-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who Counsels the Counselor? Date: December 1(?), 1998 Places: Kaath and Bhalth's Ledge; Lirra and R'ehn's Weyr Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: This is just a short log that follows the saga of the Young and the Senseless TP: Kassi, newly bewildered by E'vrin's declarations of his love for her--which she is convinced are unintentionally false--seeks advice from her friend Lirra late one night. Rather a turnabout for a woman who's usually a counselor herself, probably due to her entirely objective views on love. Of course, this time, she's anything but objective.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Lysseth> Kaath senses that Lysseth extends a tendril of sleep-fogged blue thought. << Would your rider be adverse to a visitor? Mine wishes some conference. >> Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kaath replies in equally half-somnolent colors of though. << Not in the slightest. Our ledge is warm anyway from the sunlight. Come join us. >> <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. You land on Kaath and Bhalth's Ledge. <*> Kaath shifts closer to Bhalth to make room for landing, half unlidding her eyes and whuffling a sleepy, if good-natured greeting. <*> Lysseth backwings to a dainty landing, her neck curving about to check her passenger a moment before she lowers her shoulder. A low rumble, still holding tones of drowsiness, is directed to Kaath. Hello there. Don't mind us. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Kassima asks Kaath once her own feet have hit the ground, "'Tis all right if'n I go on in, then?" She nods towards the Inner Weyr, as though there were really anywhere else for her to go. Kaath stretches out her neck to nose Lysseth's neck in sleepy hello, then swings her muzzle about to tilt at Kassima, huffing out a steam of wherry scented breath before nuzzling the rider lightly in the back, nudging her towards the inner cavern. Kassima laughs and asks, "I assume 'tis an aye?" even as she heads in the indicated direction. You leave the ledge, entering the weyr. Kassima shakes her head with mild amusement as she ducks through the entranceway, helped on her way by a certain green snout. "Forgive the intrusion," are her first words, humored apology lacing her tone. "People were talking about my underwear in the Cavern, and I figured that 'twould be best to escape while I could." Lirra is curled up, once again, at the end of the couch, except this time with a man's head in her lap. The right man, this time, and he's out like a light. She looks up with a warm smile, shaking her head. "Never an intrusion. C'mon in and grab a seat. He's gone like nothing, and talking won't wake him up." Kassima laughs again, and does just that, actually taking a chair this time rather than the floor. "A good thing. Jal's nay easier on the Wing in drills than I am... I suppose you're wondering why I asked to invade? I'm afraid I'm nay bringing gifts this time." Lirra leans forward just enough to toss her yarnwork on the table, then settles back to adjust her lap to give R'ehn a bit more room, smiling. "Kassi, you don't ever have to have a reason. Just coming to chat is enough. But I'll admit, you do look like you have one. What's wrong?" Kassima folds up her legs, the better to sit on them; thumbs twiddle over fingers interlaced. "I need advice," she finally says. "And badly. I take it you've heard, since everyone seems t'have had, about this mess with E'vrin?" Lirra rests on hand on R'ehn's chest and tilts her head before nodding slightly, half-smiling. "Of course, I have. I was thrilled...I mean, especially with him the father of the baby. Why? What's wrong?" Kassima shakes her head, perhaps just a trace of frustration showing. "That *is* the problem. 'Tis nay as you're thinking. Lirra, for Faranth's sake, the man doesn't love *me*! We hardly know each other! He only thinks he does." She lets a gusty sigh escape, one that sends her bangs drifting upwards a moment. "But how am I supposed t'point this out t'*him* without hurting him? He's had a terrible time of it, Lirra, and if'n I'm really the only one he can talk to... I don't want t'alienate him, d'you see?" Lirra's smile fades into surprise, completely taken aback. "Why...I hadn't thought of that. R'ehn and I knew each other over a Turn...two Turns really before we fell in love. But...then you don't love him either?" Kassima's reply to that is cryptic: "I don't consider love where I'm nay loved. 