-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead Beasts Roasting On an Open Fire Date: August 30, 1997 Place: Benden Weyr Lake Shore -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: What a blast this was! :) Despite some sudden RL complications, and a burst of lag here and there, this event went on for longer than we had anticipated, and better than we'd hoped. :) Anyhoo, on with the technical foo: most of the knot chat and all dragon chat has been cut out. This log is almost entirely of RP. But be warned, it might not be wise to read it on an empty stomach.... :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "So, any evilness planned for this evening?" Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "Kassi's BBQ:)" Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "We're finally roasting Kassima? About time!" Benden Weyr> Alyssa will bring the teriyaki sauce. Benden Weyr> Kindre snickers! Aw, mean, mean... ;) Benden Weyr> Suzot thinks Kassima wouldn't go well with teriyaki...She's already sweet an' sour. ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima wields a meat cleaver and eyes Lys meaningfully. What was that again? ;) Benden Weyr> Alyssa erms... Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "How positively -lovely- you look tonight, Slayer and Scourge of Wherries Everywhere!" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Much better. :)" Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Hey!! Its my turnday!!" Benden Weyr> C'vadan snugs everyone g'night. Just assume Cav is kowtowing to Kassima's every whim tonight :) Public announcement: Kindre does the usual tapping of the MUSH mike... *thump thump* "Benden Weyr will be holding a BBQ event on it's lake shore, beginning in a few minutes. All are welcome to attend. There's fabulous food, our infamous wine, a swinging contest, and some fireworks :) Benden Weyr> Asrai pouts and smootchies a Cav :) Benden Weyr> Suzot says, "And we'll be roasting Kassima... ;)" Cygnith flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. Cygnith lands lightly by the side of the lake, seeming to take extra care of his precious burden. Benden Weyr> Kindre notes that several people have gotten the misconception of what the "swinging" contest is, she thinks... Benden Weyr> Suzot LOL. Benden Weyr> R'val snickers. Kassima is just now climbing to her feet, bedecked in a rough cloth apron that's covered liberally in blood and with a cleaver in hand that's seen much use tonight. "Asrai, heyla!" she calls, stripping off the gory covering. Her kilt and turtleneck beneath are fortunately free of crimson stains. "You're just in time! The first of the beasts should be ready ere long, or so the Bakers tell me." Benden Weyr> Alyssa doesn't swing. She doesn't even own a vine. :P Benden Weyr> Jazmin could do the swinging thing.. it's the jungle roar that I'm not into. ;) Zynassa heads over from the South Bowl. Jehrina heads over from the South Bowl. Kylandra heads over from the South Bowl. Up between Cygnith's neckridges, Asrai seems to be having some trouble dismounting..like her dress is helping any. Kindre finishes instructing where the plates and cloth napkins should be set and, chuckling a bit before Kassima removes her stained apron, waves cheerfully to Asrai. "Hi there, Asrai! How fares?" Satisfied, it seems, with the small table of wares, she moves closer towards the circle. Jehrina ahem, All about the shore, the Bakers, cooks, and Weyrfolk with some talent-- however slight--at the cuisine-related arts are scurrying about to prepare the first serving of meats. Kassima salutes the Weyrwoman and waves over to the other newcomers cheerfully, hailing those she doesn't recognize with, "Benden's duties to everyone and everywhere! Ach, Asrai, need a hand getting down?" Kindre says "Evening, Weyrwoman, everyone!" Jehrina grins. "Evening, all." Up between Cygnith's neckridges, Asrai struggles for some time, but finally makes it down without indecently exposing herself...too much. "I..i got it." She grunts. Asrai makes her way down from Cygnith's back. Kylandra strides in from the center of the bowl, wearing her good outfit. She gives a cheerful wave to everyone, smiling as she takes in the sights. Zynassa scurries in, underfoot as usual, "Hi!" she chimes brightly. Skylyn heads over from the South Bowl. Suzot heads over from the South Bowl. Adonith flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. Jehrina settles upon a rock, nodding greetings to anyone who greets her. Alyssa slides down the beautiful purplish blue flank of her lifemate to come to a rest on the ground, Adonith swinging his head around to regard her adoringly. Asrai gives Cygnith a pat as she finally gets down and fixes her new dress. Seeing that she is safetly on the ground, the Blue goes off to relaz and catch some zzzzzs. turning, Asrai waves and/or salutes as necessary. Zynassa perks up, "Sa!" Suzot walks around from the bowl, following the general exodus towards the lake, still wearing her riding gear from the recent ride with some Weyrling or other. Kylandra waves greetings as people come in, sitting down at a table and petting her gold firelizardl Adonith greets Cygnith nicely before moving to his habitual position between Herath and Lysseth while Alyssa, just dismounted, looks about with only a slight hint of wariness. Kassima shrugs philosophically, accepting that answer. "All right, Asrai-- if'n you say so. Where's that bloody V'dan?" She stalks over to the indicated rider, whapping him upside the head when she sees him making bets on the outcome of Miryenne's latest attempt on the water-swing. "You're supposed t'be watching over the drinks, dwiddlydwonk, nay the swing! Chanril, is any of that meat ready yet?" The Weyrbrat bobs his head, and scampers off to set others to fixing up plates of roast wherry, bovine, ovine, and porcine. Zynassa races over to attach herself to the bluerider's legs, "SaSaSaSa!" "Hey there, Suzot," Kindre remarks as she spots the young Vintnercrafter. Moving closer towards the barbeque pit, she takes a long inhale of the wonderful scents. "Ofira has truly outdone herself this time," is announced with no real target intended. "Oh, hi Alyssa...how're you and Adonith? Well, I hope?" Hearing Kassima's voice, and seeing whom she's scolding, she giggles. Alyssa leans down and lifts Zynassa, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Hello, sweeting." Asrai grins at her friend, "See, I told you I could do it." Making her way over to the benches set up, Asrai tries her darndest not to waddle. Suzot looks around, unlacing her riding jacket but leaving the leathers on in the cooling Autumnal night. "Was this today?" she asks Kindre rhetorically, nodding gravely to the Weyrwoman holding court from atop a rock further away. Lysseth warbles an uncharacteristically sweet greeting to her blue, from where she's stationed closer to the Lake than the roasting meats. Kassi waves to Alyssa as well, and flicks Kindre a rueful grin before shooing some of the weyrbrats who are standing about with plates towards the waiting people. Several young lasses mingle amongst the crowds, offering goblets of red or white wine to each person. Zynassa grins to Alyssa, babbling away in little speak, "Na pe ma, Na ood, Agon! ig agon!" Skylyngazes at the dragns as she has never met one, or seen one up close. Kindre steps out of the way of a small group of children who seem to be playing tag...the rock they've claimed as base having been behind her. "Whoa...watch yourselves," she scolds before chuckling and rolling her eyes. To the general crowd beginning to gather, she calls, "Please...feel free to begin tasting some of the barbequed treats...but not too much! We've a swinging contest," her fingers point towards the rope-hung object dangling beneath the tree, "this evening as well as fireworks much later on." Nodding to Suzot, she chuckles, "Indeed it is...been out all morning and afternoon with some of the others gathering the last touches." Alyssa remains with Zynassa near the dragons and eyes the roasting meats with silent distaste. "Yes, love, dragon," she murmurs to Zynassa while listening to Kindre. Jehrina says "You have more energy than I do, Kassima." Suzot frowns gravely. "I should have been here to assist," she mumbles, moving towards Kassima, who's doing /her/ job of serving wines. Again she nods to Jehrina before addressing the Greenrider. "Kassi, I'll do that. Y'needn't do my work for me." Vidarth flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch. Asrai giggles, snagging a mug of milk that someone was thoughtful enough to provide. "If you don't mind Kin, the little ones and I will pass on the swinging contest. If K'nan found out we had participated, he'd be the one needing a healer." Zynassa giggles happily, content to stay close to Alyssa, "Ma nee, Ma ike agon." she giggles again. R'val climbs down off his dragon and waves cheerfully, "Evening, all.' Kindre chuckles before bobbing her head to Asrai. "But of course...shells, I don't think we'd let you try anyhow. Do you need some juice or anything? Food?" Idling just a moment, she gazes up towards Jehrina on her rock perch. "Weyrwoman? Want me to get you something while I'm up and about?" Jehrina waves a hand in dismissal of the suggestion. "No thanks, I'll let the hungrier folk get a plateful first before I get my own." She winks, "Then I'll know what's safe to eat." R'val bumps into Asrai on his way to a plateful and grins, "Ah! Sorry! Hey Asrai, how goes?" Alyssa, bouncing Zynassa, notes quietly, "I like the dragons too, Zynassa, very much. Did you eat?" Kassima turns around, eyes wide and evidently startled. "Oh, Suzot, there you are! I'd heard you'd gone to High Reaches, so 'twas nay certain whether or nay 'twere here... please, by all means, feel free to take on the task if'n you want it." She steps back, to a table off to the side of the pits where fresh fruits and vegetables for those who don't care for meat are being kept. "Ach, ma'am, 'tis merely that there's something stimulating about this... it reminds me of the few times we had occasion to celebrate with a feast back at Greystones. Lys, is there any particular thing you'd care for?" She gestures to the assortment of salad and other non-animal products. Jehrina points in R'val's direction, with a look of 'See?' R'val blinks at the weyrwoman and hrms, "See? See what?" He looks over his shoulder. Jehrina grins. "Nothing, R'val." Alyssa tenders Kassima a bashful sort of smile as she glances at the salad and other offerings that do not involve meat. "I feel like such a fuss, Kassima...but I've eaten already tonight. Thank you...perhaps something later." R'val Hmphs, looking unconvinced. He grins at Jehrina, "If you say so, "He murmrs, expressing his doubts. Suzot steps in, guilty-faced from her perceived shirking of duty. She immediately starts pouring for people, answering questions if asked about when this or that was bottled, which Vintner was responsible for the distilling. Zynassa claps her hands, "Uce!" Asrai looks up from her seat at R'val with a grin. "Oh, I'm hanging in there. Oh Kin, please, don't worry bout me..got some milk. So, R'val, how have you been?" R'val sits down at Asrai's side, patting her hand affectionately, "Doing well, Asrai. How're you and your babies doin'?" Kindre giggles and nods, "Good plan, indeed, Jehrina," she comments before, "I do at that." Quiet snickers escape her lips as she pours more glasses of juice and sets them about the table for easy grasping. Seeing Suzot taking wine duties, she smiles, "Thank Faranth you made it...I'm awful aobut the vintages." Leaning over to set Zynassa down, Alyssa looks about her again, not appearing to be quite interested in leaving the relative calm and quiet of the dragons' company to breach the perimeter of the celebration. Kassima shrugs, smiling at the Skyfire Wingsecond. "All right, if'n you say so." Some of the berries--fresh enough to have been garnered earlier that day by the hunting and gathering parties--are piled onto her plate, before she deftly weaves her way through the throng of servitors to slice herself a healthy slab of porcine. "Suzot, is there juice over there for the lads and lasses?" Jehrina taps her foot against the rock, oblivious to the probable scuffing she's doing to her boots. Suzot nods to Kassima. "Aye, plenty juices." She gestures to her right, where five or six kinds wait in ceramic pitchers, as compared with the glass decanters and skins holding the wines. "And Kassi, you're a Rider, not a Vintner." She stands taller and straighter (if possible), making the comparison. "You've no need to know vintages or the different grapes." Asrai grins at R'val. "Oh, fine...kicking more and more every day. Not even giving me today off, of all days." Zynassa scurries over to R'val as Alyssa lets her down and informs him importantly, "Na uce!" T'fian heads over from the South Bowl. Meroth lumbers in from the South Bowl. R'val grins at Asrai, "They really don't have much sympathy for you do they?" He winks, then reaches down and ruffles Zynnassa's hair, "Uh-huh, Zy.' Jehrina waves in T'fian's direction. Suzot pours some juice for a small boy who keeps insisting that the 'juice' he wants is in the pretty glass decanter. She has to convince him first that that 'juice' is for grownups, and that the ceramic pitchers hold the children's juice. Kindre, now done with the juices and simpler tasks, goes to begin to fill a plate for herself. K'ira, Duskfire's Wingleader, happens to be in front of her. "How fares Azeth and drills," she queries the older woman and converses with her quietly while both move through the line. Finding a comfortable looking rock near Skylyn, she decides to claim it as her own resting spot. Spying the Weyrsecond as he enters, she mumbles her greeting around her food, "Effnin Phir..." Deciding to swallow, she says more properly, "Evening T'fian," and smiles. Alyssa's head turns at the sound of dragonwings; not unsurprisingly a smile grows as she espies the pale blue dragon and his rider. "Weyrsecond," she says quietly, nodding to him. Kassima blinks, head twisting around to regard the Vintner with surprise. "Vintages? Hmmm? Oh, I suppose nay... save t'know what to purchase and what to avoid. Evening, Weyrsecond sir." She salutes T'fian with a carving knife, before passing it back to the Baker tending a particular ovine on the spit. Plate in hand, the greenrider pauses only