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The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.
An online session, recorded by permission of the author for the benefit
of members unable to attend.
March 28, 1998. PernMUSH. Kathall's POV.
Your location's current time: 0:39 on day 1, month 5, Turn 22, of the
Tenth Pass. It is a spring night.
Cast: Kathall, Prefeth, Lysseth, Telarin, Aphrael, Oarin, Rylan,
Kassima, R'val, Maylia, Kailia.
Kathall returns to the Winecraft's festival, reunites more or less
happily with Kassima and Aphrael, but leaves after an upsetting
display of violence by a Telgar rider and Weyrboy.
Upper Road, Benden Area(#1509RL$)
A wide road is born at the foot of the ramp to the north, and
stretches south throughout the Benden Hold lands.
The road is a mire of mud because of the Spring melt, and the constant
foot and wagon traffic. Even in the latest hours it is not unusual to
see someone passing along the road, returning to a cothold. The skies
above are clear, not a cloud in sight as far as the eye can see.
West lie the Gather grounds, and to the northeast is the
beasthold. You can enter the courtyard of the Hold and Craft to the
north, or explore more of the outlying areas from the road to the
Trail to Sebring Trader Camp(#6545Jaes)
Kathall gives both dragons a surprised, then wry look; waves and
supposes aloud, "Visiting from Telgar, are you?"
Prefeth is curled up on the side of the road, not far from Lysseth. As
he hears Kathall's voice, he lifts his head slightly and warbles a
greeting to her, eyes spinning a bit faster.
Lysseth doesn't raise her head, or even shift in position; she's
comfortable where she is, thank you. She does rumble a vague sort of
response to the woman, however.
Kathall leaves the green alone and crosses to the blue (fine, fine,
Lysseth...). "Are they around?" she asks Prefeth quietly, a hand
hovering a breath away from rubbing his muzzle, owning the air of
someone talking to herself. "I haven't seen either in a while, nor you
Prefeth whuffles faintly, in a manner that could be termed agreement -
but could be disagreement as well. It's hard to tell. He does,
however, nudge his muzzle gently against Kathall's hand, rumbling
faintly. You think he remembers things like.. dates? Nah-uh.
Kathall rubs as promised. He doesn't remember, but she does, and
perhaps there's relief in her manner when nothing untoward happens
between them. "I'll find them myself, don't worry," she tells the
dragon and steps back. A last, lingering look, then she leaves.
Ursa walks up from the southern part of the road.
[Kathall goes down to the vineyards:]
Vineyards, Benden WineCraft
Marching up the foothills of Benden Mountain are rows upon rows of
carefully-tended grapevines. The path weaves its way through the vines
and branches off in many directions, providing easy access to most of
the vineyard.
Most of the snow has melted and run off into the river below, except
for the stubborn frost capping the summit of Benden Mountain way up
above. Small flowers and leaf buds are visible on the branches of the
vines, the first sign of life waking up after the long winter
slumber. A layer of morning fog surrounds the vineyards, and the air
is especially chilly up in the foothills, but you expect most of it to
burn off later in the day. The skies above are clear, not a cloud in
sight as far as the eye can see.
The many paths and trails come together to form one main trail heading
west towards the CraftHall.
Small Sign
Sir Guinivere
Guess-The-Vintage Booth
Winecraft Pavillion (WP)(#4493JMe$)
WineCraft Festival Feast(#11876C)
Vintnercraft's Barrel Toss
Telarin nods at Kassima, grinning. "Thanks, ma'....Kassima." He looks
at Oarin. "Uhm. So. Oarin. Triplets? And you didn't even send me a
note? Oh, Kathall, welcome back!" he waves.
Aphrael seems disappointed that Kassima can't offer her advice, and
goes pale as she mentions Rylan possibly being sick all over her
gown. "Shards!" She blurts, holding her hands out, just short of
touching Rylan, "Help me, Kassi!" She begs.
Oarin glances over towards Kathall with a smile before turning back to
Telarin. "Yes, triplets! Triplets" she repeats loudly with a grin on
her face. "Sorry Tel, didn't know you'd be interested!" She pauses for
a moment. "I think your tired Tel..."
The bonfire crackles, shedding hot light on the area. Nearby, several
people relax in its warmth.
