get it to work?"
Ceria sets her chopped roots aside and reaches for the butter.
Kathall tells Kassima, "I can do that, the mashing. Keep chopping."
It's something to see, really.
Kassima just grins irrepressibly at Ofira, still at work with her
knives. Maybe she remembers the answer. If she does, though, then
she's too preoccupied by her task to have heard the question. Thwack,
thwack, thwack goes the knife, cleaving the pitiable fingerroots into
many pieces. She slices, she dices... she practically minces the poor
Symoria locates her butter, then starts mashing it.
Aero snorts softly, "Not bloody likely," but she continues to help out
here and there.
You sense Kassima raises her voice a bit, to be heard over the sounds
of her own root-whacking. "Wherry. We were roasting wherry, and he was
*supposed* to be stuffing it, but somehow he got his salt-shaker stuck
up in it...."
Lal takes the lump of butter, and with the side of her very large
knife, *WHUMPHS* it smashed, then sweeps teh knife under the butter
into a bowl near her, using the knifeblade. She's good,...but kinda
Lal runs her hand though her hair.
Camilla jumps again, looking around the room as if asking for help.
Ofira mutters to Lathen, "... riders... tonight,... you think?"
Ceria puts the butter into a bowl and starts to mash it.
Kassima senses "Kathall slides her reply under the whacking: "I hope
you didn't bake the wherry with the shaker in it.""
Asrai sets aside her finished slices, wiping off her beltknife before
slipping it into her belt. She then looks at the butter sort of
wonderingly...with a shrug she closes her fist and *THWUMP* smashes it
down into the butter. "Like this?"
Lathen pauses by Lal. He asks her, "Um, were you a beastcrafter at
some time?" He adds, "You seem to use your knife as if it were a
shoeing hammer."
Symoria looks over at Ofira curiously as she mutters to Lathen, then
she walks over to Camilla, tapping her on the shoulder to get her
Ofira turns back to the class, "Once the butter is creamed, add in
half a cup of the unrefined sweetner and mix it well, with one egg. If
you need help cracking your egg, an apprentice will come around to
help you. It's wise to crack it into a separate dish so you don't get
any shell in the butter mixture."
Lathen was focusing on Ofira and missed her muttered comment on the
riders' agitation.
Lal says "Naw. A drudge. A big, nasty, violent drudge." She smashes
more butter as she speaks. "Very."
Symoria mutters to Camilla, "... tonight... happen tonight."
You sense Kassima shakes her head, pausing to tap fingerroot bits from
her knife-blade. "*I* didn't--but J'cob certes did. The poor creature
was a mess. Feathers here and there, the stuffing every which
way... he'd been using it as a *hand puppet*, if'n you can believe
Kaitra hands the last two fingerroots to Aero for chopping, and
reaches for the butter. Unlike several riders in the room, -she- uses
a fork for the mashing. Poor normal Kaitra.
Yarrow rushes out to get something to help clean up a mess.
Yarrow returns to the main kitchen.
K'nan winces at Asrai's smash.." think there's some sort of
utensil for that.."
Camilla shrugs to Symi. "I haven't the faintest idea," she replies.
Kathall raises her head from whispering with her partner and sets
about getting that egg cracked -- not without a glance for the rider
at her side. This could get gruesome, for all that it isn't a dragon's
egg. Really. But /look/ at that amnion and sweet yellow yolk dribble
out from between the girl's fingers, and the shards left piteously
Aero gamely chop,chop,chops the fingeroot for kaitra, "People ain't
gonna eat this, are they?" she asks absently.
Ceria carefully follows Ofira's instructions, mixing sweetner into the
butter. Then she mixes an egg into the bowl.
Kassima senses "Kathall, shaking the egg-bits from her hand, starts
grinning. "Oh, I can believe it. It sounds like something my little
brother would do!""
Ofira looks around at the students, some of them rather over
enthusiastic and shakes her head wonderingly. "How is everyone doing
so far?" she inquires.
"Sounds good t'me," Kassi replies amiably. "I've always liked to chop
things--though outside of these classes, it's been a span since I've
had an excuse." Which might explain why she's making the most out of
*this* opportunity. The cracked egg elicits a wrinked nose from Kassi,
accompanied by a quip of, "What a mess. 'Tis a good thing we've these
aprons, nay?"
Lathen ahs at Lal's answer and watches her smash the butter again. He
scratches his neck with a single finger and decides, in the end, to
say, "Ah. Well.. er. Ahem. Yes."
Lal cracks the egg veeeery carefulyl, as though trying to avoid
crushing it in her hands. She grimaces. "Fine.....just fine."
Camilla bursts out laughing at Aero's comment.
Kathall pipes up, a grin in her voice, "Doing well, Master!" and
slides back to Kassima. "--I didn't get some on me, did I?"
Ceria smiles at Ofira. "I'm doing fine, ma'am," she responds.
Kaitra grimaces yet nods, "Uh. Yeah, I was kinda hopin'to. And you
might be surprised and like it, too." She sprinkles sugar into the
butter mixture, and nods towards the egg. "You OK with that?"
Asrai looks over at K'nan, "Huh? Oh....ooops." Scooping the butter
into the bowl she takes out the sweetner...not seeing a cup around,
she sort of...eyeballs it. Better save the egg while you still can...
Symoria adds the correct amount of sweetner to her creamed butter,
then cracks both eggs into a seperate bowl. She picks out the bits of
shell that fall into it, then pours the two eggs in with the butter
and sweetener.
Camilla pushes the other egg towards Lal, cautiously, with one finger.
You sense Kassima mirrors the grin, though hers is somewhat
impish. "Aye--but imagine a grown greenrider and sire of several
children himself doing that! He even made the poor critter *dance.* It
would've been sad if'n 'twere nay so hysterical."
Aero nods once, "Eggs I can do." she cracks it expertly.
Ofira nods, doing her best to hider her dismay at the riders wild
chopping and smashing and cracking. "Once you've got that mixed well,
and you'll need to beat it for a few minutes to get it right, it's
time to put in the flour. One and a quarter cups. Measure carefully -
don't pack the measuring cup. Just level it off with a finger."
Lal takes teh egg without looking at Camilla, and cracks it across her
forehead, cracking it into teh bowl. The yolk doesn't even break.
K'nan chuckles helplessly at his weyrmate's work..shaking his head as
he goes to work himself..making quick work of the butter.
Kassima senses "Kathall looks thoughtful while she mixes and beats and
then goes for the flour. "Roots almost ready, by the way? I don't want
Master Ofira getting on us.... Did J'cob get in trouble?" Better: did
he have to eat his creation?"
Kaitra mutters under her breath, though not in an unfrienly manner,
"Thought as much..."
Camilla hands Lal a spatula. "You've got to...uh, beat the mixture
now," she instructs, then takes a step or two away.
Lathen blinks at Lal's egg-cracking technique. He shakes his head and
moves to another station entirely.
Lal goes to mix her sweetner and egg mixture with bravado.
Asrai takes the egg and looks around...then hands it to
K'nan. " better do this one. I'll do the flour." she says
proudly taking up the bag.
Symoria quickly begins to beat the mixture, looking around her station
for the flour as she does.
