-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spluttering, Surprise, and Sadism Date: April 21, 1997 Places: Benden Weyr North Bowl, Living Cavern, and Inner Infirmary Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Oh, this was a fun one to RP. Lys's sadistically nice Healer NPC was in attendance, and he was really the star of the show, so to speak; meanwhile, we got to shock more of the general Weyr populace, and make cracks about whether Meli and I, the Spawners of the Apocalypse, had really caused the Weyr to freeze over. ;) Stuff preceeded by Lysseth> takes place in the North Bowl. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Juliath rumbles pleasantly at her clutchsib, without the usual banter. Kassima smiles as she spots Juliath amongst the dragons present in the Bowl, opening Lysseth's strap-pouch to rummage inside for a second. "Glad I hadn't had time to take this stuff out of here," she mutters to the green. Lyss simply rumbles noncommittally. "Aye, aye, I know--I'm just lazy! Well, be good, lump. Don't wreak *too* much havoc." Whistling, she heads into the LC. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Jalimax grins at Meli, "Oh? Whyso?" he spots Kassi and waves, "Heya Kassi!" Lysseth> Lysseth warbles to Juliath amiably, while making herself comfortable in the Bowl. Kassima is whistling cheerfully as she strides into the LC, a large and somewhat bulky package carried in one arm. "Greetings, weyrfolk!" she hails her friends, with a grin. Taking only long enough to fill herself a plate with her usual arrangement of ribs, bread, and mushrooms, then procure herself a mug of cider, she plunks food, package, and self down at an unoccupied seat at Meli's table. Meli reaches for her second roll, then smiles up at a server who pours some juice for her. "Was livin' at Seacraft then - all we had was fish stew, an' fishrolls, an' fish steaks, an' fish chowder..." She waves her free hand at Kassi, then fills it with her mug. Benden Weyr> Alyssa sits on da woogawoman. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Ouch :b Careful, now, I'm in a delicate condition ;)" Benden Weyr> Alyssa grins. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "T'lar wants to help me since I am having problems having #2." Kassima wrinkles her nose at Meli. "Sounds fishy," is her dryly amused quip. "Aside from the overdose of sea-food, how goes it with you?" Benden Weyr> R'val still can't believe you and Kassi are /both/ preggers by T'lar, Meli. Isn't his ego swollen enough already? :) Benden Weyr> Kassima hees! at Lys. Yes, join Meli and I in the Cult of the W.A.T.E.R. Acolytes. ;) Jalimax smiles at Kassi, "How are you doing ?" He turns to Meli again and nods. "I can see how that is, yes." Meli clears her mouth and throat, setting down mug and napkin. "Heyla, Kassi. S'fine, had a cravin' for fish. How's w'you? An' what did y'buy now?" with a gesture at the package. Benden Weyr> Alyssa errrr, no. :) Benden Weyr> Meli grins. "Lemme check his appointment book, see if we can fit you in, 'lys." Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "It's about time. And don't worry, R'val, you won't ever get pregnant by T'lar, so it" Benden Weyr> Alyssa ponders a remark and clamps her mouth shut. Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "So it's ok. :)" Benden Weyr> C'vadan will help, 'Lys :) Benden Weyr> Alyssa coughcough Benden Weyr> C'vadan hmmms. Maybe I should negotiate to be T'lar's manager for stud fees. Kassima laughs and reaches for the package, untying it to reveal... more, smaller packages. "Went to the Telgar Hold Gather yestereve," she explains, "though I had to fly there straight; Kin did the same to keep me company, so 'twas nay so bad. I found a few interesting things in the Weavercraft tent I thought I might need. One of 'em's for you...." Peeking under the cloth binding of one, she picks it up and proffers it to the other greenrider, while answering Jali with a rueful smile. "Oh, nay that badly, save for the fact that I think I've begun to discover the joys of morning sickness." Benden Weyr> Kassima blinks at Cav. Fees? What's this about fees? I didn't know there were fees. ;) Benden Weyr> Meli says, "I think you were a freebie, Kassi, to bolster his reputation so he can charge more now. :b" Jalimax grins at Kassi, "Guess it's a bad time to ask you for that dinner then?" Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "You were a demo, Kassi. All others will have to negotiate for fees :)" Benden Weyr> Jalimax says, "were you a freebie too, Meli? ;)" Lavinia walks here from the Inner Cavern. Benden Weyr> Meli hi-fives Cav. :b Um, no, Jali, he had to weyrmate me. :b Benden Weyr> Kassima yahoos! Good thing, since I'm broke. :P ;) Ryialla walks in from the bowl. Meli chuckles at Jali's remark. "Yeh, reminds me, I still owe F'nar an' Cav a picnic. Guess we'll have t'fly straight somewhere or else wait til I c'n go *tween* again." She peeks at whatever it is Kassi's got in all those bundles, but doesn't touch them yet with her fishoily hands. Ryialla waves as she wanders in. "Heyla, everyone." Kassima grins at Jali, "Ach, there're worse times. Now, if'n 'twere breakfast 'twere speaking of, that'd be a different matter." She sets down the one bundle in front of Meli, so as to free her hands to salute Ryialla. "Heyla yourself, most honorable Wingsecond ma'am!" Ryialla rolls her eyes Kassima-wards. Meli gives Ryi a greeting, then pops her third fishroll into her mouth. "Mmmm." Ryialla sniffs the air. "Fish rolls?" Jalimax nods to Ryialla, and continues on his roll, before it gets cold. "Ah, so when are you free?" "So long as you don't want to go anywhere that's nay within straight- flying distance, any day I don't have afternoon sweeps should be fine," Kassi replies as she picks up a piece of bread and proceeds to slather it with citrus-jam. "How goes it with you, ma'am? Haven't seen you about much of late." Ryialla says "Hm. Fish rolls sound pretty good..any left?" Meli cranes her neck round, glancing towards the serving area. "Think so - I got mine right out o'the oven." Ryialla says "I've just been really busy, is all.." Meli peers at the last 'roll on the plate, calculating how full she's getting. With a sigh, she pushes the platter towards the middle of the table. "Guess I'd best stop at three, so this'uns up f'grabs. Want it, Jali?" Kassima grins over at the Wingsecond, "Aye, I'd imagine so... Ruatha, y'say? Didn't know 'twere Ruathan, Ryi. Did you find aught of interest?" Jalimax hmms and shakes his head, "I ate not too long ago, so I'll pass." Ryialla grins. "Aye. Lived in a small cothold outside the main hold until I was 10 or so, and then at the main hold for a year when my folks died. Then I came here." She pokes at a fishroll for a moment, and focuses her gaze on it. "I..there's evidence in the records that one of my brothers didn't die when everyone got sick. At least, he's not listed on the death records, and there's a note that my da scribbled that looks like he was fostered somewhere just before..but it was somewhat degraded. I couldn't read the whole thing." Kassima blinks at Ryi. "I never knew you had brothers, Ryi. What d'you think might've happened to this one, if he's still alive? Are you going to try and find him?" Meli sits quietly, her mug of juice cradled in her hands, listening to the conversation. Ryialla says "I thought he was dead, too. So..I'm really not sure what to think. If I could decipher the record better, and found out where he got fostered to, I might be able to find out..He was 6 at the time. Maybe 7.. so it's possible he's still around somewhere." Kassima hmmms, munching on her Telgarian five-grain bread as she listens to this. "Six or seven then... that'd make him what, now? Late teens? Twenty-something? 