
Blood Will Tell

Date:  December 17, 2000
Places:  Telgar Weyr Skyspace; Fort Weyr's Skyspace, Central Bowl,
and Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Long ago, in a Living Cavern far, far away....  This 
was a fun scene.  Kassi elects to accompany Talisha, one of Telgar's
Weyrlings, on a trip to Fort; once there, she meets up with Miritha, 
and Memory Wars I:  the Genealogy Menace ensues.  ICly, Kassi and
Miritha both have an interest in draconic bloodlines; OOCly, Miritha's
player maintains the fabulous Dragon Hatching Records, while I have
the Encyclopedia Draconum and my NC genealogy chart.  It was a 
refreshing treat to chat ICly about my pet obsession without anyone
getting confused or looking harried after a few poses. ;)  And 
meeting Vaelyn was a treat, too. :)


The Log:

You spring from Lysseth's ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring
into the sky above the Northern Bowl.

The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies.

<*> Lysseth coasts up from her ledge with a few strong wingbeats, starlight
shimmering off the charcoal-edging of her wingsails. From her neck, Kassi
yells across the way, "You've got the visualization all right?"

<*> Imanath seems to be just soaring in place, great wings sweeping the air
out from her sides. From atop her, Talisha calls back across, using one
hand to cup around he mouth. "Yes, we're fine and ready!"

"All right, then!" It really is amazing what nearly twelve Turns of
Wingleading can do for one's ability to bellow over the wind. Kassi's
certianly mastered the technique. "You jump first, then--we'll follow!"

<*> From on top of Imanath's back, Talisha bobs her head towards Kassima,
shouting out again across the wind. "Alright!" the girl appears to
concentrate for a moment, then gives Imanath the signal to go ahead.

<*> Imanath disappears into Between.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Lysseth> Imanath senses that Lysseth reaches her thoughts towards yours in
an entwined braid of blue and green, both glowing. << Excellent! You both
jumped well--the place where you will wish to deliver those hides, my rider
says, is nearest the center of the Bowl below. We will go likewise, in case
they have cheese today. >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Imanath returns the thoughts in hazy shades of
powder blue, sworling with a mixture of green that sparks out silver in her
excitement. << We are getting good at this. >> a pause, then << Is cheese
good? >>

<*> Imanath spirals down lower into the bowl.

<*> Lysseth trumpets a brassy greeting to the watchdragon, her dusky wings
flaring out to hover briefly before she tucks them in to spiral towards the
Bowl below.

You spiral down lower into the bowl.

You spiral down to the ground, and backwing to a landing.

<*> Above the center of the bowl, Imanath spirals down towards the Center
of the bowl, and backwings to a landing.

Lysseth> Imanath senses that Lysseth flashes silver in a lightning flare to
match, the fine mercurial color rimming her sending. << You are. And I do
not think so, but my rider does--at least, it is here. They are evidently
famous for cheese. >>

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

From on top of Imanath's back, Talisha drops down from Imanath with ease,
checking over her straps quickly before giving the green an affectionate
scritching. "You did well." Tali murmurs to her before looking around.

Talisha hops down from Imanath, landing on the ground with a soft thump.

Kassima lands in a neat crouch, unbuckling the chin-strap of her helmet as
she slowly straightens. "It's been an age since 'twas here last for any
purpose but a Hatching," she admits, scanning her surroundings. "I'm
*thinking* that the Cavern's thataway--" and here she gestures towards the
Lower Caverns, "--but I'm nay entirely certain of it. I second Lyss's
opinion on your jumping, by the by."

Talisha can't help the little grin her lips curl into as she removes her
gloves, finger by finger and pushes them into a little pocket on the side
of Imanath's straps. "Well thanks!" she gives Kassima a polite salute, head
dipping into a nod. "I'll just be off to take these hides down there then,
you be good, Ima'!" the green rumbles softly, settling back on her haunches
to peer around this strange new place.

Talisha heads into the Living caverns.

Kassima chuckles and returns the salute more casually, before ambling in
that direction herself. "Don't terrorize any males, Lyss," she calls over
her shoulder. "Nay, nay even bronzes."

You head into the Living Caverns.

Terrel sits at a table, nursing a mug of klah and talking to Miritha, it
seems. "Just visiting...seems I'm here until after the Clutching..." When
the two new people walk in, he brightens visibly and even starts to stand,
"Hey! Talisha....wow, what're you here for?"

