-------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Evening At Benden Hold Date: March 30, 1998 Places: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern and Southern Skyspace; Benden Hold's Fire-Heights, Courtyard, and Great Hall Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Interesting things tend to happen when Telgarians go abroad. Though the events of this particular evening were fairly tame in comparison to some of the past happenings that travelling riders have brought crashing down on various Holds, they still may prove interesting to some--which is why, of course, I've posted this log. Things preceded by <*> take place away from Lysseth while I'm riding her. Beyond that, all speaks for itself. This log is pretty much Spam Lite, though I've left in a few knot quips for amusement's sake. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. K'tyn nods back at Pierron, pausing to grab a few rolls and meat pies on his way past. "Good evening, everyone," he says quietly. Kindre walks in from the bowl. D'ton salutes K'tyn as well. Kassima grunts right back at Pierron in turn, though rather involuntarily--or at least, so one would guess, given that she's hefting this rather large and heavy-looking box that would give anyone who wasn't used to hauling stone around a hernia. "Please tell me Kiat and Kin are in here?" she asks from behind the obstruction of the large, wrapped thingamawhatsits. "If'n I have t'carry this blasted thing all the way up those stairs, I do believe I'll scream." D'ton starts to turn to Aladis, asking, "Were you down at the Mine.." He cuts himself off to salute Kindre. Kerlyn's hands are resting on her hips, and she frowns just slightly at D'ton, "I don't know, that's why I asked." despite the fact that she didn't ask, she asserted. "Evening, Sir, Kindre." She nods crisply in greeting. Aladis tosses a small package at D'ton. "I certainly was. That's from Lily. She inquires after your health and that of Kyoteth." R'val walks in from the bowl. Kindre enters the cavern in an apparently good mood which is heightened only by Pierron's omission of his usual leering greeting. "Eve all," she calls and nods at the salutes, trying hard not to grimace at them. Fetching herself a glass of wine, she wonders, "Anyone like some wine while I'm here?" Meli leans over a nearby table, spearing a roll from someone's plate, before straightening and listening in on the conversation. R'val wanders in, waving amiably. He heads towards the Dawnslight table. D'ton catches the package, which is thankfully a lot smaller than the Thing that Kassima has just hauled in. "Um, thank you for bringing it," he says to Aladis before opening the box. Kassima sighs in relief as she overhears Kerlyn. "Oh, good. They must be in here." Finally reaching the Thunderbolt table, she sets the Thing down on it with a heavy *thud*. "Gah. There we go. Evening, sir, Kin, all," she says with a snappy salute K'tyn-wards. "I hope you don't mind your annual gifting being a touch late, but Aleinn only finished it yestereve." Aladis chuckles, "Lily's got us married off and having enough littles to start a Hold. The least I could do is bring you some cookies, D'ton." K'tyn beams when Kindre comes in, and he stands to greet her. "Kindre, hello," he says almost shyly, turning faintly red. "I've a seat here, if you'd like it." He grins toward Kassima, and waves. "Wingleader Kassima." D'ton reaches into the box, and brings out what looks like a small brown rock..no, it is in fact a cookie of some sort. It just looks like a rock. Then his gaze snaps up at Aladis. "Married?" he says, his voice rising in a slightly panicked manner, "Littles?" Aladis laughs, "Surely you can't have missed the overt matchmaking gleam in her eyes every time she's got the two of us in the same room." R'val blinks at D'ton, hearing his panicked tone even as he sits with his klah in hand, "Who's married?" He asks nosily. Kerlyn's query gets lost in the sudden influx of people into the weyr, and with another frown, unfortunately timed to co-incide with Kassima's look in her direction, she turns and heads across the room to the food tables. Meli grins around her mouthful of roll, having met Master Lily on one or two occasions. Kindre returns the Weyrleader's smile with one equally bright. Moving to sit beside him, she places her glass of wine on the table and leans against him long enough to peck his cheek with a small kiss. "I'll sit next to you any chance I get," she says and grins. Kassima leans an elbow against the monstrous package, grins, and waves back. "Weyrleader K'tyn. Heya, and such." Having caught her breath, presumably, she once more picks up the Thing From Beyond and hauls it over to the bronzerider and goldrider in question. "Pleeeeeeease say you'll take this off m'hands, sir, Kin... hrm, what's amiss with the Weyrlingmaster?" She notices a good deal more than it sometimes seems, does Kassima--and that includes Kerlyn's frown. D'ton's hand trembles. He looks down at the Minecraft cookie as if it were some sort of hideously cunning trap. "Matchmaking?" he echoes, voice cracking slightly, even though he hasn't even eaten any of the biscuits yet. Kassima pretends, however, to be oblivious to any and all mentions of the M-word that has been one of the banes of her existance. Aladis pats D'ton's shoulder. "It's okay, dear. I don't bite. And I hadn't noticed that Lily was having much luck with her matchmaking currently." K'tyn blinks at Kindre's smile, promptly losing all sense of coherent thought and reasoning for a good long while. He merely retakes his seat, smiling that faintly absent smile. Anyone wishing to speak to him will have to practically poke him to get his attention--at least for a bit. D'ton blinks, then ventures a smile. "Heh," he says, chuckling weakly and trying to pass it off. D'ton holds out the box to Aladis, despite the fact that she's just given it to him. "Cookie?" he offers, then also asks Kerlyn, who he'd been speaking to earlier, "Have one?" Kassima rolls her eyes at the dreamy state of the Weyrleader. When you're carting about something that seems designed to induce hernias (and, with the wrapping, bleeding eyes), you don't tend to be all that patient. Carefully, she sets it down on the floor and seats herself atop the table. There. *Now* she can be patient. Kerlyn isn't where she was a few minues ago, having since departed for the food tables where she's currently filling a bowl with stew. D'ton just then notices that he's speaking to empty air, stirred slightly by the Weyrlingmaster's departure, but since he was already flustered, there is little change in his appearance. Aladis gladly accepts a cookie from D'ton's package. "I never turn down miner cookies." Meli finishes her roll, then brushes crumbs from her shirt and jacket. "M'lost... we talkin' about miners, or trees?" "Trees," says D'ton definitively, having decided that this is the safer subject. Aladis gives a quiet chuckle and moves away from the bulk of the crowd, nibbling on the cookie. Kassima shrugs at Meli from where she's seated on a table, the Thing resting ominously at her feet. "Nay certain, m'self. I'm just waiting for the Weyrleader and Kin t'stop staring at each other for a bit." Meli nods, that issue settled. "So, wha's the point about trees? They havin' some problem with th'hardwoods near Lemos?" R'val glances up at the word "Lemos" and frowns attentively. D'ton takes a huge bite-sized chunk out of one of the cookies, and chews on it, glancing worriedly at Aladis, for some reason. "Trees," Kindre wonders suddenly, apparently having been starry-eyed over K'tyn or, mayhaps, dragged into a conversation my her lifemate. Kerlyn returns, stew bowl in one hand, and balancing a roll and a mug of cider with teh other, "Not that I've heard." she says, walking behind Meli in time to hear, and snagging herself a seat, "It's me that's having the problems-- you happen to know if the forests there have been there long?" Meli takes a seat herself, eyeing the stew speculatively. "Th'skybroom? I think so, but they might have a new stand o'somethin' too?" K'tyn blinks three times, shaking his head a bit as the sounds of the LC slowly percolate past the hum that seems to sound everytime Kindre wanders into view. "Huh?" He looks up and about, quietly trying to get reoriented with conversation and topics floating about him. He nods knowingly. Yea, sure. Really. He -was- paying attention. Kassima listens idly to the tree conversation, but her attention is immediately drawn to the aforementioned pair when they begin showing signs of waking up. "Reason number... let's see... which one was that? Reason number nine, methinks: you don't spend so much time in trances. Anyway, if'n you've a moment...." She taps the Thing with one foot. "I've a both belated and early Turnday gift for the pair of you." In just a few minutes about half the stew bowl and one of the rolls are gone, and Kerlyn takes a moment to swallow, "Yeah, teh skybrooms. You wouldn't have anything resembling evidence of that, would you? Records or somesuch?" After all, most riders run round with useless old hides in their pockets, don't they? Kindre blinks a few times as she gazes over the present indicated by the Wingleader. "A gift for us, Kassi," she wonders while a smile continues to curl her lips. Meli grins at the weyrlingmaster, patting at her jacket pockets as if she actually expected to find something. "Me? Hmm, neh, must've left it in m'other jacket," she jests, then adds, "I c'n hardly keep track o'what month it is. But those plantation were started back in Lessa's time, neh?" Kerlyn spreads her hands apart, "If I knew, I wouldn't be asking. But that's still reasonaly recently-- I mean, have they .always. been there, going back several passes." "Uh? Oh, great shards Kassi," Kiat says at last. "You needn't have..." He knows his protest is futile, but, it must be made. He turns to look at Kerlyn absently. "Would it matter, Kerlyn, if the stands were new planted?" Meli shrugs, leaning her back against the edge of the table. "Might've, but I do know tha' they started actually workin' on keepin' them safe 'round then." She then trails off as K'tyn joins the discussion. Kassima nods affirmatively to Kin. "Aye--the two of you will get t'lug this thing up to your ledge, instead of me. Believe me when I say I'm nay sorry for that. You said that a'fore, sir--but believe you me, I'm *nay* going t'cart this back up to the ledge, so you're unfortunately going t'be stuck with it." She winks, and slides down from her table perch to pick up the Thing for what's hopefully the last time. "A dual Turnday gift of sorts, though I know 'tis rather early for Kin's." She slides a curious glance back at the tree-discussers as she says this. "Hmm," Meli adds more to herself than any other, "th'skybroom's have those thick tops..." She blinks, then awaits Kerlyn's reply. Kerlyn frowns just slightly, more defensively than in argument. If she wasn't such a straight-laced drill sergeant, you might think those were the faintest hints of a blush, "It's somewhat related to a