-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Telgar Weyr Auction Incident Date: August 13, 1998 Place: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: If you thought thirty-six marks was a lot to pay for a goldrider, just wait until you see how much people are willing to pay for a greenrider! The green whip and Kassi's motormouth capabilities are once again employed as Telgar sells off some of its finest--and a few strangers, for good measure--during the Telgar Area Festival. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. T'saren eyes Pierron for a long moment after the man's greeting, then taps his new Dawnslight Wingleader badge. "Try again, old man. That excuse for a Weyrleader we have took my wing from me." And with that, Tas turns on his heel and takes a seat at the Dawnslight table. Lissina looks around the Cavern. Delina looks at all the people coming in C'vadan also quietly takes a seat at the Dawnslight table. Shanzena looks around as she steps into the room. She smiles to people as she does. Keagan follows Kassima and Kharty into the living caverns, his pouch jingling at his waist as he walks. Lissina finds a seat out of the way and sits down, watching everyone as they come in. Kassima asks T'saren with a touch of exasperation, though she sounds like she's somewhat understanding too, "Does it really matter whether he snorts, humphs, or does whatever at you? 'Tis still an animal sound all the same." Drawing her ornamental whip from its place at her belt, she cracks it against a table to get people's attention. "Duties t'you and yours, all! Could those wishing t'be sold kindly have a seat behind the Thunderbolt table? That'll be serving as our auction platform. Priority goes t'Telgarians, since we don't have t'cut them in on the marks." She winks, and hoists herself up onto the table. Apparently, she'll be the auctioneer this evening. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kaath informs with a rather amused tone, << My rider sends her regrets for this...auction? She says that she needs to stay in bed. Hmpf. Can't imagine why. >> Allus finds a seat as well. One near to the best. Unfortunately, he seems to have grabbed a seat at the Thunderbolt table by mistake. "Ah...this seat's a little /too/ good to see. Anyone else want it?" Shanzena finds herself a seat and settles down to watch. An amused smile on her face. Long ago, Cav might have taken offense at T'saren's seeming dismissal of Dawnslight, but he learned in his many years that Weyrleaders come and go, and with each new one, they shuffle everyone about without much thought. So he smiles. T'saren just snorts in reply to Kassi, then reluctantly gets up and moves to the seats behind the Thunderstorm table, muttering, "I can't believe I'm doing this" under his breath. Neliea walks in from the bowl. Tamren looks around him a bit nervously. Such a crowd... He finds a seat. Lysseth> Kaath senses that Lysseth gives a sound that's rather like a human's 'awwwww'. << My rider says that she regrets your rider isn't feeling well, especially since she has so many nice bronzeriders to sell today. >> Lissina looks slightly confused at what is going on, but sits quietly and watches. Kharty has already moved toward the Thunderbolt table as it's her own. Sitting down, she nervously wrings her hands, muttering, "For the good of Telgar.. for the good of Telgar..". Neliea slips into the room, purposely staying to the outside as she makes her way to the Dawnslight table. Not to mention not to nod too much to people, though she does tap Kharty on the shoulder as she passes. S'dar walks in from the bowl. Keagan moves to a table near the front close to the Thunderbolt table. He pulls a chair from beneath the table and flips it around to face the goings-on, then slides into it, stretches out his legs and crosses his arms across his chest to await the festivities. Kassima asks T'saren and Cav with wicked good humor, "What, men, nay kilts? For shame! Still, I suppose you can strut just as well in pants... if'n nay as aesthetically. Sign your names t'that hide over there, please, so that I can read 'em off good and proper. We'll want everyone t'know whom they're bidding on!" Lissina looks around, not knowing if this is a meeting or what decides to slip off. Kharty looks up at Neliea as she passes, feeling the tap, then rolls one hand at her, hoping to entice the girl to be sold. Allus still looks around, offering 'his' seat at the auctioning table to any who want it. C'vadan gives Kassima a tired look. At least she doesn't have any daggers in view. Lissina walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. S'dar wanders in, meeting Pierron's icy glare with a sheepish grin, then, greeting his various friends, wanders over to the Skyfire table to take a seat. Telgar Weyr> R'val considers being bid on, just to give everyone a good laugh. T'saren makes a face at Kassi, then signs his name on the indicated hide. "I would have worn my kilt, but I'm sure whomever purchases me would like me whole, and not with parts frozen off." R'val enters from the Bowl. R'val wanders in, glancing around, "Busy in here." Shanzena watches the goings on and eyes the people to be sold. She reaches up and gives her little brown a scritch on the head. Her other hand resting in he lap. Delina looks at R'val and smiles"hi Neliea thinks that it's going to be a very cold day *between* when she decides to let herself be sold, returing Kharty's glance with a not-a- chance look. Settling into her seat, she leans back and folds her arms, glancing about amusedly and nods to R'val. Matheny walks in from the kitchen. T'saren nods a greeting to R'val as he again sits down. "Heya, R'val. Ever wanted to sell yourself for the good of the Weyr?" Kassima waits a few moments to collect all the names, then raises her green whip for attention again. "Our duties to you all, and your respective Holds, Crafts, and Weyrs," she begins. "I'm Kassima, green Lysseth's rider, and I'll be your auctioneer this evening. Today, we'll be selling a bevy of fabulous young men and women as dance partners for tonight's Masquerade... so have your marks ready! The maximum amount anyone may raise over the prior bid is one quarter mark or less. We're nay out t'wring everyone dry, believe it or nay. Are there any questions ere we begin?" Matheny wanders out of the Telgar kitchens in an almost casual fashion and looks for a good place to sit. C'vadan sits quietly watching Kassima as she speaks. R'val grins at T'saren wryly, "No one would buy me, but I"ll still do it." S'dar gives the High Reaches goldrider a cheerful wave as she enters the room, accompanied by a somewhat shy smile. "Telgar's duties," he says, followed by a more casual "and good to see you." Delina looks at R'val Allus sits back down, unable to find anyone willing to take his chair. "Wonderful. You get top seats and look where it lands you!" R'val gets up, idly signs his name, and plops back down at the Dawnslight table, procuring a cup of klah from someplace. T'saren chuckles at R'val's answer and leans back in his chair, crossing arms over chest. "Oh I'm sure you'll find some sucker, I mean caring, generous person who'll give a couple marks for you, R'val," Tas teases. Matheny smiles brightly at being adressed, "High Reaches duties!" then in a lower voice so she doesn't interrupt the festivities, "Good to see you too, S'dar." Delina walkes over and signs just under R'val's name R'val smirks idly and nudges T'saren, "Huh. Funny, you." Delina Walks back to her wall Telgar Weyr> T'saren snugsmooches a weyrmate! Gonna buy me at the auction, or let someone else have me? ;) Kassima listens for a moment, then breaks into a broad grin as there don't seem to be any questions. "Excellent! First up is... let's see here." She squints at the hide, but can't seem to make out the first name. How embarrassing. To cover, she swings her whip around to point directly at the hapless Allus. "This fine young man here! C'mon up and strut for us, young sir, so that we can begin the bidding!" T'saren just winks in answer to R'val, then settles back to watch the bidding. Telgar Weyr> Maylia smooches Tas! hee :) Depends - you gonna buy me? Allus blinks. "Me?" Out of sheer reflex of following directions, he stands. Kharty leans behind her to scrawl her name on the hide, then leans back to watch the goings on. "Yeah, Allus!" she calls over to him. Telgar Weyr> Kassima thinks L'cher plans to buy you, May. ;) Telgar Weyr> Maylia screams! Telgar Weyr> T'saren giggles. Depends on what else is offered. ;) Telgar Weyr> K'nan will go buy Tas. O:) Maylia walks in from the bowl. Pierron nods knowingly as the assistant weyrlingmaster enters. Keagan looks up keenly to see who the first person to be auctioned off is going to be, then settles back into his chair as Allus is chosen. Shanzena watches the proceedings quietly. Kassima beckons the young man to get up onto the table with her, the better for everyone to see the merchandise. "This young man--what's your name, lad?--comes to us from Bitra Hold. As you can see, he's a fine young specimen and apt t'be a fine catch for any lady with the marks t'snare him! Who'll start the bidding at one-half?" T'saren waves to his weyrmate from where he sits behind the Thunderbolt table, awaiting his turn at being auctioned off. Telgar Weyr> Kassima feels oddly like a game show host. Telgar Weyr> T'saren grins. A younger greenrider in the corner holds up her arm. "A half mark for a dance with the lad!" she calls out. Telgar Weyr> K'nan mms, "A dance with T'sar.... does it come with a goodnight kiss?" O:) Allus does get up on the table, after his initial surprise totally unconcerned with what's going to happen. "Allus, ma'am." Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "NO! ;)" Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Just as long as it doesn't become Truth or Consequences :)" Telgar Weyr> T'saren says, "Depends on how many marks you pay, K'nan. ;)" Telgar Weyr> C'vadan may have to get into a bidding war with you, K'nan ;) Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "Can you buy someone -for- someone? I'm sure Saer needs someone to dance with.. ;)" Kassima points her whip towards the greenrider. "One half! Do I hear three quarters for this healthy young Allus chap, who'll probably still be in good shape for dancing despite the fact that he just called me ma'am?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima thinks you can probably transfer dance rights, yep. So feel free to buy gifts for friends. ;) Tahira enters from the Bowl. T'saren snickers into his hand at Kassi's words, half-standing to stage- whisper to Allus, "Don't call her ma'am or she'll make you wear a kilt." With that threat hanging in the air, the bronzerider sits back down. Tahira slips in the cavern door, brushing her hands together as she edges towards a place at the back. Allus grins at T'saren. "Now you tell me." S'dar's nose wrinkles up at the mention of kilts. Telgar Weyr> T'saren buys R'val for Maylia? ;) j/k Maylia heads into the living cavern, appearing just a tad bit apprehensive. Not only does she return her weyrmate's wave, she heads towards the Thunderbolt table, apparently she's up for auction, too. As she takes a seat, she murmurs to T'saren, "I can't believe I got talked into this..." Telgar Weyr> Maylia screams! ;) Telgar Weyr> K'nan buys Maylia for R'val! Kharty looks toward Allus then back to her friend Nel. Raising her hand, she calls out, "I understand we can buy for a friend, right?" Telgar Weyr> T'saren might have to overbid you there, K'nan. ;) Kassima makes a face at the audience. "Oh, c'mon, folks. Get into the spirit of it! Surely one of you can spare three-quarters of a mark t'have an assured partner for tonight's Masquerade who isn't a lecherous old bluerider who'll probably try t'pinch your rear end all the time." Telgar Weyr> Sionelle bids a mark and a half for Pierron. Telgar Weyr> S'dar will be back later! Telgar Weyr> Maylia ooos! is Pierron up?!?!? There's a good idea!!! ;) Telgar Weyr> K'nan will already have bought you. ;) T'saren nods to Maylia and leans over to give her a quick kiss. "You and me both, love." Kassima nods over to Kharty. "Indeed you can! If'n you wish t'transfer the dance rights, you may!" Telgar Weyr> Sionelle HEYS! Pieroon is MINE. Shanzena can't help but chuckles at that remark.She covers her mouth to try and stifle it. Allus flushes slightly, but continues standing right where he is. "I'm /sure/ I'm worth more then a half mark!" he says, grinning. Telgar Weyr> Sionelle ers, Pierron, that is. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "But May, only Elle would bid on him. ;)" Tahira folds her arms and smirks faintly, raising a cheerful eyebrow at her fellow holder. "Three-quarters!" she calls out from the back. >From her dark corner, Shena pokes arond her flat and empty pouch of marks and sighs. Telgar Weyr> Maylia grins - except those of us who wish to antagonize an old WLM... ;) Kharty considers, "I'll buy for a gift.. one mark!", she calls out to Kassi, her hand waving high in the air. Neliea glances over at Kharty and pales. She's doing what?! "I hear three quarters!" Kassi calls jubilantly. She's very clearly enjoying this business. "Do I hear a full mark? One mark from the bluerider!" she cries, pointing her whip at Kharty. "Do I hear one and a quarter?" C'vadan looks around as the bidding takes place. He seems to be looking for someone. Delina can't belive she signed up for this Maylia's eyebrows raise after she's returned her weyrmates' kiss in kind. "So what's Kassi holding over your head? She's already got you in a kilt, not that I mind that." Allus grins now as his price doubles in a few short moments. "Not even a /little/ higher?" Ceria walks in from the bowl. Kharty crosses her arms tightly about her chest, looking quite smug. "Don't you think he should turn around for us, Kassi? Kind of a 'full view'?" Kassima suggests helpfully to Allus, "Mayhaps if'n you strutted a bit? That's why we use such a long table as a runway, y'know. Go on and strut your stuff. Will anyone give me one and a quarter for this young, non- lecherous, mayhaps even halfway decent man?" T'saren sighs dramatically. "Kassi said she'd make me have dinner with M'hryn if I didn't do this, and that is certainly an experience I'd prefer not to have." He shoots a glower at the auctioneer Wingleader. Ceria watches the proceedings with amusement. Neliea is actually sitting up in her chair, leaning back is not a good thing. -Especially- in this case. If Kharty is really instant on this...oh there's Ceria. Waving slightly to her, she points to a chair next to her, hoping that she'll join here. Allus grins. "Wonderful. I'm just glad nobody I know is in here." True to form, he turns around a couple times, slowly, then walks left and right a bit. Ceria smiles as she spots Neliea and heads over to join her. Maylia looks mock-aghast at the threat. "Shells and shards! She wouldn't, would she?" Her attention drifts up to the lad 'strutting his stuff' for the crowd. "I can't believe this..." Aurian walks in from the bowl. Kassima merely grins unrepetantly at Tas, before calling to Allus, "Try t'puff out your chest some more! For one mark t'Kharty, going once...." Kharty claps for Allus, grinning. "Very nice, Allus! Very nice!" Looking over at Nel, she winks. Aurian raises an eyebrow as she enters, trying not to appear too winded. Ceria grins as she sits beside Neliea. "This is interesting," she murmers. Tahira edges a bit farther up, perhaps around one corner, grin widening several notches. "One and a quarter!" she calls out, looking as if she were on the verge of laughter. T'saren just rolls his eyes. "I wouldn't put it past her, and when I heard she was going to have that whip tonight, I didn't want to push my luck." He inclines his head in the green whip's direction, which is being used so expertly by the Wingleader tonight. Neliea looks over at Aurian and back to Khar, speechless. "Hmm, can I transfer him to um, Aurian," she muses quietly to Ceria and avoids her wingmate's soon to be comming glance or is that glare from her comment? A bluerider wearing an Istan knot rises, and clears her throat, grinning. "Awright, one and a quarter!" Just after Tahira. Quickly, "One and a half!" Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs!! oh boy. Maddy's on her way... Kassima starts to call the 'Going twice,' but halts it when she hears Tahira. "One and a quarter! Do I hear one and a half for this strut- master? Ah! One and a half! Do I hear one and three quarters, three quarters, three quarters?" Telgar Weyr> R'val wonders why this warrants an ohboy. Is she trouble? ;) Devon enters from the Bowl. Pierron tosses some dough into the air to make it as thin as a sheet to make baklava. Telgar Weyr> T'saren yehaws! Bid war! Or maybe cat fight. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Nope. She's a source of lots of marks. ;)" Kharty lifts up in her seat to glance back at the competition. Yelling out to Kassi, she places the bet. "One and three!" Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles! "Cat nothing twill be green vs. gold!" Telgar Weyr> Neliea laughs! Allus snickers, following Kassima's directions. "One and three quarters!" Kassima yells. "Do I hear two marks full? For just two marks, you can have a man at your beck and call for an evening...." Aurian fortunately doesn't hear Neliea's comment other wise she would have shot a horrible look at her wingmate. Delina watchs all the competition for Allus and stifles a laugh Ceria simply laughs. Maylia leans back in her seat, nodding understandingly at the whip. "Aye, that'd be good incentive, I'd say." the greenrider says. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Phediath bellows a respectful greeting to the dragons of Telgar Weyr as she backwings to a landing. Tahira bites at her lip, smile fading into thoughtfulness as she gives the competition an appraising glance, then another one down at her pouch. Not quite as certain as before, she calls out, "Two marks!" Shanzena chuckles softly and shifts so she can see better. Her little brown sets his forepaws on the top of his pets head so he can see. Kassima watches to make sure the lad is strutting in a suitably pompous- looking way, then slaps her whip against her hand. "Two marks! I have two marks! Will someone give me two and a quarter?" Keagan watches the bidding with a slightly bored expression. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Solarith rumbles a warm draconic greeting to Phediath. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Kvasith bugles brilliantly at the arriving gold. Devon wanders in from the bowl, a wondering expression clouding his features before a slight grin quirks the corners of his lips as he finds a nearby seat where he can watch the goings-on. T'saren blinks suddenly, brows shooting up into his hair. "Oh my," is all the words the Wingleader manages to get out. Allus is still walking around, following the directions. Won't have any complaints from him! Neliea thinks that there is just -no- sympathy for her as..oh, Tahira bidded again. Whew. Maybe she'll get out of this. To Ceria, she blinks. Funny? What's funny? This is her that she's talking about. Oh, please.. just where did Kharty get marks is her next thought. R'val glances at T'saren and smiles faintly, his attention going back to the auction. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Virroth rumbles a greeting as he wakes from his nap. Telgar Weyr> K'nan will buy R'val? O:) Telgar Weyr> R'val SHRIEKS! Telgar Weyr> K'nan will wait until he's proddy to collect, tho :) Maylia leans somewhat towards her weyrmate, grinning. "I'd say you had as fearful a threat as I did. She threatened to draft me into Thunderbolt if I didn't join." She winks, clearly half jesting. "Hmm? What's wrong?" Telgar Weyr> R'val throws himself off his ledge. Telgar Weyr> C'vadan toys with buying R'val for Cait :) Telgar Weyr> R'val likes that idea. ;) Ceria eyes the young man appraisingly. "He's not so bad," she teases Neliea. Aurian moves to the Dawnslight table as she waits for Kassima to doom her. Kassima, seeing the young man so compliant, suggests in a stage-whisper, "Wiggle your rump a bit for the nice people; that's a good lad... two marks, going once!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "And thus is it proven that Kassi will suggest anything for marks. ;)" Allus /doesn't/ do that. Fun this might be, but he's not going quite /that/ far. He does, however, continue to strut around. Telgar Weyr> K'nan waggles his eyebrows at Kassi T'saren shakes his head slowly, then answers his weyrmate. "Sol just told me Phediath is here, with Maddy." Knowing nothing else to say, the Wingleader shuts his mouth and looks down at his crossed arms. Kassima looks mildly disappointed, though she clearly wasn't expecting him to really do it. She's more of a realist than *that*. "Two marks, going twice...." Kharty considers the last bid, then shakes her head at Kassi. She'll not bid again.. but try for another 'less expensive' perhaps. Neliea cuts her glance over at Ceria and then at Kharty. Whew. Saved from Khar's dancing schemes for now. Telgar Weyr> Kassima wonders if she can get twenty-five marks for Cav again. ;) Maylia's jesting expression darkens, but just for a moment. A deep breath, and she shrugs. "Well, it's a festival, after all." She states, quietly. Though some might notice she shifts a tad bit closer to her weyrmate. Telgar Weyr> C'vadan really, really, really doubts that, Kassi :) Ceria grins at Neliea. Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "Go for 30." Kassima waits for one moment more, before calling, "Sold! To the young lady there, for two marks. Congratulations, and please leave your marks in this little box." She nudges the appropriate box on the table with her foot, which is being guarded by two *nasty*-looking blue fire-lizards. "Next up, we have a *very* special and talented young woman... Kharty, will you come on up?" You're our next contestant on the Price is Right! T'saren nods slowly, not even noticing Maylia's scooting over, since he's too absorbed in his own thoughts at the moment. In fact, if the Wingleader could find a way out of this auction thing without having to eat dinner with M'hryn, you could bet he would. Tahira's face brightens with delight for a moment, then rapidly droops into a sultry flirt as she flutters her lashes at Allus. She shimmies her way up to drop four half mark pieces into the box, giving the young man a wink as she does so. Kharty hops up onto the table in one quick bound, most likely found easy from vaulting up onto her blue's side. Smiling brightly, she strides over beside Kassi, wrapping her hand about the woman's neck to give her a hug. Taking a step sideways, she stomps one boot sideways, hands on her hips, laughing. "Well, folks.. time to bid!" R'val calls out, "One mark!" Keagan sits up sharply, moving to the edge of his seat as he hears the next victim's, um person's name. Allus grins back as he hops off the table. "Wow. Two whole marks." Madelynda walks in from the bowl. Ceria looks up at Kharty and then leans over to whisper to Neliea. "Anyone you'd like to buy Kharty for?" she asks with a grin. Sharen walks in from the bowl. Kassima laughs at her mentee, and strikes her whip against her hand again. "For this young, talented, and leather-loving young woman, do I hear--ah! One mark! Do I hear one and a quarter?" Keagan calls out, "One and one." with a smile in her direction. R'val calls out, "One and two thirds..." Sharen follows Madelynda in, absently smoothing her skirts. Maylia grins up at her cousin, up for bidding. Heck. No rules say you have to bid on the opposite sex. "One and a half!" She calls out. She's not looking at the door. "Fine, then, two!" T'saren manages a smile at Kharty's hop onto the table. "Two and a quarter marks, but only if I can put her in Dawnslight instead of dance with her." R'val eyes Maylia and grins, "Two and a half." Kharty laughs, letting her vest slide over one shoulder to strut back and forth slowly across the tabletop. Done this before, ayup. Neliea grins at Ceria, "Hmm, maybe.." Glancing at the active bidding, she shakes her head and whispers. "Too dangerous." Devon looks up and over to Kharty, a thoughtful expression momentarily crossing his face before he shakes his head. "Malia'd kill me," he mutters to himself. Without hesitation, Keagna calls out, "Two and three" Allus whacks his wrist against his head. "Outbidded in less then a minute." Ceria chuckles. Sharen blinks a bit at Kharty, and shrinks a bit closer behind her weyrwoman. Aurian leans over and whispers to Neliea, "You know we could buy Kharty and put her in a dress." Kassima calls out cheerfully, "Two marks, then, because I'm nay about t'let go of her as a Wingrider! A quarter's the most you can raise, folks, remember that... two and a half; do I hear two and three quarters? I do! Do I hear three?" R'val says, without expression, "Three!" Shanzena chuckles Keagan says "Three and one." R'val says "Three and a half." Neliea blinks and giggles at Aurian. "Wanna team up then?" Hey, that's not a bad idea. Kharty turns to the back, to give a slight buttwiggle, laughing over her shoulder. T'saren grins over at R'val, getting into the spirit of things, and therefore doesn't notice the entrance of the Istan Junior Weyrwoman. R'val fingers his rather full marks pouch and wolf-whistles at Kharty's wiggle. Madelynda enters quietly, her gather gown rustling about her. Her mouth upturning into a gentle smile, she pauses at the entrance for a long moment, simply taking in the scene. "It's certainly not runners they're auctioning," she murmurs quietly to Sharen and Orin, who stand at her side. Amused, she turns and accepts a glass of wine from a server passing by. Maylia's attention does finally shift 'round the room, but quickly darts away from the exit to the bowl. Another shift closer to Tas. And she stops bidding - wonder if she's saving her marks? Keagan turns a dark glance over at the rider, then says, "Three and three," adding "and only because I can only go up a quarter." C'vadan glances at Kharty and then at Kassima and calls out, "Four." Tahira sidles up to Allus and murmurs, "Well there, looks like you're all mine for the Gather. Got any plans?" She bats her eyelashes a few times for good measure. Sharen murmurs to Madelynda, as she scans the cavern, looking for a familiar face or two, "Yeah, but getting as expensive as one." "Three and a half, I hear--will anyone give me three and three quarters? Strut a bit for 'em, Kharty! Show 'em that women can *so* look attractive in leather!" Kassima winks, then asks again, "Three and three, anyone? I hear four! Do I hear four and one-quarter?" R'val glances at C'vadan in surprise, "Four and a half." Keagan calls out, "Can we see her teeth?" Allus grins. "Not a one." Aurian grins at Neliea then calls wickedly to Kassima, "5 marks." R'val glances at Aurian, not surprised. He peers into his mark's pouch and shakes his head, patting it and sitting back. He's out. C'vadan is calmly sitting there as the numbers get called out. "Five and one-half." Kharty tries for another buttwiggle, then lifts up tall to strut and pace along the table, tossing a few stray kisses out at the bidders. Kassima repeats patiently, "Maximum raise is a quarter mark...." As the bids keep