-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Conspiracy of Dragons Date: December 15, 1998 Places: Telgar Weyr Skyspace, Ista Beach Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: To what lengths would a bronze dragon go to procure a green ledgemate of his very own? And how much will the matchmaking attempts of Falsanath, Lysseth, and Bhalth horrify their hapless riders? All these questions, and more, will be answered in this log, which begins en midst a conversation between the Three Musketeers of insane dragondom. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath's rumble is prompt. << Lysseth, you should come visit. There is plenty of sun here. >> Never mind that the sun has gone down ICly. It's a virtual sun. We can pretend. Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << It is better now that it is summer...sun-wise. >> Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth seems rather to like that idea. << I think I could coax my rider. But wouldn't your rider mind, if he is hiding from my rider? Bhalth, perhaps you should come too. You could demonstrate licking to Falsanath. >> Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath rumbleshrugs. << We will not tell my rider until it is too late for him to hide. And I would like to see the slurping, Bhalth. You could slurp Lysseth's rider again? Then I could slurp her, to make sure I'm doing it properly. >> Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << If I lick Lysseth's rider again, my rider has promised that Lysseth's rider will use something called an Emasculator. I will not do it again. >> Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth rumblesnickers. << That would amuse me. >> It might dismay her *rider*, but hey, it wouldn't hurt her... so she's not going to complain. << An Emasculator? My rider's Emasculator is not big enough to use on dragons. Don't worry. >> Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath rumbles thoughtfully. << My rider has one of those on his wall. It is very small, though, not nearly enough to do anything for a dragon. >> Unless, say, Bhalth inhaled it, but, since it's just a painting... Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << I do not think it is me he means she will use it on. >> Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth rumblehrms. << I don't know whether she would Emasculate your rider for something you did or not. It's so hard to tell, with her. >> <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You spring from Lysseth's ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring into the sky above the Northern Bowl. <*> Bhalth leaps from Kaath and Bhalth's Ledge and flies into the air. <*> Bhalth warbles a greeting to Lysseth. We keep meeting like this. It must be fate. Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath seems disinclined to speculate on whether or not Kassi will take revenge on Bhalth. A flicker of thought suggests, though, that it seems to him that it may be Kassi's style. Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << I do not think I wish to risk it. See, Kaath's rider would get mad, and then Kaath would be mad... And I like my green-warmed ledge. >> <*> Lysseth rumbles back to Bhalth. Your destiny lies with me? She then circles a brief moment, before spiralling upwards. The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies. <*> Bhalth flies up from the northern half of the bowl. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Bhalth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath's warble holds a touch of jealousy. He does like Gaudiorth, but, well, Gaudiorth's blue. Falsanath doesn't like him like that. (Not that there's anything -wrong- with that! Anne would just have a coronary, that's all.) Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth simply snorts at Bhalth. Yeah, you're one to talk, you who have a ledgemate at all. She doesn't. Oh, sure, Sharath visits, and he's warm and everything, but it's just not the same. Poor widdle gween. The wind is brisk and feels good under your wings, supporting your wings firmly as you glide lower into the bowl. Dragon> Lysseth and Falsanath sense that Bhalth has a solution, << Why don't you two share a ledge? >> <*> Bhalth circles silently down from the sky, and his huge wings hold steady as he rides the air currents below the rim of the bowl. You fly west, meeting the headwinds and flying to the corrals. <*> Bhalth soars out of the bowl proper, and out over the corrals. Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath rumbles brightly, clearly in favor of that suggestion. << Gaudiorth wouldn't mind. >> You fly to the widest part of the beach and land. <*> Bhalth backwings to a landing in a spray of sand. Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth rumblehrms, sounding interested herself. << But our riders might be harder to convince, no? >> <*> Bhalth warbles an amiable greeting, landing neatly on the sand. <*> Falsanath rumbles a delighted greeting to the pair. G'har, on the other hand, muffles a yelp of surprise. "Uh," he says, clambering to his feet in a flurry of sand, "Ista's duty to Telgar and her queens." Wow, his voice cracked. Hasn't done that in -Turns-. <*> Lysseth bugles a bright, enthusiastic greeting, wingbeats sending black sand skittering all about. "Lysseth, behave," her rider warns from her place on high; with a long-suffering sigh, the dragon concedes. "Duties to Ista and her queens, G'har, person I don't know!" Kassi then calls down, also cheerful. "We were in the neighborhood and thought we'd stop by...." Yeah. Right. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. R'ehn hops down Bhalth's side to the ground, using his foreleg as a step. R'ehn slides down Bhalth's side, landing neatly on his feet. He proffers a salute and an echoes, "Telgar's duties." He doesn't look suprised that G'har looks terrified, he knows that reaction to Kassima all to well. "Uh, I'm her pawn. I had to come." He waves a greeting to Grissa. Grissa smiles and nods to the riders, tossing a questioning glance at G'gar. Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath rumbles a thoughtful consideration. << I will just tell *G'har*. If he doesn't have a chance to object... >> G'har shakes the sand from his clothing, taking his time about doing that. "Uhh. Kassi, R'ehn, hiya. This is Grissa. Y'all swiped her sister Bronwynn the other day. In the neighborhood, huh? Well, it's nice to--what?" That's a yelp of utter surprise, and G'har turns a startled look on his lifemate. Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath warbles softly, disappointed. << I think that counts as an argument. >> Kassima beams at R'ehn, seeming pleased by this declaration for some reason. "I always knew there was a reason I liked you. Name's Kassima, by the by," she introduces herself to the unfamiliar young woman. "This green thing behind me is Lysseth. Don't try licking her. She's had enough trauma for one day. Aye--see, Lysseth said we really needed t'come down here for sun and such, and... oh, Bronwynn. I've met her, but only briefly. What, what?" She, apparently, isn't privy to the dragon conversation. R'ehn attempts not to notice the other man's discomfort, "Nice to meetcha' Grissa. I pawned someone off on your sister earlier." He blinks, "Licking Lysseth would be bad." Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth awwwwwws again, disappointed too. << He said no? Why would he say no? >> Keep in mind that she can't help but be mostly blind to her rider's faults before you start laughing hysterically, please. G'har shakes his head to Kassi, looking just a bit green beneath his tan. "Nothing," he says quickly. "Nothing important. Really. So. In the neighborhood, huh? Yeah. I find myself passing by Telgar all the time. It's quite a lot colder there, though, I've noticed. I should really visit Tria more often, she tells me so all the time." Yes, when G'har's nervous, he talks. Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath's rumble is disgruntled. << Something about Gaudiorth's rider. -I- don't think she'd mind. >> Nah, she's just G'har's weyrmate. Grissa chuckles as she's bombarded by R'ehn and Kassima, "Pawned someone off on Brynn?" She asks, somewhat confused. Falsanath sidles closer to Lysseth--not to lick her, of course, but to rumble various grumbly-sounding greetings. Kassima gives G'har a quizzical look. "G'har, you seem oddly nauseated by something... are you all right? Don't tell me *you're* spawning, now." Hey, it could happen. "Lyss said that Fal said we should drop by, actually. You really aren't all right, are you?" Very astute, this woman. Lysseth grumbles right back, seeming about as put out as a dragon can. One who knows draconic expression might even say that she's pouting. Awww. R'ehn looks a bit confused, "In the neighborhood Kassi? I thought we came here so you could torme..." Hey look! A clue! R'ehn shuts up. He nods to Grissa, "Reese, from Fort. They seemed to know each other." Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth offers, in innocent evilness, << But aren't males supposed to have many mates? Why not their riders? That is what Leerth always says. >> He would. G'har shoots a hard look after Falsanath, but his gaze snaps right back towards Kassi at the mention of his spawning. "No way," he blurts. Such a model of poise. "Uh. R'ehn. Speaking of spawning, how's your weyrmate?" Not the most graceful of segues, but G'har's expression appeals to his fellow male for help. Bhalth's tail twitches in the sand. He shakes his head sadly at G'har, the bronzerider really ought to have more of a care for his dragon's feelings. Yeah. R'ehn blinks a few times and then sighs quietly, "She is not swimming upstream to lay eggs, she is having a baby. She's fine thanks, getting um...close to time and allish." Kassima echoes her dragon's disappointed look for a moment, albeit not anywhere near for the same reason. "Khari would be so disappointed. She still thinks you and Lirra need t'spawn, y'know, but I'm sure she'll get over it eventually." Falsanath rumbles a doleful agreement with Bhalth, whippy tail snaking out to wrap itself around one of G'har's ankles. The bronzerider is not, however, stupid--or, rather, he's not that stupid--and disentangles himself, so Falsanath can't trip him. "Congratulations in advance, then," G'har says to R'ehn, actually managing to avoid looking too foolish--a miracle, in Kassi's presence. Pursing his lips at Kassi's statement, he shakes his head. "Much as I like Khari, I wouldn't do that to Lirra. I mean, she's pretty and all, and I wouldn't -mind-... er. Well. It's not going to happen. Khari'll have to cope." R'ehn looks far too amused for the situation, considering it's -his- weyrmate their suggesting G'har bonk. "Khari'll survive. She's a neat kid." He pauses, "Although considering the fact that Lirra'n I shouldn't really have any other kids, you never know she might not object to the idea..." Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath's rumble is rather perplexed. << He can think about Kaath's rider like that, but not your rider, Lysseth? And now he's thinking about eating his foot. Riders really can be -odd-. He needs his foot. >> G'har stares at R'ehn for a moment, then inquires, half-joking, "Hey, can she talk to Tamina, then?" He shakes his head, then, inquiring, "You, uh, shouldn't have more kids?" Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << Kaath's rider does not have an emasculator. >> Lysseth gives G'har a soulful look. Awwwwww. How can anyone resist the draconic equivalent of puppy-dog eyes? Throwing her dragon a confused look, Kassi notes, "I don't think Khari will really get *insistant*. Especially once she sees what a pain babies really are, from a youngling's perspective. Poor kid. She's probably doomed t'be a matchmaker or something." R'ehn tilts his head questioningly, "Talk to Tamina?" He nods, "S'a'long story, not terribly interesting." Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth asks, mildly affronted, << Just why is it that everyone but Sharath's rider thinks my rider would be such a bad mate? I don't get it. >> The whole idea of males not wanting to be tortured is eluding her, see. Aren't men *supposed* to be masochists? G'har supplies, for R'ehn, "My weyrmate. Lirra sounds pretty... openminded is all." And, boy, would he be in trouble if anybody related this conversation to Tamina. He lets the other subject drop, though not without looking a bit puzzled, and very carefully ignores Lysseth. Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath warbles mournfully. << I don't know, Lysseth. I think your rider would make a wonderful mate. >> No, he's not attempting to butter up the green at all, why? R'ehn shakes his head lightly, "She'd prolly object at this point. But she wants a family..." He shrugs with an amiable grin. "It'll work out." Kassima asks, with some concern, "Naught's wrong with Lirra, is there? I thought her spawning was going well?" To G'har, she remarks, "Didn't Khari already ask Tamina about it? I forget what she said, though." R'ehn proffers by way of explanation, "They're figuring the baby's likely to come early. The uh, size difference." Lirra being an itty bitty lady and R'ehn being a towering fluffhead and all. G'har starts to mumble something about forgetting the conversation to Kassi, but, distracted by R'ehn's explanation, nods agreeably. "Yeah, one of my sisters has that problem. But they're fostering some nieces and nephews, instead." He rolls his eyes. "My oldest sister has too many kids, I swear. Even tried to give -me- one." Kassima grimaces at that, comprehension dawning. "Ooh. Ouch. Remind me t'be glad I'm nay short. Most of m'women-kin seem tall, which is probably why they've spawn out the wazoo." Grissa rises from her seat in the sand, "If you'll excuse me I need to get back. It was very nice meeting both of you." She flashes a warm smile to the foreign riders and their beasts, saving an encouraging nod for G'har, she turns to leave. Grissa walks up the long winding path to the top of the plateau. R'ehn waves to the departing Grissa, "Quiet lady, neh?" Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth suggests, << Your rider needs spawn, Falsanath. That's why he needs many mates. Have you tried putting it to him that way? >> Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath rumbles thoughtfully. << He doesn't seem to -want- spawn. But I'll try. >> G'har offers Kassi a quick grin, then nods to R'ehn. "Yeah, kind of like her--she said -what-?" The look that he gives Lysseth is decidedly horrified. "I do -not-. Kassi, tell her!" Kassima blinks the blink of the terminally bewildered. "What? Tell her what?" When ignorance is bliss, it's folly to ask that question. R'ehn is starting to get confused, "Who is he supposed to be spawning with -now-?" This addressed to Bhalth. G'har stresses each word, a la Kirk, live, Ista's beach. "I. Am. Not. Spawning. With. Anyone." He looks between the dragons. "Okay?" Bhalth looks distinctly dissapointed and offers Falsanath a sympathetic croon. Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath's rumble is a bit disappointed. << This isn't working at -all-. >> Lysseth rumbles with distinct disappointment. "She says that's your problem," Kassi reports, befuddled. "I'm just *nay* going t'ask, all right? Whenever the dragons get in conversations about spawning, I've learned 'tis better nay to ask." R'ehn can't help but snicker, regarding the trio of dragons all but pouting, "Aww, now sir.... look what you did..." Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth admits ruefully, << I don't have much practice in convincing humans to mate. >> Except when she flies, of course. << Bhalth, your rider has a mate... do you have any ideas? >> G'har winces at the use of the dreaded s-word, rounding on R'ehn. "Bad enough I get sir'd from the weyrlings. Give me a break, R'ehn, please?" He pointedly doesn't look at the dragons, mainly because his own -is- pouting, and a pouting bronze is not a pleasant sight. It's a lot of pouting. Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << Mates are nice. But doesn't your rider have a mate, Falsanath? >> Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath rumbles a reluctant agreement. << But Gaudiorth is -blue-. >> R'ehn looks decidedly terror stricken at the being rounded upon. At least G'har doesn't kick though. "Uh...yeah, sorry." Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth adds, << Besides, one mate is not enough. Leerth says so. >> No surprise, what with his being lifemated to L'cher and all. << Maybe your rider needs another mate too, Bhalth? Maybe your rider and Falsanath's rider should exchange mates for awhile? >> Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << Blue is the superior color. >> Okay, that was required, << But maybe you could find a green for your ledge. Your riders don't have to be mates. >> There's a pause, << Exchange? But I -like- Kaath on my ledge. >> G'har, blinking at the fact that he just struck terror into a markedly larger man, blinks a few times. "S'okay," he says, gaze flickering briefly out of focus. "Just don't do it again... no, Fal. One's enough, I swear." Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath rumbles slyly. << You should share, Bhalth. Sharing is good. Kaath would like Ista. >> Kassima peers at her dragon, and then... voila. Horror dawns. "Lysseth," she complains, awkwardly managing to bend enough to scoop up a handful of sand and fling it at the green's shoulder, "Weyrmates aren't exchangeable! Doofus! Mayhaps you're right, R'ehn. Mayhaps she *has* been into the 'special herbs'. It'd explain a lot." R'ehn is easily terrified. He's been traumatized so terribly after all. He's Telgari, he knows fear. "It really would... Unapproved vegetation is dangerous." Gaudiorth backwings to a landing in a spray of sand. Tamina climbs down from Gaudiorth's neck after the blue dragon extends a foreleg. G'har gives Kassi a decidedly startled look. "Uh, unauthorized herbs?" Oh, no, his day just got better. "Mina," he calls, expression wavering between relief and some of R'ehn's terror. Bhalth warbles a greeting to the other blue. Oh good. Now blues, the superior color, are also superior in numbers. Kassima is still flinging convenient handfuls of sand at her lifemate, chanting, "Doofus, doofus, doofus. Now I *know* I don't want t'know what 'twere pouting about before." With a roll of her eyes, she explains to G'har, "Y'know... recreational pharmaceudicals... that sort of thing. G'deve, Tamina! Fear the dragons. Fear them greatly." R'ehn offers Tamina a salute and proffers, "Evening, ma'am. We were just discussing rampant spawning." Kassima adds, "And fear R'ehn, too." G'har adds quickly, "And no matter what Fal says, it wasn't -my- idea to switch weyrmates." Dragon> Lysseth, Bhalth, and Gaudiorth sense that Falsanath's rumble is just a bit put out. << Just because I want a green for my ledge... >> Tamina tugs her tunic straight as she jumps down, her smile surprised as she takes in Kassima and R'ehn, "Good evening Kassima." She glances at G'har, voice rising in startlement, "What?" Kassima adds yet again, "And absolutely naught Lyss may say could or should be held against me!" R'ehn is all innocence. But then he's always all innocence. He's not the dangerous one in -this- pair of Telgari. "Don't fear me. Fear them." He gestures to the dragons, "THey want people to bonk all the wrong people." Kassima buries her head in her hands and sinks to the ground, moaning, "I didn't ever imagine I'd be coming to Ista to wind up discussing this, I swear...." Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth, Bhalth, and Gaudiorth with << Having ones own green for the ledge is nice. A nice homey touch. >> Lysseth> Bhalth, Gaudiorth, and Falsanath sense that Lysseth thinks to wonder, perplexed now, << Do I have a green for my ledge? I don't think I want one, if I don't count. >> R'ehn is terribly curious, "Then why did we come to Ista? I thought it was so you could torment G...aa random people?" G'har's expression suggests that he realizes, belatedly, that maybe he shouldn't have expressed that particular thought to Tamina. "Uh. Nothing," he says quickly. "Really. How're you? Gaudiorth's looking well. And now you don't have to go tell Kassi that I'm hiding from her. See? She's right here, I'm not hiding at all." Oh, it just gets worse and worse. G'har, belatedly catching R'ehn's statement, gives the bluerider a sharp look, then peers at Kassi. "Maybe I -should- hide," he mutters. Kassima makes a threatening throat-slashing-with-finger gesture at R'ehn, then turns oh-so-innocent eyes on G'har. "Hiding? From *me*? Why, G'har, whatever would make you do such a thing? Surely nay that 'twere afraid I'd discover you and Mart have been conspiring...." Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Lysseth, Bhalth, and Gaudiorth with << Lysseth, you could be a green for -my- ledge. I think that would work, since Bhalth doesn't seem to want me to borrow Kaath. >> Great, rounded on, sharp looks... R'ehn's just the pawn here! He's like V'dan, except more prone to roll-shredding. "Hiding from Kassi is smart." G'har, with a sputter of protest, shakes his head. "No! No plotting!" My, he looks nervous. "Kassi, I told M'rgan I didn't -want- to plot, as I knew you'd get back at me. Not my fault!" He casts an look of appeal to Tamina, as if hoping she'll back him up. R'ehn sighs softly. Ah, so that's the bronzerider's sin. Plotting with a brownrider. Ooh, you're doomed boyo. "Plotting with M'rgan is bad. Greenriders are always right." G'har protests, "But I -didn't- plot with him!" Tamina glances around at the gathered dragons, her expression falling on the confused side as she joins the Telgar riders and G'har giving the latter a dubious look, "Gaudiorth is well, thanks." She shrugs as if to say he's on his own then glances at R'ehn, "I'm Tamina by the way." Lysseth> Bhalth, Gaudiorth, and Falsanath sense that Lysseth rumblehrms. << That would work, yes, but wouldn't that entail leaving my rider alone at Telgar a lot? That would be a bad thing. She can't take care of herself worth anything. >> Only Lysseth would think this of Kassima. R'ehn goes from amiable confusion to amiable politeness, "Nice to meetcha', ma'am. I'm R'ehn, blue Bha..." He pauses, "Bhalth's rider. The blue one with the polka-spots." He pauses, "Bhalth's got the spots, not me." Kassima seems more than willing to take advantage of her odd ability to inspire fear in G'har. She gets back to her feet, drawing herself up to look as imposing as she can. Okay, so it's hard for a nearly four-months- pregnant woman to look very imposing, but she gives it her best shot nonetheless. "The only way I can let you live despite this great crime is if'n you tell me what M'rgan is plotting," she intones, doomingly. G'har rakes a hand through his hair, muttering something under his breath about M'rgan. "Kassi," he says, "I swear. We didn't plot -anything-. That green... whatsername... the weyrlingmaster's green... she swiped Bronwynn, and he got distracted. -I- didn't want to have anything to do with plotting." G'har the virtuous, that's he. Tamina keeps an eye on Kassima and G'har as she chats with R'ehn, "Call me Tamina please and Ista's duties to Telgar. You're not one of my weyrlings after all." She gestures toward the other two, "So, what did I walk into here?" "Tierth," Kassi supplies, still looking doomful. "You'd best be telling it true, bronzerider. Otherwise...." She makes motions with her hands that might just suggest the use of an Emasculator. "Clearly, the brownie will have t'be punished for this attempt t'cause havoc t'be wreaked on my person." R'ehn looks excessively cheerful now, "We're going to do evil things to M'rgan?" G'har casts a look towards Tamina that must surely intend to convey innocence, except for that startled yelp that Kassi's words elicit. "But Kassi... if you do that, then M'rgan will be annoyed with me again. I don't think he's forgiven me for the -last- thing." He pauses, then entreats R'ehn, "Don't -encourage- her!" R'ehn explains with careful patience, "She's my wingleader. I have to encourage her." Kassima asks with some confusion, "Your point being?" There's ever a state of being in which Mart *isn't* supposed to be annoyed with you? "Aye, we're going t'do evil things t'M'rgan. Methinks we'll freeze his underwear. That sounds like a plan." G'har stuffs his hands in his pockets, turning towards Tamina. "Remind me not to go to Telgar for a while, okay? Please?" Shaking his head, he mumbles something about making enemies without actually doing anything. R'ehn does looks slightly paranoid at Kassima's proffered plan. Messing with M'rgan's underwear seems to be dicing with destruction to him. And it's usually the pawns that go first. "Telgar's a very nice place." Tamina just shakes her head and crosses her arms across her chest, watching the byplay between the other riders with an expression torn between exasperation and laughter before saying, "I thought you didn't want to go there anyway." She pauses then adds quickly, "It's the snow. Too cold up there anyway." R'ehn explains with excessive helpfulness, "But it's summer." "But *G'har*," Kassi complains, "there's naught wrong with Telgar, and you never come t'visit anyway. Besides, 'twas *already* going t'freeze Mart's underwear; you've just convinced me t'be doing it sooner. By the by, Khari wanted t'know whether the bovine on your wall is doing all right?" G'har nods firmly to Tamina, then says quickly, "Still too cold. It's Telgar. 'sides, my sister's there, and M'rgan, and--uh, my sister." No, he wasn't just going to mention Kassi. At the mention of Khari, however, his expression softens a bit. Uhoh. "Yeah, the bovine's doing just fine. You should bring her by to visit it sometime. I think Fal makes it a little nervous." R'ehn suggests with additional helpfulness, he's so helpful, "She could draw it some food." R'ehn is helpful in case anybody's managed to miss that. Tamina just rolls her eyes then murmurs, "Oh right, it doesn't snow in the summer does it? So, I heard that congratulations are in order Kassima." Kassima just arches an eyebrow. She seems to have an uncanny ability for sensing people's fear of her. "Mart's nay *that* bad, y'know. Shake an Emasculator at him, and he'll usually back off... 'twill be bringing her up next time I come, methinks. Probably ere too long; I have t'get m'visits in ere I'm grounded again. Aye," she affirms to Tamina, with a wry grin. "Or condolences, one or the other. As if'n I don't have t'make enough apologies for m'spawns' evildoings as 'tis, without adding another!" G'har gives the ever-helpful R'ehn a hard look. He blanches at the mention of even owning an emasculator, much less shaking it at M'rgan, then says weakly, "It'll be good to see Khari." R'ehn grins cheerfully, rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes, "Aww your spawn are so cute, though Kassi." Erk, there's another hard look. What did he do -now-? Tamina smiles warmly at Kassima, "G'har just told me about it, and I was going to come up to see how you were doing. I'd thought you might have been grounded already. You can at least say you're children are interesting." Dizani walks down the high plateau, and arrives down on the beach after long minutes of hiking. Kassima shakes a finger at R'ehn. "Just wait until you've spawn of your own, floof-head. They're *cute*, but they're *evil*... even Khari. She keeps asking men whether they're lechers." A surprised but warm smile is flicked towards Tamina. "Well, 'twould have appreciated that. 