
And His Name Was Aiken Drum

Date:  October 19, 2003
Place:  Ista Weyr North Beach
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  This is a dual log, involving both Kassima and Kharisma
and posted more for Khari's sake than Kassi's.  While visiting the
Istan Craft Festival with her mother as a way of celebrating her
birthday, Khari ends up clutchside at a fire-lizard Hatching--and 
coming away with a flying stomach of her very own.  In the meanwhile,
Kassi has a chance to catch up with some old acquaintances.


The Log:

<*> Snowy Petals Egg :shivers and then hops! out of the sand, rolling a
little ways from the rest of the eggs.

<*> K'tdan shades his eyes as the green dragon arrives. His smile is
immediate. With his other hand, he waves to Kassima. "Hey Auntie!" he calls

<*> Lysseth backwings to a neat landing on the beach, having flown in from
the direction of the Weyr proper; her rider's already working on her straps
and those of her passenger before the dragon hits the ground. "...*Never*
seems t'have enough time for visits," Kassi's commenting to Khari, with a
shake of her head. "A'course, that shouldn't surprise me, should it, given
that she hasn't time t'*write*, either? Shells. Looks crowded out here."

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Fidelis walks down the high plateau, and arrives down on the beach after
long minutes of hiking.


List of Eggs and Hatchlings
1. Sandy Beach Egg 
2. Frothy Rapids Egg 
3. Windswept Egg 
4. Snowy Petals Egg 
5. Featherfrond Egg 
6. Cloudy Day Egg 
7. Rocky Coast Egg 
8. Tropic Breeze Egg 
9. Hailstorm Egg


Dendra is strolling across the black sands when she sees a group of people
all standing around together. Never willing to pass up an opportunity to
share gossip, she joins them to find out what's going on.

Ceryca rolls her eyes towards the sky. "Okay, so I'll volunteer /you/ next
time," she responds shortly. Dark blue eyes shift to the small firelizard
quieen and she pauses. "Clutch," she identifies. "That clutch is going to

Kharisma unbuckles herself from Lysseth's straps and climbs back down to
the ground, looking a little disoriented from the flight.

Fidelis shuffles into view looking like he's been in a warzone. His face is
several colors and his hair is ragged. In fact, there's a bald spot on the
side of his head. This can mean only one thing. He's been helping with the

Raider does a quick scan of the area, sussing out how the surprise of the
situation can be turned to his advantage. Always looking for an angle. The
picnic basket is seen, as well as many other startled people. A toothy
smile spreads, a gleam lighting the Trader's eye. "Hatching food!" He calls
out to those on the beach. "Get your hatching food here!" He picks up
Catti's picnic basket. "Only a 1/32 piece! Guaranteed to Impress or your
marks back!" He leans over to Catti and mouthes: "Split the profits?"

Tempest ruffles and then folds her wings up as her humming becomes louder
and more intense.

Griere frowns, "Now? Here? Do you..." and she seems very sketpical about
this as she glances over at Ceryca, "want one?"

Kassima turns, once she's gingerly made her way down to the ground, to
return that wave and call, "Heyla yourself, Kat! Should've known I've found
you here--should I ask how many marks you've made and how many women you've
seduced this Gather alone?"

Snowy Petals Egg shivers and then cracks a bit.

Snowy Petals Egg rolls uneasily from side to side and then falls apart,
revealing an equally unsteady brown hatchling with whirling red eyes to the

Looping lazily over the ground around him, this little brown hatchling
looks a bit like barley, his hide flecked with lighter, sandier tones and
what looks like a creamy foam all along the top of his back from head to
tip. He hardly seems attentive - in fact if you didn't know better, you
might think he'd had his snout in a tankard of the brewer's best ale. When
not dizzily diving about, he can be found nestled against his clutchmates,
crooning about one thing or another.

Featherfrond Egg begins to rock violently.

Ceryca stares for a long moment, brows drawn together. "I don't know," she
decides, helpfully, before Raider's call turns her head. She considers him,
and the basket for a beat. "Guaranteed. That's a promise," she murmurs to
Griere. "You want some meat?" she asks, over her shoulder as she steps away
from the brunette.

Catriona blankly stares at Raider. "You are," pause, "/incorrigible/." She
sends a bit of a wistful look at her basket, since it's obvious she's not
getting it back, and sighs. "Oh no, master Trader." She smirks. "You can
have all the profits you manage to get from that basket. /I'm/ going to go
try for one of the little things." She plunges a hand into the basket and
fishes around, coming back with... fish! Strips of filet, actually. She
lifts her chin, then, catching sight of Arthen, shakes her head. "And
someone unbury that poor boy." Smirk, smirk, and she's off, over to the
eggs, where she flops down on the sand and wiggles her fish in what she
hopes is a tempting fashion. Mm. Fishiefishiefish.

Kharisma does her level best not to either look amused or roll her eyes at
her mother, challenge though it is. Instead, she nods a greeting to K'tdan,
whom she recognizes, and starts scanning the beach with curious eyes. "Oh,
look--" She's spotted the humming fire-lizards, it would seem. "Is it a
Hatching? It must be. Mum, could I--?"

K'tdan laughs at the Telgar rider's observation. "Honestly, Auntie, I've
been so busy shepherding candidates I haven't had much time to set wagers."
Nothing is said about the other topic. "How have you been? I haven't seen
you since..." The commotion around the new hatchlings grabs at his
attention and he steps closer to look. "Oh, good thing 'Rath is eating."

Bombed Barley Brown Hatchling wobbles forward a few paces, creening and
then promptly trips over the featherfrond egg, landing with a *thud*.

Fidelis wanders over to the gathering just to find out what's going on. As
he's standing there, he scratches at his paint-spattered face. Yeah, he's
had a hard time of it. He'll probably have to shave his head later. Maybe
with that sharp rock of his.

Dendra hears the offer from the trader and shakes her headn, holding one
hand up palm out to reinforce her answer. "No thank you. I have enough to
care for as it is. I'll just watch." She spies a rider that looks familiar,
and sidles closer for a better look.

"Rai-DER!" The teen stuck under the pile of sand cries as people start to
gather at the hatching firelizards. Raider ignores him a moment longer:
"Hatching Food! Food to feed the flitters! Only 1/32 piece! Marks back if
you don't Impress!" He beams oh so trustingly at everyone. But, Catti's
chastening did catch his attention, and he peers down at Arthen under the
sand. "Oh, fine..." One hand supporting the basket, the other beefy arm
reaches down and grabs the kid under a shoulder to haul him out from the
sand pile.

Featherfrond Egg begins to crack from the weight of its clutchmate over it.

Kassima blinks at her daughter, momentarily nonplussed. "Hmm? You scarcely
need my permission for... oh. Right." She unslings the satchel from her
shoulder and passes it to Khari, then returns her attention to K'tdan.
"*You*? At a loss for time t'*wager*? Be still m'beating heart. I survived
the trip down here without sweltering t'death, which is something... I note
you didn't answer my *other* question. And how are you?"

Featherfrond Egg loses one shard at a time slowly and then cracks open all
at once, allowing a noisy little blue hatchling to strut out, whirling red
eyes demanding attention.

Darting back and forth constantly, this little blue seems to be constantly
chirping and trilling bossily at those around him. It would be easy to
imagine that whomever he chooses as his pet will get a lifetime of his
being overly concerned with their health and well-being! His deep blue hide
is bisected in places with almost purple spike-like markings, especially
along his delicate wingsails, tail, and forelimbs. Even for all his
fussing, however, he's sure to make someone a darling companion!

High-handed Hyssop Blue Hatchling immediately emerges covered in goo and
scolding his clutchmate for smooshing him so inconsiderately.

Bombed Barley Brown Hatchling ducks away from the chiding and stumbles
toward the crowd.

Fidelis drops into his usual blank stare as he idly scrapes paint from his
face. What's that in his hair? No, you probably don't want to know. Really.

Griere holds up her hands, "Oh no, you go right ahead. I've got enough
trouble with candidacy, I don't need some little creeling lizard." She
flicks her fingers towards Ceryca and the clutch, urging her sister on. "Go
right ahead. I'll be over here watching." She flashes a bright smile,
silently wishing Ceryca good luck.

On an impulse, Kat snatches up a sloppy hunk of meat as the bowl is hastily
passed around. Maybe he can find a friend for his dragon, though more's the
like Faorath will scare the hatchling to death. "I'm good. Like I said,
I've been busy working with the candidates." He squeezes in next to a
sniffling youth to offer his chunk of meat to one of the hungry hatchlings.
"Sweltering? Ista is wonderful. I don't know how you can stay in that
frozen weyr of yours. It should be thawing any day now, right?" K'tdan
wiggles the meat.

Catriona is still wiggling that fish about, glancing up and away from the
hatchlings at the others around her. "Oh, hi Fidelis. And Griere. And
Ceryca, too." Beam. "D'you want to try for a little 'lizard, Fidelis?" she
asks, then holds her other hand out, with the fish curled up in her
fingers. "I have extra fish." And it's /free/. More beaming.

Kharisma sets to digging in the satchel in earnest, pulling free rolled
hides and swaths of paint-spattered cloth in an attempt to find whatever
she's looking for. She drifts absently closer to the hatching clutch while
she rummages, though as yet she hangs a bit behind. "If they ate all the
food already and I have to *pay* someone for it, I swear...." But no: at
length she finds two rather squashed meatrolls wrapped in cloth, and frees
one from its binding so she can start pulling it apart.

High-handed Hyssop Blue Hatchling stomps right up to K'tdan, chiding him
for some unseen transgression, then gets distracted by the wiggling meat.
Oooh. What's that?

Hannah nods to two cooks who walk onto the beach with all manner of
firelizard hatchling appropriate offerings. "Thank you so much Nassa and
Yevar. Please folks, feel free to take the food you want if you're
interested in Impressing. I was expecting this to happen, just not this soon."

