-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Babes and Baubles Date: November 9, 1998 Places: Bitra Hold's Drum and Fire Heights and Great Hall; Kaath and Bhalth's Ledge and Weyr Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: On her Turnover gift-giving rounds, Kassi learns of not one, but two pregnancies amongst her friends. Is the Benden Flu catching, or what? In any event, she offers Lirra some advice about what she can come to expect, and is driven into the Fuchsia Zone a few times herself. Lirra has clearly become a Force of Evil in her own right. ;) This log is pretty Spam-Lite, with only a bit of knot chat left in. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You descend to the Drum and Fire Heights. <*> Kvasith flies down from above. <*> Xylath turns his head towards Kyoteth and his rider warbling cheerfully and sending an almost loud bugle to Kvasith and Lysseth. <*> Lysseth banks to a neat landing that doesn't disturb either her passengers or the great, bulky sacks tied to her straps unduly. "D'ton!" Kassi calls down to the bronzerider, sounding delighted. "You're here, too! Well, then, I can just kill two wherries with one knife-blade. Don't go anywhere for a moment, would you?" You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Lysseth rumbles a greeting to Xylath, Kyoteth, and Kvasith alike, while finding herself just the right spot to curl up and rest while her rider putters about. Though at the moment, Kassi seems more intent on rummaging--through the leftmost gigantic sack, that is. "I know they're in here somewhere," she mutters. "But where... ah! Here!" Two parcels are dragged forth, both characteristically gaudy. One wonders where Kassi *gets* all that green ribbon. D'ton waves to Kassima, and gives her a curious look, "Don't go anywhere?" D'ton says "What *are* you doing, Kassi?" From her place aboard Lysseth, Saskia unbuckles herself carefully and waves cheerily, "Wow look at all the people! Nel'll be so pleased." Saskia climbs down from Lysseth's neckridges with the help of her riding straps, looking grateful to be back on the ground. Lysseth eyes Saskia for a moment, rumbling quietly, before turning her attention elsewhere. Kassima proffers the larger of the two parcels to D'ton by way of explanation. It is, one might note, wrapped in cloth that's dyed with red, white, black, and bronze streaks, tied closed with--yes, it's the floppy ribbon-bow she's known for. "Happy belated Turnover, bronzer," she replies, with a wink. "Didn't really expect that you'd escape the gift avalanche unscathed, did you? The other's for Neliea, but this is yours." "Neliea's down in the Great Hall, by the way...What happy Turnover?" D'ton asks, accepting the package nervelessly, "It's next month!" Saskia grins "Hi D'ton. Yes, we're here to visit her and maybe congratulate her on her pregnancy. More gifts! I hope it's not a gather gown." and peers curiously at D'ton's present. "Turnover was five days ago," Kassi corrects, with a roll of the eyes. "Men. Never can expect them t'remember dates. Nay, nay, 'tis nay a gown-- that much, 'twill promise you. Open it!" "Gather gown?" D'ton repeats, sounding even more perturbed than before. He tugs at the bow, opening the parcel. --- This statuette captures the length of an exquisitely carved bronze dragon in mid-flight. Despite its small size, barely two handspans, it captures the tiniest details, from wingspar to tail ridge. The large wings, daubed with rich forest green speckles amongst the pure bronze paint, arch up to scoop the wind and push it down and away. The hind talons still rest on the grey rock beneath, pushing the dragon higher as his muzzle opens wide in a silent roar, revealing pin-sharp teeth. His eyes glitter bluely, hewn of fine glass, and the entire form in washed with perfect bronze hues, emphasizing the pale gold along his neck ridges and the smoke-silver down his neck and tail, which curls out behind him like a proud pennant in the wind. Molded to his neck are a tiny pair of real leather riding straps and a small figure of a man in riding leathers, fist raised. The wood has been sanded to a silky texture, right down to the thick wooden base. Carved there in careful lines are the names "D'ton and bronze Kyoteth". Etched in relief below that are the sigils for Benden Weyr, the Dawnslight Wing, and Telgar Weyr. If one were to turn the sculpture over, a small archaic letter Z could be seen on the base's bottom. --- [Editor's Note: This gift was actually made by Apprentice Zaeryn of Woodcraft. :) ] Saskia giggles, "Well that's what she gave me. It was perfect! And came complete with matching red socks." Filliana comes up from the second floor hallway. Aurian comes up from the second floor hallway. Kvasith rumbles. Naldo comes up from the second floor hallway. Tahira comes up from the second floor hallway. D'ton's eyes widen as he looks at the statuette he's just unwrapped. "Very nice," he says, understating as usual, "Thank you very much, Kassi." Aurian glances to Filliana, "I can take you on Kvasith if you'd like." Filliana emerges from the hold to gasp then laugh. "Well, goodness! We do have a gathering! It seems like every time I have a journey, I run into this group! How nice!" If Kassi's at all disappointed at the understatement, she takes it all in stride. "Glad you like it," she replies briskly. "The Woodcrafters did a good job, if'n 'tis me you're asking. Forgive the invasion, Filliana; I'm here for the purpose of tossing a Turnover gift at Neliea, and I promise t'get me gone ere I corrupt any more of your Holdfolk. Well, I promise t'*try*." Saskia peers curiously at D'ton's statuette then looks up at the new arrivals, smiles happily and waves, "Hello! Telgar's duty to Bitra. Good to see you again, Filliana. Where are you off to now?" Saskia grins, "I'm here to see if she finally saw a healer to confirm her pregnancy. Do you know if she has?" Tahira pulls her cloak a bit tighter about herself, giving Kassima a quick grin before backing towards Naldo in the crowd of dragons and humanfolk. Kyoteth leans his head directly over D'ton's, breathing foul meat breath all over his rider who doesn't appear to notice it at all. He directs his whirling gaze at the statuette and trumpets loudly and inconsiderately. His rider winces at the noise. Filliana laughs Kassi's way, nodding. Oh, I think there's corruption no matter where we are, Kassi." Her smile is offered to Saskia, "She's downstairs in the Hall, if you want to ask her personally but yes, she did. I'm on my way to Boll on business, and Aurian, it doesn't matter to me, I appreciate your offer. D'ton or your lifemate is fine." Xylath listens and just snorts in an * I could tell you that* tone, but that's if he could speak to Saskia. Instead, it just comes out as a plain snort. Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Lysseth with << It is wonderful! We like it very much. Do you have one too? >> Aurian chuckles, "Well since D'ton has already extended the offer I'll let him have the privilage." Lysseth> Kyoteth senses that Lysseth rumbles, sounding pleased--which a flash of blue-green confirms--<< My rider will be grateful to know this. I have a carving, yes, that Kassima was given some time ago. >> D'ton rewraps the statuette carefully and puts it away in a saddlebag. "We're ready to go when you are, ma'am," he says to Filliana. Naldo looks around, trying to listen to the conversations going on around him. As Tahira backs up towards him, he reaches forward to put one hand on her shoulder. Filliana adds to Saskia, "Boll Hold, Saskia, I have... business there..." Something that doesn't make her too happy, it's evident. "Aurian, the offer still stands to come along, I don't think we'll be long." Aurian nods to Filliana, "Never said I wasn't coming." Kassima's own wince is minute, and she gives Kyoteth a look that's only mildly reproachful. "Corruption can be fun," she tells Filliana with a mischievous grin. "Clear skies, D'ton, Filliana, anyone else who's going along. I hope you enjoy the Bollian warmth." Saskia winces slightly at Kyoteth's bugle then chuckles, "Oh, you're sly, Filliana. I still don't know." then sobers a little as she notes the Holder's unhappy expression, "Have a good trip to Boll." Filliana grins at Aurian. "Good. Shall we?" she asks, then says to Kassi, "We'll see you when we get back, I'm sure. I'm ready, D'ton." Saskia grins at Kassi, "Well I guess someone liked your gift to D'ton." Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Lysseth with << It is better looking than we are! But it makes my rider embarassed for some strange reason. >> Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the straps as she eases herself onto his back. D'ton assists the passengers up before climbing up himself. Filliana takes a hold of the straps and climbs onto Kyoteth's back. Naldo takes a hold of the straps and climbs onto Kyoteth's back. D'ton takes a hold of the straps and climbs onto Kyoteth's back. From upon Kvasith, Aurian tilts her head, "Anyone else need a ride." Lysseth> Kyoteth senses that Lysseth sends a flash of cerulean perplexment. << Embarrassed? I do not see why it should. >> Tahira pads towards the brownrider, smiling faintly. "I'll go with you, ma'am, if it's allright." From atop Kyoteth, D'ton checks the safety of his passengers assiduously before asking, "Are you ready?" From atop Kyoteth, Filliana makes sure the straps are securely tightened then nods to the bronzerider, "I am." Kassima thinks, belatedly, to flash a return smile to Tahira before asking Saskia, "So shall we seek out the elusive bluerider?" From upon Kvasith, Aurian chuckles and offers a hand down to Tahira. Tahira scrambles quickly up Kvasith's side using the thoughtfully provided foreleg and his dark straps. From atop Kyoteth, Naldo glances down at his straps, and tightens one, then nods. "Ready." From upon Kvasith, Aurian glances to Tahira, "Need a hand with the straps?" Seated on Kvasith's lower neck, Tahira pulls up with just a hint of scrambling, but seems to know how the belts work. "Not quite the same as a green," she murmurs. "Thanks, I'm fine. I've ridden with my sister before." Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kyoteth wrinkles his draconic jowls and narrows his eyes in a draconic shrug. <<He doesn't get many gifts. I think he doesn't know what to do. I must leave now. I shall see you later.>> Kyoteth flies up into the air. From upon Kvasith, Aurian nods as she waits for her to finish up. Saskia smiles, "You bet. I can't wait to find out." She looks at Xylath, "Wish you could tell me, but I guess I'll have to find out from the woman of the hour." You descend the steps against the face of the cliff, open a metal-shod door, and step back into the hold itself. Saskia comes in the metal-bound door from the Drum Heights. You walk down the stairs to the second floor. You choose the stairs leading down. Dossa patpats Neliea's knee again, smiling. "Mum couldn't eat anything but bland broth and toast. It was horrid. Now, she's back to normal foods, but she still undereats..." She beams a smile at the new arrivals. Saskia hurries over to Neliea, pulling off her mittens as she does, "So is it true? Are you pregnant?" she asks eagerly. "Duties t'Bitra and her Lord," Kassima calls upon entering into the room, bouncing a small package in her hand. "Ah, Neliea, there you are. Already surrounded by eager visitors, I see. Dare I hope you wouldn't mind one more? I promise t'make it quick." "Good Faranth, the Weyr's moving here," Neliea teases before looking at Saskia and tilting her head to one side. "That's all you have to say? No hi," comes the amused reply before nodding to Dossa. Saskia giggles, "Oh hi! You're the woman of the hour, Nel. We're all eager to know." Neliea shakes her head to Kassi, gesturing to more chairs. "Have a seat, both