
Duty Before Pleasure

Date:  October 15, 2004
Places:  Bitra Hold's Skyspace, Central Valley, Drum and Fire Heights,
and Great Hall
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  The last Bitra campout was sufficient success that it's
no surprise the Weyrlingmasters would want to repeat the trip.  The 
Weyrlings and their teachers head together to the Hold--tagged after 
by one cheerful greenrider--where a remarkably tripe-free repast has
been prepared for them, and some of them have the chance to make the
acquaintance of a few of Bitra's more notorious personages.


The Log:

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Tisiath dips one wing, then the other. Enjoying playing with the
maneuver seen just moments before they departed. Maybe he's tried before,
but now he's appearing playful as he follows Taralyth.

<*> Tisiath flies down to the Drum and Fire Heights.

<*> Lysseth emerges a few beats behind the maddening Weyrling throng, and
her trumpet for the watchdragon is for herself alone; but her path, after a
lazy and playful circle amidst the currents, takes her in a similar direction.

You descend to the Drum and Fire Heights.

Bitra Central Valley> Cordenia glances up at the sky and blinks. "Looks
like quite a few of your brethren riders have come to pay a call," she
observes. She answers M'rek's smile with one of her own, returning to his
last comment. "And so shall I remain, hopefully."

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Tisiath takes up a position where he thinks he'll be well seen from below,
once Lani's off and joining the others. One blue show off, on display for
any audience he can gather. Rather shameless that, yep. Lani just rolls her
eyes and then straightens up.

A'tan slides down off Leonneth and snaps off a salute to all three of the

Bitra Central Valley> M'rek looks up as well and grins, "Aye." before
identifying them from Ulfianth, "Telgari. Weyrlings and Weyrleader and a
Wingleader as well. Then look nice, don't they? Should we go up and greet
them before they get a hold of the tripe problem?"

Kassima's straps jingle-jingle when she slides down, landing with a light
thump and leaving Lysseth free to find herself a comfortable place. "We're
tailing you," she announces cheerfully to the Weyrlings, "and being
terribly pesky about it, I've nay doubt." Just call them Team Firecop?
"G'deve, g'deve, g'deve."

Bitra Central Valley> Cordenia chuckles lightly and says, "I think that
sounds prudent indeed." She pushes off of the tree.

Bitra Central Valley> M'rek peels himself away as well and strolls casually
towards the Hold, only glancing once off towards the cottages that are
scattered off in the distance.

Bitra Central Valley> M'rek walks west towards Bitra Hold.

Bitra Central Valley> Cordenia walks west towards Bitra Hold.

"At ease, at ease," I'sai says, waving off the salutes for -him-, "You'll
have enough of trying to be formal where -they're- concerned. They won't
get saluted, but remember to use their titles, eh?" With that, he glances
over his shoulder and heads down into the Hold.

I'sai descends the steps back down to the interior of the hold.

Lanisa's salute was late in coming, but with a grin to the others, and an
echoed "G'eve" she follows after.

Lanisa descends the steps back down to the interior of the hold.

You descend the steps against the face of the cliff, open a metal-shod
door, and step back into the hold itself.

Bitra Great Hall> M'rek comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.

A'tan comes in the metal-bound door from the Drum Heights.

Bitra Great Hall> Cordenia comes in the large eastern doors from the

You walk down the stairs to the second floor.

Bitra Great Hall> Vorlin sits in his chair which is now minus the 'M', and
sips wine as he turns the parchment pages of a complex looking document
dealing with hold land grants. He looks neither happy nor angry, but you
know he doesn't like tripe that much. Nobody likes tripe THAT much.

You choose the stairs leading down.

Lanisa climbs down the stairs from the second floor.

A'tan climbs down the stairs from the second floor.

M'rek strolls in with Cordenia, he doesn't seem too stiff of gate today for
all that he's finally been allowed out of bed. The bronzerider has his
broken nose all taped up and one of his ears is very bruised and he looks
like he's lost some weight, but not too much. Cordenia is given a breezy
smile and then he moves towards the Lord's table and the entrance from the
stairs, he saw the dragons land.

Tripe and wine, now that's got to be a terrific combination. She's
following behind M'rek in a companionable fashion. She inclines her head to
Vorlin, doubting he'll even notice her really by the way she does it.

"...And they ate his innards for *breakfast*," Kassima is hissing to S'fin
as she enters the hall beside the Assistant Weyrlingmaster, who is doing
the prudent thing and entirely ignoring the Wingleader in favor of keeping
a wary eye on the Weyrlings. Not that this fazes Kassi much. She just grins
at him, prior to turning towards the Cavern proper to call, voice
considerably more respectful than it was when discussing innards, "Duties
and greetings t'Bitra Hold and her Lord. G'devening, too."

Vorlin straightens all the pages of parchment he's looking over and then
turns them face down to the table before he raises his eyes. Cordenia is
nodded to, M'rek is given an narrow eyed raised eyebrows look and then the
Lord is to his feet, stepping from the table and turning to look at the
arriving group of weyrlings, Wingleader, and weyrlingmaster staff. His
voice is rich and smooth, "Bitra's duties to Telgar Weyr. Welcome to my Hold."

Lanisa follows Kassima down the stairs, rather than S'fin. For once she's
at perfect attention and a proper example for her fellow weyrlings, other
than that choice of who to follow. Scary that -- possibly. "Telgar's duties
to Bitra and her Lord." She greets formally, echoing the Wingleader and
then she glances at S'fin before nudging a fellow weyrling to greet as
well. Prompting more of the same from the others.

A'tan walks in behind the group and nods to each in turn. He holds his
salute as I'sai told them, but seems a little nervous. He takes a deep
breath and checks his shirt.

A'tan nods politely to Vorlin, "Telgar's duties Lord Vorlin. Thank you for
extending your hold to us." He glances over at Lanisa and I'sai before
shutting his mouth.

Quentin, whistling a quiet little tune under his breath, starts down along
the stairs from the upper floors of the hold; as the scene in the great
hall comes into view, though, he slows his steps and lets that tune die.
One hand rakes back through dark hair, regarding the situation with a bit
of bemused curiousity on his way down the rest of the way.

M'rek takes in the look from the Lord and flashes him a warm smile that
broadens when he takes in the arriving group. "High Reaches duties to
Telgar." Not too nasal sounding, even for his nose being on the mend. "I'm
going to go ahead and apologize in advance for the food. Tripe." A gesture
now of open hands, "But, I'll be clearing that whole thing up as soon as I
can." A glance now to Lord Bitra with that same charming smile.

Kassima inclines her head to Lord Vorlin and responds, still formal, "It's
a pleasure as always to be at Bitra, Lord." S'fin flicks her a look before
saying with a gesture towards the Weyrlings, "Our pleasure as well--I'm
S'fin, blue Verath's, Assistant Weyrlingmaster; this is Lanisa, blue
Tisiath's Weyrling, Icemelt Wingleader; A'tan, green Leonneth's
Weyrling...." And so on down the line, until all the Weyrlings have been
introduced. "And Kassima, green Lysseth's," is pure afterthought. "Honor to
the Hold. Oh, yes, and duties to High Reaches, of course." The mention of
tripe gets an owlish blink.

"Erisbahn's duties," Cordenia offers the name of her little hold in a
murmur, stepping back to observe and stay on the edges of this round of
greetings and introductions.

Vorlin slides a look at the Reachian bronzerider, but only for a moment and
then he is regarding each of the weyrlings as they are named, no doubt
measuring each one with his sharp eyes. Lanisa gets a lowering of eyebrows
as the Lord looks over her facial features and general bearing but other
than that he doesn't seem particularly any more interested than he is in
anyone else. "Pleased to meet you all. I am delighted to have you at my
Hold. Please, come in and have a seat. I have arranged some wine and cheese
especially for you, our Telgari guests. I hope that you will enjoy it." As
the Riders are not Bitran, Vorlin has evidently expended himself to work a
little around the Baker curse however he doesn't seem to offer cheese to
any of those with either a Bitran knot or a broken nose.

Lanisa follows Kassima's example, but taking it a bit farther to turn an
inclined head to more of a slight, but formal bow that she holds while
she's introduced and only after does she look up and add, "Telgar's duties
to High Reaches and Erisbahn as well." She's slightly hesitant on the
second, as if checking that's what she heard. If she gained any extra
scrutiny, she ignores it as something she's used to. She does say instead,
taking the forefront of the other 'lings, "On behalf of our wing. Thank you
for the hospitality, Lord Bitra."

M'rek looks over the visiting group and gives Kassima a wink over Vorlin's
shoulder, there and then gone. The others get an easy smile, for all that
he looks ridiculous with his nose bandaged and then he says, "I'm going to
go check on what I can do about the kitchen situation."

M'rek heads north into the hold kitchen.

Hm. Quentin continues along down the stairs, though he keeps to the
periphery of the room; giving up on his hair for now, he finds a place to
lean against the wall and watch the small invasion of 'riders with a
curious expression.

"And duties t'Erisbahn and her people likewise," Kassi appends with a nod
to Cordenia. She gives Lanisa a fractional nod for the name: that's what
she heard, too. "That's most gracious, Lord; m'thanks as well. The Hold's
hospitality lives up to its renown." She accepts the offer to find a seat
as well, momentarily amused as she catches M'rek's wink--she mouths to him,
'Tripe?' But he's gone, and she can only shake her head. "The other members
of the Weyrlingmaster staff nay doubt look forward t'paying their respects
too. The Weyrlingmaster came in with us--well, them, I should say--but was
unfortunately detained." Her flickering glance catches Quentin too, and he
also gets a nod.

Mmm, yes, tripe. "Which reminds me," Cordenia says with a smile. "I'll be
back later, I do hope you find your stay here pleasant." She heads back
outside, and back to her original meal plan, which was to catch her dinner
from the river where nobody was around to see!

Vorlin looks now to include all of the room in his offer to join at the
table. "Please, have a seat everyone." One elegant hand indicates the table
with a wave and then Lord Bitra retakes his own seat, the large chair at
the end of the table. Servants bring out some plates of cheese and scatter
them along the length of the table while wine of a benden white vintage is
poured for those interested.

A'tan follows the group silently and moves over to the large table. He
leans over and mumbles to the wingleader, "Can I join you for dinner or
would you rather sit with someone else?"

Lanisa makes her way over, intent on taking a seat alongside Kassima.
Keeping said Wingleader between her and the Hold's Lord, no doubt. But she
pauses when A'tan speaks to her and nods, "Sure you can." She gives a quick
grin before sinking into her chosen seat and eyeing the offered wine,
thought she doesn't accept any of it. Just glances to S'fin.

Kassima repeats, "Tripe," under her breath, still puzzling. But then
there's food to be taken, and of course she indicates an interest in wine;
the scent of it causes her to smile. "Benden," she approves--then,
"Naturally. This, too, is most gracious. May I ask the Turn? For the sake
of the Weyrlings--I don't think many of 'em have had a chance t'learn the
difference by scent or taste." Speaking of Weyrlings, the one who's sat on
her other side murmurs something anxious. "Well," she answers in a lower
tone, "think on it this way: if'n some Baker *has* managed t'turn tripe
into cheese, that's marvel enough that it might be worth eating anyway."
How very reassured he looks. "Have you been to the Hold a'fore, A'tan,

A'tan sighs in relief as she takes the seat next to Lanisa and picks up the
glass of wine. He smells it and looks at the color for a moment. He takes a
very small sip of it testing it in his mouth. After a moment he places the
glass in front of him on the table a little out of his normal reach.

A'tan shakes his head slowly as he answers the question posed to him. "Not
in a very long time." He glances towards the bowl and stands, "Please
excuse me. Leonneth says that she needs me right now." He rolls his eyes
slightly and sighs. The tall young man nods to the Lord Holder, "Please
excuse me Lord Holder. I must tend to my dragon for a few moments, but I
will soon return."

A'tan walks out the main doors to the courtyard.

Lanisa nods in reply to Kassima, "Aye. Da would bring me here to go riding
on my Turnday.Tear thought it quite ridiculous of course..." And here she
sends a look down the table to where Vorlin sits and continues as much for
the one as the other, "But Bitra has the most wonderful set of trails to
explore." She glances at A'tan as he leaves and gives him a puzzled look as
he gets up, before she too at least samples the wine. It is -Benden- after
all. It'd be rude to at least not try it, right?

Vorlin nods to Kassima, eyes looking at her with more interest as she
expresses curiosity over the wine, "It is a Yorlin 12. Which should be
pleasant enough without being lost upon so large a group of, no doubt.
varied palates." There is no plate of cheese for the Lord, as he too seems
to be cursed by the Bakers. "Rider M'rek of Reaches and one of my Holder's
sons, Gerome by name had a bit of a dispute that involved making a wreck of
both the kitchens and of themselves. The bakers have decided to serve we
Bitrans only tripe touched items until those two have settled affairs with
their craft, but today was the first day that M'rek was free from bed. It
make take a few days. In the mean time, I have made some arrangements for
you visiting Telgari. I am sure that the Bakers did not intend to curse
your Weyr as well as my Hold."

Kasedy climbs down the stairs from the second floor.

"Yorlin," Kassi echoes, sounding thoughtful herself. "M'great-uncle would
be ashamed of me: I don't recognize the name, and doubtless I should. I
don't suppose, given the similarity, that he was any relation?" She helps
herself to a segment of cheese as she speaks. "--Ah. I see. That does
explain M'rek's nose. Most unfortunate that the Crafters have seen fit
t'punish the Hold entire for the actions of two, but I suppose 'twould
pressure them t'make amends with alacrity--I'd certes nay want the wrath of
persons cursed t'tripe falling on *my* head. The exception's most kind. I
assume that if'n we repaid this with a few trifles from our own Bakers, the
Craft wouldn't appreciate it." To Lani, curiously: "On Turndays only?
Mayhaps there'll be time t'see those trails. I've seen the river often, but
nay, I think, those."

"Well he brought me to ride more often that, but he didn't always ride
with, you know." Lani explains with a lopsided grin, "Tear'd fuss. Tried to
follow us in the air a time or two. That sort of thing. Tisiath seems to
think it a silly pass time too, but more because I could better spend the
time making his hide shine. In his opinion of course." She then addresses
their host, "The wine is very good, Lord Bitra. Yorlin, you say? I'll
remember that, thank you."

Quentin, at last stirring from his quiet spot against the wall, moves to
head to fetch himself something to drink; keeping his head down (so to
speak) and trying not to draw too much attention. Not that it's overly
difficult, with all the riders.

Emilly comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.

Emilly steps through the doors, helmet freshly doffed, it swings from one
hand freely, the other is chasing through her hair to fluff it up again
after the trip Between. Once inside, she pauses for a moment in the doorway
to take stock of her surroundings.

Vorlin settles back into his chair and foregoes any weyrling terrorizing to
speak to Kassima with polite interest. "He was a distant relation. The
similarity appealed to me when I was selecting the wine for the visit of
your charming group." Sharp eyes travel over the weyrlings once more before
ending back up at Kassima. "I would not like to see anyone have to suffer
as Bitra currently does. We will make do with our tripe until M'rek and
Gerome can sort things out. It will be a good lesson for them both."

Kasedy pauses at the bottom-most step, tapping the scroll she holds against
her free hand, smule on her lips as green gaze sweeps across the room. She
takes the final step down, moving to the serving table, beginning to hum
softly to herself as she goes - one of the sillier and more well-known
Harper tunings. She looks the table over with a sigh before smiling to
Quentin, nodding a silent greeting to him as she turns to look about the
rest of the faces in the Great Hall.

Kassima makes an amused face at Lanisa. "As if'n any runner however fine
could ever be replacement for *him*. But Lyss doesn't like runners much
either, though she laughed as much as the rest of 'em when I won that
bronc-riding thing at Beastcraft. I wonder whether any dragon likes being
supplanted." The focus of her attention swings back to Vorlin. "I'm certain
they appreciate the thoughtfulness; I'sai and his assistants have done an
excellent job with their training, if'n I may say so. Lani, pretend you
didn't hear that." She flicks the blue Weyrling a quick grin, and--spotting
Emilly--lifts her glass a moment in greeting to the Aide, before saying,
"Hopefully they'll do so soon, then. It must have been quite the brawl
t'witness. Do such things happen often? --You're welcome t'sit with us,
sir, if'n you'd like to," she adds to Quentin, gesturing towards where she
and Lanisa and several other Weyrlings are seated.

Quentin, freshly acquired mug of something in hand, turns a bit-- an easy
nod is offered over towards Kasedy, a grin flashed quickly as he moves to
get clear of the rider-and-lord-crowd before someone notices him too close.
A familiar rider's entrance catches his attention, though, and he lifts
that mug in casual salute towards Emilly.

Lanisa grins, "Well we told him so, but you know Taralyth." The young woman
gives a wink for that and then laughs for the other, "Hear something Kassi?
Not I. I'm suddenly struck deaf and cured again moments later." For her
part, the attention Emilly's entrance gets goads her to her feet in order
to snap off a salute, and then she's sitting again without saying a word to
the otherwise.

Emilly spots Kassima and her greeting, the Weyrlings, and Quentin too and
smiles brightly. And there's the Lord as well, so she moves away from the
door, moving in that general direction. "Reaches' duties to Bitra Hold,"
she offers politely as she draws near and pauses near Kassi's chair. "How's
everything going so far?" she questions in a quieter tone of the other

Vorlin nods to Lanisa in regards to her comment and says, "I am pleased you
are enjoying it, my dear." And then he speaks quietly with whoever was
brave enough to sit on one side of him in Elinore's usual chair. When
Emilly speaks he looks over at her and inclines his head as he offers
greeting, "Bitra's duties to High Reaches Weyr. Come and join us, Rider, if
you wish."

Kasedy chuckles softly as she observes Quentin's avoidence manuver,
something that oft seems to happen whenever his Lordship is present. She,
on the other hand, begins to stray her way towards the group, a friendly
smile on her lips. "Good evening all," Her words are carefully annunciated
and her movements careful.

Kassima agrees, a thread of laughter running through her voice, "I do. And,
knowing him, I wonder how much he really minded and how much he fussed
because it amused him t'fuss. Goes well, Em," she tells the Aide, looking
up. "There's excellent Benden white, and cheese." Pause. Brightly, "The
cheese has nay tripe in it. S'fin's around here somewhere... M'rek, too, I
think. He ducked into the kitchens awhile ago." She sips her wine, savoring
it. "G'deve, madam," she answers Kasedy, amiably polite and smiling.

Lanisa has another sip from her drink before setting it aside for more of
the cheese. In the meantime she replies, "You honor us with the selection,
Lord Bitra." Such good manners tonight, yes. At least on the whole. For
Kassi she giggles, "Oh fussed to because it amused more often than not, I
swear. You should have seen the things he'd let me get away with when Da
expected him to be watching me as well. He was my greatest accomplice,
growing up, I think. Though I now wonder now much Da probably knew of and
just turned a blind eye to."

Quentin quirks a slight and rureful smile at the chuckle in his direction,
shaking his head a bit; he finds a place to sit over near the stairs,
leaning back in his chair and taking a careful sip from the mug, keeping
one eye on the other group.

Emilly nods at Kassima's summary and then smiles brightly again at Lord
Bitra. "Why thank you, Lord Bitra, most kind, though I only stepped in to
see how everyone was settling in," she explains. "Though ... some wine
might not go down the wrong way at all, before I head off to our campsite
... speaking of which, where are we parking our hides for the next few
nights, Kassi?" she asks laughingly. Kasedy earns another nod, polite.
"Good evening," she offers over and casts a quick, puzzled look Quentin's
way before she's acknowledging Lanisa's salute.

Kasedy settles one hand lightly on the back of a recently vacated seat, "I
do hope that all of you ladies are finding everythin ter-er, to your
liking? I know there've been some looking forward to your arrival for
sevendays now. Before I forget the manners Lord Vorlin's etiquette teachers
have gone to such pains to teach me, allow me to introduce myself, I'm
Kasedy - of White Grass Cothold." She gives a hopeful look about the faces,
obviously trying to make a good first impression.

Kassima tells Lanisa with droll amusement, "Given what he's like with Kiss
and Kai... I'd guess the answer to that is 'a lot.' If'n nay everything.
And even if'n he didn't know, he might claim he did if'n you asked him."
She doesn't comment on the Weyrling's show of manners, but the slight nod
she gives is definitely approving. "Ach, Em, I haven't a clue. Mayhaps by
the river? Is would know, but where he is now I couldn't guess. Hopefully
nay fleecing marks from Weyrlings a'fore I get a crack at it." She flashes
Kasedy a grin then and assures with all evidence of sincerity, "The visit's
thus far been a pleasure; thankee for asking. Making your acquaintance is
likewise. I'm Kassima, green Lysseth's rider at Telgar."

"Telgar's duties to White Grass." The strawberry haired girl replies,
"Lanisa, weyrlingrider of Blue Tisiath and Wingleader of Icemelt." She
gestures to the rest of the currently present wingmates, but allows them to
introduce themselves if they see fit. Kassi gets another of Lani's quick
grins, "I'm thinking your spot on on that assessment." She gives the
Wingleader another smile for the nod and nods in return before sampling
more cheese.

Emilly considers for a moment at Kassima's words, then nods. "Hmm - by the
river sounds nice -easy for outdoor bathing at any rate," she sums up.
"Reaches' duties to White Grass," she says formally to Kasedy, then tips a
look over her shoulder, expression somewhat abstracted. "Hm. Well Sio wants
to go see the river itself - so p'raps I'll see you down there," she notes
with a grin and sends another nod around. "My Lord, thank you for your
hospitality - we'll try to keep this lot behaving as nicely as Lanisa is,"
she says with a wink for Tisiath's rider, then she slips back out the way
she came.

Emilly walks out the main doors to the courtyard.

"White Grass' duties to Telgar, and High Reaches, of course." Kasedy offers
quickly to the respective riders, a bit of pink touching her cheeks. "Well
met indeed, Rider Kassima, and you also, Weyrling Lanisa." A shadow of
confusion slips across the woman's face, head tilting a bit to one side,
"Pardon my ignorance, Wingleader Lanisa, but I wasn't aware that Weyrlings
could be wingleaders? Or at least, I suppose I always thought the
Weyrlingmaster was the leader of the Weyrling wing? Perhaps you might
indulge my Hold-bound mind to a bit of an explanation so I may be better
versed in the ways of the Weyrs?"

"Tell her t'watch out for boots in it," Kassi cautions Emilly as the other
greenrider leaves, ever the font of helpful advice. Turning back, she opens
her mouth automatically to answer the question for all that it wasn't
directed to her--but pauses and drinks of her wine again instead, green
eyes watching Lanisa with interest in her response.

Lanisa rolls her eyes at the parting comment, or maybe the wink. And soon
as Emilly is out of sight, she's having another sip of the wine to chase
the cheese. "We take turns throughout training. Starting from when we first
fly together with our dragons. Each getting a turn at some of the
responsibilities of leadership as part of our training. It's merely my turn
now. But the Weyrlingmaster is the ultimate authority over us, yes." And
she doesn't at all sound proud of that, now does she?

Vorlin is approached by someone bearing a message scroll, and he excuses
himself from the gathering to go and read the message in private.

Kasedy's red brows raise and she 'ahhs' softly at the explanation, nodding
thoughtfully, "Sounds like a most useful way to train the future leaders
within an area." Her eyes slide to the Lord Holder a moment - perhaps
checking to see that he's noticing her using her training and playing nice.
As he leaves though she gives a great sigh of relief and an abrupt change
comes over her form, slouching slightly now and grin growing broader and
less controlled, "If'n you ladies don't mind, now that He's not listenin'
I'd rather just talk like I do usually. Yeh can understand, I'm sure, my
want ter impress Him, bein' as I'm here at Verity's request an' all, like
the rest."

Kassima adds with a quick grin for Lani, "Doesn't hurt that it helps some
of 'em figure out that they don't actually *want* t'be leaders any time
soon, either. Faranth, I don't mind; I'd be Pern's biggest flaming
hypocrite," she tells Kasedy, grinning, "for objecting t'anyone *else's*
accent. You're one of the bride candidates, then?" As explanation, "We
heard of the search up at Telgar, a'course, and M'rek's told me a bit more
about it."

"Aye. There is that. As well as showing some that think they are all that
that there is more to it than they think. It's a very handy device. And
fair, as everyone gets a taste of having to tell their friends what for and
reaping the consequences." Lanisa only blinks at the change in the speech
patterns, doesn't complain. Kassi gains a grin and for the rest she just

Kasedy bobs her head to the greenrider, dropping easily - and gracelessly -
into the empty chair she's been standing at, grinning. "Yes, I am at that.
Been here more'n two turns now. I don't reckon He'll ever settle on
someone. It does mean time broadenin' my horizons, so ter speak - gets me
outta White Grass fer a bit." She seems to mull something over in her mind,
and then nods slowly, "Yeh know, I wonder if'n it'd be possible ter do that
with some of the Holder's sons, nah, but then they don't get ter pick who's
the heir - only the Da's do." She shrugs slightly, "Still, has it proven
itself effective at the Weyr?"

Kassima nods to Lanisa, but throws in, "And at that, full Wingsecondship or
Wingleadership is a sight worse than the Weyrling variant. 'Twas handled a
bit differently when we trained; for our group, they had us supervising
each other as Candidates. I had t'punish some of m'friends then--for being
drunk, irony of ironies. It does seem t'cool the ambitious ones down a
bit," she confirms for Kasedy, bobbing her head. "Mostly. Shells, has it
been so long? I'd guess you could be right. Particularly if'n he already
has an heir elsewhere; he might nay have t'marry, aye? But I haven't been a
Holder for Turns and Turns, t'know much about how it goes. I do imagine
there's likely more t'do here than in a smaller Holding."

Lanisa stays out of the conversation, for the most part, at least until
something specific catches her attention, "He's got an heir now? When did
that happen? And it's somewhere else?" In the mean time she just eats her
cheese and takes advantage of the freedom of that glass of wine.

Lanisa senses Kassima adds to you in a murmur, spoken as she reaches for
another piece of cheese, "Don't know how much Is has said about paying
attention to the goings-on and gossip of the sweep area. It pays; the
moreso now that the Interval's here and we'll have t'keep out the
weather-eye. Just be careful who you ask about what, here."

Kasedy laughs softly, "Oh, yes. I'm told that I've got ter learn to behave
proper-like so I don't offend the 'better graces' of some of the Holders -
though, ter tell yeh the truth," And here she lowers her voice, body
inclining towards the riders in a conspiratorial fashion, "I've always
gotten along just wonderfully with the Holders here an' I don't see why He
picks at all the things I learned at home. Shouldn't manners there be just
as good as the hoity-toity ones Cousin Elinore flaunts about? I mean,
honestly, at least I'm *nice*. P'raps the 'big Hold' manners trains that
out of yeh. What d'yeh think?" She tilts her head, quite cuious for the
response of the riders. She adds - as she's already leaning as if she's
telling secrets, "Rumor has it there is an heir somewhere now. Some of the
Aunties've been talkin' about that Herder that got sent away a good while
back. But then, I always wonder if'n that's just rumor or not."

You sense Lanisa pauses as she sets her glass back down, her eyes widening
just a touch as she takes that in. She doesn't risk speaking, only nods

"There's a rumor to that effect," is all Kassi will say, nibbling on
cheese. "Who and where's harder t'be figuring. I keep m'ears open, but I'm
dreadfully behind on m'Bitran news... ah, is it so? Well." She makes a face
on Kasedy's behalf. "Could be that some of the Holders are persnickety
about it behind your back even as they act polite t'your face, and he's
looking to appease 'em; I really couldn't say. Or it could be some sort of
test of you, t'see if'n you're willing t'make the effort and how badly you
want it. I should hope nice would be more important than high-mannered, and
Lady Fil always struck me as quite personable and casual in her manner,
but... well, she's nay here anymore, is she."

Lanisa just shakes her head, giving a wide eyed look to it all, "Well we
werylings haven't heard much at all for nearly two turns now about any of
it. Any and all of it's news to me, really. You've actually been here that
long, waiting on him to pick?"

Kasedy blinks a bit, expression showing some surprise at the idea Kassima
presents, and then some touch of sadness, "Well, I reckon that could be
right. Goodness knows Gerome don't seem ter like me one lick, but aside
from him, the others - we'll I've been visitin' the Bitran Holds since I
was real young, practically grew up with most of the younger kids of the
Holders. M'parents thought it was good fer me, since I'm Blood and all - no
matter how dilluted He and likely Elinore think it is through my Keroonian
heritage. Not ter mention that my family sorta got outcast from the Bitran
side - lost our Hold an' all, but we don't like ter talk about it much."
The redhead shrugs slightly, "I wish I'd gotter the chance ter meet Lady
Fil, I've heard naught but good things about 'er." She looks to Lanisa with
a smile, "Two turns does seem an awful long time ter train for somethin'
but then I surpose many people train fer other things fer well longer.
Apprentices, Holder heirs," She makes a bit of a face and then nods to the
weyrling, "Yep, I was one o' the first t'arrive. Took a great deal of doin'
on my family's part ter even get Verity ter ask me."

A'tan comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard.

Kassima admits quite readily, "It may nay be so. I don't hail from any
Bitran Hold; 'tis a Holding on Greystones' land I come from, and I don't
*know* the Hold for all that I've flown over it more Turns than I care t'be
admitting. You'd have a better sense for the truth of relations than I.
'Twas but a theory. Which Bitran Line are you connected to?" She seems
genuinely curious. "--As best I know she's still alive, somewhere, so
mayhaps someday you'll have the chance. She really was a pleasure.
A'course, I don't think *she* was Blooded at all. She was a stablemaster
ere Tenefel wed her." She's still sitting where she was before, munching on
cheese and drinking wine. "Hadn't thought of that, Lani. You might check
with Roberta though--if'n *any* Weyrling has gossip t'share that goes
beyond the Barracks, I'd wager high 'tis her."

"Two turns to train isn't that long at all. Even for those of us whom you
could say have a head start." Lani says with a grin, "There are some things
you can only learn when the time is right after all. Can't between before
you can fly and all that." But then the weyrling is groaning, her voice
pitched low, "Don't remind me Kassi. I'm just waiting until graduation and
I can finally give that slobbering gossip monger what for."

Kasedy nods her head at the greenrider's words before she chuckles softly,
"His, o'course. Though we're very distant cousins. Mostly my family started
marryin' in ter the Keroonian Bloodline from three generations back. Cost
us a lot too." The redhead is seated quite comfortably in a chair near the
riders, and for all her fabric and jewel finery, her posture is beyond
questionable and the lop-sided grin on her face gives the impression of
'less-than-refine'. She giggles softly at the weyrling's words, but says
nothing further.

A'tan steps back over to the group and nods to them. His face a little
tight with emotion, but he takes a deep breath as he comes over to the
group. "I guess I missed most of dinner. Neth was adament that I stay with
her for a while so I just grabbed something. He tilts his head slightly,
"Slobbering gossip monger huh? I don't think I need to ask Lani." He
chuckles softly and then addresses Kasedy, "Telgars duties. I'm A'tan rider
of green Leonneth."

"I'd be a hypocrite again t'cheer for going against her because she's a
gossip-monger," Kassi murmurs to Lanisa over the rim of her wine glass.
"But if'n 'tis for the slobbering... let me know if'n you need any
tunnelsnake heads t'leave in her bed." Her nod to Kasedy is understanding.
"Carow's, then; right. Good that 'tis distant, given givens! Are most of
the bride-candidates possessed of Bitran Blood? --Heyla again, A'tan.
Methinks there's still cheese and wine left if'n you'd like some, and nay a
whit of tripe in any of it."

"Kassi. I've been forced to listen to her and her obsession far more in
depth than anything with...Anyone else whose traveled that path. I think by
now I should have the right to drop her in the ice lake personally if I so
choose." But Lani at least looks amused as she reclines a bit more in her
chair. Far more relaxed than when they arrived. Maybe it's the wine,
"A'tan! You missed the cheese, and well the cheese." She gestures to the
seats again "If you had to ask who I'd have to drop you in the lake with her."

"Bitra and White Grass' duties ter Telgar, A'tan. An' well met. I'm
Kasedy." The redhead gives a bob of her head politely, and a wide, friendly
sort of grin to the arriving greenrider before she looks to Kassima once
more, "Yeah, most of us are, I reckon. Its even hard ter tell who's still
around and who's not. There's me, Cousin Elinore, Cousin Vahara, an' Holder
Cordenia that I c'n think of right at the top o' my mind." She comments,
before turning green gaze to Lanisa, "Yeh could always just work it so she
has ter spend a spell here in Bitra. Seems a right punnishment fer some.
M'rek's here fer the month - and he don't seem too pleased about it."

Kassima feels obliged to point out, "I didn't say I'd take it from you!
Only offered t'supply some heads of dead things for your very own personal
vengeance use. Admittedly, if'n I supplied the heads of the dead things
'twould feel a small urge t'snicker manically when she shrieked, so mayhaps
you've a point." How she manages to be so deadpan saying that is a mystery.
Her eyes do dart to Lani's wine glass, but she appears to dismiss the
thought. For now. "I've heard some of those names," she agrees to Kasedy.
"Though nay all. 'Tis most interesting. I imagine there must be all sorts
of betting pools going on, on who 'twill be--does this sentence of M'rek's
have aught t'do with the incident that spawned the tripe?" For A'tan's
benefit she clarifies, "Apparently the Hold is having t'eat tripe because
M'rek of High Reaches and a Holder's son had an altercation in the kitchen.
Must've been some fight."

A'tan raises his hands in front of him for defense from Lanisa. "Hey now.
I'm on your side. I don't really want a dunking in the lake." He finally
smiles and sits down putting his feet up on something. He reaches over on
the table and grabs some cheese left over on a plate and looks around for a
glass of anything. "Maybe we can have Leonneth dive down and get some fish.
I've heard that is great to leave in someones bed as well."

"Ahh, well. I'd never turn down help from either of you in supplying the
dead things, of course. Vengeance on this level is better if at least
shared in the planning and preparation. I just reserve the right to the
coup de grace." No. Lani's not been waiting for this for awhile, "Maybe the
day after graduation I'll show her my throwing knives..." She grins, "Might
be nice if she was posted watchrider here though, for a turn or three."

Kasedy shakes her head quickly to Kassima, "No, had naught ter do with the
fight. M'rek shouted at Lord Vorlin when he was surposed ter be apologizin'
fer some inexcusable lapse in judgement - an' fer carvin' an 'M' in'ter the
armrest of Lord Vorlin's chair, just thar." And she flicks fingers towards
the seat, looking back to the greenrider. "The fight happened after he'd
been here. The way I heard it, he an' Gerome got in'ter quite the tussle.
Tore apart the kitchens while they were fightin'. M'rek's been bed-ridden
recoverin' and Gerome's sure wincin' a lot lately. Probably both pretty
hurt. The fight seemed pretty unprovoked too." She turns her gaze towards
the young man, raising a brow, "Only thing about that would be the smell,
I'd expect."

Kassima cautions Lanisa, holding up a finger and for a moment sounding
serious, "Nay actually using those knives on her, Lani. Y'know that. Keep
it t'something harmless, though, and 'twill assist gladly so long as you
promise t'describe t'me in detail how it turns out. --He carved his initial
in the *chair*?" Her attention swings back to Kasedy at that, and by her
voice, she doesn't know whether to be impressed, disturbed, or altogether
too amused. "Was he by any chance very, very drunk at the time? 'Tis
another scene that must've been something t'see, I think. Shards. M'rek did
say he brawled, but this is something else. Sounds distinctly like he lost."

A'tan frowns slightly, "I've not heard much of M'rek except that he is from
home." He shakes his head with wide eyes, "I can't believe that he would do
such a thing as to carve his initials in the Lord Holder's chair." He grins
at Kasedy and nods, "Yeah I would suppose it would smell. When my mom was a
weyrling one of her clutchmates got on someones nerves and had a bed full
of fish. He stunk for days." He wrinkles his nose, "I'm sure that barracks
probably didn't smell too good after that either."

"I wouldn't use them on her. Just, you know, let her watch me practice."
Lani smiles smugly for that and then nods, "I'll tell you every detail if
you can't be there, of course." She adds for Kasedy, "Trust me. So long as
she's the one stuck with the smell, we won't mind. Not that I'd mind her so
much if she got over her obsession. Or at least kept it to herself." She
takes a moment to glance at the chair, "Why didn't he carve it in his own

"Well, that's distinctly how the rumors sounded," Kasedy replies to the
greenrider, "That he lost, I mean. An' yeh know, I supposed its possible.
He threatened ter do it once while I was down here, but he lost interest
since neither Lord Vorlin nor Gerome was around ter see him do it." The
redhead shakes her head a bit and grins. "What I'd've enjoyed more would've
been Lord Vorlin's expression when 'e saw it fer the first time." She looks
to A'tan there, expression turning serious, "Oh, if'n yeh'd ever seen the
two tergether Lord Vorlin and M'rek I mean, yeh'd believe it alright.
They're as bad as a long-handfasted Auntie and Uncle - but more viscious in
they're attentions ter one another. Always baiting one another." She sighs,
"Sad, really." She then answers Lani's inquiry, "He wanted ter get in
trouble, I'd expect. One of their little bickerings brought it on I'd expect."

Kassima considers the nearest, rather demolished platter of cheese, but
shakes her head slightly and settles back in her chair. "I've met him a few
times. Em brought him with her when she visited me in the Infirmary after
the final Fall. *That's* an acceptable use of 'em, Lani," but she sounds
amused as she says it, perhaps because she knows her own bias. For Kasedy
she explains, "Roberta's obsession is with Lanisa's father. Keeps skulking
around and drooling. Y'don't suppose someone else did it, d'you, and framed
M'rek? Could've been easily done if'n he'd threatened it a'fore." There's a
pause. "M'rek and Lord Vorlin handfasted," she mutters. "Now there's a
mental image for you."

Gerome just shakes his head, as he seperates himself from the group he'd
been chatting with. He eyes Kasedy with a very.. unfriendly look.

A'tan shakes his head and runs his long fingers through his unruly hair as
he stands after looking back out to the bowl. "You would think that she
could handle being up on the heights with the others, but no she needs
something else." He sighs as his mood swings back again. "I'm sorry. Please
excuse me once again. Now it seems that Leonneth has something in her
teeth, or at least she thinks she does." He smiles at women as he snaps of
a salute out of habit and nods to Kasedy, "Nice to meet you Kasedy.
Goodnight Wingleaders."

"And she's younger than me. It's just...Yuck, you know?" Lani shivers a
little for that, then gives Kassi a wicked grin. "She doesn't even know
about my knives yet. Left them safe and sound in Da's weyr until
graduation." She lifts a brow to Kase, "You mean he did it just to get in
trouble. Oh I've got to meet him again." When A'tan leaves she waves after
him and then shakes her head, "That green of his is the moodiest thing..."

"If'n I had ter put marks on it, Kassima, I'd say M'rek did it himself. No
point in framin' him." Kasedy remarks easily, resettling herself in her
chair and adjusting her blue skirt accordingly. "Nice ter meet yeh too,
A'tan." She grins - giving a bit of a wiggle to her fingers in a goodbye to
the greenrider before her eyes catch upon Gerome and his look. "Gerome!"
She cries happily, raising an arm to wave frantically to him - as if he
might somehow have missed her in the crowd, smile absolutely *beaming*
towards him. "I was just tellin' these lovely riders about yer fight with
M'rek. Come'n give 'em a first hand account, won't yeh, dearie?" Her green
eyes speak volumes - volumes that say she means every bit of the cheeriness
she's treating the man to. Then she looks to Lani to offer a sympathetic
smile. "That does strike me as a bit wrong, but then I once knew this
Holder who handfasted a girl half his age. His children were none too
pleased about it neither."

Gerome scowls, and makes his way towards Kasedy, "Wasn't much to say. Some
tart was trowing herself at him. He couldn't handle it, and needed a place
to vent, so he tackled me." He makes it sound so natural, "As for the Mark
on the chair. I'm quite confident M'rek didn't do it."

"I'm nigh afraid," Kassi quips, straight-faced, "t'wonder what she could've
gotten in her teeth up there. Best nay be a Holder; the Weyrlingmaster'd be
ever so upset." She returns the salute as a matter of course, adding,
"G'night, A'tan; hope you and your lady dream sweet." Facing Lani again,
she drolly advises, "Make sure you wipe the rust off your skills first,
then, if'n you haven't touched 'em in two Turns. Shouldn't take too long
for it t'come back... aye, aye, 'tis probably so," the greenrider allows,
nodding to Kasedy. "Still; if'n I wanted t'do something a bit spiteful and
nay be caught at it, 'twould certes be gleeful that there's such an obvious
culprit at hand." A slight cough for the last. "Can't comment on age gaps,
I'm afraid. Ah, so?" Her attention's all on Gerome now. "D'you know who did?"

Gerome shakes his head, "No, I have no idea who did. But, I would sure like
to find out." He punctuates the last with a squeeze of his fists, which
actually causes his knuckles to crack. He is standing a bit gingerly, and
eyes one of the chairs, then Kasedy trying to decide just which would hurt

"I've practiced some, just not with my good set. Didn't want to lose them
in the barracks or some such. But good point. Maybe I'll wait a week or
two..." Lani glances between the other two women, "Well, she bothers me
about it. Age or no. She should know by now he's not interested an leave
him be. Or at least, get rid of that pillow with the little hearts and..."
She stops. "Sorry. I'm obsessing about her obsessing and I'm not usually
one to obsess." She gives Gerome a quick look over and then nods in
greeting, "Telgar's duties."

"Is that so, Gerome? Is that what he told yeh?" Kasedy asks, innocent
curiousity on her face as she tilts her head a bit to one side. "Yeh don't
think it was - ... Well, I oughtn't say, I surpose. Lord Vorlin probably
wouldn't take too kindly ter me spreadin' rumors about his bedmate - even
if I am only tryin' ter figure things out." The woman reaches up a hand to
play with one of her ringlets. She looks on with interest for the man's
answer about the mark, "Really? Well, Harper Edris did borrow his dagger
one evenin'." She murmurs, "Did seem quite odd, now that I think more'n a
moment on it." She hears the Holder's response and then hms softly to
herself, "Gerome, I was wonderin' if'n I might talk ter yeh for a few
minutes ternight? Been writin' back an' forth with one of yer sisters, an'
before I give her my advice, I wanted ter talk ter yeh a bit."

Kassima mutters, "I've heard about the pillow with hearts. Between that and
the business at the flight lecture... she's the least subtle pursuer of his
I've ever seen." Her eyes roll ceilingwards briefly. "Anyway. Duties, aye.
And if'n the chair's what caused him t'be here for a month, I daresay M'rek
wouldn't mind knowing that, either." She props her chin on her fist and
listens to Kasedy with interest, but doesn't--for now--ask more questions.

Gerome raises an eyebrow, "I can make a few minutes, and it's always best
not to make rumors about His bedmates, especially when She's not the one
being referenced. But I'm quite sure you're well aware of who I am refering
to." He nods his head to Kasedy's table companions, "Danis Duties, my
apologies." He takes a seat, deciding that the pain in his chest, is worse
than the alternatives.

"K'ran wouldn't let me burn that pillow..." Lani murmurs, then adds, "Yeah,
she's bad as you know who proddy." She turns back to Kasedy, "Well if he
didn't have his knife, why do you think it was him?" The comments on
bedmates just has her glancing back at Kassi and lifting a bow, but she
says nothing.

Kasedy watches as Gerome settles, "At yer earliest convenience would likely
be best, Gerome, though don't hurry yerself of my account." She looks back
to Kassima a moment and then to Lani, "Oh, well, I reckon he got his knife
back at some point - and I wouldn't put it past him - though if'n it wasn't
him, like Gerome says, then o'course I should very much like ter know who
it was. It all speculation, I suppose, but than that's how most gossip

"Perhaps after graduation?" Kassima suggests. "Nay, y'know, that as a
Wingleader I should be encouraging acts of vandalism. And in fact
'twouldn't encourage it. But you could *hide* it... ah. Well." Her mouth
corners twitch in an amused way she finds necessary to cover with her glass
again. Her response to the raised brow is to slant Lanisa a glance: an
'I'll explain later' look if ever there was one. "A wise man has more than
one knife," she does offer, never mind that this runs counter to her own
theory; and, "Duties t'Danis, then, a'course. I'm Kassima, green Lysseth's
rider; we're here visiting as part of the Telgar Weyrling campout."

Gerome ahs, understanding, "Gerome, A simple holder." No fancy titles here,
"Shouldnt the campout be.. outside?" He looks aroudn the Great Hall, "not
very campy in here."

"What if I hid it in a hearth and it's not my fault there was still a hot
ember to catch it? Lani suggests sweetly. Yes, this is the same girl that
was all manners entering the Hold. "Ahh well. I suppose. I do have a couple
myself after all." She smiles then to Gerome and explains, "We were just
paying our respects and enjoying Lord Bitra's hospitality. Lanisa by the
way, weyrling to blue Tisiath."

Kasedy's green eyes rest a long moment on Gerome before she glances to her
hands in her lap, falling silent for the moment as the riders discuss their
prank and duties are exchanged. The woman is seated at a table with
Kassima, Lanisa, and Gerome.

Kassima shrugs amiably. "Doubtless the actual sleeping portions will be.
But 'twould nay have been polite nay t'pay respects to the Hold and the
Lord, and Lord Vorlin was good enough t'greet us and provide refreshments."
She nods to the much-reduced platters of cheese. "I imagine 'twill nay be
uncommon for the Weyrlings t'stop by the Hall. And the gambling den. If'n I
have aught t'say about the latter, anyway. In that case... in that case,
Lani, just make sure nay anyone else knows your plan and that the accident
was nay such an accident, hmm?" Her right brow twitches meaningfully.

Gerome chuckles, which rewards Gerome with a wince, "It's true. Always best
to pay one's respects to Him." He eyes the ladies, "If you find yourselves
a bit short on ready marks for the gambling den, do let me know. I can
provide a reasonable stack for you to begin your adventures."

Kasedy frowns slightly at something - a look which is quickly replaced with
a smile as she gets to her feet, "Do excuse me, please. T'was lovely ter
meet yeh, Kassima, Lanisa. I hope ter see yeh both again while yer here."
She nods to each in turn, "I need ter attend ter some things." Her green
eyes touch on Gerome now, "Do come when yeh've a chance. If'n yeh need
someone ter show yeh the way ter my quarters, I c'n show yeh now or else
one of the servants c'n show yeh I'm sure." She stands awaiting a response
from the Holder.

Gerome ponders for just a second, "If you ladies will excuse me. I find
myself intrigued as to the subject of my sister's correspondance." He
stands up with some bit of effort. "If yo show me now, perhaps we can have
that chat." He motions a servant over "please bring me a skin of wine,
before I make it to the stairs." and with that, he sends the servant

Lanisa chuckles, "Trii will likely have to do it, if it's going to happen.
Everyone's already been expecting me to since K'ran told me no as a
candidate. No. I need to get my point across more convincingly. You saw her
in class. She was even giving Da a hard time of it. Can't let that go, or
I'm slipping." She chuckles then, "Da would kill me if I looked for extra
marks past from him or ma. Well, maybe not from Kassi here. Since he knows
her and knows Kassi will get me herself if I don't manage payback. But
thanks." She nods then to Kasedy, "Nice to have met you, aye."

Kasedy inclines her head to Gerome slightly and flashes another smile to
the riders before she heads towards the stairs.

Kassima has to grin at that. "Methinks I'll manage," she assures, "though
'tis kind and very generous of you t'offer. With the last clutch when
'twere here, the Lord offered the Weyrlings a certain amount of chips on
the house--I don't know about this time." She nods first to Kasedy, then to
Gerome, saying to both, "A pleasure it's been i'truth and deed. G'deve
t'you both, and I hope your chat proves pleasant."

Kasedy climbs up the stairs to the second floor.

Gerome climbs up the stairs to the second floor.

Kassima suggests once the two have left in a very wry tone indeed, "Another
word of advice, Lani: borrow marks from nay anyone here. Though it sounds
like you wouldn't anyway. But borrowing marks from anyone you don't know
anywhere is bad news, and Bitra, bless it, is the last place I'd suggest.
Is can well take care of himself," back on that other topic. "At least,
usually. But there's something t'be said for defending his honor so long as
'tis done in a non-harmful way. Why can I all too easily picture M'tri
flaming that pillow to the Star and beyond, and probably grinning
fiendishly while he does it?"

Lanisa nods, "I'm saving my marks for a trip to weaver, have no fear. Other
than the ones I placed in wagers already of course, but I still want to get
something extra nice to wear. You know. Other than everyday leathers." She
glances after the pair and nods, "Da warned me about that a few turns back
when we visited. No, if I need a loan, I'll go closer to home. I just hope
the others are as wise." She sighs then, "I know he can take it and all.
Just, I'm so tired of listening to her. If she wants to obsess, she doesn't
have to around me. And I'm tired of not being able to mention anything
about him without her trying to eavesdrop on the conversation. I just want
her to respect that I'll make her life as miserable as she's made mine if
she doesn't back off." And at the last, she smiles warmly, "Because he
likely would do just that."

"T'wea... oh, right," Kassima says, remembering. "We did speak of that:
t'buy something fine. There should be chances enough t'wear it, now, with
the Interval on." She hitches one shoulder helplessly. "Here's hoping,
though I'd nigh bet at least one *won't* be; always the way of the
world--you can pass along, though, that if'n someone ends up in serious
trouble they can apply t'me. As can you if'n you do need. I charge interest
in m'own way, but I'd be surprised if'n the price is as steep." She shifts
so that her fist props up her cheek, far less formal in posture with no
Personages present to witness. "This I understand. For her t'have a crush
on him, that's naught unusual, but her behavior's gone above and beyond the
call of sanity."

Lanisa grins, placing her elbows on the table and resting her chin on the
palms of her hands, "Just something for gathers, you know. -- Alright, and
maybe to knock a certain blue rider's socks off wouldn't be so bad either."
She gives a wink for that, then sighs, "How about we warn everyone but
Bertie? -- And thanks Kassi. I'd rather pay your interest if I must borrow,
or Da's any day. Not that I like to borrow much when I don't need to." A
slow nod now, "Exactly. There have been plenty with crushes. And only two I
ever wanted to do anything about."

Kassima points out with a mixture of amusement and fondness, "Given how you
two seem t'feel about each other, I don't doubt you'd knock his socks off
nay wearing aught special at all." She pauses. She clears her throat.
"Regardless of which way you read that. Up t'you, Lani--I'm more interested
in trying t'get a few marks than give 'em, truth be known. Doubt there'll
be something else like Juliri's twenty-five mark windfall, but you never
can be sure. Anyway, I thankee for that. I think you might nay have to.
You'd probably pay me back by the time you claimed 'twould." She also nods
to this last. Her expression is rueful. "I have a hunch I could guess the

Lanisa flushes, "Well maybe I wouldn't need to, but I'd still like to see
the look on his face sometime, just the same." After a moment she nods, as
the blush fades, "I know, Kassi. But still. You've earned enough off of me
over the turns, compared to the bits I've won back that I figure if I'm
going to chance it." But she's teasing a little too. "I can't see me being
as lucky as to find that sort of windfall myself so easy." Wit a wink she
says on that other, "I'll just bet you could."

"I understand," says Kassima, with an odd cross between warmth and
wistfulness. "That sort of admiration from one you care for is priceless,
whatever your depth of feeling--friendship or beyond. Assuming, y'know, the
friend in question isn't T'van or something. Oh, you can chance it," and
it's all amusement now. "I mean 'tis up t'you whether you tell Roberta.
'Tis part luck, part reputation, and part willingness t'do something the
other thinks will be amusing for marks, a windfall like that. *Mayhaps*
'twill turn out you have some rich clutchmate who'd pay me forty marks
t'bite the head off a live tunnelsnake and 'twill turn an even better
profit, but I doubt it." After a beat, she admits, "Truth be told, nay sure
I'd even accept that deal. Ugh." Her grin for the last is wry but genuine.

Lanisa flushes again and nods, "Never had that turned at me before. I'd
kinda like to, you know?" But then she laughs, "Right. So long as it's not
T'van. If I ever want that... Lock me up until my head's been examined. I
beg you." She gives a wink then, but before she can reply to the other she
glances at the stairs. With a roll of her eyes she pushes back from the
table, "Shards. *He's* fussing his audience can't see him any more. I'd
better get him down to the camp site. See you later Kassi, You staying over?"

"I do know," says Kassima, smiling. "And *trust* me, 'twill. Though,
between us--I'd obviously never tell him so--he's probably nay such a bad
sort; his affection for everything human and breathing seems genuine, 'tis
just that he's so... well, 'tis *everybody* human and breathing. Plus, I
admittedly like a little more grace than 'I really want t'see you naked.'"
Deadpan, deadpan, who's got the deadpan? Slightly red deadpan, but still.
"Aye, methinks 'twill if'n your gracious teachers allow. Although 'twill be
absent for our drills and whatnay, naturally. Give m'regards t'Tisiath?"

Lanisa smiles again, cheeks still rosy from something other than the wine,
"No. Not bad sort, but I'm with you on that. I prefer someone a bit more
selective." As she starts for the stairs she laughs, "Not for drills? I'm
disappointed Kassi! Truly so." A wink again, "G'night and I will...And I
have. He says G'night as well." And probably more than that, judging from
her expression as she starts her assent.

Lanisa walks out the main doors to the courtyard.

Kassima parries, drolly, "I live t'serve," but she grins after the
departing Weyrling regardless. After a moment of thought, she filches a
last piece of cheese and glass of wine, gives the fat purse at her belt a
tap, and rises to meander on into the gambling den.

You open the red door and step into The Even Odds.