K'tdan coos softly to the curious blue, lowering his hand so the sloppy
meat is closer to the ground. He's elbowed by the sniffling youth who also
wants the firelizard's attention. Kat rolls his eyes but holds his ground.
Tossing firestone sacks have a way of making one fairly sturdy. "What color
would you call that?" he asks no one in particular about the blue before him.

Banain walks down the high plateau, and arrives down on the beach after
long minutes of hiking.

Raider has a whole Picnic Basket though! Sure, it's Catriona's, but that
doesn't matter to the trio of weyrbrats he's currently selling meatrolls
to. "Hatchling food!" He calls. "It's free if you don't Impress. This is
special *Guaranteed* hatchling food. Not just Weyr leftovers." He assures
the people around with an honest face that looks like it's seen a lot of
practice. The kid he rescued from the pile of sand scoots over to the
hatchling, looking several shades blacker from the sand still clinging to him.

Fidelis gives one of his better empty stares to Catriona. Then, without a
word, he flops down on the ground and pulls off his left boot. Out tumbles
a... uh... what is that? Whatever it is, he won't complain about it. Must
be something he picked up taking care of the brats.

Dendra sees Kassima with her target and smiles. "Kassi, how are you doing
today! Out looking for a pet for Lysseth?"

Bombed Barley Brown Hatchling wobble-stumbles over to where Fidelis is
standing, looking up and up and...up! Whoa! *CREEEL* His eyes whirl red.

Kassima eyes that bowl, but shakes her head when the person passing it
offers it to her. "'Busy' and 'good' aren't always synonymous," she quips.
"I'm glad for you if'n 'tis so in your case. And mayhaps 'tis wonderful for
*you*, but when you weigh half what your dragon does these days? Heat is
nay your friend. I'd even be happier if'n Telgar were still in high frost.
But I didn't want t'miss a Gather entirely; and 'tis a bit in honor of
Khari's Turnday that we both came." At Dendra's question, she laughs and
answers, "Shells, nay! We've more than enough; 'twill leave that t'my
daughter! Good t'see you, Dendra; how fare you?"

Catriona gets a /better/ empty stare? She's charmed. She grins as Fidelis
flops, and continues to grin at him until he... does that. That. That thing
he just did. "Um. Ouch. Have you had that in there all day?" Her nose
wrinkles, and she notices the little brown. "Oh, quick. Here!" She shoves
fish at the other Candidate, urging him to take it. "If you offer it to him
now, he's yours!"

High-handed Hyssop Blue Hatchling stumbles towards K'tdan.

Ceryca pauses a moment and looks at Griere, indecision on her face. She
eyes Arthren for a moment, then moves over to him. "You going to try to get
a firelizard?" she asks conversationally, flicking a quick look towards

Fidelis shakes his boot out one more time and sets it aside. Shrugging, he
scratches at his head at whatever is lodged in it. Well. Half a meatroll.
Sticky, too. Kids. Gotta love 'em. With a sigh, he holds it down low in his
lap and stares at it. Hatchling? What hatchling?

Brees walks down the high plateau, and arrives down on the beach after long
minutes of hiking.

Madieth launches off the plateau high above, and glides to a landing on the
dark sand within minutes.

K'tdan chuckles as the little blue firelizard takes the offering. Slipping
a hand under its belly, he carefully steps away from the rest of the crowd
and finds another supply of meat. This little guy is hungry. "Well, that's
true, Auntie," he says to Kassima once he's settled. "But you don't weigh
half a dragon." Pause. "Yet."

Dendra grins and twitches her 'grass' skirt. "I've been well, thank you. I
managed to get a Journeyman to take my place in the Tent so I could get
outside for a while. At least there is a breeze here to offset the heat
somewhat." She looks at Kassima's outfit and sighs. "I just /love/ your
dress! Which Weaver did that for you?"

	Kassima is a woman gifted magnanimously by genetics: one would likely
guess her to be younger than her actual age thanks to high cheekbones and a
brow lines dare not touch, and she's been dealt a good hand in her
usually-slender 5'10" build. Her fine-boned features are framed by a black
river held back rather than braided for once; her wayward forelock
threatens to dangle into canted eyes the color of emeralds in shadow. A
shrewd glint lightens these even when mirth does not, and the well-shaped
brows above lend eloquence through their mobility.
	Kassi's finery this evening has been tailored to suit her condition: 
her gown of lightweight linen has been dyed a deep, vivid violet, from the 
low off-the-shoulders neckline to the hem that swings just above her ankles 
and leaves her soft black slippers exposed. The cut accomodates the swell 
of her third-trimester pregnancy; it's designed to flatter rather than to 
try and hide what can no longer be hidden. No embroidery or trim detracts 
from the garment's elegant simplicity. Instead, Kassi has added ornament in 
the form of a jeweled choker, a pair of bangles, earrings, and an elaborate
hair clip, all gold set with darkly sparkling amethysts.
	No knot or sign of rank can be seen on her person; the unconscious
confidence with which she holds herself and the occasional faraway look in
her eyes may hint at her standing as a ranking dragonrider, however.

[Editor's Note:  I got disconnected here.  Some poses may be 

Yarrow Yokel Bronze Hatchling blinks a couple of times and then feels the
rumble of his empty tummy. He begins to creel loudly in harmony with his
clutchmate, currently inches from the ocean water.

Fidelis squints at the meatroll in his hand for a moment longer then
stretches out on the sand. With a mumble, he sets the meat down at his side
and stares up at the sky. Hatchling? What hatchling?

Catriona blinks, twisting about a little to watch said little brown wander
by. "Um." Right. She eyes Fidelis. "You have a meatroll, there." Pause. "I
think. You could offer that to them. Unless you don't want one. And of
course that's perfectly alright." Catti grins. Ahem. Oh, or not. "Oh.
Okay." She eyes him a moment longer, then wiggles that fish. Wiggle, wiggle.

K'tdan gives Khari a grin. "I just hope 'Rath doesn't inadvertently suck
him up while he's sleeping."

Brees makes her way down walking slowly. She shakes her head up at Madieth
as the green takes the quick way soaring down to a landing in the sands.
Brees pauses to look around then heads over towards the group to see what's

Free marks. Joy! Business starts to die down a bit for Raider and 'his'
basket of picnic food though, so he sets it down on the beach sand by the
shore and opens it wide to see what food he has left to pawn off on the
locals. Arthen, black with sand, grins up at Ceryca with wide eyes, "You
bet! We were going to try and sell the eggs, but the queen was too good a
momma." Gulp. Did he just say that aloud?

Dominated by a pair of enormous pale blue-gray eyes and a spray of freckles
across her nose, her countenance is positively angelic. Her dyed hair is is
partway grown out, leaving her with a very odd appearance--light brown on
top and blond on the bottom part. She is about 5' tall, with rounded curves
thanks to both genetics and frequent tasting in the kitchens. Her skin is
tanned to the color of klah mixed with milk, and her left nostril is
pierced with a tiny gold hoop. 
Dendra is wearing a new outfit in honor of the Celebration. A blue-green
bikini top ties around her neck and under her arms, leaving her midriff
bare. Multiple layers of thin light green linen strips were sewn over a
sheer sisal knee-length layer, making it appear like she is wearing a grass
skirt. Her feet are bare, save for a gold chain around her right ankle. In
lieu of her knot, she is wearing a necklace made from fresh-picked tropical
flowers. Her skirt rustles as she walks, and a light floral perfume follows
her wherever she goes. 
Dendra is 32 Turns, 0 months, and 25 days of age. 

Bombed Barley Brown Hatchling stumble tumbles toward the water and then
sniffs the air. /That's/ not the direction the yummy smell is coming from!
He CREEELS again and turns to trip over Fidelis' leg. *CRUNCH* Nope.
/That's/ not the taste he was hoping for. *CREEL*

Banain snags some meatrolls from a child that walks past, giving him what
little he has in marks on him. Standing around he watches the one brown
hatchling wander, this causes him to grin big time.

Ullan walks down the high plateau, and arrives down on the beach after long
minutes of hiking.

Ceryca opens her mouth, then snaps it shut, peering closely at the boy.
About then, she notices a dropped scrap of meat, and reaches out to snatch
it before one of the hatchlings does. She says, finally, as she gives the
bit of meat a wiggle. "Ah, well. Golds tends to be good mothers."

Yarrow Yokel Bronze Hatchling ambles away from the remaining eggs toward
the crowd, sniffing the air experimentally. What /is/ that yummy smell?!

Fidelis blinks once. Blinks twice. What the...? Slowly he sits up to find
out what just tried to take a hunk out of his leg. Er.... Wha? Shrugging,
he snags the leftover meatroll and sets it down on his leg next to where he
was just bitten. Maybe the little critter will take a hint and stop chewing
on him.

Kassima's voice is dry as the desert: "Thankee *ever* so much, Kat. 'Tis
so, *so* easy t'see what the ladies see in you, with that silver tongue of
yours t'make you a master of flattery. Just be careful you don't drive me
t'sit on you and squash you flat in revenge." Oh, horrors. "Does the tent
happen t'have many dishes with berries in it, by chance?" the greenrider
turns to ask Dendra hopefully. "This? 'Twas m'cousin's work, Simian--he did
it for me on the cheap. Said he was relieved I didn't want something
complicated for once... I have t'admire *your* outfit. I'd never have the
daring t'wear it."

Brees heads over towards K'tdan as soon as her friend is spotted and laughs
when she hears Kassima's comment. "Kat out to flatter the ladies again?"
She asks Kassima with a wink then a smile over towards the bronzerider.
"Firelizard hatching, huh? That's a cute little guy."

Bombed Barley Brown Hatchling *chomps* once again, this time on the
leftover meatroll, letting half of it fall to become completely coated with
black sand. This doesn't seem to faze him, however, and he continues to
munch down. *FOOOOD!*

Bombed Barley Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Fidelis.

Raider spots someone in a candidate's knot coming down to the beach, and
lifts the picnic basket up over his arm to walk over to Ullan. The
incorrigable Trader holds out some wherry meat that's likely from the
innards of a sandwich to Ullan. "Hatching food? Just 1/32nd mark and you're
guaranteed to Impress with it, or I'll give you the marks back!" He smiles
oh-so winningly at the fellow.