'Twill be hard to recognize him, most likely." Ryialla says "20, 21 maybe. Unless he turned out just like me, I doubt if I would recognize him." Kassima mock-shudders, pasting a horrified look on her face. "Just like you, Ryi? Faranth forfend! Pern isn't big enough for two of you!" Ryialla sticks her tounge out and raspberries Kassi. Kassima grins irrepressibly. "Ah, being pthbted at by a veritable paragon of Wingsecondness was just what I needed to make my day complete! Thankee ever so kindly, Ryi. You'll never know how much this means to me." Ryialla quips, "Probably not." Kelset walks in from the kitchen. Jalimax waves at Kelset, "Hello there." "You could likely wager on that," Kassi agrees. Turning in her chair, she waves a stuffed mushroom at Kelset. "Heya, Harper. Here to partake of the bounty that is the evening meal?" Kelset, a pleasant expression upon his face, lifts one arm in a wave towards Jalimax as he walks through the threshold into the cavern. "Evening, Master Jalimax!" he calls. Reaching the table, he begins to unbuttong his jacket, grinning as he replies, "I certainly am. Meals are too few and far between as it is." Ryialla smiles sweetly at Kassi. "I do hope that that babe on the way turns out just like you, so you know what it's like." Kassima snorts with amusement at Ryi. "Just like me? Now that, Faranth should *certainly* forfend. I can't imagine two of me, and I imagine most folks wouldn't care to." Meli sets her mug down, rubbing at her eyes as she comes out of her daydream. "Maybe y'kid's favorite food'll be tubers or some such, jus' t'spite you." Kelset pulls out a chair with one of his toes, sitting quickly and looking around at the prepared meal. For the moment, however, he simply enjoys having a moment to sit. Ryialla says "It'd certianly be interesting.." Kassima's mouth curves upwards in a grin. "You've a point," she acknowledges to the Harper. Her attention is distracted by Meli, though. "Bite your tongue! You might as well suggest the child will be sane; one's as apt as the other." Kassima leans over to tap the package she'd set in front of her friend. "So, are you going to open that a'fore we all perish of old age?" Meli purses her lips at Kassi, one eye squinting at her. "Hmm... not sure it'd be safe t'open if it's f'you." But she wipes her hands on her napkin again and carefully starts to unwrap whatever it is. Kelset glances back upwards to Kassima, letting a silent chuckle escape his lips. "Sane and tubers? I think this child'll actually be a pleasure to teach," he comments dryly. Ryialla says "It may not be safe." Ryialla hrms. "Wonder if there's a way to make an old record more legible..?" Kassima rolls her eyes towards the ceiling. "Please, Meli! D'you think you're Mart, that I'd give you an Emasculator or something?" Felinar walks here from the Inner Cavern. Salless orders the drudges to clean a tiny spot off a table as the steward arrives. Kelset glances over towards Ryialla, replying, "Of course there are. Several steps, actually. Had to do that sort of thing all the time for archive duty." Meli's careful fingers unwrap the package, revealing what appears to be a tunic fit for an expectant mother. Scarlet in hue, short of sleeve with a scooped neckline, it boasts beautiful fire-lizard embroidery along the hems and edges, in a flickering gold thread that sparkles in the light. As Meli pulls it from its wrapping, she gives a delighted "Oh!" and further reveals the matching sash, crimson with golden tassles. Kelset's attention is drawn to Meli as she opens the gift, a broad smile sweeping up the corners of his mouth. "Certainly a nice..." he mumbles to himself. Kassima, in an ever-so-dignified gesture, sticks her tongue out at Kelset. "Nay child of *mine* will be sane!" she proclaims vehemently, then breaks off her denial of the impossible to smile broadly at Meli. "You truly like it? I saw them, and thought 'twas too perfect... got m'self one to match, too." She picks up the smallest of the three bundles left and opens it, pulling out a similar tunic in verdant green with starlight-silver fire-lizard embroidery. Felinar sits on a bench at the long table by the kitchen. Kelset lets out an involuntary laugh at Kassima's gesture, only grinning in response. With a nod towards Felinar, he attempts to control his laughter. Meli's eyes brighten, and she nods at Kassi. "It's perfect!" She stands, holding the tunic up against her for size. Playfully, she holds the fabric out in front of her to display its potential girth. "Faranth forbid I'll fill th'thing out... but I guess I'm doomed!" she comments with a chuckle. Benden Weyr> Kassima is not Pern's most mature greenrider, Kelt. Be warned now. ;) Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "Thanks for the warning, Kassi. ;)" Ryialla starts to ask Kelset a question, but break it off as she sees the tunic. "Oh, that's lovely.." Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "Er..does Benden have -any- mature greenriders?" Kassima winks impishly at the Harper, bobs her head in a respectful nod to Felinar, and then finally laughs at Meli's comment. "So Tria said, aye! I suppose we both are... hopefully, that sash'll be needed, and we won't *really* be the size of tents." Setting the tunic down, she pats the other two bundles. "Kin found me a new Gather dress, too, and I even found a maternity riding-jacket to go with it all." Ryialla giggles. "As long as it's not twins, I think you'll be safe." Benden Weyr> Meli is sorta mature, occasionally. Well, ok, infrequently :b Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "If you have to ask, Ryi.... ;)" Felinar waves to all, "Heyla." Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "It was a rhetorical question. :)" Ryialla waves at Felinar. "Heyla, Felinar. How's it going?" Felinar says "it's going quite well, thanks." Ryialla smiles. "Good to hear." Kelset chuckles, finally managing to turn his laughter into a mere grin. He looks at Ryialla as she almost begins to ask a question, but turns towards Felinar, adding another smile. Slapping her hand against her forehead lightly, Meli sits back down, mindful not to wrinkle the tunic. "Ridin' jacket! Eh, haven't even thought 'bout that. Wonder f'we have any in stores?" Ryialla turns back to Kelset. "Well, I'm doing a little familial research, and part of the record is completely illegible. Is there a way I could find out how you restore it, or is that a Harper secret?" Kassima shudders exaggeratedly. "Twins? I think we're providing T'lar with enough spawn as-is, Ryi, without any multiple births." Nodding to Meli, she surmises, "Aye--or so I'd guess. But I figured that I'm nay going to get another chance to spend marks for awhile, so... well, why nay?" Opening a second bundle, she uncovers a black wherhide jacket whose inner lining and fleece have been dyed a deep, dark emerald green, and holds it up for display. "I think I might beg that Weaver cousin of mine to embroider m'Wing-symbol on there, rather than resewing the patch and all." Kelset lets his smile grow a bit, shaking his head. "No, archive restoration's practiced most places, especially in the Weyrs." He pauses a moment, his eyes looking upwards as he thinks. "I could probably take some time, either later tonight or tomorrow, to show you some of the things you might do. If it's completely obliterated, there's not much hope for it, though." Lysseth> Prometh backwings for a landing. Ryialla nods. "That would be a help. I'd appreciate it..thank you." Kelset smiles quickly, nodding. "Of course." "Well," Meli comments, "I think I'll save m'marks for a cradle, f'I c'n find one like tha' one I bought you as a joke las' Turn. Course, might make more sense t'borrow one f'round th'weyr, 'specially since this may be m'only kid." Kassima chuckles, folding up the jacket and tunic and stowing them away along with the third bundle. "I daresay that you didn't have quite these circumstances in mind when you bought that, aye, Meli? But it'll turn out to be handy after all, if I can pry the fire-lizards out of it. Wish we'd found out about this a'fore your Turnday, or I could've bought you one!" Lysseth> Adonith backwings for a landing. Lysseth> Alyssa slides down the beautiful purplish blue flank of her lifemate to come to a rest on the ground, Adonith swinging his head around to regard her adoringly. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "SNOW?" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Someone hasn't been sacrificing enough weyrbrats to the Weather Deity lately." Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "It's snowing in the bowl!?!?? AIGH! Where is the Weather Deity?" Lysseth> K'tyn wanders out with yet another pile of hides--these don't seem to be quite as musty, quite as dirty as those he's trundled about with in the past. With an air of one much put upon, (and not really minding) he moves toward the LC, greeting the drowsing dragons resting in the bowl on his way. Benden Weyr> Kassima whaps Lys. My brain cell! Mine! :) Benden Weyr> Caitria acks! Lysseth> K'tyn looks up, a bright smile on his face. "Lys! Heya." Lysseth> Alyssa waves to K'tyn as she removes her riding helmet and shakes free her hair. "Hello, Kiat." Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Don't be surprised, Kassi and I are causing the Weyr to Freeze Over :b" Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "Or, at least, Kassi is. :)" Benden Weyr> Kassima high-42s her co-Spawner of the Apocalypse. :P :) Lysseth> K'tyn just beams at Lys, rather admiringly, as he always does. "Going in for something warm? Or can I persuade you to do so?" Ryialla gets up to get a mug of klah. Meli waves her hand at Kassi, and refills her juice mug. "Neh, neh, s'ok, y'got me a great gift already. Sides, gives m'a chance t'drag T'lar out t'pick things too." Lysseth> Juliath gives a whuff, which coalesces in the cool air. Lysseth> "I cannot believe it's snowing," Alyssa murmurs as she moves closer to the bronzerider, giving affectional looks to the greens ringing the bowl and calling to each by name. "Hmmm? Oh, yes, Kiat, that sounds wonderful." Lysseth> K'tyn grins at Juliath, then nods at Lys. "Surely it does." Snowflakes, a discreet cap of them, have collected on Kiat's dark head. He grins happily. "Let's go then, hm?" Kassima grins at Meli. "Tria's good at helping to find things, if you want advice. Shells... I suspect we're all going to be lean in the marks-pouch by the time this is actually over." K'tyn walks in from the bowl. Alyssa walks in from the bowl. Meli rolls her eyes. "Neh, not f'we borrow some things. Shells, there's 'nough kids born 'round here ev'ry Turn. Someone must have some hand-me- down we c'n use." Kelset chuckles a bit, craning about to look at K'tyn and Alyssa. "Evening," he greets pleasantly. K'tyn stamps inside, groaning as the snow on his head melts rapidly, trickling down his neck. "Gah! Heya, all." Alyssa walks in with K'tyn and heads rather directly for the hot water. "Tea," she shivers, "is a wonderful thing now. Good evening...um...." Her eyes narrow a little, then she sighs and adds lamely, "Harper." Kassima snorts at Meli. "Consider what you just said--there're enough born around here that all the things *might* be in use... still, you do have a point." She turns slightly in her chair as she catches a glimpse of the two incoming riders out of the corner of her eye, waving a greeting to both. "Evening, Kiat, Lys. Still snowing outside, I take it?" Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "No, Alyssa still cannot remember the name of anyone without wings." Ryialla salutes Alyssa with a grin, and waves vigourously at Kiat. "Heyla!" Benden Weyr> Meli pouts. And staples wings to her shoulders? "Kelt," the Harper supplies, once again laughing a bit. "Nice to meet you." Benden Weyr> Kassima has wings! That's how she manages not to fall to her death every time she accidentally leaps off of her ledge. :P :) Alyssa brushes snow from her jacket, enough of an affirmative reply to Kassima, as she just sighs at Kelset. "Kelt. I am so sorry. It's been a long day. Kiat, love...did you want some cider?" K'tyn grins at Kassima, though the effect is marred only a little by the shudders that wrack his body as the snow melts on his head. He drops his load of hides and nods at Lys. "Oh Please. Cider. Yes!" Ryialla stirs some sweetner in her klah, and adds, "Cider's a fresh batch..." Kelset smiles lightly, shaking his head. "It's all right. I don't believe we've met before, anyhow." Meli gives Alyssa a belated salute, a rather lax one, and twiddles with her mug, spinning it around on the tabletop near her new tunic by pushing at the handle. "Evenin!" she calls to the newly arrived pair. Kassima laughs and lifts her steaming cider mug in a toast to the two riders. "Here's to braving this sharding awful weather, eh? You'd hardly know 'tis spring. What's that load of hides about, Kiat?" "At times like this, when it should by rights be spring, I really miss Igen," Alyssa observes as she eschews tea in favour of the cider. Pouring two mugs full, she carries one to K'tyn before settling near the others. Meli's salute is returned with a smile and a little wave. Ryialla returns to the Skyfire table. "I'm used to this, actually. Ruatha wasn't much better in the spring." Kelset grins a bit, rising to his feet and wandering