long enough to snare a goblet of 'Red before perching herself on her favorite rock. Skylyn walks toward a rock a fair didtance away distance away from the excitement, not knowwhat to say. T'fian sees the two weyrwomen and pauses to give each a salute. The salute he gives Jehrina is impercetibly more snappy than that he gives to Kindre. "Good evening, Weyrwomen." Then he turns and inclines his head with a smile to Alyssa. "Wingseconds." The plural is added in response to Kassima's greeting. Suzot pours T'fian a glass and offers it. "Weyrsecond, if ye've a thirst," she says, Herder accent creeping back to color her gruff alto voice. W'il heads over from the South Bowl. R'val sips at his drink and glances again at Asrai, "When are you expecting, Asrai?" Alyssa, without Zynassa now, steps wordlessly to Meroth and offers her hand to him, eyes still on the gathering and the conversations nearest her. Asrai grins and nods, sitting beside R'val with a mug of bovine milk in her hands. You can tell by the occassional white mustache over her upper lip before she gets a chance to wipe it off. Asrai thinks about it for a moment, "Month and a half?" T'fian glances at the glass Suzot has handed him. "Thank you, Vintner," he says cautiously. "What is it?" Skylyn heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Trina steps out of the camp, wiping her hands on her breeches. Zynassa climbs onto the bench next to Asrai and points to her mug, "Na uce!!" W'il strides up from the bowl and nods politely to Jehrina. "High Reaches duties, m'am." "Benden's duties to High Reaches," Kindre calls to the arriving weyrling, this time smart enough to swallow the food in her mouth before doing so. "All the food is fresh and ready, if you're hungry." The young Trader also gets a wave in greeting before she turns to regard Kassima again. "So... think this tree swing will be easier or harder than Boll's vine? I've yet to try it myself...though have been tempted to practice..." Kassima ducks a sudden splash from the direction of the Lake, turning her head to make a face at F'rosti and Larinyl; the duo seem to be trying to out-swing one another. "Can't you two save that for the contest later, ere you manage to soak the food? Faranth's golden gallstones... oh, g'deve." This is said to the arrival from the High Reaches, accompanied by, "Benden's duties to the 'Reaches and her queens... and to the Traders," she adds to Trina. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Faranth's golden -gallstones-?" R'val makes a face, "That long, huh?" Trina smiles briefly, before she goes to check on the beasts, it is her job, you know. "Benden White," Suzot speaks up immediately. "It's from Journeyman Enpici's fourth year as a Journeyman." W'il smiles and nods to the junior weyrwoman as well. "Thank you." Benden Weyr> Suzot says, "She's also called on Faranth's toenails, and I've said Faranth's teats." Benden Weyr> Kassima shrugs. I decided I liked it better than toenail clippings. :) Jehrina's foreheard wrinkles, and then she makes out the rider from High Reaches, "Welcome to Benden, and our duties to your weyr." Meroth ducks his large pale head down, butting it against Alyssa's arm in an insistant gesture. Asrai giggles, "Tell me about it..I look a lot closer, don't I?" she pats her stomach thoughtfully. W'il acknowledges Jehrina's greeting with an easy smile and nod. R'val smiles, "Just because there's three babes in you, Asrai." Suzot spots W'il and waves a calloused hand to her former fellow Candidate. "Benden's compliments to the 'Reaches Queens," she says without raising her low growl of a voice. Trina finishes checking on the beasts and heads straight for Vidarth, "Heyla Vidarth, how're ya?" W'il spots a famialiar face. "Heya, Suzot." He walks towards the vintner. Asrai grins, "Yes, well, I guess that would have something to do with it." R'val spots TRina, grinning, with a wave. Vidarth turns and chuffs Trina in a friendly fashion.; T'fian is still looking at the glass of Benden White, nodding at Suzot's response. "Well, thank you, ma'am," he says politely to her, but I've early duty on the morning and, to be honest, wine's not to my taste." Suzot is pouring glasses of wines for people to taste, and she hands one to W'il. "Benden Red," she explains, "from Journeyman Enpici's second year as a Journeyman." Angus heads over from the South Bowl. W'il's smile broadens. "How have you been, Su?" Alyssa's hand gently finds the best location on Meroth's hide to rub and give the blue the most satisfaction; she does not, however, take her eyes off of the rest of the gathering, as if enjoying it from afar suits her quite well for now. Suzot takes T'fian's glass back untasted and sets it down for the next person in line. "I'm healthy," she answers W'il, to-the-point as always. Angus wanders over to the gathering of people. Kassima's face is lit by an impish smile, directed at Kindre. "Methinks 'twill be harder, just due to the lack of practice on such an apparatus-- which I believe some of our friends have already learned." She points with a forkful of roast porcine towards a small gathering of disgruntled bettors. "Still, perhaps 'twill get the into the swing of it, so t'speak, rather quickly nevertheless." She turns her head to nod to the newcomers, offering Benden's duties as always. Trina reaches for Vidarth's blue hide, "How've ya been takin' care o'that rider o'yers?" she asks the blue, waiting for him to lower his head so she can scritch him. Zynassa spots something that catches her attention over by the south bowl, scramling off the bench and running over to it. Zynassa heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Vidarth Rumbles agreeably and lowers his head to Trina. Asrai nudges R'val in the side, motioning over to Vidarth and his companion. "Seems the flirt found a new friend there R'val." Jehrina slides down off the rock, making another scar in the side of her boots. Uncaring, she quickly gathers a plateful of food, and then returns to the rock to continue watching the gathering. Trina giggles and nods, her hand finds just the right spot on Vidarth and begins scritching. R'val laughs, "he only flirts with greens, Asrai!" the bluerider protests. Asrai smirks, "He flirts with females period, R'val. He's not as picky as you would like to think." she winks at her friend, sipping at her milk in turn. Jehrina finishes chewing a mouthful, and then leans over to comment at Asrai, "Like dragon, like rider?" R'val grins at Asrai, "WEll, he's perfectly harlmess, Asrai. Minor flirting only, really." He winks. R'val sticks his tongue out at Jehrina, "I am /not/ a flirt." Jehrina snorts amusedly, "Oh please R'val." B'fus sighs at R'val. "At least not with everyone." "True enough, indeed," Kindre agrees with the Wingsecond while chuckling, her eyes on the small circle of people circling the tree swing. From beneath her tunic, she pulls out her unique necklace. "Of couse, though Kassi, I've my lucky charm...first time testing it, as well." Peering through the cluster of people, she finally manages to find Suzot once again. "Su," she calls to the young woman, "If and when you've a chance... I don't want to pull you away from your chatting...can you pick me a white you'd think I'd like?" Trina grins, then remembers her manners, she calls to the gather in general, "Dalegards' duties." R'val bats his eyelashes, "I'm as innocent as a newborn babe." Meroth croons, a low sound deep in his throat as one of his favorite humans gives him attention. His tail, lightly swishing across the ground, moves around Alyssa slowly until she's surrounded by almost-white dragon tail. Jehrina coughs, and then lobs a handful of pebbles at R'val. R'val ducks the pebble shower, and THPTS resoundingly at the weyrwoman. V'beda heads over from the South Bowl. W'il smiles at Suzot. "How about some of that Benden red?" Asrai giggles, almost snarfing her milk at the Weyrwoman's comment. "Sure you are R'val." she says after regaining control. Jehrina cackles gleefully, and goes back to munching on her dinner. Trina continues the scritching of her favourite blue dragon, giggling slightly, and partially paying attention to the gather. Alyssa gives Meroth one last scritch as she makes herself quite comfortable in the embrace of his ice-blue tail, then she murmurs to him, "I should be sociable...we do have visitors...." R'val spots V'beda and smiles towards her as she approaches, "Benden's duty." Kassima rolls her eyes in good-natured disagreement with R'val's words, attention soon turning back to Kin. "Well, I'm nay without a charm of m'own--I still think that the kilts bring luck, with the right chants added." She pats the side of her pleated skirt, then frowns in puzzlement as something jingles. She digs out of her pocket a small cloth bundle wrapped in blue, and tied shut with cords of black, red, and green. "What in Faranth's name...? Oh!" Turning, she calls over, "Asrai, d'you have a moment?" Suzot immediately picks up a skin and pours a glassful for Kindre. "Aye, try this," she says, immediately embarking on a list of its finer qualities. "Sweet, light, much like springtime for its freshness of flavor. It won't weigh down your mind, Kindre, or muddle your dragon's thinkin'. It's also got a little of a citron taste, because it was aged in a fresh-cut barrel of conifer-wood." W'il waves at the Reaches brownrider. "Hiya, m'am." Asrai looks over and nods to Kassima...taking the next few /long/ moments getting to her feet. "Just..a ... moment..I'll...be right there. Ah, there we go." She uses R'val's shoulder as leverage till she gains her feet and waddles over to Kassima, "What did you need?" Kindre, only rolling her eyes and chuckling at the exchange between Weyrwoman and bluerider, then spots the latest arrival. Calling, "Benden's duties to the Reaches and her queens," to the young woman, she then crooks a finger towards the barbeque pit. "Plenty of food and drink, if you're hungry or thirsty tonight...and the swing contest shouldn't start too far from now." Listening and bobbing her head as Suzot explains the wine, she takes a tentitive sip. "Ooh, I like that...it's wonderful," she remarks with a vaguely surprised smile. V'beda nods amiably to riders and residents as she walks over, returning greetings and the welcome with a smile. Sirsha heads over from the South Bowl. T'fian has moved next Meroth, reaching out to rest a hand on the blue's pale neck. All though hearing Alyssa's comment, he doesn't reply since it wasn't directing at him. Kassima sets her plate down on her lap, dangling the small parcel she just retrieved from her pocket. "Now, tell me if'n I'm mistaken, but is today nay your Turnday?" Suzot stands behind a table covered in wine decanters and skins, juice pitchers, and glasses and mugs. Seeing V'beda, she immediately pours a glass of Red from one of the skins and waits for the rider to approach her table. Asrai shakes her head, "you know, we really are going to burn that book one day. Yes...its my turnday." Alyssa offers T'fian a quiet, somewhat embarrassed smile, having been caught fawning over another rider's dragon. "Hello, T'fian..." R'val Helps Asrai to her feet, and smiles over at V'beda, "What brings you over, rider?" "Nay, you won't," Kassi cheerfully contradicts, "for Merla would surely throttle you alive if'n you tried. Happy Turnday t'you, m'friend." She proffers the small, jingling bundle, pausing only long enough to wave a greeting to those visitors whom she missed before. V'beda says "Reaches duties to Benden. I see some visitors have already made it down here already." She strolls over towards Suzot. "Now's there's someone I haven't seen in a while...."" W'il takes a glass of wine with a smile. Trina watches the people, she's content to hang back here with Vidarth, he is such a sweet dragon, and her hands never cease their scritching. Asrai blinks, taking the gift. Giving it a hesitant shake and hearing the jingling she giggles, opening up the wrapping. "Kassi, whatever is it?" she asks as she finishes. "Benden's duties to Fort," Kindre echoes another formal greeting before her curious eyes land on the package Kassima offers to Asrai. Maylia heads over from the South Bowl. V'beda turns her head and grins toward R'val. "Danaeth told Skyreth there was a bit of a bar-b-q going on, and since my sweeps were done, we decided to come down. It's been a long time since I've visited Benden." --- As you open the simple white pouch and reach inside, the feel of cold metal brushes against your fingertips; pulling the contents out, you discover that what you touched was a bracelet. Unusual, as bracelets go, the chain of this one is very delicate, made of links of silver so thin as to make it a marvel that it manages to hold. But hold it will, through a surprising amount of rigor. Dangling from every twelfth tiny link is a very small stylized A or C, the two initials--each made from thin, beaten gold--alternating along the chain. Though the bracelet in its entirety may not look anything out of the ordinary in most light, if a chance ray of sun or moonlight strikes it, it can glow with either a fiery, brilliant gold or a muted, radiant silver sheen. Etched into the silver clasp can be found the sigil of two crossed blades, proclaiming this to be the work of NPC Journeyman Miner Sythriva. --- Sirsha comes in quietly, heading up towards the table loaded with food. She stops for a moment in the middle of things, though, looking for anyone she might recognise. Benden Weyr> Sionelle peers, then sings in a childish litany: Alyssa and T'fian, underneath a blue. K-I-S-S-I-N' Eeew.' T'fian doesn't comment on Alyssa's fawning over his dragon, having grown quite used to it in the many turns since her arrival at Benden. Okay, he can't quite refrain from commenting, "Thought I'd find you over here." He grins. Suzot offers the glass of Red to V'beda. "Benden's compliments to the 'Reaches and her riders and dragons, all. Would you like som?" Danton heads over from the South Bowl. "You'll see," Kassi intones in a tone of foreboding. She pops a berry into her mouth, chewing absently while she watches Asrai closely for her reaction to the gift. On her way towards a table covered with food, Maylia smiles and nods to familiar faces, then grins as she spots Sirsha. V'beda takes the glass from Suzot. "Gladly thank you." She puts the glass to her lips and takes a sip nodding approval. Kindre chuckles a bit, "A greeting to