-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ride 'Em, Greenrider! Date: September 12(?), 1998 Place: Beastcraft's Road, Meadow, and Bleachers Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Here's another of the logs whose original edited version and note were unfortunately lost. I decided to re-edit it, though; this scene was too much fun to lose. :) Kassima, Aurian, and a few other Telgar-types visit Beastcraft's rodeo, and Kassi is somehow talked into participating in the bronco-riding event. This raises the question: can a greenrider really ride *anything*? Or is Kassi's performance pure luck and coincidence? If Kassi knows, I rather doubt she's telling. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You wind down from the sky above. <*> Cassie catches sight of the flower and grabs it just as the dragons start to land. <*> From the sky above you, Talibenth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Tasso looks up, involuntary backing as the field fills up with dragons. "Whoah..." <*> Lysseth finds herself a clear place on the very edge of the festivities to land, the better not to stir the Gather items about her. "Duties, duties," Kassi sings out on her way down, apparently in a hurry to judge by the haste with which she unbuckles herself. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Tasso waves at Kassima. "Hey, fruit woman!" hey calls out, laughing. Cassie shakes her head. "CraftMaster Leara will be real cranky if the dragons get into the herds again." Tasso glances at Cassie. "Huh? Into the herds...? Oh, man. That would be one motherless mess," he says. Kassima gives Lysseth a fond slap on the shoulder, turning towards the pond--but she pauses to look back and laugh at Tasso's greeting. "Hardly that, lad, but g'deve even so! Forgive m'briefness; I'm off t'see this bronco-riding business. Planning t'come along?" Without waiting for an answer, she strides to the pond as rapidly as is possible while maintaining decorum, murmuring greetings and such at need. You go over towards the meadow containing the pond. Jesica comes a long, humming softly before waving at her friends as they arrive, "Hey Aurian, M'hryn." she says, once the noise from landing and bugles are over and the riders have dismounted. She then heads over to Aurian and grins, 'Whats the matter?" Aurian waves to M'hryn, "Evening." Iago looks around the bronco ring, obviously searching for someone. "Where'd that lad get off to?" he mutters to himself. Aurian glances back to Jesica, "He likes ovines a bit much." M'hryn nods at Jesica with a smile and waves back at Aurian. He spots Kassima and nods to her, but is already looking around for the rider of the familiar blue nearby. Filliana places her arm around her friend, Zianne, then looks at all the people. "Are you going to try to ride?" she asks her with a grin. Orome eventually settles into a spot - standing - near the corral. Kassima half-sprints in from the road, skidding to a halt near Aurian. "Shouldn't be as much to tempt Lysseth nearer the Gather stalls," she mutters, then snaps the salute to M'hryn that politeness demands before calling out more general greeting. "Duties to everyone, everywhere, and suchlike! Haven't missed aught, have I, Auri?" Filliana glances at the greenrider, grinning. "I'm Filliana. You're from Telgar Weyr?", she asks Kassima with a smile. Aurian shakes her head at Kassima, "not yet.. not one bronc has gone out.." From the sky above you, Gaudiorth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Zianne vigorously shakes her head. "Absolutely not. I'd kill myself." Deckard heads southwest towards the road. From the sky above you, Neith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Iago peers into the bleachers. "Not there either. Blast the boy!" From the sky above you, Neith rumbles a basso greeting to Gaudiorth as she emerges from -between- near the blue, her wings spread wide to make best use of thermals swirling upwards from the ground. Filliana turns back to look at Zianne with a grin. "And what would we do without your baking skills if that happened? I agree, but for a different reason." "I'm currently affiliated with Telgar, aye," Kassi agrees, amiably enough. "Kassima, green Lysseth's rider... 'tis a pleasure. Are you going t'be competing in this madness?" Aurian's words elicit a relieved sigh in response. "Oh, good. Faranth forfend I should miss seeing even one man falling on his rump." Neith wings down from the sky above. Jesica grins, 'Fort's Suties to the Beastcraft." she says after a minute and she chuckles a bit as she looks at the bronco, "It doesn't look too bad. Can't be any worse than breaking runners." Zianne smiles, "What's your reason?" From the sky above you, Gaudiorth bugles an excited greeting to Ista's queen and banks slightly to take a position behind. Gaudiorth wings down from the sky above. Neith vanes her sails high, backwinging to a landing with a modicum of fuss and stirred dust, crooning soft greetings to those nearby. Aurian chuckles at Kassima, "Oh come on... aren't you going to volunteer to prove that greenriders can ride anything.." Orome continues to browse the area near the corral, trying to see in. Purple face is turned toward the crowd every so often, to see who else is here. M'hryn overhears Kassima's words and eyes her darkly for a moment. He opens his mouth to say something, but the arrival of the gold dragon draws his attention. Filliana answers Kassima, "I'd like to, as breeding and training are more my specialties." From high atop Gaudiorth's neck, Tamina spirals down to settle near the cluster of dragons present, warbling a friendly greeting. Talibenth sits up on his haunches and bugles quite loudly at Neith, his wings snapping out to their full spread. Hopefully, none of the nearby beasts startle easily. Telgar Weyr> M'hryn mutters under his breath about Telgari wingleaders. From high atop Gaudiorth's neck, Tamina=Gaudiorth Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "What buttheads they are, aren't they?" Kvasith rumbles in annoyance as Talibenth kicks up dirt. He does change it to a croon of welcome to the gold. Kassima, a facetious sadomasochist born and bred, just grins at any odd or evil looks cast her way. She looks to be in a good mood... until she hears Aurian, that is. "Auri!" she exclaims, one-quarter shocked, one-quarter appalled, and one-quarter amused. "Don't tell me *you* believe that sharding nonsense about greenriders... of runners? Oh, I could see where you'd be interested, then. Though I'm wagering that these," and here she gestures towards the corral, "aren't that highly-trained? Or is there some sort of training t'make them *act* untrained?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima just blinks at M'hryn with wide, innocent eyes. What? What? From Neith's neck, Merellia strips off her flight gear, taking wry note of the blue's deft landing. "Well flown, Tamina," she calls over to the Istan Weyrsecond with a cheerful grin. Neith's attention is drawn from Gaudiorth to the noisy Talibenth, eyes swirling with a slow sparkle as she gives the bronze a considering glance. Then, with a haughty condescention, she rumbles a greeting to the bronze--the greeting given to someone visiting the queen on her own territory. Kvasith, however, is offered a warmer rumble with a croon surfacing through it. Telgar Weyr> S'klin says, "Those darn people." Aurian smiles impishly up at Kassima, "Ohhhh come on. If you do it, I'll do it." Merellia descends to the ground from Neith's neckridges by the aid of a considerately extended foreleg. Tamina climbs down from Gaudiorth's neck after the blue dragon extends a foreleg. Filliana considers the greenrider's questions then gazes over toward the corral. "I've not seen the stock they'll be using, except from afar when I was here to purchase stock for Boll. I would tend to guess they're ones who are of an ornery nature and object to having anyone and anything touching their hide." Kvasith puffs up and practically glows with the attention from the queen. He croons back with a delighted rumble and watches her happily. Talibenth seems unconcered with Neith's rather cool greeting. He drops back down to his forelegs and sits, watching the Istan queen, seeming to thrum with excitement. Jesica salutes the Weyrwoman before turning back to watch the corral with a grin, "I wonder who's going to be trying to ride one of those things." she says to Aurian, since she's still staning next to the brownrider. Aurian rakes her hands through her hair, "He'll be impossible for the next day..." She grins at Jesica and shrugs. Tamina pats Gaudiorth's well-oiled hide and smiles up at him, "Okay, you be good. Remember not to eat any of the beasts." After the blue snorts and Tamina laughs she moves off to look around. Orome keeps a good distance away from any and all of the dragons. In fact, she moves around the far side of the corral from them. Kassima eyes Aurian with understandable suspicion. "You realize that if'n I agree to that, and then break my fool rear end out there, Lysseth will want your hide for a napkin? If'n you do, and are still masochistic enough, 'twill take you up on it." Letting her eyes wander back to the broncs, she observes, "They sounded just like men until you got to the object-to-touching part. Well, Auri? Shall we head to yonder corral?" She nods towards the appropriate area, though not without a trace of hesitation. Merellia gives Neith a slap on the gold's near foreleg, something the queen's too large to feel yet nevertheless replies to with a perfunctory snort before she returns her attention to Kvasith--and Talibenth--and arches her neck coyly. Merellia leaves her lifemate with a wry look, then begins to make her way amongst the crowd, offering a smile to the young Fort dragonhealer trainee. Aurian chuckles at Kassima, "She's got the pants to abuse!" Aurian follows Kassima with a wide grin. You head up into the bleachers of the bronco event. Aurian heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Orome heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "and those who wish to watch Kassima and myself bruise our rears... well come to MBH" Lysseth> You go over towards the meadow containing the pond. Lysseth> Filliana gives Zianne a confused look. "Reason? For what? I'm afraid I've lost the conversation with this crowd and the conversations." "I have a sudden feeling," Kassima mutters, eyeing her surroundings, "that my rear end is really going t'regret this." Orome takes a spot as close to the pen and the front as she can get, still quiet. Lysseth> Kvasith eyes a recently shaved ovine he then glances back at Neith, wondering if she'd like such an offering. Lysseth> Tamina glances up as she moves toward the bleachers and grins at Kaitra's announcement heading into the stands. Kaitra scrambles down to the small pen, stradling the railings close by the gate. She flashes Orome a grin, just as the mottled beast in the pen slams a