
It's a Bird!  It's a Plane!  No--It's Bendenites!

Date:  February 26(?), 1997
Places:  Benden Weyr's Skyspace; Bitra Hold's Sky and Gather Grounds
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  This is the first aerial display that I can remember
participating in, and thanks to Alyssa's fine leadership, it went
splendidly. :)  For fun, I've left in the OOC coordination of the 
display over the DTU--and also a certain Search which took place just


The Log:

Public announcement: Janus announces "I am pleased to announce that
Dawnslight Wing of Benden Weyr is about to do some flight exercises over
the Bitran Gather. Anyone interested in watching should join us."

Benden Weyr> Maarie blinks. Ooops.

<*> Tenli looks over, waiting for a signal from Alyssa.

Kassima settles herself against her dragon's neckridge, both she and
Lysseth waiting patiently for the signal.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Yes, Maarie?"

Benden Weyr> Maarie says, "Just the announcement made by Janus didn't give
proper credit. No big deal."

<*> Settled between Adonith's neckridges, Alyssa looks around and raises
her fist, then, in the long-standing gesture, makes the signal to go between.

<*> Adonith disappears into Between.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Iridith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Kimbrith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Nicoth joins in the organized flight arriving from Benden.

<*> Chiloth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Chiloth hopes you don't mind if he comes
to fill your ranks, and apologizes for his tardiness.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Not a problem here. >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith is honoured to be flying with
you, Chiloth.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Iridith who is playing two chars in this
wing, is quite happy to have you :).

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden dragons with << The more the merrier. :) >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith pauses again to ensure we can be
seen from the ground. :P :)

Benden Weyr> Janus blushes and apologizes profusely.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  What kind of poses are we
doing? Single or spokesperson >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden dragons with << We can, Adonith. I remember
seeing Sky Over Central Bitra stuff all day yesterday. ;) >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Thanks, Lysseth. :) Nicoth,
we'll do single-person poses now that we have enough. I can pose first. >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth votes Nicoth in as the official
Star Search Spokesmodel! Oh, wait.... ;) Are we to go in any particular
prearranged order? :)

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith suggests you all fly circles
around her, 'cause she won't be able to keep up.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Nicoth whaps Lysseth with his tail.

<*> Adonith energes from /between/ and settles into the position at point
while his rider glances about her to ensure the wing is arriving in its V
formation, save the golden form of Kimbrith.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Nicoth flies very close to lovely, golden
Kimbrith, paying her homage as is her due.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith snorts. << Suckup. >> ;)

<*> Kimbrith takes up her traditional position slightly below the v
formation, and off to the west slightly, so as not to obscure the view of
them from below. She flies easily, but does not attempt to keep up with the v.

<*> Lysseth folds her wings to smoothly assume her proper place in the
formation, her rider unconsciously checking to make sure the skyspace
surrounding her dragon is clear.

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Actually...I really like the
idea of flying around Kimbrith. Hee! I'll use that. >>

<*> Nicoth assumes his position to the right of blue Adonith, manouvering
carefully to avoid wingtips and tail. He seems to check the position of the
golden queen below before fully settling into place.

<*> Kimbrith swerves a little toward Nicoth as he passes, acknowledging his

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth baps Nicoth with her wing just on
general principal, and follows your lead, Adonith. << Now so long as my lag
is really, truly gone.... >>

<*> Chiloth drops into position solidly at Nicoth's flank, releasing an
excited little bugle as he keeps towards the front of the V formation. He
twists his tail cheerfully as he flies, a wave to the crowd.

<*> Iridith takes up a position on the right of Adonith, behind Nicoth. The
light glints off her spring-green wings, and she holds her position easily.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith rumbles her appreciation at
Nicoth. << We'll talk later. ;) >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Hey! Oh wait...she IS a
gold. Sigh. >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Yes, ma'am! >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Are we chewing firestone to
give them a pyrotechnic display? >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Great idea. >>

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << I most certainly am not! >>

Dragon> Iridith bespoke Benden dragons with << But I think it's a good 
idea :) >>

Benden Weyr> T'garrick can burp in seven different flame colors....

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Not you, my sweet. Just
these others up here with me. >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden dragons with << A shame we didn't bring
along the rainbow-colored ropes to drop from above, getting all of us
multicolored again. :) >>

Benden Weyr> Kassima oohs at T'garrick. Can you teach me to do that? ;)

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Rofl, T'gar. Let's see."

<*> Adonith lifts his head and trumpets as he dips his wing and swerves
westward toward Kimbrith, a display of precision flying when his azure
wingtips, as intended, miss the golden dragon by less than a dragonlenth.

Benden Weyr> T'garrick laughs. "Sorry....Possessed by Chiloth for a second

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith buzzes Kimbrith.

Benden Weyr> T'garrick rubs the tears from his eyes. "Chiloth has many bad
habits, obviously. :)"

Benden Weyr> J'lyn grins at T'garr...

<*> Nicoth follows Adonith in the dive. One wing passes beneath the queen.
A bugle of respect echoes off the clouds.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth oohs at the buzzing Adonith, and
puts on her antennae and bumblebee wings. << When in Rome.... >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Lysseth, you are odd. >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Herath snorts and wishes she wasn't
missing -this-! :)

<*> Chiloth follows the Nicoth in the dive, but drops down well below the
queen before he rises, instead going down quite close to the ground before
he ascends again. His brown wings blot the sky.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  I'll babysit the eggies,
dear, if you wish. >>

<*> Kimbrith maintains a steady course, allowing the wing to pass around her.

<*> Lysseth wheels on a wingtip, grey-green flashing in the light to a
nearly silvered shade as she furles her wings to flash past the golden
queen. A spirited trumpet escapes her, levened with respect as she regains
her former height with a single beat of extended wings.

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden dragons with << Thanks, Adonith. I'd
noticed. :) >>

<*> Iridith follows Adonith, staying in relatively the same formation as
she was before. She passes just over Kimbrith's tail.

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << Do you want me to do
something like dive, or circle, or something, or should I just keep flying
straigt? >>

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar begins to hand his lifemate chunks of
firestone. Tossing the rocks into the open maw of the dragon's mouth.

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Ahh...we've finished our
dive. Go dazzle them. ;) >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Chiloth buzzes the crowd.

<*> Adonith lifts his violet-tinged wings and digs deeply in a downstroke
to return him to a workable altitude while Alyssa mirrors T'lar and pauses
in the maneuvers to feed her lifemate small, easily consumed firestone.

<*> Kimbrith begins to climb, her strong wings pushing upward at a sharp
angle. She is small, for a gold, but her size seems bulky compared to the
others. She climbs until she is smaller than a fingertip in the sky, and
then folds her wings, allowing herself to dive.

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << There you go. >>

<*> Lysseth's tail lashes a bit as she reassumes formation, near one
endpoint of the V. Turning her head, she receives a few tossed installments
of firestone from the bag her rider holds. It only takes the green a moment
to decimate and ingest the smallish rocks, and, once she has done so, both
she and Kassima return their regard to front and center.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith is logging from the ground :).

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth holds up a sign reading '9.6' for
that dive. :)

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith snorts at Lysseth :). Wait until
you see the entry ;).

<*> Nicoth returns to formation, turning his great neck to recieve
offerings of firestone from his rider. He chews absently as the other
dragons regroup. The great dive of the gold averts his attention from the
lead dragon.

