-------------------------------------------------------------------------- On This Week's Episode Of 'As the Weyr Turns'.... Date: December 28, 1997 Place: Telgar Weyr's Hot Springs Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: I knew Kassi's second pregnancy was going to spawn (pun quite intended) some interesting RP--but this, I certainly didn't anticipate. To provide a bit of background, Channie, brown Kemith's rider of High Reaches and a long-time friend of Kassi's, came to visit one evening and learned of Kassi's current condition. She didn't ask who the father was, and Kassi didn't mention it. So, putting two and two together, she concluded (knowing Kassi as well as she did) that it *must* have been the rider whose dragon won Lysseth's last flight: M'rgan. None of Kassi's arguments, not even the one about said flight being over a Turn past, could change the brownrider's mind. Further, she took it upon herself to inform Mart that he was going to be a father again... never mind that it wasn't true. Understandably, the brownrider decided that he needed to talk to Kassi about this situation, and went to visit Telgar late one evening.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Ularrith flies over the edges of rock and lands on the far end of the springs. Ularrith slowly drops towards the springs, keeping his wings in close so as to not send a chilling breeze across the loungers. Ofira looks up, "Everyone wants a warm spot tonight," she smiles. Tinya tilts her head slightly. "I didn't know that was a rule, Ofira. Does _everyone_ need to have someone looking over their shoulder? Not that I have any plans to go making my own food at the moment, but I _do_ know one end of a soup ladle from the other." Kassima looks, if anything, more puzzled than before. "But if'n he's capable of baking a cake, then why should help be a require--brownie?" A requirebrownie? No, Kassi's just espied Ularrith and his rider. It's kinda hard to miss a brown dragon, after all. "Shells! 'Tis! Duties to High Reaches and her queens!" she yells, just loud enough to be heard and hopefully without waking Kaylira. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says farewell to you all while she still can. As I understand it, I'm officially Dead Meat now and probably won't survive the evening. :) Telgar Weyr> M'kla meeps. Ofira laughs again, and contents herself with just waving. Telgar Weyr> Saennya blinks in some small confusion. Meow? Telgar Weyr> Ofira hmms and hugs Kassima! Telgar Weyr> J'lyn blinks. "What did you do now?" Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan wrestles off his goggles and helmet before peering down and around. Kassima's greeting reaches him just as he spots her. "High Reaches' duties to Telgar," automatically springs from his lips as he starts to climb down his lifemate's side, ignoring Ularrith's rumbling and head-bobbing towards the steamy water. Telgar Weyr> D'thon blinkblinks. WHY? M'rgan vaults down Ularrith's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds. Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "One word: Mart :)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima has been under a death sentence ever since she went to HRW and drove Mart screaming from the LC, you see. And Nie's antics haven't particularly helped (page for that explanation; it's a long story). So... g'bye, y'all. Been nice knowing you. ;) Ofira waves and greets the High Reaches rider politely and gets on with her bath. Tinya waves one hand languidly at M'rgan. "Telgar's duties," she calls. Herath flies over the edges of rock and lands on the far end of the springs. Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey. Ofira smiles, waving to Kindre, as she rinses off a bit. Kassima peers curiously at the brownrider, probably a bit wary of the person she last saw running screaming from the Living Cavern of his home Weyr. Wouldn't you be? "Ah... good t'be seeing you again, Mart," she finally says. "It's been a bit. You're nay going t'throw any coats at me, are you? Kin!" She lifts her one free hand to hail the goldrider. As he sets foot on the ground, M'rgan gives his lifemate's neck a gentle but firm push away from the water, adding a shake of his finger as the dragon continues to rumble. As Ularrith reluctantly pulls back his head, his rider turns around and smiles a greeting to everyone. Everyone but Kassima, of course. "It has been a bit. But Channie spoke to me so I thought I should come by." Saennya walks in from outside the room. Herath sidles right up beside Ularrith while Kindre simply rolls her