
The Caravan Capture Ploy

Date:  December 17, 1996
Places:  Benden Weyr's Living Cavern, North Bowl, and Skyspace; Sky 
Above the Road to Benden Hold, and the Road to Benden Hold.
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  A few typos have been fixed in this to make for easier
reading.  Also, anything prefixed by <*> takes place away from Lysseth,
which will be in the North Bowl, Benden's Skyspace, the Sky Above the
Road to Benden Hold, and the Road to Benden Hold, in that order.


The Log:

P'tran walks in from the bowl.

Salless tells her girls to look sharp when the weyrleader walks in.

P'tran gives a curt nod as he heads in quickly from the bowl, carrying a 
scroll under one arm. "Evening."

Kassima walks in whistling, and pauses to wave to Jerissa and Jalimax. 
"G'devening!" she calls, then spins on her heel to salute the Weyrleader. 
"And g'deve t'you, sir." She then heads directly in a vtol-line for 
cider, tugging off her riding gloves and sighing as she grips the warm 

P'tran heads over to a table and spots Jerissa as he goes. "Um, Jerissa. 
I meant to welcome you to Benden Weyr but I've been busy the last few 

Kassima drains the mug by about a quarter before she bothers to sit down, 
obviously in need of the hot drink. "I miss summer already," she mutters 
to herself as she flops down in her seat, casting a glance at the 
Weyrleader's scroll out of the corner of her eye.

Jerissa looks up from contemplating a wine glass? Unusual for her, but 
there we go. Her attentiion is snagged by the Weyrleaders voice and she 
rises from her seat, saluting immediately, "My thanks for taking me in, 

P'tran nods to Jerissa and smiles slightly. "As I told T'vor, Benden is 
glad to have the both of you. Which reminds me... I initially assigned 
you to Skyfire but I may need to have you in Thunderbolt instead, as we 
need more dragonhealers in that wing."

Jerissa lifts her shoulder in a slight shrug, "Whichever is best, Sir. 
I've not had time to settle into Skyfire as yet, so a move won't be too 
drastic. I'll go where I'm needed and be thankful for that." She smiles 
and bobs her head to Kassima as she spots the other rider.

Karise walks in from the bowl.

P'tran nods to Jerissa in response. "All right, we'll talk about that a 
little later. Right now I have a few more pressing matters to look into." 
He glances about the caverns for a moment, looking for someone, before 
taking the scroll from under his arm and unrolling it on a table.

Karise wanders in, stifling a yawn, as she looks about. She nods, 
glancing at the scroll, before meandering over to the others.

Jerissa nods, "Not a problem, Sir" she comments as she settles back into 
her seat. Swirling her wine around in her glass, she slips into quiet 
solitude again.

P'tran looks up again and moves the scroll a bit so it can be more easily 
seen. It is a map of the Benden area, with a road near the center marked 

Kassima gazes curiously at the scroll, though she does look over to wave 
to Karise. "Is this scroll concerning that caravan, sir?"

Karise wanders by Kassi, smile flashing only got a moment before she 
looks at scroll again.

P'tran shakes his head at Kassima. "No, this is the road that the fake 
caravan we set up is taking." He traces a finger from Lemos through the 
center of the Benden territory and then to Benden Hold. "It's taking this 

"A... trap?" Dark brows knit as Karise scans the map, before nodding in 
approval. "Can't say I fault the area chosen."

Kassima nods, studying the road's path. "Aye, sir, 'twas what 'twas 
wondering... when are the renegades estimated to meet up with it then?"

P'tran nods to Karise. "We set this all up a few days ago. Asrai helped 
us 'leak' the information to them about the caravan. Surprisingly, they 
seemed very interested in the gemstones on the caravan."

Karise grins ruefully. "Greed always does." She glances over the map 
again, as she nods. "Take them to the right place, in enough time, and 
they're impossible to find again."

P'tran hmms and nods slowly. "Yes, but in all their previous raids, all 
they took were food and healing supplies. Why be interested in gems all 
of a sudden? Well, never mind that." He turns to Kassima. "To answer your 
question, we figure they'll stike the caravan around this area, where the 
road passes between the hills."

Karise hmms to that, before shaking her head. "Getting bold...
opportunity... who can say..."

Kassima tilts her head. "Mayhaps now they're secure enough that they can 
be thinking of marks... they could've been planning something along these 
lines for a time, too. I still think that neatly explains that trader 
patch... ach, but I'm rambling." She eyes the spot, and nods. "Aye, sir, 
that's where. The question is, when? How long's each group from reaching 
the site, approximately?"

P'tran glances at the map again and appears to make a mental calculation. 
"The caravan is approaching that spot about now. One of the 'traders' on 
the caravan is going to send back a firelizard with a note as soon as 
they spot them. He's hidden near the back where the goods are being 

Kassima's eyebrows go up with surprise. "So if'n the renegades--or 
whatever the shells they are--are fast enough, they'll reach it as soon 
as today? Well. Odd to think that after all this time, it may be over so 

P'tran nods and hrms. "I know," he comments dryly. "But this point is 
only two days travel from the caves, and they did appear to be going for 
it, according to Asrai. I've been trying to make this as realistic as 
possible, even down to the occasional dragon patrol at regular 

Tay walks in from the kitchen.

Karise nods, before taking a chair nearby. "Well, that's the thing to 
worry about the most....causing suspicion. Too close now for them to get 

P'tran adds, "Which gives us the added bonus of having an updated visual 
of where the caravan is, though Laerth does have this particular area 
between the hills memorized

Kassima nods, smiling wryly. "Aye; unless they're being overconfident, 
their own paranoia will be acting up enough without giving it reason to 
increase. Sir, if'n y'don't mind my asking, what part will the riders 
have in this?"

Tay looks around for her sewing basket.

P'tran grins slightly. "Well, as soon as that message comes in, that 
means the renegades are currently looting the caravan. We'll come in and 
try to surround the caravan and catch them before they bolt. It means 
we're going to have to *between* in rather low ..."

P'tran nods to Karise. "Exactly. If they *didn't* see the occasional 
patrol, it would make them more suspicious than if they did."

Tay settles down with her sewing and some klah, and listens.

