
The Devil Went Down the Runway

Date:  February 11, 2001
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  The ever-gracious Weavercraft agreed to hold a fashion
show as a prelude event to Telgar Weyr's Masquerade Ball; this is that
fashion show, run by the magnificent Radar and Katlynn, with costumes
designed by Radar, Katlynn, and Samuel.  It was wonderful fun, all the
moreso for me because of Katlynn's wickedness in designing Kassi's 
costume. ;)  The OOC chat and planning that occured on the runway have
been cut, so most of this log's events are seen via +watch.


The Log:

TGW-LC>> Ekaterina walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Pierron tells a lower caverns girl to hurry up with the dishes.

TGW-LC>> Alessandra walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Br'nal walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Radar walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Br'nal calls out a hearty, "Ista's duties," looking around the
room for at least one familiar face.

<Weavers> Shylana wonders what's going on?

<Weavers> Br'nal says, "Big Event at Telgar..."

<Weavers> Katlynn says, "Fashion parade and ball at telgar :)"

TGW-LC>> Kichevio walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Katlynn walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Alessandra waves her fingers over at Br'nal, smiling sweetly.
"Telgar's duties to Ista and her queens!"

TGW-LC>> Radar looks around and says, "Weaver's duties to Telgar and her
Queens! I'm Journeyman Radar."

<Weavers> Shylana ooohs. No costume.

TGW-LC>> One of the women points and points and points some more, "They're
in there!" The runway. "It's not safe, really it's not."

TGW-LC>> Br'nal looks where this woman happens to be pointing. "Oh, would
that be the Weavers and their models?" he asks, adjusting his grip on the
bag slung over his shoulder.

TGW-LC>> She nods at the wingsecond, face pale. "And they're all colors!"

TGW-LC>> Ominous rustlings come from the direction of the runway. A few
serving people edge cautiously in the opposite direction.

TGW-LC>> Br'nal turns to glance at Radar. "I think we'd best hurry, then,"
he says, with a grin.

TGW-LC>> "Weaver's duties lalalala." Katlynn drags several fat packages
into the living cavern, one dragging behind her along the ground. She spots
Radar from the corner of her eye, aiming a wave in his direction.

TGW-LC>> The two already costumed women step back and away, content to
settle down in chairs and keep their dresses clean.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio enters, and promptly backs up to a semi-safe corner
behind a table. "Oh dear, what _have_ I walked into?"

TGW-LC>> Radar turns his head to get a better view and says, "Oh, hi
Katlynn. Looks like we need ot get backstage."

TGW-LC>> Radar enters the backstage area of the runway.

TGW-LC>> Br'nal enters the backstage area of the runway.

TGW-LC>> Katlynn hefts one of the bags over her shoulder, then continues on
toward the runway.

TGW-LC>> Katlynn enters the backstage area of the runway.

<Weavers> I'sai asks yon weavers: are we IC or OOC backstage?

<Weavers> Radar votes for OOC until a boss-type gets here.

<Weavers> Katlynn thinks it's easier to go OOC backstage--but that's just
my opinion.

<Weavers> I'sai okays.

TGW-LC>> Talisha walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio is standing safely out of the way of any chaos, watching
the scurrying with amusement. "Hey Tali! Watch for running Weavers. You
look wonderful!"

TGW-LC>> Ekaterina and Alessandra both are seated in the back. One grins at
the other -- it's impossible to tell which without close examination --
then waves towards Talisha and Kichevio.

TGW-LC>> Talisha slips into the cavern--skirts rustling around her ankles
as she strides across and towards a table. "Hello.." lips pull into a grin,
and she waves towards Alessi and Ekaterina, and again at Kich.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio waves back at whichever-one-it-was-that-waved, and grins
at Talisha. "I don't think anything's started yet...just a lot of nervous
weavers running about."

TGW-LC>> Fiora walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> It's a bird, it's a plane, it's--a giant walking sock puppet?
Striding somewhat carefully: it doesn't look very comfortable to talk in,
quite honestly, the sock figure almost trips over a table. A noise sounds:
"At least it amused the kids." Was that Fiora's voice?

Telgar Weyr> Terryll scoots out to make dinner quick, but should be around
for the feast at the latest. Later folks! :)

TGW-LC>> Kichevio blinks several times in the direction of the sock-puppet.
"I can't see how it wouldn't, Fiora. You look like a puppet show come to
life." Please ignore those stifled giggles.

TGW-LC>> Alessandra just ... blinks, covering her mouth with one hand as
she eyes the, ah, sock puppet. "Oh dear. I like that one..."

Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "Kassi, I've outweyr folks asking whether they're
supposed to show up in costume @descs, or change later. Thoughts?"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Depends on how complicated their costume is; if
they could change into it quickly, then there's no problem with changing
later, but if it would realistically require a lot of preparation then they
should already have it set."

Telgar Weyr> K'ran relays.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai mentions, there are some people currently in the LC
who're already costumed, so they wouldn't be alone.

TGW-LC>> Ekaterina nudges Alessandra's waist with an elbow, grinning at her
impishly. "You would. Y' have t' admit, it -is- cute."

TGW-LC>> Fiora stumbles, with some semblance of grace, towards the voices
she hears, admitting, "I think they're still in giggles over it. What can I
say, I live to amuse." Personally bemused, the bluerider adds, "Although, I
think I'm going to have to find a chair, and just sit there all night. It's
sharding hard to walk in. But as long as I make you all laugh."

TGW-LC>> Tinkle-tinkle-clink. That would be Talisha in the leaves making
her way across the cavern. She glances sidelong at the sock puppet type
person, then starts giggling. "Littles will be incredibly attracted to
that." she drops onto a seat.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio isn't laughing, not at all. Those muffled snorts
are...sneezes. Yeah. "We can make Fiora the official minder of the littles.
They'd obey a sock-puppet without question. Especially a giant one."

TGW-LC>> Alessandra--by now identifiable as the one in black, the one
-without- the accent--asks, "Will the littles be in costume, too?"

TGW-LC>> "They didn't want to let me go," admits Fiora, with her own
giggle. "Of course, that might have been because B decided she wanted to
go, and the twins want to do everything she does." She shuffles around,
attempting to face Kichevio (although she's probably the wrong direction
altogether: it's pretty hard to see through tiny eye holes), "Oh, Faranth.
They'd probably want to, er, use their hands, like a normal puppet. And
that wouldn't be comfortable." Early start to the sexual innuendos, anyone?

Telgar Weyr> K'ran finishes writing his costume @desc. Bleh.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio snickers. "I'd only worry about that if L'cher gets the
same idea."

Public announcement: Radar coughs and steps up to the microphone.
"Attention, attention! The Weaver Fashion Show will start in 15 minutes.
Everyone come to the Telgar Weyr Living Cavern to cheer our models on and
maybe get a break on a commission for yourself!"

<Weavers> Hrogar hopes he's not late

<Weavers> Katlynn says, "Hro you big.. pirate! Get your booty over here."

TGW-LC>> Hrogar walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Hrogar hurries into the cavern, clutching his cap to his head. He
hasn't much to say as he dashes for the weavers.

TGW-LC>> Hrogar enters the backstage area of the runway.

TGW-LC>> Aisling walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> The sound of small bells tinkling and beads clinking can be heard
before the greenrider appears into the cavern. She pauses to look around,
making her ways towards Kichevio's group. "Hello!" comes Aisling's voice,
edged in excitement and delight.

TGW-LC>> Fiora's face might well be wrinkling in abject horror, but it's
pretty hard to see, since her face isn't visible through the knitting.
"Remind me to stay far away." Peering through eye holes, she adds, "Y'all
look great. Very pretty." Two, knitting covered hands rise from her sides,
and smooth the yarn-made locks of her hair. "Hello, Aisling!"

TGW-LC>> Kichevio glances from Aisling to Talisha with a rueful smile. "I
feel left out--I should have some bells somewhere. You look great, Ais!"

Telgar Weyr> Aisling loves seeing what costumes people have ;)

TGW-LC>> Aisling's smile is bright behind the veil of her mask. "Thank
you!" She calls out before admitting. "I am afraid to sit down though."

TGW-LC>> "Oh Aisling you look great!" Talisha glances up at the sound of
bells tinkling, the movement of her own head enough to set beads to clink
together, and the soft sound of bells ringing. "I love those gloves."

TGW-LC>> "And I think if I don't sit down, I'm going to trip over
everything in sight!" So groans Fiora, good-naturedly. "I almost feel left
out, myself: you're all so pretty tonight. I should've put the sock in
evening wear. That'd really have been interesting."

TGW-LC>> Aisling giggles softly, her bells ringing an accompanient to her
amusement. "A sock in in an evening gown?" She questions before glancing
towards the new comer.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio says "It would win _some_ sort of prize, for certain."

TGW-LC>> Alessandra listens quietly, though she does eye Aisling's outfit
with no small envy. "Aisling, you look gorgeous... I love the bells."

TGW-LC>> Fiora rests herself against the edge of a table, retorting, "A
prize is something I can do without. I collected the things." She smoothes
down her costume with covered hands, adding, "Perhaps next time, I'll give
this sock puppet another dress. She'll probably love me for it."