Kassima pipes up with, "Quite well, Ofira, thankee! Almost done with
this chopping." That last is said in an almost lamenting
tone. Turning, she peers at her partner. "Don't think so--save for on
your hands, a'course. Want me t'do the beating and you the flour, or
J'cob heads over to Ofira, and whispers to her, gesturing with the
J'cob mutters to Ofira, "... exausted,... flee... Maarie?"
J'cob mutters to Ofira, "I'm pretty... if I flee with Maarie?"
Ofira mutters to J'cob, "... understand. I... wish... would..."
Kathall pauses, her head tilting over the flour already in her
(egg-spattered, to be true) hands. "Why don't you beat? You do chop
well, after all." Enthusiasm is all.
Jorenan returns to Symoria's station long enough to hand her the flour
and grin at her. "Everything going okay?" he asks quietly.
Dovell blinks towards Ofira.
Ofira sighs inaudibly, thinking she should never have used the word
"beat, " as she takes note of all the egg cracking techniques.
J'cob shakes his head, the turns around and gives Maarie an unspoken
questioning look.
You sense Kassima's reply is an affirmative, "Pretty close, aye. Don't
worry too much about Ofira--so long as she doesn't have her frying-pan
in hand, that is! I fear he didn't... though y'know, it wouldn't
surprise me if he wound up eating that thing. He's a bit strange--even
for a greenrider." Which is saying a great deal.
Symoria says to Jorenan as she takes the flour from him, "Everything's
going great."
Lal is beating so hard the clacking noise sounds like an engine, if
engines existed on Pern.
Kassima senses "Kathall asks, all innocent hold-girl, "But aren't you
a green rider?""
Camilla scoops out some flour and waves the measuring cup in Lal's
vague direction.
K'nan takes the egg from Asrai with a dismayed chuckle..his weyrmate's
worse in a kitchen than he, just cheerful about it. He carefully
cracks the egg and starts to work on beating it..carefully.
Jorenan grins. "Good!" Then he goes on to another station. At this
one, it would appear all is well. That is, if one weren't aware of the
fact that the students have used salt instead of sweetener at one
crucial point in the cooking.
Lal takes the measuring cup, looks at itr briefly, and says "Aw,
fardlit." She throws it some where, and scoops flour with her bare
hand, throwing it into her bowl.
Kathall nudges, too, a smidge away from Lal's enthusiasm. Egg-spatters
are enough.
Maarie hops off her chair, taking J'cob's look to mean that the class
is over at least for them. Jacket snatched in one hand she begins to
weaver her way through the work stations.
With the sweetener well mixed into the butter, Kaitra glances to her
partner. "Care to mix in the egg?"
Asrai adds the flour..gettting somewhere around the correct proportion
into the bowl. "There..that wasn't so bad." Course...she's covered in
the white stuff...but who's really paying attention to style points?
Camilla dashes to retrieve the measuring cup, moments before another
overly-enthusiastic rider steps on it, and places it well out of the
Kassima nudges the finished roots, aside, wiping her knife clean on
her apron and testing the edge. It must be fairly close to sharp,
since she sheaths it at her belt rather than taking out her
whet-stone. "Practice makes perfect," she explains, grinning
broadly. Faranth only knows what that's supposed to mean. Accepting
the butter and egg, she picks up the appropriate utensil and begins to
beat the stuff. Yes, her enthusiasm extends to this, too--though she
doesn't *quite* get it all over the place in the process. Not quite.
Symoria pours the flower into her mixture, stirring it in slowly.
You sense Kassima simply laughs. "A'course. A'course. And believe you
me, few are those who've ever accused me of having much sanity in
m'skull." Her tone implies that those who do are far outnumbered by
the ones who think her to be a raving lunatic at times.
Kathall sorta tosses in the flour at what look like the right moments
amid Kassima's beating, and by her expression hopes for the best.
Ceria adds flour to her mixture, stirring carefully.
Lal is whipping her mixture to a fluff.
K'nan brushes some flour from his arm - where Asrai managed to get a
whole slew of the stuff on him - with a chuckle..sliding the egg and
bowl over to her.
J'cob turns to Ofira, "I guess so. Take care."
Kassima senses "Kathall bears the same sort of reserve as her
flouring. Um. "Well," she ventures quietly, "you seem all right to
me. I've only met three riders, though, and you're the first one with
a green.""
J'cob takes Maarie by the hand and heads for the exit. Hey, at least
he isn't being dragged.
Ofira nods, leaving her station at the front to walk around a bit and
get a good look at the mixtures in progress. "it will be very thick,"
she adds, "Like a paste. Once you've got the flour in, you want a
spoon of rising powder, a spoon of cinamon and half a spoon of nutmeg
and salt." She nods to J'cob, "I'll see you and Maarie later on. Clear
J'cob returns to the main kitchen.
Maarie returns to the main kitchen.
Camilla peers under her workstation, visibly debating the wisdom of
hiding under it for the duration of the class. Instead, she finds the
appropriate spices - she hopes, and sets them within Lal's reach.
You sense Kassima chuckles, ceasing her cheerful claims of
dementia--true though they may be. "Ah, well, I thank you--I
think. 'Tis all relative, y'see. Really, I'd nay say that greenriders
are all that different from any other riders... save for when their
dragons are proddy."
Ceria goes home.
Kassima senses "Kathall ducks her head in a nod. (Is 'provincial'
tattooed across her forehead?) "I guess. Is it beaten enough, you
Kaitra fills her measuring cup with flour, small *poofs* of white
hitting the working surface. Setting that aside to be added once the
egg's mixed in, she searches for the spices with a quick glance to
Asrai's eyes go wide at the list of instructions,"Right..Rising stuff,
salt cinomen, nutmeg..spoon, spoon, spoon..ah there it is. Ok..." she
pauses, looking over at K'nan with a blush, "what were the
measurements again?"
Lal pauses, swallowing briefly, looking at her work, which is
surprisingly well-done. She purses her lips. Then licks
them. "Camilla's yer name?" She grunts.
Kassima sneezes as some of the tossed flour lands on her
nose. Blinking, she wipes white powder from the face with the back of
one hand--which, since it's splattered a bit with the batter, only
compounds the problem. "Eh, I think we're nearly finished with this,"
she remarks, peering into the bowl. "If'n you've put in all the
Aero sniffs softly as she *poof* makes a tiny cloud. She doesn't
appear to enthusiastic any more. "Might not /want/ to eat something I
helped make.."
Symoria adds the spoonfuls of rising powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and
salt, adding a spoon of each as she can't remember which were
suppossed to only be half. She looks down at her mix as she stirs in
the spices, wondering why it doesn't appear to be pasty.
Lathen offers advice and encouragement as needed.
Camilla nods, looking wide-eyed at Lal. "Yeah."
Lal says "Put th'spices in. Stir th'stuff."
Ofira strolls past Kaitra and nods, "Good, Looks about how it should,"
she says encouraginly as she passes, going to see how Symoria is
doing. "No, only half a spoon of the salt," she corrects.
Kathall keeps an eye on Ofira for instructions; the other's trained on
Kassima and the merry mixing. Spices ... Her hand spiders out to
capture them. "All the flour," she confirms and studies the
spices. "Time to try these. Are the spoons over there with you?"
