
Breana's Search

Date:  July 16, 1996
Places:  Benden Weyr's Living Cavern, Southern Bowl, and Candidate
Barracks; Veyath and Prefeth's Ledge; Aphrael and K'nan's Weyr; High
Reaches Weyrling Barracks and Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Okay, this is a *long* log.  It encompasses not only 
Bree's first Search, but also Kassi's Impression of Zabreneva and her
recounting of the Search story to Mart, Bree's former foster-brother.
It's mostly included here because I thought it was interesting.  I have 
no idea whether you'll agree, but you're welcome to read on and find 
out. :)


The Log:

Breana pouts as she looks up at Kassi "Bored! I can't find anyone to play 
with me! Everyone is busy and stuff"

Thera walks in from the bowl.

Breana says "Even Aph and K'nan are out somewhere without me. It's not 

Kassima chuckles. "Is that so? Well, now, that's a shame. But today's my 
day off, and I'm far from busy. What do you want to do?" She waves to 
Thera and then, belatedly, to everyone else in the room as well.

Lysseth> Zuseth looks back at Meroth for a moment as if perturbed for 
being interrupted then back at the cavern entrance again.

Thera smiles, and wanders thru the LC, with a sheaf of papers in her 

Breana grins broadly and starts to bounce "Can we go out into the hills 
and slide in the snow? Maybe we can find a really big hill for Lyss to 
slide on?!"

T'fian glances out at the bowl for a moment and then shrugs.

Breana smiles at Thera

Thera sits down at a nearby table wearily. "You know Kassi, running 
errands is almost as hard as breaking 'stone."

Beni wags his tail as he notices Thera looking at him and wanders over to 
nose at her legs and stare up at her with big brown eyes.

Kassima smothers a laugh. "Bree, I don't know if Lyss would really like 
sliding around in the snow. But we can go to some hills, if you like. What 
hills did you have in mind--any in particular?"

Thera pulls back to peek under the table. "Hey there boy...whats your 
name?" she rests a hand on the dog's head and ruffles it's ears gently.

Kassima nods sympathetically to Thera. "Aye, as I recall. Though both are 
still better than latrine cleaning in my book."

T'fian looks over at Thera and pulls a hide from his ever-present bag. 
"Excuse me, Candidate. May I inquire your name?"

Thera looks up from petting the dog. "Er, yes sir. I'm Thera."

T'fian nods. "And when were you Searched? I'm T'fian, blue Meroth's rider, 
by the way."

Breana grins at Thera and yells across the cavern "His name is Beni! See 
he has a tag that says so!"

Kindre walks in from the bowl.

Breana smiles at someone else comes in.

Thera grins at the girl, and rolls the canine's collar about in her hands 
while answering, "Only a few days ago Sir. Right around the end of the 

Thera glances down at the tag, once found. "Why so it is. Is he yours?" 
she asks the girl.

T'fian nods and takes a writing stick from his bag and jots something down 
on a hide. "Thank you, Candidate," he says officiously and then turns 

Lysseth> Zuseth rumbles softly and looks at the other dragons in the bowl 
then back to the entrance way.

Thera crouches to give Beni a scratch around the ears.

Kindre shakes a bit, tightening her jacket even in here, "Crackdust, I'd 
swear I left my frozen toes out there somewhere if my boots weren't on." 
She goes to grab a mug of klah and uses it more as a hand-warmer than 
anything. "Hmm, who's canine?"

Maarie glances over to T'fian with a quizical look then back at her hides.

Kassima peers over at the canine and smiles. "Beni's looking well, Bree. 
Bet he's been getting lots of exercise."

Beni wags his tail and wriggles at being petted, then flops onto his back, 
presenting his belly for Thera to scritch.

Thera gives Kassi a curious look, and jerks her head at the bluerider. "He 
taking bets or something?" she murmurs.

Breana giggles and nods at kassi "Yup we've been out all over the weyr 

Kindre smiles softly as she slowly loses her chill, "He's a friendly 
looking pup..."

Kassima blinks and shrugs almost imperceptibly in response. "Haven't the 
faintest," she murmurs back, then turns back to Bree with a smile. "See 
anything exciting while you were exploring?"

T'fian shakes his head, to himself, and nibbles on the end of his writing 
stick. He keeps half an eye, however, ocassionally looking up and glances 
about the cavern. He looks towards the bowl entrance again.

Thera leans over and gives the dog a through tummy rubbing.

Starratiel walks in. "Hello."

Breana pauses for a moment, thinking "Well..we saw lots of runners....um 
oh yeah! And a really big gross bug thingy with lots of legs. It looked 
really cold and i was going to bring it back to show everyone, but then 
Beni ate it."

Lysseth> Lysseth turns her head to watch the caverns entrance as Zuseth is 
doing. Something about it seems to catch her attention, since she settles 
herself down to peer at it without a trace of impatience or boredom.

Lysseth> Meroth rumbles again with some annoyance and then rolls over onto 
his back.

Kindre blinks a couple of times before chuckling, "He /ate/ it?"

Beni is in heaven with all these people paying attention to him, he is 
obviously torn between running round in excitement and lying right where 
he is to keep being scritched...he chooses the scritch option.

Dragon> Lysseth and Zuseth sense that Meroth grumbles. << My rider is 
ignoring me. >>

Kassima makes a face. "Ugh, that sounds disgusting. I'd guess Beni's nay 
too particular about his meals. Were the runners doing anything 
interesting?" She pauses to glance out to the Bowl and frowns in faint 
puzzlement, then just shakes her head, muttering, "Silly dragon."

Breana nods at Kindre "yup he really likes all sorts of icky stuff...but i 
didn't want him to eat that one...cos it was so weird. I never saw one of 
them before"

Breana grins at Kassi "What did Lyss say? And yup they did after i got 
there" She giggles wickedly.

Lysseth> Meroth and Zuseth sense that Lysseth rumbles. << So is mine. She 
tells me that I am full of nonsense today, just because I told her what 
the others were saying about Jareth's miggsy balls. >>

Starratiel scritches the canine. "Heyla, boy. "

T'fian looks over at Kassima, and then at the bowl.

Kindre nods to Breana, wrinkling up her face, "I used to find all kinds of 
weird ones down home, though they were mainly in really old ships and 
stuff." She ventures closer to the dog to get a better look as she warms 

Thera grins at the other candie. "What have they got you doing today?"

Kindre sighs a bit, rubbing her nose, "Veggie peeling...I got out of the 
kitchen for a bit for air...can only intake so much garlic in an hour...
what are you doing?"

Thera says "Running errands. But I"

Lysseth> Zuseth rumbles a bit louder, frustrated.

"I'm hiding now. Hopefully." Thera glances about nervously for people 
wanting her to find other people.

Breana giggles at Kindre "What sort? Slimy ones? My brothers always used 
to stick icky things in my bed" She shivers and wrinkles her nose at the 

Kassima chuckles. "Just something silly, like everything she's been saying 
today. She wants me to go out there and talk to her, I think...."

Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles with some annoyance and lowers her head to 
whuffle at the Living Cavern entrance.

Lysseth presses a huge, swirling eye to the Living Cavern entrance, along 
with a big green snout.

T'fian grumbles, exasperated, to nobody. "I'm busy. I have no desire to 
waste my time on that nonsense. Let somebody else do it."

Breana looks over at Thera for a moment then says "I think you could 
probably find somewhere better to hide...this is always the first place i 
look for people! Who you hiding from?"

Maarie sets down her stuff and stares out at the bowl. She looks over to 
Kassi, "That must be the popular feeling then. Zuseth wouldn't mind me 
going out too."

Breana giggles and waves to the big green snout.

Kindre nods, her eyes wide as she smiles. Looking towards Breana she 
grins, "Oh, crackdust, lots of flying ones," she makes a distasteful face, 
"my brothers threw them anywhere they thought I'd be...'specially my 
hair." She looks towards the bowl now that there's something blocking the 
way to it.

Lysseth> Meroth looks at Lysseth and then rolls back over, watching the 

Starratiel waves. "Heya, Lysseth."

Maarie stands up, "This really is all toom much right now. I'm going 
outside to see if I can get Zuseth to calm down."

Kassima groans. "*Lysseth*! What're you trying to do? Sheesh. Silly 
green." She glances over at Maarie. "She must really be desperate for 
attention if she's trying something like that. I'd better go talk to her."

Thera grins at the girl. "I know, this isn't the brightest hiding job. I 
donna wanna be too lost...or something like that."

T'fian looks at Maarie and Kassima and shakes his head. "Oh, yeah, this is 
your first time," he comments.

Maarie stops dead in her tracks and spins on her heel, light dawning in 
her eyes. She glances out to the bowl and chuckles.

Breana looks around in confusion "Kassi? What's going on?" She looks at 
T'fian "First time what?"

Kindre nods, "What's going on...?"

Starratiel says "Maybe someone getting Searched....."

Beni sits up, keeping a nervous eye on the tunnel to outside.

T'fian glances around the cavern and then shrugs.

Kassima starts to stand up and then stops. "First time... ah. Actually, 
nay, 'twouldn't be... Lyss, don't tell me that's what all the fuss is 
about?" Her eyes fade as she speaks with the green, whose rumbles can be 
heard from outside. A moment later she nods, resigned. "It is. Lyss thinks 
she's found another 'Someone special.'"

Starratiel says "So, you two the new candies?"

Breana looks up to Thera "But you already got searched didn't you?"

Roald has been mopping the floor in a far corner, and continues doing so.

Beni moves closer to Bree who idly scritches him on the neck.

Thera follows Kassi and Maarie with her eyes, but nods to the girl. "Aye, 
Kindre and i are already here. I guess their bringing back another one." 
She makes eye contact and smiles, "Another Beni scritcher." Thera thumps 
the dog's side playfully.

Kindre nods to Starratiel, "I'm Kindre...ben here three days now..." her 
attention is on the riders still. She glances at Thera and smiles.

Caitria walks here from the Inner Cavern.

T'fian smiles, slightly. "You want to herd everybody outside, greenriders? 
I'd help, but I'm a bit busy."

Kassima grins ruefully at Bree. "What's going on is that my green lump 
outside wants a chance to whuffle at people, basically." She glances 
around the Cavern and calls hopefully, "Don't suppose everyone who's not 
been Searched or a rider already would mind coming outside for Lyss to 
take a peek at?"

Starratiel says "I have a dog exactly like him-same coloring and 
everything-except she's a girl."

Beni wags his tail a bit, but seems more intent on figuring out whether 
the dragons can fit through that door...

Maarie makes her way back across the bowl and says in a mocking 
patronizing tone, "It might be my first Search but it is not the first 
time. Zsueth's been on at least half a dozen in the area. I just wish 
she'd understand for once that they're all the same thing." She looks at 
Kassi, "Need some help?"

Caitria comes into the LC with just a /small/ stack of hides. She hrms at 
all the fuss in the bowl, and peers at T'fian.

Starratiel grins. "You're joking, right?"

Thera says "There's someone in here?"

Breana grins at Starratiel "Hey maybe they could meet sometime Beni 
doesn't have a girlfriend!"

T'fian takes a bite of his stew, watching the people in the cavern 

Starratiel nods. "Yep, maybe...."

Breana looks up at Kassi, then around at other people in the cavern, 
trying to figure out who the dragons might want.

Roald stands his mop in the bucket of water and comes over to Kassi. "I'll 
come, I've not been searched, Maam."

Kindre chuckles at the canine-mating going on and slips off her jacket 
finally. She looks back at Thera, "I wonder who..."

Davidon pushes his way in and sits at a table towards the back, lugging an 
armful of hides with him.

Kassima shakes her head. "Nay, I'm nay joking. Lysseth has the strangest 
timing, but she honestly thinks there's a potential Candidate in here. So, 
if you don't mind being whuffed at by a dragon, I'd appreciate it if'n 
you'd step outside so we can figure out who and stop her from rumbling. 
She's going to wake up anyone who's asleep in this Weyr if she doesn't 
quiet down soon." She grins wryly.

Starratiel stands up. "Okay,...

Thera grins, "Can the rest of us watch?"

Kindre nods at Thera's words, "Can we?"

Thera says "Pretty please?"

Breana grins and nods "I wanna too Kassi! Can I?"

Maarie sits back down, having become a little pale and seeing that Kassi 
is in control of the matter."

T'fian glances at Davidon and says boredly. "You want to set those hides 
down and head outside?"

Kassima shrugs and smiles. "I certainly don't mind. Just keep back from 
the ones Lyss is considering, cousin; she might take it into her head to 
start sniffing at you again, and that'd be rather pointless."

Caitria peers curiously at Maarie, and moves--okay, waddles--to stand 
behind her. "You okay, hmmm?"

Breana grins at everyone and reaches out to take Kassi's hand.

Maarie smiles weakly to Tria, "Yeah. Just had a dizzy spell for a moment. 
Prolly too much sun down in Boll."

Davidon looks up at T'fian a little blankly, "Sure, I guess so I mean." he 
stands back up and leaves the hides on the table, all safe and sound.

Kassima nods to Bree. "You may, of course. I'm going to head on out and 
get yon lump soothed a bit." She casts a concerned glance at Maarie, but 
at another agitated rumble from outside, decides to make haste out of the 

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Thera comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Starratiel comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Breana comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Beni comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Beni pads in close behind Breana.

