-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes It Pays To Be Wherry Date: February 29, 2000 Places: Southern Boll's Gather Beach, Jungle Path, and Great Hall Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: I have to admit, Masquerade Balls are one of my favorite types of Gather event. :) It's always a blast to see the other costumes, not to mention RPing being costumed yourself. I've included descs of the costumes I looked at in the log below; there are undoubtedly descs missing, for which I apologize to the owners. I got pretty lax about looking at folk as the evening went on and the scroll got faster. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You wing down onto the gather beach. <*> S'more grins at Leigh. "Thanks....all my shots now are going to disappoint." He takes his air, aims and shoots. <*> K'tel grins and can't resist, "That's reassuring." <*> S'more's arrow just grazes the target but continues with its flight after being slight deflected. <*> Dyane groans, "S'more ...." <*> Stefyn wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. <*> S'more shakes his head. "See?" He still grinning, though." <*> Tarin says "He meant to do that! He meant to do that!" <*> Lysseth drops to a careful landing some distance away from where the arrows are flying--Faranth forfend she should mess with the air currents there--and rumbles a casual greeting to the other dragons, wings furling close to her sides as she settles. <*> K'tel grins, "Time to catch up, Leigh! He's sliding." <*> Dyane c'mons. "S'more, you'll get it next time." <*> S'more hmms. "Well, I could shoot with my fingers crossed, but I doubt that would improve my aim." <*> Jaecinth perks up as Lysseth lands, looking up at her and bugling a welcome. <*> Tarin says "I'll cross my fingers for you!" he then matches actions to words. <*> Leigh nods obediently, selecting an arrow. "Here goes," she says, by now not expecting much of herself. But this time she takes her sweet time. <*> Leigh's arrow hits the middle ring of the target, easily scoring a nice three points. <*> Sarai claps, "Hurrah! Leigh! Weild that bow like you slice a scalple!" <*> S'more nods to Leigh. "And you have the lead again." He selects an arrow and lines up, his face filled with determination to wrest that lead back. <*> Mirala grins at the archers. "S'more, we've seen the stuff of which you're composed, but when you miss, it hardly shows!" She shakes her head. "I think I'm running out of rhymes." <*> S'more's arrow hits the outermost ring of the target, scoring one point. <*> K'tel looks over at Mirala and laughs, "You are? /Finally/?" <*> Tarin says "Archer, archer, archer, MISS IT archer!!" <*> Zianne smiles, "Come on Boll!" <*> Mirala beams over at K'tel. "Naaaaaah. There are hordes of things that rhyme with "pie"." You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Leigh lifts her chin as the score is made even. "This is harder than it looks," she tells S'more as she picks an arrow and nocks it, sighting down her outstretched left arm as she endeavors to shut out the din of shouts and huzzahs. Leigh's arrow hits the outermost ring of the target, scoring one point. Dyane claps, "C'mon, S'more. Do Boll proud!" K'tel claps, "Way to go, Leigh. We're in the lead!" He smiles at Mirala. Tarin bounces up and down again, "Go, S'more! Go, S'more!" Dyane thbtts ever-so-LadyHolderlike at K'tel. K'tel chortles gleefully. Mirala grins over at Kassima in greeting, then looks back at the action. "Yeah! Pie, pie, pie! If you lose, S'more, I'm sure you'll, uh, die!" S'more nods to Leigh and without comment carefully aims and shoots again. S'more's arrow hits the second most outer ring of the target, scoring two points. Sarai grins at Mirala. "Sorrt you lost on me. But my luck was bound to run out." Dyane claps as S'more goes back into the lead. Kassima slips down from her lifemate's neck with great care, keeping the cloak tucked safely around her. "And if'n anyone would know what they are 'twould like as nay be you, aye, Mirala?" she calls over to the Baker-auctioneer, grinning. "Duties to Boll and her Lord and Lady. And everywhere else too, for that matter." Tarin applauds austerely, though it is far too late to try to pull that off. S'more winces. "Shards, Mirala! Is *that* how you convince me?" He grins. Someone hollers out, "Come on, Leigh, do it like you're using an agenothree sprayer! Just DO it!" Leigh takes the advice, exhaling slowly as she aims her next shot and with the serenity of release, simply lets the string go. Leigh's arrow hits the middle ring of the target, easily scoring a nice three points. Mirala laughs, looking over at Sarai. "Well, now you've gotta watch out for the Mad Baker, eh?" She chortles at Kassima, and nods eagerly at S'more. "S'more, win, if you value your life! Remember the sharpness of the Baker's knife!" Kassima: At the moment, it's hard to tell anything about this particular woman: a red-embroidered cloak, dusky black, shrouds her from nape to heels and conceals her person from view. Funny, though; it drapes over odd bulks and curves, and a glint of brassy shine is occasionally visible from below its sweeping hem. Just what could she be wearing under there? And why has her lower face been carefully greyed? Curiouser and curiouser. S'more yeeps and mutters, "No pressure" wryly as he selects his arrow, then selects a different arrow again and sets it securely in place. He aims and shoots. Sarai grins at Mirala. "Good shot, Leigh!" S'more's arrow hits the outermost ring of the target, scoring one point. Tarin peers over at Mirala, "Bloodthirsty, ain't ya?" he calls over. Mirala bats her lashes at Tarin. "Just trying to keep him motivated." She hoots at S'more. "Is that the best that you can do? Think of what's in store for you!" Tarin grins at Mirala and turns back to the contestants, "C'more, S'more! Bullseye!" K'tel claps for Leigh, "Yay!" Having gotten the feel of it now, Leigh stands more confidently now and draws the bowstring back just a little further, setting herself up for a more forceful shot. Leigh's arrow just grazes the target but continues with its flight after being slight deflected. Tarin yells, "You've got the chance, S'more! Make it good!" S'more chuckles at Tarin and tries the previously rejected arrow. "Does this look like a bullseye arrow?" Without waiting for an answer, he nocks and shoots. K'tel joins in, "Miss, S'more! Miss!" S'more's arrow hits the middle ring of the target, easily scoring a nice three points. Alysia looks up at the sound of a familiar voice. Seeing Kassima approaching, she gives her small wave. Dyane woohoos. K'tel chuckles, "I tried. You can do it, Leigh!" Tarin grins, "It looks close enough for three points!" Sarai claps, and laughs, "This is a grand time." Zianne applauds, "Nice shot." Mirala cheers, "If you win, pie you'll get! If you lose, then you'll regret!" Leigh claps for S'more again. "Very nice. You're good at this," she acknowledges easily, then nocks another arrow. Leigh's arrow hits the ring just outside the bullseye, scoring a very nice four points. S'more hmms, and peers at the quiver, as if trying ti divine the fate of each arrow within. He merely shrugs to Leigh, "I'd say we're well matched." K'tel beams at Leigh, "All right!" Sarai watches the sun drop all of the sudden, "Shards, we've been here all day!" Kassima doesn't wave back, keeping arms and hands carefully concealed by that handy cloak thing, but she does nod amiably back to Alysia. "G'deve, Apprentice..." And after a moment's consideration, she also heads over that way. "How goes the work on the song? Any screaming verses yet?" S'more tries the *other* rejected arrow this time. He places his feet firmly, pulls the string taunt, takes aim, and shoots. S'more's arrow hits the second most outer ring of the target, scoring two points. K'tel nods at Sarai, "Takes some time to do this." He smiles, "But it's worth it." He peers at the scores, "18 to 18! Anyone's game!" Mirval has arrived. Tarin eeps, "Aw, come on!" Sarai chuckles and claps, "Come on ... Everyone!" Dalynn wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. K'tel says "Bullseye, Leigh!" Mirala peers up at the sky. "It has been a while. And the ball," she exclaims, "We must be holding it over." She calls at the archers. "Time to sink the arrows swiftly, we're all hungry, and food would be... nifty." From Jaecinth's back, White_Swan snickers at Mirala Sarai laughs at Mirala and her rhyme. "That was clever!" S'more grabs an arrow. Sure, Leigh hasn't shot yet, but he readies to release his as soon as her hits. Leigh calls back to K'tel, in whose name she shoots, "Don't worry. He went first, so I get last shot." Then she plucks out an arrow, takes aim, releases her breath, and lets fly. Leigh's arrow just grazes the target but continues with its flight after being slight deflected. S'more's arrow hits the second most outer ring of the target, scoring two points. Mirala chuckles, posing. "Hey, my skill improves if it involves food, you know. Bakery." Dyane groans, "Oh, no. 1 point off for S'more." K'tel winces, "I hope you don't need it. One point! Come on, Leigh!" He bounces with excitement. Sarai says "Go for five!" Kassima calls over to Mirala, "Can you do limericks, too?" Great, Kassi. Encourage her, why don't you. Dyane crosses her fingers and hopes Leigh misses or something. S'more urghs and glaces at Leigh. Tarin covers his eyes. Dalynn smiles and heads over to where lady Dyane is. Mirala beams at the greenrider. "Not in mixed company," she winks. Veyath backwings to a landing. Leigh purses her lips and whistles long and low. "You don't make it easy on a girl, do you?" she asks rhetorically, then sets her stance and makes her play. Leigh's arrow hits the middle ring of the target, easily scoring a nice three points. Jaecinth looks up and watches Veyath land, eyes whirling expectantly. Sarai hoots! "She did it!" Sarai claps ehr hands. S'more throws up his hands. "I believe this means the lady wins." K'tel breaks out into a holler, "You did it! Yay, Leigh!" He cheers! A tall healer claps for Leigh, "Well I'll be. The bow's taller than she is, and she swept the floor with that rider." Tarin leaves his hands over his eyes, "I'm going to stand here and pretend I don't hear those groans, then in my little world, S'more won!" Alysia finishes off her mug, before the cloaked 'rider draws near. "Well, I'm not sure what to add, really. I'd be more than willing to add what you wish, if you would indulge me on the details." Suddenly realizing who she is talking to, she gives a start, glancing down at her outfit and giving Kassima a weak smile. <shrug> Dyane sighs softly then breaks into a smile. "Well done, S'more. Very very close match." She smiles. "Congratulations." Mirala applauds. "And so another round comes to an end, S'more is a loser, Leigh has the win." She grins sympathetically at S'more. "I'll still make you a pie, though." Leigh raises her bow high, then bows low, drawing the bow across her body in a florid gesture to do any Harper proud. One might note that her backside is now directed towards that tall fellow who's been heckling her all this time. Sarai smiles at Dyane, "So what's the final tally?" K'tel is still smiling and he nods to S'more, "Very good match, S'more. Next time, we'll have to keep you on our side." S'more chuckles. "Thanks, sir. I'll do better next time. Of course, next time, I'll be shooting for Igen." He grins at Leigh. "Congratulations." Then to Mirala, a wider grin. "You will?" Veyath descends down from the evening skies, settling to a graceful landing upon the sands not far from Jaecinth -- her leafy wings fluttering back along her sides as she edges in closer. Her rider, K'nan, just shakes his head as he works to unbuckle the straps. Mirval wanders along the beach, pausing to shoot S'more a sympathetic grin. Public announcement: Dyane announces "We apologize for the delay but the Masquerade Ball will be starting now in the Great Hall of Southern Boll. +go sboll-gh ... Bring an IC costume. Bring your appetite. Have some fun!" Jaecinth flexes for Veyath as she glances him over. He raises one wing tip and then the other, almost knocking his rider off, she admonishes him with a disapproving squeak. Alysia duly notes Leigh's posture for... posterity... Yeah, that's it, posterity. Dyane chuckles, "3 - 2 Igen." Zianne sighs, but smiles. "We did good. We almost won." From the sky, Taralyth warbles congenially to Ranth as he sweeps by, overshooting the beach's main gathering in order to find a clear-enough patch of sand upon which to land. Leigh raises up again and offers her palm to S'more. "Thank you. I think you're the better shot, but I did get lucky once or twice. Good match, rider." She surrenders her bow to its hook again. Taralyth backwings to a landing. Dyane nods to Zianne. "Very close match. There always is the next rematch at Igen, I believe." White_Swan unstraps herself from Jaecinth's back, and slides down his forelimb to the ground. Kassima heaves an exaggerated sigh of disappointment. "So you'll nay recite the one about the archer from Hold Tucket, then? Such a terrible shame--" There's a pause as sky-blue catches at her eye, and she finally seems to realize what Alysia's wearing. Mirth quirks up mouth-corners. "Welladay, they did work fast t'be making another set! Suits you, Harper--but details may have t'wait; I seem t'recall word being given of a costume ball this eve?" Mirala chucks S'more's chin and nods. "Of course! Do you think I'd refuse you pie? It'd be un-Mirala-like." Sarai grins and holds a hand out to Dyane, "Well played. Really. And we'll host the rematch eh?" Astride Taralyth's neck, Jorenan shivers and then frowns down at the grounds below. "I hope we're not too late for the ball." He pats a bulky bag he attached to one of the straps. K'tel smiles at Tarin, "Hey, don't worry. You'll get the chance to watch me on that boar hunt Sarai is intent on." Tarin sighs and finally drops his hands. Looking down at the sand, he sees his old bow. Shrugging, he hefts it, nocks an arrow which hasn't gotten stepped on and takes a last-ditch shot at the target...for old time's sake. White_Swan whispers something to Jaecinth and rearranges her costume, straightening her gown and pulling at a haircurl. Tarin completely misses the target. Beware all lizards, dragons, and spectators. Alysia nods. "Indeed. I was headed that way presently." S'more smiles. "Does this mean I don't have to die as well?" Dyane covers Sarai's hand with her own. "We look forward to it." she motions with her free hand. "You are all invited to the Masquerade Ball. If you have costumes, or if you don't, join us." Astride Taralyth's neck, Sauscony grins as she pats her pack,'Mine is in here...Didn't want to take a chance with messing it up between.' Mirval gives Sarai a quick flashing grin. "That sounds like fun. Hosting, I mean." K'nan climbs down from Veyath's neck, and arrives on the ground. Astride Taralyth's neck, Sayuri is nice and warm from cuddling against I'sai. "The ball?" she asks. Tarin watches his arrow fly off into the dim evening, "I hope it writes," is all he says as he drops his bow again. Sarai ohs, "The boar hunt! Don't forget, Dyane. I'd love to try my hand at that.' Sarai natters and grins, "Food? I'm always up for food." Lysseth trills a bright greeting Taralyth-wards from her lounging place in the sand, a fair distance from the main gathering yet close enough to observe and be amused thereby. S'more frowns a bit. "Costume? Urgh, no, I haven't one." K'tel unstrings his bow, "Thank you for the game, Dyane, Tarin. I enjoyed it immensely." Tarin smiles at K'tel, "Yes, so I suppose my ego can be salved by watching you run screaming like a little girl?" Astride Taralyth's neck, Jorenan undoes the straps and gestures for Sauscony to preceed him. "We're of like minds," he says with a grin. "Enjoy the Gather." Mirala grins at Kassima, shaking her head. "Hey, maybe later." She studies S'more. "Well... I suppose. A pie instead of a slow painful death, fair enough." Veyath offers Jaecinth a soft croon of welcome, her eyes swirling slowly and neck arching a touch in a flirtatous motion - K'nan, on the other hand, just shakes his head at the two and chuckles under his breath, "Dragged me all th'way back here t'flirt.." K'tel laughs, "Exactly. It doesn't happen often." A weaver steps up, saying. "We have costumes for rent. 1 mark." Astride Taralyth's neck, Sayuri wonders how to get down. Astride Taralyth's neck, I'sai keeps his space as best he can, and mutters, "That's what a mask is for. How fancy did you lot get?" Meanwhile, Taralyth arches his neck at the trill, and warbles in kind, and never mind that he still has passengers astride. Tarin grins and thumps K'tel's back, "Good! I look forward to it!" Zianne starts down the beach, heading back to hold. Dyane nods, "Definately! I'll send word when the next hunt will take place. It usually is in the late fall so it won't be too long." S'more hmms. "Every time I turn around, I seem to be giving marks to weavers." he says, amiably. "Costume!" Mirala keens, darting in and out of the Weaver tent to change. Zianne wanders down the jungle path to the west. Sayuri slides down from Taralyth's neck. Sarai nods and smiles. "Jolly!" Astride Taralyth's neck, Sauscony is looks rather amused at something, 'I'sai...when you have a chance...sometime, may I have a word with you?' She asks as she carefully undoes her buckle. K'tel is thumped, smiling the whole time, "I expect some pointers along the way." He gathers up the Igen arrows, "I'll just put these away and join you at the ball." Jaecinth whirrrrs at Veyath, admiring her neck and body and...he shakes his head to clear it. Must be the romantic atmosphere. Davienne eyes him curiously, looking a little suspicious. "What is /wrong/ with you tonight?" T'shar snorts awake, having passed out near Toniath, with a lovely sunburn and, by the way he's rubbing at his temples, a large hangover. Kassima grins at the confirmation, nodding her head. "As, then, am I--but I should be fixing up the costume first; if'n 'twill excuse--" And she makes her way back towards her lifemate, with pauses along the way to nod Veyath-wards, Taralyth-wards, passengers-wards, riders-wards. "Come now, rider." The weaver says with a bright smile. "We're not that bad and think, your costume may be just the thing to get into your dream woman's heart." White_Swan sighs and pats Jaecinth. Sauscony slides down from Taralyth's neck. Leigh steps aside so that another pair of archers can enjoy a turn, taking her chance to go and investigate some other goings-on at the gather. Astride Taralyth's neck, Jorenan pats I'sai's dragon in thanks and then grins at I'sai himself. "you'll do," he says amiably. Kassima: Whatever the Telgarians feed their wherries, it must have spectacular nourishing powers to allow one to grow to *this* stature: 5'10" in height, this dusky avian is surely the largest one could ever hope to see. Soft, silver-grey 'feathers' make up most of this deception, trailing from high-cut neck to legs and gliding gently over pregnancy's plump verisimilitude; long hair, bound up tightly, is hidden beneath a veil of dusty fluff. Broad wings are carefully furled, their sisal-stranded ends trailing as might the hem of a smoky cloak--surely supported by metal within to stay so true to form. The tail is likewise, fanning out behind in a stubby train fringed with swaying, drifting soot. Below the close hug of shortened sleeves and mid-thigh leggings, the ashen coat gives way to brassy sisal: claws. Patterned with the suggestion of tiny scales, wiry limbs descend to curving talons, gloves tipped in dusky points likewise attached by artifice to long toes left bare. The dulled brass appears again in the mask that attempts to render the wearer anonymous: a delicate, well-shaped 'beak' begins just below cheekbones and curves to cover nose, overshadowing a mouth left free for speech. Pale skin beneath has been skillfully greyed, and the downy wisps of mask-material frame feminine features and merry green eyes with feathery, fluttering guile. Mirval glances towards the Hall itself, then mutters, "I never considered going to the ball. Hmmm." Jorenan slides down from Taralyth's neck. S'more groans again. "And when they're not taking my marks, they're trying to find me the perfect woman." Dragon-muscle ripples, pleased, beneath Jorenan's pat; I'sai just grins back, "Well. Thanks." And he's the last to venture down. I'sai slides down from Taralyth's neck. K'tel nods to Dyane and Tarin then makes his way up the path with the supplies in hand. He whistles a cheerful little tune as he goes. White_Swan looks around at all the commotion and smiles beneath her mask. She looks excited, if you can see underneath at least. She pulls at her gown nervously. Sauscony shoulders her pack, glancing around as she looks for a place to change. Mirval calls out to S'more, "Are you _looking_ for women? I didn't realize. Can I help? I know a few from Fort who're awfully pretty." K'tel wanders down the jungle path to the west. Tarin calls a bunch of drudges and youngsters from the Hold together, egtting them to pick up the scattered arrows and bows and bring them back to storage in the Hold. Dyane glances at the crowds heading to the hold proper. "I must head to the Great Hall. The Ball's about to start." S'more shakes his head at Mirval. "I'm not....that's the ironic part, you see." Mirala gazes around at the milling crowd. "And I've lost my dates. All of them." She scowls, looking around. White_Swan: And the swan sweeps through the room, quiet, alluring, peaceful. At least that is what you might first think of this draped woman. She is very tall and her hair is a bright shade of coppery red, with unruly curls draping over her shoulders. They bounce and swing with her every movement. The skin you can see from underneath her ruse is a pale white, almost transparent. Her form is slender and muscular, almost too thin but well taken care of. Her arms are long and hands very feminine. The woman's head is covered in an elaborate sculpture, neck graceful and wing covered. It looks to be the head of a beautiful white swan, with lovely wide black eyes. The woman's face is concealed beneath a cleverly placed, white feathered mask. You can see glittering emerald eyes through the feathers. She wears a white gown, with wire and silk covered wings on her back. The gown clings to her form as a tight glove would caress a hand. Every curve of her body is accentuated as well as her small bust and waist. Around her neck are sewn in glistening crystal beads which give the illusion of shimmering water. She is the picture of grace and ethereal beauty, this mysterious swan of the placid waters. Tarin nods to Dyane, "I'll get this stuff put away and then join you." K'nan just shakes her head slightly - and apparently decides to bow out of the entire masquerade, since he's not in a costume - and just leaning against Veyath's foreleg. T'shar scratches at himself, dislodging a few uncomfortable sand grains from places better left unmentioned. Tarin herds the gaggle of drudges up toward the Hold. A steward, with an obnoxiously loud voice, calls out. "BALL. GREAT HALL. NOW." Yep, no tact. Sarai grins and follos the crowds. Sayuri wanders down the jungle path to the west. Tarin wanders down the jungle path to the west. Dyane nods to Tarin. Dyane wanders down the jungle path to the west. Mirval pulls his lips down into a pout at S'more, then shoots Sarai a quick glance. Jorenan enters the BakerCraft Gather Tent. Jaecinth gets up and moves his large lazy body closer to where Veyath has landed. He *whomps* himself in the sand, kicking some up in a large cloud. The White Swan just looks at him queerly and moves closer, investigating him and this green dragon he seems curious about. "Miralalala," I'sai calls, "There you are!" and fastens the last tie on his mask. Leigh, right near the bass-throated steward, places a hand over each ear and obediently heads in that direction. Mirala blinks, and peers over at I'sai. "Yes?" White_Swan smiles at T'shar as she passes him by, "Nice outfit Tish, I didn't think 'Hungover' was a popular costume. She giggles and follows Jaecinth. Sauscony slips into the healer tent. Sauscony pushes aside a bit of cloth and enters the Healer Hall Gather Tent. I'sai mentions, "We brought you a hea - " and turns, and turns again: she -abandoned- them. Veyath lifts one leafy green wing to fan away the rising sands, before with a throaty croon that almost seems to conceal a chuckle she shifts forwards -- neck arching lightly towards him, clearly flirtatious. K'nan looks up, rolling his eyes as he's dislodged from his leaning place, and casts a crooked smile towards the White Swan.. "Sorry 'bout her.." Lysseth obediantly lowers her neck to let Kassima get at her straps; the doffed cloak is carefully hung on a hook there, and a contraption that might be called a mask removed from the pouches, affixed with a minimum of fuss. A few claw-rakes through 'feathers' for preening's sake, and she seems content. "I do believe 'tis a cue," she mutters, starting to pick her way carefully across sand. Lyss, watching the spectacle, offers an amused rumble to all nearby. Riders. They're crazy, you know. Leigh wanders down the jungle path to the west. T'shar blinks, rubs at his eyes, and peers at the...swan? Mumbling something incoherent, he wanders after the others. T'shar wanders down the jungle path to the west. You wander up the jungle path. I'sai wanders up the path from the beach. Mirala wanders up the path from the beach. I'sai snags a loop of vine while he's at it, and starts winding it about his head as he walks. T'shar walks down to the Winding Cliff Road Mirala walks down to the Winding Cliff Road You walk to the Winding Cliff Road. You climb the last league of the road to the ramp of Southern Boll Hold. You enter the gates. You make your way over to the Great Hall Dyane sees the Harper arrive. She smiles, lifting a hand to Alysia. "Ah, you made your way through the crowds, eh? " Sayuri makes her way over from the courtyard.. I'sai makes his way over from the courtyard.. Dyane: As the Lady Holder of Southern Boll, Dyane carries herself with an air of confidence that is rare. She is of medium height and slender build. Her long blonde hair tumbles down her back in carefree loops with the exception of one vagrant curl that always falls against her neck and over her shoulder. Her large emerald eyes, framed with long dark lashes, sparkle with amusement and a touch of mischieviousness, but smolder with fury if you provoke her. Her lips are turned up in a cynical smile while she observes everything closely, etching all in her mind. The only jewelry that adorns her are the silver hoops that pierce her ears, one on the right ear and two on the left. Dyane is wearing a floor-length dress of a glistening emerald green material. The dress has a simple cut, allowing for a gentle dipping neckline. The bodice is snug, following her every curve before flaring out in a mass of folds and loose material about her hips and legs, dropping just low enough to conceal her slippers. The sleeves are long, coming to a point over her middle finger of each of her hands. Elaborate cross-tying at the bodice and her slender waist accentuates the simplicity of the cut into elegance. T'shar: Appearing to be somewhere in his twenties, the young man before you is lanky, lean, and muscular. T'shar stands around six feet tall unless he slouches, which mostly happens when he's not thinking. His face is thin and pale, with dark, intense eyes peering out from under thick brows, sometimes brooding, but more often expressing interest and even good humor. A narrow nose sits between prominent cheekbones, balanced by a strong chin which, along with his cheeks, is lightly covered with a few days' growth of hair. There is a small crescent-shaped scar on the left side of his forehead. T'shar's hair is black and slightly wavy, and has been cut short and then finger-combed so that it sticks up all around his head rather than lying flat. A heavy gold ring graces one of the fingers of his right hand, and he wears some sort of trinket on a leather thong around his neck. (+detail) T'shar's dressed in riding leathers, a conservatively cut rust-colored shirt tucked neatly into the supple wherhide pants. These in turn are tucked into a pair of calf-high black boots that have been painstakingly polished until they gleam. On his shoulder rests the knot of Fort Weyrsecond, the black and brown cords woven through with one of bronze. T'shar's right forearm bears a twisting threadscore, puckered in one or two places from stitches. Groups of partygoers, costumed and not, stand here and there. Some taking part in the dinner feast, others dancing to the harper tunes. Alysia walks daintily over, gitar case dangling from one hand. "Indeed. It's quite the event you have. And Harper's duties to all." Mirala ducks in and leans against one of the walls, and gazes around for people she knows. The poor little abandoned baker. T'shar looks around the hall, ostensibly in search of wine. Kassima clickety-clicks into the Hall, with care for wings and tail. Wouldn't do to be have anything amputated by the doors. "See, Lysseth," she murmurs sotto-voce, "told you 'twould nay be late, honestly." "Boll's to the Harpers." Dyane replies, motioning toward the raised dias for the harper to set up on. She lifts her voice toward the group. "Everyone. I am pleased to have Alysia of the Harper Hall to play for us tonight. I hope everyone enjoyes the food, wine, and of course, music and dancing." Sayuri -finally- gets a chance to look at I'sai, and is rather pleased with the results. Alysia stops mid-step at the sound of her name and turns around, glad that the mask obscures most of her face. She bows politely. Leya makes her way over from the courtyard.. Leya smiles as she walks in, looking around all the people in costume. I'sai enters, and immediately steps to the side, engrossed in tucking a spare scrap of vine that -insists- on coming undone from his turban. The stewards come rushing in and help set up the area for Alysia. Water, finger snacks, and plenty of room. "Whenever you are ready to play, m'lady." The journeyman Harper directing the other players glances over at the young apprentice and give his head a sharp nod in his direction. I'sai: Streaky blond hair does little to hide the rangy young man's sharp features, recently cut close on the sides and trimmed to mid-neck in back, with a little wave allowed up top. His nose is thin, and longer than it ought to be; his eyes reflect pale, guileless marine bounded narrowly by turquoise; his skin has not so much tanned as freckled; and, at just over nineteen Turns of age, he's only recently reached his full, if medium, height. For the evening's festivities, he's donned textures of brown: leather sandals, plus skybroom suede trous as close-fitting as his untucked, silken sisal shirt is loose-; the latter is the pale moire' of white pine's heartwood, laced with cording that ranges in hue from spring green to late autumn's dark frost. Even his half-mask is brown, stitched with leaves to match the cording, but his impromptu turban's wrapped from Boll's own glossy green ivy. (+detail) Leya: Long chesnut curls frame a smooth, feminine face then cascade down a mostly bare back, interwoven with orange and flame red ribbons. Covering the top half of the woman's face is a mask covered with a flame patterned fabric, the edges cut and frayed, then starched to look like writhing flames. Deep blue eyes peek out from the flames, underneath you can see her cupid-bow mouth and narrow nose scattered with freckles on her pale skin. She is wearing a long sleeveless dress of fine, smooth cotton carefully dyed to look like a roaring fire, angry red and vibrant orange mingle and clash in dancing flames. If you were to peer closely you would see tiny dragons in all the colors flying among the flames, their wings outstretched and mouths open emitting gouts of red flame, distinct then swallowed into the greater fire. On her feet are are slippers dyed to match the dress. Painted on the length of her left arm is a flying reddish-brown dragon, the tip of his tail wrapped around her middle finger. He reaches from her hand to the middle of her upper arm, there he spouts a gout of curling red and orange flame that reaches up to blanket her shoulder. T'shar tiptoes up to the wine and furtively gets himself a glass, looking over his shoulder as though he's afraid someone will try to stop him. When no one does, he drains the glass and then refills it, only then nodding a greeting to Lady Dyane. Sayuri takes -another- look at I'sai. It's still good. Of course. Alysia sighs and shoulders her gitar. With pleasant nods to the others, she makes her way to the other harpers. Sauscony makes her way over from the courtyard.. Sauscony slips in, pausing at the doorway to glance around...then step fully into the hall Kassima gets out of the doorway to better be able to search for... well, fruit juice, unfortunately, which may be why she's easily distracted from that quest by a glint of red from out of one eye-corner. "Nice costume," she offers to fire-woman Leya, with an appreciative nod and grin--both echoed for I'sai. Albeit perhaps somewhat more appreciative, and given after a good look at those pants. "Glad I am that there's nay a contest in costumes this time, methinks!" Sauscony: A jeweled mask covers the upper half of her face, what can be seen is dramatic in her makeup..lips painted a deep red, making her teeth flash white with her smile. Her hair has been pulled back,then allowed to cascade in soft curls against her back. Soft, pale rose sisal clings to her torso, the tight fit accenting her curves. The dress flares into a skirt, made to spin out when dancing. A crinoline hides underneath it, causing the mid-calf length dress to stand out a little. Small roses, a few shades darker than the rest of the dress are embroidered along the scoop neck and open back. They are of various stages; some full blown, others only buds while still others are half-way between, neither 'young' nor 'old.' The roses, along with spring-green vines and leaves, are only shadows and outlines of themselves. The straps of the dress are thinnish, and with the low neckline and back, show off her shoulders and neck. Soft, freshly dyed, wherhide slippers cover her feet, the rose color only slightly different from the roses around the neckline. "Well then, young lady" says the Journeyman Harper, "Since you seem to be in favor this evening, you may have the honor of the First Chair." He gestures toward the seats. Mirala gazes around, chuckling at Kassima-the-wherry, and waves at Soz when she comes in. "How's life at Benden?" she calls. Mirala: Mirala is a lucid-looking woman, slightly on the tall side. Her dark olive complexion has been baked to a deep tan, and her frame is strong and curvy. Mirala's face is hidden by a shimmering green half-mask. Made of fine leather, the mask is molded in the creased ridges of a dragon's face. The headknobs reach above her head, where her thick brown hair has been braided up and pinned beneath them. Beneath the mask, her eyes are a wild and deep brown, ending in long black lashes. Her lips have been stained a dark green, and her face, neck, and chest have all been brushed with translucent green powder. A pattern of green encases Mirala's body tonight. A simple straight dress is cut long, hanging to meet her ankles, the body a transfixing swirl of meshing greens. The material of the dress is a soft stretchy cloth, designed to hug her figure delicately, forming itself to her curves and contours. The top is mere straps, a fingerwidth wide, reaching down to a straight back that lies just below the shoulder blades. The green swirls spin wildly across the material, a beautific battle between greens as light as a summer rain to as dark as the darkest palm in the southern night. Two frail, folded wings of a thin green sisal are attached to the back of the dress, fluttering slightly when Mirala moves. A long green tail falls from the back of the waists, shimmering with the vibrant hues of the fabric. It is held off of the ground by a very thin white ribbon, the end looped the middle finger of Mirala's right hand. Her feet are clad in thin slippers of soft green wherhide. Dyane pushes open the door and enters the Eastern Corridor. Sauscony smiles as she pads closer to Mirala, 'Rather busy...How is life with you?' Leya grins and peers closely at Kassi, "My wingleader in there?" She giggles, "Good thing Tovith hasn't seen you. He might decide to see how you taste." She waves to I'sai, "You look really nice." She nods back to Kassi, "Wonderful costumes here." Sayuri asks, "By the way, I'sai, what -did- Kassima do to you?" managing to look both concerned and amused. Alysia gulps nervously, setting her gitar case on the ground and fumbling with the ties. First Chair? Mirala grins, waving her hand about, which causes her tail to fling about. "Scary... to those around me, at least." T'shar carries his wine over to a table and slides into a seat, awkwardly crossing one leg over his knee. Leya grins at Mirala's costume, then looks back at Kassi, "What do you think Lysseth would make of that green? I'm not sure Tovith would quite know what to do." Sauscony oohhs as she pads carefully around Mirala,'That is just wonderful...all the costumes are just wonderful.' She notes as she glances around. Arrow_Lad makes his way over from the courtyard.. Arrow_Lad slips into the Great Hall and glances about. White_Swan makes her way over from the courtyard.. Alysia sits down with her instrument and begins tuning under the watchful--and quite stern--gaze of the Journeyrank. I'sai wanders Kassima's way, "Fresh from stores, I'm happy to say. - Hey, you're saying my name, that doesn't go with this whole pretending-to-be-someone-else thing. Or is it just pretending-to-be-different? Huh. And do... well, it was pretty scary; I'm not the real me, I'm the replacement." Now and again he glances towards the harpers, with a would-be professional eye. Mirala grins over at Leya. "I know, I know, everyone's been a dragon. I was going to come as Kazeth, but Weaver Dela had this fabulous dress, already." She bobs her head at Sauscony. "I never miss a gather." White_Swan comes in and looks around at all the costumes. Then she proudly feathers her way over to whereever the wine is, and poursherself a glass. Arrow_Lad: A lad of about 14 turns, with a look of intelligence in his bright blue eyes, a shiny silver hoop in his left ear, and an unruly mop of dark curls. At 8.7 handspans (5'9"), he is tall for his age, and slender too, although recent months endevors have added some muscle to his frame and taken some of the boyish roundness from his face. The lad looks exactly like S'more of Igen Weyr, in a light shirt of creamy linnen and close-fit trousers of indigo twill tucked into gleaming black boots. The one truly remarkable thing about him, though, is that he seems to have an arrow stuck through his head, the point a couple fingerwidths above one ear and the fletching about the same distance about the other. That must hurt. Ice slinks in along the wall, keeping to the shadows for the moment. She peers out at the others there, and spies T'shar, of all people. Not that he'd recognize her in this getup, but... Kassima closes one eye in a wink, a grin visible beneath the beak's overshadow. "Perhaps, perhaps--and Lysseth said nigh the same; that if'n I insisted on looking like food, 'twould only serve me right if'n I found m'self a dragon-snack. At least 'twould be an interesting way t'go. But I am glad you're here--" Brassy claws disappear into a pocket hidden somewhere beneath all that feathery flutter, emerging with a small and gaudily wrapped box. "A'fore this gets t'be any more belated... oh, that *is* a fine costume," she approves of Mirala's. "Lyss would be pleased by what *she'd* decide was tribute. Would you rather we called you Tree, then? And I have t'be handing it to you--wonderfully creative, that." She only smiles a wicked smile at mention of her wicked actions. Ice: Palest blues, silvery whites, streaks of silver thread hanging. Her frozen countenance casts shivers along your spine. Bits of 'snow' fall across her body, gathering at her feet, piling into a cottony fluff. Her skin is coated in a silvery blue-white paint, silver threads accenting the paint in spots. Even her hair is painted blue, snow dotted over it, spilling down her face, across her breasts. Silver threads hang from her fingers, as if water dripped down her hands and froze. Delicate outlines of crystaline shards splinter up from her feet, stretching across her legs like diamonds, accented with little puffy clouds of silver sparkles. Even her nails look frozen, a frosty opal color sweetly caressing them. Her stomache is a gallery of frozen crystals, reaching up under a fluff of snow hiding her breasts. Her neck is shattering, delicate ice crystals cracked up her neck across her face. Only clear the eyes looking out at you give any hint to who she might be. T'shar knocks back another drink of wine, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and looking over the costumed crowd absently. He tugs at his shirt, tucking it back into his pants. White_Swan holds her glass of wine and mingles quietly, making her way around this way and that. She is the picture of grace and serenity, although she trips on the back of her gown once in a while...guess costumes won't hide ones true nature. Arrow_Lad looks around at all the partigoers. He seems to be one of few without a mask. Sauscony grins at Mirala, 'Me neither...Mostly I am working though..I was terrible and didn't volunteer to help with the tent this time. "If it pleases you," I'sai assures. "Just don't go carving your initials in, all right? ...And that is an, uh, a nice dress. Mirala. Though Leya's looks awfully dangerous all by itself. Did the painting and such take long? Does it smear real easily?" Spotting the poor Arrow Lad, he waves his way. Ice eyes the crowd for a moment, not that she's shy, but.. well, she's not in her normal getup. She steps up to T'shar and grins up at him "Hi!" she says, somewhat quietly, wondering /why/ he looks so rumpled. Mirala tilts her head at Kassima, turning to unfold her wings a bit. "It'd be an honor to be Lysseth's tribute, if she asks. But don't let her tell Kaz, or I'm in for it." She gazes at the costumes and wearers she can't place, then clucks at the healer. "Tsk. I spend all morning in the tent baking pies." She grins at I'sai. "Thanks. I was tempted to come as "Mirala the fashion model", but decided that would probably not be such a good idea." Arrow_Lad waves back at the masked fellow. Leya-Fire grins at I'sai, "Tree? When then I suppose I'm Fire or Flame, whichever you prefer." She reaches up to scratch under her mask, the dragon on her arm bending with her. She wrinkles her nose, "It gets hot under these things." She shakes her head at I'sai, "I didn't take too long. Hasa paints fast and it shouldn't smear, but I'm not going to take any chances." T'shar blinks up at Ice, frowning. "Do I know you?" he grunts. Alysia finishes tuning and looks up tenatively. "Don't be looking at me, girl." The Harper J-man "The audience is waiting. Let us hear what you can do." With a resigned sigh, Alysia puts a smile on her face, and strums her fingers lightly over the strings, guaging the gitar's sound. Satisfied, she begins plucking away, a gently rolling melody with all the airiness of a zephry. I'sai agrees, deadpanning, "Could catch cold. Even here. And besides, as I learned, there are knives around for the strings... Fire, flame, flame, fire. How to choose. Won't even risk it in a dance, when they're ready?" White_Swan whispers to Leya-fire, "Very lovely...you are quite a sight m'lady." Mirala snorts. "Knives for the strings? Great Faranath." Sauscony smiles as she considers the various outfits,'So many wonderful costumes' she notes as she absently plays with a petal. Ice plants her hands on her hips and frowns slightly at T'shar "You should. You watched me grow up." she responds "You know.. Your near and dear sister." "Who had claws," I'sai promptly points out. Arrow_Lad makes his way over to Fire and the masked fellow. "That sounds like I'sai banter to me." He grins. Kassima hooks one claw out as though in threat, but does not after all attempt to incise her initial like a Pernese imitation of Zorro. "I don't know whether she'd *ask*, Mirala--she might just assume," she admits wryly. "Dancing. Bah. Wise of you t'be avoiding it, Leya--ooh, look there." She has to cover her beak with one claw to stifle laughter, espying Arrow Lad's choice of costume. "That's clever! Painful-looking, but clever." Sauscony frowns as she looks down, 'Oh bother.' She grumbles softly. Sauscony steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Leya-Fire grins at I'sai, "It looks like someone else already has caught cold." She nods toward Ice. "I'd better stay away from her, she might melt." She looks over at White_Swan as she whispers to her, "Thank you. So are you." She looks closer at her, "You sound familiar. Hmmm..." After a moment of the apprentice's playing, the drummer picks up the counter-beat, adding substance to the gitar's notes. The pipes then start in, matching the gitar without drowning it out. T'shar mms, squinting at Ice. "You're not Lishana, you're not pregnant. And you're not Grace. You said sister so you're not Fioran and that leaves," he has to think for a minute. "Delari?" He squints some more. "You look pale. Are you sick?" I'sai snaps his fingers, if with an eye for those claws, "Giveaway. How -are- you, S'more? And where did you get the idea for, well, well, what you're wearing?" and after a moment follows Leya's gesture towards Ice, glancing over himself. Mirala bobs her head, and spreads out her own fingers, which end in sharp metal Smith-made tips. "Exactly. So they'd regret it." She chuckles at Kassima, shaking her head. "Of course, Pern revolves around greens... which is why I, naturally, make a good one," she finishes, preening, and winks. White_Swan sips the top of her wine glass and grins under her mask at Leya but she doesn't give away who she is. "YEs, I probably do..." Lysseth> Taralyth just so happens to wander down the strand in Lysseth's general direction, he does, now that the majority of the humans are no longer underfoot. Even figuratively. Arrow_Lad grins at I'sai and the Kassima-like one. "From desperation combined with a desire not to line the pockets of the weaver any more today." Leya-Fire's eyebrows raise as she realizes she didn't answer I'sai's question, "Oh, and I think I could manage a dance. I'm sure it won't smear for that." She frowns back at White_Swan, "No clues? You seem to know who I am." A smile touches her eyes, though she's still frowning. Ice's frown changes to a smile again and she shrugs "Nae, not sick. It's paint." she grins and points off in Mirala's direction "My buyer is waiting for me, so I'll pester you later." she says, turning, but not before leaving with an age old tease, sticking her tongue out at her brother. Then she flounces over toward Mirala, leaving a trail of glitter and fluff particles behind her. Filliana makes her way over from the courtyard.. Alysia's posture relaxes as she lets the music come forth. Stepping up the beat slightly, her fingers trip lightly yet firmly over the strings, flowing like a babbling brook. White_Swan says "Hmmmm we knew each other a long time ago, and it's been ages since I've visited my home craft, the woody hall." K'nan makes his way over from the courtyard.. Keagan makes his way over from the courtyard.. K'nan strides along into the Great hall with a vaguely defiant look upon his face. Let someone say something. He dares them. T'shar slouches down in his chair again, reflexively making a face at his sister's retreating back. Mirala gazes over at the arrow lad, grinning. "But how did you manage to stand in front of *your own* archery?" She turns to smile at Ice, sweeping her tail down for a bow. "Oh, very nice." Lysseth> Better the whisper of sand underfoot than the crunch of bones, anyway, and it's also much less messy. Lysseth curves her neck to watch the bronze approach, a faint rumble escaping. One wing unfolds, extends, lifts in invitation--warmer here than home, but perhaps more warmth wouldn't be remiss? White_Swan looks over as K'nan comes in and giggles hysterically to herself, her hand and wine glass hiding her mouth lest he notice. I'sai checks, "Any -more-? What have you been buying? ...Well, then, it's a deal, flame-girl, and I promise not to try anything that'd involve smearing. So you'd better not ei - ei - ei - is that _K'nan_?!" Keagan enters with Filliana on his arm and quickly hands two heavy cloaks to a waiting drudge, then scans the gathering. K'nan: Wearing an easy smile, the occasional spark of mischief gleaming in his sky-blue eyes, this rider seems to have been around for more than a few years now...but still seems approachable and friendly most of the time. Shot through with a few strands of grey from his long life, his hair is still mostly its light brown in hue -- a little long for a 'rider, but tied back from his face in a loose runner's tail with a piece of hide to keep it from being a burden during flight. Well. He's certainly dressed... differently. To say the least. His leather riding gear or simple tunics have been cast aside, it seems, for -- a gown. Yes, a gown, of shimmering emerald sisal matching the color of his lifemate in places covers his muscled form -- and, ill-fitting as it is, it offers quite a glimpse of leg and chest. Not that it's quite as fetching on him as it would probably be upon its originally intended wearer. But it's.. interesting. Arrow_Lad shrugs at Mirala. "I'm just very talented." He grins and opens his mouth to respond to I'sai, but follows the bronzerider's look instead. Ice's motion completely stops and she gapes at K'nan "Oh.. uuhhmm. Mirala, look.. The latest fashion! Gowns for guys, I wonder if Tis will wear one.. hmmm...." "That had better," K'nan states firmly as he walks along over towards the White Swan, "Be some shardin' good food, bluerider. An' I'm half-tempted to hold you t'that first offer as well.." He sounds stern, but there's a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Though he's trying to hide it. "Oh, I understand *that*," Kassima agrees, dryness personified. "I've lined the Weaver-pockets quite *enough*, thankee." A meaningful look is shot towards I'sai and Leya both. "Lysseth would agree with the place of greens, t'say the least, and--" Speaking of green, there's... K'nan? Yes. K'nan. And she can't help it--she claps both claws over her mouth to hide her laughs, shoulder-shakes sending wings atremble. Oh, *dear*. T'shar glances over at K'nan and frowns, muttering something that sounds suspiciously like, "He can't fill that out like /I/ could." "Tell me -you- didn't buy one of -those-, S'more," I'sai says, gape-jawed such that he can't even smirk Kassima's way. Filliana does a quick adjustment to her headpiece then reaches over to straighten Keagan's grass skirt. "Better watch when the wind comes into the Hold through that open doorway, dearest." she counsels him then grins teasingly. Filliana: Dusky grey eyes flecked with tinges of deep green look out under long dark lashes intently. This 5'8" tall, diplomatic woman, Lady Bitra, is 27 Turns, 1 months, and 21 days old, of medium build and somewhat muscular, especially about her upper arms, legs and shoulders. Turns of riding and training runnerbeasts have matured her frame, making her strong yet supple. A small, narrow scar runs jaggedly along her right arm, close to her elbow. Four twined scarves of brilliant blue, red, yellow and green crisscross the Lady Holder's bosom, knotted behind the neck then at mid-back. Sitting low on her hips is a broad waistband of soft reeds, woven tightly down to the top of her thighs where the grass skirt billows out freely. The band is studded with rubies at equidistant lengths with a deep red velvet ribbon twisted into the reeds around the gems. Tight around her forehead is a matching band of red velvet and rubies, which holds her headdress on securely. Long quail feathers soar upward, dancing with the wind currents while goose feathers, dyed in the same four colors, make up the caplet that covers all of her hair. Upon the top of each slipper are four small feathers, overlapping each other, of matching hues similar to her caplet and scarves. At the outer edge of each of Filliana's eyes, just past the lashes, is a tiny chunk of ruby, glittering as the light refracts off of it. Rumor has it that this lass is determined, strong willed and energetic with an uncanny ability to spot exceptional runnerstock several dragonlengths away. White_Swan excuses herself from Leya and moves away from the door and tries to hide from the scowling greenrider in his er...costume. She gets caught by K'nan on her way to hide in the corner and she turns around, waving her hand in the air. "It's really quite lovely on you!" Arrow_Lad blinks at I'sai. "A dress?" Leya-Fire looks back I'sai as she digs around in memory for who Swan might be. "I won'..." She blinks as she sees the new arrives, "Oh. My. Word. It is." Her attention is taken off of him, by a sudden flash and she turns to White_Swan, "Davi?" Mirala chuckes at the S'more-like figure, then follow's Ice's gaze. She whistles, "Nice costume... baby!" she calls in a deep voice. Keagan: Keagan meets your look with a level gaze that shows that he is a man who is confident in his abilities. He moves with a causal feline-like grace that is uncommon for a man of his stature. He greets those he meets with a firm handshake, a broad smile and an appraising eye. The image of a large Southern feline flashes briefly in your mind as you look upon this large man. He stands a finger's breadth over 2 meters tall. He has broad shoulders and muscular arms that testify to a life of hard work. His legs are strong and slightly bowed implying many long hours spent on the backs of runnerbeasts. Wavy flaxen blonde hair cascades down to brush his shoulders. His eyes are a pale green color, which seems to shift to hazel and back as you look at him. Keagan is attired in a long grass skirt that consists of a narrow woven waistband holding long strips of beach grass that reach to mid calf. A headpiece made of goose feathers that have been dyed in various bright shades of blue, red, yellow, and green adorns his brow. The headress is generally circular in shape, but the feathers stick out in all sorts of strange directions giving the appearance that some strangely colored wherry divebombed into his head. A pair of tan wherhide sandles protect his feet. His skin is lightly bronzed and the muscles of his chest, back and legs are smooth, but nicely delineated. "A dress," I'sai confirms. "You didn't. Did you? Tell me you didn't. ..." though at the sound of Filliana's voice he's at least able to call over, "Harpers' duties!" masked as he is. The journeyrank Harper, his arms folded across his chest, lets his firm gaze soften a bit as he begins tapping his foot in time to the music. Alysia catches his actions from the corner of her eye, and smiles. Overconfidence, unfortunately, creeps in, and she grimaces as she fouls up the bridge. Trying to make the most of it, she concentrates on an improvise melody, attempting to catch up. White_Swan shhhhhhs at Leya from a bit far away and then turns back to K'nan, all white toothed grin, her normal dorky smile underneath the facade of swan lovliness..how is she going to get out of this one? Arrow_Lad shakes his head solidly at I'sai. "No, I most certainly did not buy a dress." Leya-Fire grins at White_Swan, then goes back to stare in disbelief at K'nan. She leans closer to I'sai and murmurs, "Aren't you glad Taralyth isn't green?" Kassima declares in muffled mirth, "Kanana, latest of the Femalemen of Pern. I love it. Looking good, mentor mine!" she calls out for good measure, with the inevitable whistle--just in case anyone managed to miss him. He'll no doubt appreciate her helping to rectify that situation. Filliana raises a hand to I'sai, or at least whoever's in the costume, seeming to be somewhat hesitating about doing so. One of the costumes catches her eye, and makes her laugh, then she calls out the reply to I'sai, "Bitra's Duties to you, yes, whomever you are." I'sai twitches slightly at the bridge, or maybe it's just at Leya's whisper, to which he nods complete and utter assent; afterward, "Well, what did you buy, then?" and returns the wave thereafter. K'nan just shakes his head -- and then spreads his arms outwards, and gives a turn, before planting a hand on one hip and asking in general, "So.. what do y'all think? Aye, aye, I know I'm a little small in th'bust for this gown, but.." A wink, over towards Kassi. Remember, dear mentee. He still owes you one. Arrow_Lad speaks in low tones, clearly not wanting his words to carry. He mutters to I'sai. Kassima then does echo once her laughs have run their course enough to allow it, "Duties t'Bitra and her Lady, aye...." She only mirrors K'nan's wink. She remembers. She's just not *worried*. Telgar Weyr> Leya-Fire says, "Still haven't gotten Kassi back for dumping klah down your pants?" T'shar calls out to K'nan, all helpful-like, "Socks. Use socks for the chest." He speaks with the voice of vast experience. Keagan swats at the grass just as Fil adjusts it for him. "Maybe these skirts weren't such a good idea." he says quietly to her, then returns I'sai's(?) greeting. "Bitra's duties to uh, Harper." He then urges Fil farther into the room toward the refreshment table. White_Swan pulls out a small sack and rummages in it and then pulls out a soft stick with berry pumice on the end, she dips it in her wine glass and takes a bit on her finger. "Here," she says as she runs it across K'nan's lips, giving them a nice red glow, "That's better..." she smiles then and finishes, stepping back. "Perfect." Telgar Weyr> Kassima idly tries to figure out just how long the standing line to kill her character is. ;) Telgar Weyr> K'nan has dibs. I trained her, I can kill her. Aurian walks down the staircase and out into the great hall. Alysia continues with renewed attention and care, her eyes fixed on the placement of her fingers. The music swells into finale, the pipes leading the the other instruments into the end of the song. K'nan arches his left eyebrow in a slow arch as the Swan paints his lips that shade of red -- and he smirks ever so faintly, before collapsing in helpless chuckles, "Someone bring me some wine, b'fore I die of embarassment.." Sayuri steps out of the hall into the courtyard. White_Swan grins and finishes her own glass of wine as well. "Aye, and I need another." Filliana moves through the crowd toward the indicated refreshments, then pauses, right near Kassi. She peers toward the rider then laughs. "Claws? And that's Kassi in there I presume?" Leya-Fire blinks at T'shar, "I think I should be scared." She looks back at I'sai and Arrow_Lad, but is polite and doesn't evesdrop. She goes over to refreshment table and looks over it. She looks at a Benden red for a bit, but mutters something that sounds like 'spawn' and gets a glass of bubbling grape juice instead. I'sai, sans socks to donate, just stares some at S'more. "From the -weavers-," he repeats, if less shocked than simply surmising; "...Fancy. Bet it'll look good. It'd better." Mirala grins over at the Ice-woman. "So, are you mine for tonight? Can I get you something to drink?" Aurian wanders in lightly. She pushes her fingers through her hair,. Lysseth> Taralyth does curl his talons into said sand as he amiably ambles his way along, with only the briefest over-the-wing glance at Kvasith's arrival and subsequent landing elsewhere; he noses Lysseth over gently, gently, then thumps down in the sand more-or-less where invited - but to the windward side, not the lee. Arrow_Lad shrugs and nods. "I know, there's good stuff in the stores, but a friend thought it'd be a good idea." "What keeps giving me away?" Kassi asks, mock-plaintive. "If'n 'twere a *headless* wherry, 'twould understand, but I decided nay t'be giving the local children nightmares--and besides, this way I didn't have t'be paying for a costume. Borrowing it, y'know. You're looking quite colorful tonight, Lady Fil." The overheard sock advice sets off another spate of snickers. "Socks or just rags, either work very well," she agrees helpfully. I'sai leans in to confer, "Good idea, huh. Not a weaver friend, I assume. I didn't go that far, but instead, these -smiths-..." he drops his voice further for a few more sentences, quieter by far than the song's finale. White_Swan is enthralled with looking at all the beautiful people out tonight...the wine helps a bit with her mood, but she still stands transfixed. The harpers smile their encouragement to the slightly flustered Alysia, congratulating her, downplaying the slip-up. Alysia sets her instrument down for a bit, flexing her left hand. Ice beams at Mirala "I'm all yours!" she grins "Well, tonight anyway. As long as you dont do anything.. uhmm.. non-nice or whatever." White_Swan giggles "Aye, an' you'd know well about that, Kassima.." K'nan shakes his head, trying to disguise the vague discomfort he always feels when surrounded by so many people, then glances down to the Swan with a crooked smile, "Nay, nay it doesn't. Nice of y't'say so, though." Sayuri makes her way over from the courtyard.. White_Swan smiles and goes to get another drink, and fills a gigantic mug for K'nan as well. Keagan pauses beside Fil as she stops to speak to a quite large wherry in a Kassima shape. Chuckling softly he remarks, "You're lucky Lysseth didn't try to make you dinner, Kassi." Arrow_Lad nods to I'sai. Mirala assumes her best proddy voice, and cackles evilly. "Non-nice? I just hope you're worth the marks." Then she winks, and assumes her usual grin. "Can I get you some pie?" Leya-Fire grins at Kassi, "Who else would dress up like a giant wherry, Kassi?" She laughs at Keagan's comment. "I said almost the exact same thing." Alysia stands up and whispers to the jouyneyrank Harper. With a stern nod of approval from the man, Alysia makes her way over to the serving table. Sayuri looks around the room, then wanders over to I'sai. White_Swan brings K'nan his mug and then excuses herself a moment, "I need to speak with someone...pardon me for a bit." She crosses around and through couples talking and laughing and makes her way to where T'shar is sitting. She looks down at him and then sits next to him, close enough to talk privately. I'sai's light tenor becomes more easily audible again, between songs as they are; "So, uh, everything else going well? You and Zakath and all. Haven't gotten scored or anything." Ice beams hugely "Piiie?!" she creens "Did you make it?" Arrow_Lad shakes his head. "No, thank Faranth. All is fine so far. How're things up at Telgar?" K'nan accepts the mug from the Swan with a grateful nod, and a second nod of understanding and agreement -- before finding a place out of the way to settle himself and sip from his wine, glancing over the gathering with wry amusement. Kassima agrees readily enough, "'Twould--I've dressed enough men t'be knowing. Just ask Keagan." And her smile towards that individual is bright. "Lysseth wouldn't, but she's still placing bets on *another* dragon trying it. Faranth help me." Sayuri wonders whether I'sai's still scared of her. Lysseth> Lysseth gives ground unstintingly; she must be in a fine mood indeed--or perhaps the willingness is inspired by whom she's giving ground to. So generous of Taralyth to be wind-shield for her, and the brightly azure hue to spinning eyes and gentle, warm-breathed whuffle along his neckridges express her appreciation as best she may. T'shar is out of wine, so he's mostly sitting and picking at his fingernails. White_Swan looks at T'shar and smiles. T'shar glances up, sensing someone nearby, and blinks at the swan again. "Umm, I don't want to buy any," he tries. Filliana eyes Keagan oddly, then goes back to choosing a glass of wine from the tray of a young girl drudge. "Really now?" she comments with an interested look from overtop the glass' rim toward her fiance. Mirala bobs her head, in an expression of mock wearyness. "I've baked -- or overseen, at least -- nearly all of the gather pies." She strides over to the serving tables, wings fluttering behind her, and fills a large plate of various foods, and the all important pie. Bakers know how to eat. And drink, apparently, as she scoops up two mugs of Benden red. "Good," she says, sniffing. "That's why Boll is such a fine hold, they drink Benden here." White_Swan giggles, "Silly Tish." Alysia accepts a glass of wine from a steward and drains about half of it before turning around and gazing at the array of costumes gathered together. Sayuri makes up her mind. She walks up to I'sai and asks, "Are you still scared of me?" Leya-Fire giggles, "She would." She cocks her over to one side, "But who does she bet with and how would she collect? And what?" She takes a drink of sparkling grape juice. She giggles as she eyes Kassi's costume, "You do make a nice wherry." I'sai hikes up his shirttails just enough that he can rest his thumbs in his pants' pockets, and lean back on his sandalled heels; "Glad to hear it. And, well, fine. Fine enough, anyway. Been doing some snow-work up in the Wastes to prepare for the season, and we've got quite a few residents going to be on those Istan sands, and ... and that sort of thing. Myk's off watchriding for this cycle, by the way; bet he'd like it if you stopped by." Arrow_Lad nods. "Aye, I can do that easily enough. Where is he?"" T'shar blinks, then leans closer to the swan. "Is that you? Everyone looks so weird." A pause and he adds, "Um, you look really nice, of course. I'sai grins all of a sudden, "Back ho - what?" only now do Sayuri's words register, it seems; "...Scared? I'm not -scared-. S'more, meet Sayuri, Sayuri, the non-deceased-despite-the-arrow S'more." Kassima shrugs shoulders with delicate care. "Me? Other dragons? I'm nay sure; I don't think she's ever actually bet, though she keeps threatening to. Might be interesting if'n she did. 'Psst, Tovith; half a herdbeast says Leerth will win Sluth's flight,' something like that." Her peer down towards her costume is slightly worried. "That seems t'be suggesting either brainlessness, plumpness--well, can't deny the last--or edibleness. Should I be afraid?" White_Swan smiles at T'shar, "Aye it's me...and thanks. I worked hard on the outfit." She looks him over worriedly. "nice outfit" T'shar looks down at his clothes and clears his throat. "Oh. Yeah. I, um, worked hard on this too," he says unconvincingly, before leaning forward to murmur back. Sayuri sniffs. "Men!" She smiles charmingly at... uh... the arrow. White_Swan laughs Arrow_Lad holds out a hand. "Well met, Sayuri." Then, catching the look waggles the arrow with his other hand. "Fake, honest." The j-man Harper catches Alysia's attention and gestures for her to return to the stage. Fininshing her drink, she places the glass on the table and wanders back to resume her place. T'shar blinks, then gives the swan a loooooong up-and-down look. "Only if you do too," he stipulates. Sayuri attempts to take the hand, but misses by a foot or so because she's still staring that the now wiggling arrow. Leya-Fire laughs, the dancing flames matching her dancing eyes. "That would be funny, though Tovith would probably be in the flight, which would spoil the effect." She shakes her head in exasperation, then grins and leans back on the table behind her. "Afraid? No, not afraid," she says grinning, slyly. Keagan's cheeks bloom with crimsom roses, "It was a long time ago." he says with a glare at Kassima. Arrow_Lad chuckles a bit. I'sai says, "Good thing, too. All things considered," and trails off to glance briefly in Leya's direction, and rather more swiftly away. "Know anyone else here we ought to meet, S'more? Don't want to stand in our own Tel - ah, 'Harper' clump. Or, at least, not for the whole night." Masked_Avenger makes his way over from the courtyard.. Masked_Avenger's cloak swushes out behind him as he enters, he shoots a dashing grin to everyone in the room, hands on his hips. Arrow_Lad glances around. "I'll follow your lead, Is. I'm not good at this sort of thing myself." Filliana notes the blushing cheeks, then slips her arm into her betrothed's. "Maybe we should go and have a talk? Outside?" Kassima waves a claw airily, glowlight catching off the brassy crescents. "Oh, y'never know. I make bets with riders whose dragons are in a flight already now and then, y'know, though usually they just give me a confused look when I try... fancy that." Her eyes dance as she slides them back towards Keagan. "As you say, future Lady Keaganna. If'n nay afraid, Leya, then what? That smile of yours worries me." Stefyn makes his way over from the courtyard.. T'shar's mouth sort of drops open and he ogles Swan-lady for a while longer before he coughs. He mutters to White_Swan, "... um,... be... you... since... both,... you... you..." Masked_Avenger: The Masked Avenger stands about 5'10". He has searching blue/grey eyes, and light skin. In addition to this, he appears to be built quite well, as to a life no doubt of challange and hard work. He wears a pitch black shirt with billowing sleeves and a V neck. And the same shade of pitch black pants, and a long black cloak. Over his eyes, cheeks and nose, is a shiny cloth-coated mask. The Masked Avenger notices your glance, and tosses you an over-animated dashing grin. He looks to be somewhere in his later teens. I'sai's gaze twitches away from the claw-glint, while it's at it, and then he suggests, "Um, there are people over there with wine? We could go 'talk to them.' Or, well, or not. Whichever. Bring a little to the harpers, since I know some of them too? Might even be grateful." White_Swan mutters to T'shar, "... ok... you... You're welcome... come... said... was... The... feel like you... either..if you don't..." Leya-Fire grins, "I wonder why." She eyes Keagan and shakes her head. She merely smiles mysteriously at Kassima. She frowns at her empty glass and turns around to fill it again from the same pitcher of sparkling grape juice. White_Swan stands up and smiles down at T'shar head, she places her hand on it briefly, sighs, and then moves off to find the dressed up greenrider. Arrow_Lad shrugs. "Sure. Okay." Keagan grabs a glass of wine from a passing tray and drains it quickly, then plucks another one before the tray glides away into the crowd. Turning his attention to Filliana, he replies, "That sounds like a grand idea. How about giving me a tour of the Boll stables I've heard so much about?" Alysia returns to her chair and trades intruments with the piper. Leaning in for a brief conference, the harpers whisper amonst themselves briefly, deciding on the next tune. K'nan is still where he leaned up against the wall, mug in hand still full save for the few sips of wine he's taken from it. White_Swan looks around for K'nan. I'sai nods to him, nods to Sayuri, and diverts from wherry and flame - barbecued wherry? - to wander in the direction of Alysia and the others. Masked_Avenger walks through the Hall glancing at all the costumes, with a nod here and a "Good evening" there. T'shar nods mutely at the swan, sitting back in his chair again and continuing to blink rapidly as though he's just received amazing news. Arrow_Lad traipses after I'sai with a wave to the flame and the fowl. White_Swan ahhhs and finds him, moving towards him through the crowds. She smiles as she draws up closer and twirls around, "So, do you like my outfit?" Mirala, after feeding Ice, gives in to her Baker urges and directs traffic at the serving table. Kassima manages to catch that twitch, one might assume--or perhaps it's just coincidence that she stretches out that hand, extending and flexing talons much like Lysseth might. Perhaps the green has been giving her rider lessons? The mysterious smile diverts her attention, and her eyes follow after Leya, decidedly concerned. But yes, she does wiggle sharp-tipped fingers after the departing duo. White_Swan has finished her second glass of wine and is feeling quite ...warm all over. Filliana watches Keagan's consumption, that action confirming the fact that it's probably a very good idea that he and she talk. Nodding toward each of the partygoers, she smiles as she heads toward the doorway. "Perhaps we can find Dyane. I would love to get that black gown she has in her closet. Borrow it, I mean." She sends a special wave to the Telgar riders, then disappears out the door. I'sai supposes on his way, "We could ask K'nan what the best wine they've go - no, wait, he looks busy all of a sudden." And though he doesn't otherwise comment on any clawed display, his pace does quicken slightly till they've reached the clump of harpers, at which point he clears his throat. "Ah. Hello." K'nan's lips curve then in a broad smile as the Swan twirls before him -- his sky-blue eyes roving over her slowly, then lifting to her face. "Quite lovely, bluerider - almost worth me putting on this gown just t'see you in it." Arrow_Lad blinks at I'sai's sudden commentary and nods. "Nice music." he notes, conversationally. Alysia nods in agreement with the others. Out of the corner of her eye, she spots the approaching bronzerider, and regards him warlmy. She mutters to I'sai, "Good eve to... leans..." Are you feeling well? You seem a bit piqued." Sayuri traipses after the lad with the arrow stuck in his head, squinting at his skull. Having finally decided that the arrow is indeed fake, she pushes it a bit with her finger, wobbling it around, and darts away, hoping he didn't see her. White_Swan grins widely, "And I thank you for that..it has cheered me up immensely. How did I ever talk you into doing it?" she grins and straightens the top of it for K'nan. "I suppose I should introduce myself formally, I'm Davienne, rider of Jaecinth, assistant weyrlingmaster at Fort. I don't usually have feathers...but my hair is always this messy. Keagan follows Filliana to the door, greeting and retreating from the partygoers almost in the same breath. A mixed look of dread and relief passes over his face as he disappears through the doors. Arrow_Lad feels a wiggle and turns, puzzed, to see Sayuri fleeing. Keagan steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Filliana steps out of the hall into the courtyard. "'Piqued'?" I'sai asks, and now he does cross his arms; "I don't know what you mean. Was just going to ask if anyone needs anything. Wine or something." Nothing like a groupie. "But, ah, this is S' - am I allowed to introduce you, or are you inco - incon - pretending to be someone else?" Masked_Avenger meanders over to the serving table, grabing himself a dessert. K'nan chuckles, ever so softly, and offers his hand.. "I suppose I was jus' bored enough t'do it.. K'nan, Veyath's rider out of Telgar as I said.." He grins, "Ah, but th'feathers set everything off so nicely.." Arrow_Lad chuckles. "You can introduce me as S'more, I'sai. It's not as though I have a mask or anything." Stefyn stands quietly agianst the wall, trying not to be noticed as he looks around. Sayuri glances back and sees Arrow_Lad looking at her. She dives behind I'sai. Davienne takes his hand and holds it gently, "Well met K'nan. I definately won't forget you in that dress." she chuckles to herself and grabs another glass of wine off a passing tray. "Being bored isn't something I'm used to I'm afraid." "S'more it is," I'sai says unnecessarily, and twists around to see who - "Oh. That's Sayuri. You, ah, remember her from the, ah, other night. And it looks as if we have a couple people just here for the food and propping up the wall," he adds, nodding towards that Masked Avenger and Stefyn as well. K'nan's fingers briefly and lightly curve through hers, then, "Well met, Davienne.. an' I won't forget you in that costume." A brief flash of grin, "An' sadly, being bored is something I've gotten used to, over th'Turns.." Davienne raises an eyebrow, "How could you be bored with that feisty green out there? She looks like quite the ride!" Davienne grins at the Masked Avenger as she catches his eye from across the room. Alysia turns to I'sai, smiling. "Well, saying as how Lady Dyane introduced me by name, I suppose there's no point in pretending otherwise." She looks over at the other 'rider, nodding. "Harper's duties to you. Alysia of High Reaches, apprentice at Harpercraft Hall." Kassima finds herself a glass of the sparkling juice also, though holding it is a bit of an adventure, to say nothing of drinking. Little enough wonder that by the time she gets the hang of it and returns to her prior place, her expression is rueful, amused, and exasperated all three. "I should've brought a straw," she quips to Leya. Arrow_Lad grins. "Brown Zakath's of Igen." he adds. Masked_Avenger spots the swan woman spotting him and smiles brightly. Sayuri pops up from behind I'sai shoulder to grin. I'sai teases, "Kind of her, isn't it? You could've faked being a journeyman, otherwise. Some dress, too; -is- it comfortable to, well, play in?" "So she is," K'nan agrees with a soft chuckle, "But th'days that we two used t'run about from Gather t'Gather an' Hold t'Hold in search of fun are over, sadly; we ran out of people t'enjoy it with long ago." T'shar drains his glass of wine and stares at the wall, thoughtfully. Leya-Fire laughs, her curled hair bouncing around her face. "I think so. It must be quite an...adventure trying to drink with that on." She lifts her own glass to take a drink, "That's why I'm only wearing a half-mask." Dragon> Lysseth senses that Taralyth indulges in sending back to her the glimpse of dusty-green underwing, all rippled with the moonlight reflected off the waves, and the smooth muscle that lines her throat; and then there's the faint hint of her scent mixed with the sea's salt and the jungle's humid and quite relentless green. ...Which is not to say the images mightn't be exaggerated slightly by his own tendresse, but there it is. Davienne waves her fingers at Masked_Avenger and leans to K'nan, "I quite like that lad's costume...it's very mysterious! Yet strangely alluring!" She then looks back at K'nan with a frown, "Oh that's sad news...why have you run out of people to enjoy? Aren't there new ones to enjoy all the time from your time with the old ones?" Even as she finishes this question, the realization of what she has said dawns on her and her expression falls a bit, and she drinks half her wineglass. She becomes silent suddenly. "I have a whole new respect for genuine wherries," Kassi agrees, tapping at the half-beak. "Thought only having half would be letting me eat, drink, and be merry, but this keeps *clunking* into things. And Faranth forfend I should be so rude a guest as t'be breaking a glass." K'nan quirks an eyebrow.. and then chuckles softly, shaking his head a little, "Nay, nay. Nobody remembers an' old greenrider like myself.." Alysia grins to I'sai. "Tell you what. Ol' Stuffy over there wants us to play. But if you return after this next number with a glass, I'll be grateful." She grins back at S'more and adds. "A very interesting costume." Sayuri decides to retreat outside for some fresh air. Sayuri steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Arrow_Lad shrugs, "It was sorta short notice. Any particular preferences on drink?" "Fair all around," I'sai agrees, with a sweet smile for Ol' Stuffy. "What kind of number? ...So I have an edge on finding someone to dance or, well, not." Masked_Avenger nods politely to Swan/Davienne, smile still on his face as he takes a drink of wine. Alysia winks as she takes up her position. "Surprise me." To I'sai she says "And what would be your preference of song, bronzerider?" Davienne looks at K'nan and smiles to him, "Well, I better be getting back to Jaecinth now...I have some things to do in Fort tonight still...but I will hold on my promise of making you dinner, K'nan." Arrow_Lad chuckles and nods. Miranelle makes her way over from the courtyard.. Leya-Fire grins, resisting the temptation to reach up and tap the beak as well, instead she taps her glass. "Breaking glasses probably wouldn't make a good impression, no." She reaches up to adjust her mask, rubbing at the faint red line is leaves on her nose. "You could maybe take it off. Don't know wear you'd put it though..." she says looking around. Miranelle stands quietly in the doorway for a few moments before venturing into the room with a smile at the various costumed people. T'shar's head tilts back slightly and a soft snore escapes him. Jenni makes her way over from the courtyard.. Masked_Avenger strides toward the masked Miranelle, cloak again, swushing from side to side behind him. "You cant fool me that easily!" He says with a wry grin. Miranelle looks up at the man with an intriged smile, "Fool you?" Kassima points out with wry humor, "Aside from which, a beakless wherry would look rather *odd*, don't you think? Sort of like a strange human-wherry crossbreed, and that'd be as nightmarish as the headless idea--but a'fore I forget, *what* was that smile about earlier? When you said I shouldn't be afraid." I'sai shrugs matter-of-factly, "Doesn't much matter to me. Maybe a line dance, try to get everyone playing? They can worry about the couple-thing later, if they must." K'nan smiles back to Davi easily, and nods once, "I'll hold you to it; take care, an' g'deve, Davienne.." Stefyn edges his way through the crowd to find something to drink. Davienne slips out of the room after bidding K'nan a good eve and a big smile at the masked one. Davienne steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Arrow_Lad glances between the two, then ducks off for a moment, returning shortly with three mugs. "Just juice, sine I don't know how long you'll be performing." Masked_Avenger nods with a broad grin to Miranelle. "I know just who you are. But do you know who I am?" Taelenna makes her way over from the courtyard.. Jenni walks in quietly, staying against one of the walls as she watches the gathering of people in amusement. The journeyman harper gives yet another stern look to Alysia. Sitting up straight, she quickly nods to I'sai. "Alright, then, a line-dance it is. You can set mine down ther," she says to S'more, pointing next to her chair. "And thanks. Save a dance for me later?" K'nan, bereft of what company he had (and dragged him back here all the way from home) and dressed in a silly costume, starts to make his way along towards the door again after finishing off his wine. Leya-Fire grins, "No Kassi-wherry to scare the littles with? 'Be good or you'll turn into a wherry like Kassi.'" She takes a drink, then nearly gets it up her nose at Kassi's question to her. "Oh, I was just teasing you. You know, like how you do. Making people think things. You're right, it's fun." Lysseth> Taralyth senses that Lysseth combs thought's fingers through these images, with interest and care: she knows herself as she perceives herself, but his perception... well, now, that's another thing. The warmth of affectionate gratitude steals through her sending a moment before se returns the favor, weaving a tapestry of shimmering champagne, the softness of bronze hide over muscle and bone, the glimmer of a primatic wing--bordered in blue diamond, as testimony and tribute. Or perhaps it is only crystal after all, reshaping itself for the purpose while remaining true in its core. Arrow_Lad sets down the glass and grins. "Sure." Miranelle's eyes turn from the man for a moment, she spots somone she recognizes, "K'nan?" Masked_Avenger spots Taelenna's entrance and flashes her a dashing smile. Mirala perches near the serving table, molesting random people with offers of pie. Ofira makes her way over from the courtyard.. The harpers ready their instruments for the next number. Standing up, Alyisa clears her throat and announces "A request for a line-dance has been made. Please clear an area for those who wish to dance." Jorenan makes his way over from the courtyard.. Taelenna walks in quietly, and quite without any other High Reaches folk. She immediately glimpses the handsome smile awarded her by the Masked Avenger, and responds with a wink and a quiet giggle. Jorenan strolls in after Ofira and looks around. I'sai bows his fair head to the harper by way of salute, mutters to S'more, "Though a breather mightn't be bad either," and starts wandering across the floor. Kassima attempts to give Leya a raspberry in return for this jest, but the mask does hamper things a bit. "I can scare littles quite on m'own, thankee, if'n I'm so minded! Ah, so--" She sets her glass carefully aside, so as not to spill it while laughing. "I've led another down the teasing route. All show and nay substance, as they say--marvelous." However, the call for dancing wins the Harper a wary wherry look, and Kassi edges further back towards the wall. "This should be interesting t'watch," she decides. "Just so long as we're far enough back nay t'be stepped on." Jenni waves to K'nan, "Hey there." She wiggles her fingers slightly. Arrow_Lad blinks."A breather? But no one's started dancing yet." He finds his way into the clearing and looks for a spot to dance in. Ofira smiles, "Oh, Kassima's here, and K'nan came back." she says as she looks around. "And there's I'sai. I wonder who he came with." Mirala perks up, eyeing the Harpers. "About time." She spots the other bakers entering, and strides over to them, her wings and tail fluttering behind again. She grins at Ofira. "You've made a habit of having two dates today, haven't you?" She nods at Jore. "I'm still her property, you know." Returning to her seat, Alysia nods to the gitarist. The gitraist nods in return, and begins playing a sprighty tune, inviting those who wish to form up. Miranelle rips her bewildered eyes from K'nan and back to the dark fellow standing near her. She peers closer at him, dim recognition crosses her features, "No.." she says as if to reassure herself. T'shar is by now truly asleep, and making his own music in his small corner of the hall, snoring deeply and rhythmically. Taelenna edges away from all the line dancers, and back towards the serving tables to fetch herself a glass of wine. "But it's crowded," I'sai protests over his shoulder, and advances on poor Kassima and Leya - "Come on, you. Grab people and get out there. Kassi, you're not that bulgy yet, I know you can kick peo - uh, kick the air with the best of them." And there's his name, so he beckons, "You too! You can get smoochy later, 'fira." Shilarra makes her way over from the courtyard.. F'gon makes his way over from the courtyard.. Miranelle mutters to Masked_Avenger, ""My... is officially..." Stefyn reaches the serving tables, and grabs a glass of wine before trying to fade into the shadows again. Masked_Avenger chuckles at the masked Miranelle and sends another grin followed by a nod to Taelenna. Terryll makes her way over from the courtyard.. F'gon limps over, walking with Terryll. Arrow_Lad begins working his way through the steps, dancing around spaces until partners begin to appear. Jenni pinches lightly at the bridge of her nose and then sighs quietly as she scans the room again. Sayuri makes her way over from the courtyard.. Shilarra unconsciously fingers the leaves in her hair as she steps in, surveying the room with wide eyes. Leya-Fire grins over her glass at Kassi, "I'm glad I've my wingleader proud. Learned from the best." She looks over with interest at the dancers lining up for the dance, "I don't look. It looks like it might be fun to join in." She rubs the condensation from her glass, "I wonder if I'd have to have parnter for this dance." Ofira blinks, "'Fira? Smoochy? This is how you talk to me now I'sai?" She shakes her head and looks rather awkwardly from Mirala to Jorenan, "Well, yes...I was just explaining to Jorenan..." Kassima waves claws towards Ofira and Jorenan, spotting them, but then *she's* spotted. "Is, I can't *dance*," she protests, with a vehement headshake. "Or only can a bit, and then the partner had best have a great deal of courage and sturdy boots--maiming people would be *bad* for Weyr-Hold relations. Really." The drummer lays out a slow beat on her hand-drums in time to the gitar as those who choose to dance take their places. Sayuri walks over to the wine. K'nan looks up as Miranelle greets him, and he flashes her a surprised smile, "Heyla.." And then, another smile towards Jenni, "Hey.." Hrm. He was going to leave.. T'shar snore, snore, snore. Remarkably in time with the drums, as it happens. Jorenan grins. "Me and Sauscony," he says to Ofira, about I'sai. Then he gives Mirala a knowing grin. "Of course you are," he says. "And I'm glad to hear it. Miranelle rolls her eyes at her cousin and slips across the room, all smiles, towards K'nan, "Well I daresay you look better in that dress than I in mine!" she chuckles good-naturedly. Terryll slips her arm through F'gon's, simply looking around. M'dei walks down the staircase and out into the great hall. I'sai informs, "You -can- dance. All you do is stand in line, hold hands with people on your other side, and sort of follow along." That to Kassima; to his craftmaster, "Remember, this is a masquerade. I have a mask on. Just call me Tree-Man, ...or something. Jorenan? Help me here, and you too, Mirala." Mirala waves her hand at the floor, "And you're just in time, the dance as just started." She grins at Ofira, then at Jorenan. "Ohhhh. Your dances are already claimed, huh?" She preens at Jorenan. "Twentyfive marks. Not bad. Not as much as Kassi got though... woo." She rolls her eyes at all the protests, and nods, striding over to I'sai. "I'LL dance." Arrow_Lad trips over some poor girl and murmurs his apologies to her as the dance carries him mercifully further down the line. A few harpers break off to encourage people to line up, from wallflowers like Stefyn and Jenni, to couples like Terryll and F'gon. Jenni starts to say something to K'nan, but as he seems distracted by another conversation she just winks to him and then moves a little away from the wall to mingle through the crowd silently. Ofira shakes her head. "Tree-Man. I always knew he wasn't meant to be a baker," she says dismally. "As for my property...well, I do share what I have," she laughs, teasing, and heading after Mirala to the dance floor. Stefyn edges his way through the crowd, heading for the door as the music starts. Jorenan looks at I'sai thoughtfully. "Tree man? Err. How about 'Leafy?'" He rolls his eyes and then nods to Mirala. "I'd've paid thirty for you," he says solemnly, but I already have a full heart. Kassima squints wariness up at I'sai, after a resigned glance at Leya--so she's to be abandoned, is she? Well.... "If'n you'll promise t'be paying the Healer fees for the people whose toes I accidentally claw off," she promises I'sai. Maybe that will prove dissuading? M'dei lingers by the staircase, as it seems to be the safest place for him. At least, given the current state of affairs in the Hall. Leya-Fire grins at I'sai, "I think I might try to dance, Tree-man." She steps forward, beckoning to Kassima, "Come on. It'll be fun. I'm sure everyone's always wanted to dance with a wherry." Holding her glass of wine rather delicately -- by the stem -- Taelenna glances around and takes a few sideways steps towards the rhythmically snoring T'shar. Standing by him will surely be safer than standing anywhere near the dancers, yes? Terryll spots someone edging through the crowd, and breaks into a grin. "It can't be..." she murmurs. Mirala peers at I'sai. "You know, I barely remember you as a baker." She snorts, laughing. "Leafy." She smirks at Jorenan, mouthing, "Awwww," then grins. K'nan starts to say something else, but then Jenni's gone.. and he offers Miranelle a crooked smile, shaking his head, "I hardly think that... y'look a whole lot better'n I ever could." As if to prove it, he looks her over from head to toe.. and doesn't seem all that disappointed. So he does it again. Kassima, for no apparent reason, starts to choke on laughter at Leya's comment. "That's R'val, and only if'n they're dead," she manages to get out. Alysia taps out the tempo, raising the pipes to her lips. With a deep breath, she picks up the melody, sharp and resounding. The notes trill forth happily from the small pipes as the dancers go through their steps. F'gon walks with Terryll. Jenni waves a little towards M'dei, spying him through all the people...at least, it looked like that was him. "There's a reason for that, Mirala," I'sai teases, and encourages the others over, a few of the nearby dancers making room in line while others crowd on. Miranelle chuckles at K'nan rolls her eyes, "Haven't seen you in a while. Been stuck up there in Healer Hall. How's Veyath?" Sayuri looks like she's had a bit too much wine. She stumbles over to I'sai and greets him with, "Ay, Leafy! Love the mask!" The words slur as she wobbles back and forth. Leya-Fire arches an eyebrow at Kassima, "R'val? Dancing with dead wherries? I don't want to know." Her complextion reddens to match her costume as she catches sight of M'dei, but lifts a hand and waves him over as she moves to join the dance. Stefyn continues edging through the crowd, his eye on the door, so he doesn't notice Terryll as he passes her. Shilarra continues to stand near the entrance, looking around. Terryll reaches out an arm, and snags Stefyn's cloak. "Where do you think you're going?" she asks teasingly. F'gon walks with Terryll as she walks up to Stefyn. Kassima's half-glare towards her Wingmate promises that another incident for future payback has been added to the mental roster. "All right, *all* right, but *only* once and I'm out the second any toes go flying and blood starts flowing." Lovely image, that. She continues to grumble faintly as she trucks tail after the brownrider. "Long story. Let's just say that some men really will do the silliest things on a dare." Miranelle takes a moment to wave brightly at the stealthy Stefyn..well, not stealthy enough it seems. She grins over at him before returning her gaze to K'nan. Arrow_Lad waves over a couple faces he recognises, including Shilarra and F'gon and his weyrmate. Ofira takes her place with the dancers, next to Mirala. "Shall we show them what the Bakercraft can do?" M'dei returns the waves directed toward him, but Leya's gesture gets a quick shake of his head. He looks quite comfortable over here by the stairs, thank you, dressed in his (thankfully clean) weyrling garb. F'gon smiles to Arrow_Lad, chuckling. Jenni looks around one more time and then ducks out. Jenni steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Mirala twirls about, blithely slapping people with her wings and tail as she dances. "Reason for what, Leafy?" K'nan shrugs lightly, and gestures towards the entrance.. "She's well enough, well enough - out there enjoying th'beach, if y'care t'see her." Right on cue, the turns-old tune picks up in tempo, the drummer beating out the stacatto rhythm with gusto. Alysia dares a quick glance to her journeyrank, and picks up the melody. Shilarra grins as she recognizes a friend, walking slowly over towards Arrow. Arrow_Lad feet head into a clumsy double-time. He's still not much of a dancer. Masked_Avenger scanns his gaze over all of the costumes in motion (dancing). I'sai pokes Sayuri in line after Leya as best he can, ducks under a high-kicking damsel's leg, and circles - en route, at the brownrider's wave, _he_ spots M'dei and waves as well - to take up Kassima's other side. And swat at those baker-wings as they come into range -and- make a valiant attempt at keeping tempo at the same time: "What you said." Stefyn oofs as he's pulled to a stop, and turns reluctantly. He breaks out into a grin when he sees who it is. "Rylla!" He snatches her up into a hug, then, with a polite nod to f'gon, sets her back down next to the Rider. Mirala grins at Ofira, nodding. "Show them what Bakers are made of," she says, mid-turn. Ofira barely avoids he wings and tail, "Not quite what I meant," she mutters, as she follows the steps, neatly, competantly, but with no special grace. Taelenna watches the line dancers from her safe spot by the sleeping bronzerider with a broad smile on her face. Unfortunately, with one hand occupied by a wineglass, she can't clap -- but she does tap one foot, as close to the Harpers' rhythm as she can manage. F'gon just raises an eyebrow... Terryll giggles as she's lifted up and set back down again. "Hiya, Stef." She grins, slipping her arm through F'gon's again. Jenni makes her way over from the courtyard.. Leya-Fire looks back over her shoulder at Kassi, grinning in amusment, not at all worried. "That's a deal, though you may want to fetch a healer if that happens." She squeezes into the line between two other costumed people, "I believe it." She looks over at M'dei, raising an eyebrow at his head shake, then shrugs. Mirala peers at her wings, and quickly buttons them down, keeping a firm hold on the tail. She turns her head at Ofira, keeping time. "What?" Miranelle smiles up at him and nods, "Yes, perhaps I should. I'd like to see her. And how have you been?" Sayuri looks at the people around her and decides she's probably not going to get out of the dance alive. She makes a graceful retreat-- to the wine. Kassima is truly having an adventure. Not good at dancing at the best of times, she's now trying to dance with wings and claws and increased mass to make her balance questionable. Her wave to M'dei narrowly avoids taking out someone's eye, after which point she concentrates on wreaking no bodily harm, oh, yes. "For the record," she informs I'sai, "you'll pay for this." Ofira laughs, "I wasn't planning on a a dance partner with a tail. But that's alright," she says as she turns. One of the more showily-dressed women dares to cross lines with the man across the way, petticoats frothing like meringue beneath their citron-yellow sisal skirts. K'nan brushes his fingers back through his hair, and shrugs amiably, "As well as ever, I do s'pose - it's been awhile, but life's still mostly th'same." He grins, "Yourself?" Shilarra-Garden grins at S'more as she reaches him. "Having fun?" Arrow_Lad steps, steps, twirls, retreats, and swings someone of the opposite gender around, getting whacked by someone's tail as well. Jenni sneaks back in after attending to something and takes up a spot along the wall again. M'dei seems to find some merit in his decision to stay put. "By Faranth's egg, it'd take a lot more agility than I have to get through that," he remarks to someone near him. Jorenanjoins the end of the line dance and does his best. He's a fair leg, but hasn't done this oen in a while. "That -too-?" I'sai inquires breathlessly with a kick-two-three-four, catching a glimpse of Sayuri's departure and, with a faint headshake, filling up the remaining space with more enthusiasm than skill. Arrow_Lad twirls Shilarra around and into the dance. "Aye." The tempo slightly picks up one more time, the harpers obviuosly enjoying the results of all their hard practice. The melody is unmistakable, but occasionally one of the youths lets slip an improvised melody. Mirala eyes the dancing wherry, grinning encouragingly, "Looking good," she croons at Kassima when she passes close to her... keeping a wide berth, though. Those claws do look sharp. She shakes her head at Ofira, "Well, now you have the whole hall as a partner." Miranelle shruggs letting her eyes rove about the room. "I'm good. Grueling studies at the Hall though. I have two firelizards now." she says the last with some pride. Leya-Fire watches the others go through the steps and carefully copies them, if a bit late. She's careful to lean away from Kassi to be on the safe side, her steps getting smoothing and more in time as the dance goes on. Grombie makes her way over from the courtyard.. Shilarra-Garden laughs as she unexpectantly finds herself dancing and concentrates on keeping rhythm. Mirala adds, "And there's more than a few tails between us all," she grins. As Masked_Avenger strides aross the room, he smiles at Miranelle and raises an eyebrow with a well-spirited chuckle to K'nan, commenting "...nice dress." Stefyn grins at Terryll, then looks curious. "I'm guessing this is who you've told me about, Ryll..." he says, trying to prompt an introduction. Ofira laughs, "True. More than I bargained for for 25 marks!" K'nan casts a wry glance over to the Masked Avenger, shaking his head and turning back to Mira with an easy smile, "Oh? What colours?" Jenni curls a finger into her hair, watching the seeming dangerous dancing while keeping well out of the way on her little real estate on the wall. "At least I look genuine," Kassi grumps to Mirala somewhat breathlessly. "Real wherries can't dance *either*--oh, aye, there's nay end of things you'll pay for. Does that surprise you?" Kick, turn, whap someone with the tail, apologize, step, hit someone with a wing, apologize... at least she's got a rhythm going. Miranelle returns her gaze to his and says cheerfully, "I've a green and a gold. Grace and Dawn, respectively." Arrow_Lad dances and ducks, dodging costume-y bits. Mirala chuckles, "Well, when you buy something of the Bakers', you're getting a something worthwhile, eh?" She suppresses at giggle at Kassima, "Very, very realistic. Wonderful costume," she agrees. Terryll blinks, then smiles. "Sorry, Stef." She slips her arm around F'gon's waist. "Stefyn, I'd like you to meet F'gon, Rider of brown Hollerith, and my weyrmate. F'gon, this is Stefyn. I know I've mentioned him. He's like the older brother I don't have." With sly winking between them, the harpers behind Alysia slowly drop their volume, until the apprentice's trilling pipes are the only ones lrft playing. Absorbed in her playing, she fails to notice, and finishes the song sol. T'shar falls out of his chair and onto the floor with a sudden clatter. Blinking, he stands, runs a hand through his hair, and wearily stumbles outside. Masked_Avenger spots a cat near the entrance of the room, and seems to recognize her, beneith her clever disguise. Miranelle gives the Masked_Avenger a *look*. A grinning look, but a look nonetheless. T'shar steps out of the hall into the courtyard. As long as she apologizes. "Yeah, yeah," I'sai grumbles as best he can with the tempo fast as it is - and then it stops, and he says, "See? You survived. So there." K'nan grins broadly, "A gold? Congratulations.." Ofira jumps, "Ouch! Kassima!" She ducks again and replies to Mirala, laughing, "Does that extend to the requisite goodnight kiss?" Leya-Fire grins, holding the skirt of her dress up to her knees when she kicks as it's not full to enough to allow it otherwise. Her cheeks are rosey from the exhertion, her eyes sparkling with laughter. She pushes back wild curls from her face as the dance ends. "Now, wasn't that fun, Kassi?" F'gon smiles. "Hello, Stefyn. A pleasure." M'dei skirts around the fringes of the dancers, ducking the occasional protruding costume bits, and scoots to a stop near Jenni, still watching the dancers. Taelenna abandons her place by T'shar with caution, since the Fortian's fall proved it to be little safer than the middle of the dance floor. She walks along the wall, and thus in safe distance from the energetic dancers, over to Jenni. She doesn't recognize the Telgar rider, but she /is/ a fellow wallflower. "I think you've got the right idea," Tael murmurs to the other bluerider as she approaches. "That," meaning the line dancing, "looks risky." Miranelle blushes, still grinning, "She's a beauty. Thank you. I'm lucky to have them both." She leans over to whisper somthing to him. Mirala slows to a stop, making sure all of her parts -- costumed and real -- are still there. She flutters her lashes at Ofira, "Of course. Just a goodnight kiss?" she winks. Masked_Avenger's cloak swushes behind him as he strides toward the entrance giving the cat/Grombie a smile, followed by a suave bow. Jorenan manages to finish the dance without stepping on or being stepped on. He grins and says a last word to the apprentice who'd been dancing next to him, and then steps over towards teh Bakers again. Just in time to hear Ofira's question to Mirala. Suddenly, his grin is just a little wider. Jenni looks away from the dancers with a bored expression to find M'dei standing near enough to her, "Hey. I saw you when you cam in but....I think you must have missed me." She shrugs, "big crowd an' all." Stefyn smiles happily at F'gon and Terryll. "You two look great together." He grins at F'gon. "I had no idea she cleaned up so well. You must be a good influence." Miranelle mutters to K'nan, "... mind... the..." Grombie laughs, "Say, don't I know you?" a grin spreads across her face. Terryll blushes. "Stef.." Ofira laughs, "Well. We can negotiate that." She looks over her shoulder at Jorenan. Sayuri has sobered up a bit and now realizes she's probably made a fool out of herself. She wanders over to I'sai and whispers, a bit too loudly, "How am I going to get home?" M'dei grins wryly, "Aye, there is that. I didn't realise there'd be so many people here when Gaiath kept prodding at me to come out." Arrow_Lad stands with a 'now-what' sort of look on his face. Kassima is properly appalled, calling a hasty, "Sorry, so sorry, Ofira!" before managing to hopefully not hit anyone else before the dance draws to a close. "*I* survived, but we should probably check the dance floor for any dead bodies. Or severed limbs." Leya is only shot a bemused look. Fun? F'gon chuckles. "She is the one who is a good influence..." Sauscony makes her way over from the courtyard.. Jenni smiles, uncertain at first, and then a little warmer as she regards M'dei, "I'm glad she did. I mean...otherwise I"d be standing here like a wall flower until this thing is over more than likely. How are you?" K'nan leans in close to listen to Miranelle's whispered words, and with a soft laugh he nods agreement -- and sneaks a hand to rest upon her hip, close as he is. "I'll keep that in mind." Jorenan attempts to look innocent. "A good night kiss sounds like a good idea to me." he says. "I can't imagine why Mirala wouldn't want one, too." Mirala catches Jorenan's look and waggles a finger at him. "Hey, you didn't pay, so don't be getting any ideas." She grins at Ofira. "Poor 'Fira, victim of the dancing wherry." Masked_Avenger cocks his head slightly at the comment of the cat "Know me?" he looks around him both ways, "I dont know... do you?" With a chagrined yet good-natured raspberry directed at the others, Alysia announces over the din; "We'll be taking a break for a while. Please enjoy the hospitalities of Lord and Lady Boll this fine eve." Alysia pages to Arrow_Lad, F'gon, Grombie, I'sai, Jenni, Jorenan, K'nan, Kassima, Leya-Fire, M'dei, Masked_Avenger, Mirala, Miranelle, Ofira, Sauscony, Sayuri, Shilarra-Garden, Taelenna, and Terryll: Read: Taking a short RL break. back in a few. :) Jorenan laughs. "I'm not asking," he says. Miranelle grins up at K'nan and jumps from his touch as she sees Sauscony enter. Stefyn smiles at Terryll. "What? You don't want me to tell him about how you were? Mud up to your waist, straw and other plants in your hair..." Ofira laughs, "It's quite alright Kassima." She looks at Jorenan and Mirala, "Shall we head out to the courtyard then?" Grombie chuckles, "Perhaps." Masked_Avenger mutters to Grombie. Sauscony slips back in, adjusting her mask slightly as she glances about. M'dei smiles over at Jenni, then directs his gaze back toward the dancers again, to one of them in particular. "Oh, I don't know, the Smithcraft Hall isn't such a bad posting. But I'm glad I came out, too-- if only to save you from the wall-flower fate." F'gon chuckles. "Stefyn, even then, she would have been drop dead gorgeous as far as I'm concerned." I'sai openly grins at Kassima, "Well, if you're worried about that sort of thing," he shrugs: her business, yet again; but to Sayuri, "We'll get you a ride. Lots of people from Telgar here. In fact..." he hesitates, looking after the harpers, "I'll take you if you need, but there's something I should see to first." Mirala lifts her brows. "So soon? There's only been one dance." Shilarra-Garden slips quietly outside Shilarra-Garden steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Leya-Fire giggles at Kassima, an red ribbon dangling over an nearly equally red cheek. She makes a show of peering around at the floor, frowning very seriously. She turns back to Kassima, "No dead bodies, or severed limbs." She grins, showing off her white teeth, "I might have seen a toe over there though. You might want to check." Terryll's blush deepens as she scowls up at Stefyn, but she's grinning, faintly, as she kicks him in the shin. Jenni glances over at K'nan with some amusement and then shifts so she can talk with M'dei better, peering at him. "Yeah. I was wondering what had become of you M'dei. Miss seeing you around the Weyr." Arrow_Lad peers down at his boot tips. "Not *my* toe." Jorenan gestures in courtly fashion. "I follow where you lead," he says with a perfectly sincere (no really!) grin. Masked_Avenger smiles at Grombie/Cat "Well, I would ask you to grace me with a dance, but it seems the music has stopped." Ofira shakes her head, still laughing, "Sometimes," she murmurs, and heads out. Ofira steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Stefyn winces. "Hey, Ryll! No need to kick me." He mock-pouts. F'gon chuckles. Miranelle mutters to K'nan, "... journeywoman... the... if... come... a... allowed." Jorenan steps out of the hall into the courtyard. I'sai climbs the magnificent curving staircase, running his hand along the hightly polished banisters. "Watchrider duty," M'dei explains to Jenni, glancing over at the bluerider with a wry smile. Again, his gaze drifts toward the dancers, and his lips curve upward in a faint smile. Shilarra-Garden makes her way over from the courtyard.. Kassima folds her arms--err, forelimbs--and favors Leya with another *look*, but the grin the mask can't quite hide does spoil the effect some. "Methinks 'twill let whoever lost it look for it," she decides. So generous, she. "Mayhaps I shouldn't worry. After all, maiming's what greenriders do best, isn't it?" A wink, a wave after the departing Bakers, and she retreats long enough to fetch her juice glass. "Do they have any mints here, d'you think?" she asks Leya in an undertone. Terryll smiles at him sweetly as she leans again F'gon. "Watch it, Stef. Or I'll start trotting out stories about /you/." she threatens. Shilarra-Garden steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Alysia steps down from the platform, grabbing her glass. She walks over to her senior and engages hin in a whispered conversation. K'nan lifts an eyebrow at the sudden jump, and then at Miranelle's quiet explaination he nods his understanding.. and flashes a lightly regretful smile, "Too bad.." Stefyn blinks, and swallows. "Um...So you're a brownrider?" he asks F'gon, looking nervous at Terryll's threat. Taelenna spots an acquaintance peeking his head in momentarily. Setting her glass on a nearby table in haste, she weaves her way through the crowd, mumbling apologies underneath her breath. Upon reaching the door, she hurries outside to catch the person she'd glimpsed. Taelenna steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Jenni nudges M'dei after a moment's thought, "Do you enjoy it? When will you be coming back to Telgar so I can pester you like the 'old days'?" Grombie makes a face, "Well, we can just talk for awhile, I s'psoe..." K'nan mutters to Miranelle, "... you... costume.." Siofra makes her way over from the courtyard.. Dalynn makes his way over from the courtyard.. Mirala gazes regretfully around the hall. "Well," she muses, "I suppose I'll be going, then." She waves a tail at people, ducking out after the other bakers. Mirala steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Arrow_Lad yawns and makes his way over to the banquet table, purusing the sweets. Miranelle blushes and bites her lip with a grin, and says quietly, "Good thing." she adds.. Siofra steps into the hall and peers about her. Her hand tucks into Dalynn's elbow instinctively. Miranelle mutters to K'nan, "... she..." K'nan grins a little.. and murmurs something else to Miranelle in reply. Sauscony pads towards the rear of the hall, accepting a glass of wine with a grateful smile to the drudge. F'gon nods. "yes, Stefyn...Hollerith of Igen." F'gon smiles. "And I'm also the lucky man to catch this beautiful flower." He says.... With a final nod and a long drink, Alysia walks away from the harper to join the rest of the guests, pipes still absently in hand being tapped rhythmically against her leg. Stefyn nods, still looking a bit nervous. Then he grins. "Aye, you are lucky. I never thought I'd see the day that Rylla would fall in love. Picky one, she is." Sauscony offers Alysia a warm smile, in case the harper should look her way. Her mask gives her a bit of anonymity as she simply watches. Leya-Fire brushes the red ribbon back out of her face, tucking it into the unruly curls. "No one every told me curly hair was so annoying. And yes, it does certainly seem that way sometimes." A gleam appears in her eyes at the mention of mint. She glances around, "I don't know. Maybe the healer here would have some. Just have to find where she keeps it." M'dei forcibly drags his gaze back to Jenni, laughing. "You never pestered me in the first place. And you could always come to the Smithcraft, y'know. It's not like anyone's got you tied to the Weyr." Terryll groans. "I should never, ever, have introduced him..." F'gon chuckles. "Well, I have no idea WHAT she sees in me, Stefyn, but whatever it is, I need to do it more." He grins. Arrow_Lad finally settles on a bubbly, which he sets on a plate and turns to watch the crowd with faint amusement as he munches. K'nan dips his head in an understanding of Miranelle's words, and steps back just a little.. before chuckling softly, "Still, I'll have t'bring you t'see Veyath later, if jus' t'say hello.." Jenni checks to see what M'dei was looking so intently at and then winks at him when she turns back, "oh, but I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea. Poor little bluerider flying all the way to the smithcraft to be bothersome to her clutchmate. But...perhaps I will from now on. It's really sad not to see you around as much." Masked_Avenger offers an arm to Grombie, "Would you care for a drink instead?" Kassima has to admit, "Wouldn't have curly hair if'n you paid me. A'course, m'hair likely wouldn't curl if'n you paid *it*. Easier t'tie up this way, anyway." Giving the brownrider an imploring look, she asks, "Any chance you could be finding some? I'd offer t'be searching, but after all that, methinks *sitting* is needed for a time." Stefyn smiles. "A word of advice, from someone who knows her well. Just be yourself F'gon. That's most likely what got you her in the first place." Then he grins. "And watch her feet, she kicks /hard/." Grombie grins and slips her arm through his, "Why, Sir, I'd love to." Dalynn looks around and grins. Miranelle nods enthusiastically, "Yes, I'd very much like to see her and say hi." She eyes the drinks set out and says, "I'm parched, I could use a drink." Alysia catches Sauscony's friendly nod, returning the gesture. Placing her empty glass on a passing steward's tray, she ambles over to the woman. "Harper's duties to you, ma'am. Enjoying your evening?" Jenni mutters to M'dei, "... just... over there and be... her... around... here?" Terryll blushes, and hides her face. "I'm doomed..." Then she looks up. "F'gon, ignore most everything this idiot tells you about me. It's not true, I swear." F'gon chuckles. "Yes, she does, but those feet are connected to GREAT legs..." Terryll groans. Masked_Avenger nods to her amiably, as they walk to the serving table. F'gon smiles at Terryll. "Actually, I thought I'd assume it was ALL true, and that you'd have to convince me later of what wasn't." He grins impishly. Sauscony chuckles softly,'Its much harder when people don't wear knots...I am Sauscony...and I am enjoying myself quite well...especially the music' With a grin, M'dei tells Jenni, "It'd be a welcome break from that Craftbrat who keeps asking me if I've talked to his sister. When I say no, he always pokes his nose in the air and says, 'Oh!' like he knows some great secret." The bluerider's mutter gets his attention, and a rather colourful blush, then he shakes his head. "I don't dance," he offers weakly. Grombie grins up at Masked Avenger, "So, who are you, anyway? I think I know, but I'm not sure..." Leya-Fire nods, "Took forever to curl all mine. I had to hire two lower caverns girls to help me with it. Scared me to death. Thought they'd burn my hair off for sure." She frowns and goes cross-eyed as she glares a curl which has decided it likes being in the middle of her face. She tosses it back and grins at Kassi, "Sure! You just sit there and I'll mint hunting." Jenni ahs and leans back into the wall more comfortably, "I see. Well...you could always start. Sure looks as though you'd like to." She offers a soft smile to the greenrider. Masked_Avenger smiles at her myscheviously. Masked_Avenger mutters to himself, "hmm... tell... or shouldnt..." Arrow_Lad finishes up his pie and yawns again. He sets his plate down and with a vague wave to the room makes his way out, pulling the arrow off his head as he does. Miranelle ambles slowly towards the table with the drinks and grabs a glass of..juice, with a look to the journeywoman from her hall. She casts a smile back at K'nan before turning to greet the woman, "Hello Ma'am. Great costumes aren't they?" she asks Sauscony. S'more steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Dalynn crawls under his covers and falls fast asleep. Stefyn chuckles, and leans down to give Terryll a quick kiss on the cheek. "It was great seeing you, Rylla. And a pleasure meeting you F'gon." He slips out the door before another kick can be aimed his way. M'dei shakes his head, and contents himself with watching the dancers-- one of them in particular. "Ah, no. I'd be clumsy, and I'd rather just stand here." K'nan flashes Miranelle a smile as she slips away, "We'll talk more later.." And then he looks around through the costumed hoards, thoughtful.. Kassima does indeed sit, with something of a sigh and claws crossed over her stomach. "*Bless* you, Leya. I'd say I owe you one, only, well, considering that you owe me forty-five... how about, rather, that you owe me one less?" F'gon smiles. "Great meeting you, Stefyn," he calls after the retreating form. Alysia smiles at the compliment. "Thank you. We do our best." With another friendly nod, she leaves the woman to her conversation. Terryll growls after Stefyn, then grins at F'gon. "Well, that was Stef." she says with a shrug. Masked_Avenger raises an indecisive eyebrow at Grombie. Jenni nods a little to M'dei, her expression falling a touch as she looks at the people moving on the floor, "You can learn." F'gon smiles and smiles at Terryll. "nice guy!" Sauscony turns her attention from Alysia as she hears a familiar voice. Her tone is rather warm as she greets Mir, 'Enjoying the Ball?' She asks before nodding her head in agreement, her gaze moving around the room, only now seeing K'nan. Terryll rolls her eyes, chuckling. "And only too eager to tell you all my excapades as a child." She grins at F'gon. Sayuri is tipsy, worried, and wondering where her ride home is. She leans against a wall and watches the room for I'sai. Miranelle smiles back enthusiastically and sips her drink before replying, "Quite a releiving break. So good to have fun socializing again." Grombie chuckles, "C'mon, tell me!" she gives him one of those 'I know you can't resist' looks. F'gon smiles. "So shall we wander around, love, and look around?" Terryll smiles warmly and nods. Leya-Fire smiles, then crinkles up her nose, "But I think that me buying you counts somewhat towards that. I know it was your marks, but /someone/ had to bid on you." She looks around the room and all the doors, "I think I'm going to start looking around." She waves, "I'll come back with the mint when I find it." Masked_Avenger leans over and raises his mask for Grombie for a quick moment, and then puts it back down as he whispers something. "Just a break?" Soz asks, 'You aren't planning on going back to the tent are you?' "How come *you're* not dancing?" M'dei asks Jenni, trying to deflect the current topic of conversation to somewhere else. Alysia wanders through the room idly chatting with whoever crosses her path. Passing the flame-enshrouded woman, she does a double-take, peering a little closer. "Pardon me," Alysia says during a lull in the woman's conversation. "Leya, isn't it? From Telgar?" F'gon disappears into the lower southern corridor. Grombie makes a little noise in her throat and then grins, "I knew it! I'm glad it's you, too. I haven't been able to find you lately." "Well, but it still wound up costing me entirely too much," Kassi protests, nose probably wrinkling under that beak. "Thanks to two someones, one of whom will get dawn sweeps for life as a result... g'luck in your quest, Leya. Bring back the sacred mint!" Miranelle shrugs and takes a deep drink from her glass, "I don't know, playing it by ear." Jenni hms softly, bored and shrugs to M'dei, "no one here for me to dance with. I don't really feel much like dancing anyway. It's more fun to watch other people...." Terryll disappears into the lower southern corridor. Leya-Fire wanders off as discreetly as a woman wearing a flaming dress can. She pauses as Alysia says her name, "Umm, no. She's over there." She waves in the opposite direction, then hurries off. M'dei grins wryly at Jenni and suggests, "More fun to watch all these people who've had too much wine trying to keep their feet as they totter around?" Leya-Fire disappears into the lower southern corridor. Sayuri stumbles outside, wondering how she's going to get home. Oh well... Sayuri steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Jenni nods slowly to M'dei, "yeah, something like that. Besides, I'm not that great at dancing anyway." A real lie if ever there were one. Masked_Avenger grins, "Youve been pretty scarce yourself." Alysia looks over in the offered direction, a slightly puzzled look on her face. Turning back around to see that the woman has left, she shrugs and continues on. Sauscony wrinkles her nose, her mask rising slightly. "I do not believe you need to...enjoy your self here, plase' M'dei's brows lift, and he gives Jenni a clearly skeptical look. Jenni smiles at M'dei and then shrugs, "I don't exactly have anyone to dance with anyway." M'dei grins and oh-so-helpfully suggests, "Just grab someone?" Like he can talk, since he's not dancing at all. Masked_Avenger watches as Grombie retreats from the festivities, and approaches Miranelle. Stopping at the serving table for another glass of juice, Alysia makes her way back over to the other harpers to take her place. Miranelle's face breaks into a cheerful grin and she takes another sip of her drink before saying, "Thanks." rather gratefully. Her eyes turn to the Avenger and she meets him with a wry smile. Jenni glances around the room, "well, I'd grab someone but..." she laughs, "I don't think anyone from the weyr even noticed that I came in." She winks, "Alright, so I'm feeling sorry for myself. Ah....I'm just enjoying looking. And talking with you--see." "Who says it has to be someone from the Weyr?" M'dei reasons, then relaxes into a smile. "It's nice to talk to you too, Jenni. It has been awhile, hasn't it?" Alysia takes her seat and accepts her gitar. She begins tuning the instrument, leaning in with the other harpers to discuss the next song to play. Jenni nods slowly and then looks around again, "well, I don't see anyone else anyway." So there. She sighs, "I think it's been....shards, a long time M'dei." Masked_Avenger grins at Jenni "I couldnt help but overhear you have no one to dance with? Unless this gentleman" he motions to M'dei "would like to dance with you, might I have the pleasure?" M'dei's dimples flash as Jenni is asked to dance, and he gives the bluerider a look, eyebrows raised. "Well?" he asks. "You know you won't get *me* to dance..." Jenni squints at the Masked one and then blinks at M'dei..."Ah...." real smart this bluerider, "Do I know you?" Masked_Avenger grins with a nod to M'dei "You wouldnt dance with the lady?" Sauscony smiles as she turns to Mir,'It looks as though the harpers are beginning soon.' The jouyneyrank standing over the harpers taps his foot impatiently, his gaze stern as ever. Making a quick decision, the harpers take up their instruments and start in on a pleasant song, low enough in volume to allow the music to become background ambience. K'nan just leans against a back wall once more, certainly not about to dance in a.. a.. gown. And he sips from a glass of wine he's scavenged from somewhere. Miranelle chuckles over at Soz and indicates the Masked_Avenger as she says quietly... Miranelle mutters to Sauscony, "... mind my... he..." "I don't dance," M'dei tells the Masked_Avenger with a wry grin. "Not even for my friends." Jenni shrugs up her shoulders as M'dei speaks and smirks, "He's waiting for a special someone." Masked_Avenger grins at them both "Oh, I see." Jenni flutters her lashes, "so, I guess if you wanted to offer a poor lady a sympathy dance, she would jump on it." Miranelle pauses to watch them with an amused chuckle before asking Sauscony quietly, "By the way, are we apprentices allowed to dance?" M'dei colours, but shakes his head, "No, not even then." With a slight bow to his clutchsib, and to the Masked person, he scoots back toward the staircase. K'nan drains the last of the wine, and sets the glass to one side -- before moving to the exit and slipping out once more, quietly. Sauscony nods her head quickly, the lights shining off the sequins of her mask. "Of course..have fun." K'nan steps out of the hall into the courtyard. Masked_Avenger shrugs to M'dei as he scoots off and grins at Jenni, "Stubborn isnt he?" Jenni shrugs up her shoulders as she glances over at M'dei, "I think he'd dance if it was the right person." Kassima, finally growing restless, pushes out of her seat. "What's taking her so long?" she mutters, and follows the path Leya earlier took in search of the sacred mint. You enter the Eastern Corridor.