
Did You Know...?

Date:  April 13, 1996
Place:  Lysseth and Kassima's Weyr
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  I've debated on and off for a long time about posting
this log; I decided, finally, while reviewing ancient logs to see 
which I wanted to add to my public collection, that I would. :)  This
is a short scene, but one fairly relevant to Kassi's life:  she's
just received her new weyr, and her friends Aphrael and K'nan are 
assisting her in moving into it, when T'fian decides to stop by and
share something with Kassima that she hadn't known before.


The Log:

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Lysseth with << My rider wishes to know if he can
visit your new home. >>

Lysseth> I bespoke Meroth with << Of course. Your rider is welcome to
visit. >>

Meroth backwings for a landing.

T'fian quickly slides down Meroth's foreleg and jumps to the ground.

Kassima looks up from her unpacking and waves to T'fian. "Heyla!" she says
in a cheery voice. "Sorry it's still kind of a mess around here."

T'fian glances around the weyr, smiling idly to himself before looking
around for people. He smiles to Kassima. "Oh, that's okay," he chuckles.
"Took me two turns to unpack. Well, actually far less because I didn't have
anything, but you know."

Aphrael smiles and leans against Prefeth, making no move to help Kassi.
"Heyla T'fian."

Kassima chuckles. "I don't have too much, at the moment," she says,
gesturing to the unadorned walls. "So it probably won't take too long."

K'nan is somewhat assisting Kassi unpack..he's moving things around,
anyway. It doesn't look like he knows where they go, but he's moving them.

T'fian smiles to Kassima. "I just wanted to see how you're doing in the new
place. And to ask you a couple of questions." He nods to K'nan, an older
wingmate, and Aphrael, a newer wingmate.

Aphrael chuckles at Kassi, "I bet soon the place'll be so full you'll have
no room to put anything else."

Kassima grins at Aph. "Probably," she conceeds. "Once I have time and marks
to start accumulating things." She puts down the bag she was emptying and
nods to T'fian. "Ask away."

K'nan nods amiably to T'fian, and moves some stuff about three feet. It
looks like he's helping, anyhow.

T'fian grins. "First of all, I was just curious if you knew the
circumstances around you being chosen for Thunderbolt?"

Kassima shakes her head. "Not really, and I must admit that it puzzled me a

Aphrael grins at Kassi, "Maybe if you ever get your debt payed back from
Thera," She murmers.

K'nan sets down his latest pile of 'stuff', and looks over curiously,
wondering himself.

T'fian laughs. "P'tran told me the night of the fall. It was also one of
the reasons he was somewhat derisive of my choice in selecting you to lead
Moonrise. He told me after, but he was derisive before. It was somewhat
amusing to watch the events which led up to your being chosen for your wing."

T'fian glances around. "Oh, would you like some help? It's only fair for me
to be your drudge after the turns you spent as mine."

Aphrael tilts her head slightly. There was a reason in that?

Kassima looks doubly curious now. "Well, I could always use some
amusement," she comments with a chuckle. "So, if you don't mind saying--"
She breaks off and laughs. "Nah, I've got most of the heavy stuff moved
around. All that's left's a few knickknacks and other such."

K'nan catches Aphrael's eye, and shrugs as well. He has no idea either

Aphrael smiles back over at K'nan, then pretends to move a box around. She
-did- help earlier, though.

K'nan grins, then pushes a box across the ledge. No idea what's in it, just
moving it.

Kassima adds, "Thanks for the offer, though. Really, I have the boxes just
where I want them--or did," she says, glancing around. "Could've sworn I
had these in different places just a moment ago...."

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Hey, it is 'moving', right? ;) Well, I'm moving...."

T'fian nods, smiling. "Okay. Well, anyway, the wingleaders were meeting,
typical thing. Each one having something bad to say about all the
weyrlings. Except you, Kassima. I thought they were all going to rip out
each other's throats over you. Seems they /all/ wanted you for their wing.
So, P'tran finally pulled out that bag of weyrleader tricks and did
something he's not done since he became weyrleader. He said you were slated
for Thunderbolt. End of discussion. I thought the wingleaders were going to
turn on him, then, in a group. Very amusing."

K'nan blinks over at T'fian. "Really?"

Kassima blinks, and blinks again. "Me? Really? You're not kidding me, are

T'fian nods to K'nan. "Really."

Aphrael doesnt blink, but looks suprised nonetheless, "Well, congrats
Kassi." She grins over, "So much for everyone else graduating before you
and all." She winks.

Kassima shakes her head, puzzled. "But why? I mean, I'm pretty far from
perfect... as I've shown in the past," she remarks with a slight sigh.