eyes. "Yes, fine, you were right, he was here," she half grumbles while dusty the few clingy bits of snow that managed to survive from her hair. "Eve all, how fares? Ah, and Telgar's duties and the like Mart," she remarks and prepares to slide into the pool. Tinya waves cheerfully to the goldrider. "Heyla, Kindre," she calls. "Well enough, and how are you?" Ularrith finds the springs much less interesting once Herath is beside him. He rumblecroons to her in a quiet voice as he lifts his head to show off his best features: his long neck and muscular chest. Sigourney flies into the room. Kassima lifts an eyebrow, S'pock-style. "Oh? Are you here t'be meeting the newest beau of hers, then?" Lysseth, ignoring her rider as she often does, warbles a greeting to both the newly-arrived brown and queen. Mehlani walks in from outside the room. Sigourney chirps, settling to an overhanging rock and cocking her head to watch the proceedings. Saennya feels herself wilting a touch just coming into the cavern, the cold bottles almost slipping from her hands. Ofira soaks comfortably and waves to Mehlani when she sees her. Mehlani slips in, clad in her white shift for bathing, carrying a large towel folded over her shoulder. The lass surveys the place, bobs her head gravely to Ofira, and looks for an unoccupied corner of pool, while Holl and Vachon and Rianet wing in curious circles about her. M'rgan waves to Kindre, giving her his usual 'duties' greetings, as he slowly moves over towards Kassima. "That A'lex. No, I don't think so." Was that a bit of bitterness in his voice? He stares down at the greenrider as he crosses his arms in front of him. "So it's true. You are pregnant." His gaze is locked on her belly. "I'm well enough," Kindre says to Tinya and finally joins the group in the warmth of the waters. "I could have done without the abrupt and urgent plea to leave my weyr, however." The latter remark is meant for Herath, but the gold is apparently well distracted by the brown and his lovely attributes. "Beau? 'Lex?" she wonders of Kassima before waving to the arrivals. Adding, "Obviously," to M'rgan she, too, gazes at the Wingsecond's growing belly. Mehlani slides into a hot spring. Saennya moves to the nearest spring, crouching down and mumbling an offer of wine. Kassima peers reflexively down at her towel-clad abdomen, unconsciously tightening her grip on Kaylira. Perhaps she senses hostility, and is hoping that no one would be so cold as to kill a woman who's holding a child. "Uh... aye, I am. I'd better be, or I'll flay those Healers alive for misdiagnosing me. That'd be the one, Kin," she adds to the goldrider. Ofira nods to the offer of wine, absently and then takes a closer look at who's offering, looking at the girl closely. She hesitates, "Saennya?" M'rgan uncurls his arms long enough to loosen the collar of his flight jacket before he once more resumes his stony, imperious stance. "And how long ago was it that Ularrith flew Lysseth?" Saennya blinks at the voice, and grins. "Aunt Ofira! I didn't recognize y' at first with the steam." At least she doesn't drop the bottles in excitement. She doesn't even tumble into anywhere she oughtn't to be. A bit of the smile edges off at the tension starting up in the other spring. Mehlani, too, perhaps senses that the atmosphere in the room is less than comfortable. The girl sinks down silently in the smaller pool she's chosen, making herself unobtrusive as possible. Ofira smiles, "I had a letter from your father, to expect you. Did you just arrive?" she asks Saennya. "About thirteen months, give or take," Kassi supplies after a moment of thought. She now looks pretty thoroughly confused. "What, y'didn't remember? And is there a point to this questioning that I'm missing?" Ofira glances over to the riders and then forces her attention away, and back to her niece. Tinya watches the conversation between Kassi and M'rgan with open, if detached, interest. Saennya explains to Ofira, getting a bit more comfortable as she pours a glass for the craftmaster, "I got here about a sevenday again, but you seem t'have been busy..." "Then it's not mine." M'rgan states as he closes his eyes briefly and turns his face towards the sky, relief evident in the softening of the lines of his face and tendons of his neck. His arms drop to his sides as he opens his eyes again, his blue gaze locking once more on Kassima. "I had a talk with Channie. It seems she told me a lot of things. None of which were true." There is a flash of anger, a promise of revenge, in his eyes that takes away some of the niceness in his typical amiable grin. Ofira nods, taking the wine, rather abashed to be found by her holder niece, here in the steam baths, wearing not much at all. "Well, yes. But still. Someone should have directed you to my office. What have you been doing? Where have you been sleeping? We'll have to get a room fixed up for you connecting to mine. And where have you been working?" "What's not yours," Kindre wonders almost dumbly as she swims closer towards the conversation going on. Putting two and two together, nevermind catching sight of the Reaches brownrider's expression, she all but laughs. "Oh, oh...