wager." she admits, as the weyrleader's doing the asking. K'tyn is drawn back to Kassima and blinks again. "Uh, Kassi? You're taste is impeccable, tis true, but tell me--what is it that you've lugged in here?" He grins at Meli. "Dinna let me cut you off. I was just curious, is all." D'ton leans forward at K'tyn's question. This he has to hear the answer to. Kindre can't help but chuckle at Kassima as she warily gazes over the package. "How in Faranth's name are we going to..." she begins to lament before grinning wide and waving her hands. "Ah, we'll manage, but shards o'esteemed Wingleader Ma'am," is an added quip to her friend, "you truly didn't have to." She, too, turns an ear to the conversation of trees and the like. "Wager? On skybrooms?" Kassima eyes the terribly garish wrapping, resplendantly hideous in its bright shades of white, black, red, bronze, and gold. The green ribbon wrapped over it clashes horribly, of course. "'Tis the first time anyone's ever said that a'fore actually seeing what's *in* the package," she observes. "Go ahead and unwrap it if'n you wish t'be knowing, sir." Meli shakes her head with a rueful grin. "Neh, s'okay, jus' trying to dredge up all they stuffed in m'head when I was little... growin' up at Greenfields." She peers at the gift momentarily, then just smiles further. Kassima immediately makes a face at Kin. "Start with that ma'aming business, m'friend, and I'll ma'am you back; 'twould be more proper than vice-versa, anyway!" Kindre nudges K'tyn and grins. "You unwrap it," she suggests before sipping at her wine. Kassima's retort causes her to nearly choke on her wine before she adds, "Shards, I have to toss in a few ma'ams just for fun." "A wager Kerlyn? Huh. Well, as long as I don't have to be fronting for you, I've no worries about it." Kiat grins at Kindre. "I think we have to do it, aye, love. You'll take the left, then? and me the right?" He nods at the package, indicating with a hand gesture the division. "Best keep tha' a secret, 'fore Kassi hears you mention wagerin'," Meli stage-whispers to Kerlyn. Kindre stands to move beside the decoratively wrapped gift and nods to the Weyrleader. "Sounds like a plan to me," she replies and begins to tug at the ribbon. --- Golden wood has been used in the making of this cabinet, smoothed, stained, and polished until it glows with a rare beauty. For that alone, this would surely be a lovely piece that is fit to occupy any weyr... but the artist who created it hardly stopped there. The three-foot-high, exquisitely crafted floor cabinet is one with two doors, fitted to the sides with gleaming brass hinges--and engraved richly with the detailed carving that truly makes it a prize. Two great dragons lounge on the craggy surface of a ledge. Tails coiled and wings slightly extended, they seem at peace with the world and its creatures; the faceted glass that is set in each whirling eye has been dyed the verdant shade of a summer's plain, indicating a playful and contented temperament. It might be noted that the one on the left is the larger of the two, and has had only the faintest and most subtle of stains rubbed into its wooden hide: a hint of richer gold, with the merest whisper of rose deepening the queenly hue. Beside this representation of Herath, the dark red-tinged bronze that delineates her ledgemate Prometh is all the more striking. The mutually admiring pair have their necks arched coquettishly, muzzles touching... so that, in the curve of their sinuous selves, a heart's shape is formed that frames the shining brass of the twin door handles. If you should open the cabinet, you will find a note lying within: "To riders of bronze and of gold: now that you're becoming old, I present this chest, and hopes for the best; may your future Turns much joy hold! All right, so technically it isn't a chest per se--but I defy you to come up with a suitable rhyme for 'cabinet.' With fond regards, best wishes, highest respects, and all the rest of that sentimental stuff, Kassima." --- Aladis slips out while the converstaion flies over her head. Aladis walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. K'tyn blinks, looking at the cabinet. "This is... amazing, Kassi! Truly." He runs a hand over the carved surface. "I thank you. Now, we'll have a place for all those scrolls and maps." Kindre is, obviously, awe-struck by the beautiful cabinet standing in the midst of the living cavern. "Great Faranth's ghost," is about all the goldrider can seem to muster as far as words so far. Following K'tyn's lead by rubbing her hand along the smooth wooden surface...the carved gold and bronze dragons in particular...and she sighs. "This is glorious, Kassi! You must've spent a fair share of marks for it...shards and shells...thank you!" Her enthusiastic words are followed by a hug of the Wingleader. Kassima grins, folding her arms and nodding to the Weyrleader. "Quite welcome, sir. Again, I apologize for the belatedness of it, but--oof!" Laughing, she opens her arms to hug Kin back. "Nay so much as all of that; I told you I did well at the High Reaches Hatching, didn't I? If'n you like it, 'tis all the thanks I need--cliche as that statement may be." K'tyn grins. "Well tis thanks and more I say. Thanks Kassi. Tis lovely." He looks at the cabinet more closely, trying to find the identity of the master who made it. "Was this commissioned from the Woodcraft Hall, Kassi?" His voice is muffled from within. Kindre bobs her head several times while moving back to look over the cabinet. "Lords and Ladies, Kassi, I don't think we can thank you enough," she remarks and peers over K'tyn's shoulder to look inside as well. "It will work wonderfully for all of our things lying about in the weyr...and it's just so beautiful! Kassima helpfully points towards the small sigil of crossed carving knives in one corner of the cabinet. "Aye and nay, sir. 'Tis the work of another of m'cousins--Aleinn, a Journeyman Woodcrafter. He hopes this work will help him get his promotion to Master, and I personally think it couldn't do aught but. He'll be quite pleased t'be knowing you like it, I'm certain!" "Please give Aleinn our grateful thanks," Kindre remarks quickly while pulling away from peeking inside the cabinet. "It's truly a glorious piece of furniture," she adds before peering at the cavern door. "I think either Hera or Prom will be able to get it onto the ledge, don't you," is queried of K'tyn. K'tyn peers around the cabinet to grin. "He'll be one, and soon, if he keeps this up, tis true. Now... For the getting it up to the weyr..." He laughs at Kindre as they seem to share a braincell or three. "Aye--We'll wrap it with blankets to protect the surface from scrathes, and that should be that." Kassima nods towards the wrapping on the floor. "You could use that, too-- or I could take it back; either's fine by me. Really, two people should be able t'manage. 'Tis nay so bad as a pair of firestone sacks." Grinning, she glances idly around the rest of the room. "Y'know," she quips, "I think Benden Hold's having one of its dinner shindigs tonight. Anyone planning on attending?" Kindre bobs her head a few times at K'tyn. "That should likely work... Herath is napping beside the feeding pens after a meal," she notes after a slightly glazed-over look. "Think Prometh would mind? I can help you, too, if you'd like?" K'tyn grins at Kassi. "I'll be there. Rather have to, I think, to show Rodin that I've no animosity toward him. I've heard the strangest rumours that he finds me...of all things, arrogant." He tries lifting the cabinet. "Hm! This isna heavy at all, despite that it looks like it was made from iron wood," K'tyn comments. "I can manage this up to the weyr." "I was hoping to go," the goldrider remarks and smiles. "Even though they are not in our coverage any longer, I do like to chat with Lord Rodin now and again. Nevermind visit Lara," she remarks honestly. Kassima suggests, "If'n you're done with the records for the night, Kin, 'twas intending t'go m'self--t'see Lara, and Kathall as well. Since I finished writing up the duty rosters ere I came down here, there's nay pressing reason to detain me." "Me either," Kindre agrees, "I'm finished with the records for the eve and once K'tyn gets the cabinet settled into out weyr he'll likely come join us." K'tyn hefts the cabinet with only a slight grunt of effort. Nodding at a nearby old uncle, he commandeers the old one to lead the way out the bowl and toward the shared weyr. "Thank you, Downen. I'll get it up there--I just need help getting it out of here without running over someone. Oh Kin? I'll be up at the weyr, and then join..." A low chuckles escapes his lips as he wanders out. Aye, they do share a braincell or three. K'tyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima laughs and salutes after the Weyrleader, nodding. "Then, shall we hasten hence? 'Twould be best t'get there ere the best of the feast is eaten!" R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. "Sounds like a plan to me," Kindre agrees and heads out towards the bowl. Kindre walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Kindre gives Herath a soft, loving pat on the side. Humbling her oft high-held muzzle, Herath dips close to the ground and Kindre half-steps, half-tugs herself up with courtly ease. An unusally easy and contented glint is in her eyes as her lifemate bestrides her. <*> Herath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft. <*> Above, Spineth bellows loudly in greeting as he arrives from off his ledge. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. <*> Herath bugles a greeting to Spineth as her rider waves a greeting. <*> Lysseth trumpets her own greeting as she rises up to join the two, Kassima saluting the Weyrsecond pair in turn. "Headed to Benden, perchance?" she shouts over. <*> Atop Spineth, Ursa is actually dressed in a skirt over her riding trousers, and there's a scarf keeping her hair neat from the wind, instead of her long braid shoved under a helmet as usual. "On my way!" she agrees. Spineth falls into formation behind the gold dragon. <*> From her gold Herath, "We're all ready," her rider calls across while Herath continues to hover. Kassima, who wears only her standard riding gear, nods once. "Ready when you are, Kin," she then calls over to the hovering gold's rider. <*> Herath disappears into Between. <*> Spineth disappears into Between. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Herath glides down to a landing on the fireheights. <*> Spineth emerges again directly behind the gold dragon. A sense of duty or an fondness for gold dragons, he stays perfectly in formation behind her. <*> Spineth glides down to a landing on the fireheights. <*> Lysseth bugles an identification and greeting to the local watchdragon, spiralling down in a tightening circle towards the fire- heights just below. A gentle wind current caresses your wings as you glide down to a landing on the fireheights. <*> Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Ursa climbs carefully down with the assistance of Spineth's extended forelimb. Ursa climbs down the stairs to the courtyard. Kindre brushes clingy bits of sky from herself before smiling. As Ursa descends to the courtyard, she chuckles. "I suppose we should follow her," she remarks before doing so. Kindre climbs down the stairs to the courtyard. "I hope," Kassima comments, glancing down at her comfortably worn leathers, "that they don't mind casual dress--and that Kathall's there with some of her kiwi bread." Smiling at that thought, she follows after the departing Weyrsecond. You climb down the stairs to the courtyard. Ursa has left her riding gear with Spineth, and she is still tugging the scarf from her hair, smoothing as she does. "Kiwi what," Kindre wonders having barely caught Kassima's words on their way down. "Though, truth be told, I'll eat nearly anything with kiwi in it," is her added quip. Gazing towards the main hall, she wonders, "There, I'd assume?" Kassima flicks her fingers through the heavy drape of her bangs, clearing them from her eyes. "D'you imagine they might be serving any of that new pressing 'twere showing off at the Winecraft Gather with dinner?" she inquires rather hopefully. Ursa replies with gusto, replying to Kindre, "There it is, then." She starts to stride towards the hall, then remembers she's not in riding boots nor on Weyr business, and walks more circumspectly. Ursa opens the metal doors and steps into the Great Hall. Kindre opens the metal doors and steps into the Great Hall. The metal doors slide open at your touch, and you step into the Great Hall. Flynn shrugs, "Maybe nothing, maybe everything." Ursa has been in this hall countless times on Weyr duty, back when she was a Benden Rider, but tonight she takes a long look around, as if seeing it for the first time. She smooths her skirt as the door closes behind her and the other riders. She is still holding the scarf in her hands, and she fiddles with it absently. "Kiwi *aught*," Kassi elucidates for Kin on her way into the room. "Though the bread would be best, methinks--especially with wine." Pausing briefly on the threshhold, she raises her voice to a more carrying level to call a cheerful, "Duties t'Benden Hold, her Lord, and her Lady!" Kathall mutters to Sarra, "It's a stampede. Here we go." She climbs to her feet and calls over from their dinner-side circle, "Benden and baker hospitality to Telgar, riders. We've herdbeast stew, herb bread, klah, and wine; and you can warm by the fire and join us in talk." Sarra sets her spoon down again, standing much more quickly and moving to the bowls, muttering her 'duties' as she hurries. "Here Kathall," she says, plunking down a stack of bowls. Kindre moves into the hall beside the Weyrsecond and Wingleader, a wide smile on her face as she offers, "Telgar's duties to Benden Hold and the Bakercraft," formally. Her grin does not wane as she glances at the faces inside. "Everything looks as wonderful as I fondly recall." Nodding to Kathall, she bobs her head and takes in the scents. "I heard rumors that someone cooks kiwis?" R'val smiles at the incoming Telgarites, and continues to eat his stew, peering about the cavern Flynn nods in greeting, but keeps rleativley quiet. Ursa defers to Kindre, letting her formal duties do for herself, as well. The scarf winds up wrapping around her hand as she strides... no, steps over to the fire to join the crowd at the invitation. Kathall starts unstacking the bowls, with a muttered 'thanks' to Sarra. "Kiwis?" she echoes, slicing a look at Kassima. "Well, I've made kiwi bread before -- which /shouldn't/ be eaten with ketchup, either, by the way -- but usually I just give the raw fruit to Kassima there." Kindre chuckles a bit. Having seen Kassima eat all sorts of odd combination of foods in the past few turns or so, she simply bobs her head in knowing agreement. "I promise you I never eat kiwi with anything but the bread or muffin in which they are cooked," she remarks while moving closer to the fire. "Everything smells wonderful. Oh, shards, forgive my manners, I'm Kindre by the way." Kassima inclines her head in a nod to Kathall, accompanied by a half-grin. "Most gladly, Kathall, and with many thanks. Ketchup? Ugh; believe me, I wouldn't even think of eating it with ketchup. I'm nay pregnant anymore, y'know. Dare I hope that some of those plentiful kiwi 'twere mentioning a'fore have found their way onto your tables?" Sarra helps Kathall with serving up dinner to the riders, quiet with the quiet of awe. "Kathall," the apprentice baker returns, diffidently not quite looking at the weyrwoman, and offers a bowl of the steaming, vegetable-chunky stew. "Please, have a seat. --Did you get the bushel I promised, Kassima?" She sets out more bowls, pulls over the bread baskets, and glances at Ursa, although she doesn't press that rider into the conversational crush. Nice to be on the periphery. Ursa is frequently the ranking member of the group, and she's actually enjoying travelling with Kindre and deferring to the goldrider's lead. Since Kindre's going ahead with introduction, she inserts her own name without preamble, "Ursa. Telgar's Weyrsecond." and then adds, out of politeness, "It's always a pleasure to enjoy Benden hospitality." R'val finds a seat for himself, leaning back in it as he slurps on his stew. Kathall repeats her name to the Weyrsecond. "I think we met once at Benden, with M'kla and some weyrlings. Have some stew, bread -- wine, anyone? The vintners just celebrated their new pressings." "Thank you, Kathall," Kindre says while taking the proffered bowl of stew as well as a seat. Inhaling the warmth of the spicy scents, she grins wide. "Shells, this smells delightful...Ursa, you really should try some." Nodding, then, to Ursa's words, she adds, "Despite our transfers to Telgar, Benden remains a favorite place to visit." Sarra almost happily fades into the background and her seat. She glances at the riders every so often when she feels they aren't watching. Kassima's grin broadens urther at that. "In very deed, Kathall, and thankee... oh, this stew looks magnificent. The bushel will be most appreciated--by me and the younglings, I should imagine. Kay and Khari both have a taste for kiwi. The wine *is* of the new pressing, then?" That definitely has her looking pleased, until the introductions prompt her to recall better manners. "The name's Kassima, by the by," she offers to any who might be listening. "Green Lysseth's rider; Thunderbolt Wingleader, if'n you wish t'be getting technical. Well met, and g'deve." Ursa grins at Kindre, drawling, "Can't say no to good stew." She's a chronic stew-eater, and she scoops herself a generous bowl. She nods politely to Kathall, repeating the woman's name, but admitting, "I don't think I remember that. But good to meet you again." Kathall murmurs pleasantly back to Ursa and takes a seat with Sarra. "New pressing, yes, Kassima; at least, the red is. I can't vouch for anything else." She finds her piece of nibbled bread, but doesn't resume the nervous bites. "I did invite Telgar to the dinners, didn't I? I just didn't imagine you'd /come,/ forgive me." Kindre takes a few bites of the stew and smiles. That, however, does not last. Blinking a few time, she suddenly wonders, "Are there mushrooms in this? I tastes wonderful, but I have a terrible reaction to them 'tis all." Letting her spoon sit idle in the bowl, she echoes Kassima's pleased look. "Wine would be wonderful," is remarked with a wide smile. "Neither can I, Ursa," the goldrider agrees with a bob of her head. "Will Emlyn be joining us later? Or is she still on sweeps?" R'val smiles towards Kathall, "We're full of surprises. 'He winks. Kassima sighs with contentment, turning to find herself a glass of the aforementioned pressing. "As 'Red is what I prefer, that suits me quite well. You did indeed--I hope our presence isn't an unwelcome surprise? Kindre, Ursa, would you like a glass too while I'm over here?" Ursa pauses before taking a bit of stew, looking almost caught by Kindre's casual question. "Actually, I doubt it, Kindre," she says. "Emlyn's off..." she hesitates, scowls, even, "On a private errand." She waves a hand towards Kassima, declining the offer. "I'd love one, Kassi," Kindre calls over before glancing back to Kathall. "Oh, agreed, we didn't mean to add to what will likely be a large event as it is. It's just so nice to come back here for a lot of us, we can hardly resist," she explains and smiles. "Not unpleasant, no," Kathall allows, although she does slew a quick look around at the Bendenites for confirmation. "And no, no mushrooms, Kindre -- may I call you 'Kindre'? Just the herdbeast, spices, and vegetables." Kathall says then, "I do understand. About coming back, I mean, and you /are/ welcome." Alin finishes off his drink, setting the mug down he glances out the door, seeing the darkness of the night, he nods to those nearby him, and says quiet g'nights as hurries on back to his place before it gets to late. Alin opens the metal doors and walks out into the courtyard. R'val finishes his bowl and puts it aside with a contented smile, "Delightful, Kathall..And your bread is very good." Kindre's brow knit a little bit as she looks curiously at Ursa. "A private errand," she wonders, her words coming slowly. After recent events and 'projects' she hardly expected Emlyn to be venturing off. Turning back to Kathall, she bobs her head several times while regaining her smile. "Wonderful...and, yes, Kindre will do just fine. My Dah liked it enough, I suppose, so it should be used." Kassima smiles faintly at that, handing a glass over to Kindre. "Pleasant indeed. I'd nay miss such a fair chance as this. Have you and the other folk of the Hold been well?" she wonders, glancing over to the quieter Bendenites and raising a brow in curious query to them. Ursa turns away from Kindre, neglecting to comment anymore on the errand. She looks around nonchalantly, and her eyes fall on Flynn. She watches him for a moment, and then says, with calculated casual tones, "A redhead. What's your name?" She really does mean to be polite, even if it comes out more abruptly than she intended. Flynn turns his look down to his empty stew bowl and fidgets slightly. "Thank you, R'val," Kathall replies with only the slightest hitch before her words, and leaps immediately towards Kassima's question, to listen while she nibbles. Flynn looks up suddenly, "Huh? Oh, Flynn." Ursa nods amiably at Flynn, saying, "Well met. I'm Ursa, from Telgar." In case he missed this. She tumbles on, continuing the conversation with another direct question. "What do you do here at Benden?" Kassima listens idly to the other conversation, setting to her meal with an enthusiasm just restrained by the bounds of manners. Between bites, she quietly asks Kathall, "You're certain we're nay interrupting aught? 'Tis a bit quiet, I notice." Sarra seems to have run out of stew...nothing to hide behind now. Flynn picks absently at the table's surface, and glances up only slightly, "I work down in the Orchards, Ma'am." Kindre, having chosen a seat beside Ursa and Sarra, decides not to press the issue of Emlyn's private errand any further. "That's a lovely dress, Ursa," she remarks before quieting to let the Weyrsecond continue her conversation with Flynn. Turning to Sarra, she wonders a similiar questions. "Did you help prepare the meal for this evening? Everything smells so wonderful, I fear I may have to be rolled out of here if I'm not careful." Kathall refrains from eyeing Sarra, but answers Kassima candidly, "Too many of you at once, and very impressive you's, too. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't often dine with weyrwomen, Weyrseconds, and wingleaders, y'know?" Ursa brushes a hand self-consciously across her skirt at Kindre's comment, then smooths the hem of her tunic. The tunic gives her quite a bit of pride. "Hard work, that, I'm sure," she says to Flynn. Sarra stammers a bit at being addressed. "I...I helped with the stew.. ma'am." Flynn rubs the back of a calloused, scratched hand, "Aye, sometimes." "We're just visitors to your Hall," Kindre interjects and grins as she looks at Kathall. "We're glad enough to be able to visit and enjoy such kind company, to be true," she adds genuinely. Replying to Sarra, she smiles and says, "Please, call me Kindre. I don't believe I caught your name..." Her words idle a moment before she takes another bite of stew. "Fine work on this, it's wonderful." Kassima blinks at Kathall, a touch taken aback. "Impressive, us?" One would think that simply hadn't occured to her. "Faranth... well, 'twas nay our intent to, ah, overwhelm per se." Looking over from her meal, she notes to Sarra with enthusiasm, "Excellent stew 'tis, too, if'n you don't mind me saying so." Sarra stammers again. "I...I'm Sarra, ma'am....uh, Kindre." Ursa's stew sits forgotten for the moment, only a few bites taken. "I grew up round Igen, hardly a tree in sight there," she drawls. "What sort of work's done in the orchards this time of the season?" She leans forward as she asks, sounding quite sincere in her curiosity. Kathall buries a bemused smile at the green rider. She mutters to Kassima, "... forget... They're... though,... good." You sense Kathall buries a bemused smile at the green rider. "I suppose you forget the effect you have on us mere ground-bound, Kassima. They're easing, though, so that's good." Sarra actually smiles at Kassima. "Thank you. It was my first time to help." Kathall puts in loyally, "For one of these dinners, at least. You do a lot of work in the kitchen, Sarra, every day." Kindre smiles and nods her head a few times. "Well met, then, Sarra. I agree with Kassima here," she nods to her friend, "it's wonderful stew. Pierron, our head chef, would likely pay a few marks to get the recipe, I gather." Flynn looking like he's relaxing somewhat, "Pulling weeds, cutting away dead branches, pruning, things like that." Ursa overhears the compliments on the stew and, absently, picks up her spoon again and starts eating. Eating stew is such a habit from home that she's already quite forgotten to appreciate it as a specially prepared dish. She nods towards Flynn's hands. "The work leaves its mark, doesn't it?" Kassima snorts good-naturedly. She mutters to Kathall, "... People... one... about... disreputable... as... I'll... in..." Turning her attention back to Sarra, she grins brightly. "All the more impressive, then. I used t'help quite a bit in the kitchens back home--primarily because Mum couldn't cook aught that wouldn't leave one choking." Kathall senses that Kassima snorts good-naturedly. "Mere, schmere. People are people, and I for one am about as disreputable and unrespectable as they come. I'll try t'keep it in mind, though." Sarra blushes and looks towards Kathall for help, any help. "Thank you. I'll see if the cooks would be willing to write it down?" Flynn smiles, "Aye, mostly during Spring." Kathall swallows a grin at Kassima's words, to tell Sarra gravely, "Since I took the recipe from one of Master Ofira's own, along with the bread, I think Pierron already has it. We can write it down and check, though. Maybe fly up there yourself, Sarra, to give it to him?" Sarra squeaks, "Me? Going to a Weyr? Shards! I wouldn't know how to act or what to say or anything!" Kathall's head draws back over her half-nibbled bread. "Sure you would. It's just another place where people live. With dragons, it's true, but..." Kindre bobs her head a few times at Kathall's suggestion. "What a grand idea. I'm not sure that Ofira shares all of her better recipes with Pierron," she says before lowering her voice, "Wonderful cook, but rather crusty around the edges if you get my meaning." Chuckling a bit at Sarra's reaction, she adds, "You act and say as you see fit." Sarra just nods her head, still looking as if she's been hit by a board. "Yes'm." Kassima chuckles at that, quirking a wry half-grin. "How to act? Oh, acting like yourself would do, I'd imagine. Faranth knows that we've visitors enough t'be used t'nigh everything!" Ursa scrapes the bottom of her stew bowl. "Are you born and bred Benden stock?" she asks the young man, without any apparent reason for the subject change. Kathall leans over and tells Sarra, "I couldn't even move away from the wall, the first time I visited a Weyr. But you get over it, really. Weyrfolk are used to it." "Have you been at Benden a long time, Sarra," Kindre wonders before taking a few more spoonfuls of stew. Flynn says "I'm from just North of Greenfields Hold, ma'am." Sarra nodnodnods her head at Kathall's comment. Kathall mutters to Kassima, "See? You've... her, and... girl... out... got..." Kathall whispers "See? You've petrified her, and she's a girl who's gone out of her way to tip over herdbeasts that got /in/ her way." Kassima perks up at the name of Greenfields. "Greenfields? I've a friend from there--Meli, Juliath's rider. I don't suppose you've ever met her?" she asks curiously of the younger man. Glancing back at Kathall, she just grimaces almost comically in response. Kathall leans over again. She mutters to Sarra, "... like... There... good... the..." Sarra hmmms and nods her head slowly. She mutters to Kathall, "You might... right,... Getting... mother... or..." Flynn thinks for a moment, "It's south from Crom and a little east of Nabol." Kathall nods sharply back and sits away again. "How /is/ Telgar?" she asks Kindre politely through the other conversation's break. "Well, I suppose?" Kindre washes down the rest of her stew with some of the red wine. Smiling wide at the apparently pleasing flavor, she then sighs. "Truly, Sarra, you should come visit sometime. Weyrs are just big mountains with bigger beasts. Kind of like an oversized Beastcraft when you get right down to it," she offers and smiles. Ursa nods absently, repeating, "Greenfield," and nodding some more as he clarifies where it is. "I overfly the area every other sevenday, or so," she comments. Sarra manages a smail and no stammer. "I think I might like to visit sometime, ma'am." Kindre bobs her head several times to Kathall and smiles. "Telgar fares very well indeed, thank you for asking. We're heading into our second spring there, which was well anticipated. Nice to see the flowers again. Everything here is equally good, I hope?" Flynn says "It's a really small hold, and I'm actually from an outlying cothold." Kassima takes a few more bites of the most excellent stew before continuing her conversation. "I take it you've never been to a Weyr?" she asks Sarra. "It really isn't so bad as the tales paint it. One thing you can say about it is that life's always interesting. If'n you ever do wish a visit, send a 'lizard with a missive; I'll deploy V'dan t'come down and bring you up if'n I can't m'self." Ursa nods. "We rarely need to send riders in to check with the grounds crews there or anything," she agrees. Kathall says "Well, you missed our gardener -- Alin; he left -- but I suppose we're blooming properly and all that. The Winecraft festival last month, of course. It's been quiet, mostly. A good thing, hmm?" Sarra shakes her head, then nods her head. "No ma'am.,....yes ma'am. I mean I've been to Telgar hold. I was fostered near there, but I've never been to the Weyr. Any Weyr." Flynn turns towards Sarra, "Nor have I, go out and take what the world owes you, see?" Ursa just can't help asking, "And just what does the world owe you?" Sarra nods to Flynn. "Maybe you could come with me? Just so I'd know someone?" "Quiet is always good," Kindre agrees with a bob of her head. "Though it seems we all get it so rarely, hmm," she wonders of Kathall and grins. Overhearing Sarra, she offers, "Well, if you'd like to come visit, do send a firelizard or words somehow. You can give Pierron some lessons on making a good stew." Kassima wrinkles her nose good-naturedly. "Ma'am? Feh--please, just call me Kassima or Kassi. Whichever suits your favor. You're originally from the Telgarian range, then? If'n you don't mind m'asking, what brought you down here?" Lara steps out of the meeting hall to the north, letting the heavy door slide shut behind her. Lara practically stomps into the Hall, a fair of excited firelizards swirling around her. Pointing to the large door that is open a fraction to the Courtyard, she glares at the bundle of wings and tails while speaking firmly and with a trace of impatience, "Out with you, right this moment. Go on, get. When I get ahold of your master, he is in big trouble." Watching the annoyances streak through the Hall, her features reflect mortification when she finally sees what company just witnessed her little scene. Sarra nods. "Kassi....I'm from here. I was just fostered with my mother's sister. All she had were boys." R'val sips his klah quietly, and looks about the hall. As Lara enters, he spots her, and hiding a grin at her reaction to the firelizard horde. Flynn looks to Ursa, "Me? Nothing. I've done the things I'm going to do and seen the things I'm going to see." Hearing the siwng of a door turns Kindre's head almost automatically. Chuckling a bit at the fair of 'lizards surrounding Lara, she composes herself and offers a beaming smile. "Good evening and Telgar's duties Headwoman," she says first, formally, before adding, "It's grand to see you, Lara! I was hoping you'd be about while we were here." Kassima makes a face at that. "Ach, the poor woman! All I have are girls, and believe you me, I don't regret it for a moment. What'd you think of your foster-area, then? Other than that 'twas blooming cold, like the rest of Telgar's space?" Lara's arrival, irate fire-lizards and all, elicits an enthusiastic wave from Kassi. "Headwoman Lara, duties and g'deve t'you!" Ursa is distracted by the headwoman's entrance, but she turns back to Flynn. "Done everything and seen everything?" she echoes. "And now you're busy pruning orchards. How many children have you sired?" Lara clears her throat and puts on a smile, which warms the more at ease she gets. "Benden's duties to Telgar and her queens," she says politely to the visitors before moving closer. "How nice to have you visit us again. I apologize for that entrance." A nod and a smile is given to each person in turn, even the residents. Sarra opens her mouth to answer and then turns as everyone's attnetion shifts. She smiles at Lara and then answers Kassima's question. "I loved it. The woods with lovely all turn long." Flynn shaking his head, "None." Telgar Weyr> Kassima *laughs* at Ursa's question! You're marvelously forthright, Bear. :) Telgar Weyr> Kindre just snickers, Ursa! I may have to log this ;) Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Go Ursa, Go Ursa go...;)" Kathall nods to Lara, too, but she seems more intent on keeping her head up, not dozy-nodding again. R'val favours Lara with a smile, and murmurs in return, "And Telgar's duty to your Hold. A fine feast you have here tonight." Lara turns a proud smile on Kathall at R'val's words. "Yes, Kathall can always be counted on to turn out a wonderful meal. I'm very glad to have her back from Igen." Kassima tilts her head, her smile abruptly gone impish. "Nay need to apologize, Lara. For my part, I've certes entered a room that way enough times m'self. 'Tis a pleasure t'be here, and t'sample Benden's incomparable epicurean delights and sparkling company." Turning back to Sarra, she nods thoughtfully at that. "I suppose 'tis a bonus, aye. 'Twas nay something I'd considered. I'm from Greystones originally, m'self, and moving from the Snowy Wastes to the Icy Wastes was a bit of a shock. Have you ever been to the warmer areas of Pern? Boll, Nerat, Shipfish Island?" Ursa clucks her tongue. "Dear me," she says absently. "Those orchards must keep you far too busy." Kathall twitches a smile. A pathetic little smile, but a smile nonetheless. "Thank you, Headwoman. It's good to be back." Flynn turns to look off in the distance, blushing slightly, "Aye." Sarra shakes her head again. "No ma'a...Kassima. I've only been to Telgar and here. And the places in between." R'val grins at Lara, "And rightly so, she's quite the cook." Ursa asks directly, "Is that a blush? Not for want of trying, then?" Kathall mutters, "I only helped with the bread." She scrubs a hand through her hair, sighs. "But thank you. Again, R'val. Will you have some, Headwoman?" Flynn shakes his head, his blush now matching his hair, "No, I just been busy is all." Lara briefly lays a supportive hand on Sarra's shoulder as she passes behind her in order to take a chair near the Telgar riders. "No thank you, Kathall. I ate earlier in the kitchen while you were rushing around." R'val smiles at Kathall, "And excellent bread it was..." Ursa nods, suspicions confirmed that it is, truly, a genuine blush. "Well, certainly those orchards don't keep you that busy in winter, do they?" She adds, "I mean, at the weyr, even winter's a busy time, even with less Thread, but it always seems that my wing's got its share of greenriders that can't make it through the winter without taking leave for pregnancy." Kathall's eyes linger on R'val a moment, dark and pensive, then drop into her lap, with her intertwined fingers. "Thank you," she says again, softer. "And how is young Rylan?" Sarra smiles up at Lara. "Lara, ma'am? Kassima has invited me to Telgar sometime. Would it be okay with you if I go? Not right now of course." She looks at the dirty dishes and sighs. Kassima peers at Ursa with surprise, unable to totally miss *that* line of questioning even amidst her preoccupation. She just shakes her head, her expression clearly saying, 'I'm *not* going to ask.' "Interesting... is it a desire t'travel that you lack, or the means? There's naught wrong with staying home, a'course--I go nigh mad whenever I'm confined to one space for long, but that's just me. May I try some of that bread, Kathall?" Leaning back in her chair, she smiles over to the Headwoman. "I hope you and yours have been well of late, Headwoman. The Hold certes appears prosperous." Flynn turns his gaze back down to the table and starts picking at it again, "I stay pretty busy," very quietly. R'val winces at the mention of Rylan, but gazes steadily at Kathall, "he's fine. He had a bit of a hangover the next day, mind you." Ursa shrugs. "Maybe next winter," she says simply. "Yes, I imagine he would," Kathall responds, just as level, and passes over a half-emptied bread basket to Kassima. "Made with rosemary, see? I learned it in a lesson at the High Reaches training center. Were you there for that one, Kassima?" Flynn turns and looks in the direction of some imagined noise behind him. Lara replies to Sarra with a nod and distracted smile, her gaze on the flustered Flynn. "Of course, Sarra. As long as you've your chores done, it's no problem at all." Kassima's compliment, bring her to full attention. "Thank you, Kassima. It's doing well, as am I and my family. Such a lovely Spring we're having. Is it the same at Telgar?" Kassima accepts the bread basket with a nod of thanks, lifting out a piece for herself. "Rosemary," she repeats. "Does it make much of a difference in the flavor, rosemary? I don't believe I was; I missed several lessons while 'twas carrying Khari, and that was likely one of them." Passing the basket back along, she bobs her head affirmatively to Lara. "A bit wet-- and chill, a'course--but lovely on the whole. As Lysseth would be sure t'mention, the water-lilies are quite plentiful. The only negative is that it means the return of more live Thread, a'course." Kathall replies, "Makes it taste like something more than bread, anyway, and it suits the stew, I think." She stretches out to snag klah, to sit and stew with it while she listens, heavy-lidded. Ursa turns to look at Kindre, to see if she's been listening at all. She drawls to the goldrider beside her, "Seems there's more to the story we're not hearing, doesn't it?" Lara frowns just briefly at the mention of that horrid thread, but quickly turns the topic to another part of Kassi's response and is smiling again. "Water-lilies? I'd love to have a look at them. Perhaps I should venture out of the Hold some time." Kassima nibbles the bread tentatively. "I would have to agree," she finally decides. "The wine, also. I take it this is one of Ofira's recipes too? Oh, that's excellent--" she belatedly says in response to Lara's granted permission. "We'll be looking forward t'seeing you at Telgar then, Sarra." Sarra smiles, seeming a bit more at ease. "Thank you, Kassima. Maybe Lara will send a message when I have some free time." Ursa finds that Kindre wasn't listening, and, in fact, is so distracted that she didn't even hear the comment. So she says it to Flynn, instead, "Is there more to the story than that? Just busy?" Kathall confirms, "I take most of the recipes from the Masterbaker," in her very best polite-baker tone to Kassima. "With some changes here and there, but Sarra and I could write them down for her and Pierron, I'm sure." "Either that, or I could drop by just after Lysseth's had her bath," Kassi quips drolly. "She has an odd fascination with the things--tends t'get herself covered in 'em, too. Right after bathing time, when she lifts off, a slew of flowers fall off and stream after her. Rather amusing, really. And you're quite welcome, Sarra; I'm certain one of our riders, if'n nay V'dan, will find himself or herself able t'make a quick stop when she does." Flynn shrugs and look down at the table, "I'm pretty busy, sure." Kassima grins to Kathall, quite content with this topic of discussion. "Ofira's often experimenting, so 'twould nay surprise me if'n she were quite appreciative. I take it you've heard about the birth of her second son?" Lara finds herself smiling while visualizing a water-lily bedecked dragon. Sarra enters her mind and she suggests, "Perhaps we should go together, Sarra? I'm sure Styphnal would like me to have a chaperone, of sorts." In an aside to Kassima, she explains, "He can get jealous." Kathall says "Um. No. We don't hear much here, not that an apprentice would be privy, anyway." She peeks at R'val. "Congratulations, though." R'val grins at the mention of Ofira and Iraval, looking quite pleased with himself. Sarra smiles at the suggestion. "I'd like that, Lara. We can chaparone each other that way. Just to keep my mother happy." Ursa has had her questions avoided twice now, so she figures she'd better back off. Both possess an empty stew bowl, so she drawls. "Good stew, wasn't it?" Flynn smiles quietly, "Aye, stew around here is top notch." Kassima nods sagely to Lara. "Reason number sixty-four on the List," she comments cryptically. "Richenda would likely welcome having another Headwoman t'discuss... well... Headwomaning things with." With a rueful smile, she turns back to Kathall. "I suppose growing up and then living in gossip mills all m'life has spoiled me. He's a bonny, fine lad; she's named him Iraval." Kathall directs a banked look at Flynn and Ursa, although she stays mute on that count. "I should start cleaning up," she apologizes, rising and going for the bowls. "Pardon me, please." Sarra starts to rise also. "Do you need help, Kathall?" Kathall shakes her head. "I can do it; stay and relax, Sarra. It's fine." Lara soundlessly repeats 'number sixty-four', but decides now is probably not the time to ask. "Thank you, Kathall," she says to the retreating baker. Kassima looks up to the Baker Apprentice. "A'course, Kathall. Duties t'your Craft and her Masters--and fair be the wind t'you as well." Sarra sits back down slowly. Kathall grins uncertainly at Kassima's farewell, but nods to them all and takes the first round of dirty dishes away. Kathall walks under the wide archway to the west, going into the kitchen. Kassima answers the unasked question regardless, quite familiar with the look of people who don't know about the List. "On m'list of reasons nay t'have a weyrmate," she clarifies. "The List works just as well for handfastings or any other long term relationship, in a good many places." Lara ahhhs at the explanation, but hasn't a comment to make as she's a 'great' endorser of handfastings. She turns to the Telgar troup, smiling at each person in turn while making small talk. "Were any of you able to attend the recent Wine festival? It was a great success, from what I heard." Ursa's stew bowl vanishes with the apprentice baker, and with it, her topic of conversation. Her questioning seems to have hit a stone wall, so instead she answers Lara's question. "I was there," and a nod towards Kassima, "Kassi was too. Plenty of folks around, plenty to drink." Flynn says "Good fun, the Festival. I made it out there during the first day." R'val nods towards Ursa, "Aye, it was quite the enjoyable festival..." "Aye, 'twas there," Kassi says, nodding to Ursa as she confirms what the Weyrsecond said. "The new pressing was excellent. Aphrael had good things t'say about the ale, too, but that's nay m'drink of choice." Ursa adds, "Twas quite late when I got there, but they still had more to drink than you see after a goldflight." R'val grins at Ursa's comparison, "Which is quite a lot indeed." Flynn absently, "I bet that is a sight to behold..." Ursa takes Flynn's comment quite literally, "After a goldflight? Sure is. Though pretty soon, the drinks all vanish and the folks do too, and there's nothing left to see in public." Kassima rattles her tongue in dismay. "Y'mean it went on for more than one day? Shells! Wish I'd known; I'd have tried t'make it out earlier." She overhears Flynn's comment, and chooses to respond to it. "'Tis something else, all right. The wagering on 'em tends t'be heavier than on greenflights, too." Trust her to bring that up. Sarra slips out of her seat, gathering a few more bowls. "Is there anything I can get anymore?" Flynn spins his hands together, "I meant the goldflight." Lara nods, pleased apparently. She falls silent while absorbing all the talk about behind the scenes at goldflights, curious and intersted. "I've never been to a flight, gold or green," she comments. Flynn turning in the direction of the Headwoman, "Nor I. I've seen a Green up close, when Shayne was down last." Ursa looks at Flynn, saying merely, "Oh," as she realizes her mistake. She continues, addressing Lara's comment, "If you stay at a weyr for more'n a day or so, you might have the priveledge of watching a green flight. Those greens seem to be going up all the time." She grins at Kassima, since she rides green, then adds with a dramatic roll of her eyes, "Don't know how I'm supposed to keep the wing together when its half greens and there's always one bound to be proddy." Sarra shrugs as no answers come and heads into teh kitchens with her dirty dishes, not looking forwards to her chores. Sarra walks under the wide archway to the west, going into the kitchen. Telgar Weyr> Ursa says, "Well, darn, I'd hoped to elicit another blush here, bringing up goldflights. No go. :)" Flynn incredulously, "They mate /that/ often?" Ursa chuckles. "Well, not each one of them, but we've got..." she turns to Kassima, and asks, "Just how many greens would you say Telgar has? Roughly?" Kassima shrugs at that. "Rather like a greenflight, really, except with nay blue chasers--and it tends t'last longer. If'n 'tis a senior flight, a'course, nigh everyone who's nay involved with the flight itself watches." Her head turns back to Lara, and her grin is one that turns her expression to pure gamin. "Should you come up to the Weyr, Headwoman, you likely will. Rare are the times some green or other isn't lighting up the evenings, and you can't spend much time at a Weyr without witnessing a flight or two... thousand. Would you be so good, Sarra, as t'tell me what there is for desse--oh, fardles. I always do that." She heaves an exaggerated sigh, then mirrors Ursa's grin. "I just hope Lorieth and Lysseth never get proddy at the same time. *That'd* land Thunderbolt in a royal mess, wouldn't it? I think there're about one hundred and twenty right now, though that's a rounded number a'course." Ursa adds with a snort, "Perhaps I should ask R'val. Vidarth would know." Then she scowls, "Just a hundred twenty? Naw, it's got to be more than that." Flynn's mouth drops agape at the matter-of-fact mentioning of that /number/ of dragons. Not thinking that that many could exists on the whole of Pern. Ursa shakes her head. "Could have sworn we had upwards of a thousand green dragons," she says with a wink. "Must be cause they're so speedy... you just see them more." Lara actually has a bit of a wide-eyed look to her, absosbing all these details and comparing them with what she's heard through the grapevine. "My goodness," she murmurs upon hearing the numbers being tossed around. R'val chortles at Ursa, "Hey now...Vidarth hasn't chased in sevendays." Flynn suddenly thinks his tail is being pulled and that there aren't /near/ that many. Kassima laughs, taking a sip of her wine. "That and the flights make it seem like they're everywhere, I agree. There's rarely a day I don't thank Faranth that Lysseth's green, for various reasons--and most of those rare days come around when she's proddy, so." Thinking that Lara's surprised by the relatively low number, she assures the Headwoman, "Oh, there'll be more once the queens' clutches have built Telgar back up to full fighting strength." Flynn asking, still wide-eyed, "How many is that?" Ursa looks upwards, doing her own little math, then comments, "Well, if we've only a hundred and some, then they mustn't be daily... it must just seem like it. A few in a sevenday, though." Ursa finishes, clarifying, "Greenflights, I mean." Lara opens her mouth, about to ask a question that would no doubt show her lack of knowledge when it comes to weyrlife, but is luckily saved from embarassment by an assistant that's slid up behind her to whisper a question in her ear. Shaking her head, she sends the girl on her way, then turns to the visitors. "Would you please excuse me a moment?" she asks while rising. "And I wasn't thinking the number to be low, Kassima. Quite the opposite, in fact." Kassima squints, considering. "For Telgar, 'twould be less than Benden. Likely somewhere around four-hundred--dragons, I mean, nay greens. 'Twould be around one-hundred and sixty greens or so. They generally make up at least a third of the Weyr's fighting force," she adds with some pride. "Aye... though some rise rather frequently. I'm glad Lyss isn't one of 'em. Excuse you? A'course, Lara--and thankee for the pleasure of your company this evening." Flynn tries to absorb all this information, holding dragons akin to gods, "Four-HUNDRED?!" Ursa gives the Headwoman a gracious nod. "Thanks for your hospitality tonight," she says before the woman can leave. Flynn says "And that is just at Telgar?!" Lara pauses before leaving to smile once again at the Telgar visitors. "If I can't get back before you leave, let me thank you now for visiting us and bringing some excitement to the evening. As always, you are most welcome at Benden. Good eve." Lara pushes open the northern door and steps into the meeting hall. Ursa nods calmly to Flynn. "Right. Fortunately most of the other weyrs are up to full strength, except Benden these days." She wrinkles her nose, Benden Weyr's plight is never pleasing to talk about. Flynn says "What's happened at Benden Weyr?" Kassima waggles her hand in the universal gesture of iffiness. "That's a very rough estimate, a'course. It might well be more; it might well be less. We'll only see when the queens have started filling the place up in earnest... ah, aye. Except Benden." Judging by the face she makes, she's not that happy about what happened to the Weyr she loved either. "Our-- well, their, but 'twas our at the time--water supply ran low. Word has it 'tis stabilized now, but 'twill still be a long time ere they've as much water as we once had access to." Flynn says "What happened to the water?" Flynn frowns, "It seems like these days, if it didn't happen in my orchard, I won't hear about it." Kassima suggests drolly, "Come on up t'Telgar sometime, then. Believe you me, you'll have an earful of rumor ere you can even tell your name." Ursa sighs heavily. "I suppose the Smiths know what happened. Our lake ran dry, the springs were sparse, there's just not enough water there anymore to support a weyr at full strength." Kasimma's comment elicits a dry chuckle. Flynn sits thoughtfully, "Maybe I will come up some day. Weyr life sounds interesting to say the least." Kassima promises, "The one thing you can *always* say about Weyrlife is that 'tis very rarely boring. Aye... the Lake was nigh mud, and the Springs dangerous t'be bathing in, when we left. At least that may let the population booms slack off a bit there. 'Course, since someone seems to have infected *our* water supply with the Water...." Flynn looks rather as if his whole world has just come crashing down around his head. Ursa looks at Kassima, "I doubt he'll be visiting the weyr anytime soon. He's far too *busy*." She gives Flynn a calm half-smile. Flynn rather weakly, "I'm sure I could get away for a short visit, maybe." Kassima suppresses a grin at that. "Oh, a'course... I'd nigh forgotten. Well, Flynn--mayhaps, if'n you're lucky, you'll come up with that free moment just in time t'see a greenflight. Or goldflight. Rumor has it, y'know, that either Leilanth or Beneth is likely due." Flynn wistfully, "Boy I bet that would be a site t'behold." Ursa laughs, a low, deep chuckle. "To hear you talk," she drawls, "You're awfully busy, Flynn." She just smiles at the change in the conversation, "Gold flights truly are spectacular...if you're detached enough to watch." Flynn raises an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" Kassima advises, "If'n you're ever around for one, look around for whomever's dispensing the alcohol. Being muddled dampens the effects somewhat; 'tis the technique I always use, with general success." Flynn seemingly completely clueless to Weyr life, "What effects?" Ursa eyes Flynn. She gets used to life in the weyr and doesn't always remember that the holders aren't accustomed to the same things. She begins by explaining, "At times, my big brown lifemate out there will try to chase a gold. When he does, I find myself rather involved in the flight... not too busy watching it." She turns to Kassima, deferring Flynn's second question to her. Kassima takes up her wine glass and leans back in the chair, toying idly with the stem of the chalice. "Well, Lyss hasn't chased a queen yet-- despite Tria's claim that she'd sire a great clutch," she grins. "The effects? 'Tis simple enough. Most folk who hang about near a rising queen feel a rather insistant urge to... ah... rise, themselves. So t'speak. Some feel the same around a green, but golds affect nigh *everyone*, up to and including the non-chasing riders." Flynn suddenly wishes he were /anywhere/ but here, "Oh! I ..uh....I... <ahem>...Ididn't know that." Kassima asks affably, "How could you, if'n you've never been around flying dragons a'fore? 'Tis much stronger for the riders *involved* a'course, which is why you'll oft see the riders of the dragons who didn't win the flight, if'n they don't seek out companionship, coming into the Living Cavern t'down enough drinks t'get themselves good and sloshed. One of the bonuses of being a greenrider is that we don't have t'worry about that." Ursa peers at Flynn, and she comments, "You blushed deeper when I asked you if you'd sired any children." Flynn absent-mindedly rubs the scar on his chin, when he's real nervous, "I did? Well, I've just been busy is all, yeah. Busy." Kassima just has to ask, "Ursa if'n you don't mind my inquiring--why *did* you ask if'n he'd sired any children, anyway?" Flynn says "I dunno, maybe it'd be for the best if'n I just stayed here..." Ursa smiles simply at Kassima. "Making conversation--isn't that what you do at fancy dinner events like these?" She gestures her hand broadly around to indicate the general company. "Aye, I suppose so," Kassima agrees, glancing about the room. "Just seemed an unusual thing to ask, is all. Ach, Flynn--your chances of arriving during a goldflight are actually fairly slim. A greenflight's more likely, but those aren't half so bad; a'course, keep in mind that I don't feel aught from any green but Lysseth anymore." Ursa smiles wanly. "Even Spineth doesn't turn his eyes to the skies everytime a green goes up, thankfully." Flynn, to no one in particular, "Yeah, that would be for the best. I really got a lot of things to do, it'd be some while before I had the time, really." R'val rises to his feet, "Excuse me..I must be going." He salutes Kassima and Ursa and exits. R'val opens the metal doors and walks out into the courtyard. Kassima chuckles. "What, nay going t'catch a lift with Lara and Sarra, whenever they come up? A pity. Really, the Weyr's an interesting place... very interesting, at times. Ask Pierron about it, if'n you ever do visit." Flynn scootches around in his chir as if trying to get out of the corner he seems to be in, "I dunno, I mean I haven't.......er, what I mean to say is, I'm just real busy and all." Ursa laughs suddenly, a loud, hearty, deep-set laugh. "You're not going to get pounced upon the moment you walk into the weyr, you know. There's plenty of men already there." Kassima is really trying her hardest to keep from grinning, and *almost* succeeds. "Funny," she quips. "Thought you said you could find a minute, nay so very long ago. But, if'n you're sure... well. Faranth forfend we should take you away from your orchards, if'n they're keeping you busy!" Flynn looks at Ursa as if he'd just been slapped, blushing deeply, "Well, it's just, it's just I been busy." Ursa just looks terribly pleased. "Look!" she says to Kassima, "I managed to get that blush back again. D'you see? His face matches his hair beautifully." Flynn suddenly feeling to be the butt of the joke everyone understood but him, he stares down at the table picking at the surface, grinding his teeth audibly. Kassima just *has* to laugh at that. "Ursa! Well, you're right--'tis a good match, and I've nay seen a better blush on anyone other than mayhaps F'hlan or Mehlani. You wouldn't believe how red F'hlan turned when Asrai and I mentioned those Cavern-lasses who'd go down to the Lake to talk about him and chant his name and all sorts of odd things. One wonders what Salless was putting in their food." Taking pity, she smiles with real sympathy at Flynn. "Ach, now, don't take us too seriously. We're crazy, that's all. At least, I am... I won't speak for the Weyrsecond, here." Flynn turns sideways in his chair to better hide more of his face. Ursa glances at Kassi, "Hrm? Oh, me, crazy?" She shrugs, "Isn't the most recent definition I've come up with..." she looks at Flynn and adds, "But seriously, I didn't say that to make you feel bad. It really was a delightful blush." Flynn taking slow, deep breaths to relax enough to talk, "I hadn't thought so, I guess. I just hadn't thought life in a Weyr was like that, I duno I guess." Kassima nods in affirmation. "'Twas, i'truth. If'n it makes you feel any better... um... did I ever catch your name? Well, anyway, I've been known t'blush a shade that's almost dark enough t'be purple. Rather hideous, really. Like what?" she now wants to know, honestly curious. Ursa opens her mouth to say something, but she pauses, waiting to hear the answer to Kassima's question, first. Flynn shrugs simply, "I dunno, I just never would have thought it was like you described." "We've used several words t'describe it," Kassi points out logically. "Interesting, rumor-filled... several others too, I'm certain. You'd really have t'see for yourself t'know what 'tis like. What it seems like to us may differ from what 'twould seem like t'you." Ursa chuckles gently. "Well, we're not out there making babies all day and all night, if that's what you're thinking now. It's a lot of hard work and now that Kassima's a Wingleader, too, she can tell you as easily as I can that much of our effort is spent in making sure we fly Fall as safely as we can with as little loss of life and dragonlimb as possible. When we're not working, we lighten up. Just like you Hold folk do. It's quite simple. You can't spend all your time in the day thinking about Fall." Ursa adds with a small snort. "Though my weyrmate might beg to differ. She doesn't think I think about anything but." After a moment, she feels the need to clarify, and does so. "But fall, I mean." Flynn shrugs again, "I dunno, it's just that I have always thought of dragons as such noble, elegant creatures. Sometimes it's hard to remember that they have human counterparts and friends and the like. I never would have guessed that dragon and rider were /that/ close. They always seemed to me to be above such things, I guess because they can fly." Kassima snorts at the very idea. "What a morbid way t'live. Weyrs have a serious job t'do, aye, and we do it well--little other choice when the alternative means death, eh? Doesn't mean we spend every hour of the day worrying about it, though. That'd just drive us mad, and Pern needs us sane... as sane as any rider can be, anyway." She takes another sip of wine, and then nearly chokes on it at the description of dragons as noble and elegant. "You've never met Lysseth, have you?" she asks between coughs. Flynn shaking his head, "No, tthe only dragon I have ever met was Shayne's Asperth. She was soo beautiful." Rubbing at the scar on his chin unknowingly, "She seemed to me the most beautiful thing I had ever layed eyes on, but I couldn't bring myself to be near her." Ursa smiles softly. Another holder gets his draconic myths punched wide open. "You should see them flying Fall--though few ever do. That's definately a noble and elegant sight." She frowns, then shakes her head. "Don't believe I've ever met the pair." Kassima's eyes narrow thoughtfully. "Asperth... aye, I've seen her. I don't know her rider personally, but I know *of* her--she's an Igen Wingleader, nay? Asperth's a lovely dragon. Lyss would argue that all greens are lovely, save mayhaps for Chymeth--and even she has her moments. But *noble*? Bright stars, some of 'em are about as noble as a piece of toast!" Kassima amends, "Well, that's outside of Fall. In Fall, they're noble... nay always elegant--when it comes to efficiency or elegance, you'd best believe any dragonpair with a jot of sense will take efficiency--but 'tis certainly stirring, for all of that." Flynn realizing what he is doing, he puts his hand down and smiles weakly, "I guess it takes all kinds, just like with people." Flynn defending his noble elegance thought, "As long as I have lived here some 7 Turns now, not once have I ever seen Thread touch the soil." Ursa smiles sadly, "A turn or two ago, I could take that as a personal compliment. My wing no longer flies your skies here, though." Flynn smiles, "How long have you both been Riders now? "Certes. Dragons aren't huge, flying vtols... they've each a personality of their own. My Lysseth is an obstinant, single-minded, grouchy mother- hen who happens t'have a thing for water, snow, lilies, and small children." Kassima smiles fondly as she lists off her lifemate's quirks. "Then there's... let's see... well, there's Herath, who's just plain temperamental. Adonith's a lady's-dragon, Prefeth's a prankster, Guarith acts like he has a stick up his rump--all kinds." Her expression turns into a cross between proud and wistful as she next states, "Aye... Benden's Wings are oft beyond reproach, and I'm certain Igen's are nearly as good. I've been paired t'Lyss for nigh ten and a half Turns now, and been a full rider for... what, nine of that? A bit less." Ursa looks at Kassima, "Must be ten turns by now, isn't it?" she asks. To Flynn, she adds, "Kassima and I both were in the barracks together." It doesn't occur to her that "the barracks" may mean something completely different to a hold dweller. "Right. We impressed 'bout ten and a half ago." Flynn says "That was about the time I first came to Benden to Apprentice in the Woodcraft." Kassima elucidates, "Our dragons were clutchmates, y'see. Shells, can you believe its been that long?" That comment is directed to Ursa. "Half the time, it seems like I've been with Lyss forever; the other half, I keep feeling like the teenage Holder-lass I was ere Chaeth found me." Ursa chuckles--the nostalgia is contagious. "Exactly--it seems like I've been a rider all my life. But then, it just takes an earful of an Igen drawl and I'm back in the rivergrain fields--or trying to escape the rivergrain fields." Flynn begins to drink this in almost like alcohol, "It must be fascinating to watch. The Weyr itself I mean, all those dragons flying around and such." Kassima chuckles. "Whenever I go home, it seems both like I've never left and like ages have passed since 'twas last there. For one, *someone* new always turns up pregnant. My family is worse than a whole Weyr full of bronzeriders and Cavern-lasses. But I can't bring Lyss or the 'lizards near the cothold, a'course, so in that sense... there're less reminders that 'tis nay longer where I belong." Leaning forward to snag another slice of bread from the abandoned basket, she tilts her head. "I suppose 'tis, at that. You get used to it over time." Ursa grins. Her reply is simple. "You can imagine that my first turn at the Weyr, I was always looking up." With a sniff, she adds, "When I wasn't mucking out the barracks, of course." Kassima asks, grinning, "Or being drowned by Vidarth, or cleaning the latrines? That's one thing about being a Candidate or Weyrling: they keep you too busy to do much gaping and gawking." Flynn shakes his head, "I would never be able to get used to it. The raw power and grace that a dragon holds. The strentgh it would take to lift such an enormous body into the air and keep it there, not like a clumsy vtol mind you, but a firelizards of immense proportions!" Holding his hands out like wings, "The aerial acrobatics that Shayne told me they can do....Fabulous!" Ursa grins. "And greens can be terrible show offs," she comments. "At least Pleiath is." Flynn says "My crops would probably die in the fields if I went to a Weyr, I'd probably forget to eat myself and just watch them until I faded away to nothing." Smiling sadly, "But Telgar is soo far away, it would take me forever to get there." Kassima confirms, "Aerial displays can be pretty sharding spectacular, aye--and nay just t'watch, but t'be in. I love riding in 'em, and Lyss enjoys it--even though she's too big t'be as adept at aerobatics as most of her sisters." Quirking a brow, she reminds Flynn, "That invitation to Sarra holds for you too, y'know. If'n I can't find a rider willing t'run a short errand over here in return for, say, some of Kathall's bread, I'll eat m'riding helmet." Ursa snorts. "If you were pregnant or proddy, Kassi, I'd not be surprised in the least to see you eating that." Flynn shaking his head, his hand comes almost automatically back to the scar on his chin, snickering at Ursa's comment, "Oh, I couldn't /possibly/ get /on/ one. I'm too terrified of them and of heights." Kassima snorts back. "Nay," she replies cheerfully. "If'n 'twere proddy, the leather's nay close enough to raw meat--and if'n 'twere pregnant, 'twould munch on it only if'n 'twere coated in ketchup and redfruit preserves!" Flynn laughs out loud, putting his hand down quickly. Kassima asks mildly, "And how d'you expect t'get over that, if'n you never confront the fear? 'Tis hard t'spend much time around dragons and still be afraid of 'em... unless they're proddy, mayhaps," she does qualify. Ursa just has to shake her head at Kassi's defense. To Flynn, she comments, "Surely you wind up climbing some trees in all your orchard work. Those're heights?" Flynn says "Aye, but not as high as a dragon flies. The trees are enclosed with branches, there is nowhere you can fall and not have something to grab. I can watch them fly and such, I just don't get within reach of them, they're so /huge/." Kassima considers this. "That's true," she allows. "Even a small green outmasses a human by *quite* a respectable margin. What about that makes 'em frightening, though? Plenty of things in life are huge." Flynn says "Ever since I was about seven, I haven't been able to go near any animal that outweighed me." Rubbing his scar for effect, "That was where I got this. The watchwher in Greenfields was old, really old and his sight wasn't what it used to be. For some reason, as I walked by, it reached out and hit me in the face with a forepaw. Me Da and uncle had to sit on me so the Healer could stitch my face shut. Since then I never go near big animals." Ursa says quietly. "My dragon lifemate is /not/ a "big animal"." She pulls herself to her feet. "A good evening to you, Flynn. Thanks for Benden's hospitality." And she turns to go, heading quickly for the door. Ursa opens the metal doors and walks out into the courtyard. Kassima raises one dark brow at that. "Letting one creature's mistake keep you in fear for your entire life isn't the best way t'be living, I'd say... and dragons are *nay*, as the Weyrsecond just said, big animals. A word to the wise--" She half-smiles, to show that no chide is implied by her following words: "If'n you do come up to the Weyr, don't ever call a dragon a big animal in front of a rider. 'Tis one of the better ways to get off on the wrong foot entirely." Flynn says "Oh dear, I hope I didn't offend her. I didn't mean...really, it's just that...shells!" Flynn says "I seem to have this inborn ability to say just the wrong thing at just the right time." Picking at the table absently, "Mayhap it's best I stay here until I can get this fear under control. I would hate to upset anyone." Kassima chuckles, setting down her wine glass at last. "'Tis a common enough mistake, I'm afraid. But you'll do better around riders if'n you think of dragons as fully intelligent creatures--people, if'n you will, in a rather odd shape and with fairly poor memories. You can't begin to compare a watchwher to a dragon; you may as well claim that a person is the same thing as a spit canine." Telgar Weyr> Ursa says, "Holy camole, it's midnight! Damn RP, keeping me awake to all ungodly hours of the night." Kassima adds more seriously, "I'truth, though, you might be better off avoiding the Weyr if'n you're nay prepared to confront that fear of yours. There *are* hundreds of dragons about, and they're nay all going t'be flying around up in the sky. The Bowl's usually thick with 'em, especially late in the evenings." Flynn smiles weakly, "Yeah, I was reminded several times tonight that I have so very much to learn. Sometimes I forget that there is a whole world outside my orchard. That wqsa why I was telling Sarra to go out and see it I guess." Telgar Weyr> <Kassima> The RP sniffles and pouts. "Sure, blame *me* for everything." Flynn says "Maybe some part of me that wishes he had been able to get out and see things." Flynn says "I sure would like to see a Weyr sometime..." Kassima laughs, getting to her feet and picking up her plates to take them to wherever it is that such things belong. "'Tis about time you go out and see it then, nay? Unless you really want your whole world t'be your orchard. That's well and good--but if'n you've any wanderlust at all, I'd wager 'twould be better t'satisfy it than spend your later Turns regretting." Flynn smiling, "Aye, I've spent most of my life making sure things got done that needed doing. I made sure Mikhailos made it into the Woodcraft, made sure the farm work was done. I can't remember the last time I did anything just for the saake of doing it." Flynn smiling again at the thought of his brother, "Mick would give a whole arm to be able to spend time in a Weyr. He is such a fantastic carver. He made a marionette of a dragon and rider once. The CraftsMaster promoted him for it when he was only half finished, it was that good." Kassima wrinkles her nose. "What a dull way t'live. Doing what needs doing's important, a'course--and someone certes has t'do it. But can you honestly tell me that you never have *any* chances for free time at *all*? Faranth, even Weyrleaders have free time sometimes!" Flynn says "Oh, I have free time and all, I usually use it to fix things that need it and..and....and would you listen to me? Here I am after all this with nothing to show for it except one hell of a nice orchard." Kassima grins at that. "About time t'be changing that, then, isn't it? I wish you the best in overcoming your fear of dragons and animals, um... whatever your name is. Forgive me, but I don't think you ever did tell me. I have t'be going, 'tany rate; there's a patrol due out at dawn. Duties t' you and your Hold, her Lord and Lady... and your orchard, too." Flynn stands smiling widely, "My name is Flynn, and I am so glad to hgave met you all. I will come out to visit as soon as I can, and that is a promise. Benden's and my duty to you and yours." Flynn says "D'you think maybe...I could meet..maybe before you go? Please?" Kassima laughs, nodding. "Well met, Flynn. I'm called Kassima; m'dragon is Lysseth. We'll look forward t'seeing you at Telga--meet Lysseth, is that what you mean?" She looks surprised, but pleased, too. "A'course you can. She's up on the heights--probably drowsing, the lazy wench." Flynn smiles, still taken aback slightly at the mention of a dragon so casually, "Fantastic, there's no time like the present, eh?" Flynn says "I mean if I'm to get over this fear, I better take every chance I can get." "Dead in the black," Kassi affirms. "I'll tell the Sky-Lady that we're coming. She'll be on her best behavior, believe you me; she knows I'll harangue her about it nay end, otherwise." Leaving the congenial atmosphere of the Hall behind, you open the doors and walk out into the courtyard. Flynn opens the doors and walks out of the Great Hall. You follow the steep staircase up to the fireheights. Flynn follows the staircase up from the courtyard. Flynn walks slowly to the top of the steps and pauses, trying to keep calm. Kassima walks over quite casually to where her lifemate rests, her dark grey-green shape made darker by the night's shadows. Brilliant blue eyes shine as Lysseth turns her head to greet her rider with a quiet, somewhat drowsy rumble. "C'mon over, Flynn," Kassi invites. "You can hardly see her from over there, dark as 'tis." Flynn mutters to himself, "... wont... is..." Flynn starts advancing hesitantly, mumbling to himself again. Flynn mutters to himself, "She is an... beautiful dragon." Flynn walks slowly over to Kassima's side trying to take everything in. Lysseth eyes Flynn with a hint of wariness, never one to be fully calm in the presence of strangers no matter how Kassi might vouch for them. She watches him with cool appraisal. At close range, the scents of firestone and hide oil are discernable; her breath plumes slightly in the spring night air. "Easy, lump," Kassima cautions. "He's just here to admire you, nay more." Reaching up to caress the green neck with obvious affection, she asks, "She is, isn't she? Nay quite so stunning as some, but she'll do." That draws a *snort* from Lyss, of course. Flynn says "Absolutely..." breathily, "marvelous!" Lysseth relaxes a touch at the compliment, though her manner's still not what one would consider overly warm and friendly. "She says to thank you," Kassima reports--then chuckles, briefly. "Oh, and also that since she's green, marvelousness is a given. I think she's jesting a bit with that one, though." The dragon's rumble does sound vaguely amused. Flynn says "I was right, she is more noble and elegant than anything in this world." Flynn looking in abject appreciation, "Nothing could /ever/ come close to the beauty of a dragon." Kassima's quiet laughter joins Lysseth's not-so-quiet rumbling. "Noble and elegant? If'n only you knew her as I do! She *does* have her moments, though," she hastens to add at a sharp nudge to her shoulder by a green muzzle. "If'n you think she's magnificent, you should only see the queens. I don't think they come near Lyss for beauty, but most people are more impressed by them." Flynn smiles to himself then chuckles out loud, "Oh how foolish I have been all these years. I don't know, the only two dragons I have ever seen have been greens and nothing even compares to the richness of color of their hides. I think all the green plants on Pern grow that color in admiration." Kassima eyes her lifemate rather critically. "Until I see a grey-green plant, I'll nay comment on that one. A shame you didn't come up here earlier; you could've seen all colors but bronze, with Herath, Spineth, and Vidarth here. Just as well. As Lyss might say--" She pauses a moment, eyes going out of focus. "Aye, she's given her approval to this statement: in seeing a green, you're seeing dragondom at its best." Flynn chuckles out loud, "I should have at that. I should have at that." Kassima leans back against Lysseth's warm green shoulder, reaching absently to unhook her riding helmet from the flying straps. "Think you'll be more ready t'visit the Weyr, after this?" she asks with yet another grin. She seems to grin a lot, does Kassi. Flynn eyes transfixed, "Huh? Oh yes, yes indeed. I will be out there as quick as you please." Flynn, soaking in every detail before dragon and rider depart, "I will definitely be there, I have so much to do now, so much to /do/!" Lysseth snorts again, arching her neck to peer at Flynn from a height considerably above his head. "She says you're nay bad, for a human. Methinks your admiration of greens won you points." Kassi winks, rolling the helmet about in her fingers. "Just prepare for the unexpected, when you do come up. It might be a quiet night, or we might all be talking about something incredibly bizarre again. Your chances of seeing a glimpse of something even remotely resembling normality are a bit less than fifty- fifty." Kassima finally coils her long braid up into a temporary coronet atop her head, and pulls her riding helmet on over this before it can fall; she's had a lot of practice at that. "Clear skies t'you, Flynn of Benden. You're welcome up at Telgar any time." Flynn says "It doesn't matter, as long as there be Dragons!" Rubbing his hand together, staring openly at Lysseth in admiration, "It was absolutely fabulous having the Telgar here, you really must come and visit more often, good flight to you, I will see you /soon/! G'deve, Kassima, G'deve to you, Lysseth." Flynn turns on his heels and heads for the stairs like a man possessed. Flynn climbs down the stairs to the courtyard. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. Dropping off the cliff and flapping your wings, you begin to fly up into the sky.