Kassima hrms and nods. "Too high, and there'll be time to get away. 
Sir...." She looks reluctant to ask this, but also as though she has to. 
"What if that one, whatever his name was... what if'n he's bringing the 
crossbow again, and starts taking potshots? Should we be on the alert 
for such a thing? Mayhaps they've got the one saying, 'Nay killing,' but 
if'n he's nay close enough to be controlling the other, y'know...."

P'tran pulls himself away from the map and nods. "Yes, we're going to 
have to assume that they're dangerous. The people acting as traders on 
the caravan -- some of them actually are traders that are lending us a 
hand -- will take cover soon as they see the dragons arrive.

Karise nods. "It takes a lot to use a crossbow...and this one doesn't 
sound like he misses." She frowns over that, nails clicking slightly on 
the table.

Jalimax glances over at the map.

Lal walks in from the bowl.

Salless straightens the chairs of the Living Cavern to make the place 
more aesthetically pleasing.

Lal runs in, "Hallo sir?"

P'tran hmms at Karise. "Actually, that one seemed to be lucky rather 
than skilled." He turns around and nods to Lal and gestures her over to 
the table with the map of the Benden territory.

P'tran says to Lal, "We're close to moving in on these renegades, and 
I'd like you to be with us when we go."

Lal walks on over. "Y'may have t'help me wi'some o'th'bigger names..."

Lal ohs, 'Well, glad t'help."

Ursa walks in from the bowl.

Karise nods, chewing on her bottom lip in thought, before glancing back 
to the map. "Well...hopefully, with this," she motions to the plan, "His 
luck will run out."

Kassima nods, sighing. "Aye, sir. I suppose 'twill be the best we'll 
just have to be hoping for, and that he can be captured a'fore he's 
causing problems or injuries or the like." She leans over to scrutinize 
the map further. "'Bout how low will the dragons have to come in, sir?"

Ursa finds herself drawn to the group out of natural curiosity and 
nosiness, peering over shoulders and listening.

Jalimax looks at the weyrleader, "You need more help ?"

P'tran nods and waves the others riders arriving over to the table as 
well. "Very low," he says. "Just above treetop level."

P'tran glances over to Jalimax. "Perhaps, if things get ugly over there, 
we may need people to help tend to wounded, but I'm really hoping to
make this enough of a surprise that we catch them without any 

Ursa's eyebrows go as high as they can go. "You're gonna have dragons 
betweening at treetop level?" she asks before she can stop herself. Then 
she registers and adds, "No disrespect meant, of course, sir."

Lal says "Areseth's awful big fer that kinda thing, sir."

Kassima mmms. "Low," she agrees. "Very low. 'Tis hard to see on the 
map--will there be room for all the dragons to land, to surround 'em? Or 
will some be staying up in the air or some such?"

P'tran nods to Ursa and smiles slightly. "None taken. Well, we're hoping 
they hit here," he points to the area where the road winds between two 
hills. "It's a bit boxed in there and good cover. Laerth has the sky in 
that area memorized perfectly. He can get us in safely."

Kenai walks in from the bowl.

Ursa frowns, then just has to ask, "And Laerth has come in this low 

Lal says "Y'made sweeps there, sir?"

P'tran explains, "What I want us to do is come out of *between* in a 
circular formation so we can look at the entire caravan at one swoop, 
then close in at the point where the renegades are. That should be near 
the rear of the caravan."

P'tran nods to Lal. "I went with some of the patrols earlier as well."

Lal sighs, folding her arms. 'Awright...."

P'tran adds, "And we made it in low a few times to make sure we had the 
visualization right."

Lal says "If we got th'vis right, Areseth cin get in an'manuever that 
low. He's good fer his size."

Ursa shakes her head, visualising the whole plan carefully.

Karise watches, before letting out a sigh. She leans over to Kassi, 
whispering, "Wouldn't you know it....we finally get a chance, and I 
can't go between."

P'tran considers and considers what he hears, furrowing his brow a bit. 
"Yes, Areseth is also rather manuverable, I've seen him in Fall."

Tay bites her lip and doesn't lift her head from her sewing.

Kassima chuckles wryly. "Mayhaps when they see all those dragons 
swooping down on 'em, they'll even freeze in fear and make the job easy. 
Too much to really hope for, though." She turns to nod to Karise, 
sympathetically. She murmurs back, "Aye... life's ironic sometimes, 'tis 
nay? The later account won't be the same, but...." She simply shrugs, at 
a loss for more words for once.

"Yer fault." Lal doesn't look at Karise, but the tone is rather 
indicative that the comment was meant for her. She continues to look at 
the map.

P'tran looks over sympathetically to Karise. "Sorry you can't partcipate 
in this, Karise..."

Ursa shakes her head. "I'm frankly sceptical about Spineth coming out so 
low. But he's not as large as Laerth, so hopefully if we believe he can 
do it...."

Ursa blinks then adds, "If Spineth and I are expected to participate, 
that is."

P'tran gives a slight sigh as he stands. "Admittedly it will be tricky, 
but this is the best shot we have." He looks over to Lal. "Lal, I want 
you along in this because I was giving some thought to what you said the 
other day about these renegades having some association with traders."

Karise rolls her eyes Lal-wards. Jealous. But anyway.... "I know... but 
it won't be as if I can't see everything. I'll send Starburst along for 
the ride."

P'tran nods to Ursa. "Yes, indeed, I'd like you to participate."

P'tran glances to the bowl. "That caravan is approaching that point in 
the road about now, I'd like we all get out to the bowl and prepare. I 
want to launch soon as that firelizard comes back with the note."

Kassima looks over to the Weyrleader. "And Lyss and I, sir? Admittedly,
she's nay as manueverable as smaller greens, but she's fast...." Kassi 
drains the last of her mug, and this time takes the time to put it 
wherever mugs go.

Lal says "Oh yah, well, I dunno if I'm right...."

P'tran nods. "Yes, you and Lysseth, and Lal and Areseth as well. Laerth 
will be coming along as well, as he's providing the visualization."

Lal nods. "On me way." She leaves, on her way out, she waves at Karise 
behind her back with a snort. Not jealous. Disgusted.

Lal walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kassima rolls her eyes at the interchange, then sighs and heads out 

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Benden LC> P'tran picks up the map and rolls it up, and beckons the 
other riders to follow him.

P'tran comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Above, Laerth leaps from Leilanth's Ledge and flies into the air.

Benden LC> Ursa snatches one of the dinner pies that are cooling, and 
eats it as she follows the train of riders out.

