-------------------------------------------------------------------------- You Get What You Pay For Date: August 29, 2003 Place: Telgar Weyr Lake Shore Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: It's graduation time! Telgar's latest Weyrling batch has survived the oven that was I'sai, Bronwynn, Merielan, and Jazmin, and has come out all baked into little golden-brown cookies of riderness. Hah. Beat *that* for a lame baked goods analogy, Buffy. After the event, Kassima has a chance to welcome a new rider into Thunderbolt, but being Kassi must of course do this in the most shameless way possible. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Telgar Weyr> I'sai checks the clock. Graduation time! You're all welcome to head over to the lakeshore; I'm hoping we'll get a couple more people still, but... travel time. :) Telgar Weyr> B'haus says, "Graduation time! FWEEEE!" You fly downwards toward the lake shore. <*> Dianneth lumbers in from the central bowl. Telgar Weyr> Taylin dances around. Telgar Weyr> K'vin eeps. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Yselle swings down from Dianneth's neckridges, and slides down her side. Javinia heads over from the central bowl. Zaidra heads over from the central bowl. Telgar Weyr> Yselle says, "Wow. Hey. I was still on my dragon. No wonder I couldn't use the lake exit." Telgar Weyr> K'vin snickers. [Editor's Note: I ended up checking out descs whenever it occured to me, so these are sprinkled somewhat haphazardly through the log.] Zaidra: Springy chin-length chestnut curls frame a lightly-tanned heart-shaped face, complete with sea-green eyes, a button nose lightly sprinkled with freckles, and a mouth just a hair too large for such a face. Zai is small in stature, belying her apparent age of 24 turns, but she's strong even so, built compactly, like a gymnast, despite certain womanly curves. The deft movements of her slender fingers, when she's working on something, and the generally-brisk pace of her walk help to confirm that she's reached maturity. A light sheen of darkened purple has been stained across the otherwise plain black leather of Zaidra's flight jacket, melting darker into the creases. Toggle-closures run down the length of the front, a small binding pattern of fancy knots circling around them, and trailing along the opening down to the jacket's hip-length hem. Thick, plush fur lines the inside, ruffled up to peek at the high circling mandarin-collar, and also poke out at the very edge of heavy cuffs at her wrists. Across the back of the jacket is embroidered the symbol of the Moonchaser Wing. Intricate detail reveals the image of a dragon, wings outstretched, soaring upwards on the dark leather, reaching for two gleaming silver moons just above. Tapered black pants run in a smooth line from her waist, following down her legs, then disappear into the tops of fur-lined black calve-high boots. An ornately designed leather buckle wraps firmly about her waist, the polished wooden buckle bearing the insignia of Telgar Weyr. Zaidra's new knot marks her as one of the weyrseconds of Telgar Weyr, a strand of brown running through it showing her dragon's color. She also has a ring on her right ring-finger. A faded badge sewn to the arm of her jacket, is an homage to her weyrling wing: Moonchaser. A newer one, sewn just below the first, denotes her current wing: Starblaze. Kiyoth lumbers in from the central bowl. Naelanth lumbers in from the central bowl. Yashira heads over from the central bowl. Alerith lumbers in from the central bowl. Merielan carefully dismounts from Alerith's long neck. TGW-Bowl>> Above, Taralyth circles thrice, then slows to drift lightly, precisely towards the lakeshore below. Taralyth flies in from above. K'ran heads over from the central bowl. Nimiriel heads over from the central bowl. Kassima slides down from her dragon's neck--with considerable care; her costume is ill-equipped for dismounts, or for that matter traveling astride--to land on the ground with a soft thump. Even as her hand glides across Lysseth's shoulder in an automatic caress of gratitude, her eyes are wandering over the people already assembled and a smile's tugging at a corner of her mouth. "Quite a turnout already," she murmurs to no one in particular. Lenka heads over from the central bowl. Taralyth dips his muzzle towards the crowd, eyes brilliantly bright; his rider takes a moment to survey the scene - Stormchaser's last assemblage - before slipping down to earth. I'sai slides down from Taralyth's neck. B'haus has been here for a little bit, sitting at one table. You could see the glee, the excitement, the utter happiness in the young bronzers eyes. Towards the lake shore, away from the tents, Onykath watches the little people, his eyes beaming with pride and happiness, whirling the very deepest of blues. Annarth rumbles loudly as dragons, riders, residents and crafters alike begin to fill the lakes shore, not far away Taylin sits in the comfortable shade of one of the tents looking just as happy as many of her other classmates. Merielan slips off Alerith's neck, giving the brown an affectionate pat as she lands carefully on her feet. Slightly out of character Meri isn't really dressed to the nines. Instead she's in painfully clean clothes, and she's got a shiny bauble or two in her hair. She slips through the crowd, nodding at familar faces and shooting a few grins in the weyrling-crowd direction. Grey eyes search for Taralyth's bronze hide, hoping that I'sai's hide is somewhere in that vicinity. Kiyoth ducks her head to inspect these younglings -- though not so young anymore, are they? With a faint, rumbling croon lifemate-wards, the green settles down and her rider, Alessandra, joins the ranks of those watching. "Quite a turnout indeed," Alessi returns to Kassima, softly -- then pauses and blinks. "You look very nice." I'sai: Weatherstreaked blond hair sets the rangy young man's features into strong relief, braided back in workmanlike fashion so that not a single stray strand dares slanted brows, much less sharp cheekbones and sharper jaw. His nose is thin, and longer than it ought to be; his eyes reflect pale, guileless marine bounded narrowly by turquoise; his fair skin, though more prone to freckle than tan, has renewed its warm sun-gleam; and his height's as unremarkable as his Turns. The black and white in his weyrlingmaster's knot are the only absolutes about him; all the rest is sleek, forbidding brown that's both dark and deep: tooled to an illusion of rain-wet branches about hip-cut jacket and equally lean trous, slicked into matte obscurity down knee-laced boots. The supple wherhide glimmers along the seams as if water had beaded there, such is the fine embroidery with its occasional bits of crystal, placed so as to not chafe while riding nor catch on straps; the buckles' silvered metal shivers shades of moons' reflections, made paler by the surrounding darkness, a cooler echo of his own bright hair and brilliant eyes. (+detail) Yashira strides toward the lake from the bowl, having left Decarath the grumpy snot behind for the festivities. She heads toward Kassima. Alessandra: Though time is starting leave its mark on Alessandra here and there, the remnants of her 36 Turns, 1 months, and 4 days are rather few -- faint laughlines around her eyes, and perhaps a paler hair or two in that long mane. Despite that, she could pass for, perhaps, even ten Turns younger than she is. Her hair is long and ebony, a mass of loose spiral curls touched by highlights that can only claim the name of imperial purple; in recent times it has been cut, but it still falls nearly to her knees. That darkness sets off pale skin, an alabaster made more markedly pale by dark eyes of a curious purple hue, amethystine over a small nose almost too pert. Her lips are full, and well-used to smiling, and she claims a height of five feet and ten inches. Black leathers enfold Alessandra, from shiny boots to immaculate pants to spotless corset and shirt. Beneath her leather corset is a white chemise, with long bell sleeves caught about the wrist with a simple cuff. Her boots reach to just above her knees, with heels that lift her two inches higher. A leather duster falls to her heels, all in black, with wide sleeves. Her silver chainmail belt, half a handsbreadth wide, hangs loose on her hips, the tail ending at mid left thigh. Slung to hang opposite of her chainmail belt is a black leather belt, with knives attached for easy reach at each hip. Several silver bands in many different designs decorate the fingers and thumbs of both hands. About her left wrist winds a mesh bracelet <+detail>. Large silver hoops dangle from her ears, and her hair is caught up in a runner's tail, tumbling down in a riot of purple-black curls. At her left shoulder is her proudly worn and immaculately cleaned Snowstar Wing badge <+detail>, right next to the equally immaculate Thunderbolt badge. Next to her badges, around her left shoulder, is her Telgar knot, the black and white cords wrapped 'round with a green thread to symbolize her lifemate, green Kiyoth. Lenka scuffs along, unobtrusive - the more so that Robinth isn't quite here. And she finds "Zai!" but for the most part, she's looking along the lake shore. Javinia stands grouped with several of the weyrlings, all of them in their best, or cleanest, attire: boots shined, badges clean, knots laid carefully. G'rint stands tallest behind Tray and Javinia, Mayelle speaking low to another gray-eyed girl. Javinia breaks from the grouping to greet others, saluting riders in passing. Yashira: A tall young woman in her early twenties, muscular and strong. Her dark brown hair, seeming nearly black, is pulled back into a very short queue. Her brown eyes are set close to her aquiline nose; thin lips and a somewhat square chin lend a solemn air to her. She appears to be wearing dress leathers. They are a deep matte black, somewhat more form-fitting than the usual variety of riding leathers, and they make her hair seem more brown than usual due to their pure blackness. She wears a well-made white shirt of simple design under her jacket, and her boots, polished to a matte sheen, are made of black leather as well. Her entire outfit is simple, sleek, and it suits her solemnity to be dressed so. The white-black-and white knot of a Telgar Weyr Wingsecond is perched on her shoulder of her jacket, a brown cord running through it signifying the colour of her lifemate, while one of the patches on the jacket's sleeve identifies her Wing as Thunderbolt. She carries herself erect, her gait long and loping. Well-tanned, she seems no stranger to the outdoor life. Zaidra hears her name, and turns, looking for the source, finally coming up beside her clutchmate. "Lenka. Hey, you." She glances at the weyrlings, and lowers her voice to ask the other brownrider, "Does it suddenly feel like it wasn't so long ago that was us?" /Just/ in time, a green form shoots across the sky, does a neat barrel-roll, followed by a twist, a sommersault, and then a neat landing. Dianneth preens, crooning at the other dragons smugly. Yselle, actually dressed up a bit for the occasion, slides down, and kisses the green hide. "Thank you dear," she says warmly. K'ran arrives in the company of a few friends -- C'tel and A'ran from Dawnslight Wing, most conspicuously -- but reluctantly parts ways with them the better to cultivate the Official Air appropos of the occasion. Kassima offers a grin to both of her Wingmates, though when she faces Alessandra it shades a touch sheepish. "Frightfully overdressed, most likely," she admits with a self-conscious twitch of her skirt. "But a summer event suited it, and graduations are worth a bit of show... thankee, any road; you're kind. Both of you look quite well." Her nod to them is definitely approving. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio waves, and charges madly to the Lake shore. :) Telgar Weyr> B'haus says, "Yay, Kich!" Telgar Weyr> <Yselle> Firelizards scatter everywhere. Yselle: Scrawny, and rather sallow-looking, this girl will at best be described as having 'a good personality'. Nature has been particularly cruel to her. There's that skin of hers, dotted with a a multitude of red spots -- the reminants of a particularly nasty case of acne, as evidenced by the heavy scarring from healed lesions. Her eyebrows, dark and thick, seem at least to have been the subject of /some/ training -- on the odd occasion, tiny red dots underneath them attest to her efforts at grooming, as does her upper lip. A rather large mole sits just in front of her left ear, a bulgy thing that could never be described as a beauty mark. The one real beauty is her eyes, liquid brown and large, framed with thick lashes, readily crinkling into a smile. In seeming defiance of all this ugliness, her hair has been cut very stylishly: cropped at about chin-level, it hangs in straight, blunt-ended lines, which always seem to fall neatly back into place. Her body is bony, almost boyish in shape, and her joints knobbly. She appears to be about 20 turns of age. Yselle's clothes are simple, chosen for their comfort and sturdy fabric, rather than decoration. They consist of a simple pair of trous, a tunic and jumper, and a sturdy pair of boots. Brown is the predominant colour, an indeterminate shade which does little for her complexion. On her left shoulder sits the knot of a Telgar Weyrling: black and white, threaded with green for her lifemate. It is a little frayed -- undoubtedly she is not the first weyrling to wear it -- but all the same, it is set at a jaunty angle, as if on show. Taylin stands slowly from her cool spot and moves to join the forming knot of 'ling "It's hard to believe that Graduation is finally here." watching as the crowd on the beach keeps growing in size for the event. Kichevio heads over from the central bowl. Telgar Weyr> <Kassima> As the charging Kich rampages through the fire-lizards, eight are knocked down, leaving only the two on the outermost edges standing. Can Kich make the spare? ;) Telgar Weyr> Kichevio snickers madly, and makes an effoer to aim. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kichevio even makes an effort to spell... I'sai hails Merielan, and his other assistants, with a wave; he even jumps up and down a few times, so he's easier to spot within the crowd, but waits till she's near before whistling sharply in pattern: that familiar sound that says it's time for weyrlings to arrange in formation. Kassima: Kassima is a woman gifted magnanimously by genetics: one would likely guess her to be younger than her actual actual age thanks to high cheekbones and a brow lines dare not touch, and metabolism and height have both dealt a good hand in her slender 5'10" build. Her fine-boned features make a fine setting for canted eyes the color of emeralds in shadow; a shrewd glint lightens these even when mirth does not, and the well-shaped brows above lend eloquence through their mobility. Tonight she's dressed with festive flair, in an outfit that possesses just a touch of spice. Vivid red velvet hugs her upper body, its color deep and rich against the pale skin bared by the scooped neckline and lack of sleeves; more of the same slides down to the floor in a narrow skirt slit brazenly as far as each thigh. Her modesty is preserved, however, by the large ruffles of ink-dark sisal that trim each side of the slashes and guard the long legs beneath from casual view. Simple sable slippers similarly protect her feet. Kassi's chosen to leave her blue-black hair primarily unfettered. Almost all of it falls freely down to her calves--the exception is a slim braid which winds around her head rather like a coronet. This has been studded with pins tipped by rubies; they sparkle against the darkness at regular intervals. More small rubies dangle from her ears in delicate gold-set showers and flash from the golden bangles on each wrist, but there's nothing small about the faceted garnet hanging from the center of her black velvet choker. A single red rose is tucked behind her right ear to finish the ensemble. Lenka answers Zaidra without quite looking back at her, eyes a little narrowed yet focused on nothing, "But it wasn't so long ago, was it, in some ways? Not enough ways. And maybe, oh, too long ago in others." Alessandra beams at Kassima, chuckling softly. "You look good nevertheless. 'Lo, Yashira -- Kiyoth's right, they look good out there..." Aah, nostalgia. B'haus nods to Taylin, "Aye.. I don't believe that it's here. I also don't believe how they grew so quickly.. I mean, my dragon.. he's just huge. I barely remember the days where we were almost head to head level.. well, Onykath was a tad taller than me.." Yashira nods to Alessandra and Kassima. "Hey," she greets. Dragon> Telgar Weyrlings sense that Taralyth glitters into awareness, insouciantly bright: << Formation time! >> His image arranges humans standing before dragons, all in one long, precise arc. Javinia 's well-trained; that's certain. That patterned whistle and she, as well as most of the weyrling class, are falling into formation. Habit. She gives Yselle a little half-smile, a nod to B'haus and Taylin, K'vin, and takes her place, chin lifting to spy out the weyrlingmaster and assistants. Kichevio finagles her way through the crowd, all spruced up and formal-looking, until she's at least within hearing distance of K'ran. "Anyone I need to glare at, nudge, or lift a meaningful eyebrow towards? Alessi!" She abandons dignity for a moment to wave at the Thunderbolt greenrider and all those around her. Taylin grins with a nod "Aye I remeber when Annarth found me on the sands, he was good sized for a brown even then, but now he's even bigger then I ever imagined. Looking around a hand is raised in a wave before she and her life mate move into formation along with the rest. Yselle responds quickly to the summons. She and Dianneth are in formation before you can say 'oh look, there's a green and her rider in formation'. She stares straight ahead, although manages, somehow, to give Javinia a grin and a nod, and a thumbs up sign. K'vinand Cendath moves into formation alongside the rest of the about-to-graduate weyrlings. Zaidra smiles to Lenka. "Yes, exactly." And then she's moving through the crowd to join Kichevio and K'ran, near a cloth-draped *something* in the background, with an apologetic, "Excuse me," to her friend just before she slips away. Ah-/hah/ and there's Alessi's favorite person. Alessandra weaves away from Kassima and the others, sneaking over to slip her arm through Kichevio's, grinning over at her brightly. "Heyla." B'haus recieves a message from his dragon, and he nods. As the arc of graduating Weyrlings forms, B'haus takes his spot in the arc, close to the center. Onykath, realizing it was his formation as well, lumbers over to the area, and stands right behind B'haus, his eyes whirling a happy blue. You could hear the thrumming of excitement waffling from his maw, slightly dropped. Kassima watches the Weyrlingmaster bounce-bounce-bouncing with amused eyes, murmuring in an aside, "*That's* a new addition to the program. Don't they rather? 