coming in, though, she scrambles to keep up. "Five marks! Kharty, kindly bare your teeth for the people." Ceria laughs at the antics going on. Sharen murmurs quietly to Madelynda, watching Kharty and trying not to blush. T'saren does notice his weyrmate's shift this time and glances around the room. His eyes spot Maddy and he smiles a bit, then quickly turns it into a cough and looks back at the auction proceedings, hopefully before Maylia can notice. Neliea grins, watching if there's anymore competion. Glancing at C'vadan, she leans over to Aurian. "We can still keep going, right?" She does have her marks pouch handy today. Kassima keeps on chanting, "Five and one-half, I hear five and one-half-- will someone give me five and three quarters? Just look at those excellent teeth! She's in great health, and she'll make the perfect dance partner for any young man who may wish t'buy her!" Aurian nods, "5 and 3 quarters Keagan stands to peer into Kharty's smile and calls out, "Five and three!" Kharty laughs, then smiles to open her mouth, snapping pearly whites at the crowd. Winking, she laughs again, to wiggles her hips and slither across that table. Keagan hears Aurian's bid and says, "Six then." C'vadan seems the paramount of patience. "Six and one-quarter." Kassima tries to ignore the various wiggling and slithering that her mentee is indulging in. It is, after all, for a good cause. "Five and three quarters! Will someone give me six even? I've got six and a quarter! How about six and a half?" Keagan says "And a half." Aurian mutters to Neliea, "... don't know... That... rather..." Sharen hesitates and then snags a cup of wine for herself, sipping it to control her blush at Kharty's antics. Ceria glances over at Aurian and Neliea with a smile. C'vadan doesn't even look at the other bidders. For that matter, he's not really even looking at the biddee. "Seven." Aurian about to call seven, she then shakes her head. Kharty drops her vest now to hang onto it with one hand, dragging it across the table as she walks. Booted foot wiggles out at the crowd playfully. "I hear seven marks," Kassima announces, pausing to cast Cav an odd look. "Will someone give me seven and a quarter?" Neliea mutters to Aurian, "... afford 6... the... is... amount..." Maylia does notice her weyrmate's smile, but pretends not to. Some might say she appears determined to enjoy herself - and others might say she's just a tad bit posessive, as her hand reaches for T'saren's. Aurian mutters to Neliea, "... call..." Neliea sighs and knows that it's going to be a good cause, "Seven and a quarter." Keagan hand goes to his bulging pouch, then he eyes Kharty again, and says, "Seven and a half." C'vadan says softly, "Seven and three-quarters." Ceria mutters to Neliea, "You need some..." Neliea quickly nods to Ceria. Kassima whistles, impressed despite herself. "You're popular, mentee mine... all right, I've got seven and three-quarters for this marvelous young bluerider! Will someone even it out at eight?" Ceria reaches quickly for a pouch hidden in the folds of her skirt. "I've got a few to spare," she offers. Tahira's smile widens a bit as she takes Allus's arm, head in towards his and murmuring quietly. The pair head towards the doorway, presumably to take in a bit more of the sights. Madelynda arches a brow as she watches Kharty wiggle and slither, the rose in her cheeks turning to a deeper shade as she clears her throat. "Well," she observes shortly, looking away to peer at other faces as she takes a sip of the wine. Eventually, her wandering gaze rests on the a couple holding hands, and she gives Maylia and T'saren each a friendly smile, mouthing a 'Good even!' from her position across the cavern. Keagan sits back down and crosses his arms again, watching the crowd. Neliea glances over at Aurian mischeviously. "Shall we?" she whispers to her wingmate as she looks over at Ceria. "Only if you're sure." Ceria nods her assent with a mischievous smile. T'saren finds his weyrmate's hand suddenly in his and gives it a gentle squeeze, only occasionally sneaking serruptitious glances towards the Istan goldrider, which are quickly darted back to the auction. As Maddy mouths a good evening at himself and his weyrmate, a bright blush spreads over Tas' face and he coughs again. Sharen murmurs something quietly to Madelynda, a quiet question, to judge from her faintly apprehensive expression. But then stifles a little cough in the middle of it. Kharty stops slightly behind Kassi, peeking over the wingleader's shoulder to smile out at the crowd. "Only for Telgar..", she whispers in Kassi's ear, keeping that smile. Kassima gives Cav another odd look, clearly unsure of just *why* he wants to buy himself a bluerider, before announcing, "Seven and three quarters, going once...." Tahira walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima grins at Kharty and mutters, "The sacrifices some people are willing t'make, eh?" before calling, "Seven and three-quarters, going twice...." Keagan calls out, "Eight. Kassima swings her whip through the air to point the end at Keagan. "Eight marks even! Does anyone want t'give eight and a quarter?" Neliea grins between Ceria and Aurian, shaking her head. Too steep for her even with assistance. Devon stands and walks out into the bowl Devon walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Maylia manages a slight, very slight smile towards the Istan junior weyrwoman. The fingers of her hand not occupied in a posessive hold on T'saren's drum on the table. Those who don't know her might suspect she's just nervous about being auctionned off. C'vadan looks up at the young man so eager to buy a dance with the rider. "I am afraid you have out bid me," he says, trying to keep his smile in check. Shanzena shifts her position again and smoothes out her skirt. Kassima chuckles, listening and watching the crowd. "Eight marks going once... eight marks going twice...." She pauses, just in case there are any last-minute bids. Keagan looks over toward C'vadan and says quietly, "A well fought battle, good sir, but a futile one I'm afraid." Kharty takes a final walk along the edge, smiling, arms on her hips, swaying as she walks. Rounding the edge, she returns to face the crowd. Madelynda, puzzled by T'saren's blush and Maylia's odd smile, watches the couple for a thoughtful moment, but is distracted by Sharen's whisper. Leaning over to listen, she gives the girl an amused grin, and She mutters to Sharen, "... festivals,... they... manage... lots... about, I can see." Giving the girl's shoulder a quick pat, she stands upright again, and moves her gaze to Kassima. C'vadan glances at Kassima and surrepticiously winks at her. Sharen ohs faintly at Madelynda and nods. She sips at her wine as she too, turns her attention to the 'auctioneer'. Aurian runs her fingers through her hair. Delina watchs everything and stifles her giggles. She has never seen anything like this in her life Kassima finally strikes the whip across the palm of her hand to make the sharp cracking sound that signals the end of the bidding. "Sold to Keagan, for eight marks! Please leave your contribution in the little box." She winks again to Cav, before consulting the roster. "Next up, we have R'val, a bluerider here in our Dawnslight Wing. R'val, c'mon up! We'll start the bidding again at one-half!" T'saren shifts a bit uncomfortably in his seat. One might imagine a splinter is poking him in a bad spot or something. Another shift, and his blush deepens until Maddy looks away. Ceria releases her hold on her pouch. R'val hops to his feet and, with a jaunty grin, ambles towards Kassima. He leaps agilely onto the table and poses, "Get 'em while they're hot!" he shouts, wiggling at the crowd. ;) Kharty hops down from the table, smile still intact although one might wonder about it's sincerity at her happiness at who purchased her. Neliea leans back into her chair and and just watches. At least she still has her marks. Delina Giggles then quickly stiffles her giggles Sharen blushes and discreetly hides her eyes behind her wine cup. She clears her throat and wonders aloud, "Where did Orin get to anyway?" Shanzena chuckles softly as she watches the next participant. Ceria giggles at R'val. Orin walks in from the bowl. Kassima covers her eyes with her hands, trying *not* to laugh. "One half?" she asks the crowd hopefully. "He'd probably be quite an, err, mover on the dance floor...." C'vadan just covers his forhead as he watches his Wingmate. R'val decides to test the strength of the table, apparently, and begins doing some odd dance on the table. "Cha cha CHA! C'mon, ladies, I'm good for a laugh if nothing else!" Keagan walks up to the podium and tosses eight full marks into the box, then another half just for good measure. He says quietly to Kassima, but loud enough for those up front to hear. "You should've had your brown rider go higher. I'd have gone as high as 15 marks if necessary." An ancient female greenrider sitting near the back calls out "Two marks!" She elbows her neighbors, grinning toothlessly. "He's a darn fine rider, and not a bad ridee even." Delina smiles makeing sure not to laugh R'val winks over at the ancient rider, "Good to see you again, Eustasia, how's that lovely green of yours?" He turns around and wiggles shamelessly. Sharen hides behind Madelynda at *that* comment from the greenrider old enough to be her auntie. And nearly bumps into Orin. Ceria widens her eyes slightly at that comment. "Wasn't my idea," Kassima protests to Keagan, maybe innocently and maybe not. She just eyes this female greenrider, a distinct 'I did not want to know that' look on her face, but croaks out anyway, "I have two marks! Do I hear two and a quarter?" Telgar Weyr> R'val hrms. Hey gang...is this just a purchase of ONE dance, or what? C'vadan calls out softly, "And a quarter." When people look at him, he says, "Its for Caitria." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "The purchaser has the right to request as many dances of you as they want during the Masquerade, is the deal... so it can be one or many. :)" Shanzena chuckles and calls out. "Two and a half." Delina looks over at Shanzena following the shouts Kassima blinks at Cav, but agreeably announces, "Two and a qua--nay, two and a half! Do I hear two and three quarters for this bluerider?" Madelynda can't help but laugh at R'val's antics, one hand moving to cover her mouth--or, perhaps, to cover the shy flush in her cheeks. As Sharen darts behind the goldrider for safety, her laugh subsides into a soft chuckle and she nods to Orin as he enters from the bowl. Eustasia eyes the other bidders nastily. "He's mine, I say. Two and a quarter." She stands up a bit and wiggles her heavy torso invitingly. Keagan grins and extends his arm to Kharty, "Shall we sit over here and watch the rest of the proceedings." he says motioning to a table in the corner. Orin wanders in, staying near the entrance still. He watches the auctioneer and auctionee quietly. R'val abruptly pulls his vest open. He's still wearing a shirt underneath, but still. He bundles it up, and begins swinging it over his head while gyrating his hips, "Dah dah dah....dah dah dah dah..." he up and TOSSES his vest into the crowd! Ceria simply has to laugh at these proceedings. Kharty glares at Keagan, wanting to say something about herself being bought for the 'dance', not before nor after, but simply takes the arm and allows herself to be led to the table. Kassima tries not to stare in horror at the greenrider. "Um. Two and a quarter... uh... aye, two and a quarter for the bluerider. Do I hear two and a half?" C'vadan adds a quarter mark to the exisiting bid. Matheny chews on a thumbnail as she watches all the antics and bidding. She isn't quite ready to risk parting with her own marks, but she does have Kassima's remark about getting stuck with someone lecherous on her mind. Kharty lifts her hand, calling out, "Two and a half!", then looks over to Nel again. Someone say determination was her middle name? The old greenrider makes a face as she's overbid. Guess she's going too deaf to hear the bidding. "Why that young scrapper. Good thing she's not up for bids or I'd teach her a thing or three about how to impress the men." Keagan smiles sincerely at Kharty and says quietly, "You know if you tried just a little you might actually get to like me." "Two and three quarters!" Kassima calls, quite happy not to watch the greenrider anymore. "Do I hear three marks full?" Shanzena calls out. "Three." C'vadan sighs and calls out, "Three... and a quarter." R'val stops his antics and nearly falls off the table as people keep bidding. Wow, is this working? He beams at Kharty and the others, casts a half-smile at Eustasia and a fitful wink, and flexes for the crowd, baring his pearly whites. Delina watchs R'val's antics and can't help putting a hand to her head and giggleing Ceria pauses in her observation to glance around the cavern, perhaps looking for someone. Sharen stays behind Madelynda. It's much safer there. Kharty bids once again, "Four!" Hey, what are friends for? C'vadan sincerely hopes R'val doesn't 'strut his stuff' for his benefit. In fact, to be safe, he doesn't even look at the bluerider as he adds another quarter-mark to the existing bid. Madelynda blinks as R'val's movements become, apparently, too much for the goldrider and clears her throat, shifting her eyes away and murmuring softly to a nearby Telgari brownrider. "It's to go towards commissioning a ballad," the brownrider answers her, and Madelynda nods with a pleasantly surprised smile. "Is that so?" Her eyes move toward the crowd, expression curious. Kassima chants, "Three and a quarter, a quarter, a quarter... do I hear