Ursa comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Laerth backwings for a landing.

Lal takes a flying leap towards Areseth, who cringes in anticipation of 
her approach. With a whoop and a yahoo, Lal lands on Areseth's shoulder, 
then scrambles up his side with reckless abandon. With a last heave, she 
lands on Areseth's neck ridges, having anticipated Areseth's FLINCH in 
her acrobatic manuever. Areseth SIGHS contentedly, Lal having succeeded 

Laerth gives a loud snort as he lands, eyes whirling quickly and seeking 
out his rider.

Astride Areseth's back, Lal patpats Areseth, who is rather excited by 
this whole "apprehending" business.

Ursa chatters, even with a mouth full, as she approaches Spineth. "C'mon 
old guy. We're not done yet. We're agoing renegade hunting."

Kassima strides over to Lysseth and immediately starts checking her 
straps, nodding with satisfaction as everything seems in order. Lyss for 
once doesn't snort at her rider; rather, she almost looks excited 
herself, definitely unusual for the green. "Okay, sky-lady," says Kassi, 
giving Lysseth's shoulder a thump. "Your mission, and you've nay choice 
about accepting it, 'tis to--" This breaks off as Lyss *does* snort at 
her laughing rider, and shoves her lightly, too.

P'tran calls out, "Everyone mount up!" He hands the map off to a 
wingrider, who takes it back to the records room. "Everyone into 
formation. Make it a rough circle, kind of stretched a bit. Lysseth and 
Areseth take the flanks, Spineth and my Laerth will take the ends." He 
moves his hands in an approximate oval shape to show what he means.

Areseth shifts his massive bulk to Lal's commands. He snorts and rumbles 

Kassima ceases laughing, nods, and salutes, clicking her boot heels 
together. "Aye, sir!" She takes hold of the straps and hauls herself up.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. 
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her 
lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully 
offered foreleg.

<*> Ursa salutes her acknowledgement of the instructions and quickly 

<*> Ursa clambers up onto Spineth's back with the assistance of an 
extended forelimb.

<*> Astride Areseth's back, Lal snaps a salute, syaing she's at the 

<*> Lysseth stretches, then folds her wings and calmly heads over to her 
proper position in one flank of the distended circle.

<*> P'tran heads over to his own dragon and checks the straps. "Now, 
listen, you'll all get your visualization from Laerth. We go between 
together, and *no one* goes down below to the caravan until I give the 
word. Whoever sees the renegades first give a shout and then we'll 
*together* follow your lead."

Kassima buckles herself into her seat and nods, briefly, to show her 
understanding of the orders.

<*> Astride Areseth's back, Lal shouts, "Gotcha!"

<*> P'tran is about to say something else when a gold firelizard, 
chattering at the tops of her lungs, swoops down on P'tran and scolds 
him loudly, dropping a small bit of hide at his feet before flying off. 
P'tran grabs it quickly and reads...

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa salutes again her recognition of the commands. 
She leans over Spin's side as if she could read the hide from up there.

<*> P'tran shakes his head. "Shards. So much for originality," he says 
with a slight smirk. "A tree 'mysteriously' fell across the path of the 
caravan, stopping it. Same trick they pulled on the Lemos tithe train." 
He reachs for the straps and hauls himself up on Laerth.

<*> P'tran climbs up onto Laerth in one smooth motion.

<*> From atop Laerth, P'tran raises his arm and lets it drop quickly in 
the signal to launch!

<*> Laerth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to 
carry him aloft.

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down 
with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl 
floor to carry you aloft.

<*> Spineth rises up from the bowl.

<*> Areseth rises up from the bowl.

<*> Spineth launches eagerly into the air, settling himself quickly into 
position on the end.

<*> Areseth takes a flank, doing his best to hover (at least as well as 
a dragon can...)

<*> From atop Laerth, P'tran looks around and makes sure that everyone 
is precisely in position. "Watch that visualization!" He shouts as a 
final warning and then drops his arm to signal going *between.*

<*> Laerth disappears into Between.

<*> Spineth disappears into Between.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear 
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

Sky above road to Benden Hold(#8307RFJe$)
The sky above the center of Benden is clear and a bit cool, Below, a 
road winds its way between two tree-covered hills, the southeast end 
leading towards Benden Hold and the northwest end leading roughly 
towards Lemos. A trader caravan is making its way down the road, but a 
large tree is now blocking the path.

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Areseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa peers wordlessly over Spineth's side, looking 
nervously at the treetops RIGHT below. Wow. She looks impressed.

<*> From below, The caravan is a bustle of activity below, but at the 
sight of the approaching dragons, now hovering precariously at treetop 
level, the traders and holdfolk suddenly duck for cover by the side of 
the caravan or off to the sides of the road.

<*> Laerth gives a loud snort and his head whips around, his rider also 
surveying the scene below.

<*> Lysseth smoothly maintains her position in the circle, undaunted by 
the treetops so close below. Her tail lashes in anticipation as her eyes 
spark with red. Both she and her rider look from side to side, scanning 
for sign of the renegades.

<*> Areseth peeeers, looking as though looking for two people.

<*> From below, All activity seems to cease .. save for three dark 
figures near the back of the caravan, who had been busily removing goods 
and piling them to the side while the traders were dealing with the 
fallen tree.

Kassima stabs her finger downward and yells, "There they are! In the 

<*> Astride Areseth's back, Lal points downward at the same time. "Those 

<*> From atop Laerth, P'tran turns his head quickly towards Kassima's 
shout. "Have Lysseth lead the way, Kassima! All riders down!"

Kassima nods briefly and nudges Lyss, as they hurtle down towards the 

You wing downward towards the clearing.

On the road to Benden Hold
This is a long road leading through the center of the Benden territory 
towards Benden Hold, which lies a distance further down the road to the 
southeast. Back towards the northwest the road winds its way over and 
across Benden lands, eventually winding up where it started near Lemos 
Hold. In the center of this part of the road is a trader caravan making 
its way slowly down the road towards Benden Hold. This part of the road 
cuts through a cropping of trees between two hills. Tall pine trees 
line either side of the road.
A large pine tree has fallen across the path, blocking the way towards 
Benden Hold.

<*> From above, Areseth dives down, a hulk of brown.

<*> At the sound of the shouts above, the dark figures freeze for a 
moment. One of them, a short, stocky fellow, starts to raise his 
crossbow and lets go a shot. The bolt flies upward and goes ***zing*** 
past Lysseth's wingtip, just barely missing!