Roald comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Kindre comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Davidon comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Starratiel comes out of the living cavern, blinking.

Roald enters the bowl nervously.

Meroth looks at all the humans leaving the cavern and watches them 

Thera edges out around Lyss. "Come on ya green hulk, give some space..."

Breana settles herself near the tunnel entrance, soothing the upset Beni. 
She watches everyone with excitement in her eyes.

Kindre follows behind Thera, being sure to stand back from the dragon. She 
smiles, "I wonder who..."

Starratiel stands around and watches to see who it will be....

Caitria comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Kassima walks right up to Lysseth and stares the green straight in the 
eyes. "Now look, you. You're going to have to start finding these people 
when we're actually *riding* Search, nay in these odd places and 
times...." She backs over to the green's side and calls, "Anyone eligible 
for Search who isn't already a Candidate, please line up. It's easier for 
Lyss when things are orderly. All others, please back away a bit to give 
my lump some room."

A kitchen drudge tucks her rag into her apron, and walks outside, hopeful 
as the next person.

Kindre smiles lightly to Caitria, "Any ideas?"

Thera shrugs at Kindre. "Isn't it nice to b eon this side of it tho?"

Roald goes to stand next to the other kitchen drudge.

Starratiel shrugs, guesses...not a rider, not Searched, not married, not a 
Master or Jman at anything...that she's eligible...and lines up.

Caitria leans on the edge of the tunnel leading back to the LC, looking 
curious, but not at _all_ hopeful. Nope, do'wanna be Searched. Not this 
Herder. . o O ( Unless maybe the baby....nahhh. ) She peers at Kindre, and 
hmmms? "Nay. I've no instinct on that."

Davidon trails along in the group to be 'whuffled' and looks around at all 
those gathered. He pauses, waiting for the line to form before joining in.

Kindre nods quickly at Thera, "For true..."

Breana looks up at Thera and Kindre "Last time i saw this happen i was 
really upset...cos they took my mother away from me...but then it was 
ok...cos i came here anyway..."

Lysseth merely snorts in response and cocks her head to watch all the 
people, waiting for the line to form before even bothering to start. Once 
things have assumed a reasonable facsimile of order, she moves a couple 
steps forward and lowers her head to stare directly at the kitchen drudge 
for a moment. She shakes her head and gives a much louder snort before 
turning to the next.

Breana grins at Tria in the tunnel.

Kindre blinks, "Your Mah? Jays..."

Starratiel watches the 'inspection'.

Thera looks at the girl. "Aph you mean?"

Breana nods "Well it was my foster mother...Aphrael...but now i have a 
foster dad too! its great!"

Breana nods at Thera as she watches Lyss at work.

The kitchen drudge sighs heavily, but remains outside to watch the 

Roald shys bach from the dragon, but stands his ground next to the drudge.

Breana says "my foster brother an i had to run away, riding runners from 
Ruatha towards here...but we got caught..but then they brought me here 

Davidon turns from watching the green dragon to look at her rider to see 
what her reaction to this whole thing might be.

Kindre smiles softly at Breana, "Shells, sounds kinda exciting to be 

Breana nods "I got in huge trouble! and Lord Eleos yelled at me and 
everything and made Mart go and work in the laundry.

As she makes the rounds, Lysseth stares at each and every person in the 
line. She whuffles Roald for a brief moment but moves onward; the others 
in the line up get similarly short measures of her attention. She rumbles 
with frustration, shaking her head, then ambles over to the cluster of 
people who aren't eligible. She stares at the group as a whole for a long 

Starratiel blinks and looks over at the uneligible people.

Breana looks around as Lyss approaches, then loses grip on Beni who dashes 
into the living cavern with a yelp of fear.

Beni goes through the entrance to the living cavern.

Thera snorts at the dragon. "Stop bein' silly Lyss, you already brought us 

Breana frowns "Go 'way Lyss! You frightened Beni!"

Starratiel says "Poor dog...."

Davidon brushes his hair back into order, as he watches.

Roald turns to the other drudge. "Looks like it's not us, anyways."

Caitria frowns slightly, and starts after the canine, then pauses.

Breana turns to the tunnel and starts calling gently for her puppy.

The drudge nods. "I hadn't thught it'd be, but still, twas worth a try."

Kassima can't help but chuckle. "Trust Lyss," she says dryly, "to want 
someone she likely can't have." The green ignores her rider and cranes her 
head to peer at each person individually. Hearing a sudden voice, 
Lysseth's attention is abruptly turned to Breana. Her irritated grumbling 
turns to as near a croon as Lysseth ever manages, and she whuffles the 
girl quite enthusiastically.

Starratiel nods. "Yeah....I felt the same.

Kindre smiles and blinks as she watches Lysseth.

Breana absently pushes Lyss away "Stop it Lyss...you're supposed to be 
searching someone..now i gotta go and find Beni!"

Starratiel smiles as she watches the dragon. "Congratulations, Breana."

Caitria frowns slightly, looking from Bree to Kassi.

Breana absently scritches Lyss on the nose then starts to head into the 
living cavern, when she hears Starratiel..she turns in confusion to face 
the crooning dragon. "What?"

Thera rolls her eyes exasperatedly at the dragon and grins at the girl. 
"You'll be needing to move your things to the barracks it seems."

Davidon watches the girl and the dragon and gives a little nod.

Starratiel says "Congratulations."

Roald nudges the other drudge again. "We better get back inside, Dania, 
there's dishes still to do." he doesn't move though.

Kindre nods with Thera's words and grins, "Seems we've a new barracks-

Breana looks at Thera, then from face to face and finally to Kassi.

Kassima blinks. "Bree? You want Bree?" she asks the dragon aloud. The 
happy warbling from the green is affirmative enough. Kassi stares at her 
lifemate for a moment before turning to Breana. "Well, this is a bit odd. 
You're rather young, Bree, but Lyss seems to find you suitable, so...." 
She takes a deep breath. "Breana of Benden Weyr, green Lysseth has found 
you suitable to Stand as a Candidate for gold Leilanth's clutch," she 
recites. "Do you accept the offer of Search?"

Dania untucks and wrings her towel a bit, nodding sorrowfuly.

Starratiel smiles and waves. "I'll see you later."

Breana looks up at Kassi, still not really grasping the concept "You mean 
i get to be a candidate? I guess so? Um..Yes?"

Caitria nods slowly, and excuses herself, slipping back into the LC

Starratiel walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Caitria walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Breana looks at Lyss "You sure you got it right Lyss?"

Davidon smiles at the girl, and walks back in.

Davidon walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Kassima grins. "Aye, you get to be a Candidate. Congratulations, Bree!" 
She looks over to Lysseth and comments with amusement, "Lyss is quite 
convinced that she's never wrong. You're nay about to get her to say she's 
nay right now."

Roald says "So that's it?" Roald is speaking half to himself. "That seems 
too simple."

Breana looks around, a grins starting to spread on her face as it sinks 
in... then she starts to bounce in excitement "Kassi!!! I get to be a 
candidate and maybe have a dragon all of my own!!! Kassi!!!!"

Dania shakes her head, and walks back into the LC.

Kindre smiles, "Congrats...Bree, I'm guessing...I'm Kindre."

Roald follows Dania back inside.

Roald walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Thera giggles. "Shards but you're cute Bree."

Breana rushes over and splats herself on Lyss's nose in a huge hug 
"Thankyou Lyss!!"

Kassima stifles a giggle. "Something tells me you're excited about this 
prospect?" she asks rhetorically.

Lysseth whuffles the girl splatted on her muzzle, then gives a very 
self-satisfied rumble. Kassima rolls her eyes. "Aye, Lyss, I know. You 
weren't just talking nonsense, I should listen to you more often... don't 
need to tell me, I know the words by heart."

Breana turns back to the others, barely able to contain her excitement, 
and grins at Kindre "hi...oh uh...hey i'm gonna be a rider!! I won't be 
left behind anymore!!!"

Thera blinks. "Kassi, Lyss is your mother?" She grins impishly, and ducks 
back into the LC, escaping possible harm.

Thera smiles at the girl, resists he temptation to kiss her, and goes back 

Thera walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Kassima snorts at her cousin's retreating form. "Nay, but she certainly 
acts like it sometimes," she mutters under her breath, then smiles at 
Bree. "I'll help you get set up in the Barracks, Bree--d'you need a ride 
up to get your things?"

Breana has been added to the list of Searched Candidates.

Breana looks around, her face flushed with excitement, then nods "Yup i 
do! Aaaaaaaaaaahahaha" She breaks into a yell of excitement/triumph/

Kassima winces and claps her hands to her ears too late, then gives Bree a 
slightly pained smile. "All right. Lysseth and I'll take you up to get 
your stuff, then show you to the Barracks and all." She grabs hold of the 
straps and uses them to haul herself up onto the neckridges of the smugly 
warbling green.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. 
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered 

Breana accepts Kassima's proffered hand and swings up onto Lysseth's lower 
neckridges, settling herself behind Kassima carefully. Kassi grins and 
reassures the dubious Lysseth that Breana is safe, and the green faces 
forward as her rider gets ready to fly.

Breana hugs Kassi tightly with a giggle

Kassima fastens herself in to the straps and then turns to make sure Bree 
does the same. "Just tell me when you're ready to go."

Breana says "I'm ready!! Now!""

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up 
dust as she takes to the skies.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor 
to carry you aloft.

You land on Veyath and Prefeth's Ledge.

Breana climbs down from Lysseth's neckridges with the help of her riding 
straps, looking grateful to be back on the ground. Lysseth eyes Breana for 
a moment, rumbling quietly, before turning her attention elsewhere.

<*> Breana heads towards Aphrael and K'nan's Weyr.

<*> Prefeth croons and stuff.

<*> Lysseth warbles and stuff right back at you, Pref.

[Editor's Note:  I waited outside for awhile for Aph and Bree to RP out
their scene, then went on in.]

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

You walk into Aphrael and K'nan's Weyr.

Breana looks worried "he ran into the Living Cavern! I'd better go and 
find him" She looks at Kassi "Kassi! Tell APh! Lyss said i was a candidate 
didn't she!"

Aphrael peers over at Kassi dubiously. "She's a *bit* young, Kassi."

Kassima peeks in. "How're things coming, Bree--oh, Aph, heyla!" She beams 
at her friend and nods agreement with Bree's words. "Lysseth Searched 
Bree, Aph... went right past all the folk who were older and sniffed her 
out. From what I hear, Meroth and Zuseth both agreed." She nods, gaze 
flickering over to Bree and then back to Aphrael. "I know she is, but... 
well, Lyss still found her suitable."

Breana giggles in delight and beams at Aph "See! Lyss said i am so...i 

Breana gathers her stuff together. "But now i gotta go live with the 
candidates...but i can visit all the time!!"

Aphrael snorts and rolls her eyes. "Great.. er, wow, that's good Bree!"

Kassima smiles at Breana. "Aye, I think that means you'll Stand, even 
though you're young... I don't see why they'd deny someone who's Searched 
regardless of age." She glances over to Aph in a slightly worried, 'Would 
they?' sort of look.

Breana looks up at Kassi and then Aph...the pout and tears ready to form 
"They wouldn't would they...Lyss said i was!"

Aphrael shrugs at Kassi. "When I was Searched they only allowed people 
over 15 to line up.."

Kassima shakes her head. "Nay, Bree, I don't *think* so. We'll just have 
to see." She blinks at Aph and remarks dryly, "I wasn't over 15 when I was 
Searched, though...."

Breana looks at Aph "But that's years from now!! I'll never be that old!"

Breana smiles a bit at the reassurance.

Kassima smiles again at Bree. "'Tany rate, we'd best get you settled into 
the Barracks while there's still a prime choice of the cots available. 
You've got your things ready?"

Breana looks around to see if she's left anything, then spies her 
masterpiece of Dreamer. She grins and grabs it.

Kassima chuckles. "Faranth forbid we leave that behind. If you're set, we 
should probably be on our way."

Breana looks up at Kassi "I think that's everything!" She gives Aph a 
really big, warm hug and then with a smile and a wave heads out to the 

Breana heads towards Veyath and Prefeth's Ledge.

Kassima waves to Aph, calling, "See you before long, Aph!" as she heads 

You head out to Veyath and Prefeth's Ledge.

Breana smiles at Kassi "We have to go and find Beni first OK? He got 
scared and ran away..."

Breana scritches Lyss's nose "I know you didn't mean it..but you have to 
be really careful not to scare hiim again OK?"

Kassima hrms and nods. "Aye, that should be all right. He ran into the 
Living Cavern, as I recall? We'll have to pass through there anyway. Sorry 
Lysseth scared him like that, Bree; I've asked her to be more careful 
around animals, but she was just too eager to whuffle at you, I guess."

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. 
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered 

Breana accepts Kassima's proffered hand and swings up onto Lysseth's lower 
neckridges, settling herself behind Kassima carefully. Kassi grins and 
reassures the dubious Lysseth that Breana is safe, and the green faces 
forward as her rider gets ready to fly.

Breana giggles "Thats ok...he's just being silly of course!"

