-------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's In the Cards Date: October 8, 1998 Place: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: This is a pretty minor log, but I thought it was a fun one. Kassi returns from High Reaches just in time to catch A'lex in the midst of plotting grievous harm to her possessions; chaos (and poker) ensue from there. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. A'lex grins, "Well, speak of the wherry..." Aurian waves to Kassima a touh. She takes a sip of her wine. "This," Kassima announces to the room in general, jiggling a corked wineskin that sloshes with promise, "has been an odd day. I've never seen so many pairs of men's shorts in m'life, and I hope never to again. Evening, all. 'Lex, dare I even inquire as t'what in the name of the first queen's bowels you're speaking of now?" A'lex says "Just speaking of Bowls, actually..." Aurian sips her wine, "He was discussing your underpants and your honorable rear." A'lex says "I said NOTHING about her rear, thank you." Kassima stops in her tracks to give the bronzerider a look that can only be described as wary. "Bowls, or bowels? If'n 'tis bowels, I may just walk *right* back the way I came. Some conversation topics are even worse than painted underwea--*what*?" Needless to say, the last, yelped word is in response to Aurian. Ro calls to the greenrider "I made some more herb bread! Want some?" Aurian gives a look to Kassima that clearly says 'Can you really believe that bronzer...' A'lex puts his head in his hands. "Uh... sure, Ro, thankee." Kassi looks a bit dumbfounded. Wouldn't you be, too, at such a welcome home? "*Why* were such things a topic of conversation, if'n I may ask?" A'lex says "We were looking for something to do. M'hryn is all out of underpants, so we were debating setting yours on fire..." Aurian shakes her head, "Not We. You." A'lex says "Traitor." Jorenan returns; he'd been called away to speak to a Baker apprentice about a fallen cake. He retakes his seat and resumes rubbing his head. Oh wait, he wasn't rubbing his head. Well, he starts rubbing his head. A'lex gives Jorenan a "save me" look. Kassima blinks at A'lex. Just blinks. In a very careful voice, she asks, "You were going t'set fire t'*my* underpants? You realize a'course that I'd have had your head on a stick for a fire-lizard treat?" A'lex looks at Kassima with a "puhlease" look. "Oh, like you would have found out if this one hadn't opened her bubbley-hole." Kassima asks dryly, "Did you assume that I don't leave *any* 'lizards on guard in m'weyr when I'm away from it, 'Lex? Darvan and Koreyn often serve thus. I've nay will t'see m'*own* things burned, or dyed, or whatnay." A trickster does tend to be aware of possible tricks. Aurian smiles sweetly at A'lex, "Not on yer wing dearie." M'hryn walks in from the bowl. Pierron sniffs thoughtfully as the Weyrleader arrives, grunting a greeting. Jorenan looks back and forth between A'lex and Kassi for a long, long moment. "Uhmmm," he says thoughtfully. Perhaps he's considering the chances that he would live through attempting to save A'lex from Kassi. Apparently the chances are not good. Aurian sips her wine, "M'hryn.. A'lex has been discussing burning your clothing." A'lex notices M'hryn enter, stands and salutes, then glances at the Lower Caverns entrance before sitting again. A'lex glares at Aurian. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "You traitorous B****!!!" Aurian smiles sweelty at A'lex again. Telgar Weyr> Aurian laughs. M'hryn steps into the living cavern, tossing a deck of cards between his hands. He glances toward Aurian, then at A'lex, and shrugs. "Wouldn't be the first time it's been done," he says, setting the cards down on the nearest table and following suit -- so to speak. Kassima doesn't stand--she never does--but does salute, before giving Aurian a puzzled look. "His, too? I'd have thought 'Lex would be more the sort t'do something like replace 'em all with frilly lacy whatsits." She gives a faint shudder. Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "Um, you feelin okay, Lex? :)" Aurian nods to Kassima, "Aye, except he was going to take the regular clothes so he'd have to wear the negligee.." A'lex does NOT look happy, and turns away from both Kassima and Aurian to face Jorenan. "Aye, *that* sounds more like the 'Lex I know," Kassi agrees, looking relieved. Some things in the world are still what she'd expect them to be. "Lirra was going t'sew pink lace t'all the men's underwear, y'know, but she got distracted when she was making a display out of 'em. What's with the cards, sir?" M'hryn smiles at Aurian. "Merellia did that when Talibenth caught Herath. Went up to my weyr, gathered up all my clothes, and burned them. So, it won't be the first time." A'lex just broods. M'hryn puts down the dragon poker deck. Jorenan looks at A'lex for a long moment. Finally, he says, "You like lacy underwear?" Aurian laughs as she listens to M'hryn. A'lex growls, "No, as a matter of fact I don't. Unless it's on Channie." M'hryn shrugs. "Then K'tyn and my undergarments. The weavers probably love me. All though the Steward doesn't." Kassima stage-whispers to Jorenan, "Lace *and* sisal. Don't forget." Grimacing faintly, she remarks to no one in particular, "Reason seven- thousand, nine-hundred and fifty-eight that I'm glad Lysseth's nay bronze: I'll never see any of m'possessions being consumed in flame unless I'm the one doing the torching." A'lex stands suddenly then moves to the drinks table. He pours himself a glass of wine and sits back down. Jorenan ahs. "Personally, I prefer something less scratchy." He seems to be entirelyt unaware that this is an odd conversation to be having. He gives Kassi a thoughtful look, and then shrugs. "Like I said. I prefer less scratchy, myself. On me -or- on anyone I'm going to be sleeping with." Aurian shifts tables to drop into a seat at M'hryn's table, "You going to deal them or are you just going to shuffle them." She takes a swallow of the benden. A'lex downs the glass of wine like it was water, "You don't keep it on them for long, fool." M'hryn glances at Kassima. Opens his mouth to reply, but stops and shakes his head. "Not sure how you'd manage with a bronze anyway, Wingleader. Wrong equipment." He blinks at Aurian. "What? Oh, certainly." He starts dealing out the cards. "You play for marks?" Jorenan considers that, and then responds with, "It always gets cold eventually. Might as well have something comfortable to wear." A'lex refills the glass from the flask on the table, "Make your own heat..." Jorenan lifts a shoulder in the half-shrug he learned from Lathen, and adds, "Besides, if it's not worth touching, it's not worth wearing." Kassima comments idly, "Can't stand lace, m'self, so I never wear it; thus, I never have t'be worrying about it. 'Tis fun t'use on others, though. Did you know that animals seem t'fear pink lace? 'Tis true." She covers her eyes briefly as A'lex continues. There are some things, clearly, that she'd be better off not knowing. "We've come close enough t'male goldriders a time or two, sir, that seeing a female bronzerider someday wouldn't surprise me. If'n any woman's dragon would make a good bronze, 'twould like as nay be Lyss; she's boneheaded enough for it." Aurian grins at M'hryn, "Might as well.. you have to pay the weaver's somehow." A'lex grumbles, "And her lifemate's ego is comparable to any Bronzerider's." Kassima tsks lightly at A'lex. "'Tis pride in m'dragon that I have, boyo, and pride in m'Wing--nay in m'self or any of the other things so many maleriders seem intent on taking pride in. You're such a bizarre lot at times. Did someone mention marks?" A'lex just snorts and refills his glass. Jorenan blinks at Kassi. "A male goldrider," he echoes. "That would be interesting. I don't see that men have the will for it." He shrugs. Not like he really knows. Since everyone else seems to have switched to wine, he pours himself a glass as well. M'hryn looks over at Kassima. "Small game," he says, holding up a deck of cards, then he chuckles. "I won it at the runner shoe throwing contest when Bitra opened up their track. It's not exactly in date -- K'tyn's the Weyrleader and Carow's the Holder. But at least Leara's still in her position." A'lex raises an eyebrow, "K'tyn's the Weyrleader, eh?" Kassima explains with a grin to Jorenan, "Weyr legend has it that Leilanth