'Tis proud their teachers can be of them--and look you, they're quick." Lysseth's rumble, like her rider's earlier nod, holds distinct approval. Kassi flashes a quick grin and wiggles her fingers to Kich in exchange for the wave, before turning to face forward and automatically slip into a more formally attentive posture. Yashira tucks her hands behind her back, countenance stern and such. Stiff upper lip, hey. Merielan finally finds I'sai in the crowd, the fact that a good portion of the crowd, weyrlings, are now moving into formation helps of course. Meri takes a spot beside the weyrlingmaster, trying her best to look serious and important, and AWLM'ish. The whole effect is ruined quite soundly by Meri waving madly at several friends in the crowd, Kich, Aless and Kassi notable among them. Grey gaze on Kassi, Meri also adds a wolf-whistle for good measure, her comment on the greenrider's attire. Naelanth shadows in behind his lifemate, sisal-soft muzzle dipping down to snort short waves. Javinia glances over her shoulder, dimpling up at her brown, before turning back, running a hand through those waves. Her brown is a steady, watchful bulk behind her, his tail curling and uncurling with slow impatience. "Glare?" K'ran repeats Kichevio's word musingly, but tips a nod toward the weyrlings. "Them, maybe. Give 'em the long, hard, hairy eyeball, and make 'em good and nervous that after graduation comes the beatings." I'sai straightens away from Taralyth and slowly, methodically begins to inspect his weyrlings, that pale-eyed scrutiny as exacting as ever; he seeks out each gaze in turn, some responding by standing the straighter for it, others unmoving but holding their pose that much more tightly. Only when he's satisfied does he stop before them, the crisp tenor ringing out through the crowd: "Evening, everyone! Riders and weyrfolk, crafters and holders, you see before you Telgar's Stormchaser wing. Those strong, trained dragons were, a Turn and a half ago, mere creeling dragonets, and tonight we're going to celebrate our weyrling pairs' success and survival, and see if they can play half as hard as they've worked. First, however, a few words - a few _more_ words," and that wry, pausing to try and search out others in the crowd who've acted as weyrlingmaster in the past: Maylia, possibly, Sionelle, Yashira, Ursa if she's about. "My assistants - as well as the wingleaders who lent them - should be publicly thanked for all the effort you've put in over these past seasons: late nights, the smell of muck, the training, not getting to actually fly Fall... Bronwynn and E'ven, Jazmin and Merielan, M'fraid - take a bow," and he leads the applause. Kichevio bats briefly at Alessandra's hair by way of greeting while blinking at K'ran. "Beatings? We get to administer beatings? I know about the spankings, but this is new..." Ah, things are starting, and she quickly switches from smart comments to attentive listening, though any weyrling seen shuffling, yawning, or whispering to a friend gets the aforementioned glare. Well, *that* causes Kassi to turn a nice shade of red. One which almost manages to match the dress. Nevertheless, her only response to Meri--for now--is a brief mock-glare in her direction, though judging by the suddenly brighter blue of Lysseth's eyes several choice words may be passing through a silent medium. But now it's time to pay attention again; and to applaud, which she does, heartily. B'haus applauds the groups of people I'sai named, the people who he and the other weyrlings probably wouldn't have known if they hadn't been searched, and then, impressed as well. Yes, his applause, the Weyrlingmaster's applause.. everyone's applause was something that these people deserved. Lysseth> Alerith senses that Lysseth's mind is all a-glitter with silver-blue laughter, chiming like crystal: << My rider would have yours know that she'll have revenge for that whistle, someday. >> As if Meri couldn't have guessed that on her own. Zaidra can't help hide a grin at Kichevio's glaring, but she remains quiet, focussed on I'sai and the weyrlings. Yselle glances around the crowd; she picks several people out with her eyes, offering smiles to riders she knows well. When I'sai speaks though, she turns her face to him, and applauds with the rest. She even grins warmly. Yashira's left eyebrow raises as her presence is sought and found; she raises her hands to applaud for the assistant weyrlingmasters, a lock of hair drifting in front of her eyes and requiring getting shoved out of the way. "Merielaaaaan!" cries Alessandra, hands cupped around her mouth to make the cheer carry. That done, she applauds just as loudly, beaming. "They all did well." Lenka joins in the applause behind the others, smiles mainly to herself, and keeps her gaze trailing up and down the line of Weyrlings. Watching. Telgar Weyr> Teryla sneaks on...can I still sneak out to the lakeshore? Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "You bet. :)" Merielan has a rather pained look on her face, and it's not from the glare that Kassi sends her way. She blushes a nice shade of red, almost but not quite matching the shade of Kassi's dress. Her gaze floats down to her feet, which shuffle back and forth. She clears her throat, oh-so-slightly inclines her head in a 'bow' and then attempts to hide behind I'sai. Teryla heads over from the central bowl. Javinia breaks into enthusiastic clapping, nodding to something one of her neighboring weyrlings says. "Absolutely." Then she lifts her hands up high, clapping all the louder. Merielan: Grey eyes meet yours squarely, tiny lines around these startling, clear eyes giving the evidence of many smiles and of a life lived almost 33 turns. The close cropped curls of a brown so deep it is almost black drip in front of those large grey eyes, almost reaching the small well-turned nose, but not quite reaching the short, plump lips. Small silver earrings wink from each side of the oval face, ears hidden behind the profusion of curls. A smile is usually present on Meri's mobile, expressive face which can and usually does broadcast whatever emotion it's owner is feeling at any particular moment. The graceful curve of Meri's neck is encased in a collar of deep purple, moving down over the collarbone, hugging each inch like a second skin. Just past the broad shoulders, one adorned with a black & white knot twined with brown to mark her as a rider to Brown Alerith at Telgar Weyr, another knot to mark her as AWLM. Along the line of her neck there is a line of tiny cream buttons ending just before the purple meets a white linen. The top continuies in white linen, curling over the small rise of Meri's chest, pulling across the soft roundness of the abdomen to tie at the side. Streamers from the knot flow in white, down the deep blue of the wherhide covering Meri's slim legs, ending just past the hip. Royal purple calf-high boots meet the blue of the pants, covering trim ankles and feet. Javinia: Even in her late teens, Javinia possesses an often enthusiastic nature visible in the bright gaze of her hazel eyes and a pair of dimples quick to punctuate a genial mouth. Where her dark brows are thin and earnest, her nose is short and straight, marked at the bridge by a small, faded scar. The natural roundness of her face is defined by the faintest hint of cheekbones, a pinch of chin, and her ash brown hair is short, smart, waves finger-combed back from her forehead, blunt ends tucked behind the curve of her ears. Groomed hands show the wear of chores, and when she speaks, it's with a Keroon accent. If not for the constancy of those chores and drills, Javinia's petite -- 5'3" -- frame might tend toward plump. But lines and angles challenge softer curves, and the serviceable clothes she wears seem chosen for their fit, and their cut. She favors a wide-necked tunic as muted and green as dried mosstea, long-sleeved, and laced at the neck. Her trousers are sand in color with flared legs and wide cuffs above round-toed boots. Her appearance is neat: tunic tucked into trousers, trousers belted in leather as brown as her boots. Sewn to one shoulder of her flight jacket is a simple oval badge that depicts a black silhouette of a dragon in flight on an off-white background with 'Stormchaser' embroidered beneath. The opposite shoulder is capped by a black and white knot, picked through with a light brown thread, that ranks Javinia as a weyrling at Telgar Weyr. Her knot is as ever-present as the necklace that she wears: a tiny Lemosian jade pendant in the shape of a 'J'. Taylin claps and whistles as I'sai names all those involved and them some. Taylin: Taylin stands nearly 5'2" and weighs in at around 105 lb.s. She has rather dark chocolate colored hair and eyes that ar not blue but not green either. Her hair, when it flows freely, reaches the middle of her back, but she keeps it tied back away from her face at all times. She has a small scar that runs just below her hair line, it is similar in shape to a small crescent. Dressed in weyrling fashion, Taylin is wearing a set of dark brown pants in a mid-weight material, a tunic in the smae material but a lighter shade of brown, a black braided cord belt with a beltpouch hanging from it as well a a knife in it's sheath. A pair of sturdy workboots cover her feet and a she wears a coat of a thick and heavy material with a hood on it in a dark blue color. On her shoulder she wears a neatly tied and affixed knot of black and white cords, wrapped with a brown cord. This shows she is a weyrling rider of a brown dragon at Telgar Weyr. Taylin appears to be 18 Turns, 9 months, and 15 days old. Teryla makes her way through the crowd until she can see properly, murmuring a few "excuse me... pardon..." as she goes. She's a little flushed as she murmurs, "I didn't miss too much, did I?" to a fellow wingrider, who shakes his head. Tery follows his lead and claps. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Alerith's mind is bright with ruby-red and high yellow tones of amusement and happiness << My rider wishes to remind yours that she has already given yours her first born. My Merielan says she can not do much more then that. >> A dragonic mind chuckle of burgundy shards of 'light'. Kichevio can applaud while glaring, particularly at A'ric's efforts to chat with Sarana, and does both with enthusiasm. Lysseth> Alerith senses that Lysseth is silent a moment as she investigates this claim--and when she returns, the laughter's only heightened. << My Kassima denies possession of-- >> An image of a small splinter, such as might have been acquired from a broken table, flashes across her thoughts. I'sai nods briefly for that raised brow, for Merielan's blush-and-shuffle, and steps nicely aside so the latter's in view again. His eyes only for their weyrlings, "Stormchaser. Think back to - even before the hatching - when you riders were candidates, the dragons who were to determine your fates still unshelled. Your decision was to Stand; -theirs- was to choose you. You've followed our instructions, Bronwynn's and E'ven's, Jazmin's and Merielan's, M'fraid's and mine; and you'll be following your wingleader and -second's commands, in not too long, and take advice from more experienced members of your wings... but even so, even as you'll be members of a fighting team, there'll be more decisions, more responsibilities and opportunities you'll have to make -yourselves-. There will be missteps along the way, but I believe in you: that those missteps will not stop you, that you'll keep learning, that you'll believe in yourselves and each other, that you'll carry yourselves with pride to the very end of the Pass which is, itself, but a handful of Turns away. And beyond, if we can imagine that... the Interval." He lets a moment's silence stretch to another, and another, before nodding to his assistants to help them; "Now: please remove your weyrling knots." Dragon> Lysseth senses that Alerith's voice retreats and then returns, voice still bright with amusement << Her thirdborn my Merielan says. She has promised yours that she will. >> Lysseth> Alerith senses that Lysseth glitters blue: << Ah! Yes, this she does recall. And bids yours remember that promise, when the time comes, for if she does not, *then* the revenge shall follow. >> It's no true threat; there's too much merriment to it, and after all, in all likelihood, 'revenge' would involve something more along the lines of a bowl of pudding down the pants than anything truly sinister. With the help of an assistant, B'haus begins to remove the knot that indicated his Weyrlinghood, once and for all. All through his training, that knot had resided on his shoulder.. from the first day of impression, through the lessons, through the days and nights he lived, and even through resupply. This knot held many, many memories, and it was hard for him to take it off. But it was done, and the knot was taken off. B'haus looks at it, nearly wide eyed and with but a tear in his eye. It was off, and he couldn't put it on again. At least he gets to keep it. Yselle squares her shoulders throughout I'sai's speech as though he were infusing her with some of the grandeur of his speech. She stares at him now, chewing her lip, and then glances at Javinia in a meaningful fashion. She salutes, muttering, sotto voce, just one last time, "Weyrlingmaster" before she follows her wingmates' example and removes her knot. It takes a moment, that knot has been there a long time. K'vin quickly removes his knot and puts it away. Merielan finally does manage to become invisible, at least for a moment or two. She returns to I'sai's side, holding a bag of indeterminate size, that looks like hide but might be of inderterminate fabric. The only thing that can really be said about the bag is that it's rustling and it looks interesting, and of course it's handed over to I'sai. Javinia 's shoulder lifts with a slight impatience, echoed in the twitch of Naelanth's tail behind her, as M'fraid pauses to help her remove her knot from her shoulder. There's almost a look of relief once it's in her hand, the assistant passing it back to her before moving down the arc of weyrlings. She nods to Yselle in turn. I'sai murmurs thanks to Meri; he then reaches into the bag, and isn't above reaching around and around within it so its contents rustle distractingly, until at length he pulls out the first of the new riders' knots: black and white, stranded with... not brown, nor green, but true turquoise-to-aquamarine blue. Cendath's. "K'vin! Come on over." K'vin swallows and straightens a bit before walking over in front of I'sai. Kassima breaks into a wide, pleased smile as the first name is called, some of the dreamy reminiscence that'd taken residence in her expression dispelled. She doesn't applaud quite yet, but her hands are poised and ready. I'sai says "K'vin. You've served us reliably, first as wingleader, then as 'second - in Fall, no less - and the focus you've shown in working your way all the way from Island River Hold should stand you in good stead as a fighting rider. Like the others, it's time for you to continue learning as part of a new wing, to gain from the knowledge of more senior riders and perhaps, in future Turns, pass on knowledge yourself. Here's hoping you and Cendath will fight well, and live well, for many Turns together." He reaches to help the young rider with his knot, and offers him a crisp salute afterward to go with it, all this before pointing him towards Zaidra and that mysterious table; when it's time to consult the bag o' knots, the next one proves to be pale champagne bronze. Taylin fumbles slowly with her knot, fingers getting tangled with it even as a large looming head peers over her shoulder as if to help "No Annarth I've got it, I think." nodding as the brown gives a soft rumble and the knot finally comes off in the girls shaking fingers. Yselle stands at attention, applauding each rider as their name is called. She doesn't fidget. She hardly moves except to respond. Dianneth's tail twitches, and the green looks over to Saulith for a moment, rumbling irritably, before turning back to the proceedings. She looks sulky. K'vin glances at the knot on his shoulder then quickly returns I'sai's salute, "Thank you sir. We look forward to serving the Weyr for many turns to come." He finishes the salute and then turns crisply to walk over to whree Zaidra is standing. Telgar Weyr> Jazmin says, "Okay, so I'm a little late for graduation. ;)" Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "One weyrling has his knot. ;) Feel free to have been here all along if you'd like." Telgar Weyr> Yselle says, "It's still happening! :D" Jazmin heads over from the central bowl. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Don't worry, you're still in time for the roping and branding!" Telgar Weyr> Jazmin whoowhees! ;) Telgar Weyr> K'vin says, "Yee-Haw!" Zaidra grins at K'vin, and offers a crisp salute of her own, before reaching beneath the cloth-draped table and and bringing up a wooden chest. "From the weyr to you, K'vin. Congratulations." N'var heads over from the central bowl. Javinia keeps lifting her chin, as if she can't quite see; but it's only nerves, evident in the heightened color of her cheeks, the way she claps loud and long, dimpling as each name is called. [Editor's Note: I got disconnected here; it's possibly there's a pose or two missing.] Kichevio can applaud officially now, glare breaking up into a warm smile as K'vin gets his knot and his present. "Congratulations," she echoes Zaidra softly. K'ran, from where he stands with Kichevio, somewhat oblique of Zaidra, leaves his broad smile to speak congratulations as K'vin receives both knot and gift. Bronwynn heads over from the central bowl. Alessandra links her arm through Kichevio's again, watching with a quiet, warm expression as she falls silent; her applause is loud enough, now, when K'vin receives both knot and gift. Kassima does applaud now, beaming from ear to ear; she's probably going to have sore cheeks from so much smiling by the end of all this. The presentation of the chest gets a curious look, and she starts to crane her head to get a better peek at the item before remembering: right, still a formal occasion, and she'd not want to miss the next knotting. I'sai regards the young rider, and what dignity he's mustered. "B'haus. You've earned added concentration and self-control, no longer as apt to be thrown by a mistake: you take your licks and get back on your feet, and that's as it should be; that energy of yours will stand you in good stead during dawn sweeps or Fall two days in a row. Once a Keroon stablehand, now you're one of Telgar's fighting riders; may you and your Onykath enjoy many Turns together, under clear and cleared skies. Congratulations." And with that, he aids B'haus with donning his new knot before saluting him and sending him off to Zaidra for his gear. The next knot... by chance, the next knot proves to be stranded with earthy brown, and a nod marks Taylin's cue. B'haus turns a bit red, and speaks, "I thank you, and all of your assistants, for all that you have done for me, and the other Weyrlings. I'd also like to thank R'var for finding me over in Keroon, and finding me suitable for the impression, and all of the wonderful people here at the Weyr.. you've all made this a special time for me.." he wraps his little speech up, and giving I'sai a energetic salute, he walks towards Zaidra, his new knot now in his hand. Zaidra repeats the salute and the murmur of congratulations, this time for B'haus, and lifts a second chest offering it to B'haus. C'vadan heads over from the central bowl. B'haus accepts the gift from Zaidra, and salutes to her with a free hand, before returning to his spot in front of onykath Taylin steps forward stopping before I'sai hand slowly reaching otu to take the new knot in hand "Thank You sir" Kichevio applauds, murmuring something to Alessandra and nodding in approval as B'haus salutes. Keep 'em polite. And more applause for Taylin. K'ran flashes B'haus that same warm smile as the fresh-minted bronzerider accepts both knot and gift. I'sai looks after B'haus with something of a smile - the more so for his earnest speech, and then that flush - before returning his attention to the novice brownrider. He says, "Taylin, you're welcome. You were always one of us, having grown up here and helped your father with tanning and the like; but now you're united with your Annarth. You two have learned to support each other, and the others of your wing, and gained confidence thereby: keep it up, and bring that maturity to whichever wing has the fortune to claim you." He studies the pair assessingly. "Clear skies to you both, and as a friend would say, fair winds." He helps her with her knot, then, and afterwards random chance pulls up one threaded with umber brown. Jazmin applauds at the right spots and listens at the right spots. B'haus returns the smile to the Weyrleader and fellow bronzer, followed by a salute, before looking back to the newest knot- Taylin was just getting her knot right then. He watches with interest, and applauds just as the others did when the knot was given into its new owner's hands. More applause from Kassi, along with a rumble from Lysseth, for both of these newest rider pairs. "Methinks I like these specialized speech bits," she comments to Yashira. "Some of these things I didn't know a'fore." Yselle applauds each rider. She glances at Dianneth who still seems restless, tail still flickering about at the end joint. The green cranes her neck as if looking for someone. Taylin grins as she turns to the crowd "Thank You all for being so supportive and keeping me around." looking at the crowd "Mostly Thank YOu to the pair that searched me so that I could be found by Annarth on the sands." with that she moves over toware Zaidra after giving I'sai a final salute. Saluting Zaidra once she is before her. Yashira nods to Kassima, applauding again as she's applauded for every weyrling, and says quietly, "No, it's all in the guidebook, right at the back." Deadpan. Javinia whispers out a 'Congratulations!' to K'vin as he returns to the ranks, and can only beam, applauding again for B'haus, then Taylin. In the lull between names, her gaze scans the gathered crowd for the first time. Mayelle has to hiss her name from further down the formation before Javinia blinks around and trots up to the weyrlingmaster, dimples coming easily. But she salutes him, formally, saying, "Sir." Zaidra returns the other brownrider's salute, and offers /her/ gift-chest, with the same softly murmured, "Congratulations, Taylin." Taylin says "Thank YOu ma'am" is said before returning to theranks." Alessandra makes a smothered-laugh-type sound when Kichevio whispers to her, but soon swallows it, straightening up a bit and glancing over as others get their knots. Each is applauded in turn. Bronwynn beams brighter with every weyrling to recieve their knot. Here K'ran speaks: "Congratulations, Taylin," offers the Weyrleader in quiet tones, once she's come close to accept her own carved wooden box. C'vadan makes his way over to where Jazmin is, slowly so not to distract. Oddly enough, he doesn't have his journal out or any other writing materials. He is just observing. I'sai chuckles softly for that 'keeping her around'; and then, once Taylin's seen to, studies the hazel-eyed girl who made it up next, dimples and all. "...Javinia. Stormchaser's last wingleader. You'd been of Keroon yourself, though fostered at Fort, with a fine handfasting ahead of you and hands to protect from rough _cloth_ - and the odd plant! - never mind ash. Now you're a fighting rider, and your calluses show it. Even so, remember that it's not even this knot that makes the rider, but the dragon... and that it's the bonds of loyalty and friendship, respect and, yes, play that are the truest bindings. You and Naelanth have, together, much still to explore." He salutes her, then, precise as his cool, thoughtful gaze, and afterwards assists with that new rider's knot. Afterwards, a few more weyrlings get their turn, brown, blue and green... and then -kelly- green. Jazmin smiles. She mutters to C'vadan, "... there... only..." Taylin says "Thank YOu sir"" "Ah, see," Kassi deadpans right back, "that must be how I missed it. I never got past page fifty-seven." She claps anew when Javinia's turn comes, her grin still as broad as it was for the first. B'haus gives not only applause, but a whistle as well for the fellow Keroon native Yashira nods sagely to Kassima. Yselle applauds wildly for Javinia. She /grins/. "It's all true," she murmurs. "Congratulations, Javi," although from this distance away, the brownrider couldn't possibly hear her. And the next weyrling, and the next are greeted with applause. Then it's her turn. Her face stills. She walks up slowly, stately, to the weyrlingmaster, watching him carefully, perhaps a tad suspiciously. Dianneth watches too, her tail thrumming more rhythmically than ever. Yselle snaps off a salute. C'vadan laughs softly. "Is that all?" he asks Jazmin, eyes dancing with mirth. Javinia listens with a quiet earnestness to the weyrlingmaster, dimples fading with her seriousness, and her gaze drops to her hands for the briefest of moments before lifting again, one corner of her mouth quirked up. "I'm not sorry," she says. "In truth, I'm not." And once she's newly knotted, she adds, "Telgar taught me to be useful, and I've found friends I couldn't hope for. I hope to do my duty by the Weyr -- Naelanth and I. Thank you!" She salutes I'sai -- Merielan, Bronwynn, Jazmin, the others, and moves down to Zaidra. "Weyrsecond." Again K'ran's prompted to warm words for the newest graduate: "Congratulations, Javinia," he offers Naelanth's rider in those same quiet tones, when she's nearby to accept her gift. Zaidra salutes Javinia, and offers the next box to her, adding her own "Congratulations." Jazmin quirks a grin to C'vadan, "Barracks full of teenagers, makes me highly grateful most of my brats have moved out?" Kichevio is simply beaming. See the big silly grin. She echoes K'ran and Zaidra, catching Javinia's eye and smiling even wider. C'vadan sighs at the comment, not quite sharing the sentiment. He turns his attention back to the ceremony. Javinia accepts the chest Zaidra offers up, salutes the weyrsecond, "Thank you, ma'am," then turns to salute K'ran. "Weyrleader." Dimpling, she fairly beams as she steps back into formation, flashing Kichevio a grin on the way. Once back in line, she shifts about, applauding loud for Yselle. "Glad to hear it," I'sai says simply, just a touch laughing-eyed now. "Considering." And once she's seen to Zaidra's care, he looks to Yselle - rather, glances briefly _past_ the young and oh-so-suspicious rider, to see if Levarn might be in the crowd; only then does he address her directly. "Yselle. You came from Lemos Minehold to visit, ah, friends, and I dare say it hasn't been exactly what you expected. But Dianneth found you, and your son has seen you grow into a fighting rider, and it's safe to say you're speaking your mind more these days." His pause is as slight as his smile. "For all the time you and Dianneth spend conquering these skies, I trust you'll make time to relax into them, too." He helps her into her new knot, then, and afterwards sharply salutes; any mention of vomit, well, that'll be up to her. Alessandra-- considering she doesn't know the weyrlings nearly as well as she'd like -- merely watches, grinning brightly at various anecdotes. Jazmin leans in close. She mutters to C'vadan, "... did enjoy working with... kids. I'll... back..." Yselle watches I'sai throughout this speech. She nods. "Thank you weyrlingmaster," she says in a quiet voice. She stands very still for the knot assistance, waiting with every semblance of patience, only Dianneth's twitching tail telling any other story. She salutes again, mutters "It's been interesting," probably meant not to be heard, and then makes her way to Zaidra, saluting again. Zaidra returns Yselle's salute before offering the remaining box to her. "Congratulations, Yselle," is murmured to the greenrider. Kichevio can't resist upping her ante, and whistles softly as Yselle takes her knot and her gift. All hail the next generation of greenriders! C'vadan leans closer to Jazmin. He mutters to Jazmin, "I was... you'd... in Skyfire..." He claps as appropriate. K'ran's smile's a little more awkward when Yselle approaches, and though his, "Congratulations," is as heartfelt as it's been for all the weyrlings, his gaze lingers on Telgar's newest greenrider a bit overlong. "Welcome," I'sai says briefly, and if he'd heard the mutter... he doesn't comment on it, nor on that twitchy tail. And the rest of the eligible weyrlings receive their knots, till all twenty are gone; M'guel's? It's already been sent to his family, though small recompense. With that, I'sai looks to his assistants, each in turn, and gives them a swift, appreciative nod and a smile; after a last look over their weyrlings, more slowly yet, he turns to K'ran, his demeanor shading even more formal. "Weyrleader. I present to you Stormchaser Wing that, at your pleasure, these new riders may join the fighting wings of Telgar; that they might protect the lands and people under our care." There's a slight pause. "...And, preferably, not get themselves killed doing it." Jazmin listens to C'vadan and then laughs softly, "Good one Cav." She too, applauds as appropriate and needed. Kassima's applause may be just a touch more vigorous for Yselle, just as Lysseth indulges in a muted bugle for her once-Searchee. "Good show, Yselle," she comments, though likely too quiet to be heard. "Good show by all of 'em." C'vadan waits for the applause to cover his next comment. "I mean it." Kichevio whistles again, this time the two-fingered shrill gathering-the-herdbeasts-in-for-the-night sort of whistle, and applauds merrily. And also swallows a snort at I'sai's last comment. Yselle looks up at K'ran. Her cheeks pinken. She smiles warmly. "Oh, thank you weyrleader," now she's acting just a little self-conscious, and doesn't quite drag her eyes away from him immediately. "Oh thank you, Weyrsecond," she doesn't quite give Zaidra the same look as she gives K'ran, but she /is/ smiling. K'ran straightens there, at I'sai's cue, and lets his own demeanor run back to formality: a few stiff steps carry him to the arc's focus, and after a quiet, "Thanks," to the Weyrlingmaster along a small smile, he turns to address the group of them. "I'd like all of you to look around," he begins. "Not just the pairs on either side of you -- the ones all the way down the line, each way, the people you've lived and trained with for the past near-two-Turns. Take a moment." And for levity's sake, he'll add, his smile widening a touch, "I'll wait." If Zai notices anything in the looks between the Weyrleader and the newly graduated greenrider, she doesn't mention anything. She just adds her own applause to the noise, stopping once said Weyrleader begins his speech. Jazmin gives Cav a skeptical look. She mutters to C'vadan, "Why? Really? You sure?" B'haus looks at all of the Weyrlings.. Javinia, Taylin, K'vin.. they were all here, except for one, he adds to himself grimly. He wonders what this was about.. K'vin looks first to the right then the left, his gaze stopping on each person that he has gotten to know in the past time, since the hathing. Kichevio looks over the now-not-weyrlings, marking each face. All are smiled at. The slight irregularity of one row, where someone should be, is also noted. Yselle joins her fellow weyrlings. She turns to look at the others, eyes resting on each one, thoughtfully. They linger on Javinia, and her other special friends, and tries to catch their eyes, smiling if she does. She turns to look back at the Weyrleader, and even smile at his levity. I'sai's nod is acknowledgement; and then, why not, he too takes the opportunity to look 'round - new-made riders, assistants, and everyone else who's come - though above and beyond him, whirling-eyed Taralyth takes advantage of his far better view. I'sai rolls his shoulders once, then, as if that'd help them relax. Javinia glances, with a somewhat dubious look, from the weyrleader to the weyrling next to her, then on down the arc and back, pausing to catch the gaze of a friend, another, a wingsecond -- former wingsecond -- and, of course, Yselle. When she looks back up at K'ran, it's with an expectant expression, straight brows drawn. C'vadan doesn't reply to Jazmin, instead looking at each newly graduated weyrling. His attention doesn't last long so one wouldn't be able to tell what the Skyfire Wingleader might be thinking. He smiles, pleased. "Yes, I'm sure, Jaz." Kassima isn't among those addressed or bidden, but nevertheless, as she finally drops her hands, she turns to survey the assembled Weyrlings one by one. A low, soft sigh escapes. She leans a light hand on her lifemate's green shoulder, the two probably sharing some unheard exchange. Jazmin blinks a couple time at C'vadan, "Well." she grins, "Sure. Yeah. Most exciting turnday I've had in a shell of a long time." Once he's given the graduates a few breaths to look to their satisfaction, K'ran goes on, "In the coming days you'll drill with the Queen's Wing, and fly resupply for the weyr during fall. Gradually, you'll go your seperate ways: a couple of you'll get picked up by M'teh to join Dawnslight, a couple more to C'vadan and Skyfire, and Kassima and Thunderbolt; one to Duskfire and another to Starblaze, and so on and so on. You'll see one another here and there, but the pace of our lives is pretty gruelling. And so I want you all to remember tonight, this moment, what this feels like: the last night Stormchaser Wing stands together as one." He pauses for breath there, or perhaps to let the words sink in. "Each and every one of you is a credit to your instructors and to Telgar. You've made us all proud beyond compare as we've watched you grow and learn. But it's time for you all to take the next step. And if you're ready? Then it is my happy duty to welcome you into our ranks. Riders--" He breaks off there to straighten into a crisp salute, offered to all of them. "Stormchaser Wing is dismissed. Congratulations, to all of you." B'haus nods, and returns to a table.. Yselle grins, salutes K'ran and slaps the nearest weryling on the arm in a friendly gesture. She eyes Javinia significantly, and starts walking towards the wingleader. "Now," she mutters to the girl. "Before everyone goes." Ilessa heads over from the central bowl. B'haus hears Yselle, and remembers 'it'. He runs back to Onykath, rummaging through a sack that is strapped to the bronze. Finally, a package is revealed, wrapped in red ribbons.. Javinia breaks into applause with the rest of the weyrlings, though as soon as the wing's dismissed, she's looking to Yselle, K'vin and B'haus, a few others. She nods to them -- their cue -- and then she steps forward, saying, "Excuse me. But before Stormchaser disbands, we'd like to present our weyrlingmaster and his assistants with a token of our appreciation." C'vadan turns to face Jazmin. "This, of course, depends on K'ran's, M'teh's, and possibly I'sai's approval." Kichevio assumes her pose of Official Authority Figure, and claps as the Stormchasers are dismissed. Welcome to the real world...and what are they doing? She eyes those meaningful looks being exchanged, and then breaks face to grin as gifts are brandished. Merielan ducks behind Bronwynn, trying to use the other brownrider's body as a shield. As Javi speaks, Meri utters a small groan, and begins to inch away at a faster pace, doing her best to make her escape before anyone can do anymore thanking. Not that Meri doesn't -like- gifts, she just doesn't relish being in the spotlight. Kassima didn't whistle for any individual Weyrling; she does whistle, if softly, at the mention of her Wing's name. Probably her last applause--applause for the entire group--drowns it out, even broken off as it is in favor of a single, sharp salute. Her brows lift briefly at the arrival of That Package; naturally, with no need to be formal anymore, she cranes her neck shamelessly to watch its presentation. Ilessa sneaks in, pulling a face as she realizes -- she missed it! Ah, well. Slipping up under her mother's arm, she glances around at the gathered crowd, trying to see what's going on. K'ran had apparently been expecting this, and, with a smile, relenquishes center-stage to Javinia, K'vin, B'haus, Yselle, and the rest. He'll return to where Kichevio and Zaidra stand, then, the better to watch *this* presentation of gifts. Bronwynn blinks over at Javinia and then glances towards I'sai and her fellow assistants to see if they have any clue what's going on. Of course, Meri is hard to spot as she's creeping around -behind- Brynn . Nimiriel applauds with everyone with the rest of the gathered observers, and as the attention shifts toward I'sai and his assistants, she quietly slips away. Nimiriel heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Jazmin nods to C'vadan, "I'sai should be basically done with us by now, unless there's more eggs I didnt notice somewhere hidden away." Alessandra watches silently, rather absently resting an arm over Ilessa's shoulders. Now what could the no-longer-weyrlings be up to? K'vin slips back to Cendath and removes a canvas bundle from his straps. This canvas bundle, wrapped up in a purple ribbon, C'vadan gives Jazmin a little shove. "I think you are needed, Jaz," he says, stepping back to blend into the crowd. "My what?" I'sai brightens after that post-dismissal applause, starting to head for Cav and Jazmin - until M'fraid intercepts him with a quick grinning nod toward the weyrlings, and they both head back into the primary cluster, unabashedly curious. -Ribbons-. "Where'd Meri go?" Jazmin gets shoved, "Mmm? Oh!" she heads towards the knot of weyrlingmaster staff, "What's up?" Kichevio ruffles Ilessa's hair, being the proper auntie she can (occasionally) be. "Look, that one's got a purple ribbon. Bet it's for Meri." Zaidra watches the weyrlingstaff reassemble as well, her expression curious. Javinia snags a gift from Naelanth's packs and trots up to Bronwynn, threading past Tray who heads toward M'fraid, and Mayelle who finds E'ven. The bundle of canvas she offers up to the long-haired, gray-eyed assistant weyrlingmaster is tied 'round with a similar silver ribbon. "Ma'am," she says, all manners. Aeriste heads over from the central bowl. K'vin looks around trying to find the person that he is suppose to give his bundle too. His eyes scan the croud but no .. she is not here. She was? wasn't she? He sighs and looks around a bit more. B'haus finds his way through the crowd, to the Assistant Weyrlingmaster Jazmin, and he says. "Hello, Ma'am," he says shyly, and gives a salute to her. "This is a gift from us, the Stormchaser wing in its last moments, to you, one of those who have helped train us." and with that, he hands the bundle, tied in red ribbon, over to Jazmin. Jazmin takes her bundle from B'haus, "Thank you." she says automatically, "How on Pern did you guys find the time to do anything? We clearly didnt work you all hard enough." she winks, teasing. Yselle grins, and walks back to Dianneth, reaching inside the green's saddlepacks to rummage through and