Kassima trails Talisha into the room, behind by a few steps; a pleased
smile crosses her face upon seeing that, yes, this is the Living Cavern and
she has not yet gone senile after all. "Duties t'Fort and her queens," she
greets the Cavern at large with a polite nod, glancing about.

Talisha enters the cavern with a large stack of hides held under one arm.
Formalities always come first, and the greenling pauses near the entrance
to salute those around politedly. "Telgar's duties to Fort and her queens."
she shoots a look around, hoping that was the formal greeting, then wanders
towards Terrel in a much more relaxed fashion. "Just dropping off some
hides, don't have all that much time really." she plunks the hides down on
a table, peering around a moment.

Miritha bounces to her feet, grinning at Kassima. "Hullo, Kassima, haven't
seen you in *forever*."

Terrel seems to only really have eyes and attention for Tali...but then
he's a teenage boy. Go fig. "Oh, that's too bad...are you going to come
back for the Clutching, I hope? Or was Telgar's enough for you?" He grins
lopsidedly at her.

Miritha puts in, "I think Erith's done, actually. Twenty-eight - one of
them's a gold!" She ruffles her sun-blond hair, grinning as though it was
her own dragon who sired it.

Kassima grins broadly back, abandoning her scouting for cheese. "Nay since
Rinath's last rising, hasn't it been? Or, wait... 'twas at that Igen
Hatching when your lad Impressed the bronze, rather. Always a pleasure,
Miritha--I'm hoping life's been treating you well?" Talisha gets a sidelong
smile of approval for her formalities.

Miritha nods. "I think it was, Kassima." The brownrider sits down again,
smiling, and beckons at one of the women. "Some of what I'm having for
Kassima, and - klah? for the weyrling, at least, I assume she's one of your

Talisha slides into a seat near Terrel propping one elbow on it in front of
her. "Oh I hope to! I don't know if I can though." she pauses a moment,
then shrugs her shoulders up and continues. "That's providing they hatch
either /after/ weyrlinghood is over, or Maylia gives all us some time away
from our lessons to come and watch."

"She Impressed from Daelyth's clutch," Kassi confirms, finding herself a
place to sit with a raised brow for the drink ordering. "Dare I be hoping
that whatever you're having is alcoholic? Anyway, aye, they've just started
*between*ing now--she's dropping off hides, and I'm here t'get the measure
of the clutch. Lysseth told me that Erith visited the Grounds this eve?"

Miritha smiles, kicking her heels and looking far younger than her real
age. "Twenty-eight eggs, one of them gold," she repeats happily. "It's just
wine, but the very best Benden red. I don't drink anything but the best,
you know."

Terrel looks to the elder riders, then back to Tali, "Well, if she's
done...do you want to go down and look at the clutch? I'm curious."

Talisha smiles up at the serving girl that brings over the klah ordered for
her. "Thank you." she then tilts her smiling expression towards Terrel
across the table and nods. "Sure, but I'm suposed to be dropping these off
so.." she trails off, glancing over at Kassima. "D'you think it'd be
alright if I went and took a peek at the eggs?" she asks in what she hopes
is a very polite, if hopeful tone.

Kassima gives a low whistle, impressed. "Nay 'tall a bad number for this
late in the Pass--has Erith clutched a gold a'fore? I don't remember any,
but it's been a time since I studied her line. And with Zyanth siring,
there should be plenty of bronzes, aye?" She nearly beams at mention of
Benden Red. "As always, Miritha, your taste is fabulous... oh, 'tis fine by
me," the greenrider assures Talisha, turning her head to smile at the
Weyrling. "And if'n your duties are finished back at the Weyr, I'm thinking
Maylia wouldn't mind if'n you took a long enough break t'be looking."

Miritha chortles. "I hope so, for the bronzes. I don't _remember_ Erith
laying a gold, but then, Aurelinth kept laying them, for a while. Seemed to
lay one every time they needed one, at least, for a while. I know Erith's
first flight she didn't, Orillenth won that and _he's_ a brown."