<*> Areseth wings down from above.

<*> From above, Laerth roars and heads donward, following the others!

<*> Laerth wings down from above.

<*> Areseth roars at the renegades as he lands, eyes whirring red and 
menacing. Apparently, he's more angry than he should be. Lal is shouting.

<*> Lysseth *roars* at the idiot with the crossbow, eyes a violent red 
and orange as she dodges the bolt!

<*> From atop Laerth, P'tran shouts, "Watch it, they're armed! Fly in 
low, stop them before they head off to the trees!"

<*> Areseth takes to the ground, and STOMPS after the perpetrators, 
making the ground SHAKE.

<*> The three renegades try to make a break for it. Of the two taller, 
leaner looking ones, one is able to sprint away very quickly and 
disappears into the trees. The other one stumbles and falls as he tries 
to run, and the stocky one desperately tries to reload his weapon.

<*> Laerth makes a landing just near the back of the caravan and his 
rider jumps to the ground.

<*> P'tran comes down from Laerth's neck in one smooth motion.

<*> Areseth jumps from the ground and LEAPS to land with a deafening 
THUD in front of the stocky one, making the ground shake sufficently 
enough to cause him to fall.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Lysseth and Areseth with << Come around behind 
them, Lysseth, you're small enough! Block their retreat! >>

<*> Lysseth glides, whirling on a wingtip, still roaring her fury as she 
heads to provide backup for Areseth. "Damnation! One of the friggin' 
wher-spawn got away!" For once, Lysseth's rider's fury matches that of 
her lifemate. "Lal, watch out, the one's got that crossbow--" This breaks 
off as Lyss darts down behind the renegades as ordered, spreading her 
wings to block them with another angry bugle!

<*> Spineth wings down from above.

<*> Lal takes a LEAP off of Areseth's neck ridges with consummate ease, 
sliding down the last few meters on his legs. The dragon visibly 
flinches, fearing for his rider EVERY shardin' time she does that.

<*> The lean one that stumbled makes it to his feet, only to run nearly 
smack into Lysseth's green hide. The stocky one looses his grip on the 
weapon when Areseth lands very loudly and nearly stumbles, but manages 
to stay on his feet.

<*> Lal slides off Areseth deftly, and makes a run for the stocky one. 
"I'm gonna get yeh, y'shardin' bastard!"

<*> Lysseth fully blocks the pathway out with her slender but still 
formidable bulk, hissing venemously at the one who runs into her. She 
whips her tail around to hold him there, as Kassi leaps down to assist 
with this.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

P'tran dashes away from his dragon, his hand over his belt knife as he 
tries to make a run around Areseth to see what is happening.

Spineth swoops down low, his rider shouting, "Which way did he go? Which 
way did he go?"

Laerth gives another earsplitting roar, echoing his rider's sentiments, 
and spreads his wings angrily, but remains in place at a sharp order 
from his rider.

Kassima's hand is clinched on the hilt of her belt knife as she runs for 
the one that Lysseth is trying to hold, one hand outstretched and 
apparently intending to grab onto the scum if he so much as tries to 
bolt. Or if he doesn't, for that matter. "Into the sharding shell-
blasted fragging Faranth-cursed trees!" she yells in reply to Ursa.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Lysseth, Areseth, and Spineth with << We have two 
of them trapped between Areseth and Lysseth. One escaped into the 
forest! >>

The stocky one sees Lal barreling towards him and for a moment there's 
almost a look of recognition on his face...

Lal LEAPS forward, showing off all her athleticism. She POUNCES on him 
like a bear. "Y'bastard! I'm after y'now!" She PUMMELS him.

Spineth banks and skims along the trees, scanning, along with his rider 
and a few other dragons for the guy.

>From above, Prometh emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Prometh wings down from above.

P'tran comes arouna Areseth in time to see Lal pounce on the man. "Lal!" 
He shouts. "Don't injure him! Kassima, keep an eye on that other one!"

Lal growls loudly uon hearing P'tran's command, but gives him one last 
good WHACK before simply holding him, grimacing in anger.

The stocky man grits his teeth and tries to fend off Lal's assault, 
trying to land a punch on her jaw, but missing and striking her shoulder 

Spineth banks sharply again at a shout from the left... but it's a false 
alarm and he returns to his previous pathway, scanning the forest with 
draconic eyes.

Kassima grabs hold of his arms in a grip that's probably bruising, and 
hisses, "Don't worry, sir, I will." Lysseth curls her tail tightly 
around his legs, growling practically in his face.

Lal hahs, "Y'think that hurt, y'fat bastard? Surprised t'see me, aren't 

P'tran adds, "I have Spineth searching for the one that got away."

Areseth rumbles, and comes towards Lal and the stocky man, eyes whirring 
red. He simply LOOMS over them.

Prometh circles a few times before landing, his eyes whirling angrily in 
reaction to his rider's emotions. Finally, he swoops toward the ground 
landing. K'tyn looks toward P'tran in between glances at the surrounding 
scene. "Shall I help Spineth, sir?" the bronzerider asks, his emotions 
barely kept in check after what happened to Asrai only a few days 

The stocky one tries to scramble out from under Lal's assault and 
scrabbles for his fallen crossbow, a short distance away. P'tran comes 
up in time to kick the weapon away and out of his reach.

P'tran looks over to K'tyn and nods. "Ursa and Spineth are searching for 
one that got away."

Atop Spineth, Ursa gives a yell! Spineth starts coasting circles around 
a particular area in the woods. She beckons for help.

Lal whacks the stocky one in the hand. "Oh no y'don't, y'shardin' 
stealin' pig!" She sits on him.

The lean one in Kassima's grip just rolls his eyes and sighs, not giving 
any resistance. "Oh, cut it out, Tallor," he says to the stocky one. 
"It's over. We blew it big time."

Wedged within Prometh's neckridges, K'tyn nods an affirmative and then 
turns his gaze toward Spineth. Prometh takes flight again, his wings 
carrying him rapidly toward the section of woods above which Spineth is 

Dragon> Spineth bespoke Laerth, Prometh, Lysseth, and Areseth with << We 
need help. He's making zigzags in the forest to outmanuever me. Can 
Prometh come? >>

Dragon> Prometh bespoke Laerth, Lysseth, Areseth, and Spineth with << I 
come. He will not get away. >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Prometh, Penath, Lysseth, Areseth, and Spineth 
with << We could use Penath as well and widen the search area. Penath, 
we need you to assist... >>

Kassima grins ferally, showing lots of teeth. "Oh, aye, I'd say that's a 
safe assumption," she remarks to the one in front of her, green eyes 
still smouldering.