You sense Kassima wrinkles her flour-smeared nose
good-naturedly. "You'll see for yourself, someday. Mayhaps sooner than
you think--there's a shardingly bright green out in the Bowl even now,
K'nan coughs at the question, "Umm.." He glances about uncertainly,
"Oh, let's just guess."
Camilla nods, and quickly does so, measuring carefully in the hopes
that this will save the mixture. "Yes'm."
Kassima sets down her beating utensil with reluctance, wiping her
hands clean of some of the goo before picking up the melee of
spoons. "Aye, they are... how much of each did she say? A spoon of
powder, a spoon of cinnamon, one of nutmeg and half a one of salt? Or
was that last the other way 'round?"
Kathall drops the cinnamon -- the stuff spills extravagantly brown
across the table and her apron -- and just stares at Kassima. "Now?"
she asks in a high up-spiral.
Ofira moves on to Kathall and Kassima, and peers into the bowl,
"Alright...just take it easy on the mixing," she smiles, going on next
to Asrai and K'nan. "Nice to see Weyrmates cooking together."
Kaitra raises her eyebrows at her partner's comment, and laughs,
stirring flour into the mixture. "Don'worry, I don't think you've
poisonned it..." and she adds with a wink the word, "Yet."
Lal takes a careful step back, staring at her work station.
Symoria looks down at the salt, already in the bowl, and tries to
scoop the excess out.
Asrai looks to see if Ofira's watching as she adds some of this..some
of that. Looking over at K'nan she giggles, "Good thing we only do
this for fun..."
Lal says "Weyrmates're overrated."
Aero snorts softly but keeps on working.
Jorenan watches the baking for a long moment. And then, while
someone's not looking he starts adding things. First, a handful of
raisins go into the mix.
Camilla nods in fervent if uncomprehending agreement to Lal.
Ofira stares at Asrai and K'nan's bowl. "You did put /just/ one spoon
of rising powder, right?" She moves on, nearly tiptoeing past Lal,
"Everything okay here CAmilla?"
Kassima yelps as the cinnamon spills, sneezing again at the strong
smell of the stuff. "Well, nay *right* now," she replies, trying to be
soothing. "Just soon, I think. Don't worry 'bout it too much, eh?
Happens all the time... um, is there enough cinnamon left t'be putting
in the bowl?"
Camilla blinks wide-eyed at Ofira. "She hasn't stuck me into the
mixture yet, Ofira," she whispers.
Ariana watches quietly, before following the directions and making her
own little mess.
A slight figure, not more than 5'3" at most. Long black hair, braided
down her back. Two soft violet orbs peer out of her face, a heart
shaped paleness against the nightshade tresses. She is clothed in
lavender hues, and a pair of dusky purple pants, both of which help to
bring out the colour of her eyes. Her fingers and hands are slender,
and seem almost frail, but are full of supple strength. A pair of
boots dyed purplish-brown cap off her feet, which are small and dainty
also. She speaks in quiet tones, patient and sweet, and her laugh is a
peal of joy which can sound out at any time.
She's often found near her dear friend Jeima, the two are inseparable
in thought and deed, though they're quite different in personality.
But her pride and joy would have to be the apprentice bakercraft knot
that is sported on one shoulder, twined with that of Nabol hold, which
speaks much of where her talents lie.
K'nan glances to the Ofira.."Um..which one was the rising
Kathall flushes to her hairline, mutters, "Yeah. Sorry." She scrapes a
spoonful and throws it at the bowl, obviously (and miserably aware of
it) keeping a distance from the green rider now.
Lal closes her eyes for a good minute. Then she opens them, noting the
whiteness of her knuckles. "Ofira."
Ofira pats Camilla on the shoulder, "A Baker has to be courageous,"
she murmurs to her. She turns to K'nan. "The white one. It looks like
flour, but a little /did/ use just one spoon?" she says
again, hopefully.
Kaitra chuckles, handing the bowl to Aero. "Trust me. Here, give this
a stir, I'll measure so you don't have to worry." She reaches for the
rising powder and spices.
K'nan peers down at the ingredients..then over to Asrai, "I think you
added much did we use?"
Aero tucks the bowl in the crook of her arm and *stirs* while watching
Symoria walks over to Jorenan, bringing her mixing bowl with her. She
holds the bowl out so he can see into it and asks, "Is it suppossed to
be this runny?"
Camilla nods to Ofira, then turns to face Lal. "Ma'am?" she asks with
great trepidation. "Are you, ahh...all right?"
Lal says "Just ask yer Master....." She pauses to breathe in sharply,
then grimaces, "t'send me th'recipe."
Jorenan glances around for a moment, and then looks down at the
mixture he's just doctored. He nods at it, and then moves along to
another station. He pauses as Symoria sticks a bowl under his nose,
and then frowns. He takes it from her, stirs a moment, and says, "This
is more like an egg pie."
Kassima puts her hands on her hips, regarding her partner with a sort
of rueful amusement mixed with slight exasperation and sympathy
both. "Nay *my* green," she clarifies. "Lyss rose just two months
ago. Now, let's see... we still need powder, salt, and nutmeg,
correct?" She tries to steer the conversation back to baking, though
even as she does so, she darts a glance in the vague direction of the
Ofira looks at Lal, "Are you ill?" she asks quietly, with concern.
Camilla nods. "I will. Ma'am."
Lathen overhears Jorenan, "And what do you do to fix it." He moves
awfully quietly, the Craftsecond.
Lal loosk up at teh ceiling. "Naw." She coughs. "Just unlucky."
Symoria sighs as she looks down at it. She says, "But why? I did
everything right."
Kathall keeps her eyes down. Precautions. "Yeah, yeah. Here's the
salt; the nutmeg is over by your elbow, I think?" Amid all the
cinnamon spill.
Asrai smiles and nods, "Sure...just one spoonful." She mutters then
under her breath, "Or so."
Lal spins on her heels, and begins to walk out, controlling her
stomping. You can heara slowly rising scream as she leaves, heading
down the caverns.
Lal returns to the main kitchen.
Kassima casts her eyes up towards the ceiling, but seems rather
resigned to this attitude. "Hrm, aye. There's a bit of cinnamon in
with it, but hopefully that won't hurt aught." She picks up the bowl
of powder, absently wiping the red-brown dust from its size.
Kaitra dumps a spoonful of powder into the bowl, followed by a measure
of cinnamon. Eyeing over her shoulder to where the Master is, she adds
a bit more, quickly followed by nutmeg and salt. Another furtive
glance. More nutmeg. Wrinkling a freckle-covered nose to her partner
she explains, "I like these spices."
Jorenan jumps halfway out of his skin. Durned sneaky
Masters. "Uhh. How many eggs did you put in, Symoria?" To Lathen he
says, "Well, sir, you could double the rest of the recipe, or add more
Aero watches the rider leave...
Kathall stares after the screams, the screamer ('Lal,' was it?), and
instinctively looks to Kassima, another rider, for an explanation.
Never mind the nutmeg.
Ofira looks after Lal a bit worriedly, but turns back to the matter at
hand. The meal must go on. She looks around to see who needs help.
Symoria says, "Two, of course. That's what was set out on the counter."