bring out a wrapped package, bound with an ice blue ribbon. She looks to Javinia, making her way to the stage, and awaiting her turn. She steps up to I'sai. "Javi thought this was appropriate," she mutters. "Me delivering it, I mean," she sighs, and mutters "Shut up Dianneth. So here. Thanks for everything. Sorry I yelled at you." Merielan is almost free, she's edging past Bronwynn, ducking so as to avoid Javi's eyes as the girl comes near. I'sai's calling of her name elicits a wince, but Meri continuies on, valiantly trying to edge her way out of the gathering, but is now in plain sight, and trying to pretend that she isn't. Bronwynn takes the bundle, still looking utterly dismayed, "Thank you, Javi. Very much." She eyes the package and then the crowd around her, clearning her throat before try to peek inside the gift wrapping without actually opening it. Kichevio catches a couple of weyrling eyes and starts pointing helpfully towards Meri. She went that-a-way. B'haus smiles at Jazmin, and says, "I don't know. But we did find a few time slots.. somehow." he says with a chuckle. "Merrrrrr-iiii!" I'sai tries one last time, but the need for politeness distracts him; though he looks down that long - and distinctly un-dripping - nose of his, it's with a twist of a smile. "'Lo there. Ys. And, ah, thank you." He accepts the package, if slowly. Quizzically, "Did she make you apologize, too?" Kassima bounces a bit on the toes of her slippers, trying to watch all the bundles at once. "Jewelry?" she wonders. "Riding jackets? Kilts?" V'dan, who's been standing nearby, gives her an incredulous look. "...All right, so mayhaps nay kilts." K'vin suddenly spots the person that he is looking for, "Ha! There you are!', he calls loudly and quickly walks over to where Merielan is trying to slip out of the area, "here, This is for you" he says as he hands the bundle with the purple ribbon over to her. Javinia stands in front of Bronwynn bouncing on her toes. "No, you have to -open- it," she admonishes, darting a quick look over toward Yselle and I'sai -- just checking. She grins slightly to hear Yselle before turning back to Bronwynn. "It won't give you a rash -- truth." C'vadan shoots a sidelong glance at Kassima. "I suppose you could have guessed worse, Kassi," he says softly. "Naturally," Alessi murmurs, giggling softly as she watches the goings-on. "Poor Meri, she looks so uncomfortable... ...as usual." Yashira eyes her Wingleader. "You and the kilts." Merielan accepts K'vin's package, with a smile on her face, and manages to stop edging out of the area. Now that she's been caught it's apparently pointless to try to avoid further attention. "Thank you..." She murmurs to the weyrlings, giving each a small-though proud smile. Meri carefully opens her package, rolling up the purple ribbon and dropping it into a pocket for later use. Out of her package comes a hat, mittens and a scarf, all in varying shades of purple. "Lovely!" Meri murmurs, looking rather pleased. Jazmin hasnt got Bronwynn's restraint and tugs at the ribbons on her package chuckling to B'haus, "NO wonder you kids were tired half the time." The wrappings come free to reveal a hat, scarf and glove set. The hat's striped in benden wine red with oraange red, a truely eye-popping combination, which Jazmin tugs on immediately. The scarf is a deep rich red, and gets tossed around her neck with a laugh. She does jsut hold the gloves for now. Yselle glares at I'sai. "I can apologise on my own," she says in a slightly huffy tone. Oh what a good follow-up this is. "Javi doesn't /make/ me do everything you know." So there. "A tasteful kilt would be entirely appropriate..." Kichevio was once in Thunderbolt, she knows the power of the kilt. "I think that's a whole new shade of red Meri's turning." She can just here Yselle and I'sai, and is managing not to laugh. B'haus looks at Jazmin, and grins. "Yep. Sometimes we spent nights, just quietly working on these.." he says, and asks. "So.. what do you think?" Jazmin grins to B'haus, "They're fabulous!" a laugh, "Who picked the colours?" "You positive?" I'sai tests just that much more, and that with unconscionable cheer - relief from this all being done? "...Well. All right. Thank you. It's wonderful." Slight pause. "Should I open it now?" "Couldn't be aught like gelding knives, Cav," Kassi can't resist quipping, "since what use would I'sai have for one, or E'ven or M'fraid either? And I can't see 'em getting whips as May did that once, though if'n they *did*, I for one would be deeply afraid. One of these days I'm going t'buy *you* a kilt, Yash. Then you'll learn of its mystery and majesty." She pauses. "Or lack of mystery, depending on how hard the wind's blowing, and I *completely* concur, Kich. On both counts." When she catches a glimpse of the scarf-hat-mittens sets, she has to laugh and admit, "But for Telgar, methinks those are rather more useful! How lovely, and how thoughtful of 'em t'do." B'haus smiles, and says, "Really, it was no one individual person. It took a bit of discussion to figure out what you Assistants and Weyrlingmaster would like the most." Yselle shrugs. "If you like," she tells I'sai. "It's... well, it's from /all/ of us, not just me." Bronwynn gives a light laugh and acquiesces, pulling the ribbon loose and revealing a set of gloves, a hat and one incredibly long scarf, all in varying levels of skill. Varying from stitch to stitch it seems. "Shells, you guys knit all this? Incredible." A chuckle bounces her shoulders as she pulls on the mismatched gloves. Yashira eyes Kassima. "Mysterious majesty, my left buttock." "Mmm." I'sai delves in: those blue ribbons fly, and there's that canvas - not all of them sent to the middens, then! - and... blue, ice blue. "Hey, tassels!" he says with real delight. "So's going to -like- this." C'vadan slaps his forehead, covering his eyes. Why did he have to say anything. When will he learn. K'ran's gaze has glassed a bit as he's watched the gift-giving, and a more thoughtful frown has captured his expression. Talk of kilts pulls him from this reverie, and he asides to Kichevio, "I'd've worn mine, 'cept I worried it wasn't quite formal enough." Javinia lifts a hand to rub at the back of her neck. "Well, 'knit' might be generous, but ... " She's beaming fit to burst, though, dimples making their appearance. "Hope you like it." And there's the brownrider's sudden earnestness again, even as she slips another sideways glance toward Yselle and I'sai, nose wrinkling. Kichevio can't help it. She really can't. "Your left buttock has mysterious majesty, Yash? To think I never knew." Now she'll duck behind Alessandra. Protect me, fellow greenrider! B'haus leans towards one direction, hearing talk of kilts. Yashira eyes Kichevio. Her eyes narrow. They look beady and glinty. Kichevio hides a smile, and murmurs an answer to K'ran while still in hiding. K'vin heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Cendath lumbers in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Merielan pulls on her hat and scarf, looking rather jaunty in her new purple wear. Despite her new noteriety, after all it's rather easy to spot someone who's wearing -that- much purple, Meri finally manages to slip off. Kassima agrees, serene, "If'n your left buttock has mysterious majesty, a kilt would be an excellent way t'show it." Then, of course, she has to duck her head and try to pretend her snickers at Kich's comment is actually a long series of coughs. "Like the color choices on the gifts," she murmurs to no one in particular when the 'fit' has passed. "Quite appropriate, they're seeming." Alessandra blinks -- and finds herself with a Kichevio behind her. Blinkblink. "Don't hide behind me, Kichie dearest... I'm not going to protect you." Merielan heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Alerith lumbers in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Whatever words Kichevio's shared pull a bright laugh from K'ran, and he's inspired to pantomime fabric flying about his waist with wiggling fingers. Aeriste chirps brightly in Alessandra and Kichevio's direction, "She doesn't protect people from horrible dangers. She _is_ a horrible danger." Telgar Weyr> Javinia says, "Thanks to everyone who made search, candidacy, and weyrlinghood such fun for all us newcomers. We really appreciate it, you know!" Telgar Weyr> B'haus seconds what Javi said.] Kichevio glances between Alessi the Purple and Yashira the Beady-Eyed. "Given the choice between two evils, I'll take this one. Pleeeease, Alessi? I couldn't hide my knife anywhere in this dress." Telgar Weyr> Yselle thirds Telgar Weyr> Jazmin says, "Cant do diddly without a good batch of weyrlings. :)" Kichevio: Long, sleek black hair flows to her waist, accented by a streak of gold two fingers wide. Is it natural? Are _you_ going to ask her? Slanted amber eyes peer mischievously up through thick dark lashes in an oval face, thin dark brows overarching. Her nose is small and pert, her lips quite full, and her chin distinctly cleft. Turns of dragonriding have given her skin some color, a faint tawny shade, as well as a few (very few) smile lines around her eyes. A tall woman--five feet ten inches in her bare feet--she's gained a few extra curves over time but almost no weight. Her figure is still long and lean, with small breasts and narrow hips. Her fingers are callused, and there's a faint but distinct tan-pattern on her feet that proves she wears sandals in the summertime. Though she may deny it with a smile, Kich has 32 Turns, 6 months, and 4 days. Kichevio is wearing a simple gown of luminous dark blue velvet. The neckline is a delicate V, showing only the faintest hint of bosom, with a thin band of gold fabric tracing it. The sleeves are long, and cling until they reach her hands, at which point they fall in a loose drape. A fine line of gold traces the cuffs. The hem stops just above her ankles, and flares out ever so slightly, worked with the Telgar wheatfield symbol in gold. Her hair is loose, brushed to a sleek sheen. Black, high-heeled shoes are just visible, as well as a tiny gold ankle bracelet. Finally, a simple gold lavaliere chain circles her neck. Telgar Weyr> B'haus snugsa people Alessandra returns, quite tartly, at Aeriste, "No, that would be you, Aer." That said, her expression relaxes into a grin, and she nods towards the new-made Telgari. "C'mon over, oh ye of dangerous words." Pause. "Fine, fine, I'll protect you," she murmurs, laughing helplessly. "Yashira, don't maim her, I need her around!" Yselle actually grins at I'sai. "There's a pompom too," she promises. For a moment she seems to have forgotten what an irritating man he is. N'var quietly makes his way back towards his weyr. N'var heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Ilessa sneaks away from her mother again whilst Alessi's busy with Kichevio -- and Yashira -- and wanders Aeriste-wards. "Heyla!" Yashira's thin lips pull into a thin, thin smile as Kichevio admits to being knifeless. Zaidra heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Aeriste rolls his eyes at Alessandra and wanders towards her. "Shut up. You know I can't live up to that sort of nonsense." And he blinks innocently at Ilessa, pausing. "Hey." "Seriously?" I'sai keeps delving, and winds up just quickly wrapping up the scarf about his neck - full-throttle, as it were - in an effort to get to the rest. And pause. "...That's one big pompom." Ice blue, navy, and atop a... beanie? Jazmin heads back towards C'vadan, resplendant in dayglo red stripes and a cozy scarf in the middle of summer. I'sai adds thoughtfully, "He'd better not eat it. He'd choke on it," which by his tone is a -good- thing. C'vadan looks the brownrider over. "Good color for you, Jaz," he observes. Kassima gives a slow, sad headshake. "Kich, Kich, Kich, did I nay teach you a thing? You should have been well-able t'hide a knife in that dress, if'n I could hide one in this one. Alas, alas. Now 'twill probably have t'be watching your gory demise or something--but Yash, do me a favor, nay *too* much blood splashing about?" Of course, she has to pause long enough to look over at this claim of a big pompom by I'sai, and grin at the revealed hat. "Put it on, Is! So we can see!" Kichevio leans against Alessi's back. Clutchmate behind her, Weyrleader/clutchmate nearby, and a sarcastic person in the vicinity. Surely she's safe. "I thought I'd be safe at a weyrling graduation, Kassi! I keep forgetting that Yash carries her knives too." Jazmin waves the end of her scarf at C'vadan, aiming to tap him on the nose with it, "Thank you." Yashira glances about and says, "I need knives, now?" Aeriste tsks at Yashira. "I left my scalpel in my _other_ pockets, unfortunately... Sorry." Yselle eyes I'sai. "Well, everyone wanted to help with the pompom," she explains. "Who'd eat it?" Pom-pom. Hat. Beanie. I'sai. Aeriste gets an impish look, then Ilessa's scurrying I'sai-wards, peering up at it from a safe distance -- mustn't intrude. "Put it on!" C'vadan looks cross-eyed at his assaulted nose. "The weyrlings were quite creative," he comments softly, deep voice rumbling like that of his dragon. "How does it feel to be done with that task?" Alessandra reaches slightly awkwardly behind her, pat-patting Kichevio. "No worries, Kassi. I'll teach her. It's an art form, after all." Javinia, like several other weyrlings caught up in all the unwrapping, group around the chests they received, marveling at the woodwork before even bothering to open it up. "-Excellent-! -Look- at all this stuff!" They start pulling out pouches and baskets of goodies, some already swapping out candies of mint. "She doesn't," Kassi helpfully volunteers. "She could always just use her amazing fists of fury. Messier, though. And if'n any of the new riders got splashed, well, 'twould be a dark omen of some kind I'm sure; we couldn't be having *that*." The glance she slides towards the nearest newly-graduated pairs is distinctly amused. "--All right, Alessi, all right. 'Twill leave her teaching in your most capable hands." Kichevio hastily adds, "Along with her fists and evil glare, which are just as deadly as my knives, which I am really missing right now...Alessi, do you have a knife? Can I borrow it? Just to make me feel better as I die?" Yashira grunts ominously, then wanders over toward the food. Javinia laughs outright as she digs further down into her own chest. "Ys! They made us -scarves-!" Her eyes are brighter with that announcement, and she's shaking out a length of buttery yellow wool, tossing it over her shoulder. Then, there's the knife. She pulls it out by the very very end, holding it in front of her with a wrinkle of nose, as if not quite sure what to do with it. Alessandra snickers softly, craning her head to glance back at Kichevio. "Looks like you're safe for now, Kichie." Despite that, she pulls out one sheathed knife, passing it over to the other greenie. "I heard mention of food?" Jazmin grins to Cav, "Wonderful, and I suspect by morning, I'll miss it." Telgar Weyr> Kichevio must run, unfortunately. Hugs to all and sundry, and wild congratulations! :) Kichevio heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. "That was nice of them," I'sai says cheerfully - and then, with a sideways smile that's suddenly all mischief, "Just wait till you all see the loot that -you- have. You'll know why I laugh. And..." why not, it's graduation night, he follows Kassi's advice and dons that beanie, even if it's inside out at first; make that, Kassi and Aeriste's advice, though the latter-directed smile is a touch out of focus for all its gleam, the young dragonhealer as yet half-familiar as he is. C'vadan chuckles at this. "I would imagine so. You've been with them for a long time." Yselle turns to giggle at Javinia. "Have you opened it already?" she says. "Oh wow. Hey Ilessa," she gives I'sai a much friendlier than usual look. "You look really silly in that stuff," she notes. "Good. You'll remember us I ought to go, you know, say thanks to Kassima. Uh..." she holds out her hand to him. "So, you know, thanks. For everything. Well, most things. I hope your shoes are okay." Jazmin nods to C'vadan, "A very long time." she glances to the bowl, "Chaeth's asking for me." she waves to Cav and anyone else who's looking, "Keep me informed on if anyone says no, okay Cav?" Kassima elects to abandon the place she's been standing all this time, in favor of stepping delicately towards where some of the new riders are investigating their loot. "'Tis working better if'n you hold it by the hilt," she murmurs to Javi at her helpful, slightly impish best. After which she must naturally need look over to see the results of her taken advice and give a loud wolf-whistle. "Shake that pompom, I'sai!" Pause. "Alessi, mayhaps *I* should hide behind you now." C'vadan nods to the retreating Jazmin. "I will, Jaz. See you tomorrow." He then turns his attention to the remainder of the party, watching the weyrlingmaster with some amusement. Jazmin heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. "It might be a wise idea," Alessandra cheerfully informs Kassima -- for now that Kichevio's wandered off to do her duties, Alessi's short one greenie. And they must stick together, after all. "Maybe you should give her lessons on knife-handling." This, of course, said of Javinia. "Congratulations, Yselle." Ilessa all but chirps it, bouncing on the balls of her feet, curls dancing. "And he does, doesn't he?" "Good idea," I'sai says automatically, though then he does stare at her hand just a little cross-eyed. "And tell the others to try Shara's feast? Made it all special even if it is fish..." the pompom indeed shakes as he straightens, nods to himself, and reaches to clasp her hand for a moment. "We'll see about the boots. Good luck with your new wing, and see you... around. Yes. Around." Another nod; and will all this make it into those journals? C'vadan steps back at the mention of knife-handling lessons. He's not fleeing but putting himself in a better position to do so if necessary. Never know about *some* greenriders after all. With the moment's attention elsewhere, K'ran sidles over toward the weyrlings rifling through their gifts -- and from over Javinia's and Yselle's shoulders, asks of them, impishly, "What'd you get?" Bronwynn's attention drips away from the festivities as she inspects and admires her gifts, trying them on in various arrangments. Javinia looks up at Kassima, saying, "Of course. The hilt. I knew that." Her cheeks color, and she puts the knife carefully away, going to her knees to sort through the rest. That wolf-whistle diverts her, and she glances up to catch an image of a pom-pom-topped I'sai. Her mouth quirks wry, eyes brighter, and then she's shifting that gaze up to K'ran. "Oh, this is -amazing-! There's so much stuff -- a scarf, a knife, this necklace thing." Yselle nods vaguely to I'sai. "Yes, weyrlingmaster, around," that's a nice vague term isn't it? She scoots over to Javinia and Kassima, pausing just as K'ran addresses them. "Oh Weyrleader," there's those pink ears again. "I confess I haven't had a chance to look yet. I didn't expect to get /presents/." Yashira stuffs her face. Ah, graduation food. She glares at an ex-weyrling who has dared to reach for the same spiderclaw thingie as her. He backs off. She eats the crab thingie. Life is good. I'sai glances around and, seeing weyrlings - ex-weyrlings - for the most part handling things on their own, heads over towards Ilessa and her friend. "Seen Lani, or 'Saira?" "Naught t'be reddening over. If'n you *do* ever want knife-handling lessons, let me know, hey? 