of you. More visitors is a good thing, honest." To Saskia, she just rolls her eyes in the girl's direction. "Yes I am, or I would have been back at Telgar by now." Dossa just beams at the nth reaffirmation of Neliea's expecting. "Isn't it just so wonderful?" Saskia beams brightly at Neliea "it's so wonderful, yes!" she practically shrieks and gives her friend a big hug. R'val climbs down the stairs from the second floor. R'val steps down the stairs into the Great Hall and salutes, "Telgar's duty to..err..." He looks around at the many Telgar faces, "Telgar's duty to Telgar, apparently." Neliea hugs Saskia, as she peers over at R'val and chuckles. "Hey R'val." "Felicitations," Kassi says simply at Neliea's news, settling into a seat. "I should hope that you'll be able to return to the Weyr soon. In the meantime, I'm only here t'bring you your part of the gift avalanche." The box, with its white, black, and blue wrapping, not to mention the hideous bow of green, is proffered. R'val smiles at Neliea and wanders over, "Hey Nel, mind company?" Dossa looks up at R'val and fidgets a bit as he approaches, being next to Neliea also. Saskia releases Neliea carefully, still beaming, "Hi R'val. Nel's pregnant!" R'val blinks, "She /is/? Wow, congrats!" "Mind? Look about and then tell me, R'val," Neliea replies, releasing Saskia and looking about foa another chair. "Have a seat?" Glancing over at Dossa out of the corner of her eye, she drapes one arm about her friend as she laughs. "You haven't heard?" Dossa blinks at Neliea. "Haven't heard what?" R'val grins, "I'll take that as a yes." he proceeds to sit near Nel and company wh en he finds a chair. R'val says "And no, I hadn't heard. It's great news!" Neliea chuckles, "R'val understood what I ment, Dossa." Dossa ohs, and nods with owlish eyes at Neliea. Kassima smiles slightly, inclining her head. "A babe is always good news. Just do the poor thing a favor, Nel: don't name it aught that sounds like 'Belly', eh? Bet you could do it, between your name and Benos's, but the very idea... augh, the poor lad or lassling." She gives an exaggerated shudder. Dossa looks over at Kassima and blushes with a smile. "I thought Nelos would be a wonderful boy's name, or Nebosa or Benia for a girl." Saskia grins, "I should hope not, Kassi." then smiles, "I've heard a lot of good names so far." Neliea grimaces slightly and nods, "I wouldn't do that Kassi..." Kassima crinkles her nose a touch. "B-names for females have always appalled me, so you'll have t'take a bias for granted, a'course. 'Tany rate, Nel, would you open your gift now, or wait until a better time?" Neliea considers Dossa's names with a slight nod as her gaze goes to the wrapped bundle. Belatedly looking and grinning, the reaches for the gift, setting it in her lap and carefully unwrapping it. "Any hints on what I'm getting?" --- Under the layers of garish cloth sits a small wooden box, plain and smoothed. Lifting the lid of it reveals.... Shining gold has been crafted into a ring that is large for a woman's hand, relatively broad-banded and set with a faceted, oval-cut sapphire the size of a lady's fingernail. On either side of the darkly sparkling jewel, the ring has been carefully personalized: the left side sports a pair of entwined initials, 'N' and 'X', under which a small diamond resides; on the right, a piece of lacquered egg-shell has been set above a similarly-sized stone of onyx. Its coloration--warm orange-yellow, with a splotch of sunshine gold up near the tip--identifies it as a shard from Xylath's egg. --- Saskia chuckles, "Wouldn't hints be cheating?" then smiles "You already have a really wonderful Turnover present already." "You'll see," is Kassi's only, mysterious response. Dossa watches on, smiling, feet swinging lightly underneath her seat (as they don't quite reach the floor). Neliea gasps in surprise as she lifts a small sppphire ring up into the light, inspecting and shaking her head slightly. "It's wonderful Kassi... just -how- did you manage to get a piece of Xylath's shell," she asks softly, turning it to inspect both sides in awe. Kassima leans back in her chair, hooking her arm around the back, and just grins. "I collect 'em, remember? Sent Ylysse and R'huen t'pick up a few after the Hatching. And those I can't find m'self, I can usually trade for. Your group didn't get graduation rings, which I thought was a shame, so...." She shrugs, though the grin remains. "You like?" Saskia peers over at Neliea's gift and smiles, "That's really pretty. Kassi, you're a wonderful gift giver." Dossa gasps, covering her mouth with her hands. "Oh Neliea, that's so wonderful!" Neliea slips the ring onto her right ring finger, holding it out for inspection. "It's lovely, Kassi," she replies, setting aside the remants of the bundle and leaning over to give the greenrider a hug. "Thank you." Kassima blinks, of course--if you were Kassi, you'd be surprised too by two hugs in one day. Nevertheless, she returns the embrace with a light chuckle. "Always welcome, Nel. If'n it pleases you, then that's all the thanks I need. Especially since every gift I give lightens those bags on Lysseth's straps a bit!" Telgar Weyr> Dossa says, "Kassiclaus?" Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Drats. Uh-oh, is Kassi giving gifts again??? ;)" Telgar Weyr> Neliea nodnods. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "You can say that again" Telgar Weyr> Saskia says, "Lovely gifts too :)" Neliea sits back in her chair, grinning as she idly twists her new ring about her finger. "I do like it and Xylath's already curious about what it looks like. I'm sure this couldn't have been weighing -too- much in Lys' straps." Saskia smiles, "It was so sweet of you, Kassi." Kassima shakes her head at Neliea. "That, nay, but when you've gifts for over two dozen all crammed together... well, it adds up. And I'm usually the one hefting the bloody sacks. Just a few more t'go, though. Sweet? Sweet? Saskia," she chides, waggling a finger, "I'm aught but sweet! This is just something I do because I don't see the point in dying rich." Dossa nodnods at Kassima. "But you -are- sweet, Kassi! You gave me the most wonderful dress, and no one's ever done the likes of that for me, except for Aurie and Nel. Which is why I want to get that dress mended for you! You'd look lovely in it!" Saskia chuckles, "Well, I think you are. No-one's given me anything so lovely since I was a small girl. In fact I wouldn't mind following you around and watching you give your other gifts if you get anywhere near the reaction you've gotten from the four I've seen you give so far." Neliea chuckles, "But it -is- lovely, Kassi and it happens to be one of my best Turnday presents." At the sweet comment, the rider smiles, but doesn't comment yet. Kassima manages to suppress most of a wince, albeit barely. "Well, you know I'm nay really a dress kind of woman most of the time," she mentions cautiously. "Nor lace. But I'm certain aught you've chosen will be lovely." How she manages to say *that* with a straight face, only Faranth knows. "You're welcome t'follow, Saskia, but I do warn that I can't predict when I'll manage t'track down the others on m'list." Dossa shrugs a bit, smiling. She turns her attentions back to Neliea, smiling. Saskia grins, "Well I'll see if I can make the time. I doubt Tebiren will give me time off to follow you, but maybe our breaks will coincide." She gazes at the greenrider thoughtfully, "I think I should try gift giving for adults, but I'm not sure I could deal getting so many gifts at once. When's your turnday, Kassi?" Kassima replies at once, "Nay anyone's business," though she's smiling. "If'n you want t'know, feel free t'research it, but I'm nay going t'make anyone think they need t'be getting me gifts. 'Tis my job!" Dossa arches an eyebrow at Kassima. "Your job, Kassi? Whatever do you mean?" Saskia smiles, "I'm sure it's in the records room somewhere. I'm certainly there often enough. But how is it your job? And does it have a knot or a badge? If so, you'd be a Master Gift giver for sure." "'Tis one of the things I do. I give gifts to people for nay real reason besides that I like giving gifts," Kassi explains, "but nay anyone else should feel that they need to, y'know?" Neliea reaches for her mug of cooling klah, smiling as she listens. "Just wait for the day Kassi wears lots of ribbon and lace. Then you'll know her Turnday, Saskia." Dossa smiles at Kassima, and asks, "Are you accepting apprentices, then?" She giggles at her humor. Saskia grins to Neliea, "Thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind." Saskia chuckles, "I hope you do take apprentices, Kassi, because I'd love to learn some of your techniques." Neliea nods to Saskia, rasing her mug to her lips in another sip before setting her drink on her leg. "Oh, for Faranth's sake," Kassi laughs, "what's there t'be learning? You look up someone's Turnday--or Turnover, whichever--and think of something they'd like, buy it, and give it to 'em. That's all there is! Speaking of which, though, I do have other gifts I should be delivering...." Saskia sighs and rises to her feet, "Anyway I'm afraid I need to be getting back. I still have to finish up the inventory from the Telgar tithe train. Congratulations Nel! And thanks again, Kassi! May I get a ride with you back?" Dossa nods, and makes mental notes. "Thank you, Gift Craftmaster," she says formally. "I'll remember your lessons." She lowers her voice, and murmurs to Neliea, "'specially when I get that dress mended..." "A'course!" Kassi assures Saskia, getting to her feet. "By all means; 'twill gladly provide. Just be careful when you climb up. Those sacks, y'know." Neliea ducks her head and giggles silently at Dossa's continued comment, nodding as she looks up at Saskia and Kassima. "Thank you for both visiting and you're both comming to visit again I hope?" Leaning over to Dossa she adds, "You're welcome to stay and have the watchrider take you back later." R'val leans back in his seat and smiles, sipping his klah and glancing at Dossa and Neliea, "I'm staying a while." Saskia smiles and hastily scribbles down what Kassi says, "Thank you, Master Gift Giver." Dossa blinks, and shakes her head. "Oh, no, when people start going back, I should go too. I can't neglect the living cavern and kitchen! The girls wouldn't know what to do, with spinners around every corner! Timid things. They need a good swift kick for motivation, sometimes." Saskia nods to Neliea and smiles, "But of course. I'm sorry I can't stay longer, but duty calls. Do take care of yourself." "Pierron and the male servitors can take care of them sometimes, Dossa," Kassi notes, with dry amusement. "Your enthusiasm does you credit, but it doesn't usually pay to underestimate everyone else. We can certes offer you a ride back, though. Neliea, happy Turnover, and I'm certain we'll be back t'be visiting sometime soon." Neliea firmly shakes her head to Dossa, "You're staying here for a bit at least. You never leave that cavern unless dragged out..." Finishing her klah and standing, she smiles. "Happy Turnover and more visits are better." Saskia pulls on her coat, "See you later, R'val." then frowns a bit at Dossa's remark, "We have some fine cooks, and bakers too like Jorenan." Dossa grins. "Oh, those girls are absolutely without backbone when it comes to spinners, Kassi. You need to see them to believe it." She looks back over at Neliea and smiles. "I wasn't dragged out this time. I just... feel a tugging back, is all." R'val smiles, "Later, saskia!" Dossa looks over at Saskia, and looks horrified. "Oh, no! I mean the drudge girls! Forgive me, I didn't mean to imply the bakers!" Saskia buttons up her coat and says with a smile, "Well, you can teach them how to deal with them. What's that proverb about teaching someone to fish? Anyway, they can manage for a couple hours." "That doesn't mean you have t'do it yourself," Kassi still insists. "There are male servitors, and you can't be the only female with a backbone; I refuse t'believe it. You just worry too much. How can anyone be happy if'n they worry all the time? Ah, but I digress... clear skies, Bitra, and duties t'you!" That said, she ducks back out towards the stairs. You enter the stairwell and climb up to the second floor. You climb up the stairs towards the residential levels. You pull open the small door, and head upwards to the Drum Heights. Saskia comes up from the second floor hallway. [Editor's Note: Saskia decided to home it, being exceptionally tired, so I went ahead and went without her.] You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You fly up into the air. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> From the North, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Lysseth and her rider, Kassima, welcoming them home. You fly towards the south end of the bowl. You land on Kaath and Bhalth's Ledge. <*> Kaath whuffles contentedly from the other side of Leventh. Bhalth really is nowhere in sight. Lysseth> Kaath senses that Lysseth greets cheerily, << Heya, hiya, hoya! Would your rider mind a visitor? >> Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kaath yawn, then returns the greeting warmly. << Not a bit. Tell her to go on in. >> You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Kassima pauses to rifle amidst one of the giant, bulky sacks strapped to her dragon's neck, coming up with... a package. Curious. You leave the ledge, entering the weyr. "None-too-speedy delivery!" Kassi calls in brightly, pausing on the threshhold of the weyr. She has a truly horrendous-looking package in her right hand. "Here to deliver a rather belated Turnover gift. Mind if'n I come in?" Interesting...the weyr is fairly dim, only one glowbasket uncovered and the hearth blazing merrily. K'dar is sprawled on the couch, sound asleep. At the other end of the couch, Lirra sits, doing some sort of yarn work which she set down to beam up at the greeting. "Mind? Kassi, you're -always- welcome. But K'dar's asleep, so not too loud? What's up?" Kassima eyes K'dar curiously, but nobly refrains from asking just why there's a man conked out on Lirra's couch. "'Twill try and modify m'voice," she promises, crouching on the side of the couch behind the greenrider. "What're you making? And oh, I just wanted t'give you your Turnover present." She proffers the Wrapped Thing From Beyond the Grave of Good Taste. Black, white, blue, and green all streak the wrapping together, and it's tied closed with a ribbon of the luridly floppy kind. Lirra holds up a tiny dark green slipper, nothing very large. Maybe just big enough for a firelizard, or... She drops it again, taking the package with unsurpressed glee. "Oh, Kassi! For me? Of for R'ehn? He's...not here tonight. He's...with A'darm." Kassima asks Lirra curiously, "Isn't that a bit small for your feet, Lirra? Nay that 'tisn't adorable, a'course... oh, by the by, V'dan isn't going t'give you any trouble about his riding helmet, in case 'twere wondering." Chances are that she bought the man off. "For you, a'course! R'ehn's is still in the bag. A'darm?" Kassi's still rather naive for a greenrider of thirteen Turns, but she's not *that* naive. "Flight, eh?" Lirra laughs softly, shaking her head. "It's not for me, Kassi. Or, rather...not exactly. It won't be going on any feet for about another eight months." She sighs with relief at the news of the helmet. "Oh, thank the first shell. And yes...a flight. K'dar's staying with me tonight to keep me company. So! What is this?" "Another... eight... months." Kassi's not too naive to figure that one out, either. "D'you mean...? Oh! Well, open it and see, wherry-head." There's a light, teasing tone of 'duh' in her voice. Lirra waggles her brows at the other greenrider, patently delighted as she gives a nod, voice lowering. "K'dar was there when I saw the healer, but R'ehn doesn't know yet. Don't tell him? It's a surprised..." With that, she begins to untie the floppy bow, as eager as a child at Turnover. --- Before you lies a pair of silver knives that are unlike any other you may have seen. The blades' curves are smooth, yet extremely sharp; their tips are true to the center, and the lower blade edge is serrated near the handle of each knife while the upper edge is non-serrated but equally as sharp. The handles are almost the opposite of the theme of the blades. They are somewhat thick and rounded, and shaped to be comfortable in either the right or left hand throughout the motions of throwing or just wielding. In the pommel of each is set a dark, faceted emerald, roughly the size of a woman's thumbnail; they sparkle and throw off verdant glints at almost any provocation, guaranteeing to draw the eye. Tied to one of the hilts is a note informing the recipient that these knives were made by Junior Apprentice Devyn of Smithcraft, with the emeralds set by Journeywoman Sythriva of the Minecraft. --- Kassima, for once, is distracted from watching the unwrapping. "Lirra," she enthuses, "'tis *wonderful*! 'Twould never tell ahead of time--that's for you t'do! Did the Water help, then? It does tend t'work best in combination with flights...." She waggles her eyebrows right back. Lirra nods, still grinning up a storm. "The water, and then Bhalth won Kaath." She pauses to laugh softly. "Bhalth's getting good at this," she notes. "Watch out or he'll try for Lysseth." Upon withdrawing the knives, the smile fades but only into a gasp of wonder. "Oh...oh, -Kassi-! They're spectacular!" "Has already," Kassi points out, "but Ularrith won her. Somehow, I suspect R'ehn was glad." Gee, could it be? "How positively delightful! Will you be naming the babe after yourselves, the dragons, or both? If'n you got Kaath's name in there, it could start with K... oh, you like them?" She seems pleased, and little wonder. "I figured you might nay have a pair-- they're throwing-knives, y'see? And now with spawning approaching, you'll definitely need hobbies t'be filling up your time." Lirra giggles softly, hefting one of the knives to test the balance, then makes a throwing motion with it in slow motion, not releasing. "This is going to terrify my poor weyrmate, Kassi, you know that don't you?" She peers up over her head, then sets the knives down to reach up and give the Wingleader a half hug. "Thank you. Actually, we don't have a boy's name yet, but we do a girl's." Kassima grins wickedly, admitting without guilt, "That was half the point. Ach, what is it with me getting hugged today?" She does return the gesture, though, with a reply of, "Ever welcome. Just doing m'duty as-- would you believe what Saskia and Dossa are calling me now? Master Gift-Giver of Pern. Yeesh. Oh, what is it? The Name Game is always one of m'favorites. Mayhaps I can help you come up with alternates, in case she doesn't *look* like a Whateverthenameis." Lirra beams and waves a hand at one of the chairs on the other side of the table. "Sit, sit. Forgive me if I don't get up, but I'm still a little queasy. There's tea on the hearth, though. And I'd -love- help with names. So far, all I've got is Ehnra for a little girl." Kassima gets up out of her crouch on the floor, taking one of the chairs willingly enough. "Good thing we're nay in m'weyr," she observes. "I've only one chair, one rock, and a bunch of boxes. I'm nay much of one for tea, but I can pour some if'n you'd like? Ehnra, hrm." The greenrider sets her chin on her fist to ponder, then begins to rattle off in a sort of sing-song, "Renlir, Rahlir, Lirren, Irien, Irihn, Rhimir, Rhilan, Erril, Errihn, Merril, Mirril... all male, a'course. Female: Lirea, Lihrin, Rhelia, Mirra, Mirehla... I can think of more, if'n you'd like?" Lirra gasps softly, then tilts her head back to peer at the ceiling, grinning broadly. She looks back up, letting on hand come down to rest companionably on the still-unconcious K'dar's calf, a gesture bespeaking possible familiarity, yet with the ease of simple friendship. "I'm going to have to write these down, you know. Rhilan..." she muses. "I like that." Kassima looks up towards the ceiling almost by reflex, but lets her gaze fall quickly. "Eh, well, 'tis a hobby of mine," she explains modestly. "Almost enough t'tempt me t'spawn again, for another challenge." Lirra quirks a brow, amused. "You? I doubt you'd have any problems finding a man to help you out there. Of course, the name would have to start with a K, true?" Kassima nearly chokes at that, blushing to the roots of her hair. "*Lirra!* I suppose I could mayhaps dredge up a man, true, but the kind you have t'dredge isn't any kind I'd want t'be with... well. Aye, a'course K! Is there a finer letter?" She makes innocent eyes at the other greenrider. Lirra returns the innocent look with a decided smirk of her own. "Oh, goodness. Of all the women I wouldn't mind R'ehn spawning other littles with, it'd be you. Not that I'm urging the two of you to go out and try, mind you," she adds quicking, eyes wrinkling in a grin. "Oh, Kassi...I don't think I've ever been so happy..." From red to fuchsia in an eyeblink goes the greenrider. "I don't think you need have any worries," Kassi manages to choke out, though whether through laughter or sheer embarrassment is hard to say. "Faranth, Lirra, I'd thank you for the compliment, but that's honestly nay the sort of thing anyone's ever said t'me a'fore, so excuse me if'n I'm a bit... ah... surprised." Some of the ruddiness leaves her face as the topic shifts, and a broad smile replaces gaping fish-expression. "You deserve happiness, m'friend. Just keep this time in mind when you're suffering through pregnancy and childbirth!" Lirra laughs merrily, hushing herself abruptly so as not to wake the brownrider, but her eyes are still dancing with mirth. "You're welcome. And I'll try to..." She pauses, then bites her lower lip. "What do I have to look forward to, Kassi?" Kassima sighs, leaning back in the comfy chair. "D'you want the glossed- over version that makes it nay seem so bad, or the down and dirty version?" Lirra purses her lips, mulling this over seriously. "I've six younger sisters. Give me the bad news." "All right." Kassi shifts position on the seat until she's comfortable, then begins conversationally, "You only heave your guts up for the first four months or so, if'n you're lucky. All nine, if'n you're nay. And there's the tiredness, the aches, the pains, all of that. The second trimester is the easiest, but once you're getting big, nay only will you have t'buy all new clothes, but you'll never be out of the necessary, the spawn will try and kick you inside-out, your ankles will be so swollen 'twill be a miracle if'n you manage to waddle, you'll probably *never* get any sleep, and Faranth help the man who has t'put up with you. Then there's childbirth, which feels somewhat like having your intestines yanked out as far as they'll go, tied in knots, and then dipped in salt. Only twice as bad." Kassima thinks to add, in a bright tone, "I squeezed A'lex's hand so hard while Khari was being born that I made him cry, and he had t'wear it bound for several days. Jh'rin survived mostly intact. Didn't even scream, the dear man." Lirra is simply flabbergasted, listening with a more and more horrified look. "Dipped in -salt-?" she finally manages, then swallows heavily, glancing down at her midsection. "I've already been sick...a -lot-. That's why K'dar went for a healer. Oh, Kassi...isn't there -anything- good about it?" Kassima allows a soft smile to alight on her face. "Well, there's seeing the baby for the first time, a'course. Only thing I can think of that's more moving than that moment is Impression. And around the end of the fourth month, mayhaps the fifth, you'll feel flutterings that are the baby kicking. 'Tis truly wonderous, that first moment when it registers that there's really someone in there--someone who isn't you. You get to eat whatever you want, and people tend t'be kinder and more solicitous. The father, as a general rule, will do aught you ask him to. But beyond that... the good sides are minimal. There's a lot of suffering involved in bearing children, and nay just in pregnancy and labor." Lirra nearly looks as if she were about to cry. Mood swings. "Oh, Kassi... is it worth it? Really?" Kassima doesn't even take a moment to consider, which is all the more amazing given that she's usually not suspected of having such a soft side. "Definitely. Absolutely, one-hundred percent. I've been pregnant twice; I've gone through agony twice, compared t'which being eaten alive by Thread would probably be merciful. I've been stripped of m'ability t'perform m'duties twice, and I've had those duties made very difficult while the babes were still unweaned. I had t'hand both of 'em over to a foster-mum as soon as 'twere ready, and I'm lucky if'n I see 'em once a day. But for all of that, I wouldn't take it back for aught in this world." Lirra listens with horrified reverence, knuckles whitening about her grasp on her yarnwork stick. "I think...I think I'm frightened." Kassima chuckles quietly. "You did ask for the scary version. But believe me, you'll survive, endure, and thrive, methinks. Especially after you've felt those flutterings. 'Tis hard t'regard aught of it--well, save for labor--as too much of a burden, after that. Which is fortunate, since that's when the worst things hit." Lirra glances briefly at the totally unaware K'dar, biting her lip. "I want R'ehn with me for it. Does that help? To have the father there?" "Depends how you feel about him," Kassi admits, after some time of thinking. "If'n you hated him, certes nay. If'n he were a friend, probably, but nay so much more than any other friend. If'n you care for him as more'n a friend... aye. It helps. So methinks 'tis safe t'say 'twill help you t'have R'ehn present." Lirra's lips quirk into a tremulous smile as she nods slowly. "More than anything, almost. Almost as much as I love Kaath," she explains. "But I don't think I want -many- people there. If it's like you say, I may end up yelling a lot." Kassima says with mild disgust, "I had a peanut gallery, first time. A few friends present the second, and 'twas better. 'Twas part of the peanut gallery at one, and Faranth, if'n that didn't have me resolved never t'have children. Lyss and the Water put an end to that." Lirra chuckles softly, leaning back against the couch. "Then both your girls are flight progeny?" Kassima shakes her head in response. "Only Kaylira--she's T'lar's daughter, from when Nicoth caught Lysseth. Kharisma's Jh'rin's daughter, and I somehow can't picture Siaroth trying t'fly Lysseth, or vice- versa." Lirra tries not to gape and doesn't succeed real well before she bursts into giggles. "No, I imagine -not-. But Kassi...to be honest, I can't imagine you...I mean, and a man...without the..." The former holder flushes crimson. "Ah, never mind." Kassima asks dryly, coloring some herself, "Did you think I preferred women? I don't. Let's just say I'm immune neither to the first and finest flattery I'd heard in Turns nor to the effects of quite a lot of wine. Besides," she admits, smile turning wry though her flush doesn't fade, "Jhor's... unique." Lirra chuckles, shaking her head. "I didn't, although I'd understand if you did prefer them. Kaath's been flown by a dragon with a female rider before. But flattery? Honestly, I'd never have suspected you susceptible to it." Kassima admits, "So has Lyss, including her first flight--which was quite confusing for her poor rider!--but... nay, I don't see women that way 'tall, outside of flights. Men are a different story, but there're certain criteria they have t'meet." Her shrug is somewhat sheepish. "Aye, well, I don't hear a lot of it. And t'say Jh'rin has a silver tongue is to understate the case considerable. 'Twas a pleasant change, t'be complimented on something besides m'ability t'scare people or m'lunacy." Lirra tilts her head appraisingly, then ventures, "I hear Jh'rin wears a dress. When he's awake. He's R'ehn's cousin, I think..." "When he's proddy, aye," Kassi affirms, "though I've never seen it. He said as much. There're reasons why he's the craziest of all greenriders, and that's one of 'em." Lirra sighs thoughtfully, looking into the flames of the hearth. "That must be where R'ehn gets it. He's the most amazing sense of humor, did you know?" "I had a clue," Kassi grins, "when he accused 'Lex of trying t'jump him that evening when he was defending me from the rump-fetish people. If'n all of his family are like that, I don't know whether or nay t'feel sorry for Pern." Lirra giggles, rolling her eyes. "Haven't you had the chance to chat with Tiya? She's -refined-. I adore her utterly, and couldn't ask for a better...um. Well, not sister-in-law, but you know what I mean. But R'stan's always been here at Telgar," she adds, eyebrows waggling at the thought of -that- particular bluerider. "Tiya of the flaming red proddy dresses? She's refined?" Kassi asks, a touch dubiously. "Well, I suppose... R'stan? Don't think I've run into him much, though the name rings chords." Lirra waves a hand, nodding impishly. "Mmm. Three out of four siblings are riders. And I wouldn't trade mine for the world," she murmurs, sighing happily. "I'll be glace when he comes home. Did I tell you what I got him for his Turnday? Well, Turnover. Same day, in his case." "I'm just as glad I don't have *any* sibs, thankee... oh, nay, I don't believe you did." Kassi does indeed seem interested. "Nay the same thing I got him, I hope!" Lirra chuckles, waving her crochet hook. "Have a few of mine? I've six sisters. When I want to frighten R'ehn, I threathen to Search them all and try to get them Impressed to greens." She beams, waving at a package in a dark corner of the room. "It's a gitar from Harper hall." "I'll pass, thankee," is Kassi's droll reply. "Got enough trouble with m'cousins, especially now that E'rian's spawning a new branch for the tree. A gitar?" Confusion reigns for a brief moment, before being conquered by comprehension. "Oh, that's right! He'd been wanting t'be a Harper! What a marvelous gift, Lirra. There's nay doubt that he'll adore it." Lirra beams, supremely cheerful. "I can't wait for him to see it. My parents gave him a set of multiple pipes and he played them for me the other night. Oh...I had no -idea-. It was simply lovely." Kassima chuckles at that. "Pipes sound beautiful when played by one who can. A'course, when I play, people flee the room." A jest, and perhaps an exaggeration... though it's hard to tell. "Da is good with the pipes. Uncle Keyssar doesn't care much for 'em, Harper or nay." Lirra nods in agreement, brushing a lock of hair from her eyes. "Mm-hmm. And poor R'ehn will have to sing all our lullabys. Faranth knows I can't." Kassima offers, a touch hesitantly, "I could teach you a few? You don't have t'be a good singer, but every mother should know lullabyes, m'family holds. The babe wants t'hear your voice, nay a pretty melody. And with as many spawn as are common in m'bloodline, lullabyes are a very popular stock-in-trade." Lirra sighs softly, shaking her head. "It'd not do any good, Kassi. I know the lullabyes. I adore listening to them. But I sing like a screeching wherry." Kassima asks, mulling this over, "Can you hum? Hard t'be screeching when you only hum." Lirra considers this thoughtfully, tapping the hook on K'dar's boot absently. "I'll bet I can...if I don't have to worry about keeping to a tune?" Kassima shakes her head negatively. "Nay, nay. Might practice, just so you can stand listening t'yourself, but so long as 'tis your voice and you try t'be soothing... mind if'n I ask why he's on the couch, Lirra? I'm sorry, but curiousity's been eating me alive." Lirra glances to the side, almost as if surprised to remember that the brownrider who's feet she's been abusing is still there. "K'dar? Oh, he's staying with me tonight while R'ehn and Tiya are gone," she answers reasonably. "Mmm-hmm." Kassi eyes the brownrider a touch dubiously. "Well, if'n R'ehn doesn't mind, I'm nay one t'say aught." Lirra blinks, nonplussed. "Mind? Why would R'ehn mi...oh." She giggles softly, shaking her head. "Kassi, K'dar sleeps in here when he stays. I sleep back there." She gestures at the heavy wooden door. "I don't like to be alone, is all." Kassima relaxes at that, offering Lirra an apologetic grin. "Well, then. I have to admit that I'll never understand you people who say you don't like t'be alone. How can you be alone with your dragon so close?" Lirra's nose wrinkles in a grin. "Because Kaath can't snooze here on the couch with her feet in my lap until I'm ready to go to bed. Besides, he forgot to bank the hearth in his weyr this morning, so their place is freezing." Kassima shakes her head in amazement at her friend. "That just goes t'prove there're different living styles. Me, I read or do hides--more oft the latter, alas--until 'tis time for sleeping, assuming I have any time a'fore sleeping. The 'lizards usually swarm over me once I'm nigh asleep. Solitude has never disturbed me, especially with Lyss right over in her couch." Lirra leans forward to peer out at the ledge. "Well, Kaath has Bhalth to curl up with, or Leventh when he's not available. I've only two firelizards, as has R'ehn. But I suppose you just get used to having someone there before sleep after a while. Mainly, though? K'dar's my friend. I like being with him." Kassima grins, and shrugs amiably at Lirra. "Suit yourself! I've had folk--women friends who needed a place t'stay--occupying m'weyr for a short time a'fore, but shards if'n I ever got used t'hearing someone else breathe. Drove me half-crazed. What's an irritation to one is another's comfort, though; that's always been true." Lirra bursts into an utterly amused giggle. "Isn't it the truth? The first...no. The second night...no. the third night R'ehn and I spent together, I think I slept with a pillow over my head most of the night." "When Kershala stayed with me for that ruse we played," Kassima reminisces, "I slept in the couch with Lyss, and buried m'head in the furs. When Aph stayed with me after breaking up with K'nan, same deal. Lyss woke me up half a dozen times every night t'be certain 'twouldn't suffocate." Lirra smirks, nodding slowly in lazy agreement. "So you understand. But after a while, it's like having your dragon's touch in your mind. Being able to reach out and know that a big lump of a bluerider is there, just like being able to reach out mentally and know that an even bigger lump of green is there." Kassima grimaces, shaking her head again. "Methinks 'twill be quite content with the big lump of green and the smaller 'lizard-lumps, eh?" With a sigh, she gets to her feet, stretching enough to make her back pop. "I should really head back, sadly. I can hear the bed calling me." Lirra smothers a yawn of her own, finally unfolding and climbing to her own feet as well, stretching. "Mmm, me too. Give Lysseth my best, yes? And Kassi? Thank you...for the knives, for the advice...for everything." Kassima assures the greenrider, "A'course! And you're more than welcome for all three. Advice is cheap for the giving, and you're always welcome to it, so long as you take it always with a grain of salt. Will you do me the favor of letting me know R'ehn's reaction when you wave the knives at him?" Lirra wrinkles her nose in a broad grin. "I'll see if I can't get my sister to draw a picture of it. Goodnight, Kassi. Give the girls hugs for me." "On the morrow," Kassi promises, with a faint smile. "Or when next I see them. Clear skies, Lirra-Lady." You head out onto the ledge.