Lal is screaming and cursing at the fat man...apparently she knows him. 
And doesn't like him very much.

Prometh carries his rider swiftly to the intended destination, and K'tyn 
glares down at the forest, taking a moment to catch sight of the darting 
figure below. "We could use someone on the ground!" K'tyn points out.

Tallor stops struggling (not that he would have been able to do much 
against the determined Lal sitting on him) and shouts to the other. 
"Maylon, this was your sharding idea!!" He turns his head to Lal and 
frowns. "I know you! You little..."

Dragon> Spineth bespoke Laerth, Prometh, Penath, Lysseth, and Areseth 
with << he's heading for the thickest part of the woods. We need to 
flush him out. Trap him. >>

P'tran shouts, "That's enough, everyone!!" He frowns and looks from one 
renegade to the other. "Kassima, are these the two that Asrai met up 

Kassima looks over at the Weyrleader and nods, not loosening her grip 
one iota. "Looks like it, sir, sure as stars. Certainly *that* one's got 
to be the same one that fired." The gaze she turns on Tallor could leave 
a skin of ice on a goblet of water.

P'tran nods to Kassima and picks up the crossbow, examining it for a 
moment before going over to Lal and Tallor. "Lal, let him up, but keep 
hold of him."

Spineth swoops down and lands on a large tree, looking like an awkward, 
strange bird. When the man comes crashing his way, he ducks his head 
below the treetop and hisses, an odd sound for a dragon, followed by a 
tree-shaking rumble. The man immediately turns and runs the other way, 
and Spineth's rider scrambles out of the tree, giving chase.

Maylon just smirks and shakes his head, almost in amusement.

Ursa climbs carefully down with the assistance of Spineth's extended 

Lal says "Little, y'shardin' bastard! I'm biggern yeh, donchaknow!"

Dragon> Prometh bespoke Laerth, Lysseth, Areseth, and Spineth with << We 
cannot get low enough. My rider is not sure what to do. There is no room 
for me to land -- I am too large. Perhaps Lysseth could bring her 
rider? >>

Lal grabs Tallor by the neck, and rises from him. "Move an'yer head comes 
off." She hisses.

Ursa runs, crashing through the woods after the guy, yelling as she goes. 
She's leaping over fallen logs, and jumping around trees, foolishly high 
on adrenaline.

P'tran looks over to Ursa as she comes back. "Did you find the third 

>From above, Penath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Kassima raises an eyebrow. "Something funny?" she asks Maylon coldly. 
Then she snaps her head towards the forest and frowns. "Sir? I can go, 
if'n 'tis needed, but someone's got to look after this." She shakes 
Maylon lightly to illustrate what 'this' she's talking about, as if it 
weren't obvious.

Penath wings down from above.

T'vor nimbly slides out of his seat on Penath's neck, using a 
thoughtfully extended and lowered forelimb to land gently on the ground.

K'tyn slides down Prometh's fiery bronze flank to come to rest on the 
ground. Prometh swings his head around to regard his lifemate gently.

Dragon> Laerth, Prometh, Penath, Lysseth, and Areseth sense that Spineth 
sends a visualization. <<Wait over there, scare him if he comes that way, 
Prometh. We'll herd him towards the clearing.>>

P'tran nods to Kassima. "I heard via Laerth." He heads over to Kassima 
and takes Maylon off her hands. "Go."

T'vor walks over towards P'tran, rapidly, "Sir, I came as soon as 

Prometh's eyes whirl as he watches Spineth, and he immediately wings the 
other way, finding another spot to land in a less dense part of the 
forest. His rider leaps to the ground, and Prometh takes off again, 
trying to keep the fleeing figure in his sights as K'tyn pursues, hoping 
to catch the fleeing figure between himself and Ursa.

Spineth flies above his rider then forward, making his way towards the 
clearing. Ursa still chasese after the man, yelling angry curses as she 

Kassima nods and hops back aboard her dragon, scrubbing her hands on her 
slacks before signaling Lyss to take off and help with the herding 

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. 
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered 

<*> P'tran nods to T'vor as he comes in. "We need this," he indicates 
Maylon, the one he's holding onto, "And that," he indicates the stocky 
one, Tallor, in Lal's grip. "Properly secured."

<*> T'vor nods and pulls a length of rope from Pen's sacks, "Aye, sir." 
He chuckles, "I can tie up people real well." He chuckles, "You learn a 
lot being a trader."

<*> K'tyn shifts his course, moving more quietly, not yelling. His 
golden eyes burn with anger as he moves to his left to cooperate with 
Ursa's suggestion of herding the man. Prometh flies above, a huge bronze 
form that periodically casts its shadow on the fleeing figure below, in 
an effort to cause further panic.

Dragon> Laerth, Prometh, Penath, Lysseth, and Areseth sense that Spineth 
again shows the visualization of a clearing at the bottom of a slight 
hill. <<He comes this way. We can surround him down here.>>

<*> P'tran smirks and hands Maylon over to him, who just sighs and does 
not resist, appearing to accept his fate. The other, Tallor, is still 
struggling a bit in Lal's grip. "Lal, you know this man?" P'tran asks?

<*> T'vor looks over at Pen, "You, Lummox, watch them when I'm done." 
Penath rumbles and does so, parking his fairly impressive bulk hearby. 
T'vor ties Maylon up securely, he looks at Tallor, "I can just club him 

<*> Lal says "Oh yah, I know him awwright. HE left me in'th'desert lost 
when I wouldna help him steal from another caravan we was passin'."

<*> Lysseth darts after the bronze and brown, skimming over the 
treetops, with her only sound a constant angered hiss. She lowers her 
head and *screams* down at the figure, blazing red eyes whirling at top 

<*> Ursa crashes through branches as she follows the guy downhill. When 
he swerves off to the left, she puts on a burst of speed, coming down 
around that side of him, yelling, "No, you don't!!"

<*> Lal shakes Tallor a bit. "An' I'm real glad t'see him now." She 
grins evilly in Tallor's face.