hoof into the wood surrounding him. Lysseth> Lysseth snorts at Kvasith as she meanders in from the road. Though the thought isn't verbalized, the sentiment clearly seems to be, 'Do not kill the happy fun sheep.' "Ohhhh come on Kassima, it will be such fun.." Aurian grins. Lysseth> From the sky above you, Nraith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Lysseth> Zianne smiles, nodding "Reason for not trying to ride the broncos." Lysseth> Merellia pauses to reply to Jesica, a smile warming her features. "Well, thank you," she says courteously, glance flicking minutely from Jesica's patch to her knot, then back to the girl's face. "How are matters at Fort?" Tamina heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Lysseth> Kvasith snorts at Lysseth, 'I won't kill it for you' he then glances at Neith. He warbles and looks at her coyly. Lysseth> A'lex comes in from the road to the west. Lysseth> M'hryn clears his throat and moves towards Merellia. He pauses, out of earshot, while she speaks to Jesica and crosses his arms before him, his features set. Lysseth> Nraith wings down from the sky above. Kassima arches an eyebrow at Aurian. "You have an *odd* idea of fun, m'friend... but then, I suppose so do I! Mayhaps if'n I set m'goal t'be t'prove that greenriders *can't* ride *everything*, then fate's sense of humor will work in m'favor." Lysseth> A'lex eyes his lifemate, "I *TOLD* you everyone was over here..." Lysseth> Talibenth rumbles cheerily at the other Telgar bronze. Lysseth> Nraith eyes Talibenth carefully for a moment, then rumbles his own greeting. Lysseth> Filliana smiles at the woman from Boll. "I'll try, yes. Shall we go to the corral?" Filliana heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Lysseth> A'lex nods at M'hryn, remembering his request for informality at such events, "Evening, sir." Aurian laughs, "Come on Kassima!" Lysseth> Jesica grins a bit more, "They go very well thank you Ma'am, I hope things go as well at Ista." she says with one of those shy smiles coming forth again, "It's nice to have spring about, I'm still not used to how cold it gets, even after three turns away from South Boll." Orome doesn't even jerk as the beast attacks the helpless wall. "L-loud, isn't h-he?" Lysseth> Lysseth casts Kvasith an exasperated look, then warbles salutationalishly to the newly-arrived Nraith. Tamina weaves her way through the lines of people sitting, stepping on a few feet. With a wince and a quick apology, Tamina finally sits down near the front with a relieved sigh. Lysseth> Kvasith rumbles at that bronze barge Nraith. Its a friendlyish rumble. Lysseth> Neith stretches out her neck, nostrils quivering as she takes a thoughtful breath or two of the ovine; then, settling back onto her haunches with a flirty rustle of her wings especially for Kvasith's--and, just maybe, Talibenth's--benefit as well as the newly-arrived Nraith's. Her eyes whirl with a trace of regretful gray as she rumbles her regret that, as fine an ovine as it is and as much as she appreciates Kvasith's offer, she's just a tad too full herself to do it justice. Kassima sighs with good-natured resignation. "I suppose that since I've nay backed away from a challenge yet, now's nay the time t'start doing so... but if'n I break aught vital, brownrider, then let it be forever on your head!" Zianne heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Telgar dragons with << Smells like lunch here. >> Lysseth> M'hryn returns A'lex's nod. "Wingleader," he replies quietly. "I believe Kassima and Aurian have gone over to the corrals, if you're looking for them." Lysseth> A'lex nods, "Thank you, sir." A'lex heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Dragon> Xylath bespoke Telgar dragons with << Where? >> Aurian nods to the others that arrived. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Nraith projects an image of the BeastCraft hall. A'lex waves politely and takes a seat. Kaitra offers Orome a smile, and nods. "Loud, and mean." is her answer. "Care to try first, show these riders how to do it?" Kassima turns her head to greet A'lex cheerfully with, "Hey, A'lex; are you out t'break your rump too?" Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Talibenth sounds regretful. << M'hryn says it would not be good to eat here. The humans do not like it when we eat their beasts. I do not understand it. Why are these beasts different from the ones we can eat? >> A'lex shakes his head, "No, I think not." Orome grins. "They'd b-be out of p-p-practice from something without a b-big m-mind of its own. S-sure, I'll t-try." Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Lysseth offers thoughtfully, << Perhaps they taste bad? >> Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Kvasith tones regretfully, << My rider says its rude here. >> Dragon> Leilanth bespoke Telgar dragons with << If they're left alone lone enough, they make bigger and juicier ones for us to eat, I think. >> Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Jaralth sounds sleepy as he says, << My rider says they need salt, so I shouldn't think of it. >> Dragon> Xylath bespoke Telgar dragons with << My rider says that those beasts are for riding. But why would they need to ride then when they have us? >> Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Telgar dragons with << There are beasts for eating as well. >> Dragon> Nraith bespoke Telgar dragons with << But, Leilanth, I only need a snack... >> Jesica heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Dragon> Leilanth bespoke Telgar dragons with << No, Nraith. You should have eaten before you left. >> Dragon> Nraith bespoke Telgar dragons with << I did. This would be.... desert? >> Kaitra gives her fellow apprentice a helping hand, down to the runner in the pen. "Just hold on, and scoot if you're thrown. Lucky for you, he's a runner, not a herdbeast. No horns." Filliana points out several of the spirited beasts to Zianne then asks, "Will you be trying your luck at staying on? I really think you should. Upholding the name of Boll, you know." She grins and winks. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Telgar dragons with << But I will refrain, as my rider says I must. >> Kassima tsks lightly at A'lex, reaching up to pull off earrings, necklaces, and rings in succession. These are stowed in an inner pocket of her jacket; the gloves that were in her outer pocket are then tugged on over her hands. She must have some slight experience with runners. "Wish I'd known we were going t'do this; I'd've tied a pillow t'my rear end." A'lex looks tempted, but refrains from making comments about Kassima's rear end. Orome pushes purplish hair out of her face, and takes the hand down. She lands as lightly as she can, pretty much, without not being there at all. Telgar Weyr> Maylia has to laugh at that, A'lex! Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Couldn't resist." Zianne shakes her head. "I don't think I could. I just want to watch." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Thank you for resisting temptation, 'Lexie...." Aurian shoves off her jacket, she yanks on her gloves. Telgar Weyr> Neliea chuckles. Tamina stays in her seat, angling around to watch the prospective riders with interest. She smiles to the person sitting next to her chatting about the uncoming ride. Kassima turns to waggle her finger at A'lex, as though able to guess what he's thinking... which perhaps she is; it's not hard. "Nay *one* word, bronzer, nay *one*, under pain of hearing mention made of a few of your illicit affairs." A'lex's mouth half cocks in a smile, but he says nothing. Kaitra glances up at the multitude of Telgar knots, and shakes her head wryly, peering out to the meadow, perhaps looking for a face in the crowd for a fleeting moment. Apparently not seeing who she was looking for, she returns her attention to Orome. "You'll do fine!" She hisses. Nyki heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Mirala heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Tamina shifts down in her seat as a few other watchers decide to join her row, knocking down someone's cup of wine in the process. With a loud, "Whoops." her head disapears as she attempts to help clean it up. Nyki moves into the bleachers and quickly find seats for herself and Mirala. She sips at her wineskin, a silly grin spreading over her face.."Ahh..here we go..I'm ready to see some...well, something. Whatever's 'posed to happen.." she giggles sillily and has a couple more sips. Aurian rubs her chin, "Kassima.... care to make a wager.." The piebald snorts as a weight is added to his back, and stamps a foot. As Kaitra unloops the gate, releasing him, the beast springs out, hooves flying! Kassima reaches out to, of all things, attempt to ruffle her fellow Wingleader's hair. "Snap out of it, 'Lex. Dolor just isn't healthy." Pulling back her hand, she muses, "Depends on the wager, Auri--oh, look at that! The bronc's away!" Nyki squeals! "Whee, lookitthat, Mir!" she takes a long drink from her skin, and grins. "You oughta drink more, Mir.." Mirala steps up onto the bleachers with Nyki. "Yeah! Uhm... yeah." She grins, sitting down. "I'm ready for anything, as long as I don't have to do this again." A'lex starts, but smiles politely at Kassima. Hmmm, he must be sick. Aurian tilts her head, "I'm wagering 3 marks that I'll last longer than you... Nyki laughs, and claps her hands. "You did../this/ before??" Aurian watches, "He's a huge one.." Mirala leans forward, watching. She turns her head and grins. "Are ya for the horse or the rider?" She looks altogether innocent. "Maybe.... and THAT'S why I don't drink as much." She winks. Kassima shakes her head immediately. "With all I paid for G'har's knives? I'm still nay *that* rich. Three's too many. Try one, and I might go for it." Wincing, she further observes, "That does *nay* look easy...." Orome jerks as the runner leaps out. Her legs wrap around the barrel of the beast reflexively, and her hands to his mane. "D-d-do you h-have to b-b-bounce so m-much?" she asks, as her hair streams out behind her. Tamina quickly sits back up at the sounds of excitement from the crowd, "Oh, I didn't miss anything did I?" She leans forward, taking her seat again whi the action with excitement. Aurian nods, "1 and 1 half?" Jesica chuckles and watches, eyes running along the runner's body as it starts bucking and twisting, head tilting as if she is trying to figure out just how untrained the runner is. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her own, well worn leather gloves, looks like she's decided to go ahead and try her luck with the bronco's after all. Nyki finds the wineskin that she had given to Mir earlier and hands it back to her. "Here. Drink, babe." she grins foolishly. "I promise not to let ya go too crazy." Kassima eyes Aurian consideringly. "One and a quarter, but nay more. This can't be *that* much harder than riding the Erratic Lady... I hope." Filliana leans over to Zianne, whispering quietly, occasionally making gestures out at the runner as he leaps and hops. Aurian nods, "1 and 1 quarter.." She offers her hand to Kassima. The piebald twists, and turns, doing his best to shake the girl who clings to his back. Charging across the corall with an outraged squeal, he skids to a halt, and bucks! Poor Orome is sent tumbling over his head, to a hard landing on the sand. Filliana stands up quickly, peering over at Orome to see if she's alright. Nyki claps her hands! "Neat!! I like this Bronco thing.." she sits back down and sips at her skin. Orome skids as soon as she hits the sand, still rolling until she hits the far wall with a thud. She seems to be all right, as she stands up and shakes her head, still right in front of the runner. Kaitra clucks her tongue, leaning forward, hand agains the railing. "Y'ok?" She calls, as the piebald snorts, prepared to chase the apprentice. Kassima winces again, even as she takes Aurian's hand to shake on it. "Oh, *yeow*. You don't suppose it would help if'n I told the critter that I've an Emasculator and am nay afraid t'use it, d'you?" Mirala grins, taking a small sip. "Ah, alright." She blinks, watching the poor girl fall off. "Good effort!" A'lex looks at Kassima, "Only if you speak runner." Zianne's eyes go wide when Orome is thrown off. Nyki gently elbows Mir. "Ooh, check itout! 's gonna chase her!" she giggles. "That's crazy. I wouldn't do that..." Jesica winces and claps for the girl, "I do hope she's okay." Aurian winces, "Just tell him you have a dragon that gets hungry if you hurt yourself. I'm telling it about Kvasith." Kassima assures A'lex breezily, "'Emasculator' translates into every known tongue. Good show, lass!" she calls then to Orome, since the girl doesn't seem hurt. "Who's up next, then?" Tamina stands again with an apprehensive look until she sees Orome stand again. Clapping her hands with the others she shakes her head and says to the man on her other side, "I don't think I'll be trying that." Orome turns and bows once, theatrically, to the audiance. She ignores the runner. A'lex snorts, "Oh, okay. Then *YOU* try explaining it to Nraith." Mirala claps and cheers, "Yeah!" Filliana hops off the stands to walk toward the runner and apprentice. "Need some help?" she yells out to Kaitra, concerned the runner will take off in the girl's direction. Said runner charges forward, and indignant note to his squeal as hooves pound the sand. Frantically, Kaitra stands up, and gestures to the waiting apprentices, it's their job to avoid -this-. Nyki grins at Mirala, and takes another sqig of wine. Her cheeks are getting a bit red by now.."I dare ya.." she says with a side long glance to Mirala, but meeps! as the runner charges. "Oh, no! run, girl, /run/!" she shouts, standing up, clapping her hands and giggling madly. Orome looks over her shoulder just as the runner gets close. Immediately, she breaks into a sprint, circling the corral. Telgar Weyr> K'ti would, but icly is small enough the bronco wouldn't notice she's on it's back ;) Nyki plops back down into her seat, giggling madly at the scene. "Jays, Mir, I changed my mind. /Don't/ get in there with those beasts." Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Then you'd win!" Telgar Weyr> K'ti oops.. misknot! Kassima, realizing that the question of 'Who's up next' can be answered with *her* name, swallows and tries to summon her courage... such as it is. "I don't suppose," she asks Kaitra, stepping up to wherever she's supposed to be, "that anyone's died doing this yet, have they? At least I could hope for an *original* death. Getting hit by a meteor still seems best, but rather improbable." Is the woman mad? Mirala just blinks. "Don't worry. I won't." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Ahhhhhh" Jesica oh dears and stands up, heading for the fence with a frown of concern, 'Get out of the pen!" she yells as she looks for a bit of cloth to use to distract the runner from the helpless girl. Orome is still running frantically, in her haste to get away. She doesn't have /time/ to get out. Nyki shakes her head. "Shards! Someone's gonna die!" she giggles. "It'd be terrible if it happened while I was watching. Mmf." she shakes her head, as if to dispell the thought. The Apprentices finally catch up with the piebald, distracting him after he chases the poor Orome for a bit. Breathing a sigh of relief, Kaitra turns back to the crowd. "Alright, who's next?" This is answered by Kassi, of course. "Died? Rider, it's hardly that dangerous." Yeah. Right. "How 'bout this lovely Roan for you?" Mirala stares at the scene. "Shards, don't say something like that." She shudders. Orome scrambles out as soon as the runner is distracted. Breathing hard, she leans against one of the interior walls. Nyki just giggles. "Ah, c'mon Mir. FOr some reason, everything's just kinda funny right now.." she shrugs, then makes a silly face at Mir. Aurian yells with a grin, "C'mon Kassima show them how you ride..." Kassima agrees philosophically, if rather dubiously, "I suppose it can't be that much more dangerous to one's health than facing Ushu." Whoever Ushu is, he must be one nasty customer. "Sure, roan's fine. Does he happen to understand words like 'Emasculator' and 'if'n you don't want t'lose the ability t'sire children', by any chance?" Filliana moves back to sit down next to Zianne again, sighing with relief as she sees the apprentices move in to take care of the situation. She smiles then whispers again to her. A'lex calls out, "Get on the runner ya slugabout! Quit stalling!" Jesica finally finds a bit of sacking from a feed bag and she snaps it out, whirling it a bit as she works to keep the runner occupied until it can be caught, 'You okay?" she asks the girl, Orome, as she see's she's out of the pen finally. Tamina cups her hands to her mouth and calls, "Good job!" to Orome then turns to watch Kassima about the mount the next runner. Mirala turns her head to Nyki and smiles. "Well, I'm just glad the rider got out. Those beasts can be scary." Kassima turns around and cheerfully gives A'lex the rudest form of a salute she can think of. Aurian glances to A'lex, "You going to ride?" The bold Roan stallion, looking as wild as the day it was born, is led into the pen. Kaitra gives the Rider's knot a glance, trying her best to hide her opinion, before shrugging. "Likely not. But you're welcome to threaten all you like." A hand is offered to Kassi, to help her down. Nyki nodnods. "Yeah, really.." she grins. "Did you really do this one time?" Mirala blinks, looking over to the runners. "What's this? The almighty greenrider is gonna ride? What?" A'lex looks at Aurian with one of those looks that blatently says, "Have you been licking numbweed pots again?" but HE says, "No." Mirala grins, nodding. "Yep." Orome waves her hand. "T-tired. I w-wasn't expecting a r-race t-t-too." Aurian is more likely to drink a pot of numbweed, "I believe I'm up after Kassima." Zianne's eyes are still wide. She seems to be rooted to her seat. Mirala perches on the end of the bleacher, watching. "This, my dear, is going to be interesting." Of course it'd be a stallion. Kassi's never gotten along that well with men, but nevertheless, she accepts Kaitra's hand and settles into place as neatly as she can. Gloved fingers wrap tightly around the beast's mane. "If'n you don't throw me," she mutters to the roan, in as calming a voice as she can manage, "I promise t'never put a pink lace runner-blanket on you, so help me Faranth." Yeah. That'll help. Jesica nods and moves over to help the winded girl over to a seat, "Sit down and relax, least you got out in one piece." A'lex grins, "Best of luck to you." Kaitra glances back at Orome, taking her eyes from the greenrider for a moment. "Y'did well!" She calls. Back to Kassi, she grins. Perhaps a touch maliciously - she obviously doesn't know this rider well. "So, y'just hang on tight, and enjoy the ride." And with that, she reaches for the gate. Nyki looks, and gasps. She grins. "Well, if it isn't Kassima! Jays!" she scoots near to Mirala. "Seriously! Myriana heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. This roan evidently also doesn't know this Rider well. He's outraged, but it's hard to tell whether it's at the presence of the unnacustomed wieght on his back, or at her refusal to be thrown the instant he's out of the pen. For no matter how he bucks, she clings like a limpet. Tazek heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Naldo heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Orome takes the seat. "L-lucky me," she says, less winded now. "H-hope nobody else g-gets stuck d-down there." A'lex snickers, He mutters to Aurian, "... wonder... M'rgan..." Tamina breaks off a comment to a few people near to her as her eyes unfocus. She frowns and sits back, watching the competition quietly. Mirala hoots at Kassima. "Ride that beastie!" Tazek takes a seat, eyes dancing with excitement. "Now this is a familiar sight," he says, gesturing to one particularly mean looking bronc. Naldo walks through the bleachers, occaisionally stepping on peoples feet with a muttered "Sorry." He finally finds Myriana and Tazek and takes a seat next to them. Aurian laughs at A'lex, "I should tell her you said that.. but I won't..." Nyki claps her hands and squeals! "Goooo Kassi!" Kassima's teeth and bones alike are rattled, and her braid whips out behind her like a heavily caffeinated snake, whirling around in the air mercilessly. "Aye, 'tis a good lad," she manages to get out, clasping her legs tighter around the beast's barrel. "Keep this up, and you needn't fear the pink lace, remember that!" Will the Greenrider Grip of Death be capable of keeping Kassi aboard this Star-spawned stallion? Only one way to find out! A'lex smiles, "Thank you." The nasty roan springs, twising mid air, landing with a spine-snapping jolt on the ground. Rearing up, he spins around, plunging to dash off in another direction, heels kicking up with bucks the whole way. And yet, he is unable to shake the greenrider from his back. Perhaps he doesn't care for pink lace? Nyki claps her hands. "Whee!! Lookit her go!!!" she sloshes the skin about, spattering wine every where. A'lex says "Comes from riding Green, you know. They turn and twist so fast." Tazek's eyebrows are raised. "Shards.. she's good," he says in some admiration. "I didn't know dragonriders were used to such stuff." Tamina grins and shakes her head, snapping out of her reverie and joining in the cheering of the crowd. Aurian nods to A'lex, "You do know that a green rider can ride anything..." Naldo winces, and he turns to Tazek. "Did you see that? Ouch." he says, and turns back to the spectacle at hand. Orome grins, cheering. "H-hey, that's p-pretty g-g-good." A'lex grins at Aurian, "Oh, yes..." Mirala makes a great deal of noise, cheering the rider on. She grins at Nyki. "She's good... of course." "Shells," the poor, bejolted, berattled rider groans, "you're almost