Talisha beams a bright smile across at Kassima, then gathers up the pile of
hides in front of her. "Alright, which way then Terrel?" she asks, rising
smoothly to her feet. She meets someone half way to the dirty dishes bins,
and ends up giving the young woman the hides to deliver to the right
person. "Imanath is anxious to know what they all look like, she wants to
be assure that /her/ egg still remains the prettiest ever." a roll of her
eyes is sent towards Terrel, and the weyrling waits for Terrel to direct her.

Terrel stand, "Erm.. I'm not sure, exactly, but it -should- be...out
here..." And with that, he heads for the bowl, pulling up his hood.

Talisha heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.

Terrel heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.

"He's seemed t'have luck siring bronzes in clutches previously... two of
his bronze sons with Chaluth turned out t'be Wingleaders, if'n I recall
aright," Kassima remarks, rubbing her chin. "And clutchsires besides.
Aurelinth's record as a dam is certes remarkable--mayhaps on par with
Jeniath's, and I don't say that lightly of a non-Benden queen." Biased, are
we? Maybe just a little. "And her clutch with Tidranth certes didn't; I
remember the records for it, since I looked 'em over again when Ularrith
flew Herath." Half-distractedly, she waves after the departing duo.

Miritha nods. "Belaryth flew Lrisseth, from the same clutch as Ularrith. No
queen in that one, I remember looking it up after Lrisseth's flight.
Zyanth's got good blood, now, so it's not surprising. And his rider's quite
good, too - like rider, like dragon."

Kassima quips, "One would hope he is, if'n he's Weyrleader again. Nay that
many who make Weyrleader twice over in nonconsecutive flights... 'twas
rather surprised when K'tyn did it, and he's an old friend and certes a
good rider." A helpless shrug precedes her inquiring, curious, "Didn't
Belaryth's clutch have fine bronzes in it, too? Might bode well for Erith
as well as Zyanth where that's concerned, if'n so."

Miritha purses her lips. "Yes, several; so you're right. Although,
Tidranth's from Kimbrith and Cioth if I remember right, and Benden had that
_habit_, of producing gold and bronzes from the same clutch, so perhaps
that was him."

Kassima tries to suppress a grin, but with limited success; she finds it
prudent to hide it behind the rim of her glass instead. "Golds and bronzes
that mated with each other, aye. Our main line was terribly inbred for
awhile, though Daelyth's coming in changed that. All that *Igen* blood."
She affects a tone of disparagement, though her eyes are too good-humored
for it to be genuine.

Miritha waves a hand. "Ha. Igen's all Benden, and you should know that. At
least, all Benden up to just when Daelyth hatched out, so it's a good thing
Vaeth won that flight of Ladonyth's, if it's new blood we're looking
towards." She grins, quite cheerfully.

"Oh, I do--I count on it," Kassi admits cheerfully. "Lysseth's sire was
Valenth, after all! That 'Reaches blood is the real contaminant, you're
right--precious little of Benden *there*, but we've corrupted them too, now
that Tidranth, Belaryth, Chezroth, and Dzurath have all been doing their

<Weavers> Aidan plans evil things for the weavers, being the only weaver on ;)

<Weavers> Kassima, if those evil things have anything to do with another
auction, *hides*. ;)

<Weavers> Aidan says, "Hmm, that gives me an idea. :)"

<Weavers> Aidan says, "It /has/ been awhile... ;)"

<Weavers> I'sai says, "That's right, Kassima wasn't auctioned off herself
last time, was she?"

<Weavers> Kassima ohlords. You Weavers already took all my money once!
Never again! ;) Yep, Is, but I bought me. For a hundred and two marks.

Miritha purses her lips. "Aaaah, but there was Cyrseth too, long since, to
give them a good infusion of Fortian. I suppose _you_," she flashes a bring
grin, "might call that half-Benden, but Mirth was Fort-born no matter who
her parents, and them both Fortian too when you get right down to it.
They've certainly set the lines, anyway."

<Weavers> I'sai says, "Oh, right. You took less."

<Weavers> Janine says, "Eep! 102? That's a fortune!"

<Weavers> Kassima pthbts. I *only* paid that unholy price for you to save
you from Sayuri, Is, dear. You should really be more grateful.