Benden Weyr> Kindre wonders if there's a +watch for this? :)

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth uh-ohs.... ;)

<*> Iridith swerves off to the right, turning on a veritable wingtip. Her
wings are stretched almost vertically for the turn. She returns to her spot
in the v-form.

<*> Chiloth drops a light scattering of black powder down on the crowd as
he chews for a second, but the rain stops quickly at a gesture from his rider.

Benden Weyr> Kassima doesna think... wait. +watch on bitra-cy might work. :)

Benden Weyr> Kindre wasn't sure if cy or gh would do it...

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Not gh. No holes in the GH ceiling to see
through, hopefully. ;)"

<*> Kimbrith continues diving until she is half way between the ground, and
where she started. She extends her wings, a little at a time, and slowly
catches herself, until she is once again flying a straigt course.

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << We will be getting far from
the crowd. Should we turn around? >>

Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "it works...woo, Merla :)"

<*> Adonith suddenly slows and, on command, stalls in midair with wings
raised perpendicular to the ground; twisting on his tail he reverses the
wing's direction and plunges through the middle of the V, a small and
harmless gout of flame streaming smoke over his shoulder.

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Kimbrith, smooch! I was just
thinking that! >>

<*> Iridith drops, and somehow seems to turn with her wings folded. When
she opens them again, the v formation has turned, and she is in the same
position in the middle, this time on the left, instead of the right.

<*> Nicoth back more slowly than the small, agile blue. A great, graceful
halfcircle later and he is returned to his place in the v.

<*> Kimbrith begins a long circle around the V, a broad arc which takes her
around the other side, heading in the other direction.

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their fullest extent, almost seeming to
rear up in midair before reversing her course. A blaze of fire erupts from
the green's maw to flicker green-gold against the dark skies, burning
nothing but the darkness. Lyss displays her fleetness of wing as she spins
about to follow the formation back in the direction from whence they came.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  We need to start flaming -
oh - ok, Lyss. >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden dragons with << I've been reading too many
sharding novels. From whence they came, indeed. :P :) >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith uh ohs...my lab server is going
down for a few minutes :}. I'd better have Kimmy wink out.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Nicoth pouts.

<*> Chiloth rumbles, and then suddenly speeds up, flying in a straight line
above the crowd. When flying at a pretty good clip, he lets loose with a
truly enormous, wide burst of flame, a veritable fireball that turns the
air scarlet. Before the firey gas has even had a chance to dissipate, he
plunges headlong to its very edge, and disappears Between.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith oooohs at Chiloth. And claps his

<*> Chiloth emerges from between on the exact opposite side of the
fireball, and twists an arc up over the top and back into formation.

<*> Kimbrith was behind the v, but now that it has turned around, she is in
front. She moves to the centre. The V is catching up very quickly.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Chiloth has practiced. :)

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << Oh, no, it's okay :). >>

<*> Nicoth dives and swerves right sending a gout of flame in a wide arc.
The blaze of color seems to fall for a few seconds before fading into the

Dragon> Iridith bespoke Benden dragons with << Why don't you have Alyssa
give a signal, Adonith, and we can all flame in unison :). >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth rahs! at Chiloth, and puts on her
sunglasses. << Things are getting awful bright around here. :) Sorry you
have to go, Kimbrith! >>

<*> Kimbrith waits until the wing is just about to reach her, and it looks
as though, in their speed, they will run into her or at the very least
flame her, and she winks *between*.

<*> Kimbrith disappears into Between.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Good idea, Iridith. Sorry I
went out of turn, I was over anxious. >>

Dragon> Iridith bespoke Benden dragons with << No, I don't have to go :). I
thought I did..I'm losing the math lab, but not the internet :). >>

<*> Kimbrith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Kimbrith re-emerges from *between* after a moment, and it is behind the

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth ahs, cool. :) Sounds good to me!
Now, if only we had some bags of balloons with dragons on them to drop down
on the spectators....

<*> Tucking his wings against his side, Adonith careens through the spot
Kimbrith has just vacated, speeding closer and closer to the ground before
powerful downstrokes of his just-extended wings carry him upward again. He
belches, flame engulfing the sky before him and fading as he splits the
smoke-filled air.

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << But I already started that,
so I had to do something with it :). Oh, that might be neat...do you want
pick something up, or drop something off? I have Soril on the ground who
can pose or emit things. >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Yes! do, please do! >>

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << You're leading this thing,
Adonith..what do you want us to do? What do you want Soril to do? >>

<*> Iridith follows after Adonith, belching flame at the same point in the
arc of the dive that Adonith had.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth hrms. What sort of thing would we
have brought along to drop off? Skins of Benden Wine?

Dragon> Brynarth bespoke Benden dragons with << *cough* Firelizard eggs
*cough* >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Ahh...fliers that say EAT AT
SALLESS'S? Sure, Benden wine's cool. HEE! at Brynarth! >>

<*> Nicoth follows the lead dragon, belching flame that lights up the sky
and reflects off the well oiled hides of the other dragons. They become
glittering jewels in the night sky.

Dragon> Herath bespoke Benden dragons with << Candidates? ;) >>

Dragon> Ularrith bespoke Benden dragons with << Snow? >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Now we have hecklers. <grin> >>

<*> Lysseth lets loose a blaze of flame before her dive, then folds her
wings to shoot under the fireball before it can reach her. Taking a deep
breath, she turns her head in a direction with no other dragons to flame
against the empty air--leaving a streak of brightness behind as she goes.

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << How much longer? Stop on the
hour, in 10? >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth laughs and likes that! With
Kassi's twenty-one female FLs, Faranth knows she'd prolly like to unload a
few clutches.... :P :) Hee. Could always drop lilies from the Lake on 'em
from above. ;)

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Whee! Drop flowers! I like
it! >>

<*> Iridith dives out of the v, banking off to the right, as if diving for
a climp of thread. She belches flame into the empty air, turns easily and
flies back into her position.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Flowers from Southern >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Brynarth thinks Adonith has been sniffing
the 'special herbs' again.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Brynarth is just jealous. >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth has actually done that before at
Bitra--the lilies thing. Ask Halia sometime. :) Should we all just open
bags of flowers and shake them out as we buzz the crowd?

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith likes it...you all can be
carrying what look like firestone sacks. Fly really low, and then overturn
them on the crowd. It will look like you're dumping firestone on
them....they'll panic, and get dosed in flowers!

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Yah! >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Great! Um...who can do that?
Who wants to poseit? Chiloth? You've been buzzing the crowds. :) >>

<*> Chiloth flies steady, concentrating, and then gives a gust of flame
that is small and very quick. The flame is out instantaneously, but the
smoke rises in a perfect circle that spreads wider and wider on the breeze
until it dissipates.

Dragon> Chiloth bespoke Benden dragons with << Better get someone else too.
It's below T'gar's dignity. ;-) Chiloth has no dignity, but still. :) >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  I will. >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden dragons with << I will--oh, bronzebutt beat
me to it. :) >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Shall I make it an emit that
includes the whole group. >>

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << oooh..pose someone tossing
out the firestone sacks first? >>

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << Those mid-air passes :) No,
too much. Next time, maybe :). Yeah, Nicoth, if Adonith thinks so :) >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << OK...I'll pose the wing
buzzing the crowds and Nicoth can pose the release of the flowers. Others
will chime in as appropriate. OK? >>

<*> Tenli keeps her formation...

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Iridith will do even...*baps typist* I
really shouldn't try and play two dragons doing something like this at the
same time.