-=OH=-..." Saennya tugs at a strand of hair, sweat doing terrible things to the curls. "Oh, well, in the dormitories, and wherever needed, like now, bringing wine, the like." Kassima's eyes widen, surprise flickering in their dark emerald depths. "Yours? Nay, 'tis Jh'rin's; why would you--ohhhhh, shards," she groans. "Nie." That one word seems to say it all. Her expression immediately becomes rather pained. "Y'mean she told you--and you *believed* her?" Make that pained *and* incredulous. "Shells, brownie, I know draconic memory's nay good for aught t'speak of, but I'd *think*... well, I didn't think 'twas as easily forgettable as all of *that*, but I suppose I should remember that nay everyone has nigh perfect recall." Pained, incredulous, mildly insulted, and slightly red: The Many Faces of Kassima. Ofira smiles at Saennya, swirling the wine around in her glass, "Oh, well, we can do better for you than that! We'll set you up in my room for tonight. And I did promise Safir that I'd make a Baker of you! So it'll be the kitchens for you from now on!" M'rgan nods twice to back up Kindre's assumption. "That was pretty much my reaction when Channie told me. Well, that and a bit of screaming." He strips off one of his gloves to run his hand through his steam-dampened hair, pushing his bangs out of his eyes. "So it seems I'll be having a talk with Channie later...Of course it wasn't forgettable." The last bit is said with a strong streak of pride and a puffing up of his chest. Like dragon, like rider. "I just thought it was...umm...more recent than it was." He hesitates, staring at Kassi for several long seconds as he goes through everything she just said. "Jh'rin? Istan greenrider?? The guy who wears earrings and a dress?!?" Saennya does drop a glass listening to M'rgan's recitation, mouthing the words earrings and a dress in surprise before Ofira's offer sinks in. "But your weyrmate... Aunt Ofira, I can stay in the dormitories. I don't want any special treatment..." Mehlani casts a wary glance around the cavern, and sinks lower into her pool, till just her eyes and nose are visible. Oh dear. _More_ talk about... well, she doesn't want to think about it. Mehlani blushes, and does her best to hide it by virtue of keeping half her face underwater. Let them think it's the steam. "If'n you're going t'kill her, may I help?" Kassi inquires drolly. "I have been *trying* t'pound sense through that girl's head for days now, and she *refuses* t'listen t'me; I may nay be practiced at the art of trying t'convince someone t'be realistic, but she's gone totally off the deep end. She thinks that Flirk's klah has the ability t'change the paternity of unborn children, can you believe that?" She snorts with amusement as the brownrider puffs up worse a threatened feline, but doesn't dispute the point. "Jh'rin," she confirms. "Silver-tongued Istan greenrider extraordinaire. And he wasn't wearing earrings or a dress when I met him." Ofira is distracted as well, at this characterization of the father of Kassima's child. "Hmm?" she says to her niece. "Oh! Weyrmate? You mean R'val?" She smiles fondly, "Well, weyrmates we may be, but I have my own rooms and he has his weyr. And I'm sure Richenda can give you an empty room near mine. You most certainly are going to have special treatment, young lady! How many nieces do I have after all?" She smiles and takes a sip of the wine, the smile quickly changing to a rather strangled expression. Coughing she says, "What is this?" Kindre just keeps her mouth shut when talks circle around her favorite Istan Greenrider. Favorite one to trade insults with and mayhaps her favorite one to murder sometime in the future. For now, though, she simply sits quietly as the steam melts away the days toils. Telgar Weyr> D'thon idly comments that Jh'rin wasn't wearing much when Kassi FINISHED meeting him. Telgar Weyr> Kindre snickers!!! Telgar Weyr> Kassima throws a stray fruitcake at D'thon. Saennya frowns, and explains quickly enough, "Just some wine from the kitchen... Did