as bad as Lysseth!" Which is saying a lot. Gritting her teeth, she shouts encouragingly, "Nay pink lace, and nay transparent pink sisal either, there's a bonny lad!" A runnerbeast blanket made of transparent pink sisal? Ewwwww. Filliana smiles and claps, urging Kassima on. "Ride! Ride!", she yells to her as the crowd cheers as well. Nyki claps her hands, bouncing about. She grins. "Greens have more fun, you're right!" she cheers Kassi on. Jesica winces a bit as the jolting Kassi must be taking as she sticks to the roan's back, 'She's gonna be hard to beat." she says with a chuckle, head shaking a mite at all the comments coming from Kassi. Krystyna heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. The threat of stransparent pink sisal appears to frighten the beast more than anything else, and he bucks with renewed vigor. Again and again, heels fly up into the air, as he plunges into violent bucking. ALMOST as bad as Lysseth? He'll show her. If he ever gets her off his back. Naldo says to Tazek, out of the side of his mouth, not turning his head so he wont miss a moment, "Hey, you think YOU could do that?" Tazek comments, "Well she's lucky, in general, all runners want is you off their back. They don't usually come after you in revenge." He winces at a particularly spine-cracking buck by the stud. "Usually." A'lex looks to the unfamilliar faces, "But Kassima will be coming after him for revenge if she looses face in the dismount." Kassima has no intent of being shown *anything*, thank you very much, and so she continues to cling with all her might. Thank Faranth she's not wearing a dress; the skirts would probably be caught over her head by now, with all this jolting she's taking. "Pink bows in your mane!" she hisses. "Don't throw me, and 'twill see that they never occur!" There's just no use taking chances. Not where men are concerned... even runnerbeast men. Aurian hmmms, "But will she be able to walk?" A'lex shrugs, "Doesn't matter. 'Twon't stop her." Tazek shrugs, giving the runner and those remaining in the pen a shrewd look. "Maybe." He looks around. Aurian groans, "I'm going to lose marks to her. Orome grins, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "V-very n-nice." Naldo says, grinning, "Look at it this way, if you break your arm, Norri can't very well expect you to shovel dung, now can she?" The Roan springs into the air, back arched, and *twists*, hooves flying. Landing, he immediatly dashes forward again, planting both forehooves, and flinging his back ones up. And still, she sticks. Tazek rolls his eyes, "Oh now that's a comforting though, Naldo. Thanks," he elbows his friend amiably in the side. Telgar Weyr> A'lex laughs as Kassima's buttocks cling tenatiously to this steed. Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel blinks, several times. What a line to log in to. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "She's gonna need to numbweed her but" Telgar Weyr> Maylia chokes! Filliana overhears Naldo speaking about Norri so she asks with a smile, "Your knots are Bitran I see. I plan on coming up to your races with some of Boll's very best runner stock. Will you be there for the festivities?" Telgar Weyr> Neliea wonders just what's going on over there... Telgar Weyr> Jorenan says, "Where -are- y'all?" Kassima gasps out, twining her fingers all the tighter through the roan's mane, "Just start breathing fire, m'laddo, and 'twill be mistaking you for m'dragon soon! You don't want pink ribbons braided through your tail, d'you? Nay, a'course you don't, nor your hide re-painted in pastels...." The threat is clear, though hard to understand given the jouncing about that's making a mess of her vocals. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "MBH" Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Kasimma has found herself a stud." Jesica ewws as she sees the roan hop, twist then plant all four hooves before fling up his rear ones in an attempt to get the rider off hos back, "Oh man is she going to be sore." Telgar Weyr> Kassima *told* you that greenriders could ride anything! ;) Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "You were denying it a minute ago" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Well 15 minutes ago at this point" Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "It's true, she knows teh secret of life." Neliea heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Well, ICly, Kassi wouldn't buy into that theory, would she now?" Tazek nods his head vigorously, "Most definitely. I'm actually interested in buying a runner, that's one of hte reasons I've come here to the rodeo. I hope they've got some good ones for sale. Lord Tenefel told us about your coming up here, I'm looking forward to seeing the runners." Naldo turns his head and looks at Filliana. "Oh, of course I'll be there." he says, "Although it's hell preparing. More fish, more fish, they say. I tell them I can only catch so many, but they don't listen." Orome grins. "G-go g-go g-go!" Mirala leans back in the bleachers, watching, and drapes an arm around Nyki. "Shards, she's been on there for a long time, hasn't she?" The bronco, now furious and with sweat breaking into a lather over his haunches, is determined to shake this -thing- clinging to him, stuttering vicious thoughts into his ears. Pink bows or no pink bows, he bucks harder than he's ever bucked in his life. Kassi goes flying, strands of his mane twisted in her fingers, no longer attached to his neck. Filliana grins at the two Bitrans, still watching Kassima and the roan. "We've some runners at Boll for sale too, if you don't find what you're looking for here. With the rodeo on, their stock may have lost the best ones." Nyki snuggles close to Mirala. "Yeah..She has! GO KASSI! ooh! There she went!!" Aurian yowls as Kassima goes flying, "I think Lysseth is gettng a roan supper." A'lex says "That's gonna hurt in the morning..." Tazek whoops, cheering both the runner and the rider. "What a ride!" Naldo winces as Kassi goes flying. "Wow, that's gotta hurt!" he exclaims. He then looks at Tazek. "So, are you going to go or not?" Nyki stands and cheers. "YAY KASSI!!" Jesica gives a faint gasp as Kassi finally goes flying, standing on her seat to see where she lands, 'Ouch, that's going to hurt when she lands." Neliea walks across the bleachers, settling or making her way towards the other Telgar riders. Watching Kassi fly isn't too appealing as she cringes and just watches. "Ouch, that has to hurt..." she mutters softly to herself. At this point, all Kassi can do is yelp and prepare herself to kiss the ground hello. Her fall isn't a bone-breaker; she knows how to fall well enough to prevent that, at least, though she's going to have one *interesting* set of bruises in the morning. "Oh, you'll be *paying* for that one, m'lad," she rasps with dire promise as she gets to her feet... and tries to unwind these strands of hair from her fingers. Ack. Mirala blinks, nodding. "Yep, theeeere she went!" She cups her hands around her mouth and calls, "YEAH KASSI!" Tamina grins as Kassima finally gets thrown and nods to those around her, "That /was/ a good ride." She stands and starts making her way to another part of the stands, heading for a few people she knows. Filliana claps wholeheartedly for the Telgarian rider. "Great ride, Kassima!" she yells out over the other voices. Orome winces. "She w-was d-d-doing real w-well." She calls, louder, "G-get up b-before /that/ one ch-chases you!" Nyki squeals and hugs Mirala, bouncing about. Kaitra clings to the post by the gate, cheering despite her apparent dislike of riders, Telgari in particular. The beast is just too exhausted to do anything beyond just one last kick, before he's led away. Mirala giggles at Nyki. "Hey, ya wanna go get something to eat or something?" Tazek gets to his feet. "Yes I am, I need the practice." He gets up and walks over to the Herder who seems to be in charge. Nyki nodnods. "Yeah..It's kinda getting crowded in here.." She takes Mir's hand. Nyki comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Kassima sticks her tongue out after the departing runner, oh-so-maturely, before turning to bow with as much aplomb as she can summon to the crowd. "Thankee, thankee. For m'next tick, 'twill try t'tame a bronzerider's ego...." A wink is given to A'lex before she starts trying to climb up over the fence. Youch. Jesica chuckles and claps for Kassi, 'Good ride there Kassi." Mirala gets led out of the area by Nyki, turning to cheer at Kassima once more before she leaves. Mirala comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Lyxia heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Naldo laughs and pushes Tazek along. "Don't kill yourself!" Are the only encouraging words he gives his friend. Aurian stands and rubs her legs, "My turn I guess..." She grins at Kassima, "Greenriders can ride anything." A'lex grins, "It'll be an even rougher ride Kassima." A pair of apprentices arrive with the next runner - a black and white one, in a pattern oddly reminicent of a checker board. Krystyna waves to Lyxia from her seat in the bleachers. K'ti heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Filliana waves to Lyxia, grinning warmly. "Lyxia! Just the person I was looking for! Come sit with us?" Kaitra waves Aurian down, giving her a stern look of appraisal. Another Telgar knot. Oh well, this'll show them. She mutters something about wishing Maylia was here, so she could show her a thing or two about riding, before gesturing to the black and white runner. "You're up!" She says. Aurian glares at A'lex, "Thanks..." She heads down towards the next runner, "Comming!" Kassima collapses into a bleacher chair, replying breathlessly, "Nay, nay... bronzeriders aren't half as stallionish as that runner. 