Kassima chuckles. "Could be," she acknowledges, strapping herself in 
carefully. "Next stop, the Bowl! Ready, Bree?"

Breana nods and hugs Kassi tightly.

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down 
with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You leap off the ledge.

You fly downwards towards the ground.

You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl.

Breana climbs down from Lysseth's neckridges with the help of her riding 
straps, looking grateful to be back on the ground. Lysseth eyes Breana for 
a moment, rumbling quietly, before turning her attention elsewhere.

Kassima waves to Meli and salutes P'tran as she unfastens herself from the 
straps. "G'deve, all," she calls as she follows Bree down.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Meli, leaning against Juliath, jacket pulled close, smiles. "Evenin'. How 
y'two doin' t'day?"

Breana beams and bounces in excitement "Hey guess what?"

P'tran definitely takes another step back from Lysseth, knowing the 
dragon's penchant for snow, and then nods to Kassima. "Evening, Kassima."

P'tran hmms? and looks over to Breana with a slight smile.

Straightening up a bit, Meli smiles at Breana. "What what, luv?"

Breana continues "Lyss said i was a candidate!!!! I'm gonna be one now..
even though i'm not really old!!!"

Kassima grins. "I'm quite well, and Lysseth's insufferably smug, thank 
you." She chuckles at the Weyrleader. "Don't think she'd be blasting you 
with snow right now, sir. She's too busy being self-satisfied."

Meli gasps in mock amazement at Breana. "Really? An' when did this 

P'tran raises an eyebrow at Breana's words and looks over to Kassima 

Tinya comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Meli gives the former southern rider a nod and a quick wave before turning 
back to watch Breana.

Breana giggles and pats Lyss, then grabs onto Kassi's hand "Just then..see 
i got all my stuff" She holds out a bag and a clay tablet "And now i have 
to go and find my puppy then got o the barrackes!!' She bounces some 

Kassima hides a smile and nods an affirmative. "Aye, Lysseth Searched 
Breana here nay a half of an hour ago. I asked her whether she wanted to 
Stand, but was hoping to clear it, sir--will it be all right that she 
Stand as a Candidate? I know she's rather young, but Lysseth seems to 
think she's quite suitable."

Meli just shakes her head, smiling. "Things y'miss on sunset sweeps.... " 
she murmurs, before quirking an eyebrow. "Puppy? In th'barracks?"

Tinya nods again as she comes back out, heading for her dragon with a 
rapid stride. A few feet away, she halts and stares up at him with a 
snort. "No, you _cannot_ stay and play in the snow! We _promised_ to 
deliver this message, and we're going!"

P'tran ums, and looks on dubiously at the young girl. "Just out of 
curiousity, who searched ..." He straightend and nods to Kassima. "Yes, 
she *is* rather young," he states flatly. He looks from the girl back to 
Lysseth. "Hmm. Lysseth is sure about this?"

Breana giggles and seems about to run over to Tinya to tell her news 
again...then catches the conversation and turns to P'tran "It's ok isn't 
it? I mean it's the dragons who say who they want isn't it?"

Breana starts to pout and tears start to form in her eyes in expectation 
of dissapointment.

Kassima quirks a rueful half-grin. "As sure as she is about anything, sir, 
which is to say very. She thinks she'd be as good to Stand as any 
Candidate she's seen Searched so far, despite her age. I was a little 
surprised, since Bree wasn't even lined up with the folk considered 
eligible. Lyss walked right past them and whuffled out Breana instead."

Tinya looks over toward the group and hesitates a step, then shakes her 
head, turning to mount.

Tinya swings quickly up to a seat on Liath's back.

P'tran pauses and then nods slowly at Breana, "Yes it is the dragons that 
are supposed to tell is this sort of thing." He sighs slightly at the 
girl's expression and looks away a moment to nod to Kassima. "No, Breana, 
it's ok. If Lysseth is convinced, then you can Stand."

Liath backs up several steps at a command from his rider, before taking 

Liath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him 

Kassima sighs quietly with relief and nods. "Thank you, sir. Shall I go 
ahead and show her to the Barracks now?"

P'tran nods to Kassima. "That would be a good idea. The sooner she gets 
settled in the better. Um, where did you Search her from?"

Tyrrath backwings for a landing.

Meli, idly listening to the discussion, cocks her head over to spot 
Tyrrath's landing. Breaking into a grin, she rides at her mentor.

From atop Tyrrath, Flannery waves to the others as she descends her mount, 
a load of ancient, bedraggled straps slung haphazardly over her shoulder. 
"Evening, all!"

Flannery climbs down from Tyrrath's neckridges, stepping lightly on the 
lovely forelimb. She smiles and pats her lifemate lovingly.

Kassima nods in the direction of a measure of trampled snow not far from 
the Living Caverns entrance. "Right there, sir. She was in the Living 
Caverns when Lysseth started getting fussy." Kassi looks over briefly and 
waves to Flannery.

P'tran glances over to Flannery and smiles. "Evening, Flannery. Just 
meeting a new candidates," he says, indicating Breana, the rather young 

P'tran ohs? at Kassima. "I didn't know she was a Weyr resident."

Flannery ambles up to P'tran and Breana, a big, cheery grin spread across 
her cheeks. "Hello there, sir!" By way of example, she snaps off a salute 
to the weyrleader, then smiles at the new candidate. 'I'm Flannery, rider 
of green Tyrrath over there.....I suppose you'll be dreading seeing me 
after a few days..." she winks, patting the straps slung over her 

Kassima bobs her head in an affirmative. "Aye, sir; she was the 
fosterchild of Aphrael and K'nan, as a matter of fact."

Flannery takes a step back, realizing she has intruded on a conversation. 
She glances from Kassi to P'tran, her smile still warm.

Breana grins at P'tran, all smiles now that she knows it's ok.

P'tran ahs and nods to Kassima. "That's why I recognized her." He turns to 
Flannery. "Breana's a bit young, but Lysseth seems to be rather convinced 
of her, so I'm letting her Stand."

Kassima returns Flan's smile and steps back a bit, silently scritching 
Lysseth while the others converse.

Meli shakes her head again, mumbling something about 'puppies' before 
turning to Juliath and rechecking her straps.

Breana grins at P'tran and nods in support of Kassi "I've lived here for 
ages and ages! Remember you yelled at me for being noisy in the living 
Cavern once?"

Beni comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Meli gives a brief nod to the cluster of folk before climbing up onto her 

Dreamer flits out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Meli climbs smoothly up Juliath's extended foreleg and settles herself 
between the neck ridges, as the green gives a welcome rumble from deep in 
her throat.

Flannery leans forward, chuckling to Breana, "aaaah, but what's old is new 
now that you're a candidate."

P'tran glances over to Breana again and looks puzzled for a moment, then 
slowly node. "Yes, I think I remember that. You'll have to forgive me, 
it's hard to remember every single resident," he adds with a grin.

a nervous looking canine, with a green fl riding on his neck pokes his 
head out of the living cavern tunnel, wagging his tail when he catches 
sight of Bree.

Juliath backs up out of the way before heading up into the night sky.

Juliath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her 

P'tran hmms and says to Flannery, "She has a canine I believe. I'll leave 
it to you and Elyanfdra how you want to handle that with regards to the 

Breana grins and nods "That's ok...I find it hard to remember everyone who 
yells at me.. But i rember you, cos Aph said i had to be good when you 
were around" She glances at the canine and squeals "Beni! Where you 

Breana calls to Dreamer, but is ignored. She seems more intent on preening 
than on receiving attention.

Breana pouts as Dreamer ignores her and flies off.

Flannery nods to P'tran, glancing down at the tail-wagging creature with a 
mixture of concern and adoration. "Well, P'tran, as long as he makes no 
messes on the barracks floor, as far as I'm concerned he can stay. He's no 
worse than a firelizard..." she grins at Breana. "Though if he begins to 
yap or to have untimely accidents, he'll have to sleep outside the door." 
She winks

Breana giggles at Flannery "He's really good! And i'd get cold at night if 
he had to sleep outside!"

P'tran chuckles. "I think we can trust Breana to, ah, clean up after him 
if he makes a mess."

Beni makes his way over to Bree, careful to avoid getting too close to the 

P'tran adds, "After all, keeping the barracks clean is one of the chores 
candidates do ..."

Breana wrinkles her nose "Eeew. But yup! I always clean up my messes...ask 
Aph....um well maybe you'd better not ask Aph." She grins at kassi.

Meroth backwings for a landing.

T'fian quickly slides down Meroth's foreleg and jumps to the ground.

P'tran grins at Breana and nods a greeting to T'fian. "Evening."

T'fian looks upward, contemplates pulling off his riding gloves, and then 
thinks better of it. He starts and wheels around. "Oh, good evening, sir," 
he says to P'tran.

Kassima chuckles. "Mayhaps nay," she agrees, returning Bree's grin.

Breana giggles at P'tran and then smiles at T'fian.

P'tran hmms and shivers a bit as another chilly breeze comes up. "I think 
it would be a little warmer inside, and besides, Breana needs to be shown 
about the barracks."

Flannery nods to P'tran and smiles. "I'm sure the little canine will be 
fine. Breana, would you like to get settled in?" She motions toward the 

Flannery smiles to T'fian on her way in.

Breana nods and grabs onto Beni's collar and Kassi's hand "Yup I wanna see 
it !"

T'fian nods to Flannery and Breana and then heads into the living cavern.

Breana starts tugging Kassi's arm.

T'fian walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Flannery smiles over her shoulder, heaving the straps upward once again. 
"all right then, follow me..."

Flannery walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Breana walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Beni goes through the entrance to the living cavern.

Kassima blinks as her hand is abruptly taken by Bree, then shrugs and, 
with an amused grin, gets dragged along for the ride.

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

T'fian pours himself a mug of klah from the pot at the night hearth and 
then sits at the Skyfire table.

T'fian sits on a bench at the long table for Skyfire wing.

P'tran walks in from the bowl.

Salless tells her girls to look sharp when the weyrleader walks in.

P'tran pulls off his riding gloves and rubs his hands together briefly 
before opening his jacket slightly

T'fian looks over at the weyrleader. "Sir, may I ask a question of you?"

Breana looks up at Flannery with a grin, then at Kassi.

P'tran hmms? and looks over to T'fian. "Of course. What's on your mind?"

Flannery motions toward the lower caverns. "Oh! Had to take a rest....now, 
follow me..."

Flannery walks towards the inner cavern.

Kassima's hand is firmly caught by Breana's, which would explain why she's 
following her around--actually, being dragged is more accurate. She waves 
to everyone with her free hand on her way past.

Breana grins "Ok!"

Breana walks towards the inner cavern.

Beni heads off towards the inner cavern.

You walk towards the inner cavern.

Breana drags Kassi in.

Flannery trudges over to an empty cot and unloads her cargo with a thud 
and a cry of 'AUGH! That was heavy!" She wheels about to face Kassi and 
Breana, placing her hands on her hips as she smiles at the candidate. "so 
then, have you brought your duffel bag?"

Breana nods "Yup! everything!"

Breana laughs and continues to bounce "So where do i go? What do i have to 

Beni starts to dance as Bree tugs at his collar,

Flannery rubs her hands together, then heads for a cot. "good! This is 
your cot...you're expected to make it every morning....and this is your 
little cabinet..." she flips open a tiny press at the foot of the bed. 

"...where you may keep all yoru things."
Breana nods and jumps onto the bed, peering into the cabinet. "Wow! All of 
my own?"

Kassima tries not to giggle at Bree's enthusiasm. "I should probably leave 
you two alone," she says as she gets dragged along by the zooming Breana. 
She tries to tug her hand free. "Nay sense my getting in the way of 

Breana laughs as she lets go of Kassi "Thanks Kassi! Give Lyss another big 
hug for me!!!"

Flannery winks at Kassi, then turns back to Breana and nods. "all yours! 
For you and..../Fuzzy/ here..."

Flannery waves to Kassi. "Thanks, Kass......i'll see you in a little 
while. Just want to get Breana settled in..."

Breana giggles "It's Beni!! Not Fuzzy!"

Kassima grins. "I will, Bree. Think I'll go see M'rgan over at the 
Reaches--I'll be sure to give him the news." She waves to Flan. "Welcome, 
Flan; see you when I return. Good luck with Bree." Smiling, she gives both 
a parting wave and then heads back out.

Breana nods "Bye Kassi!!"

Flannery waves!

You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern.

P'tran glances over to Kassima for a moment. "Breana all settled in?" he 
asks with a wry grin

T'fian smiles, slightly. "It was very cold," he agrees and then glances 
over at Kassima since P'tran's attention has turned. He looks back at 
Alyssa and smiles. "How've you been?"

Kassima waves to everyone on her way past, pausing to salute P'tran. She 
nods with a bright grin. "Flannery was just showing her the press by her 
cot when I left, sir. I suspect she'll settle in marvelously."

Kiatyn walks in from the kitchen.

Alyssa carries a mug of half klah, half milk, to a spot close to T'fian, 
sitting on the edge of the table. "Well enough, I suppose, despite the 
ongoing inventorying we're facing in the infirmary. How have you been?"