<Weavers> Kassima spent two-hundred and ninety-seven total. Kassi is very
wealthy. Markedly less wealthy *now*, though. ;)

<Weavers> Janine blinks and recalls a wager you made about wearing a pink
nighty, if enough marks could be had for it... Umm.. what's the current
wager? :)

<Weavers> Aidan reconnects and thinks she missed some interesting things :)

<Weavers> Hrogar pokes Janine. You've been threatening pink nighties to all
sorts of people tonight...or so I hear ;)

Kassima makes a gesture of acquiescence. "Truth, truth--although Cyrseth
was more than *half*-Benden; he'd a quarter of the blood from Mirth through
Kedranth, aye, but a full half from Tevrath! So 'twas still a good Benden
infusion, methinks. Which is doubtly why," she adds, blithely, "that the
'Reaches dragons are as fine as they are today." That grin tugging at a
corner of her mouth would suggest she's not quite serious about that last.

<Weavers> Kassima says, "Wager? Oh--people at Telgar paid Kassi forty-seven
and three-quarters marks to wear pink lace for a day, yeah. :)"

<Weavers> Janine says, "Just remembering things. :) Poor V'hryn. Then the
47 mark price Kassi set so she could buy something."

Miritha shakes her head. "No, no. _That's_ from Zyrieth, you know. Now,
_he_ is a fine bronze, and _he_ was from Erith and from Orillenth, so _he_
is a good part Fortian. I still say Cyrseth is half-Fortian, not
three-quarters Benden."

"Well, Jeniath's of Fort's breeding anyway," Kassi grants. "Though I always
think of her as Benden--mayhaps the same way you're thinking of Mirth as
full Fortian. Likewise with Pyreth, too."

Miritha nods, satisfaction curving her lips upwards again. "Pyreth was
Fort-born, too, but I associate him and Jeniath both with Benden, and then
Pyreth again with Igen, s'true. Mirth's Fortian because Kyriath and
Kedranth's clutches together are all Fortians, truly. That's who I mean
when I say the Fort line. Altianath too, and Chaluth, but Altianath because
she was never really Benden; came back to Fort in return for us sending
Jeniath to Benden. Although it wasn't 'us' then. So the Fortian line when I
say it has some Istan and some Benden and lots of Fortian - a nice strong
blend." Once again, the brownrider grins.

Kassima agrees, "Pyreth with Igen, aye, though since Iriniath 'tis
Benden--well, that's how I think of Valenth as Benden, and Lysseth as
pureblooded. A shame none of her brothers ever sired clutches... I don't
think Dyinath's line's done very well, t'be telling the truth." A nod
follows. "I don't really think of Altianath as Benden either--but I do
think of Zaerith as Benden still. Ista's line's almost purely Bendenite as
this point; 'tis a bit odd, that." She matches grin for grin at this last.
"A'course! And 'tis good t'know that the old Istan blood *is* preserved
somewhere. Mostly in the 'Reaches, though, I suspect."

Miritha's lips curve again, and she takes a sip out of her wine. "Oh,
certainly. Reaches has the old Istan blood for certain sure. When Melirth
and Zienth moved there - Zienth is direct from Wirenith. Though _she_ was
flown by a Fortian that time, too. And Melirth is Aurith's, who's from
Zienth's clutch, and Aurelinth and Vorinth were both from Melirth and
Zienth." She frowns thoughtfully. "Come to think of it, that _does_ mean
that Erith's clutch with Zyanth will bring a lot more of the old Fortian
and Istan lines back into the Weyr. And a gold at that."

"Kereneth," Kassi supplies readily enough, lacing her fingers together and
propping her chin on the lacing. "Another who seems t'belong more t'his
adopted Weyr, though... that's an excellent thing, t'my way of thinking.
I'm all for the preservation of old lines, though a bit of fresh blood here
and there can add spice and strength."

Miritha muses, "I once sifted back through the Records for everywhere. All
of the North Continent, I traced back to a total of five. The old High
Reaches lines were gone, and now Telgar's fading - the old Telgari line, I
mean, not the current one. I still think of Telgar's current queens as
Bendenites, really. So much Benden blood there. And Igen's old line, too,
is gone. Only some of the very oldest dragons are still from those other

Kassima smiles in a definite approval of this sentiment. "I consider us
Bendenite, too, even the ones who've Impressed there. Thregga's Beneth
hasn't clutched frequently, or any queens, and she was the only Telgarian
queen left. And Benden's bronzes are always outflying the Telgar-blooded."
Is there a hint of pride in that statement? Well... maybe a *little*. "Nay
a good thing t'see old lines die, but I can't help but be pleased that
Benden's line is still alive... even if Ramoth's gold line died out long

Miritha frowns as she thinks this over. "It has, hasn't it? Even the High
Reaches. And Ista sent a queen down to Southern Weyr, long ago, and I think
she's the dam of most of them down there now, although I'm not sure." The
frown deepens. "Unless one of the High Reaches queens transferred, or one
of the Benden ones. I'd have to check the Records from last Pass."