'Tis nay an issue. I *do* like him, though; we're friends, or were--and I don't want t'hurt him 'tall. But letting it continue would be disastrous." Shock still manages to register in her eyes as she confides, in a whisper that borders on frantic, "Shells, Lirra, methinks he's thinking of weyrmating! And transferring here t'be doing it!" Lirra's gaze goes fairly troubled as she stares down into her lap for a moment, then looks back up. "No, you can't, really. I mean, it's wonderful to be friends first and -then- fall in love, but I can't imagine the reverse. Kassi, can you tell him how you feel about this? Sit down and have a long talk with him?" Kassima asks with a touch of exasperation, self-directed, "And how t'do that without hurting him? I'm nay greatly conversant with the ways of infatuation--'tis what 'tis; it must be--but I seem t'recall hearing that it seems real when you're in it. But it fades. So if'n I let it continue, he'll eventually figure out I'm nay what he wants and be angry. And if'n I try t'let him down easily somehow, then he'll be hurt and angry. Faranth. Talk about your losing propositions." Lirra's brows sneak up to join together in concern as she shakes her head slowly. "Shells, I don't know...I've never had anyone think they're in love with me and not be. What if Lysseth talked to his bronze?" "Lysseth is on his side," Kassima points out, dry as a stick. "She has the concept in her head that having a ledgemate might be enjoyable, and I haven't been very obliging so far. Shells--most of the *Weyr* seems t'be on his side. 'Twould be one thing if'n he truly did love me, but the concept... bah. Nay. He hasn't even seen the truly unlovable sides of me yet." Lirra leans her head back for a moment, then rests her arms on the newly found resting place of her tummy. "How can you be so sure he won't learn to love you for real, Kassi? Seriously...we all have our faults. Shells, R'ehn didn't learn -half- of mine until I moved in with him. Give him credit...maybe he'll love you even more?" "Lirra," Kassi begins, voice and eyes utterly droll, "there's only been one other who ever claimed affections for me, and he was of... a considerably different type. He also knew me better. Somewhat. Can you see me as any sane, serious man's ideal mate? *I* can't. Or any man at all's, for that matter, but that's a whole other pot of 'lizard scraps." "Kassi," Lirra replies, equally droll and even rather amused, "I can easily see you weyrmated, for all that you protest long and loudly to it. I just think it'd take a very special man. Who's to say E'vrin isn't that special? Or isn't he?" "Depends entirely," comes Kassi's reply, hedged with a sigh, "on what you mean by special. Crazy? He's nay that. I'm certain he's *someone's* One True Love. He's a good sort. But that means he deserves naught less than a One True Love, and I'm *nay* it. I'd lay a wager on it." Lirra absently winds one brownish-blonde curl from the largish head in her lap about her fingers, giving you a searching look. "You would, huh? And why is this something you'd wager on? Why are you so all-fired certain it wouldn't work?" Kassima ticks off on her fingers, "Lack of common interests, for one. If'n--if'n!--I should ever have a weyrmate--and believe you me, I'm nay counting on it--methinks 'twould have t'be someone who'd find me tolerable in all aspects, nay just m'serious and philosophical ones. Shards, those are the *minor* aspects. I somehow suspect E'vrin would be horrified if'n he saw me waving m'Emasculator at someone." Lirra can't help but snicker at that, pulling her hand from the bluerider's hair to cover her mouth. "Try it? You might just end the infactuation right there, actually. Shells, Kassi, didn't he -see- you before Lysseth rose? If -that- didn't scare him..." Kassima points out, unfolding and refolding her fingers fretfully, "You probably look at a near-stranger with a different eye than someone you think you're in love with. You may have a point, though. Mayhaps 'twould be better for him t'realize he doesn't love me on his own than for me t'try and point it out." Lirra smirks slightly, eyes flickering downwards. "Take him out for target practice. If he'll let you toss a knife at an apple on his head, -that's- true love. Or wait till Lysseth's next flight. If he can handle someone else winning, that's a goodness too." Kassima makes a face, admitting, "If'n his infatuation lasted *that* long, I might believe in it. Lyss only rises once or twice a Turn, after all. Only once this Turn, 'twill wager. She was good about waiting until I'd recovered from Kaylira t'rise again, after all. It might be a good idea, this acting like m'more common aspects around him. If'n he's nay horrified and appalled, 'twill eat m'riding helmet." Lirra nods reasonably, reaching up to pull the tie holding the end of her braid together down. "That's a reasonable thing to expect, I think. Far more reasonable than saying it's impossible. And it works, too. R'ehn was the only man who didn't run like mad when I was proddy the first time. Well, K'dar too, but he's a special case, since he's already weyrmated." "Plenty of men don't run from me," Kassima muses, "but I somehow doubt that means they're all in love with me." More like they're too afraid to run, or she has ahold of their throats, or some such. "Seriously, if'n there were a way t'make him realize the truth without coming t'hate me... I and all of m'children have been on good terms with their fathers so far. 'Tis a tradition I'd rather nay end." Lirra sighs softly, shaking her head. "Kassi, I know what I'd advise, but...I really don't know if I'm right. I mean, I don't have experience with men except with one harper who nearly sweetalked me out of my virtue, and then this man here. But I'd say, if I were more certain, just let things run their course until the baby is born, and then re-evaluate." Kassima nods slowly, though she doesn't look entirely free of worry. "It couldn't do any harm t'let him spend more time around here, which is what he wanted, certes... but transferring Weyrs is a serious matter. And I'm a bit worried about what some of these folk who are determined t'see me with a man whether I like it or nay--Dossa comes t'mind--might do." Lirra shrugs, grinning slightly. "Dossa is a teenager, too, and her head is full of romantic notions of holder-bred morals. Surely it won't hurt his feelings if you explain it's probably best for him to not make any quick decisions?" "Be that as it may, I'm getting tired of her trying t'shove those morals down everyone's throat," Kassi mutters, running her fingers through her bangs. "Wearing skirts is nay more 'proper' than wearing slacks, and I don't give a shard if'n I'm nay a lady, and I don't bloody well *need* a man t'be happy. Well...." She considers that, but does nod, slowly. "Quite probably. After all, I'm a Wingleader; I'm *supposed* t'take duties and such seriously." Lirra chuckles, smothing a wrinkle out of her own skirt and waggling her brows. "I like skirts, but trousers are more practical for riding, you're right. Besides, whether or not a person feel one type of lifestyle is appropriate or not, there's no need to go foisting it off on someone else. You should've seen her face when she realized what kind of relationship A'ser and Reed had." Kassima bobs her head firmly. "Quite right! You'd never know that girl's lived in a Weyr all her life. If'n you ask me, if'n her parents kept her sheltered that well... the more fool they, and if'n she can't adapt, she should move to a Hold. Nay point fretting and frowning because your Weyr friends don't live to your Hold morals. But I digress." Lirra nods, starting to slump in her seat before realizing that would dump the top half of R'ehn onto the floor, and stops to straighten again. "We digress," she notes, taking on some of the blame. "And for the very reason of your rank, you need to be exceedingly careful in how your personal life affects you. So haste is not a good thing. Taking things nice and slow is." "Almost a shame I'm off-duty," Kassi notes, rueful. "Everyone I've ever spoken to who was weyrmated t'someone of Wingleader rank or higher has complained about how little time they ever *see* their mate. Sheer frustration might break infatuation. A moot point, though." Lirra chuckles wistfully, smoothing a frizzy lock back from R'ehn's face, nodding. "I rarely get to see him now," she murmurs. "I can't imagine what I'd do if he were promoted again. It's got to be hard. Have you spoken with Maylia? Or maybe Channie?" Kassima shakes her head, seeming a bit surprised by the latter name. "Had you nay heard? Channie may well be transferring to Eastern. Kemith won a goldflight down there." Lirra stops smoothing, eyes coming back up in surprise and consternation. "I hadn't heard, no. Oh, shells...how's A'lex taking this?" "He... seems t'be taking it well," Kassi replies slowly. "But they're nay longer weyrmated, and he said so. It can't be easy on him." Another sigh escapes, this one half-yawn. "Shells, Lirra--I don't want you t'think the company bores me, but I'm nigh ready t'fall asleep sitting up." Lirra stifles a yawn herself, then gives a wry grin, cautiously edging out from beneath R'ehn's head and crossing over to offer a hand of help up. "C'mon, Wingleader. Back to your weyr for a night of sleep. Us pregnant women need all we can get, right?" Kassima grins a rueful grin as she takes that hand, though most of the leverage to pull herself up comes from herself. "I hear and obey, greenrider," replies she, snapping a salute. "Besides, I imagine you need it even more than I do, and I'm keeping you from it. Thankee much for the advice." Lirra returns the salute sharply, then flitters her fingers, grinning. "Silly woman. Don't you know the junior ranking rider salutes first and drops the salute last? And we both need sleep, and take the advice with a grain of salt. And I'm here to talk at -any- time. G'night, Kassi." "'Tis mutual," Kassima replies with a warm smile, executing a half-bow. "You know where m'ledge is--up where the air starts t'thin. Bloody dragon and her head for heights. G'night, Lirra; m'regards to your weyrmate." And with that, she exits, stage left. You head out onto the ledge.