about, looking for klah, commenting, "I can identify with that. Keroon didn't have much problem with snow." Meli stops playing with her mug long enough to lean towards the other greenrider. She mutters to Kassima, "... I jus'... a... if... If..." Kassima grimaces faintly. "Should've seen Telgar Hold yestereve... the Gather was a fine one, but 'twas hardly warmer than here. The flight there was a true delight, too." Her dry tone as she states this strongly suggests sarcasm. "I recall that, Ryi, from the one spring and summer 'twas there m'self." Ryialla mms. Kassima hrms as she turns towards her friend and table-companion, shaking her head. She mutters to Meli, "... d'you... But 'tany... you... point... this: might... have... Healer-confirmed... we go too mad... plans and... and..." Alyssa looks across the top of her mug at the two younger greenriders, then murmurs to Ryialla, "Do you know what they're muttering about?" Ryialla chuckles, and shakes her head. "I'm not sure, actually." Kelset finally returns to his seat, a mug of klah showing the fruit of his venture in one hand, commenting, "It'd be interesting to find out, though." A mildly embarrassed (ovine-ish?) look crosses Meli's face, and she chuckles to the others present at the table. "Sorry, jus' suddenly got worried tha' maybe we jumped th'gun an' I'm /not/ really pregnant, or some such horrible thin'. Horrible, tha' is, now tha' I'm used t'the idea." Alyssa nods, watching Meli and Kassima with something approaching distrust. "I suppose," she nods to Kelset. "Though...hmmm." Alyssa splutters. "Sorry, Meli, what did you say?" the bluerider inquires quietly as she dabs at her lips with the back of her hand. Ryialla blinks. Kelset's reaction isn't quite as strong as either of the rider's, but his eyes are definitely fixed upon Meli. Kassima shakes her head at Meli. "I don't think you have aught to worry about, Meli... a'course, we could *both* nay be pregnant, and wouldn't that be horrid to explain to T'lar?" Meli leans back a bit when struck by the force of her friends' regard. "Shells, jus' meant, s'still early, haven't had a chance t'have th'healer confirm it yet." Alyssa sets her mug down, golden brow reaches for the crown of her head. "Excuse me...but ... excuse me. You're both pregnant? By T'lar??" The voice of this typically calm rider slants upward sharply in her surprise. Ofira walks here from the Inner Cavern. Jalimax chuckles at Alyssa, "Amazing isn't it ?" Ryialla hides a smile behind her mug. "I belive that's what she was inferring, yes. Or is that implying? I never can keep those two straight." Ofira comes in rather tentatively with Girad on her shoulder and gives a general smile to the room. Kassima blinks at Lys, seemingly surprised herself. "What, you mean you hadn't heard? I'd've thought 'twould be all over the Weyr by now. The dragons both seem t'think so, and since it matches up with things well...." She shrugs. "Nay had it Healer-confirmed yet, though. Right-- what Meli said." Meli's jaw drops, as she realizes that somehow Alyssa hadn't yet heard. "Um, yeh, 'lys." Fortunately, Ofira arrives at that point, and Meli turns to greeting her. "Evenin', Master! How fares y'an' tha' new son o'yours?" "I don't listen to gossip," Alyssa murmurs faintly. "I thought that was... ahem. Well. Um...well. Goodness." Kelset chuckles a bit, apparently in agreement with Jalimax. Ofira smiles, "He's fine. Strong and healthy and I thought it was time I brought him up here and started getting about again." She takes a seat, lowering herself rather gingerly. Ofira dropped Girad. Meli continues to smile at Ofira and Girad, making appropriate noises and comments, though she does sneak a glance at Alyssa out of the corner of her eye, trying to gauge the bluerider's reaction to this shocking news. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Bouncing baby boy? :)" Ofira settles herself, holding Girad securely in the crook of her arm. She turns to Meli and Kassima, "How are you two feeling?" Kassima's attention is similarly distracted by the arrival of Baker and Son. "Ofira! How--shard it, Meli, stop beating me to all the good questions." She grins at the other greenrider to take the force out of the chide, and turns her head back to Lys. "Well... insofar as we know, 'tis truth." One corner of her mouth crooks upward in a lopsided smile. "Should've expected it, in truth, after all that Water Cav tricked me into drinking." From the inner caverns comes, whistling and cheerful, hands in his pockets, the lanky figure of Garant, one of the weyr's journeyman healers. "Hey, all. Master Ofira, how's the baby looking? Ryialla... looking very fine tonight, I see." Alyssa smiles faintly, then a little more sincerely. "Well...um... congratulations." Ryialla does laugh, this time, but subsides enough to smile at Garant. "Heyla, Garant." Alyssa looks not unhappy but rather stunned. Benden Weyr> Caitria can see either of you having one. Literally. Basket- baby. (And I'm not +watching the LC, so if that's something from there....) Ofira smiles, rather gratified by all the attention her son is receiving, "As you can see, healer, he's quite well. I, on the other hand, am rather tired!" Meli's face falls ever so slightly, as she turns to tell Alyssa "Thanks." Garant places his foot on the bench near Ryialla in a companionably familiar way and inquires, "What's the news of the night? Chattering, I see." Benden Weyr> Meli grins. "Ofira dropped Girad." Kelset smiles quietly to Garant, then stands up, stretching a bit. "I'd better be off, though. Things to do before the day's over, I'm afraid." Kassima smiles and wiggles her fingers at the little lad. "Well enough, well enough! Despite having discovered the nonexistant joys of losing one's breakfast this morning." She rolls her eyes. "I *would* be one of those who gets sick, wouldn't I? Faranth has a twisted sense of humor... thankee, Lys," she adds sincerely to the bluerider. "It came as something of a surprise to us, too." "Oh, Meli, I really am...I mean...I *am* happy for you!" Alyssa exclaims as she gives her dear friend a hug. Ryialla inclines her head over at Meli and Kassima. "Seems T'lar's been a busy, busy boy.." Benden Weyr> Kassima snickers at Ryi. :) Benden Weyr> Caitria hees. :) Benden Weyr> Ryialla is evil, ayup. Girad follows Kassima's fingers with his eyes, staring at them, fascinated, from Ofira's arms. Garant's grin splits his face wide with teeth. "Oh, the bronzerider who, I hear, has left two of our ladies expecting? Two ladies who, I might add, have failed to visit me since their dragons said something about babies." Meli smiles, hugging back. "Thanks 'lys. I'll need y'around t'talk to, m'sure." Ryialla shakes her head, tsking. "Shame on them. I, of course, was much more prompt when I was expecting. Many visits are beneficial to both mother and baby." Alyssa nods, kissing Meli's cheek before embracing Kassima as well. "I mean...it's truly good news..." she murmurs. Meli blinks, noticing Garant. 