Camilla looks to Ofira. "Should I follow her? Make sure she's all
Lathen nods to Jorenan. The master is pleased both by the apprentice's
reaction and to his answer. "Good." He moves on.
Kaitra pauses, spoon over the mixing bowl, and turns to glance in the
direction of the screams. No-one about the room seems to be reacting
much, so with a shrug she returns the spices to thier places.
Dovell blinks.
Ofira looks at Camilla and shakes her head, "I'm not sure, but if it's
something like what I think, you can't help her right now." She turns
to Kassima , Asrai and K'nan. "Is there a green rising here perhaps?
The last time I saw Lal like that, thats' what it was." she whispers
to them.
Kassima watches Lal depart, looking rather unsurprised and
unconcerned. "Methinks that green may be rising fairly soon after
all," she murmurs. "Witness thus the behavior of some maleriders when
their dragons are contemplating chasing... at least, 'tis m'theory,
though Lyss says the males aren't yet blooding that she can tell."
Dovell slips outside.
Kathall's nervous little tongue darts out to wet her lips. "Oh," she
manages and focuses, after all, on the spices. "All right, that's all
of them. Now what?"
Dovell returns to the main kitchen.
Kassima nods to Ofira, distracted somewhat from the saga of the
nutmeg. "Aye. One of the young 'Reaches greens, though I can't recall
her name." Her eyes unfocus for a moment. "Ah--Danaeth, that's it."
Camilla nods to Ofira, and turns to contemplation of If
one can call it that.
K'nan glances back the way he entered at the question..and winces at
what he gets from Veyath, "Um..yeah.." He glances a bit nervously back
down to Asrai.
Symoria asks uncertainly as she looks at Jorenan, "The recipe did call
for two, right?"
Asrai nods, "There was definitely a Green glowing...Cygnith is dead
asleep, however."
Kassima turns back to Kathall, grinning. "Now," she proclaims, "we
*mix.*" And mix she does, not at all unsettled by the whole matter of
flights. The idea of beating the helpless batter some more seems more
intriguing to her.
K'nan breaths a faint sigh of relief..and nods.."Good."
Aero shows her partner the mixed gunk, "THis look right?"
Camilla hm's thoughtfully. Through whatever chance, Lal's mixture
looks about right.
Ofira sighs and then turns back to the student. "Alright!" she claps
her hands, flour rising in a cloud. "Once you have all of that mixed
into a thick paste, it's time to stir in the chopped fingeroots."
Jorenan scowls at Symoria's bowl. Likely it's not really done anything
bad to him. he looks at Symoria, then, and says, "Which one would you
Jorenan shakes his head. "Only one, though there were two at the
Asrai glances sideways at K'nan, not saying anything..but there is
definitely an amused expression on her face.
Kathall watches Kassima's mixing, fixated against intruding wicked
thoughts. Ofira's announcement shakes her free: "Roots," she
murmurs. "Right. Ready, Kassima?"
Asrai starts to dump the fingerroots into the bowl with a soft giggle.
K'nan's smile flickers a bit as he looks down at Asrai..then turns to
the interesting mixture they're working on, "Now..let's see."
Camilla stirs in the roots, gently, almost overcautiously.
Kaitra presses her lips together, and huhs. "Well, it doesn't look to
appetizing yet." As Ofira announces the last part she grins. "Oh, of
course! the roots..."
Ofira adds, "YOu may have to use your hands to mix will be
very thick, but you want the roots evenly distributed."
Symoria says, "Oh.. Well, do you think it will taste alright if I just
leave it alone. One extra egg won't really hurt it, will it."
"*There* they go," Kassi murmurs cryptically to herself, looking up
from the mix. "Hmmm? Oh, I think so... here, take a look for
yourself." She turns the bowl to display the somewhat oozy brownish,
tannish mixture.
Jorenan frowns and looks at Symoria's bowl again. "Uhh, I think you'd
better add some more flour, at the very least. And some salt and
Lathen speaks up. "Just keep stirring. It'll take some muscle."
Kathall peers at the stuff dubiously. "Well, roots can't /hurt/ it --
but I'm not sticking my hands in it, if that's all right with you."
She displays the egg- and spice-speckled fingers, and sighs ruefully.
Aero shudders slightly and holds the bowl out to her partner. "Roots."
Ofira returns to her own bowl, catching up on the steps and stirring
in the fingeroots with a firm arm.
Symoria nods, taking the bowl back to her station. She dumps in an
unmeasured amount of flour, then a few spoonfuls of nutmeg and
salt. Once she has it all mixed together, she smiles happily, saying,
"It's thick now." She begins to add in the chopped fingerroots.
Camilla frowns, and stirs with more muscle.
Kassima's fingers are hardly much better, but she doesn't seem to
blanch at the prospect. "Oh, nay problem. This'll be nay worse than
handling raw meat, I figure. Can you scoot the roots over here--or
better yet, into the bowl?"
Jorenan winces at the spoons-ful of salt Symoria added. Well, perhaps
he can switch it before anyone else gets to it.
Kathall nods and suits the action to the word: in you go, little
root-bits! "I'll just watch," she murmurs. All the better to ignore
the outside, and how she's going to creep through it to get /home/....
Asrai grins excitedly. "Ooo, we get to use our hands again." She dives
in with enthusiasm, squishing the stuff between her fingers as she
...mixes." she glances over at K'nan and winks, smiling brightly up at
Kaitra dumps the bowlfull of fingerroots into the mixture, and pushes
up her sleeves. She assures Aero, "Really, I scrubbed my hands before
class," and plunges her fingers into the thick mess.
Ofira looks up and raises her voice a bit to be heard. "Once it's
thoroughly mixed, pat it into the pan at your station. Then we bake it
until firm and brown, in a medium oven."
Symoria hums to herself as she kneads the fingerroots into her thick
Camilla frowns at the thought of sticking her fingers into that, but
she does so, kneading the last bit in and then dumping it into the
Lathen sees Symoria's batter and sighs gustily. More ingredients are
wasted at these affairs. Still, people seem to appreciate the class
and his craft more because of them. Maybe a brick-shaped lump of
flavorless goo is worth that public relations boost.
K'nan can't help it - he laughs, softly, shaking his head as he
watches Asrai so cheerfully mix..okay, let's be honest, make a mess.
Jorenan wanders through the stations, doing this and that to various
people's mixtures without telling them. He adds almonds to one
particularly tasty looking goo, and dried sour fruit to another.
Kassima sinks her hands unflinchingly into the mix of roots and
batter, the stuff oozing around her fingers as she starts to mix it
up. "What an interesting noise this makes... oh, are you certain? I
don't want to take over and leave you with naught to do." Squelch,
squelch, splorp, splorp. Kassi's deft fingers mix the batter easily
enough--but she seems to be going beyond the limits of that, just to
listen to those neat sounds some more.
A smile ghosts across Kathall's drawn face, and she shakes her
head. "No, I don't mind watching. I'm ... a bit tired, I guess. And
you're having fun; shouldn't have to stop for me."
Ofira looks around at some of the mixtures, musing to herself that
they might make a good material for thread impervious housing. "Once
the pans are ready, we'll take them to the ovens."