P'tran nods to Kassima, "Good. Hopefully she won't need any, ah, extra 

Kiatyn passes through the living cavern loaded with clothing and other 
items of apparel. He tries to nod a greeting, but only manages to spill 
his load. He reddens. "Hello," he mumbles.

T'fian grins. "Still sorting out the tithing? I've been okay. Up to my 
ears in pre-weyrling stuff, but hopefully that'll die down and I'll be 
free to spend my time watching over Candidates." He glances over at the 
entrance and looks over the unfamiliar Kiatyn carefully.

Kassima nods. "I don't think she will, sir. Bree's a good girl at 
heart...." She glances out towards the Bowl. "Anyway, I was just going to 
go to the Reaches to pass word on to Bree's foster-sib, a friend of mine. 
G'deve, all." She salutes and waves again, then sprints outside.

Alyssa glances over her shoulder at the greeting and blinks at the young 
man's encumbered state. "Could you use a hand?" she queries with a quirk 
of the brow, smiling down at T'fian briefly.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. 
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered 

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down 
with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor 
to carry you aloft.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear 
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Green Lysseth of 
Benden Weyr.

You dive in the bowl, towards the west wall.

You swoop down to a landing on the ground.

You waddle towards the eastern side of the bowl.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

You walk into the weyrling barracks.

Channie smiles as she pokes her head in, and then pushes forward a little, 
standing on her toes to see M'rgan or Aphrael.

M'rgan points to Tiya's knot. "I noticed that you were Ruathan too. I 
thought she might be visiting her old friends."

Ellin giggles, bouncing on her Mummy's hip."ApffApffApff!!"

Tiya shakes her head silently, then blinks. "Too? You're from Ruatha? 

Aphrael waves over at Channie, checking to see Davidon made it in alright. 
"Hatching, I think." She whispers to him.

Translucent Emerald Green Egg wiggles even more, scattering sand as it 

Davidon hangs at the edge of the group, nodding to Aphrael, "This is what 
you ment then? Prefeth's feeling?"

Kassima waves to everyone, calling a quiet, "Benden's duties to the 
Reaches and her queens, and to Ruatha as well." She walks over beside Aph 
and Davidon and grins at them. "Pref up to his old tricks again?"

Elocinn points to the eggs."Look, Elli."

Ellin oohs at the moving eggs.....

Verita gets some meat.

Channie adds the formal, "Fort's duty to Reaches, and Benden, and Ruatha," 
she shrugs as she figures she's missing people and pushes closer to where 
Aph and Kassi are.

Aphrael grins at Davidon. "Yeah.. he doesn't get em too often anymore.." 
She trails off, digging in her pouch as she looks up. "M'rgan! Is this 
Phenix's clutch then?"

M'rgan says, "I was. Two turns ago. M'rgan is my name." His eyes ask 
Tiya's. He casually waves to the Benden and Fort riders though his 
attention remains on Tiya.

Translucent Emerald Green Egg hops once, splitting wide-open.

There is an air of quiet longing about this little brown, as if he has 
been searching for an endless amount of time, without finding the object 
of his search. His movements are slow and deliberate, his gaze always 
searching. A warm, dark red-brown, this little lizard's hide is a pure 
shade, unmarred by by irregularities. The gorgeous shade of a well-tended 
runner's hide, this little lizard croons softly as he searches--both for 
food and for a friend.

Davidon nods mutely to Aphrael, letting people slip infront of him.

Raynara stays close to Tiya's side, listening to M'rgan without seeming to 

Alandra loiters back near the entrance, too shy to get close.

Elocinn finds some meat...

Tiya darts a glance at Raynara, then says softly, "I'm Tiya. I came to 
Ruatha since you left, I suppose." She looks briefly at the hatchling, 
then back to the rider. . o O ( Is he still watching me? )

Verita says "No, Ridge, not another brown, I promise."

Aphrael ahs softly as she finally discovers her yellowtail, bringing it 
out as she watches the brown. Offering some to Davidon, Channie and Kassi, 
she sets the fishes down in front of her.

Verita doesn't hold out her meat to the brown.

Wistful Chestnut-Brown Hatchling unfurls his wet wings, raising them to 
the soft light of the glows.

Channie smiles at Davidon then frowns as she doesn't have anything but 
meatrolls again! She digs one out of her pouch and looks it over, then 
changes it for the fresh yellowtail. "Thanks!"

Ellin waves her arms in the general direction of the brown."La!!"

Kassima chuckles, shaking her head in amazement. "And this time I wasn't 
even going along with Prefeth's feeling," she mutters as she smiles 
gratefully at Aph, taking a small sampling of her yellowtail and offering 
her fresh wherry in trade. The trio of cracked spiderclaws in her pouch 
she keeps to herself. For the moment, she seems inclined to hold onto her 
things and simply watch.

M'rgan smiles, "Well met, Tiya." He raises his voice a little as he turns 
in Aph's direction. "Yep. Phenix's. The clutch you all helped me find."

Alandra bites her lip and thinks about the package of wherry strips, 
meattroll, and packtail in her satchel...no...not just yet.

Davidon looks at the yellowtail, then at Aphreal, not wanting to bully his 
way closer.

Aphrael oohs. Wherry. She takes some of that too, turning her regard to 
the brown. After a moment, her eyes move to M'rgan, reminded of that 
night. She half smiles, watching the brown placidly now.

Blurry White Egg pulses and stops, pulses and stops. The sound of tapping 
can be heard coming from the egg.

Tiya notices that M'rgan's attention is elsewhere, and she slips away from 
his side, grabbing Nara's hand and attempting to tug her along.

Raynara oofs as her arm is jerked...but follows Tee anyway.

Wistful Chestnut-Brown Hatchling raises sad but hungry eyes at the 
humanthings all around him.

Ellin waves again, looking first at the hatchling, then her mother.

Channie danges the bit of yellowtail as she leans forward, grinning at the 
people she's pushing by.

Aphrael tilts her head slightly, wriggling her fish in an enticing manner. 
Perhaps he's after something salty. Watching his sad eyes she smiles, 
murmrmering. "Don't be sad now.. there's lots of people here who want you 
to be happy."

Tiya finally stops looking to see if M'rgan noticed she's gone, and sees 
the little brown. Letting out a soft noise of pity, she perches on the 
edge of her heels, watching to see if the little guy has found someone he 

Wistful Chestnut-Brown Hatchling notices a bit of herdbeast dangling and 
he takes several awkward steps in that direction.

Raynara just chuckles at her friend Tee. She's so holdbred....

Corth appears suddenly and calmly settles to the ground.

Corth chirps happily and watches.

Behind Tee's braid, Chiral crooooons encouragement to the little brown, 
and nuzzles her pet's cheek.

Aphrael grins and relaxes slightly, sitting back on her heels as she 
watches the brown move away.

Corth flaps his wings steadily to gain altitude, then blinks out into 

Davidon watches how others are trying to lure the firelizards to them and 
silently takes notes. He looks at the yellowtail he's holding, "They like 

Alluire emerges from *between*, gliding gracefully to a landing.

Eazy pops out of between.

Eazy swoops down towards Ellin.

Wistful Chestnut-Brown Hatchling takes a bite of the herdbeast but he 
doesn't find it to his taste. He croons as he looks for something more 

Gryde walks quietly in.

Gryde smiles as Eazy flies over and lands on his shoulder.

Elocinn waves her meat in the brown's direction.....

Alluire hmmmms and crooons as she finds a perch.

Gryde surfaces from somewhere in the crowd near the other 1000000 

Aphrael turns slightly, and nods to Davidion, hald moving to pull him 
closer. "Yep! Most of my fair ate yellowtail when I Impressed them."

Elocinn grins, waving as she sees Gryde."Hey!:)"

Channie looks at all the firelizards, then waves to Gryde, "Jays, how did 
you get here?" she grins, making her fishie strip waggle back and forth.

Tiya blinks. "Ralina really must have wanted to know where that book is," 
she murmurs, "to have sent this many people." She hunkers down and finds a 
not-too-mangled bit of wherry, though.

Gryde pokes Elocinn. "At least you didn't leave me home to take care of 
Elli again."

Ellin sees where her Mummy's waving and gets even more bouncy."Gwyde!!!"

Davidon blinks as he's pulled closer, murmering a 'sorry, excuse me' as he 
stands at Aphrael's side, "You did?"

Alandra smiles and relaxes as Gryde comes in, she goes over to stand 
beside hom, taking out her meat.

Raynara stays back away from the excitment. She's already got two...and 
doesn't need more.

Elocinn laughs."She can't be that bad!!"

Verita smiles at Gryde and looks about for wherry and yellowtail, just to 
be ready.

Gryde makes a face at Loci. "As much as any baby is."

Ellin smiles up at her favourite person in all pern."Gwyde!!!"

Gryde thought he was only Elli's /second/ favorite. :)

Channie makes note of those lingering in the back and smiles to herself.

Kershala strides in from the bowl.

Zara meanders in from the bowl.

Aphrael chuckles softly and nods. "Yep." She replies to Davidon. "They 
like fish! Especially since its usually fresh. Prefeth and I go hunting 
for them whenever we get the chance."

Wistful Chestnut-Brown Hatchling notices some more meat dangling and he 
puffs out his chest as he takes a bite. He is soon distracted by the 
humanthing's braid and he waddles over to take a bite out of that as well.

Kershala ducks in the door and opens her mouth before blinking. "Shards. 
What a crowd!"

Fobok meanders in from the bowl.

Blurry White Egg rocks more forcefully as the tapping gets louder.

Zara looks around, "Uh Shala, are you sure this is where you meant to go?" 
She glances around doubtfully.

Channie giggles at the brown, as she watches him, "Oh, he's a cute one."

Kershala nods to Zara, bemusedly. "Course I'm sure. Always know where I'm 
going. But there are sure a lot of people.... " She grins suddenly, 
spotting the clutch, and points it out to Zara. "And there's the 

Fobok looks around at all the people, waves to M'rgan, then spots Alandra, 
and heads over..

Davidon watches Aphrael for a moment, "Um, you go hunting for Firelizards 
you mean?"

Ellin grabs some meat from her Mama's hand and waves it wildly at the 

Alandra grins at FObok.

Kershala catches sight of Kassi and Aph. "Heya, hallooo! Kassi! Aph! 
What're you two doing here?"

Zara looks at the clutch doubtfully, "Oh...don't mean to intrude..."

Davidon shakes his head, "Or fish?"

Elocinn blinks at her daughter, who only smiles back up at her.....

Kershala makes her way between the people gathered around the pot and 
thumps down beside the two. "Lyss and Prefeth giving you early-warnings 
for hatchings again?

Blurry White Egg splits open, sending the hatchling within tumbling out 
into the world.

This little beauty is perfectly proportioned, the smooth lines of her body 
fitting the draconic ideal to a T. Her hide is a warm, glowing gold, and 
is lightly touched with red, the shade of an ember hidden deep in a 
roaring fire. The swirls of golden-bronze along the little queen's 
wingsails are breathtaking, and should be even more striking when the 
hatchling has grown. Like the flames she so strongly resembles, this 
little one has a mood like quicksilver--sweet and happy one moment, 
hissing irritably the next. Only two things are constants in her life: the 
love she will have for whoever Impresses her, and her need for _food_!

Kassima waves to Shala. "Heyla, Shala! Came to deliver some news to 
M'rgan, and wound up in the middle of a clutching...."

Behind Tee's braid, Chiral warblecroooons a welcome to the baby gold.

Fobok looks to the gold, then looks to Alandra, "Can I borrow some of your 
meat, please?"

Ellin gurgles as the egg splits, waving her meat even more wildly.....

Wistful Chestnut-Brown Hatchling spits out the hair and decides to taste a 
tiny humanthings squirming hand. That's much better.

Alluire *bugles* and beats her wings a moment.

Kershala grins, then blinks. "Crackdust... what a pretty little one!" 
Darkling bugles his agreement and flings himself from her shoulder, 
snagging her hair on the way, and thumps down beside the basket to preen 
and pose for her. Look at me! Look at me, I'm gorgeous!

Zara walks behind Shala not to sure whether sbeing at a hatching is a good 
idea, she sees the gold and eeps, "Shala...it's a gold" she grimaces.

Alandra nods and smiles at Fobok, unable to take her eyes off the Gold, 
she hands him some.

Gryde acks at the gold. Second one out! He scrounges meatroll and some of 
Sar's gingerbread. When in doubt... He offers both.

Wistful Chestnut-Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Ellin.

Verita says "Ridge!" She goes and pulls him back quickly. "Excuse me, 

Ellin squeals as she gets bitten, looking at the little flit....

Kershala laughs and elbows Zara. "So 'tis. Aren't you going to see if she 
wants your food?" She digs in her own pouch, only to recall her lack of 
food of any sort... except that dingy, withered old meatroll. "Hey Kassi, 
have anything lizard-edible? Mine keep raiding my stock, I'm allways out 
of food."

[Editor's Note:  I didn't see this pose at the time, which is why Kassi 
never replied. :) ]

Gryde looks up at Ellin, then her mother. "Loci, is she ok...?"

Channie points to the gold "Wa--" she shrugs, not used to seeing the told 
hatch so quickly. She smiles though, looking over the delicate hatchling 
before she holds out her strip of yellowtail. "She's sort of angry 

Fobok takes the meat with a smile, then extends some of it toward the 
gold, wiggling it slightly, "Come on, this way.."