"Sorry," Kathall tells Telarin immediately while she settles her vest
and rubs her hands down her trous. "Marra -- she's one of the cooks --
cornered me to tell her all about the festival, and then a journeyman
had to talk to me, and ... Well, I hurried back as soon as I could."
Rylan giggles, "I'm not going to get sick!", he giggles some more
before turning a faint shade of green.
Kassima rolls her eyes. Yeesh. You spawn two children, and suddenly
people think you know what to do with them. "Rylan, lad... c'mon away
from Aph, would you? If'n you're cold, just sit by the fire for a
bit. 'Twill be warmer that way, I promise you."
Rylan lays against Aph, "I don't wanna move right now"
Telarin grins, broadly, at Kathall. He turns to glance at Oarin,
looking wounded. "Of course I'm interested, Oarin, you're my friend!"
He looks mournfully into his empty beer bottle and reaches for
another, after a minute.
"Tough," replies Kassi just as amiably as before. "Because you're
going to. Your choices are thus: either I'll pick you up and carry you
away from her, or you can preserve a bit of dignity and get up on your
own. Which is it going t'be, lad?"
Aphrael doesn't notice Kathall's arrival; she's seated over by the
fire, Rylan snuggled into her lap, and she's looking a touch
well.. frantic. "Yeah, that's right, Rylan. Don't you want to sit
closer to the fire?" She asks desperately. Green just won't work with
her gown's color.
Oarin grins and pats Telarin's shoulder. "Well, you'll be the first to
know when they all arrive then, I promise you" she says with a
smile. "Tel, come on, let's go for a walk? Shall we?"
Kathall waits a beat and then moves on to nod greetings around at
Oarin and the riders, of course -- "Kassima, that isn't your child, is
it?" Her dark gaze pities Aphrael: run.
Telarin gestures to Kathall. "Come, have a seat, bakerwoman! Any word
from your Master Ofira on your accomplishments here?" he asks,
Rylan plops a hand over his mouth as he starts to make some gagging
noises eyes ready to pop out his head
Telarin looks at Oarin. Really tries. He looks harder. "Walk?" he
asks, getting the word out.
Rylan turns towards Aphrael making like he's going to puke, at the
last moment he screeches, "Got you!"
You say "--No, no, no word from the Masterbaker. Why?" Sudden emotion
leaps through her voice and face: surprise, hope, apprehension. "She
didn't come here tonight, did she?"
Oarin grins softly and places her arm about her friend. "Come on with
you. Yes, walk. It'll do you good to get some fresh air."
Kassima nearly yelps with incredulousness at that question. "*Mine*?
Do I look *that* old t'you, Kathall? Nay, by the egg--he's Ryialla's,
and about t'retch all over Aph, the first queen confound it."
Muttering something about how she always seems to get into these
situations, Kassi starts to get up and reach for the little
pukemeister until she hears his screech. "Then again, mayhaps nay?"
Rylan giggles and bounds towards the fire before he gets into any
'real' trouble
Telarin glances up, taken rather aback. "No, she didn't," he says. "At
least, not that I saw." He looks at Oarin again. "Walk?" He struggles
to his feet. "Sure, Oarin, if you think." He lurches. Pathetic. He's
only had three beers.
Aphrael would run if she could. Really she would. It all happened so
fast.. "Rylan!" Her voice rises a notch as she notices the boy's
sounds, white and pale in the firelight, "Ry--oh, shards and shells!"
She curses at the boy's words, shutting her eyes. This isn't
happening, nope. "I'll risk Ryi's wrath, I think.. Rylan," She says
sweetly, "Would you like some more wine?"
Rylan turns to look back at Aph, "Really?!", he beams as he holds his
jug out to be refilled, "Thank you muchly!"
Oarin giggles and manages to keep Tel on his feet. "That's it, take
another step" she says with a grin as she leads him over towards the
Kassima claps Aph sympathetically on the back. "May Faranth aid your
endeavors, m'friend, and look kindly enough on you t'keep Ryi from
removing your hide in strips."
Telarin grins at Oarin. "I'm not that bad, Oarin," he chuckles,
staggering a bit.
Kathall's concern lingers another moment around Telarin, but then she
nods, leaves him to Oarin, and drifts closer to the riders and
Rylan. "Well, I didn't know," she tells Kassima apologetically. "He
/is/ energetic enough to be yours, though, isn't he?"
Rylan turns to look at Kathall, "I'm a writer"
Aphrael hears Kassima's greeting to Kathall, and half turns, smile
widening as she notices the apprentice, "Kath!" She calls,
delightedly, "I haven't seen you in.. months! How are things?"
Returning her overly bright smile on Rylan, she nods encouragingly as
she fetches some wine and fills his jug, "Sure. Have as much as you
want." Aside, to Kassi he adds, "Like you said.. he would have found a
way anyway, right?"
Kathall tells Aphrael more or less happily, "Things are fine, and it's
good to see you and Prefeth again. How are you? --Oh. Kassima. We do
have some kiwis up at the Hold...?"
Kassima corrects drolly, "Drunk, actually. He's usually nay quite like
this--and if'n you think this is bad, you should only meet Kaylira
sometime. Have a seat?" Gesturing to the spot beside her, she adds in
an undertone, "You're just in time t'witness whatever Aph has in mind
t'do for reve--kiwi? Did you say... kiwi?"
Rylan sloshes his jug which is now more wine than cider but shards
what the heck *chug chug chug*
Oarin snorts softly.
Kathall confirms, "Kiwi. As in, a bushel. We didn't know what to do
with them for the festival's feast, so they're sitting now in the cold
stores. Do you want them?" She takes a seat gingerly, eyes roundly
curious -- innocent -- on the green rider.
"Tel, you really do look tired...let's go back to the hall okay?"
Oarin says, trying to keep the grin off of her face.
Telarin nods, yawning. "Been a long, long day, Oarin." He yawns again,
and smiles to everyone. "Nice to see you all again. Thanks for the
food, Kathall. Sorry the firelizards ate so much of it."
[There was a queen's clutch hatching. A mess.]
Oarin walks west down the trail towards the main road.
Kassima asks simply, "Is L'cher likely t'spawn more kids? A'course!
That you even need to ask surprises me... but the question is, how
much would you be charging me for 'em?"
Telarin walks west down the trail towards the main road.
Aphrael grins ruefully to Kathall as she answers, "Oh, we're
relatively well, considering.." She leaves that unspoken, but does
glance at Rylan, "I saw you from the ledges at the Igen Hatching." She
adds faintly, sounding a touch unsure if she should mention that.
Aphrael helpfully offers Rylan more wine.
Rylan shrugs out of his shirt as he starts to feel a little warm
cheeks becoming a deeper pink. A happy twist towards Aphrael rewards
him with another jug full of wine
Kathall looks darkly at Aphrael and answers Kassima first. "Oh, you
can have them, and welcome. Consider it a tithe if you want." She
shrugs, and some of that near-happiness has sloughed away, into
weariness. "...You went to the Hatching, Aphrael? I'm sorry I didn't
see you."
Aphrael nods slowly, but takes note of the look Kathall gives her, and
shrugs it off quickly, "Aye, we try to get to much of the hatchings as
we can. Say, are you still running those weekly dinners here at
Benden?" She asks, changing the subject as she beams at Rylan.
Kathall shakes her head briefly -- the look is weariness, and memories
too close to the surface after a long day -- then says, "Well, I try,
yes, but spring's keeping everyone busy. Too busy to come. If you'd
like to..." Shy, abruptly.
Rylan discards his jug to the side as he lays down with a huge yawn
"I'm *hardly* going t'refuse, then," Kassima laughs. "Kathall, I owe
you for this one! We were both at the Hatching--and a fine Hatching
'twas, too. Many greens, and one went t'Kena."
Aphrael chuckles faintly, "Spring," She murmers in agreement, head
tilting just slightly at Kathall's words, "We'd love to come, if'n you
don't mind. I was half thinking that by now they're a raving success
and you've little enough food left over for a Telgarian bluerider,"
She says with a rueful smile, eyes flicking over towards Rylan.
R'val walks up the winding path from the main road to the west.
Maylia walks up the winding path from the main road to the west.
R'val walks into the vineyards with Maylia, "Hola, gang!"
Kathall looks automatically at Rylan, too, then back. "Oh, the High
Reaches Hatching, Kassima? I didn't attend that one." She's sitting
with the two riders, with Rylan stretched out nearby. "And there's
room and food and welcome for you, of course, Aphrael. I'd like it."
Rylan lifts up his pinkish head as he spies those entering, *oooh it's
/that/ bluerider*
Maylia ambles along beside R'val, smiling amiably. "Evening, all!" She
Kassima inclines her head a bit. "Is anyone welcome to attend these
dinners? Truth be told, Lyss and I do like t'get out when duties
permit it. How else can one meet people--and then know whether or nay
t'bet on 'em, if'n they later come t'be Standing?" a mischievous
impulse bids her to add. "Oh, g'deve, mentee mine!"
Rylan sits up to watch the pair settle in. Today is the day he'll show
that /bluerider/
Aphrael doesn't notice the arrival of the Telgarian riders at first,
seated by the fire in her gather dress as she answers Kathall,
"Truely? I was hoping you'd say so, but I'd not wish to impose myself
on Benden's hospitality." She laughs a touch ruefully, "Oh, and
Prefeth says to say hi, by the way. I think he's missed seeing you."
R'val glances at Maylia and hmmms, "Want to go in the festival feast
tent? I wouldn't mind grabbing some grub." he grisn
Maylia approaches the small group her mentor is a part of, grinning
broadly. "How goes?" the young greenrider asks. She shakes her head to
R'val. "Already ate, thanks."
Rylan picks up his jug of wine before staggering /bluerider/wards.
"Anyone is welcome," Kathall tells Kassima, after a quick smile and
wave to the incoming riders, and there's some brightness back in her
bearing with the kindly attention. "Every other sevenday; Aphrael
knows when I hold them. I did say hello to him," she tells the blue
rider next. "I didn't want to disturb either of them, though. Looked
too comfortable."
R'val grins at Maylia, "K then..anywhere you wanna go?" he looks about
him curiously.
Aphrael grins over to Kassima, laughing, "I'm sure you'd like it,
Kassi. We should organise to go together - it's almost a shame we're
not in the same wing, then it could almost be an order." She grins
impishly, before she looks up and waves to Maylia and R'val in
greeting, "Evening, you two!"
R'val flashes a grin at Aph," Hey Aph. Having fun?"
Rylan steps right up to /bluerider/ poking him roughly in the belly,
"Hey you..I gots something to says to you", he says a bit slurred.
R'val blinks in surprise and rounds on Rylan. He peers at the lad, not
quite recognizing him, "Who are you, and what the shards do you want?"
He frowns.
Aphrael chuckles easily, eyes going distant as they head towards the
road beyond, then back, "Oh, he's always 'comfortable', but I think he
was pleased you said hello." She waves back to R'val, and pauses,
stifling a giggle as she watches Rylan.
Rylan snorts rollin up his sleeves, "You're a real big poopy head and
I's gonna show you a ting or two bout treatin people nice!"
Maylia tugs on R'val's sleeve to get his attention, and gestures that
she's heading to join the Telgar riders and others, seated by the
fire. The young one slurringhis words gets a curious peer, but not for
long. She seems rather distracted, her eyes shifting over the gathered
people as if searching for someone.
Kathall murmurs to the riders nearest her, "Who is that boy, again?
R'val won't hurt him, I know, but..."
"If'n Lysseth was acting like a runner's rump, don't take offense; she
does that to everyone," Kassima advises. "Truth be told, I'd love
t'come if'n I can--I can't make any promises, though. Life likes
t'happen when you're making other plans." She grins at Aph, her nose
wrinkling a bit. That's when the phrase 'real big poopy head' reaches
her ears. Curious, she turns to watch and see just what Rylan intends
to do. "He's a small madman, Kathall. I've just seen that confirmed."
R'val blinks in surprise at Rylan, "Whatever are you talking about?"
Rylan puts up his dukes, "C' knows what I's talking about!
Now puts em up...I finishin this today"
Maylia leans over to mutter to Aph, Kathall and Kassi, "Poopie head?
Is that something like a wherry head?" A quick wink is directed
Kassi-wards at this.
R'val regards Rylan's fists skeptically, "Finish what? Look, you've
had too much to drink, boy, now run along and play or I'll have words
with your mother. YOu're too young to be touching liquor."
Aphrael bites her lip, then adds to Kathall, "He's the son of
greenrider Ryialla, and Weyrleader F'hlan of Benden. And I think I may
have given him a bit too much to drink.." She giggles at Maylia's
words, watching the scene over by the bluerider and child.
Kassima mutters, trying very hard *not* to laugh, "A trifle messier
and more inclined t'be odorous, I'd think. Y'know... I'm really
starting t'worry about that lad. Think it's the Ryi-blood in him, the
wine, or both?"