T'fian nods to Kassima, smiling. "So, you ended up in the Weyrleader's
wing, which, honestly was a good choice. You're a good rider, and
Thunderbolt needs the green. And the decision was made before the 'fall.
Despite what happened, I think it served to reinforce P'tran's decision."

K'nan grins, sitting on the box he was pushing. "Well, congrats, Kassi..."

T'fian smiles over to Aphrael. "Personally, I thought T'nnar made a good
decision with you, Aphrael, as well. Even though Skyfire doesn't have the
prestige it did when Weyrleader D'vin led the wing. Since then all of
Weyrleaders seem to have come from Thunderbolt. I knew we'd get T'lar
because we had no bronzes, but I can never argue another blue."

Kassima worries her lip for a moment. "I guess I'll take your word for it,"
she says, still sounding dubious. "I can understand needing Lyss, at
least." She glances over to her lifemate with a slight smile as Lysseth
rumbles with amusement. "I can't say I quite understand your logic," she
continues, "but I can have faith that y'all aren't out of your minds."

Aphrael pushes the box back to where it was before.

Benden Weyr> K'nan peers back up. Y'know, I just echoed Aph without knowing
it. Like two minutes after her pose. ;)

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Stop it. ;)"

Benden Weyr> K'nan has enough people in his head. *grin*

Aphrael tilts her head at T'fian, then smiles, "I'm happy to be in
Skyfire," She says, glancing over at K'nan.

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "So put up a "No Vacancy" sign on your head,
K'nan. :)"

Benden Weyr> T'fian says something now to make it seem that K'nan is really
not talking to himself. Oh, wait, Kassima beat me.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael is a psychic. ;) Since I -am- living in your future. ;)

Benden Weyr> K'nan grins. But, T'fian, I -am- talking to myself.

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "One of the benefits in living of the land of
the supside down sun, Aph.... :)"

Benden Weyr> Aphrael remembers Meli asking me to read her future. :)

T'fian glances between K'nan and Aphrael for a moment. "Shards. I thought
that was jut the incredible amount of wine and 'green stuff' you were
drinking last night."

Benden Weyr> Kassima remembers that, too. During the story with the
repeated Captain Morgan references. :)

Aphrael blinks, startled, at T'fian and blushes slightly. She goes back to
pushing the box around.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael ROTFL!!! I'd forgotten that. ;)

Benden Weyr> F'nar stands in a crowded elevator and furrows his brow,
tensing the muscles in his neck and face. Slapping his palm against his
forehead with outstretched rigid fingers, he begins in a low voice and
crecendos quickly, almost ending in a yell, "Won't all of you just SHUT UP!"

T'fian turns back to Kassima. "And do you really think a dragon choses a
Candidate that has a predisposition to sanity. Nobody sane'd do the job we

Kassima watches Aph pushing around an empty box for no apparent reason and
just shrugs. She's seen Aph do stranger things.

K'nan smiles back over at Aph, then laughs quietly at T'fian's comment. He
grins, "Naah...."

Benden Weyr> K'nan eeps, and shuts up.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael blinks and F'nar, and begins to cry. :)

Kassima chuckles. "Ah, now, that would explain many things...."

Benden Weyr> F'nar is talking to himself, btw. Or at least the 50 himselfs
he knows about.

Benden Weyr> Jehrina rolls.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael is the 51'st F'nar.

Benden Weyr> T'fian wonders where F'nar is finding a crowded elevator at
this time of night...

Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "Netcom, of course. When the smokers go on break"

Benden Weyr> F'nar says, "What time is it there, Aph? :)"

Benden Weyr> Aphrael says, "5pm. :) Perfect for a crowded elevator. :)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima advises F'nar to try this next time he's in a crowded
elevator: get a friend to ride with you, and get them to say to you once
you're on board, "Well, sure, I'll take your case--but why did you kill the
guy?" Then answer, "Because he kept staring at the back of my head." If it
doesn't clear out the elevator, it'll at least be entertaining. :)

Benden Weyr> K'nan laughs.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael says, "Of course, its Sunday.. but.."

Benden Weyr> Jehrina giggles

Kassima watches Aph for a moment more and then just can't resist pointing
out, "You do realize you've been shoving an empty box around for the past
five minutes, don't you?"

T'fian nods, grinning. "It does, doesn't it?" he smiles. "Oh, I know you
probaby don't remember anything of last night, and this goes for you too
K'nan, but have you seen my knot. I oughtta give the sharding thing back to
Cerilla, but I seem to have misplaced it last night."

Aphrael frowns at Kassi and nods. "Ayep. The squirming tunnelsnake told me
to do it." She says slowly, then pushes the box again.

K'nan chuckles softly, "Hey, if she wants t'push an empty box 'round...eh,
knot?" He thinks back. "Last night...last night...I remember...a table...."