Yarrow Yokel Bronze Hatchling continues sniffing the air and turns his
attention toward the smelly fishy smell coming from Catriona's general

Kharisma laughs under her breath. "I doubt he'd be very happy if he did,"
she agrees. "I don't exactly know from *experience*, but something tells me
having a fire-lizard up your nose would be unpleasant. All the wriggling,
the *claws*--" Ouch. She pauses to smile towards the young man who just
Impressed, murmuring quiet congratulations.

Fidelis loses that blank stare for just a moment. "Hungry," he mumbles and
starts searching all through his pockets in search of more munches for the
little brown critter.

The cooks continue to circulate trays of meaty goodies to all those present
who need such.

Ullan blinks at Raider "Impress with food? Isn't that cheating a bit? If
they were born without us around, they'd seek out a mother they trust... I
don't think they want food right now, just someone to take care of them..."

While most might whither under Kassima's sharp tongue, Kat learned much
from his Auntie, thus is somewhat immune. "Do you really want me to impress
you with my verbal skills, Auntie?" he asks. Now that's horror. He gives
Brees a wink and stuffs another piece of meat into his blue's mouth.

Catriona /is/ exuding smelly fishy smell, this is very true. And, upon
seeing Fidelis's new predicament, she offers some of it over. "Give him
some of this?" More beam. She's not giving up on this one! Haha! Her hand
continues to absently wiggle that meat, even though her attention is

Kassima asks Brees with considerable amusement, "Does he ever do aught
*else*? Nay, I'm being unfair; if'n he's still trusted with Candidates, he
must be behaving himself at least a smidgeon. Kat, Kat, Kat. You can *try*,
but this probably isn't the time or place. You might traumatize the
hatchlings. What're you going t'name your wee lad?"

Yarrow Yokel Bronze Hatchling *CREEEEELS* loudly, his eyes whirling in red
- in apparent opposition to the idea that he's anything but starving to

Cloudy Day Egg rocks and rolls down to hit against its clutchmate with an
audible crack.

Cloudy Day Egg breaks apart, shards falling about here and there and a
little blue hatchling ambles out. Only his whirling red eyes indicating
there's the slightest bit of turmoil in his otherwise placid demeanor.

Somehow heady mountain air - thick with an oncoming thunderstorm and vivid
in its fragrance - seems to linger in this blue's aura and, while he
doesn't actually give off any particular aroma, the mere suggestion is
enough to create the illusion. While not stocky or chubby, he's a solid lad
and seems to possess a sturdiness that comes from knowing he has muscle and
certain strength and quiet poise emanates from him. All manner and all
shades of blue cavort flippantly all along his body and, from a dark near
black coronet atop his head, splatter down his neck against his chest.
Wherever those blues don't touch, silvery, platinum, and snowy whites make
their marks - simple kisses and brushstrokes that illuminate large paws and
little spots under his belly and chin here and there, subtle yet undeniably

Fidelis blinks at the fish he finds suddenly in his hands. Well. They eat
fish, right? And he knows all about fish. Slack jawed, he starts stuffing
the little brown with fish.

Raider laughs heartily at Ullan's words, but the cooks are doing such a
thorough and helpful job off passing around nice, raw meat that he realizes
he's out of business. Can't outcompete altruism, nosiree. "Kid, you see how
they little things are bolting down food? They've spent a right long time
in the shell - I'd want food too! Here," he says, sticking the wherry out
to Ullan, "Go try it out. No charge."

K'tdan considers Kassima's question. "I've never had to name anything. I
think I'll wait to see what seems to fit." He casts a glance at his cousin
of sorts and grins. "'Rath would likely shoot the poor thing across the
bowl with a sneeze. And knowing 'Rath, it would be aimed at Bromith's ledge."

Ullan walks on the busy sands, among the throng of those who are trying to
lure the firelizards. The young man kneels down and smiles at those
remaining little critters, trying to come across as the friendly fellow he is.

Banain grabs the cooks attention and manages to score a few pieces of meat.
His eyebrows arch up high when he looks at the meat. "Wherry? Ovine?"
Shaking his head he pays attention to the clutch and watches with interest
as one of the eggs hatches. He waves his meat of unknown orgin as
temptingly as possible.

Ceryca flinches at the creel, giving that scrap of food a wiggle.
Continuing on conversational tones, she advises Arthen, "Now, a better plan
would be to find a green clutch. No metallics, but a lot better chance of
escaping unharmed." She looks towards the attentive mother firelizard.

Mellow Meadowsweet Blue Hatchling seems to take his time looking around,
even with wildly whirling red eyes. Life outside of the egg. Now this will
be interesting.

Brees laughs over at K'tdan. "Probably would be." She says before turning
to grin at Kassima and nods. "I suppose he's occasionally learned to other
thing besides flirt." She jokes then gives the greenrider's atire a look.
"That's a beautiful dress."

Catriona helped! Yay! She flashes bright grin at Fidelis, still watching
his progress with his new little friend, and continues to offer out fish.

Dendra smiles and spins around to show off the outfit. "You like it? I wore
it for a beach party at Igen, and decided to wear it here since it's
summer. Ista has plenty of flowers so I could make my necklace again." She
pats it and inhales deeply. "I just /love/ the way they smell." She finally
notices the Rider with Kassima found a new friend and offers her
congratulations to him as well as the young man who's feeding his brown
with his leg.

Yarrow Yokel Bronze Hatchling stumbles towards Catriona.

Griere has taken a seat on the sand, a good distance away from the clutch
and any chance of impressing. A good safe distance. She just watches the
young hatchlings and grimaces at all that slimey meat.

Hailstorm Egg shivers and shudders.

Hailstorm Egg cracks open, sending out a fine drizzle of shards, and a
pretty little green hatchling finds her way out into the world, eyes
whirling red.

Preening as if before a looking-glass, this green hatchling chitters at the
world around her in a cheerful tone. She seems to have a sweet personality
and is sure to be perfectly happy anywhere she goes including delivering
messages or running errands for her pet. Her hide is a variegated green,
looking not unlike a rind-fruit striped with lighter and darker bands. Her
snout and belly lighten to a pale, pale green that may even have the
slightest tinge of pink in it.

"Oh!" Catriona's eyes widen. Something's tugging at her fish! She's got a
bite! She turns that large gaze on the bronze before her, and beams at him.
"Aaaaw!" Indeed. She reaches out to scoop the little guy into her lap,
folding her legs up. Let the firelizard stuffing commence!

Ullan just sits there, smiling, very still so he won't scare the newborn
creatures. They just seem to amble around so peacefully and well... just
plain out cute.

Kharisma coughs to cover her laugh at the mental image. "I don't know
whether I'd pity the fire-lizard or Bromith more, in that event--depends I
guess on whether the 'lizard actually *hit* him. On the other hand, it'd
probably be better for the 'lizard if he hit something softer than a stone
wall." The hatchling blue and green distract her attention, however; she
scoots a bit closer, and dangles the meat-strip she's holding, watching the
little green foremost but flicking curious glances towards the blue too.

K'tdan moves closer to Kassima, Brees and Dendra, the little blue now sated
and sleeping in the crook of his arm. "See, Auntie. I'm not as bad as you'd
paint me to be with that broad brush of yours." A glance to Dendra, then a
smile. "My apologies to you, Craftmaster, for ducking out on our dance the
other night. My duties with the candidates gave me cause to leave your
wonderful company."

Windswept Egg begins to rock, knocking about its clutchmates. Tempest
chitters at the crowd imperiously. Hmm, perhaps there's something special
about this egg.

Windswept Egg splits apart fairly neatly and falls aside, revealing Pern's
newest firelizard queen with hungry eyes whirling red, demanding to be

This little queen's coloring looks very much like sweet pears served heated
and tender under a golden syrup of citrus juice, brandy and fresh cream.
Most of this beauty's hide is the deep blonde of the pear skin, while the
curve of her underbelly, throat and muzzle are the pale off-white of its
flesh. The semi-transparent sails of her fine wings reveal a deep burnished
gold that, when they are unfurled, look as if someone has poured a rich
brandy sauce all over them. Upon emerging from captivity, she holds her
slender wedge-shaped head high, her profile perfect as she graces the new
world around her with her attentions. Her sweet disposition and melodic
voice will surely make every day seem like a celebration to the human pet
she chooses to calm her whirling red eyes.

Banain smiles gently at the dainty little newly hatched greens. "Aw, what a
cute little things you are..." He says, now dropping down to the ground,
sitting as close as he can. Making a line of meat go towards him...maybe
it'll work.

Raider actually pays attention to the hatching now that he's swindled all
the marks he can manage. The food is flowing too freely. The Trader heads
on over to where Catriona, Arthen and Ceryca are, setting the picnic basked
down on the sand. "Ah! Miss Catti! A bronze? How..." Awkward looking.
"Here, have some more of your food." He holds out a wherry sandwich.

Ullan blinks at the egg that seems to have problems hatching. He smiles a
bit, encouraging the little thing to show itself "Go on little one... you
can do it, just a bit more... almost at the light"

Kassima suggests oh-so-brightly, "It should start with K. Then he'll have
good fortune... I think. I'm nay *sure* it works the same with
fire-lizards, but really, why shouldn't it?" After a moment spent watching
the hatchlings and those around them, she flashes Brees a grin. "Here's
hoping, since I'd nay want t'see the result of him trying t'flirt with
Thread. Thank you! 'Twill have t'tell m'cousin his work is so liked. I'm
fond of it m'self." She gives the skirts a reflexive twitch. Then, to
Dendra, "That *is* something I'm envious of: all the beautiful flowers
hereabouts. Are you going t'wear it to the next Craftmeeting, too?"