Asrai giggles as she scoops up the mess in her hands, "K'nan..the
Symoria somehow manages to get her mixture spread into a pan. She
carries it over to the ovens herself and slides it in.
K'nan slides the pan quickly over under Asrai's hands before she gets
it everywhere.
Kaitra reaches under the goo, pulling it up and over the
fingerroots. Pushing down through she repeats the actions, slopping it
about until it's well mixed. "Allright, care to fill the pan?" she
asks as she wipes her hands.
Camilla sets her pan next to Symi's in the overn.
Lathen begins noticing the results of Jorrenan's doctoring. He peers
at one station's batter. "Where did you get raisins?" The students
there look surprised. "Raisins?"
One of Kassi's eyebrows arches upwards, but she says nothing as she
reluctantly withdraws her hands from the mix. And if you thought they
were a mess before.... Scraping the stuff from her fingers into the
bowl, she picks it up and glances about for the pan. "Well, I have to
admit that this *is* enjoyable... for a non-meat dish. Will you hold
the pan steady while I pour this stuff in?"
Asrai *PLOP*s the mess into the pan, using her already messy fingers
to smooth it out. It even sort of works...sort of. "How am I...doing?"
Ofira looks over, hearing Lathen's voice. "Raisins?" she calls to
him. "That's in the variation. We werent' doing that one tonight. Nor
the nuts."
Kathall nods again and goes hunting the pan, which then sits ready for
the goop. Go for it.
Aero pushes the bowl to Kaitra and waggles her eyebrows, "Not sure we
should actually try to feed this to anyone."
Camilla goes back to start cleaning up her workspace, shaking her head
at the scattered ingredients and gunk.
Kassima senses "Kathall, while she holds the pan, asks tentatively,
"Will ... the flight be over soon? I have to get home, and--" And
making her tender way through the undoubted carnal festivities that
lie in her way makes her /nervous./"
Lathen nods back to Ofira. "I know. But somebody's put both in some of
these ...." He breaks off as somebody walks by with apricots on the
surface of their mixture.
Symoria looks over at Camilla. Seeing her cleaning, she walks back
over to her own work station, and begins to imitate her.
The goop slimes out of the bowl, plopping into the pan with a sort of
gooshy sound. Kassi jiggles the dish to get it to ooze
faster. Eventually, she resorts to scraping it out with her fingers
and flopping it into the pan, doing her best to make the lumpy mass
look more even once the bowl is empty.
Camilla scrubs and scrubs at a stubborn spot.
Kaitra chuckles, eyeing the unappetizing gunk. Taking the bowl, she
fills the pan, smearing it smooth. "I sure hope it looks better
Ofira frowns, folding her arm across her chest. "I'd like to know who
opened up the stores of dried fruit," she mutters. She peers into the
oven. "Room in here for more," she calls, to those not quite ready
Asrai frowns down at her fingers, then glances over at K'nan. "Would
you do the honors dear? I seem to be a bit...messy."
You sense Kassima murmurs in a low voice, "Likely nay for some
time. Lysseth tells me they're still blooding. Some greens get caught
quickly, some take forever and a day; since this is her first, there's
nay real way of telling. It shouldn't be too long ere the blooding at
least is over, though; you can likely catch a ride with a greenrider
by then."
Jorenan is, by now, way on the other side of the kitchen, helping to
fill a pan. He doesn't even glance in Lathen's direction.
Of course, the mixture with the trebled spices (and added hot ones)
will go without notice until some surprised person takes the first
Aero sniffs slightly and murmurs to Kaitra, "Not sure I'm brave enough
to try it.."
You say "--Good, that looks good." She eyes it, then shrugs. "Do we
bake it now?"
Kassima peers at the mostly-smooth panful of fingerroot-goo. Suddenly
inspired, she traces a letter K in the top with one fingernail. "Seems
fitting," she comments to Kathall, with a grin. "Aye, I think we
do. Care t'do the honors of taking it to the oven, or shall I?"
K'nan chuckles dryly..scooping up the pan. "I..kinda noticed, hon."
Kassima senses "Kathall's chin comes up, firming. "All right." Let's
make the best of it."
Ofira comes over to the tables and begins taking pans. "Who's ready?"
she smiles.
Kathall quirks her lips. "With my messy hands? I'm afraid I'd drop
it. Let's do it together, eh?"
Lathen has no idea who the culprit is, but his eyes seek out Dovell.
Asrai sticks her tongue out at her weyrmate's back.
K'nan looks up at Ofira's question with a bright and cheerful grin,
holding the pan of likely-explosive material up. "We are!"
Kassima glances down at her own fingers, which are nearly caked with
goo. "Might be a wise notion, aye," she chuckles. Taking hold of one
side of the pan, she calls over to Ofira, "As are we!"
Jorenan, in his innocence, hands Ofira several of the doctored pans to
put in the oven, and then turns away to begin cleaning.
Symoria finishes cleaning off the last of her measuring cups and
utensils. After putting them away, she comes back to her work station
to wipe off the top of it.
Kaitra laughs at her partner's comment, and eyes the pan. She
confides, "I'm not sure I am either!" Her expression turns to guilt as
she realizes that Master Ofira's close at hand, and adds thier pann to
the colection.
Ofira smiles, taking Asrai and K'nan's pan, and Kassima's and
Kaitra's. "Here we go then..." she says, sliding them into the
ovens. She then goes back for the ones' Jorenan hands her.
Aero starts to clean up the mess from her workstation.
Camilla gets about half of her workstation clean and stops for a
moment to rest.
When the pan is taken away, Kassi turns her attention to the mess at
the workstation... and grimaces slightly. Bits of chopped fingerroot,
batter, and lots of cinnamon are everywhere. "Clean-up time,
methinks," she quips to her partner with a wry smile.
Ofira closes the oven and goes back to supervise the clean up.
Lathen watches the clean-up for a while. The doctored recipes bother
him, though he doesn't mention it. His eyebrows furrow.
Kathall steps back from the ovens and, glancing over her shoulder at
her mess, agrees. "I'll get the cinnamon, and then my hands."
Ofira mutters to Lathen, "... they'll never
amount... as... I... those..."
Jorenan helps an apprentice barely able see over the counter wipe down
her flour-covered counter. For all that she's young, her dish was one
of only a few that looked and smelled just right. Even before the
Asrai goes over to the sinks, her hands held out away from
her. Hopefully she'll run into some running water...
Kaitra grabs a cloth and joins Aero in the cleanup, catching the
tracks of white flour, and a few sprinkles of spices.
Lathen nods to Kathall as she passes, then says to Ofira, "I
agree. That sort of wanton disregard for tradition and precision could
result in another Bitra episode." He scowls significantly.
K'nan leans against the table and waits for Asrai to return..laughing
Camilla finishes her laborious cleaning job and looks around for
something else useful to do.
Kathall, in return, glints a curious look sidelong for Lathen's
comment, but can't pursue it while she's wrist-deep in cinnamon
spill. "I can do the utensils, too, if you want, for all the mixing
you did, Kassima."
Jorenan glances at Lathen, having overheard his comment. He looks back
down and continues cleaning with the apprentice. Never mind that nine
of ten variations were allowed by Tradition, and the tenth is based on
a suggested variation on a variation. Entirely unimportant.