three and a half, a half, a half? Four! I hear four marks--nay, four and a quarter! Will someone give me four and a half?" Shanzena laughs at the antics. "Four and a half." Orin stays put near the entrance, watching slightly confusedly. Why would anyone want to buy a dance partner? R'val winks at Shanzena, and blows her a kiss, "Blueriders Do It Best, ladies. Bid your hearts out!" Kassima still looks a cross between extremely amused and mildly horrified as she calls out, "Four and a half! Will someone bid four and three quarters?" Shanzena gives R'val a wink from where she is sitting. C'vadan tries to remember how much he and Caitria agreed to as a fair penance... er, price for a night of dancing with R'val. "Four and three- quarters." "Four and three-quarters," Kassima proclaims, waving her whip in Cav's direction. "Will someone round it off at five?" Kharty sighs, wiggling back into her vest. "Only if that.. person agreed to watch his tongue and paid due respect to a qualified rider." R'val tugs at his vest, looking ready to tear it asunder in a display of Manly Strength, "Five! I'm worth it and more!" He beams. Neliea sighs and scrunches into her chair. He's her wingmate? Oh Faranth. Please let Kharty -stay- quiet. Kassima listens for a moment before calling, "Four and three-quarters, going once...." C'vadan has that look of 'why in Faranth's name did I agree to this' and adds another quarter mark to the bronzerider's bid. Sharen mutters something to Orin. Kassima eyes Cav with surprise, not sure why he's topping his own bid, but hey. A mark's a mark. "Five marks, going once," she amends. "Going twice...." Maylia manages to forget, or at least ignore her woes over her weyrmate at least for now, in the face of R'val's... er... display. She shakes her head with wonder, chuckling more from astonishment rather than humour. R'val looks around him hopefully, "I'm worth one more quarter mark, I assure you." Keagan looks Kharty straight in the eye and says, "I'm a qualified rider too. I just ride runners instead of dragons, but I can laugh at others and at myself. Does riding a dragon take a person's sense of humor away?" Shanzena looks in her pouch and hmms. "Five and a quarter." R'val blows another smooch Shanzena-wards, and bats his large eyes at her, "Thank you, thank you..." He winks. Kassima starts to call the final sold, then pauses. "Five and a quarter," she announces. With a glance to Cav, she inquires, "Will someone pay five and a half for this man?" C'vadan looks relieved. Apparently five marks must have been the agreed to amount. He visibly relaxes. Orin continues to watch, quietly, staying in pretty much the exact same position. R'val senses that, perhaps, he's just about done here, and stops his antics, aside from wiggling his hips just a little bit. Someone tosses his jacket back at him, and he erks as it lands on his head. T'saren grins over at his weyrmate. "I bet I know exactly what you're thinking, love, and I can't believe it either." He leans back in his chair again as R'val's bidding seems to be drawing to a close. Sharen asks Orin and Madelynda both, "Do you think they'll make us bid just to dance later?" Orin smiles. "I /hope/ not. I couldn't afford it." Kharty stares out into the crowd for a moment then shakes her head to clear it. Leaning toward Keagan, she drops several marks into his palm, whispering near his ear. Standing up, she hurries out the door. One might get the impression Virroth's just told her someone needs a ride to the festival. R'val shrugs back into his jacket and regards Shanzena and the others expectantly, grinning. Kharty walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima shakes her head with amusement, then raises her voice again. "Five and a quarter, going once... going twice... sold! To the young lady for five and a half marks. Congratulations on your purchase, madam. Now, up next is one of our Wingleaders--and to up the stakes a bit, I'm doing away with the quarter mark limit. Maximum bid is a full mark. We'll see if'n that works better. Tas, will you get your rump up here and earn us some money?" R'val hops to his feet and moves back into the crowd, headed towards Shanzena with a smile on his face. Shanzena gets to her feet and pulls out the marks and head towards the box. She offers R'val a smile as she meets him halfway. T'saren blinks in surprise as Kassi indicates he's next, but stands with a sigh and hops effortlessly up on the table. A quick look is given to the room and prospective bidders, then he undoes the laces of hiis tunic just a bit and waits for the first bid. Madelynda chuckles at Sharen, shaking her head. "I hope not, as well," she replies to Orin, brushing a bit of hair behind one ear; her eyes dancing around the cavern, she watches as other riders and residents in gather finery begin to mill about. Her glance falls finally on Orin R'val smiles and offers Shanzena a warm smile, "Thank you very much, miss. I'm yours for the night! I do know how to dance, so don't worry." He grins. C'vadan pulls his journal from its pouch and checks to see if T'saren was on Caitria's 'to bid' list. Putting the journal back, he waits to hear what the bidding sounds like. Kassima favors T'saren with one of her eviller grins, tapping her whip against her palm. "All right, folks. This is T'saren, bronze Solarith's rider and Dawnslight's Wingleader. I don't think he'll be shucking clothing for us, but you never can tell. Who'll give me a mark for him?" Maylia gives her weyrmate's hand a squeeze before he heads up, and leans forward to wtach. And more than likely to participate in the bidding. Shanzena chuckles a bit and slips her arms though his. "Well, that's very good to hear. I'm Shanzena, by the way." For the first time Shena puts in a bid, barely whispering "One mark" Orin grins. "Us broke people have to find our own partners, I suppose." R'val links his arm with Shanzena and smiles warmly, "Shanzena. A pretty name for a pretty girl. We've not een formally introduced, so...I'm R'val, blue Vidarth's rider. May I get you something to drink?" He asks, as he moves back towards the Dawnslight table with Shanzena. T'saren glares at Kassi for a moment, then laughs and bats his lashes at her. "Well you never know until it happens, do you?" He pretends to whip off his tunic in a display similar to R'val's then shakes his head and just settles with walking back and forth on the table, preferring a quiet demonstration to full-blown dramatics for a change. Kassima calls out, "One mark! One mark for this new candidate for the title of Telgar's most Shardingly Swoonable Bronzerider! Do I hear two, two, two?" In a loud whisper, she reminds Tas, "Strut your stuff, bronzeboy!" C'vadan scans the crowd, waiting for the first bidder. Sharen peers around Madelynda, a trifle relieved that R'val's finally been sold off. She looks up at the bronzerider on display, chewing a bit on her lower lip before she takes a sip from her cup. N'ren walks in from the bowl. Aurian grins wickedly, "Oh why not 2 N'ren trudges in, looking tired. R'val sits with Shanzena, gets her a drink, and chats idly (while disappearing for about 30 minutes) Shena slumps dejectedly, evidently 2 is too rich for her purse. Keagan calls out from the corner, "Before she left, my dance partner asked me to get her friend Nel a partner as well so I'll bid 3 for her." Kassima points her whip at Aurian, then uses it to gesture back at Tas. "Two marks for this excellent specimen of a male! Nay, three! Will someone up the stakes to four?" Matheny looks in her mark pouch for a moment and then looks around to see who's doing the bidding. Realizing she's got one of her boots propped on another person's chair she murmurs a polite, 'sorry' and starts to scan the crowd again. C'vadan sees the rules are being bent for the Wingleader he calls out, "Five." Maylia's gaze shifts not to T'saren on the table, but out to the crowd, her eyes quickly finding a person. Curiously, she watches Madelynda for a moment, before turning back to the auction table. T'saren chuckles down at Aurian. "Well I'd hope I'm worth at least two marks to one one of my own wingriders." He turns to Maylia with a grin. "Not wanting ot bet on me, dearheart? You already know I'm worth every bit of it." He straightens back up and scans the crowd. "How about you, Maddy? I'm sure Phediath would be happy to have Solarith around again." Kharty walks in from the bowl. Kassima actually had swapped the rules, but since it's so hard for her to actually ask for *less* money, she lets the higher bid pass. "Five marks! Five marks for this exceptionally self-confident bronzerider. Tas, can you flex for 'em or something? Mayhaps show 'em your teeth?" Kharty walks in rather quickly then stands there, removing her gloves. Edging over toward Keagan, she slides into her seat. Orin grins up at Madelynda. "C'mon, why don't you bid?" C'vadan wrinkles his nose at T'saren's comments and considers withdrawing his overstated bid. However, he did promise Caitria. Keagan leans over and whispers to Kharty, "... five ..." N'ren mutters something about too many damned visitors, he makes his way *around* the group, heading for the hearth. He stops for a moment, glancing one person's way, then continues on. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "I've got to admire you, Cav. It's not many men who'd buy their weyrmate another man. ;)" Madelynda arches a brow as she watches the bidding, looking over T'saren as he stands for auction. A flicker of amusement in her eye follows a soft giggle at his obvious and visible discomfort. Her gaze moving to Maylia, she watches the greenrider a moment; and then, T'saren calls over to her. Blinking, the goldrider flushes, as a number of eyes land on her. Quietly, her tone indicating the bet may be more out of a sense of duty and fun than anything else, she announces with a wry grin, "Five and a quarter?" Kharty nods back to Keagan, holding out her hand for the marks she gave him before. Aurian rakes a hand through her hair, she is not going to bid more than two. She glances at N'ren. She mutters to N'ren, "... alright?" T'saren coughs at Kassi's words, but does indeed flex a bit, though he doesn't make a big deal over the smooth and well-defined muscles the demonstration reveals. Maddy's bid gets a special T'saren smile, usually reserved for his weyrmate only or for use during mating flights. Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "Oh my...interesting." As Keagan drops the marks into her hand, a few additional coins seem to have been added to the group. Kassima announces brightly, "Five and a quarter! Will anyone give me six, six, six?" Under her breath, she mutters, "Bet we'd've been up t'eight by now if'n he'd worn the kilt." That did it. Maylia's brows draw together, but only for an instant. "Well, you talked me into it, love," the young greenrider calls out, strangely enough right after Maddy's bid. "Six." C'vadan reluctantly bids six and one-half. Orin grins at Madelynda again. "You're losing." Kassima proclaims, "Six and a half!" She then taps Tas impatiently on the shoulder with her whip. "Keep strutting, man. Will anyone give me seven?" C'vadan already outbid himself once. He's not doing it again. N'ren grunts faintly, muttering something back to his mentee. He mutters to Aurian, "... like coming... all... after... just... sharding... at Lemos... pressure.... to relax." T'saren turns to Kassi with a smile. "Well I could take these trousers off, but they're a sharding pain to get back on again." He ducks out of the way of the whip with a laugh and a wink, continuing his slow, feline- like stroll down the table's top. C'vadan slaps his forhead. Bronzeriders. Maylia oh so carefully does not look in the direction of the Istan goldrider. But she holds quiet for now. Kassima does snap the whip in Tas's direction, but misses, alas. "Methinks the audience can live without any more strip-teases," she proclaims, though the Toothless Wonder does get a wary look as she makes that statement. "Will nay anyone give me seven marks for this bronzerider?" Aurian chuckles and tilts her head as she speaks. She mutters to N'ren, "... could hide in the... Those places... be silent..." Madelynda's cheeks still rosy, she chuckles as Maylia bids. Glancing at Orin, she nods, murmuring, "True enough." Looking back to T'saren, she watches thoughtfully a moment...then shrugs. "Well, I suppose it's for a good cause," she notes, and calls toward Kassima. "Seven!" Kassima shouts out, "Seven marks! Will someone give me eight, eight, eight? Eight marks isn't so much t'pay for a night of making a bronzerider dance t'your tune!" N'ren whines, just a hint playfully, in Aurian's direction. He mutters to Aurian, "... I'm hungry!" Maylia pauses, ever so carefully not springing with her bid immediately after Maddy. A breath, and she bids "Eight." Almost triumphantly. Aurian laughs. C'vadan must care for his weyrmate a great deal. "Eight and one-half," he calls out as if the very words are painful. "Eight marks!" Kassi announces. "Nay, eight and a half! C'mon, ladies, you're nay going t'let Cav have him, are you?" C'vadan just *glares* at Kassima. N'ren glances over Aurian's head for a moment at the same person he'd looked at before. Anyone trying to figure out who wouldn't have too much difficulty - he's looking at the High Reaches Weyrwoman, Matheny. He does frown, faintly, at the girl. T'saren laughs again at Kassi's words, then moves back to the side of the table that Maddy is near, giving her a warm smile. "Thanks, Maddy. You must have thought I was worth it from that brief stay at Ista." Maylia's bid gets an equally warm smile, though no comment, and Cav's bid gets a raised eyebrow. "Tria wanting