took a good, long look at P'tran a'fore Kimbrith dissuaded her. Nor was it the first case of such an occurance, I'm sure." Her eyes are drawn to the cards like vtols to flame. "Ah, so. You play? Somehow, sir--forgive me for saying so--I'd nay seen you as a gambler. But that's more up t'date than either of m'own decks; both of 'em have P'tran as Weyrleader." Aurian hmmms, "They look nicely painted though." Jorenan blinks a couple of times. "Oh," he says. He looks into the middle distance for a moment, and then admits, "I can't see that one." M'hryn nods at Kassima. "I'm from Bitra," he says, as if that answers the question. He looks back at Aurian, then asks, "Anybody else willing to jump in?" A'lex shrugs, is that his FOURTH glass of wine, "I've got nothing better to do now except contemplate ways of making Aurian suffer for her vile betrayal-- errr, betrayalS." Kassima admits, "I could more readily see a woman on bronze than a man on gold, m'self, but one's as possible as the other. A moot point, in any event; if'n it ever happens, nay reason 'twould be in our lifetimes." At the mention of Bitra, her brows slant upwards sharply, but she nevertheless gets up to move to the other table. "If'n 'tis for marks, a'course. So long as the stakes aren't *too* high." "Nothing?" asks Jorenen in some surprise. "And here you were calling me dull." Which A'lex wasn't, but that's all right. "Where's Channie?" M'hryn smiles at A'lex. "I think it's for the best. We don't want to make the Weavers too rich. A thirty-secondth ante okay?" he asks. Aurian blows a kiss towards A'lex, "You can try." She nods to M'hryn, "Sounds good." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan quietly, in his own thoughts, triple dog dares someWeyr on Pern to do it. Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "Do what? Put a woman on bronze? Well, besides the reasons it's not allowed -- well, we almost got a male on gold before they figured out the male was a male. :)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins at M'hryn. Arylian. Ista's first. :) Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "Meant 'we' as PernMUSH. :)" Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Say what?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Ista's first Weyrwoman very nearly Impressed Aurith to Arylian, a male character." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan grins. "Either way, M'hryn. I know we're not allowed. That's why I triple-dog dare someone to do it." Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "DOH!"" Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "She thought Arylian was a female. And she didn't figure it out until after they had Impressed their gold back-up." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan always was a troublemaker. A'lex unslings his mark pouch, "I'm in." Telgar Weyr> S'dar grins. Telgar Weyr> Jayna eeks. "What happened?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima laughs. Doriana. It's scary that I remember these factoids better than my Calculus formulas. :) Jorenan isn't. He's always been careful with his marks. He does watch, though. Kassima unhooks her belt-pouch, resting it on the table. It looks rather fat and heavy, perhaps surprisingly and perhaps not. "Sounds fine by me, sir. Harpers in, or out?" M'hryn blinks at Kassima. "What was that look before, by the way?" he asks as he deals out the cards. Five to each person who's ante'd up. Aurian peers at her cards trying to look knowledgable. A'lex lifts his cards, looks at them, sniffs then and mumbles, "Smells like runnerdung." Kassima asks, "Look, sir? Which? If'n you meant when you said 'twere Bitran, 'twas surprised, is all. You never struck me as the ruthless cheater type." A brief grin shows the facetiousness of her words. "A'course, I don't know *that* many Bitrans, and all the Lords of Bitra I've met have been of excellent manners." She collects her cards, a poker-mask settling over her expression as she looks them over. Aurian rests her chin on her fist as she peers at her cards. M'hryn shakes his head. "I'm not," he replies to Kassima as he looks at Aurian. "Your bet. In fact, I was a disappointment to my Uncle in several ways -- that being one of them." "Ahhhh.." Aurian looks at her cards, she then tosses an 8th on the pile. A'lex looks up as he considers his bet, "Were the Harpers in or not?" Kassima snorts faintly without taking her eyes from her cards. "The more fool he. Going after marks is all well and good, but only if'n 'tis done honestly." One eyebrow twitches a bare touch at Aurian's bet. N'kshar walks in from the bowl. M'hryn picks up the three cards sitting next to him and shakes his head. "Bitran would kill you for that question, Wingleader. 