TGW-LC>> Despite the fact that the mask shields her expression, judging
from the tone of her voice, there isn't any doubt of Aisling's delight in
the reception of her constume, "Thank you! It took me ages to come up with
the idea and then to find the pieces."

TGW-LC>> "How long did it take y' t' find all th' bells?" Ekaterina asks
next from beneath the white-and-gold mask.

TGW-LC>> Kerwin walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Emelei walks here from the Inner Cavern.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio adds a bit enviously, "And who did you have to bribe to
get so many?"

TGW-LC>> Quietly, and well...sheepishly, Kerwin slips into the living
cavern. Hands tucked lightly behind his back, he peers wide-eyed at the
assembled affair. He has to consider this, and that takes some doing, he's
not the quickest sort, after all. Eventually however, he makes up his mind,
and pads on in.

Telgar Weyr> Merielan comes down to make a splash..;)

TGW-LC>> Radar walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> Aisling giggles, another tinkling from her braids. "No bribes, I
just went home. My mother comes in handy now and again. She is a vertible
packrat." So Aisling comes along her foraging honestly. "The gloves I found
in storage. The rest my mothing helped me with."

TGW-LC>> Merielan walks in from the bowl.

Public announcement: Katlynn announces "Come one, come all! The weaver-run
fashion parade at Telgar is about to start! Costumes of all designs will be
modelled down the runway. So +go tgw-lc or +go tgw-bowl to join us!"

<Weavers> Katlynn cries as her credits go bye-bye.

TGW-LC>> Greylin walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Radar coughs and raises his voice. "May I have everyone's
attention? The Weaver Fashio Show is about to begin!"

Telgar Weyr> Alessandra chokes. MERI!

TGW-LC>> Merielan walks carefully in--careful of the tail now attached to
to the rest of her. Spotting a few familar faces--despite the masks and
costumes, she carefully takes her seat beside Kichevio.

Telgar Weyr> Merielan decided to be very, very evil.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio beams as the two brownriders come in, then suddenly
chokes as Meri's costume finally fully registers. "Great Faranth, Meri!
That's...that's...quite impressive!"

TGW-LC>> Cailin enters from the Bowl.

Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "Is it a good evil, or a bad evil?"

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio giggles. It's an...interesting evil. :)

Telgar Weyr> Merielan leers at K'ran "Let's just say..tonight..I promise I
won't sit in your lap.."

TGW-LC>> Emelei strides into the living cavern purposefully, not in costume
unless she's doing her best to look like someone who wouldn't be caught in
a dress unless you stuffed ants down her shirt. She pulls up right short at
the various hubub, and takes a single rapid step back, regarding the
madness with an expression of brief bafflement. "Mother -warned- me," she
mutters under her breath, sidestepping out of the way to watch with great

TGW-LC>> Aisling turns her attention towards Radar, her braids finally
falling silent as she holds her head still.

TGW-LC>> Radar smiles evilly and looks out at the crowd. "Weaver's duties
to you all, and welcome! I'm Journeyman Weaver Radar, tonight's announcer.
We thank you all for coming, and I've been instructed to let you know that
you can purchase any of these costumes from the Weaver who made them."

TGW-LC>> Merielan smiles serenly at her friend "Thank you Kich..I like your
costume as well. J'lyn gave me part of the idea for mine." Meri's grin is
quite wicked. She quiets then, to watch the fashion show.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio manages to peel her eyes off of Meri, and obediently
turns to listen to Radar.

TGW-LC>> Cailin slides in and stares at all the costumes and then quickly
find a seat

TGW-LC>> Fiora, the sock puppet, turns her head to give Meri a long glance.
"Dear shards," comes her murmured comment, before attention is turned
towards the fashion show, bluerider sinking into chair with laborious

TGW-LC>> Talisha slides one leg across the other, ankles crossing. She tips
her head in Radar's direction--listening attentively. "Oh Meri.." her gaze
slips to the brownrider.. "That is.." she trails off.

TGW-LC>> Kerwin manages to find a reasonable place to watch from, far
enough back that he doesn't obstruct the view of shorter folks, but close
enough he can witness that which is to ensue. He's markedly solemn for
somone dressed as an ovine, and considers the runway with slightly furrowed
brows, as if presented with some puzzle.

TGW-LC>> Alessandra and Ekaterina both watch Merielan for several long
moments, then with large eyes, look over to watch the fashion show.

TGW-LC>> Greylin comes in silently, and looks a bit uncomfortable, her
hands constantly smoothing the fabric of her own costume. As the flutter
over Meri's appearance subsides, she finds some unoccupied place to sit off
to the side.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "Tonight, our first model is I'sai, Telgar's favorite
bronzerider. His costume was made by Journeywoman Katlynn."

TGW-LC>> I'sai walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> I'sai emerges in unaccustomed glitter, though his saunter down the
runway carries its perennial insouciance - eyes that much more agleam
within their striking paint, chin lifted just so, shoulders tipped beneath
their wealth of glassy sequins ... and if that thumb hooked on the
eccentrically loose belt serves less as accent than to secure it more
firmly on his hips, who's to know?

Telgar Weyr> I'sai takes this moment to thank the coders of the PLAYERS: in
the room desc. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "THat would be A'lex. :)"

Hrogar paces around looking very grumpy in his baby suit. "This'll nay go
done. Nay, not 't'all."

TGW-LC>> Merielan inclines her head in gracious acknowledgement of the stir
she's created and leans over to whisper at Kich--before her attention is
caught by I'sai..whom she whistles at appreciativly at him.

TGW-LC>> "Favorite might be an exageration. What about A'len?" says the
sock puppet with a teasing laugh, resting thick fingers within her lap.
"Flashy. What a lovely outfit. "

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "I'sai is wearing a very unusual costume. Painted upon
his very face--streaks of vivid silver glitter wind up and around his eyes,
a curling design that finishes in ornate twists above slanted brows. The
pale of his eyes is reflected within the ice-white sheen dusted over
freckled skin. Midnight-dark smudges up his cheekbones, then brushes around
to capture his features in a stormy scene mirrored by the designs of his
attire. Weatherstreaked blond hair is slicked back, caught up in a loose
	Washing up over his jacket, the violent shades of a dark ocean's fury
merge and combine--sequins shimmering violet, jade and blue, slicing
through the black backdrop like a streak of angry lightning. A shimmer
here, a sparkle there--and the storm slips into a peaceful rest as the last
splatterings of rain-tinted sparkle dangle from the cuffs' thick folds,
embodied in irregular strings of clear glass beads. Beneath the heavy folds
of his jacket--a shirt in such a translucent sheen of white as to appear
like the glittering dust of snow. That gauze collects in drifts across his
chest, rounded neckline hugging close beneath his collarbone, only to fall
down in whispered chill about his ribs. A silver-buckled belt wraps his
narrow hips, slung low to one side to reveal a narrow glimpse of pale skin;
its matte black trous fit snugly to his legs, then drape over shined black
boots. Perhaps spotted within the dark night-black of his pants--a few
tumbling diamonds fall down to entangle their hems in a miner's dream."

TGW-LC>> Kichevio claps appreciatively for I'sai, eyes sparkling from
behind her mask.

TGW-LC>> Ekaterina whoops at I'sai, clapping eagerly.

TGW-LC>> Alessandra chokes, then just starts giggling as she claps as well.
"I like it, Is!"

TGW-LC>> Merielan grins beneath her 'beak' for the evening She mutters to
Kichevio, "Even T'kar hasn't seen my... But what... what... made for..." 

TGW-LC>> Aisling glances up, considering her wingmate carefully, her
expression for the most part hidden behind the mask. After a moments
silence, she begins to applaud setting off a cascade of sounds as the bells
and beads move together.

TGW-LC>> There's a reasonably disturbed look from Kerwin's direction. Hazel
eyes widen in reasonable confusion. "Oh -dear-," he murmurs quietly.

TGW-LC>> Talisha looks up and over at I'sai-of-the-glitter, then puts two
fingers between her lips, whistling loudly.

TGW-LC>> Emelei tries to peer around a rather tall sheep, makes an
exasperated sound, and finally pushes around to stand to one side. She
stops still at the first costume, blinking mildly, brows lifting in mild
astonishment before she applauds along with the others. "He's sparkly," she
decides quietly.

TGW-LC>> Merielan's eyebrow goes up in Kich's direction before she mutters
a bit darkly "Let's not have a repeat performance though? Of the sort you
and K'ran played out.."

TGW-LC>> Anticipating the eyes, I'sai doesn't look to left or right as he
proceeds down... but does miss a step at the whistle. Make that, whistles.
Coming at last to the end of the runway's plank, he pauses there with a
narrowed look out into the audience, searching, _hunting_ - but no jumping
off saves him; nah, he hides a squirm with a turn, free hand stirring the
jacket's brocaded folds into something of a cape's display.

<Weavers> Katlynn dies. I'sai that is so perfect.

TGW-LC>> Amara walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> While I'sai is busy turning about, a *new* set of piercing
whistles joins the slew--these from the direction of the runway, the work
of some anonymous evil soul.

TGW-LC>> "Sparkly, yes," Kerwin agrees of Emelei's comment, although it's
not after a moment's long consideration of it. "That's a good way to
describe it. And colorful, it's colorful too. I bet sewing on all the
spangly bits took forever."