to abuse me again? I'd have thought she did enough of that when I was her mentee." Kassima winks at the brownrider in turn, her grin turning wicked. Revenge can be sweet. "Will anyone give me nine marks?" she calls out, getting back to business. Aurian wrinkles her nose and grins at her mentor. She points to the serving table. She mutters to N'ren, "You could... somewhere... ooooooor you... and... eat..." C'vadan clears his throat. "Apparently there is unfinished business, T'saren." Madelynda giggles quietly, shaking her head as her bid is lost to the others, and eventually her eyes rest on Maylia. As if seeing something odd in the greenrider's expression, the goldrider tilts her head, confusion flashing across her features. After a moment, she looks back as Kassima asks for nine, and mutely shakes her head with a soft smile. Kassima comments cryptically, "Aye, you still owe her a chicken... all right; going once to C'vadan for eight and a half marks...." Matheny comments to nobody in particular, "Bidding sure is getting high!" and then feeling eyes upon her gives a smile to N'ren. N'ren rolls his eyes. He mutters to Aurian, "That's probably going... be... I... of... regular... Weyrs, plus the... would... off... rose to mate.... you imagine... that..." T'saren shrugs in response to Cav's words, then pouts teasingly at the Istan goldrider's lack of further bids. Kassi's comments gets a hearty laugh and a nod. "Aye, that I do, don't I?" Kassima glances at Maylia, before seconding it with, "Eight and a half, going twice...." Aurian is laughing helplessly. She rakes her hands through her hair and speaks. She mutters to N'ren, "Picking... sure they... will..." Maylia shrugs at Kassi's question, her attention on Madelynda. As the goldrider turns her own attention towards her, she quickly flashes a brief smile, and looks back to Kassi. As soon as Maddy shakes her head, Maylia does so too. Kassima shakes her head, clearly amused as she yells, "Sold! Cav, you've bought yourself a bronzerider. I hope you enjoy him and get your marks' worth. Now, get on up here on the table, because according to yonder list, you're the next to be put on the block!" N'ren chuckles faintly, smiling at Aurian's reaction. He mutters to Aurian, "It... the... like... after... to mate..." Verna enters from the Bowl. Zaili enters from the Bowl. T'saren blinks again as neither Maddy or his own weyrmate raises Cav's bid. He suddenly gets one of those 'wherry beneath a dragon's shadow' looks as the bidding ends with Cav being the winner. "Oh shards, stuck my foot in it this time, didn't I?" he mutters as he clambers down from the table. Zaili follows immediately after her grandmother, blue eyes wide at all the people before she forcibly drops her glance to more decorum. Telgar Weyr> C'vadan acks! Verna heads into the living caverns, her cloak clutched tightly 'round her shoulders as she shuffles in. "Oooh, Zaili, much warmer in here, 'tis," The elderly woman states, blinking a little at the blurr of faces. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Congrats, Cav. You've bought yourself a man. ;)" N'ren flashes a smile back at the High Reaches Weyrwoman, which, unfortunately, causes his scar to almost 'pulsate' and his bad eye to scrinch up. Needless to say, it's not quite the expression he probably intended. Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "Woohoo, you go Cav!" Telgar Weyr> T'saren bats his lashes at Cav. Now were you really buying me for Tria, or was it for yourself? ;) Telgar Weyr> C'vadan quickly hands him off to Cait. *smoochamoomate* :) Telgar Weyr> Caitria eyes her weyrmate, then woo hoos. My very own bronzerider! Just what I've always wanted! Aurian blushes and speaks to N'ren. She mutters to N'ren, "Yes... Three... now." N'ren mutters to Aurian. Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "Aww, I didn't get an Bronzerider for a gift.... *peers over at K'nan*" C'vadan gets up and hands Kassima the marks. He then turns to T'saren. "You'd better give Cait all the dances she wants, T'sar," he says sternly, though there's a hint of humor in his brown eyes. Telgar Weyr> T'saren waviesnugs Tria. And one you've already trained too, ex-mentor of mine. :) Madelynda arches a brow as Maylia seems to let T'saren go, her expression thoughtful. "A popular activity this seems," she observes idly to Orin, watching as C'vadan takes the stage. "Sure to raise a great many marks." The wine glass is raised to the goldrider's mouth and she takes another drink. Telgar Weyr> K'nan keeps Asrai for himself. Kassima just *grins* at Tas, clearly unrepentant, before flicking her whip at C'vadan. "C'mon, brownrider! Can't you see that everyone's waiting breathlessly t'see you strut?" One of these days, someone's going to kill her for something like this. Putting the marks in the already well-filled box, she shouts out, "Who'll start the bidding at one mark?" Zaili's naturally dark skin reddens high on her round cheeks, contrast to her grandmother's pale features. "It is! I'm ever so glad," she murmurs softly, "After all that wind." Aurian tucks a curl behind her ear. She mutters to N'ren, "... didn't..." Telgar Weyr> Kassima thinks we're out of bronzeriders, Asrai, but if you want to buy a brownrider.... ;) C'vadan then steps up on the table. He doesn't prance or preen he stands there quietly. Caitria walks here from the Inner Cavern. Pierron smiles a bit too sweetly at the Beastcraft Master. Verna pats her granddaughter on the shoulder, and squints, searching for a seat. "My, my, my, so many people..." Eventually, she spies enough room for them both to sit, though, there seems to be a bit of a fuss in that area. "Come along, Zaili, we'll just... 'scuse me, pardon us please..." she murmurs as she leads the way. Telgar Weyr> Asrai hmmms, "Think I'll just stick with my Green. Better the evil you know and all that." "I fully intend to, Cav," T'saren comments. "Since my own weyrmate obviously doesn't want me." He glances at Maylia to attempt to read her expression, hoping it's not the one he fears might be there. Caitria smiles pleasantly at Pierron as, in entering as her weyrmate mounts the table, she shows her impeccable timing. N'ren grimaces for a moment. He mutters to Aurian, "And..." Kassima sets her hands on her hips and demands, "Cav, how're you supposed to work up any enthusiasm for yourself if'n you don't indulge in dramatics? 'Tis the least you can do after nay wearing the kilt!" Nevertheless, she coaxes the audience, "One mark, ladies and gents; one mark is the starting bid for this brownriding Wingsecond here." Matheny is briefly startled by N'ren's expression but smiles again, managing to not look too surprised. As Kassima announces new quarry she hurries to put ina bid before it's out of her league, "One mark!" Maylia's expression is guarded, though she offers her weyrmate a smile. "Well, seems you're in for an interresting evening, I'd say," She says, chuckling. Aurian blushes an incredible shade of red. She mutters to N'ren, "... that... to discuss... here." Zaili murmurs excuse me, pardon me, your boots have mud on them, excuse my step, right after Verna. The cavern seems so huge: "Are we there yet?" C'vadan shakes his head. "I am what I am, Kassima," he says softly. "Don't know how to strut." N'ren's chuckle deepens from the one before, though it hasn't taken on a malicious edge. He mutters to Aurian. Kassima gestures with her whip towards Matheny. "One mark! Do I hear two, two, two? Just two marks t'have this young man at your beck and call for the entire evening." With a sigh, she asks Cav, "Weren't you watching your bronzerider when he did it? *I'm* nay about t'demonstrate for you." T'saren relaxes a bit at Maylia's smile, nodding in agreement. "So it seems," he admits, tehn turns to Tria with a sheepish look. "Um, Cav bought me, but I think it was for you, Master, I mean Caitria." Verna eases herself down into the seat, frowning a little at the man -standing- on the table. "My my my," she mutters. "Here, dear, there's plenty of room Zaili." As bids begin to get called out, she blinks. "Sweet Faranth's golden..." Kharty leans back in her chair to watch the auction, grinning over at Aurian and all the whispers going on there. Raising a finger, she calls out, "Two!" Caitria heads over to join N'thren, where she can peer around the tall greenrider. Elbowing his side good-naturedly, she murmurs, "Don't you -dare- bet on him." Raising her voice, she adds, "Three, Kassi." After a blink at Tas, she says slowly, "He bought you for me?" Kassima, being incorrigible, calls to the elderly newcomer, "Want t'buy yourself a man, ma'am? Only two--nay, three, thankee, Kharty! Only three marks!" Aurian blushes more. She mutters to N'ren, "Well the... the... A..." Matheny makes a darn motion with her fingers as Kharty ups the bid, so much for a bargain. "Three and a quarter?" she calls out, sounding almost sure. Zaili sits in the seat after Verna's, delicately drawing in her skirt, and first attempts peeking over her grandmother's shoulder and when that fails, around. "Thank you, g... I didn't hear that!" Kassima amends, waving her whip in Tria's direction this time, "I've got three! Do I hear four marks? Just four for this intelligent ma--I've got three and a quarter! I still need four, four, four." T'saren shrugs, raising his hands in puzzlement. "I believe so. He said I needed to give you all the dances you wanted tonight." Verna's normally pale complexion pales even further. "Zaili, sweet. Did that rider just say what I think she said? Your great aunt told me weyrs are..." Her neighbour inercepts, explaining that it's only dancing. "Oh, by the first shell, I thought she meant more than that. Dancing, hmmm?" Her eyes, squinting, appraise C'vadan. Kassima suggests cheerfully to Tria, "If'n you want t'buy him a woman in turn, we've still got a trio of ladies waiting t'be sold, I believe. But that's later. For now, will anyone give me four for this brownrider, even if'n he won't strut?" Caitria looks just a little amused. "He bought you to dance with me? Well. How very generous. Since he bought you, I suppose I needn't buy him." She still gives her unstrutful weyrmate a speculative look. Zaili murmurs forlornly to her grandmother, "I don't know what she said because I didn't hear it, I _didn't_, but I thought everyone could dance line dances. If they wanted." N'ren nods, that teasing tone back. It might be of note that he's not blushing at all, and with his complexion, it'd definitely show. He mutters to Aurian, "For me, I... I drink... I... falling-down drunk... drunk... yound... on my..." Matheny chews on her thumb for a little bit, kind of hoping the brownrider /won't/ strut so the bidding won't go up too much higher. C'vadan points to the High Reaches goldrider. "See, not everyone needs to have someone make a fool of himself just to get a dance." "Well, now. Dancing with that one wouldn't be so bad. What say your grandmother has some fun, hmmm?" Verna asks of Zaili. "What's the bidding at? Four?" Kassima points out reasonably, "Well, nay, but for the extra marks, I'd think foolishness would be worth it. Three and a quarter marks, then, going once...." She gives the elderly lady a hopeful look. Aurian grins up at her mentor. She mutters to N'ren, "... that helps?" N'ren mutters to Aurian, "... Getting drunk,... finding a... satiate..." Zaili's eyes are so very round before she remembers to flutter them a little less so, a little more casual. "If you like, granny. I like his tunic." Verna shakes her head, raising her voice just a little. "I'll bid four, lass, if'n the gentleman doesn't mind?" Kassima grins broadly at the matron. "I'm sure she doesn't," she assures her. "Four marks! Do I hear five, five, five?" Aurian snorts. She mutters to N'ren, "... drinking.... I... when..." C'vadan is a rider, so he's certainly fit. But he's just not given to displays of grandeur. He stands with his feet slightly apart and his hands clasped behind his back. Matheny laughs rather suddenly and then quickly checks her mark pouch, better make sure she's got the marks. Fingering the money she looks around at the crowd. Hearing a bid of four she gasps a little and does some rapid recounting. "Wait! Wait! Four and, and.." she digs, gotta have one more quarter mark, "Four and a quarter!" Caitria glances between Matheny and the Bitran pair, perhaps encouraging the latter. N'ren mutters to Aurian, "The... drink... point... not... you... the... getting... not doing it right. " Aurian raises an eyebrow. She mutters to N'ren, "Oh so... how... works." Kassima nods in approval of this increase. "Four and a quarter! Will anyone give me more than four and a quarter for this gentleman?" C'vadan does smile, though. It *is* for a good cause. N'ren mutters to Aurian, "... you... find a... person you like... but I'm... you already... that." Zaili tugs at her grandmother's sleeve, nodding in Matheny's direction, "She looks almost out, but she could be pretending, and oh!" Verna leans forward, her eyes squinting to find the owner of the voice bidding higher. Her expression softens, and she smiles. "Well, now. She's just a young thing, ain't she? Well. I've danced plenty. He's hers." And she sends a sweet smile towards the goldrider. Aurian mutters to N'ren. N'ren mutters to Aurian, "... that..." Matheny gives Verna a very relieved smile, as all she had left to bid with was pocket lint. Math's eyes go to Kassi now, waiting to see what she'll say and if any more bids will come in. Aurian nods to N'ren as she leans back in her chair a little. Caitria looks quite thoughtful. She mutters to herself, "-Two-... suppose... could have them dance... each -other-... Nah..." Kassima smiles at the elder dame, nodding, before raising her whip. "Four and a quarter marks, going once... goince twice...." Verna suppresses a little 'Oh my' at the sight of the whip. N'ren mutters to Aurian. Kassima slaps the whip against her hand, calling, "Sold! To the High Reaches goldrider for four and a quarter marks. Next on the roster is another fine young rider here... Aurian, are you ready t'be sold?" Aurian nods slowly to N'ren. Then blinks, "Oh yeah. Coming." Zaili waits, breath held-- and released as Kassima continues, at which point she murmurs to her grandmother some more. Kharty woohoos! "Get yer self up there, girl!" Neliea glances over at Aurian and grins. Aurian stands and makes her way over to be put on display, she sticks her tounge out at Kharty, "Hush you." C'vadan jumps down from the table, happy not to be up on display any more. He give Caitria a grin before heading over to the High Reaches goldrider. Bowing, he says, "I am C'vadan, Dulath's rider. At your service, Matheny." Kharty just smiles sweetly at her friend, sitting back to watch. Kassima snaps her whip after Cav one last time before waving Aurian up to the table. "Aurian, brown Kvasith's rider, has just graduated to our ranks," she recites for the bidders. "Even without seeing her teeth, you can guess that she's in excellent health and would make a wonderful gift for any young men you may know! Now, who'll give me a mark for this brownrider?" Zaili mutters to Verna, "With... dress,... look... dance... of..." Verna clucks her tongue a little as the redheaded young rider comes up to the table, and shakes her head. "Well, now. 