K'nan rubs his head, and winces slightly. "A very /hard/ table."

T'fian blinks at Aphrael, but doesn't make any comments about a 'squirming
tunnlesnakes' even though he's thinking about making them.

Aphrael hrms slightly. "Last night? Um, all I seem to remember is Kassi,
talking. Like, non-stop. And, er, wondering why the ceiling had moved.."

Kassima looks thoughtful. "Well, aside from my dissertation on tuber wine
that fish make from inside of tunnelsnakes," she says with a rueful
chuckle, "I don't remember too much. But I think I recall you--or at least,
one of you; I was seeing double for awhil there--sitting at the table
toying with something. Might've been a knot."

T'fian nods. "I didn't think any of you'd have any idea... or clear
recollection. And I'd like to apologize for being somewhat moody last
night.... It's like kids growing up, if you understand what I mean."

K'nan smiles. "Actually, I 'member most of it..until th'table bit."

Kassima shakes her head. "I'm sorry, but my memory is pretty cloudy," she
says apologetically. "I think F'hlan was in the room, though, and he seemed
sober at the time. Maybe he saw what happened to the knot?"

T'fian nods. "Maybe. I think I'll ask him when he next ventures forth."

Aphrael chuckles softly and finally picks up the box and puts in on a shelf
somewhere. She seems at a lost of what to do now.

K'nan thinks some more, the empty box beneath him starting to give way,
though he doesn't notice. "Hmm...I 'member F'hlan coming along...and...I
think I said something to him about something....um...then..." He glances
over at Aphrael, and grins. "I think I got distracted, dunno."

Aphrael chuckles over at K'nan, "Hrm, that -might- have been my fault," She
admits with a smile.

K'nan grins back, "Hey, I'm not 'xactly complaining, nor was I then, eh?"

Kassima chuckles quietly, then comments, "I hope he knows--and I'm sorry I
couldn't help more."

T'fian shakes his head. "It's okay, Kassima. And am I the only person with
a weyrmate who has the same color, much less same sex, dragon?" he asks idly.

Aphrael giggles softly, "No, you're not. I'll just make sure to do it
somewhere more private next time, I think.."

K'nan glances back at T'fian, and shrugs. "Used t'." Turning back, he nods
with a smile. "Well, we all had reasons t'get drunk, so we were allowed."
He winks, "But, aye, prolly..."

Kassima shrugs. "In all honesty, I don't know--'round here it does seem
most weyrmates have different gendered dragons, though."

T'fian nods. "Seems so." He shrugs. "Oh, well, I'll let the three of you to
your sordid plans," he smiles.

Aphrael chuckles. "True. /Really/ drunk too.. the first time in about two
turns." She raises an eyebrow at T'fian, "Sordid?"

Kassima laughs. "We have sordid plans and no one told us?" she asks with a

K'nan chuckles, "We're found out, we have to kill you now, T'fian."

T'fian shrugs. "Well, I'm sure you can come up with them," he grins.
Glancing at K'nan, he shakes his head. "Hey, somewhere I've still got an
assistant weyrlingmaster's knot and still outrank you, Greenrider."

K'nan laughs, "But right now, you're not even a resident, I outrank you."
He winks.

Aphrael snorts amusedly and picks up the box, absently throwing it over
towards T'fian. "Have box as a token."

Kassima clicks her tongue at K'nan. "Do it out on the ledge, if you
please!" She grins. "What I've got may not be much, but I don't fancy
having it spattered with gore."

T'fian reflexively catches the box in both arms. He mock glares at Aphrael.
"Thanks. And don't try killing me K'nan. My dragon... well, any dragon,
actually... and a couple of firelizards... and maybe a vtol are bigger than
your dragon."

K'nan grins. "It'd have to be a big vtol."

Aphrael sticks her tongue out at T'fian, "Yeah, and Prefeth is bigger than
Meroth. And he's also protective of Veyath."

Kassima pictures a vtol big enough to ride on and shudders.

K'nan smirks. "He makes a great pillow...of course, so does Jareth, and
Sorath, and Meroth, and..."

Benden Weyr> Kassima now has this mental picture of entire wings of giant
vtols flying in the air... thanks, T'fian. :)

T'fian glances towards the ledge. "I wouldn't be so sure about that. But...
if we really want to get into it... Quinath is bigger than Prefeth and
protective of Meroth... and if that doesn't work, then there's always Alyssa."

Benden Weyr> Brin says, "Vtol-Riders of Pern just doesn't cut it, though..."

K'nan starts to chuckle, "Then Veyath could always get Vtanth, I
s'pose...hm...though Alyssa's a hard wildcard to beat."

Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "It was an insult on Veyath's size... meaning: a
normal sized vtol is bigger than Veyath, Kassima. :)"

Aphrael giggles softly and nods, "Okay, okay." She wanders over and plonks
down into a seat.

Vidarth backwings for a landing.

R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch.

T'fian glances over at the ledge. "Party at Kassima's," he comments.
"Heyla, Uri."

Benden Weyr> Kassima knows, but somehow that turned into a picture of giant
vtols in my mind... go figure. I don't know how my mind works. :)

Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "kassima's holding a party, I swear! :)"

Benden Weyr> K'nan . o 0 (Orgy at Kassi's?) ;)

R'val dismounts and glances around with a grin, "Nice, Kassi! I like the
way you've set it up.!"

Benden Weyr> Jehrina snerks

Benden Weyr> Kassima pthbts. :)

Aphrael chuckles and throws a box at R'val. "Heyla bluerider!"

Benden Weyr> F'nar . o O ( Breakfast at Tiffany's? )

T'fian Glances around and looks at Kassima. "This is set up?"

R'val catches the box and grins, "I take it I'm too late to help unpack."

Benden Weyr> Brin puts on her "Innocent Kitchen Girl" sign and watches the
innuendoes go whooshing past her head.

Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "Suuure"

Kassima waves at R'val. "Not really. You're in plenty of time to move empty
boxes around, like everyone's been doing," she grins.

R'val rolls his eyes with a grin, "Lucky me.L"

T'fian laughs. "I've not touched one box... except the one Aphrael threw at

K'nan reaches over to push an empty box over about three feet.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael ohs, btw Kassi, while you were gone we packed up your
stuff and took it back to the barracks. :)

R'val winks at Aph and grins, "I'm glad for you both."

Benden Weyr> Kassima arrrrrrrrrrrrrrghs! Well, at least it'll give y'all
something to help me with besides pushing empty boxes around. :)

T'fian chuckles, glancing around. "Ah, the final duty of a weyrling. Moving
into their own weyr."

R'val grins, "The only duty they do gladly."

Kassima grins. "Aye. Good to have help with this one--even help moving the
empty boxes."

T'fian grins at R'val. "No, they like teaching their dragons to flame, too."

R'val grins at T'fian< "And going between..."

Kassima adds, "And the first flights...."

T'fian glances at Kassima. "Speaking of which..."

Kassima raises one eyebrow curiously. "Aye?"

Aphrael chuckles softly, "Uh-oh. -Not- Lysseth."

T'fian smiles and grins. "Oh, nevermind."

R'val grins, "Dear mercy, no. So. what's left to move?"

T'fian grins. "My old butt, for starters. I should probably going to bed.
Late night's the time for you younguns."

Kassima casts a curious glance in Aph's direction, then shrugs. "As you
say, then." She smiles. "There's not too much left--just some trinkets and
clothing, spare towels and the like." She slides her hands into her
pockets, then frowns and pulls something from her jacket pocket. Her
expression clears when she sees it's the pendant. "I'll have to think of a
good place to put this until I can get a good chain for it--any
suggestions, Aph?"

R'val smiles at T'fian and nods, "Take care then, if you must go." He
glances at Aphrael and Kassima and grins, listening.

Aphrael chuckles over at T'fian, "Good night, wingmate." To Kassi she hrms.
"I'm not sure.. but if you go and Lily, I'm sure she can find something.
Till then, I can put it back in the box for safe keeping if you'd like."

K'nan chuckles softly, "If you're old, T'fian, I'm in trouble...clear
skies, though, m'friend. Sleep well."

Kassima laughs. "Thanks for the visit, then. Steer clear of the empty
boxes--a couple of them seem to have gotten in front of the entrance
somehow." She looks puzzled at that for a moment, then simply shakes her
head. "Clear skies, T'fian--rest well."

T'fian snorts at K'nan. "I got almost eight turns on you, K'nan," he smiles
and exagerates an old man's walk as he heads toward the ledge and Meroth.
"Clear skies, Riders."

K'nan smirks. "Aye, but I'm headin' that way..."

T'fian pulls himself up Meroth's foreleg, grasping the blue's riding
straps, and settles between his neckridges.

Aphrael snorts and tosses a box at K'nan, "Yer only a Turn older than me!
Don't say that!"

Kassima smiles. "Oh, I've got boxes aplenty, Aph," she says, gesturing to
the plethora of cartons. "It'll probably be safe enough on a shelf. Won't
take too long to find a good chain." She fingers her silver one.

Kassima chuckles at Aph. "How'd y'all get so old, anyway?" she asks with a
teasing grin.

From Meroth's neck, T'fian grins at K'nan and Aphrael, chuckling as he waves.

Meroth leaps off the ledge.