TGW-LC>> "Work it, I'sai!" comes Alessandra's teasing voice from the
raven-dark "bird" off to one side.

TGW-LC>> Amara slips in quietly, applauding from where she leans against a

TGW-LC>> Kichevio adds her 1/32 mark's worth. "Almost as charming as
buttless pants."

TGW-LC>> Fiora makes the motions of whistling--as if actually to do it, but
the fingers in the mouth so don't work. "Ew. Hair ball."

TGW-LC>> Talisha whistles again--louder for the swirling of I'sai's cape.
She sends a grin across to Alessi, calling--"He makes glitter look good."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima dares the LC women to start throwing marks and/or the
Pernese equivalent to room keys up onto the stage. ;)

TGW-LC>> Merielan chuckles and looks completely--or -as- completely
innocent as she can in said pants. "It's not my fault Kich--I've been
influenced by J'lyn. He wouldn't give me a pair so I made myself some."

Telgar Weyr> Talisha would do it ;>

<Weavers> Br'nal laughs, "He makes glitter look good! Is, you're a riot!"

Telgar Weyr> Fiora snickers.

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio is idly considering it...;)

Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "Let me guess; I'sai's up there on the catwalk. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima considered throwing marks from behind the curtain,
but, well... Kassi wouldn't *throw* marks. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Keara says, "Hurl, maybe."

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio says, "Brilliant deduction, Holmes. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Fiora says, "Waste of good marks."

TGW-LC>> One brave soul--so overcome by the excitement of seeing all that
glitter, makes her way up to the stage and simply -stares- at I'sai for
long moments. "I'll see -you- later handsome.." She coos, leaning down to
flash quite a glimpse of her ample bosom.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "After shaping them into little wooden ninja
stars. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "Harpers! We need harpers. For ... ah ...
mood music. ;) *literally chokes on her dinner at that last @emit*"

Telgar Weyr> Aisling's door doesn't have a lock. Well, my weyr doesn't have
a door, really. ;)

TGW-LC>> Emelei starts to grin after a moment, then folds her arms over her
chest with a dawning gleeful grin. "Some men do sparkly well," she decides,
then glances up at Kerwin, and up. And up. Then grins again. "Forever sure,
but I'll bet he didn't lack any help, if he wore it while they sewed."

Telgar Weyr> Merielan loooks around "Who did that?"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima applauds the @emitter. Wasn't me, but man, I wish I'd
thought of it. ;)

<Weavers> Br'nal says, "Who is doing those wonderful emits out there?"

Telgar Weyr> Merielan giggles evilly..and oh-so-innocently.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha can't stop laughing about that last @emit.

TGW-LC>> Fiora, finally completing a hack and cough sequence, about which
she looks vaugely embarrassed, and reclines in her chair. "What a girl,
that one. Forward!"

<Weavers> Kassima did the whistling from behind the runway, and I think
Meri did the ample-bosomed woman. ;)

TGW-LC>> K'ran walks in from the bowl.

<Weavers> Br'nal ahs. Coolness.

TGW-LC>> Kindre walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Pierron winks laconically at the retired Weyrwoman.

TGW-LC>> Lyse walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> A sudden over-the-shoulder glance at Alessandra, more startled
than sparkly - and at the winecraft arrival, likewise - distracts I'sai
from a last mostly-hidden hitch to save his costume; he finally starts
walking back, but his gait slows as he approaches the changing area, and
then slows some more, as if fearing to walk into a wher's den ... until
that oh-so-brave soul flashes his way, and he all but lopes for escape.

TGW-LC>> Kindre rolls her eyes at Pierron and quickly finds herself a place
to view the festivities easily.

TGW-LC>> Aisling just shakes her head, her amusement puncuated by the sound
of her bells and beads. "I bet one of these times, they will just fall out."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Brave Sir I'sai ran away, bravely ran away,
away.... ;)"

TGW-LC>> Amara flushes, and tries a bit harder to blend in with the wall.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "Ladies and gentlemen, that was I'sai dressed as The
Storm. You can purchase a similar costume from Journeywoman Katlynn. And
our next model is the most flamboyantly insane Crafter on Pern, Baker
Craftsecond Keara! She is dressed as a Raider Queen, in a costume that I

TGW-LC>> Keara walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> Talisha pulls a mark out of her pocket--an eight-and at the very
last minute, tosses it in the air and towards the stage.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha does the mark throwing thing.

TGW-LC>> Keara sashays her way out onto the runway, head angled high and
tilted to impose a measure of arrogance - completely ruined by the sparkle
in her eyes and the tugging smile at the corners of her lips. She puts one
hand up to tip her hat slightly, the other resting on the hilt of her knife.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima chortles in delight.

TGW-LC>> Merielan wiggles her fingers at K'ran in greeting, inclining her
beak towards him in a welcoming grin.

TGW-LC>> If the mountain will not come to Kerwin, he becomes a mountain?
Okay, maybe not, but a small tree perhaps. He has to consider Emelei's
words a moment. Make that a long moment. He doesn't do things quickly. "If
he wore it while they sewed, wouldn't he gut stuck with the needles?
They're pointy." He applauds as I'sai leaves however, and as Keara's

Telgar Weyr> Merielan thinks we're all just so mean to I'sai--but only
because it's so much fun.

TGW-LC>> Fiora blows a kiss after I'sai's retreating back, promptly
settling back into rag doll floppiness, regarding Keara with an amused
glance, covered entirely by wool.

TGW-LC>> I'sai enters the backstage area of the runway.

TGW-LC>> Kaylith walks in from the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "Keara is wearing the outfit of a colorful Raider,
perhaps one with dreams of grandeur. A plain, long-sleeved natural linen
shirt is tucked into inky black linen breeches. The collar of the shirt
fastens snugly against her throat, and a triple fall of lace spills down to
her bustline from it. The sleeves have drawstrings at the wrists, and more
lace falls onto the back of the Cromcoal-colored leather gauntlets she
wears. The breeches have a gathered waist, and hug her legs down to where
they are tucked into highly-polished ebony leather boots. The boots have
high heels, and come up to just below her shapely knees. 
A shimmering scarlet sash with gold tassels is tied around her waist,
knotted just above her right hip. The handle of a long-bladed knife is
visible just above the knot in it. The sash matches the velvet frock coat
worn over the shirt. The skirts of the coat are pleated, with a back vent
for ease of movement. Shiny gold buttons with buttonholes sewn in matching
flax thread march in a row down the front of the coat, and the wide cuffs
are trimmed wih more gold buttons. A pair of large hoop earrings dangle
from her delicate earlobes, and the outfit is completed by a velvet cocked
black tricorn hat. The wide brim is edged with gold-colored flax lace trim,
and the crown rises a good 5" above her head."

TGW-LC>> Kindre can not help but whistle, her pinkies placed at the corners
of her lips, at the lovely Baker and her rather impressive outfit. Formalty
be darned seems to be her thoughts for the eve.

TGW-LC>> Still dressed in riding leathers, K'ran steps into the living
cavern, accompanied by Lyse. He threads a careful path through the crowd,
leading the girl towards, hm. Kichevio! "Hey, Kich," he says, quiet so as
not to disturb the show -- but he does aim a quick wave towards Merielan.
"This's my friend Lyse, from Igen. Do me a favor and keep her company,
while I get changed?"

TGW-LC>> Elya walks in from the kitchen.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio blinks--does she look like a child-minder?--but agrees
fairly amiably. "Sure. Glad to meet you, Lyse. Have a seat."

TGW-LC>> Emelei applauds again at the retreating form, even going so far as
to whistle at the retreating form of the unknown rider, then lifts her
brows in decided interest at the new costume. "Pants like that could be
useful," she decides. She pauses, then blinks up at Kerwin again. "Well,
-yeah-, of course they're pointy. That's the point. So you gotta be careful."

TGW-LC>> Aisling darts a glance towards K'ran before her attention moves
back to Keara, her smile bright behind the veil. "Beautiful!" She calls out
to the baker.

TGW-LC>> Alessandra whistles for Keara, too, shrill enough without having
to use her fingers to make the sound.

TGW-LC>> Keara swings her hips down the rest of the runway, dropping a wink
to her admirers. At the end, she slides one booted leg out exaggeratedly in
front of her, then draws the other up and pivots a turn that sets her
earrings shaking.

TGW-LC>> Talisha aims a look across to K'ran, bells tinkling with the
slight movement of her head. "We're all just dying to see your skimpy
costume, K'ran.." she murmurs, just before her gaze turns up to Keara.
"Well, that's certainly more covering than I'm used to seeing on Keara." is
said in a murmur.

TGW-LC>> Kerwin's eyes widen further at this newest costume, and
spaniel-like, he tilts his head to one side to consider it. "Wow, that's
another one somebody must have worked really, really hard on." He has to
peer then at Emelei, "Useful for what, precisely?" He nods then, with due
solemnity, "Do not stab the nice models with the needles, no, or they
bleed, and probably whine."

TGW-LC>> Greylin fidgets with her costume as she sits off to the side,
directing a smile toward a voice who murmurs something to her.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio applauds for Keara, admiring that outfit loudly. "I think
I need one of those! Especially the hat..."

TGW-LC>> Elya enters the living cavern amidst a group of harpers, a mix of
masters, journeymen and apprentices. Their loud and raucous conversation
hushes as they catch sight of the ongoing event.