Ofira nods grimly to Lathen, but brightens as the air begins to fill
with the warm scent of nutmeg and cinamon. "Mmm....well, least they
/smell/ right!"
Asrai finds running water..what a lovely place..and starts to wash her
hands off. It does little for what's in her hair, and on her clothes,
but lets remember to do these things in baby steps. she heads back,
tilting her head to the side as she notices K'nan laughing. "What's so
funny?" she asks, flicking water at him with a grin.
Kassima wipes at the droplets of batter she spilled, scooping up the
remaining fingerroot bits as well. "Hmmm? Oh, that'd be great--if'n
you don't mind, that is...." She trails off, inhaling deeply. "Mmmm,
indeed. D'you smell that, Kathall?"
K'nan ducks a bit at the water droplets that hit him..grinning broadly
back, "You are, are -rather- messy. We've got to clean
you up when we get home."
Aero wipes one last spot up, then looks around, her hands
twitching. She glances longingly at the door.
Symoria finishes cleaning her station, leaning back against it
"Mmm," returns Kathall and looks up from sudsing knives and
spoons. Dark eyes half-lid, open, and squint at her partner. "Is it
ours that smells so good, though, or everyone else's?"
Lathen mutters, "Oh, sure, all of those variations are endorsed by
tradition, even the apricots, but still.
Kaitra finishes her part of the cleanup, and idly wipes her fingers
clean of the last of the guck.
Camilla snorts. "Probably isn't mine."
Symoria looks over at Camilla and smiles, "I like you food, usually."
"Probably a bit of both," Kassi theorizes. "At least, I *hope* so... I
think I've gotten most of this cleaned up," she reports, wadding up
the rag she used and putting it wherever such things properly
go. "About time I attend to m'hands, methinks!"
Jorenan finishes helping with the cleaning, as it appears to be
done. Rather than stopping, though, he goes over and starts brewing
klah to go with the dish. And finding fresh bread and butter to go on
the side. He sets loaves out so that every couple of stations can
share. His approving glance at Lathen suggests that he's glad someone
noticed that.
Asrai looks down at herself, seeing all the flour..and more sifting to
the floor from her hair. She looks up with a crooked grin,
"Oh..that. Well, time for that later..lets clean up our space."
Ofira nods to Lathen, "You need to know /when/ to use each variation,"
she says, as if he himself had not taught this to her. "That's why I
taught them the basic recipe. I mean, what if they try that apricot
variation with fish!" she says, scandalized.
Aero rubs a spot on her shoulder, as if missing the longbow usually
slung there. She asks Kaitra, "How long you think it's gonna be?"
Kaitra goes home.
Kathall smiles and follows suit, murmuring again.
Kassima senses "Kathall forces cheer into her voice: "I'm right after
you. Turned out all right, hmm?""
A rider in the corner, a grizzled sort who saw Turns in the waves
before Turns more in the sky, looks up and grins. "Sounds good t'me,
Camilla grins tiredly over at Symi. If I'd had a bit more to do with
the cooking...but I wasn't getting in that rider's way!"
Ofira goes to the ovens to check on the puddings. "Just about done,"
she calls.
Symoria grins as she says, "She was a bit.. Well, I doubt I would have
Lathen shudders in horror and nods to Ofira. In low tones, he says,
"Palate Conflict." He could have said 'global plague', so ominous was
his tone.
You sense Kassima chuckles quietly, her good mood unfeigned but also
laced with sympathy. "Mmm-hmm, I think so. If'n it'd been truly awful,
we could surely tell by now--'tany rate, the first taste will prove it
true. Oh, by the by... the dragons have risen. You needn't fear
catching sight of the blooding on your way home."
K'nan flashes a fond grin back to his weyrmate..turning back to his
space and raising a bit of a cloud of flour himself - Asrai caught
more than herself in the mess. Shaking his head at the complete
disaster the two of them made, he reaches over for a rag to start vain.
Kassima senses "Kathall bends surgical attention on cleaning each
finger. "--Not the blooding that bothers me," she says at length,
painfully honest. "I heard ... about the emotions. And what it does to
the riders...""
Kassima grimaces at each repeated mention of apricots in the pudding,
though she tries not to let her distaste show. Perhaps if it does, the
Bakers will think it's directed towards the mess she's made of her
hands. The stuff proves to be rather stubborn to try and wash
off. "K'nan," she wonders, glancing over her shoulder at her mentor,
"what *happened* over there? Did you two have a food fight or
Ofira turns back to Lathen, as she wraps her hands in towels to remove
the pans, a task she wont' risk having a non-Baker do, shuddering as
well, "Just think of those discordant flavors and..." she stops,
shaking her hhead, "Best not to think of it," she mutters. "Here we
are," she smiles, setting down the first trays of pudding, fragrant
,warm orangy brown squares.
A wave of giggles sweeps through the apprentices. It can't be
helped. They've been good for entirely too long, and Palate Conflict
is just too much for them. Jorenan's ears turn a faint pink and a
smile twitches its way across his face.
Asrai aids her With a wet rag she too begins to wipe off
the counter.
You sense Kassima ahhhs quietly, seeming to comprehend. "I wouldn't
worry about it too much. Yes, the riders are affected... I know that
only too well. But if'n you get out ere they're coming from the weyr,
you'll have little chance to running into any of 'em--and
greenflights, unlike goldflights, don't tend to influence the emotions
of folk nay directly involved--save for rare occasions."
Kathall quickly dries her hands and then straight-lines to the
pans. "Where's the 'K' ... Kassima," she calls over her shoulder,
relieved, "your beating must've done it. It looks all right."
Camilla walks over, warily looking for her pan.
Aero appears unwilling to even /look/ for her pan now that her
'partner' has deserted her....
Kassima dries her hands off on her apron, ambling over to get a look
for herself. "Aye, it does," she remarks, sounding mildly surprised
herself. "Think it survived without mishap? I don't *think* we managed
to lose any salt-shakers in it, at least...." Her grin is decidedly
Kathall snorts. "No, nor do I. May we try it now, Master Ofira?"
As Ofira opens up the stove she is assulted by an exploding pastry.
Symoria wraps a towel around her hand before she pulls out her own
pan, quickly bringing it back over to her station. She looks at it
curiously for a moment, then pokes at it, saying outload, "It's rather
R'val strides purposely in from the kitchen.
K'nan pointedly does not go to look for his pan, continuing to wipe
and clean his..area.
Asrai blinks at the bits of pastry flying everywhere...then studiously
joins K'nan in cleaning. Mmm, look at that counter sparkle.
Ofira leaps back from the oven in surprise as a pudding explodes,
shouting in surprise and quickly bringing her apron over her face.
Camilla ducks out of the way, and finds something else to clean...away
from the oven.
Jorenan jumps. Pastry doesn't explode, and they weren't making pastry
anyway. He blinks and looks at Ofira in surprise. Then he's headed
towards her quickly. He knows what that meant. "Ma'am! Take your apron
down, and get it off your face!" It being the pudding.
*gulp* The soft sound can be heard from over near the Bendenites.
Symoria looks over at the oven, then down at her pan, smiling. She
grins over at Camilla, whispering, "Not me, thankfully."