'Eh, well, yeh. S'pose so. Been tryin' to eat right, an' all.' No, she's not nervous. Not at all. Ofira sinks down in her seat and murmurs, "I really just went to M'kla for advice..." She tries to say this quietly enough that the healer won't hear, but of course he knows perfectlywell. Garant leans down to speak confidentially to Ryialla. "Well, my dear wingsecond, you're wise and experienced. These two precious young greenriders don't know the benefits of my constant and adoring attention, do they?" Kelset walks towards the inner cavern. Kassima hugs Lys warmly, chuckling faintly at the bluerider's murmur. "Just... unexpected, mayhaps?" Attention caught by the conversation between the Healer and Ryi, she admits, "Well, we've been *meaning* to... and aye, as Meli said. Though I'm *nay* touching tubers, however good they may be for you." Ryialla smiles. "Aye, they don't." K'tyn looks up from his hidework, blinking. "What's wrong with tubers? Those are good eating." Alyssa sits back down near Ryialla and watches quietly. "Greens" Meli espouses. "Lots o'steamed greens." And at that, her face twinges, turning a very slight shade of said color. She gulps, and stops talking. "Tsktsk," Garant chuckles. "You know, if I were less a gentleman, I'd just ground them until they agree to come and see me." Kassima grimaces at Meli, shuddering. "Yuck, must you bring *those* up? They may be better than tubers, but only marginally... wish that pepper salad hadn't gone bad on me, or I could mayhaps substitute that." Meli glances up at Garant, after she regains her composure. "Was already grounded, waitin' f'Juliath t'heal. Still, been meanin' t'stop in anyway. When're y'free?" Ofira gets up for another glass of milk, "I know how you feel," she says sympathetically to Kassima. "I did get back my taste for food, but now that I'm nursing, I'm thirsty all the time. And I mean, /all/ the time." K'tyn tries again. "So. What's wrong with tubers?" His light colored eyes flick aobut the room. "And greens?" Garant chuckles. "Let me think. Hmm...let's see. Boil lancing at midnight. I have a rather pressing engagement with my pillow after that. Hmm. No time like the present, I say." Ofira sips the milk, and sighs contentedly, "It's so good to be out of bed and up and about again," she observes generally. Meli swallows again, perceptibly, but answer Kiat carefully "Nothin's wrong w'greens. Or tubers. Like 'em both. Generally." She exhales carefully, and waves a hand in front of her face. Kassima inclines her head at Meli. "Has she been confirmed as being healed up yet, Meli? My arm's about back to normal, thank Faranth for small favors... managed nay to rip it open again, for once." Turning to the Healer, she asks, sounding dubious, "I don't suppose you could find time open for me as well, so long as 'tis nay at the same time as that boil lancing?" She breaks off, turning rather green at Kiat's mention of tubers. "Urgh. Kiat, *must* you?" K'tyn nods, "Ah ha. Then....why do you look like you are going to lose what you've eaten? You're not ill, are you?" Girad makes a snuffling noise which gradually grows louder. Ofira ignores it as long as possible, cooing to the child and rockinghim, but it finally become s a full fledged wail, as Girad turns bright red, screws up his eyes and screams. "Why, Kassima," Garant grins, bowing slightly, "you're in luck. I have a two-for-one special tonight. Two diagnoses for the price of one, and you get a special cheek-kiss with every exam." Meli gets that 'checking in with Juliath' look briefly, then nods at the healer. "Jul's sleepin'. Now's jus' fine." And she levers herself upright, smoothing her shirt and tucking her gift under her arm. Ofira winces, "Excuse me everyone," she sighs. "It's been nice to see you all, however briefly." Ofira walks towards the inner cavern. K'tyn blinks at Kassi. Stares at her, in fact. "You too? What is this, a plag--" He nods. "Ah. I see. No need to say aught more." Humor lightens his deep voice. Ryialla snickers. Feyan walks in from the bowl. Benden Weyr> Ofira giggles as she forgets the baby. I /am/ new at this! Alyssa asks Meli and Kassima quietly, "Want me to go with you?" Benden Weyr> Meli bol Benden Weyr> Alyssa laughs. Feyan comes in, very quietly, with tears on her small face.... Meli reaches out a hand to 'lys. "Please." Kassima half-bows to the Healer, which is quite a trick when one is sitting in a chair. "Never let it be said that I'm nay a believer in luck, eh? Kin and Mart would never let me hear the end of it." She gathers up her own packages, and flashes a brief grin at Kiat. "Very astute... oh, Lys, please do." Ryialla says "I could go..oh, Lys, you're going? Good." Beaming now, Garant indicates the inner cavern. "This way, ladies. Alyssa, Alyssa, been Turns since I had you assist me. This way...Ryialla? Anyone else who might have had the water around here?" Ryialla groans. "Okay, okay. I'll go." Feyan stands in a quiet corner, wide eyed.... "Never did" Meli mutters under her breath as she waves a farewell to the others and steps off after the healer. "Well," Kassi murmurs to Meli as she obediantly gets up and starts for the lower caverns, "at least now we'll learn whether or nay the whole Weyr will need to transfer to Telgar, eh?" Alyssa walks towards the inner cavern. Ryialla walks towards the inner cavern. Meli walks towards the inner cavern. Garant walks towards the inner cavern. K'tyn sips at his empty mug, blinking at it confusedly. "Hm," he rumbles quietly to himself before snaring a passing waif-like drudge and asking her for some piping hot klah. He grins at Garant. "I've drunk the water... but pity. It seems not to affect me." You walk towards the inner cavern. You walk off towards the Outer Infirmary. Alyssa pushes the tapestry aside and walks into the inner infirmary. Ryialla pushes the tapestry aside and walks into the inner infirmary. Garant pushes the tapestry aside and walks into the inner infirmary. Meli studiously avoids the 'snake display and moves further inside. You push the tapestry aside and walk into the inner infirmary. Meli emerges from behind the tapestry leading to the outer infirmary. Kassima comments as she glances over her shoulder, "Interesting tunnelsnake you've got back there. It reminds me that I haven't been hunting for the Swarm in awhile...." Distracting herself with pointless babble? Oh, just possibly. Meli takes a seat, keeping an eye on the healer while also watching Alyssa. "All right, all right," says Garant briskly. "Meli, Kassima...tell me what you know, how you're feeling. Alyssa, sit down. You're tall enough to hurt my neck looking up at you, lass. Ha! Made her blush." Ryialla perches on a stool and looks amused. Alyssa sits down beside Ryialla and, of course, blushes. Meli glances at Kassi. "Y'want t'go first, or shall I?" Kassima can't help but grin at the Healer's comments to Alyssa, as she perches herself gingerly in a chair next to Meli's. "Well, we know for starters that both of our greens seem rather insistant that we've 'swallowed eggs,' as they put it, and even I've given up on trying to convince Lysseth at least that she's ever wrong about something." She glances at Meli, a silent suggestion that the other greenrider pick it up from there. Garant chuckles but says, "That's fine and dandy, Kassima, but when was the last time you two had your courses?" Meli nods at Kassi's words, then casts her eyes ceilingwards as she calculates. "Hmm... f'me, was about two sevendays 'fore m'Turnday. So, that'd be, oh, 'bout eight or nine sevendays ago." "Mm, prolly closer to eight than nine" Meli amends, then looks back at the healer. Kassima takes a moment to count silently, eventually reporting, "Eight and a half sevendays, 'twould be." Player Name On For Idle Doing Meli 01:26 11s Cell Multiplication and Division 85 Players logged in. Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs at Meli's @do. :) Garant nods at Meli and Kassima both, grinning all the same. "All right. That's a good lateness. Any tenderness, soreness, especially around the breasts, and not counting whatever teethmarks that bronzerider might have left?" "Garant!" Alyssa blinks, just shaking her head. Meli doesn't blush, nope, she rarely does. Instead, her face just gets stonier, and her voice more matter-of-fact and impersonal. "Not too much, jus' a little maybe." She avoids glancing down at her chest, which never has been terribly well-endowed. Now, Kassi hasn't been known for blushing since over five Turns ago, when she joined the ranks of Benden's greenriders; however, she does manage a nice crimson shade at *that*. "Somewhat," she admits, eyes focused not on the healer, but on the wall behind him. Yep, the wall is much less likely to embarrass her, and thus much safer. Garant just nods, as if this were something he expected. "Nausea at some time of the day, every day, and additional fatigue?" Meli chuckles, this is safer ground. "Ayeh. Not usually in th'morning, though... s'that normal? Thought they called it 'mornin' sickness'." Kassima shakes her head. "Nay at any particular time, save whenever someone mentions tubers or quadruple somersaults or some such... well, 'cept this morn, though I still half-suspect there was something odd about those muffins. Ofira's been letting the apprentices loose in the kitchen again, probably. And as to the fatigue, nay, I can't claim that." Alyssa ventures quietly, "On those rare occasions I was sick, it was in late afternoon..." Meli glances up and smiles at Alyssa, her whole face relaxing visibly. "Yeh, an' occasionally after dinner." Garant looks from one greenrider to the other, then, with a little shrug, says, "I really need to have a look at you two. Ah...that'll involve getting undressed, I guess. No reason to be bashful." Meli gives Garant a long, thorough look, then nods carefully and rises. After all, he's a healer, and all the other women are her friends. She admires that same bit of fascinating wall Kassi'd been observing, and starts slowly to disrobe. Ryialla says "It's not bad. Really. Trust me." Alyssa blushes and looks away, then down at her hands. "I josh about too much," Garant says gently, "but I'm very professional, Meli. I'll turn my back; when you're ready, get under the sheet on that cot and I'll have a very quick peek." Kassima shrugs and replies philosophically, "Nay any different than stripping for swimming, I suppose." Never mind that Kassi usually doesn't do that, being a fan of the ubiquitous towel. She pulls off her jacket and sets it to one side, before working on ridding herself of all her knives first. This takes quite awhile, in and of itself. "Feel free to go first, Meli," she offers ever-so-generously. Meli straightens her chin, gives herself a bit of a shake, and chuckles. "Well, s'not as if we don' all soak in th'springs t'gether in th'buff." And with that, she finishes removing her clothes, piles them on her chair, and moves over to the cot. "Ready when y'are, I guess." Garant moves gracefully past Kassima, taking his instruments with him, and he places her feet in some straps to position her legs properly. "So Kassima," he says agreeably as he gets ready to have his quick exam, "how's Lysseth doing? I saw her out earlier with a bronze. Not T'lar's though, hmm?" "Precisely," Kassi agrees with Meli, as she sets five throwing-knives, two belt-knives, and her prized wherry-skewer on a convenient table. To the Healer, she replies, "Lysseth's well... out with a bronze, y'say? Hrm. Mayhaps there's something the sky-lady hasn't been telling me." She stares continuously at that wall--there must be something really intriguing about it. Meli mutters something about cold instruments, her head turned to the side, and she concentrates on Kassi's answers. Garant is finished almost before he began, patting Meli's leg gently. "Right you are. Kassima, my dear, must you scare me so much with your weaponry?" Alyssa moves quietly to Meli's side and, without a word, takes her hand. "Done?" Meli asks, already shifting upright. With a helping hand from Alyssa, she rises and retrieves her clothes, dressing with a bit more haste. Kassima grins wryly. "Ah, but scaring folk is one of my prime joys in life; would you deprive me of it, then? Besides, you should just see how many K'nan has." She actually glances away from the wall for a brief second at Meli's question. "Done? Already? That was quick." Garant just smiles at Kassima and indicates the bed. "If, my dear, you would not mind...?" Meli leaves her jacket off for now, and gives Kassi a look, eyebrow raised. "Guess it's your turn now, neh?" "I'd say 'twould be my pleasure," is the greenrider's rejoinder, "except I don't think I could sound very convincing." Nonetheless, she does set her clothes on the table and obediantly gets up on the bed. She finds a new place on the wall to stare at, too. As before, Garant speaks cheerfully of some off-topic as he conducts the exam beneath the sheet, away from any other eyes. "Meli, how is that weyrmate of yours? Told him what might be going on?" Meli chuckles, doing her best to fill the spaces. 'Yeh, thought he'd jus' about drop dead t'other evenin' when we told him.' Benden Weyr> T'lar grabs Meli and Kassima for a big smooch Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Woooga, Bronzeman! We're having our physicals :b" "I'm still surprised he didn't," Kassi quips, in the direction of that wall. She must really like that wall; first she can't take her eyes off of it, and now she's trying to strike up a conversation with it? Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Can I watch? Uh....never mind." Benden Weyr> K'tyn waves, heya T'lar. :) Benden Weyr> Jalimax says, "you're gonna have 2 pairs of tripples, T'lar :)" "Oh...oh my." Garant leans back, pushing his stool away from Kassima to regard her with a sigh. "Kassima...I..." He shakes his head, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. "How am I going to tell you this?" Ryialla grins. "I would've like to see that." Benden Weyr> T'lar let's go of the infirmary wenches and grabs Alyssa, Caitria, Lily and Ryialla and retires to the Hot Springs. Benden Weyr> Meli is a Charter Member of the Anti-Multiple Birth Society of Pern :b Benden Weyr> <Alyssa> Garant puffs up his chest. "Got both of 'em in bed in one night!" Benden Weyr> Caitria woowoos at T'lar Benden Weyr> Kassima whacks T'lar upside the head with a sixteen-ton safe full of the printed versions of 331 PernMUSH logs. :P :) Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "Yeah, that was just cause you dragged us there after we passed out from drinking, Garant.." Benden Weyr> T'lar peers at Jalimax. "One set of twins born of different mothers is quite enough, thank you." Benden Weyr> Jalimax grins. Benden Weyr> <Alyssa> Garant ssssh! "Don't tell my secret!" Meli's eyes widen. "What?" she asks hurriedly, even though the healer is speaking to Kassi. Now that does manage to draw Kassi's attention from the wall. "Tell me *what*?" she demands, sounding faintly alarmed. Alyssa looks alarmed and takes Meli's hand, looking at Ryialla as well, then at Kassima. Ryialla leans forward on her stool, listening very intently. Expression grave, Garant stands up and moves away to clean the instruments. "I really oughtn't say, Kassima." Lysseth> Nicoth backwings for a landing. Lysseth> T'lar slides precipitously down from Nicoth's back. Benden Weyr> Alyssa is being so evil. Lysseth> Prometh turns and /looks/ at his rider penetratingly. "Oh, yes. Now that does sound good. Let's go soak in the hot springs, hm?" Prometh moves off purposefully as Kiat ducks into the Records' room, returns the hides and follows sedately behind Prometh. Ryialla says "Garant, if you don't tell her, you're likely to wind up with a wherry skewer in your midsection." Lysseth> T'lar says "K'tyn! How are you doing?" "Forget *ought*," is Kassi's retort. "Ought counts for naught at all. Just *tell* me!" She glances at Ryi, and seems to find favor in that suggestion. Lysseth> Nicoth whuffles first Juliath, then Lysseth. He rumbles a hello to the other dragons before settling down next to Juliath. Benden Weyr> Kassima cheerfully kills Lys. :) Garant grins and turns around, holding his hands up helplessly. "Hey, hey, I was only kidding! It's just that you're both pregnant. Yeesh." Meli just stands, squeezing Alyssa's hand. The healer picks up a tray and holds it like a shield before him. Lysseth> Juliath unlids, gives a low rumble of greeting, and settles in next to Nicoth. Ryialla winces. "That gold again.." Lysseth> K'tyn stops in his tracks. "Well enough, T'lar." He grins. "Your bevy is in the infirmary." Lysseth> Adonith rumbles quietly at the bigbutted bronze and moves closer to his greens. Lysseth> Nicoth reaches out and touches noses with Pliarth. "Aigh!" Meli exclaims, pent up energy released in that explosion. She then starts to chuckle, eyes twinkling. "I knew it!" Alyssa groans, rolling her eyes. "You," she tells Garant softly, "are a menace." Lysseth> Nicoth flicks his tail about a bit as if trying to make it comfortable. It brushes Adonith's flank like a wet dishtowel. Ryialla grins at them both. "Congratulations, you two. Kassi, I'll have to say, it suits you." Benden Weyr> <Alyssa> Garant makes it official. Kassima sighs with relief, and gives the Healer the evil eye. "You, sir," she informs him, "have the most twisted sense of humor I've ever seen outside of m'own family." Then, the second half of what he said took effect, and she pthbbbts at Meli. "You did nay! You were the one who was unsure in the *first* place...." Grumble, grumble, but she's not so busy grumbling that she forgets to put her clothes back on rather rapidly. Lysseth> Prometh sighs, and moves southward, disdain evident in every line of his body. Lysseth> Prometh lumbers south. Lysseth> T'lar moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Here I come, ladies!" Benden Weyr> M'rgan nooooooooooooooooooos!!!!! T'lar emerges from behind the tapestry leading to the outer infirmary. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "I'm sure they thank you for the warning so they can vacate, T..." T'lar peeks in, eyes shut. "So? What's the verdict? Meli bends down to retrieve her jacket, and calls up to the healer "M'guessin' was m'Turnday tha' did it - can y'figure out when I'd be ready t'pop then?" And as she straightens, she spots T'lar. "Evenin', luv!" Hopefully Kassi's done changing. Lysseth> Lysseth warbles in greeting to Nicoth, whuffling him as well before settling back into her comfortable place in the Bowl. She doesn't seem displeased to be surrounded by handsome male dragons, even if she *does* have to share the view with two other greens. "Now, now...seriously, you two," insofar as Garant is serious about anything. "You're both grounded. You're expected to come in every fortnight or so to let me check up on you. And get that sharding bronzerider to pamper you both. That's an order." Benden Weyr> Meli mwah ha has. "And it's just 18 short days til Juliath's next flight as well." T'lar's pop open. "Order? Who needs orders to pamper the two best ladies on all of Pern?" His eyes shine with happiness. Alyssa gives both Meli and Kassima gentle hugs of congratulations before moving to the side, out of the way. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I don't know if I can survive proddy and pregnant." Kassima is, pretty much. She's just putting all her knives back right now, which, predictably, is taking awhile. Two in the boots, two in the sleeve- sheaths, one in the jacket, two in the belt, and, of course, the wherry skewer. "Every fortnight, y'say?" she asks the Healer, making mental note of that. "And pampering. That, I think I can live with," she adds with a grin in T'lar's direction. Meli also brightens at this idea. "Sounds good t'me. C'n we soak in th'springs ok?" Garant begins washing up, tidying the examination area, whistling to himself. "Huh? Soaking in the springs? Yeah, sure. But not for too long unless you want boiled babies." T'lar goes over and gives his weyrmate a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Proceeding around the room, he hugs and kisses Kassima, Alyssa and Ryialla. "Ewww" Meli replies to Garant's comment, before returning T'lar's embrace. "Congratulations, you three." Alyssa returns the hug quietly, then after a nod at Garant and a touch of Ryialla's arm, she leaves for the inner caverns. Meli then tilts her head to glance at Alyssa and Ryialla. "You two goin' t'be available t'be pestered w'all sorts of questions from a couple of first-timers?" Kassima laughs as she returns any and all hugs, commenting, "Looks like *something* put him in a good mood; I wonder what that could be?" She grimaces at Garant. "And a sadist. Did I mention that you're a sadist?" Ryialla returns the hug, and waves to Lys as she leaves. T'lar says "Take care, Lyssa. And thanks, Garant. I'll take care of these two." "You're under direct order to do so," Garant says cheerfully, "unless you want me to fetch Master Caitria's emasculator and do the weyr a favour? By the way, I think your two lady friends here are about the same way along." T'lar is not sure whether to look proud and