<*> Maylon looks over towards the source of the noise and frowns. "I'd 
appreciate it if my brother came back in one piece," he says with a 

<*> Spineth makes nervous circles above the designated area, bellowing 
angry noises as the figure comes closer.

<*> Lal says "Yer lucky if yer own hide stays in one piece, y'poor 
excuse fer a Pernese."

<*> At Prometh's direction, K'tyn changes course yet again, moving 
toward the clearing, trying to make even less noise to avoid betraying 
his presence. Prometh tells him of Ursa's sudden dodge, and he moves to 
compensate, coming around the clearing from the direction opposite hers, 
ready to charge into the clearing as the man arrives.

<*> P'tran ums at T'vor. "No, I don't think that will be necessary." He 
turns back to Lal and raises an eyebrow. "*This* one was the one that 
left you?"

<*> T'vor looks at Maylon, "Shut up." His voice is calm and level, and 
as such, carrying much more hint of threat than any shout could.

Dragon> Spineth bespoke Laerth, Prometh, Penath, Lysseth, and Areseth 
with << Lysseth--Can you land in the clearing? >>

<*> Lal nods gravely "Sure was. He's been doin' this stealin' fer a 
while now. Wanted t'raid a caravan towards Igen. I'd hitched a ride naw 
knowin' what they were about--they needed a strong hand. Told 'em I 
wouldna steal--he took me supplies an' left me in th'desert.

<*> Lysseth's claws extend to scrape at the tops of the trees, showering 
branches and leaves down at the fleeing figure. Her screams don't cease, 
either, but if anything gain in pitch and intensity until even Kassi 
claps her hands to her ears and winces.

<*> Tallor looks at Lal and bares his teeth but says nothing, not *quite* 
stupid enough to start anything with her. "Damn you, I wouldn't have 
wanted to steal from them if not..." He realizes what he's saying and 
immediately shuts up.

Lysseth> I bespoke Laerth, Prometh, Penath, Areseth, and Spineth with 
<< I can! I have landed in smaller places before--this one will *not* 
escape. >>

<*> Lal shakes Tallor. "If y'were a half-decent trader, y'nitwit!"

<*> P'tran winces himself at the noise as well. "Shards, Kassima..." he 
mutters. "Your green is louder than some mating flights..."

<*> The man sees the clearing ahead and turns, running straight towards 
K'tyn to avoid the open area.

<*> Tallor sneers. "I *was* a trader, you little fool! I wouldn't be 
doing all this if I still *were*!!"

<*> Lal says "Oh I know--but y'were a nitwit trader who took t'drink 

<*> Lysseth gives a final Fury's screech as she lands in the Clearing, 
manuevering on a wingtip to hit the ground without fouling wings or 
limbs. She spreads her wings as far as she can and, lowering her head, 
*roars* at the fleeing man to make him flee faster.

<*> T'vor looks at Tallor, "You speak again and I'll cut your tongue 
out." His voice is still as quiet and commanding as it ever has been. 
Very used to being in this position, it seems.

<*> Lal says "S'naw OUR fault y'couldna blance a book fer yer life."

<*> P'tran hrms at that and reaches into his pocket, pulling out the 
faded trader seal he had taken from the renegade camp sometime ago. 
"That explains this," he says. He looks up at Lal and Tallor. "That's 
enough from the both of you."

<*> K'tyn leaps from his partial cover and hurls his bulk at the man, 
his movements more agile that one would think possible for someone of 
his size. He trips, and lands on his chest and belly, very likely 
entangling himself with the form hurtling at him. He rises to his feet 
as fast as he can, his front covered with dirt, ready to move at a 
moment's notice, depending on what his target does.

<*> T'vor says "Let me look at the seal, P'tran?"

<*> Maylon takes his attention from the forest long enough to peer over 
at that seal, as much as he can from his present position. "So that's 
where that went," he comments dryly. "Fine thing. My brother Creylan, 
the utter fool, probably left that behind."

<*> P'tran nods to T'vor and hands it to him.

<*> T'vor looks at it, probably recognizing it.

<*> Lal recognizes it for sure.

<*> Ursa yelps and chases after the man, catching up when he entangles 
with K'tyn, and taking an idiotic flying leap after the man before he 
can get away.

<*> Penath rumbles low in his throat, his eyes whirling red at the man 
he is watching. A talon snakes forward and rests by the man.

<*> Spineth follows Lysseth to the the scene of the confrontation, but 
hovers, letting the smaller green get down there to prevent escape.

<*> Tallor looks like he is about to say something else, but quickly 
subsides, quietly seething.

<*> T'vor hrms, "This is from a long defunct clan." He hands it back to 
P'tran, "many rumours about its demise floated about the routes."

<*> P'tran nods to T'vor and looks over to Lal. "You recognize it as 
well, don't you? I should have come to you first."

<*> P'tran smirks. "Or transferred T'vor sooner."

<*> Lal shrugs. "Naw one comes t'me first." She lets her gaze drift to 
K'tyn and Ursa and their antics. Her hand stays on Tallor's neck.

<*> Lysseth paces to the tangle of bronzerider, brownrider, and renegade, 
or as close as she can get to it, blocking part of the way out with her 
slender bulk and widespread wings. Kassi jumps down from her lifemate's 
neck to stand as backup just in case, a cringe still on her face as her 
ears ring from Lysseth's shrieks.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

T'vor chuckles, and looks at Penath, his gaze serious, his eyes glaze 
for a moment and Penath snorts after a moment. The talon retracts.

Spineth lands on an enourmous tree again, the strange bird that he is, 
bellowing and rumbling and poking his head downwards merely for 

P'tran looks over to the forest. "Catch him, don't kill him!" he warns.

Maylon pipes up, "He's unarmed, for Faranth's sake. Wouldn't trust him 
to hold a beltknife let along a crossbow."

Penath lowers his eye to Maylon, and his rumble echoes loudly.

T'vor looks at Maylon, "Your voice offends my dragon. I'd suggest being 
quiet for now."

P'tran smirks at T'vor. "Penath has some interesting persuasion 
techniques," he comments. "All right then, I want to get some answers 
from these so-called renegades."

K'tyn jumps to his feet and does his best to grab the trader before he 
can flee again, glancing over at Ursa. It's clear from his expression 
that he's restraining himself to not do something especially nasty or 
painful to his target.