'Tisn't an ill art t'be learning, though a'course I'd have t'say that." Kassima steps back as K'ran approaches the Weyrlings, making room with a small smile; she turns enough to smile more brightly to Yselle in greeting, but remains silent. Well... mostly silent. Her shoulders are shaking with laughter at all the pompom-bobbing, but can she really be blamed? Ilessa shakes her head at I'sai's question, shrugging those slim shoulders lightly. "Haven't. Not lately, anyway -- why?" "Lucky," grins K'ran at Javinia, and he flashes it to Kassima, too. "All good stuff, there. I've maybe made a monster out of Zaidra, who organized it all." A look toward Yselle, now -- longer, more considering -- and he's asking, "Why not? Turnday's customary; why not graduation?" Javinia pauses in her exploration of the chest in front of her when Tray leans over to show her something small. "Oh, -wow-," she breathes. Rummaging renewed, she looks and looks, coming up at last with a small-banded ring. She holds it up, wondering, before she slips it on her hand. "Oh, -wow-," she says again, looking up at the weyrleader, no words for her gratitude that softens her features. "Thank you." Kassima gets a more distracted nod, though Javinia's quick to add, "I'd like that, I think -- truly." Alessandra just wanders through the area, heading mostly back towards where Kiyoth is settled. K'ran gets a soft smile sent his way, and a wave; then she heads out. Alessandra heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Kiyoth lumbers in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Aeriste shrugs a shoulder at I'sai, looking vaguely bemused. "Haven't met them yet, I don't think, so I wouldn't know." Yashira stuffs another spiderclaw thingie into her mouth; a curly-haired bluerider wanders over and deposits a small child who is a composite of both their features. They hug briefly, and Yashira looks over the table, finds an unattended plate with a spiderclaw thingie, and snicks it to give to the little girl. "Thought they might be about," I'sai says, pausing to wave after half-seen Alessandra and her better-seen lifemate before tucking the non-pompom gear under more neatly under his arm, ribbon and all. "Mmm. Hello, by the by," he says to Aeriste; "'Lessi, care to introduce your friend? Though, think I've seen you now and again by the infirmary." "No reason, I guess," Yselle catches that look from K'ran, and smiles again. "You did this? Thank you," she looks really really pleased. "Dianneth was right." She turns to crane her neck over the crowd, seeking the weyrsecond out, a grin and a wave sent to Zaidra if she finds her. "This is Aeriste. Friend of my cousin T'kai's -- he's from Fort Weyr, he's the infirmary assistant Mama dragged back." From Ilessa's tone, one might mentally add 'kicking and screaming'. I'sai doesn't resist putting it into words, wide-eyed, "Kicking and screaming?" Kassima flashes a brief smile to the young brownrider, dipping her chin in acknowledgment. "Let me know, then, when you've time and inclination. I may even decide nay t'charge you." That's rather deadpan. More quietly and with another quick grin, "Graduation rings are a traditional gift from the Weyr--most of us have 'em," and she holds up the hand that hosts her own. Another step back follows, giving the trio space, and she glances consideringly towards that brimming table of food. K'ran shakes his head emphatically, quick to avoid credit. "Me? No," he answers them. "Well. I maybe helped scoop up a few egg-shards after the hatching. But beyond that, all I can take credit for is delegating." There's that rogue's smile again. "She did a terrific job putting it all together, looks like, and if *you're* happy, then so're we." C'vadan slowly makes his way towards the Weyrleader. Once there's a break in the man's conversation, he clears his throat. "K'ran, a moment if I may?" he says softly. Aeriste states blandly, "She was doing all the kicking and screaming," to I'sai. "She was quite, er, overwhelmed. But I often have that effect on women." "Just one?" K'ran straightens again, and while he pulls his attention from the ex-weyrlings and the gifts with some reluctance, he has nothing but a smile for Skyfire's Wingleader. "What d'you need, sir?" Yselle grins at Kassima "I wanted to come over and thank you. If it weren't for you and Lysseth, we wouldn't be here. Dianneth says... oh very well, I didn't mean to step on your toes dear. Thank you Kassima." After all, the woman looks like she's about to flee. Despite K'ran's protestations, she smiles even more. "Of course we are. This is... thank you." Her attention snaps to C'vadan though. "Sorry wingleader." Javinia blinks up at Kassima. Charge? But then the corners of her mouth quirk, hazel eyes lifting to peek up at the greenrider. "You're teasing! But I will, you realize. -- You've such lovely rings. Graduation one aside." To K'ran, she offers up a livelier grin. "I'm -thrilled-, of course." Setting things to rights in her chest, she closes it and pops up, dusting off her knees, saying, "I think I'm for food." C'vadan arches a brow. "It is odd having a Weyrleader call me sir, K'ran," he says, smiling, almost smirking. "Cav will do fine, if you will." He then turns to Yselle. "You've no need to apologize, Yselle. I interrupted your conversation, not the opposite. Please, continue. What I have can wait." Ilessa blinks at Aeriste, setting a hand on her hip. "Mama doesn't get overwhelmed." So there. "Anyway, yeah. So. Merielan's going to have a tougher time getting her mintsticks now..." "Do you, now," I'sai says with bright interest. "I'm sure Kiyoth thought it was ever so novel; how many Turns does she have, do you recall, Ilessa? Since you've just ten... and, Aeriste, have you met Kassima yet?" with a nod toward the woman in red, once he can pick her out through the crowd. Kassima's fleeing is halted, or at least paused, by that, and her eyes turn away from the table and back to Yselle. There's a flush of color across her cheekbones, if not deep enough to match her dress this time. "Dianneth likely would have found you in the Stands even if'n Lysseth hadn't found you a'fore that," protests the greenrider, but she's grinning sheepishly back. "But for all of that, you're certes welcome. On both our behalves, since even if'n I denied aught t'do with it, *Lyss* is sure as shards glad t'take credit. Thank *you* both for doing m'lady proud." She casts an impish grin Javi's way: "Am I? 'Twill have you know I do charge, sometimes, and handsomely too! There's more ways than gambling t'make your fortune... ach, but thankee. Gifts, 'twere, all but the one," and she rubs her thumb over the pure amber band on her left middle finger to indicate which one. Aeriste snorts softly at I'sai. "I'm not going to try to make her my girlfriend, ah, sir. You don't need to try to do the, er, subtle nudges. And I have. She has very nice udders, have you seen?" "Udders?" echoes Ilessa, nonplussed, glancing in Kassima's direction. Right. As worldly as the young weyrbrat tries to make herself out to be, she's still only ten. "And Kiyoth's twelve Turns, I think..." Dragon> Lysseth senses that Dianneth seems somewhat distracted but offers this. << It was you who gave her to me. We are grateful to you. >> Warmth floods her mindvoice. Kevares heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. I'sai's mid-comment about how he wasn't precisely trying to be -subtle- when... "'Udders,'" and this blankly. "I don't find her to be terribly bovine myself," and he pauses to acknowledge the twelve Turns with a distracted, just-a-moment smile, "You're fond of bovines, then?" Javinia 's nose wrinkles up, and she says, "Oh, feh! Marks." It's not even worth discussing. She lifts her chin to see that amber band. "Oh, -lovely-. I do think I've seen that one. But--" Cutting herself short, she looks over to the food table, the line of weyrlings and weyrfolk beginning to gather. "It'll be just like the candidate dinner. Gay and I last to the tables. Bah." As a rider walks by with a plate, she adds, "Those meatrolls smell rather good, too." "Nah, C'vadan, don't sweat it," answers K'ran, and even as he speaks he's favoring Yselle with a warm smile. "She has plenty of other more interesting people to talk to 'sides me, and I can catch up with her later, hm?" There's a question, maybe an invitation, for the greenrider in there. "Really, what did you need?" Aeriste looks sidelong at I'sai. "Of course not, man. Great bloody Faranth, don't you think they'd've shipped me off to the mindhealers if I did, given how much time I already spend in the infirmary? Honestly." Dragon> Dianneth senses that Lysseth answers in gleams and glints of light, spun from crystal and half-dazzling. << You were born for each other. I only recognized that she might be Someone's, someday. Still, you are quite welcome--you have made my own proud, by doing so well. >> Ilessa hates those smiles. Ah, well... "Don't you have a stuffed bovine, though? I think Mama mentioned it." This to Aeriste, naturally. C'vadan clears his throat again. "I have a favor to ask, now that the assistant weyrlingmasters are presumably cleared of their duties and able to return to the regular Wings." Odd that he didn't say 'their wings'. He holds his hands to his sides, though he's not showing any overt signs of nervousness. "I was hoping I might be able to impose on M'teh and steal Jazmin away to serve as one of my Wingseconds, if you think the idea sound, that is." Yselle shakes her head. "We were just talking about graduation gifts," her admission to C'vadan is reluctant. "I'm sure you have important things to discuss." But then she's smiling. "I'm sure we could, if you've the time, Weyrleader," her warm smile meets his, and then she tears her glance away to say "Maybe, but you put me /on/ the sands. Thanks Kassima. You've always believed in me." Aeriste nods rather cheerfully to Ilessa. "She got me a stuffed bovine, and I got her a stuffed foot." I'sai returns, tenor's timbre vaguely relieved, "Thank Faranth. And..." Ilessa gets a narrowed look, at which point he scrubs his knuckles up and down his cheekbone. "Ah. Er. Long day. I'd best grab M'fraid before he eats all the spiderclaws - " and he threads his way towards the bluerider and his overfull plate, with an excuse-me to Yash-and-daughter along the way. Telgar Weyr> I'sai gets summoned AFK - back later. :) It's obviously not quite the question K'ran had been expecting, but he nonetheless turns a contemplative look skywards while he folds his arms across his chest. "Let me think, let me think," he mutters. "Any particular reason, C'vadan? I think Mit's been making do without her long enough that he won't miss her if she goes to Skyfire..." Firelle heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. "Couldn't afford jewelry without marks, Javi," Kassi replies with much amusement indeed, and a brief touch of her hair as if to make sure the gem-tipped pins are still in place. It is, all things considered, a decidedly unbovine gesture. "As far as rings go, the five I always wear are the only five I have, I fear--listen, I'm keeping you from the food. And, i'truth, I'm rather hungry m'self, so I'm also keeping *me* from the food. D'you want t'head over that way?" She doesn't look over to the table again yet, though--not before smiling to Yselle with much warmth. "'Twas you who made it easy t'believe, Yselle, and never you doubt it. Our pleasure 'twas t'Search you. Our pleasure 'twill be t'see you continue t'shine, hey?" Ilessa hmms softly as I'sai wanders away, then blinks up at Aeriste, utterly nonplussed, with this '/now/ what do we do?' expression. This is a child that gets bored easily, apparently... Taylin wanders aroind in the crowd shaking hands and accepting the many congratulations that are still flying around. Stopping near Javi with a grin still in place "So have you heard which wing you might get tapped into?" C'vadan has a ready answer. "Two reasons, K'ran. First, I'd like an older Wingsecond with long knowledge of the formations of both Skyfire, from where Jazmin started, and Dawnslight, from where I started and where she was before I'sai wisely chose her to assist him. Second, I would like a contemporary and a friend to fill the position. I realize there are others who might warrant consideration in the Wing to serve as Wingsecond, but I feel Jazmin would be a solid choice." "True, that," Javinia admits to Kassima easily enough. With a smaller grin, she adds, "Food. Absolutely. I'll not even have to get your plate -this- time." As Taylin comes up, she gives the faintest shake of her head. "I'm not sure I expect to. May be a while before we know. Course, we're for food, Tay," she says, indicating the greenrider next to her. "Want to come? Being wingleader, Kassi might know more about tapping -- and if you hand over a few marks, she might even tell you what she knows." Aeriste blinks back at Ilessa. "I'm new," he shrugs. "I can't make too much of a pest of myself yet. That's your job." "I'm not a pest," Essa insists hotly, lifting her chin in a rather defiant manner. "...But we could still go find something to do. Hmm." Aeriste nods quite agreeably. Yselle beams warmly at Kassima. "Thanks Kass," she says, her voice catching a little at the greenrider's words. "Oh wow. Kass. Wow. Javi... I think that's the first time I've slipped up and..." she glances at I'sai "He can't assign me her boots to clean can he?" To Kassima "I will always try to do you proud." Another moment or two after C'vadan's made his case, K'ran has an answer. "I think we do it, sure," he decides, promptly peeling his gaze back down from the sky and finding his smile again. "I'll want to be sure Mit isn't depending on her filling in a whole someplace, but I think it'll be good. And she'll definitely make a fine Wingsecond, I agree." But he does warn, good-naturedly, "I might have to let Mit poach one of your riders, though. I'll try and keep him away from, say, Lenka." "I might be knowing a small something about tapping," Kassima agrees, a touch bland. "And I might be willing t'tell the two of you a thing or two if'n you bribe me... I am, I fear, quite easily bribed from time t'time. Join us? You're welcome too, Yselle, if'n you'd like, at least for all of me." She glances inquiringly towards both brownriders to see if they mind this invitation. "--*Please*, feel free t'call me Kass or Kassi or whatever you like all you want, now that you can. I appreciate it more than the constant titling. Nay boot-cleaning here." Her own smile warms further for a moment. "Methinks you'll manage it well just by doing what you've been doing, without extra effort. But 'tany rate, tonight's nay night for worrying about such things. 'Tis a night for celebration." C'vadan is sometimes too serious for his own good, which is what Kassima always manages to trip him up. "But Lenka is my only Wingsecond as it is, K'ran," he says defensively. A moment later, he smiles with chagrin. "Oh. Yeah. Well, sure, we can see about some Wing movement. Whatever is best for the Weyr, of course." Yashira wanders by, the little curly-haired girl on her shoulders. She eyes Kassi. K'ran half-winces when C'vadan jumps on that point seriously, and nods. "Whatever's best," he agrees. "It might not be necessary, but we'll see how it goes. I'll make a note on my rosters... but tomorrow." He slants a look past Javinia, Yselle, and Kassima to the serving tables. "Rumor has it there's some pretty good soup on." C'vadan grins. "Thank you, K'ran," he says appreciately. He moves away from the Weyrleader so he can make his dutiful rounds. Telgar Weyr> C'vadan waves g'night. Congrats to all :) Yselle glances back at K'ran and C'vadan, but says to Kassima, "This is so weird. But really -finally- good. I'd love to hear about tapping, whenever you'd like to tell us; I don't want you to feel like you're /working/ here." She brightens a little and says to K'ran "Have you eaten yet?" which is quite possibly a rhetorical question, but accompanied by /such/ a warm smile. Javinia is brought up short by Yselle's slip, and she glances over at the other girl, the corners of her mouth pulling down in a rather impressed expression. "None so bad, is it? And it's polite enough, you know, when you've permission to do it." There's no hesitation before she tips her head, saying, "Oh, please, join us, Ys." With a smile and a nod for Yashira, she begins to head over to the food table herself, saying, over her shoulder, "Now, about these bribes ... " Maireth flies in from above. K'ran shakes his head with affected regret as he explains, "Too busy speechifying and whatnot," to Yselle. And with a smile to match hers, he offers her his arm. "Feel like showing me to the good stuff, if you've already given the meal the once-over?" Maireth bugles happily to all the other dragons. Wiggles his way right into the ranks while L'han waves and jumps. L'han hops down Maireth's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds. "Pshhh. Working! Trust me, I don't feel like I'm working. I never work in skirts." Kassi gestures towards the ruffle-edged article in question. "There may be a limit, I have t'be cautioning, t'what I can tell you. I mean, most Wingleaders want the tapping t'be at least a bit of a surprise. I can't say, 'Oh, you're going t'Wing thus-and-so' if'n 'twould make them angry with me. I might be able t'share a *smidge* of information, though... but later, later. When you aren't in the Weyrleader's tender care." She nods with some amusement towards K'ran, then follows Javi's path foodwards, if not before casting Yashira and Iralne a so-innocent look for the eyeing. "Come sit with us?" she invites both along the way. "--Aye, about the bribes. What sort of bribe would you offer me, Javi, and for what sort of information?" Yashira retrieves some fruit slices from the tables and nods. She and the spawn head over to sit with Kassi and company. The little girl peers at Javinia curiously. Yselle grins at Kassima. "I'm too happy tonight to worry too much about the who and the when," she offers. "Oh?" K'ran offers an arm, she takes it. "I haven't seen it yet, but I'd be happy to now," she says. "What do you like to eat?" it's more than a casual question, just like that, she wants to know. L'han heads straight for food and begins munching, tossing over his shoulder to Kassi, "And just what is wrong with working in skirts?" K'ran flashes a bright smile back toward Kassima as Yselle threads her arm through his, and as he walks with her toward the tables, supposes, guilelessly, "Something sweet." Pause. "And warm." Javinia pauses, beaming, when she spies L'han, and she lifts a hand, exclaiming, "Wingsecond -- Heyla!" to her mentor. She makes a small pivot, showing off the genuine rider knot on her shoulder, as if to say, "Look. Look. Aren't you proud?" The line at the food table grows longer, though, and so she grabs herself a plate, catching up -warm- meatrolls, wrinkling her nose at the stew. "Hrm. What do you have of worth? I've already heard some of your stories. Unless you've special -reserve- stories. The tapping ... I can wait," she admits, moving to sit down near Yashira, a grin for the brownrider and a bright 'Heyla' for the little girl. Aeriste does add after several moments to Ilessa, "My shift is starting soon, though, so I'll have to leave you to your own devices, or something." Ilessa