
An Assortment of Gifts

Date:  March 27, 1997
Place:  Benden Weyr's Lake Shore, Living Cavern, North Bowl and Outer 
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Technically, this wasn't Kassi's Turnday, as you might
note from the desc; it was twelve days after.  However, I think I 
couldn't make it online for the actual day and decided to play with 
time a little and celebrate it anyway. ;)  This was fun!  Several
wonderful people brought gifts for Kassi, which I totally wasn't
expecting to have happen, and their players all get hugs and thanks 
from me even now. :)  There are also some other tidbits:  Kassi finds
out the results of her bet with C'vadan, and J'cob vomits everywhere.
Let the good times roll. ;)


The Log:

Kassima is sitting on her usual rocky perch, watching Lysseth stalk the
elusive water-lilies. She seems to be dressed in one of the most ludicrous
outfits ever seen on Pern; Faranth only knows why. At the sound of
lumbering, she turns, and waves to Cav and Dulath with a rueful smile.
"Heya and g'deve, you two."

        Kassima is a slender young woman standing about 5'10" in height,
whom you'd guess to be around 23 Turns, 0 months, and 12 days of age. Her
midnight-black hair is pulled back in a runner's tail that is held in place
with a large, floppy, forest-green bow, leaving a thick forelock trimmed
just above arching eyebrows; beneath these, emerald green eyes usually
sparkle with merriment and wry good humor. Kassi seems to be in good health
and physical condition; she is strong and fit, though still slim, and her
skin is faintly sun-bronzed.
        Kassi's garb today is... well, unusual would be putting it kindly.
In complete contrast to her usual utilitarian garb, this frock might be
ornamentational in a gaudy sort of way, but practical it is not. A full,
bell-shaped skirt of what looks to be an unfortunate cross between pine
green, neon green, and olive green falls nearly to her ankles, puffed out
so that it sways when she walks. The top of the dress is even worse, being
of the same coloration with a large amount of frothy sea-green lace
attached to the neckline and sleeves. A flowing sash of black with bright
red streaks is tied around her waist, adding the ridiculousness of the
entire ensemble--which is crowned by the lurid chartreuse shade of the
slippers on Kassi's feet. One gets the feeling--perhaps inspired by the
greenrider's rather embarrassed expression--that she is *not* wearing this
thing of her own choice.
        Kassi almost seems to radiate energy, and she grins ruefully at you
when she notices your gaze. Adorning her neck are two pendants, one of
crimson-streaked eggshell and the other in the shape of a silver dagger. On
her right ring finger sparkles a beautiful emerald ring (+detail
available); the left sports a band crowned with emerald and bloodstone.
Many fire-lizards can be seen flying around her at almost any time. She's
often wearing or carrying a unique riding jacket.
        Pinned on one shoulder of her jacket is the red and black knot
marking her as a Benden Weyr Wingsecond, with a single thread of grey-green
to show the color of her lifemate, Lysseth. On the other shoulder is sewn a
careworn Moonrise patch; beside it is the patch that identifies her as a
rider in Thunderbolt Wing.

Asrai heads over from the South Bowl.

Asrai comes wondering along the bowl towards the lake shore, not really
paying attention to anything around her. One thing a causual observer might
note is the fact that she keeps plucking at the fabric of her tunic nervously.

C'vadan half-heartedly waves to Kassima as Dulath plunges into the water.

Kassima nods to Asrai in greeting too, causing the flamboyant green bow in
her hair to flop a bit. "And g'deve t'you as well, Asrai. Any word on the
bet yet?" The greenrider always has had a one-track mind when it comes to
wagers. She turns on her rock to face the other two riders, careful of her
bizarre, frilly, bell-shaped skirt.

C'vadan grumbles silently.

Asrai finally comes to a halt when she hears a familier voice. As she
starts looking up, she answers, "No, M'kla's been too...." she trails off
as she sees just what it is Kassi's wearing. "That's umm, a pretty ...
green (using the term loosely) dress you have, Kassi."

Kassima glances idly out towards the dragon as she waits for an answer, and
stifles a laugh as she sees that Lysseth has, yet again, managed to festoon
herself with lilies for some purpose known only to the dragon. "You're
weird, lump," she calls out to the green, receiving the usual *snort* in
reply. Turning back, she wonders of the two riders, "How fares it with the
pair of you todays? Fairly well, I hope?"

Asrai seems to still be ignoring C'vadan, something people might have
noticed she's been doing for a few days now. "I'm doing alright,
considering that my nerves are somewhat frayed."

Kassima looks down at the nightmare frock that she's wearing, and grimaces.
"Something else, isn't it? Now, if'n I could only think what... m'Aunt
Simerva has never had much taste in presents, but *this* goes a bit too
far. Wouldn't have been so bad if'n she hadn't made me promise to wear it
all day! It's supposed to match that hat she got me a few Turns back, but
I'll be sharded if'n I'll wear *that* too." With a faint shudder, she then
nods. "I really don't think there's any point in worrying, Asrai...
whatever will be, will be, and all of that." Faranth knows, Kassi isn't
worried at all; she's as confident as can be in the powers of the Water.
"Nay luck tracking down M'kla, eh?"

Asrai shakes her head, but her thoughts are elsewear as she digs through
her jacket pockets. She practically falls on her but as she searches
frantically. Only when a sigh of relief excapes her lips do you see her
straighten. "Kassi, " She walks over to join her friend, plopping down in
the rock, "I got you a turnday gift, its nothing big, but I thought you'd
like it." she hands over a small box, very simple in design, with no big
bows or other such adorment.

C'vadan sits off by himself, being miserable, ayup. Pathetic even.

Kassima darts a glance towards Cav, brow furrowing a bit. "Shells, Cav, you
look bloody miserable. Nay luck getting Tria to talk to you?" She's
distracted, though, by Asrai's frantic pocket-searching, and blinks in
surprise as said search produces a gift. She laughs, "Hoist by m'own
petard, eh? I didn't think anyone knew... shells, y'know you didn't have
t'do aught, Asrai." She takes the box, peering at it curiously as she tries
to fathom, without success, just what's inside. Finally, she gives up and
opens it.

Benden Weyr> Emlyn waves howdy :-)

Benden Weyr> Kassima waffles Emlyn-wards. :)

Benden Weyr> K'tyn tosses suds at Emlyn and Kassii. "Heya!"

C'vadan glances at Kassima. "No. She won't. And I can't get one shardin'
person here to help me, either." Man, is he a grump.

Benden Weyr> C'vadan snugs Emlyn and Kiat :)

Benden Weyr> K'tyn throws more soap bubbles at Cav. "Heya!"


As Kassi opens the box, the first thing you see is a very simple link chain
of silver, with a delicate clasp. As she lifts the chain you notice that
there is indeed a pendant attatched. It is also worked in silver, the image
of a dragon, no bigger then an inch in length. Its wings are spread as if
it is just about to take flight. The only color is provided by a green
malachite stone, cut to resemble a crystal shard. Deep viens of pine green
weaving throughout the lighter, emerald coloring. The stone serves as a
perch for the dragon, whose tail is wrapped around its length, its talons
resting on the crest.


Benden Weyr> Asrai snugglies everyone arriving. :)

Benden Weyr> Kassima acks! as she is hit by the flying suds. Hee! Now that
would be funny--a repeat of the soap-suds incident, only with Kassi dressed
in this godsawful get-up. Too bad there's no such thing as Benden Weyr's
Funniest Home Videos. ;)

Asrai watches Kassi with interest, trying to gauge wether or not she likes
the gift.

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Why are you dressed like this, Kassi?"

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Its the Turnday gift from her aunt. ;)"

Lilith lumbers in from the South Bowl.

Benden Weyr> K'tyn wonders why people are dressed, for that matter. :) heh.
Oh yea, that reminds me.:)

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Thera!!!! *HUGS!*"

Kassima gasps in wonder as she lifts the pendant from the box, eyes taking
in the silver and malachite charm. "Asrai, this... 'tis beautiful! Wherever
did you find such a marvel?" She immediately sets down the box, opening the
clasp to don the necklace. With three necklaces now, on chains of different
lengths, she looks a bit like a gypsy. "What think you, does it suit? As
well as anything *can* suit with this dress, anyway...." She beams, plainly
quite pleased. "'Tis wonderful, Asrai, absolutely wonderful. M'thanks, a
thousand times." She's a bit distracted by Cav's declaration though, and
blinks over at him. "Help you do what, talk to her? How could anyone else
help you with that?"

Benden Weyr> Asrai snugs a thera! :)

Thera swings a leg over Lilith's neckridges, and hops off the green to the
ground. Lilith wheels her head over, assessing her rider and those about,
before relaxing after a gentle scritch from her rider.

Thera grins. "Hey ya'll." She reaches up to take off her vest, and looks
about. "Are we coming from or oing to the springs?"

Benden Weyr> Kassima snugsaThera! It's a tradition, Cav. Every year,
Kassi's tasteless aunt gives her a godsawful gift, usually something that
she then makes Kassi promise to wear for at least a day. You should've seen
the hat of about two Turns ago--that was *awful.*

C'vadan makes an unattractive face. "Don't even bother trying to figure it
out," he grumps.

Benden Weyr> Thera grins, and huggles about. howdy howdy :)

Benden Weyr> K'tyn HUGS! Thera! :)

Kassima quirks an eyebrow, but just shrugs and turns to smile a greeting to
her cousin. "Heya, Thera! I'm neither; Lysseth's wanted to go chasing down
water-lilies, as usual." She nods towards the swimming green, then beams
again and holds up her newest silver-and-malachite dragon necklace. "Look
what Asrai got me, coz--isn't it a delight?"

Thera reaches a hand out to the necklace. "Oh, that's beautiful," she turns
to Asrai." Who did you have make it?"

Asrai smiles brightly at Kassi's reaction, turning her head to wave to
Thera. "I'm glad you like it Kassi." She says to the side before letting
her gaze rest on C'vadan. "Oh, would you stop. People /have/ been trying to
help you, C'vadan. But you keep turning your anger at yourself outwards
towards them. Saying hatefull things that hurt their feelings. It won't
mean anything to Tria if you have someone else do you apologizing...other
then you were too afraid, or didn't care enough to do it yourself!" Her
voice rises in uncommon anger as feelings kept too long inside suddenly
burst forth. she turns her head back to Thera, "No, I had it commissioned
some time ago, I'm just glad it was done on time." Her words are clipped,
and her eyes soon return to Cav.

C'vadan frowns at Asrai, like she could understand.

K'tyn picks his way to the lake shore from behind a steamy outcrop by the
hot springs.

Dulath continues to frolic in the water, every once in awhile peeking at
his rider.

Asrai's eyes narrow, "And don't look at me like that. Like I wouldn't
understand just cuz I don't have a weyrmate. Cuz neither do you C'vadan.
And while I don't have one, I didn't loose one either." Her voice is still
very angry. "We /do/ care about you C'vadan, but you brought this on
yourself, and you have to fix it...yourself. And sitting around here
miserable is not going to do it."

C'vadan salutes K'tyn. "Sir," he says crisply. "Dressed as required, sir."

Kassima's eyebrows both fly up in surrpise at Asrai's outburst, but she
doesn't look as though she disagrees with the sentiment. "For what 'tis
worth, I would concur with that last," she offers mildly with a shrug. "Nay
that I expect you t'take my word on that as being any good, if'n you
wouldn't take Asrai's." Turning, she salutes K'tyn sharply enough that the
lace that liberally decorates her sleeve nearly thwacks her in the face.
"G'deve t'you, Kiat-sir."

Asrai gasps, whipping her head around, her face going from red to very
pale, "Umm, sir. Good day."

K'tyn wanders out, hair wrapped in a towel his shirt and breeks clinging to
his form damply. "Dressed as requ--" he groans. "Ah, shells, Cav. I'd hope
you'd dinna take that seriously! I was half drunk, and more than a little
crazed when I said it."

C'vadan says "Sir, yes, sir!"

Thera tries to remember what exactly she heard the other day about Cav and
Tria. She shrugs, and smiles at Cav. "I'm game to get drunk with you, if
it'd help." She turns and quickly salutes K'tyn.

Benden Weyr> Kassima whaps Cav. I feel like I'm in an episode of Major Dad
or something when you do that. :P ;)

Benden Weyr> C'vadan grins.

Asrai's eyes narrow again, "Nothing other then C'vadan is being a..a...

C'vadan glances at Thera and nods. "Permission to follow your example and
get drunk, sir."

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Gets dragon questions and people questions a
little mixed up there."

K'tyn blinks at the conversation, then grins. "A wherryhead?" He chuckles,
and nods."Sure, Cav...just be ready for duty when..when you need to be
ready for duty!"

Asrai humphs, "Getting drunk isn't going to solve a /thing/."

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "If I get too bad, you have my permission to
follow Asrai's example :)"

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "She's just a little razzled and frustrated at the
time...you make a good target though Cav. ;)"

Thera grins wolfishly at Asrai. "It helps you forget, for a time."

C'vadan ignores Asrai. She's probably pregant. "Sir, thank you, sir. I
won't disappoint you again, si." He heads towards Thera, offering an arm.

Benden Weyr> C'vadan smiles. Being a target is fine :)

Pleiath flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake.

K'tyn shakes his head, puzzled, at the brownrider. "Say, Kassi...you have a

Thera raises an eyebrow, and accepts the arm, preparing to follow to the lc.

Dulath bounds out of the water.

Asrai crosses her arms in a huff, still speaking at Cav, even though he's
ignoring her, "Problems are still there when you get un-drunk."

Kassima rolls her eyes skywards. "Shells, Cav, cut a little slack across
the board, won't you? Can you honestly claim nay to have ever done or said
something crazy after a lost flight? Shells, man." She shakes her head,
sighs, and then chuckles. "Though I'll confess, 'tis rather comic to watch.
Have fun getting drunk, you two. Don't forget nay to pass out anywhere
public, lest certain sober individuals see fit to dress you in drag while
you're too unconscious to protest. Certes, Kiat-sir--I've done with
m'sweeps for the day, so I've actually quite a few moments."

Pleiath dives, picking up speed. She flattens out over the lake, then drops
to a soft landing on the lake edge.

Emlyn slides down Pleiath's shoulder to her forelimb, then jumps to the

C'vadan heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Lilith snorts at her rider, and goe

Dulath lumbers in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering

Pleiath waits impatiently for her rider to remove her straps. Once that's
done, the green rushes out to the waters of the lake. Emlyn watches, a fond
grin on her face, then turns to see who else is nearby. Seeing K'tyn, she
lifts her hand in salute.

Lilith goes to wallow with the other greens

K'tyn grins at Kassima, and when he's close enough, he tosses a small
wrapped object to her. "Catch!"

Thera heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Lilith climbs across the rocks to the steamy hot springs of Benden.

Kassima is sitting on a rock, looking generally ludicrous as she raises one
lace-bedecked hand to wave to Emlyn. "Heya, Emly--aigh!" This is exclaimed
as she scrambles to catch the object. "Why, Kiat-sir, what's this?"

Message 45                            Date Received: Thu Jul 17 17:38:29 1997
From:      K'tyn
To:        Kassima
Subject:   Turnday Gift from Kiat
You untie the plaid scarf and see a small box that is a bare half-finger's
length on all sides. Made from a red-colored wood, the box gleams with a
waxen shine. There is a small catch that keeps it closed.

Lying coiled within the box is a seemingly simple tri-partite puzzle ring
made from finely wrought silver in the shape of a dragon. When you pull the
ring from the box, it slides apart, though the three rings are fastened to
each other at the base.

        -- K'tyn, Prometh's rider, Benden Weyrleader

Asrai looks to the others, "If you'll excuse me." she then head off,
suprisingly in the same direction as Cav and Thera.

Asrai heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

K'tyn grins. "A turnday gift. Tis naught, but, you might like it."

Kassima unwraps the plaid scarf to reveal a small box, which, when opened,
can be seen to contain a tripartite puzzle-ring of silver wrought into the
shape of a dragon. "Kiat!" she exclaims as she sees it, so amazed that she
even forgets to add the 'sir.' "Why, this is lovely! A'course I like
it--how could I aught else?"

Emlyn watches Pleaith head into the deepest part of the water. She takes a
seat on a rock. Her attention divides between her dragon and the other two

K'tyn beams. "Well, twas unusual. I thought...though you ddo seem to have
many pretty things, I didn't think you'd a ring like that."

Kassima manages to put the ring back together, and slips it onto her right
index finger, admiring the gleam of silver. "Nay, I don't; I've
m'graduation ring, a'course, and Merla's gift of last Turn, but neither is
like this. I like it a great deal! M'thanks t'you, sir--I couldn't have
asked for a better gift. And 'tis certes an improvement over Aunt
Simerva's." She gestures to the Nightmare Dress, wrinkling her nose

K'tyn laughs, only now seeing the dress. "That is..unusual, I do agree.
Happy turnday, my friend. I'll let you get back to ...to whatever it was
that you were doing."

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Say, K'nan, should we commiserate with one
another? :)"

Benden Weyr> K'nan grins. Women hating club of BDW? ;)

Benden Weyr> C'vadan laughs. Well...

Kassima chuckles, nodding out towards the lilies. "I'm nay doing much,
Kiat-sir, beyond watching Lysseth stalk down those hapless lilies." The
green dragon is indeed festooned liberally with the flowers, from head to
tail. "M'thanks again--I honestly didn't think anyone would know."

Benden Weyr> Asrai smirks.

K'tyn says "I would know--simply because yours falld right after mine. I'm
glad I made it on time, this year.""

K'tyn shakes his head at the sight of the flower festooned dragon. "Seems
at odds, it does...and yet it suits. Scary, Kassi."

K'tyn chuckles quietly, turning to go.

Kassima nods, smiling ruefully. "Aye, and I wish I could've done the same
for yours--but I think 'twould be the end of the world if'n 'twere ever on
*time* for aught, horror of horrors!"

K'tyn laughs outright at this. "My thanks, my dear, for making me
laugh..tis something that is all too rare of late." He takes a step or two,
then turns. "When you tire of sitting there, do come and join us, hm?"

K'tyn heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Kassima chuckles, turning her head to gaze briefly towards the lily-covered
dragon. "I told you 'twas weird for you t'go about covering yourself with
flowers," she calls over. Lysseth patently ignores her. Laughing outright
now, the greenrider picks up the two jewelry boxes and places them in
Lysseth's strap pouch, climbing down from her rocky perch. "How goes it
with you this eve, Emlyn?" she asks, belatedly realizing that she hasn't
already done so.

[Editor's Note:  I think Emlyn must have gotten disconned, and this was why 
there was no answering pose.]

Benden LC> K'tyn walks in from the bowl.

Benden LC> Salless tells her girls to look sharp when the weyrleader walks in.

Benden LC> Asrai sits at a back table with K'nan, hearing Salless' quick
orders, she looks over to the side and gives the Weyrleader a small wave.
"Oh, umm, sir, I'm sorry bout the little...scene outside just now."

Benden LC> K'nan can't help but smile at the light kiss, but shakes his
head.."No thanks..I'm set." Glancing up to notice K'tyn, he salutes the
weyrleader sharply, "Sir."

Benden LC> K'tyn looks over at the bluerider, espying the kiss as he
enters. "Scene?" he asks Asrai cluelessly. "I didn't notice. Was there
something I should have noticed?"

Benden LC> Asrai clears her throat and stands, making her way over to the
serving table as she speaks, "Oh, I ment with C'vadan....its nothing,
really." the first thing she does is pour herself a mug of tisane from a
specially marked pot.

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Oh, sure, blame me, Asrai :P :)"

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "I didn't blame you, I was the one causing the
scene..I was just giving K'tyn a reference point. ;)"

Benden LC> K'tyn ahs. "That..discussion?" He belatedly greets K'nan,
stepping over near Asrai and the food table.

Benden LC> K'nan turns back to his glass of wine after a moment, raising it
to his lips and taking a light sip of the red liquid.

Benden LC> Asrai peruses the food table, seeing that Salless has freshly
made some of her favorite fish rolls. With a delighted smile she lifts the
top of the tray and inhales deeply. she then turns about the same green
color as Kassi's new 'dress'. With a small convulsion she turns away from
the table, right towards K'tyn...and looses what contents her stomack held.

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "How... attractive Asrai :)"

Benden Weyr> K'tyn blinks at Asrai ,the nwaves at Aph. This is your idea of
fun?! gah.;) I have baf all over me.

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Oops. Did Kassi win a bet?"

Benden Weyr> Asrai smiles ever so sweet and innocently, "Hey, I asked
first...sorta." ;)

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "I wanted to see if the +watchers were paying
attention. ;)"

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Nononononono Kassi did not win."

Benden Weyr> Kassima wakes up, and may not have won *yet*... but she will! ;)

Benden Weyr> C'vadan sighs. Cav has been delievered into Pernese Hell :)

Benden Weyr> Asrai hees and patpats C'vadan.

Benden LC> K'tyn seems frozen as Asrai suddenly loses control of her
stomach. He lurches backward, turning pale himself. "Ah...I have to go..."
Quickly, he dashes for hte kitchens.

Benden Weyr> C'vadan cheers K'tyn!

Benden LC> K'tyn walks off towards the kitchen.