Kassima whistles in admiration of the gold and eyes her offerings, then 
selects one spiderclaw and one particularly tantalizing--to her eyes, 
anyway--piece of raw wherry. She sways both of these back and forth, 
keeping her eyes ever on the queen, and pausing only to smile a 
congratulations to the child who Impressed brown.

Alandra holds out some of each of the meat she has and wiggles it a bit, 
crooning softly.

Verita squats at a fair distance, not closer than anyone else, and holds 
out the meat. "Ridge, you're precocious."

Davidon draws his hand with the fish away from the angry gold hatchling, 
"Do they bite people when they're like that?"

Elocinn laughs, smoothing Elli's hair..."She has to be, with the noise 
she's making.."

Aphrael waves over at Shala in greeting, then frowns. "Uh.. no, hunting 
for fish!" She tells Davidon, grinning at the brown even as she watches 
the gold move forward.

Tiya blinks at the noise from the baby, shifting herself to see that she's 
all right. After a moment, she turns back to mthe clutch and spots the 
gold. "How lovely," she murmurs. When Chiral chitters softly, she smiles, 
giving the lizard a scritch. "Not as lovely as you, no."

Zara glances doubtfully at the gold, taking out a meatroll from her pouch 
but not holding it out, "Well I'll keep this out just in case but you go 
ahead and try for that gold Shala, I try not to inflict pain on myself if 
I can help it, and golds mean trouble."

Gryde laughs at Loci.

Tempestuous Red-Gold Hatchling raises her voice in tinkling bright bugle, 
announcing her birth to the world. That said she steps carefully out of 
the sand, whirling red eyes searching for food.

Alluire resettles herself, continuing her throaty hmmmmmm for the new 

Kershala mutters, "Sometimes," and keeps hunting for meat. "Try tossing it 
to her instead. Might be safer that way. Darkling...." she says warningly, 
but the bronze utterly ignores her and keeps puffing out his chest till 
he's practically twice his normal girth. He bobs his head, crooning to the 
gold, then looses his unusual warble, a bell-sounding reverberation that 
echoes from the cavern walls.

Alandra grins as the Gold bugles and she holds out the meat, blowing on it 
a bit so the scent drifts toward the Gold.

Gryde smiles at the gold, mildly famous gingerbread and crumbly meatroll 
at the ready.

Fobok places one piece near the gold, and wiggles the next, doing his best 
to fill his mind with warm thoughts, "Here's some food.."

Elocinn sets her child on the ground, next to her Brown....

Channie smiles at the little flame, "We hear you o' bright one." she 
whispers, though her voice is muffled by all the other noise. She makes 
the fish dance in the air with her fingers.

Tiya smiles as Chiral returns the gold's greeting, then, when her own 
lizard stops fussing, eases her hand towards the gold, watching silently.

Elocinn looks up at Gryde, laughing @ the gingerbread in his hands...

Zara plops down on the ground watching the gold with wary eyes her 
meatroll in hand, she tries to turn her attention to the other eggs but is 
too afraid of what might happen if she takes her eyes off the gold.

Davidon bows his respects to the queen, and looks around the circle of 
faces to see who's trying to force food at her.

Kassima's chorus of blue and green fire-lizards all start to hum even more 
enthusiastically at the hatching of the queen, much to Kassi's dismay. 
"Shells, you lot are deafening me." She wrinkles her nose and then turns 
her attention from her cacophonious fair. Wiggling the wherry with one 
hand, she jerks the spiderclaw about in sharp movements with the other.

Aphrael watches the gold with admiration, yet doesn't offer the food forth 
for her. She glances to the other eggs instead, waiting.

Gryde shrugs at Loci and grins. "Can you think of anything better?"

Elocinn kneels next to Elli, shaking her head."No, I can't...." she 
waggles her meat enticingly....

Ellin chirrups at her flit, in imitation of the sounds it makes.....

Tempestuous Red-Gold Hatchling hisses as she can't catch a bit of meat 
that flies over her head. She stalks to the edge of the circle of people, 
looking for food that hasn't touched the ground.

Davidon looks over at Aphrael, "Do you wait for them to come to you?" he 
doesn't seem to keen on thrusting out his hand to close to a hungry 
firelizard hatchling.

Gryde's food sits in the air (Along with the g'bread) in one place, 
although properly low in comparison to the gold.

Kershala blinks at the appearing meatroll, and cocks a wry grin up at 
Darkling. "You /are/ the pushy beast, aren't you? What would you do if I 
didn't feed her?" The dark eyes whirl faster, a vicious hiss bursts from 
him, and he lands on her shoulder with his claws dug in a little in 
warning. Shala yelps and winces. "Trundlebug!" she growls at him, and 
holds out her hand. "Leave be, I'm giving it, I am!"

Vivid Crimson Egg quivers in the sand.

Tiya blinks a bit at the little gold's attitude, and leans back, resting 
her hands on her legs.

Elocinn waves the meat again, smiling up at Gryde as she shows him her own 
handful of g'bread....

Aphrael blinks slightly and giggles at Davidon. "Oh.. me? No.. I just 
think I have enough golds for now." She moves her fish closer to her, out 
of reach of stray golds. "Offer it, Davidon." She suggests softly.

Zara eyes the gold as she hisses and shakes her head, "You shouldn't be so 
nasty...it's not nice." She shakes her head mumbling about rude flits that 
cause too much trouble, and won't even eat the food that people offer 

Fobok wiggles his piece some more, moving it closer to the gold, "Come 
on..this way..I can take care of you.."

Alandra holds out her assortment of meat (well above the ground, mind you) 
and waggles it. She can't get over how lovely the queen is.

Kassima continues twitching her meat offerings, watching the gold but 
giving occasional glances at the other rocking eggs. She smiles at Channie 
and Davidon. "Good luck t'both of you," she murmurs, then returns her 
attention to the hatching at hand.

Channie purses her lips tightly together as she's dangling the meat she 
holds too high, "Oh, sorry!" she gives a litte smile down at her and 
lowers the tidbit closer to the hungry gold.

Kershala catches a couple of Aph's words and blinks over at her. "You 
what? Since when do you have a gold at all?"

Verita says "Ridge, you're too peaceful for this one. She'd henpeck you."

Elocinn sighs as she feeds the meat to Elli's brown, offering a handful of 
gingerbread, instead....

Aphrael looks up to Shala, grinning. "Ankara and Imzadi, I've had nearing 
a Turn now. Imzadi, as a matter of fact, I Impressed here at the 

Kershala half-glances at Aph, not in the mood for more claw-jabs by the 
impatient bronze. "Do you really? Thought you only had blues and greens. 
Owww... leggo. Here, huh? Where'd you get the name?"

Tempestuous Red-Gold Hatchling chirples sweetly as she spots some 
spiderclaws twitching as if they were alive. She cranes her head up but 
can't quite reach them. Her sweet voice becomes a sharp hiss again.

Davidon looks at Aphrael and frowns, "oh, right. How silly of me!" he 
looks at the meat, then holds it out tenitively, the look on his face sure 
he's going to come away missing didgets. "Here you go pretty." his deep 
voice lowered as he bends over nearer the sands. He looks up and smiles 
his best (but goofy) smile at Kassima, "Thanks."

Behind Tee's braid, Chiral gently chirplescolds the baby gold, then nudges 
her pet's cheek. /She/ was never like this.

Gryde chuckles at the gold, his food near and at about lizard-knee level, 
but still off the ground.

Alandra makes sure to keep her meat low, but off the ground as she smiles 
at the Gold, trying to entice her over with a soft croon.

Channie ohs and blinks at the hiss, pushing her yellowtail even closer, 
"it's alright." she looks from the gold to Kassima and grins, then looks 
at her questioningly.

Aphrael chuckles softly. "Mostly greens and blues." She says, then adds. 
"But two golds, three bronze and three brown too."

Kassima smiles back at Davidon. "You're welcome," she replies, but then 
hears a loud hissing coming from the gold's direction. She blinks at the 
little queen and almost unconsciously lowers both spiderclaws and the 
wherry to make them more accessible.

Elocinn continues to kneel, rstretching her hand out at the hatchling's 

Zara looks at the gold disapprovingly, but doesn't say anything figuring 
anything she says aout the gold will probably be received with frowns. She 
holds her meatroll in her hands waiting foe another egg to hatch.

Fobok wiggles his again, but moves it lower, "How's this?..come on.."

Vivid Crimson Egg trembles as small cracks appear on its surface. After 
several good heaves by the hatchling within, the shell splits and falls 

The deep, rich shade of this little blue is rather uneven, as if he 
tumbled into a dye pot, but scrambled out again before the color could 
reach his entire hide. There are no definite color divisions, however; 
except for his wings, the differences in shade vary so gradually that they 
can't be seen without looking at the entire lizard. His wings, however, 
are a startling contrast, so dark blue as to be almost black. The little 
lizard shows them off, extending his wings to dry them, then heads in the 
direction of all those nice smells, looking utterly chipper despite his 
gnawing hunger.

Alandra glances over at the blue, but turns back the Gold with a great big 

Elocinn quickly feeds the green about her neck some gingerbread, as she 
wakes up from her nap, before reaching out once more.....

Behind Tee's braid, Chiral warbles to the little blue, crooning 
approvingly at his wings.

Tempestuous Red-Gold Hatchling hesitates as she looks at all the 
fishyfoods arrayed about her. She chirples once as she makes a decision 
and takes a bite out of the spiderclaws.

Tempestuous Red-Gold Hatchling stumbles towards Kassima.

Zara smiles at the blue that just tumbled out of his shell, now there's a 
flit worth impressing, she takes her meatroll and holds it out to the blue 
effectively turning her attention away from the hissing gold.

Davidon watches another egg crack open, and watches the temperment of this 
little blue, not brave enough to hold out his hand too far.

Gryde doesn't stop keeping his meat and g'bread near the gold... Afterall, 
maybe she won't like it. . .

Channie smiles happily and bites her lip as she watches the gold eat from 
Kassima's goods. She bounces in place, almost dropping the fish.

Aphrael sits up slightly as she spots the hatching of the blue, grinning. 
She moves her yellowtail forward, jiggling it in the hopes that it'll 
catch his attention.

Elocinn continues to wave her gingerbread about.....

Hercules flits up and pops into *between*.

Alandra looks at her handful of matroll, packtail, and wherry and shrugs, 
still watching the gold, never letting the smile leave her face.

Alluire *trumpets*

Fobok leans back, smiling though that someone he knows got the gold..

Alandra grins at Kassima.

Behind Tee's braid, Chiral chirples to the fair around the baby gold's new 
pet. Sounds like...what, "good luck"?

Gryde shrugs as the gold goes to Kassi, who's certainly worthy, and turns 
to the blue.

Aphrael glances over at Kassi, grinning at her friend. "Congrats, Kassi!" 
She practically bounces, the fish moving with her.

Zara shakes her head at Kassima, "Have fun with that bundle of trouble" 
She shakes her head again.

Davidon smiles at Kassima as the gold impresses to her, "Congrat to you 
Greenrider." he forgets about the hatchings and everything else as he 
grins boyishly for a moment.

Elocinn smiles at Kassi, continuing to idly scent the air with her 

Channie drops her fish onto the sand as she claps, "Yeah Kassi!"

Tiya smiles to the greenrider, thinking she vaguely remembers her, then 
turns to the new hatchling, ooohing softly at his coloring.

Solid Brown Egg baps into another egg as its occupant struggles to get 

Kassima blinks and keeps her fingers carefully out of the gold's reach, 
knowing first hand (no pun intended) what it's like to have one's fingers 
become the Dish of the Day. She grins almost incredulously and murmurs 
thanks for all the congratulations, edging away from the main crowd with 
the gold safely cradeled in the crook of her arm.

Kershala chuckles and cheers for Kassima, then tosses her meatroll bits 
toward the other hatchlings as Darkling slumps again in despair. "See, 
silly? She'd beat ou up, anyway."

Ellin trills at her brown, who promptly trills back, neither at all 
interested in the hatching, now.

Channie waits for some people to move aside so she can get up closer now 
that the Gold has found her new home.

Verita moves back to accomodate Channie.

Jovial Indigo-Blue Hatchling jauntily strides across the room, gobbling 
down a bit of wherry that has been dropped on the ground. Still hungry, he 
waddles across the floor, wings dragging, to find some more.

An elderly brownrider calls to Alandra tfrom outside. Alandra sighs and 
hugs Fobok goodbye before leaving.

Alandra strides out to the bowl.

Solid Brown Egg crumbles and shatters when a small head shoves its way 

Looking at this little green, it's rather obvious that she doesn't make 
use of what little brainpower she has. This isn't to say that she's an 
idiot, but whoever Impresses her will probably have to make sure that she 
knows her tail is her tail, and not some bizarre new kind of crawler. Her 
mid-green hide is touched with yellow, and is more than a little sallow. 
One positive thing to be said for this lizard--the one who Impresses her 
will no doubt have a constant source of amusement.

Gryde offers the jovial blue some gingerbread, figuring it to be a farely 
happy food. (Although how food can be happy...)