Lal says "Second-rate's what y'mean. Just like them as traders."

T'vor looks at P'tran, "Well, sir, ah, you see, for a while we spent 
some time at Telgar, trying to get someone out of there."

Maylon looks up at Penath and sighs, and remains quiet.

Lysseth unhinges her jaw to show off her unusually long teeth, still 
hissing at the man. "You've got him secure?" Kassi calls to K'tyn and 
Ursa, overly loudly.

Ursa OUFs! as her idiotic leap proves itself truly idiotic, knocking the 
wind outta her. Somehow though, between her and K'tyn, the trader is 
downed and not about to go anywhere.

P'tran notices more movement from the forest and takes a few steps in 
that direction. "Maylon here claims he's unarmed," he calls out. "But 
check him anyway. Secure him and bring him over with the others."

K'tyn growls. "I've half-a-mind t' kill ye now, fer what ye did to 
Asrai," he mutters to the trader, his accent coming through strong in 
the heat of emotion. "And t'Tinya." Still, though, he restrains himself 
and holds the trader firmly. "Check 'im fer weapons?" he asks Ursa.

"Procure and sling him?" Kassi rubs her ears, knowing that can't be 
right. "Lyss, did y'have to be *quite* so loud? Kiat, that's nay the one 
that fired the shots...."

P'tran looks over to K'tyn and raises the crossbow in his hand. "I think 
this is the weapon that was used. Looks like the only one they had. And 
they call themselves 'renegades'..."

Lal shakes Tallor. "THIS one is. An' I got first dibs. Fer once." She 
growls at the man.

Ursa gasps for breath, pulls herself to her feet. "Yeah..." she breathes, 
stepping forwards. The man protests, "I'm unarmed!" and Ursa says, "Spin 
says they say he's unarmed..." but even so does a cursory patpat sort of 

Maylon sneers, "What do you expect? We're not renegades, but you 
probably figured that out by now."

K'tyn turns his gaze back to Kassima, and scowls. "Dinna matter. They're 
/all/ just as responsible," he points out, and then nods to Ursa. "Let's 
get this bit 'o trash back wi' th' others."

Ursa nods in vehement agreement to K'tyn. "Yeah. C'mon, you," she growls 
at the man.

Lal snorts at K'tyn, "Speakin' like all o'us lowly people now?" She 
laughs, and shakes Tallor for the sake of it.

Kassima snorts. "Renegades have more sense," she mutters. She turns to 
Lyss and slaps the green fondly on the neck. "Get on back to the caravan, 
love. I think they've got things secure enough here." The green 
obediantly launches, eventually landing daintily beside the caravan and 
turning her ruby-red glare to the two 'renegades' held there.

P'tran frowns slightly at Lal. "Lal," he says sharply. "That's enough. 
And yes, Maylon, I think we did figure that out. You guys are failed 
traders it looks like."

Lal snorts and laughs, "That's an understatement."

K'tyn blinks at Lal's words, and shakes his head. "Please don't start 
with me right now, Lal," he murmurs as he returns bearing the trader, 
then turns to P'tran. "Is this all of them, then, sir?"

Ursa trots along side of K'tyn, keeping guard over their prisoner. But 
she trips alot on the way back, clumsy as the rush of adrenaline is 
ending and her body gets those post-excitement tremors.

P'tran nods to K'tyn and eyes the third man. "This one's name is 
Creylan, I believe. Put him over with Maylon over there."

Lal hehs trimuphantly, holding on to Tallor and insulting K'tyn at the 
same time. What a good night. :)

Maylon shakes his head at his brother. "Only a fool like you would run 
in the one direction where they could catch you," he snaps.

Ursa sighs in relief as the prisoner is delivered, and her lifemate 
settles back down near the caravan. She collapses against the side of his 

P'tran looks around. "All right, that's all of them I think. I'm going to 
have Laerth bespeak the next patrol group and have them relieve us in a 
few minutes. Lemos Hold has stated very strongly that if they were caught 
within their lands, they want to deal with them."

Areseth decides to settle down, looking at Tallor with jewelled eyes. 
They go red when Lal snaps, "I wanna piece o'this one!"

K'tyn blinks at P'tran, ignoring Lal, after he deposits the third 
prisoner next to the other. "Sir, I would think this would be a problem 
for the Weyr. We caught them, and they've done their work on Holds in our 
sweep area."

P'tran sighs and looks over to Lal. "Lal, no one's getting a piece of 
*anyone*. I said I did not want this to end in bloodshed and I mean it!"

P'tran nods to K'tyn. "Normally I would agree with that, if these were 
'normal' renegades. What I would like to know is what the purpose of 
this raid was, and the plan about going to the Weyr to get gemstones."

Lal says "Naw bloodshed, sir...just a few bruises...er maybe we should 
leave 'em out in th'desert, like they did me!"

Kassima walks out of the woods after the other two, heading directly 
over to Lysseth and murmuring soothingly to the very irate dragon. "So 
this's all of 'em," she says as she turns to watch the three with eyes 
like chips of green ice. "Well. Well, well, well. Nay every day I get to 
meet failed traders. I'd say well met, but I don't like to lie. Often, 
anyway." She turns to the Weyrleader and nods, though Lysseth raises her 
head and rumbles. "Oh, hush, lump. Nay like he actually hit you or 

Maylon smirks. "Figure it out for yourself," he says haughtily. "Our 
trader family failed, we needed something we could sell quickly for 
profit to get started again. Hence the gemstones."

P'tran says "*NO*, Lal ..."

Lal grumbles to herself.

T'vor shakes his head, "We do no lower ourselves to their level." He 
looks at the men that are now captive, "No matter how despicable they 
may be. We are dragonriders, people of honor, not like this brigands."

P'tran nods at T'vor's words. "If these people were the usual renegades, 
I might not feel as charitable. Believe me, when I spoke with Lord Lemos 
the other day when I briefed him on this, he couldn't wait to get his 
hands on them."

K'tyn nods to T'vor, not even looking in Lal's direction, and he holds 
his head a bit higher as he regards the three prisoners. "Perhaps... 
they should be judged by a council, sir. With representatives from the 
Weyr, and from each of the Holds that has suffered?"

Kassima shakes her head with disgust. "Fardles. And y'think having such 
profits would do you any good, if'n you're failures anyway? 'Twould just 
be letting the marks seep through your hands again, after all that 
stealing and mooching off of other peoples' efforts." She shrugs, 
leaning back against Lysseth with her arms crossed. "Seems like 
originality's nay the only thing lacking, sir."