There's a longer pause before Kassi hazards, a bit less certainly,
"Maylith, wasn't it? She was the dam of Tinya's Liath, who flew with us for
awhile at Benden and Telgar. I've nay studied her line, though. I'm mostly
keeping to the North; Southern dragons and ours don't seem t'be
interbreeding that frequently." Thought draws a line between her brows.
"If'n 'twas a Benden queen, 'twas one a'fore Jeniath, I'm thinking--but
that's certes possible."

Miritha nods. "Maylith, right. I don't follow the Southern lines either,
same reason. I don't think there's been any interbreeding since Maylith
herself, in fact." She rubs at her hair and then says, dubiously, "I think
it'd only work if a gold had transferred during last Pass. Most of the
queens stayed in their home Weyrs after the last Pass, until that last ten
Turns or so before this one, where queens were shifted around according to
what Weyrs had older queens or needed another one."

"'Twas hearing that Kemith sired a clutch down there," Kassi offers. "At
Eastern, methinks, and that's why Channie left Telgar--he's Fortian, so
there's another infusion for you. 'Tis making sense... nay so many queens,
during an Interval; the Weyrs would want t'be hanging onto the ones they
had. Though even that's nay foolproof--Benden, Igen, and the 'Reaches all
proved that."

Miritha nods thoughtfully. "It's mostly Ramoth's line I wish we'd
preserved. Granted there's still her blood around - I'm pretty sure Kath
was, and Lioth was from Ramoth's first clutch ever and _his_ blood's in all
the Fortians. Oh, well. Not much to do about it now, I'm afraid."

"'Tis so?" Kassi sounds surprised, but rather pleased. "Then Jeniath has a
measure of Ramoth's blood after all, I'm guessing, and Pyreth--that's fine
t'be knowing. I hadn't thought t'look back as far as that... though if'n
you go back far enough, we're all Fortian, anyway. And if'n Kath was--why,
that gives Lysseth an extra measure, through Valenth."

Miritha wobbles a hand in the air. "I hadn't thought to trace back Kath's
line either, ever, but I _think_ he's Benden-born."

Kassima decides, with a grin, "'Twill just assume you're right, I'm
thinking, since it suits me well enough. 'Tany rate, the Benden blood's
spread wide; there's a little of it in almost every clutch, I like t'be

Miritha chuckles and nods. "Like I said, the Fort line - Elspeth and Mareth
- go back to Lioth, I think, so we've got that. And _every_ dragon now
living - 'cept, again, the _really_ old ones - has Fortian blood, I think.
At least on Northern, and like I said, I think Southern too."

"Well, go back far enough, and we're all Fortian anyway," Kassi quips
dryly. "So methinks that's a safe wager t'be making. And with this clutch,
there's a bit through Cyrseth too--through Tevrath, if'n nay Mirth--since
he was Erith's grandsire if'n I'm recalling right. I'll have t'be certain
t'be making this Hatching; I've missed the last couple, for one reason or

Miritha makes a quick gace. "I missed Telgar's last, the one your young
Talisha's from. I almost always go; I like to watch the youngsters
choosing. Although I have to admit, M'val's two times Standing turned me
into nervous wrecks, both."

Kassima bobs her head in agreement. "I like t'be seeing 'em, too--and
adding t'my belt pouch with wagers, for that matter. Hatchings and flights
are two of m'best sources of income! But I didn't get t'Ista's last, and
I've missed several over the Turns while 'twas expecting. A bit of a pain.
M'val had Stood a'fore? I think I might've missed that--the first time was
at Igen, too?"