Zara smiles at the happy little blue and waves her meatroll around trying 
to make for the bland offering by making it dance for him.

Elocinn laughs at the Jaunty Blue, pointing him out to Ellin, who is not 
at all interested..

Channie nods her thanks to Verita, giving her head a little shake. She 
looks around for more meat, hers having spilled out onto the sand. "darn."

Fobok returns the hug, then sadly watches Alandra leave..

Verita digs his claws into Verita again, seeing the green.

Tiya giggles softly at the blue, and gently tosses a bit of her wherry 
towards him.

Gryde offers Nie his meatroll that he isin't using.

Aphrael giggles at the blue, turning her attention back towards it. "Heya 
little blue. After some jumping food?" She asks, mostly to herself as she
jiggles the fish, then drops it, slipping out of her hand.

Davidon draws his hand with the yellowtail back on seeing the green and 
silently shakes his head.

Channie lifts her eyebrows at Gryde, "You're just after the queen?" she 
asks him innocently, but takes the meatroll anyway.

Gryde shakes his head and gestures to his gingerbread where it's being 
offered to the blue. "Naah. I like blues, too."

Elocinn smiles at the mention of blues, continuing to wave her gingerbread 
about, occasionally not being able to resist eating some herself....

Verita offers some fish to the green, noting Ridge's interest.

Scatterbrained Olive-Green Hatchling spins around as she catches sight of 
some food. Her birth-soft talons outstretched, she quickly pounces on the 
food. Oops, that's her tail. She tries again and pounces, this time 
landing on a man's boot.

Channie looks at the meatroll, sniffing it as she nods, "I didn't see the 
gingerbread." she whispers over to him.

Tiya blinks at the little green, and murmurs softly, "I thought 
firelizards were at least a /little/ smart." She giggles, though. Not too 
bright, but still very funny.

Gryde grins at Channie. "Don't worry about it. Some hatchings that's all I 
tried for."

Elocinn giggles slightly and chirples at the flits, hoping to attract some 

Davidon watches the green firelizard with pity at her dull wit, but he 
gives a half smile to her for her efforts.

Jovial Indigo-Blue Hatchling bobs his head up and down in imitation of a 
madly bouncing meatroll that is out of reach.

Tiya catches sight of the little blue and stifles her giggles. "He looks 
like someone knocked over a bowl of berries!" Then she shoots a slightly 
guilty look at Raynara.

Zara grins at the blue not even paying attention to the green who will 
probably turn out to be another troublemaker, she keeps her meatroll 
a-bouncing lowering it a bit so it's within reach if wanted.

Gryde grins at the blue, his own gingerbraed shaped like a firelizard. 
Isin't Sar a g'bread wiz? :P

Aphrael frowns as she peers on the ground for her dropped yellowtail, 
finally picking it up. She sighs and blows at it, finally setting it down 
to pick up another one.

Elocinn laughs and takes another (small) bite from her own, slightly 
inferior gingerbread....

Fobok stands back, watching quietly..

Banded Yellow-Orange Egg rolls out of the pot as the hatchling inside 
fights for freedom.

Jovial Indigo-Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Zara.

Gryde congratulates Zara.

Channie holds out the meatroll towards those wobbling eggs and grins.

Darci walks in from the bowl.

Gryde glances at the green and decides he does /not/ need four greens...

Elocinn giggles up at Gryde....

Zara giggles as the blue finally gets the meatroll and smiles at Gryde, 
"Sensible fellow he is...not like those pesky greens and golds" she feeds 
the blue contentedly

Shimmering Black Egg gives out a single shudder and then lies still.

Tiya murmurs a congratulations to the herder, and turns to watch and see 
who gets the green.

Darci sneaks into the back and perches on a stool someone had brought into 
the barracks.

Gryde's three greens greet Zara's opinion with many loud squawks of 

Verita smiles at Zara's wise choice, and clucks at her brown's foolish 
one. Still, she holds out the fish.

Aphrael grimaces as she eyes the fish, then grins over at Zara. 
"Congrats." She murmers as she glances back to the rest of the eggs, still 
somewhat hopeful.

Scatterbrained Olive-Green Hatchling decides that the taste of boot 
leather isn't to her liking and she spins around the humanthings, pouncing 
on this and that, lookingn for something tasty.

Elocinn laughs as Aphrodite stirs on her shoulder, trying to hush Gryde's 
raucous bunch....

Channie looks up at the sound of someone coming in and respectfully waves 
to the Highreaches Weyrwoman with the meatroll-free hand.

Gryde wanders over beside Channie. "Want to try using this gingerbread? 
Didn't work well on the blue, admittedly."

Banded Yellow-Orange Egg pulses outward before exploding, revealing the 

Being polite, one could call this roly-poly little brown "big-boned". 
Those who are not so kind, however, will acknowledge that the hatchling's 
size comes from a rather ample layer of fat. Apparently having difficulty 
even standing, the little brown's attempts to reach food are comical, to 
say the least. One can't help thinking that he'd have an easier time of it 
if he just rolled towards the food, giving up entirely on walking. A 
golden-brown, the little fellow's hide is flecked with shades of darker 
brown, the overall effect being one of a crumb-colored hatchling.

Kassima smiles a congratulations to Zara, still watching the hatching from 
a safe distance. She looks over upon seeing Channie's wave and snaps a 
salute to the Weyrwoman.

Aphrael looks up as she spots Channie's wave, and blinks, adding Benden's 
duties as she looks away, fish idling swinging her in hand as she 

Davidon keeps a close watch on the green, deciding not to hold out the 
yellowtail yet.

Shimmering Black Egg splits neatly in half. Almost as if the hatchling 
within demanded it.

The dark bronze of this lad's hide is tinged with copper; when freshly 
oiled by whoever Impresses him, he'll shine like a new-polished teakettle. 
Somewhat small for a hatchling bronze, this lizard makes up in attitude 
for what he lacks in size. Fearless to the point of recklessness, and 
impertinent to the point of boldness, he'll no doubt let the world know 
when he dislikes what it's doing, whether he can stop it, or not.
Elocinn chirples in the flit's direction again, waving her *TASTY* 
gingerbread towards them.

Channie blinks back at Gryde's voice and looks at the gingerbread, "Ah, 
well--" she shrugs and holds out a meatroll in one hand, and a bit of 
gingerbread in the other. "I don't think firelizards like gingerbread do 

Darci returns the waves and salutes, and then directs everyone's attention 
back to the hungry creels before them. "Pay me no mind."

Elocinn smiles at Channie."They seem to love Sar's."

Kershala looks uncertainly at the little green. "As if Silk weren't bad 
enough...." She takes a good look at the brown and grins. "Hey, looks like 
Cirdanth. Not that all of the browns don't, but...." And then the bronze. 
Darkling nips her ear warily. My pet. "Ow... enough of you. Get off." 
Shala shoves Darkling from her shoulder. "Go away, stop biting me."

Gryde hmms at Channie and offers it to Eazy. Eazy wolfs it down. But then, 
he'll eat anything. "Hmm."

Jocular Toast-Brown Hatchling flaps his wings, creeling, as he tries to 
get out of the sand and to the food.

Tiya blinks as two males appear at once, then blinks again as, on her 
shoulder, Chiral lets out a long, humming croooon. She turns and spots the 
Weyrwoman, and her eyes grow to dinnerplate proportion, but she does as 
the woman requests and turns back to the lizards, hand outstretched to the 
nearer of the two.

Davidon watches the Brown and the Bronze now on the sands, but holds back 
offering his yellowtail still, frowning thoughtfully.

Aphrael turns back to watch a brown and bronze hatch. Hrm. She glances 
over to the green, peering around curiously. Now where did *she* go?

Elocinn hums under her breath at the sight of the bronze, still waving her 
gingerbread about.....

Channie shrugs at Gryde, "I was going to give it a try though." now though 
the gingerbread is gone, so she holds out just the meatroll. "That bronze 
looks like a heap of trouble!"

Gryde grins at Channie and shrugs. "I didn't think the little bronze 
porcine would eat all of it."

Kershala glances back to the brown, humming to herself, then chuckles. 
"Okay, okay," she mutters. "I know you can see him, love, I meant his 
hide's your color, not the frame, okay? He's... a lot bigger than you, 

Scatterbrained Olive-Green Hatchling pounces on some fish that is before a 
short girl. Her tail swishing, wings open, she gobbles it down quickly, 
creeling for more.

Verita holds her meat out toward the bronze in one hand and her fish in 
the other. "Oh, he's a lovely one."

Zara smiles at Shala still feeding her blue, "Going to try your luck 
Shala? The brown doesn't look like he'd be too much trouble..." She cocks 
her head at the rider thinking, "Then again with flits like Darkling you 
probably like trouble don't you?"

Aphrael frowns slightly, hearing a creeling of a hungry green, but not 
able to see her yet. She shrugs slightly and sits back, holding the fish 
languidly in her hand as she watches the males.

Audacious Copper-Bronze Hatchling races across the floor, stopping before 
a man with a Ruathan knot. He bugles imperiously for some food.

Channie giggles and wrinkles up her nose at the bugle, "Someone better 
feed his lordship soon!" she grins, and shrugs as she sees if he's like 
some of this meatroll.

Verita takes her attention from the Bronze who has evidently chosen, and 
looks back at the green.

Ellin looks up idly, at the sound of the bronze, but soon goes back to 
feeding her flit with purloined gingerbread....

Kershala laughs and shakes her head. "Rather say I've enough trouble 
already. That bronze is a handsome devil, though. Looks like he'll be at 
least as much handful as Darkling or Trouble. Little brown's pretty 
easygoing though." One hand strokes a smaller-than-normal klah brown 
curled around her neck. "Kind of reminds me of Vree.... not /that/ smart, 
but cute. Friendly, too."

Audacious Copper-Bronze Hatchling gobbles down the food given to him 
before moving to the next person. His cries demanding more food.

From Gryde's shoulder, Eazy thuds his pet in the head with a wing. "Ouch! 
Eazy, I don't have any food to offer!" Gryde informs the bronze.

Scatterbrained Olive-Green Hatchling stumbles towards Verita.

Elocinn chirples, waving her gingerbread, once more...

Gryde congratulates Verita.

Vree hummms blissfully and nuzzles Shala's hand before sighing and 
drifting back to sleep. Shala shrugs and tosses meat in both hatchlings' 
directions. "What can I say? All hatchlings are cute."

Aphrael grins over at Veriate. "Congrats." she murmers, watching the 
bronze race past with a blink.

Darci chuckles softly, watching the young eager faces.

Davidon slowly shakes his head at the bronze as well, but steps into an 
empty spot near the hatching sands and holds out the fish. "It doesn't 
look very good to me. But I guess you might like it huh?" he mumers down 
at the hatchlings.

Elocinn laughs at Gryde, tossing him a spare piece of gingerbread.......

Gryde glares at Loci, but catches the g'bread and kneels down to offer it 
to the lordly bronze.

Tiya blinks as Chiral crooons in her ear. "Not /him/?" she murmurs, eyeing 
the bronze. She shrugs slightly, and offers a bit of wherry to the 
bronze....but her glances towards the brown suggest that that one is more 
to her liking, temperment-wise.

Jocular Toast-Brown Hatchling finally frees himself from the sand only to 
tumble head first out of the pot. Whoops.

Verita looks at Gryde with a grin. "I'm not sure I needed this."

Gryde grins at Verita.

Channie rocks from foot to foot as she holds her meatroll very still so he 
doesn't have to work for it.

Kassima smiles and congratulates Verita.

Aphrael rubs at her eyes, then chuckles softly at the brown. "Come on, you 
can do it." She says, giggling as she watches.

Zara shakes her head at Verita, "Lucky you eh?"

Elocinn ohs at the poor little brown, still waving her (much diminished) 
piece of gingerbread.

Verita says "Well, I have three males about her age..."

Kershala giggles at the brown and flips more meat toward him, then to be 
fair toward his hatchsib. "Don't hurt yourself, silly boy."

Audacious Copper-Bronze Hatchling stops before a red-haired girl as he 
continues his journey around the room. Let's see what she's got to give 

Verita holds meat and fish out to the bronze

Gryde grins at Verita, waving his new g'bread from Loci a little bit in 
the bronze's direction.

Tiya stifles a giggle at the little brown, murmuring softly to Chiral 
before turning her attention from the bronze to the brown. She nudges a 
bit of food to the little one's sphere of reach.

Elocinn waves at the bronze, gingerbread in hand.

Channie tilts her head to one side and pushes her hand out a little 
further, "Aw, you hungry sir?"

Jocular Toast-Brown Hatchling struggles to his feet and manages to waddle 
an entire meter before plopping down on the ground again.

Kershala whistles and applauds the little brown with a grin. "What an 
effort! Come on, big guy, you can do it again. Just a little further, 
plenty to eat here... if you even need it."

Davidon looks at the little brown, "Do you think he'll be able to fly at 
that size?" he murmers in Aphrael's direction.

Audacious Copper-Bronze Hatchling gobbles down the meatroll offered before 
checking out the next person in the group. His bugle is sharp as the 
humanthing is slow to move.