Healers Hall, and duties," is remarked as she recognizes another knot. Sipping from the wonderful wine Suzot brought her, she returns her gaze to Asrai and the unwrapping, chuckling at Kassima's words. "I really don't care for crowds, especially with visitors," Alyssa says in a low voice to T'fian as she continues that fawning over Meroth. "Sometimes I wonder how I manage when I visit holds." Jorenan heads over from the South Bowl. Sirsha, eyes open wide with recognition, grins brightly. "Heya Maylia! We always seem to run into each other." She picks her way through the crowds, "How are things back at Healerhall?" The glass Suzot hands V'beda contains a well-aged Red, sharp and smooth at once, with just enough bitterness to control what could become a cloying sweetness but for this balance of opposite flavors. Its aftertaste is rich, so rich with the faint taste of the maple barrel in which it was aged. Overall, the strength of the wine is warmed by autumnal accents... much like, in fact, the recipient. Jorenan trudges over the the barbecue pit and pretends like he was helping all along. Hopefully Ofira (who seems otherwise occupied at the moment) doesn't notice that he wasn't here. T'fian crosses his arms in front of his chest, leaning against Meroth's hide. In a low voice he replies to Alyssa, "I understand... well, you've seen me at the Holds. Remember when I took your group... to Bitra was it? Or Benden?" A bright smile blossems on Asrai's face as she pulls out the delicate bracelet. As the light of the glows catches the delicately worked metal it seems to dance. "Oh Kassi...its..its..beautiful." Like most pregnant women this far along, Asrai seems to get...emotional at times. Like now. Bursting into tears she throws her arms around Kassi's neck, giving her a fierce hug..luckily she doesn't get any of Kassi's food on her new dress. R'val smiles at TRina, "Vidarth says you scritch as good as ever." Angus has left. Maylia's attention is momentarily grabbed by the mention to Healer Hall, and she bobs her head in courtesy, unsure if the comment was directed at her. To Sirsha she replies, "Fine, thanks! And how's Fort?" Kassima oofs and grabs her plate, jerking it out of harm's way before she returns Asrai's hug with the other arm. "I take it that this means it finds favor with you?" she laughs. "Good! After such a lovely gift as you gave me at my last Turnday, I could hardly let the opportunity to return the favor pass me by, now could I?" Trina smiles over at R'val, "Well, like I said, I'm glad t'do it." And she gives the beautiful blue a quick hug to his muzzle before scritching again. R'val grins at Trina, "He certainly appreciates it." Kindre's eyes widen, too, as she studies the gift in the now-weepy bluerider's hands. "Oh, Kassi...what a lovely gift! Asrai, that'll look just charming on you, to be true." Rynassa heads over from the South Bowl. Trina seems to blush at the compliment to her scritching. She remains where she is, getting, what she hopes are, all the right places. Danton just looked at the Barbeque Pit, He's probably planning to steal the food--you should warn the Bakers to keep an eye on him! Rynassa smiles and looks about "hello." Sirsha reaches Maylia finally, smiling at the happiness all around her. "Quiet," she comments. "Which is actually pretty good." She takes a few small steps away, "Let's say we get some food before it's all gone." She grins. Asrai wipes at her eyes, sniffling softly as she tries to get the bracelet on. "I just love it, truelly." With a snap it secures around her wrist, thankfully not too bloated. Alyssa answers T'fian with a gentle touch to her voice. "Benden Hold it was, and you were every inch a rider and leader. Impressive." W'il nods and smiles at the Boll resident. Kindre waves a hello to Rynassa before nibbling again at the selection of meats on her plate. "Whatever Ofira uses for sause on this herdbeast is absolutely fantastic," she comments when through, quieting again to lick the sticky remains from her fingertips. Jehrina sets her plate aside, blinking and then giving a quick nod to someone who snatches it off the rock. The bakers begin lifting one of the largest herdbeasts from the spits. One of the apprentices slips, and the herdbeast very nearly becomes one with the ashes. Luckily, there's a Journeyman who was expecting just such an occurence. The meal is saved. Rynassa nods in return, smiling gratefully "hi, I'm Rynassa, and you?" she says glancing at the wider. T'fian glances over at Rynassa from where he stands next to his Meroth. "Benden's Duty," he says to her absently, inclining his head. He looks back at Alyssa and smiles. "And chomping at the bit to get out there." He raises his voice, calling over to Kindre. "Ma'am, when are you going to let me go the Beastcraft Hall again?" Danton wanders down towards the tables of food, in a manner that's too casual to be strictly genuine. Kassima smiles warmly at the bluerider, setting her plate back down now that it's out of harm's way. "'Tis right glad that I am to hear it. I wish you the best of luck and health in the coming Turns--and when your younglings are born, 'twill commission Sythriva for matching charms for them once they're of age." Straightening, she picks up her fork again and waves it to the various people she missed when they came in. "Benden's duties!" is her cheerful call. W'il smiles. "I'm W'il, Danaeth's rider from High Reaches." Suzot hands a glass of white wine to a certain rider. N'pici makes a face; he was once a Vintner too. "This wine is immature and sour!" he complains. "I bet it didn't spend more than half the right amount of time in the cask." Suzot merely nods to him, turning around to give someone else a glass. One corner of her mouth lifts momentarily; surely no one noticed it. Rynassa nods "Well, I trust Danaeth's in good condition?" Asrai wipes the last of the tears from her eyes, grinning fit to split her face. She turns her head to wave at the newcomers, adding her own greetings to the others called out. "Oh my...seems they like that idea, Kassi. They're kicking up a storm." One of the Benden nannies appears and tugs on Alyssa's arm, telling her with a sigh, "Alnar wants to see you before he goes to bed, ma'am." Kindre daps her lips with a wisely procured napkin, "Kindre, Herath's rider. Well met, Rynassa." Chuckling a little bit at T'fian's words, she shakes her head, "With or without supervision," she teases the Weyrsecond. W'il nods at Rynassea, still smiling. "She's very well, thanks." Danton stops short of the food tables, apparently deciding to fortify himself with some wine before going any farther. Alyssa nods to the nanny and turns toward T'fian. "If you two will excuse me...?" Rynassa smiles "Southern's Duty m'am." she says T'fian glances back at the nanny, then at Alyssa. He smiles. "A parent's duty is never done. Of course, Alyssa. Take care, love," this last is said in a quiet voice. Alyssa's fingers tighten for a moment around T'fian's wrist, then she nods, pats Meroth, and moves away. Alyssa heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. "Kassima, green Lysseth's rider," Kassi introduces herself on the heels of the others. "'Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Rynassa--welcome, well met, Benden's duties t'you and yours, and all that sort of thing." Trina continues scritching Vidarth, until Gwynnen comes out of the trader wagon, "Tri dear, you haven't finished all your chores." Gwynn calls out, Trina frowns, "But Ma..." she complains. Rynassa smiles "Well, that's goood to hear, " T'fian watches after the Skyfire wingsecond for a moment, then turns back to Kindre. "With," he smiles. "It'll probably be a cold day in South Boll before you'll let me go unsupervised, eh?" Suzot picks up a skin and fills a glass for Danton. One might note if one were paying attention that this particular skin is not from Benden, nor is the wine inside. It's a Tillek wine, which are known for being acidic and sharp even when they're of the highest quality Tillek can produce. Nevertheless, Suzot gives Danton the standard explanation of his glassful. "This wine was aged three years, and has a strong taste that matures well in the mouth but leaves no taste after it is gone." Rynassa inclines her head towards Kassima, smiling happily Rynassa chuckles "Well, I guess that would probably benever, since Boll is never cold!" Asrai smiles at the Boll resident, "And I'm Asrai, rider of blue Cygnith." As if hearing his name, Cygnith's snoring is interupted by a sharp snort. R'val grins towards Trina, "Vidarth'll miss ya.' He turns to regard V/'beda, smiling, "And how are you, V'beda?" Trina sighs as Gwynnen doesn't buy it. "I'm sorry, Vidarth, but Ma says I have to go finish chores..." She gives the blue one final scritch and hug, "I'll come back out later, I promise." Maylia joins Sirsha at the table, trying to stay out of people's way. As she selects bits of this, and a little of that, she asks Sirsha "I didn't see you last Baker Class. Are you still planning on going?" Jehrina glances back over her shoulder towards the northern end of the bowl, her gaze focused there for a few moments. Rynassa laughs at the snore "Pleased to make your aquaintence r." Kassima arches an eyebrow towards Kindre, spearing a piece of sauced porcine with her fork. "Beastcraft? Methinks there's some recent happenings that I'm rather behind on...." Danton nods politely to Suzot as he takes the glass. "I promise to drink it slowly this time," he says dryly, then asks, "Do you need any help back there?" Vidarth whuffles Trina on her way out. Kindre, having finished the small portions of food she gathered earlier, slips down from her comfortable rock. Striding back over to the table, she smiles at Jorenan, "Ofira outdid herself once again, hmm," she queries the young man while loading new items onto her dish. Looking over her shoulder, she chuckles again at T'fian. "It's more for her protection, too, Weyrsecond...she'll likely push things, though..." a vaguely wicked grin stretches her lips before she shrugs, then crooks a thumb towards Kassima, "You didn't tell her?" Suzot shakes her head. "My thanks, but no. It's part of my duties as an Apprentice. I'm to educate others on vintages of distilled wines and the qualities of other brewed and distilled drinks." Adonith turns his head and bumps T'fian while the Weyrsecond is not looking, then, innocently, goes back to his careful study of Lysseth and Herath. Trina waves to the blue, then to the rest of the crowd, as her Ma calls once more, she picks up her pace, hurrying into the wagon. Rynassa nods "What sort of vintages do you havem by the way?" V'beda sits down so she can chat with R'val as she sips her wine. "I'm well. How are you and Vidarth?" Asrai looks back and forth between T'fian and Kindre..and Kassi, "Tell what? i really need to have these babies so I can get out of this weyr." She giggles softly. Sirsha ohs. "Sorry," she says, completely honestly. "I just /couldn't/ get a ride. All of my rider friends were out on sweeps, so I didn't have anyone to take me." She picks out tender bits of herdbeast, some wherry meat; and piles it on her plate. "I go whenever I can.." Kassima didn't gather small portions of food, judging by the amount on her plate--she gathered quite respectably large ones, which is probably why she's taking so long about eating. "Tell me what?" she wonders over a bite of salad. R'val smiles amiably at V'beda, moving his chair closer to hers, "I am well, as is my spoilt dragon, who's been scritched to detah today." He grins. T'fian smile, glancing at Kassima. "Oh, not that recent," he replies. "Happened several mont--" he stops suddenly as he nudged from behind. He turns to see who did it and sees Adonith's large head. "Oh, hi," he smiles to the blue, but the blue's not looking at him. Lysseth flicks her tail lightly, meeting Adonith's gaze with eyes of a depthless aquamarine before turning her calm regard towards the human crowd. A rumbled comment can be heard from her, by those listening closely. Suzot pauses to offer some juice to a young girl who can barely reach above the top of the table. She actually leans way over the table, handing the drink over and admonishing the girl in her customarily gruff voice, "Both hands, so you don't spill on your pretty dress." She stands again and raises her voice to speak with Danton, detailing several types. "We have Journeyman Enpici's work from the time he became a Journeyman until the present, plus four of my test-batches of wines. I also have some beers, ales, liqueurs, liquors of stronger types, and ciders, plus fruit juices for littles and..." Her eyes drift to Asrai's distended stomach, "...and women with...littles." Danton glances down at the wineskins by Suzot, and says, "It looks like there's quite a lot to learn." Jorenan nods to Kindre with a grin, and offers her a roasted ear of maize. "Yes'm, she did," he says. "Can I get you anythign else?" Cygnith snores so loud he wakes himself up. V'beda says "What news is there from Benden lately? It must have been at least a turn since I last had a chance to visit." "Aye," Suzot confirms, "but with work, a person can learn everything. I intend to do." W'il enjoys his wine as he sorta listens to Suzot. Rynassa hmms "The those smells appetizing, where arethose delicious smells coming from?" R'val grins, "Well, our gold Kimbrith was caught just a few months back by a breown from Ista, that's about the newest, most exciting news." Kindre's lips wrinkle up a bit as she looks over the foods. "Thank you," is uttered for the maize before she smiles. "I don't know...any suggestions? And, by the by, how are you?" An odd look is briefly afforded to the dragons...Herath dozing so soundly, the rider can't illicit any clue. The smells of the food, though, quickly turn her head back to the food. W'il tilts his head and looks towards the bowl. V'beda says "Ah, so a clutch should be on the sands soon. That's always good news to hear." Danton looks directly at Suzot for a moment, then comments, "Not everyone can learn, even when they try. But I think you can." "Y'mean I've missed hearing about something for months?" Kassi asks in surprise. "Faranth! I thought 'twas plugged into the rumor mill better than that. What news?" Attention drawn by V'beda's query, she takes a moment to think. "Merla's gold Kimbrith was recently flown by E'ryn's brown Parth of Ista, among other things. That's