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Your player is a dear to do
it. >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden dragons with << Fine by me, Adonith. :) We
could each have a different type of flower in our sacks, for variety's
sake? >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Cool. Should I pose the
first sack to be opened, then? >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  How about.....@emit Each
rider reaches for a full firestone sack attached to the dragons' straps.
They lift the bags away from the dragons and upend them above the heads of
the gather crowd. A cloud of dark shapes fills the air, drifting down on
the wind. The light from the gather picks out colors of every shade as a
mass of enormous Southern flowers descends. >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << Cool. I pose, then you pose.
OK? >>

Dragon> Iridith bespoke Benden dragons with << Beautiful :) >>

<*> Adonith hovers but briefly as the V forms to the left and right of him
again, a pause that is held for the briefest of times. Once the Benden
dragons are again in formation, he dips his deeply hued snout, drops his
left wing, and leads a swoopingly angled assault on the grounds, When his
is perilously close to the gather, he levels off, as do the dragons
flanking him.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth likes!

<*> From atop Nicoth, Each rider reaches for a full firestone sack attached
to the dragons' straps. They lift the bags away from the dragons and upend
them above the heads of the gather crowd. A cloud of dark shapes fills the
air, drifting down on the wind. The light from the gather picks out colors
of every shade as a mass of enormous Southern flowers descends.

Dragon> Brynarth bespoke Benden dragons with << On the ground, as the
shadows decsend, the crowd panics. Drudges run for cover. Old aunties
scream in horror. Mother take their children in off the feidl... >>

<*> Kimbrith is falling behind again. Her massive wings beat steady, and
she swings from side to side as the flowers descend.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  You're such a pessimist,
Brynarth. >>

Dragon> Brynarth bespoke Benden dragons with << Field, even. Blame my
rider's typist. Idiot creature. >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden dragons with << It's the attack of the giant
deranged mutant killer monster vtols! And they're disguised as flowers!
RUN! (Sorry, had to say it. ;) >>

<*> Chiloth cuts down and around, and the little speck of his rider can
almost be seen shaking his head as he drops a bunch of red paintbrush
flowers down on the heads of the crowd.

<*> Nicoth spits the last of his flame in the air over the flowers,
illuminating them from above.

<*> Settled between Adonith's neckridges, Alyssa releases a veritable
pantheon of Benden blooms, a trail of flowers violet, much like Adonith's
own hide, flittering downward while the blue regains altitude in seemingly
indefatiguable wingstrokes.

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << OK...do we want to land at
the gather or go /between/ and back to Benden? >>

<*> Iridith flies straight, and her rider drops a sackful of blue blossoms
which streak in a long line, but most of which fall on Trina, Rhythana, and
a huge dump of which lands on B'rin.

<*> Lysseth bugles as she sweeps above the crowd, the woosh of her beating
wings audible from this low height. Now and then, she swerves to avoid
running into the white lilies that her rider is shaking out of her sack,
into the wind. One blows on an errant gust to become stuck on the green's
nose, illuminated by the faint sapphire glow of her eyes as she tries to
snort it off.

Dragon> Iridith bespoke Benden dragons with << The advantages of having a
literal 'man on the ground' :). >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Think I'll stay at the
gather for a bit. >>

<*> Kimbrith finally sweeps over the crowd, and her rider opens a sack
which drops a range of coloured flowers on the crowd.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth would like to roam the Gather,
too, since she was too busy throwing knives to take a look yesterday. :)
But I have no objections to going home if everyone else wants to.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith is going to pose descent to the
gather, then. OK? And I can't thank you all enough. This has been really cool.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith rumbles thanx to Adonith. You
made this happen :)

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  I've enjoyed it. Pose the
wing landing if you wish. >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth had a blast! Thank you, Adonith,
everyone. :)

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith notes people on the ground are
waving...well, Robyn waved :). Someone wave back :).

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar waves to a figure in the crowd as Nicoth levels
out and begins to climb.

<*> Settled between Adonith's neckridges, Alyssa raises her fist high above
her head and awaits the resumption of the wing's formation, then, again as
one, they spiral toward the ground. And, in response to Robyn's wave, the
bluerider waves as well.

Kassima leans over her dragon's neck to wave to those on the ground as she
rolls up her now-empty sack, calling what might be greetings, or duties, or
some such thing if it were audible.

<*> Adonith flies down to the Bitran Gather Grounds.

<*> Nicoth flies down to the Bitran Gather Grounds.

You descend to the Bitran Gather Grounds.

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << Should we all trumpet our
respects in unison? >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith applauds you all. Masterfully
done, really. And a concerted effort.

<*> Kimbrith flies down from above.

<*> Iridith flies down from above.

<*> B'rin winks to the guard at his side, pulling her a little closer.
"Whaddid you think?" He smirks as the dragons' wings stir the floating
blossoms to more action.

<*> Maldor smiles at Larissa as he listens, then chuckles kindly, softly
and winks at her, whispering back.

<*> Ambrus walks into the gather grounds, head up and gawking at the
dragons flying downward.

<*> Kelset walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Let's make some noise. >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth is all for it. Let's deafen the
crowd! ;)

<*> Robyn looks about, waiting for the Dragons to vacate the sky before
starting the fireworks.

<*> Lusani cranes her neck to see if she knows any of the dragons...

<*> Kimbrith rises on her hind limbs, and trumpets her greetings to Bitra,
her loud voice clamouring over noise of the gather.

<*> In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Chiloth bugles uproariously, and
disappears between.

<*> Kyrie stares at the dragons from her perch by a tent

<*> Sot walks up, hands in his pockets and a faint smile on his face, "Good
evening everyone... that was quite a show."

<*> Trina stumbles away from the dragons, too big, she scoots over toward a

<*> Simile stares up at the Queen, deciding to rewrite a song of hers. She
doesn't believe it any more.

<*> Rhythana slides an arm around B'rin's shoulders, resting her head
against his for a brief moment. "It was lovely."

<*> Birioc dips his head at her thanks. It was the least that he could do.
And hardly original. But Herders are an unoriginal, plod-through-the-muck
lot. "I'm sure Corineth would have flown just as well had it been High
Reaches up there."

<*> Robyn nods to the apprentice who fires the first rocket.

<*> The smithcraft apprentice, standing by the fireworks makes a quip about
the impossibility of following that show and readies to light the rockets.

<*> In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Chiloth disappears into Between.

<*> Alyssa slides down the beautiful purplish blue flank of her lifemate to
come to a rest on the ground, Adonith swinging his head around to regard
her adoringly.

<*> Tommel walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

<*> Nicoth lets loose with a massive bugle so as not to be outdone by his
golden queen.

<*> Iridith adds her quieter, higher pitched bugle to Kimbrith's trumpet.

<*> Adonith raises his wedged head and bellows a greeting, sharp, sonorous,
silvery, a tribute to the gather and its visitors.

<*> Lysseth lifts her head to give her loudest, crystalline *trumpet* of
greetings to the Gather, spreading her wings in a display of their maximum
span that elicits a mutter of "Show-off," from her rider.

<*> Keal glances closely at the landing dragons, his lips pressed together
in a thin line. Sighing slightly, he looks back up at the sky, and at the

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Kimbrith senses some lag ;).

T'lar slides precipitously down from Nicoth's back.

Iridith spreads her wings again, and springs off the ground to join Chiloth.

The Smithcraft apprentice carefully lights the first fuse of the line of
rockets, then quickly backs away as it sputters to life.

Sot smirks and gives Kassima a flourishing bow as she dismounts.

The rocket shoots into the air, with a loud screech, a tail of smoke
following after it.

With a loud crack, the rocket explodes in a flash of white and dusty red,
welcoming you to Bitra's Gather. The colors sparkle brightly, falling in a
starburst pattern that reaches down to the ground.

B'rin winces slightly at the Benden wings' greeting. "Like we won't hear,"
he mumbles, with a smile. To Rhythana, he says, "Like I said, it can't
compare..." he trails off as the fireworks go off.

Rilsa puts her hatchling on her shoulder who immediately wraps his tail
around her neck and falls asleep. She smiles at Birioc, looking up at the
fireheights at her Corineth and shrugs lightly, "Benden did very well. "

Lusani ooohs at the fireworks...

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Iridith disappears into Between.

Kassima vaults down from her lifemate's neck, and snaps her sharpest salute
to the Gather crowd in general. "Benden's duties to Bitra!" she calls with
a broad grin, wrinkling her nose almost imperceptibly at Sot's bowing.

Ambrus gawks back up at the sky as the fireworks start, "Ahh..."

Kyrie looks up at the fireworks and smiles, then calms her firelizards as
they chirrup in fear

Alyssa calls as she sets foot on the ground, "Benden's duty to Bitra and
those at this gather," between burst of fireworks overhead.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth somehow thinks you sense aright,
Kimbrith. ;)

Jorenan slides into the background, or rather, the foreground. He's as
close to the fireworks as he can possibly get, and as small, too, so no one
will notice him.

Rhythana's attention strays from B'rin as the rocket shoots into the air,
her smile widening. After a moment, she asks, "What were you saying, love?"

Robyn claps for the fireworks, working the petals out of her hair. "Bitra's
duty to Benden. Welcome, riders and thank you."

Sot chuckles softly, "... and Bitra's to Benden and her queens... and her
greenriders as well..."

Lusani smiles."They're beautiful...

The apprentice lights the second fuse, backing away and peering upwards.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith thanks you all again, from the
bottom of her heart. I'd have been lost without you all. Now go have fun.

The rocket zooms higher into the air, exploding in the still present smoke
of the first burst.

It explodes loudly, separating the light into a pair of smaller circles of
light which each send streaks of blue and green across the sky.

Merla walks across the field to where Soril is standing. She greets her
brother with a warm hug.

Ambrus moves closer to Lusani with a smile on his face, then turns his head
skyward as another rocket explodes into light, "They certainly are..."

Dragon> Kimbrith bespoke Benden dragons with << Yes, sir/ma'am :) >>

Trent comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

T'lar laughs as his great bronze starts from the exploding rockets.
"Chicken." He moves over to Merla with a salute to her and her queen.
"Beautiful flying, if I say so myself."

Robyn oohs, the colors unusual for light.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Herath thinks you all looked spectacular
and...heeeey...is that Jorenan down there??? ;)

B'rin hms? "I said... ah, nevermind." He holds the Bitran close as he
watches the fireworks display.

Lusani grins and takes a seat on a rock...

Rillae leaves the Minecraft Tent.

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << I was going to point that
out. >>

After lighting the third fuse, the apprentice backs away and plugs his
ears, perhaps giving a hint of what is to come.

The rocket soars into the air, then explodes with a series of loud *BOOMS*
and flashes of bright white light, each more blinding than the first. The
booms resonate throughout the Bitran Valley, echoing back.

Trent walks over and looks around looking for famliar Faces.... He sees
Trina and his face lightens up , he descides to join her..

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith would be grateful if someone
could take care of him. ;)

Trent falls over at the loud boom..

Birioc follows Rilsa's gaze to the height as well, the fireworks lighting
up the body of her lifemate. "Well enough." As his eyes fall back on her,
he notices just past her a hawker selling pastry treats. "Are you hungry?
If we're going to have another show to watch it'll probably be better on a
full stomach."

Lusani startles at the boom. "Wow!"

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth would if she could, but having
already done her Civic Duty once.... ;)

Ambrus jumps slightly at the loud explosion, "Jays!"

Rhythana closes her eyes at the noise, then resumes watching quietly.

Maldor winces at the noise.

Rilsa smiles, stands on tiptoe and waves over the crowd, "Rillae! Hello!"

Robyn jumps, covering her ears.

Kyrie starts and calls her firelizards as they both jump up and away, even
as she ooos at the fireworks.

Perched Perfectly on the top of Trent's Backpack, Mana chirple screams at
the scary boom..

Trent sits next to trina

Trina watches the sky, the firelworks' light lighting up her face.

Rilsa turns back to Birioc and shakes her head, "Thanks, but I'm alright."

Rillae hears her name and looks around. "Rilsa! Hello there."

Dragon> Chiloth bespoke Benden dragons with << It was fun. Glad to help. >>

Sot looks up at the fireworks and shakes his head, "Shardin' noisy..."

B'rin ducks his head down, muttering a curse which is likely unheard
because of those explosions. "Shards, they do more harm than good."

Excited shrieks come from a number of mouths. Many of them young, but not
all. One old Auntie is particularly loud, and is hushed by younger members
or her family.

The apprentice lights the fourth fuse and moves away from the rocket.

The rocket shoots into the air, then explodes, sending orange and yellow
sparkles fluttering to the ground in a spiral motion, each circling slowly.
The streaks hiss and sputter as they fall, like pieces of thread...although
much less dangerous.

Hovering above Trina, The K-Squad winks *between* along with Trina's other

Kassima glances up at the fireworks and smiles in appreciation, then nods
in agreement with T'lar's sentiment. "Everyone flew beautifully, if I may
say so," she shouts to the other riders in order to be heard.

Lusani gasps. "Wow...I wonder how they do that...

Nicoth grumbles at the fake Thread.

Rillae enters the Minecraft Tent.

Robyn aahhhs. This is her favorite so far.

Ambrus plunks down upon the rock next to Lusani and gives a small shrug, "I
wouldn't even begin to guess..."

Lysseth eyes the faux Thread with a gaze tinged with wary red, but settles
down at her lifemate's reassurances.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Ularrith dragonlaughs as he didn't
realize 'that' Jorenan was a Candidate. I saw him at the latest firelizard

T'lar goes into the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent.

Rilsa laughs lightly as she hears Corineth's thoughts. Leaning toward
Birioc, she says, "Cori thinks he can do better with flames ..."

Lusani giggles at the Thread-y looking ones. "I bet the dragons want to
start flaming those...

Kyrie giggles and holds her 'lizards tight so they can't get away again

The apprentice hisses as he burns his finger while lighting the fifth fuse,
popping the singed finger into his mouth as he steps away from the rocket.

The rocket flies into the air, exploding with flashes of purple and blue,
the explosion of vibrant colors reminding you of a VTOL fluttering its wings.

From Ambrus' shoulders his four firelizards chrr and bugle in frustration
at the noise and colors.

Merla and Soril mount Kimbrith.

Mana falls off Trent's backpack and runs under trent to hide..

Benden Weyr> Kassima peers at all the stuff in the Gather Grounds. Stuffed
Dreams Tent? Okay, this I have to see before I bamf.

Lusani oooohs at that. "Oh, that's pretty..." she says, and winces at a
trill from Jade right in her ear.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Kimbrith disappears into Between.