Telgar Weyr> Keara says, "Thanks Talisha! ;)"

TGW-LC>> Amara chuckles at the overheard comment, "I know at least one of
them whines."

TGW-LC>> Merielan settles into her seat, crossing her legs for comfort and
clapping to give Keara her due. Sitting next to Kich as she is, she leans
across the girl to smile at K'ran's newly arrived Igen friend "Nice to meet
you..I'm Meri..have you caught a glimpse of K'ran's costume yet?"

TGW-LC>> A disappointed brownrider whines from the corner, "But I wanted to
see *teacups*...."

<Weavers> Br'nal laughs!!!!!!

TGW-LC>> Fiora bursts into a fit of giggles as she overhears the brownrider
in the corner, covering her face with her hands--which only makes her look
more silly.

TGW-LC>> Lyse follows K'ran closely and bumps into his back when he stops
as she's awestruck by Keara's costume. "Oh hello" she whispers and takes
the proffered seat. She shakes her head. "No. I've only just got here. He's
going to change now."

TGW-LC>> Amara coughs, turning to eye the brownrider warily, if not with a
little amusement.

TGW-LC>> Back the runway the pirate queen paces, in a slightly faster step
that sends her coat behind her to give a better view of the accoutrements
of the outfit; one hand stays on her knife and the other traces her hip's
swing, fingers angled just-so. A toss of her head that nearly loses her
hat, and Keara's off the runway with one last coy look over her shoulder.

<Weavers> Kassima should not be allowed to type @pemit, like, ever. ;)

<Weavers> I'sai snickers.

TGW-LC>> Kaylith raises a brow as she enters the cavern, a light smile
curving her lips. Hands resting on her hips, she slowly takes in the crowd.
She waves to the few she knows.

TGW-LC>> And with Lyse under the dubious safety of Kichevio's supervision,
K'ran withdraws back towards the entryway, jerking open the fastenings of
his jacket as he moves.

TGW-LC>> Keara enters the backstage area of the runway.

TGW-LC>> Ekaterina snickers slightly, watching Keara with obvious
enjoyment. "Nae, now -that- lass knows 'ow t' work th' stage."

TGW-LC>> "Why? Because the wouldn't get in the way of stuff, like riding a
runner or running, or just trying to sit down. Useful," Emelei points out
to Kerwin reasonably while still watching the stage and stealing glances at
other costumes in appreciative appraisal.

TGW-LC>> K'ran walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio murmurs to Tali and Meri, "I must admit, I was expecting
teacups myself...in some new and interesting arrangement."

TGW-LC>> Merielan laughs into an upraised hand---her voucher agaisnt
disturbing the show-- "Me too..though from the hints that Kassi's been
dropping we may see 'teacups' yet."

TGW-LC>> Radar chuckles and says, "That was Master Keara, as a rich Raider
Queen! Our next model is Ista's favorite brownriding Wingsecond, Br'nal! He
is dressed as the Black Bandit, in a costume that I made."

TGW-LC>> Br'nal walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> Alessandra snorts. "And she doesn't swing your way, either, sister
mine," Alessi shoots back, eyes sparkling from beneath her mask.

TGW-LC>> Kindre overhears Kichevio's comment and can not help but snicker
just slightly. Attempting to mask the sound by pulling her rolled hand up
to her mouth, she turns the giggles into unconvincing cough sounds.
"Hrm...Black Bandit," she murmurs quietly as tilts her head to get a better
view of the runway.

TGW-LC>> Aisling laughs softly, bells 'aringing in accompaniement. "I think
she has done teacups. The question is what will she think of next?"

TGW-LC>> Br'nal takes long strides as he heads down the runway, dark trous
nearly absorbing the light around him. His left hand rests on his hip, his
right thrown out oh-so-casually to the side, holding the cape open for

TGW-LC>> "She's right, Meri," calls Fiora towards Merielan, "At least in
one form. I've seen 'em." Fiora keeps her head straight ahead of her. No
giving away secrets, after all.

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio snickers. Holding the cape open for inspection?...;)

TGW-LC>> Amara coughs ever so slightly, blue eyes snapping with humour. She
applauds loudly, even daring a whistle.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "Br'nal is dressed as the Black Bandit. He is wearing
a flowing, long-sleeved sisal shirt dyed ebony black with six pure onyx
buttons marching down the front. The top two buttons are left open,
revealing a tantalizing glimpse of a muscular chest. The sleeves flare out
from his arms until they are caught up in fitted cuffs. The shirt is tucked
into matching leather trous that hug his legs like a second skin and are
tucked into knee-high pitch-black leather boots. The trous have a button
fly, and are cinched tightly around waist by a black leather belt with a
silvery metal buckle. 
His face is obscured by a soft black sisal mask the covers the top half of
his head, leaving only two holes for his eyes. A Cromcoal black felt hat is
perched upon his head, and is fastened under his chin with wherhide ties.
It has a wide, flat brim and a 4" high crown. The finishing touches are
night-black leather gloves on his hands and a flowing cape made of a blend
of sisal and linen. The cape has a pure sisal lining, and dramatically
swishes around his body each time he moves."

TGW-LC>> "Oh." Kerwin answers, considering both Emelei, then the pants, and
then mid-air as he has to crunch this one mentally. You can all but hear
the gears grinding. He's slow. He does applaud however for both Keara and
the newly arrived Br'nal. "Teacups sound useful too, maybe. Then you could
drink from your clothes?"

Telgar Weyr> Merielan snorts atta Kich "Dirty dirty mind!"

TGW-LC>> Vasha enters from the Bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio blinks innocently. 0:)

TGW-LC>> Aisling oohhs softly. "Look at that one. I don't recognize the
model though, do you?" She asks of those around her.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio whistles long and loud for Br'nal. "He can Bandit his way
into my weyr any night he wants to!" she says admiringly.

TGW-LC>> Kerellen walks in from the kitchen.

TGW-LC>> Kaylith moves to cross her arms over her chest, lips curving in an
amused smile as she regards the 'Black Bandit'. Shaking her head, she turns
back to regarding the other costumes.

TGW-LC>> Cailin hides a snicker at Kerwins comment

TGW-LC>> Placing two fingers between her lips, Talisha whistles for
Br'nal--loudly and appreciatively before dropping back into her seat.
Nobody saw her do that right? Good.

TGW-LC>> This time, the white-robed sister -- Ekaterina -- lifts her
fingers to her lips and whistles shrilly. "Oooh! Lookin' good, Br'nal!"

TGW-LC>> "Sort of looks like one of Kassi's proddy outfits," Kindre remarks
after studying the latest ensamble, a finger tapping her chin for a brief
moment. "Though he certainly conjures up feelings other than fear..."

TGW-LC>> Br'nal takes a final step to the end of the runway, unable to hide
a dazzling grin beneath the mask. He tosses a wink, almost casually,
spinning around, with a little bit of a wobble, the clock flairing out
behind him.

<Weavers> Katlynn gets totally lost. Who am I after does anyone know?

TGW-LC>> Lyse tilts her head to one side. "That mask will keep his nose
warm in this cold weather."

TGW-LC>> "I've heard of men drinking fizzy wine from ladies' shoes. Is that
the same?" Emelei wants to know of Kerwin, peering up Kerwin, then squints
at the latest costume, and applauds just as vigorously as the other women.
"I think I'm going to like it here."

<Weavers> Hrogar says, "You're next Katy"

TGW-LC>> Amara has to laugh at this, her brother making the proper fool of
himself, how....typical.

TGW-LC>> Katlynn walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> Katlynn slinks down the runway, one hip swinging tantalizingly to
one side--and then the other as she continues along. She pauses midway,
head tipping down as she scans the cavern with a provocative look--gazing
up from beneath dark lashes. One hand placed on her hips, fingers splayed,
she steps fowards again. It's /all/ in the walk.

TGW-LC>> Br'nal gets about three steps back down the runway, when he
pauses, turns, and slides the beads loose on the hat, pulling it off riot
of copper curls spring free and he tosses the hat into the audience, before
resuming his walk back up the runway.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "That was the Black Bandit, from Ista Weyr. Our next
model is a mysterious young Weaver known only as the Spinner Web, in a
costume made by Journeywoman Katlynn."

TGW-LC>> Br'nal enters the backstage area of the runway.

TGW-LC>> "From -shoes-?" Kerwin echoes, sounding suitably traumatized. Dark
brows furrow over lighter eyes, in an expression of consternation. "But,
but, wouldn't that taste -bad-? With the foot...well, foot ick and all
that?" He shakes his head then. Then, considering, he shakes it again for
good measure. Br'anl is applauded for, as well as the next model.

TGW-LC>> A young girl grabs up the hat and runs back to her friends
screaming at the top of her lungs, "I got it, I got it! I have his hat!"
She reverently touches it one more time before gloating over her good
fortune again.

<Weavers> Radar coughs and admits that was him. :>

<Weavers> Kassima applauds. ;)

TGW-LC>> Kichevio laughs softly at the girl with the hat. "I bet she'll
have it bronzed."

<Weavers> Br'nal grins, "My hat off to you then, Radar." :)

TGW-LC>> Aisling snickers softly. "Want to bet that isn't all the only
thing of his she is after?"