'Twas grounded already, actually, and 'twill be again--but for the mid-months, at least, I'm free. Thank Faranth. 'Twas about t'go bloody stir-crazy. A'course, I'll be too fat t'fit on m'dragon ere long, safe to *between* or nay. Evening, strange person," she greets Dizani in turn. Interesting, yeah... that about covers it neatly. R'ehn grins quite brightly, "Hey in just a couple more months I'll be spawn-possessing." Or possessed, one. If his eyes go red...fear. "The being grounded thing is tricky." He waves a polite greeting to Dizani. G'har manages a fond grin for Kassi's Kharisma-related comment. "Have you met her, Mina?" he inquires, lifting a hand towards Dizani. "Kharisma, I mean. She's a really cute kid." Dizani pauses as she steps onto the beach, doing several double takes at Kassi. She edges over to a spot behind Falsaneth, not quite hiding from the scary woman. "Um, hello..." Tamina nods a greeting toward Dizani, answering G'har with a teasing smile, "I realize that having Kassima's littles paint your weyr is exciting, but I'd thought you'd at least remember that I was there." She turns to Kassima with polite interest, "Will you have to cut back on your wingleader duties?" G'har scuffs a booted foot into the sand, looking a bit sheepish. "Sorry, Mina," he mumbles. "It's Kassi's fault. She makes stuff dribble right out of my head." Falsanath offers a halfhearted warble to Dizani, still clearly pouting over whatever it is that G'har has done to upset him. R'ehn blinks a few times, he can't help it. "Dribble out of your..." He shakes his head, "That's a bad thing. Just flee when she shows up. I used to do that. But now I can't. J'lyn torments us more now that Kassi's with spawn." Dizani gives Falsanath a concerned look, reaching up automatically to give the bronze a comforting scritch. "Never knew a dragon could look forlorn," she mumbles. Falsanath gives Dizani an utterly mournful croon, which makes G'har send an exasperated look that way. "Fal, will you -please- give it a rest. I'm not transferring to Telgar and weyrmating with Kassi, no matter how much you want a green on your ledge." Huh. That was out loud, wasn't it? "Cute and evil," corrects Kassi reflexively. "She'd probably be glad t'paint the bovine some food, though, if'n you think there be need. Unfortunately, aye...." And that's said with considerable regret. "M'hryn isn't allowing me t'lead in Fall or drills any longer, nor patrols. I do at least still get t'be doing hidework, though...." Blink. Blinkety blink. "Uh, G'har... what did you just say?" R'ehn is -so- helpful. "Spawn, that'll distract him, G'har." Dizani /blinks/ at G'har, though the scritching doesn't stop. "I thought you were already weyrmated, to... what's her name? Tamina?" Tamina glances at G'har in surprise then at Dizani, a flush coming to her cheeks, "Maybe I did come into this conversation at the wrong moment." She turns toward Gaudiorth as he warbles a questioning noise, her eyes unfocusing briefly. G'har blinks several times as he realizes that, in fact, that -was- out loud. With that bovine-facing-a-proddy-green look about him, he peers at each person. "Uh. Fal's being obnoxious. Never mind." If R'ehn thought he'd gotten nasty looks before... Then, turning back to Tamina, he looks decidedly nervous. "Mina... no, it's okay. It's Fal. He's just in a mood. Didn't catch that green he wanted this afternoon, and he's taking it out on me." R'ehn offers quietly to Tamina, "Ma'am, I don't think there was a right moment for this conversation." "G'har," Kassi asks slowly, with some fear, "Falsanath wants you t'transfer to the Icy Wastes and weyrmate with *me*? May I ask what special herbs *he's* been on?" It takes a moment, but slowly Dizani puts two and two together. Mina... Tamina... Turning just a little red, she peers at Tamina curiously. R'ehn looks more than a little confused. "See, now don't you wish your dragons licked people instead?" Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth grumps, << I don't see why our riders seem so horrified by this idea. It's not fair. >> G'har shakes his head to Kassi. "It's not you... it's just that you're a greenrider. He wants a green. That's all." For a miracle, he actually nods agreement to R'ehn, without even the slightest hint of a nasty look. "It'd be a lot easier to explain," he mutters. Tamina's expression clears as she ahs in understanding. She watches G'har and Kassima for a few moments before turning to R'ehn with questioning expression, "Gaudiorth informs me that he does not wish to lick people." Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath, decidedly grouchy, rumbles an agreement. << Maybe you and your rider should transfer here, Lysseth. It is very warm here. *G'har* likes your rider's hatchlings. >> R'ehn grins rather ruefully, "This is probably a good thing, ma'am. It tends to be highly embarrassing when he does it." Kassima ohs, not quite sure by the looks of things whether to be insulted or relieved. "Should I try painting her blue or something?" Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << Telgar is nice. >> G'har, relaxing palpably as Tamina's expression clears, offers hopefully, "Maybe he'll forget about it in a few days--like the spawning thing." Dizani apparently finds G'har's bronze the least scary of the group. She mutters to Falsanath, "What'd... bluerider mean?... lick people, what... they..." Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth admits, rather grouchy herself, << I would like it here. It isn't *cold* all the time. But she insists that if we ever go anywhere else, it will probably be back home to Benden. She wishes very much to go there, but cannot, so I doubt she'd go anywhere else. >> Hrmph. Spoilsport riders. << Maybe my rider and your rider should both transfer to Benden? They have water there that makes people spawn a lot, I hear. >> Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth and Falsanath with << You can't leave me! My rider's too stupid to survive on his own. >> Tamina offers a quick smile to R'ehn, "I imagine it would be." She leaves the group after a moment to adjust something on Gaudiorth's straps, murmuring to the blue dragon before turning toward Dizani with a friendly smile, "Hello there." Falsanath, as if in answer, snakes his head to lick at Lysseth's neck. Tastes like chicken? Lysseth> Bhalth and Falsanath sense that Lysseth suggests, quite reasonably, << Your rider could move in with our riders, Bhalth? And bring Kaath's rider? >> The last a touch reluctantly. No fair making her *share*, either. Dragon> Lysseth and Bhalth sense that Falsanath rumbles brightly at the thought of having -two- greens, all to himself. Yes, he wants a harem. << That sounds like an excellent idea. >> Dizani watches the bronze with dawning comprehension, and nods to Tamina