I get Tillek instead of Benden?" The poor girl looks decidedly worried at her aunt's oddly colored expression. M'rgan rubs his hand across his forehead and down his face, shaking his head slightly. "Kassima, sometimes I really wonder about you. Of all the people on Pern to bed, you had to pick Jh'rin." There's just a touch of hurt in his voice as says the Istan's name. After all, his bedding of Kassima was a result of a greenflight, not by her choice. Of course, he wouldn't know what to do if someone asked him to bed -- he'd probably just turn red and stammer endlessly -- but it would've been nice to have been asked. "I fear for how this child is going to turn out," he comments as he darts a glance past Kaylira to the greenrider's bulging stomach. Ofira coughs again, trying not to spit into the water. "Of course not! This is hardly that fine Tillek white that I love! It's not even a barely passable Benden! This is - " She pauses to take another tiny sip, "VINEGAR!" she thunders. Mehlani blinkblinks, at the rising of Ofira's voice. Well, that's not any discussion about Dangerous Topics -- but that doesn't sound entirely safe, either. Ofira's outcry catches even the self-absorbed brownrider's attention and M'rgan shoots a curious glance over his shoulder at the CraftMaster. Saennya does tumble back this time, but only onto stone, not water. "But... but... it was in with the wine!" No doubt her rump will be aching in the morning. Tinya blinks and turns her attention to Ofira, as her behavior gets more interesting than Kassi and M'rgan's conversation. "M'rgan," Kindre can't help but speak up, "I think that's a bit much..." She may not be terribly fond of the Istan, but Kassima is one of her dearest friends. "The child will turn out as fine as any, I'm sure of that." The Craftmaster's outburst, however, draws her attention. Turning to gaze at her, she blinks. "Fine Tillek wine? Is there such a thing?" As if to protect the delicate gold who nonetheless greatly outmasses him, Ularrith unfurls a wing, moving to spread it over Herath. Kassima throws up her one free hand and demands rhetorically, "What is it with people, anyway? Dozens of greenriders go out and sleep with whomever they feel like, when they feel like it, and nay anyone says anything; I spend the night with the first attractive, interesting, unweyrmated man who's been interested in me in Turns and everyone gets on m'case!" Tilting her head to peer up at the brownrider, she remarks seemingly offhandedly, "'Twould nay have done it if'n he'd had a weyrmate at the time, y'know, but he was still single then... and besides, we were drunk." Enough said. "You're hardly the first to wonder. I think 'twill be a credit to m'bloodline, since 'twill surely have inherent dementia as well as whatever may have been inspired by Flirk's klah." Yes, she does have a weird sense of priorities. She doesn't care about gender or looks; she just wants to make sure her child is a lunatic. Ofira starts to say something else, bites it off and takes a deep breath, remembering that this is her niece, not an apprentice. "A natural mistake," she manages to say, evenly enough to the girl. "Tomorrow, I'll show you where everything is kept." She takes another deep breath and glances around, flushing at drawing everyone's attention. Might as well take advantage of it though. "Or my apprentice Jorenan could show you. He'd /never/ make such a mistake." she says, with a quick glance Mehlani- wards. Saennya gets more than a little flushed herself, looking down at her knees and the two bottles clinking against an uneven floor. She murmurs an apology, gulping a little. "You mean, you're not going to send me home?" This is, of course, asked after the sorries are completed. Mehlani is mostly sunk down into the pool she's parked in, her hair -- unbound for once -- drifting out in an auburn cloud about her. M'rgan slowly pulls his attention away from Ofira as he realizes the topic is wines. A topic he has very little experience with. "Hmm, Kindre?...I don't know. Kassi. Jh'rin. That child is destined to be a greenrider who eats wherries alive, threatens passer-bys with knives, and then bursts into tears for no reason." To Kassima is directed an open-mouthed, big-eyed look. "Attractive? Jh'rin?? You've got to be kidding me." He grimaces in distaste as if he'd just drank some of M'kla's klah. He waves a hand at Kassima as he turns once more to Kindre. "See? Even she agrees. The child is doomed." Ofira shakes her head to Saennya, smiling cheerfully again, "Of course not! It's wonderful to have family here. You have to meet your