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "This young woman is well hidden behind her mask, her
identity a secret. Stormy blue eyes stare out from the golden-hued mask,
eye holes rimmed with a streak of silver shimmer. Delicate strands of
colour spin out from the masks' edge, flowing around to catch at the back
of her head in an intricate knot design, tangling up in the sleek waves of
her coppery hair. Perhaps the sly curve to her mouth gives the wearer away,
lips glossed over with a sheen of gold.
	Spinner's webs weave and turn over her body, gossamer thin threads of gold
and silver scattered together in a mix of shimmer and light. These thin
strands wind down her arms, creating a web of pattern that barely covers
her bronzed skin beneath. The web winds into a point at her wrists,
embellished with a strip of golden-hued ribbon, and a strand of tiny wooden
beads that clink together as she moves about. Gossamer shimmer slides over
her legs, leaving bare patches of skin visible through the silky threads.
These strands quiver and tease over her form--barely managing to cover
everything beneath. Her hair is caught up in a mass of ringlet style curls,
pinned to her head with a clip in the shape of a gossamer spinner. The web
continues over her face, painted on with glittery golden paint."

TGW-LC>> "Lucky girl!" Fiora attempts a dramatic swoon of disappointment,
but looks for more like she's flopping inwards than anything. The newest
model is given an appreciative glance, "Dear shards. That's -gorgeous-.
Wish I could wear something like that."

TGW-LC>> Greylin glances at the others, then at each person in the fashion
show. Her hands continue fidgeting with her attire, as if unused to it.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "We have Kassima, then Hrogar. Then it's party time!"

TGW-LC>> Emelei shrugs philosophically, eyes wide with bemusement, but not
especially worried. "Hey, people do weird things, I never claimed to
understand it," she assures. "I mean, it might make the wine taste better."
She utters a whoop and leaps forward at the hat, then falls back at missing
by a long shot, snickering brightly, peering at the stage. "Oh, wow, that
looks chilly."

<Weavers> Kassima meeps. Thought I was last?

<Weavers> Aidan chuckles at you all :)

<Weavers> Radar has Kassi next. Hrogar, do you mind switching?

<Weavers> Katlynn says, "She is Last."

<Weavers> Katlynn says, "Kassi is last."

<Weavers> Hrogar says, "I think it'd work better with Kassi next actually,
less break up in the theme"

TGW-LC>> "Great Faranth's wispy ghost," Kindre murmurs as she appreciates
the latest offering being displayed down the runway. "That is beyond

<Weavers> Hrogar says, "then you get a crazy shift for the end"

<Weavers> Radar nods and switches his notes around.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio watches the Mystery Weaverin sheer envy. "Ooooooooh...I
know someone who would fall at my feet if he saw me wearing _that_..."

TGW-LC>> Kerwin's brows lift up beneath flour smeared curls, and then one
drops back down again in puzzlement, as he considers this newest costume at
great length. "My mother'd like that a lot," is his final, if emphatic,

<Weavers> Br'nal says, "But if you put Kassi last, it goes
boy-girl-boy-girl-baby. :)"

<Weavers> Br'nal says, "But if you put Kassi last, it goes
boy-girl-boy-girl-baby-babe. Oops..."

<Weavers> I'sai laughs!

TGW-LC>> Aisling nods her head in agreement to Kindre's overhear remark,
her bells tinkling cherrfuly before she turns to Kichevio, her smile bright
beneath the veil. "Just one someone?" She teases lightly.

TGW-LC>> And so the web continues to weave--those shimmer-thin strands
quiver as Katlynn slinks along the runway, lips pulling up into a
provocative smile. A toss of her head sends hair as shimmering golden as
the web over her shoulder, and she spins quickly, suddenly on her heel. Her
fingers brush lightly across her thigh, and she flicks a look back over her
shoulder--smiling coyly before starting up again.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is truly one of the most
imaginative costumes that the Weavers have made in turns. Journeywoman
Katlynn is to be commended."

TGW-LC>> Alessandra whistles appreciatively, eyes watching the mystery
weaver. "Whew. Wow. That's /nice/."

TGW-LC>> Fiora fans at her face with one hand, shifting her legs so that
they rest out in front of her, making her appear more floppy than ever.
"It's so -hot- in here," she mutters, eyes not leaving the current model.
"I'll remember that Weaver. Katlynn, was it?"

TGW-LC>> Emelei tilts her head to consider the spinnerish costume, clapping
along with the others in appreciation, then settles her arms in considering
akimbo. "Your mother -likes- being cold?" she wonders of Kerwin,
nonplussed. "I suppose to each his own. It's sparkly too, though. Is
everyone at Telgar this fond of sparkles?"

TGW-LC>> Katlynn slides smoothly towards the entrance behind the
curtain--ond hand reaching out to catch at a fold of the fabric. Her other
hand sweeps back through her hair as her head tips back, shaking out those
shiny ringlet curls. She juts one hip out--the better to show the
glittering of gossamer threads--and pauses, turning back one last time to
blow a kiss out into the crowd. And then, she's gone.

TGW-LC>> Katlynn enters the backstage area of the runway.

TGW-LC>> Lyse covers her face with her hands and giggles a little, then
sweeps her hand back through her hair in an imitation of Katlynn's gesture.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "Our next model is Tillek's favorite Dockmaster,
Hrogar, in a special costume made by Senior Apprentice Samuel."

TGW-LC>> Aisling offers the greenrider a wink, barely visable behind the
mask before she notes in a slightly lowered voice. She mutters to Kichevio,
"... I... believe... what... are... men..."  Her bells tinkle joyfully as
she straightens, attention back to the show.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio grins at Lyse, and says, not unkindly, "Practice that for
a couple of Turns."

TGW-LC>> "Ooooo, that's the Weaver who did this," Kindre remarks as she
brushes some wispy feathers away from her neck. "I can't wait to see this
one," is further added. It would see she, too, is a bit warm as she uses
her mask to fan herself a bit.

TGW-LC>> Radar watches the curtain shift several times, and can faintly
hear frantic whispering goign on. He raises his voice and says more loudly.
"I give you Tillek's and the Weaver's favorite Dockmaster, Hrogar!"

TGW-LC>> Hrogar walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> Hrogar seems almost pushed out onto the runway and he looks to the
backstage area with a mixture of hope, despair, and unbridled promise of
revenge before he turns and tentatively starts waddling down the path
prepared. Baby rattle in hand, he glowers menacingly from underneath his
bonnet, face looking pudgy and very very unamused. "Dunna see why I had
t'wear this'un," could possibly be overheard as a dark mutter by those near
the runway.

<Weavers> I'sai says, "Oh, -Hrogar-. I like that mixture."

<Weavers> I'sai says, "And the mutter."

TGW-LC>> Kerwin applauds cheerfully for the unknown weaver, as well as
Hrogar, before considering Emelei's question. This too requires thought,
and thought takes time. After a suitable amount of time, he answers,
"Something like that. Well, no, not really. But it's close."

TGW-LC>> Radar coughs and can't speak for a moment. 
"The fact that the big, burly dockmaster from Tillek is in a fashion show is
funny enough. The fact that he's dressed in a giant baby sleeper is more
ludicrous than is reasonably necessary. A very light shade of baby blue
with spotty white patches placed seemingly at random, Hrogar's sleeper is
made from a light and snuggly cotton weave that is soft and warm to the
touch. The booties of the sleeper are straight-out part of the full outfit,
stitched up inconspicuously with expert care. Slightly baggy on the large
man, the outfit hangs low in places and is sure not to chafe where baby
must not be chaffed. When a view from behind is avaliable, the sleeper has
an adorable little bottom flap with oversized white ivory buttons. Frilly
lace of simple flowery design makes up for cuff and collar decoration while
tied around his neck and head is a combination bib and bonnet. The bonnet
is oversized and blue to match the sleeper while the bib is white with lace
frill with an embroidered cartoonish blue dragon on it, roly-poly in
nature, lying on his back, pudgy belly sticking in the air as his giant
oversized purple eyes stare out past his muzzle, a tongue licking out. In
his hand, or hands rather because of the size, is a huge rattle. Similar in
nature to the dragon on the bib, the rattle head is a big blue dragon and
the bulbous belly rings out as a small bell bounces around inside."

<Weavers> Katlynn giggles sooo much. Hro that is just fantastic.

TGW-LC>> Fiora bursts into a giggle--yarns shaking in uncontrollable mirth
as she gathers a glance of the latest model. "There's a costume to scare
the kids with."

TGW-LC>> Amara bursts out laughing, quite a loud sound for such a little

<Weavers> Kassima is snickering a lot. ;)

TGW-LC>> Kaylith raises a brow at the newest model, raising a hand to her
lips to cover her laughter. She can't hide it though, bursting out
laughing, lowering that same hand to her stomach.

TGW-LC>> Kindre's mask stops waving mid-stream. "My...shells..." is about
all the rider can muster by way of words before her free hand moves to
quickly cover the chuckles escaping her lips.

TGW-LC>> Talisha blinks several times as the next model comes out. One hand
comes up to cover her mouth in an effort to stifle her giggles, green eyes
wide beneath her mask.

TGW-LC>> Cailin shifts in her chair and almost misses the entrence of the
next costume, then disolves in near silent laughter.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio seems about to lose her crown of leaves as she doubles
over in laughter.

TGW-LC>> Kerwin is a polite sort, really he is. He's trying desperately not
to laugh at the poor man's predicament, but it's not -quite- working, as he
manages to snicker anyhow. "That is..." He has to think about this one too.
"Very brave."

TGW-LC>> Elya hides a grin behind her hand and glances at one of the
younger apprentices who is shaking with laughing.

TGW-LC>> Ekaterina just ... stares. "Oh my. Well." And she's hard pressed
not to just crumple into laughter, herself.

TGW-LC>> Alessandra has no such compunction to keep from laughing, and
bursts into giggles, laughing so hard that tears stream from her eyes and
out from beneath her mask.

TGW-LC>> Emelei continues to applaud as the spinner lady leaves, and right
on as the newest model appears, although the applause dies off to fade into
staring in gleeful astonishment. "Oh -wow-, I didn't know they made those
that big. She tactless though, and dissolves into snickering, shaking her
head. "Poor guy. Poor poor guy."

TGW-LC>> Radar finally gets out, "Ladies and gentleman, remember this is
the work of Senior Apprentice Samuel, should you be wanting a similar
outfit for your littles."

TGW-LC>> For a moment, only the sounds of bells and beads can be heard from
the figure in black, her giggles muffled behind a hand as Aisling considers
the big baby.

TGW-LC>> Amara brings her hands up to wipe at her eyes, she's laughing so
hard. That done, she starts to applaud all over again.

TGW-LC>> Kerellen giggles, wide-eyed. "Those are adorable," she murmurs to
the person next to her.

TGW-LC>> Lyse nudges Kichevio. "Can I take him home with me? He looks so

TGW-LC>> Hrogar makes his way slowly to the end of the runway, a gigantic
frown plastered on his face. His walking is a shuffling march which could
possibly be best musically accompanied by a dirge. When he finally reaches
the end of the runway he stops and purses his lips tightly, staring out
from his bonnet with a glower the like not seen before on Pern. Suddenly, a
voice hisses from back stage..."Say it!" Hro turns, hands on hips, the
rattle jingling. "Nay! I'm nay goin' t'say that!" Again, a hissed "/say
it!/" comes. Sighing, resigned to his fate, Hro turns around and shakes the
rattle laboriously before calling in a loud grumpy voice. "I've been a very
bad boy" -rattle rattle-. "Are ye happy now, bleedin' sea suckin' bildge
fish!" he yells back.

TGW-LC>> "Hey Alessi.. I think I'll order one of those for your baby.."
Tali calls across to the greenrider.

TGW-LC>> Merielan raises a hand to hide her giggling from the poor, much
beleagured man. Her head tilts to the side, lips quirking upwards as she
leands towards Kich "Be back in a bit.." She murmurs, rising "T'kar needs
help with his costume."

<Weavers> I'sai **laughs**. Oh, Hrogar.

TGW-LC>> Merielan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> "The kids'd probably die laughing. I'd never be able to look at
them again." So decides Fi, restraining her laughter, finally, with a
sympathetic glance towards Hrogar.

<Weavers> Br'nal chokes.

<Weavers> Kassima takes notes. Bleedin' sea-suckin' bilge fish.... ;)

TGW-LC>> "I am going to personally thank Samuel for this display," Kindre
remarks and then glances at her own ensamble. "I suppose I'm lucky to have
what I do from him," is added further, mostly to herself.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai wonders whether Hrogar will ever come back to Telgar
after this. ;) ;)

TGW-LC>> Kichevio murmurs back to Lyse, "I doubt he'd appreciate it. See
how grumpy he's getting?"

<Weavers> Radar loves it! And thank goodness I'm logging!

<Weavers> Katlynn dies laughing. Ohmygooooodness.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima shakes the Magic Eight Ball and consults it. 'My
sources say no.' ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kindre thinks we should all dress up in similar outfits one
night and converge on Tillek ;)

<Weavers> Br'nal wants a copy Radar....with knot comments left in if
possible. :)

<Weavers> Hrogar says, "I have one pose left. don't worry"

Telgar Weyr> Whinde laughs

Telgar Weyr> Fiora laughs! Invasion of the Big Babies of Telgar.

<Weavers> Br'nal fears.

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio giggles hysterically. :)

TGW-LC>> Kaylith goes on laughing, though she manages to stifle it after he
rattles off that insult.

<Weavers> Radar nods. "Yes, you do Hro."

TGW-LC>> Amara murmurs, "Must be time for a diaper change."

Telgar Weyr> Aisling wouldn't mind. ;)

TGW-LC>> Greylin snickers, but doesn't otherwise make a noise.

TGW-LC>> Alessandra stares back at Talisha, a look of utter horror on her
face. "You order one for my baern and I'll get Kiyoth to have Imanath drop
you from the Star Stones!"

<Weavers> Katlynn wants the knot stuff too :) Omgodness that was /so/ funny
Hro. My cheeks hurt from laughing.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre thinks we could even strap big rattles to our dragons
riding straps for added effect ;)

TGW-LC>> A bluerider near enough to have overheard Amara informs the entire
Cavern, loudly, "*I'm* not gonna change a diaper that size." Just in case
there had been doubt of this.

TGW-LC>> Cailin can't stop laughing!

Telgar Weyr> Fiora says, "And we can flock to the tavern to drink alcohol
out of baby bottles."

TGW-LC>> Talisha giggles softly, eye-brows waggling at Alessandra. "She
wouldn't do it.." she glances again at the big baby on the stage, then
looks back at Alessi. "Don't worry, I'm not /that/ mean."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Yes!! *LOL*"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima *dies*.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha fears for the poor tillek people.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Gives a whole new meaning tot he phrase milking
your drink ;)"

Telgar Weyr> I'sai groans!

Telgar Weyr> Alessandra chokes. KINDRE!

Telgar Weyr> Aisling rolls. Oh my.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre grins, oh yeah :D

Telgar Weyr> Fiora laughs!

TGW-LC>> Alessandra just grumbles, though her eyes dance from beneath her

TGW-LC>> Radar isn't going to touch that topic, no way! He bites his lip
until it bleeds to get himself under control, after raising his eye patch
briefly to get a very good look at Hrogar's costume.

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio throws something at Kin. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "As long as it's not strained peas, Kich ;)"

TGW-LC>> Ekaterina snickers, sticking her tongue out at Alessi. "Eh, you
argue too much, sis."

TGW-LC>> Cailin starts takeing deep breaths to regain control.

TGW-LC>> Hrogar stands a moment longer and eventually just sighs heavily,
finally resolved to just take it like a man. It can't get worse than this.
With a last shake of his rattle, Hro turns and waddles back off towards the
back stage area...when what /could/ go worse actually does. The bottom
flap, fastened rather improperly is shaken a little more loose with his
turn and about half way back from whence he came, the flap drops open with
agonizing slowness, baring all that can be borne. Hro, seemingly unaware,
plods blindly on while he unknowingly moons all of Telgar. Tillek will need
to negotiate for quite a while after this. And Hro finally leaves.

TGW-LC>> Hrogar enters the backstage area of the runway.

<Weavers> Katlynn chokes.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Speaking of strained..."

TGW-LC>> Only the tell-tale tinkle and clatter of Ais' beads betrays the
glance she throws towards Alessi, her mask hiding the sudden grin but not
the flash of mischief that runs through her eyes as she seems to be taking
note of something.

TGW-LC>> Fiora chokes, coughing and spluttering into her hands with
vehemence. "Oh, dear shards. The poor guy!"

TGW-LC>> Amara howls.

TGW-LC>> "You know," Kindre can not help but offer aloud, "I think he'd do
those leather pants of J'lyn's some justice," and then falls into laughter.

TGW-LC>> Kichevio drops her head into her hands and gives up. "Oh dear
sweet merciful _Faranth_..."

TGW-LC>> Elya thumps the giggling apprentice beside her on the arm to hush
him up, even though she's grinning from ear to ear.

TGW-LC>> There's another horrified, but amused, snicker from Kerwin. This,
apparently is beyond even his abilitiy to remain polite in the face of. "I
wonder if he lost a bet?" He has to murmur absently. He applauds for the
poor man however, as well, you have to respect guts.

TGW-LC>> Cailin closes her eyes, covers mouth with a hand and loses the
battle agian.

TGW-LC>> Kaylith raises a brow as she spots that, though she keeps her
mouth closed. Not commenting on that, nope.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "Ladies and gentleman, you have been priviledged
tonight. You have seen the Fashion Show costume that will actually be more
famous that J'lyn's buttless pants. And that brings us to our final model,
Telgar's deadliest and richest greenrider, Kassima!"

You leave the backstage area of the runway.

Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives.

Kassima can't really be said to strut down the runway, no; but to her
credit, she doesn't cower behind one of the curtains either. However
tempted she may be to do so. Instead she adopts a long-legged stroll of a
pace--a hunter's casual, deceptive prowl--and concentrates on not meeting
anyone's eyes. Nope. Because maybe, if she doesn't look at them, they won't
look at her either. Riiiight.

Radar goggles briefly at Kassima's outfit before getting back to business.
He says, "Fire couldn't be called hotter than the burning shade of red
sliding over this woman's tall, slender form. Lines clean-cut and clear are
devoid in this crackling hot ensemble--jacket's leather so soft and supple
as to cling and mold to her every curve. The sleeves run tight down her
arms, finishing with a crisp top at her wrists. Gaping leather at the front
allows for much more than just a glimpse of her flesh--a smoldering view
that races down to a point between her cleavage. Tiny leather covered
buttons slide down the front, allowing the jacket to be fastened higher up,
or left to tease and tempt the way it is. Finally, matching fiery pants
slide down her legs, leather appearing to mold around their every curve and
muscle before reaching her ankle where they stop in a straight slice. Her
feet are held up at a curving angle--burning red straps wind up and around
her ankles, twirling into tiny knots there. Open-toed, the shoes are more
than the ideal conterpart for the outfit.
	Her mask is an ornate design of burning red--supported by a slender
twisted stick to be held in one hand. Polished red crackles into a strange
looking shape, like a skull with no jaw. Slanted eye holes flicker out into
tapered points at each side, inlaid with tiny chips of glittering stone.
Emerald eyes hide in shadows when the mask is held up to her
face--disguising her identity to perfection. Her black hair is pulled up
into an ornate series of braids and twists, ribbons as red as the rest of
her fiery ensemble twining through. Spiralling out obliquely from the
temples of the mask--long, tapered points that could only be called horns
add interest to the strange appearance of the design. Perhaps the shrewd
glint in her eyes might give the wearer away... but otherwise, it would
appear that she is temptation itself."

Kerwin starts to applaud for the next model as well and then looks...well,
disturbed is perhaps a little kind for the reaction. His eyes widen in a
moment's shock, and then he has to, yes, cover his eyes. After all, if he
can't -see- the evil, it's not there, right? "Oh no, poor Sane Aunt Kassi!"

Aisling's jaw drops below the level of the concealing veil "Red." Is all
she says, even her ornaments are still, perhaps the sound stilled from shock?

Kichevio stares briefly, then begins to applaud, commenting in Alessi's
direction. "That's _our_ Wingleader!"

Radar consults his notes and adds, "Her costume was also made by
Journeywoman Katlynn, should anyone desire to buy one for themselves."

Cailin wipes the tears of laughter from her eyes, and regains control as
she gazes in amazement at the new costume.

Kindre's mouth gapes at her dearest friend's incredible ensamble. "Mayhaps
if she wore that sort of thing when proddy...well...Jays. It's...just
gorgeous on her." After a few moments of thought, she adds, "I'm going to
have to go see this Katlynn."

"I'm wetting," chortles Fiora, to use slang from her youth. Eyes attempt to
hold back tears, without success, which promptly stain the wooly mammoth of
her costume. "Go Kassi!"

Alessandra whoops wildly, standing up and clapping madly. "All right,

Emelei's jaw simply drops in wide-eyed shock. "I -know- my mother wouldn't
approve of this," she decides, staring with widened eyes of examination.
"And that's how you get babies," she mutters decisively, but applauding
loudly, and even adds a cheerful whistle, then blinks up. "-Aunt- Kassi?"
she repeats, almost horrified.

"What about that one?" Aisling notes in aside to Kichevio.

"Go Kassi!" Even Talisha jumps up from her chair to applaud her,
alternating between clapping and whistling and standing there with her
mouth gaping wide. She blinks, then grins at the girl next to her, "I think
I might get one of those.."

Greylin murmurs something that sounds much like, "Oh, Great Faranth..."

Kassima pauses her walk to turn her head and give Radar a disbelieving
look. "Oh, aye, someone would actually *buy* this," she mutters. But hey,
if she's going to advertise... she tosses her head, gives Kerwin a 'Pity
me' glance, and twists about in leisurely fashion. Even striking a pose for
a moment or two. Maybe she's hoping someone will throw marks, even if she
doesn't glitter?

Elya applauds enthusiastically. "Oh, wonderful," she beams.

Kichevio is a bit distracted by that costume. "What about it? I wonder how
long it took to get into it..."

Kerwin looks sufficiently alarmed at Emelei's words, shaking his head. "Not
up there by -herself- it isn't." He's still covering his eyes. "And not
really. She's a cousin. But she's old, so I have to be polite, mother says
so." Kerwin does, yes, pity Kassima tremendously, but he can't -quite- show
that, since he's cowering.

[Editor's Note:  Kassi is *not* old.  Just for the record. ;) ]

Fiora holds her stuffed and padded sides in gingerly as she rushes to her
feet. "Dying of heat. I'll return when I've cooled down." Such is announced
to no one in particular, an amused glance sent towards Kassi as the
bluerider departs.

Fiora walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Emelei nods in full sympathy at Kerwin, despite still clapping up a storm.
"Took a -long- time to put on," she agrees with a nearby comment, then
looks even more understanding at Kerwin. "But she looks really really good
for someone so old. You can't see with your eyes covered, y'know."

As no marks go pitter-pattering onto the stage--ah, well, it was a long
shot anyway--Kassi inhales a voluminous sigh. Unfortunately, this is the
sort of outfit in which such sighs have a marked, well, noticeability, and
all the skin beneath the rim of her mask turns rose-red as this occurs to
her. Little wonder she makes haste of her turn-and-teeter back to the
stage, the high heels making her gait into something of a helpless sashay
to her inevitable horror. "You guys *owe* me for this," she fires to Radar
before disappearing behind yon merciful curtain in a last flash of hot-red

"I know," Kerwin agrees with Emelei. "That's the point." The giat ovine
continues to cover his eyes with his...well, hands really. But tonight we
are -pretending- they are hooves, because we are all good a 'Let's Play
Pretend'. "Poor Sane Aunt Kassi."

You enter the backstage area of the runway.

TGW-LC>> Radar says, "That is all we have for tonight. Now all of our
models will come out one last time to show you their outfits again."

TGW-LC>> Kichevio plays it safe, and only wolf-whistles _after_ Kassi
vanishes behind the curtain.

TGW-LC>> Br'nal walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> Katlynn walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> Hrogar walks down the runway

TGW-LC>> Keara walks down the runway

You leave the backstage area of the runway.

Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives.

I'sai walks down the runway

Br'nal looks around for the catcher of his hat as he takes a bow with the
rest of the models.

Kaylith crosses her arms over her stomach, head tilted to the side as she
watches the models.

Radar watches each of the models walk back out, and takes a place next to
Keara. Scummy Raider next to the Queen Raider--what a contrast. "We thank
you all for coming to our show, and will be willing to make any of the
costumes you saw here tonight, or any other, at your convienence." He leads
the others into a group bow.

Alessandra whoops again, cheering for both Kassima and I'sai.

Hrogar bows slowly, warily, while blushing like a young lad. He's obviously
been told of what happened and the flap is, thankfully, back in place with
an extra button sewn in in the last few minutes.

Keara saunters out again, pretense of arrogance gone and a delighted grin
in its place. She adds a wink to Radar and a murmur, after they straighten up.

Amara jumps up and down a few times, cheering and applauding.

Kerwin does tug his hands down from his eyes to applaud for the assorted
models. It's a reasonably cheerful sort of applause, if still a little

The young girl who caught Br'nal's hat earlier raises and yells, "I love
you, Black Bandit! I'll treasure your hat forever!"

An audible wail of, "Do I *have* to?" is audible before Kassi actually gets
back on stage... with a teeter to suggest that she may, just may, have been
pushed. After one trepidatious glance to the audience, she tries to bow
with the others without falling out of her costume. No easy task.

I'sai sketches a light bow - one-handed - and then laughs Br'nal's way. He
mutters to Br'nal. 

Kichevio stands up, applauding enthusiastically and whistling fit to break

Katlynn sweeps along beside the other models, lips curling up into a
beaming smile. She aims a grin across to Radar as she dips at the
waist--bowing--then straighens up. She reaches out as if ready to catch
Kassi's arm if she falls, but keeps her attention turned on the cavern.

Br'nal chuckles at this, turning to the Weaver-Announcer, He mutters to
Radar, "... have... commission..."  He comes up and, following I'sai's
advice, blows the young lady a kiss.

Greylin applauds the models, but stays seated.

Aisling's bells and beads jangle cheerfully as the greerider applauds the

Cailin applauds appreciativly.

Kerellen catches sight of Keara and begins applauding.

Amara walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Ekaterina puts her fingers to her teeth again and whistles shrilly,
clapping for -all- the models.

Emelei claps vehemently, adding her wolf-whistles to the rest of the crowd
loudly and brashly. "Aww, c'mon, you gotta -see-," she informs Kerwin
impatiently, then bounces slightly to beam at the models. "The raider thing
is just fun. Wonder if real raiders dress like that. Maybe -that's- what I
oughta be."

<Weavers> Katlynn bounces. Your all wonderful! Thank you so much :)

Lyse joins in with the applause. "One day" she mumbles to herself.

<Weavers> Br'nal says, "Thank you so much for the chance, this was great
fun. I'll have to see about organizing something soon at Ista. :)"

Kaylith looks each one up and down, joining in the applause before quietly
slipping out.

Tella walks in from the bowl.

Kaylith walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

I'sai grins sidelong at the brownrider - and at the hat-claimer in the
audience - than asks so very plaintively of web-wearing Katlynn, "Is it
safe to belt up now?"

<Weavers> Kassima just has to ask. Do the models get to keep the costumes? ;)

Kindre, too, adds her hands in applause for the models as well as offering
a few whistles.

<Weavers> Hrogar says, "No. God no"

<Weavers> Katlynn grins. But of course!

<Weavers> Radar laughs and says, "If the maker of your costume agrees, yes!
And I say Keara and Br'nal can keep theirs." :)

Keara sketches a playful wiggle of her hips to the audience, putting one
hand up to her hat and executing a slow turn to show off her outfit again.

<Weavers> I'sai says, "...Katlynn, can I? ;)"

"If your admirers make no complaints.." Katlynn winks sidelong at
I'sai--even sweeping an appreciative gaze up and down his form before
turning away again. She sends flirty winks out into the crowd, two fingers
pressing to her lips in a kiss for those applauding.

<Weavers> Katlynn grins. What do you think Is? Of /course/.

<Weavers> I'sai says, "Thanks. ;)"

Hrogar tugs at the stubborn bonnet. "Can I get outta this 'ere thing then?
I've got t'get back t'me wife. She could be birthin' our child right
now..." Hro bites his lip.

Tella steps into the room in time to catch the applause of the audience.
Hands on hips, she surveys the crowd before turning to look at the line of
models. A smirk crossing her lips, she chuckles.

Kassima murmurs, giving that girl with the hat a dubious look, "'Tis a good
thing we're nay getting auctioned off again. I'll bet the bidding would be
bloody for the brownrider." Alliterative, also.

Br'nal turns a sly glance at Hrogar, "Let's hope her an easier birthing
than you might make!"

Radar hmmms and says, "I'll have to suggest that to Master Nuala--another
auction. You'd bring us a tidy sum in that outfit, Kassima."

I'sai shudders - shivers? - and then, well, just laughs. "Thanks, weaver,"
and casts a wave to the arrival before murmuring more quietly, "Too bloody
for -you-?"

Canus walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Kichevio calls to Hrogar, still grinning, "You could commission a cute
little baby suit likes yours for it!"

"I hope that isn't the baby's first outfit, or I feel really sorry for his
wife," Emelei decides with a moment of thought.

Hrogar does allow himself a hearty laugh at Br'nal's joke, but he does look
a little nervous, an obviously foreign feeling to the big man.

"I think real raiders are probably scruffier," Kerwin decides after another
of those long, involved, considering pauses. "Maybe."

Br'nal turns an aghast look at Kassima, "Auction! But those...those are for

<Weavers> Katlynn Oooohs. Who wants to be auctioned? ;)

<Weavers> Radar says, "All models are dismissed! Fashion Show is over." :)

<Weavers> Hrogar says, "Me me!"

Keara turns and gives a wink and a blown kiss to (not I'sai!) but to Radar,
then swishes her way down and towards the kitchen.

Vasha weaves his way through the audience, moving stiffly as if not
entirely comfortable with what he's wearing, and sidles up by Talisha,
nudging her with his shoulder. "Hi there, Talisha." He looks up at the
runway, a wide grin splitting his features. "I got here in time to see most
of the show... brilliant, I say... brilliant!" Shaking his head, he
chuckles softly.

Keara walks off towards the kitchen.

Br'nal brings his hands up to the mask for a moment, and then decides to
leave it, as he slips off stage, amongst the audience.

<Weavers> Katlynn giggles. Hro you have to get back to that wife of yours
;) Thanks everyone, again. *smoooooch!*

Kassima chokes. Audibly. "I would *nay*!" she doesn't--quite--wail, before
tilting her head to I'sai. "At least," she murmurs back, "the blood would
go with the costume, I suppose, but they didn't throw marks at *me* t'be
making purchases with." Yes, even more mortified than she's ever been
before, Kassi can still tease I'sai. Will wonders never cease.

<Weavers> Hrogar pouts and nods. ;) later all!

Dark eyes dancing from behind her mask, Alessandra starts laughing at poor
Hrogar. "I sure hope the baern doesn't take after that'n."

<Weavers> Kassima grins and thanks the Weaver-types! This was a terrific
blast. :)

Br'nal walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Hrogar continues to look a bit nervous before just heading off quickly to
change and depart for Tillek.

Hrogar enters the backstage area of the runway.

Katlynn makes a quick exit then--slinking off toward the bowl still wrapped
up in her costume.

Katlynn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

<Weavers> Hrogar hugs all. Thanks for the great fuN!

From the kitchen, Keara can be heard over the general din of pots and pans
and feastmaking, shouting orders as she ducks into a corner and changes
into her costume.

<Weavers> I'sai says, "Woo, weavers. :)"

Kerellen walks off towards the kitchen.

"Nothing wrong with scruffy. Lots of sheep are scruffy," Emelei points out
to Kerwin with complete cheer, still watching the chaos with undisguised
glee. "Oh, I have -got- to write mother about this. She'll be horrified."

Radar steps off the stage and goes to get something to eat. It takes him a
while to find all the food, thanks to his impaired vision.

From the kitchen, Kerellen approaches Keara and asks, "Do you need any help?"

Talisha looks up just in time to catch a glance of a /pink/ frilly lacey
fluffy -thing-. "Sweet Faranth.." she murmurs, dark eyes flinging wide than
they did for the baby-man. "Vasha? Shells.. I didn't think you'd really do
it.." she jumps up from her chair to greet him.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai passes on thanks from Hrogar to all of you. :)

Elya laughs and thumps the apprentice next to her on the back. "I think
they /were/ real," she gasps.

"That's because, if they tried to put 'em in your costume, they'd just roll
back out again," I'sai tells the wingleader, pausing to scratch idly at his
hip. "And... Faranth, I small dinner; maybe they'll be distracted from you
at _that_. Here," and he hops off the walkway, heads into the audience.

From the kitchen, Keara hops on one foot to get out of her breeches,
pointing curtly towards the counter, "Where've you been - oh, you're not -
anyhow, go check those appetizer platters.

<Weavers> Radar wanders off for the night. Thanks for the RP and see
everyone later!

<Weavers> Br'nal says, "Tahnk you Radar!"

<Weavers> Katlynn grins.

Vasha groans, his shoulders hunching, the move sending his wings
a-fluttering. "Don't remind me... I just hope this goes by fast." He turns
back to look Talisha up and down. "You look a lot better than I do. You do
know, you're going to pay for talking me into this."

<Weavers> Katlynn says, "That couldn't have had /anything/ to do with me..

From the kitchen, Kerellen nods and hurries over to the platters, looking
them over and giving tenative orders to the drudges. As she moves along she
becomes more confident.

Kichevio peers at the pink-feathered man with interest. "Who's your brave
friend, Tali?"

Radar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Alessandra just watches silently, dark eyes darting from one person to the
next curiously.

Talisha waggles her brows at Vasha, reaching out to poke at one of his
feathery wings. "But you look so nice!" she giggles, turning her head
towards Kich. "This is Vasha, he's from Tillek."

Aisling raises a gloved hand to offer I'sai and Kassima a wave as she makes
her way towards them. "Beautiful costumes." She notes as she appraches.

Canus wanders in without a costume and heads for the serving table. He
looks around, his jaw drops, then he gets a knowing look.

Kassima protests with a blush and a poke at that glittery jacket, perhaps
to make it jangle, "*I'sai*. That isn't fair." Turnabout is *never* fair
play. As she trails redly in his wake, she wonders, "D'you think we'll have
time t'change into something sane a'fore the dinner's ready, or... wait a
moment. It smells like it's done *already*."

Emelei continues to survey the merriment with great ado, and quietly slips
out for a few moments with determination.

From the kitchen, Keara makes the final adjustments to her costume and
calls, "Alright, grab your platters and follow me - careful in the bowl."

Keara walks in from the kitchen.

Vasha turns to face the speaker, and grumbles, muttering in an aside to
Talisha, "Mark my words, you're gonna pay..." He then smiles and nods
towards Kichevio.

Kerellen walks in from the kitchen.

Kichevio offers a hand to Vasha, trying not to grin _too_ evilly. "I'm
Kichevio, Saulith's rider. Pleased to meet you, Vasha."

Talisha slides up next to Vasha, making sure her shoulder bumps into his.
"Doesn't he look just adorable in all this /pink/?" she asks Kich, grinning

Vasha lifts his own hand, clasping Kichevio's by way of greetings. "I wish
I could say the same, but..." Grimacing, it's clear enough that he's not
too happy about the pink affair with -wings- that he's wearing.

I'sai skips a forward step at that poke, only to - "...Ais?" there's that
familiar voice, yes, but she's wearing such _black_. "Sweet Faranth, what
are you - come on, let's eat," and waves her, and the feathered types and
the others nearby, towards the bowl. That lad in pink gets a second,
'glad-it's-not-me' look along the way.

Cailin takes the oppertunity to look at some of the costumes she missed
when she came in.

I'sai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Servers carry platters at shoulder-height in a line through the cavern,
following Keara's swishing; the tall goblets of wine are visible, but the
appetizers aren't as easily seen.

Aisling eyes Kassima's costume for a moment. "Hopefully that has room to
expand someplace." Such a positive soul she is. "But it is just beautiful."

Keara walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

"I can sympathize," Kichevio laughs. "Although it is quite...distinctive."

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.