Miritha nods, lips curving. "Deirdre was with me then and I'm afraid I
nearly broke her hand I was holding on so hard. That was for one of
Irrylath's and Zmeth's, I think, I forget now. I like wagering on
Hatchings, too. Flights aren't always so interesting - and anyway, I'm
usually too involved in them to have a thought for the wager, for
goldflights anyway. I sometimes bet on who'll be a Candidate, too, if any
of our visitors catch my eye - or any of the people _we_ visit."

Vaelyn comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns.

"That's another plus of being a greenrider," Kassi agrees with a touch of
impishness. "We get t'sit flights out and make wagers--if'n they're nay
ours, but I'll admit t'having bet on Lysseth's risings a time or two. You'd
nay think anyone would *take* that bet, but some never seem t'be learning."
She gives a guileless shrug. "I don't often place wagers on who'll Impress,
or what, though I'll take 'em if'n someone else proposes 'em--and I made a
nice sum on Ro's Impressing brown at the 'Reaches. M'eldest girl thought
she would, and she evidently has the guessing gift."

Telgar Weyr> Tarlo howls and must sharethis pose: Tarlo grins. "We just
occaisonally get into deep conversations. But I assure, we have our
collection of butless pants."

Telgar Weyr> Talisha blinkblinks. "Who has the buttless pants?"

Vaelyn pokes her head around the corner leading in from the inner caverns
and places a hand above her brow as she scans the crowd. "Norri?" she
querries. Her gaze falls upon Kassima and Miritha after overhearing chatter
about impressions. Dishearted in still not being able to locate the
Headwoman, Vae finds her way towards the klah for a nice swarthy mug. Her
behind is parked somewhere near the heat of the hearths. She waits for a
brief interlude in the conversation taking place to offer a warm welcoming,

Telgar Weyr> Kassima laughs! How reassured he must be. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio giggles. Way to promote Telgar PR, Tarlo! ;)

Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Nobody, but Jasmyn was commenting on how our weyr
seems 'deep'. ;>"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "And J'lyn and I'sai do. Kassi doesn't have a
pair. Nope. Not at all."

Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "Boo."

Telgar Weyr> I'sai has a pair to sell (unoccupied). K'nan! Hey.

Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "K'nan!"

Miritha chuckles again. "I only bet on some Impressions. I meant I bet on
who'll become Candidates, sometimes. Speaking of which," her eyes brighten
suddenly, "I think I'll ask one of the other Searchers to swing by my
family Hold. Danitha - she's my brother Mailen's oldest son's daughter -
seems likely to me and Farlioth, but I can't tell if we're just biased.
Hello," she adds, to Vaelyn.

Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "A pair of..?"

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio snugsa K'nan. :)

Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "K'nan the Barbarian!"

Telgar Weyr> Talisha grins, then wavies to K'nan.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Kassi's are deep, because they're better rounded.
Ours are shallow. ...Oh, J'lyn's pants, K'nan."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima eyes I'sai. Did you just say I have a large rear end
over the channel?

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "The word would be 'callipygian.'"

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio thinks I'sai has a death wish. ;)

Kassima twists her head about at that greeting, flashing the newcomer a
bright smile. "G'deve," she greets, raising her glass of wine in a wave of
sorts. "We're nay Norri, though, I'm afraid." Turning back to Miritha, she
grins. "Worth checking out, anyway; Lyss and I picked up two of m'cousins
on one trip back t'Greystones, and they both ended up on dragons. Brown and

Telgar Weyr> Kassima gets out her carving knife and stalks I'sai. You
aren't going to have *anything* to put in your pants in a moment, Is.

Telgar Weyr> Aisling acks!

Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "Just six days 'till I move. Yaay."

Miritha grins. "My brother Tr'vor, he's sixteen Turns younger and he's
already a rider. Has a few children down in the caverns, too, he does.
You're Vaelyn, aren't you?"

Vaelyn's expression melts from frustration to bliss as she swallows the
first mouthful of the spiced liquid. "Aaah. Nothing like a hot cup of klah
on a cold night, hmm?" She waves her hand as an afterthought about the
comment on Norri. "You're company. That's all that matters." Her smile
shines just as brightly as that of her new aqquaintance's. "I'm Vaelyn,"
she offers only after realizing that she's not yet formally met this rider.

Miritha holds up her wineglass. "I'm for wine tonight, Vaelyn. I'm Miritha,
Farlioth's rider."