K'nan closes his eyes and continues to carefully wipe the
counter. Pudding? He knows nothing of any pudding.
Kathall is caught between surprise and concern, at the unexpected
answer to her question. "Who did that?" she wonders without
thinking. (Not /this/ Bendenite!)
Aero watches the master baker carefully.
R'val stops at the doorway, blinking in surprise at the exploding
pudding. He waves towards Ofira, thoughtlessly distracting her.
Ofira lets down her apron and peers. "What was that?" she asks sharply
, before looking back into the oven at the mess.
Lathen is on the far side of the cavern when the pudding explodes. He
looks for casualties. Nobody -appears- maimed.
Ofira mutter darkly about reckless experimenters and pulls the
decimated pudding out of the oven, along with several intact ones,
setting them on the table.
Camilla walks over to Ofira, with much the same expression she had
earlier when facing Lal, and holds out a damp cloth. "Ma'am...?"
Symoria looks over at Ofira curiously, no longer worrying about her
flat pudding.
Asrai glances over and can't stop her mouth before it leeks out,
"Pudding?" She gulps again and goes back to cleaning.
Jorenan looks at Ofira carefully. Not seeing scalded Master Baker, he
glances into the oven. It might be noted that there appear to be no
extras at all in the pudding that exploded. He goes back to setting
out the bread and pouring klah, his quiet manner reasserting itself.
Ofira nods to Camilla, "Everything is fine, just a little mishap. The
kind that happens when people dont' follow directions," she says
pointedly, looking around the room. She nods to Camilla again, "Would
yo uplease help everyone cut up their puddings so they can try
them. Squares of 2x2 are traditional."
Aero says softly, "Thanks for the class, but I have to be going.." she
waves to the bakers.
Camilla nods, meekly, and goes to do so.
Kassima shakes her head as she finally regains her tongue after the
surprise of the not-quite-earth-shattering kaboom, eyes wide. "'Twas
nay ours--couldn't have been! What in the name of Faranth was that,
anyway...?" A rhetorical question, plainly. She slides K'nan and Asrai
a glance. That pair really is acting *too* innocent.
Symoria looks for a knife at Ofira's statement, finally grabbing one
up and cutting her pudding into pieces.
Aero returns to the main kitchen.
Ariana returns to the main kitchen.
Asrai looks sideways at K'nan as it turns out that after all pans are
claimed..they are the only ones without one in front of them. So she
does what anyone would do...steal your friends. When Kassi iand
partner aren't looking, Asrai slides over Kassi's tray.
Jorenan pours klah, since he never managed to make a pudding of his
own. He hands a mug to Kassima, and then more to K'nan and Asrai.
Ofira nods to Aero, "Be sure to take some pudding with you. And come
Kathall was looking for a knife, to be sure, Asrai, but upon returning
... Frowning, she checks the tray's area. "Kassima," she starts,
"something happened to our pudding...."
Ofira smiles, watching everyone eating. "That concludes our class for
tonight," she say formally. "Thank you all for coming, and please join
us again next sevenday for another exciting topic."
K'nan flashes Asrai a bright and conspiratorial grin, then looks over
'their' pudding.."Turned out great!"
R'val moves to Ofira's side as she concludes the class, grinning
crookedly. He takes her in his arms and kisses her, "Sorry I couldn't
make it love."
Kassima accepts the mug of klah graceiously, though she makes no move
to drink it. "Thankee, Jorenan... hey! Our pudding!" Espying the
K-marked pudding by Asrai, she gives her friend a mildly chiding
look. "You should never pull an innocent act and then steal from
someone who can see through it," she mutters under her breath to her
friend, stealing the pudding back and giving both riders an extreme
Evil Eye.
Kathall adds a righteous bit of wickedness, too. So there.
Ofira leans tiredly in R'val's arms. "Oh, glad you could get here
love. It was a busy evening!"
R'val squeezes Ofira gently, "HOw'd the class go?"
Asrai *drats*..forgot about that initial thing. "Ooops, was that
your's Kassi? Wonder what happened to was right here." Whew,
Ofira's distracted.
Camilla ducks quickly out of the room as the class officially ends.
Camilla moves into the barracks.
"Don't worry," Kassi reassures her partner. "It's right here... in one
piece," she can't resist adding. "Shall we split it in half, think
you?" Ofira's announcement causes Kassi to set the pudding down long
enough to applaud. "Thankee, Ofira. 'Twas a most illuminating class, I
think it can be safely said." A wink is directed towards the pair of
thieves, and another to Kathall.
Lathen is no closer to figuring out the Variation Culprit, though his
eyes sweep over the apprentices and journeymen with attentive
suspicion. "Well," he announces, "time for me to head back to Seacraft
hall. Ofira, we'll talk about discipline later." The baker nods to
people on his way toward the exit back to the living areas of the
Kathall offers Kassima the first pudding slice and a return smile,
mild as can be. "I couldn't have said it better," she agrees.
Symoria smiles as she looks from her pudding to Ofira, saying "Thank
you, Master Ofira." She picks up one piece, bites into it, then puts
it back down, her smile faltering.
Ofira nods to Lathen, "I think we may want to discuss it in the
Masters meeting when we hav ethe general craft meeting. Clear skies,
K'nan snaps his fingers as Kassi steals her pudding back..then flashes
Ofira a bright grin, "Thanks, Ofira..I'm sure we'll be back next
Kassima accepts the slice, raising it in an odd toast of
sorts. "Here's to baking, fingerroots, and pastries that don't
explode," she offers.
Asrai smiles brightly with a nod. "Yes that was know it was
if /K'nan/ says so." She gives her weyrmate a teasing wink.
Kathall touches her own slice to Kassima's. "Come by the Hold some
time," she says after a cautious bite, "and I'll try my new klah
recipe on you, if you like. Hasn't hurt anyone yet, I promise."
K'nan nudges his weyrmate lightly, "And I wasn't even maimed.."
Ofira turns to R'val, wiping her hands on her apron, "Ummm...eventful,
I suppose. Would you like a piece of fingerroot pudding. I think one
or two are safe to try."
Lathen returns to the main kitchen.
Kassima sinks her teeth into the pudding, chewing contemplatively. "I
don't drink klah, I fear," she remarks after she swallows. "I much
prefer wine, cider, or juice--never klah or water. Call it a quirk,
and you'll like as nay be apt; I'm a quirky person... y'know, I think
this actually turned out pretty well. Wouldn't you say?"
R'val grins at Ofira, 'I'll rely on your knowledge of which is safe,
m'love, and I will definitely try some!"
Kathall mutters, "Better than tubers, that's for sure."
Asrai giggles at the nudge. "I /told/ you that you'd be alright."
Jorenan continues pouring klah until everyone who wanted some got
it. As did some who didn't want it. His eyes follow the Craftsecond
when he makes his way out, but so do those of several other
That last comment from Ofira, now, that's another matter. Every
apprentice in the area seems to be busy gulping at that.
Ofira smiles at R'val, going to the table to cut him a piece from the
one she made herself, which she easily recognizes by the Baker mark
she's made in the batter. "here you are..." she says, handing it to
him with a napkin, She looks around the room and makes her way to
R'val takes the piece, and the napkin, kissing Ofira in thanks, and
begins to eat.