little cousin Girad! And my fosterling Jaeleka. She'll likehaving an older girl about." "The child is not doomed," Kindre counters with a vaguely indignant expression. "It will be well loved and cared for. How can he or she be doomed? Now you and your offspring on the other hand..." A shrug lifts her shoulders and she grins almost smugly. M'rgan's retort is quick. "My offspring were fathered by me. Which guarantees that they'll all be handsome, initelligent, strong, and virile." A blush creeps into his cheeks as he says the virile part but he thrusts out his jaw stubbornly nonetheless. Kassima puts her hand on her hip. "I do *nay* eat wherries alive," she informs the brownrider, not bothering to deny the other charges. At Mart's gape, she goes slightly on the defensive. "Aye, he's attractive enough! Wouldn't expect you t'be any judge of the aesthetics of the male form, brownie, but he's a sharding sight better'n B'fus or someone, and he could charm the moons from the skies. I happen to appreciate uniqueness in a rider." She says that rather loftily, a loftiness which disappears as she has to strangle the urge to laugh at Mart's latest declaration. Ofira glances over and decides to skip any comments about frosted cabbage and other specialties she prepares for Kassima. Certainly they have no connection with fitness for motherhood. Kindre's brows quirk up sharply. "Oh, really? And skillful as well, I'm sure." Some soft, contented warbling comes from somewhere and the goldrider's face nearly blushes full across when she discovers the source: her own Herath cozying up to Ularrith. "Good Faranth's shards..." she adds in a mutter. Saennya may still be on her tookus, but a comment like M'rgan's boast of virility would draw any red blooded girl's gaze, though in this case it's more of a befuddled blinking. Turning back to Ofira, she asks a moment later, "You're not afraid what might happen to your kitchens?" No doubt about it. Mehlani is turning rather pinker, and she hastily shifts position in the water to point her face at the nearest wall. Lysseth snorts at the warbling from the gold, and submerges her head under the water with a faintly disgusted rumble. Like her rider, Lyss often pretends not to appreciate the finer qualities of mushiness. Ofira looks back at Saennya, after a good long look at M'rgan and her own evaluation of his claims based on what she sees. "Oh, Sae, trust me. My kitchens have survived worse than you!" she laughs. Saennya keeps her list of accomplishments at other crafts to herself for the moment. "But you usually make the ones who do that leave." M'rgan's blue eyes slowly wander around the area, noticing all the female faces looking his way. He would have to make a statement like that in an all-female room. Unconciously, he starts to slump and he clasps his hands in front of him nervously. At Herath's warble he jerks upright, shooting a glance towards the twined dragons before sheepishly flickering a peek at Kindre. "Ummm." Ofira decides she has soaked long enough and gets out of the water, reaching for her robe and her comb. "It sounds like you've already decided on getting kicked out," she remarks to her niece, looking her over carefully. Kindre shrugs, rolling her eyes as a long-suffered sigh escapes her lips. "I've no idea...you bring him here, she gets all goofed. Seems he's a bit more of that virile part...or so she thinks." Finding her quip a bit funny, she smirks. Saennya skitters to her feet and tries to get the items first for her aunt. Even manages not to slip on a glass or bottle. "It's not that.. I just, well, you know da says I can't do anything right, Aunt Ofira..." Kassima blinks belatedly at something, brow furrowing. "Hold on, Mart. Your offspring *were* fathered? *They*'ll all be all of that stuff, or so you're convinced? What's with this plural, brownie? Is Kena expecting again? Sheesh. I *knew* I should've given her an Emasculator last time I went up there t'visit, for her own good if'n naught else." Ofira laughs, "Saennya, you ought to hear a few stories about what Safir was like when he was a boy! That'll keep him quiet about any problems he has with you." Her attention is drawn by the mention of the emasculator and she mutters to herself, something about having meant to get hold of one of those just in case. At the word "emasculator", Mehlani quite abruptly scrambles up out of the pool she's in, pinkened all over, and she mumbles to no one in particular, "P... please excuse me..." Her fire lizards, startled, flutter up into the air at her abrupt movement, flinging water droplets everywhere. Mehlani