jerks out of her reverie -- she'd been daydreaming, watching everyone around her. "Huh? Oh! Okay. Right. I'll see you later, Aer! I should go see if I can find Riane..." L'han claps those great big mitts, then slips his fingers into his mouth and whistles at Javinia as she turns.. "Well aren't you looking fine. Did you lose weight? No, change your hair? Wait..I'll get it.."" Aeriste heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Teryla makes her way out of the crowd and heads for the delicious smell of food. Hearing L'han's piercing whistle, she winces and makes her way gingerly around the brownrider, giving him a wide berth. When she finally gets a plate piled with goodies, she finds a seat. "Evening," she offers at large. "Hey Ilessa," she adds, seeing the young girl nearby. Or she could stay and jabber at Teryla. "Ryla!" Ilessa chirps, heading over to Teryla's side. "How're you?" Tapping, it should be a topic of paramount interest to the weyrlings, but Yselle is caught up in the whole sweet and warm thing. "I'm sure they have something like that here," she says. "There's a lot on offer." Her ears are actually pinkening again. Kassima fires back to L'han, "Ask J'lyn, after Lorieth went into a power-dive with him in a kilt aboard, over the watching heads of a full Gather!" The greenrider's distracted by the need to scoop up a plate, and pick through the food, looking for tempting tidbits: "*Fish*. I swear... but ooh, scallops, those are good. And are those spiderclaws? Ooh--" Her plate's soon full of small portions of various goodies. "Well, let me be seeing. I could let you know a bit about the color distribution of the Wings and the gossip on what Wingleader's been muttering about needing another green or three, or I could be giving a clue t'recognizing Dawnslight's about t'tap you... though Mit mightn't thank me for *that*. But 'twill tell you a secret." She drops her voice, with a sidelong glance to Yashira. "I couldn't say it t'Yselle with K'ran right there, y'know. But if'n the bribe's good enough, I might--might--tell you your Wing and risk your future Wingleader's undoubtedly fearsome wrath." Teryla smiles at Ilessa and, after nibbling on something drenched in some sort of light sauce, she shrugs. "I'm doing just fine, especially with all the new riders being promoted from weyrlinghood. How about you? Got any bubblies for me tonight?" She winks. Taylin stops at the table and grabs up a mug, though with Tay's luck it's filled to the brim with a sweet red wine. Taking a large sip while filling a plae with all sorts of yummy things "Wow lots of food tonight, I can't decide which I want first." "Yes. Fearsome," Yashira intones. Iralne squirms, flying a slice of lemon around with appropriate noises. Ilessa pulls a face, hands on her hips again. Hmf. "Not this time. I didn't get a chance to sneak in and grab some this time, they had people on lookout duty." K'ran hitches his opposite shoulder in a shrug as he begins to survey the tables, and, again, supposes, "Well, if they don't have something here, I'm sure I could find something back at my weyr, you know?" No sooner have the words passed his lips than he's closing his eyes and drawing a slow, deep breath -- sampling the aroma of the meal, perhaps. Javinia merely dimples at L'han. "Mhm. -Exactly-." She's all good spirits tonight, befuddled mentors, or no. Kassima's got her attention, though, with talk of 'might's. "But what would make a 'might' a 'will'? You'll have me sending to my brother for marks, and I won't part with anything in that chest they gave us. In truth, I can't imagine what I'd have that you'd want." Considering, she picks at her meatroll. Taylin turns away from the table with a sigh, now feeling more relaxed with help from the wine "Do we go back to the barracks tonight?" is asked as she near Javi, Kass and Yahira. L'han has long arms, y'know. Long enough to shoot out and pinch at Tery. If he had been so inclined. Which he wasn't. Ooh, ale. He can pour and contemplate Javinia's new glow at the same time. Kassima gestures vaguely with her glass of redfruit juice. "That's the question. I could always take an I-owe-you note on marks, a'course--nay a *huge* sum, 'twould be ill-mannered of me t'be doing you out of everything, but whatever you deem fitting. Or d'you have any jewelry without sentimental value? Or you could offer t'do a favor for me. Feed m'fire-lizards, spend an evening or two looking after m'hellions, something like that. I'm very open-minded when it comes to bribes." Not to mention guileless. And shameless. "The spiderclaws are lovely, Taylin--come sit? Javi's trying t'decide how t'bribe tapping knowledge out of me. You're welcome t'bribe me too, if'n you want to." She can only shake her head to indicate ignorance about the Barracks question. Bronwynn peruses the tables, assembling a plate of mostly sweets and bubblie pies. Her meal gets a disdainful look from a matronly woman who passes by, but Brynn pays her no mind and moves onto the wine, choosing a sweet red from the various skins. Yselle glances at K'ran. "Maybe you do," she says, eyes widening. "It's been a long day. It'd be good to get away from the crowd for a while." She leans in against him closer though, her leg brushing his. It could be accidental. Taylin grins impishly "Oh well I could offer one of the two flight jackets my Da and oldest Brother made for me." pondering this very througly as she sips and nibbles. Telgar Weyr> Taylin says, "Okay this is annoying people keep calling to see if I'm melting yet. BBL I hope." Teryla makes a disappointed face for Ilessa. "They're on to your ways - time to learn some new tricks, maybe?" She pauses, taking a sip of her wine, then adds, "You could try a diversion, like catching a tunnelsnake and letting it loose? Though," she lowers her voice and leans towards Ilessa, "That idea didn't come from /me/, you understand." A suspicious look L'han's way, because he's rather quiet at the moment, then all attention is back to Ilessa. Javinia peers at that glass of redfruit juice Thunderbolt's wingleader waves around -- oh, drink. She glances back toward the table, toward Bronwynn, those wine skins. It's only then that she looks about for Yselle as well, brows furrowing to darken her eyes when her gaze settles on the weyrleader and Ys. Her gaze slips to Kassima, Yashira, then, to see if they've noticed, and if not, she starts to ramble on about bribes and options. "Jewelry. But you're not at all fond of pale green gems. Your spa--er, children?" Her hazel eyes turn wary. "Which? Kaswyn? I could help with Kaswyn. No worse than nursery duty, you know." Ilessa is all innocence and light as she blinkblinkblinks up at Teryla. "/What/ idea?" echoes she, far too brightly -- and then sniffs tablewards before heading in that direction. "I'm starved." K'ran opens his eyes to take another long look over the serving tables -- and promptly dismiss them, as he lets his gaze slide companionably toward Yselle. "Fair enough," he chuckles. "I wouldn't mind getting out of the crowd, myself. Shall we? You can, oh. Bring your gifts along, spread 'em out, and I'll find something to snack on." Teryla grins back at Ilessa, well pleased, then turns as the girl heads off for food. She manages to catch the tail end of Javinia's gaze, and follows it, and just smiles. She leans over to hear about bribing and such, trying to catch up on that particular conversation. Bronwynn glances up as Javi nears, offering the newly graduates brownrider a grin. "I recommend the sweet ones," she remarks of the wine, giving her glass a swirl. "That's just my preference though." Kassima sips from her glass and makes a great show of looking thoughtful. "That's a fine bribe," she decides, "since I'm sure one of m'children needs a new one. It seems like one of m'children *always* needs a new one. We can be discussing later," she offers, judging the brownrider to be distracted. Her eyes have wandered the table enough as she speaks to have caught a glimpse or two of K'ran and Yselle, yes, and she meets Javi's gaze with a faintly bemused/inquisitive look, but keeps to the established subject vocally: "I could make an exception," she muses. "I should give pale green gems more of a chance. So if'n you've a piece you wouldn't mind parting with... or, aye, you could look after Kazy; shall we say twice? Two afternoons or evenings or whatever your new schedule will allow? He's nay so much trouble, after all, apart from that he's teething." The leaning Teryla is given a quick wink. L'han grabs a chair and sits himself down right behind Tery to drink his beer. Loudly. "Iralne, throw your fruit slice at Kassima if she keeps this up," Yashira instructs the little girl in her lap. Iralne waves the fruit menacingly. Yselle smiles warmly at K'ran. She doesn't say anything at all. There's a light in her eyes. "I'd love to join you." Still that doesn't mean that she lets his arm go just yet. It's a slow, lingering sort of thing. She smiles warmly. "I'll meet you? Will Indrath show Dianneth where to go?" Teryla's eyes shut in what looks to be a silent prayer of patience. She opens them again, politely ignoring the slurp-slurping from behind her, and grins at Kassima. Then, with a mock horrified look at Javinia, she groans. "What would possibly make you want to look after Kassi's bra- er, spa- uh, children? Twice, even? She must be offering something really good, I hope?" She glances over her shoulder, wrinkling her nose at L'han. "Eww," she hisses at him. "I'll as--" K'ran breaks off, there, and perhaps a bit nonplussed, says, "He says he already has." His smile resurfaces quickly, though, and he releases her arm to take a couple quick steps away. "I'll see you in a bit, hm?" And then he turns, and goes. K'ran heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Yselle ascends Dianneth's side with the aid of a daintily offered foreleg and seats herself upon her neck. Javinia shares that look with Kassima, gaze flickering surreptitiously toward Yselle and K'ran, and back again. Clearing her throat, she asks Bronwynn, "Sweet ones? I thought you were for cider?" If concern for her friend weren't enough to darken her expression, Teryla's reply solidifies it. "Am I being taken? Is that not at all a good deal? It's only Kaswyn, after all. He's hardly -that- much trouble yet. Right?" She's turning back to Kassima, repeating, a trifle more concerned, "Right?" L'han is like that naughty boy in the Harper lessons. Any attention is good attention. He gives a broad, winning smile to Tery, tiny flecks of foam clinging to his whiskers. "I think you were right the first time," he confides in a low tone, eyeing Kassi meaningfully. Dianneth doesn't pause to say her goodbyes. She's darn smug is what she is. Her disappearance is as sudden as K'ran's. Dianneth lumbers in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. "They do seem t'have taken an interest in each other, don't they?" is Kassi's murmured commentary on the K'ran-Yselle situation. "--Iralne, 'twill give you a cookie if'n you throw the fruit at your mother instead." Bribery works both ways! "Tery, for Faranth's sake, have you even *met* Kazy? He's a darling! Just nigh on ten months old, and he's never screamed *half* as much as either of the twins, and he doesn't beat on Weyrleaders as Kaylira did either. L'han, quit that. You'll make Javi paranoid. Don't worry, Javi." The greenrider's voice is just as reassuring as reassuring can be. "He's a perfect sweetheart, only a wee bit cranky from time t'time. I could still be considering the jewelry if'n you'd rather." Teryla shrugs a shoulder at Javinia, then grimaces at Kassima. "No, I suppose I haven't really met him, but... well, just by the others and rumors I've heard..." But she doesn't finish that, instead concentrating on her wine and tidbits. Another turn-and-glance at L'han and she can't help but giggle. "Saving some for later?" she teases him. Bronwynn shrugs to Javi, "Cider over Klah, But a sweet wine it good for celebration." Again she glances around, this times noting the departure of Yselle and K'ran with the arch of her brow. "I wasn't expecting that," she murmurs before her attention turns to talk of Kassi's spawn. "Kaswyn can't be too much trouble, right? He's only one boy. How old is here now?" she asks Kassima. Iralne flips the fruit slice at Yashira; it smacks her cheek. "Thank you, Kassi," the brownrider intones. Javinia eyes L'han with a new wariness; Teryla, too. Maybe she's picked up some of her mentor's own paranoia. But oh, look! A flying fruit slice. From a child. That seems to decide her. "Jewlery," she agrees, beaming up at Kassima with dimples as earnest as the greenrider's reassurance. "Oh! I've emerald chips. Ear bobs. Little clips. You'd like those. What say you to -that-?" As if she's only just heard Bronwynn, she glances up of a sudden. "Can we drink now?" she asks, astonished at the idea. Never let it be said Kassi's one to welch on an agreement: she promptly excuses herself for a moment and hurries to the food table, where she can both hopefully laugh herself sick without being noticed by Yash and acquire Iralne's payment. When she returns, she's holding the biggest, stickiest, sweetest, ooey-gooey frosting-covered cookie she could find, and she offers this to the child. "Don't mention it," she breezily answers her Wingsecond. "'Tis always a pleasure of mine t'be helping a child t'learn sound financial tactics." Once she's settled back into her seat, she flashes Brynn a smile: "Five days from ten months. He's a sweeting, too--a beautiful lad, as well-mannered as you could expect from the age, really...." Be this as it may, she accepts her defeat on that front with good grace. "Emerald ear bobs? I say we have a deal. Shake on it, and 'twill give you the information, and trust that 'twill provide the payment in due course." She solemnly extends her right hand. Yashira eyes the cookie as Iralne accepts it. Then she looks to Javinia. "Do tell me when you get Kaswyn to take care of, would you?" L'han grabs at Tery's braid and dunks the end into his mug. "I am now." He's still -trying- to follow the conversation at hand, only -someone- keeps interrupting. At Javi's declaration of 'ear bob' he's got his face all screwed up and he's getting his ears to wiggle just a bit. Javinia wipes her hand on her best trousers, dashing the crumbs from her fingers, before reaching out to clasp the greenrider's hand. "Somehow I've a feeling I might regret this. If the information isn't good, I'll be expecting some of those lessons, you know." That said, she shakes her head at Yashira. "Oh, no. Not me. Jewelry is a much safer bri--" It's L'han that sets her coughing, and she has to look away. Yashira picks up the discarded fruit slice and dumps it down the back of her daughter's shirt. A loud squeal and a whole lot of wriggling ensue. Bronwynn grins to Javi, "Of course you can drink. Drink up!" she urges. "Now that you've graduated we'll have to take you on a tour of Pern's watering holes. Ista weyr's just opened a new one. The Sandtrap or something like that. I haven't been yet." She meets Kassi's smile with one of her own, "Ten months already? Has it been that long? It seems like only a short time ago you were still pregnant with him." She takes her tray of sweets and bubblies and her sweet red wine and heads looks for a cozy place to sit. Teryla yelps as her heads yanked a bit backwards. "La-HAN!" she groans, yanking her braid back. She holds it in front of her, frowning as she sniffs the ale on it. Grimace, grumble, sigh. She wrings the braid out and turns to glare. "Who's being the mean one /now/? You're just lucky you're too big for me to lift and toss into the lake." Then his ear wiggling ruins her righteous anger and she turns quickly to face forward before she giggles. Telgar Weyr> L'han says, "Yeah, like..about 10 weeks ago ;)" Telgar Weyr> Bronwynn grins. ;) L'han merely corrects Tery in a whisper, his look smug, "WIIIIngsecond!" This sets him to laughing at his own joke. Cause L'han is nothing if not easily entertained. "How do you know I'm too big? Huh? Maybe you're just not trying hard enough." Wiggle. "Maybe if you really cared you could do it." Wiggle. "From where I'm sitting, that's doesn't sound so very lucky." Kassima takes Javi's hand firmly and shakes it, looking a little too pleased with herself for anyone's probable piece of mind. Because she's evil, she doesn't give the information immediately; instead, she answers other things first. "Go, Yash!" she encourages her Wingsecond; and, "I know! Only yesterday, it seems like, but every time I look at him he seems bigger... the way of life, I suppose, but 'tis still a marvel. Anyway. Javi." She turns back to her tablemate, her expression grave. "You've made a deal with me, and so 'twill tell you what you want t'know, even though I put m'self in *grave peril* by so doing. Your future Wingleader's terrible t'face angry. But I have the courage... and so...." She takes a deep breath, bows her head, and then looks up again. "Your Wing will be...." Pause. Could she be drawing this out *any more*? "If'n, that is, you choose to accept it...." Apparently she could. "The greatest Wing in all Telgar--" And with a flourish, she extends one hand; a fire-lizard appears from *between* a moment later, and drops a diamond-shaped Wing patch into it. This she offers to Javinia, finally, *finally* finishing, "--Thunderbolt Wing." Yashira snickers at the fire lizard. "You actually /trained/ one to ---?" "Oh, a tour!" Hazel eyes intent with interest, Javinia scoots to the edge of her seat. "I know Meri's always going on about the Lava Lounge. Isn't that where she had the splinter?" she asks Kassima in a rather ingenuous manner before going on to say, "There's Shipfish, too. I'm always hearing of that. And--" All that ear wiggling behind Teryla is strangely entrancing, but no more so than Kassima's promised information, or the grand drama of its presentation. Javinia's expression begins to go somewhat dubious before the greenrider's completely finished, and then she's simply stunned. "That's hardly fair!" But she has to laugh, plucking up the patch. "Oh, feh. You'd better appreciate those ear bobs. -- And now I've to call you wingleader again, too." Her nose wrinkles right up. Kassima wiggles her brows shamelessly at Yashira. "I don't like the tappings t'be *boring*, y'know; just pull a patch out of m'pocket and pass it over, what fun is that? 