Aphrael's eyes widen, and she giggles. "That was very energetic of you!" 
She declares, trying to schoot forward a little to offer food so he 
doesn't have to move TOO much futher. She looks over at Davidon, 
shrugging. "I have no idea.."

Gryde continues waving the gingerbread vaguely in the bronze's direction 
as he grins at Shala.

Channie jumps at the bugle, "Hey! ah--" she grabs another meatroll from 
someone else, "Here's more, right here." she ignores the dirty looks too.

Kershala props her head on her hand, dangling a bit of meatroll in the 
roly-poly little critter's direction. "Here, edible. Or maybe you just 
want a lap?" She flips another bit of meat toward the bronze absently, 
then giggles at the brown again. "Silly little creature. Darkling and 
Copper'll have to chase you around, give you lots of exercise so you can 
fly at all."

Fobok decides to try at last, he picks up a bit of meat from his earlier 
pile, and tosses it near the bronze..

Verita shifts the meat and fish to the same hand and pets Ridge with the 

Tiya stifles another giggle at the brown, and nudges the wherry bits a 
little closer. "It's right there..." She lifts her head to eye the 
bronze's progress, with a sigh for Chiral's chirples.

Audacious Copper-Bronze Hatchling shakes his head in an almost dismissive 
gesture as the person moves too slowly. He looks back the way he came and 
spots some more food being offered to him.

From Gryde's shoulder, Eazy chitters at Chiral.

Audacious Copper-Bronze Hatchling stumbles towards Channie.

Gryde tosses his gingerbread towards the roly-poly brown and congratulates 

Channie giggles and bows low as the bronze eats from her fingers, "Oh, yes 
sir, here you are sir." she murmers.

Kershala grins as the bronze wanders past her vision and up to Channie. 
"Heya, congrats! Have a nice life, no sleep." She rolls more bits of roll 
toward the brown's direction. "C'mere, come eat."

Jocular Toast-Brown Hatchling is encouraged by all the shouts and he 
manages to waddle another meter closer, plopping down right on top of a 
piece of wherry.

Elocinn laughs at the bronze and Channie.

Gryde grins at Channie. "What will you name him?"

Tiya stifles a giggle at Chiral's disappointed croon. "/Now/ you want the 
brown, hmmm?" She blinks at the brown as she edges some more meat towards 
him. "After all that work, little one, you should at least /eat/ it, not 
fall on it."

Channie grins at Kershala, and Gryde, "Thanks!" she frowns as her fingers 
get nipped because she's just not fast enough. "oh, watch it." she pops a 
meatroll into his mouth, "Ah,--a name. I'm not sure."

From Gryde's shoulder, Eazy chitters at Chiral again.

Aphrael cheers for Channie. "Congrats!" She calls, grinning, then peers 
back towards the brown, wondering what he's doing.

Kershala cheers again for the brown. "Wow! You're a /marvelously/ talented 
little guy, aren't you? Such acrobatics! Hey, Zara, isn't he just like 
that wild little one back at Bitra? The one that kept somersaulting?"

Elocinn continues to excitedly wave her (ever-diminishing) piece of 
gingerbread, taking a bite now and then.

Gryde hmms at Channie. "Lord? Or perhaps Lordling would be more fitting?"

Channie grins at Gryde, "Oh, I like Lordling!"

Gryde grins at Channie. "I think it fits him."

Zara laughs and nods, "He is isn't he..." She shakes her head, "Good thing 
that one didn't get impressed by a Herder Master Lorianne would have had 
a fit..."

Kassima grins at Channie. "Congrats, Nie! He's a handsome bronze."

Channie smiles as she sneaks by the crowd and perches near Kassi and her 
gold. "Thank you! And what a lovely Gold you have there."

Kershala says "She has a fit about a lot of the 'lizards. Oooh, watch 
yourself. Don't roll over, you might not be able to get back up." She 
drops another bit of meatroll in front of the brown, flicking a few more 
in a half-trail toward her. "You can do it, c'mon silly."

Gryde wanders to the back of the crowd by Nie and Kassi. "So, Channie... 
Think I can get you to visit Ruatha?"

Kassima smiles, gently rubbing the tiny eyeridges of the restlessly 
sleeping queen. "She is that," the greenrider agrees. "I'm naming her 
Zabreneva, I think."

Gryde blinks at Kassi. "That's a mouthfull!"

Channie puts a hand to her brow, "Jays, Zaphia is going to have a time 
with this ome!" she giggles, then nods to Gryde, "I do visit, but 
sometimes it's too late or early for people to be around.

Kershala says "For a mouthful of a hatchling. How many does that make, 

Gryde grins at Channie. "I meant now."

Darci slips away quietly.

Darci walks out to the bowl.

Kassima chuckles and reports, "Thirty-six, Shala."

Channie lifts up her shoulders, "i'm not sure--I'd like to visit with 
M'rgan I think."

Jocular Toast-Brown Hatchling sees some meat being pushed towards him and 
he leans over, belly still pressed on the ground (looking like a Weeble 
Wobble). He looks a the hand the meat is attached to and then the person 
attached to the hand.

Kershala whistles. "Lysseth have to kill one just for them, now?" She 
wiggles the meat at the brown with a chuckle. "Pick up the stomach and you 
might walk just a little better." She looks back to Kassi. "How many of 
each color? I know it's mostly blue."

Jocular Toast-Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Tiya.

Gryde calls a congratulations to Tee.

Zara nods approvingly as Shala says "Mostly blue"

Kassima considers for a moment before replying, "Twenty-seven blues, eight 
greens, and this fiery queen."

Elocinn laughs at Tiya's brown."He's gorgeous:)"

Tiya blinks, and shifts the roly-poly little...er big guy into her hands, 
feeding him quickly. She smiles at the congratulations, trying to keep 
Chiral from "helping" to feed.

Kershala grins after the brown and tosses the remaining meat chunks up to 
Darkling and Copper, who catch them deftly, with appreciative warbles. 
"Shells! I knew it was most blue, but that is ridiculous. Least you have 
Zab now to keep them in order?"

Aphrael sits back and grins. "Congratulations." She says to Tiya, feeding 
some of her fish to one of her greens that creels in her eat.

M'rgan sighs as the last hatchling finds his home. He strides over to the 
pot and begins collecting egg shards and bits of meat.

Gryde pokes Channie. "C'mon. Come to Ruatha. And-" He smiles 
ingratiatingly "give me a ride."

Elocinn finishes off her gingerbread, herself, smiling down at Elli and 
her brown.

Kershala glances over to Zara and Fobok, and grins a little sheepishly. 
"Well, now that I've detained both of you, shall I get you back home?"

Verita feeds her green a bit of fish as she rises.

Elocinn looks over at Gryde and Channie.She looks hopeful."Any extra 

Zara laughs, "Sure I doubt Master Lorianne would take too kindly to me 
staying away from the Hall at night...ever since that pub thing..." She 
shakes her head.

Channie lifts her eyebrows at Gryde, but says nothing as she strokes the 
little bronze.

Fobok looks to Kershala, "Um..I was hoping to talk to..." but stops, and 
nods slowly, not wanting to be in the same trouble he was once before..

M'rgan collects a few empty bowls from next to Kassima, stopping to admire 
her tiny gold. "Congratulations."

Kershala grins. "I suspect she'd skin the both of you and keep the hides 
for cushions. 'Danth's eager to be on his way, shall we go? Or, Fobok, 
something you need to do?"

Kassima's remaining meat scraps find good homes in the stomachs of her 
fair, and so do several other tidbits scattered around the pot. "Guess I 
may as well just call them the clean-up crew," she remarks, watching them 
at work for a moment before turning to M'rgan with a grin. "In all the 
excitement, I almost forgot that I came here for a reason--to tell you 
something, though perhaps Aph would rather give you the news." She glances 
over to her friend and lifts an inquiring eyebrow.

Tiya smiles as, finishing up the last bit of wherry, the little brown 
falls asleep. Then she hms, murmuring something about finding Kena and 
asking about that book. She shoots a slightly wary glance at M'rgan.
Davidon wipes off his hands slightly, handing the fish strip to someone 
with a firelizard.

Raynara smiles as she watches Tee Impress from afar.

Elocinn picks up Elli, the brown already nestled sleepily about the baby's 

Fobok shakes his head, realizing his friend doesn't have much time to talk 

Kassima smiles as she looks down at the young queen. "Thankee. She's as 
lovely as her dam and granddam, though since I never saw Alluire's mother, 
I can't say whether she outshines her great-granddam."

M'rgan turns to look over his shoulder at Aphrael, his gaze curious yet a 
bit wary. "What news? You're not pregnant, are you?"

Gryde laughs at M'rgan.

Tiya flushes at such frank talk, and murmurs something to Raynara about 
bold riders.

Verita starts picking up shards of egg and scraps of meat from around her, 
doing her share of the clean-up.

Kershala shrugs. "Well, if you need to go, we're off. 'Danth's getting 
edgy." She glances toward the door at a loud rumble from without. "Says 
he's not been flying enough lately. Only all day, you goof," she mutters.

Gryde's present firelizards zip down and start working on cleaning up some 

Channie smiles at M'rgan as she holds the bronze and giggles before she's 
able to say thank you.

Verita says "Anyone give me a ride to Ruatha?"

Gryde pokes Nie and grins at Verita. "I can't get Nie to answer at all.

Channie frowns slightly, "Did you riders all drop you off and then run off 
on you?"

Zara waves to those still in the Cavern smiling at M'rgan who's hatching 
it was and saying, "Thanks"

Elocinn smiles sweetly at the dragonriders, winking at her fellow 

Aphrael blinkblinks. "What?" She asks M'rgan, startled.

Channie throws up her free hand, "Alright, anyone who needs a ride back to 

Channie strides out to the bowl.

Gryde shrugs. "I came on guard buisness. I told T'port to wait ten 
minutes, and if I didn't come out, he could leave."

Gryde strolls out to the bowl.

Aphrael obviously didnt catch Kassi's first words.

Verita walks out to the bowl.

Kershala beckons to Fobok and Zara. "Anyone to the Keroon area, Cirdanth 
can take you."

Kershala wanders out to the bowl.

Zara strides out to the bowl.

Elocinn meanders out to the bowl.

Ellin walks out to the bowl.

Fobok follows Kershala, after stopping to wave to others that he knows 

Fobok strides out to the bowl.

Tiya murmurs something about T'veris coming back for her soon. "But we 
still need to find out if Kena knows where that book is," she murmurs, 
mostly to Nara. "And I don't even know if she's /here/."

M'rgan chuckles, "Kassima said that you had news and when I went to Benden 
to find this clutch, you were talking about...well, pregnancy."

M'rgan smiles at Tiya as he overhears her mention Kena. "She's probably 
around here somewhere. She wasn't in my weyr though when I came down." He 
turns back to Aphrael. "Well?"

Kassima hides a grin at M'rgan's query and looks back at Aphrael with eyes 
sparkling mischievously. "Well, Aph? Are you?"

Tiya's eyes widen. "In his /weyr/? Kena?" She blinks, eyeing the rider 
with a little more suspicion.

Raynara chuckles and patpats Tee.

Davidon listens in, finding a place to stand out of the way.

Aphrael bursts out laughing. "Me? Pregnant? With all the travel Prefeth 
and I do? Hardly likely, M'rgan." She frowns slightly as she finally 
realises just what news. "Oh. Maybe Kassi better tell you *this*."

Kassima hmmms. "You think, Aph? I'd thought you might want to, but if you 
say nay...."

Davidon cracks a smile, and slowly shakes his head.

Tiya watches the riders for a moment longer, then, trying to keep Nara 
/right/ with her, she heads out, murmuring something about finding Kena so 
she can get back to Ruatha.

M'rgan closes his eyes, clutching his forehead, as Aph and Kassi keep on 
tossing the question back and forth to each other. "Will someone sharding 
well tell me what is going on!", he exclaims in his exasperation.

Aphrael snorts at Kassi. "Lyss was the one who *Searched* her, after all."

Tiya slips off to places unknown.

Kassima grins wryly. "Well, there you've told half of it. 'Tis my part to 
be telling the other half." She turns to M'rgan and grins. "As it turns 
out, aye, my Lysseth did spot a good Candidate today. In the Living 
Cavern. And Searched her, even though 'twasn't thought she was among the 
eligible." Her grin broadens a bit. "Seems your ex-foster-sister's going 
to Stand for Leilanth's clutch."

M'rgan takes a step towards Kassima. "Breana?! You Searched /Breana/?!" 
His head is tilted to one side, wary that this might be some sort of evil 

Davidon runs a hand through his hair at the riders reaction, but not 
knowing the situation remains mute where he stands.

Kassima nods enthusiastically, grinning from ear to ear. "Well, 
technically, Lysseth did--but aye. She's been Searched, and the 
Weyrleader's letting her Stand despite her age."

Several emotions float across M'rgan's face. Surprise, disbelief, 
acceptance, and finally, amusement. "Does she even know where babies come 
from yet?"

Kassima bursts out laughing. "Of course! They come from little half men!" 
She winks and then replies with just the faintest touch of seriousness, "I 
believe 'twas explained to her some time ago, aye."

Aphrael snorts amusedly and shrugs, bending down to help clean up the 

Channie walks in from the bowl.

Channie storms back in.