Precious Pear Gold Hatchling creels loudly, causing her clutchmates to
whirl about and pay attention to her. Yes, she's a queen from the very

Kaimi makes her way down to the beach, stopping once she reaches the black
sands to slide her feet free of her sandals, as is her usual habit.
Spotting the gathering she makes her way down to see what the fuss is all
about, "Good afternoon."

Fidelis snags food from the passing trays and stuffs the little brown until
it can hardly move. Then, at a loss for what to do next, he gently places
it in a pocket of his long vest.

Dendra smiles broadly and says, "It /is/ you! I thought you were the bronze
dragon's voice, but your mask hid your face so well I couldn't be sure."
She dimples at K'tdan and says, "I'll forgive you if you come visit me
another time. I'll be in our tent later today, but tomorrow I return to Igen."

Catriona is completely oblivious to the rest of the goings on, except for
when Raider addresses her. Oh, right. There's a bunch of people around her.
"How handsome? That's what you were going to say, right?" She beams at him,
then eyes that sandwich. "Oh, /Raider/," she gasps, "/Thank/ you for," and
her tone goes flat, "offering me some of my own food." She smirks.
"Although I /did/ bring it for the cause." Eyes shift to the hatchlings.
"Whatever that might be. Hey, why aren't /you/ trying for one?" Eyebrow
arches, and she continues to feed her little yokel. "If you got a female,
you'd have eggs of your own, you know." She knows how to play him, now.

K'tdan remembers now that the costume did an excellent job of hiding his
features. "The credit for the costume goes to Hannah, who was the matching
Gold. I will be sure to see you before you return, to be sure. And then
even when you are at Igen, should you have the time and be desirous of the
diversion." Another charming smile, then he waves to Kaimi. "A small
hatching," he explains to the Craftsecond, nodding to the sleeping blue in
his arms.

Mellow Meadowsweet Blue Hatchling warbles curiously toward her clutchmates
and then makes his way around the circle of humanpets, sniffing at each
offering. Very interesting.

Ceryca glances around and looks at Raider for a moment, before flashing a
smile at him, and leaning forward to snitch another meat scrap from where
an inattentive person dropped it. Now she has two pieces with which to
entice the creatures and she gives one a little wiggle.

Brees grins over at Kassima and shakes her head flipping a teasing smile
over towards K'tdan. "He's turning into a real family man." She tells her
fellow greenrider. "Well, maybe both that and Ista's biggest flirt in turns."

Sandwich gets passed over to Catriona, and Raider lifts an eyebrow. "This
is true!" He admits, a rarity at being shown a new option before he thought
of it. "I meant to Impress one... Miss Reye said they're right useful. But
I was a bit distracted making a few marks first..." Arthen snickers at his
cousin, but the big Trader ignores the amusement and pulls more food from
Catti's basket. Ooh, herdbeast steak. "I hope they like cooked food? You
packed well, Miss Catti."

Kharisma spares a moment to look over the queen--"She's lovely," the young
woman observes to no one in particular, "and loud." By and large, however,
her attention remains on the newborn green and blue for the nonce. Wiggling
the meat with one hand, keeping hold on the rest of her strips with the
other, she murmurs, "I hope I'm doing this right. I've *seen* it done a
dozen times, but I've never actually tried."

Banain raises his eyebrows as he watches the hatchlings. "What curious
creatures.." He says mouth curving into a much amused smile as he moves the
meat in one hand as the blue makes his rounds.

Ullan lays his hand flat on the sand, so that the newborns can come and
sniff it, without scaring them or flapping morsels of food into their newly
born faces.

Mellow Meadowsweet Blue Hatchling continues to sniff the air and then
notices something wiggling. How fun! *sniff* Smells good too! He moves a
bit closer to Kharisma to investigate more closely.

Kassima widens her eyes in exaggerated fashion. "A *family man*? Kat? And
you don't speak in jest?" Pressing one hand to her heart as though in
shock, she laughs. "Never thought I'd see the day, but 'twas pleased t'hear
of his good fortune in being a father-t'be. I'm surprised 'tis *Cav's* son
being the biggest flirt in Turns--'twas sure the title would go t'one of

Refreshing Rind-Fruit Green Hatchling works her way around the circle in a
fairly non-scientific fashion, popping around from smell to smell, her eyes
whirling but not really focusing just yet.

Catriona watches the trader from the corner of her eye, though this means
she's paused in feeding, and that's no good for little bronzeling. He
creels, demanding more attention, which she's only too happy to give. She's
run out of the fish, so that sandwich really does come in handy.
"Impressing a little gold would mean more color options with the eggs, like
Ceryca mentioned earlier." Yes, she was listening. "But a green can still
produce everything but gold, if the match is right." She's smiles. "I
always try to include some variety in life. Same with food."

Kaimi makes her way over as K'tdan catches her attention and pauses to see
the little blue first, "They are so cute when they are little.. I do hope
your ready for some nights of infrequent sleep with him wanting to be fed?"
Oh, yes, she can't help but tease before she smiles and nods, to Kassima
and Dendra as well, "And how is everyone today?"

Ullan realises he still has that smell from the Candidate's quarters on his
clothes and that's probably not doing much to improve his chances. Really
too bad, they all look like they could use a cuddle.

Banain nearly drops his piece of meat, but manages a save before it goes
into the sand. "That wouldn't have been good..." He says to himself. And
then his eye is caught by that little green again. "Hi there.." He says
softly..since..well that hatchling probably isn't listening to him talk to

Kharisma bites at her lower lip when the blue approaches, and gives her
meat another wiggle. Wiggle, jiggle, jump! If dancing food interests
hatchlings, she's certainly willing to provide it. "If you'd prefer fish,
I've some of that at home," quite as if he or any of his sibs might
understand her. "Better meat, too. I'm afraid this got a bit squished; it
was supposed to be our lunch, you see."

Dendra waves to Kaimi and Brees. "K'tdan's a big flirt? No wonder I like
him so much." To the rider in question she says, "I will find the time
should you happen to visit. I have a new apprentice to help out with
breakfast duty, which leaves me with mornings free again."

Mellow Meadowsweet Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Kharisma.

Ceryca looks around. "I've never seen a green hatch out a bronze, no matter
who her mate," she remarks, giving those bits of meat another waggle while
she's looking to Catriona. She shoots a quick look towards the remaining
hatchlings and bites her lower lip.

Refreshing Rind-Fruit Green Hatchling stops short someplace between Ullan
and Banain, sniffing the air between them in turn.

A young boy dashes out of the forests, kicking off his small sandles. His
eyes open wide as he looks over the crowd gathered. Reynte clutches the
small lunch his mother gave him, walking forward at a more sedate pace.

Arrhian walks down the high plateau, and arrives down on the beach after
long minutes of hiking.

Brees waves back to Dendra and nods her head with a laugh then smiles over
at Kaimi. "I'm doing well. How're you?" She turns to grin over to Kassima
and nods with a grin. "I'd blame it on Faorath, but he was like that before
he impressed." She says as if she's not standing right by him.

Ullan watches the hatchling and really smiles now, speaking to it "Hey
there little one. Don't be scared, nobody here is going to hurt you. Just
want to give you a home, that's all"

Raider listens to Catriona's explanation of clutch dynamics with a keen
expression, and then turns to Ceryca in turn. "They're right small, those
little greens. I'd wonder how they'd birth a bronze!" Or wait, they come
from eggs. The roast heardbeast steak is carefully torn into three peices,
and one offered out towards the clutch of hatchlings, the other two resting
back in his lap.

Kassima comments, deadpan and straight-faced, "Mayhaps you should have him
painted on your cheek sometime, Dendra. The whole dancing in a loincloth
bit might even suit him." Mmm-hmm. She nods amiably to Kaimi in return,
answering, "Well enough, thankee--keeping clear of the hatchlings! But
they're handsome creatures from what I've seen. Yourself? --Oh, believe me,
I know," she adds to Brees, amused. "I knew him as a child, after all.
Which means I have all *sorts* of embarrassing stories."

Frothy Rapids Egg begins to rock and shudder.

Frothy Rapids Egg explodes in a flurry of shards, and a little brown
hatchling bursts out creeling in a voice grating enough to peel paint, red
eyes whirling furiously.

Instantaneously irritating, this little brown is not just bothersome, he's
well - the wave of frustration when pricked with needlethorn? That's him.
This long-limbed firelizard is brown, just brown, with barely a fluctuation
or shift in color, except for that creamy cappuccino stripe that flows from
between headknobs of the same color, down his neck and across his back,
highlighting upraised spine above well-rounded, nearly pudgy middle. As if
in warning to his rather repellant nature, a trace of hatch marks, nothing
more then tiny pinpricks of darker brown overtop his other color, blanket
his hide - as if a thin coat of fuzz one might expect to feel should they
'pet' him. His spiky eyeridges, talons that seem much too sharp, and a tail
that looks like a weapon, make petting him an idea that won't last too long
in the minds of most, however.

K'tdan looks very smug at Dendra's comments. He then takes note of
Kharisma's impression and grins. "Hey, Khari, we have blues together.
Wonder if that's some sort of sign?" He waggles his brows teasingly at the
woman. Back to Kaimi, he chuckles. "I'm used to nights of little sleep,
this is true."

Banain stops talking to himself long enough to place the little bit of meat
more at level with the 'lizard. "It's alright little one.." he murmurs
giving the boy next to him a nod.

Arrhian waves and plops herself down on the sand with a groan, peering over
at the firelizard clutch that everyone is clustered round. "Oh shards. For
a moment I though it was one of Xanadu's but I've never actually seen a
clutch of hers yet, she always takes them off and hides them somewhere."

Reynte peers around, confusing in his hazel eyes. "Excuse me" he says to no
one in particular. "What is happening?"

Precious Pear Gold Hatchling creels loudly at Reynte's question. What,
indeed! She has arrived on Pern! Bow down and pay her attention!

Ceryca rolls her eyes towards that brown. "He looks like more trouble than
he's worth," she mutters. Of course, the gold seems rather demanding as
well, but she still keeps an eye on the creeling young queen as she nudges
one of the two bits of meat a little bit closer.