the most spectacular news t'be telling." Maylia reaches out to give Sirsha's arm a reassuring squeeze, "S'OK, but you missed some fun - I managed to solve a bit of a mystery. As well as cook fish!" Deciding that she has more than enough food on her plate, she snags a napkin and waits for Sirsha. W'il nods politely to the Weyrwomen strides rather quickly back to the bowl. W'il heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Most of the smells are wafting over from the food tables. It's possible that Rynassa was taken by the scent of Ofira's barbecue sauce. (Master Ralen's recipe, of 5th Pass High Reaches.) R'val smiles at V'beda, nodding, "It is good news, allrighty. Would you like s'more wine?" Jehrina's attention is turned, "Kimbrith's huge. And griping and insufferably proud of heself. T'fian glances at R'val, hearing the words 'brown from Ista.' He shakes his head, expression darkening somewhat, then he shakes his head and turns to look at Kassima. "Yeah," he says. "Long time ago." Asrai chuckles at Kassi's comment, adding her own, "Least I have an excuse." Suzot pours for a pregnant woman (not as large-bellied as Asrai, but working on it) a glass of fizzyklah, and gives the usual explanation: "It's made from the root, not the bark, of the klah plant. Drink it slowly, and always as cold as you can make it. It's meant to be refreshing." She turns to Danton, chilly blue stare raking over him for just a little too long. "I believe I can too," she tells him, voice quieter, lower, and more gravelly than it's been very often. Rynassa sniffs slightly before finnaly sighting the BBQ pit "When is she due to xlutch?" Jorenan considers the food. "The barbecue sauce is excellent, ma'am, if you're having the herdbeast. And Lathen grilled packtail in a butter sauce. It's tasty." He grins at Kindre. "As for me, ma'am, I'm enjoying being a Baker. There're fifty kinds of yeast, did you know that?" Rynassa walks over towards the Barbeque pit her mouth watering as she finds a plate "Seems a trait they all possess," Kindre remarks a bit wryly as she overhears the Weyrwoman. Chuckling, she remarks, "Though Hera's not nearly as good at it." Sirsha takes a few more things, then turns out towards the crowd. In a nearly whispered comment to Maylia, she says, "We should probably try to find some place a little more quiet. I don't fancy having the plate knocked out of my hands." She pats a small pouch at her side. "Desert." Jehrina says "That's probably a good thing. One Tzornth is enough in this weyr.," Kassima mutters in disgust, "How could all of the gossips I know have been so behind? Hrmph... this just goes to show, I need to find new chatterboxes to speak with. So, what is it that I've gone without hearing for such a long time?" Asrai pats her huge belly absently, grinning over at Kindre. "I seem to remember Herath being quite proud." Did she leave out insufferable? Perhaps she is getting smarter with oncoming motherhood. Jorenan offers Rynassa a lap cloth and a plate. He points toward various tasty-looking things on the tables. Rynassa mms and decides to have the g Danton's face is unreadable as he replies to Suzot. "Good," he says, "That's very good." Rynassa smiles at the baker "I'd like to have the grilled packtail, and thank you, for the plate and cloth, it all smells so delicious." V'beda finishes her current glass and nods. "Always room for more wine, of course." She looks around for a skin to refill her glass. "You met W'il, and he's one of our Weyrlings from Aurelinth's last clutch. They're all just about full grown now." T'fian settles down on a rock near Kassima. "Oh. Glynna came up here for some reason or another. Have you ever met her? She's the Beastcraft's Steward." To Jorenan, Kindre smiles wide. "No, I wasn't aware of that," she admits with a thoughtful chuckles. "And, please, Kin or Kindre is just fine. Ma'am makes me feel older than my turns." Nodding as Rynassa speaks, she agrees. "Yes, me too...I love those butter sauses." Maylia points the way to a rock large enough for herself and Sirsha, not too far from the main group. She regards Sirsha's pouch with a quizzical expression, asking "You brought dessert?" Settling down on the rock she digs into the mound on her plate. Asrai shivers, "Oh, I remember this." As T'fian starts on the story, "She's not very nice." R'val snatches up a skin of wine and fills his own cup, and V'beda's. Kylandra heads over from the South Bowl. Jorenan puts a nice serving of packtail on Rynassa's plate and then grins. "Ofira's a the best cook on Pern," he says with an immense grin. "Lathen's pretty good, too." He gives Kindre a shy smile and nods. "Kindre it is, ma'am." T'fian glances at Kindre with a slightly disapproving look, then back at Kassima. He shoots a smile at the expectant bluerider and nods. "She's a bloody wher in disguise, if you ask me. But that's probably insulting watchwhers." Rynassa nods "I used to like herdbeast, but now, after living down in Boll for the past years, I've grown to love fish even more." Kassima nods, scooping up butter with her knife to apply to a sourdough roll. "Aye, sir, I know of her--though I'd nay say we're acquainted. I recall her visiting Tria here a few times. She was visiting around when Kay was born, come to think of it. What happened with her?" Danton asks Suzot almost amiably, "Can I bring anything over for you to eat?" Suzot passes a wineskin to someone, who passes it to someone else, who passes it to V'beda. This time it's a different kind, Benden White instead of Red, with the maturity that can only come from month after month of aging in an oaken cask. The grapes, harvested at the peak of summertime three Turns ago, burst with sweetness and fullness of flavor, only to age to fine, almost buttery flavor. A bit of nuttiness, a bit of sharpness, but somehow the overall taste is sheerest delight. Sirsha scrambles up the rock, plate carefully balanced in both hands. "Yes," she answers. "I always have something or other with me for the weyr kids." She grins, "They absolutely adore sweets." She twists, turns, plops herself down on a small, rocky ledge. "Do you?" Asrai giggles at T'fian's comment, snagging a slice of herdbeast off of Kassi's plate to munch on when the Greenrider isn't looking. Hey, K'nan's not here..Kassi's plate will do as a substitute. Kindre rolls her eyes, but grins at Jorenan, "Thank you." Moving back towards her previously occupied rock, she blinks at the Weyrsecond before testing the packtail. Washing down the small bite with her wine, she smile approvingly. "Well, it's certainly not nice, T'fian, but, from what you said, you may be insulting them indeed." Jorenan adds a serving of fruit slices to Rynassa's plate unasked. "These go with it perfectly," he says. He also adds a slice of dark, still-warm bread. V'beda stands and walks over and fills a plate with some of the barbequed meat. She savors the aroma as she sits back down. T'fian shrugs. "That was after Caitria went back to Keroon. Glynna was ... I don't know why she was here. Something to do with gathering reports. I don't really know. She just, though, came storming into the living cavern like a dimunitive ... I don't know ... wherry, demanding this, insulting that. And I guess I lost my temper with her. Said maybe something I shouldn't have. But that was after she insulted the Weyrleader." Suzot turns back to Danton. "Thank you, no. I ate earlier." Her voice is so dry it might easily be sand, dust on the trail, and her face just as bland as gruel at the morning meal: without the curve of a smile, without the harshness of a frown or the sharp scowl of anger, without even the barest caress of mischief. She is *plain* in every sense of the word, and seems intent on remaining so. Rynassa hmms and glances at the two vinters talking "You wouldn't happen to have any Benden White on hadn would you?" R'val inhales as V'beda sits back down, licking his lips, "Shards, but it's a good meal we've got here, hmm, V'beda?" Rynassa smiles at the baker in thanks "Thank you sir, the fruit looks divine and the bread smells lovely." Jorenan looks abashed. "Don't call me sir," he suggests. "Someone'll think I know what I'm doing." There's a clatter as Kassi's fork is dropped to her plate, accompanied by something not often seen from the greenrider: a frown. "She insulted the Weyrleader? The storming I recognize; I've never known her to be here and *nay* do that, but... well, dare I ask how she reacted, sir?" Asrai mutters softly for the most part, "She had no right...wasn't it something about abandoning her in the deserts of Ista? I could be mistaken, its been awhile." Rynassa smiles and blushes slightly "I'm sorry, I won't ever call you sir agin, Jorenan." Kylandra heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Suzot turns a cool eye onto Rynassa and gazes into the face for a long moment before reaching for one of many skins of White to pour. She gives the standard list of the wine's qualities in her dull, flat alto growl: "This is a very sweet wine, ma'am, aged for two Turns. It's from Journeyman Enpici's favorite distilling, but he's never told me more than that about this batch." She hands Rynassa the glass. V'beda leans back, enjoys the food, and listens to the various conversations around her. Just before Danton nods and moves away, his gaze meets Suzot's thoughtfully, perhaps acknowledging the emptiness of their conversation. Rynassa nods and smiling takes the glass from Suzot "Thank you, very much, we don't have much chance to have Benden WHite in Boll>" Jorenan was about to answer Rynassa with a cheery comment, but blinks and falls silent at Suzot's growl. T'fian grins at Asrai. "No, it wasn't that. All thought now that I think of it, maybe it would have been a good idea. She probably can't swim." He looks at Kassima. "How she reacted. I don't really remember. All I really remember is wanting Meroth to step on her when she walked out of the living cavern." Rynassa she then looks at Suzot oddly, then she shrugs beofre finding a place and sitting down Asrai giggles, "That's right..I remember warning you that it would get him all messy." Chuckling a bit, Kindre sighs. "Well, at least it's calmed. So long as we keep you both on opposite sides of Pern, I think neither of you will get hurt." Though her words are even, her eyes light mischieviously and her smirk betrays she still finds it a bit humorous. Rolling the maize back and forth in the butter sause on her plate, she notes, "To be honest, I don't think she's been back since...has she?" Sirsha merely sits slightly above the crowd, looking at all the people. She doesn't really eat, just nibbles slowly at bits of food. "I sure is a wonderful night," she directs towards Maylia. Asrai shakes her head, "Not that I know of, Kindre." T'fian shakes his head. "Not that I've heard," he replies to Kindre. "But then again, I don't think anybody in a great hurry to tell me if she had been." Rynassa sips the wine, savoring, it's sweet flavor and taking a bite of the fresh baked bread Danton makes his way over to the food, seemingly oblivious to Suzot's reaction, though his bearing seems more confident than before. "What she said was that bad?" Kassi marvels, resuming her meal. "I wouldn't have thought it, even of her... the few times we've spoken, she's nay been all that bad. A bit rough, mayhaps, but--ah, well; I digress." Rynassa says "THis bread is excellent, did you bake it yourself?"" T'fian glances at Kassima. "She said our Weyrleader was nothing more than a babe barely out of his swadling. No, wait, that's not the right word." I haven't seen her," Kindre adds to the conversation of Glynna, "but I've been so busy with records and studies late, a Wing could fly into the bowl and I'd not notice." A small frown finds its place on her lips as she's reminded of the near-exact comment. "Kiat is hardly that," she conveys. Jorenan serves a rider who wants only salad and bread, and then answers Rynassa, "No, and be glad about it. My bread comes out lopsided. Sort of like a watch-wher's back." Rynassa :smiles adn laughs "It /can't/ be that bad!" Asrai glances over at Kassi as Kindre speaks. Looking over at Kindre she smiles brightly, perhaps a bit too brightly, "Yes, we all know how busy you've been with those records." T'fian scratches the back of his neck, glancing towards the lad serving people. "Who is that?" he asks his companions, gesturing with a hand towards Jorenan. "He looks familiar." Asrai looks over and grins, "That's Jorenan, sir. He was a Candidate with me." Kassima agrees dryly, "Aye, that would be bad. Especially if'n she added any of the colorful flourishes to it that she's famed for. Hrm... well, if'n the age for a babe in swaddlings has been elevated to Kiat's, I guess that would make all of us rather young--or downright unborn... hmmm? Oh, 'tis Jorenan, sir. He Stood for Herath's clutch, d'you recall?" Kindre is about to toss a piece of bread at Asrai, her cheeks showing the beginning shades of a blush, but T'fian's words turns towards the table. Nodding, she adds, "I spoke with him a few times. Smart lad..." T'fian nods at Asrai and Kassima. "Really? Why's he serving food?" A flurry of people wanting Lathen's packtail interrupts the conversation with Rynassa, but then Jorenan returns. He answers Rynassa with rolled eyes and "Journeyman Forwin made me feed it to the ovines." "I think he works for Ofira now," Kindre surmises. R'val sips at his klah, leaning back and listening to the conversationf lowing about him. He murmurs quietly to V'beda, 'Having fun?" "He's a Baker now," Kassima explains. "At... Ista, methinks, though I may be incorrect on that score." Danton pauses by Jorenan and Rynassa, and asks gruffly, "Some of the wherry, please?" Asrai looks back with that same grin, ignoring the look Kindre passes her. "Oh he's working with Ofira, sir..an apprentice I believe." Rynassa sighs "Well, my foster sister became a baker apprentice, she had the worst time of all making cakes." "Ista?" T'fian asks. "Kinda far isn't? I mean for him to be serving food here." Jorenan serves Danton a plate of the wherry, adds a bit of the barbecue sauce, and then serves him some bread, too. He accidently gives him some of the spicy sauce, rather than the regular. Jorenan suddenly realizes that half the guests are talking about him. His ears turn fiery red. Which probably makes the other half of the guests recognize him. He clears his throat and mutters, "Ofira asked me to come back for this, is all." Suzot pours a glassful of Benden Red for a man who comes to ask for it by vintage and type, one who speaks with the accent of someone at the far north of the continent. She hands it to him without detailing the wine's merits; he can tell what they are. Kassima shrugs, spreading her hands to show her lack of knowledge. "It sounds like Ofira truly pulled out all the stops, sir, in garnering Bakers from all about Pern. I overheard someone saying that Craftsecond Lathen-- normally at Seacraft, as you likely know--contributed a dish as well." Rynassa looks at Jorenan, her eyes bright "So, how ong have you been a baker?' Danton thanks Jorenan under his breath and moves on, not really stopping to see if it was noticed. Asrai nods, "sounds like Ofira, sir." Jorenan counts up, though he doesn't quite use his fingrs to do it, while he's serving a brownrider a plate of wherry and baked legumes. "Two sevendays, I think." T'fian nods at Kassima, then glances back at Jorenan. "Ah," he replies. "Well, welcome back then." Lame greeting, but he, like his dragon, does not have a knack for remembering people. Asrai grins, snagging a vegie off of Kassi's plate and popping it into her mouth. Afterwards, a roll dissapears. Rynassa look amazed "Only a two sevendays, why, you're doing better than I could ever do in that amount of time, it took me nearly 4 sevendays to get my job straightned out." Danton finds his way to the edge of the crowd and wipes his hands inadequately on his pants before beginning to eat. However, he pauses after the very first mouthful. Now, Kassima may not have noticed the disappearance of vegetables, but a filched roll does gain her attention. "Asrai," she laughs, "there's nay need to take from my plate what's available in plenty nay far away! Would you like another plate of food, then?" Rynassa takes a last bite of fruit and sighs "Jorenan, that was excellent, even if you didn't make it, it was the best meal I've had in sevendays.' V'beda finishes her meal and stands. "While I'm here I think I'll visit a few other riders I haven't seen in turns. Good evening, thank you for the wonderful hospitality." T'fian grins at Kassima. "She's huge," he says lightly. "You aren't making her get her own food are you?" Jorenan pauses, unsure whether T'fian's comment was something he should respond to. he settles for a half-nod-half-smile, and then turns back to the serving. He ladels barbecue sauce onto the plate of a rider who seems to want soup instead of barbecued meat, and then explains to Rynassa, "I spent a scrubbed a lot of pots and peeled lots of vegetables before I apprenticed." He grins at her comment, and adds, "I'll pass that along to Ofira. I'm sure she'll be pleased." Asrai shakes her head, looking rathr guiltily down at the roll. "Oh, no... sorry. I was just sna...sir!" She says with exasperation, then sticks her tongue out at the weyrsecond. Maylia merely nods to Sirsha, too busy managing the drips from the Wherry slice she was savouring. Finally clearing her mouth, she carefully wipes her moutha and chin with her napkin. "Best wherry I've tasted," she confides to Sirsha with a wink. Rynassa smiles and sips the last of teh benden WHite in her lass "Where are you from, originally?" Danton blinks twice, then wipes at his cheek with the back of his hand before he resumes his efforts at mastication. V'beda heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. "Now why would I do that, sir," Kassi grins, "when I can ask someone to go get her food for her?" Ah, the glories of having a servant for a month. R'val laughs at poor Asrai's dilemma, "I'll get you some if you like." T'fian looks at Asrai with an amused expression. "We've guests here, Bluerider," he says, mock seriously. "You really going to show that lack of respect for your Weyrsecond. And for the person who's waiting for you to give birth so he can give you a straight month of running Lemos' stupid errands?" Jorenan blinks down at the barbecue sauce that he's been serving everyone who's come by since Danton. Suddenly, he sets that ladle down and picks up another. Not a word does he says about it. "I'm from Southern," he answers Rynassa. Lilith flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. Sirsha still takes only small bits. "It is nice to /eat/ food without having to prepare and serve it first." As an afterthought, she takes a larger bite of the tender wherry. "It /is/ good." Thera swings a leg over Lilith's neckridges, and hops off the green to the ground. Lilith wheels her head over, assessing her rider and those about, before relaxing after a gentle scritch from her rider. Rynassa looks at him harder "southern Boll? Blinking suddenly, Kindre seems to snap out of whatever conversation that has been occupying her mind. "Hmm...what?" is her returning attentions query, "Sorry. Mind went 'tween there for a moment...Hera and such," she explains with a small shrug of her shoulder and apologetic smile. "What did I miss?" R'val spots Thera approaching and beams ather, waving her over< "Thera, hey!" Overhearing the conversation surrouning the pregnant woman, Maylia slips off her rock and approaches them (with a smile cast back at Sirsha) "Hello," She quietly says, holding her plate within easy reach of Asrai. "Help yourself, if you'd like, I took more than I can eat!" Danton scrapes most of the sauce off his food with one finger and keeps eating. His wine sits on a nearby rock, still completely untouched. Asrai finishes off the filtched roll, "Really, I'm not that hungy...but thank you." Was that another slice of herdbeast that just came off Kassi's plate to dissapear into the tear in the roll? The tongue quickly dissapears at T'fian's words. "I'm terribly sorry, sir." she glances around, hoping no others saw...but her glance comes quickly back at that last from T'fian. "Lemos, sir?" Thera blinks. "The entire planet is here, huh Lith?" She waves to the others she recognizes, and heads towards the lake. T'fian Grins at Asrai, showing he was joking, then glances at Maylia. "Hello, Apprentice. Something we can help you with?" He missed her earlier offer to Asrai. Thera heads over to the springs. Asrai shakes her head at Maylia, "thank you though." she turns back to T'fian and lets out a thankful sigh. "Thank you sir, anyone but LLemos.. Lord Lemos..and I'd be more then happy to oblige. Rynassa sighs and leans back slightly Jorenan shakes his head at Rynassa. "Near Southern Hold," he amplifies. He hands a rider a rag to wipe up spilled wine, and then is called to attempt carving wherry by one of the Journeymen. The next platter of wherry, when it comes to the serving table, is less than elegant. In fact, it looks rather shredded. Thera streches, and smiles. "I'll save getting wet for later." R'val grins at Thera, "Probably a good idea. How are you?" Off to one side of the crowd, Danton continues to wolf down his food, not pausing at all to savour the delicate flavourings. When he's done, he sniffs. Wipes his face and nose on his sleeve and heads back for seconds, leaving a full glass of wine behind him. Maylia grins at Asrai, and shrugs, cradling her plate close to her. At T'fian's question she takes a hesitant step back, "Oh, no - just thought I'd share with her." She backs up a bit more. Sirsha, a bit uneasy all by her lonesome, hops off the rock. She grimaces as feet hit ground with a thud. For a second, she tries to spot her friends among the crowd. No use, her short frame makes this nearly impossible. She heads off into the mass of people, in a completely different direction. Rynassa nods and her ees widen "What's it like there, on the SOuthern COntinent?" T'fian grins. "We're running out of poor fool's who'll volunteer for running errands for Lord Gernan." He pauses and calls over to Shannyn who stands near the lake, watching, "Have you got any rider's who'll agree to the Lemos duty?" Shannyn snorts at the Weyrsecond and turns away. Kassima cleans what food is left on her plate, setting it down and smiling gratefully to the serving-type who promptly whisks it away. "Nay that much, Kin, methinks. What did Herath have t'say t'you this time?" T'fian looks back at Maylia. He nods politely at the Healer Apprentice. "Oh," he says. "Thought you had a question." Kindre chuckles and nods before rolling her eyes. "That she's hungry, but this food isn't as "exciting" as the live versions." Laughing a bit more, Shannyn's words cause her more mirth. Suzot pours Thera's glass of Benden Red the moment she spies the Greenrider on her way back from the direction of the hot springs. This skin is nearly empty, having been in demand all evening, but one glassful remains: warm, full-bodied, with a strong flavor that nevertheless is mellow enough to just *barely* avoid overwhelming the unwary with its richness, its complicated twistings of flavors on the tongue. Danton makes his way back up to Jorenan, and says, "S'm of the packtail, please?" Jorenan bites his lip when Danton appears in the line for seconds. By this time, he's serving that mangled pile of meat that he was supposed to have carved. He stammers something apologetic and serves the man a pile of wherry shreds doused in the regular sauce. To Rynassa, he shrugs. "Like home," he says. Which should explain everything. J'lyn heads over from the South Bowl. Asrai giggles at Shannyn's response, "Thank you sir." She looks more then a little relieved that she's been let off the hook for /that/ duty. Lorieth lumbers in from the South Bowl. Danton regards the wherry shreds for a moment, then shrugs and heads back to his former location, seemingly content. Maylia turns back to her rock, startled that Sirsha'd left. Eyes wide, she turns back to T'fian and mutely shakes her head. She shifts her weight, and tries to look like she fits in with the group - unlikely as that is. Thera sighs in relief. "Many thanks Su, it's been a long day." She swirls and sips the offered wine, leaning back against her dragon, trying to figure out why so many people she doesn't recognize are here. Kassima watches the meat turning on the spits for a time, then cracks a grin. "I confess, I can see her point--but the hunting of it was exciting enough. Even Lyss enjoyed herself... oh, Thera!" She waves over to her cousin. "Didn't see you there for a moment! G'devening t'you." J'lyn wanders in and waves to everyone. Suzot nods gravely to Thera. "Good to be home," she says quietly to the Greenrider, just as gruff of voice as ever, but less audible. It /could/ be taken, if one were feeling exceptionally perceptive, as a friendly tone. Asrai smiles at Maylia, "so, are you enjoying yourself so far? I hope you liked the food..even if you took more then you could eat. Regretfully, I haven't had that problem recently." she pats her huge belly. Thera waves to her cousin, and scoots closer, skirting the main crowd. "What'd you hunt?" T'fian smiles at Maylia, gesturing about. "Have a seat," he smiles, trying with effort to seem friendly -- a stretch for him. "You look like you're surrounded by a bunch of hungry watchwhers and are trying not to move because that'll draw their attention." Danton reseats himself facing the lake and proceeds to snack on his second plate of wherry shreds. After the first few bites, he makes better use of the accompanying sauce. Kassima returns J'lyn's wave, absently brushing crumbs from her hands and kilt. "Wild wherries, mostly, though Chymeth spotted a good herd of wild herdbeasts that we thinned a bit. The fresher the meat, the better." She nods over towards the area where the animals were dressed, trussed, and spitted; it might be noted that most of her fire-lizards are over there, likely having a feast of their own. Sirsha makes a huge circle around the crowd, frowning as she ends up back where she started from. Quick strides take her back into the middle, and right towards Maylia. She smiles with obvious relief on her face. "Maylia!" she says. "I wondered where you'd went." She half teases. "You could have at least dragged me with you." A rider looks at the wherry shreds Jorenan has just handed her and asks, "Feline get into the pits or something?" The apprentice shakes his head mutely, and asks, "Want some greens with that?" Asrai absently snaggs another veggie off of Kassi's plate, smiling at the healer apprentice reasuringly. "Yes, please sit." Perhaps being her usual friendly self...or perhaps getting another plate close at hand to filch from...Raising a hand she waves at J'lyn with another smile. T'fian waves to J'lyn, "Heyla, clutchmate," he smiles to the greenrider. J'lyn grins at all. "Hiya, folks." He wanders over to T'fian. "Heya, buddy. How's it going?" Maylia relaxes a bit as Asrai speaks to her, then manages a smile at T'fian as she sits, carefully, on the edge of a rock. She stumbles out, "Yes, I am enjoying myself, and the food is realy good!" She balances her plate on her knee, munching on a veggie. Thera nods. "Wish i'd been here to go hunt. I've been stuck with errands all week it seems. Hop, between, land. No fun flying." Asrai blinks as her hand comes away with nothing. with a bewildered look she notices that Kassi's plate has been cleared away./ T'fian smiles at J'lyn. "Oh, the normal. A bunch of people wandering about making a big nuisance of themselves. Typical Benden gathering." He grins to take the sting off the words and to let anybody who heard him know he's joking. A pair of cook's helpers circulate through the crowd. They have baskets of fresh fruits to offer those who've finished their main courses. One of them pauses at Asrai's side. "Need anything?" Maylia glances up at Sirsha, giving her a look that manages to combine relief, anxiety, and gratitude, as she pats the rock beside her. "There you are! Have a seat." Danton clears his plate of every scrap and shred of food, leaving behind only several streaks of sauce. Then, finally, he reaches for his glass of wine and sips at it. R'val snatches a fruit from the basket, beaming at the cook's assistant in quuestion, munching happily. Kindre, having been chatting off by the lakes shore with E'ton, returns to the small group. "Sorry about slipping off like that..." Her smile is apologetic as she reclaims her seat once again. Kassima's smile to Asrai is not quite apologetic, and she reaches her hands to the skies to stretch out after such a large meal. "I thought a typical Benden gathering was a bunch of crazed men and women wandering about