'Tis exactly where Meri got the splinter. And, y'know, we really should go out drinking; it's been too long, and 'tis a Thunderbolt tradition, t'get the new-tapped either drunk or gambling--" But she's digressing, and by the amused gleam in her eyes it's at least somewhat on purpose. "Fair? Since when am I *fair*?" she protests, all mock-indignation. "--Does this mean you accept, then? I'm guessing since you haven't thrown it back at me... and t'be, aye, fair, *'twill* give you back your bribe if'n you really want. Though if'n you ask me, I still earned it." She closes an eye in a wink. "But you'd better nay call me Wingleader again! Nay outside of duties or drills, at least. I'm Kassima or Kassi t'my Wingmates, I assure." Bronwynn grins over the rim of her wine glass and is quick to swallow when Kassi mentions taking Javi out to get sloshed. "Kassi took me out to the Lava Lounge when I graduated. If I remember correctly, and I do admit that I'm a bit hazy for obvious reasons, I was dancing on the bar in my underwear." Her brown bob scandalously and she pops a bitof pastry in her mouth. Javinia doesn't seem too sure about the drinking or the gambling -- not with Bronwynn's mention of underwear, or even those protests from Kassima. "You aren't fair? But I thought ... " she tilts her head. "You've always been nice. Of course, that was -before-." Looking over Yashira, she wonders, "Is there anything I should know before accepting?" But she's all dimples, pleased enough to be blushing, and more than a little bright-eyed. Her plate's forgotten in the curve of her lap. "Thunderbolt," she repeats, thumb smoothing over the badge. A sudden thought darkens her eyes. "I'm not having spaw-- er, children for your wing, you realize. I'm proud to think you'd have me, but ... " Her sense of duty isn't -that- refined yet. Yashira shakes her head. "Too late. I was going to say 'just nod and smile about the spawning thing'." Kassima confirms solemnly, "'Twere dancing on the bar in your underwear, Brynn. With Th'lon, but methinks *he* did most of the rump-shaking, though... you might have done your share too. 'Twasn't purely sober m'self, so m'memory's a bit less than clear." She lets some of the mischief drop to give Javi a genuinely reassuring smile. "I do try t'be fair as a Wingleader, and I try t'be nice when I can. You can't, always--we discussed that a bit a'fore. But I do tease something awful. Ask any of your Wingmates--if'n you accept!--and they'll be telling you tales." Pardon her, though, while she tries to stifle laughter without all that much success at this last. "Ah, nay, don't be worrying. I don't actually expect spawn *right away*. You have *Turns* a'fore I start wanting t'know when you're going t'reproduce yourself already. Honest. Cross m'heart." Her tone is so playful, it's doubtful she's serious about this. Right. Turns. Teasing. No spawn required. Whether it's too late or not, Javinia seems to take Yashira's advice, nodding and smiling; she's game enough, if watchful. "Well, if -that's- how it is." There's a moment of genuine sincerity, though, when she says, "I'd be proud to fly in your wing, Kassi. I can't think of anything I'd like more, truth be told." She's almost shy with the admission, her fingers curling around the badge in her hand. More softly, "Thank you." B'haus is still around the area of graduation, just staring at the stars. He seems to be daydreaming, or at least in some state of thought that has his mind far off from his body. Every once in awhile, he yawns or moves a little, but other than that, he's almost like a flimsy statue.. Bronwynn seems to have devoured her sugary dinner and gingerly licks her fingers. "I should be off. Congratulations Javi. Thunderbolt is a fine wing. Almost as good as Dawnslight." With that Kassi gets a cheeky wink. "Evening, everyone," she offers with a nod before downing the last of her wine. "Welcome to Thunderbolt," Yashira says with solemn formality. Kassima breaks into a smile that does hold some relief in it at Javi's acceptance. Bringing up one hand, she snaps her new Wingmate a crisp, sharp salute. "Then welcome t'Thunderbolt indeed, brownrider, and 'twill be m'pleasure and privelege t'be flying with you." Then, in a less formal voice, "And you're welcome, though 'tis truth that the pleasure should be ours. Even if'n 'twill nay all be pleasure. There's a lot of work t'be done, and if'n you thought Is was a taskmaster...." She gives that a hint of tease, though. "G'night, Brynn, deluded woman," she calls after the other brownrider, laughing and winking back. Telgar Weyr> Kassima congratulates Javinia, by the way, for being Kassi's newest victim and Thunderbolt's newest rider. ;) I'sai wanders on back towards the main tables, arm in arm with M'fraid, shirt now unlaced at his throat and a glass of wine - white - catching Belior's light from his free hand. The bluerider does the count of one, two, three, and they both manage to chorus in time, "Eve-en-ing!" Telgar Weyr> Alessandra pounces Javi. Welcome to the best wing out there! (I'm not biased. Honest.) Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Congrats!" Bronwynn heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Telgar Weyr> B'haus snugsa Javi Telgar Weyr> Javinia grins. Thanks! Telgar Weyr> Shara adds belated congrats to old weyrlings. :) Telgar Weyr> Bronwynn snugs all and coats Javi with congratulatory smooches. Night folks! B'haus snaps out of his daydream, and spots a bottle of Benden white nearby. Hmm.. he was feeling quite parched, and besides, it was a time to party, was it not? So, he waddles on over to I'sai and M'fraid, and asks, "Hey.. can I have some of that wine yer drinking?" M'fraid aims to ruffle the lad's black hair, companionably and all, while I'sai just looks devoutly into the glass he's got; after a while, "Only third full, alas," he reports. "Or is that a third... no, two-thirds empty. But there's a 'skin there," he points, "Why don't you bring it on by?" and aims M'fraid towards the predominantly Thunderbolt gang. Javinia's color heightens, and she lifts a hand to salute Kassima -- her new wingleader. But the delight that rounds her face only falters as Bronwynn sets to leave. Maybe it's the first realization that weyrlinghood's truly over. "Worse than Is?" she asks, distracted as she watches Bronwynn walk away, expression sobering slightly. But then there's I'sai and M'fraid in chorus, and all's right with the world; neither of them have left yet. Finding a grin, a single dimple, she says to Yashira, "Thanks." B'haus nods, and is able to get a skin, before returning to them. He grins, and tilts his head back, and begins to take swigs out of the wineskin. Kassima looks up at that chorus--how could she not?--and likewise has to grin at both men, a grin that's perhaps the broader if I'sai's still wearing the pompommed hat. "Had a wee touch t'drink, have we?" she drawls. "Sit with us and congratulate your once-student, O Weyrlingmasters? She's accepted the great gift of Thunderbolt membership, but you're neither one t'knock her up; she's nay ready t'spawn, she says." Now there's something they surely needed to know. "So," she remembers to ask Javi then, brightly, "now for the important question: do I get t'keep the earbobs? You might do best t'ask Is if'n I'm worse, now that he's here. Just don't believe a thing he tells you." Spotting B'haus go at it straight from the 'skin, I'sai opens his mouth as if to warn about hangovers, only to promptly get elbowed in the ribs by his onetime assistant; he settles for, nearing, "Who's worse?" Says M'fraid, very solemnly, "Whom." Says Is, pompom indeed bobbing, "Who. And yes. One touch?" M'fraid decides, "Two touches," and speaking of which, claps his weyrlingmaster on the shoulder and wanders over to dear, dear L'han. "Two touches," I'sai agrees. "And no knocking. Nobody gets knocked up on graduation night. It's not, not -allowed-." If all this talk of spawning and knocking might embarrass Javinia, it's difficult to tell; she seems more preoccupied looking out toward the bowl, in the direction that Yselle and K'ran sauntered off in earlier. "Maybe that should have been in our last lecture," she posits, half under her breath. "Earbobs? Oh, they're yours. I hardly need them -- and you so like the darker green," and her gaze goes from Kassima to I'sai and back again. "Why? I believe everything Is tells me. Well, except for the leather-eating leaves. That fellis addiction. The spotted blue dragon. The time Thread ate his foot off. And, oh! Then there was the ... " "Can't get me knocked up, that's for darn sure." L'han squints up M'fraid, watching the approach with wary. "What? What are you touching two of?" "Who's worse," Kassi repeats, nodding to Is. "You or me, 'tis the question. Methinks however I must add a qualifier: who's worse without that hat being a factor." What, are pompoms a deep source of evil and thus an unfair advantage in her mind? "Two touches, then. My. Let's just hope that K'ran and Yselle know about that rule--Kiraselle might be a pretty name, but that man, he'd *avoid* a K just t'spite me." Now that she's shared that bit of information.... "Javi, you're a peach. 'Twill think of you whenever I wear 'em, and thankee--hey! You don't believe him about the spotted blue dragon? Whyever nay?" Pause. "But Thread eating his foot. *That's* new." B'haus puts down the wine skin after a few gulps, and was just becoming a bit tipsy. He gives a small hic, and looks around. "Aaaalooooo.." M'fraid's turning smiling blue eyes on the wingsecond, make that the brownriding wingsecond, no, make that the Dawnslight... no, the senior brownriding Dawnslight wingsecond. "Drinks, mostly. No, I wouldn't want to knock -you- up," and he gives L'han quite the vivid smile before trailing off toward what's left of the fish-sculpture. Telgar Weyr> Mirah says, "Hello ex-weyrlings :)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima waffles to Mirah. :) Telgar Weyr> B'haus says, "Hihi" Meanwhile, I'sai's all, "The oil made out of tunnelsnakes, wasn't it, Javi?" taking up a slouchy sort of lean, one thumb crooked in his belt while, now and again, he sips from his glass. "And you're most certainly worse than I, Kassi. I can only dream of it, wingleader that you are. Why, even -my- weyrlingmaster is but your wingrider, now, and..." the glass lowers; pale eyes look up, made grayed-green by the night and the glows. "K'ran and Yselle -what-?" Telgar Weyr> I'sai cheers Mirah! Mirah heads over from the central bowl. Alessandra heads over from the central bowl. L'han snorts delicately into his mug. "O'course not. I'm the knocker." M'fraid gets a furrowing sort of look shot after him, all the same. He was blinded by the smile. Yup. Javinia watches M'fraid with great interest, head cocked to one side, looking somehow impressed. The rest of the conversation seems to wash over her. "With spots? Well, not unless painted, but I don't remember that ... " The oil made out of tunnelsnakes gets a definitive shake of her head. "I'd have remembered -that-." But then she falls silent, thoughtful, until she looks up at I'sai to mutter, rather miserably, "They went off together -- Ys and the Weyrleader." "What's this about knocking?" calls a familiar alto voice as Alessandra wanders back over, her hair let back down out of its usual runner's tail. "And what's this about Yselle and Kir?" Oh, gossip! And she missed it? Opening a wineskin, she, too, starts to drink straight from the skin. Why not? It's from her own stash, after all. Kassima holds up an index finger: "And don't forget, she was m'mentee t'*start* with, just as Merielan was--so that's, what, *how* many generations of Weyrlings I've subtly corrupted secondhand now? On the other hand, you've been able t'corrupt *directly*. There's much t'be said for that. Far be it from me, though, t'protest flattery." She gives a light flutter of lashes, facetious as anything... at least, until the glass lowers. She becomes a bit serious then. "K'ran and Yselle went off together this eve. What 'twere about I can't be swearing, but they seemed rather... ah... cozy, a'fore they went." The tone of Javi's mutter earns the brownrider a glance that's half curious, half concerned. Telgar Weyr> B'haus says, "Me's must leave.. ta!" Telgar Weyr> Riane snugs! I'm sorry I missed graduation (stupid RL foo). M'fraid does have quite a smile, doesn't he? And he uses it wisely, if occasionally also on whim; as for I'sai, his slow headshake could apply to tunnelsnake-oil or comparative corruption, but also, "...Sweet shells. Tell me she was at least tapped first? What about Tarien, what about - 'Less, just a moment, I can't _hear_ - what is it, Javi?" Mirah wanders up from the bowl heading for food and a wineskin. "What's this? Ys and K'ran?" she says to the general afters she has gathered her drink. "They left together did they? I kept telling Ys she would find someone." she says winking to Javinia. L'han explains to Alessandra, in a precise voice, "I...I am a knock/er/." Because that clarifies everything. He shifts his gaze over to Javi as well, hoping to hear a further explanation. Alessandra oh's, softly, an eyebrow raising in L'han's general direction. "A knock/er/. All is clear to me." A pause, then, a heartbeat later, "S'long as, say, no one gets knocked up on graduation night." Javinia looks around between the assembled riders, gaze fixing on Mirah as she comes up. "That's not the -right- someone, though," she counters, and though she lifts hazel eyes to I'sai -- the weyrlingmaster -- her dark brows draw down at the sight of him, M'fraid; she only shakes her head, glances down, tucks her badge away. Kassima's headshake is also slow, but perhaps more for pensiveness. "She wasn't. As best I know, Javi's the only one who has been yet of the lot--I don't think, ah, Tarien had much t'do with it. He beds other women, y'know." Her tone's too bland to register either approval or disapproval. "I don't know when he and *Ys* started seeing each other that way; they were acting a bit courtingish nay long after the formalities were over, 'tis the first I'd heard or seen of it. Heyla, Mirah, Alessi." She taps her fork's tines idly against the surface of her long-empty plate. "Methinks L'han means he gets people pregnant instead of getting pregnant? Except nay anyone gets pregnant on graduation night. Exactly. There's a moritorium on pregnancy until dawn." More concern registers in her eyes for Javi now; concern, and just a hint of shrewdness, as if she thinks she's been handed a puzzle piece. I'sai's sharp cheekbones redden all at once; he doesn't look at Alessandra, and when his former weyrling's gaze falls he says as abruptly, "C'mon, leave her alone." Where can the hounds bay now? "Mirah, Mirah, why don't you tell us why our company's so grand, why you haven't run off with R'var." Mirah just nods to Javinia "I'm sure Ys knows what she's doing Javinia. 'Sides Dianneth didn't seem to be having any trouble when I went by. I think she would have said something to Trinaith if there was something really wrong." She says attempting to smile reassuringly despite her own growing doubts. As if to quell the doubt rising in her she takes a long gulp from her glass and then spits it out coughing. Still choking she begins to blush at I'sai's question. "Ahh..." "Sorry, Is," says Kassi, somewhat subdued. "Sorry, Javi, if'n I said something amiss." A headshake, and she briefly abandons her seat in search of more--no, she still doesn't dare much wine; fruit juice will have to suffice. Alessandra eyes I'sai sidelong, and -- is that the beginning of a grin on her lips? Oh, surely not! But nevertheless, the corners of her lips curve up when she spots those reddening cheeks. Then she pauses, brows furrowing. "Someone please tell me we're not going to have another ex-weyrling's dragon pull a Kiyoth..." This is, of course, murmured Kassi-wards when her wingleader passes by. Javinia shoots the weyrlingmaster a sharp look when he turns the conversation to Mirah and R'var. Then, "Of course." With a nod to Mirah, she stands, taking up her plate. "I've need of a drink, I think. Can I get anything for anyone el-- Oh, no. No great matter, Kassi -- truly." She follows after the greenrider, chin lifting, "What've you got there to drink?" Telgar Weyr> L'han finally gives up when three attempts to make a coherent pose fail spectacularly. "G'night, Telgar. Congrats, ex-weyrlings :) I'sai shakes -his- head Kassi's way, lightly - they're fine, now at least - and sharp look or no, manages to mention solicitously to Mirah, "Take care lest that stain. Soonest treated, soonest mended, or some such like that... Aless, let's let Kiyoth be memorable all by herself, how's that?" "Redfruit juice," Kassi reports, just a shade short of morose. "Nigh criminal nay t'drink on graduation night, but since Kazy's nay weaned yet... almost, almost. And 'twill celebrate the day he is by getting roaringly drunk and passing out somewhere, I don't doubt, and waking up with m'shirt on backwards and someone else's shoes and a piece of fruit in m'ear. With m'arms wrapped around someone's stuffed tunnelsnake." There's a beat-long pause. "Methinks I digress. If'n you're looking for something stronger, there's good Benden floating about." Once she's got her glass, she heads back; on the way back, she affords Alessi a look of mock horror followed by a rueful grin. "I don't *think* so. Always possible, a'course, but Dianneth didn't look bright. And I don't think Trinaith does." "I'd much rather we did -- we don't need that to happen again." So sayeth Alessi, expert on All Things Greenie. "I have some wine stashed, by the way, if anyone's wanting to share with me. Some Benden reds and a few whites, presses of a fairly decent age. Though, Kassi, if you getting roaring drunk results in you being fruited and cuddling a tunnelsnake, I'll supply the wine just to watch the fun." That said, she takes another pull off her own wineskin, then settles better in her chair. "So what, praytell, did I stumble into?" Aah, she's babbling. Javinia coughs, once, at Kassima's digression, and does, indeed, go in search of the Benden, though she settles, instead, on the rather sweet wine Bronwynn pointed out early. She fills a glass, takes a rather long sip, eyes watchful over the rim of her glass, then leans a hip against a nearby chair. Her gaze shifts from rider to rider until she looks across at Mirah with a slight half-smile and a little shake of her head. "I ah... Quite frankly sir, I haven't the slightest clue where he has gone." Mirah mutters blushing into her wine glass. She looks from one rider to the next, confused as hell as to what they're all talking about. Shrugging she takes another gulp of wine, this time to quell her curiosity. After a long pause she speaks up. "He's either off eating somewhere or planning how he'll get into my weyr in the morning to make it -look- like we spent the night together." This said to I'sai, speaking of course of R'var. "I don't think it -could- happen again," I'sai supposes, and tilts his glass higher - higher - till he can drink down that last drop; he lifts it in light toast to Javinia, to Mirah, to weyrlings who were, and sets it back with an air of finality. "Trickster, is he? 'Still', that is - there's always sneaking up on him if you'd like to turn the tables, the hand-in-water trick. If Firianth's snoring loudly enough, it'd drown things out. At any rate. Good night, all, and may your hangovers be mild as what's left of the night sky." Telgar Weyr> I'sai waves good night! Up. Far. Too. Late. (But was fun!) Kassima says, immediately, "You're on--" Of course. "But I can't *promise* the fruit and the tunnelsnake. What precisely I do when drunk seems a touch on the random side. Sometimes I babble endlessly. Sometimes I dance on beaches. Sometimes I make things explode. Sometimes I get pregnant. I do nay think I have ever done all of these at *once*, but since I can't really remember how the twins came t'be, I can't even swear t'that." At least she's too droll to possibly be serious. Right? Right. "Does R'var do that sort of thing often?" she just has to ask Mirah once she's resumed her seat. "Gossip, Alessi, though you just missed the tapping of a new Wingmate. G'night, I'sai--may your dreams be less confused and confusing than as much wine as you've had would suggest. Unless, a'course, you *like* confusion." Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins and waffles g'night to Is. Congrats to you, on surviving the Weyrlings! ;) Telgar Weyr> I'sai says ominously, "So far..." ;) Telgar Weyr> <Kassima> Phil the Sound Effects Guy cues the maniacal cackling and sound of someone revving up a chainsaw. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Which, disturbingly enough, has gotten Texas Chainsaw Valentine stuck in my own head." "Good night, I'sai, and Essa sends her good-nights as well -- she's long since fallen asleep, that one has." Alessandra glances weyr-wards, where Kiyoth has retreated again, settled on her ledge. Then, to Kassi, "Ah, well, t'will be for a good purpose anyways, no matter what happens whilst your drunk. It's all for a good cause -- plus, I need room for the new batch that my cousin's going to be flying over to me. Which wingmate, though?" Javinia returns the weyrlingmaster's toast with a gracious nod, a more genuine smile, before she's casting back over her shoulder, searching out the line and ridge of Naelanth. "I think I'm for my weyr, myself," she admits, with a fresh nod around, a pause to actually dimple, softly, at Kassima. "Thanks, again. You'll have those ear bobs as soon as I've an excuse to get them to you. Night, all. Mirah." She finishes off her wine and picks her way through the last bits and pieces of the graduation celebration -- well-used by now. "I must do, mustn't I?" I'sai says rather wryly, if not precisely unhappily, of confusion; and - after a fleeting smile to acknowledge Essa's mention - he threads his way along moonlight's path, towards dragon and dark and home. "Often enough." Mirah says with an unladylike snort. "He likes to play tricks, especially on me it seems. Like I said, he's probably off planning something right now." Slugging down the rest of her wine, she gets up and goes for more. "It might be nice to turn the tables though. Perhaps a nice prank is what he needs?" she says coming back and sitting down this time in one of the chairs. Kassima affirms with relish, "The good, nay, most excellent cause of getting me sloshed. There could *be* nay finer cause than that." Uh-huh. Sure. Right. "But tell me about this batch... Javinia, 'tis! She'll be flying with us henceforth, and would you believe, she paid me for the privelege. Sort of." But her teasing fades into a warm smile towards the rider in question. "You're always welcome. 'Twill see you at noon tomorrow, hey, for drills? G'night in the meanwhile, and felicitations again." Kassima then says, turning towards Mirah, "It might depend on the type of prank... something harmless that he might find amusing--*eventually*--mightn't hurt." Telgar Weyr> Aeriste says, "Chainsaw looooooooooooooooove~" "Noon," Javinia confirms, voice drifting back over her shoulder, and then she's down to the waterline, lost to sight. Telgar Weyr> Javinia says, "Thanks, all, for a great graduation! -- and tapping!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Oh, it's worse. The chorus goes, "Texas Chainsaw Valentine; my friends all think I've lost my mind, but you've really gotten under my skin--I'm gonna love you 'til rigor mortis sets in!" I grew up with this song. Explains a lot, doesn't it? ;) G'night, Javi! Thank you, too, and congrats! :)" "Yes of course something harmless, and since he finds just about everything amusing..." Mirah sips at her wine again. "Any ideas?" she asks raising one eyebrow over the rim of her glass. Alessandra watches Javinia, that faint smile playing about her lips again. "Aah, and a good one she is -- she'll do well with us. Of course, no one could go wrong in Thunderbolt." La dee da... "Now what's this about R'var? Kassi, I'll do better than tell you about the batch -- I'll show you once I get it." "A'course nay," Kassi cheerfully agrees without a trace of shame. "Besides L'cher, but his 'wrong' is a *special* 'wrong'... hmm. I'truth, I'd have t'be saying I just don't know R'var enough t'be guessing. Most of m'favorite tricks involve dressing men in women's clothing, or convincing a man he's done something scandalous, or feeding him something so that he makes water in rainbow colors. Oh, well, and once when Mart was a Weyrlingmaster at High Reaches I told his Weyrlings he wore underpants with little hearts on them. Or did Meli claim the hearts? We sort of worked together on that one. And there was the bit where I told Julasha that G'har and Mart were mad, passionate, secret lovers, or where I told A'lex's mother that *he* and Mart were... but that was unintentional; 'twas *drunk*, and I'm getting off the point again. I don't know if'n any of that would do a thing against R'var. Alessi, take heed, I'm going t'hold you to that!" Mirah shrugs "Ah well I thought I'd ask anyway." Sipping at the wine again, more as a distraction she blushes. "Ah R'var is... Um a very close friend of mine... yes a close friend." She says not looking at Alessandra. Telgar Weyr> Yashira says, "I *meant* to pose again. Really!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins and snugs a Yash. Telgar Weyr> Aeriste says, "There's a song called Chainsaw Love, too. :)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Oh, seriously? I'd never heard of it--that's kinda cool. :)" Kassima agrees amiably, "Always worth asking. But tricks can be a fairly personal thing; if'n you aren't putting your own personal style into it, well, what's the point? Or so runs m'theory. Someone else might well be saying something different." Alessandra shoots a grin Kassi-wards -- "That's fine, just remind me once you can drink again." -- and then turns her attention back to Mirah, considering the greenrider rather contemplatively. "Aa. Your friend." Of course. Right. "Kassi's right, though. Pranks, especially on others, should be a personal thing. /Mine/ was -- then again, that was over twelve Turns ago. Pity that I only did the one..." Telgar Weyr> Aeriste nodnods. :) Mirah nods "Yeah I kinda want it to say 'Mirah was here!' when I do it. Since all the stuff he's pulled on me." Leaning back thoughtfully she smiles softly "I still think he organized that glaze incident, just so I would end up back in the baths again." she says more to her wine than to the others gathered there. "One prank?" Kassi questions--then, "Glaze incident? There are stories here t'be telling, I'm thinking." "The tables," Alessi shoots back at Kassi -- and then she, too, is all ears for Mirah. "Oh, do tell." "Ah yes. I had kitchen duty that day and I had just finished with most of the dishes. So I was off in the baths scrubbing down and he showed up looking rather smug. I was on my way out when something reminded me of a batch of pies I'd left..." Pausing she sips her wine again. "Anyway, I ran off half dressed to fish them out and when I got there someone had saved them from burning but they had also eaten half of them, that's why I think it was R'var. On my way back to the barracks and my press I was ambushed by a couple weyrbrats and some jars of glaze. So all in all I ended up back in the baths with R'var sticking his fingers in my hair like I was his favorite desert." Kassima blinks once, before the memory clicks and she laughs outright. "Ah, aye! That did certes have your name all over it... in its own peculiar, nay, downright bizarre way." She subsides to listen with interest to Mirah. "R'var," she decides after this, "sounds like an odd man. But your relationship's certes bound t'never be boring." Alessandra outright giggles, apparently quite pleased at Kassima's reaction to the long overdue admission of prank-guilt. And then she can't help but add, "Either he's teaching Ilessa bawdy songs or he's encouraging her in learning them. He sounds like an odd sort, yes -- but boring is horrible, anyway. You'll think of something, I'm certain." Mirah stands up and downs the rest of her wine all at once. "Yeah, never a dull moment." She says winking. "I think I'll go prepare for the invasion I know is coming. Weather it be glaze or something else." She says making her way to her weyr. Kassima gives Alessi a wryly amused look. "There's something about I'sai's daughters and bawdiness. Kiss doesn't know so many *songs*, but 'twasn't so very long ago she got in terrible trouble and had t'write sentences saying she'd nay be teaching the other children in her Harper class the words she heard Mum use at home ever again. Is seemed proud when I told him, but, well, he would." She wiggles her fingers after the departing greenrider, and quips, "I give 'em just one Turn. Within that Turn, they'll be weyrmated; mark me." "I'd mark and bet you, Kassima, but I'd be tempted to put in a mark on it myself," Alessandra muses, raising an eyebrow as she watches Mirah walk away. "I'll have to let Ilessa know. R'var seems to be her current crush of the sevenday. Ten Turns old and she's already having crushes... I didn't do that, I swear." Honest. Kassima's eyebrows arch in unison. "I'm going t'hope Kisai doesn't share *that* tendency, if'n 'tis all the same--the trials and tribulations of Kay's love-life are quite enough for me t'follow. Khari doesn't ever speak so much of hers, and Kris's only love seems t'be numbers, which does make things easier. Have you told Is about this? I wonder if'n you could tease him about being a grandfather within five Turns if'n she keeps this up, if'n he'd blanch a good white." Alessandra murmurs, quietly, "I'd tease him about it, but I fear I'd give /myself/ a heart attack in the meantime -- the idea of being a mother still scares me and I'm ten Turns into it, but being a /grandmother/? No, let one of the others of I'sai's get make him a grandda first. I don't want Essa spawning for, say, ten, fifteen Turns..." Kassima snorts softly at that. "As sweet and bonny a lad as Kaylon is, being a grandmother isn't always a joy, 'twill tell you in confidence. It made me feel so old--at least, until Kaswyn. Hard t'feel all that old and used up and finished when you can still create life. I suspect Ysaira's most likely t'be first. Eldest, a'course, and methinks she's said she wants 'em someday." "You're probably right on Ysaira, though I confess I don't know the rest of I'sai's brood. I'm more concerned with Kichevio and Kiralee, really..." But then, that's no surprise. Despite being fairly reclusive most of the time, Alessandra's kept up that candidacy-born friendship with Kich. Then, oddly, "Seeing you with Kaswyn's made me think about having another one sometime soon. Please tell me I'm insane, Kassi, and that I shouldn't do it." "I've met most of 'em at one time or another, methinks, though nay all. 'Saira brought me a gift from Ryi after Kazy was born; wine, wouldn't you know, in a beautiful glass bottle. I can't drink it yet, but I can admire it." Kassi's grin is wry, but there's humor in it. "Kiralee? *She's* old enough for spawn? There's a thought fit t'terrify me and 'twill tell you that for naught. At least the kidlet might have a K-name, but *shells*." Always a lady of priorities, Kassi. Her amusement fades. Slowly, she says, "I don't think I can, Alessi. I wanted another bairn so badly, Turns a'fore Kazy came along. I can't say the child-desire in any woman is crazy or that she shouldn't consider it if'n that desire's serious and the means are open t'her." Somewhere at the edge of the party, Yashira picks up a sleeping curly-haired little girl and walks out toward the bowl again with her in her arms, snoring like a buzzsaw. Yashira heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs a Yash and her buzzsaw both. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra snuggles Yash. Telgar Weyr> Yashira beams. Telgar Weyr> Aeriste snugs. Alessandra shakes her head slightly, pausing long enough to take a long drink from her wineskin. "Not yet, no, not yet -- Kiralee's nine Turns, thereabouts, a bit younger than my Essa. But -- even odds I'll have twins again, twinning's in my family -- my mother was a twin, actually. You should see my cousin -- eight Turns between us, and we look like we could be twins ourselves, or nearly. It's just... Alessyn and Jalessan are seven, Essa's ten and growing more independant every day... I'd like to try and have another one. If I can find someone willing." Kassima breathes out a sigh of audible relief. "Thanks be t'Faranth. I thought I'd nigh lost m'mind there... huh. Always possible. I'm never sure how that works--twinning's nay so common in m'family, but it does happen from time t'time, enough that I didn't die of *shock* with Kimlyn and Kyjain. I'm digressing. Again. I don't see why you couldn't find someone willing. Earlier jokes aside, you might--perhaps--ask K'ran. If'n you still spend evenings with him. He did say something t'me nay so long ago about wishing for more children, though he might well have been facetious." Alessandra considers that -- then grins impishly, eyeing Kassima sidelong. "They'd have K names at the very least -- Kirenda and Kassandra, perhaps, I really like the sound of those. I'll talk to him about it..." With that idea now firmly planted in her mind, she settles back, smiling almost bemusedly. "Oh, please, nay Kassandra? Nay Kass-names! They'd be too confusing." Kassi attempts to give her Wingmate kicked-baby-canine eyes. "I do like Kirenda, though. G'luck with it if'n you do. I can't promise aught, mind--I really don't know how serious he was." Alessandra waves a hand airily, giggling to herself. "Kirenda, Kilendra, the latter might work -- I won't use a Kass-name, that /would/ get confusing ere long, wouldn't it?" Oh, don't give her that look! It's impossible to deny! "Serious or no... can't hurt to ask." Kassima lets her expression shift to one of exaggerated, almost pitiful relief. "Oh, *whew*... too kind you are t'me, Alessi, too kind by half. I don't think I'd give even one of m'children a Kass-name--tempting though 'twould be t'pass on more of m'name directly than I usually have. Certes it can't be hurting. And if'n all else fails," and here she turns just a touch wicked, "mayhaps in a Turn or two Aeriste might oblige you, hey? In gratitude for your bringing him here from Fort or something. Y'never know." Alessandra pauses. Stares. And eyes Kassima sidelong, bizarrely turning pale. "For all I adore the boy, Kassi, Aer's one I'll /never/ spawn with. Would make things far too confusing on all sides -- even if I ever told Aeriste's father." She won't name names -- she promised Aeriste, after all -- plus there are other problems. "And deny it all he might, he has designs on my cousin T'kai." That pallor draws a bemused look from Kassi, but she seems convinced quickly enough that it's not a cause for concern. "Well, if'n you say so. A bit of a shame--Alaris could be a pretty name, don't you think?--but, huh. T'kai?" That gets her to think for a moment. "'Twould have figured Aeriste favored women, insofar as I thought about it at all, which isn't that much. I scarcely know him *well*. But it may be so. That *would* make it a right mess if'n you produced random offspring with him." Alessandra raises her index finger up against her cheek, winking impishly at her wingleader. "Besides. What if eventually I spawned with Aeriste's father? There's always /that/ chance, and then I'd have both Aeriste's son /and/ Aeriste's brother, and that'd just be... confusing." "I'sai did it, with Ryialla and Lanryi," Kassi points out at her driest. "But I've never personally understood how that didn't disturb him, or them--mind, flights, there's nay so much *choice*. Point and point--try his father, then, whoever 'tis, if'n K'ran doesn't end up agreeing. 'Twould still create a nice little family tangle, but one of a tamer sort." "Dethandra?" murmurs Alessi -- and that's all the hint she'll give. "Don't tell anyone if you do figure it out, Kassi, please? For his sake, for his da hasn't a clue and I shan't be the one to tell him. And as for I'sai with Ryialla and Lanryi, well, that's Is and not I. I don't know why Kir wouldn't agree... at least, if I just pout enough." She's good at that -- the whole pouting thing, that is. It may or may not be hint enough; one might be able to see the wheels whirling behind Kassi's eyes for a moment, but they're tired wheels, and she doesn't get that expression of sudden comprehension that would suggest anything's clicked. "As you'd have it, aye; a gossip I may be, but cruel I try nay t'be, Alessi. And for all Aeriste's barbed tongue, he's by and large been decent t'me." Pause. "Except for the bit about me being burly and manly. I owe him *something* nasty for that, but this would be too much. Assuming I figure it at all. Anyway. You could at least try, but remember him t'get t'agree t'K-names in *advance*, would you? The man's a K and neither of his children are. 'Tis positively shameful." "Kirenda, Kilandra, Kisseren and Kessander?" Aah, musings -- Alessandra's dearly missed thinking of names for her potential offspring, and it's a pastime she'll continue to enjoy now. "I'll make sure he agrees to it, Kassi, it /is/ quite a shame he hasn't had K-spawn of his own yet," she murmurs, playing at being completely serious -- though she is, on some level. Kassima offers, ever-helpful, "Methinks I like Kirenda and Kessander best of those. Rest aren't bad, but as Kiss's mother I twitch a bit at Kiss-names too. Will you be telling me how the negotiations with him go? For sheer curiosity's sake?" Alessandra returns, quite cheerfully, "Kiressen, then." A soft giggle escapes -- it's late, and she's tired, and everything seems funny now. "I'll let you know, though, how things go, once I've spoken with him." "Oh, Kiressen's quite good! Kiressen and Kessander. I like those. Have two lads," Kassi brightly directs her Wingmate, "so you can be calling 'em that, and they can go forth and do battle for the honor of people with Ks and As and two Ss in their names everywhere. Merielan's promised t'name her next child after me, so there may just be another K and S-intensive bairn t'carry the banner beside them." And because this is clearly a sign that she should have been asleep long ago, the greenrider gets up from the bench at last, with a rustle from her ruffled skirt. "I should really try t'get *some* sleep a'fore those noon drills tomorrow. As should you at some point, hint hint. But 'twill appreciate you letting me know." One dark green eye closes in a wink. "Especially if'n it gives me time t'start betting on it a'fore there are others in the know, hmm?" Giggling helplessly, Alessandra, too, rises, stretching luxuriously before brushing off her pants. "As you wish, my dear Kassima. I shall endeavor to tell my future children that they must both be lads. ...Kiressen and Kessander, I do like those... sleep well, Kassi, and I'll see you at drills tomorrow." Yay, drills. Ah, well. "We'll see how our Javinia does, no?" That said, she starts heading towards the southern end of the bowl, mentally calling Kiyoth to her as she does. Kassima offers magnanimously, "And 'twill even let them call me Aunt Kassi, if'n they want to," never mind that many are the children of her friends who've called her Aunt Kassi by now. "Dream sweet, Alessi. 'Tis so, 'tis so--'twill have her flying in the reserves in Fall until I'm sure she's mastered our patterns, as usual, but I've a hunch 'twill nay take her all that long." Her own lifemate's not so far away; once she's woken Lysseth, she manages to climb up into the straps, though sitting astride probably shows an indecent amount of leg. Hah, maybe *that's* why she waited 'til almost everyone was gone before leaving. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Alessandra heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft.