-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dali's Got a Knife Date: September 15, 2008 Places: Igen Weyr's Inner Caverns and Candidate Barracks Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: It wouldn't be Candidacy without the surprise Barracks inspection! Kassima and Josilina join forces to raid the Candidates' presses, turning up a weapon, a quilt, a mess, but not one picture of B'yan in a loincloth. Sad or reassuring, you decide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Josilina walks out of a cavern opening. Dragons have relayed messages, and it's with a slightly wicked smile that Josilina strides into the caverns from the field. "I really shouldn't enjoy this so much," she says as she approaches the barracks entrance. "But the sands are -boring.-" "Two days they're exciting," Kassi agrees, grinning at the Weyrwoman-- grinning even as she walks up, which may not bode well for the poor unknowing Candidates. "Clutching day and Hatching day. I don't know if'n there's enough time left this time, but some round we should be making the Candidates write a song about eggs or dragons or latrines or something and go out t'sing it t'you and Lhiannonth. That'd be an adventure. Shall we?" "Or latrines," Josilina echoes with great amusement. "Excellent idea." She nods, "Let's." Josilina strides into the Candidates' Barracks. You stride into the Candidates' Barracks. The Imperial March doesn't play as Kassima and Josilina enter the Barracks, but if there were any justice in the world, it would. "Mayhaps dragon eggs in the latrines, but would Lhiannonth like that?" Kassi asides to Jos, then raises her voice to hail the room at large. "Candidates! Barracks inspection! Line up by your cots and be ready t'meet your doom if'n we find *one* naughty sketch of B'yan in a loincloth, so help me!" Josilina snorts, grimacing, and that's answer enough. But she will murmur, "We could probably sell that, I bet there's a market." Then she's standing straight, all Weyrwoman On Inspection. "We'll be checking your cots, around them, and your presses, so they better be neat!" To Kassima, again softer, she wonders, "You want the boys or the girls?" Chaton gets quickly off of his bed, smoothes down his sheets, and stands stock still next to his cot, making sure any metaphorical naughty sketches of B'yan are hidden well out of view. Kassima murmurs sotto voce, "We could commission Sylotra? A booklet of Weyr men in loincloths, several copies of it, we sell 'em and use the profit for the you-know-whats... or keep 'em ourselves. Bet she'd do Wall in poofy pants if'n you asked." And so Pern at last discovered the beefcake calendar. "More lasses than lads," she says in a tone audible to all. "But the lads tend more often t'be disasters. 'Twill take the lasses and we'll see who assigns the most push-ups?" "Not the worst idea," Josilina agrees, low, and then louder: "You're on." She scans the row of boys' cots, all steely-gazed. Her first victim? Chaton. "Alright, Candidate!" she says in her best version of a bark. "Stand straight. And open your press." Presumably, he does not need to stand straight for that. Chaton eeps and opens his press and then stands up straight, looking around. "Err... Right!" he fidgets nervously. Kassima approaches Dali's cot. The girl is one of the younger Candidates, and thin and small-boned besides, with a mop of black-brown curls she can't ever tame. "Creases in the covers. That's ten. Nay too much dust...." The rider investigates the open press. "Clothes folded adequately. Nay disaster so far." Josilina ducks to check under the cot, nodding, "Pretty neat. Not bad, considering." She goes to the press, poking through it. "You should fold your shirts more neatly. I'll give you... three pushups for that. We can't have our Candidates looking like a laundry bag." Then, to his cot, "Well-made... what's this?" She lifts the top sheet to reveal a faded quilt. "Now, why do you have a pretty thing like this covered up?" Chaton flushes brightly. "That? It's old..." he wrinkles the tip of his nose and bites his tongue. "It's just something I worked on with my mum. Nothing important... she didn't even do that much with it. It was my pratice...." he fidgetes more. "...but um... I'll put it on top, if you perfer..." Kassima drops to her knees to check under the cot: nothing. Dali's nervousness is visibly shifting to hope. Until the older woman picks up the Candidate's pillow, and underneath it... Kassi picks up the item and turns to the rest of the room, holding it up in a wordless, 'can you believe this?' gesture. It's a butcher knife from the kitchens--one of the biggest sort they keep. "A cook let me borrow that!" Dali says quickly. "So I'll be ready if the tunnelsnakes come!" Still brandishing the knife Kassi cranes her head to try and glimpse the quilt. "That's a nice thing t'have, Chaton. Just the thing t'keep warm enough in Igen winter." "I would," Josilina decides. "It's very nice, Chaton," she picks up the name as the Candidate Coordinator uses it. "You should be proud of your work, and really, it makes your cot much more colorful and pleasant." She pokes about his pillow, checking beneath it, before nodding in satisfaction. "You're clear - shards!" she breaks off, seeing Kassima's new toy as she turns. "Did a /Candidate/ have that, or are you threatening them?" she wonders, already eyeing Dali suspiciously. Chaton backs away some, uneasy with the thought of Kass weilding a knife. "Um... thanks? It really needs a backing, but I could never scrape together enough material to make one..." he glances at the old quilt and shrugs. "By this time it's too worn to be bothered..." he flushes even more. "Um.. thank you, Weyrwoman." he smiles at her, then flinches with a start as she exclaimes. Dali isn't the bravest girl in the Barracks. She splits a panicky glance between Josilina and the knife in Kassima's hand. "Maderas told me about the giant tunnelsnake in the latrine and then I saw one in the hall and it was really big and then there were more of them and they made me hunt them but I couldn't because I was afraid and I told one of the cooks and she gave me that knife and said I didn't have to have nightmares any more if I put it under my pillow," she gets out anyway, somehow, without much stopping to breathe. She sucks in a big gulp of air and adds, "I wasn't gonna use it on people!" Kassima promises Josilina, and Chaton for that matter, "I'm nay threatening 'em. I don't actually have any knives like this." By the way she's weighing it in her hand and visibly appreciating the heft, she may be rethinking that lack. "There's probably some Stores could spare, Chaton, if'n you change your mind on it being too worn." IGEN-> Chaton says, "Kassie's got a knife. Kassie's got a knife. Her whole world's come undone. From looking straight at the sun. What did her daddy do? What did he put you through?" IGEN-> Chaton says, "They say when Kassi was arrested, they found Candidates in the souuuup." Josilina looks entirely impressed with Dali's rambling talent. "Even if you're not, it could get into accidents around here. Especially if someone sleepwalks." She considers this claim and adds, "And sleep steals." She reaches over to flip a corner of the quilt over to examine the backing, or lack thereof. "Mmm. Well. Not having one keeps it lighter, at least, which is good around here. Kassima's right, good for Igen winter." IGEN-> Kassima says, "Kassi's daddy's the one who taught her to use knives. ;)" IGEN-> Salitra Salitra laughs at what Chaton was singing. "I like that song!" (sorry, I was afk and didn't get back till now) Chaton grins huge. "Really Kassima? Wow... I wouldn't want to take anything that anyone else would need..." he's visibly excited, though. Destin wakes up from his perch ontop of Chaton's cot and chrups a greeting to all. Dali looks down to the floor. Kassima's mouth twitches, clear symptom of amusement if the girl could see it. She touches Dali's shoulder, and says, "Nay push-ups for having the knife--I am going t'take away, though, but I'm thinking we'd be understanding if'n you kept a broom. Beat 'em with that. Less messy, anyway." Dali's not all that reassured but she stretches out on the ground to start her ten push-ups with only a little sigh. Kassi's eyes stay on Dali while she nods. "Really. You're an Igenite, aren't you? You've all a right t'supplies... within reason. Reason excluding butcher knives. For everyone's future reference!" IGEN-> Kassima says, "Chaton, that song's stuck in my head now. You're the devil." IGEN-> Chaton says, "I'm sorry, love. XD" IGEN-> Chaton says, "Kassie's got a knife.... Kassie's got a knife...." IGEN-> Salitra laughs even harder. (afk again...) IGEN-> N'ren points out that most riders carry at least one or two knives. :) It's how they eat, after all. IGEN-> Chaton says, "You're not in on the joke, N'ren. You had to be there." "Within reason," Josilina feels it necessary to re-emphasize. "Chaton, don't forget your three push-ups," she reminds him. All about intimidation, this one. She moves to the next cot, belonging to a lanky boy from the Bakercraft. "Name?" she demands, breaking her stern image when she adds, "Please?" 'Tarvin', is his response, and she nods, starting in on his press. "I hope -you- won't have any knives," she adds as she spots his old Craft knot in the press. Naara, having escaped from afternoon chores to nap in her top corner bunk, rolls over and uncurls from her sleeping ball to peer down at the commotion, blinking as she adjusts to seeing more than just the insides of her eyelids. Ayala, thrilled that at least /one/ of her bunkmates is now awake--Riike is still out like a dead glow--chirrups happily and pokes her head down beside Naara's. What's going on? Chaton nods and gets down to do his three push-ups. Easy. He grins at Kassima. "I'd be able to do it in a few weeks... if I kept at it. Including chores." he adds. 'Cause he'd never, ever pawn off chores for easier ones. Ever. Kassima abandons all thought of going down the line in orderly fashion. There's a female Candidate down there who didn't line up when called... and that means the girl nearest Dali gets a few moments reprieve while Kassi paces down the row to Naara. "Inspection, Candidate!" The tone isn't sharp but is terribly Official. "Come down and open your press at once." [Editor's Note: RL dragged Josilina off at this point.] At the sound of Kassima's 'official' tone, Naara disappears for a moment and then scrambles down from her bunk in the corner, abandoning her 'nest' for her press, which she opens quickly to display a...treasure trove, of sorts. Knick knacks and odds and ends unimportant to most people fill neat spaces inside the press, little pieces of beauty that have caught her eye enough to be stored away. On the other half is a small folded stack of clothes, a long black bathrobe and a bunch of white cloth that /could/ be the makings of a Candidate Robe-In-Progress. Chaton reclaims his wakening 'lizard off of the end of the cot and sits him on his shoulder. He watches Naara scramble around, feeling a little sorry for the poor girl. He'd tell Destin to go and keep her company, he still hadn't got a straight answer on the missing Riike, and wasn't going to press it, but he thought that Destin's idea of comfort would be more in line with a sharp nip, and not at all comfrotable. This time Kassima goes for the press first. She pulls up the first layer or two of clothing, checking whether everything is folded; she touches, lightly, one or two of the odds-and-ends. "There's a lot here. You're keeping it neat enough, I'm nay seeing a problem, nay sketches of anybody in the altogether or giant knives either. All right, you can close it." Reprieve! But now she's climbing up to get a look at the bunk, and that.... "Bright Faranth. If'n some creases get you ten push-ups I don't even know how many t'be assigning for this!" Naara does so with a heaved sigh of relief. Ayala, still curled up with Riike in the nest-bunk, leans in close to inspect her dam's bonded with nearly crossed eyes. Chirrup? "I--uh...er, it's I mean, that is to say..." After so many failed attempts, Naara goes with the better part of valor and simply closes her mouth and ducks her head to await the verdict. Mostly sleeping, untill he heard one of his clutchmates' churp's, Destin raises his head and offers a reply chirup. He flitters his wings and settles in a stiting position on his companion's shoulder. Chaton lets out a small errr. "Um, Kassima? May I have a quick word with you? It's of some small importance...." he fidgets anew. Kassima glances back over her shoulder. "Certes, Chaton, as soon as I'm done with Naara's bunk--since 'tis important." Despite the state of the bunk, the nesting fire-lizards get an involuntary smile where the Candidates can't see it. Awww. She puts a finger to her lips--shhh, go back to sleep--and descends the ladder. "You just woke up," she tells Naara. Like before, her voice isn't hard but matter-of-fact. "But that's bad luck. Any time we come in here t'be inspecting, we're wanting t'see the bunks tidy, the presses tidy, everything clean. I'm thinking 'tis thirty push-ups for you." "Not... that important..." he mumbles. He puts Destin down on his bunk with a quick, 'stay', and waits for Kassima. In the meantime, Destin makes a quick break for the top of the bunk, where he settles down on Chaton's pillow. Sleep? The only thing better than food! "I, I did." Naara's voice is exceptionally quiet, ashamed at being caught asleep. She shifts her weight from foot to foot and chews her lip until the punishment is laid bare. "Oh..." She takes a moment to look at her scrawny, bony arms and sighs. "Um....y-y-yes ma'am." And with that, she lowers herself to the ground and begins her push-ups, slowly and none too gracefully. Ayala, for her part, reaches out to try and lick Kassima on the nose. Her own playful greeting towards someone who doesn't smell dangerous. Kassima shakes her head quickly at Chaton: it's not a problem; but until she's done her focus stays on Naara... and yes, come to think of it she does still have the knife, but at least she's not brandishing the thing. It's quiescent in her hand. "Kassima," she reminds Naara gently. "Nay ma'am, please. I've had t'bring that up so many times this clutch... go ahead, Chaton?" A soft laugh greets Ayala's lick and the greenrider offers the tiny eyeridges a rub with the tip of one non-knife-holding finger. Chaton flushes. "I'd druther not. It's rather personal." he points out, nodding at all of the onlooking candidates. "If you'd want to wait, It's fine. I'm not exactly scarce." he nods and sits down on the edge of his bunk, running his fingers over the exposed quilt. IGEN-> Chaton says, "Actually, It'll have to wait. I have to poof." IGEN-> Kassima nods and zhaiwaffles to Chaton. Thanks for getting inspected. :) IGEN-> K'tel waves after Chaton. :) IGEN-> Chaton says, "No worreis." IGEN-> Chaton says, "See you!" Ayala churrs in pleasure at the rubbing of her eyeridges and rubs her head against Kassima's hand. This sound causes Naara--still in the middle of her push-ups--to look up towards her bunk. This is enough distraction to cause her to lose her already precarious balance and topple to the floor with an 'oof' to the accompaniment of the laughter of several of the other Candidates. "Hey." Kassima points her knife at the laughing Candidates. If she were holding anything else, it wouldn't be a threatening gesture, just 'no more of that nonsense'; with a knife, it gains a little something. She coughs and finishes her climb down from the bunk and repeats it with the knifeless hand. "You, you, you, and you, ten push-ups each and m'thanks for winning me the tally. Don't fash them, Naara. Pick yourself up and finish, and 'twill terrorize someone else." Nodding slowly, Naara picks herself up and slowly but surely climbs the pushups until she's reached her thirty. By then, she's sweaty and red in the face, but she picks herself up and brushes her hands off on her trous to distract from the smarting of the skin on her palms. "D-d-done, ma'am." Kassima grimaces. "Naara--at this point I've asked you t'stop that as many times as I have Desdinova, I'm thinking. If'n she does it once more, I'm going t'be punishing her. If'n you do... the same. 'Tisn't respectful t'call me something that makes me uncomfortable," she points out, matter-of-fact as she was about the messy bed, but her voice is modulated and gentler. "Understood? All's well with the bunk, though. You've done your push-ups and now 'tis as if'n I never saw it messy, until or unless I see it messy again." Naara pales. "S-s-sorry, ma--K-k-Kassima." She pushes that out and then clamps her mouth shut. "I uhm...I understand." Sensing her discomfort, Ayala crawls away from Riike to churr down at the Candidate from her perch above, receiving a grateful glance and a mental 'hug' in return. This seems to settle the green, who croons once more and returns to her nap. "I don't think you mean disrespect by it. You can call me Coordinator or rider if'n it makes you more comfortable," Kassima offers, a little, rueful smile lifting one side of her mouth. "I'd rather name, but that's up t'you." The smile becomes a grin at the appearance of Ayala--someone has a weakness for tiny fire-lizards. "She's a sweet one," Kassi comments as she and her knife return to the head of the row to get their next target. [Editor's Note: The inspections for the NPCs were done off-camera, and the scene ends here. :) ]