'Tis too bad your grandfather isn't around, bless the man, rest the man. He'd've found her to be a pretty young thing, hmmm?" This might just be a little shocking to Zaili, and understandably so. Matheny gives a little bow back to C'vadan and says, "Well met! I hope you don't mind? It seemed like such a fun thing to do." she hands the marks over to a lad to turn in. Aurian murmurs to herself, "How did I get talked into this.." T'saren darts a glance at his weyrmate, accompanied by a teasing grin. "One mark," the Dawnslight Wingleader calls out, a glimmer of humor in his eyes. Keagan slips his arm around the back of Kharty's chair as she leans forward and leaves it there as she leans back, watching her with his impudent grin locked in place. N'ren calls, "You probably thought it was a neat idea and then couldn't get out of it when they decided to go for it, Aurian." C'vadan points to the table. "Try looking down at all of you as you are being bid on and see how fun it is," he says goodnaturedly. Zaili stammers, "M-my... what?" She shakes her short black hair, shakes that thought away, apparently refusing to hear the great majority of her grandmother's words as well as the whip. "It is a pretty dress, and with her hair..." the young girl allows. Kassima murmurs to Aurian, "Blackmail, Auri... blackmail." Raising her voice again, she calls out, "I have one mark! Who'll give me two?" R'val sits back down near Shanzena with a smile, "Sorry, had to run off for a moment..." Kharty yells out, "Two!" Aurian coughs at Kassima, "Hey I'm here and living up to my end of the deal.." Maylia flashes a smile towards T'saren, clearly more relaxed now. Seems her weyrmate can bid for just about anyone, now that he's been safely auctionned off. The young greenrider calls out, "Three!" For the fun of it. Shanzena nods to R'val "That's alright. I'm sure it was important. Kassima just *blinks* at Kharty, but nods, a bit hesitantly. "Two marks... nay, three marks! Do I hear four, four, four? Four for this nimble young rider, who's sure t'be a hit on the dance floor?" Madelynda dons a slight grin as the 'Reaches goldrider wins her bid, watches C'vadan introduce himself, then glances back to the stage as she takes another sip of wine. Curiously, she smiles in amusement at Aurian's apparent discomfort. One of her slim, brown brows arches as T'saren makes a bid; she laughs in amusement as Maylia increases the stakes. R'val smiles at Shanzena, "Enjoying yourself?" Verna just chuckles, leaning back. Though she seems a little puzzled. "Now, why would those lasses bid on the girl? Pretty young thing, she is, but really?" She shakes her head, sighing. "Never can tell what goes on in these Weyrs, honestly. Don't see why Mable's so set on the Reaches." T'saren fingers his belt uch for a moment, then shakes his head and goes to sit down again with his weyrmate, now that Tria knows he's hers for the dancing tonight. "Let's make it three and a half," he shouts as he sits down. Delina enters from the Bowl. Kassima calls, "I've got three and a half! Do I hear four from anyone out there?" N'ren finishes his progression to the hearth, whereupon he gets himself a mugful of warmed juice. He makes his way back towards the bowl, but doesn't leave. Instad, he leans against the wall near that exit. Zaili sighs, "And her _heart_, Auntie Mable... why, do you think they have a ... a plan? About the girl, I mean?" Maylia grins at her weyrmate, and laughs. She makes a bit of a show of reaching into her pouch, playfully nudging Tas. She doesn't make a bid yet, rather she waits. Who else'll bid? Kassima quirks up a brow at Maylia and Kharty, but nevertheless calls, "Three and a half, going once...." N'ren, in the shadows, sips his juice, washing it about his mouth. "Five marks, Kassima," He calls. Verna gently rubs her hands, fussing a little with her rings. "Well, Zaili, you are a clever one. Could be, I'd say. Though what sort of plan..." As the rider in the shadows bids, she nods. "There, now. That's better." T'saren grins over at his weyrmate, then makes a face of mock disappointment as N'ren overbids him. Kassima nods to that, amending her prior statement. "We have five marks. Will anyone pay six for the privelege of this lady's hand for the evening?" Aurian tilts her head as she listens, somehow she's a bit surprised as the marks climb upwards. Matheny wanders towards the exit, slipping out to get a breath of air. Matheny walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Zaili leans to whisper back to Verna, her blue eyes ever so bright at the compliment, "But that's... that's a whole mark and a half! All at once!" D'ton walks in from the bowl. Zaili starts counting on her fingers and knuckles, in case. Kassima scans over the crowd for a moment before saying, "Five marks, going once... going twice...." Maylia peers at T'saren, drumming her fingers beside her pouch. "Now, I could... but who'd I gift her to?" N'ren calls towards Maylia, "What about Kerlyn?" Maylia laughs, and waves her hand. "Good idea. Five and quarter!" Kassima slams down the whip, closing the bidding. "Sold! To N'ren for five marks. Congratulations, brownrider. Next on our list is Maylia, green Tierth's rider. May, c'mon up here!" T'saren smiles innocently at his weyrmate. "I'm sure you could find some willing gentleman to dance with her. After all, there's so many people here for the festival." He grins over at N'ren's quip, shaking his head in amusement. Aurian covers her mouth stifling a laugh. Kassima blinks and hesitates, glancing at May. "Did you say that ere the bidding closed, or after?" she wants to know. Maylia rises, shaking her head. "Missed, I guess." She smoothes down the skirts of her gather gown, and climbs up onto the table. "No comments 'bout table dancing, and dreams, hmm, Aurian?" She asks. Shanzena smiles over at R'val. "This a nice change to the hall." N'ren calls to Kassima, "You can reopen the bidding, if you like." R'val smiles at Shanzena, "Which hall might that be? You're a crafter, I gather..." Aurian starts to sidle off the display and looks quite pleased that she didn't have to twirl, whirl, stick out her chest, or wiggle her bum... she grins at Maylia, "Dream what dream.." Shanzena nods a bit. "StarSmith Hall." T'saren raises a brow at his weyrmate's comment to Aurian, but doesn't ask. Instead he just weighs his belt pouch in his hand, looking at Maylia with a raised brow. Kassima shakes her head at N'ren. "Best t'get on with things, I'm afraid. The dance is due t'start ere *too* long." She flicks an apologetic grin over her shoulder at May, then shouts, "Who''ll give me a mark for this fine young greenrider?" Caitria lifts a hand towards Kassi. "Two marks," she says, "Matter of fact." N'ren considers, "Maybe I should buy Maylia too, in that case. I mean, if we need to get things going soon, after all." N'ren grins evilly at the greenrider(s). R'val raises a hand, "Three!" T'saren makes a face at N'ren, then raises his hand. "Four marks!" Aurian chuckles, "Four and a quarter marks for Maylia." She grins at her friend. Kassima arcs an eyebrow at R'val, but nods. "I hear three--nay, I hear four marks! Who'll give me five, five, five?" Delina glances over at R'val with a smile that says"good luck" Maylia gives a little twirl, the rich fabric of her skirts swirling out. Her eyebrows flick up with concern. "Caitria? Wha'd I ever do..." Oh. Right. Cav was bidding on men, she must be bidding on the women. As the bids go higher, she grins. D'ton walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Caitria ignores the rather pointed comments from N'thren, then raises her voice, "Eight. It's enough for a bovine; one should pay at least that much for a greenrider." R'val erfs? Eight? He stops. Kassima grins at Aurian, amending, "Four and a qua--*eight*?" Blink. Blink, blink. "Uh. Okay. Eight marks... anyone care t'give me nine?" Madelynda watches with a pleasant smile as Maylia's name is called, her eyes peeking through the crowd to find the greenrider. Her wine glass resting half-empty in her hand, she murmurs something to a nearby bluerider, who laughs and murmurs in reply, "Aye, she should fetch many a mark, indeed..." Zaili inquires of her grandmother in the softest of whispers, "Could he _have_ so many marks? For both? Maybe he looks old enough, and his face..." R'val smiles, "A Starsmithcrafter, enh?" He smiles at Shanzena interestedly. N'ren, continuing to lean against the wall, gestures Aurian over. Aurian wanders over and grins. She mutters to N'ren, "Thank..." N'ren mutters to Aurian, "... just disappointed no... higher... you." From one side of the table, L'cher yells, "What'll you do for nine marks, May, baby?" T'saren also blinks in surprise and looks into his pouch, mentally counting. He swallows hard as he looks back at his weyrmate, biting his lower lip in an unusual show of nervousness. N'ren mutters to Aurian, "... should... on Maylia?" Maylia's expression turns rather stunned at the sudden jump in bids. "Well." she says, slowly. "True, I'm worth more than a bovine, I'd say." To L'cher, she wrinkles her nose. "Depends! Not a thing for you, but for someone else?" The girl even dares to give a little wiggle. Aurian gives a little shrug. She mutters to N'ren, "I didn't... I... you..." She grins at her mentor. T'saren growls at L'cher. "Don't even think about it. She's my weyrmate, not yours. You'd only get her in a mating flight." Kassima shakes her head at this interplay, giving L'cher a truly dirty look. "Watch it, Lach. Eight marks, going once...." Caitria waits patiently, a small smile crossing her face. Shanzena nods enthusiasticly. "Yes." L'cher, as irrepressible as ever, just waggles his eyebrows at T'saren. N'ren grins evilly at Aurian, and calls over towards the table, "All right then, Maylia. What'll you do for me for --" And he turns his head, "10 marks, Kassima." R'val grins at Shanzena, "How long've you been a Starcrafter?" Zaili's shrinking back against Verna at all this, blue eyes ever so wide. "He _did_ do it," she murmurs. "Unless he's bluffing, and that's a lot to bluff with... a bovine, you get to keep." Kassima's brows are raised by that one, but she obediantly agrees, "I have ten marks--will anyone give me eleven?" Hope springs eternal. Maylia can't help but smile at her weyrmate, but adds, "And not likely even in a flight, L'cher!" she looks just a little anxious. Ten marks? She smiles. "You get what you pay for!" That could mean just about anything. Shanzena chuckles a bit and looks mildly thoughtful. "Well, a few months really, but it's been a wonderful experience and I enjoy every moment I'm there." T'saren makes a fist at L'cher, then gapes as N'ren overbids Tria. Good thing Tas hasn't spent any money yet tonight, but he's still wary of bidding that high. Caitria's own brows arch a bit, and she takes mental stock of her belt pouch. "Eleven," she decides. Verna clucks her tongue for the umpteenth time. "Well, riders do come across marks, you know. And they gamble, and bet, and such. He might just well have it..." N'ren chuckles quietly. He mutters to Aurian, "... ten times... on both... Asfala.... will Impress... that." R'val smiles, "That's wonderful. I was a crafter too, once, ages ago." "Eleven," Kassi repeats, looking somewhat impressed by the rise in price. "Eleven marks, I've got; will someone pay an even dozen for this greenriding lady?" Asrai walks in from the bowl. N'ren absently, over his mug, calls, "Twelve marks." It's not like he's even thinking about it. K'nan walks in from the bowl. Shanzena's brows go up. "Really? What craft, if I may ask?" Zaili's brows do a less-expert arch of their own, and she murmurs to her Bitran grandmother, "Betting. That makes sense. They would. And-- ooh! he did it again-- of course I'm not supposed to learn how to gamble," not to hint or anything. "Twelve marks," Kassima chants, looking over to Tria. "Do I hear thirteen, then?" T'saren frowns, then calls to Tria, "Want to combine marks?" Ciarra walks in from the bowl. Asrai walks in on K'nan's arm, letting the edge of her dress go with a little shake to get off any clinging snow flakes. Her