Kassima blinks at Channie. "Nie? Something wrong?"

M'rgan tries to imagine the babyish, exasperating, exhausting, questioning 
child that was Breana as a dragonrider. He chuckles under his breath. 
"Breana has been Searched..." he mutters to himself before raising his 
head, looking at the Benden riders. "I guess I'll have to stop by sometime 
and congratulate her. She must act older now, right? Since the Weyrleaders 
let her stand."

Channie snorts, "Sharding holders who get rides here, and then loose their 
rides, and then expect me to transport them all, and then make me wait in 
the sharding cold." blah blah blah.

Kassima grins and shrugs. "She was Searched a mere hour or two ago. I 
doubt there's been much difference so far."

Davidon takes a step, or two away from the Fort rider and her outburst as 
he waits on his own ride that didn't run off on him.

Ceara strolls in from the bowl.

Aphrael blinks at Channie. "Calm down, Nie! It's okay.. don't worry about
it." She says, half smiling. "You sound like you need a vacation!" She
glances to Davidon, grinning. "Do you have to get home yet?"

M'rgan grins, "I meant older since I last saw her. Does she still ask a
question in every other sentence?"

Channie runs a hand through her curls and sighs, "Sorry about that." she
says sheepishly.

Kassima grimaces. "Agreed, Nie. Why nay come back to Benden with us for a
spell, after you've done your visiting here? Or whatever you like--just
perhaps something to relax."

Ceara pokes her head in and notices a crowd. "Oh, hi." She makes her way
over to where several firelizards are perched and picks out the one that's

Kassima laughs. "Nay, M'rgan--only every fourth sentence or so. Every other
sentence is an exclamation!"

Davidon shakes his head at Aphrael, "Fine enough for me to get out of
studying awhile longer."

Channie bites her lip and looks even more sheepish, she just hushes up,
"yeah, vacation--" she shakes her head, "Anyway, I missed the news you were
telling M'rgan!" she tries to brush off her rude out-burst.

Aphrael smirks at Davidon. "Spoken like a true student." She says with a wink.

Channie nods to Aphrael, "I think I'll take you up on that!"

Kassima grins at Nie. "It merits retelling anyway. Seems Lysseth found
herself a second Candidate today. Seems this Candidate is someone we both
knew from Ruatha. Seems, in fact, that this Candidate goes by the name of

M'rgan says to Channie, "You can stay here for a bit. I don't have any
duties this evening." He waves to Ceara as the bluerider comes in. "Have
you met my friends?" he asks and then realizes that the question is moot as
Aphrael calls her by name.

Channie giggles as she hears the news, "B--but isn't Bree only 9 turns or

Ceara grabs at her, but the flit pops *between* before Ceara gets a hold of
her. She m,akes a face but then hears a familiar voice. "OH, hi Aph. Anyone
whos got firelizards knows these two by name." She points to Aph and
Kassima. "the others i've no idea."

Benden Weyr> Elyandra welcomes Karise to Benden Weyr!

Benden Weyr> Caitria yay Karise. :)

Davidon smiles faintly,"Just don't tell anyone I've been ditching lessons."

Benden Weyr> Aphrael hugs Karise! Heya!

Aphrael grins at Nie. "Good then!" She chuckles at Ceara, "Yeah, we make it
to just about every hatching at the 'Reaches."

Kassima grins and waves to Ceara. "Heyla, Ceara; Benden's duties and all."
She shakes her head at Channie. "She's--twelve Turns, I think it is, Aph?
But more than nine. Nay normally enough to Stand, but P'tran said that
since Lysseth was so certain, she could."

Benden Weyr> Karise aiiiies! Ooops, was suppose to think that..."Hi." :)

Benden Weyr> Kassima waffles greetings to Karise. :)

Benden Weyr> T'fian waves to Karise and chuckles maliciously.

Benden Weyr> Thera says, "Karise?! Congrats!"

Aphrael giggles at Davidon. "If you don't tell anyone the same." She says
with a grin, then hrms up at Kassi. "Bree? She's almost 13 turns now."

Ceara grins. "I see. Any luck this evening? And I think R'lym was about
twelve when he stood and he's the big bad weyrleader now, so you never know."

Channie blinks back to herself a little and smiles to Ceara, "Fort's duty
to Highreaches, and her queen's. Ah, I'm Channie."

Ceara waves at Channie. "Hi there, Im Ceara, but I guess you figured that

Kassima chuckles. "I had luck, aye," she reports, holding up her left
wrist. A tiny red-golden queen is curled around said wrist. "Should be
interesting to see what kind of Candie Bree makes."

Davidon nods politely, feeling, and looking no little bit akward in this
group of riders, "I'm Davidon, apprentice dragonhealer at Benden weyr."

M'rgan remembers his manners and gestures to the Fort rider. "This is
Channie, Kemith's rider of Fort."

Channie says "A pleasure to meet you Ceara." she giggles at M'rgan, "I just
spewed off the formal stuff." she whispers to him."

Ceara smiles to kassi. "Very good! And nice to meet you both," she adds to
Davidon and Channie.

M'rgan whispers something apologetic to Channie. To Ceara he says, "I
thought R'lym was ten Turns when he Impressed Zyrieth."

Channie smiles, stroking the firelizard who's half awake on her arm.

Ceara screws up her face in thought..."you think i'd know these things, him
being my wingleader and all, but I don't. Maybe it was ten. But see, your
friend shouldnt feel all that weird about it, maybe she'll beomce the next
weyrwoman or something."

Aphrael chokes at the mention of her foster daughter as weyrwoman..

Ceara smiles in that ignorance is bliss sort of way, as she really has no
knowledge of the kid to begin with.

M'rgan cringes visibly at the thought of Breana being a weyrwoman. "Shards,
there is that gold egg on the Sands..." he mutters.

Kassima chokes, too. "Bree as Weyrwoman? That makes for an... interesting
mental picture."

Ceara says "And then again, maybe not."

Channie murmers, "or a greenrider--" shudder

Aphrael slumps down into a seat. This requires some though. "P-proddy Bree?
She's bad enough without a dragon to egg her on." She shakes her head in

A soft *pop* is heard as a gree shimmer is seen just above Ceara's head.
Ceara looks up, and mutters, "About time," and something about proddiness
as she lures the FL out of the air with a scrap.

M'rgan pictures Ularrith winning Breana's green during a flight and his
cringing turns into shudders. "Nope, nope, nope. Bluerider. Definitely."

Channie makes a face at that too, then shrugs, "We'll just see what happens.

Kassima cringes. "Proddy Bree..." she murmurs. "Faranth. That would be
something to stay away from, just as proddy K'nan is."

Ceara says "Oh yes, cause we're so stable."

Aphrael snorts in amusement. "Stable?"

Kassima blinks and grins. "Blueriders, stable? Wouldn't say R'val's stable,
nor Aph...."

M'rgan's blue gaze flickers to Ceara. "That's what I meant. You all are so
stable..." And Ularrith won't go anywhere near a blue dragon.

Ceara chokes back laughter at the mention of R'val. "I was bieng sarcastic.
But he said bluerider like it was any better than being a grrenrider. Like
we were more sane or soemthing. Silly M'rgan, and they;re letting you

Aphrael peers dubiously at M'rgan. Obviously he must not know *her* too
well to think she's a stable bluerider. She gets to her feet after a moment
to recover.

Kassima hmmms and smiles wickedly. "Actually, I think Bree would make an
excellent greenrider. She's got the prime requisite: she's crazy. And I bet
she could be a truly fair hand with the knives if K'nan taught her a thing
or two...." Kassi winks, obviously(?) teasing.

Ceara thinks . o O (like I could type or something....)

Channie grins, "Well, how did Bree react to her being searched an all?"

Ceara smiles, and holds out the now sleeping Rachel. "WEll, I got what I
was looking for in here, so I'll let you tlak amongst yourselves. I'm all
tired now." She waves to the crowd and moves on.

Ceara wanders out to the bowl.

Channie waves after Ceara.

Kassima laughs. "Oh, Nie, you should've seen her. She went wild. Bounced
all about hugging Lysseth and dragging me around after her...."

M'rgan gives Ceara another wave before turning back to his friends, eager
to hear all about Breana's Search.

Aphrael waves at Ceara. "See you later." she calls.

Channie giggles softly, "I bet she did! Where did she drag you around to?

M'rgan snortchuckles, "And she probably hugged and told everyone she met too."

Kassima chuckles. "Here and there," she replies vaguely. She leans back
against one wall of the Barracks. "Perhaps this'll make more sense if'n I
tell it in sequence."

Davidon finds a nice place to lean against and rest as he watches Kassima
and listens, but mostly watches Kassima.

M'rgan plops down on one of the empty cots as he waits expectantly for
Kassima's story.

Kassima begins with, "At the time, we were all sitting around in the Living
Cavern, discussing... hrm, I think 'twas mostly Bree's puppy. Anyway.
Meroth and Zuseth were both acting uneasy, and then Lyss got in on the act
too; I presumed, though, that she was just speaking nonsense because of the
other tales she'd fed to me today. Tried to tell me that half the dragons
in the Weyr were playing with Jareth's miggsy balls." She snorts. "'Tany
rate, I was pretty much trying to ignore her when she stuck that eye of
hers up to the Living Cavern entrance and snorted. That had gone far
enough. I was about to go out and try to calm her down when something
T'fian said made me remember how she acted when she Searched Thera--and
sure enough, 'twas what was bothering her." After this long monologue,
Kassi takes a pause for breath before continuing.

Davidon quietly listens to the tale.

M'rgan interjects a question, "What did T'fian say?"

Kassima resumes, "So, since Maarie and T'fian seemed willing enough to let
Lysseth do the Searching, I told anyone who wasn't already Searched to come
out to the Bowl if they were willing to be whuffled over by a dragon. Quite
a few did, and some spectators came out too--some Searched Candidates,
Caitria, and Bree. She didn't think she was eligible, y'see. We got 'em to
line up so Lyss could sniff out her 'someone special', but after a few
tries she went right past the lines and started staring at the ineligibles.
Dragons--who can figure them? She started making a fuss over Bree and
scared the life out of her poor Beni. Bree was mostly upset with that until
I asked her if she'd accept the offer of Search...." She blinks. "Hrm? Oh,
he seemed rather jaded about it all. Didn't seem to have any urge to do the
Searching himself."

M'rgan starts laughing as he anticipates what Breana's reaction would be to
Kassima's question.

Kassima continues, "Once Bree figured out what was going on, she was
ecsastic. Hugged Lysseth's nose, bounced about everywhere, and went on
about how she was going to be a Candie 'cause Lyss said so." She chuckles.
"Absolutely thrilled. We went up to the weyr to get her things, and when we
came back down, the Weyrleader gave her the official go-ahead to Stand.
Flannery showed her around with her having a death grip on my hand, so I
got dragged along for some of the ride until I managed to untangle myself.
'Tis all I know of the tale."

Channie giggles as she listens, nodding her head everyone once'n awhile.

Davidon says "It's quite something that those dragons just know who to weed

Kassima nods. "Lysseth's Search nose may nay be as keen as a blue's, but
she's Searched a couple of Candidates, and I'm looking forward to seeing
how they fare on the Sands."

Channie grins at Kassi, "Are you placing any bets on those candidates that
might impress?"

Kassima shakes her head. "Nay; I don't bet marks because they're too risky,
and I've nay heard of anyone willing to wager things on or against certain
Candidates." She shrugs.

M'rgan gestures at the passageway to the bowl at Davidon's words. "It was
Ceara's Anaryth who Searched me at Ruatha. When he got tired of demolishing
the clothes lines, he noticed me." He perks up at Channie's question, "They
were wagering here at the Hatching."

Davidon looks at M'rgan, "He demolished clothes lines huh? And then
searched you? What did the people at your hold think of that?"

Channie grins, "But Kassi, I thought you were betting on those eggs--"

Channie adds, "I would be willing to bet marks that Thera will impress."

Kassima nods, grinning. "Aye, so might I. She's certainly insane ehough."

M'rgan chuckles, "It's happened before so Lord Eleos wasn't upset. Just
made us get everything cleaned up before I could go." He half-rises, "Can I
show you to the Living Cavern? With the Baker Training Center here, we get
all kinds of goodies."

Kassima hmmms. "Sounds like a good idea to me. Aph? Nie? Davidon? How about

Davidon nods as he listens then asks, "Baker training center? Do you have
to eat all the burnt goods too? Or those things that just don't turn out

Davidon shrugs easily, "I don't have anything to rush back to. And an
excuse to be away from those hides sounds great to me."

M'rgan shakes his head. "Nope, Bryena makes the apprentices eat their own
mistakes. We get what /works/."

Channie bobs her head, "Sure, I'm /really/ in no hurry to get back to Fort
just yet."

Channie smiles a little, "Ah, because of all those reports I still have to
get to."

Davidon says "That's good to hear at least. Poor apprentices!"

Aphrael shrugs and smiles. "I'm agreeable."

M'rgan grins broadly and scurries on ahead, to show them the way,
forgetting that most of them, if not all have been here before.

M'rgan strolls out to the bowl.

Aphrael walks out to the bowl.

Channie strolls out to the bowl.

You stride out to the bowl.