'Twill be a cakewalk. G'luck, Aurian!" she draws in enough breath to shout. Tazek returns to his seat, looking intently as a second Telgari rider looks as if she's going to get the ride of her life. "Ok I've been signed up. I'm 3 from now," he grins, rubbing his hands together in excitement. Orome watches intently, grinning the whole time. K'ti glances around as she enters the bleacher area. She runs a hand through her hair then shoves the bangs out of the way as she looks around. Of course she heads towards the riders she knows. Filliana claps lightly for the Telgarian rider as she again waves to the apprentice. "Excellent riding so far!" she grins. "Come watch!" A'lex glances over and notices K'ti, "Heyla, Greenrider!" Naldo laughs. "Alright, way to go! Me, I wouldn't do," He gestures to the corral, "That in a million turns. You would have to tie me onto the thing first." Tazek waggles his eyebrows evilly, "I'm sure that could be arranged." K'ti pauses and crosses her arms, "Kay, who's been feedin Lex the alcohal 'nuff he's seeing green. Jaralth'd *sit* on ye fer that, mister." She seems in humor, if nothing else. Neliea watches Aurian head over to the runner, settling onto a bleacher while she shakes her head in amusement. Hearing another name she recognizes, she turns and waves to K'ti. Jesica chuckles and settles down to watch Aurian, "Come on Aurian, you can do it. Tamina laughs as she breaks away from her little group, calling over her shoulder, "I'm going to find something to eat! You can break an arm riding those things." Tamina comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Telgar Weyr> K'ti smacks Lex with a ton of koosh balls. Greenrider, indeed. Telgar Weyr> A'lex laughs and didn't realize he'd even typed Green... Telgar Weyr> Neliea giggles. Filliana leans over to Zianne, motioning to Lyxia. "I can tell that's Lyxia from the description I was given. See her knot? Have you met her yet? She was at Boll." Kassima is collapsed next to 'Lex, looking rather dusty and somewhat ruffled. Okay, okay, so half-dead is a better word. "Heya, K'ti," she hails the Wingsecond. "You're just in time t'see Aurian take on that black and white beast." A'lex laughs, "Sorry 'bout that! I've got Greenrider on the brain." Naldo overhears Tamina, and nods. "That sounds like a good idea. I'm going to find some food. I'll be back in plenty of time to see you." K'ti says "Aurian? What beast?" Naldo comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Kassima flutters her eyelashes at A'lex. "Just can't stop thinking about us, can you, bronzeboy? That runner there, K'ti--'tis a bronc-riding event!" Kaitra gives the brownrider a steadying hand. "Down you go, and hold on tight." Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Well, K'ti, you *ARE* as ornry." K'ti sits nearby, giving A'lex a smack in the arm first. "Good thing he didn't hear ye... Nae since I was at Ista and someone painted him greenwashed." Aurian takes a good hold of the mane and tightens her legs about the runner. Naldo heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Telgar Weyr> K'ti is an Honorary one, but that's another matter. She doesn't get Proddy ;) Kaitra reaches forward, graps the loop of hide that keeps the gate shut, and releases it, flinging the gate open. Naldo enters the bleachers with a bubbly pie in each hand. He goes back to his seat next to Tazek and sits down. A'lex laughs, "They did?" Tazek spares Naldo a glance, "What'd you bring me? Ohh look there they go," he points as the rider and bronc go bucking arcross the corral. The checkerboard stallion appears to - possibly - be smarter then the prior ones. Instead of leaping out, he begins to run. He stops very soon, sending Aurian flying before even giving her a fair chance. Krystyna waves at Lyxia again as she tries to get her friends attention. K'ti says "Where'd ye think he learned t'be indignant properly?" Naldo sees the gate open and puts two fingers into his mouth, whistling loudly. Kaitra smacks her hand over her forehead. "I said t'hold on, brownrider!" She calls out. K'ti hollars, "Aurian, flyin's fer the dragon!" A'lex just shakes his head. Naldo hands Tazek one of the pies. "Here ya go." he says, and takes a big bite out of his. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Faranth!" The cry almost echos as Aurian flies to the ground. She yelps as she hits the ground on her arm. Lyxia looks up at the bleachers and sees someone waving to her. She also sees Krystyna and motions that she's going to talk to the stranger and then sit down. Kassima grimaces and slaps one hand over her eyes. "Auri! You all right?" she hollers. Orome stands. "You all r-right d-d-down there?" Tazek grins, "Thanks! Ouch. She's lucky she didn't hit hte fence," he claps in congratulations for the rider none the less. Naldo winces. He nods, and claps himself. Zianne looks at Filliana, "Yes I have. I didn't meet her when she was there, but we met when she came back for a visit." Those same apprentices dash off for the next runner - a jet-black stallion, slightly smaller then the average. Naldo takes another bite of his pie. "I hope that arm isnt hurt, the way she fell on it." A couple of Healers, recognizing the Rider, head for the fence, ready to jump over as soon as the apprentices catch the runner and lead him off. Jesica stands up as she see's Aurian land on her arm and she grabs the sacking again in case she has to distract the runner so Auri can get out of the pen. Filliana stands up by her seat to attempt seeing the rider. "Is she alright?" she calls down to Kiatra, worried about the woman's arm. Aurian stands awkwardly, "Shards... I've sprained it." She walks over to the fence.... A'lex stands from where he is, "I'm going to go explore a bit, folks. Do ye need a healer Aurian?" Filliana eyes the black with an expectant nod and grin. "Small but tough. I respect that in a runner." Aurian shakes her head as she hops over the fence, "No... just some dignity..." K'ti stands up, watching worriedly now that she sees the rider in pain. Kaitra? Concerned over a rider? Alright, not usually, but still. "Y'all right?" She calls, ready to jump over the fence herself. The black and white checkerboard stalion is led off, placid as could be. As she announces that it's just sprained, the MBH apprentice shrugs, and points to Filliana. "You're up next!" Tazek says "Whoa.. wonder if he's for sale? He's a beauty. Go Filliana!!" he cheers, seeing she is next up." A'lex laughs, "Sorry, can't help you there, I've had no dignity since the day I met Kassima." A'lex waves. A'lex comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Myriana makes her way around in the bleachers and applauds, "Go Filliana." She smiles for the Bollian. Kassima makes a face and yells after A'lex, "And who's fault is that, Purple-Man?" Not that there's a good answer to that question. Offering Aurian a hand, she says with a grin, "There's nay hurry t'be paying those marks, m'friend. Think the next woman will beat us both?" Lyxia walks up the bleachers just as Filliana is walking down... Fillianagrins at Tazek then nods. "That he is. We'll see just how spirited he is, that's for sure." With that, she moves down and hops easily on the fence, ready to settle down on his back. "Easy.." she murmurs to him. Kaitra throws one leg over the railing to the small pen, reaching out a hand to the girl. "Down y'go, and hold on. Not like that Telgari rider up last did, I mean really hold on." Lyxia sits down next to Zianne. "Hi. Zianne is it? Baker apprentice?" K'ti motions to one of the helpers 'round the tent and whispers to the kid. She grins, crossing her arms and watching the beasts now. Naldo turns to Myri. "Hey, did you hear? Tazek entered! He's going after the person after Filliana." The stallion charges out as soon as the gates open up, bucking a couple times. Not enough to knock his unwelcome rider off, though. Aurian groans as she leans back on her seat, "Anyone is going to beat me. Anyone at all...." She reaches into her pocket and tosses a couple of marks towards Kassima, "You beat me more than fairly... sheesh I ride Kvasith I should be able to ride that thing..." She hmmms, "I wonder how much that brute I rode costs.." Krystyna gets up and walks over to where Lyxia sat down. "Mind if I join you?" Myriana grins at Naldo, "So did I. I'm after Tazek." She shakes her head, "To do the Bakers proud." Zianne nods to Lyxia. "Yes." Myriana upon noticing zianne, waves to the girl, "Hi, Zianne!" It's obvious this young woman's been doing this and knows the risks, no matter how good you are. One twist and anyone could be down. Filliana's hips rock and sway rhythmically and with flexibility as the black jolts her in just about every direction. One hand waves in the air, helping her to keep the balance she needs as the other grips this one's belly strap firmly. "Whoowweee!" she yells loudly, the heels of her boots raking the runner's sides, her knees gripping solidly against it's sides. Naldo stares at Myriana for a moment. Then he grins widely. "Well, now I don't know who to root for! Good luck, you're gonna need it." Tazek grins at the Master BAker, "I hope you do well. Let's do Bitra proud in the process," he says before fixing his eyes on Filliana, and then cheers loudly. Kassima catches the marks neatly, stowing them into her belt-pouch. "Probably a fair amount. I doubt they'd still be stallions if'n their blood was bad, neh?" Turning to watch the new spectacle, she cheers, "Way to ride that woo thang, woman!" Under her breath, she mutters, "Still wish I knew what a woo thang *is*...." K'ti says "I'll prolly regret it, but that might be pretty interestin' t'try.." Neliea faintly smiles as she turns around in her seat to face Aurian. "Are you sure that wrist will be fine," she asks, finally moving her gaze from the runners. The black stallion bucks, twirls, and charges. A combination of a buck, followed by a charge, followed by another buck does the trick - it's just enough to knock his rider off. Myriana's brow raise, one first then the other, as she murmurs, "Oh, dear. " She grins at the bluerider, "If I'm stup ... er ... silly enough to try it, you have to." "It would be worth it to feed Kvasith with that thing..." Aurian grumbles and pulls a scarf out of her pocket, "Fine Neliea.." She ties the wrist tightly if a bit awkwardly. Zianne looks at Myriana and waves. "Hi." Lyxia looks at Krysty and smiles, "Of course." Krystyna sits by her friend. "Do you have to go back to the tent tonight Lyx?" Kaitra clucks her tongue, and claps. "At least she stayed on for a bit!" she calls out, as the stallion is led off. "Alright..." she consults her list. "Where's Jesica? She's up next!" Neliea nods slowly to Aurian, smile fading as she looks back towards the most recent unmounted rider and back. "I suppose so... Did you need any help with tying that scarf?" Filliana falls off to the side of the black, rolling neatly as she lands. Standing up, she laughs, dusting herself off, to look at the black. "Well done! I love a beast with heart, and you've a big one! I may offer several marks for you after this." Jesica oh boys and stands up, pulling on her well worn gloves with a grin, "My turn." she says as she tucks her pands into her boots and then checks the braid that her copper hair is tied up in for the event, "Ought to be interesting. she sahs as she removes her necklace and moves over to Kaitra, 'Hold this for me? I don't want to lose it." Tazek gets to his feet clapping for Filliana. "A great ride!" he whistles loudly before sitting back down. "I hope i do that good." Myriana smiles and applauds Filliana, "Well done!" The black tries to snort at Filliana as he's led off, replaced with a mottled brown stallion. Kaitra nods, and clutches the necklace. "Will do," She says, giving Jesica a hand down. "Same as I tell the others. Hold on tight, hmm?" Filliana smacks the black on the rump as he's led off, then turns toward Myriana. "There's an art to falling. It helps to learn that early on." She steps up to find a seat next to her, watching for the next one to ride. Aurian grins at Neliea, "Sure I could use the help." Krystyna smiles at Filliana "That was a good ride." Jesica looks over the beast and nods, 'He's a bonny looking lad he is." she says as she checks the width of the mottled stud's back, 'Yeah, I help my da when he wants hands to break runners." she says as she gets on the brown, legs clamped tight and leather clad hands curling tight in his mane. Myriana chuckles, asking, "Any advice on that before it's my turn. I think I need a crash course ... no pun intended." Filliana smiles warmly at Krystyna. "Thanks. It was he who should be congratulated. I just love a spirited runner." Tazek nods, agreeing with that statement. "That's the truth. Take a look at this one.." Krystyna smiles "He was that wasn't he." Orome grins. "Everybody's d-doing s-so w-w-well." Kassima asks Aurian with real concern, "Your wrist *isn't* harmed too badly, is it? Tas will probably find a way t'have m'hides if'n 'tis... ah, up goes another. Let's see how she does." Lyxia looks at the person who was calling her name, "Yes he was. Have we met before... Filliana?" The mottled brown stallion is indeed bony - and he's hungry. Knowing that he'll be fed once he shakes his passenger, as the gate opens, he gets her off the best way he knows how. He lays down and threatens to roll over her if she doesn't scramble. K'ti looks tot he side and frowns. "Iffin it's bothering ye, we coul' wrap it so you don't hurt it more." Aurian shakes her head, "Its just a sprain..." It had better be just a sprain. Myriana tilts her head and blinks at the stallion. She chuckles, "Well ... that's one way." Tazek yelps for Jesica, and calls, "Move move!" as the stud tries to roll her off. Jesica doesn't get rolled on but she does swing free, experience with this kind of thing showing as she actually lands on her feet and gets over to the fence. She's a herder lass she knows runner stunts. She climbes the fence and sighs a bit, "Silly lad." Filliana leans forward to look at Lyxia, then grins when she sees her. "Oh, well not really, but I have heard of you." She winks then adds, "All good things, I might say. When you have some time, I'd like to speak to you about a commissioning." Kaitra restrains a laugh as the Fortian is rolled off the beast. "Lookout, he's heavy, get outta the way!" The mottled brown gets back to his feet, and with a snort heads for the paddok by himself. Orome grins, standing, having been passed the list from another Apprentice. "Aright, you p-people, it's t-time for T-T-Tazek t-to come d-down and g-get kn-knocked off." Neliea reaches over the seat, deciding to stand and completly turn around before leaning forward on one knee. Fingering the unbound parts of the scarf, she considers the wrist and completly unwraps the work done so far. Wrapping the material slowly and carefully back around Aurian's wrist she asks, "Just tell me if this is too tight, okay?" Naldo cheers at the mention of his friend. "Go Tazek!" he shouts. Myriana applauds Tazek, "Woo hoo." Tazek laughs, "Now that one knows exactly what he wants." he lifts his head as his name is called, and bounds down the bleachers to the fence. "Where's my trusty mount?" he asks with a grin. Aurian grunts a little, "As tight as you can Nelia.." Filliana catches Jesica's predicament, then complements her. "Excellent dismount, Jeisca. If you're ever around Boll, I'd like to show you our stables and prize runners. You know, the ones who'll be doing all the winning at Bitra's races." She winks at her briefly, smiling. Jesica retrieves her necklace and hrmphs, "Well, I'm definitly out of the running for any prizes." she says with a shrug as she gets out of the way for the next attempt. Lyxia nods, "Ohh... well I have time right now." She gestures to Krystyna. "Oh yes, and this is my friend Krystyna." A light grey stallion, deeper shades mottling his haunches, comes into the pen, snorting his displeasure. The dappled grey hardly stands still to be mounted, kicking the walls of his confinement, shifting as much as he's permitted to. Kassima clicks her tongue appreciatively at the sight of the grey. "Nay a bad-looking lad, that one. Lavender sisal would suit him." Tazek critically eyes the grey bronc as he climbs on the fence to mount hte beast. "Oh you look like a grumpy one," he says, carefully straddling the runner and wrapping his hand firmly underneath the leather strap. He uses his free hand to balance himself as best he can, given the animal is moving around. "Easy, now.." he mutters. Aurian chuckles, "Bows in his mane..." K'ti leans forward and rests her elbows on her knees. "Strong beast, that... Jaralth'd kill me." Filliana pats the seat next to her, motioning Lyxia to join. "This is a good opportunity for us to discuss something, although it may be a little loud, if you don't mind." Neliea tilts her head to one side, inspecting her work so far before wincing slightly. She's not the one in pain but the bluerider sympathizes as she tightens the binding a bit more before tying it in a secure knot. Looking over her shoulder, she chuckles and shakes her head. "Bows," she echos looking back at the wrist. "How's that, Aurian?" Orome grins. "H-hang on!" Aurian rotates her wrist and tries not to wince, "Perfect.." The dappled grey springs out of the pen, shouldering the gate aside with the help of Tazek's leg. He races around the corral, bucking and rearing, twisting and turning, trying his best to shake the one who clings to him. Zianne sits down next to Filliana, "I don't mind." Naldo cheers wildly. He accidentally knocks his pie down onto the spectator in the row in front of him. He apologizes profusely, then bgins cheering again. "Go Tazek! Hold on!" Tazek whoops loudly, egging the runner on as he tries to relax and go with the wildly bucking beast. Throwing one hand up in the air and whipping it back and forth, his other hand grips as tight as it can, and he wraps his long legs as much aroudn the runner's barrel as he can. Neliea nods slowly to Aurian, "Okay.." K'ti ducks her head, "wha?" she squeaks as something lands wetly down the back of her neck. Wet and warm, and gooshy. Kassima cheers, "Ride! Ride! You can best 'im! Just remind him of the purple ribbons and bows!" Myriana cheers, "Go, Tazek!" Filliana watches the bronc's rider with interest. "He's quite good." she comments to Zianne quietly. Naldo turns back to K'ti, who he dumped his pie on. "Sorry." He says again. The dapple isn't being threatened -yet- with ribbons and bows, and he'll do his darndest to shake this person who dares to cling to his back. He spins round and round, bucking and rearing, plunging and twisting, until finally Tazek is thrown outwards from the whirlwind of equine hooves. Naldo gapes as Tazek is thrown, ignoring K'ti for a moment. Aurian leans back in her seat, she winces and shakes her head. K'ti puts her hand down her neck and scoops up a crumpled pie in one hand. The rest travels down her back. She shakes her head and says, "I think ye lost this.. s'okay, I'll be worse when I get tossed by a beasty out there." Filliana calls out to Tazek, "Roll! Roll!" The nasty dapple grey continues his spinning for a moment, as if to ensure that he is indeed rid of that infestation. Satisfied, he allows himself to be herded off into the paddok, kicking hooves up in protest. Snort! Myriana winces as she sees Tazek's bronco throw him. Standing up with a deep breath, she wipes her hands on her leggings. "Faranth, what have I gotten myself into?" she murmurs as she makes her way down toward the pens slowly. Kassima groans in sympathy--she knows too well what being thrown feels like--but nevertheless applauds with enthusiasm for the lad's ride. "Bonny good show! Nay man can ride a cyclone, anyway... shells, I should tell Jessamyne t'buy that one. He'd put fire and spirit in the bloodlines t'spare." Tazek lets his body flow with the buck, and expertly rolls over the ground. Nary a bruise. Well maybe a small one or three. He quickly gets to his feet, keeping an eye on the grey runner, and laughs with pleasure. "Good ride," he says, flicking a salute at the stallion and heading for the fence, dusting his trousers as he goes. The apprentices eventually lead off the grey, replacing it with a stallion colored almost identically, except for a brown splotch over his nose. Filliana has to smile as she watches Myriana go toward the runner pen. "Just remember to stay clear of their hooves. Remember to roll if you fall. It won't hurt as much if at all if you do." Kaitra stands, and shouts, "Who's Myriana? Where'd she go?" Apparently, she's up next. "C'mon down, this next one's yours, for as long as you can stay on'im!" Naldo laughs, and cheers loudly. "Good ride Tazek!" He shouts. Myriana gives Kaitra a nod before climbing onto the stallion. Her legs clamp around the runner and she grasps the strap as best as she could. "C'mon, stallion, do good by me." Lyxia sits down next to Filliana, "So what is it you'd like to commission?" Naomi heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Naldo pushes Myri up. "It's your turn. Don't worry, just do what Tazek did when he was thrown." Kaitra nods once, and reaches for the loop holding the gate shut. "Alright, hold on, and here... you..." the loop is freed," GO!" Tazek clambers back up into the bleachers, still laughing. "That was fun. Ohh is Myriana next?" he asks, reclaiming his seat while trying to keep an eye on the Baker. He glances around quickly, "Hey.. where'd your bubbly go?" Naomi smiles and slips up to where she is out of the way. Quietly looking around. Naldo winces and gestures at K'ti. This grey is actually polite. He waits for the gate to finish going up before doing anything. Then he performs every nasty trick in the book, starting with a buck, then a whirl, then a charge and stop. It takes until the last to knock his rider off, but off she goes. Filliana sends Tazek a warm smile as he comes back to the stands. "Very well done, Tazek! I was quite impressed with your ride. You've ridden before?" As she waits for the answer, she leans toward Lyxia, whispering something to her. "What.... think ... carving... but soon... journey." Skylyn heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Krystyna notices the Bitra knot on Tazek. She smiles at him "I see you are from Bitra. I'm being posted there." Naldo shouts "Go Myri! Hold on!" He winces as he sees her fly. "Oh god..." he mutters. Tazek's eyes go wide and he grimaces. "Nice one, Naldo," he murmurs, before smiling apologetically to the rider. "Here.." he digs into his pocket, managing to pull out a rather dusty (and does it smell like manure) cloth. He offers it to K'ti, before turning to grin at Filliana. "Yep. Many times. Thank you." Skylyn grins and walks up to Naomi, "Hey." She says quietly. Myriana goes flying through the air with the greatest of ease, but goes crashing to the ground without. Trying to do that whole roll with it thing, she manages to get by without too much pain ... just a sharp twinge in her ankle. It looks so much easier when the Harpers tell this in a story. Filliana simply nods at Tazek, looking at him appreciatively. "It shows. Even if you didn't win, you rode well, and that's what counts." K'ti holds the cloth a moment then chuckles. "Nae thanks, I'll be gittin dustier 'n messy before long. Shoul' be calle dup anna moment. Kassima winces, her applause somewhat hesitant until she sees whether the girl is injured. "Y'know, I'm beginning t'realize how lucky I was nay t'end up with some of these beasts. Nay human male could be nastier-tempered!" Kaitra watches carefully, waiting to see how Myriana's doing. "Y'all right down there?" She calls, as the beast is led off. As the girl gets to her feet, she nods, and turns her attention back to the crowd. "Next up is K'ti? C'mon down, you're the next contestant..." On the beast is right? Naomi smiles at Skylyn a look of suprize on her face she then looks around againd and a name in a question comes out, "Filliana?" Myriana makes her way back to her seat, favoring one ankle over the other. She grins at the Bitrans, "Well ... can't say I didn't try. " Filliana watches Myriana rolling and lifts her arm into the air, pumping it up and down. She yells to her, "Excellent! Excellent! I bet you won't be too stiff in the morrow, either!" Tazek lifts his head as he sees Myriana go flying out of the corner of his eye, and cheers for her ride, as brief as it was. He accepts his cloth with a grin, nodding understanding to K'ti. "Thanks Filliana," he smiles. Naldo turns to Myri. He looks at her ankle, then back up at his face. "Are you going to be okay?" he asks, obviously concerned. The apprentices lead the runner off. Soon, an absolutely white runner is brought in. It's pretty, but not nice at all, demonstrated when it quite carefully steps on an Apprentice's foot. Myriana sits down near Filliana again and laughs, "Want to wager a mark on that bet?" R'val heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. R'val steps into the bleahcers and looks about for people he knows. K'ti grabs up her dragonriding helmet, "here goes me buttocks. Iffin it gits me, Kassi, y've got my paintin bag, use it in weyrbotherin care." She bounces down the bleachers. Myriana cheers for the bluerider, "Go!" She nods to Naldo, "Fine ... just a twinge is all." "Watch your feet," Kaitra calls down, before she takes in the rider's Telgar knot. Carefully keeping a neutral expression, she gives the rider a hand down. Krystyna smiles at Myriana "It was a good try." Naldo nods. "Are you sure now? I don't want our delicious food supply interrupted." He grins. K'ti slips the helmet over her head, tucking her hair beneath it and looking quite bald for the cap. She presents herself to Kaitra. "Ready t'fly, Ma'am." Myriana laughs at Naldo's concern, "Oh, food is it? Here I thought it was genuine concern for a fellow human being." Orome snickers, and calls out loudly, "Fly you w-will!" Naomi giggles as Filliana didn't hear her, she waves down at Fillinana, "Filliana!" Sh calls a bit louder. She sighs and is going to have to get used to yelling. Kaitra nods, and reaches for the loop to release the stallion. "Hold on tight then. and 'clear skies'." Tazek snorts laughter. "Naldo knows where his priorities lie. Good ride though, Myriana." Skylyn giggles and watches the riders in amusment. Filliana manages to hear Naomi this time and waves to her energetically. "Naomi! Heyla! How are you?" K'ti hops on, tangles her hand in the mane and does as ordered, closing her eyes. Krystyna smiles at Myriana "Didn't I meet you the other day at Bitra? I think Mikhailos introduced us." Myriana tilts her head and smiles, nodding, "Yes. It's Krystyna, isn't it?" Krystyna smiles and nods "Yes it is." Tazek chuckles, "Bluerider! Keep your eyes open so you know how close you are to the ground!" he calls to K'ti, and whistles. R'val spots Neliea and the other Telgarites and moves towards them<" Hey gang, mind if I join ya?" Kassima laughs and calls after K'ti, "'Twill use it well in your name, K'ti, but I'm certain you'll do the Weyr honor! Just remember t'ride that woo thang!" She seems to have come to the conclusion that a 'woo thang' is a runner of some sort. The white stallion charges out almost before the gate finishes open, and bucks frantically, over and over and over, though not enough to dislodge K'ti. Naomi walks over to her pulling Skylyn along behind her. "Hello Filliana, got knotted at South Boll I see." She grins this is Skylyn." She gestures to Skylyn. Aurian murmurs to Kassima, "I'm going back to the weyr. I need a drink." K'ti yells, "yaieeeeeee" and her eyes pop open. "It's... " oof.. "Movin..." She hangs on her best, Jaralth upside down isn't this bad. Myriana calls out to Kassima, needing to ask, "Wingleader, what *is* a woo thang?" Skylyn smiles, "Hi!" She gives Tazek another look, "I remember you, sort of." She says. Aurian stands and pulls on her jacket carefully. She doesn't even touch her gloves. Aurian comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Filliana stands up, offering her hand to Skylyn. "Well met, Skylyn!" To Naomi, she grins. "Lady Dyane scooped me up and set me down in the middle of her stables. I've not come out much since then. Good to see you!" Kassima calls back, "Nary a clue! Ask S'dar; 'twas his term!" That said, she starts to cheer and shout encouragements to K'ti. "Kick his pink-painted rear end, bluerider!" Bad? No. The stallion actually stops bucking, and goes around at a trot to regain some energy. Then he returns to the same frenzy, with the same non-result. R'val sits near Neliea, peering at the bronco ride. Kreolin heads into the bleachers of the bronco event. Tazek glances at Skylyn, "You do?" he asks before whooping for K'ti, "Go rider! That's the way!" Apparently he's a great fan of bronc riding because he's having a hard time keepig his attention on anything else. Kaitra clings to the post, waving her scarf. "Buck, y'silly beast!" she yells. Who's she cheering for, anyways! "Even I could do better bucks than that!" "Woohoo!" Myriana exclaims, watching K'ti keep her balance, "Way to go!" Kreolin walks in and asks a nearby apprentice what's going on. Skylyn nods at Tazek, "The night you and some others made numbweed. Orome grins at the stallion. "You're n-not supposed to /st-st-stop/..." K'ti lets another yelp as she makes another turn. "Heeeee... " is she giggling now? Sun's fried her head, that's what. "Lessgo!" Jesica chuckles as she watches the Stallion buck then stop then get bucking again, 'Seems to me like he's about done as far as the wild thing goes. Neliea watches the next rider quietly, nodding to R'val as he sits next to her. Tazek nods remembering, "oh yeah! Awful stink.." his voice trails off, and he strts laughing as the herder seems to be cheering the runner more than the rider. The asked apprentice gestures down to the corall. "Some Telgari rider's tryin' to get herself killed!" He says, rolling his eyes in the 'what-does-it-look-like' manner. R'val smiles at Neliea, "How's the event going, hm?" Skylyn takes Filliana's hand and shakes it, then whoopies on the manners part to all the riders. "Yes, horrible!" She agrees with Tazek. Neliea thoughtfully answers with a slight smile, "It's okay if you don't count the number of people falling off runners?" R'val chortles, "I thought that was the point..." The stallion runs around at a trot again, still waiting for something. Eventually the 'something' comes, because he returns to the same frenzy, followed immediately by a jump straight up in the air. He lands with all four hooves planted, with enough force to knock his rider off. Myriana jumps to her feet to applaud K'ti but winces, deciding to sit for this. "Yes, Telgar blue!" Tazek can't stop himself from cheering for the runner. "Woowoo!!! That was sneaky," he says with some admiration. Filliana asks the Bitrans, offering them a wide grin, "Are you ready for the opening of your race track? I know we at Boll will be traveling there with several of our choice runners to race, so I would imagine you could retire yours." She winks at them quickly. K'ti hollars, "Yipe!" and loses her grip and travels backward to the upward. Midair she relaxes and thumps right onto the ground gracelessly. Skylyn giggles. Kassima cringes, covering her eyes with her hands. "Eeeyack! K'ti? You okay?" Neliea smiles, "I thought the point was staying on." Clearly that isn't the case now as she watches K'ti land solidly on the ground. K'ti just lays there, shaking for the moment. Myriana nudges Filliana, "Sshh. Not nice to say things like that ..." She then turns to look at K'ti with concern. The pure white runner is led off, looking pround and snarky, swishing his tail. Soon, apprentices bring another, dark as midnight, into the pen. K'ti is giggling, it seems, in the dirt. Jesica hrmphs a bit and grins, 'I like that white fellow." Orome stands up as soon as the rider falls. "All right, next is...K-kreolin. C-come on up, g-get flattened l-like a b-b-bug." Tazek snorts goodnaturedly at Filliana, "Ha. We'll just see about that," he says with a grin. "I work in the stables and I can assure we have some prime stock." Kaitra leans over the railings, looking down towards the bluerider. "Ya'll right?" she asks, ready to jump over the fence, as are several Healers. K'ti clambers out of the dirt and heads for the bleachers, still a giggling, if walking quite stiff and holding her backside. "Yup.. all right..." snicker, "Jus' fine..." ow? Kreolinstands up. "Did someone else submit my name? I know I never did." She looks confused. "Oh, well. It looks like fun, and I'm a good rider, anyway." R'val hrms," You're right, Nel. I guess the point is staying on as long as you can. Never done this before." The midnight black bronco just stands there, head high, ominously silent. Kassima asks K'ti with amused sympathy, "Is your rump going t'need a good numbing, too?" Filliana bumps her side playfully against Myriana, teasing her. "Might I bring one for you? I have just the right one, I think. Very well mannered and strong." To Tazek, she laughs. "Are you sure I couldn't steal you from Lord Tenefel? You ride quite well and would look especially handsome in red. A Boll knot, of course." Orome shrugs. "Your name /is/ on the l-list. You c-could skip it if you w-want..." Kreolin looks at the bronco, then calmly walks into the ring. "No, that's okay. I'd like to do this. I don't care who submitted my name. Not yet, anyway." K'ti says "I feel.. " snicker, "like I'd jus taken Jaralth.." giggle, "on either th'longest threadfight made, or.. " snicker, "or on top o'him fer a Flight."" Tazek points Filliana's attention at the black. "Get a look at this one, I think I'd think twice about underestimating this one," he says, then laughs. "I know I look good in red," he points at his red and white Bitran knot and winks. Kaitra gives the Rider a -look-, then appears to decide that the womans' brains've been boggled, riding *between* so much. Something else nasty is muttered about a certain 'Maylia', before she smiles to Kreolin. "Give then a show, girl. Cant have a bunch of Riders showing us up, can we?" Orome sits back down with a thud. "All r-right, then." Kreolin says "No, we cannot." She puts her foot into the stirrup, and tries to swing up. She does-sort of. He is high spirited, and she lands on his back with an "OOph." "I've never tried this either, and I'm not likely to," Neliea replies distractedly to R'val watching the next rider (if there's one) mount another runner. "Riding atop your dragon in a *flight*?" Kassi asks, with even more of a wince. "Now *there* is an experience I'm very, very, very glad I've never had. Yeesh! Sounds like a good way t'die." Myriana chuckles at Filliana's audacity. "Now, now, Filliana. You have to leave me _some_ people at Bitra to cook for." "Ahhh," Filliana laughs back at Tazek. "But that's not the Hold I was speaking of. It's /Boll's/ knot you see, and Boll's stable that'd like to see your expertise." R'val winks at Neliea, "Can't blame you. I get sore enough from flying!" Once released, the midnight black calmly strides forward. Out of nowhere, his hooves fly up behind him, sharply, sending sand flying everywhere. Nothing. A high rear, with a buck on landing. Nothing. Enough with the attitude, and the stallion sets to frantic bucking, plunging and rearing. K'ti sits down, quite slowly as she says, "Might be, but I'd go out snickerin, Lass." Skylyn ohhs softly and goes out for fresh air. Skylyn comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Kreolinsits deeply into the saddle, moving with the runner, going with his bucking and plunging, trying to find a ruthem to it. She does, then continues to go up and down in time with the movements of the stallion. Myriana gently rubs her aching foot, her laugher bubbling over her lips at every comment. "When will you and the rest of Boll be arriving? I do want to see everyone." Filliana smiles at Myriana warmly. "You'll have enough people to cook for when we bring our runners, Myriana. I did mention that they all are on special diets right?" she teases the woman, another wink added. Myriana hahahas at Filliana. Tazek grins. "Thank you for the offer but I just got this knot as it is. But I will keep you in mind. I do look forward to seeing your runners at the Festival though," his gaze stays on the black runner. "I definitely want him," he says. "What a stallion." Myriana shakes her head at Tazek, "I saw him first ... mine." Kreolinis riding on him-he's hers. A rhythm gets predictable, after a while, and the midnight black stallion settles into it. Buck and rear and buck and rear and twist and buck and rear. Again and again. Until a *spring* is added, unexpectedly, stealthily. And Kreolin finds herself high above the stalion, who moves out of the way so she can land on the sand, instead of him. Lucky girl. Lyxia looks at Krystyna, "I'm going to explore around a little more." She turns to Filliana, "Shall we talk about the details a little later? You will probably be able to find me somewhere outside." Kreolin isn't riding on him, after all. She looks embarrassed, and slowly picks herself up. Luckily, one of the first things to learn to do when you learn to ride is how to fall. She quickly weaves through the crowd, out of the bleachers. Kreolin comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Tazek chuckles, "I rather thought you'd like that nice grey with the brown nose.. " he winks. Naomi grins, "I guess me and Lady Anya will be sorry to have let you slip through our our fingers. Orome stands. "L-last c-call..." Myriana wrinkles her nose at Tazek. "No. he rather effectively informed me of that." Kassima approves, grinning at K'ti, "Nay better way t'be going, is there? If'n you have t'die, you may as well die laughing." "You know, I really think you'd love to see Boll's runners, Tazek." Filliana mentions to the Bitran. "I've one in particular... a black one who stands 16 hands, all muscle. He shines like our moons' reflection on water." To Myriana, she thinks for a moment. "I'll be there earlier, but I've a stop to make at Woodcraft. Something special.." She gives the woman an mysterious look. Neliea nods slowly to R'val as she stands. "I'm going to head back to Telgar and see how Aurian's wrist is doing," she says, pulling out her flying gloves. Of course Aurian's the one to know if she's hurt anything, but she's concerned nonetheless. Kaitra, on not hearing any more volunteers, climbs up onto the railings. "Alright then! Luckily, there weren't any serious injuries! And, The greenrider from Telgar stayed on the longest!" Lyxia comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Tazek lets lose a guffaw at that comment. "True," he agrees before looking at Filliana. "Really? A racing runner? Or is this one for sale?" he asks with interest. Myriana inclines her head at Filliana's response. "Find me when you come ... I'd love to show you around." She cheers for Kassima's win! Neliea comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Filliana's eyes sparkle at Naomi, then she answers, "We've been changing our runner stock recently. I'm sure my travels will take me to Keroon, if you'd like some company some day." Tazek whoops as Kassima wins the bronc contest. "Congrats!" he calls to her. "That was truly a great ride." Kaitra heads to the greenrider, calling out, "And now that the broncos are done, as your noses can probably tell you, the barbeque is almost ready!" Reaching Kassi, she manages a smile. "I know you're at Telgar, but what's your name? You'll get a prize, but it'll have to be delivered to you." K'ti chuckles, "aye, that's th'way of it. I need t'be off though'n back to teh weyr. Afternoon y'all. Congratulations Kassi!" Kassima blinks in surprise, distracted from her conversation on good ways to die. "Me?" she half-yelps. So much for proving greenrider's *can't* ride anything, neh? "Ah... Kassima, green Lysseth's rider, and thankee!" Naomi wrinkles her nose at all the talk about runners that she doesn't understand. She grins at Filliana and raises one eyebrow, "Well if Sorel would get his act together then I'd have company." K'ti nudges Kassi and says, "don' let Lysseth find out." Filliana wiggles her eyebrows at Tazek, having caught his interest. "You'd just have to come by some time and see him. We just may be able to work something out. Oh! Would you like me to bring him when I come to Bitra? I may not have much room to bring him home if our wagons are full of our winnings." Another wink and a grin are sent. K'ti comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Myriana stands up, "I think I'll have the watchdragon give me a lift back to Btira. My ankle is hurting." She grins down at Filliana, "Don't tell Lord Ten but I'll be cheering for Boll's for now." She winks and waves ... Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "Fun fun fun... but I can't do so much spam and work the pooters too.." Jesica chuckles and grins as she stands up, "Is that what that delicious smell is? I'm starving after all this excitement." she says as she heads for the dinner that she smells on the breeze. Jesica comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Tazek laughs, "I see how you're going to be," he says good naturedly. "Yes, please bring him. If his lines are good and he's intact, maybe I can pick up a mare here and breed them. Just from what I've seen today, I am very impressed with the beastcraft's stock, but if the beastcraft can't breed runners, I don't know who can." Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Where are you guys, anyhow?" Filliana laughs heartily at Myriana's words, waving to her. "See you very soon!" She calls out with a grin. Tazek waves to Myriana, "Take care of that foot!" Baker apprentices and well-scrubbed Herder apprentices man this display of wonderful foods. Spread out on tables spread with linnen cloths are platters of barbequed beasts of all kinds. There are ribs, roasted porcine, wherry, and even chicken dishes, all smelling wonderful, and plenty for all. Great bowls of salad with dressings set beside them come next, then platters filled with roasted tubers. Coleslaw and some pasta salad, and tuber salad are there as well, and mounds of golden corn, on the cob. Naomi smiles, "Please excuse me I muts try to get back this evening to Keroon. I have some more things to do." She quietly slips out. Naomi comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Telgar Weyr> K'ti was down at MBH getting tossed by a beauty white stallion. Kassima has to laugh at K'ti, shaking her head. "Lyss is already just about laughing her haed of. Shells. Nay anyone'll be letting me live this one down." Glancing back towards the corral, she asks Kaitra, "I don't suppose... would you tell me whether that grey dappled lad--aye, and the roan too--are for sale? I've a Beastcrafting aunt who's been looking for more stallions t'liven up her stocks, and she'd probably thank me for a tip or two." Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Ah, beastcraft." Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Poor K'ti :)" Telgar Weyr> K'ti enjoyed every minute, just ask Kassi ;) Telgar Weyr> Ro wishes she'd been there to watch. Tazek looks at Filliana, "I was just about to go look at some of their stock now, would you care to join me? I'm always up for outside opoinions on good runners." Kaitra gets a glint to her eyes - this might be a rider, and a Telgari at that, but if she's interrested in a purchase. "The dappled grey? Certainly." Anything's for sale, at a price, after all. "I could direct you to a Master, who could sell'im." Myriana comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Filliana smiles at Tazek, that glint of mischief still there in her eyes. "Black as night, strong legs, muscles rippling like Boll's sea waters, the lad is one who'll catch your eye right out. One look at him and you'd not walk away with a bulge in your purse." She thinks for a moment then nods. "Alright, I've some time." Krystyna stands up to leave. Seeing R'val she waves hello. Then she goes to wander the grounds. Tazek laughs, "Well my purse isn't so bulgy right now anyways, I'm a mere Stablehand, not a Lord." He gestures, "After you, ma'am." R'val smiles, waving over at Krystyna. Kassima smiles with honest delight, green eyes lighting up a bit. "Oh, Jessamyne will be *thrilled*. Certes, I'd be glad t'find out more, then bring her up here for the final dealing. My thanks... and something was mentioned about a barbeque, as well?" Filliana turns to send a wave to those who are remaining, a smile sent to Kaitra especially. "Thank you for all your hard work! Excellent event!" Krystyna comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Tazek adds his grin as well. "Yes, it was a lot of fun! Thanks!" Filliana comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Tazek comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event. Kaitra comes down from the bleachers of the bronco event.