Kaimi smiles as she replies, "Oh I'm doing quite well. It's amazing how a
gather actually lightens the work load in the kitchens here. At least that
which I need to oversee. And yeas, I think I'll stay back here as well. I
have a pair of winged friends already." To K'tdan she winks, "This does not
surprise me, I confess."

His eyes bare a striking reselmblance to dinner plates as Reynte looks down
at the little hatchling. "Oh?" He looks at the lunch he carries. "Are you
hungry?" Kneeling down in the dark sand, Reynte tentatively offers her half
a meatroll.

By this time, Griere's become distracted and instead of really watching the
hatching, she begins to wander over along the surf, letting the waves just
barely reach her feet. She still glances clutchwards once in a while.

Kharisma exhales softly in a sigh of wonder, coaxing the little blue up
into her hand and backing carefully away. "You lovely thing... here, now,
don't creel like that, I have more meat! Just let me--ouch--get it--" She
frees another strip to feed him before offering K'tdan a smile. "Well, but
not as much of a sign as if they were compatible colors, no? I don't think
this little lad will be rising for yours to chase any time soon." It's just
as well the lad in question is too busy stuffing his face to take in that

Nettlesome Needlethorn Brown Hatchling *creeeeeels* in a whine that gives
the listener the urge to rip his or her ears off. He looks out at the
crowd, stumbling toward his clutchmate to nip the green's swaying tail

Ullan almost smiles, speaking over to the little green "Don't worry little
one. No matter who you choose, nobody is going to be upset, and you'll get
a good home"

The creel pierces Raider's ears, and he shoots a look at the gold
hatchling. "Shells kid, you've got a right big set of lungs on you! Someone
best put something in her mouth before she does it again." He sticks out
part of the herdbeast steak. And then her brother does it too. Eyes narrow
on the brown. "That one too."

Banain eyes the new brown. The piece of meat still in his hand. "Well now
that wasn't very nice." He says and then looking back at the green nods in
agreement with Ullan. "That's right it's alright.. and no one will let that
scary little brown get you either." He says with an amused glint in his eye
as the browns creel nearly knocks his ears off.

Refreshing Rind-Fruit Green Hatchling doesn't seem the least perturbed by
the nip to her tail and merely curls it around her as she becomes
distracted by the smell of meatroll.

Fidelis pulls his boot back on and rises to his feet. Looking just a bit
ashamed of himself, he shuffles off back to the plateau and the work that
awaits him in the caverns. Nope, he really shouldn't have been here. And
now he has a little brown critter to deal with.

Sighing, Reynte empties the pouch of his entire lunch, hoping to appease
the little gold's hunger.

Kassima, for her part, aims an elbow towards Kat's ribs. Gently. "Could you
refrain from wiggling eyebrows at m'daughter with me *right here*,
incorrigible creature?" Her grin towards her daughter is pleased. "He's
beautiful, Khari. I look forward t'hearing what you name him. Is it because
other Bakers come t'pitch in with the feast and what-all?" she asks Kaimi,
sounding sincerely curious. "And everyone's off eating the Gather food
instead of the regular?"

Precious Pear Gold Hatchling chides the brown for tormenting his sister and
then flutters her new wings experimentally, taking the green's place
between Ullan and Banain to investigate the situation more closely as her
docile clutchmate moves closer to Reynte.

Ceryca notices Ullan across the gathering. "You might want to get some
meat," she suggests to the boy. "They don't Impress without food."

K'tdan oofs at the rib nudge. "Well, Auntie, it is only playful teasing. I
mean, I've known Khari *forever*. It isn't the same as other ladies I've
known." A casual glance at Brees and Kaimi, his pale eyes then falling to
Dendra. "Mornings? I'm sure my schedule will allow for that. Assuming the
candidates don't decide to try to sneak onto the sands or something."

Aerilyn walks quietly, alone...though a bronze rider can be seen winging it
off again after dropping her off

Reynte blinks for a moment, offering out all of the meal his mother packed.
"She's going to kill me..." he laughed, but the boy's attention was help
fully by the little hatchlings before him.

"How do I get them to come over here?" Raider asks, for once not in control
of a situation and looking rather perturbed by it. He holds out the piece
of steak even farther over the egg shards. He tries whistling like one
would when coaxing a runnerbeast.

Brees grins over at K'tdan and winks. "That's what Mirrari and Belanca are
for then right?" She jokes turning to look about the beach. Aerilyn is
spotted, and Brees waves over calling out to her over the crowd with the
ability to be heard learned from being a weyrlingmaster. "Aeri! Good

Ullan looks over his shoulder to Ceryca "So I've been told, but I don't
really want to push them into something." His attention returns to the
newborn firelizards "C'mon little ones. We just want to take care of you,
there's nothing to worry about"

Refreshing Rind-Fruit Green Hatchling warbles pleasantly in Reynte's
general direction even though her eyes are whirling at a faster and faster
pace. She really does have a refreshing disposition, especially when
compare with her grating brown brother.

Aerilyn waves to Brees as she wanders over. Watching the hatching and just
checking the scene out.

Banain smiles at the gold that's now investigating also. "Hello to you
too.." He greets showing the curious gold that what he has is food. Nice
tasty meat! His eyes flicker across to the other hatchlings including them
in his next statement. "You little ones are safe..no worries.."

Reynte chuckles to himself at the little green. "Yes that's it," he cheers
quietly. "I have food!." He waves the small bit of meat that was meant to
be his lunch.

Refreshing Rind-Fruit Green Hatchling stumbles towards Reynte.

"Both those things in fact. We've had some wonderful extra help and the
draw of treats from the tents." Kaimi replies to Kassi, then she arches one
eyebrow back at K'tdan and gives a crooked smile and a small shake of her
head, "It's a wonder you have any spare time..."

Arrhian leans across the circle to offer Ullan a rather battered
half-meatroll. "Here Ull, want this? I brought it out for my three, but
they've all vanished off somewhere. I haven't seen them all day."

Catriona smirks at Raider, nudging him in the side. "You don't /get them/
to come over. Coax them. Try to seem as undeniable as possible to them. And
make your offering look tempting." She shrugs. "Attract their attention." A
pause. "Pretend like they're customers." Oh, mwahaha.

Fidelis walks up the long winding path to the top of the plateau.

Precious Pear Gold Hatchling noses up toward the hand holding a meatroll,
nipping at it before it hands the food off.

Kharisma overhears this and drops all dignity long enough to stick her
tongue out at K'tdan. "Sure, sure, Cousin. You've known me forever, so you
can not only tease me with impunity but you never even *mean* it! I'd sigh
and languish or something, if it wouldn't jostle Aiken." She rubs her blue
hatchling's tiny eyeridges. He cranes his neck and attempts to lick any
lingering meat juice from her finger.

Aerilyn's lips curve in thought. She snags some raw meat and settles down
by the others trying to attract attention. Who cares if her dress gets
dirty. A soft warm laugh rises up and she holds out a strip of meat,
wiggling it as she watches...gotta try her luck.

Ceryca shakes her head slightly at Ullan's reply. "His loss," she mutters.
Then with a sigh towards Raider. "Chance? Whistling might do it, but it's
hard to say, really. I've never had one before, so I'm clearly doing
something wrong," she points out, waving the unclaimed meat demonstratively.

Brees separates herself from the group teasing K'tdan and makes her way
over towards Aerilyn to grin over at the other woman. "Going to try your
luck?" She asks over.

Nettlesome Needlethorn Brown Hatchling seems to enjoy being contrary and,
just to prove Ceryca wrong, strides over toward her, creeling loudly..*eek
will somebody shut that brown /up/!?*

Arthen nudges Ceryca, the teen whispering a laughing: "I've seen Arrhian
with a gold of her own. Think they'd get jealous if this one took to her
too? Do fire lizards get jealous?" Raider nods to the directions of the two
girls, and puts on a big smile instead of that uncertain look he was
wearing. "Got some nice, juicy steak right over here... Lots of it. Good to
fill your bellows with!" Ahem. A slip of the tongue there as the brown
creels again?

"Brees!" a warm grin splits Aeri's face at the woman's approach and she
nods, "Whisper's off tormenting Lee for the day." she shakes her head with
a laugh, "And that gold is stunning. I couldn't resist." cheeks flush,
"She's so precious...so absolutely beautiful."

Ullan smiles and accepts Arrhian's gift "Thank you. Maybe if I just feed
the poor hungry things, they know which one to choose... not me, or
anything, but someone, anyone". He offers the meatroll to whomever wants to
have a bite first "One at a time, little ones"

Kassima ignores Khari's retort in favor of saying, primly, "It had *better*
be different. I mean, given givens, wouldn't that practically be incest?"
The greenrider nods thoughtfully to Kaimi. "I plan t'take a peek at the
treats in the tent m'self, later, in case there's aught with berries or
mushrooms in it." Pause. "That little brown over there is vocal, isn't he?

Banain allows the food to be taken out of his hand. And then reaches down
to get another piece of meat. Holding his breath he keeps the meat held
out..just in case she might want some more.

Reynte scoops the little green into his arms, giving her another bit of
meat. "Now," he says to her. "How am I going to explain you to mother?" The
darling green gulps down the meat quickly, reguarding Reynte with expectant

K'tdan has had a lifetime of teasing his life choices, so he stands up well
to it. That doesn't mean he won't return a barb when appropriate. "You
could use with a good languishing, Khari," he says to the woman. He then
steps away from elbow range of Kassima. "Really now, Auntie."

Precious Pear Gold Hatchling looks between Banain and Ullan with large eyes
once again. That was good...now where did it come from?

Ceryca snatches her meat back quickly, eyeing the obnoxious creature. "No,
not you," she informs the hatchling with a frown. "You've already given me
a headache. Go Impress to that one, he's even got meat, now," she says,
shooing a little with her hands, though not near enough to scare the young
firelizard. "Yeah, they'll get jealous. One might go wild. I've seen that
happen, too."

Dendra chuckles to K'tdan and says, "I never tried to slip onto the Sands,
but I did help create our own 'eggs' in the bowl. Paint does disguise rocks
amazingly well." To Kassima she says, "I know there are blueberry bubblies
in the tent, and I think Katerin made some muchroom and ovine stew. And I
could roast some mushroom caps for you quickly enough."

Brees nods her head looking out at the firelizards. "They're all beautiful.
I'd try for one myself, but I don't need a baby firelizard this close
before a baby human. How are things going?" She asks down.

Nettlesome Needlethorn Brown Hatchling doesn't seem impressed with Ceryca's
efforts to shoo him away. As the meat moves back, he flaps his wings, to no
avail, although the movement does serve to splatter egg goo all over the

Banain holds out his meat. "That's right this is good food. No one would
ever dare give you something bad." He says with assurance, trying to sound
as friendly as possible.

Arrhian yawns slightly and leans closer to Cationa. "How long has this
Hatching been going on? I just wandered up here to see what was left of the
Gather, and suddenly saw everyone in a cluster so I came over to see what
was happening."

Kharisma slants K'tdan a sidelong look, amber eyes gleaming with clear
amusement. "Somehow I wonder if what you mean by 'languishing' is the same
as what I meant. Either way, Cousin--not in front of the *hatchlings*! I
mean, honestly!"

Aerilyn shrugs softly as she wiggles the meat again, "Its....alright Brees.
I just spent 3 weeks at Fort..and I'm sleeping in my old room but
we're....ok." Tone is faintly bittersweet as she laughs softly,
"Goodness..that one is ornery. Whisper was the same way." she gives a faint
purr as she sprawls on the ground...getting down to eye level with the

"Still more?" He asks, bending down to his spilled lunch with a wince at
the horrible sound coming from the little brown. "Well you're much
quieter," he says as the green munches away at a meat roll. "Like a
breeze... a Zephyr." He says.

K'tdan laughs at his, for lack of better term, foster cousin. "Point taken,
Khari. Point taken." He turns back to the women in his small group. "So,
are we talking about returning to the Gather proper to seek out refreshment
before my pour Auntie here collapses from the heat and malnourishment?"

Catriona beams up at Arrhian, from her place crosslegged on the sand, a
little ways away from the eggs and such. Slipping her fingers under the
little bronze hatchling's forelegs, she holds him up for Arrhian to see. "I
got one!" Beam. "I haven't decided what to name him yet. Hm. Oh, but it's
been going on for a bit, now. Haven't been paying much attention to the
time." She smiles sheepishly.

"Dendra would have the treats better scoped out than I. She's spent far
more time in the gather tents. I've mostly been keeping the weyr kitchens
and stores in tacked wit the influx." Kai gives a wink then turns an eye to
see whom else might have found friends, though she doesn't move away from
the others herself.

Arrhian chuckles softly and admires the tiny bronzeling. "He's beautiful,
Cat, Well, if you didn't have enough to keep you busy up to now, you
definitely do now. Tiny tummy with an insatiable mouth attached."

Kassima doesn't elbow K'tdan this time. Instead, she elbows Kharisma.
Completely ignoring the woman's startled oof, she turns to say to Dendra,
delighted, "That sounds *magnificent*--bubblies, stew, and caps, but don't
go to any trouble on my account. You can trust 'twill find *something* to
m'taste any road. This bairn's nay as picky as some of her siblings were.
Mind you, if I could just find someone who was willing to make mushrooms
stuffed with berry jam and garnished with tomato sauce for me... but do you
know, none of the cooks I've asked at Telgar will do it? I can't imagine
why. Let me shamelessly confess, Kat, that I'm all for this idea... oh,
a'course," she trails off to agree with Kaimi, nodding. "For the
Candidates? Sounds like an adventure in itself."

Tropic Breeze Egg rocks and shudders

Tropic Breeze Egg breaks apart slowly but surely as its dainty green
inhabitant cautiously pokes her way through the shell, eyes whirling red.

Soft shades of cloudy mossy green copiously coat the hide of this tiny
lady, darker in places where shadows creep, like beneath her belly and
along the underside of her neck and oh-so-lean tail. Lanky could describe
her, if she wasn't so delicate and graceful at the same time - lissome
might be better, what with her thin limbs and small, well-shaped head. The
elongated length of her body from snout to spaded tail tip alone is enough
to lend fluid movement. Fragile wings are like finest lace, veins and bones
seemingly etched with a fine point of some sort, and though they seem so
breakable as to hardly look capable of flight, they will serve their
purpose well and she will be even more graceful in the air than on the ground.

Ullan holds out the meat roll to the gold hatchling "Hungry? You can have
some, if you really want some. You wouldn't even have to come with me, just
have a snack"

Precious Pear Gold Hatchling stumbles towards Banain.

Brees nods her head. "Well, you're welcome to come visit here any time
you'd like to get away, Aeri. I'm sure the girls would love to see you."
Brees looks over at the newest hatchling and points. "That one is adorable.
Of course, I'm partial to greens."

Raider turns away from the hatchlings, steak still out there in the flat of
his hand, like he's showing off a piece of jewelry. It's habit. A
white-toothed grin flashes at Catriona, "You did get one, so you needn't
really wory about the rest of the hatching, right?" The meat is waved over
towards the brown, just in case Ceryca can get rid of it. Noting that the
gold seemed to pay attention to the two friendly boys down the way, he
looks embarrased a moment, and then coos: "Here kids, come and get some food."

Dendra asks Kaimi, "Is Ista all right on supplies? If you need extra
staples we can have them sent from the Training Center to tide you over
until the next tithe."

Nettlesome Needlethorn Brown Hatchling lets out another ear-splitting cry,
causing his sister to hide under a large shard.

When the brown doesn't back off, Ceryca next tries to put her meat into
Arthen's hands. "Here," she says hastily. "See, I'm giving my meat away. No
more meat," she tries to convince the hatchling.

Aerilyn hrms softly, "I wonder if Whisper would like her.." she grins, "he
needs a playmate. He's been lonely lately." she eyes the newest arrival
with a laugh, "And yes...she's darlng too." she wiggles the strip of meat
in her fingers, "I stayed with P'ter for a while but I'll come down and
visit you too ok Brees?"

Rocky Coast Egg seems to take /forever/ to hatch. Peck peck peck *rest*.
Peck peck peck *rest*. /Finally/ the egg seems to split and sort of cave in
on itself, releasing a sluggish little blue hatchling with whirling red
eyes from its grasp.

The murky depths of ocean waters seen at nighttime, almost fathomless with
a hint of hazy blue - that's this blue's claim. Muddy hints of cerulean
laced with moonless pitch sloppily decorate his form, lethargic as he is,
what with his slow movements and lazy croons that carry on as if he hasn't
the energy to stop the noises. Traces of dirty green with faint smudges of
brown outline short, but not stubby, limbs, thick tail and neck, and
drooping head. Talons seem dull, capped with dark brown and gleaming
unenthusiastically with a dull gloss. Wings are overlarge and a constant
source of clumsiness, as he tends to trip over them and go tumbling without
even trying to stop himself - and their sails are obscure, like a glow seen
through thick glass.

Catriona just continues to beam up at Arrhian. "I know! He's so shiny!" Oh.
"I know. He's gonna need oil all the time, to /keep/ him shiny." She sighs,
shrugs, and cuddles little bronze firelizard. "Help me come up with a name
later? I'm terrible at naming." She turns a curious look on Raider, one
eyebrow lifted. "Um. I suppose that's true. I don't need to worry about the
rest." Small smile.

As he cradles the still feasting green to his chest, realizing how many of
the people here are from the Weyr. Certainly, he was used to seeing riders
around, but as any little boy would, Reynte looks down a little, distancing
himself from all the older people.

Banain nearly, alright he does drop it this time. When the gold sniffs but
doesn't take the meat he laughs softly, picking out a fresher batch of meat
from one of the cooks that walks around. "See the good stuff." He says with
a nod.

Sluggish Seaweed Blue Hatchling peeks out from behind the shard to look out
at the crowd and then pulls back in again as her blue brother makes his

Ullan is a bit disappointed that the gold doesn't seem to want what he
offers and shakes his head "I hope you'll be happy, little one..."

Arrhian considers. "I named my little bronze Kubla, but that was for no
particular reason, just because I liked the sound if it. She peers closed
at the hatchling. "What sort of names do you like. Descriptive? Nice sound?
Funny? I remember someone with two blues called Trouble and Strife -
problem was, they rather lived up to the names."

Apprehensive Asparagus Green Hatchling peeks out from behind the shard to
look out at the crowd and then pulls back in again as her blue brother
makes his appearance. <correction>

Sluggish Seaweed Blue Hatchling stumbles forward, sort of slowly rolling
toward the wiggling offerings all around him. He doesn't seem to be in any
hurry, however. Or if he is, he's very bad at it.

Raider can't quite bring himself to wiggle the meat in that silly fashion
everyone else was, but then again, maybe it's less frightening, lying flat
in his hand like that. "You could name him after a fish, since that's what
helped catch him," Raider says, modulating his baritone into a pleasant
rumble. The cooing was too much. Arthen eagerly takes Ceryca's meat, though
he's still sitting next to the girl, so that might not help move the brown
away very well.

"Hm. Well... oh!" Catriona's eyes light up, and she squeaks. "What about
Roux? Like... Roo." Like, totally Roux. "R-o-u-x. I like it. Sounds...
scalliwag-ish." And it doesn't fit her awkward little yokel hatchling at
all. But hey. What can ya do? She grins at Raider. "Fish? Hm. Maybe..."
More consideration.

Nettlesome Needlethorn Brown Hatchling CREEELS loudly and *snaps* at the
meat in Arthen's hand, then levels his whirling eyes on the boy's
companion. Oh, he knows where that meat came from, alright. He may be
annoying, but he's not /stupid/!

Brees nods her head over at Aerilyn. "Alright. You'll have to come down to
visit to see the new babies when they're born anyway, right?" She says
lightly then looks out and nods her head. "I bet he would. She doesn't
really look like the type that would try to boss him around."

His shyness overcome for a moment, Reynte laughs a the funny looking blue.
"My, that one's a little odd," he comments to Zephyr. "And not a pretty as
you." The green makes a muffled cooing noice around the meat roll stuffed
into her mouth.

Nettlesome Needlethorn Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Ceryca.

Aerilyn nods and grins up at Brees. "She'd be the perfect lady for him.' a
laughs comes softly, but warm and pleasant, "I may come stay for a couple
sevendays. Things are mostly quiet with my duties anyways." she wiggles
that meat towards the little green hatchling, purring and crooning lowly to
sooth it.

Kaimi says "I think were doing well enough, for now. I lay in extra's
before we got started, but there are a few things that might be getting in
shorter supply than I'd expected. I'll have a full inventory run after the
gather of course." She tells Dendra, then her gaze goes to the disappearing
clutch, "Looks like most of them have found friends now."

Arrhian giggles. "Well, I always thought that Roux was a Bakercraft term.
So as long as you don't mind your little hatchling going around with a name
that makes him sound like you should cook him....Mind you, everyone will
think he's called Roo, so you'll probably get away with it.

Ullan looks at the chubby blue, smiling "My, you're a friendly one aren't
you? Hungry little guy? Don't be scared"

Sluggish Seaweed Blue Hatchling looks over at the hand closest to him and
barely moves a muscle as he turns his head to lazily chomp on the offering.

Sluggish Seaweed Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Ullan.

Griere glances over just in time to see Ceryca impress the little brown.
She doesn't say anything, but she definately wears an 'I told you so'
expression as she wanders a safe distance from the clutch.

Kharisma finally finishes stuffing Aiken's belly full, and moves him from
her hand up onto her shoulder while he's too bloated to protest. "This is
the best Turnday present I've ever had, I think," she observes to no one in
particular, earning a smile from her mother. "Even if it's a few days late.
The whole clutch was lovely... I'm not sure I envy the girl that loud
brown's eyeing, though."

Dendra points to the blue and the green still staggering around. "Two still
to go, but I don't see any more intact eggs in the clutch." Just as she
says that, the blue chooses a human.

Tempest warbles encouragingly to the last little hatchling. The green turns
her head toward her dam, looking as if she's almost more likely to Impress
to her own mother rather than face the scary crowd around her.

Ceryca gives up and scoops brown firelizard up while he makes obnoxious
screeching noises. "Shut up," she tells him crossly, rolling her eyes
towards Arthen before looking around. "/Now/ I need food, or he'll never be
quiet." The creature trills loudly again, as though to underscore the

Aerilyn aws softly, a little murmur from Aeri then, "Come on little
darling...you can do this....we're all nice....lots of food for yout oo..."
she must sound like a total goof as the murmurs to the new little green,
still down at eye level...less threatening she hopes.

Kassima nods agreement with these various sentiments. "Pretty green; I
wonder who she'll choose? Nay that I know any of the ones who look t'be
left trying from a talon on Faranth's right fore."

Raider laughs, and then quickly passes one of his pieces of steak over to
Ceryca. "Here, keep that mouth of his full. Please." Since he seems to be
accepting food from the girl. Arthen looks crestfallen, but Raider turns
his coaxing smile to the green like she's his new best customer. Meat lies
flat there in his palm, not moving, not scary.

Brees grins over at Aerilyn watching her trying to coax the little
hatchling then nods her head. "We'll look forward to seeing you at some
point then."

Ullan gently lifts up the sluggish blue, smiling and cuddling the little
thing while feeding him the meat roll "There little fellow. Hungry? I'll
feed you, don't worry. And we'll keep you nice and safe, you'll see"

Melata walks down the high plateau, and arrives down on the beach after
long minutes of hiking.

Apprehensive Asparagus Green Hatchling jumps a bit even at her mother's
warbling and backs up, just past the edge of the shards. *sniff* *sniff*
What is that smell?

Aerilyn nods, "Not gonna stay and cheer me on Brees? Lee will love me
bringing home a green if I impress her." a soft laugh and another smile,
"thats it little one....we're all nice..." she murmurs for the little
Asparagus Green

Arrhian smiles across to Ullan. "That does it - shall I just ask someone in
the kitchens to send all the meat scraps directly over to the candidate
barracks? It sounds like half the class have just acquired new mouths to
feed. What are you going to call him?"

Banain smiles and picks up the pretty gold, allowing her to settle into his
lap. All the while she takes with delicate care the pieces of meat that is
offered to her. "Okay..So Rosi and B'rel were right..this /was/ a good
idea." He says to his new friend.

Kaimi chuckles, "Doesn't look much like she'll be choosing anyone anytime
soon so far. She's sure shyer than the rest of the lot. Or should I say
skittish?" The last added as the little green jumps.

Ullan blinks at Arrhian "I'm not sure... really. I didn't expect to impress
one, honest. Do you have a few suggestions for me?"

Reynte smiles down at the little green in his arms, her belly bloated and
eyes whirling happily. "How am I going to explain you to mother," he
wonders cheerfully.

Brees laughs. "Lee would get over it, I'm sure. And I'll stay around long
enough to see who that cute little one finally gets up the nerve to go to
at least."

Mmm, fresh roast herdbeast steak. Lying right there for the taking. Raider
himself may be a big, looming sort, but at least that means he could
protect her from the wide, scary world. Look, even his shadow seems big
enough to hide in! "Shhh," he soothes at her jumping. "It's okay."

Ceryca accepts the steak from Raider, offering pieces to the firelizard,
who promptly quiets down to feed voraciously. She sighs and only then
spares breath to thank the Trader for the meat.

Aerilyn ohs softly and nods. "look..." she holds her hand up for Brees to
see the ring on her hand.

Arrhian laughs. "Well, I'd better ask you the same question I just asked
Cat. What sort of names do you like? Descriptive, nice sound, funny? But
really - he's your new friend, you ought to be the one to choose the name."

Apprehensive Asparagus Green Hatchling jumps a little bit at all the noise
around her and lands in what seems to be a big, protective shadow. Perhaps
she can hide in here...*sniff sniff* Food! Her eyes whirl quickly and the
herdbeast in Raider's hand disappears.

Apprehensive Asparagus Green Hatchling stumbles towards Raider.

Kassima clicks her tongue softly, watching the green. "'Tis so. 'Tis
interesting--I've known a few shy fire-lizards, and most of them by a nay
inconsiderable margin were greens. Those that weren't, were usually blues.
M'youngest daughter's bronze is the only shy bronze I can recall seeing. I
hope this particular lady finds someone who doesn't make her nervous... ah,
there, it looks as if'n she has."

Public announcement: Melata announces "Everyone! The sand sculpture contest
will be judged in about one hour...but there are very few entries yet!
Please come to the Craft Celebration and build - you or your firelizard - a
hold or pile of sand of your own. All you need to do is @tel #522 or +go
ista-beach and look at the sandbox. Judging at 2 PST / 5 EST."

Dendra chuckles and says, "Well, he didn't make many marks selling meat
scraps but at least he's not leaving empty-handed."

Brees looks down at the ring Aerilyn is showing her and smiles. "That's a
beautiful ring, Aeri. Is it new?"

Aerilyn nods, "A gift from Lee...." she colors fiercely, "Even with our
troubles..he's a sweet heart

Lorany walks down the high plateau, and arrives down on the beach after
long minutes of hiking.

Branagh bursts from /between/ and chitters excitedly at Dendra. She murmurs
her excuses to Kassima and Kaimi before taking off for the Baker tent and
the customer waiting inside.

Lorany says "I didn't miss it?"

Dendra walks up the long winding path to the top of the plateau.

Tempest seems to have lost interest in the hatching now and flutters up to
her humanpet.

Ullan looks at the chubby blue "Murkey? Has a ring to it, don't you think?
I mean, he seems friendly..."

Near where the docks stretch out into the bay, a covered beach bar is
suspended above the waters of the harbour.

Lorany dashes onto the beach, sand scattering in her wake. "They kept me!"
she squeaks, skidding to a halt near the little queen and the gathered
people, "one of the traders' families thought I was there's and..." She
then notices just who she's with and shuts her mouth.

Banain settles more into the sand with the gold in his lap. "That's right
go to sleep not darling.. I'll have more food later." He says as she falls
off to sleep, full and content.

Catriona continues to cuddle her little friend, murmuring things to him and
stroking a fingertip down his neck, his spine, and the length of his tail.
"Such a pretty boy." Movement attracts her attention to Raider, and she
grins. "Oh, look at that!" Beam. "I didn't know Roux is a baking term...
thing. What's it mean?" No doubt she'll still use it, no matter what.

Griere moves to Ceryca's side, "You should probably get him all oiled up
before he finds another reason to start creeling again. My mother has
plenty of stuff we could use," she suggests quietly.

Hannah walks up the long winding path to the top of the plateau.

Brees smiles over at Aerilyn and nods. "He can be when he wants to." She
says smiling over at Raider and the shy little green with a soft laugh.

Kassima comments, turning away from the clutch now that only shards remain,
"I have t'be admiring the mind that would try t'squeeze marks out of a
fire-lizard Hatching in a way that doesn't involve betting at all. 'Tis a
new scheme on me--and 'twill nay be half surprised if'n K'tdan ends up
trying it sometime, though methinks he'd prefer t'gamble."

Arrhian chuckles and nods. "I like it, Ullan. Different. Has a ring to it."
She yawns again. "Roux? Mixture of fat and flour. Basis for a sauce. I
actually thought of apprenticing once to the Craft, but I wouldn't have had
the patience for it."

Ceryca stands carefully, trying to avoid disturbing the gorging hatchling
as she does so. "Roux is a that fat-and-flour mixture they use in sauces,"
she informs Catriona. She turns then towards Griere, and shrugs. "So does
mine. I'm sure Rahth won't mind if I use some of it."

Ullan overhears part of that "Roux is what makes a sauce, really. Goes
great with fish"

Raider isn't about to take chances with the skittish little green, and
quickly curls him in close to himself as the tiny thing climbs onto his
hand to eat the herdbeast. Curled in close, she can't even see the chaos on
the beach, and it's probably better that way. "Hey, goes great with fish,
hear that Catti?" He winks at the girl with the bronze.

Kaimi waves after Dendra as she moves off and laughs lightly at Kassi's
comment, "I get the feeling I'm learning more about K'tdan this gather than
I have in the turns he's been here at Ista."

Aerilyn nods easily at Brees. She gets to her feet and smoothes her clothes
with one hand, dusting them off.

Raider hears a bit of complementing going on behind him, and turns about to
flash a brash grin at Kassima. "Always a way to turn a mark if you look."

Griere starts towards the Weyr proper and pauses, "Did you want me to get
you a drink?" she asks Ceryca with a tip of her head towards the Sandbar.

Lorany looks from person to person, admiring what she can see of the
adorable hatchling lizards. "Blast that trader... whoever he was, didn't
know his own /children/... hmmm," she muses, azure eyes flicking from face
to face, "If I dare ask this one, what hatched from the hailstorm egg?"

Melata whistles as she works on a sand sculpture. Or blob. Whatever.

Ceryca peers at her brown firelizard for a moment. "Think I'm going to take
him someplace a little quieter," she decides, nodding down the beach. "I'll
get a drink later. Thanks, Griere."

Catriona makes little ga-ga faces at Raider's new little lady, though she
probably can't see, which is probably a good thing. "Oh, it's perfect
then." She smiles at Arrhian, then down at newlydubbed Roux. "Aw. Sweet
little Roux. He's so colorful." And not ugly or weird looking or gangly.
No, not at all. Ahem. She gets to her feet and cradles her new companion
close to her heartbeat, his tail dangling. "So exciting." Indeed.

Brees smiles over at Aerilyn. "So have you gotten to the gather at all
yet?" She asks turning to look around the beach and spot where Madieth is

Reynte turns, holding Zephyr to his chest. "This one, ma'am." He says
shyly. "I think."

"If'n there's aught else you want t'know about him," Kassi suggests, her
grin amused verging on wicked, "feel free t'ask--Khari might know, if'n I
don't. I've had some interest in him, since his parents were kind enough
t'name him in part after me. And Khari's been enduring his teasing for
Turns upon Turns." She meets Raider's grin with one of her own. "And well
do I know it, believe you me. Besides, 'tis more entertaining t'make money
in non-standard ways, if'n you can get away with it."

Arrhian also gets to her feet. "Like I said, everyone will think you called
him Roo, anyway. I think it suits him though. Well - Roux, Murkey, and I
wonder what Fidelis called his new little friend."

Aerilyn shakes her head, "not yet Brees..but I'll explore soon enough."

Lorany smiles, looking toward Reynte for the first time. "Lucky you were
then, yours hatched from my favorite egg... though I can't see its color
from here..." She edges closer, attempting to see but not crowd humans or
frighten tiny winged ones.

Banain strokes the as of now nameless gold. "I don't know who hatched outta
that egg. You can always join the sand building contest thing if ya got
free time."

Griere nods, "I've gotta get back to my chores. Congratulations," she
offers. "He's a nice looking brown. Now you'll have to think of name for
him." With a quick smile she heads off towards the weyr.

Melata eyes the leaning pile of...sand she has built. With a sigh she
pushes it over and starts again.

Griere heads towards the waterfall.

Reynte 's cheeks color slightly. "I'm sorry, but I just happened to be
walking by. And I don't know mom'll say when she finds out that I've a new
friend." The little boy walks towards Lorany, showing her the little green.
"I'm going to call her Zephyr."

Ullan cuddles Murkey until he falls asleep and seems to sing to it "Rest,
little friend. We'll get to know eachother in the morning". It's almost as
if his life's dream has been fullfilled at this hatching.

Lorany blinks, then blue eyes sparkle as she views the tiny green. "Awwww,"
escapes her, "well I was wrong then. I'd have sworn blue would hatch from
that egg. All the better that I was wrong, what a darling!"

Banain looks over towards Ullan and his blue. "Congratulations he's a fine
looking blue." He tells the other boy softly, not wanting to disturb his
new friend too much.

Ceryca just shakes her head a little and begins to walk down the beach,
slipping up one of the paths and away from the main fuss of the beach.

Kaimi laughs again, "Ahh, but it's far more adventuresome to find out on my
own. Though trust me, I shall keep that in mind that you two are the ones
to ask if I have any questions."

Ceryca heads towards the waterfall.

Brees nods her head over to Aerilyn. "Have fun doing that. I've got a
couple of things I was still wanting to get myself, but I think I'm going
to go sit down for awhile and relax first." She nods over towards the
Sandbar at that.

Arrhian smiles at Ullan with a faintly faraway expression on her face.
"Reminds me of when I got my first firelizard. I was on an errand Turns ago
to Telgar Weyr, arrived in the lower caverns looking for the Headwoman, was
told her gold had a clutch hatching, and arrived in the kitchen just in
time for a tiny gold hatchling to more or less fall out of the sandbasket
into my hands. I was so shocked I almost dropped her."

Aerilyn nods, "I'll see you later then Brees.

Aerilyn heads towards the waterfall.

Zephyr hiccups lightly as she considers Lorany, her eyes whirling
blue-green. Reynte chuckles. "I suppose I'll just get her to act cute for
mom. Of course that won't be hard," he says with a smile for the tiny

Brees steps off the beach into The Sandbar, brushing black sand off her
feet as she disappears inside.

Lorany smiles as the little greenling's eyes twinkle greenyblue at her. "I
only wish I'd been here..."

Kharisma speaks up to suggest to the Craftsecond, smiling a touch shyly,
"I'd say you should try my sister--she actually lives here--except I heard
she and Kat had something of a falling out, so that might not work. His
father's still riding at Telgar, though." As an afterthought, she adds,
"And I heard that he--C'vadan, I mean--is having another baby, with his
weyrmate, which must be odd for Kat. Since he's going to be a father about
the same time and all."

Lorany blinks at a name she hears in the crowd. "Hmmmm, wait a second... no
I'm wrong. That /can't/ be the same rider my cousin was going on and on
about before. Impossible." she shakes her head, dismissing it.

As Reynte notices the sandbox, a big childish grin splits his face.
Carrying Zephyr with him, the boy makes his way over.

Arrhian eyes Cat, then eyes a tempting patch of black sand. "So, do we stay
and build sand holds, or are you in a hurry to race back to your tuber
peeling? Or whatever scintillating amusement you've currently been assigned?"

Catriona sets drowsy little firelizard on her shoulder, his tail instantly
curling around her neck. "Oh, sand hold. I haven't built one of those since
I was little." Not that she's not little /now/... just, adult. Er. "I'd
love to build one. Would you do it with me?" She grins. "I bet ours would
be the best." Hahaha. And stuff.

Melata is now digging a hole. A deep hole. It is likely supposed to be a
moat, except it keeps getting filled with water and causing the edges to
fall in.

Arrhian chuckles and starts to scrape the sand together. "So, what shall we
design? Nice, craggy, High Reaches style? Widespread buildings like
Southern? Or just build a sand lump and see what happens?"

Ullan quitely finishes his own sand sculpture and walks away, smiling as he
cradles Murkey in his arms "Let's go, it'll be an early morning tomorrow"

Lorany hears the talk of sand holds and breaks off what had been a few
moments of musing, over what nobody quite knows. "If, or when rather, my
crazy cousin the green weyrling at Southern ever sends me a map of the
place, I could help... unfortunately she's a bit out of contact, as she's
up to her ears in green dragon at the moment."

Nepenth backwings to a landing in a spray of sand.

Nepenth lands over to the side without disturbing any of the sand sculptures.

Kaelyn vaults down Nepenth's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a

Raider has stuffed the nervous green into somnolence with his (er, Catti's)
nice steak, but even in sleep the tiny thing clings to his thumb for
safety. He peers at her with furrowed brows, but isn't upset, just feeling
protective. The big Trader tucks the green inside his shirt for
safekeeping, making sure the belt is tight so she won't fall out.

Reynte wanders off for a little bit, hoping to find some sympathy from his
mother for giving his entire lunch to a little green firelizard...

Reynte heads towards the waterfall.

Kaelyn helps unstrap a toddler from Nepenth's back and smiles as he squirms
off the big blue.

Melata gives up on the moat and tries once again, starting with your basic
sand pile.

The little boy screams in excitement and pats the blue Nepenth. "Nepo! Good

Kaimi chuckles as she replies to Kharisma, "He and I had just been talking
about how odd things can be with weyrlife. He hadn't mentioned that about
his father, though he did mention him and some of the rest of his family."
Just then an apprentice comes up to whisper something to the Baker and she
sighs, "Seems they can't find one of the spices they need. If you'll excuse

Catriona's smile widens to a grin and she sidles over to her picnic basket,
pulls the blanket out, and brings it over with her, dropping to her knees
on the sand and making the blue thing into a nice little nest, into which
she places sleeping Roux. Aw. "Hm. High Reaches /is/ quite neat with the
craggy bits, but... might be hard to build." Think, think, think. "Well,
where were you born?" She glances over, spots Raider, and waves him down.
"Come build a hold with us!"

"'Odd' seems a good word for it," Khari agrees. "Oh, of course--it's been a
pleasure to meet you, though, and all that sort of thing."

Kaimi flashes Kharisma a smile, and then with a nod to Kassima as well,
she's off.

Kassima echoes, "Always a pleasure, and g'luck with finding your spice,
hey? Hmm. Spice. Methinks 'tis past time I take Kat up on that earlier
idea, Khari; d'you want t'come with me?" Evidently the younger woman does,
since she nods and follows her mother out after checking that Aiken's perch
on her shoulder is still secure.

What a climb! You manage to trudge your way *all* the way up to the top of
the plateau, up the long winding trail. You realize again why this beach
visit is always so tiring.