Kathall guesses with Maylia's question, "Something like. --F'hlan?"
She's quiet a minute, in thought, then resurfaces. "Well, he'll
probably fall asleep of it soon."
[That's Fahloran's father, and Fahloran received a letter from Kathall
recently, and Fahloran once told her he was attracted to her, and...]
Rylan starts circling /bluerider/ "Nevermind's too mean to
be left goin...I's gonna give you a good whuppin!"
R'val glances at Maylia a tad bit blankly, "What, pray tell, should I
do with this boy?"
Rylan starts taking jabs at the air as he circles /bluerider/ eyes
squinted halfway.
Maylia eyes R'val, shrugging widely. "Don't ask me!" is her
response. "You've a better reach than him, just hold his head away
from you and let him wear himself out?"
Kathall agrees, "He'll curl up from the alcohol if nothing else. The
stuff puts me to sleep, and I've twice his Turns."
R'val frowns, "Boy, I suggest you go away before you make my dragon
Rylan says "I's take your dragon too!", he takes a quick but sharp jab
at R'val's gut, "I's know how to fight!""
Aphrael calls over to R'val, "His name's Rylan, Uri. Not 'boy'! His
Ryi's son."
R'val ahhhs at Aph, 'Ryi's son? I haven't seen him in ages, barely
recognized him." He takes the jab, his gut being rather firm, and
frowns rather than seeming at all hurt, "Rylan, violence doesn't solve
anything. Besides, I'm bigger than you are. So, go 'way."
Kathall murmurs, "This is why I avoid wine."
Kassima has given up on trying to maintain decorum, and now has her
head buried in her hands to try and stifle her whoops of
laughter. This doesn't really work all that well, but at least she's
Rylan double jabs to /bluerider/'s gut followed by a sharp kick to the
Aphrael does her best to try not to laugh outright.. and is doing a
pretty good job of it. Until she sees Kassi though, and a few giggles
escape her. "At least he's not throwing up." She offers.
Kathall says doubtfully, "Yet."
R'val acks! at the kick and frowns, "Allright boy, that /does/ it."
Without hesitation he grabs the lad by the shirt and hauls him easily
off his feet, "I don't know who's taught you your manners, but they've
been negligent." He puts the struggling boy over his knee and begins
to spank him sharply.
Maylia can't help but join in the giggling, turning to laugher
outright at Aph's comment. "Think we should cheer him on?" She asks,
but doesn't specify which.
Kathall startles up, halfway to her feet. "/R'val/--!"
You say "What are you doing?"
Rylan ughs as he's spanked body jerking wildy after several good
swacks his stomach can take no more and /bluerider/ and boy are given
a healthy portion of his /diner/ all over their selves.
R'val AUGHS! "FARDLES!" He stands, depositing the lad in a heap on the
ground, wiping at his trousers, "Guh. Good thing he didn't put much on
Rylan offfs as he lands on the ground sniffling, "My tummy hurts!"
R'val frowns at the boy and helps him to his feet, "Let that be a
lesson to you, then, of the dangers of overimbibing."
Kathall says, dazed, "You were /hitting/ him." A swift glance around
at the others -- no similar disturbance there -- has her sitting back
down, huddling in embarrassment, mute.
Rylan takes a cheap shot at R'vals face
R'val acks and jerks back, avoiding the attack. He frowns, "Boy, I
don't know /what/ your problem is..."
Aphrael tries not to giggle, but finally stands, and shooting a look
at Kathall, edges over, "R'val, he's just a boy. Leave him alone!"
Nevermind that it's Rylan attacking R'val, it is partly her fault,
"Rylan, why don't you go lie down for a while, hrm?"
Rylan merely *thpbts* /bluerider/ as he stalks away towards Aphrael to
get his tummy rubbed.
R'val crosses his arms over his chest and frowns, "I was merely
enforcing discipline, Aphrael. Some riders would've been far less
Rylan says "Maybe not today....nor tommorrow...but I'll get you
R'val blinks at Rylan, "Whatever did I do to /you/?"
Kathall gives R'val one of her dark looks, but keeps out of it. Finds
sudden fascination in the waning bonfire's embers.
Maylia, having grown up in a large family where this kind of treatment
is normal for littles who don't behave, has no real problems with the
spanking. "It's alright," She assures Kathall. "Doesn't really hurt
that much. I don't think you're going to get him to calm down!" This
last is said louder, to R'val.
Aphrael seems a bit ackward but pats Rylan comfortingly as she rolls
her eyes at R'val, "Shards, Uri. It's hardly your place to enforce
discipline! He's not even your child!"
You whisper "We /never/ hit each other in my family. I've never seen
such a thing -- he's just a boy!" to Maylia.
R'val blinks at Aphrael, "Yeah, but he was /hitting/ me. What was I
supposed to do, let 'im?"
Rylan snorts, "YEAH!
Aphrael grins a touch ruefully as she answers, "Surely you've taken
worse hittings that that tossing firestone sacks around, Uri?"
You sense Maylia shrugs, and gestures towards Rylan. "True, he's just
a boy, but he's a boy who's got to learn his limits, and those of
others. He tried to just let it go, after all."
R'val raises an eyebrow, "Aph, he might've hit me in the crotch, and I
assure you, that would've hurt /very/ much. The lad needs to know he
can't let his temper rule him just because he's touched the drink."
Kathall sighs and tips a nod at Maylia, although the set of her
stubborn chin suggests the matter's not over in her mind. But she'll
put her back to the ruckus, ignore it, and poke a stick into the
embers, just to see the sparks.
Rylan senses a somewhat compassionate soul who is more to his way of
thinking and makes his way over to Kathall
Rylan whispers "/Bluerider/ is always mean to everyone. I think we
should get someone big to beat him up."
The sounds of smacking and gagging eventually get through to Kassi
over those of her suppressed chortles. "Really," she mutters, "I'm nay
certain but that rampant insanity has taken over again. Aph, think you
that we should be taking Rylan back? 'Tis either the cold of *between*
or ice water over his head for him, methinks." Eyeing R'val, she asks
mildly, "And showing how you let your temper rule you rather than
handling the situation without violence is so very much better?"
Maylia's look to the lad certainly isn't hostile, but it just the same
lacks sympathy.
"I think /not,/" Kathall says sharply and drops the stick and Rylan's
hopes for camaraderie in the same motion. "Leave him be, lad, and
he'll leave you be, and this is /supposed/ to be a festival. Fun. Not
Aphrael lets out her breath in a sigh, sounding not in the least
convinced by R'val's words, "You act as if most ten Turn olds should
know how to handle their drink or something! I doubt he's ever touched
the stuff before." Hearing Kassima's words, she nods agreement after a
moment, "Aye, I think that's the best idea yet."
Rylan opens both eyes wide, rebuked he meekly walks to a corner to
fester alone.
Kathall skates a frown after Rylan, patently torn between sympathy and
simmering frustration, but moves her shoulders as if it'd ease the
weight from them. ('Fun,' was it?) "How is Telgar?" she asks Aphrael
in a brittle, chipper tone.
R'val frowns at Aphrael, "Again, what are you suggesting I do, allow
him to kick me in the shin and the crotch, Aphrael? Sit here and take
blows?" he glances at Kassima, directing this to her as well.
Rylan mutters something about /bluerider/ being a big boy
Aphrael's expression softens slightly at Kathall's question, smiling a
little as she answers, "Telgar flies well, as always. My
fosterdaughter recently gave birth to a little girl, too." Back to
R'val, her expression darkens slightly, as she answers, "Shards, Uri!
You're larger than him! Hold him away from you! Walk away! You're
meant to be the adult!"
Rylan sniggers as he mutters 'some adult'
Kassima nods again, exhaling a long sigh. "Just as well, really. The
wine is excellent, and 'twould be too tempting t'drink more than one
should." Straightening, she turns and informs R'val crisply, "What I
would suggest you do, R'val, is restrain his arms and legs--which
you're fully capable of doing, by sitting on if'n need be--until he
either snapped out of it or you'd found a way t'snap him out of
it. Cold water usually works. All else failing, you could walk away
from him and ask someone else t'keep him back if'n he continued to
bother you. If'n discipline's t'be enforced, 'tis by the person who's
in charge of the lad, which would be his foster-mum; I'm certain she
could attend to the matter when he's sober enough t'understand what
the punishment's even *for*."
Kathall ducks her head again at the sharp words flying past them, and
biting her lip, she reaches down to fumble for her poking stick.
R'val frowns at Kassima, "Then I'll be speaking to his foster mother
or whoever is in charge of him. That was a disgusting display of bad
manners. And I'd remind you, respectfully, that I did not /hurt/ the
boy at all."
Ciro appears in mid-air, hovering darkly.
Aphrael snaps her mouth closed abruptly, noticing Kathall's look, and
murmers to Kassima, "We'd best go, Kassi. If need be we can resume
this at Telgar, not at a gather." She edges over towards Rylan, and
murmers something about heading back to Telgar.
Taiga walks up the winding path from the main road to the west.
Ciro stays in his hover then swoops past his mistress, she of the
poking stick and bowed head, to perch on a knee and peer 'round, gem
eyes glistening madder-violet, at the others.
Kailia walks up the winding path from the main road to the west.
Rylan says "Aww leaving already?"
Kailia wanders out, "Hi ya!"
Kathall picks up her little bronze, puts him carefully on her seat,
and excuses herself with a bare wave at the visitors.
You walk west down the trail towards the main road.
Ciro> Aphrael nods quickly, "Aye, it's about time, and I think you
need to sleep off your drink."
Following the wide road, you walk north.
Upper Road, Benden Area(#1509RL$)
Trail to Sebring Trader Camp(#6545Jaes)
Obvious exits:
Road Flower Garden CotHolds Lower Road BeastHold Gather Grounds RAmp
Ciro> Kassima adds dryly to Rylan, "Or should I say, as I'm certain
she *will* attend to the matter. He does need t'be punished for this,
but I don't think the place was yours... especially nay in front of a
Gather like this." Shaking her head again, she nods to Aph and follows
after the bluerider. "Sharding bet, lad. If'n the cold of *between*
doesn't sober you up, naught will."
Ciro> Taiga makes her way close to the bonfire, at first sprinting
ahead of a group of fortian riders, then slowing as if remembering how
to walk. As if a puppet, her head is held high all of a sudden, and
she does her best job at looking flirtatious. Rather hilarious effect
in one her age.
Dragons. Kathall looks at them for a moment before scrubbing both
hands up her wet cheeks, shakes her head, and turns away.
[Just too much after a long few days of baking, strain, and this ...
She went up to the Hold; the rest of the log is puppet-espied.]
Ciro> Rylan takes Aph's hand and follows her all the while tongue
remains pointed at /bluerider/
Ciro> Aphrael walks west down the trail towards the main road.
Ciro> Rylan walks west down the trail towards the main road.
Ciro> Kassima walks west down the trail towards the main road.
Ciro> You fly west along the trail towards the main road.
Ciro> Rylan shrugs, "He's mean", is all he offers. Perhaps the boy
doesn't even know why he doesn't like him.
Ciro> Aphrael pauses and glances down, frowning a bit, then nodding
agreement with Kassima, "He may have been wrong in spanking you, but
it's certainly not right for you to go and attack him because he's
'mean', Ry."
Ciro> Rylan shrugs indifferently he doesn't like to be rebuked by one
person let alone /two/ so he clams up /tight/.
Ciro> Kassima snorts at that. "Hardly a good reason t'go beating on
someone. Frankly, I'll be surprised if'n your foster mum doesn't swat
you good for this, and 'twill nay blame her a bit for it." Sighing,
she continues along the road. "C'mon. Let's just get back t'Telgar
a'fore aught *else* happens."
Ciro> Aphrael sighs a little, glances up towards Kassima with a kind
of a 'I tried' expression, and starts to lead the way towards the
dragons. "C'mon, Ry. We'll take you home."
Ciro> Rylan stops mid walk, "Please don't tell on me.."
Ciro> Rylan starts wringing his hands upon the other, "I promise I
won't do it again"
Ciro> Aphrael mutters under her breath at Kassima's words, "Faranth
forbid." Frowning at Rylan's words, she tilts her head, "Ry, it's not
really our place - mine or Kassi's - or R'val's - to discipline
you. It's up to your foster mother. She can either hear this from you,
and us. Or she can hear it from the gossip around the Weyr - which do
you think she'd prefer to hear?"
Ciro> "Wrong-o, lad," Kassi says, though not without regret. "You want
t'bet your foster-mum won't hear this from R'val, if'n naught from me?
I'd nay wager a broken thirty-second on it. If'n 'twere you, I'd tell
her m'self ere anyone else does. You might at least get a break for
honesty that way."
Ciro> Rylan nodnods as he meakly follows behind
Ciro> Aphrael walks north along the wide road.
Ciro> Kassima walks north along the wide road.
Ciro> Rylan walks north along the wide road.
Ciro> Swirling wind currents carry you north.
Ciro> Kassima suggests, not entirely unkindly, "If'n you're going t'be
ill, I heartily suggest doing it here and now. Lysseth isn't the sort
who'd appreciate it if'n you retched on her, even if'n you are a
Ciro> Rylan shrugs, "I'll be fine"
Ciro> Prefeth slowly lumbers to his feet at the approach of the
Telgarians, eyes whirling a bit as he rumbles a greeting. Aph smiles a
bit as she walks along, resting a moment with her head against the
blue's hide as she listens to Kassima and Rylan.
Ciro> Vidarth focuses his gaze on Rylan, his eye whirling with
definite red tints in them.
Ciro> Rylan looks at Vidarth
Ciro> Rylan says "Why's his eyes red?"
Ciro> Kassima nods sharply. "Right. So long as you're certain."
Glancing over at Vidarth, she chuckles faintly. "Because he's annoyed,
lad. Didn't expect t'be hitting a rider without peeving the dragon,
did you?"
Ciro> Rylan sticks his tonugue out at the dragon.
Ciro> Vidarth rumbles a low, peevish note, and levels a draconic glare
on Rylan.
Ciro> Tierth cracks an eyelid, sensing the agitation if Vidarth. She
hummmmms, softly.
Ciro> Rylan thbpts before turning his gaze 'bravely' away.
Ciro> Aphrael reluctantly moves away from Prefeth, sighing as she
spots Rylan's movement. "Rylan, if you want to get home in one peace,
I suggest you cease attempting to annoy a dragon right now."
Ciro> Rylan giggles and follows Kassima with a slight bounce in his
Ciro> Aphrael rests her hand against Prefeth's muzzle as the blue
warbles a querious note, but any answer, if given, is done so silently
as Aph climbs up the blue's side and settles onto his neckridges.
Ciro> Aphrael uses Prefeth's extended foreleg to climb up onto the
blue dragon's neckridges.
Ciro> "Told you so." Reaching up one hand to caress Lysseth's warm
hide, Kassi reaches up for the straps. "A good idea. Baiting dragons
is possibly even less wise than hitting riders--though since the
latter and the former are fairly well the same, 'tis a moot matter."
Ciro> Kassima climbs up to Lysseth's lower neckridges with the aid of
the riding straps and the green's thoughtfully offered foreleg. She
gives her lifemate a fond pat on the neck once she is aboard.
Ciro> Rylan accepts Kassima's proffered hand and swings up onto
Lysseth's lower neckridges, settling himself behind Kassima
carefully. Kassi grins and reassures the dubious Lysseth that Rylan is
safe, and the green faces forward as her rider gets ready to fly.
Ciro> From his place aboard Lysseth, Rylan straps himself in
Ciro> Vidarth settles down at Tierth's calming hum, rustling his wings
faintly. His eyes clear and whirl more slowly as he is calmed, slowly.
Ciro> High atop Lysseth, Rylan screeches before leaving, "Yeuchy
/bluerider/ dragon!
Ciro> From Prefeth's neckridges, Aphrael straps herself in place,
rubbing a hand affectionately against the blue's hide beneath her as
she shuts her eyes for a moment, murmering something beneath her
Ciro> Vidarth *LOOKS* at Rylan.
Ciro> Vidarth snorts softly and lowers his head back to his paws, his
eyes closing.
Ciro> Astride Lysseth, Kassima advises over her shoulder, "Remember
what I said. Keep your stomach under control until you're on the
ground--and your mouth, too." Snorting with pretty clear disgust, she
signals Lysseth to fly.
Ciro> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them
down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.
Ciro> Lysseth rises into the sky with sweeping strokes of her wings.
Ciro> Prefeth rises into the sky with sweeping strokes of his wings.
Ciro> High above, Lysseth disappears into Between.
Ciro> High above, Prefeth leaps up only a heartbeat after Lysseth,
wings spreading as he gains height, taking up his customary place to
Lysseth's left.
Ciro> High above, Prefeth disappears into Between.
[Log ends.]
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