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "ACK! He abandoned me! Now, how do you like that??"

Benden Weyr> C'vadan sings, "Brave, brave Sir Kiat did bravely run away..."

Benden LC> K'nan looks up quickly and blinks a few times..swiftly rising to
his feet. "Asrai?! You okay?"

Benden Weyr> Asrai falls off her chair laughing.

Benden LC> From the kitchen, At the sink, Kiat quietly loses control of his
own stomach. "Ah..." he says a fewm inutes later. "I can't stand... the
mere thought of....makes me go," he mutters to himself.

Benden Weyr> K'tyn laughs. Would you have him puke on you?

Benden Weyr> Kassima yays Kiat! Brave Sir Kiat ran away, bravely ran away,
away! When nausea reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and
fled.... ;)

Benden LC> Salless just tosses her rag into the air and sits down to cry.

Benden Weyr> K'tyn lol at Salless!

Benden LC> Asrai fumbles for a towel, tears of embaressment rolling down
her face. Somehow, she managed to miss herself, but the poor floor.
*sniffle* "No." *sniffle* she answers meekly. "I need a *sniff* towel."

Benden Weyr> Asrai laffs.

You head in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Lysseth lumbers into the South Bowl area from the lake shore to the southwest.

You walk north.

Lysseth lumbers here from the south.

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

K'nan retrieves a towel from a passing drudge who was heading
over..diverting the grateful young lad from his course. He heads over
towards Asrai with the towel, moving beside her and offering it. "Here.."

Kassima meanders in, skirt a-sway... and stops, as the sight--not to
mention smell--of recent nausea reaches her senses. "Ugh," is all she can
think to say at first. Followed swiftly by, "What *happened*?"

Benden Weyr> C'vadan snugs everyone g'night :)

Tears continue to stream down her cheeks as Asrai takes the towel
gratefully, not looking up until she has wiped off her face. "K'tyn, oh
Farenth...what have I done?" That only brings fresh sobs from the
tiny...highly embaressed rider.

A helpful Baker Apprentice says, "Asrai took one look at the Weyrleader and
lost her cookies."

Benden Weyr> Asrai smootchies a Cav. :)

Benden Weyr> Asrai LOL

Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs a Cavman. G'night! :)

From the kitchen, K'tyn stays for a good long time in the kitchens as his
stomach slowly settles. A Bakermaid offers him a towel, and a large glass
of water. "Thanks,' he says ruefully. Then, "Shards! Asrai!..." With that,
he moves back out into the LC. "I /heard/ that," he says sternly to the
Baker's Apprentice. scowling. "Make yourself useful, hm?"

Benden Weyr> K'tyn hugs!

Benden Weyr> C'vadan grins and will stop remiting to the lc :) Good night :)

Benden Weyr> Asrai gigglesnirks and snuggas a Cav!

Benden Weyr> Asrai wipes the RL tears from her eyes.

Kassima blinks at the apprentice. "She *what*? I've heard a lot of words
used to describe our Weyrleader, but 'nauseating' has never been one...."
She turns to Asrai, at something of a loss for words for a moment. "I think
what you've done is throw up all over the floor," she finally supplies,
helpfully. "Naught that's nay been done a'fore, I assure you. What is it?
Morning sickness?" She valiantly attempts to keep any hopefulness from her

K'nan gently pats Asrai's back..comforting her lightly as he waves for a
drudge to bring some water. "S'okay..he'll understand, really. S'not like
you meant to, an' s'not the first time." He directs a vague glare at Kassima.

K'tyn walks in from the kitchen.

Salless tells her girls to look sharp when the weyrleader walks in.

Kassima meets K'nan's glare with a, 'What did I do?' look. "What? I'm just
trying t'say 'tis nay the end of the world, or even something all *that*
uncommon... what's wrong with that? You should have something to settle
your stomach, Asrai... bread might help, and mild tea."

Asrai continues to wipe her mouth off, taking the glass of water with no
thought that it is the Water...too late now anyway, so it seems. She drinks
almost the entire glass to clear her mouth before finally looking up. She
glances at Kassi with a look that should answer her original question, then
turns her gaze to K'tyn. Tears still make there way down her cheeks, "Oh
sir, I'm /so/ sorry, how can i ever...I'm so sorry." One hand clenches
K'nan's desperately, like a life line.

K'tyn holds out his towel and glass of water. "Ah... Asrai?"

K'tyn laughs, A little. "I didn't mean to run out...but, lass, I can't seem
to hold my own when I see others....losing their own."

A few of the more helpful, older kitchen helpers come over with towel and
sweetsand to clean up the mess on the floor. when Asrai tries to help they
shoo her away with kind smiles, full of understanding. Soon the mess is
gone, along with the smell.

Kassima smiles sympathetically at Asrai, hitching up her skirts an inch or
two to step over the cleaning kitchen-helpers. "'Tis naught t'get
distressed over, Asrai... in fact, 'tis like as nay something you should
get used to. Here, now--" She turns back away from the food table, a glass
of something in hand. "Peppermint *is* good for something, after all, and
that's cleaning the taste out of your mouth. Trust me, I recall this quite
vividly yet."

K'nan squeezes Asrai's hand comfortingly..gaze full of concern as he looks
down at her, murmuring, "S'alright, Asrai..."

K'tyn looks more and more himself as the mess is cleaned. "Asrai, I am
sorry. I dinna blame you."

Asrai sniffs, handing over her towel to one of the 'helpers'...more like
saviours to the other staff members. She looks up at K'tyn and nods, "Thank
you sir, very much." She sets down the glass in her hand and takes the one
Kassi offers her. "I think I'd like to sit down now." Without letting go of
K'nan's hand she draggs him over to one of the clear tables, sitting down.
she then lifts the glass to her lips and tries to wash that...taste out of
her mouth more completely. she looks up at her friends when she is more
composed, "Thank you all."

K'tyn looks green again. "Ah...be right back," he says quickly, running

K'tyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

K'nan follows quite willingly, slipping into the chair beside her. Managing
a soft smile at her thanks, "No problem, Asrai..we're glad to help.
So..um..I guess..."

Benden Weyr> K'tyn eeps and must run! Dr app in 15 mins.

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Later K'tyn!"

Benden Weyr> Asrai snugglies the oh so brave WL :)

Kassima settles into a chair with some difficulty, as those fluffy, frilly,
ruffly skirts just aren't much good for sitting in. "Aigh. 'Tis nay a
problem, Asrai, honest--but you might want to keep a bit of peppermint
around, and mayhaps some crackers, just in case that happens again." She
nobly manages to keep her glee at this development from showing, Faranth
only knows how.

Asrai coughs softly, but after a moment, her stomach settles again. she
looks first to K'nan, sharing a long look with him before turning to Kassi.
"I think its safe to say you won your bet." She evn manages a small smile,
expecting that her friend is going to bust soon if she keeps in her
happiness about the situation.

J'cob walks in from the bowl.

Maarie walks in from the bowl.

J'cob walks in with Maarie.

Lysseth> Cygnith lifts himself, standing on his hindlegs. Spreading his
wings to their fullest extent, he lifts his muzzle to the sky and gives off
a tremendous *BUGLE*

Kassima can't help it. No, she just can't help it. While very, very good at
hiding and suppressing negative emotions, she's never had nearly as much
control over the positive ones. "Asrai, that's wonderful!" she enthuses,
nearly bouncing in her chair as she beams with absolute delight. "Wow!
Wonderful! You're getting a child, and I'm getting a slave for a
month--this is positively marvelous! Congratulations!" She doesn't quite
get up and start doing a jig of triumph, but looks mightily tempted.

Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs a Kin, and woos! A slave for a month... what
better Turnday gift could a girl ask for? Thanks, Asrai. ;)

Benden Weyr> Asrai hees, "I'm glad you like it Kassi." ;)

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "We'll make sure to get Cav fitted with a big red
bow for you. ;)"

J'cob kisses Maarie and suggests, "Why don't we have a few drinks?"

K'nan squeezes Asrai's hand gently..and glares at Kassima half-heartedly
for a moment.

Benden Weyr> Kassima hees. He should've known better than to bet against
the Water. ;)

Maarie shakes her head, "No, not tonight. You know that I've stopped
drinking nightly and I just had a drink last night."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Oh, hey, Kassi, wanna come on our picnic then? :)"

J'cob asks, "Could I perhaps have you as an audience, then?"

Maarie frowns a bit, "Why don't you have some citron or klah instead?"

Kassima is too happy to let the glare register; she really is bouncing in
her chair, beaming with glee. Combined with her Nightmare Frock, this makes
her a rather interesting--if ridiculous--spectacle. "I honestly couldn't be
happier for you--and for me," truthfulness forces her to add, "since I was
starting to get a little worried. A baby! What marvelous news--you *are*
happy, aren't you? I think you'll make great parents, and the youngling
will even have a half-sib to torment. A fortunate child indeed, wouldn't
you agree?" She does get up, then, and walks over to her two friends,
offering each a hug. "Felicitations, both of you."

Benden Weyr> Kassima hees! Sure, Meli. :) This should be fun. I hope he
doesn't faint when asked to disembowel tunnelsnakes, like some brownriders
I could name.... *Pokes Mart.*

Asrai returns K'nan's squeeze, resting her head back against her shoulder.
"Thank you Kassi, I'm glad you're happy." She returns the hug in kind. One
hand rests on her stomach, wether it is because of some lingering
queeziness, or the thought of what is almost definitely growing there, is
up for grabs. she sips more of the pepermint water, then can't help but
ask, "So, what do you plan on having your new slave do?" then she tilts her
head up to look at K'nan, "Do you think I should still have that meeting
with M'kla?"

K'nan grudgingly returns the hug, then can't help a soft chuckle. Flashing
Asrai a nervous, but gentle smile, "Probably..you know how she can get

Lysseth> Cygnith finishes his happy proclaimation and resttles back down.
Slipping his wing over Veyath once more, he nuzzle her gently, crooning.

Benden Weyr> M'rgan has never fainted. I've made an extremely quick exit
from a room but never fainted. ;)

Benden Weyr> K'nan tells M'rgan that Ularrith is pregnant.

Meli walks in from the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Asrai places a pillow on the ground for M'rgan so he doesn't
hit his head. ;)

Benden Weyr> M'rgan rocks a little unsteadily on his feet, the room
suddenly spinning. ;)

Meli sneaks up behind Kassi, then gives her a mighty *squeeeeze*.

Kassima nods, though the question wasn't directed at her. "Oh, definitely.
Much though I hate to admit it, 'twas like as nay for the best that Garant
made Meli and I keep getting checkups every few months--he could tell us
all sorts of things about what to do and what to expect." Settling back
into a chair, she laughs and starts ticking things off on her fingers.
"Hunt tunnelsnakes, dress tunnelsnakes, feed tunnelsnakes to the fair, do
the same with fish, oil the Swarm, run errands, clean the weyr--all that
fun sort of stuff. I'm sure he can't wait to get started."

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "And M'rgan..I'm the father. ;)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Not so, Mart, not so! You once told me that I
should assume you fainted upon seeing that barrel full of dead tunnelsnakes
I presented you with once.... ;) K'nan! Do I even want to know? No. No, I
don't. ;)"

Benden Weyr> M'rgan contemplates that for a moment, trying to figure the
anatomy out...Eeeeeeew.

Said squeeze, of course, only manages to squish the voluminous skirts,
pinching Meli in the thighs and otherwise getting in the way.

J'cob shakes his head and picks up a skin, "Aww, but its my favorite red!"

Kassima eeeps as she is suddenly be-squeezed, and glacks. "Help, help! I'm
being attacked by the Phantom Hugger!" Fortunately, since all this does is
squish her skirts, she doesn't have the breath squeezed out of her.

"Happy Turnday, Kassi!!" Meli yells in her friend's ear.

Asrai nods, "Yes, I supose you're right." she looks a bit nervous, but
resigned. Seeing Meli and the others for the first time, she gives them all
a small smile of greeting." she even manages a giggle at Meli's antics.

Benden Weyr> Kassima is trying *not* to think about that, thanks, Mart.
That's even worse than Veyath and R'val.

Asrai turns her head slightly to K'nan, whispering softly in his ear.

Benden Weyr> <Asrai> Cygnith rumbles, <<Mine!>>

Benden Weyr> Rowen waves quietly.

Maarie peers at the label, "Mine too but you don't see me drinking it."

Benden Weyr> M'rgan hmms. What's that dirty joke about the female elephant
and the male bird...;)

Kassima yelps, ears ringing. "Meli! I should've known!" She turns her head
as best she can with all that lace in the way, grinning at her friend.
"Trying to deafen me, are you? Well, m'thanks for the sentiment, m'friend!
Just look, look at what Asrai and Kiat got me--" She holds up her be-ringed
finger and the pendant, adding, "And Asrai got me a slave for a month, too!
Isn't that fabulous?"

Benden Weyr> Rowen says, "How did the hatching turn out?"

Meli nods rapidly, pushing Kassi's skirts away until she is able to take a
seat. "Well, w'all those gifts, y'won't want mine then, will you?"

Benden Weyr> Asrai had to +watch, "But it looked like it went fine to
me...course I only knew one person standing...

K'nan flashes Asrai a suddenly bright smile, that he actually holds for a
good long moment. He mutters to Asrai, "... as you..." 

J'cob frowns and opens the seal. "Your loss..."

Asrai returns the bright smile, seeming to relax. "I am."

Kassima forces all those ruffles and all that lace into a chair, which
allows her to sit with a modicum of comfort. "Oh, now, I wouldn't say
*that*," she answers, still grinning. "You got me a present? You didn't
have to, y'know... shells, how'd everyone find out, anyway?"

Benden Weyr> Rowen was looking for who all impressed, what colors there
were, etc.

Meli pulls from her pocket a palm-sized object, which judging by the way
she lifts it, appears to be a bit heavy compared to its size. As she moves
her hand above the table, a small jade figurine is revealed. Not quite a
handspan high, it depicts in cool, piney green, a dragon settled back on
her hindquarters, her wings extended and curved slightly downward to
protect the smaller human figure below her. The details are smooth, not
sharply delineated, giving a soft impression of the scene rather than
carefully etched detail. Curves flow into curves, hints of natural shading
within the stone used to distinguish one feature from another.

Benden Weyr> Kassima points to the general +bboard for a list, Rowen. :)

K'nan relaxes just a bit..though a good deal of tension is still visible in
his expression and body language. He reaches over and takes Asrai's hand
gently in his again..gaze briefly lifting to admire the statuette Meli
pulls out.

Tanon walks in from the bowl.

Meli watches Kassi carefully, only momentarily distracted as a new face
enters from the bowl.

Maarie snatches out to take away the skin from J'cob, obviously not paying
attention to the rest of the cavern, "Obviously you don't understand.
You'll not be drinking this evening."

Tanon walks into the cavern as he does every few weeks, or seems to, and
looks around interestedly at the walls and the cieling and then at the people.

Kassima's mouth drops open in surprise as she sees the beauty of the
carving, eyes as wide as saucers. "Meli, that... there are nay words! I've
never seen any jadework more lovely! Shells, Meli... thanks are hardly
adequate, but I thankee nevertheless!" She reaches out one finger to touch
the statue, fascinated. "Such fine gifts--I don't know what I do to deserve
such things."

Rowen walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Meli carefully sets the figure down in front of Kassi, smiling a genuinely
warm smile. "What do y'do? Y'make us laugh, take care o'us, an' generally
scare th'livin' daylights out o'us."

J'cob pulls a small flask from his pocket and takes a sip...

Rowen makes her way in slowly, head down. Ranon, as usualy, is bundled in
her arms as she moves towards a seat blindly.

Asrai tears her gaze away from K'nan's to look at the figurine, "Oh Meli,
that's lovely." Her voice is soft as she leans forward slightly to take in
the detail of the work. She then leans back against K'nan, noticing the
others entering. gives each a small smile.

Rowen looks up as she sinks down in her eat, and regrets it immediately
once her eyes fall on K'nan and Asrai. They return quickly to her lap, and
she stays silent.

Tanon, too, glances at the figure for a long moment after hearing all the
praising the maker is getting from it and nods, saying, though mostly to
himself, "Aye, it is beautiful." But then he becomes quiet.

Meli slowly grins, nodding at Tanon, then says nonchalantly to Kassi, "An'
th'smith who did it for me, now /there's/ a handsome bundle. Sure y'don'
want a weyrmate, Kassi?"

Asrai giggles at Meli's words, "hat was subtle Meli." who's she trying to
kid...Asrai wouldn't know subte if it smacked her upside the head." She
then looks over to Tannon, "Benden's duties...can we help you?"

Benden Weyr> Asrai shoots her typist on that last pose.

Kassima picks up the figure and gazes at it, eyes glimmering suspiciously
for a moment. "Ach, m'friend--" She laughs at the last, and returns the
smile with interest. "Then I'm glad of it, all three things, if'n they're
true. You're m'friends; what else should I do?" The laughter turns to a
groan, then. "Meli! Again with the weyrmating thing? Y'know that I don't
have any intention t'weyrmate in the near future, or to a nonrider either
for that matter. You're getting as bad as Aph with this matchmaking thing."

Benden Weyr> K'nan idles..

Meli shrugs, her grin remaining. "Well, I gotta try. Pays t'keep m'hand
in." Turning to Asrai, then glancing at Tanon, she adds, "An' you, Asrai?
You expectin'?"

Tanon hears Meli and the chuckles to himself, having thought that she
carved it herself, and then again at the thought of Kassima castrating a
wherry, that just happens to come to his mind. He looks over at Asrai and
says, "Ista's duties to Benden and her queens. I'm Tanon and no thanks,
I'll just look around the Weyr like I do when I'm here if that's okay with

Benden Weyr> Rowen Adds a gossip.

Rowen takes another glance around the cavern, before sliding out of her
chair slowly and moving towards the bowl, Ranon still tightly in hand.

Benden Weyr> Meli sings the first verse of "The Looooove Weyr"

Asrai nods to Tannon, but looks a bit on the confused side, "Umm, alright."
She then looks back to Meli, right to the point as usual, "Umm, it seems so."

Meli slaps her palm on the table, not overly loudly. "Well! Congrats. If
y'want any advice 'bout how t'keep from chuckin' your food all over
th'place, jus' ask."

Kassima snorts, good-naturedly. "Uh-huh. Well, I daresay I can come up with
a reason nay to weyrmate for every pro that you can come up with, and then
some. A'course she is, Meli--I told you that she got me a slave, didn't I?"

Maarie snatches the small flask from J'cob's grasp as well, upending it to
the floor below, "Perhaps you misheard me, J'cob."

J'cob shakes his head, "Stop that, Maarie. Its /my/ choice."

Benden Weyr> Kindre dives overboard! ;) Kidding...okay, I've got 5 mins
before the SO comes to take me to pick up sis at the airport...gotta jet!
(get it? airport? jet?) ;)

Benden Weyr> Kassima groans, and thwacks Kin with her waffle-iron. That was
bad. ;)

Benden Weyr> Meli lets Kassi do the groan thing for her.

Tanon looks over at Kassima and laughs, for no apparent reason, but looks
at the figure after a moment, trying to keep himself quiet.

Benden Weyr> Kindre just grinz! ;) *snugs!!!* Back later if I can!

Rowen freezes at Asrai's words, and shakes her head slowly. She mutters to

Asrai glances over Meli's shoulder at J'cob and Maarie, but leaves it alone
as she turns back to Meli, herself. "Well, umm, you're a little late,
Meli...but I'd appreciate the advice none the less." She then mutters,
"Course...so would K'tyn."

Rowen pulls the baby boy tighter to her chest, nad moves a bit more quickly
out to the bowl.

Rowen walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Maarie lifts a hand to indicate the bowl, "Don't do it here with me then.
Go to the Rusty Hulk and get drunk or some such other place. And don't
think to find any of your possessions left in the weyr if you come back the
least bit drunk."

Kassima watches Rowen go silently, then grins at Asrai and Meli. "'Twas
telling her about how peppermint's good for clearing the mouth, Meli, and
that toasted bread can sometimes settle the stomach, but I'm nigh certain
I've left a few suggestions out."

Meli adds, "Don' forget th'tincture of asparagus, Kassi."

J'cob glares at Maarie icily

Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth watches you fly around in the sky,
wondering, << Have you gotten a ledge of your own again? >>

Asrai's eyes follow Rowen as well, a look of confusion on her face at the
quick departure. she makes a brief face at the talk of asparagus, but then
asks, "What's wrong with Rowen? She seems awfull quiet recently."

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Prefeth humms happily. << We have,
clutchsister. >> He answers softly.

Lysseth> Aphrael climbs down from Prefeth's neckridges with practised ease,
reaching up to give her lifemate a thankful scritch as the blue dragon

Maarie doesn't even bother to glare as she restoppers the wine skin and
hands it over to Salless with a soft sigh.

Meli gaze flicks to the bowl, then back. "Rowen? Quiet? Been too busy

Lysseth> Cygnith rumbles a greeting to Prefeth as he lands.

Lysseth> Aphrael slides to the ground, reaching up to grab.. something..
down off Prefeth's back. Leaning against the blue for a moment, she lets
out a deep breath before pushing herself away and heading into the living

Aphrael walks in from the bowl.

Lysseth> Prefeth chuffs in greeting to Cygnith.

Tanon sighs to himself and walks out into the bowl.

Tanon walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth rumbles, pleased. << This is a good
thing. Every dragon should have a place to call theirs. >>

Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles greetings to her clutchbrother as well, her tone
amiable--amiable for Lysseth, anyway.

Lysseth> Vidarth backwings for a landing.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Prefeth rumbles agreement. << They should! >>
He agrees. << And I do, now. >>

J'cob sits down and whimpers

"'Tis a long story," Kassi answers after a moment, "and one that I don't
think I have facts enough to tell. Aphrael!" She sets down her lovely
sculpture in order to wave over to her friend. "G'deve t'you!"

Lysseth> Cygnith turns his head to rumble a greeting to the landing Vidarth
as well.

Aphrael makes her way into the living cavern, peering about hesitantly as
she drags something bulky behind her. Spotting Kassi, she beams, heading in
the greenrider's direction. "Ah, here's the Turnday girl herself!" She
calls brightly.

Asrai smiles as aphrael enters the cavern, giving the fellow blue rider a
wave of greeting.

Gwynden walks in from the kitchen.

Gwynden steps out of the kitchen, tubers and peelers in hand.

Lysseth> Rowen is busily trudging through the bowl, Ranon to her chest.

Gwynden grins, making a bee-line to Maarie.

Kassima peers curiously at the bulky something, craning her head to try and
see--without, it might be noted, much success. "Shells, does the whole Weyr
know?" she asks with a laugh, looking back up at her friend. "'Twas fairly
certain that 'twas nay common knowledge that I'm officially ancient and
decrepit today!"

Asrai giggles softly, "What do you expect, Kassi? We can read the register
as well as you can."

Meli swings her legs over the bench until she faces Aph and her bundle,
watching with obvious interest.

R'val walks in from the bowl.

Aphrael smiles faintly over at Asrai, turning her attention back to Kassi
as she perchers in a chair and lets out a breath. "Phew! Hrm? Well, of
course the whole weyr knows, my dear greenrider. Bah! Ancient you are,
hardly. If you're ancient then I'm.. dust." With an amused snort, she
gestures to the thing behind her. "Want to see?"

Maarie ignores the whimpering, turning her attention to Gwynden and
smiling, "Hello, there!"

R'val wanders into the living cavern and heads for the klah pot with a wild
wave towards his friends, "Evening!"

Gwynden hook's her foot around a stool, draging it closer to Maarie.
"Heyla. Doing lots of kitchen stuff to get ready for the games."

Asrai smiles and waves to R'val, her eyes quickly going back to the big
bulky thing Aph is toting around behind her.

Kassima waves absently to R'val, most of her attention on Aph and the
whatever-it-is that she's got with her. "I'd nigh forgotten that 'twas
listed in that thing... and 'tis as you say, madam dust." She winks at her
friend, then leans forward to try and see past the lace to the
thingamajigger beyond. "A'course! It certainly looks large...."

Maarie ahs softly, "Perhaps J'cob could taste test for you? Perhaps
something to drink like a punch?"

R'val grins at Asrai as he sits, "Evenin' all. How goes?"

Makeda walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Kassi, why do you always wave absently? I realize
I'm completely irrelevant, but...;)"

Gwynden grins, "Punch's wont be made till the day before, he'll just have
to wait his turn like the rest of us."

Benden Weyr> Suzot says, "No, you're completely irR'valevant. :)"

Benden Weyr> R'val grooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooans at Suzot.

Makeda wipes her forehead with the back of one hand as she comes out of the
kitchen. "Evenin' everyone!"

Benden Weyr> Gwynden snorts, "That was bad..."

Benden Weyr> Suzot ducks the thrown vegetables.

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Because if I'm ICly chatting with someone else,
it makes sense that most of my attention would be on them? :)"

Asrai glances over at R'val, "Alright, considering....now shush...we're
going to find out what Aph has." She ends the tease in a giggle. she then
waves to Makeda, once more taking up her...water?

Benden Weyr> Makeda laughs at Suzot. :)

Benden Weyr> Suzot smirks and will be glad to get back to Benden.

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Kassi just wants to know what her present is. ;)"

J'cob sneezes slightly.

Benden Weyr> Makeda says, "Asrai is drinking water???"

Benden Weyr> Jazmin wonders how full the LC is tonight..

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Loooooong story. ;)"

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Yeh, she's hoping for quads."

Benden Weyr> Gwynden is good. She only drinks juice.

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "She's already pregnant; what more harm can it
do? Besides the fact that if she drinks more, she'll likely wind up with
triplets or something.... ;)"

Aphrael rolls her eyes amusedly at her friend, shifting over slightly as
she pulls off the drape to reveal what appears to be a large firelizard
perch. It's proportions are entirely scaled, and yet it is much larger than
most perches.. and looks like it could hold many firelizards, indeed. The
dark wood of the perch itself is covered in carefully carved designs,
depicting tiny darting firelizards.. and the strange thing is they all
appear to be painted green. The perch area itself is a curved arc that
makes it look about right to fit over a cradle, too.. "Kassi, I couldn't
resist. I figure.. either you or Kaylira will need one of these so.."

Maarie looks over to J'cob, a concerned look crossing her face, "A cold?
Perhaps we shouldn't have come down here at all."

Benden Weyr> Suzot blinks at Asrai. Well, this is a fine how-do-you-do.
Drinking water like you don't know the song? Like woolbeasts to slaughter,
she's drinking the water...

Benden Weyr> Meli wonders if Kassi can sweep up the cobwebs while she's up

J'cob whispers to a neighboring bluerider.

Gwynden dosn't seem to hear J'cob sneeze and continues to tell Maarie about
her day. "And I got to hold Girad on my lap too. Till he ... well, till
Ofira had to change him."

Kassima laughs in delight, eyes taking in the cradle-perch. "Aph, that's as
evil and marvelous both as the cradle that Meli got me a Turn before I
needed it! Shells, you know how much I can use large perches like
this--thank you, sie. 'Tis beautiful, i'truth, and a perfect display of

Benden Weyr> Makeda pouts. "Dang, it RL just reared it's head." I can't
stay....bye everyone. :(

Benden Weyr> Ofira sighs as she misses Makeda :(

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Sure, Meli, so long as the actual spiders are
gone. :)"

Benden Weyr> R'val sighs as he misses most of the festival. bloody job.

Aphrael grins, looking faintly embarrased as she tilts her head. "Y'like
it? It was difficult to find something that you hadn't yet had, and on such
short notice! Seems people's turndays creep up on me without my realising
it at all."

Benden Weyr> Meli tries to peer up inside her own head. "Well, I think so,
haven't sneezed lately.":

Benden Weyr> R'val shakes pepper onto Melibabe.

Benden Weyr> Gwynden is going to miss all he Games as she's going to
ComicCon. :)

Kassima nods sympathetically to Aph. "I have that problem sometimes, too,
though a lot less since I've been checking the Register every few days. I
do like it, very much! 'Tis marvelous, in all truth--I couldn't ask for
better gifts than I've gotten today. A perch, a statue, a necklace, a ring,
a slave... and the dress, but I could do without that."

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Triplets, quads? Bite you lip, the both of you. :)"

Benden Weyr> Suzot snugs Asrai and hopes she has ONE healthy little whatsis.

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "I think quads would be nice. 0:-)"

R'val glances at Kassima, "A slave?"

R'val grins readily, "So Asrai is...." He glances at her.

Benden Weyr> Gwynden thinks on that... What a nightmare that would be.

Asrai grins, her eyes dancing, "What a great idea, Aph." she glances over
her shoulder at R'val, blushes, and drinks her pepermint water.

Maarie seems to lose interest in J'cob as well, "Wow, Girad must be a Turn
old by now at least."

Aphrael eyes the dress carefully, raising one eyebrow but deciding it's
better not to ask, nope. "Um.. nice dress.." she says faintly.

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Meli, she'd be a weeble wobble."

J'cob takes a glass of.. juice?

Benden Weyr> Meli is the founding member of the anti-multiple-birth society
of Pern, Asrai, so don't worry :)

R'val eyes Kassi's dress clinically, "Who gave you that, Kassima?"

Benden Weyr> Suzot is fully in favor of SINGULAR births. :)

Kassima nods to R'val, "Indeed. Almost certainly--what a delight, eh? A
whole month free of having to chop up dead critters! Nay that I really
mind, but 'twill be more fun to watch Cav have to do it, methinks...."
Rolling her eyes, she explains to Aph and Meli, "'Tis this Turn's gift from
m'Aunt Simerva. You know, the one with absolutely nay taste? She made me
promise to wear it all day long, so...."

R'val chuckles, "Aye, Kassi, just beware Cav. He is single again, after
all.' He winks teasingly at the greenrider.

"You're a better woman'n me, then Kassi," Meli replies, eyeing the
abomination. "I'd more'n likely turn it into curtains or such."

Gwynden nods, "He is and he was taling to me and then we played peekaboo...
" she goes on, the tubers she's been sent out to peel completly forgoten.

Aphrael ahs, as understanding dawns. Well, it was either that Kassi had bad
taste all of a sudden, was proddy or.. her relatives. "Ah, right," She
answers. "You're braver than I am to agree to wear that for a whole day."

Makeda walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Maarie grins to Gwynden, J'cob far from her attention now, "Sounds like you
had a fun time. Cooking anything special for the games?"

Benden Weyr> Makeda grins. "RL went away...."

Kassima rolls her eyes again, not even answering that one. "She *means*
well," she says to Meli instead, with a helpless shrug. "She just doesn't
have any idea about how awful the gifts are, and none of us have the heart
to tell her. She *wanted* me t'wear the hat, too, but I just wouldn't do
it. That was too much even for me."

R'val chuckles, "Relatives without taste are a curse upon us all. Ugh. The
vest my mother sent me the first Turn I was here at Benden. Ugh."

Aphrael coughs lightly. "A hat.. should I even ask?"

R'val eyes Kassima thoughtfully. Too much? For Kassima? "So. Erm. What was
this hat like? "He asks, with some trepidation.

Makeda peers at Asrai. "Your drinking water?"

Rowen walks in from the bowl.

J'cob drinks down the juice.

"You saw it, R'val," Kassi reminds the bluerider. "Remember? A few Turns
ago? 'Twas awful, Aph--'twas a woven-reed hat, y'see, with this broad brim;
the hat itself was painted red and cream. Simerva *said* it was meant to
symbolize Lysseth's egg, but I'd never have known. There was a little
stuffed green dragon perched on the forepart of the brim, enough to make it
sag in m'eyes all the time, and a sash draping down the back in the most
sickly shade of green you ever saw. With, it might be added, a crooked
Benden Weyr sigil on it. A true horror of hat-dom; I'm nay sure who on Pern
she got to make that for her."

Asrai looks up at Makeda, then nods, "Yes, the water. Well, you see, it has
pepermint in it. I, umm, got sick earlier..this helps."

Rowen slinks back into the Living Cavern quietly, and tries to find her way
to KAssi without being noticed, in spite of how impossible that is. She
does her best however, coming up besides the greenrider. Her eyes are red
and moist, but she doesn't appear to be crying now. One arm releases Ranon,
the hand at the end disappearing int oa pocket, and coming out with a small
shiney object. She mutters to Kassima, "I just... thank you... I...

You sense Rowen slinks back into the Living Cavern quietly, and tries to
find her way to KAssi without being noticed, in spite of how impossible
that is. She does her best however, coming up besides the greenrider. Her
eyes are red and moist, but she doesn't appear to be crying now. One arm
releases Ranon, the hand at the end disappearing int oa pocket, and coming
out with a small shiney object. "I just wanted to thank you for trying to
help. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Happy Turnday."

Aphrael can't help but giggle at the description of the hat. "Well.. look
at it this way.. maybe you could wear it to the next costume gather?"

Gwynden nods her head, "We sure are. Lots of cookies and such too."

Aphrael glances over to Rowen, eyes dropping down to the child in her arms.
A faint smile follows as she watches, curious despite herself.

Makeda moves closer to the rider and Gwynden, smiling at the hat
description too. She manages a concerned frown for Asrai. "So did you have
a talk with M'kla?"

Rowen hands the small ring over to Kassi. The band is gold-toned, and
ringed with etched silhouettes of dragons tinted green.

Ofira walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Benden Weyr> Gwynden gets crossed eyed at the spam in the LC. Why do we do
this to our selves? :)

Benden Weyr> Aphrael says, "Because we have no life. Simple."

Ofira smiles, stepping in. "Evening everyone," she says quietly to the crowd.

Asrai looks over at the ring, then up to Rowen, "Its beautiful, Rowen." She
glances at the child in her arms, smiling warmly at the babe.

Benden Weyr> Kelset thinks that ought to become the PernMUSH motto. :)

Benden Weyr> Suzot thought it already was.

Gwynden waves over at Ofira as she sits by Maarie, forgoten basket of
things she supossed to be pealing laying at her feet.

Benden Weyr> Gwynden chuckles.

Asrai looks back over to Makeda, shaking her head. "No, not yet....K'nan
and Kassi seem to think that I still should...even if the doubt was pretty
much taken care of this afternoon."

Kassima looks up as Rowen walks over to her, expression one of some
concern. "You're more than welcome," she replies quietly and sincerely.
Accepting the ring, she smiles widely as she looks at it, admiring the
beauty of the piece. "Rowen, this is wonderful--thankee! You'll have to
tell me sometime when your Turnday is; I never saw it in the register,
though mayhaps I missed it by mistake. Thank you... 'tis very kind of you."

Makeda frowns. "What happened this afternoon?"

Ofira looks around the room and looks extra hard at her apprentice and
student and then wanders over to find an unoccupied seat.

J'cob finishes off his drink, and takes some water.

J'cob winces slightly and whimpers again.

Asrai glances quickly at Kassi, then back to Makeda, "Well, umm....i sorta
got sick....on K'tyn. Well, he jumped back in time, but you can imagine my

Maarie makes room for Ofira next to her and J'cob, "Hello there, Ofira!"

Benden Weyr> Gwynden Acks! "Now J'cob's drinking water?!?" -- Run for the
hills, run for the hills!

Ofirasmiles and sits herself by Maarie. "How are you tonight?" she smiles
at her friend.

J'cob leans over to Ofira and whimpers, "I *hurt*.."

Gwynden hears J'cob for the first time. Looking over Maarie and Ofira at
him, concern floods her small face.

Makeda smiles at her craftmaster. "Evenin' Ma'am."

Ofira blinks and turns to find herself way too close to J'cob. "What's the
matter with you?" she asks not very worriedly.

Benden Weyr> Suzot doesn't want to watch...

Makeda winces sympathetically for Asrai. "Oh, dear. I'm sorry to hear that.
Does that mean you /are/ pregnant? Maybe it 's all that tea."

Ofira looks over and nods to Makeda, "Evening, Apprentice..."

Benden Weyr> Gwynden snickers at Makeda, "Something to be said about being

Benden Weyr> Gwynden hrms, "At Makeda's pose rather.

Rowen nods briefly to Kassi, "You deserve it. You're a good friend." Her
voice is still quiet as her arms return to holding Ranon tightly. As the
topic of Asrai's pregnancy comes up again, she grows decidedly
uncomfortably, and tears quiver at the edges of her eyes again, "I'll...
I'll see you later Kassi. Maybe down at the LAke.. or something."

J'cob points at his side, "My side hurts. It must be your buns.."

Rowen mutters to Kassima, "... like to... festivities... happiness..."

Rowen whispers "I would like to talk to you when your festivities are done
with. I don't want to ruin your happiness on your turnday though."

Benden Weyr> Ofira sighs. This is worse than when I was addicted to the
soaps. I can't keep track of all the story lines...

Benden Weyr> Suzot thinks addictions like MUSHes are more lofty. They
exercise one's mind and improve manual dexterity.

Gwynden makes a rather stern face at J'cob. Say that about her master's
cooking will you? "If your tummy hurts from Ofira's buns, tis only 'cause
you ate to many J'cob."

Ofira frowns, her expression changing to one of professional interest.
"Stomach pains? Something you ate here?"

Rowen starts to turn away, back towards the bowl. Her eyes stay away from
the other conversation, training instead on the floor.

Kassima slides the ring onto her left index finger, and takes a moment to
admire the shine. "Nay Lady Holder could have better jewelry than that
which m'friends have given me," she opines, with a wide smile. Belatedly,
she laughs at Aph's comment. "Ach, nay! I've already two costumes in mind
for those--Simian's finished one, and is working on the other right now,
with some help from Sythriva." As Rowen starts to speak, she turns her head
back and smiles faintly. "'Tis kind of you t'say so, m'friend... and aye,
mayhaps." She nods in reply to the murmured words as well, expression
serious for a moment.

Benden Weyr> Kelset says, "Not to mention one's tendency towards insomnia."

Asrai shakes her head, "I don't think so, it didn't happen till I smelled
the fish rolls...and I /love/ fish rolls." She glances over at Rowen, her
eyes thoughtful for a moment as she looks on with concern...

Benden Weyr> Kassima grins and nods to Suzot. Plus, they help stimulate
creativity; the stories I wrote after I began MUSHing were a thousand times
better than those before, and I doubt that it's coincidence.

J'cob nods, "Yah, I had a few of the buns and.. well.. now I hurt.."

Ofira frowns and says loudly and clearly to the room. "Did anyone else eat
any of the buns and now feels sick?"

Benden Weyr> Suzot nods. Yes, stimulates creativity! *writes that down*

Benden Weyr> Makeda agrees with all those reasons, "Besides that, it's fun!"

Makeda says "Not I, Ofira."

Aphrael shifts slightly, letting out a faint sigh as she stands. "I think
I'll head outside for a while. Getting crowded in here.. happy Turnday
again, Kassi." she murmers to the greenrider as she slips outside.

Aphrael walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Ofira smiles. Oh, I agree with all of that stuff, but it's
still hard to keep up sometimes!

Maarie's attention has now perked up, her frown returning. She says quietly
to Ofira, "He also says that the bed causes it. Don't worry. Well, worry,
but not about your cooking."

Rowen walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Kassima nods and knows. :) I only manage to keep up because
I'm online almost every hour that I'm not sleeping, I think. :P :)

R'val frowns at the talk, "I feel just fine."

Ofira looks at Maarie, "The bed? Hurts his stomach?"

Benden Weyr> R'val remembers being like that. Ah, how I miss university :)

J'cob shakes his head, "No, its the buns, I swear."

Benden Weyr> Suzot echoes, "Ah, how I miss Benden."

Maarie rolls her eyes and leans closer to Ofira, speaking quietly.

Ofira smiles at R'val, "Oh, good...then you can watch Girad for me now,
like you promised." She sets Girad on his lap before turning back to J'cob.

Ofira gently sets Girad down on his thickly diapered bottom to play.

Ofira frowns, "No one else got sick from the buns."

Benden Weyr> Kelset'd burn out if he were on that much. :)

Asrai starts getting her usual confused look on her face. At Ofira's
manuvering she giggles softly.

R'val grimaces inwardly and smiles down at Girad, "My pleasure, Ofira!"

Kassima shakes her head in response to Ofira's query. "Nay, nay 'tall,
Ofira. The only cooking that's ever made me ill were the tubers and stewed
greens when 'twas pregnant, but never aught else." The greenrider folds her
beringed fingers around her statue, resting one hand on the perch, and
sighs with some contentment. "Aside from the dress, this has been a
marvelous Turnday," she opines, mostly to herself.

Gwynden blinks, looking at Ofira, Girad and R'val, as if watching him was
her sole job.

Makeda looks suspiciously at J'cob. "Those buns were just fine, Ma'am."

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Most people would/do, Kelset. I did. Only a
lunatic like Kassi can stay online all the time she's awake, years on end,
and still want to be here. :"

Girad looks up at R'val, staring at him , perplexed.

Benden Weyr> Kassima is obsessive-compulsive. What can she say? :)

Makeda blinks at Kassima. "It's your turnday? I didn't know!." She looks
upset for missing this information.

Asrai covers her mouth with one hand momentarily. But after a moment lowers
it, looking relieved.

Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "Like you, R'val?"

Benden Weyr> Kelset can only agree with that, R'val - Kassi. ;)

Benden Weyr> Gwynden was just about ot say that it took one to know one. ;)

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "No, Rina, not like me."

Ofira frowns looking frm J'cob to Maarie. "What's the matter with him then?"

Kassima nods, smiling wryly at Makeda. "Aye, I've reached the ripe old age
of twenty and three. I'm certain m'hair will turn grey now ere I know it."

R'val winks down at Girad.

Maarie shrugs, "He'll not go see a healer. Blames it on everything from
your cooking to the weather in Nerat."

J'cob curses loudly, "Maarie here thinks its WINE!"

Girad regards R'val suspiciously, face puckering.

Gwynden's attention is lost on her fosterparents and is consumed with R'val
and Girad. Skooting closer over to them, as any nosy child does around
babys, she tries to smile at Girad. "Hiya guy."

Ofira nods slowly. "Too much wine wil make you ill after a time...if it's
really, really a lot, I've heard...R'val would know..."

Makeda sighs. "I'm really sorry, Kassima. I would have made something
special for you, if only I'd known."

R'val wiggles his eyebrows towards Girad.

J'cob frowns, "Shush!"

Maarie frowns further, more out of hurt than scorn. "It -is- the wine," she

Girad 's lips begin to tremble and his eyes screw up, preperatory to the
loud wailing all Benden knows and loves so well.

Benden Weyr> Jehrina eyes the LC. I wouldn't go that far:)

Ofira ignores J'cob and says to Maarie. "Has he been to the Healer?"

J'cob turns to Girad and blasts, "Stop it, I hurt!"

R'val shudders as Girad looks ready to blow, "Ut-oh...."

Gwynden turns for a moment to her fosterers, reconizing a fight when she
hears one, only to be deafened by Girards cring.

Ofira frowns at J'cob, "I'm sorry you're ill, but don't yell at my baby."

Kassima grins at Makeda, and shakes her head. "Don't worry about it! I
didn't think anyone knew, actually, but then people kept popping out of the
woodwork with presents--nay end of surprise, I assure you. Though this
dress was nay, thank Faranth, a gift from any of m'friends--'twas a
relative." She seems to think that piece of information suffices to explain
the horrid garment.

Asrai frowns at J'cob's outburst, "Well, you're screaming at the child
certainly won't help matters any, J'cob."

Girad turns bright red and takes a deep breath, opening his mouth as he
recieves no sympathy from the man holding him.

Gwynden hops up, standing rather abruptly. "You can't yell at a baby. Your
basicaly doing the same thing he is, only you know words." She frowns
scornfully at the rider.

R'val bounces Girad on his knee, frantically trying to stop the outburst.

Asrai stands, looking out towards the bowl, "If you all will please excuse
me." She leaves quickly.

Maarie doesn't even get a chance to answer Ofira before her outburst,
turning to stare at J'cob in horror. The act in itself leaves her
speechless but obviously not void of emotion as her face slowly transforms
into an angry expression.

Asrai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

J'cob decides instead to yell at Ofira, and does so as loudly as Girad.

Makeda follows Asrai out, the yelling and crying too much for her.

Makeda walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Ofira frowns and says to Maarie over the din, "The Healer? Did he see him?"

Kassima glances over to the baby, casting a brief, disbelieving look at
J'cob. "Dear Faranth, nay wonder the lad's upset! I'd be tempted t'scream
m'self, in this din."

Gwynden turns to R'val and the wailing baby. "Um, he likes to play
peekaboo. And when you take your hands way and sing : 'Peekaboo, I see-ee
you!' he's usually a little happier."

R'val winces at Gwynden, 'Peekaboo?" He sighs softly, and repeats the
gesture with a grin down at Girad, "Peekaboo, Girad!"

Maarie is out of her seat quicker than a dragon, shaking her head to Ofira
only briefly as she puts herself right in front of J'cob. Reaching out to
push him, her hands against his shoulders, her voice is stern but a normal
volume, "Stop this!"

Girad stops mid-howl and regards R'val doubtfully. He covers his own eyes
with little hands and waits.

J'cob shuts up suddenly and winces, in a quiet voice, whimpering, "I hurt."

Zerra walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Gwynden looks at Maarie and J'cob, her eyes wide. Biting her bottem lip,
she watches.

R'val grins down at Girad, "Where's Girad gone?" He asks, baby-tone.

Girad pulls his hands away and giggles wildly at the joke, giving R'val a
big baby grin.

Zerra walks towards the inner cavern.

Ofira sighs as the noise level goes down and looks at J'cob.
"Maarie...maybe he should see the Healer. He looks ..well, not so good..."

Maarie still frowns her voice much tender, "I know. That's why you need to
get to a healer, J'cob."

R'val grins down at Girad brightly, "There's Girad!" He's getting better at
this, ayup.'

Girad crows happily and grabs the funny man' s hands and pushes them
towards his face.

Gwynden turns back to R'val and the quieter Girad. -- Best to leave them to
it. She smiles softly, "Careful rider. That little guy will make you do
that a million times."

R'val chuckles softly, "I shan't be here long enough to do it /that/ often."

Girad pushes insistently begining to whimper again.

Gwynden grins, "And he likes his tummy tickeled."

Kassima smiles, leaning back in her chair now and absently pushing some of
the excess lace away from her. "I'll have to try that with Kaylira when
she's older, methinks."

R'val tickles Girad's tummy experimentally.

Girad's whimper turn to giggles again and he grabs clumsily at the tickling

Ofira gets up, sighing, giving J'cob a worried look and heading to the
kitchen. "See, he likes you R'val," she smiles, as she goes.

Ofira walks off towards the kitchen.

J'cob crosses his arms and loudly refuses, "No healer. None. I'm not a babe."

Gwynden plunks her self in the seat next to R'val, purposefully puting the
man in front of her fosterers.

Kassima murmurs under her breath, "I think he and Garant would get along
well, actually."

Ofira walks in from the kitchen.

Ofira returns carrying a large sheet cake, decorated with the words "Happy
Turnday Kassima" and a green dragon with several firelizards around it and
quite a few little candles. She begins to sing, "Happy Turnday to you..."

R'val bursts into song, bouncing Girad on his lap, "Happy Turnday to you..."

Makeda walks in from the bowl.

Gwynden belts out in a rather loud voice, "Happy Turn day to you!"

Happy Turnday dear Kassima....

Makeda returns in time to join in the singing.

the crowd finishes together, "Happy Turnday to you!"

Gwynden add's in her extra long - Yooooooouuuuuuuu!-

Makeda claps her hands as the song ends. "Happy Turnday, Kassima."

Maarie turns at the singing, a weak smile for the Turnday girl, but even a
turnday does not allow her attention to waver completely, talking quietly
with J'cob. She insists, "You will go."

J'cob joins in, completely off-key.

Not for the first time today, Kassi's eyes widen visibly, and she blinks
three or four times in surprise. "For me?" she wonders in amazement, for
all that she's quite able to read and shouldn't have to ask. She does
something that she honestly doesn't do very often: she turns a bright
crimson, grinning like an idiot as she listens to the singing. She applauds
enthusiastically as it ends, exclaiming, "Ach, you shouldn't have! This is
too sweet--pun quite intended, I assure you!"

Ofira laughs and sets down the cake and hands Kassima a knife to cut the
first piece. "here you go."

Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs the whole lot of you, just 'cause. Thanks,
y'all. :)

Benden Weyr> Gwynden grins, taking a snug. :)

Benden Weyr> Aphrael snugs her sie. :)

R'val grins, "Make a wish and all that, Kassi."

Benden Weyr> R'val Snugs Kassinutcase.

Ofira nods "And blow out the candles!"

Kassima grins, both at the cake and at being given a knife. She closes her
eyes and takes a deep breath first, then blows out all of the
candles--she's quite enough of a windbag to do that, which should surprise
no one. Opening her eyes, she grins. "'Tis almost too beautiful to cut,"
she observes, nonetheless obviously trying to figure out where to do just
that; finally, she cuts herself a medium-sized piece that's part of her
name--unsurprisingly, including the K--and beams widely as she passes the
knife back to Ofira. Hilt-first, of course. "I've been repeating m'self a
lot this eve, I know, but even if'n 'tis nay original to say--thankee!"

Benden Weyr> Asrai POUNCES a Kassi :)

Makeda winces at Kassi-with-a-knife, but decides it safe enough. She beams
at the greenrider. "Look at Lysseth on your cake."

Ofira smiles and kisses kassima on the cheek. "You're very welcome. I hope
the turn to come is a wonderful one for you and Kaylira."

Benden Weyr> Kassima yikes, and topples over in a flurry of chartreuse
lace. :)

Benden Weyr> Gwynden would take Kassi with a knife then Emlyn. Less
kissing. ;)

Benden Weyr> Gwynden spoke to soon and winks at Ofira.

Girad spots the cake and shrieks joyfully, nearly lunging out of R'val's arms.

Kassima laughs, "I saw! She's beautiful--she says to say so, too, that 'tis
a fair likeness. My many thanks, Ofira--shells, you're too good t'me by far."

Ofira smiles and begins to say something but turns sharply at Girad's yell.
"R'val! be careful of him!"

J'cob leans over against Maarie, eyes closing.

Kassima starts at the yell, too, and abruptly chuckles. "Methinks the lad
has a taste for cake, Ofira--'tis nay hard to tell that he's a Baker's son."

Gwynden giggles, catching the conversation. "I think he'll be CraftMaster
some day..." She smiles at Ofira, thinking. "But maybe not, he has a way to

R'val grips Girad, gently mind you, about the hips, "Girad, hey! Don't run
off, little, I'll get you a small piece..." He grins sheepishly at Ofira.

Makeda grins at Gwynden. "I hope I get there first."

Ofira smiles, remembering her earlier conversation with Gwynden, "Well, he
can have a /small/ piece I suppose..."

Ofira nods encouragingly to R'val, smiling hopefully.

Kassima picks up a fork, using it to take up a bit of the cake to taste.
Her eyes close in bliss, and she smiles, licking the icing from her lips.
"Ofira, I think 'tis fair safe to say that you've outdone yourself. I can't
blame Girad for wanting some, by any means!"

Gwynden grins over at Makeda, "I'll just be happy to walk the tables and be
an apprentice!" She giggles at her own joke as if this is the greatest one

Makeda grins at Gwynden. "Don't we all hope to walk someday."

Lysseth> Asrai shakes her head, "Aph, you know K'nan better then that. He
cares very well wether or not the two of you are friends." she says with a
light chiding, as if indeed, Aph should know better then to say something
as silly as that. But she then turns to look southwards, "Yes, I think that
might be a good idea." she looks back at her friend, for she trully thinks
of Aph as such, laying a hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

Ofira smiles at Kassima, "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"Oh, I am," Kassi assures the Baker, forking up another bite. "With my
sweet tooth, who'd expect aught else? Besides, 'tis i'truth an excellent

Gwynden smiles, "Yeah, I know I do. /But/," And her tone just echos of
Ofira's, "We must do what we must."

Makeda smiles. "We can't but walk someday with Ofira to train us, Gwynden."

Ofira looks over at her Bakers and smiles, "What's this I'm hearing?
Ambition?" she teases.

Gwynden closes her mouth quickly, but laughter dancing in her mis-matched
eyes. "No, we were saying what a great teacher you were /Master/ Ofira Ma'am."

Makeda nods. "We think we'll eventually walk the tables with you to teach
us, Ma'am."

Ofira laughs good naturedly, "Well, if you do, it will be because you have
the talent to do so," she reminds them.

Gwynden grins. -Ambition? Me? Naw, she likes peeling day after day after
day after day...

Makeda nods. "Yes Ma'am." She has enough ambition for the both of them.

J'cob collapses on the table, his face pale.

Ofira looks over , alarmed, at the thud. "Oh dear!" she exclaims, looking
quickly at Maarie.

Gwynden blinks, watching J'cob slump over. Raising her fist to her mouth,
she hops up, making her way to the fallen rider.

Ofira takes Girad from R'val, "Help him...you had healer training!" she
suggests worriedly.

Makeda's eyes widen as J'cob collapses. "I know it wasn't those buns," she
mutters. "What's wrong with him?"

Gwynden lays a hand softly on his shoulder, looking with huge eyes to
Maarie and Ofira.

R'val crosses to J'cob's side and looks him over. He puts his fingers to
the man's neck.

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Well J'cob, what's up with you ICly? ;)"

Ofira frowns, "No...buns wouldn't do this! She gazes at J'cob and then to

Kassima starts at the thud, setting down her fork to stare at J'cob.
"Shells, what's amiss with him? He doesn't look at all well!"

Gwynden does her version of child hood healing -- She pokes him in the arm,
calling out in a slightly shaky voice. "J'cob? Heyla ... J'cob?"

Ofira says to Makeda, "Get a glass of water please?" her tone urgent.

Makeda nods and heads for the kitchen with quick steps. She returns
momentarily with a large glass of cool water.

Ofira takes a little water and tosses it on J'cob's face.

Benden Weyr> Gwynden ahems at J'cob. What's wrong with ya boy?

Benden Weyr> Suzot misses Benden!

J'cob starts gagging..

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "J'cob, you have to tell me OOCly what's wrong
with you ICly before I can RP it :P"

Gwynden lets out a squeal, turning quickly to the adults.

Benden Weyr> Ofira grins. Oh, just pump him full of drugs and be done with
it ;)

Benden Weyr> Gwynden chuckles, "A good dump in the Ice lake would do him

Ofira frowns, "Get a bucket!" she orders, lifting J'cob's head gingerly so
he wont' choke.

Gwynden takes off to do as Ofira asks weather or not the direction were
directed at her.

Kassima wonders hopefully, "Perhaps 'tis merely a stomach bug? Those
usually clear up quickly once the nausea's past. Can you tell 'tall what's
wrong with him, R'val?"

R'val checks J'cob's neck, his breathing, and scowls, 'Shards, SHARDS!" He
bellows, "We need a /real/ healer here, my training's rather rusty. I think
J"cob has alcohol poisoning!"

J'cob starts filling Ofira's bucket.

Gwynden gathers a bucket, inlisting Salless in the task of bringing it
over. Looking rather pale, she slosh's some of it as they set it down.

Ofira looks rather ill herself. "Can he have had /that/ much to drink
R'val? And what do we do?"

Benden Weyr> Gwynden hrms and though you wanted water. Ewwws.

Benden Weyr> Gwynden blinks at the time. "I've gota go make dinner or ppl
are going to start asking why I'm tring to starve them! ;)"

Gwynden looks at R'val, "I'll -- I'll try to find one..." She turns, making
a rather quick exit out.

Makeda turns away looking a little green herself.

Gwynden tears down the stairs into the lower caverns.

Gwynden walks towards the inner cavern.

J'cob starts wretching again., spilling the bucket across himself.

Benden Weyr> Suzot suddenly remembers she's forgotten to Bagel to Kassima!

Benden Weyr> Gwynden throws some hugs around to your guys just cause she
can. Night!

Ofira frowns, "What are we going to do? Where are all our Healers?"

Kassima grimaces as, for the second time that day, retching echoes
throughout the room. She pushes herself up out of her chair, gathering some
towels and walking over to where the others are. "There's got t'be a Healer
around here *somewhere*," she mutters, "but they're never around when you
*need* them! Where's Garant? Portock? Has anyone seen them?"

Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Retching in the LC?? Yuk!"

Benden Weyr> Ofira grins. Kassi, want to emit Garant? ;)

Benden Weyr> Makeda says, "Someone page a healer and ask if they want some

Benden Weyr> Kassima would, Ofira, but she doesn't want to borrow Lys's NPC
without asking. :)

Benden Weyr> Ofira says, "Ah...I didn't realize he was hers specifically :)"

Benden Weyr> Ofira grins. Guess your in our good hands J'cob ;)

Benden Weyr> R'val suggests you folks continue without him. My computer is
giving me REAL grief suddenly.

Benden Weyr> Suzot would page a healer and ask for RP, but I don't need a

Ofira looks at the others. "Let's take him to th e infirmary."

Benden Weyr> Makeda says, "Tess is a Master. Page her and see if a healer
would like to come?"

R'val nods, "Here, help me get him up. All we can do is make him drink
water, I think. I don't really know tho, I' not a healer anymore..."

Kassima nods, setting down the towels to help the others. "There'll like as
nay be someone in the Infirmary who can help, aye? I think 'twould be good,

Ofira nods and moves forward to take one of J'cob's arms.

Makeda moves to assist her Master even thought this isn't baking.

Ofira gives a tug. "he's heavy!"

Kassima hefts, too, grabbing ahold of the other arm. "He is," she agrees
with an oof, "but nay too bad, compared to some... and the Infirmary's nay
so very far off."

R'val tugs him to his feet with a grunt, "Dead weight. Erf. We ready then?"

Ofira nods, getting J'cobs arm where she's fought to keep it from for so
long, across her shoulder, "Okay...let's go!"

Makeda follows behind ready to help, somewhere.

Ofira calls to Makeda, "Bring the bucket!"

R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Ofira walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Makeda comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Benden Weyr> Makeda whistles. 'Oh, J'cob? You coming? I would ask if we
have to drag you, but we already are doing that."

R'val walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Benden Weyr> R'val gives up. I have better things to do than wait for him.

Benden Weyr> R'val suggests we RP that we took him in, etc.

J'cob comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

J'cob moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

Makeda moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "Sorry; I had a visitor."

Ofira moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

You go beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

R'val moves into the Infirmary from the bowl.

J'cob emerges from behind the tapestry leading to the inner infirmary.

J'cob was here all the time =)

Ofira heaves J'cob onto a cot with the help of others.

J'cob turns over and makes a mess on the floor

R'val dodges, shuddering, "Augh."

Makeda offers somewhat unsure. "Perhaps he just needs a purge, like castor
oil or something."

Ofira sighs. "We'd better undress him," she says reluctantly, looking at

Kassima oofs, adding her efforts to Ofira's. She steps back, lace and
skirts a-rustling. "Is there aught else that we can do?" she asks, watching
as the vomit hits the floor. She takes yet another step away.

Makeda shakes her head. "Can't one of you riders go to the hall and ask for
a Healer?"

One might even think he's /aiming/ for Kassima

"Wouldn't think a purge, nay in the way he's purging himself," is Kassi's
somewhat droll quip. "There *should* be Healers enough right here. The
question is, where are they?"

Kassima manages to avoid the vomit, albeit barely. Not that getting any on
the skirts of her dress would be any big loss... in fact, it might well be
an improvement.

R'val grimaces, "I am NOT going to undress J'cob.'

Ofira frowns. "Well, /I'm/ not going to. Kassi?"

Makeda turns green and takes several steps away from the cot. "I'm sorry, I
just can't..." She makes a funny face and turns her back.

R'val ahems, "I suggest we leave this to the healer."

Kassima makes a face. "What makes you think I want to any more than either
of you do? But for Faranth's sake, if'n nay anyone else will--oh, wait,
R'val. That's a good idea."

Ofira sighs andlooks around, "Well, I dont' see a healer and we can't leave
him lying in vomit. I'll do it," she says grudgingly.

This time, the mess is in Ofira's direction. But it seems like he's running
dry, finally.

One of Portock's nameless, faceless journeymen associates enters the room,
"Dear me!" He exclaims, "Whatever is going on?"

Ofira sighs with relief and points to J'cob wordlessly.

Kassima chimes in with her own relieved sigh as the nameless, faceless
Healer puts in an appearance. "He's ill," she points out needlessly,
nodding towards J'cob. "R'val thought 'twas... alcohol poisoning, wasn't
that it?"

Makeda turns to smile with relief as a healer appears.

Ofira nods, "J'cob drinks and eats way too much," she agrees.

The healer frowns deeply, grey eyes assessing J'cob, "He'll need a purge,
and bed rest. and NO more liquor." He glares at the drunken sot riders,
whom he blames completely for this mess.

Ofira nods, "So muchfor our contract then," she sighs, looking at the
disheveled, dirty , smelly J'cob.

The healer prepares and administers a vile-smelling potion down J'cob's
throat," You can all go now, 'He remarks, "He'll be fine, after he pukes
his brains out. He just needs sleep, water, and no more sauce."

Makeda blinks. "Contract?"

Makeda looks with pity on the poor rider. "He'll be allright though? He
just, collapsed in the cavern."

Ofira nods, preparing to leave J'cob incapable hands. "yes..." she tells
Makeda. "The one that says he stays out of the kitchen and I supply him
with wine..."

"Mayhaps you can make a new one, with different terms?" Kassi suggests to
Ofira. "'Course, 'twill be hard t'find something he'd take in place of
wine. Cheese, mayhaps."

Ofira nods, "Maybe..Cheese. or cookies...."

Kassima nods, even as she heads outside.

You walk out into the bowl.

Ofira emerges from the infirmary.

R'val emerges from the infirmary.

R'val grimaces, 'Shardin' alcohol poisoning. Not a pretty sight.'

Makeda emerges from the infirmary.

Makeda breaths deeply. "Oh, my!"

Ofira shakes her head, a bit green. "Guess h won't be in the dunking booth
for the games," she says regretfully.

Kassima shakes her head, too. "I somehow doubt it, unless he gets better
rather swiftly."

Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "Thanks folks. Anyone wanna help me with the

Benden Weyr> Kindre hrms?

Benden Weyr> Ofira grins. Put in lots of gory details about the vomiting ;)

Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "LOTS!"

Benden Weyr> Makeda ewwwws and holds her nose. :)

Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "Seriously?"

Kassima ducks into the LC briefly, and returns lugging her Turnday gifts in
tow. Glancing towards the South, she tells the others, "I think I'll go
take a walk by the Lake... I'll see you later, eh? And Ofira, thankee again
for the cake--I can't tell you how touched I am by the sentiment behind it."

Makeda says "I have to be up early, Master Ofira. I think I'll head for my
cot, Ma'am.""

Makeda bobs a quick good night curtsey and heads inside.

Makeda walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Ofira smiles, "Good night Kassima. And to you too Makeda. We do have a lot
to do tomorrow!"

Kassima sets the perch down by Lysseth, and places the jade statuette in
the dragon's strap-pouch before heading to the south in flurry of lace and
frills. "I really hate this dress," she can be heard to mutter as she goes.

You walk south.