Kassima adds, "And Thera, a'course--Lysseth's first Search, and she
Impressed Lilith. We were both proud enough t'be insufferable, most
likely... that's a good thing, then? M'cousin K'star, he's gone back
t'Benden t'have children with Mehlani, so m'bloodline is irrevocably
commingled with F'hlan's now. A bit of a scary thought." She shudders
theatrically then, glancing at Vaelyn. "Nay klah for me--I'm a wine or
cider woman. Kassima's m'name, or Kassi; I ride a green lump of dragonflesh
that insists on being called Lysseth. We're currently affiliated with
Telgar. Well met."

Miritha laughs. "I like that, Kassi, 'currently affiliated'."

"Suits me better than t'say I'm Telgarian," Kassi admits with a rueful
half-grin. "I consider m'self Bendenite yet, same as m'dragon."

Vaelyn clears her throat with a chuckle and a nod. "Well met, Miritha...
and Kassima." Her eyes slit for a moment as though she contemplates
something. "Ah, Telgar. I just met Talisha, one of your Weyrlings. She and
a glasscrafter were down in the galleries."

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "It's feminine, Kassi. ;) Good Yaay, K'nan? Hi,

Telgar Weyr> Maylia heyas briefly :)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima ahhhs. Okay, yes, I do have a female rump. (Phrases I
never foresaw myself typing before now....) So I guess you can live. ;)

Kassima grins more fully than that, and cocks her head towards the Bowl.
"Aye, Lyss and I are here as her escorts--well, and t'be getting the dirt
on the clutch. And talking about draconic bloodlines, as it turns out. I
trust they weren't doing anything untoward in those Galleries? May'd never
forgive me if'n I brought a Weyrling back with her hair mussed and her
shirt unbuttoned."

Vaelyn places a complacant finger on her lips and nods. "I just caught my
first glimpse of the clutch. I couldn't quite count how many eggs she had
out there though. It's bound to be interesting times. I can't wait to meet
all the new candidates that are brought in." Her smile fades into a grin
and she tilts her head to the side, an eyebrow lifting slightly as she
does. "I give you my word that she was doing anything in the galleries. She
left when Imanath wanted something... Though Terrel did follow her out. I
can't give you a report beyond that. I've been on a search for Norri ever
since I scampered out of the tiers."

"I rather doubt they were," Kassi decides, though she does glance
Bowl-wards. "'Twas said more facetiously than nay. Was it twenty-eight
eggs, Miritha, that you said the clutch has?" She looks rather curious
about this Norri-search, but doesn't ask outright; maybe she figures it's
none of her business.

Miritha says brightly, "The weyrlings are betweening, they're old enough -
er, anyway." She winks at Kassima, then adds, "Twenty-eight. I counted. So
did Reckless, the idiot; you'd think he'd learn after all these Turns to
stay _away_ from the golds while they're clutching and brooding."

Vaelyn smiles, her chin tilting down a bit. "Twenty-eight. That's a good
number. So we're expecting around.. oh, eighty to ninety candidates then? I
heard it was two to three times the number of eggs. I'm a bit dense though
when it comes to these matters. I'm learning bit by bit as things progress,
but this is the first time I've been to a Weyr: so the first clutch I've
gotten to see."

Miritha purses her lips. "About, hmm. Anywhere from sixty to ninety, I'd
say. Some of our own children are going to be in the Candidates, too, so
it's not that many _new_ people, really."

Kassima raises one finger to waggle it at Miritha. "Nay until flights, I
fear, and Maylia's saved them for later with this group! Soon enough 'twill
be a different story--though I despair of this group. *None* of them seem
t'want children, so how I'm t'know which t'choose for Thunderbolt...." She
shakes her head regretfully, then chortles. "Ah, poor 'lizard. Our Herath
would've tried t'snap his head off; hopefully Erith's less testy. Methinks
that'd be about the right number--there's usually double t'thrice the
number of eggs. Don't worry about nay knowing much. I don't think any do,
when they're newly come to a Weyr."

Vaelyn draws her mug to her lips for one last swallow. The empty receptacle
is then placed towards the center of the table in front of her. "Well, I've
still not met everyone in the Weyr. Perhaps this will drag a few out and
about more when I'm out doing my chores so we can meet." She flickers a
gaze towards the bowl herself. "I must say that I do prefer the activities
around the Weyr as apposed to my old hold. The smell of the sea wears on
you after a few turns roll by. I never realized how sweet the inland smelled."