with a shy smile. "I'm, uh, sorry about that. My comment, I mean. I don't usually stick my foot in my mouth like that. Well, I do, but not usually quite that far." Lysseth isn't *quite* as dismayed as when Kvasith pulled that trick, but she's still somewhat startled, as her warble gives away. She tastes just like a green dragon, actually. Fancy that. R'ehn looks decidedly baffled, "You know, it's days like this when I seriously wonder if Tee didn't do serious damage." Falsanath rumbles smugly at the startled warble, then rumbles imperiously towards G'har, who groans quietly. "She's corrupting him," he accuses Kassima, gesturing towards Lysseth. "He doesn't say these things when she's not here!" Kassima protests in turn, waving her arms, "*He's* corrupting *her*, bronzeboy! She never mentions--well, all right, *almost* never mentions-- ledgemates unless she's been talking t'him!" Tamina shakes her head to Dizani, her smile turning rueful, "It's all right. Dragons can make for uncomfortable moments. Especially when greens are involved." She tilts her head, asking, "Have we met before? You look familiar to me, but I'm afraid I can't remember..." Dizani does another double take at Tamina's words. "Yeah, I heard all about greens today..." She shakes her head. "I don't think so, ma'am. Unless maybe you attended the Benden Gather last sevenday?" Falsanath rumbles rather smugly at Kassi's statement, whuffling towards Lysseth in a rather posessive manner. G'har eyes the bronze for a moment, then shakes his head. "Mutual corruption, then. Fal really is being -awful-, though." That, naturally, elicits another smug rumble, and G'har sighs. R'ehn looks rather nervous and steps back to lean against Bhalth's side. "Mutual corruption, oh dear. Bhalth, don't listen to them." Tamina's smile turns disappointed, "No, I wasn't able to make it to that one. Oh well, perhaps you just have one of those faces. Are you new to the weyr? I'd introduce myself, but I guess that's a little moot now." Lysseth snorts at the humans, as though to deny the charge, yet at the same time offers Falsanath a wing. Hello there, handsome. Come here often? Kassi just rolls her eyes and groans helplessly. "At least Lyss isn't, though I have the funny feeling that this isn't a good thing. She's probably Plotting. R'ehn, how d'you know Bhalth's nay corrupting too?" R'ehn points out with great solemnity, "Because Bhalth is a blue." Lysseth> Bhalth, Gaudiorth, and Falsanath sense that Lysseth snorts! << As if blues can't be evil too? >> Dragon> Bhalth bespoke Lysseth, Gaudiorth, and Falsanath with << We're not evil. Really. Any evilness you may sense is purely a product of your imagination. >> Dizani's mouth quirks in nervous amusement. "Yes, ma'am. Well, sort of. I've been here for a few sevendays now. Oh... I'm Dizani. Though people seem to have a habit of calling me Diz. Could be worse, I supose." G'har pointedly turns away as Falsanath preens in response to Lysseth's offering. Fortunately, astrology doesn't exist on Pern, or we'd have to deal with him asking her what her sign is. "This is bad," he mutters. Turning to Tamina, he adds, "It's him. Not me. I just want to make that clear. -I- don't have any desire to run off with Telgari greenriders by the dozen." He adds to Kassi, "Uh, no offense intended. I'm sure it'd be quite fun to run off with you." Kassima just snorts, but at least she sounds amused. "Don't worry, G'har; none taken. I suppose he's even worse about goldriders?" Tamina nods to Dizani with another smile, "Nice to meet you Dizani and welcome to Ista." She looks up as G'har adresses her, her arms crossing again, "I believe you G'har. After all, I don't think L'tan would be too excited at the thought either." Turning back to Dizani, "Where are you from?" R'ehn adds helpfully, "Or E'vrin." G'har nods to Kassi, his expression longsuffering. "Should've heard him after Neith's flight." He takes a different tone, apparently mimicking the bronze. "'If -I'd- caught her, there would've been three gold eggs.' Honestly." Tamina gets a grateful smile, though Falsanath still gets the odd annoyed look, perhaps as he offers yet another alternative designed to get himself a green. Dizani takes a step closer to Falsanath, looking a bit flustered. "Um, Keroon. Well, that area. A tiny little place called Streamcross Hold. Doubt you've ever heard of it." She glances at G'har with amusement. Falsanath, starting to look a bit amused under his annoyance, ducks his head in a clear attempt to--somehow--insinuate an eyeridge under Dizani's hand. Kassima gives the helpful R'ehn a suspicious look. "What about E'vrin? Well, G'har, you know what they say about bronzes. The reason they're so big is because their egos wouldn't fit in a smaller dragon's body." R'ehn pauses to consider this explanation of bronzes, "That's can't be ma'am...cause then how do we explain Bhalth?" "Uhhhhh...." Good question! Kassi tries, "He's got a bronze's ego doubled over so that 'tis small enough, but because of that, 'tis twice as strong?" And dense, don't forget dense. "And what did I tell you about ma'aming?" R'ehn erks softly, looking vary apologetic. "Sorry bosslady, it was being able to ma'am Tamina, I got careless." Tamina shakes her head to Dizani, "No, I'm afraid I haven't, sorry." She turns toward the group, smiling around, "Well, I promised to meet someone. Let me know if you're moving up with Kassima, will you G'har?" She offers a teasing smile then nods to Dizani, "Nice to meet you Dizani and you R'ehn." Dizani blinks as a revelation dawns, her other hand joining the first in scritching at bronze eyeridges. "So that's why greens are so numerous- to spread the ego around!" She blinks, glancing around. "Er, at least, that makes sense, with what S'din said." R'ehn nods to Tamina, saluting again. "Nice to meet you as well, ma'am." G'har gives Tamina a decidedly sheepish smile, giving her hand a quick squeeze. "I'll be sure to warn you," he says, a bit dryly. "I'll see you tonight, hon." Kassima gives R'ehn a Meaningful Look. "See that you don't again, or 'twill have t'take the speculum t'you, and there'll be nay escape. Clear skies, Tamina--and my apologies for the evil of m'dragon." Dizani nods to Tamina with a smile. "Very well met indeed, ma'am." R'ehn is properly chastized and stands there with his be-floofed head hung low. "Sorry, bosslady." Anything to avoid the Fearsome Fate! Tamina gives G'har a briefly startled look before she chuckles, "And to you Kassima. I'll come to see you when you're grounded if you like." She lifts a hand then heads toward Gaudiorth. Tamina climbs onto Gaudiorth's back with the aid of a foreleg and straps. Gaudiorth leaps up in a spray of sand and is borne aloft by the winds. Kassima allows then, ruefully, "Greens *do* have their own share of ego. Lysseth's incredibly puffed up over finding her two Candidates. Nice weyrmate you've got there, G'har." G'har