Kassima laughs, quirking a grin at that. "I couldn't have said it
better m'self. Faranth knows, I detest the horrid things--and this is
considerably less revolting. Considerably less. In fact, 'good' and
'revolting' aren't even comparable if'n you think about it."
Ofira smiles as she reaches Kathalls' side, "Did you enjoy the class
tonight?" she asks quietly.
R'val sighs happily as he wipes his lips, "Delicious, Ofira! Is this
Ofira looks back and nods to R'val, looking at him fondly, before
turning back to the Benden Hold cook.
Kathall busies herself with separating the two halves of the pudding,
still chattering. "No, they aren't, and tubers are the most disgus --
oh! Master Ofira." Quick: she turns, pats down her sweater, and
generally dissembles nervously. "Yes, ma'am, I did. Thank you for the
Ofira nods, "Any time. I was glad to see you back this sevenday. Had a
bit of a talk with Mirala about you, you know."
Asrai reaches up to push fingers through almost white hair.
R'val grins, "Wonderful, Ofira! I hope there's more."
Symoria smiles over at Jorenan as she takes a sip of the klah, her
gaze then wandering back to her craftmaster.
"Oh," Kathall repeats. Skids a look at Kassima (support?) and turns
back. "I hope ... she said good things, Master. I do try hard in the
kitchens, but sometimes things just burn--"
K'nan steps back to take a slow look over the rather..messy Asrai,
flashing a bright grin, "We have -got- t'get you cleaned up, dear."
Kassima nods in agreement, though she doesn't express the sentiment
verbally; it's easy to see that Kathall and Ofira are conversing. She
flashes the Benden cook an encouraging smile, while picking up her
half of the pudding to wrap safely in cloth.
Ofira seems oblivious to the latter part of Kathall's
statement. "Mirala feels you have the potential to be a fine
Baker. And from what I've seen , you do seem to have the requisite
abilitites. Dexterity. Level-headedness. You can follow
directions. Not like some," she ends in a mutter, looking around the
room again. She shakes her head, "Have you ever considered
apprenticing, going farther than being hold cook?"
Asrai pouts, "Too bad we can't use the hot springs back home."
You say "Yes."
Kathall smiles thinly. "I already told our headwoman, in fact. I hope
I wasn't presumptuous, but if you want something -- someone else isn't
going to go and get it for you."
"High Reaches Hold has a set of hot springs, y'know," Kassi quips to
Asrai and K'nan, though she's evidently keeping half an ear trained on
Ofira and Kathall's conversation.
Ofira looks at Kathall curiously. "Why would you tell the headwoman
that you want to apprentice to the BakerCraft?"
Jorenan continues re-filling klah mugs, though he pauses momentarily
mid-pour. Hmmm. He wasn't directed to do this, either. Then he
continues pouring. Well, in for the duck, in for the drake as well.
K'nan walks back up to Asrai and grins..slipping his arms around her
despite her messiness. "T'would be nice..oh, Kassi?"
Symoria winces slightly at something Ofira says though she continues
to watch her as she sips at her klah.
Kathall explains, "She helped me when I first got to the Hold, and I
didn't want to think I was turning my back on all that by wanting to
go to a craft. Besides, she said I'd be working at the Hold anyway."
She keeps her voice low, out of deference for Kassima's own
conversation, but level -- always, level. "I don't burn my bridges,
Master Ofira. I try not to, that is."
Asrai smiles, "Sounds good..but I think I'd rather head home..that way
I'll have clean clothes to change into."
Ofira nods thoughtfully to Kathall, "I see. Well, it looks like this
was all decided for me and all that' s left are the formalities!" she
says wryly, though she does not look displeased. "You might have said
something to me sooner, though. I don't bite you know. " She reaches
into her apron pocket and removes a smallish knot of red and white,
affixing it to Kathalls' shoulder, her expression solomn. "Wear it
with pride, and never dishonor it," she cautions, "And I'm sure you'll
be very succesful."
Kassima nods, finally untying her apron and folding up the
considerably less than spotless garment to set upon the counter. "Aye;
I've only been there once, but as I recall, they're almost as nice as
the ones back home. Beware of the watchwher there, though. If'n 'tis
still the same one, he'll likely howl at you."
K'nan grins down at his weyrmate..and nods. "Whenever y'want, love."
Kathall says after a pause, gone still and solemn herself, "'Dishonor'
... like exploding a pastry in the Masterbaker's face?" A smile winks
in and out, swiftly brilliant. "Thank you, ma'am. I shall."
Asrai nods, taking off her apron and setting it with the others. "No,
Ofira doesn't bite..but beware her frying pan." she adds with a
giggle. "She's been trying to outfit it with new dents ever since
Alexi banged them all out by accident."
Jorenan doesn't snicker. None of the apprentices do. It's more like
out and out giggles.
Ofira smiles, pleased. "Some apprentices train here at the center, but
since you seem to have a good rapport at Benden Hold, you will train
there for now, under Master Mirala's supervision."
K'nan laughs softly..untying his apron as well, setting it atop
Asrai's. "Better'n Emne and that spoon of hers.."
Kassima grins, watching the solemn knotting ceremony with no hint of
solemnity in her expression. "Congratulations, Kathall," she offers,
before glancing towards the Bowl and sighing. "Ach... 'twould be best
t'be heading back to the Weyr. K'nan, Asrai, are you doing the same?"
Kathall looks carefully at Asrai, then the giggling apprentices, then
back to Ofira. "I'd appreciate it; I need to learn how to make her
bubblies." To Kassima goes a shadow of that bright smile, and a
wave. Maybe she can brave the flight aftermath by herself now.
K'nan smiles over to Kassi, face a bit streaked with flour, the arm of
his shirt the same..though he's clean, next to Asrai. "Looks like it,
R'val grins at K'nan and Asrai and company, "Looks as if you all had a
fine time baking tonight."
Ofira nods, smiling, "Mirala's bubblies are the best," she
agrees. "I'll be in to see you at the Hold, but I'll be seeing you
here at the center too. For now though, it's time for me to go home."
She looks around for R'val.
Asrai nods, "I'm ready. thanks again for the lesson Ofira. Be sure to
let us know when the next one is." Fear.
Kathall murmurs agreement, farewell, and goes to find her cloak amid
the cooking carnage.
Ofira nods to Asrai, smiling, "Of course. I'm glad you were both able
to come"
Kassima smiles, heading for the door and waving back over her shoulder
to the others. "Clear skies, Kathall; like as nay, we'll meet again
sometime. Fair be the wind to you all. And by all means, Ofira, I hope
t'be here for the next class!" Her smile is brilliantly bright; she's
no doubt envisioning more slicing, dicing, hacking, thwacking, and
K'nan flashes Ofira an apologetic grin, and nods.."We'll be th'first
ones here." Where his weyrmate can't see, he shakes his head
vigorously, mouthing, "No!"
Asrai gives a wave and heads out towards the bowl....oblivious to
K'nan's biasing Ofira.
Asrai returns to the main kitchen.
K'nan returns to the main kitchen.
Kassima returns to the main kitchen.
[And I left, too. Log ends.]
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