walks off towards the Inner Cavern. "Well, he definitely thinks he is," M'rgan agrees as he shoots a warning glance at his lifemate, whose rumblechuckling abruptly breaks off. Ularrith swings his head back beside Herath's, blue whirling eyes shifting away from his rider. "She isn't going to be rising soon, is she?" M'rgan asks with a bit of trepidition as his eyes slide past his lifemate to the gold, judging her color. A sigh and then a few more words but the brownrider doesn't turn back around. "No. Kena isn't expecting." "No, she's not," Kindre remarks and eyes the gold warily, "At least I don't think so," Kindre ends with a shrug. Kassima smiles slightly, and shakes her head. "Sorry, Mart. I should know better than to tease about such things by now, eh? Actually, brownie, you just missed a whole spate of risings... consider yourself fortunate." Saennya blinks at Ofira and mutters, "But... but he gets so upset at me. Are you sure it was Safir and not Ofwyn?" After all, Ofira _does_ have all those brothers. Ofira laughs, towling herself dry. "Ofwyn? Oh, well, I could tell you a few things about him as well! The whole lot of them needed to be kept in line! Good thing your grandmother had me around!" M'rgan's held breath is exhaled in relief as Kindre confirms that Herath isn't soon to rise. "Why do you think I haven't visited in a while," he says to Kassima with a grin as he slowly turns forward. He waits a moment before adding a bit of bluster as if Ularrith would be the one to fly the females. "I'd prefer to spend the winter with Kena than in some stranger's weyr. Speaking of Kena..." He starts to tug on his glove. "...I should be getting back." Saennya tucks away a smile as she crouches down and retrieves mugs and bottles. "And you were perfect, Aunt Ofira?" Ularrith, knowing where this is leading, reluctantly rumbles his goodbyes to Herath as he slowly disentangles himself from her, furling his wings to his back. "Stranger? I'm hurt," Kindre can't help but tease the departing Reaches rider. Sighing, she drags herself from the baths. "I should be getting to my weyr as well. Give my best to Kena, M'rgan, and clear skies and all that nonsense." Kassima quips drolly, "Especially since most of the greens to rise were ridden by males, I daresay. Clear skies, brownie. You'll have t'come back and visit soon--and bring Kena. With any luck, we can all kill Nie together." She pauses for a moment, then quirks a grin. "Speaking of which, just in case aught like this ever happens again, you have m'word on Lysseth's egg that I would *tell* you if'n 'twere ever pregnant with your child." She holds up one hand as she says that, as though taking a solemn oath, which is rather spoiled by her wink. "Give your weyrmate m'regards, will you? And clear skies t'you too, Kin." Kindre gives Herath a soft, loving pat on the side. Humbling her oft high-held muzzle, Herath dips close to the ground and Kindre half-steps, half-tugs herself up with courtly ease. An unusally easy and contented glint is in her eyes as her lifemate bestrides her. Herath rises up from the steamy waters heading north over the rim of the Weyr. M'rgan jams his fingers together, making sure his gloves are snug. "Well, you were mostly a stranger then," he tells Kindre with a wink. Another wink is directed to Kassima. "Actually, I think I'd rather not know. I'll tell Kena you said hello. Good luck with the baby, Kassima." "Suit yourself," Kassima chuckles, leaning back against her dragon and snapping a salute to the other Wingsecond. "Thankee for that last. All things considered, I suspect I'll need it." M'rgan snaps a return salute to Kassima before he watches Ularrith watching Herath leave. As Ularrith rumbles mournfully he marches over to his lifemate's side, reaching a gloved hand out to stroke the oak-brown hide. "Yes, we'll visit again. I know. You'll catch her." Easily he scrambles up the brown dragon's neck, using the straps as handholds. M'rgan hops up onto Ularrith's back, using his straps as handholds. Kassima mutters something about sharding arrogant browns, laughing to herself as Lyss raises her head from the water to rumblesnort at the brown in parting. Once his rider is ready, Ularrith copies Herath's movements exactly as he springs into the sky. It's never to early to start preparing for a flight though the arrogant brown will probably forget it all by the time Herath rises again. Ularrith rises up from the steamy waters heading north over the rim of the Weyr. "Well," Kassi remarks to no one in particular as the brownie and his dragon leave, "that was an interesting visit."