nods his agreement, a rather goofy grin crossing his face. "Yeah. Yeah, she is nice. Puts up with far too much, though." Kassima asks, amused-like, "Far too much? If'n she put up with any less, G'har, wouldn't that mean you'd nay be able t'make a pair of it?" R'ehn glances briefly back at Bhalth, erking softly, "Kassima? Do you mind if I flee?" He waves to the Istans, heading dragonwards. G'har, finally looking away from the sky, chuckles quietly at Kassi's comment. "Well, yes," he allows. R'ehn's movement catches his attention. "Hope everything's okay," he calls. "Say hello to Lirra for me, please." R'ehn jumps up onto Bhalth's back, as the dragon rumbles softly. Dizani waves automatically to the bluerider, her attention mostly on getting any itchy spots Falsanath might have. On Bhalth, R'ehn nods to G'har, mmhmming. "Will do. Clear skies." Bhalth crouches down into a compact mass. In one massive movement of wing and muscle he leaps into the air, the first downbeat of his wings building on the momentum of his leap. Bhalth leaps up in a spray of sand and is borne aloft by the winds. Falsanath rumbles lazily, first set of lids closing over his eyes. "Spoiled," G'har mutters. "Getting me in trouble, and he's getting -attention- for it." Dizani gives G'har a sheepish grin. "Sorry. He's so charming, how can I resist?" Falsanath rumbles smugly at that, and G'har shakes his head, muttering about futility. "He has a way with the ladies," he adds, with a shrug. "I can't help it." Dizani grins. "Is that an inate trait of bronzes, or just a facet of his own personality?" G'har, risking a glance at the dragon-distracted Kassi, says carefully, "I think maybe -more- bronzes have this trait, but not all. And Fal's especially gifted." Kassima snaps finally out of her dragon-trance, looking frustrated. "G'har, what has your bronze *done* to my green?" she wants to know. Dizani tilts her head thoughtfully, one hand moving to Falsanath's neck just behind his jawbone. "S'din said..." She trails off to blink at Kassi. G'har, with a startled blink at Kassi, sounds rather exasperated as he speaks. "-I- don't know. He's talking about kids now, of all things. Seems to think that she'd make a good mother," he adds, with a gesture to Dizani. "He's really behaving -oddly-. Not like he doesn't lose greenflights all the time." Falsanath rumbles rather irritably at that. Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Lysseth with << Don't listen to him. I could've won if I'd -really- wanted to... I'm just... waiting for you! >> Inspiration! << That's it. >> Kassima asks G'har, now thoroughly amused with the subject off of *her*, "He wants you and her to spawn?" Dizani turns her head to blink at the bronze, and slowly a smile forms on her face. "That's probably the nicest thing I've ever heard said about me. Thank you, Falsanath." Thank Faranth, she doesn't hear Kassi's question. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth consideres, and decides to be flattered. << A worthwhile thing to wait for, >> she agrees. And Kassi was talking about *bronze* egos? << Not that I'm easily caught, but then, nothing you can get *easily* is worth having. >> G'har nods rather dolefully, mimicking, "'Mate with the one who scritches so well.'" He rolls his eyes. "At least he hasn't started on Mina. -She- might actually say yes, and I wouldn't be able to say no to her." Falsanath, ignoring his rider's mockery, rumbles pleasantly to Dizani. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath asserts, with a touch of arrogance, << I -almost- caught you last time. *G'har* said. Next time, I will try harder, and I will catch you. >> Kassima lifts an eyebrow, and peers up at Falsanath. "What, here? Now? Should I leave and give you two some privacy? I mean, voyeurism just isn't my thing...." Dizani /does/ hear G'har's comment, and she turns bright red. "That's another compliment, I think," she tells the bronze, "But, uh, Tamina'd kill me for sure." Dizani acks, half-reaching out toward Kassi. "No! Please... stay. Feel welcome. Please." G'har protests, voice a bit strangled, "Kassi!" Then, at Dizani's reaction, he adds, "It's not like I -would-. I've got Mina, after all. Not -all- bronzeriders are lecherous." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth replies, rather coyly, << We'll see about that, won't we? >> Kassima is hesitant for a moment, but then nods, warily. "I'm nay into threesomes either," she can't help adding. "Just in case there was any doubt, and the subject comes up, I'd like t'make that point clear." Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath suggests hopefully, << You could rise -now-. Then we wouldn't have to wait. >> Eager, isn't he? It's only a little obvious that it's been quite a while since he's won a flight. [Editor's Note: Missed that comment in spam, darn it. A shame, since Kassi would have freaked at the very thought. ;) ] Dizani nods in relief to G'har. She knew that. Really. G'har says rather dryly, "Tell Fal. He's the one telling me how Mina and I and you and R'ehn and Lirra should all go to Benden and live in one big weyr. And before you say anything, I -know- that's more than three." Dizani gets a rather weak smile, and G'har mumbles something about stereotypes. Dizani's eyes widen. "Perhaps Falsanath simply wishes to be sure there's always somebody around for you to, uh..." She trails off, unable to finish that statement. Kassima blinks, just plain dazed by that one. "Dang," she finally observes. "That'd take one sharding huge bed." G'har flops against Falsanath, covering his face with one outflung arm. "He wants," he says, his voice muffled, "Greens. He's not concerned with my, uh, companions at all, Dizani." He snorts softly at Kassima, nodding a droll agreement. Kassima quips rather whimsically, "I like the 'moving t'Benden' part, though. But I'd seriously worry about that bronze. Nay only does he want greens, but he wants two blues on his ledge, too?" Dizani ohs softly. Then she giggles at Kassi's remark. "He's willing to share?" G'har lifts his head to peer at Falsanath. At the bronze's rumble, he dissolves into helpless laughter. "He says that I don't seem to want to mate with Lirra, so Mina and Gaudiorth can come, and that R'ehn is too stupid to be left on his own," he manages. "Where does he -get- these things?" Kassima can't help laughing at that, too, the sort of wheezy laugh that tends to follow a lot of horror. "Poor R'ehn! I doubt he'd be thrilled t'be hearing that! Though relieved, mayhaps, about his weyrmate's sanctity." Dizani gapes, then she gives Falsanath a gentle if mirthful slap on the neck. "Opinionated, aren't you!" Falsanath warbles innocently, and flicks his tail towards Lysseth. Her fault. Lysseth twists her head to whuffle at Falsanath. *His* fault; he started it! G'har, sounding a little confused, inquires of Kassi, "But I thought Kaath was green." Kassima admits, "She