smug or afraid. "Don't worry. I will." Meli nods at the healer's final words. "Tha' makes sense. Lysseth rose th'day after m'Turnday, didn't she?" Kassima tries, really and honestly tries, not to burst out laughing at mention of the Emasculator. She does manage to hide it somewhat as a very long coughing fit, though. "I remember Tria saying she couldn't sell me hers because she got too much use out of it," she side-comments to Meli. "Never figured that the use she got out of it was loaning it to Healers...." Garant regards everyone with hands on his hips. "Well? Anything else? Otherwise, you're a buncha healthy people cluttering up my infirmary." Meli laughs, pulling on her jacket. "Well, then, guess tha's all settled." She picks up her package, telling T'lar "Kassi bought me a nice maternity tunic at th'Telgar gather t'other day." T'lar says "Well, ladies. How many of you four would like to be escorted to the living cavern for a celebratory drink?" He puts his arm around Meli's shoulder. "I'll take you all." "Sounds good t'me" Meli replies. "Cold citron?" T'lar pats Meli's still flat stomach. "Don't need any special clothes yet and cold citron it is." Kassima picks up her own package, and grins at Meli. "Just glad you like it, but I wish I'd found you a cradle; after you bought me one, I still think I should return the favor... oh, a drink sounds fabulous. Cider, methinks; 'tis too cold for cold anything." Meli laughs, stepping out. Meli pushes the tapestry aside and enters the outer infirmary. T'lar pushes the tapestry aside and enters the outer infirmary. Ryialla pushes the tapestry aside and enters the outer infirmary. You push the tapestry aside and enter the outer infirmary. You walk down the long tunnel. You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Ryialla makes a vtol-line for the klah. Meli settles herself, collecting a new mug of cold citron. "Well." Kassima resumes her prior seat, settling her bundle of bundles on the table. "So are your concerns now assauged, m'friend?" she inquires of Meli with a quirked half-grin. T'lar walks here from the Inner Cavern. Salless dusts off the mantlepiece over the night hearth. Ryialla adds some sweetner, and grins over her shoulder at you two. Meli grins. "Well, certain ones are settled, but now there's lots o'other ones, neh?" She smiles at Ryi. "Got any advice?" T'lar runs in a bit tardy and sits down with the women, laughing. "A round of drinks for the ladies, but nothing strong for Meli or Kassima." Ryialla says "Yeah. Keep T'lar tied up in the weyr. Oh. Hi, T'lar.." Ryialla grins, knowing perfectly well he was there all along. T'lar blinks. "Keep who tied up where? Didn't this whole thing start like that?" Kassima chuckles. "Truth, but--" She lifts one finger to emphasize the point she's about to make. "The important one is settled: that I didn't spend all those marks in vain!" She laughs, and then laughs even more at Ryi. "Ach, Ryi! Now you've given the plans away." Ryialla is all innocence. "Oh? Did I?" Meli just admires the citron in her mug, though her smile peeks past the rim. Ryialla settles down at the Skyfire table. "So, Meli..if I want more kids, are you going to rent him out?" Meli hrms, setting her mug down and tapping a finger along her chin. "Maybe... what are y'offerin'?" she replies, straight faced. T'lar laughs and toasts the table with his mug. A blush creeps rapidly up his cheeks at Ryialla's comment. "Uh...well...maybe Pliarth's next flight...." Ryialla hms. "Well, I've got lots of space. I could stuff him in one of my presses if you want peace and quiet.." Kassima suggests drolly, "I could always hold another auction, Ryi. You could buy all the ones who catch your eye--who knows? You might even get a bargain." T'lar looks from woman to woman with a decidely uncomfortable expression on his face. He takes the easy way out and buries himself in his ale. Meli sniffs, pondering further. "Hm, sounds good, but we may need'm around over th'next eight months." Ryialla says "As long as you don't put me up there..I'd never make any marks at all." Kassima nods vigorous agreement with Meli, trying to look serious--and, as usual, failing miserably. "Oh, aye. Remember? We need him to be on pampering-duty--Healer's orders." Ryialla snorts. "I got along just fine without pampering." T'lar sees an opening. "Next time, Ryialla. I'll make up for the lack. Just so I don't do the baby changing bit." Ryialla snorts, again. "Yeah. Right. Like Meli won't make you do that." Meli waggles her brows. "Sounds like a job f'a big, strong, bronzerider type, neh?" Kassima grins at Meli. "What job is better? C'mon now, T'lar--how much worse than mucking dragonet couches can it possibly be?" T'lar says "Big? Well, that lets me out, I guess." He smiles impishly. "Maybe you could settle for short and cute?" Ryialla says "Remember, T'lar, the mother, or should I say mothers, are always right. And you have to do whatever they say." Meli reaches over to ruffle T'lar's hair, which is an instinctive response to calling him or having someone else call him cute. Even T'lar himself. T'lar looks at Ryialla with complete disbelief. "I don't know...maybe." He ponders for a moment, his eyes unfocused. "Well, my mother was a bit... er...right all the time when she was with child. Ryialla smiles. T'lar is used to having his hair ruffled. Kassima smiles sweetly. "See, now? A case in point." In an aside to Meli, she adds, "Who would've thought this would be the secret to infallibility?" Meli gives Kassi and Ryi a wink, then drains her mug dry. "Well, one thing's f'sure, I need more sleep." T'lar's smile broadens, if possible. "Yeah, sleep. That sounds like a great idea." His eyebrows all but waggle. "Sleep?" asks Kassi in mock-puzzlement. "Sleep? What is this 'sleep'? I think I've heard of it, but I thought 'twas just a myth." Meli rises, then mock-groans at T'lar's expression. "Shards, man, you'll be gettin' a reputation f'you keep doin' things like that." She grins at her weyrmate, and collects her things. T'lar throws a roll at Kassima. "You need your sleep, young lady. My child depends on it." T'lar stands. "Sorry I must leave you, but I need to go pamper my weyrmate." Kassima catches the roll deftly, and wrinkles her nose. "I'm only a few months younger than *you*, laddybuck! Telling an insomniac to sleep is like telling a sadist to be kind, or something." She hrms, considering that. "I think I like that metaphor." Meli just grins again, waving a farewell "Night, you two." And she steps off towards the bowl. T'lar chuckles. "Well, you can keep it. It sounds like you. But I bet this pregnancy cures your insomnia." He follows closely after Meli. Meli walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. T'lar says "Night, Ryi, Kassi." T'lar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima shakes her head, "As if'n there's a cure for fire-lizard induced insomnia? As if I haven't tried?" She grins, though, and waves *very* belatedly after the pair even though she knows perfectly well that they're long-gone.