'Wildcards are for smokeless weyrlings' as the saying goes." A'lex stands, "Jorenan, c'mere and finishe this hand for me... as S'jeet would say, I gotta pih..." M'hryn chuckles at A'lex. "Don't fall in," he says. M'hryn looks at the eighth Aurian put down. "Who's bet?" Aurian sips at her wine as she watches the others. Kassima offers, "I can go, while A'lex heads off t'pih or whatever he calls it." An eighth clinks into the pile. After a moment's thought, she tosses in another sixteenth to go with it. N'kshar rubs his forehead as he walks into the cavern, making a straight line for the klah pots, accompanied by a quick greeting to all as he passes by. Jorenan reaches over and takes A'lex's cards. At least there's this. He doesn't react to the cards. Jorenan meets Kassi's bet with A'lex's marks. After a moment's frown, he adds a thirty-second extra to the pile. M'hryn nods at A'lex as he looks at his cards. He purses his lips at Kassima's bet, but says to Jorenan, "Never let somebody play with somebody else's marks." He matches Jorenan's bet. "All right, who wants cards?" Jorenan grins. "Who's letting who, here?" he says quietly. He waits for Kassi to trade cards if she wants to. Kassima lifts one finger. "Two, please." Aurian raises one finger. She pushes a card away. Jorenan puts two cards face down on the table and slides them towards M'hryn. "Two," he says. M'hryn deals out Kassima's two cards, then Aurian's one. He does this quietly, but can't resist commenting to Aurian, "Must have a good hand. You, Jorenan?" Telgar Weyr> Jorenan says, "We're on five-card draw here, aye?" M'hryn gives Jorenan his two cards, then takes three for himself. Aurian shrugs sipping her wine. Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "Ayup." Kassima slides her two discards out, resettling the two given into her hand. One corner of her mouth pulls down just a touch, and she reaches for the wineskin she brought from the 'Reaches. M'hryn's expression is perfectly neutral as he reorders his cards. "At this point, I think I'm required by my blood to cheat. As it is, I'll wait to see what Aurian bets. Pass some of the wine, please, Wingleader." Jorenan arranges his cards in his hand and then waits for whomever is betting first. Kassima drawls, "Aces up your sleeves, Weyrleader?" But she does pass over the wineskin. "White," she warns. M'hryn glances at the skin, then shakes his head. "I think I'll get some red when this hand's done." A'lex returns, "Did I win?" Kassima flicks a smile at that. "Wise choice. I prefer Red m'self, but when most of the wine's being reserved for post-flight use, y'take what you can get. The game's nay over yet, 'Lex; 'tis Auri's bet." Jorenan glances up at A'lex. "You're still playing." He looks back at the table and waitsfor Aurian's bet. A'lex looks over Jorenan's shoulder, "Are we winning?" Aurian tosses out a sixteetn Jorenan shows A'lex the cards, and then matches Aurian's sixteenth with an additional thirtysecond. A'lex nods. M'hryn shakes his head. "I fold," he says, setting his cards face down on the table. Kassima drops two pieces into the pile herself, a fourth and another sixteenth. She nods slightly at M'hryn, and looks towards the others expectantly. A'lex looks at M'hryn, "Folding creases the lace, you know. You really should hang." He sips his wine again, still looking over Jorenan's shoulder. Jorenan quirks an eyebrow at Kassi, and then meets her bet with a noise that sounds like it must be a suppressed laugh at A'lex's comment. M'hryn snorts at A'lex. "Well, since you know so much about it, perhaps I ought to give the chest of undergarments to you." Kassima asks A'lex archly, "Just