is, so I suppose sanctity isn't a good word choice, but there's probably some difference between having your weyrmate's green caught by someone else and being carried off by a bronzerider into the Land of the Eternal Swoon." Ah, cherie, come with me to the casba? Falsanath rumblesighs mournfully. So misunderstood. Dizani chuckles, a bit confusedly. "There's no choice in a flight though, right?" G'har mutters something about stereotypes, adding, "Kassi, nobody's -ever- swooned over me." Little does -he- know. Turnign to Dizani, he nods. "S'right. That's why it's okay for Fal to catch Kaath, but not okay for me to randomly... uh, carry her into that swoon place." Kassima shakes her head. "Oh, nay. None 'tall. You wind up with whoever rides the dragon who caught yours--or the dragon yours caught--and that's the end of that. G'har, you clearly have nay idea. I'm certain there's an entire gathering of Caverns lasses dedicated t'swooning over you in secret." G'har eyes Kassi, clearly torn between suspicion, amusement, and dismay. "That's just mean, saying something like that. They all swoon over T'bin-- not me!" Dizani nods thoughtfully. "But S'din said it's alright to share the experience with a lot of people." My, S'din said a lot of things today, didn't he? Kassi's last remark elicits a deep blush from the girl. "That's what they all say!" Kassi sings out, having fun now. "You're all in denial, but if'n only you knew! Every bronzerider, and most male riders of the other colors, has a secret swoon following." Kassima amends, "Well... except perhaps for H'tor. Because they're sure we greenriders castrated him. I'm nay about to enlighten them." G'har gives Dizani a startled look, clearly not quite agreeing with what S'din said. He's quickly distracted by Kassi's statement, however. "I don't have a -swoon following-," he protests. "Kassi, that's just ridiculous." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth rumblesnickers. << My rider speaks true, you know. She really believes in this swoon following idea. >> Dizani snorts softly, mumbling, "Yes, you do, G'har." G'har gives Dizani a startled look. All that Kassi says is, of course, to be doubted, but -this- woman doesn't have a green attached to her. "I do -not-," he protests. "Uh. Do I?" Kassima echoes, much less softly, "Aye, you do, G'har. Have you ever tried watching the LCGs? Some of 'em probably try stealing snips of your hair whenever you doze off in the Living Cavern!" Dizani nods, turning her face toward Falsanath to hide her blush. "The speculations about you are quite... intriguing." "Probably about what you're like in bed," Kassi deducts shrewdly. Great, now G'har's going to start wearing stocking caps everywhere, and it's -hot- at Ista. He looks between the women, expression rather dismayed. "I don't know that I like this," he says slowly. Dizani doesn't comment, but the deep crimson that creeps up her face probably confirms Kassi's deduction. Kassima asks G'har rather innocently, "Why, bronzer, what's nay to like? Dozens of young woman are secretly bemoaning your weyrmated state, constantly thinking of how handsome you are and how they'd love t'be the ones thrown over your shoulder and carried off to the Land of Eternal Swoon. Most men would like the idea a lot." G'har sidles around Falsanath, the better to see that blush. "What're they saying?" he demands. "And who's saying it?" G'har peers at Kassi, eyes narrowing. "I thought we weren't going to talk about that whole man thing," he reminds her. "And I don't toss -anybody- over my shoulder." Dizani blinks, taking a step back from G'har. "Um, a lot of 'em. I don't know all the names. And they've got a betting pool..." G'har yelps, sounding decidedly startled, "A -betting pool-? T'bin isn't bringing up that baby thing again, is he?" Dizani shakes her head quickly. "No, no, no, it's something about stamina and who'll be able to, um, get you to take a roll in the hay first." Kassima blinks at Dizani, no less than three times, before wisely deciding not to go there. "The whole man thing?" she asks instead. G'har sinks back against Falsanath, muttering something about lower caverns workers prying into that which isn't their business. "Too bad nobody's going to win that bet," he adds. To Kassi, he suggests, "You weren't going to spread any more rumors about me and men. Remember? M'rgan was bad enough." Dizani's mouth quirks into a crooked grin. "Oh, I'll win the bet- I laid my marks on the chance that none of 'em will get you." An eyebrow arches. Rumors? Kassima ohhhhs, sudden understanding registering. "Nay, nay, nay! Most men would like the idea of having a *swoon following*, nay being carried off over your shoulder, etcetera." G'har gives Dizani a decidedly grateful look, then relaxes even more as Kassi's explanation causes his own comprehension. Not surprisingly, he suggests, "I think I might quit while I'm ahead, and go find my weyrmate. Y'all aren't scaring me at this particular instant, and I think that might be a good way to end the conversation. But you will bring Khari to visit soon, Kassi?" Dizani turns back to the bronze dragon, giving him a final scritch and a pat before taking a reluctant step back. "G'night, Falsanath. Night, G'har." Kassima rattles her tongue in dismay. "We're nay scaring you? Pity... well, that means 'tis time for me t'go, too; m'work here is done, and I should probably get some sleep. A'course, 'twill bring Khari t'visit if'n you wish. She'd be thrilled t'see Uncle Gar again." G'har grins towards Kassi, apparently pleased at the prospect of seeing his 'niece' again. Moving to scale Falsanath's riding straps, he lifts a hand in farewell. "Clear skies, y'both... no, Fal, Lysseth's going -home-. Her home." G'har uses the riding straps to scale Falsanath, and settles between two of his neckridges. Falsanath leaps up in a spray of sand and is borne aloft by the winds. Dizani chuckles at the bronze's insistence, giving a wave, and turns to smile at Kassi. "Next time you visit, I'd /love/ to hear all about those rumors. G'har and other men?" Kassima laughs after the departing duo, even as she reaches for her dragon's straps. "Weird man... ach, I wish I could tell you, but I promised him I'd 'forget' those rumors as part of our bargain for some knives. If'n you wheedle at him long enough, though, or R'ehn, or Mart, you might be able t'find out." Dizani chuckles, taking a few steps back to give the green wing room. "R'ehn's the bluerider that was here, right?" Kassima bobs her head. "Aye, that's him. The one with the weyrmate who may spawn with G'har. Scary thought, that." You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Dizani grins. "I'll take your word for it. Have a good night, ma'am." Kassima pauses mid-motion of buckling the straps to wince. "Kassima!" she shouts down. "Kassima! Never ma'am!" And with that, they're away. You leap up and are borne aloft by the winds.