Miritha sighs and gets to her feet after finishing her wine. "_All_ the
golds try it. He thinks it's great fun. Well-named, is that lad. Farlin and
Quickwing and Silly and Nonsense are all smart enough to stay out of the
Grounds, or at least away from the _Sands_, but not Reckless, not him." She
sets the glass down and says, "I need to go off to bed, I'm afraid. It's
good to see you again, Kassi."

Vaelyn lifts a casual hand towards Miritha and waves her off to sleep.
"Pleasant dreams," she calls.

Kassima lifts her glass to the brownrider. "Always a pleasure, Miritha--and
thankee kindly for the wine, too. M'regards t'Farlioth and what members of
your fair are still in the land of the living."

Miritha grins over at Kassima. "_All_ of them, to my everlasting surprise.
Clear skies, and good night to you too, Vaelyn."

Miritha heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl.

Kassima waves after Miritha with a quiet laugh, then turns about in her
chair to face Vaelyn fully. "G'luck," she bids wryly. "Meet everyone in the
Weyr--shells, I don't think I've met everyone at Telgar for all that I've
been there for Turns. I've barely met every *rider*. What Hold is it that
you're from, then?"

Vaelyn's smile returns as the rider bids her ado. "Well, new people come in
daily, so I'm told. Half Circle Sea Hold, actually. The best place to be,
if you love the sea." Smirking at her little rhyme, she covers a yawn with
a well placed palm. "I'm afraid I'll be soon to follow our friend there.
But I've got a few more minuts left in my tired bones to talk. I do love
meeting new people, especially those from outside the Weyr. So, when did
your group of Weyrlings impress?"

"Ah--I wonder if'n you know any of Kindre's family, then. She's one of our
weyrwomen; she came from Half-Circle originally... but she's been gone for
quite a number of Turns now." This announcement gets an agreeable head-bob.
"I should like as nay scoot soon m'self t'get a peek at the clutch, if'n
I'm wanting t'do so a'fore 'tis time t'get back to the Weyr. It's been
several months now--they're going *between*, as Talisha might've told you
and is certes evidence of."

Vaelyn rubs her chin at mention of the name Kindre. "Not sure if I do or
not. I'd have to write home and ask my mother. I never kept up with family
lineage within my group of friends. But if anyone would know, it would be
my mother." Her eyes light up then. "It's pretty, I tell you. I never
thought a clutch would look like much. But out there on the sands they
shimmer when the right lighting hits them... I didn't have much time to
talk with Talisha. She didn't get a chance to tell me much. I look forward
to talking with her again sometime, though."

Kassima grins at this assessment and nods again. "Dragon clutches are
lovely by definition. Nay that I'm *biased* or aught, mind. But they're
something else--'twill never forget the first clutching I saw, nor many of
those between then and now. I'd be surprised if'n the Weyrlings aren't at
the Hatching; most riders like t'see Hatchings, but the newest most of all,
or so it seems t'me. If'n all else fails, she may have more time for
visiting when she's graduated to a Wing--or you could always catch a ride

Vaelyn stands slowly and draws a hand over her head, stretching her lean
muscles. "No doubt my brother would give me a ride if I asked him to. He's
a bluerider here. My father's son whom I didn't know about until the past
few turns. He's a lot older than me, and had already impressed by the time
I was aware of him. I would have liked to have seen his impression."
Drawing in a slow breath, she clears off her dirty dish to it's designated
area, then smiles one more time at the Telgarian rider. "I'm looking
forward to seeing the clutch hatch. I've been told it's a magical sight. My
toes have been tingling ever since someone ran into my work area and
mentioned that Erith was clutching." Another yawn draws up from her mouth.
This time she's unsuccessful at abiding it. "If you'll excuse me, Kassima.
I'm afraid sleep is calling my name. Perhaps we'll see each other again
sometime soon." With that, she tips one last nod to the greenrider, and
scoots into the inner caverns.

Vaelyn walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.

Kassima chuckles after the departing girl, shaking her head in vague
amazement before draining the wine in her glass, toting it off to the
kitchens or wherever dirty glasses go, and then meandering on back out to
the Bowl.

You head outside to the bowl.