how d'you know so much about how t'care for lace, bronzer? Are you a secret wearer of it yourself?" A'lex just shrugs, "Suits me fine, as long as it fits Channie. And no, sorry to dissapoint Greenie, but I get yelled at if I fold Nie's nighties... they MUST be hung." M'hryn stands up and goes to grab himself a skin of red wine. "Flights be damned," he murmers and returns with it and a mug. "I don't know. I much prefer just tossing it on the floor. But then Talibenth starts to complain about. He keeps sucking my shirts up his nose when he sleeps." Jorenan looks back to Aurian to see if Kassi's bet will be matched, and then comments, "Mum was always angry when we wore nothing but short tunics to bed, boys and girls alike." A'lex actaully smiles at M'hryn, "You're not serious are you?" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "I have to go all I'm crashing from my nyquil" M'hryn shakes his head. "No. But it sounded good, didn't it?" Kassima observes drolly, "That was more than I ever really needed t'know about Nie's night-wear. Isn't that rather bad for the shirts, sir?" The mental picture of clothing that's been sucked up a dragon's nose actually makes her shudder. "What a thought. I use one of the boxes t'dump clothes in. Looks like 'tis down t'you and me, Jore, and the bets are even... care t'show your hand?" Jorenan grins. "Only if you'll show yours, Kassi." He spreads his hand out on the table. A nicely matched set of three 12s, with a 5 and a face card to go along for the ride. M'hryn winces at Jorenan's hand. "Good thing I folded." A'lex laughs at M'hryn, "Don't make me laugh. Faranth forbid I start liking you." M'hryn smiles at A'lex. "Certainly a fate worse than death. But don't worry, I doubt that'll never be a problem. By the way, have you picked your riders for the Reaches transfer thing?" "A Conclave," Kassima observes, peering at the cards. "Nay bad. Nay bad 'tall...." A grin curves the corners of her mouth as she lays her own cards down: four of Sheaves, five of Hammers, six of Dragons, seven of Sheaves, eight of Dragons. "A'course, a Wedding beats it." A'lex nods half commitally, "I've had a few volunteers, but am still wembling between who to choose." Jorenan shakes his head. "So it does," he says. "Should've folded when you went for the big bet. Ah, well." He glances at A'lex and M'hryn, but stays out of their conversation. M'hryn shakes his head. "Did I say never?" He looks back at Kassima's hand and asks, "You from Bitra?" He looks back at A'lex and nods. "Don't worry, they'll be replaced." M'hryn picks up his cards and turns them over, showing a pair threes with a wingsecond high. "Definitely glad I folded." A'lex fehs at the cards, "Who dealt that? Are you cheating Greenie?" Kassima shakes her head leisurely. "Greystones. I just have some luck with cards, 'tis all. And a Bitran aunt who taught me a trick or two." She scoops the pot of marks into her belt pouch, with a satisfying *clink*. "This should make paying for the Turnover giftings somewhat easier." She squints towards M'hryn's Wingsecond card. "Who's on that one, sir? Feh, 'Lex. You're welcome t'check m'pockets and sleeves for extra cards; you won't find any." Jorenan moves out of the way so that A'lex can sit back down at the table. "Sorry, A'lex," he says. "I owe you a meal or some such." A'lex sips his wine and eyes the Greenrider carefully, "You prolly ate them or something similarly evil." A'lex fehs, "I would have lost just as well as you, I had the cards originally." M'hryn looks at the card and blinks. He looks back up at Kassima, then at the card, then back up at the Wingleader. "Lysseth's rider," he says drily. Jorenan grins. "You might've thought to fold earlier, though," he says. He leans back in his chair and stretches sleepily. "I haven't played a hand in... yeesh. Five Turns, I'll bet. Lysseth's rider? Now I know the fix was in." A'lex says "She's on a CARD? Oh, rigged deck..." Kassima rolls her eyes at the bronzerider. "Evil t'my digestive system, 'twould be. You think I eat *wood* now? Have you been t'see the Mindhealers lately?" Something that was said earlier does get her attention, though. "Speaking of the 'Reachian transfers, sir, has