P'tran looks over to K'tyn and considers. "Hmm ... I do recall something 
in the old records from a previous Pass where they did something like 

T'vor nods as his words are heard.

Tallor his not said anything this whole time, having instead spent his 
time sulking and glaring at Maylon, muttering softly about it being all 
his fault ...

Maylon just shrugs. "It could have worked," he says simply. "We had you 
all on the run for quite a bit."

Lal says "Yah, but y'woulda messed up yerselves again. Yer terrible 

Kassima rolls her eyes. "Riiiiiiight. Y'keep on using the same 
techniques as a'fore, and y'try to be selling gems that'd get 
recognized. Sure. That'd work. And the moons are made out of white goat 
cheese dunked in milk."

T'vor looks at Lal and Kassima, "Is this really gaining us anything? 
These men will get their just rewards, I assure you."

P'tran sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "The relief patrol is on 
its way," he states. "I'm turning them over to Lord Lemos and have him 
keep them in custody. I don't want them at the Weyr," he says firmly, 
leaving no question about his thoughts on that matter.

Maylon just shrugs at Kassima and says nothing.

K'tyn nods to P'tran, then asks, curiously, "Has Lord Lemos guaranteed 
their safety? I can imagine them meeting with an unfortunate 'accident', 
if you get my meaning, sir."

Kassima shrugs again. "Mayhaps nay," she murmurs, "but that one, he shot 
at m'dragon. I know I can't--shouldn't--wouldn't, really, hurt 'em, but 
that doesn't mean I don't wish to at least *say* something." She doesn't 
make any further comments out loud, though judging by Lysseth's dryly 
amused rumbling, she makes plenty of them silently.

Overhead, about a half dozen dragons burst out of *between* and start 
carefully spiralling down to land near the other Benden dragons.

T'vor opens his mouth to something, but lets P'tran answer K'tyn's 
comment, he nods to Kassima, "I understand totally, and I assure you, 
if he had hurt Lysseth, I'd have held him whilst you cut out his heart."

P'tran frowns at K'tyn. "No, I don't think so," he replies. "They will 
be dealt with fairly and will get whatever they deserve. No need to 
resort to 'accidents'. Justice on Pern does not need to use that 

Kassima's eyes flash at the very thought, but she nods. "Aye. Aye... 
thankee. 'Twould have appreciated it, but believe me when I say I'm glad 
beyond words 'tis nay necessary."

P'tran looks around at the landing dragons and waves their riders over, 
briefing them on the situation. He calls out to the others, "Make sure 
they're secure and then mount up to head home. I'm having these riders 
relieve us, we could use the rest. Good work, all."

T'vor smiles to Kassima, "You're welcome."

Lal nods, and grunts. She pushes Tallor rather heavily into a waiting 
guard. "Dunna come near where I live, fool, er I won't ha'me wingleader 
stoppin' me from poundin' yer fat head in."

Lal points at him.

P'tran states clearly to the patrol leaders. "They're to be taken 
*straight* to Lemos, the Lord Holder will be expecting them. Give him 
whatever help he needs, and ask him not to make any decision on their 
fate until I speak with Lord Lemos tomorrow morning."

Tallor looks as though to lunge at Lal but the rider taking custody of 
him hauls him back easily and brings him over to the rider's dragon

Kassima returns the smile, wearily, and nods to P'tran. "'Twill be a 
relief to be home, sir. For one thing, maybe by the time we get there, 
m'ears will stop ringing...." She grimaces good-naturedly. "Lysseth's 
got quite a voice on her, eh?"

Lal stomps off towards Areseth, ignoring Tallor. She mutters angrily to 

P'tran smirks at Kassima after giving some final orders to the patrol 
leader. "Yes, I'll say. Louder than some greenflights. In fact, warn me 
next time she rises, I don't want to be around."

The riders from the relief patrol take the other two into custody as 
well and take them over to their dragons.

Kassima laughs. "Oh, she tends to start that screaming and the like 
right a'forehand, so I suspect you'd receive warning aplenty 'tany 
rate." She thumps Lyss on the shoulder, gives Tallor a final glare, and 
pulls herself aboard her green.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. 
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her 
lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully 
offered foreleg.

<*> P'tran watches the other riders for a few moments before turning to 
his own group. "Back to the Weyr, all," he states, and wearily turns to 
his own dragon.

<*> P'tran climbs up onto Laerth in one smooth motion.

<*> Lal takes a flying leap towards Areseth, who cringes in anticipation 
of her approach. With a whoop and a yahoo, Lal lands on Areseth's 
shoulder, then scrambles up his side with reckless abandon. With a last 
heave, she lands on Areseth's neck ridges, having anticipated Areseth's 
FLINCH in her acrobatic manuever. Areseth SIGHS contentedly, Lal having 
succeeded again.

<*> K'tyn smiles a bit at the praise, and mounts up onto Prometh.

<*> K'tyn uses both oiled straps and an extended foreleg to mount 
Prometh. Once settled into Prometh's bronze neckridges, K'tyn thanks 
Prometh politely, recieving a basso rummble in return.

Kassima straps herself in and rubs Lysseth's neck comfortingly. The 
green's eyes are mostly blue, now, though reddish glints still show 
amidst the placid sapphire.

<*> T'vor mounts Penath with a nimble and practiced motion, using a 
thoughtfully lowered forelimb. He nestles himself into his spot between 
two neckridges. From the ground, he all but disappears from the view.

<*> Penath launches into the skies above Lemos.

<*> From above, Penath disappears into Between.

<*> Prometh launches into the skies above Lemos.

<*> Laerth launches into the skies above Lemos.

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up 
dust as she takes to the skies.

You launch into the skies above Lemos.

<*> Prometh disappears into Between.

<*> Laerth disappears into Between.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear 
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> From the North, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth 
rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Lysseth and her rider, 
Kassima, welcoming them home.

<*> Areseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> From the North, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth 
rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to brown Areseth and his rider, 
Lal, welcoming them home.

<*> Laerth flies downward towards the north end of the bowl.

You fly downwards towards the north end of the bowl.

<*> Prometh glides down from above.

You fold your wings and land on Lysseth's Ledge, then make your way into 
the weyr proper.