eyes sweep the room as a chuckle eminates from her lips. "Looks like the auction is still going on." Aurian laughs and nods. She mutters to N'ren, "... I had to... my marks... infamous... It... very... the... a..." Caitria shakes her head, with a small frown. She mutters to herself, "... Cail's Turnday..." As Tas speaks, she nods agreeably. "Sure." Kharty quickly stands up to stretch, not having noticed Keagan's arm around her chair. Quietly, she remarks, "Looks like another ride to pick up.", before moving swiftly to the door. Maylia's eyes give L'cher a warning look. He'd better not bid any higher. Anyone else, sure. Him, no. Turning her attention to the rest, she attempts at a strut. T'saren breaths a quick sigh of relief at Tria's agreement, then calls out "Fifteen marks," while glaring at N'ren. N'ren mutters to Aurian, "You... I should keep... Or... be too..." Delina looks around not sure if it was smart to sign up.... Aurian giggles at something. She mutters to N'ren, "... looks... is quite displeased..." K'nan walks into the 'cavern with Asrai on his arm - pausing by the entrance to kick some snow from his boots. R'val grins at Shanzena amiably, and winks at her,s ipping his wine, "Healercraft, actually. I was a journeyman when I was Searched." Kassima coughs at this raise in bid, nodding to T'saren with wide eyes. "Fifteen marks," she agrees, much to L'cher's dismay. N'ren grins evilly at T'saren, then looks down at Aurian. Then back at T'saren, and his smile widens. He waits for it, waits for it, waits for Kassima to announce it, and then: "Twenty marks, Kassima." Kharty walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Keagan stands as Kharty rises, and says, "Well if you're going to give another ride, I'll take this opportunity to go change into the costume I got today." He doesn't say HOW he got it. "I'll find you later at the dance." Keagan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Asrai chuckles, practically pulling K'nan all the way into the the cavern. "Come on you." She looks to the bloack with interest, her eyes going a bit wide as N'ren offers twenty marks. "Oh my goodness..." Maylia's jaw nearly drops. Twenty? With a little giggle, she manages to cover, continueing this 'strut' as best she can. "Twenty marks," Kassi repeats, a bit dumbfounded. "Shells." But she's not about to turn it down. With an apologetic glance to T'saren, she announces, "Twenty marks! Will anyone offer twenty-one? Or twenty-five, the way this bidding is going?" Caitria blinks several times, her gaze slanting T'sarenwards. Shanzena wows softly. "Really?" She offers a nice smile. "Well, that is a wonderful craft choice. I don't have the patiencs for it, but it's still a wonderful choice. T'saren glances at Tria, then back at N'ren, shaking his head and tossing his belt pouch on the table. "Too rich for my poor Herder blood. I guess she's all yours for the night, N'ren. Just make sure I get her back the way you got her, okay?" Zaili's just plain open-mouthed, till she remembers to close it with a snap. N'ren replies, "Well, she might be a little mussed, but I'll try." Those throw dances, after all, do tend to mess up people's hair, after all. R'val smiles warmly, "You'd have lots of patients if you were a healer." He winks, "Sorry, bad joke." Kassima shakes her head almost ruefully, raising her whip yet again. "Twenty marks. Going once... going twice...." Not that she really expects anyone to top this. Shanzena chuckles a bit. "Not that bad, but I did set myself up for it." R'val laughs, "I couldn't help it. Old, old healer joke, I suppose." Telgar Weyr> N'ren wonders if he should @emit L'cher offering 21. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima was considerably tempted to do that herself. ;) Telgar Weyr> N'ren says, "Do it. Do it. ;)" T'saren holds his tongue, crossing arms over chest again and leaning back into his chair. "Sharding brownriders," he mutters. "One buys me, then another buys my weyrmate." Maylia looks back and forth between N'ren and her weyrmate, more than a little stunned. "Twenty marks... shards...." she murmurs. Very carefully, she doesn't look in L'cher's direction. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn wonders what's up? Is it the bidding thing? Who's up? "Twenty-five!" L'cher finally calls from the sidelines, shooting T'sar a 'Neener, neener, neener' look. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Maylia" Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs! Telgar Weyr> Maylia is up... now 25 :) Shanzena smirks. "Your aloud." R'val winks at Shanzena with a grin. Telgar Weyr> N'ren says, "Now. The question is whether I should leave her to L'cher or not. *evil cackle*" Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins, Kiat would icly throw one bid in there, Kassi. :) Someone, feel free to @em ie While I get this mail done? Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Zmeth trumpets a greeting as he starts spiraling towards the center bowl. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Do it, do it! Tas will kill him, and then I'll be rid of that troublesome NPC. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs!!! N'ren glances over towards L'cher, then back to Aurian, He mutters to Aurian, "... do..." Kassima's look to Maylia is *really* apologetic this time as she starts to call, "Twenty-five marks, going once...." Maylia pales. "Tas? Feel free to use my marks, hmmm?" She stage-whispers towards her weyrmate. "Anyone but *him*!" Aurian mutters to N'ren. R'val grins brightly, "Twenty-six." T'saren gapes. There's no way he's going to let L'cher have his weyrmate, even if only for dancing. Now what can he offer? At Maylia's whisper, Tas nods. "How many do you have, love?" K'tyn steps in from the shadows of the Lower Caverns, "26." Then he glares at R'val, "27." R'val grins at K'tyn pertly. L'cher makes a face at the Weyr's other resident letch. "Thirty," he says defiantly. She will be his... oh, yes, she *will* be his. Asrai gets a rather odd look on her face as she peers towards the bowl. The oddness doesn't last long..its soon replaces by something decidedly evil. She stands and heads out that way, getting a raised eyebrow from K'nan. (Who is really still here, honest) Aurian wrinkles her nose. She mutters to N'ren, "... my..." Ciarra looks astonished at what is happening around her and even though she doesn't knoy Maylia, hopes that someone will come to her rescue N'ren frowns faintly, looking past Maylia to L'cher. For a moment, his amusement fades. He looks up at Maylia for a moment, then down at Aurian. He nods. "Fourty marks, Kassima." Asrai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Maylia's expression goes from hopeful, to thrilled, to terrified at L'cher's bid. Then just plain pale. "FOURTY?" Kassima has to ask, "L'cher, where in *Faranth's* name did you get all those marks?" But the bluerider doesn't answer; he just stands there, looking smug. Sigh. "Thi--err, *forty*? Forty marks? Oooookay. A forty mark bid made by the madman over there...." Telgar Weyr> Maylia just dies? FORTY! Telgar Weyr> D'ton says, "40 marks??" Telgar Weyr> Neliea nods. Zaili's head drops, her hands knot, and-- and slowly, very slowly, blue eyes peek up and out again as she murmurs delightedly horrified nothings to her grandmother. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Wooooo May" Madelynda shakes her head at the flurry of bidding, her eyes darting to K'tyn as he joins in, then flickering to L'cher. She murmurs a question to the bluerider next to her, nodding as she hears his answer. "Is that so?" a few nearby overhear the goldrider respond. "Well, then, I certainly hope someone comes to her rescue." T'saren looks at N'ren, this time with relief. "For forty marks, I don't care how rumpled she is when I get her back, as long as she's agreeable." Telgar Weyr> Neliea just nods for no reason. "Um, Way to go Maylia?" :) Telgar Weyr> D'ton's glad he isn't on sale. :) (aw c'mon folks, I'll pay you to take him...) This causes L'cher to desperately scrabble through his mark pouch. Very, very fortunately for Maylia, it doesn't look like the bluerider has quite *that* many. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Do you want to outbid forty marks, Kiat? ;)" Telgar Weyr> D'ton <--like Eustace in the voyage of the Dawn Treader. Hey, that might be fun. Telgar Weyr> D'ton (we'll throw him in for free) Telgar Weyr> K'tyn can outbid in person --where is the thingy at? Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "LC, but you'd best hurry. :)" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "lc" K'tyn walks in from the bowl. Telgar Weyr> D'ton grins. Kiat's the only one left who could outbid that. :) Telgar Weyr> T'saren wonders if he should fear Kiat getting Maylia (again). ;) Maylia gives Tas a look, and shakes her head in amazement. "I dont think I've enough in there for that, love." She states, though at least not with the desperation she would've had they still been countering L'cher. At least her weyrmate's not upset. Kassima mumbles to herself, "Forty? For a greenrider?" Shaking her head, she takes a deep breath and raises her whip. "Forty marks, going once...." K'tyn eyes T'saren, then N'ren, then Maylia. "Fifty," he says with a grin. Maylia, stunned, gives another twirl on the table top, only to halt. "Fifty. Faranth's... faranths..." she can't seem to come up with an appropriate phrase. T'saren nods slowly to his weyrmate, a bit depressed that he can't afford to outbid everyone here for her. Kiat's offer of fifty marks is more than Tas can take, and he gets to his feet and proceeds to walk out. T'saren walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. N'ren grins in K'tyn's direction, still mostly hidden in the shadows. He looks down at Aurian again. He mutters to Aurian, "... think... should... ex-Weyrleader?" Kassima decides it would be simpler to just sit on the table before her legs give out. "Fifty marks," she repeats. "We could probably buy most of the *Hall* for that, much less a song... still. Fifty marks, then, going once... going twice...." Caitria gives K'tyn a startled look. She mutters to herself, "... five -prime- bovines!" Aurian nods just once. She mutters to N'ren, "... should." N'ren grins, "Sixty, Kassima." Zaili sits back in her seat, now, the merest beginnings of doubt further darkening her features. Delina rolls her eyes amazed anyone would put down that much!!!! Kassima is too numb to be startled by anything anymore. "Sixty," she repeats simply. "Care t'outbid sixty, Kiat?" Ciarra looks very astonished "N'ren," K'tyn says quietly. "Where are you going to get sixty marks? I think you're bluffing -- but tis for a good cause, so I say sixty-five." Ceria enters from the Bowl. Maylia watches her weyrmate head out, now appearing just a little concerned. "Tas? It's just... shells." Her hands go on her hips, as she shakes her head. "I should've just joined Thunderbolt and saved all this.." the greenrider mutters. "Well. Sixty five?" Neliea doesn't dare tip back in her chair as she watches the bidding go even higher. She's in apparent shock. Ceria walks back in and stands near the edge of the cavern. Kassima agrees, deadpan, "Sixty. Five. Marks. Right. Got it. Anyone want to give me more than sixty-five?" Why quit when you're ahead? N'ren replies, evenly, "I bet against the odds on both Vivian's and Asfala's Impressions, for one thing." He grins at Aurian again, then adds, "But it is a good cause. Seventy marks." Kassima nods and smiles pleasantly, the smile of someone who's now *certain* she's surrounded by lunatics. "Seventy marks. Uh-huh. Seventy. Kiat? Going to challenge seventy?" Zaili glances Neliea's way a moment-- someone else shocked, someone else not so directly involved, and tries on a small smile. Madelynda's eyes follow T'saren as he leaves the auction, a slight frown on her face. "Excuse me," she murmurs to the bluerider beside her, "I think I need a bit air. The bidding's getting a bit too furtive for my taste." With a flicker of a smile, she takes her leave, passes off her half-empty wine glass, and--gown rustling--walks through the exit to the bowl. Madelynda walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Arms crossed, brow furrowed, Kiat thinks. "A moment, Kassi -- I've got to think a little... do the calculations ---" A'lex walks in from the bowl. Pierron grunts in greeting to the Wingleader of Skyfire. N'ren pushes out of the shadows to go refill his mug of juice. "Give him as much time as he wants, Kassima. I'm in no hurry." There's a slight emphasis on "I'm" there. Delina waves to A'lex Kassima suggests, half-facetiously, "'Twill loan you a few marks, Kiat, if'n you promise t'pay 'em back promptly... with a very reasonable interest rate. Say, five marks a day?" Hey, one can hope. A'lex strides is. "The CROWDS! It's insane out there...." He salutes and waves around. R'val waves, "Hiya, A'lex!" Ceria glances at A'lex with a smile. R'val glances towards Shanzena with a smile, "care to go tour the tents? This is getting a bit wild." "Oh, for certain, Kassi. I know Bitrans with better rates," K'tyn grins. "Actually, I'll say seventy-five." Shanzena smiles and nods. "Sure, I think I'd like that." R'val stands, offering his arm to Shanzena. Zaili murmurs a little more in her Bitran grandmother's ear. Maylia's given up any semblance of strutting, posing, or wriggling. She just stands there, on the table in the middle of the living caverns, stunned. Though somewhat pleased. N'ren refills his juice mug, and calls over his back, "You think I should keep going, Aurian?" Kassima grins at Kiat. "A woman can but dream. Seventy-five, then. You two *do* realize that you're utterly mad, don't you?" K'tyn waves to A'lex, from where he and N'ren seem to be bidding insane amounts of marks on Maylia. "Good day, Skyfire's Wingleader." Shanzena stands and slips her arms trough R'val. "Lead the way." Aurian stretches, "Oh why not." R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Shanzena walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. A'lex rolls his eyes, "You want it back??" N'ren nods complacently, turning and holding the mug of redfruit juice. "Eighty marks." A'lex looks over to the "bidding war." "What's up with this?" he asks. Telgar Weyr> N'ren says, "By the way -- just what cause is all my money going to? N'ren prolly knows, but I don't remember." K'tyn grins. "I'm in the wrong wing to have it back, A'lex. Come here a moment, hm?" "Eighty marks." Kassi glances at Maylia. "May, are you *sure* you want t'be going with either of these two? They've clearly gone berserk." Delina looks up and shakes her head amazed it won't stop A'lex wanders over towards Kiat, "Yes, si---errrrr Kiat? What can I do for you?" Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "Getting a song made for Telgar by the Harpers I think." Ceria's eyes widen a bit at the mention of eighty marks. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Well, the original purpose was to commission a Harper ballad about Telgar's recent history, but given the amount of marks soon to be made, we'll probably have to find something else to spend them on too." Telgar Weyr> R'val thinks at this point we have enough to buy a Harper indefinitely, let alone a song ;) Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "How about a statue of me? :D" Telgar Weyr> Neliea chuckles. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Not that I object to needing to find ways to spend money, mind. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Caitria suggests a statue of Maylia. ;) Telgar Weyr> T'saren thinks we could get a song about the *full* history, and probably one heck of a group to sing it for the rest of the Turn. Maylia turns wide eyes towards Kassima. "Shells, Kassi! I should've just let you draft me into Thunderbolt. They've lost any sense of reason!" She states. Telgar Weyr> Kassima suggests a life-sized statue of Ramoth, made from solid gold. Telgar Weyr> Maylia just laughs!!!! K'tyn lifts a hand, muttering quietly to A'lex for a moment. Telgar Weyr> R'val doubts Herath would like that ;) Telgar Weyr> N'ren says, "Gold doesn't really cost that much on Pern, you know." Delina looking at the two "how much are you two intending on bidding?" A'lex leans in to the former Weyrleader, He mutters to K'tyn, "I've... you... them." Telgar Weyr> T'saren could see Talibenth trying to fly it though. ;) Kassima remarks serenely, "I'd be glad t'draft you in regardless, mentee mine, believe you me. Kiat, are you going t'be topping eighty now?" Neliea quietly stands and edges along the back of the room, making for the bowl, nodding where she needs to. She still needs to get dressed for the dance. Neliea walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Telgar Weyr> N'ren idly wonders what's running through Maylia's (or, for that matter, Kassima's) mind at the moment. ;) Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "N'ren is rich and stupid? :D" "Wait--" Kiat grins at A'lex, nodding agreement with him before turning back to look at the assembled crowd. "Then -- Kassi, I think I'll have the final bid. One Hundred." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Something along the lines of, 'Dear shells, there are utterly twisted people in the Weyr, and neither of them is me.'" Forget the would-be grownup demeanor: Zaili gawks. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "At this point I think we can buy all of the Benden red on Pern for the next 4 years" A'lex mutters, "This better be worth it." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Turns rather and the ballad" Delina's Eyes go wide in shock and in a low voice"one hundred!...Shards!" *Clunk.* That would be the sound of Kassima's jaw hitting the table. "One- hundred marks," she squeaks. "I *knew* I should've insisted on a twenty- five percent profit commission." Telgar Weyr> N'ren says, "Which will also bring Harpers, so that's just as good! :)" K'tyn mutters to A'lex, "I'll... N'ren... And with... and Tas,... won't!" Ceria gasps. All right. At *that* bid, N'ren does appear to fret slightly, worrying his lip with his teeth. This time it's him who holds up his hand, to give him time to calculate. Maylia shoots a stunned look - the only kind in her repetoire right about now - towards her clutchsib. "Um. Kassi? It's just dancing, right? That's all... hmmm?" A'lex smirks, "Oh no, can't let that happen." Bini appears from *between* very carefully, then searches for a few moments for a place to perch. Bini swoops down towards A'lex. Bini drops a pouch into A'lex's outstretched hand. A'lex grins, "Thank you love." Kassima bobs her head vigorously. "Just dancing!" she promises. "Just dancing! That's why they're both insane!" Taking a deep breath, she manages to get out without too much awe invading her voice, "One-hundred marks, going once...." A'lex says "Ohhh! Dancing? I get one, right?" Aurian just blinks. She mutters to N'ren, "... my... only at..." K'tyn grins. He mutters to A'lex, "... think, A'lex. Mayhap we... consortium... often!" Maylia folds her legs, and lands crosslegged on the table top, the burgendy velvet of her dress *phwumping* around her. Not fainting, of course. Just stunned, and unable to remain standing. N'ren looks over towards Aurian, raising a questioning eyebrow. He mutters to Aurian, "How..." Telgar Weyr> Maylia's done too much research on primate behaviour not to be worried at the term 'consortium'... A'lex laughs, He mutters to K'tyn, "... fine... merchandise..." Kassima mutters to Maylia, "I... an idea, mentee... commissioning... a... *and*... enough Benden... entire... with... methinks we could..." You whisper "I have an idea, mentee mine. Instead of just commissioning a song, let's commission a song *and* buy enough Benden wine t'fill the entire Lake with it. Somehow, methinks we could manage." to Maylia. Telgar Weyr> T'saren snickers. Well any man or group of men that would pay 100 marks just for dances is pretty close to primate behavior. ;) Telgar Weyr> A'lex dies at his mutter. Aurian hmmmms. She mutters to N'ren, "... it... be..." Telgar Weyr> K'tyn dies! And, Kiat is a primate. ;) A very nice one, to say the least.;) Telgar Weyr> T'saren grins at A'lex. And just how fine do you think it is, A'lex? ;) N'ren cuts off a bark of laughter. He mutters to Aurian. But then he calls up to Kassima, "One hundred and five Marks." Telgar Weyr> A'lex waggles his eyebrows and puts on the cheezy french laugh. Telgar Weyr> Maylia arrroooogas at the silverbacks surrounding her ;) Telgar Weyr> K'tyn thinks, Kassi, that with the marks donated, there'd be enough to write the history of Telgar Weyr, yes? :) hee. A'lex says "Oh come on now, it went once! Give up!" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "I think they should start bracchiating at any moment." A'lex dumps the marks out of his pouch and starts counting, "One... two... three..." Telgar Weyr> T'saren scent-marks Maylia? ;) Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Ewwww" Kassima turns back from her mentee to just nod. "One-hundred and five marks. In cash. You're willing t'pay that much t'dance with m'mentee?" She shakes her head in amazement, and informs Maylia, "I think this tops every greenrider record t'boot, y'know. All right. One-hundred and five marks, going once... by the by, Kiat, that offer of a loan is still open, y'know...." K'tyn drapes an arm comfortably about A'lex's shoulders. "Not to worry. One Hundred and seven." Ceria slips into a seat as she watches the proceedings incredulously. Aurian grins wickedly. She mutters to N'ren. She can't help but gesture towards the pair. N'ren replies, immediately, "One hundred ten." Caitria shakes her head slightly as she gets to her feet and heads for the inner cavern, all the while mumbling about how many bovines to trade for one greenrider. Caitria walks towards the inner cavern. Zaili murmurs to her grandmother-- perhaps to Ceria, too, if she's near enough-- "At least they're only going up by a few, now." Maylia's head turns towards her mentor again. "Kassi, I do believe you're right. Horrid waste of wine, though. Kassi, if it goes to a hundred ten, I'll willingly join Thunderbolt." Apparenlty, this was the threat that got her up for bidding in the first place. A'lex stops counting finally and says quietly to K'tyn, "Twenty four and a quarter here..." Ceria gives A'lex and K'tyn an odd look. Kassima amends, "Okay, one-hundred and se--excuse me, *ten* marks, going once. And thankee, N'ren, by the by, for buying me a new Wingrider." A glance is shot towards the bronzeboys. "Well?" N'ren adds, as a caveat, "At this point, further bids on my side will have to be collected via Richenda. She keeps all but the petty stuff I have on account." THAT ought to scare people. N'ren says "You're welcome, Kassima." Maylia looks a little distressed, but she shrugs. "Should've said one fifteen. Kerlyn'll wish to strangle me, I'm certain." The word petty makes her go silent. Totally. Zaili murmurs to Verna, something along the lines of, what's petty? and pales upon the reply. A'lex looks at N'ren, "You pimping yourself out there on your free day's N'ren? Where'd you amass such a fortune?" Kassima shakes her head slowly, toying with her whip. "And people say *I'm* supposed t'be loaded?" she asks rhetorically. "Dear Faranth's slimy internal bits on a silver plate. Kiat, 'Lex, if'n you're going t'bid higher, it'd better be now." A'lex shoots a look at Kassima, "You gave him time to count!" A'lex says "It's harder for us, we're Bronzeriders." Delina looks at A'lex Kassima points out reasonably, "Aye, but 'Lex, 'twould be nice if'n we could start the Masquerade ere the night is *over*." Telgar Weyr> Aurian Dies!!! Aurian calls out, "Some of us need to get into costume. A'lex looks over to Aurian, "You mean you're not?" The Ex-Weyrleader looks distant a moment. "Wait, wait..." Eyes clear. "N'ren, for that I'll see you have Dawnsweeps for a year. Maylia is hardly petty. Nay, Kassi. I can't top that." K'tyn sounds resigned as he looks about at the assembled crowd. "But I'd like a dance, regardless. Mayhap later?" Delina nods agreeing with Aurian Telgar Weyr> Kassima giggles at A'lex. Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeempdiddy.... Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles!!!! A'lex sighs, "Someone needs to cut his commission..." Telgar Weyr> Ceria laughs. K'tyn sends that last Maylia's way as he claps A'lex on the back. "Just as well, eh? Best you buy Channie something pretty with those marks." A'lex smirks, "They're hers... I probably should." Telgar Weyr> K'tyn says, "A'lex, you are too funny. Sheesh!" N'ren replies to K'tyn, "The funds are petty, not the rider. I will take it as a personal insult that you thought I'd think that way." Then, to A'lex, "You missed it when I said it before. Do you have any idea what the odds are on betting that a specific person will Impress a Gold dragon?" Zaili slowly, wonderingly, eavesdroppingly shakes her own dark head. Kassima nods to Kiat, looking obscurely relieved. "In that case, going once, going twice, sold," she says quickly, before things can go any further off the deep end. "To N'ren for one-hundred and ten marks. Maylia, I don't envy you the task of explaining this one t'Kerlyn at *all*." Maylia nods, blankly at Kiat. "Ah. Of course, Kiat... " She seems to be far too overwhelmed for anything more than that. A'lex nudges Kassima, "Hey, can I rent her tomorrow then?" He waggles his eyebrows and winks, "I've got twenty marks here..." T'saren walks in from the bowl. Pierron mutters what might be a greeting to the Firestorm Wingleader. Delina walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima snorts as she slides her whip back into its place at her belt, picking up her box o' cash. "I'm only in this selling business for today, 'Lex; after this, you're on your own when it comes t'making deals! I've got t'get changed... shells and shards. I still don't believe this." Ceria walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. A'lex awwws shuckses. N'ren walks over to the table where Maylia is sitting, and offers the non-scored hand up to her to help her down. T'saren just glares at Pierron, then turns to the crowd. "So how much did my weyrmate go for? And someone remind me to thrash you, Kassi, for goading her into participating." Meli walks in from the bowl. Maylia rather blindly reaches for the offered hand, and slithers off the table in a mass of velvet skirts. Aurian calls to T'saren, "110 marks." A'lex tosses a salute at his Wingsecond, "Evening!" N'ren hears T'saren's voice as he's helping Maylia down. He calls, "T'saren. Could you come here for a moment, please?" T'saren winces visibly as Aurian answers, trying to keep the anguish from his eyes as N'ren helps Maylia off the table. N'ren's query gets a raised brow, but the Dawnslight Wingleader heads that direction before he can stop himself. Meli walks in very carefully, masterfully masqueraded as.... a very very pregnant rider. Kassima holds the box close, not about to let the marks out of her sight. "One-hundred and ten," she repeats. "Thrash me all you want, Tas. Nay only do we have enough marks t'bankrupt the Winecraft, but Maylia even agreed t'my condition regardless!" Beaming the beam of one who is utterly confused but happy nonetheless, she heads into the IC to change. You walk towards the inner cavern.