and confusing everyone, sir," she comments, amused. Sliding a look to Thera, she nods sympathetically. "At least the weather's been fair; errands in the rain have a tendency t'be less than pleasant." Asrai looks over the fruit bowl with a smile up at the helpers. "I'm not really hungry, you know." But for some reason as she talks, her hands seem to divest the bowl of various fruits. Looking down at her lap full of fruit she giggles and looks up sheepishly. "Ok, maybe a /little/ hungry." J'lyn chuckles. "Yeah, that sounds like a Benden gathering. The more insane, the better." R'val grins at J'lyn, "That's so." Thera kneels by the fire. "No, coming out of between with ice crystals isn't fun." She sits down as close as the heat allows, and just zones out. "And we've still the swing contest," Kindre reminds J'lyn as her eyes snake over towards the tree by which the dangling contraption hangs. J'lyn follows Kindre's gaze. "Uh-uh... Aint no way..." T'fian follows the young weyrwoman's eyes to the tree. "What is that by the way?" J'lyn says "That rickety thing has been here since before I was a Weyrling. It isn't coming anywhere /near/ my backside..." Asrai takes up one of the fruits and bites into it, snagging up a napkin to make sure none of the juices stain her new dress. It's a good thing the cook's helper has seen R'val's grin before, else she might think he was completely insane. Kindre blinks a few times at J'lyn, "Why not," she asks, half-pouting. To the Weyrsecond, she explains. "Well, it is a bit like that vine at Boll that a few of us love so much. We're hoping to get a few people to take their chances and swing into the lake." Sirsha has to dart between a pair of chattering old aunties before she reaches Maylia. She slides onto the rock with a quiet swishing of long skirts. "Thanks," she whispers. "I don't know anyone else here.. " T'fian smiles at J'lyn. "No fair. R'till gave me time to look at trees when I was a weyrling." Journeyman Enpici, who by now is into his cups and back out of them again, finally comes to relieve Suzot of pouring duty, complaining that all he does it work, work, work. Some help Suzot is, sharding apprentices, why in /his/ day an apprentice worked for his status, his meals, and his drink - *his* drink, mind you, because in his day, only boys were apprentices. "And fireworks," Kassi adds. Glancing towards the swing, she simply grins. "'Tis a new water-swing! Kin had it rigged up, y'see--you just sit on it, swing out, and then leap off and into the water. Like Boll's vine, except different." Danton sips at his wine, then stops to savour it. For a long moment, he doesn't even breathe, then he swallows. After that, he drinks the rest of it. J'lyn makes a face. "Possibly." Cicylia wanders out of her families train and practically stumbles over the sleeping Rynassa. Suzot finally gets a chance to remove the riding leathers she should've taken off hours ago. She peels back the jacket and trousers, leaving only the gloves on, covering up to her elbows. T'fian grins at Kindre. "I had a cousin at 'Boll for a while. Haven't heard from him in Turns. Also have no idea what you're talking about. Going to Benden Hold is hard for me, much less going to someplace Beholden to Fort." Maylia starts to wipe her hands on her skirt, then remembers her napkin. Sheepishly she concentrates on using it, shaking her head quickly. "Neither do I" she nearly whispers to Sirsha. "I recognise a few, tho." She nods in Kassima's direction. Cicylia smiles as she catches herself and calls out, "Hey all." The Journeyman who's been overseeing Jorenan's attempts at acting like a Baker has finally had enough. "All right," he says to the apprentice. "That does it. No more shreds. Not one shred more shreds!" He doesn't realize how goofy that sounds, and the apprentice does his best not to laugh. Instead, he nods and slinks off, relegated to scrubbing pots again. "I bet he'll try it," Kindre says while looking over Danton. "Won't you," she wonders directly of the young man. "What about you two?" This time her words are directed towards the two young women, Maylia and Sirsha. Grinning at T'fian, she notes, "Well, we, uh, sneak off now and again. Shards, though, I didn't revisit Boll until after Lord Besandar retired." Asrai giggles and adds, "They won't let me participate...their afraid I'd empty out the lake in my landing." Kindre ers, Benden...that's what she said. Cicylia looks around to see if there are any boys her age here. Danton blinks and looks at Kindre, "Try what? Sorry?" Kassima is more than willing to explain. "Y'see, sir, there's this vine they have hanging from a ledge that extends out over the ocean. There's another ledge below it, which you can rup up to, grab the vine, and swing on out over the sea to fall into the water below. 'Tis a marvelous pastime! And they've a competition with it at their Harvest Gathering every Turn... this'll be something like that, or so we hope--'tis nay so, Kin?" Glimpsing Maylia nodding towards her out of the corner of her eye, Kassi flicks both girls an only slightly impish grin. "Aye, I think 'twill be a fine thing. There're plenty of potential contestants here." Sirsha still holds a nearly full plate of food on her lap, cold though it must be by now. She listens carefully, but seems to have missed something, coming in in the middle of the coversations. "Umm," is her only reply to Kindre. She nibbles on her lower lip nervously. Jorenan heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Maylia assesses the swing, and slowly shakes her head. "Um... I think I'll pass, thanks." She very quietly says. Glancing at Sirsha, she relaxes a little as it's obvious that the other girl is not overly keen either. Kindre looks at Danton and smiles, her gaze slowly moving towards that of the swing. "That swing hanging over the lake from that tree. We're going to have a bit of a contest...should be all the more fun with us all full." Grinning impishly, she nods to Sirsha, her words having been loud enough for the two women to have hheard. T'fian blinks at Kindre. "Besander? He was Benden's Lord Holder. Isn't... Dyane? Yeah, Dyane Boll's?" He looks at Kassima. Suzot folds up her outer clothing and leaves it behind the wine-table while she goes out to finally take part in the /visiting/ part of the gathering. "Lady Dyane and Lord Tarin, aye, sir," Kassi confirms. "Benden Hold," Kindre corrects herself even though the Weyrsecond has done so already so nicely for her. "I get thinking of Boll and it takes all my thoughts," she chuckles. Danton looks at the swing, then back at Kindre. "A contest? On that thing?" he asks again, trying to wipe his sauce-stained hands on his shirt now that someone seems to have taken notice of him. Cicylia looks a little lost, she doesn't pay attention to titles, she gets to know her customers (or potential customers) as friends. "What's up tonight? Usually everyone's in the living cavern. Asrai finishes off her fruit, wiping her hands and mouth clean of any left over juices. "There, I hope that will keep me for the time being at least. I'm at least glad that my apetite has curved somewhat." Kassima can't help but remark, "You sound like Lysseth when you say that, Kin... nay that she'd ever say as much of her thoughts, but 'tis what *I'd* say happens to them." Turning her attention to Danton, she nods an affirmative. "Right! It'll be marvelous, even if'n we've nay so much sand as Boll to throw about in order to bring luck." T'fian grins at Kindre. "I've a bad habit of correcting my superiors," he says, inclining his head at her. Maylia keeps eyeing the swing, a slight smile appearing at the corner of her mouth. She catches Sirsha's eye, and fastens her attention back ont he group, rearranging her skirts more comfortably. J'lyn chuckles. "I know that feeling, T'fian. Kindre bobs her head several times is quick affirmation of her words. "Yes...on that thing. It should prove to be fun," she remarks and grins. To T'fian, she notes, "Don't you remember when you took us there? Faranth, Lord Besander frightened the shards out of me," then chuckles. "Thank you, though...I need correctly more oft than I'd like to admit." T'fian smiles at Kindre. "Ah. I remember that. I was talking about that with Alyssa before she had to go find Alnar. I just wanted to present our new Weyrwoman to the Lord Holder and get sharding out of there. I hate those kind of trips. But we had an obligation to parade you and the rest of the weyrlings around." Alyssa heads over from the South Bowl. Alnar heads over from the South Bowl. Sirsha, following Maylia's glance, frowns a bit as her eyes fall on the swing. "I don't think I'd stand a chance on that thing," she almost whispers to the girl. "I'm so light I either wouldn't get very far or I'd start to fly." Despite herself she giggles at that. T'fian happens to see Alyssa and Alnar approaching. "And speaking of Faranth," he smiles. Alyssa blinks, looking behind her. "What was that, T'fian?" Cicylia smiles and tries to mingle with someone, anyone.... but all the riders seem to be talking about dragons. J'lyn, keeping a totally straight face, turns to Lys and says, "He called you a dragon, Lys. Get him." T'fian smiles. "Just talking about you, Wingsecond," he says, then glances around. His eyes land of Cicylia. "You look lost." Kindre smiles wide as Alyssa returns to the shore. "Our first betweening trip to Benden Hold." Danton nods obligingly as the two women speak to him. He still seems puzzled, perhaps considering his options. Cicylia moves aroudn. Alnar pulls his hand out of Alyssa's to run over to Adonith, talking animately for a mment at the blue. A smile dawns in Alyssa's eyes. "I could hardly be given a better compliment, J'lyn," she murmurs, then smiles at Kindre. "I remember that very well. I hope what was being said was kind?" Cicylia moves over toward Suzot, and asks, "How's your win crafting?" Kindre grins and nods to Alyssa, "It was...just mentioned that I didn't return there until Lord Besander retired." Asrai grins from where she sits with the others, "Of course it was, ma'am." she replys to Alyssa. A warm smile then rests on Alnar as he talks with his mother's dragon. Kassima is not, as a matter of fact, talking about dragons. She's enthusiastically explaining the delights of the swing to a cluster of dubious-looking visitors. "Really! There's naught else quite like it--'tis like flying without a dragon, for a moment, and then you hit the water-- and you should just *see* some of the splashes... but I can't really explain this properly. Kin!" she calls over to the goldrider. "Think we're nigh ready to *show* these folk what 'tis that we mean?" Adonith whuffles Alnar adoringly and butts him once, hint hint. T'fian grins at J'lyn, opens his mouth to say something, but then turns to look at Kassima, wondering what she's calling Kindre's name for. Suzot * Sorry. Bad news. Thera finishes her glass of wine near the fire's edge, and stands, setting the glass carefully down on the ground. "See you all later." She waves vaguely, and heads off towards her green. Thera moves around Lilith's neck and pats her soundly, climbing up a bent foreleg and taking her place inbetween the neckridges. She whistles something quickly to Lilith; you can't make out quite what. Lilith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft. "I think," Kindre's words follow quickly on those of her friend, "that we are at that, Kassi." Finishing the last of the wine in her glass, she stands and looks over the swing once more. "A demonstration, mayhaps?" Asrai shakes her head at Kassi's enthusiasm, "Well, I intend to watch... even if I can't join in. I'm sure the dragons would appreciate some water left in the lake after we are done." Maylia leans close to Sirsha, eyes flashing up to take in Kassima's enthusiasm, and quietly says, "Might be fun, but /cold/ standing about in wet clothes after!" Alnar giggles and scritches the blue happily, until the mention of flying catching his attention, "Flying?" "To preceed the contest," Kassi agrees. "'Twould nay be a proper contest if'n nay anyone knew what to do, would it now? D'you want to go ahead and show 'em your stuff?" Asrai smiles over at Maylia, "That's what the fires are for...to dry you off afterwards." Sirsha seems to cower down on the rock, trying to make herself even more inconspicuous, if that's possible. To Maylia, she says in a soft voice, "We could dry off next to the roast pits..." She then pulls herself a little bit up. "Might be fun at that.. " Maylia nods understanding to Asrai, but shivers and huddles up anyways. Danton's visage grows ever more dubious as the details of the contest are revealed, but he stays to see what Kassima has to say. Cicylia wanders over toward Kassima's conversation and only catches, "Might be fun at that." She asks, "What might be fun?" Kindre eyes the swing some more before grinning, "Well, I've my luck piece on my," she says while pulling the necklace out, "unless you'd like to go first?" Alnar gives Adonith a final scritch and runs over to Kassi, "Can I try? CanI? Can I? Please!?" Asrai giggles as she watches, more at the expressions on the 'contestants' faces mroe then anything else. "Flying in a *fashion*," Kassi corrects. "'Tis nay *really* flying--more like falling... well, you'll see, Alnar! Swinging on yon swing, Cicy, as Kindre's about to demonstrate... please go ahead, Kin." Alnar's enthusiasm elicits a laugh from her, and a suggestion of, "Ask your Mum; if'n she's all right with it, I certes am." Cicylia smiles, "A dive swing? Been a while since I saw one." Kindre smiles at Alnar. "How about I got first, then wait in the water for you?" Alnar runs back over to his mother, standing in front of Alyssa looking hopeful. Asrai watches Alnar, shaking her head. Muttering softly to herself, her words can be heard by those near her, "To think I'll have to deal with three little hopefull faces that want to risk life and limb....or at least limb." She chuckles softly. "Well..." Alyssa looks toward Kindre and Kassima, dubious. "If they say it's all right..." "I'm all right with it," Kassi re-confirms, glancing towards Kindre. "Though 'tis Kindre's device, a'course. It should be perfectly safe." "I'm alright with it," Kindre notes and grins. "And it is...a couple of riders were trying it earlier for me." Alnar positively beams as he races over to Kindre. Maylia tears her attention from Kassima; sitting next to Asria