there been much news on what the color-spread that they're sending us will be?" The identity of the card makes her do a double-take. "Dear Faranth. You're kidding. In a *Bitran* deck?" M'hryn looks at the stack of cards remaining in the deck as he hands the card over to Kassima. "I guess so," he says. "I think it was made shortly after the Benden riders came to Telgar. And about the Reachians, no, I haven't heard much. I know neither of us agreed to send a bronze, even though I think they're hoping to keep Chezroth's rider." A'lex spits wine at that, "Over *MY* dead and charred body they will!" M'hryn blinks at A'le, then looks at Jorenan. "He get you with that dragon inpersonation?" he asks the Baker, then replies to A'lex. "Don't worry. We're getting him back, even if we have to tie him to the back a dragon." A'lex grumbles, "I'll drag his sorry miscreant arse all the way back here if I have too. I spent too much time drilling him long distance on Skyfire formations to just let him go." Jorenan wipes a few drops of wine off his shoulder and then answers, "No, he missed. Mostly." He quirks an eyebrow at A'lex. "So you feel strongly about that?" M'hryn stands up. "Feel free to keep those," he gestures towards the table. "And thanks for the game. Now I need to be getting some sleep. And, A'lex, Kassima, I do apologize for my earlier wing adjustments. I should have given all of you more of a chance. We're trained at Ista that there are two types of flying 'Fall: the superior way, Ista's; and the inferior way, the mainlanders. So, I shouldn't have made the snap judgement based on that first threadfall. Good evening, Wingleaders, Baker." Kassima examines the card critically. "Nay the world's best likeness, but that's Lyss behind me, right enough. If'n that doesn't beat all, I don't know what does, save mayhaps for a wherry named Fritz." Sliding the card back, she has to laugh at A'lex's response. "As if'n! I've most of mine chosen, sir; M'vir could certainly do with a change of scenery." Her voice is so bland that you wouldn't guess, unless you've listened to her past rants, that M'vir's been the primary thorn in her side for some time. "A'vren, Terliuth's rider. Nuiane and Cimraleth. Rentara and Farimoth. Hopefully enough." An eyebrow arches at the apology; clearly, it was unexpected, but she replies gravely, "Accepted, sir, and thankee for tendering it. Clear skies t'you and your lifemate." Jorenan nods to M'hryn. "Good night, M'hryn." He was nice about it, even if the conversation probably called for a 'sir' or a 'Weyrleader.' Oh well. A'lex nods, "Of course I do... I was his mentor for Faranth's sake." He stares at M'hryn for a moment, "Awwwwwwww, shards, he's determined to make me like him, isn't he." A'lex manages a smile and a salute for the Weyrleader. "Good night, sir." Funny, but it actually sounded like he meant that. M'hryn chuckles and strides out. M'hryn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima suggests in an undertone to A'lex, "Mayhaps he's just hoping nay t'find frilly lace-covered things in his underwear drawer again?" Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "Time to lay the kidlings down. G'night, all. :) And I heard that, Kassi." A'lex stands, "He's not my type..." He smirks and strides out of the LC. "Night all." Telgar Weyr> Kassima looks perfectly innocent. It was A'lex! A'lex, I tell you! A'lex walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima observes as the others depart, "A most interesting evening, this has been. And one methinks 'twill retire from shortly. I still need t'find a greenrider t'be sparing." Jorenan finishes off the last of his wine and suggests, "How about Emlyn?" Not that he knows which wing Emlyn's actually in. Then he stands up and says, "i'm off to bed. Good night!" Jorenan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima shakes her head, snorting slightly. "Trade a Wingsecond? Even if'n she were Thunderbolt's, 'twould nay be doing that!" Gathering up her mark-pouch and refastening the plump thing to her belt, she stands and tosses Ro a salute. "Clear skies, Dragonhealer-lass, and g'night t'you indeed." You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.