Maldor goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

From Kyrie's shoulder, Mistral finally gives up and hides under Kyrie's
hair. Kyrie, however stares at the fireworks with awe

Birioc finishes paying the vendor as he takes one of the treats. "Does he
think he can get the shapes too?"

Rhythana gives a soft sigh at this last colorful burst, her smile widening
as she gazes at the sky.

Rillae leaves the Minecraft Tent.

The apprentice gazes up at the burst, finger forgotten.

Rillae walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Larissa goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

The apprentice remembers himself and lights the grand finale.

Rilsa grins at Birioc, "He's so unimpressed that he just may try to."

The apprentice grins in anticipation as he lights the final fuse, then
steps away from the rocket.

From Trent's Right shoulder, Mist freaks out when she wakes up and hides in
trent's long hair..

Sot notices the apprentice and immediatly pulgs his ears.

The rocket soars into the air, then explodes with a bright flash of red,
which slowly fades to black.

Colors stream from the faded black, first green, then blue, brown, bronze,
and finally gold. The colors remain in the sky for a moment, then slowly
fade to nothing, the light fading to the earth.

Kyrie oooos

nearly above Trent's head, Pimple swoops around gracefully and then with a
sudden #POP# he flys in a cold rush of air *Between*

Trina wows quietly

T'lar comes out of the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent.

Robyn wows, cheering loudly.

Ambrus gawks, head up, mouth open, "Wow..."

nearly above Trent's head, Mist scatters about running for dear life as one
her pet's Firelizard swoops at her and lifts her up and pops *BETWEEN* with

Simile applauds the final display.

nearly above Trent's head, Dali swirls around in the air quickly then darts
towrds the ground, and just before slamming into the ground goes.. *between*

T'lar steps inside the Stuffed Dreams Tent.

Lusani draws in breath in amazement, her eyes wide...

Sot pulls his fingers from his ears and claps half-heartedly and mumbles
something about being glad the noise is shardin' over.

Alyssa looks around her, picking up a flower and offering it to Kassima
with a bit of a bow. "Greenrider?" she smiles.

B'rin grins at the appropriateness of the last rockets, with a nod of

Ambrus claps uproariously before turning to Lusani, "We need to get some of
those around the hall..."

Kirienne comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Rilsa applauds for a moment, then reaches up to tuck some stray hair behind
her ears. Smiling at Birioc, she says, "Not too bac."

Birioc claps his hand against his thigh as the final firework begins to
fade. "Now that is something I'd love to see him try."

Lusani smiles. "Yeah, definitely!

Rhythana claps softly, sliding her arm from around B'rin to do so.

Tay leaves the Minecraft Tent.

Rilsa laughs, "Please don't give him ideas." She looks affectionately up at

Lysseth rumbles at all the light and noise, eyes riveted on the sky.
"Lovely..." murmurs Kassi. "Especially the green, eh Lyss?" Blinking with
surprise, she smiles and curtseys to Alyssa before accepting the flower.
"Thankee most kindly, bluerider. 'Tis lovely! I think the flowers were a
nice touch, don't you?"

Keal stands still for a moment, and then breaks into applause. "That was
great, Robyn!" he calls to his fostermother with uncharacteristic

T'lar steps out of the Stuffed Dreams Tent.

Alyssa smiles softly and nods. "It was. But tiring."

Tay edges through the crowd to her cousin, and she and Simile talk for a
few minutes. Then Tay moves toward Robyn.

Sot catches Robyn's eye from across and gives a wink and a quietly mouthed
'Well done'

Kirienne walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Sot glances over toward the herder apprentice Ambrus sitting on the rock
and smiles softly, quietly noting the young woman he's with.

T'lar walks up behind Kassi and encircles her waist with his arms. He does
his best to not be seen by the greenrider, ducking low behind her shoulder.

B'rin slides his hands into his jacket's pockets as Rhythana releases him.

Robyn hugs Keal and walks over to the Benden riders.

Mana cowers behind Trent, shaking..

Tay follows Robyn, waiting for her to have a moment to talk.

Rhythana leaves off clapping, turning her head to smile at B'rin. "It was,
wasn't it?"

Jorenan, fireworks over, begins a slow wander through the last dregs of the
Gather. Bits of trash, discarded meatrolls, and spilled wine mark the trail
he follows.

Ambrus chuckles softly as he notices Sot and waves back to him, mouthing a
silent 'Thank you.'

B'rin mmhms. "It /was/ a grand display, though I'm pretty good at fireworks
myself." He winks to Rhythana.

Nicoth rumbles to Adonith quietly as if holding a private conversation.

Sot laughs and winks, a clear 'Don't mention it' expression on his face.

Kassima nods in agreement as she sniffs at her flower. "Aye, but 'twas
still a drill of sorts--and nay drill's ever wasted--eep!" She starts as
her waist is suddenly encircled, darting a glance behind her and seeing
nothing. "I'm being hugged from behind by headless arms!"

Robyn overhears Kassima's remark. She addresses the riders and dragons.
"The flowers were a wonderful touch. The fireworks almost seemed
anticlimatic compared to the sight of dragons breathing flame."

Ryeel comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Adonith has been serenely standing at Lysseth's side, ogling her, when he
notes a presence that garners more of his attention. He butts Alyssa,
trying to get her attention.

Rhythana blinks at B'rin, and chuckles softly. Moving to hug him lightly,
she nods. "Aye, I'll say."

T'lar begins to tickle the greenrider, carefully, but persisitently.

Birioc is about to say something more about tempting Corineth when a Herder
apprentice scurries up and tugs at his arm. "Scuse me, will you, Rilsa? I'm
needed in the pens."

Benden Weyr> Merla says, "Okay, anyone who wants a log of the aerial
display, +mail me :)."

B'rin returns Rhys' embrace. "Whaddya wanna do now?"

Rilsa smiles, "Of course. Maybe I'll see you again."

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Thanks, Merla."

Rhythana shakes her head slightly, and shrugs. "Doesn't much matter. What
d'you feel like?"

Kassima tries to reply to the Steward, but doesn't have much success as she
starts to giggle and tries, ineffectually, to slap the tickling fingers
away. "All *giggle* in a day's work, Steward. It was our--cut that
out!--pleasure to show you some of what we do--though we usually don't
*eep!* throw flowers at Thread!"

Benden Weyr> Merla says, "It's from the crowd, so you get to see what they
thought of us :)"

Small boys, up past their bedtimes on this special occasion, race through
the aisles of people. It's hard to say what they're chasing, or running
from, but they're definitely men on a mission. A moment later, a barking
canine explains their haste. Perhaps they pulled her tail.

"Adonith!" Alyssa sighs and looks around at her lifemate. "Whatever's
gotten you...wait, come back." She pads after the Benden blue as he walks
carefully into the crowds, seeking ... something.

Birioc shakes off the apprentice's tugs as he turns back around to face
Rilsa. "I hope so."

Benden Weyr> Kassima woos! and thanks, too. :) Whoa, that was just such a
blast. Getting to sleep after this will be a challenge. :P :)

Rilsa smiles and winks, "I'm sure you will. Take care of that bronze too."

Trina watches the dragons carefully. Ready to move out of the way if needed.

T'lar stops tickling and looks over at Adonith and Nicoth. After a moment,
he heads in that direction.

Nicoth follows the petit blue.

Ambrus leans over and pluck a piece of long-grass from beside the rock he's
sitting on, sticking it into his mouth habitually.

Keal yawns and trails away from the crowd.

B'rin hms. "Wanna check out some of the tents? I can purchase you somethin'."

Keal walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Bladrik comes out of the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent.

Rhythana rolls her eyes, smiling slightly. "That's not necessary, dear, but
we can look around, if you like."

Birioc calls out over the passing crowd. "And you take care of that
blue...and that big brown of yours." His eyes dart towards the fireheights
before the crowd swallows him up.

Birioc pushes the gate to one side and enters the BeastCraft Pens.

Sot goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Adonith follows the trail of meatrolls and spilt wine until his rider,
catching up to him, entreats him to stop. "Adonith, if you're looking for
someone, let me know and I can bring him or her here. Don't stomp over
people. Who is it?" Her amethyst eyes scan the crowd even as she speaks.

Hovering above Trina, The K-Squad reappears and the firelizards take their
usual perches on various parts of Trina, soon followed by the rest of
Trina's firelizards.

Lusani grins and looks around.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Corineth flies up from the Drum and Fire

T'lar says "What's going on, Lyssa? Nicoth is intent on following that blue
lunk of yours and is getting in people's way."

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Ashroth emerges from Between with a blast of
cold air!

Trina stumbles backwards, watching the dragon

Kassima does her best to glare after T'lar. "Incorrigible bronzerider!" she
yells, though it's accompanied by a grin. Even that fades to a curious look
as she sees Adonith, Nicoth, and their riders wandering off. The
greenrider--and, after a moment, her dragon--manuever through the crowd in
their wake. "What's going on?"

B'rin thinks some more. "Or, we could...retire. I made my appearance." He

Trent turns to Trina helping her catch her ballence "you ok?"

Bladrik walks out of the crafttent and almost walks straight into Adonith.
His small fair of FL's sqawk angrily and swoop in the air above Rik's head.

Rhythana arches an eyebrow further, and chuckles softly. "Lead on, then."

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Pryth emerges from Between with a blast of
cold air!

Trina nods quckly to Trent, "Aye...I'm okay..."

Robyn grumbles something at the dragons, watching tents be barely missed.

mana flits up towards Trent's backpack..

Corineth flies down from above.

Rilsa climbs up Corineth's foreleg and settles down between two neck ridges.

From Corineth's back, Rilsa straps up the leather straps and tightens them

Pryth flies down from above.

Verita leaves the Minecraft Tent.

Ashroth flies down from above.

Alyssa smiles briefly at T'lar and replies to him and to Kassima,
"Apparently he's nosed someone he thinks should...oh. There he is. Excuse
me." She slips past a few onlookers to touch the shoulder of a sandy-haired
boy. "I beg your pardon," she says to Jorenan, "but can you come with me
for a moment?"

Ambrus grins broadly and bellow out in Bladrick's direction, "Hey! We miss
you back at the hall..."

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Corineth disappears into Between.

Lusani smiles for the boy. "I remember that..." she says..

Lysseth> Adonith and Nicoth sense that Lysseth's rumble is curious. << Is
there Someone Special here? I cannot tell, with so many people. >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth and Nicoth with << I saw, then he left! Oh.
She brings him. >>

Bladrik looks up at Adonith and flashes a boyish grin before looking
towards the sound of his name. "Heya Ambrus. I'm at Igen now." he shouts
above a few people.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Adonith and Lysseth with <<  Blue boy seems to think
there is. Can't smell anyone in particular myself. >>

Sonya climbs down Pryth slowly.

B'rin grabs up Rhythana's hand and tugs her along back to the Hold.

Verita enters the Minecraft Tent.

Rhythana is tugged.

B'rin walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Rhythana walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

T'bin scans the crowd nervously before he dismounts, his movements slow and

T'bin unbuckles himself from the straps, preparing to dismount.

Lusani waves. "T'bin!" she yells. "Hi!

Ambrus chuckles at Bladrick, waving to Sonya in the process, "So I heard,
how're your folks?"

Jorenan looks up at the rider and blinks. "Surely, ma'am.... Our table's
closed though, and all the wares are packed up."

Pryth lands, eyes whirling with interest at all the people. He lands beside
Ashroth and his rider stays beside T'bin after she dismounts.

Nicoth nudges the blue anxiously.

Bladrik says "They are fine, thanks."

Trent nods an ahs.

Lusani ctahces sight of Sonya and waves to her, too, before running over to

Lysseth> Adonith and Nicoth sense that Lysseth scrutinizes the person
Alyssa is talking to. << Him? >> After a moment's thought, she conceeds, <<
He could be Someone Special. I cannot sense that he is, nor that he is not. >>

Alyssa smiles softly at Jorenan and indicates the blue behind her. "My
dragon would ... hmm...well, he would like to meet you. By the way, my name
is Alyssa; I'm Adonith's lifemate, from Benden Weyr."

Trina absently strokes her gold firelizard.

T'lar stands by and watches Alyssa with the young man.

Ambrus smiles and flicks the piece of grass in his teeth distractedly.

T'bin flinches visibly as Lusani approaches and calls his name, but keeps
his footing when he sees who it is.

Jorenan looks up at the blue. "Oh. You don't probably want any cloth, do
you." He looks a little confused. "Hello, Adonith."

Tay steps inside the Stuffed Dreams Tent.

T'bin says softly, "Hi, Lusani."

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth and Nicoth with << I want to see him more
closely. >>

Kassima puts a hand on her lifemate's green shoulder, watching Lys and the
unfamiliar young man most intently. Now and then, her gaze flickers to
Lysseth and receives a rumble in reply.

Lusani grins. "Heya! How's Ista? How're you? How's Meg?

Sonya waves to Lu, standing near T'bin, a bit overwhelmed briefly by the
number of people here. She murmors quietlly to the istan rider.

Ambrus stands from the rock and quielt tromps after Lusani, curious.

Kyrie shrugs as Mistral takes flight from her shoulder.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Adonith and Lysseth with <<  Well..get on with it. >>

Kyrie smiles as Mistral flies over and lands on her shoulder.

Trina watches the dragons, a small smile playing at her lips

T'bin exhales, his eyes still scanning the crowd. "Ista's fine. Meg's fine,

Adonith, he who usually prefers distance from people, lowers his
wedge-shaped head and turns slightly to peer with one whirling eye at
Jorenan. A little sniff, a butt of the head, then he bugles, a happy sound
echoed by the blue in his luminescent gaze.

Lysseth> Adonith and Nicoth sense that Lysseth rumbles soothingly, though
with an undertone of distinct draconic amusement. << Patience, Nicoth. Even
a blue couldn't possibly determine for sure in such a crush, without closer
inspection. >>

Lusani grins. "That's good...hey, you act like you're not glad to see me...

Curled around Trina's neck, Rebel 'sings' her 'lizard song. Watching the

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth and Nicoth with << THIS one! >>

nearly above Trent's head, Dali appears in a cold rush from *between* to
amaze, astound, and shock everyone around..

T'bin shakes his head quickly, nay-saying Lusani's conclusion, but doesn't
say anything else, falling silent for a moment.

Dali flits off of Trent and t o the ground..

Suan waddles onto the gather grounds, peering about curiously.

Jorenan is rather too close to that bugle. His ears will be ringing after a
while. But for the moment, he's starting to understand things. "Oh....
dear." He looks around wildly for a moment, but doesn't see whomever he was
hoping to see.

Nicoth bugles lightly in response to Adonith's reaction to the weavercraft

"All right, all right, love, I hear you," Alyssa says with a soft smile and
turns toward Jorenan before her dragon sniffs him to death. "Might I ask
your name?"

Sonya smiles at Lu. "Of course we're happy to see you. How you doing hon?
You like the MBH?"

Kyrie shakes her head as her fire lizards dissapears

Kyrie walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Ambrus glances over at the knot of riders, raising an eyebrow slightly.

Lusani smiles brightly. "I'm great! The Hall's fun...though I miss you guys.

Lysseth cranes her neck to peer at what Adonith is looking at, her
breathing probably audible from such close range. After a moment, she
snorts and bobs her head a bit in what could only be agreement.

Robyn yawns slightly, heading into the gather tent.

Jorenan scratches his head shyly, suddenly realizing he's created a crowd
somehow. "Jorenan, ma'am. Hanright Traders' duty to you and your dragon."

Lysseth> I bespoke Adonith and Nicoth with << I think you are right,
Adonith! He is not as distinct to me as some, but he has the feeling of
Someone Special. You will bring him back to the Weyr with us? >>

Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth and Nicoth with << We will, yes! >>

Sonya grins at Lu, her hand in T'bin's. "And the weyr misses you. It's good
to hear that you like the hall though. Even Master Leara?" she chuckles.

Tay steps out of the Stuffed Dreams Tent.

Lusani giggles. "Well...she's okay at times. I can understand her, I guess...

Dragon> Adonith and Lysseth sense that Nicoth snorts. <<Another one? We
have plenty at the weyr and not enough egges.>>

Alyssa smiles and says, rather formally, "Jorenan of Hanright Traders, my
lifemate has marked you as someone worthy of Candidacy at Benden Weyr for
the honour of Standing on the sands for Herath's clutch. This will entail
living at Benden exclusively, at least until after the Hatching. Do you

Ambrus gives Sonya a little smile before glancing over at the weavercraft
lad and the excitement happening around him.

Suan watches the Searching quietly, smilng slightly to herself as she
wanders off.

Lusani looks at the boy being Searched. "Congratulations!" she calls to him.

Lysseth> Adonith and Nicoth sense that Lysseth snorts in return. << The
younglings should have a choice, Nicoth. My rider says that when Chaeth
found her, there were many more Candidates than there were eggs on the
Sands. You never know which of the Someones Special the hatchlings will
choose. >>

Jorenan gulps. And cranes his head around again. Luckily, the man he's
looking for seems to have appeared. He's a good bit older than the boy, but
there's a family resemblence that's plain. The man looks rather stunned,
but nods wildly. "Of course! Go!" And so Jorenan turns back to Alyssa and
says, "Yes'm, thank you, I'd -love- to!"

Nicoth bugles loudly to announce the newly Searched Candidate for Benden.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Adonith and Lysseth with <<  You're right. More is
better. Some may not be worthy or their lifemates are yet to be clutched. >>

"Very well, then," Alyssa says with an approving smile. "You'll be
permitted to bring with you one bag of belongings and one bag only. Do you
need to say your farewells here? I'll need to take you to your home if need

Valmont comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "Welcome Candidate Jorenan"

Benden Weyr> Merla says a welcome as well :)

Lusani smiles and turns back to Sonya. "Cool, huh?

Benden Weyr> Caitria welcomes Jorenan.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Yeah! Jorenan."

Jorenan shakes his head. "My parents are in the South, Uncle'll let them
know..." He bites his already chewed lips again, and then says, "One bag.
Yes'm. I'll get it now." And he dashes off toward a small wagon.

Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "hi, Jorenan :)"

Kassima smiles at Lys. "And I thought Lysseth's timing for such things was
unusual," she teases.

Benden Weyr> Kassima waffles to Jorenan! :)

Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "Welcome to spamsville. :)"

Ambrus smiles as the boy is Searched and calls out his congratulations
before turning back to T'bin, Sonya, and Lusani.

Rhythana comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Benden Weyr> Jorenan says, "Hi there! Thanks for the welcome."

Trina watches the searching with interest, even though she's seen it
before, it's still kinda neat.

T'lar laughs and claps Adonith on the flank. "Sharp nose there, Adonith."

Sonya chuckles as she nods to Lu, her attention darting from the benden
riders to all around the crowd. In one hand she still carries the knife and
she now bends down to place it with in her small boots.

Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "Okay, Jorenan, that's enough socializing, get
to work."

Benden Weyr> Felinar :)

Valmont lifts a hand in greeting to folks he knows--including that
knife-wielding Benden greenrider--then pauses at all the hubbub surrounding
the riders.

Mesalina comes out of the Baylyff Tent.

Alyssa nods, smiling gently as she awaits the lad. "Adonith, you could have
waited and not trampled people..." Adonith merely sniffs and butts T'lar.

Rhythana wanders back onto the gather grounds, crossing to Valmont once she
spots him.

Jorenan returns after a few minutes, clothes mostly stuffed into a bag.
There are going to be a few mismatched socks in his wardrobe for the enxt
several sevendays, though.

Benden Weyr> Emlyn says, "Hi Jorean :-)"

Lusani smiles and notices Ambrus. "Oh, by the way, Sonya, this is Ambrus,
and Amrbus, this is Sonya, and this is T'bin."

T'lar flounders back against his bronze with a chuckle. "Congratulation,
Jorenan. Hope you're ready for this."

Benden Weyr> Jorenan grins and looks around for a latrine to clean. "Yessir."

Ambrus smiles and nods to Sonya, whom he already knows and extends a hand
to T'bin, "A pleasure as always Sonya... and pleased to meet you, sir."

Alyssa looks at what Jorenan is wearing and advises gently, "Might want to
get a warmer jacket." Then, raising her voice, she calls, "I'm on my way
back to Benden..."

Valmont ahs as he guesses the reason for the hubbub, then turns to greet
Rhys as she approaches. "Hi, there."

Kassima tucks the flower Lys gave her behind one ear, waves to that Bitran
Guard who staged the contest and flashes him a quick grin of greeting,
before turning said grin to Adonith. "Good work, Adonith. You seem to have
a good nose for 'em, eh?" Kassi raises one hand to offer the blue a quick

Benden Weyr> Kindre thinks Hera needs a bath, Jorenan...heh ;)

Rhythana looks the cadet up and down, grinning slightly. "Well. It seems
that uniform -isn't- painted on."

Jorenan looks over at the bronzerider. "No, sir, I'm not!" he says
cheerfully. "Oh -- right." He dashes off again, and is back in a moment
wearing something heavier. It looks to be a little large for him, but
that's all right.

Valmont grins at Rhys, then deadpans, "Actually, it is. I've got it on
under this stuff."

Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "No recruiting .my. slave labour to wash your
dragons, don't want to upset the Moff, do you? :)"

Sonya smiles to ambrus, her eyes still darting around the grounds and over
thr crowds.

T'lar says "I'm with you, Lys. Can't have Meli spending too much time
without me." He pats the lad on the shoulder. "Don't worry. None of were
ready for this."

Benden Weyr> Caitria shoes the slave labor towards the runner pasture and
the stables. ;)

Benden Weyr> Jorenan has heard that dragons always need baths. Is that
true? :)

Benden Weyr> Jerissa upsets Felinar?! :)

Rhythana rolls her eyes, chuckling quietly. Giving credit where it's due,
she grins. "You look very nice, Mont."

Adonith whuffles Kassima, warbling with a touch of smugness, as Alyssa
grasps the straps of her blue. "I'll mount first; you can toss your bag up
to me. All right?"

Benden Weyr> Felinar snorts at the impish greenrider named Jerissa, "Oh
puhleaze." :)

Lusani grins.

Valmont grins charmingly, though one eye is on the hold littles gawking at
the dragons. "Why thank you, my dear." He looks around, then whews, as that
certain brownrider isn't around to overhear his term of endearment.

Kassima chuckles. "'Tis never anything *but* a surprise, I think. 'Twas
hardly thinking to be dragged back to Benden the morn after I'd been
escorted to Ruatha *from* there...." Taking the whuffle as an affirmative,
the greenrider runs her fingers lightly over a blue eyeridge in a gentle
scratching. "Go ahead and be smug, you blue lump. I'd say you've earned it."

Jorenan nods. "Yes'm." He gives Adonith a furtive pat on the side while
he's waiting.

Alyssa uses the oiled straps and an extended foreleg to mount Adonith and,
once settled between his neckridges, she rubs his hide adoringly and
receives, in return, a loving warblecroon.

Lusani grins at Sonya. "This is a fun Gather...there was a knife-throwing
contest, and hand-to-hand stuff...

Rhythana inclines her head in acknowledgement, then glances around her.
"Enjoying yourself?"

Benden Weyr> Jerissa giggles!

Benden Weyr> Kindre pouts by fears the Moff that is Grand. *Sigh* Oh,
alright, you can have him.

Valmont nods, eyes shining with amusement. "When Codey's not watching. Shh."

Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "Thanks, for this, I shall not destroy your home
Hold :)"

T'lar is catapulted up by a quick movement of Nicoth's snout. He gets the
bronze an affectionate slap.

Adonith butts Jorenan affectionately and whuffles twice while Alyssa
settles herself in. "All right, I'm ready for the bag," she calls down to
the Candidate. For his part, Adonith lowers his shoulder to aid the young
man in mounting.

Benden Weyr> Kindre doesn't want the Deathstar pointed at the sands, nope ;)

Jorenan waits for Alyssa to be settled on the blue's neck, and then tosses
up his bag. It takes him a moment longer to figure out how to clamber up
the straps himself.

T'bin smoothly slides down Ashroth's shoulder and along his leg.

Benden Weyr> Kassima whispers to Kindre, "Psst... I think we should raid
the slave pens tonight and make off with all of 'em, to do hard labor over
our dragons and wave palm fronds at us while feeding us grapes from a
silver bowl."

Ambrus smiles and nods to Sonya, whom he already knows and extends a hand
to T'bin, "A pleasure as always Sonya... and pleased to meet you, sir."

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

<*> Rhythana crinkles her nose in amusement at Valmont, grinning. "I'm not
saying a word. And from what you told me, you're having a somply miserable
time." Right.

Benden Weyr> Jorenan durns. "I was hoping I'd fetch a somewhat higher
price. Have I mentioned that I also do windows?" :)

Benden Weyr> Felinar nods and jots down a few names. . .

Benden Weyr> Kindre snickers conspiratorily...."Ooooo, yeah, yeah..."

<*> Trina comes out of her trance of watching the dragons and decides to
make due with what's left of the gather.

Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "The Death Star is a unix box. sorry kid, you're

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "My old weyr needs cleaning and airing out."

<*> T'bin gives Ambrush his hand, which is cold, and mantains a bit of a
taxed smile. "Good to meet you."

<*> Trina steps into the BakerCraft Tent.

<*> Sonya takes T'bin's hand and flashes a smile at Lu. "It would look as
if the gather is a success. Has the danceing started yet?"

<*> Tay follows Lord Carow's earlier example, and stands on a table.
"Trader, holder, crafter, rider, all come to the Bitra Gather Tent for
music and dance."

<*> Jorenan climbs up to join Alyssa mounted on Adonith.

Benden Weyr> Caitria could use a babysitter...

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Hey, hey...no abusing the Candidates."

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "And if the Moff wants to torch my home Hold,
he's doing all Pern a favor. Y'all know how many lunatics live at
Greystones. ;)"

<*> Lusani grins. "I dunno...

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "By the way, Candidates...did you finish airing
out my sleeping furs?"

<*> Valmont gives Rhys a broad grin. "I appreciate that. And I -have- spent
a good deal of time keeping an eye on those shady gambler-types." He
chuckles. "I think I've picked up the knack of it, myself." He look to the
Trader at the mention of dancing, with a bit of interest.

<*> Settled between Adonith's neckridges, Alyssa smiles approvingly at
Jorenan as her fingers deftly work the riding straps. "Do you know how to
strap yourself in, Candidate?" she asks over her shoulder.

Benden Weyr> Felinar can't believe you found someone bold enough to air out
your furs, Alyssa :)

Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks the Candidates should have to clean her weyr.
That's always an adventure, oh yes. Any place with that many FLs and that
much clutter accrues lotsa flotsam. ;)

<*> Tay holds a gitar in he hand and points with the other toward the Bitra
Gather Tent.

Benden Weyr> Caitria still does think that the Candidates should wear kilts
to the Sands.

<*> Settled between Adonith's neckridges, Jorenan shakes his head. "I've
never ridden, ma'am." He looks at the straps, and fumbles at them.

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "White kilts, of course!"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa would smack you, Felinar, but being the Benden
equivalent of an Ewok I feel daunted by the Grand Moff.

<*> Rhythana hears the word dancing, and frowns slightly. "Perhaps I should
be going."

<*> Ambrus gives T'bin a genuine smile and perks up at the announcement
that Tay makes.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Alyssa is the tallest Ewok I've ever seen"

<*> Settled between Adonith's neckridges, "It's all right," Alyssa smiles
and works the straps quickly. "There, just so. All right? All ready?"

<*> Lusani grins at Ambrus. "You dance?

<*> Settled between Adonith's neckridges, Jorenan tugs at the straps, and
decides he won't fall off in a thousand Turns. "Aye, ma'am, I think this'll

Benden Weyr> Maarie says, "Trivalities, T'lar!"

Benden Weyr> Felinar hee! And notes that if .he. was the Emporer, he would
fragged them ships the minute they came outta light speed.

<*> Valmont awwws softly at Rhys. "You sure? I mean...I'm sure that the
folks in that tent need to be guarded, too. And I don't know that just one
guard--and a mere cadet, at that--is enough to handle the job."

<*> Sonya pulls at T'bin's hand. "Come one, lets get something to drink
first." she pulls him along, the knife he gave her tucked halfway into her
right boot.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, ".oO Can I be Han Solo? Dashing, handsome,

<*> Adonith backs away from the crowds, crouches low, and pushes off.

Kassima buckles herself in deftly, soon settled comfortably in place.
"Benden's duties!" she yells down to the people she recognizes--and, for
that matter, to those she doesn't. She lifts one hand in a wave, as well.
"'Twas a fine Gather! I enjoyed m'self immensely. And you, sir--" She
points to Valmont, and grins. "Next time you have a knife-throwing contest,
I'll be there with bells on!"

Benden Weyr> Kindre adds queen of indirect poses to her +pose :b :)

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "In your dreams. ;)"

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up
dust as she takes to the skies.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "thbbt"

<*> Nicoth disappears into Between.

Benden Weyr> Kindre could use one of those dashing, handsome types,
actually... ;)

<*> Adonith flies off to the southeast, towards Benden Weyr.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.