she caught her muttered comment. Her eyes flash from Asrai's face, to her swollen abdomen, then back to her face. "Three?" she mouths. Cicylia grins and says, "I've been wanting to use one of these swings.... but, I've had a small problem," she smiles, "How do you swim?" Asrai looks over at Maylia and smiles, "Yep, so they tell me. Soon too, thankfully." as if that weren't obvious by looking at her. Hearing Cicylia's comment, she call out. "Go after someone else that can swim.. they can catch you." Kindre giggles at Alnar's enthusiam. "Okay, I'll help you get up there," she says spying the height at which the swing sits compared to that of the young lad. "Just swing up high and then jump towards the water." "I'd nay truly recommend trying this if'n you can't at least tread water or canine-paddle," Kassima cautions. "'Tis fun, but safest by far if'n you can swim... as you'll nay doubt see." Grinning, the greenrider turns on her rock to regard the swing. "Ready, Kin? Or is Alnar going first?" Cicylia watches. "So who's doing it first?" Asrai smiles over at Kin, "Well? Gonna take the plunge, Kin?" Cicylia slips into the train and back out in a swim suit. Asrai takes another mug of milk from a passing baker's helper. smiling she turns back to the gathering near the rope swing. Maylia remains seated, curled up in a ball as she watches people deciding who'll go first. Sirsha is still close beside Maylia, watching the first swingers with only a little enthusiam. Cicylia waits for someone to swing, afterall, she did go in a fetch her bikini. [Editor's Note: I can't remember why, but for some reason, we skipped the actual contest and had a fast-forward.] The swinging contest, now completed, was enjoyed by all who participated. To everyone's slight shock, V'dan...not known for his great stealth or grace, took first prize, with Alnar being judged first in the minors catagory. While the remainder of the contestants dry off, Kindre walks up to Kassima and waves her hand to get the attention of the group gathered. "Wasn't that wonderful? Nothing like a dip in Benden's chilly lake to get the blood going again! The fire is still nice and warm, and the fireworks are about to begin. Find a good seat!" That said, the goldrider does just that. A scattering of people begin to congregate along the shores, their purpose obvious to the expectant spectators who are gathering with blankets and wineskins. A few wimpering embers wink in and out as the experts test whatever things it is that they test when preparing for such an eye-awing event. Sirsha, hearing about the fireworks, looks all around for a good spot. She grins at Maylia, "Back up on top of our rock?" Kassima grins and settles comfortably in her seat, an expression of anticipation on her face. "These are always fabulous to watch," she can be heard to murmur to no one in particular. Several tiny glows break the darkness before the telltale hissing preludes the beginning of this evening's attempt to turn the darken skies the varied hues of the rainbow. Tart, unapologizing "BOOMS" break the vague silence previously filtering across the grounds as the first 'crackers' break the skyline. Bursting across the horizon like flowers newly introduced to Spring's promise, yellow and green explode in the welkin like petals hoping for Rukbat's warming rays. Breaking apart within each other, each color seems to grasp for control, while complimenting the waning hues of the previous. After several moments, both exstinguish into the wafting, slate-gray trails of smoke and decend towards the ground. Kindre hops back atop her rock and, with a fresh glass of wine in hand, reclines to watch the displays. "Ooo, I liked that first one," she comments while wide eyes scan the heavens. Cicylia leans against the wagon train. Maylia nods to Sirsha, but instead of sitting on the rock, sits infront of it, leaning back to enjoy the show. Makear heads over from the South Bowl. R'val's eyes widen as he reclines on his seat, watching. Subtle "psttings" waft across the night-chilled air as another arrangement of lights is prepared for the waiting crowd gathered. Suddenly breaking the pitch streaks of eve are detonations of emerald, sapphire, smoky topaz, copper, and amber...not unlike thousands of firelizards taking illuminous wings to the skies! Passing and diving within the few, intermitten clouds that dare to dot this perfect evening's horizon, they dance boldly and ardently across the heavens. Blue overtakes gold, green ursurps blue, brown takes the complete horizon...tiny "wings" dazzle the onlookers with their brilliant tints and turn tanned faces the enviable hues of their pets. Lysseth raises her head, the bright flares of the pyrotechnic display reflected in her whirling eyes. She rumbles quietly at the sky, moving forward so that she is close to her rider. "I agree, Kin... and so does Lyss--oh, look at that one!" Sirsha scrambles up the face of the rock, plate long forgotten somewhere back by the tables. She looks up into the sky, colors refecting off her face and hair with every burst of light. Makear looks about for a second and then she spots the person she is looking for. Quietly slipping over to her sister viewing spot she sits down. Herath rouses from her heavy dozing as the booming of the skies pulls her from whatever dreams it is that dragons have. Rumbling a bit, she lies her head nearby her rider. Nodding, Kindre smiles. "I love these things..." Maylia nearly jumps out of her skin, not expecting to see Makear, and wordlessly hugs her - words wouldn't have been heard over the booms. Small sparks of crimson and gold dot themselves quietly along the ground before the familiar rush of rockets seeking the sky is heard. Breaking apart amidst the ebony welkin are fruity tints likened to the sweetest ones found in the deepest jungles of the South. Seeming to drip their nectarean juices onto lightning-white stars, brilliant hues of tangerine, honeydew, and kiwi mix with the deeper shades of winterberry, blackberry, and cherry. Sliding across the shady horizon effortlessly, like jams on bread, they do indeed sweeten the sights of those beholding them. Cicylia smiles and asks, "Who makes these fireworks? They're so perfect!" Following quickly on the "tails" of its predecessors, these fireworks are sure to draw several "oohs" and "ahhs" from the gathered onlookers. Various thunders of sound announce the arrival of silk-silver and satin- blue as they burst to dance in the skies above. Carefree, they seem as they stretch their "fingers" out and around each other, the hues truly do appear to be in the throes of a spirited fandango! Waltzing between the stars, through the clouds, and over the heads of the crowd, the partners of shiny blue and silver give the illusion of lovers too blind to anything but each other. And, as the other fireworks have seemed to do, they do not perish in trails of sienna smoke to the ground. Rather they seem to piroutte into the distant night as if called by true music, simply fading away from view. Sirsha sighs happily, unheard by those below. She reaches up to trace the path of one line of bright blue light with a single, graceful finger. Kindre sips at her wine, her eyes still glued to the skies above. "I'm not sure where we get them...nice, though," she agrees with the overheard comments. Herath butts the woman's arm and Kin scritches as directed. Sibilations are once again heard, just before the now-familiar thundering, as rockets pave their way into the darkened welkin above. Exploding into the heavens are tinctures meant to conjure up the illusion of a sudden dusk amidst the pitch of eve. Opulent scarlets cross the skies like ribbons falling from a young girl's hair while oranges lattice themselves within the red hues, sparkling within and beneath them. Bursting dead- center in all of this is one singular firework which boasts blinding yellow twinkles of light that streak the heavens like rays from Rukbat's own source. Lingering with the constellations for mere moments, the hues slowly fade into the darkness like the sun slipping below the horizon as evening takes the day. Kassima chuckles, murmuring without looking down from the sky, "You'd have to ask the people running them... they'd likely know wherever 'tis that someone find these marvelous things for us. And marvelous they indubiably are. I've never seen such a fabulous shade of blue!" Maylia leans against her sister, the flashes of light reflecting in her eyes and lighting up her face. Sirsha blinks, nearly blinded by that last flash of yellow light. Hands reach out to steady herself against the rock face. Five fireworks go off one right after the other, and explode one above the other, with the top a white-gold sparkly color, the next a red-gold color, the third a deep red color, the fourth a brilliant blue, and the last a vibrant green. The sparks float harmlessly down to the ground. Makear leans back against the face of the rock, trying to get a better view of the vibrant colors. She ohhhs at the site of the green blossom. Cicylia doesn't notice anyone else anymore, just watching the sky and the lights. Kassima whistles appreciatively at the breathtaking shades that illuminate the sky, without once letting her eyes fall from the heavens. "Spectacular green, eh Lyss?" The dragon rumbles an assent, her eyes as riveted as her rider's. Crackling hisses pave avenues to the skies as yet more fireworks find their destinations. Grey, smoky trails reach up into the heavens just before the usual 'BOOM's of the breaking 'works precede the colors. This time emerald ribbons reach out from a center point and drip themselves down in all directions like a ten-pointed star. They seem to sizzle as they make their way down towards the ground, though they've one more visual surprise for the onlookers before doing so. Intertwining themselves with the stars and trails of long-gone firework's smoke, the tips of the ribbons suddenly explode to boast all the hues of the rainbow! Sapphire, topaz, sienna, ivory, amethyst...the tints pour into the evening sky like drops of wine into cloth. Eventually they wink out, leaving just the bluish-brown trails of wispy smoke as evidence they were there. Kindre looks down briefly to watch the reflections of the colors in the yellowy hue of her wine. Silvery-blue eyes flick quickly back to the skies, though, to watch the trails of wispy smoke. "Wow...all those colors...beautiful..." is all she can muster in the way of words. Several large booms are heard as the finale begins thundering through the heavens! Dozens of rockets whiz upward, seeming to reach for the nearest stars, and explode in small sparkling flashes of gallant green, burnished blue, brave brown and brilliant bronze. The latter twinkles in the air, secondary explosions creating a bright dragon overhead. Alyssa watches the fireworks from her place near Adonith and Meroth, arms folded across her chest, a light smile on her face as the fireworks' myriad colors dance across her features. More fireworks spring from the ground, leaving behind a blinding smoke trail of golden yellow in the form of a queen dragon with her neck outstretched before her. With a quick rush, two more rockets follow the others and pierce the gold image with a loud *BOOM*-the sound of the queen's wings unfolding at her sides. Sirsha sighs quietly, happily, as she watches the rainbow light against the smoky black of the night sky. She leans back, supported by her elbows, then sneaks a glance over at the lake; flashes mirrored in the still water. As the queen rises, the bronze descends from on high in swift silence, mingling with the gold in a symbolic mating. The smoky forms stretch across the width of the entire bowl and hang there for long breathless moments until they silently disappear, leaving only a brilliant afterimage imprinted across the night sky's inky blackness...and the grounds quiet as the display ends. Makear lets out a sigh as it finally ends, her ears still ringing from the thunder. Kindre blinks and pouts a bit as the display is over, but finds her smile soon enough. "That," she remarks with a wide grin, "has got to be my favorite part of these small gatherings." Kassima's swift intake of breath at the appearance of the gold dragon is held until the end of the display, when the mesmerizing beauty finally lets her go. Immediately, she raises her hands to applaud with heartfelt enthusiasm. "I quite concur, m'friend--I quite concur! I don't think I've ever seen fireworks more lovely in all m'Turns." Maylia, entranced by the beauty of the fireworks, remains speechless as the final colours fade, and continues watching the sky, savouring the experience. Cicylia smiles and claps since it's over with. Kindre pulls her legs up on the rock, hugging them to her chest, and continues to grin. Wine glass leans against the crook made by her bent legs and she says, "To be true, those were mayhaps the best yet. It's just the perfect way to end an eve...just sitting back and watching the skies light up." Cicylia smiles and wanders over to the wine table that she saw Suzot at earlier, "Something to drink anyone? Sirsha is laying down on the top of the rock now, watching as a the slight breeze makes the smoke drift away. "I've got mine," Kindre remarks and looks down at the glass she holds, "but thank you for asking Cicylia." Cicylia picks something she doesn't recognize to drink, glancing around to see if Trina or Gwynn is around. She returns to her seat. Kassima shakes her head, lifting her own glass slightly. "M'thanks, but I'm fine... one glass will suffice for me tonight. Any more, and I daresay that I'll fall asleep on the spot." Kindre chuckles a bit, her lips curling into a blatant smirk. "Me as well...all that wonderful food and wine is certainly taking a bit of a toll. Though," her grin grows purely impish, "with no Records to go over, I may as well just go to sleep." Cicylia sips the stiff (but barely filled) drink. Alyssa straightens from her slump and stretches a bit. "I should turn in..." she remarks to herself, though she does take a glance at the food still there. Sirsha rolls over, slipping the short distance down the huge stone. Feet land lightly this time a little ways off from Maylia. Leaning back, she opens her pouch to take something out. A moment later, she sits down and holds a large piece of candy towards the girl. "Want some?" she asks. R'val glances at Alyssa and smiles, "As should I, but this food is simply too tempting to abandon.' He winks. "Records would tend to keep one from sleep, wouldn't they?" Kassi quips drolly, eyes reflecting her inner amusement at the double entendre. Glancing at Lys, she inquires, "Are you certain? There's still plenty of salad and whatnay left, if'n you'd like a bite to eat ere you go." Alyssa sighs a bit and moves farther out, looking speculatively at the offerings. "I'm usually not hungry at this time of night, but we had sunset sweeps and I missed dinner..." R'val grins," Then by all means, eat, Lys." Kindre chuckles and nods to Kassima, "They've a tendancy to do so, yes," she remarks before sipping slowly from her wine. "Oh, Alyssa, have a bit more? There's so much left I think Ofira may have our hides...I'm sure Alnar could use a little bit, too, after that swinging..." Cicylia smiles and looks at the table, she was too busy doing inventory on the trains stores, it seems, to eat dinner. Maylia happily reaches for the proffered candy, "Thanks! Sirsha, have you met my sister, Makear?" Kassima rolls her eyes expressively at the Wingsecond. "Then *eat* something, for Faranth's sake, a'fore you collapse. There's more than any of us could eat, after all." Sirsha blinks. "Hello," she offers, trying to get a glimpse of her in the dim light. She holds out another piece, "Would you like some Makear? I'm Sirsha of Fort Weyr." Cicylia goes to the table and gets a light snack. Makear sits up as her sister starts to introduce her. SHe smiles at Sirsha "Hi, uhh no thanx on the candie, my firelizards would probably try and eat it." SHe pauses for a moment. "I'm an apprentice at the BeastHall, by the way." Alyssa moves toward the food, a bit bashful. "Any glance at my hips would indicate I'm not starving," she mumbles. Cicylia smiles and comes by the riders, someof them do not yet know her, "I'm Cicylia of the Dalegards." Kindre can't help but chuckle. Looking over Alyssa with a studying eye, she remarks, "'Lys, dearheart, if you're heavy, I'm nearing Hera's size. Honestly, you look as thin as always." Sirsha grins, then shrugs. She puts the candie back in the pouch. "The BeastHall? How interesting. I'm originally of Ruatha Hold and one of my best friends was a beastcraft apprentice." "Only from neck to waist," Alyssa remarks with that very dry sense of humour of hers while she begins putting salad on a plate." R'val tsks, "Lys, don't be so hard on yourself," He murmurs, sipping his drink. Maylia playfully pokes her twin, "How's it going there, anyways? Managing to esape pranks?" Kassima rolls her eyes at Lys, the gesture now tinged with exasperation-- albeit fond. "Lys, you're a stick. There's a reason that there's almost nay such thing as a fat rider--the life works it off of you, would you nay agree? And what you eat could barely keep a chicken alive. 'Twould do you good to really stuff yourself once in awhile." Makear trys to catch a glimpse at Sirsha in the dim light. "Really? WHat was the persons name?" then with an impish smile to Maylia, "No, no pranks I have pulled, but I'm trying to figure what YOU did to poor Relic." After asking the question, Maylia very pointedly does NOT look at the once-was-brown firelizard. She smiles sweetly, "Me?" Cicylia smiles, "That reminds me of something I saw once.... Did you ever see a purple flit?" As she carries her plate away from the tables Alyssa notes, "My legs are often compared to a chicken's..." Then, sighing, she adds, "I seem to be in a particularly self-disparaging mood tonight. Apologies. But I do have skinny legs." Makear sits up a bit straighter and pins her sister with a mock/scowl "Yes you. All I was able to get out of him, after he changed my favorite dress to splothy blue, was something dealing with you and a blue cloud." Sirsha stays silent, but apparently is listening to everything the twins say. "I remember," she bursts out suddenly, "Her name was Kimtra. Her turning day was only two days after mine." "Come sit with me," Kindre says to Alyssa and slides over a bit on the rock. "It's late...we're all a bit foggy I'm sure this eve. Was a good evening, though, hrm? I think we should do this more often." Maylia pounces on the new subject, if it wasn't so dark others would see a blush colouring her cheeks. "Kimtra, did you say? Makear, doesn't that name sound familiar to you? Kimtra, Hmmmmmm." "So?" Kassi shrugs, sticking out one of her own legs to peer at it. "So are mine, save for where the muscles are. Naught I can do aught about, so I don't worry about it." Smiling, she raises her half-full glass of wine to Kin in a toast. "Hear, hear. These smaller Gatherings are actually almost as enjoyable as a full Festival, with a lot less effort spent." Makear trys to keep her icy expression trained on Maylia, but can't help but began to giggle as her sister changes subjects with such a pace. "Yes I think the name is familiar." Cicylia smiles and watches as her fair dives off her and takes flight, diving in and out of the lake in wonderfully wierd antics. Alyssa settles next to Kindre and smiles at Kassima. "I find far too much fault with myself. Sorry. Have you all enjoyed the evening?" Maylia fixes her eyes on Sirsha, anywhere but near her sister's shoulder would do right about now. R'val smiles towards Kindre amiably, lounging against Vidarth in a relaxed manner, "I'm having a lovely time, personally." Cicylia waves and quickly downs whatever she's drinking before her sister can see it. Makear gently sets Relic on the ground. Trina steps out of the wagon and grins towards Vidarth, "See, told ya I'd be back after chores." she tells the blue as she strides towards him. "I'll drink to that," the goldrider agrees while lifting her glass. After a swallow is well on its way to her stomach, she bobs her head. "I had a wonderful time...it was nice to see Jorenan again, and so many new faces." Vidarth nudges Trina tiredly, and R'val smiles, "Hey Trina." he waves at her. Alyssa mmms around a bite of food. "Jorenan?" Sirsha hmms, not notcing much in the dark. A small moving form does catch her eyes, though, "Is that a firelizard?" Kindre nods her head again. "He Stood at the last Hatching, and is now with the Bakers. Ofira asked him to help out here this evening." Relic creeps toward Maylia, as if sensing her unease with him. Maybe he sees this as an opportunity for play? Cicylia smiles, "My flits are having fun in the lake. With seven of them the image is rather strong." Trina smiles to Vidarth, "Heyla, R'val." she says to his rider, her hand already going to Vidarth's hide. Cicylia smiles, "Flirting again Sis?" Makear nods at Sirsha and then smirks "Relic, is usually a brown but Maylia turned him blue with something. My queen is draped around my neck, if your wondering about the other dark form." Vidarth Rumblerumbles contentedly. Maylia savours the candy, offering a small piece to Relic and scritching his -blue?- head. "Quite the shade, isn't it?" she catches herself saying quietly. Trina sticks her tongue out at Cicy and turns attention back to Vidarth, ignoring her little sister's teases. An awkward silence follows from Sirsha. "Usually brown?" Though you can't see, a hilariously confused expression crosses her face. "What did you do, Maylia?" Trina scritches Vidarth's eyeridge and murmurs, for his ears only, "Sisters can be so annoying sometimes." Alyssa eats small bites of salad in silence, again content to sit and watch rather than be a part of the socialization. Cicylia wanders over to her sister and tries to tickle her from behind. Relic licks the candy but thats all. He seems to then loose interest in Maylia, and heads over to Sirsha, how can now see his odd coloring. Vidarth chuffs at Trina, either in agreement, or happiness at being scritched. Maylia groans and shakes her head, "Nothing, really! HE did it... I had a small packet of dye, and Relic decided that it was interresting." She gives the firelizard an exasperated look, "You know what he's like? He'll play with anything, and the bag ripped open!" She begins to chuckle. "He got it all over my newly-cleaned jars in the pharmacy, too!" Sirsha giggles, reaching a hand out to skritch the little blue/brown flit. Trina acks at her sister and swats at little hands, putting Vidarth in between her and Cicy. Cicylia smiles and sees that doing that put the dragon between her sister and the rider as well. Relic leans into the skritches for a couple minutes, but then decides in his fickles way, hes had enough. WIth a flick of his tail he heads back to his Pet/perch for a nap. Makear smiles as Relic flies over and lands on her shoulder. Kindre sips her wine and munches on some now cold ovine meat. Listening to the small group not far from them, she grins a bit gazing over the oddly hued firelizard. Sirsha sighs, "I'd almost swear I was the only person without a firelizard on the Northern Continent." Trina doesn't seem to mind, or at least she doesn't show it, she continues to murmur to and scritch the blue dragon gently. Cicylia smiles and looks at the dragon. "Kassima here," Kindre notes to Sirsha before smiling to the Wingsecond, "has...hrm, what is it now? Sixty, right," she wonders of her friend. "I was nearly twenty turns before I ever Impressed a firelizard myself." Sirsha coughs, then squeaks out, "Sixty!?!" Cicylia giggles. "Sixty?" "Sixty," Kassi agrees drowsily. No longer sitting on her rock, she's now sitting on the ground beside it, and leaning back against its surface. "'Twas fifteen when I Impressed my first, and I'm afraid I've garnered quite a few more from there." She opens her eyes in order to wink at the girls. "Trust me, stick with one or two--'tis *much* easier that way." Maylia's brow furrows, "Do they all have names?" she asks Kassima. Kassima nods in assent. "They do, each of them." Trina blinks, "Sixty? And I thought my eleven were bad..." Cicylia grins, "I can barely keep up with my seven, and Sis..." Maylia nods in agreement, and advises Sirsha, "I learned the hard way, don't get more than one hatchling at a time! You'll not sleep for the first few sevendays!" Makear chuckles at it all. "I just started getting lucky less than a turn ago." She tickles the sleeping gold twinded about her neck "They become so addictave!" Sirsha nods, still slightly shocked at sixty flits. "One or two would be just fine, but still..." Cicylia smiles, "Fifteen when you first impressed one? And you're what? 25? How long do flits live?" Alyssa sets aside her plate and gets to her feet, yawning. "I truly should get to bed. Will you all excuse me while I tuck Alnar in and get some sleep?" Maylia nods to her twin, "And that was here, too! Relic and Rhettorie both hatched right here I believe." "Have a good evening, 'Lys," Kindre says, her voice tinged with similarly drowsy tones. Kassima corrects dryly, "Twenty-three. And they can live as long as their pets, for all I know... a'course, Lys. G'night t'you, and to that bonny lad of yours." Makear nods at Maylia, smirking agian "Yup, right here. I still remember when I impressed him as he released his death grip on your foot." Alyssa picks up Alnar and smiles fondly at her friends before leaving, Adonith trailing behind. Alyssa heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Adonith lumbers in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Sirsha shakes her head. "I guess I'm just never there in time. I always seem to wander in at the tail end of hatchings." Maylia sticks her foot out and waggles it, eyeing Relic warily. "Taste for leather, he has." she remarks. Makear smiles at Maylia and mumbles something about edible shoes for hatchlings. Maylia points out "They may have attracted him, but the shoes sure didn't do it for me! After all, it was you he chose." She thinks a minute. "Wait, how 'bout shoes to get your neighbour to wear. Get the little'uns near you, then impress them" She snaps her fingers. Sirsha giggles, stretching out against the rock. I'll be sure to bring an extra pair of boots to any hatchings I come across." Trina leans against the now-snoozing Vidarth, she stifles a yawn, she's more tired than she thought. Cicylia leans back watching everyone and wondering about something she has back at the wagon. Maylia blinks as her boot goes kind of hazy, and yawns. "I'd best be off, find m'self a bed for th'night." Makear isn't tired for once, but has the feeling she'll be soon. Sirsha nods, yawning a bit. "D'ver said that he would take me back whenever I need to be off, so.. " She grins a bit. Maylia grins sleepily at Sirsha and waves a sleepy good night to all, with a hug for her sister. Makear hugs her sister back, not knowing when she'll see her next. Maylia heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Kassima would likely wave back, were she not now asleep against her rock... and not snoring, for once. Cicylia watches people. "Emeralda's got a clutch, I don't know when it'll hatch though." Trina finds herself pretty much leaning against Vidarth now, she catches herself and stands upright again. R'val leans into Vidarth as well and grins at Trina, "Y'know, he doesn't mind." Cicylia smiles, "Perhaps you can get one at that hatching, if you wanted one." Makear feels her self began to nod off. She pushes her self to her feet and decides it might be best to get out of there, too. Sirsha yawns hugely this time, eyes closing as she tilts her head back. When she looks around at the people, she stands up shakily. She nods to Cicyla, "I'll try to be there. Well, 'night everybody." She waves as she heads off into the darkness. Cicylia smiles, "I hope you can be..." Makear waves to Sirsha as she to heads off. Sirsha heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Makear heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Trina blinks, "H..He doesn't?" This is surprising to her, a bit. But the hide is nice, warm, and soft, so she leans against it again, "Thank you.." she murmurs to dragon and rider alike. R'val chuckles, "Not at all. He likes the attention." Trina smiles, a bit, "He's nice'n'warm.." she notes. Cicylia smiles and moves toward the dragon to help Trina scratch the dragon and also leans against him. Kassima yawns and stretches, awakening with a sigh. "Faranth's shells--I'd best get back to the weyr. Clear skies and fair dreams to you all." You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> R'val nods to Kassi, turning to examine Vidarth's hide thoughtfully. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft.