-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirty Dancing Date: July 22, 2001 Places: Telgar Weyr's Southern Bowl and Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: The title just about says it all, doesn't it? ;) Though there's actually more to this log than just the dancing; it begins with Kassi trying to comfort Kaylira after her daughter doesn't Impress at Telgar's Hatching, and continues on through conversations with Kelset and Timbril, a few songs, plum liqueur, visitations by various people, and *then* the dancing. Afterwards, Tarlo treats Our Heroine to some informal psychoanalysis. But since you're probably just interested in the danceage-a-cinq and lesson afterwards if those who've asked me about this log so far are anything to go by, feel free to scroll down until you see T'kar starting to shake his booty. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk south. Saskia walks here from the north. Kassima's steps are quiet, though her jewelry jingles; a green shadow preceded her somewhere above, landing on a high ledge and leaving her rider to take care of this 'consoling' business. "Kay?" she calls softly. Kaylira's chin lifts as she tursn her regard upon her mother. "Yeah, mum?" Casually she tugs her hair out of its braid. "You know, I'm glad I can get out of this robe." Saskia makes her way through the crowd from the south following closely after Kassima. She pauses as she spots Kaylira and hangs back a bit, giving the girl a sympathetic look. "I don't blame you. The bloody things aren't comfortable, if'n memory serves, and I don't think white's your color with that hair." Kassi hears Saskia's footfalls and turns about enough to offer her a quick grin of greeting, but most of her attention remains focused on Kay. More seriously: "Are you going t'be all right?" Kaylira's smile at her mother carries a sincerity that is borne in her eyes. "Yeah. I don't know why, but somehow this feels.. right? You know? I'll wait. There'll be other hatchings." Kassima reaches to try and tug at her daughter's braid. "Aye, I do suspect there will be. Can't tell you how glad I am t'see you taking it this way this time... while I couldn't really say it while 'twas your Coordinator--favoritism, y'know--*'twas* very proud of you." Another quick tug, if Kay allows, before the greenrider suggests, "Shall we join the merry crowd? Or I could meet you there, if'n you wish t'change first. Saskia, are you headed that way?" Saskia returns Kassima with a gentle smile, then suddenly her smile blossoms as she looks back Kaylira and she nods slightly. "I had to wait a hatching for Rinath to come." she murmurs so softly that it might not carry to the mother and daughter. Kaylira looks at her robe and grimaces. "I'd prefer to be in something less smacking of tell how sorry you are for me. I *know* my dragon is out there. I just have to be patient." Kassima's ears, though, are keen; she turns her head to nod her appreciation to Saskia, though her smile holds regret still. At least until she turns it back on Kay. "Makes sense t'me, m'lass. I'll see you in a bit, then? I hear there are plenty of the Istan folk here--you might be able t'catch up with 'em, too." Kaylira nods to both women now. "Maybe third time will be lucky for me. But I think I need a rest. I did less work when I wasn't a candidate - actually, mum. I was half thinking of going to Ista and... you know. Settling there for a time? " Saskia steps forwards towards Kassima "Yes, I am." Her eyes hold sympathy as well as amusement then she looks to Kaylira again "You definitely take after your mother." Kassima's lower lip is caught between her teeth. "Oh." It's soft, that. She draws in a deep breath, all trace of smile gone. "Well... that's your choice a'course, Kay. You know I'd miss you, but you're old enough t'live your own life. Methinks you've proven that." Kaylira watches that lower lip get caught between her mother's teeth. "Now, do you really think I wouldn't be here more times than you could shake a stick at, visiting? I dont know, mum. I just want to try living out of the shadow of my past. See what else there is." A twinkle of a smile is granted Saskia, "Thanks. Could do worse than to take after mum here." Saskia chuckles "There's a lot more work to come if you're lucky." She gives Kaylira. "If you don't mind my saying so, you might want to wait a few days before you decide to up and move. It's a big step, and well, I know how you feel. Well, in a way. I do know Kassi does cast a big shadow." "I know, minxlet. Just hard t'take, the thought that you're leaving me." Kassi *tries* for a smile; it's sheepish at best, as her thumbs hook through her belt. "You'll want t'be telling your foster-mother too, but I'm sure... I'm sure she'll wish you the best, too." The compliment brings a flicker of a grin, though no more. At least until that last. Then she asks, dry as dirt, "That sounds like an implication about m'weight, somehow." Kaylira inclines her head to both. "I'll stay a few days more and think. But I was getting ready to make the move before I got Searched this time. and it doesn't hagve to be forever. Besides... need to find myself a guy who doesn't know me so well to practise this kissing stuff on." This, with a wink to Kassi. Saskia laughs, her eyes bright blue with mirth. "Kassi, you are rather tall, t'is true. But I was speaking more of your character which is larger than life. You're someone I've always looked up to." She shakes her head and smiles "And if you give me a hard time about saying that later, I'll just chalk it up to posthatching gushing." Oh, yeah, that's reassuring. Give Kassi credit: she manages to suppress any urge towards disturbed cringing. "I'm sure you'll find someone, Kay," she agrees diplomatically. "Just don't *rush* t'make me a grandmother, all right? I have a baby girl; I shouldn't have a grandspawn nearly her age. It just wouldn't be right." She'll abandon the subject of the move, letting her previous comments stand; in lieu, she slips an abashed grin towards Saskia. "You," she informs, "have horrid taste in role models--but I thankee, Saskia; that's an honor, even if'n I worry 'tis one misplaced." Kaylira makes a face, she doesn't have her mother's diplomacy in this. "I said kising, not bedding. I'm in no hurry to have a yawling little." Saskia nods to Kaylira, eyes still bright "Thanks for listening. Ista's a nice place. Very hot though I did just promise Reye a visit." She grins mischieviously at Kassima "Perhaps. Mostly Rinath's fault, I'm sure." Kassima has to laugh, and after a moment's hestitation holds her arms out to Kay in an invitation for a hug. "You've got your head screwed on, m'dear; now just make sure t'keep it there. And if'n you go, *keep me posted*. You don't want t'know what your nosy mother would do t'spy on you if'n you don't send regular letters." She then turns her head to poke out her tongue and cross her eyes at Saskia. "What, Rinath's fault?" Kaylira moves easily into her mother's embrace, hugging the other woman tightly. "No fears. I'll let you know." A grin lights upon her lips. "I think she means the gushing. But who knows?" She, too, regards Saskia, though sans the eye crossing. Saskia chuckles and nods to mother and daughter "Both, I'm sure. Rinath always wants me to get out more, have more fun. And she has that Benden mischievious streak." Kassima hugs back, holding on for several moments before reluctantly forcing herself to let go, step back. "I should get in for that party, at least for a bit. A short break a'fore the endless cycle of Wing duties and mother-duties starts again, hmm? Will you come, too, Saskia? One of m'Wingriders passed on a rumor that there's a Harper in there." Saskia chuckles "Of course, Kassi. I'll be sure and ask for a song for you." Kaylira grins. "I'm game. I'll even forgo changing first. Though I have to say, white is not my colour." Kassima chuckles low in her throat, and makes one last attempt to muss Kay's hair before turning for the Cavern. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. Kyrola laughs at Langley's pun, she can't help herself. "Oh, that was bad," she gently chides her fellow weyrling. As Kassima arrives, she gives the formal salute. "Ista's duties to Telgar." Saskia walks in from the bowl. Pierron nods thoughtfully as he eyes the junior queenrider. Kaylira walks in from the bowl. Kassima wears an amiable expression as she passes into the room--at least until she's saluted; that gains a wince. "Erk." Still, when her eyes find the young woman's knot, she says nothing further and indeed returns the salute briskly. "Duties t'Ista and her queens, a'course... and t'anyone else who's visiting, duties t'them and theirs." Eyes picking out a former Candidate or two in the crowd, she asks with some hope, "There's still liquor left, isn't there?" Mirielle smiles at P'tod, and looks for a place to sit for a moment. "How've things been at Ista anyway?" "Pressing business, indeed," Kelt murmurs dryly, his expression blank to any further indication of his thoughts than this. "Well met, Langley. This is Timbril, our very capable and lovely Headwoman here at Telgar." Turning back to the Headwoman, he smiles more broadly, giving an exaggerated sigh. "I suppose I shall have to acquiesce, Timbril. I can't turn down freshly-pressed cider. I would love a mug." Saskia strolls in, chuckling softly. She smiles and waves to the crowd assembled "Telgar's duties to Ista and the Harper Hall and welcome." There's a bit of a lift to Timbril's eyebrows. "Actualy -- I was asking Master Kelset if he wished both -- I assume that you are not privileged with being able to drink wine yet .... Langely," she concludes as the name is provided. "A mug of cider for the Harper CraftSecond, coming right up," she intones cheerily, "and another for Ardenth's lovely rider," she says giving a half bow. "I shall be with you directly." And the headwoman's off again in a bubbling bustle of energy. P'tod waves a hand in a casual gesture. "Been all right. Trying to get these weyrlings ready to join the wings. That, and a lot of the same old things; not much new, really." Kyrola turns and smiles to Saskia. "Ista's duties to Telgar," she reiterates for the local queenrider. Then her eyes drift over toward the bustling headwoman, still clutching her glass of juice. Langley would wind up saluting indefinitely if she tired to keep up, so she doesn't; leave the social niceties to the goldriders. "It's true," she tells Kyrola sternly. "If you saw what I saw..." She trails off, turning to smile at Timbril. "No, not wine, ma'am. Definitely not wine. Thank you," she calls after the woman. "She's seems awfully busy to be waiting on, well, weyrlings." Kaylira adds her duties to the ones already offered and waves at some friendly faces - not seen recently. "Hey! You've all come from ista. Did you enjoy the hatching?" Kelset turns to look through the crowd at the hailing 'rider. "Harper Hall's duties to Telgar, her queens, and her newest additions. My sincerest congratulations!" he says, lifting his wine glass to Saskia. Kyrola smirks, leaning over toward Langley, murmuring, "Attached at the mouth?" in a querying voice. Kassima finds herself a plate of stuffed mushrooms and herdbeast with spicy sauce, along with a mug of cider; this is what she takes to her Wing's table, a bit of bounce to her step causing her kilt to swish. "Have fun, Kay," she murmurs in amusement to her daughter in passing. Once she's seated, she has time to look about. "Kelset!" she hails. "Lyss told me she'd heard 'twas a Harper here; should've figured 'twould prove t'be you." Lower caverns folk circulate in the cavern, checking glasses and plates, supporting the provision from the buffet tables as the line shortens and the number of people circulating rises. After a few moments, a party of Bakers emerges from the kitchens carrying a cake on a large platter. Written on it in icing are the words, "Congratulations" and the list of names of the recent Impressees. Beneath is also written "Thank you Candidates all." Mirielle smiles at P'tod. "How much longer do they have as Weyrlings?" Langley hesitates in leaving her spot, lest her beverage gets lost in the shuffle. But, after a second, she shifts a little toward Kyrola and nods drily. "Yes. And gushing all sorts of stupid chatter about how much they missed each other and wanted to kiss each other and it's just stupid." Timbril vanishes into the kitchen in short order. Briefly her voice, disembodied might be heard over the throng, berating a hapless unseen victim. Kyrola can't help but giggle. "It's better than her grumping all the time, don't you think?" she queries to Langley, then looks at the cake appreciatively. "We didn't get a cake," she says P'todwards with a mock-pout. Kelset glances back at Langley, an eyebrow lifted slightly. "She was waiting on only one Weyrling," he says, tone curiously veiled. "At any rate, it's been a pleasure meeting you. Have a good evening." Turning, he lifts a beaming smile to Kassima and begins making his way through the intervening figures. "Just call me the ubiquitous spook, Kassi. I hope you're not disappointed!" Timbril walks off towards the kitchen. "It depends how the lessons go," P'tod replies. "Two months, maybe three.. oh, and there's Kaylira!" He waves and calls out to her. "Hey, Kay! We came to see you do your stuff." Saskia smiles to Kyrola "Quite different from the ledges, isn't it?" she comments amiably, then nods to Kelset "Thank you, Craftsecond." she returns formally though there's a gleam in her periwinkle eyes. Mirielle mock-pouts. "Aww, and you didn't come to see me?" Laughing, she eyes the cake for a moment, and sighs, turning away. Kaylira bows with flourish to P'tod. "And I did as well as last time. Sorry it wasn't much of a show on my part. But weren't there some great hatchlings? That gold was gorgeous. And F'lone getting that tidy thing - better hiim than me. I could just see the arguments." Timbril walks in from the kitchen. Pierron nods with a modicum of respect as the headwoman walks in. Alaida walks in from the bowl. Jalar walks in from the bowl. Langley shrugs up a shoulder and tells Kyrola, "I guess so. Maybe now she'll shut up for a while about everyone else needing men." She eyes the cake in turn, saying with a quirk of her lips, "Cake just makes you fat." Timbril slips back into the crowd. At her heels come two stout looking fellows who set up a new cask, bearing the stamp of Nabol beside the wine casks. The headwoman however, moves through the crowd bearing two tankards, angling toward where she last spoke with Langley and the harper master. "Disappointed? Psssssh," Kassi dismisses, spearing her fork through a mushroom. "What other Harper would I hope t'see, I ask you? Apart mayhaps from Jaeleka, another time, but with luck I'll have more time for visiting now. Here for the Hatching, or here on business?" P'tod laughs. "You, too, of course, Mirielle! The two of you, but that's it. And, I'm sorry neither of you lucked out, but Kay, as I was telling Miri here, like as not there'll be other times for you. That brown did look like something else. F'lone, you said the boy's name was?" Kyrola nods to Saskia. "Yes, ma'am, it is," she replies with a grin. "Far different." Some scattered applause breaks out as the Bakers set the cake up. Then busily, apprentices start cutting into the large sheets, revealing a creamy white interior beneath starker white icing. Plates begin to circulate through the crowd bearing pieces of the treat. Alaida steps in, smiling brightly while holding Jalar's hand. She glances around at the crowd then waves over at those she knows before saluting the full riders. Jalar comes in holding Alaida's hand. He looks puzzled as he instantly hears the "Harper" word. He looks around quickly trying with a worried look on his face...trying to see who said it ... Kaylira nods at P'tod, grabbing herself something to drink and taking a seat. "I'm happy for him. He's been pretty sweet on my actually." for once she doesn't grimace as she says it. Mirielle stands, looking around a bit. "Maybe we'll get Searched together next time as well Kaylira." Langley hasn't gone too far from where she'd been standing, but she still scoots back over there to wave a hand toward Timbril, hopefully now in that busy woman's line of sight. "Luckily," Kelt returns, having moved a short distance from his earlier place next to Langley, "Hatchings /are/ my business, Kassima. Though I was here already, rather interestingly. I was witness to a lovely ceremony out on the lake. And, just as I arrived at the Hall, the 'rider informed me that I might want to head back." Timbril beams as she spots Langley. "HEre you are dear," she hands over one of the tankards. "Now where did that rascally harper get off too?" she says, scanning the crowd. "Ah ... there you are Master Kelset!" she says a bit more loudly. "Here's your cider, then sir." Kassima, the guilty speaker of The Word, turns her head to call over towards Mirielle, her tone pitched towards friendly reassurance, "I've little doubt you'll *both* be Searched again, although I admit t'some bias on Kay's part. You both made fine Candidates, if'n I may say so." Shifting her focus back to Kelt, she admits, "They're the business of many, it seems. What's this about a ceremony?" Kaylira whistles innocently, even as she nods at Mireille. "Who knows, Miri. Culd happen." Langley takes the mug in one hand and, at exactly that moment, spots what looks to be a Weaver-type huddled at a table in the distance. All but magnetically, she aims toward that lucky woman and sits down to chat about dresses and hairstyles and who knows what else. Saskia smiles to Kyrola "Have you gotten much of a chance to talk to Reye? I know how busy it is being a weyrling." She takes a piece of cake that's offered to her, then sets it briefly to return a crisp salute back to Alaida. Alaida grins and reaches to poke Jalar in the ribs softly then quickly tip toes, jumping to kiss him on the cheek. "Want me to get us some food? What do you like? " She definitely notices the salutes given back to her. At "Kelset", the Craftsecond turns seeking eyes to the crowd, which quickly light upon the Headwoman. Laughing apologetically, he lifts a hand, saying, "I'm sorry, Timbril; I relocated while you were gone. Thank you!" Taking the mug with his empty hand, he lifts it to his lips, an expression of extreme pleasure sweeping across his features. "I cannot describe it, Timbril," he murmurs, smiling at the headwoman. Leaning back against the seat next to Kassima, he says, "Several of the candidates were at the lake, and each, in turn, lit a candle which, placed on a walnut-shell boat, was set across the waters of the lake. Absolutely beautiful. I also heard two beautiful songs, one of which was sung by your very capable daughter." P'tod greets Kassima with a wave. "I don't doubt Semeth'd take her back to Ista in a heartbeat if he was let," he says, winking at Kaylira. Jalar smiles at the kiss and relaxes. Looking back down at Alaida, "Sure, please and, um... the packtail looks good." Mirielle grins at Kaylira. "There you go, Kay. You're already as good as Searched." Kyrola shakes her head to Saskia's question. "I fear not. We've all been very busy, ma'am," she replies. "But she seems nice." Timbril grins broadly. "Certainly -- it's my pleasure to provide all that Telgar has to offer by way of comfort" She notes as she profits from a few moment's idleness to lean against the back of an unoccupied chair. Her bird-bright eyes scan the room repeatedly though, keeping an eye on everything. "That does sound lovely, Master Kelset -- I wish I had been so privileged to see that." A pause and then. "So Kassi -- how did you fare at the clutch betting?" The headwoman's arms fold across her chest. Alaida smiles and nods, releasing Jalar's hand to walk over to the serving table. She gets two plate and begins to fill them, one with roast herdbeast and the other with packtail. Both plates get fresh greens and tubers then hmms at the drinks. She waits and heads over to a tabel to set the two plates down, motioning Jalar over before she turns to get two mugs of cider. Kassima makes a face at P'tod. "You Istans have *already* won her away from me; d'you have t'rub it in?" she mock-grumbles, though there's a fleeting grin afterwards to underline her lack of seriousness. "At least unless I can convince her t'stay, but I haven't much hope... and 'tis her choice, anyway." Pushing a piece of herdbeast around on her plate, she asks, "Candles? What a curious use for 'em, but it sounds pretty. A shame I missed it. Ach, Timbril, 'twill have t'catch up on the records Miryenne was keeping for me up on the ledges--'twas too busy watching the Candidates t'take much note this time. But methinks I didn't do too well, or too poorly." Cake on plates continues to circulate about the hall until only a quarter of the confection remains upon the platter. As the line at the wine table dwindles, Moravi is relieved by another lower caverns assistant, a lad with lanky limbs and floppy brown hair. The blonde girl moves away from the table, to silently join the ranks of staff who are now being able to partake themselves of the offered bounty. Kaylira winks back at P'tod. "Semeth is a sweety. You tell him I'd take him up on hte offer." Saskia gives the bustling Headwoman an amused glance, then ahhs "That's too bad, Kyrola. I haven't spoke much to her myself recently. She had a um rather interesting weyrling period. I hope yours is rather easier." Jalar heads over to the table where Alaida motions him, "Wow. No one waits on Apprentices at the Hall." "Oh, would you?" P'tod brightens immediately. "We'll have eggs again, soon, you know. Yanaleth flew Omfaleth-- maybe you'd be searched again for their clutch." Alaida laughs as she heads back to the table with the plates. "Get use to it, love. I like doing this for you. " Whoops, did she say that loud enough to be heard?? She instantly blushes, glancing around the cavern before sitting. "You do a praiseworthy job of it, Timbril," Kelt says smiling slightly--though his eyes betray greater amusement. "My condolences, though, Kassima; I imagine anything aside from a windfall is something of a disappointment for you." Lifting his glass to his lips for another long draught, he comments, licking his lips contemplatively. "I wouldn't have guessed white wine and cider to be such a fine complement. Though it's not doing much for my reputation, I imagine," he says, placing the wine glass on the table for a moment and sipping from the mug in his opposite hand. Kyrola is given a slice of cake, and she holds the plate gingerly. "It's been... well, interesting, I guess," she replies to the Telgari goldrider. "But not as interesting as I heard hers was, no. For that, I'm grateful." Jalar glances quickly over toward the Harper CraftSecond then back at Alaida, "That all depends on some other people's choices, dear." More grave, turns Timbril's expression and she shakes her head a little. "I'm quite sorry to hear that Kassima -- perhaps next clutch fate shall see you better through," she says and then dimples at Kelset. "Why thank you kindly, Craftsecond. I'm sure I try my best -- as for white wine and cider together ... I must confess never to have tried it, but perhaps will at the earliest opportunity." Alaida ahems, following Jalar's gaze to Kelset, blushing and nods. "True. " Kelset, fortunately, is absorbed in his conversation, and Jalar's glance reveals an unaroused interest on the part of the Craftsecond. Kassima turns her attention away from her daughter and the Istans, settling it more firmly on the Craftsecond and Headwoman. "Ah, well," is her airy quip. "Can't win 'em all, and I'm certain I made *some* profit--just nay one of the small fortunes I sometimes see. I didn't wager scarcely aught on or against any Candidate, for one. I didn't think I could be unbiased about any of 'em after helping K'ran and Macami in coordinating; I thought too well of nigh all t'bet against any." Jalar looks around, "Pity the new weyrlings can't be here." Saskia grins to Kyrola "Glad to hear it. Still, it all turned out all right in the end. Omfaleth's about to have a clutch." Her eyes glaze over for a moment, then sets down her plate for the last time. "Please excuse me. I'm needed in the dragon infirmary. It was nice to meet you, Kyrola. Hopefully I'll see you when I visit Ista." Kyrola nods. "I'll look forward to it, ma'am," she replies to Saskia. "Clear skies." Timbril's lips turn up at the corners. "I'm afraid I was as unbiased as you, dealing with candidate duty, day in and day out. My own opinions were far too well formed, though in general, I do not wager on clutches. It seems to be though, that this will be a very good class of Weyrlings -- though I am happy enough to wash my hands of them for the time being and focus on the influx of regular staff that always results after a Hatching." Saskia nods and waves "Telgar duties and clear skies." then strides off. Saskia walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kelset lifts his eyebrows slightly. "The earliest opportunity?" He nods. "I'll hold you to that," he says, a smile creeping through his sombre expression. Turning his eyes to the Candidate Coordinator, his expression becomes pained. "I'm terribly sorry to hear, Kassi, that your prowess at robbing the less-than-prudent has been dampened by the encroaching of feelings." Alaida hmms and nods, digging into her food light. She glances toward the bowl before back to Jalar. "Oh, I hope they'll be here. This is in honour to them and their new lifemates. " "I'm looking forward t'having a bit more time, m'self," Kassi freely admits through a gulp of cider. "But 'twouldn't have traded getting t'help with 'em this time. Should be very interesting t'see what sort of riders they make, hmm?" She takes a moment to wave after Saskia, before rolling her eyes and aiming a poke towards Kelt's ribs. "Shhh, don't say it so loud. People might expect it t'become a regular occurance." Kaylira can't help a snicker at her mother's poking of Kelset. Or, rather, the reason for it. "I'm thinking I should grab a soak and change into clothes. If you'll escuse me?" Standing, Kay nods to the Istans, and the others. P'tod helps himself to a bit of the cake that's been going around. "Oh, leaving, Kaylira? Well look, if you decide to rejoin us just give a yell." He waves to her, smiling. Jalar squeezes Alaida's hand, "Did you get to much of your Hatching party?" Timbril's lips twitch a little, as if fighting a smile. Whether it be at Kelset's or Kassima's words though is uncertain. "Quite so -- it seems these Candidates were well cared for indeed, and I'm sure we could all use a little bit of down time ..." That said, her eyes wander the cavern again, noting the lessening of the press of bodies. She signals to one of the assistants and discreetly staff begin to move through the room collecting dishes and beginning the duty of cleanup, while others continue to serve. Kaylira's fingers wriggle over goodnights, and she heads off. Kaylira walks towards the inner cavern. Mirielle looks around and smiles at P'tod. "Do you suppose the harpers will start playing dance music soon?" Alaida nods and smiles. "Some of it. I saw my parents. My mom looked happy but my dad looked upset a bit. I think he was upset that I wouldn't be a Herder to bring back knowledge to the cothold. " "Don't know," P'tod says, looking around with a shrug. "Do they usually, at the hatchings here?" Jalar hmms seriously, "I haven't met your parents." Mirielle shrugs, and leans over, grinning. "I don't know. Don't tell anyone, but this is the first time I've been to a hatching here." Kyrola nibbles on her piece of cake. "I hope not," she says to P'tod's comment, scowling mildly. "You're probably in luck," Kassi asides to P'tod. "She's said she might want t'go t'Ista t'settle for awhile." Her tone as she says this is completely neutral. "Oh, Timbril, you're nay kidding--nay that down time's quite the word, with Kiss still so young and plenty of Wing work. Yet 'tis nigh winter, so there should be some time for a break soon enough." Kelset quickly shields his side with one arm, managing to blunt the effect of Kassima's well-aimed poke. Unable to restrain his light, musical laughter, he only nods vigorously in acquinesence. "I promise, I promise, Kassi," he manages. "Besides, I'm sure you'll set the record straight for anyone with hopes of an altering trend. At any rate, I'm glad to hear about the new Weyrling class; they looked like a fine pick. The whole Candidate group did, in fact... such a sizable number, too." Sipping from his cider, he continues, "And I hope you /do/ use your time to come visit the Hall. Kassima, you've certainly an excuse, with both Jaeleka and my always handsome and charming self present. Kelset, glancing about the various tables, comments more quietly to Timbril, "It looks like you're going to make it through. The fare was wonderful, and I see nary an unsatisfied expression, Headwoman." "Why not?" P'tod wonders, casting a puzzled glance over at Kyrola. At Kassi's remark, he grins. "Well. Probably be good for her, at that. Lots of times, people have a need to be away from family for a bit to figure things out on their own." He's not altogether tactful, perhaps, but he means well. Mirielle glances around and sighs. "Looks like I won't get that dance after all, P'tod, but thanks for agreeing." Kassima's eyes roll up, good-naturedly, towards the ceiling, but she obediantly leans in and flutters her lashes. "Come, come," she chides, "you'll make all your female Apprentices jealous with a suggestion like that." Leaning back into satisfaction at the poke's result, she adds, "You'd better *believe* 'twill set the record straight. Ach, P'tod... I know, I know, but can you blame me for nay being so pleased that m'eldest wants t'be leaving? Moreover, that she's *old enough* t'be leaving. Makes me feel positively antiquated." Kyrola explains in one word. "Waverider." She goes back to munching on the cake. Jalar looks around, "Did someone mention the WaveRider?" "Oh!" P'tod's features immediately rearrange themselves in a sympathetic expression. "I hadn't realized she was your oldest. That /does/ make a difference. Well, and if she decides to settle at Ista I'll keep an eye on her for you, how's that?" Timbril chuckles softly and nods toward the tankard in Kelset's hand. "Indeed ... I'm most fortunate, to be blessed with a staff that is by and large quite talented. I think I shall indulge in availing myself of a bit of that wine. Tillek is my home hold and I must confess that we have the vintage far less often than we have Benden, yet there is something of home in it. Thank you though for your compliments to our cooks, I am sure they'll appreciate the word of a Harper." She pushes away from the chair she was leaning against and nods toward Kassima. "Yes -- we do all look forward to winter --" and then she breaks out laughing at the eyelash fluttering, stepping away to secure a glass of wine for herself. Kapash walks in from the bowl. Kassima makes a face. "Oh, good, so people think I'm old enough t'have children even older," she mutters. "This isn't m'day... but I do thankee, and will quite avail you of that offer, methinks." To Timbril, she simply offers a quick, mischievous wink in response to that laughter. Kapash makes his way into the caverns, his presence abrupt, curiously looking here-there, a youthful smile as he took place upon that cavern wall. His eyes tucked neatly to one side, almost as if he was conversing with hi'self. Palms running the lengthy of the stonework as he peered on, into the room, with deceptive chuckles. Mirielle smiles at P'tod and looks for the fastest way out to the bowl, what with all the people milling around. "I'll see you again, P'tod, yes? And then maybe we'll get that dance?" A Harper Journeyman signals to a few apprentices, including Jalar, then starts heading toward one side of the cavern. Jalar nods curtly, then looks at Alaida, "Duty calls, love. I shouldn't be too long, though." P'tod nods to Mirielle. "Yes, indeed, one way or another-- do keep in touch, now. Anyone you'd like me to greet for you, back at Ista?" Mirielle looks like she's about to mention a name, then changes her mind as a cloud seems to pass over her face. "No, no thank you, P'tod." Alaida nods and smiles to Jalar. "Of course, love. " she murmurs even as she finishes her meal, then leans forward with her mug in hand to wait for the music to start. After a brief sojourn at the wine casks, and a murmured conversation with one of her assistants, Timbril returns to where Kelset and Kassima stand. "Well ... things seem to be progressing nicely," she says with a broad smile. "I love this point in a gathering, where things begin to run themselves." Kelset rolls his eyes, waving his half-full tankard dismissively. "Hah!" he says, smirking pleasantly. "I think my apprentices would be in a state of shock at the forced realization that their Chorus Master didn't promptly step back into the musty old office he stepped out from at the beginning of practice and hibernate until the next session." Kelset nods slowly, eyes upon Timbril, as she explains her love of Tillek. "I understand, actually. For me, the whole attraction of wine comes in its nuances--my first wine was Benden, as Weyrharper, but it wasn't until I began to have some of the more unusual vintages that I became really interested in it. Tillek's is one of my favorite... it's such a singular taste, and, for me, carries with it sea-ballads. That taste I could /never/ grow tired of." Eyes following the Harper Journeymen and the following Apprentices, a smile rests upon Kelt's lips as he responds to Timbril, "Well put." He gives a soft sigh of pleasure. "It's wonderful to have the privilege to be first a listener every once in a while." Kyrola gives Alaida a mild grin at her behavior with her friend. "Alaida, I never would have thought I'd see the day," she says by way of compliment. "Then perhaps someday you should surprise them, Kelt. Commission something outlandish from Katlynn of Weavercraft, and get up on a table t'laud them with some terribly bawdy ballad," Kassi suggests, not--or so one might hope--seriously. "I'truth, Timbril, 'tis so. Does that mean you can sit and enjoy the fruits of your labors yet?" Jalar stands up and lands a brief kiss on Alaida's cheek before heading to join the other Harpers. The ensemble sets up quickly and the Journeyman gestures to them, in a seeming cryptic manner. They launch into a quick-paced, familiar song that praises the dragons of Pern. Timbril tips the glass she now carries up to her lips, swallows, and nods to the harper. "I had no idea you were so found of the sea, Master Kelset -- though indeed, I find that once it gets into your blood, it's hard to get it out again. The sea I mean." Her eyes travel toward the harpers setting up. "Ahhh -- so we're to have some music after all -- lovely." She grins at Kassima. "I can and I shall." Alaida blinks and turns to look over at Kyrola. SHe blinks again. "What, Kyrola? " she looks confused at that. Kyrola just shakes her head, grinning. "I seem to remember a day when you were... concerned... that men were paying attention to me instead of you... yet you, Alaida, are the one /with/ a guy, and I'm not. How times change, hmm?" Kapash looks to that queer populace, nothing but exponential ravings. His lips screwed in a posh indifference. Gesturing to himself in odd movments of his hands, *Twitch*. He looked down upon..his chest..startled by his own peculiar familiarity. Grinning as he turned to one side, blinking mindlessly into the distant wall. Mirielle walks towards the inner cavern. "Oh, Kassima, I can't even /imagine/," Kelt responds with a roll of his eyes, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Luckily--for them--I would die of embarassment before I could make it to the table. Though I do have quite the store of bawdy ballads... Faranth, but Caoilfionn had an absolutely inexaustible supply of such tunes." Pulling out the seat he has been leaning against, he offers the seat to Timbril. "Not so much the sea as the songs, I think. It's as if that amazing salt smell has permeated the very atmosphere of the place itself, and is communicated through the melodies of the sailors." Alaida blinks again, then suddenly blushes. She actually looks humbled. "Times have changed, yeah. It shocks me also everytime I look at him. She jumps up from the table and walks over to Kyrola to plop down in a seat near. "Trust me, I find it just surprising. He doesn't even care that I don't have any curves like a woman. " Timbril's brows lift, but she doesn't turn her nose up at the courtesy and settles into the offered chair. "Thank you kindly, Kelset. Bawdy tunes eh? Any chance of you performing tonight?" she quips, eyes a-twinkle and a wink tossed Kassima's way. "Ahhh ... so it's the music of the seaholds that draws you ..." she continues in a more serious vein. "I suppose I should not be surprised at such, from a harper." P'tod gets to his feet. "I'm going to head outside for some air," he tells his weyrling charges. "Be sure you don't leave without checking in with Sem and me." He waves, and heads out toward the bowl. Kyrola grins toward Alaida. "See, you didn't need them to begin with to snag a guy, so there." P'tod walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima murmurs, her cheery expression slipping a bit as she sees Mirielle go, "I hope she's all right. I'truth, as best I can tell they're all taking it well, but...." The thought trails off. She waves her mug towards a free chair. "Then by all means, do? Now, Kelt, I'm sure 'twould be a spectacle *most* worth seeing. You'd doubtless be amazed. But here, now; there's music, it seems--why don't you ask our good Headwoman t'be dancing? Or one of the Weyr's other guests, for that matter." She grins at the wink, though hides it beneath that oh-so-handy mug. Alaida looks up at P'tod and nods. "Yes, Sir. " then back to Kyrola, blushing again. "I still would like them but he doesn't mind that I don't have them. " she murmurs. Kapash coughs in a corruption of stale conversing. Eye brows quirked as he listened in on the moanings. Distrought by the morose gamblings of drunken fools. A smudgen grin and he was pleased with his own ill thinkings. That finger tracing its way up along his side in bored motions. Whispering more-so retarted comments to his lonesome self. Giggling in earnest to the idiotic mentions. Kyrola chuckles as she polishes off the cake. "You've got a couple of turns to go, so don't worry about it," she remarks to Alaida. As more folk trickle out, the staff become a bit more ubiquitously obvious in their cleanup actions. Furthermore, as harpers tune up and play, they clear away some tables, making space for dancers. The first couples begin to drift into that space as the music's beat is fit for dancing. Alaida wrinkles her nose and glances over at the Harper's playing, including Jalar. "I'm almost 16 Turns. I hope it is soon. " What a conversation during a party! She finally lowers her voice, smiling a bit more. Alaida mutters to Kyrola, "... finally..." "Though I hate to annex myself, I'm afraid you're correct," Kelset says to Timbril, sighing self-depreciatingly. "It's always the music. As for a performance, I will certainly /not/ be performing one of Caoilfionn's songs; I see a similar scenario of death-to-embarassment were I to attempt something of the sort. Something along a different vein? Perhaps." Emerald gaze shifting to Kassima, he says, "Dance? And subject some poor woman to my unbearably leaden feet? Fair enough. Timbril, I am afraid Kassima has selected you for the sentence. Would you be so kind as to join me in a dance?" His manner has become poisedly formal and graceful as he makes his request. Kyrola blinks and stares at Alaida. Then she starts giggling. "Good on you," she replies. Alaida grins brightly, giggling as well. "I am happy about that. " The first song ends and the Harpers start into another piece. This a more stately air with words at least as old as the oldest Records on Pern o/~ "When in digrace with Fortune and men's eyes / I all alone beweep my outcast state, / And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries / And look upon myself and curse my fate, / Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featur'd like him, like him with friends possess'd, / Desiring this man's arts, and that man's scope, / With what I most enjoy contented least; / Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, / Haply I think on thee, and then my state / (Like to the lark at break of day arising / From sullen earth) sings hymns of praises at heaven's gate, // For thy sweet love rememb'red such wealth brings, / That then I scorn to change my state with kings." The song, played with a simply tune, ends with a mellow chord. Kapash looks snootily over at the people who *Had* maliciously ingested that sugary substance..Cake..uttering something degrading under his intoxicated breath, inaudible a'course to those others, escaped only to his person in *Jest*.."Drunkards and gluttons." Wincing at his own humility, he just..looks at the wall, banishing himself from further remote participation. Kyrola listens to the harpers in silence, smiling at the conclusion of the mellow tune. Timbril, glass lifted, blinks over its rim at the harper. "A dance? Well ... hmmm ... if it be so much of a sentence, I'm not sure if I should risk my feet!" she says with a laugh. "But as you are so gracious as to ask, and Kassi has so generously volunteered me, I shall not refuse." She sets her glass down and gets to her feet. Her eyes turn toward the harpers. "Though it remains to be seen if what they next play shall be danceable." Kassima allows herself to settle into pleased-ness as her suggestion is taken, finally attending to her somewhat cooled dinner. The song is met with a flickered, slightly pained smile. Kapash shrugs at his psycotic "Stint", a single finger raised to pluck nervously at that bottom lip. Daring to be drawn into his own crazed trespasses. A soft pink tongue gliding over those Not-too-well-brushed teeth. Finally, his head collapsed into the stoney tiers with a small "Thud" resting in that upraised position for countless moments, feet nearly sliding out from under him, arms dangling at his side in a coersive swing. Kaelyn walks in from the bowl. N'tan walks in from the bowl. Kaelyn walks into the living cavern with N'tan chuckling. "High Reaches Duties to Telgar and her queens." She speaks a rider near the entrance. Kelset regards Timbril solemnly for a moment, then lets out a despairing sigh. "Fair enough; you've forced honesty from me." In a slightly hushed voice, he confesses, "I'm a wonderful dancer. But, as to the next song, I suppose we can only wait and see, mm? N'tan points to Kaely, "What she said!" Smirk. Kyrola turns as she hears of new arrivals. "Ista's duties to High Reaches and her queens," she returns the greeting politely. Alaida looks over at Kaelyn and N'tan, smiling. "What Kyrola said. " N'tan grins at Alaida.. A faster tune comes next from the Harpers. It has a fine rhythm for dancing and a merry melody. It just invites folks to celebrate by moving to the dance floor. "Duties to the 'Reaches and her queens," Kassi semi-echoes, nodding amiably enough to the newly-arrived pair before her eyes are drawn back to Kelt and Timbril. Kapash wonders for a moment, before looking o'er his shoulder, starring back at the crowd. Uttering to himself, just a *tidge* more hear-able this time, questioning himself a diplomatic vocalizations. "Benden's..Duties..Telgar.." Grit' his jaw in passive polit'ness. Other sweetmeats than cake, and finger foods are now laid out in strategic locations as the bulk of the staff begins to join in the merriment rather than lingering at service locations. The cleared circle fills up with more dancers as the harpers' music turns lively. Having discussed every measure of fashion from shoes to ribbons and back again, Langley and the weavers finally come up for air. With parting promises to keep in touch and send trifles, Langley slips away from the table and heads over toward a few Istan types. "Ista's duties," she chimes. Kaelyn looks at the people in the room and speaks. "Are we intruding?" Timbril laughs. "Oh I see -- so it's dissembling that you resort to now? Tsk, Kelset, you should know better," she admonishes teasinly, but takes the offered hand as danceable music starts up on the 'floor'. She sends a wave Kassi's way and notes: "I think that thta young fellow over there needs a partner too." At a call of duties from the entryway, the headwoman waves. "And Telgar's back! Please come in and enjoy refreshment, dancing whatever suits your fancy." Kassima asks in genuine surprise, "On a Hatching celebration? Ach, perish the thought--anyone's welcome who cares t'be here, and I'd be surprised if'n there isn't plenty of food left if'n you're so minded. Dancing, too, I believe...." And speaking of which: "I can't dance, Timbril! So I'm safe from any sort of revenge of that sort." Kapash Wouldn't really bother if they were intruding, not his room, for sure. He confirmed his own deformed dance'ability with a shudder of his right hand. Alaida giggles softly at the grin from N'tan. "Come in and have fun, Sir, Ma'am. The harpers are just starting to play. " and she motions them in to join the party. Kaelyn smiles at N'tan and then heads into the room. "Thank you. I'm Kaelyn, bluerider of Nepenth." N'tan grins, "N'tan, green Zuzith's rider." Alaida smiles. "I'm Alaida, Weyrling of Green Devath of Ista Weyr. " she introduces herself back to Kaelyn and N'tan. Kaelyn smiles warmly and offers her hand. "Well met Alaida" "Kassima, green Lysseth's," Kassi introduces amiably in her turn. "G'deve and welcome t'you both." Kapash chuckles at his own pitifulness, introducing himself in a way-quiet *Whisper* "I'm Kapash, the Benden Baker-Boy." fidgets of laughter emerged from his usually undisturbed phisique. Alaida smiles, smoothly standing and covers Kaelyn's hand in the traditional Pernese greeting. "A pleasure, Ma'am. " Langley smirks at Alaida the hostess as she sits down, then turns her chair slightly to bring the Reaches riders into her line of sight. "Excuse me, sir, ma'am. Can I ask something?" Kelset, laughing lightly, scowls playfully at Kassima. "You're a woman, you don't /need/ to know how to dance. Just follow!" he says, drawing Timbril away from the table toward the dancers. Finding an open space, he slips a hand confidently to her waist and, drawing her other hand outward, sweeps her into the whirling splendour of the dance. His boast was not an empty one, for he leads confidently, and with the crisp, playful movements of one long practiced at the art. Kelset, sweeping the 'Reaches riders into view for just a moment, calls out cheerfully, "Harper Hall's duties to High Reaches; welcome to the festivities!" Time for a more extended welcome is simply not present, as the pace of the dance is anything but liesurely. Kaelyn smiles at Kapash. "Nice to meet you" She then turns her attention to Langley" Being a woman, Timbril has, apparently, nothing to do but follow. And so, she does, getting whirled about vigorously and skillfully. He cheeks flush up nicely in no time at all. In fact she laughs quite gaily, seeming to enjoy the brief break in her application to duty. Kassima tips her chin up in an exaggerated pose of righteous pique. "Craftsecond, are you saying that being female makes me fit only for *following*?" Her eyes, though, gleam her amusement at the thought, and she drops the appearance soon enough. Nodding an amiable acknowledgment of Kapash, the greenrider then twists about in her chair to eavesdrop shamelessly on the conversation between the guests. With smoothness betraying a bit of practice, the Harper ensemble modulates the music to another key and moves into a second dance song with the same tempo. "I think," says Langley, considering N'tan for a moment, "that I met you a time or two when I was at the Reaches, sir. I'm Langley, a former candidate there. What I wanted to ask is how long ago did your weyrlings graduate? If you remember." She includes Kaelyn in the question. Kaelyn looks at N'tan and lets him take the lead to answer. More folk join the dancing, whilst others circle the cleared space, clapping their hands to the beat, urging the dancers on. Quieter knots of conversation form here and there about the cavern, amidst the pleasant company. Kyrola smiles toward the Reachers and belatedly introduces herself. "Kyrola, Zaith's. Nice to meet you, certainly," she says, sitting near Alaida. "I am suggesting," Kelset returns with an arched brow and controlled grin, "That because you are a woman, you have the luxury of not /needing/ to know how to more than follow, Kassi-dear." Kaelyn watches the crowd dancing with her green eyes intense, but very lively. She taps her foot lightly to the music and then turns her attention back to Langley and N'tan. Timbril ducks under Kelset's arm, noting a bit breathlessly, "I'm not so sure about that Kelset -- it seems to me that for a dance such as this, knowing where to put your feet, led or not, might be a good idea ... if only to avoid accidents!" Kapash consequently decides, mustering 'nuff courage to move soberly in turn, to the refreshment table-thing, seating himself with a quickly snatching of that chair, rolling his feet forward to acheive a slightly more comfortable fitting. Grating his hands against those arms, wringing digits about the wooden posts. Eyes darting whimsically across the room, seemingly dancing in time to the music. Feet scuffling a beat under-foot, pushing up any debris that would happen to impede him. Rolling his thighs to the side as the larger *Bass* hits, sweetining his posture to the delicate tones of the requiem. Her voice entirely droll, Kassi suggests, "Tell that t'my Wingriders sometime, Kelt, if'n 'twould. I'm sure they'd be thrilled t'hear I don't need t'know how to lead, hmmm?" There's no tenseness in her manner to suggest that the offense is genuine, however. Alaida moves to sit back down next to Kyrola. She glances over at the Harpers playing again and smiles. The Harper emsemble brings the dance tune to a graceful conclusion. They clearly need to catch their breath as well as give the dancers a break. Kaelyn claps loudly as the Harpers finish their song. Alaida grins and quickly claps when the music stop. Kapash tosses several 'knowing' looks to the has-been dancers, smirking in a soleful glance to the band of harpers, adding his clapping to that of Alaida's. Kelset, twirling Timbril several times in succession, tosses his head carelessly. "I suppose you're right," he admits, airily. "I think," he continues, grinning once more, "That it's the obligation of a man, however, to belittle the role of following; it's more than traditional." As the song winds to its finale, Kelset dips Timbril low over one knee, pausing long, then lifting her back to her feet. "Thank you kindly, my dear Headwoman; it was an unequaled pleasure." Kyrola leans over and murmurs to Alaida, She mutters to Alaida, "... to... there, no..." Kelset, briefly casting a glance toward Kassima, spares her a mirthful smile. "Then turn those well-known and constantly demonstrated skills toward learning how to lead someone in a dance, my friend." Kaelyn looks at N'tan for a moment realizing that he is watching someone and addresses Langley. "Our weyrling just graduated recently. Were you in that group?" The first set of Harpers begin to pack up and rejoin the party crowd while a new group begins to take up positions, set out instruments, discuss tunes to play and do all those little preparatory tasks that need doing. Timbril lets out a surprised squeak as she is dipped and then set aright. "Goodness me," she exclaims and pats at her hair with a bit of a self-conscious blush. "And thank you ... it's been a while since I was so skillfully led," she say gaily. "Perhaps you could demonstrate for our dear Kassima? Or one of these lovely weyrlings from Ista?" she suggests, eyes merry and then murmurs something in an undertone to the harper, expression quite wicked. "Well, I wasn't a weyrling there, ma'am," says Langley with a sideways smirk at the knot on her shoulder. "But I did stand with them. I thought it couldn't have been too long ago that they finished training. I'd like to come visit, but - " She leaves it unfinished. Kaelyn tilts her head slightly and steps a little closer to Langley. "But what?" Jalar heads back over to the tables to join Alaida, "Have a good conversation, dear?" Kassima points out on a sigh, "I've tried, Kelt, t'be getting lessons, and mayhaps at some point 'twill... but for the moment, I've had nay luck. So I'm safe. D'you see?" She hastily adds at Timbril's suggestion, "I'd ask the visitors first, methinks. 'Tis most polite; they're guests!" Alessandra walks in from the bowl. Timbril chuckles at Kassima's words, making for the seat and glass of wine she so recently abandoned for the dance floor. "Quite so," she says still gay. Kyrola gives Alaida a mildly envious look at the sight of her dashing harper lad. "Must be nice," she murmurs with a wink. Alaida grins as she glances to Kyrola then turns to look up at Jalar, nodding, smiling even more. "Yes I am very much so, love. " Kapash ponders for a moment, face sporting a look of self-inquisition, fore-head lifted to the ceeling for a few quick seconds of reflection, then, in a horrific display of utterances, he scrambles to his feet, turning so quickly for the Cavern portal, a'body leaning into that fearsome stride as he made his way from the celebration. "Shells..Benden,..Gonna' die." Alaida glances to Kyrola then suddenly, uncharacteric of herself, reaches to hug Kyrola if allowed. Kelset drops his hand from Timbril's waist, but keeps the fingers of her other hand captured, as, regarding the Headwoman with twinkling emerald eyes, he comments, "An attempt to push me off on Kassima or the Weyrlings is either indication of a maliscious desire to spread punishment as far as you are able, or an unduly generous desire to share in fine dancing." His eyebrow lifts playfully. "Why do I suspect you so much more of the former? I think I shall spare both Kassima and the Istans," he says, before, drawing Timbril closer slightly by her hand, he whispers something to her, his grin mischevously ambiguous. Langley pointedly leans away from the table, and consequently Alaida hugging Kyrola. She wrinkles up her nose, but hides it at least somewhat by finishing off her drink. Kyrola is too surprised to stop the hug from Alaida, and the expression on her face is that of complete shock, as if this were the last thing she expected. Kapash walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. A brilliant smile very nearly preceeds Alessandra into the caverns, tired though the newly-knotted assistant weyrlingmaster appears. "Good evening," she calls into the caverns, before taking one look at the serving tables and bypassing them entirely. Alaida mutters to Kyrola, "... find... who... for... are." Jalar sits down next to Alaida, a puzzled look on his face. He tasks a deep drink of the cider still sitting where he left it. Alaida pulls up and smiles before turning to Jalar. She moves to snuggle against him, putting her cheek against his side and wraps her arms around his waist. "Poor Istans," Kassi demurely teases the Harper, sliding a glance over towards the Istans in question. "T'be deprived thus of your charm and talents. Alas, alas... evening there, Alessi. The new Weyrlings are settled in?" Kyrola smiles to Alaida. "Thanks," she says sincerely. That seems to say it all. Alessandra nods slightly, making her way over to the Thunderbolt wingleader. "Aye, so they are -- most of them fast asleep too, for the nonce." Jalar embraces Alaida in his arms and gives her a little squeeze. He asks Kyrola, "How is Zaith?" Timbril's laughter rings out and two spots of color show on the headwoman's cheeks. "I see ..." she remarks audibly. "And I agree with you on that score ... but still, are you not also dutybound to teach?" she queries, one brow of her own uplifted. "I can't just sit here and watch this," says Langley with another sour face creasing her expression. "Does anyone know where P'tod went?" she looks around the cavern expectantly. N'tan drinks some klah and idly talks to various folks before following Kaelyn out. N'tan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima speaks up to call over, "He said he was going out t'get some air, I believe--he might've left by now; he's been gone for a time." Kyrola smiles to Alaida's harper lad. "She's quite fine, sir," she replies. A rider dressed in well-fitting leathers approaches the Istan contingent. With a bow, he offers up a hand. "Might I invite one of you ladies to dance?" He says with a charming smile. Kassima then darts a look up at her Wingrider. "That's well. Nay surprising, either, from what I remember... so. Are you going t'tell me now about this defection of yours?" "Good evening, Alessandra!" Kelset says, adding to Kassima's greeting, flashing an amiable smile to the dragonrider. "It's good to see you again." Eyes turn to regard Timbril, a smile lurking beneath his contemplative expression. "It is," he agrees, nodding slowly. "But where would the teaching Harper be if he had not spent Turns as an Apprentice, learning his theory, his ballads, his instrument construction, his language... what manner of teacher is the Harper who does not learn first?" Jalar chuckles, "Sir? Oh, please, Kyrola. ... Oh, I forgot." Alaida glances over at Kassi, grinning as she hears her words while she snuggles into Jalar. Very slowly, she moves her hands to tickle along his opposite side. Timbril lifts a finger and tilts it toward Kelset. "A point ... a tangible point, Master Kelset." And then she turns slightly to beam toward Alessandra. "Hello Alessi!" she says in a most chipper mood apparently. Kyrola grins toward Jalar, then looks up and smiles to the rider asking to dance. "Thank you, no, sir," she responds. Alaida nudges Kyrola. "Go dance, Kyrola. ": Alessandra settles down with a low sigh, looking down at herself. "Scant four months along and I'm already awkward. Hmph." But that's more or less to herself. With a soft smile, she turns her gaze to Timbril, eyes dancing merrily. "Good evening Timbril, and hello there, Craftsecond," is also called gaily to Kelset. Jalar jumps at the tickle. "Hey!" he shouts. "No fair!" He looks at Alaida with a smirk. The lack of response draws a frown from Langley who turns and heads for the bowl. "I'm going to find him." She ducks out quickly. Langley walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Alaida giggles and looks up at Jalar with a rather innocent look. "What? " she comments. Blinking twice, the rider who has approached the Istan weyrlings, chuckles softly. "As you wish -- though truly it is a shame." So saying, he steps away and invites another rider to dance. Kyrola snorts. "Sure, a shame," she mutters softly. "Healer'd be needing to see him after I got done with him." Kassima frowns at Alessi as the greenrider doesn't answer; she stands, scooping up her plates, and takes them off to where plates rightly go. Save for the cider mug, which is refilled. She flops back into her chair with a bemused look after the departing Weyrling that's followed by a shrug: "I told her what I knew," she mutters to herself. "Nay going t'take another try at wearing out the everlasting stone of the dance floor, Timbril?" Alessandra blinks, peering up at Kassima curiously. "I'm sorry -- you said something?" Forgive her -- she's exhausted. In the clearing vacated by the first group of performing Harpers, two young Apprentices set up two stools. The two girls are in their late teens, with long dark hair, and each carries a harp. The harp of the first apprentice, who takes a seat on the stool, is much smaller than the second's, and, as she plucks several strings, the ensuing notes are high and sweet. The second apprentice, likewise taking a seat on a stool, draws forth much lower notes with her Harp, and the two begin an interweaving melody which hauntingly drifts up and down the scale. The beat is steady and slow, inviting a dance of a more intimate nature. "I asked you t'be telling me about the defection," Kassi repeats, with a nod towards that new knot of Alessi's. Kelset releases Timbril's hand and, after whispering something briefly into her ear, moves toward the empty seat next to the Headwoman and Kassima's and, retaking his tankard of cider, drinks deeply of its contents. Alessandra blinks. "Oh." That. "Maylia said she knew you understood. Which, of course, led me to believe she'd asked your permission." Jalar smiles pleasantly to Kyrola, "Excuse us, please." He takes Alaida's hand, stands and leads her to the dance floor. Alaida wrinkles her nose, glancign to Kyrola. "You should try to dance. " then squeals suddenly as she whirls around, standing quickly when Jalar pulls her up and leads her to the floor. [Editor's Note: I got disconnected here, so a pose or two may be missing.] The gentle notes of the song continue, haunting and simple, and the first apprentice, raising a dark, gentle alto voice, begins singing. "Where are you going? Where are you going? Will you take me with you? For my hand is cold... and needs warmth. Where are you going...?" "Nay hardly," Kassi retorts, quite dry indeed. "But 'twill take it up with her at leisure, then--'tisn't that I *object* t'your new position as such, especially given your condition at the moment; 'tis probably better all about. But 'twould've been nice t'be notified." Timbril smiles and settles down into her chair, reclaiming her wine glass and bringing it up to her lips for a hasty sip. "Perhaps in a little bit Kassi ..." another sip and then her hand moves to fan her face. "I haven't danced like that in while." She tilts her head slightly as Kelset murmurs something to her. Fingers turn the wineglass in her hand 'round and 'round. Jalar wraps one arm around Alaida, taking her hand in his other. Stepping off to the downbeat, he leads them both in slow movements befitting the music. "I don't think Maylia had much time," Alessandra returns, more or less merrily. "And I think this is a good project to occupy me in the interim." Kelset, rising, turns his chair around so that he can sit facing the performing Harpers. Retaking his seat, he crosses one arm across his chest, resting his other elbow on his stomach and holding his near-empty glass of wine just below his chin. "I love this song..." he murmurs quietly, letting a sigh escape his lips, casting a smile to the two women next to him. Alaida looks awkward a bit, looking tiny against Jalar as she tilts her head up to look into his eyes. She smiles softly as she holds his one hand with her other resting on his other arm. No doubt, she's either been practicing in dancing or that Jalar brings out the good in her. Either way, anyone that's seen her dance before can see she moves more gracefully. Kassima nods to Timbril, then slouches low in her chair to nurse her cider. "Still should've been notifying me first," she mutters. "I'll talk with her about it later... well, nevermind; it *should* be a good project for you, and you've got a good group, I'm biased enough t'be saying." Though she slants a glance and half-grin to Kelt, she dissents, explains, "'Tis a love song." Evidently feeling this to be enough said. The gentle cadence of the Harpers continues, changing subtly, as one of chords becomes major. The timing remains slow, gentle, and unrushed, the ascending and descending arpeggios entirely unaltered. This time, both girls lift their voices to sing, the close harmony hauntingly poignant as the words join the slowly dancing pairs in the cavern. "...Far beyond where the horizon lies... where the horizon lies, and the land sinks into... mellow blueness, oh, please... take me with you." Kyrola dribbles her fingers on her legs, sort of keeping time with the music the harpers are playing, sitting by herself. While an earlier couple dominated the dance floor with an exhibition of grand proficiency, flair and improvisation, Jalar and Alaida are a study in a different purpose of dancing. The earlier couple were on the floor for sheer fun and exhilaration, an extension of their verbal banter. For this couple, the dancing is more relaxed in that it has very little flair and experimentation, yet more intense in that they are really there for each other and not so much for a fun diversion. Alessandra beams back at Kassima, nodding faintly. "That they are, Kassi, that they are. I'm looking forward to it." Kyrola is eyed -- curiously, perhaps, and calmly -- but nothing is said to the weyrling. Timbril smiles, watching Jalar and Alaida together. "Very sweet," she murmurs softly and drains the last of the wine from her glass. She tilts a look over at Kelset. "Are not apprentices barred from ah ... fraternizing?" she queries in an undertone. Kyrola notes Alessandra's glance with a slight nod of her chin, her eyes drifting back to the dancers. Sloane walks here from the Inner Cavern. A grin fills Kelset's features. "'Tis indeed, Kassima. 'Tis indeed." With one last sip, his glass is emptied and, as he reaches around to place the empty vessel on the table behind him, he responds to Timbril, his voice similarly lowered, "Oh, yes." He chuckles humourlessly. "But is a dance... even of this sort... /certainly/ that? It's hard to say. Between us, though..." His voice becomes inaudible. Nyne walks here from the Inner Cavern. Kassima nods agreement, acknowledgment of Alessi's sentiments, and draws further into herself and her cider mug. Perhaps the romantic music doesn't agree with her. "Plenty of strong-looking greens," she throws in as an afterthought of sorts. Alaida moves alone the floor with Jalar leading her. She slips along, moving easily, gracefully with the look in her eyes that she is really only there for him. The rest of the room seems to just melt away for that moment. Nyne slinks in behind Sloane, eyes flickering about the crowded room. She stays blessedly quiet for a moment, taking in faces. Sloane arrives with Nyne ~ a pair of young, Istan green riders. "Nice music." Alessandra grins. "Of course they are. Because everyone knows greens are best." Okay so it's not the best logic in the world, but... The harmony of the two young women continues, the melody extremely simple, more the graceful movement of waves than the dextrous flight of dragons... an even, steady journey. "Let me skip the road with you... I can dare myself, I can dare my self... I'll put a pebble in my shoe, and watch me walk... I can walk and walk...!" "Naturally," Kassima agrees without reservation. "Nay that there's any particular reason either of us would think so, mind. A'course nay." And speaking of greens, or greenriders, there are two visiting, and she nods a greeting to both. "Duties t'Ista and her queens." The woman slants a sidelong glance at the murmuring Craftsecond-Headwoman duo. Kyrola proffers a slight smile but proper salute to Sloane and Nyne, before relocating her glass of juice and finishing it off, placing the glass exactly on the table in front of her. Timbril nods as she listens to the Craftsecond's words. "Hmmm ... indeed that must be a difficult spot for you to be in," she says quietly to the harper. She makes big eyes at Kassima as te greenrider looks her way. "Well. I must confess a need for fresh air ... if you'll excuse me," she says with a smile, and pushes herself up out of her chair. On her way out, she pauses to speak briefly to one of her assistants, no doubt leaving instructions. Jalar holds Alaida close to him as they dance in a graceful pattern across the floor. His eyes are only half-open as the couple moves in rhythm to the music. Nyne bobs her head to Kassima, "Ista's duties to Telgar, her fine queens, and her lovely hatchlings." She shifts her weight slightly, surveying the layout of the Hall and seeking out the serving table with pale eyes. Timbril walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. "And Ista's to Telgar's," is given freely to Kassima. "Let's eat first, Nyne?" "...Certainly," Kelset replies, sparing a quick smile for Timbril as she leaves. Having retrieved his mug of cider, he settles once more in his seat, tipping the vessel back for a long draught. Kassima taps a nail against the table's surface, watching Timbril depart. "I should likely be thinking about m'own leave," says she, pushing her chair back a bit. "But Kelt, you *should* ask those new Istan visitors t'dance, y'know. Or Alessi. I daresay Alessi could dance." "...I shall call the pebble dare. We will talk together... about walking. Dare shall be carried, and when we both have had enough.... I will take him from my shoe, singing, `Meet your new road...'" The girls continue to sing, the sweet, dark alto of the first mingling with the pure, bell-like tones of the second. Alaida shifts across the floor within Jalar's arms. She moves closer to him, almost too close to appear anything but very comfortable. She smiles gently up to him and there's no doubt of just of her feelings for him. She wouldn't have to utter a single word for her obvious emotions to be noticed. Very lightly, her feet move across the floor, making her look graceful within the dance. Alessandra blinks, looking up sharply as her name is mentioned. "Me? Dance?" Like /this/? Of course she's not showing near as much as she imagines. But then, isn't that normal? Kyrola props her cheek up with her fist, leaning against the table, her eyes on Alaida and Jalar. Nyne nods to Sloane, "Yes, lets." She looks up at the dancers, silvery pale eyes following their movements, as she sways through the crowd toward the serving table. A girl's got to have priorities. The selection is examined carefully, before she grabs up a roll and some spiced sausage to nibble. Kelset's cheeks colour slightly as he looks over at Kassima, his eyebrows lifted high. "I should, mm? Perhaps on the next song. I fear whatever poor woman I asked might be a bit scandalized by my invitation. Especially one as lovely and graceful as Allesandra! What intentions but disreputable ones could I possibly have?" "'Tis only a few months you've carried, Alessi; trust me, you aren't that bad," Kassi reassures, though not without a good-natured eyeroll. "You should," she confirms, firmly, to Kelt. "And I don't know what your attentions could be; why don't you tell her?" It's enough to color those pale cheeks of Alessandra's faintly red, and cause the dark-haired woman to look away, girlishly. "I guess I could, though I'm used to dancing alone. I think I'd fumble a bit." Jalar looks down and whispers to Alaida. Kyrola offers from the sidelines, "Better than stomping on their feet." Kassima, for all her own earlier protests, dismisses Alessi's with a wave of her hand. "I'm sure Master Kelset wouldn't be minding, Alessi, or even noticing; if'n he did, he'd likely be too much the gentleman t'mention it." Her sly look aside towards the Harper dares him to deny this. Sloane is soon by Nyne's side, her own food selection in hand. "Look," she says, "there's Kyrola," indicating Ista's newest weyrwoman. "And out there ... Alaida, Devath's rider, with her Harper." Timbril walks in from the kitchen. Pierron nods with a modicum of respect as the headwoman walks in. Alaida smiles lightly as she whispers back to Jalar. Kelset laughs in surrender. "Kassima, thou art a sophist." Turning frank emerald eyes to Alessandra, he lifts a smile to his lips. "I would be happy to dance with you, if you would like to. And, I assure you, fumbling is never, ever a problem." Jalar smiles and nods with a mischievious smile on his face. He breaks off the dance and leads Alaida toward the Bowl. The two women soar into the final verse, the harmonies, though still minimal and haunting, the boldest yet. In the final notes, the music slows to a gentle, whispering end. "...Then I'll take your hand, finally glad... that you are here... by my side." Timbril re-enters by way of the kitchens, flush gone from her cheeks and carrying a tray of what look like fresh baked pastries. These she deposits upon the table of finger foods. Over one shoulder, she carries an unopened wine skin. This she carries with her as she proceeds back to the seat she'd left. She grins at Kassima as she returns. "Care for a bit of this Kassi? It's not one of your liquors, but it has a fair taste." She pauses and nods toward Kelset. "You might appreciate this brew as well, harper. When you've returned from your latest foray onto the floor. Since we were speaking of new experiences earlier." Alessandra shoots a look Kassima's way, mischevious eyes dancing in a you-shall-pay way, before grinning back at Kelset. "Then I'd be delighted, dear sir." Nyne laughs, "With her Harper?" She glances in the direction Sloane indicates, and smiles. "I'm sure they have room for some fellow Istans over there. After you?" She gestures elaborately with her free hand, the other balancing her food carefully. Kyrola looks up as she hears her name being spoken, then back to the harpers. Alaida smiles as the dance brecks off, then follows Jalar with her hand in his. Jalar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Alaida walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima seems merrily unfazed by looks of revenge, even by accusations of sophistry, merely granting each a sunny smile before lifting both brows in tandem at Timbril's offering. "'Tisn't Water, is it?" she asks, a bit warily. "The last time someone offered me a strange new drink, 'twas Water in disguise. But if'n 'tis nay so, and also isn't from Tillek, I'd be quite willing." With the close of the song, a new tune is struck up, more vibrant in its paces, yet still not jouncy as a previous dancing tune had been. "Maybe ... and thanks!" and Sloane precedes Nyne as they make their way to a few of their fellow Istans. "Kyrola! Mind if we join you?" Kyrola shakes her head. "Not at all," she says to Sloane and Nyne, seemingly grateful for the company. "Please, have a seat." Timbril shakes her head. "I swear to you, by Faranth's first egg Kassi, 'tis not water," she says gravely and breaks the seal on the skin. "Have a whiff and tell me if that smells of water, or something far more potent," she says, eyes still dancing. The harpers sway a little in time to the music they make, instruments thrumming with the rolling beat. Sloane does sit. Though not quite at ease, she speaks with assurance. "Have you been here long, Kyrola?" Kelset, turning around, procures his empty glass in enthuastic acceptance. "Indeed we were, Timbril," he acknowledges, a grin threatening to steal upon his lips. "And I would love to have some; you anticipate my need, as my glass was hardly empty. I will return for it shortly!" This said, he rises to his feet. Several paces bring him in front of Alessandra, and, dipping his head in a low bow, he offers a hand. "Shall we?" Nyne slips around the table to slide into a seat beside Sloane. "Been enjoying the party?" She inquires of Kyrola, nibbling almost daintily on a coin of spiced sausage. Seafoam gaze drifts among the dancers. "Quite a celebration," she adds. Alessandra rises, placing her palm atop Kelset's delicately. "We shall." And then she's following him, eyes sparkling merrily. Kyrola nods to her fellow Istans. "P'tod brought us up for the hatching. It was quite an adventure... and a treat to see it from the outside. I know /just/ how those new weyrlings feel." To Nyne, she replies, "Yes, it's a good party." Kelset draws Alessandra out to the floor and, taking her by the waist, leads into the first downbeat. He moves lightly and easily to the rolling beat, but does not lead agressively, perhaps curious as to a few suspicions he has of Alessandra's considerable ability. A beaming smile upon his lips, he sweeps her gently into the flow of dancers. "But I'm safe from dancing, so could sample now; another reason t'be glad of ignorance," Kassi quips, flippant, as she reaches for the skin to take a discreet sniff. "Mmmm. Doesn't smell much like water t'*me*, which is all to the good as best I'm concerned." Despite being seated, Sloane's torso is beginning to roll with the music; not a significant motion, but noticeable to those nearby. "Dancing looks good," Sloane observes to Kyrola and Nyne, and it does seem that she appreciates a good beat. "Did you go out there, Kyrola?" Alessandra follows his lead, with considerably more grace and flow than one might believe from her earlier display of self-doubt. But no doubt is in those dark eyes now, no, more an impish delight at actually being able to dance. And as she moves, a subtle flair comes into her movements -- one that hints at, were one able to detect it, a caravaner's background. Timbril chuckles as Kelset accepts the offer of something untried without even so much as smelling it and after retrieving the skin from Kassima pours the dark red -- nearly purple stuff into the harper's abandoned glass. It seems thicker than ordinary wine and even to those not immediately near, the scent of the stuff, lightly fruited yet not overwhelmingly so, floats about the air. "Let's have your glass then Kassi?" she says, grinning still at Lysseth's rider. "And after you've had a taste ... unless you can guess it, I'll tell you what it is." Kyrola lifts her brows. "What, dancing? Not me, ma'am." Kassima tilts her mug back to swallow the last of her cider, then offers the newly-cleaned cup for filling. "Very *dark*, 'tis," she observes, eyeing Kelt's glass closely. "Yet nay dark enough t'be a blackberry liqueur...." Sloane is slow to respond, so absorbed is she in the music. Eventually, Kyrola's response registers and is followed by, "But, why not? It's so much fun!" To Nyne, "Do you dance?" Nyne taps her foot against the floor in time to the music. "Oh, did P'tod take off? Must have missed him coming and going. Couldn't get here earlier," she notes, though does not readily offer an explanation of why not. "Not dancing?" Pale eyes snap back to Kyrola. "Whyever not? Why come, if not to dance? It can't be for the sausage." Nyne nods to Sloane. "Most assuredly." Kelset lifts an eyebrow slightly, studying Alessandra's face as they dance. As the pair moves along with the rocking motion of the music, a subtler talent begins to show itself in Kelset's dancing, as he begins to mirror and respond to the slight gracings and movements of Alessandra's dancing. His shoulders turn more sharply, his heels fly out with more abandon, and, most of all, his intent emerald eyes reveal his deep enjoyment of the dance. Timbril winks and pours some of the stuff into Kassi's cup. "There you are ... and nay 'tis not blackberry," she says, adopting a touch of the rider's speech pattern. Her own glass is topped off with the liquer and she reseals the skin with a twist of her hand. The glass is brought to her nostrils and she breathes in delicately. "Mmmmm" The music picks up a little in tempo, but not so much as to make the beat hectic. Sweetly above the other instruments a pipe cries out, picking out a harmonic line in counterpoint to the deeper melody. Kyrola looks down at the table for a moment. "I came to enjoy the party," she replies to Sloane and Nyne. "Didn't get to enjoy the party they threw for us." She abruptly rises to her feet. "I think I'm going to get back home. Good night, everyone." T'mren walks in from the bowl. Chaia walks in from the bowl. T'mren walks in, hand in hand with Chaia. The other hand's busily adjusting his collar. "Ista's duties to Telgar and her queens!" He calls out. "If the music picks up some more, would you like to dance?" asks Sloane of Nyne. There's mischief ... and fun ... in this request. "Look ... it's T'mren!" Timbril looks up from her inhalation of the fragrant fumes from her own glass, Kassima's cup and another glass, filled partially and awaiting a partaker, apparently. She smiles a welcome to more Istans. "Good evening and Telgar's duties to Ista," she returns. "Be welcome -- there are victuals, drink and of course, dancing!" Chaia echos her weyrmate's greetings, and tries not to react to the much cooler temperatures here. Kassima pulls her cup back in close, squinting down into the contents. "But it smells nigh as sweet," she murmurs. "So here's hoping it tastes it--" And she tips the mug back, to sample what it contains. Kyrola gives T'mren and Chaia a slight smile as she moves toward the exit. "Ma'am, sir," she greets them. Nyne eyes Kyrola curiously. "Leaving so soon?" She asks. "I was hoping we could convince you to try out this fine dancing surface. T'mren's bellow catches her attention, and if it hadn't, Sloane's declaration would have. She glances back toward the door, flinging a hand absently in the air in a wave, "'Lo, sirnotsir," she calls over the hubbub before looking back to the greenrider beside her. "I think that we might have to, since it doesn't look like Kyrola's up to it. Should toss 'er out, like teaching a baby to swim, y'know?" She suggests, wide-eyed innocent, though she clearly isn't serious. T'kar walks in from the bowl. The music continues unto a conclusion, rolling as it were to a halt and echoing, thrumming practically, in the air. The harpers swithc configuration a little, more strings joining the mix and after a few seconds a new chord, a new tempo is struck, a wild dervish tune rich in gitar and drum. Kelset is moving across the dance floor with Alessandra to the quick, propulsive beat of several performing Harpers. As one circle sweeps the Istans into view, he flahses a smile their way, calling, "Harper's duties to Ista!" Talisha walks in from the bowl. T'mren's eyes widen as he squeezes Chaia's hand ,murmuring to her, "Singing. And dancing! We'll have a chance to dance!" T'mren waves cheerily, then salutes, "Hullo Kyrola, Nyne, Sloane. How's the party?" T'kar arrives just ahead of Talisha. "Hey! We've got Istans, do we? Telgar's duties!" And he promptly finds some meatrolls. A wild tune invites wild action and Sloane leaps up. "Come, Nyne! Let's go." Chaia smiles, "Dancing? I've never gotten to dance with you. Well, not often, anyway." She glances arund the room, offering nods to those she knows. Kelset, grinning and slightly flushed, returns Alessandra to her seat and, brushing his long curls back from his eyes, takes a seat in his still-empty chair, quickly taking his glass in one hand. Bringing it to his nostrils, he sniffs gently. Turning inquisitive eyes to Timbril, he shakes his head. "I haven't the faintest idea..." Lifting his shoulders slightly, he brings the glass to his lips. T'mren wiggles his eyebrows at his weyrmate playfully, "Part of the reason for coming back love. Let's sit with the others?" He wanders over to the table recently vacated by Sloane and Nyne as they lept up to dance. The harpers are starting to ... rock out ... now, playing their fingers off on this one. "A veritable invasion," Kassi calls to her Wingsecond a moment before sipping at Timbril's brew. She tips her head back, rolling the liquid around against her tongue. "Mmmm... hmmmm. *'Tisn't* blackberry... but 'tis some sort of fruit... and a liqueur, I'd be thinking; the texture's right. But nay *grape*." Oh, good, she's playing Twenty Questions with herself. "Tell me whether you have better luck, Kelt?" Kyrola is near the door, heading out. "Ista's duties to Telgar," she replies automatically, then casts a glance over her shoulder at the dancers, a wistful sort of look. Timbril smiles, as she sits, sipping slowly from her own glass. Her eyes twinkle at harper and greenrider. "Nay ... not blackberry ... and not grape ... but yes ... fruit ..." she encourages. "Welcome back Kelset," she says archly to the harper. "Again you've made yourself the envy of every would-be dancer at the Weyr." Nyne's eyes flick from one person to the next, head turning this way and that rapidly. "Good party!" is all she has time to shout to T'mren, as Sloane leaves the table, and she springs up in response. Can't lose Sloane - she wades out into the crowd with a bounce in her step. Talisha bounds in just a few moment's after T'kar, face chill-flushed, with a rather comical amount of bright scarves wrapped around her neck. After taking a few moments to relieve herself of the scarves, she flops on into a seat, and takes a look around. "Dancing. Where's K'ryn when I need him. Hmph." Chaia follows T'mren to the table in question, putting her usual shyness behind her this night. Sloane's long limbs go into motion, to good effect. Wending her way to the dance floor center, squeezing past sweating bodies, she lets herself go. "Come on, Nyne!" T'mren squeezes Chaia's hand and pulls a chair out for her, "Here you go, love." He seats himself once Chaia is, and smiles over at Kyrola, "Not dancing, Kyrola?" Kassima hears Tali and immediately looks over to suggest, "There's a Harper Craftsecond here who's done several of the Weyr's ladies the favor of dancing, Tali, if'n 'twere looking for a partner...." Alessandra settles into a seat as well, grinning over towards Kelset. "Thanks for proving to me I can still dance," she offers, brightly -- only slightly winded, incidentally. "Yes, dance with Kelset, Tali!" Timbril laughs brightly as Kassima volunteers Kelset up again. "You're making this poor harper work for his supper Kassi," she says gaily, still sipping slowly from her glass. "Aless -- how're you doing?" she calls over to Kiyoth's rider. Kelset closes his eyes as the smooth liquid slips across his tongue. Eyes still closed, a smile spreads across his face as he settles back into his chair, his posture one of deep relaxation. "I have a guess, but I'd hazard to give it. It's reminiscent of raisins, almost... I would almost hazard something with prunes? Or plums?" he asks, eyes opening hopefully to Timbril. "And, you're far too kind to me... it's really my only talent." T'kar cheerfully waves meatrolls at some nearby people, including Kyrola as she heads out. "Eh-fay-bun?" he mumbles around a large bite of meat and dough. Swallow, as he arrives near Kassima and Timbril. "Hmm. It isn't fair to volunteer other folks without volunteering yourself first, Kassi. Give me a step or two?" The brownrider grins as he offers a hand towards his Wingleader. Nyne lifts her arms, and with the thump of a well-swung hip, knocks a fellow out of her way to reach her fellow Istan on the floor. "All the way to the center we had to crawl?" she laughs, though not complaining, as she throws herself into the music. Chaia watches the dancers quietly, just enjoying the music. Kassima tips her glass to Timbril in facetious salute. "I live t'make sure everyone pays his own way, Timbril, truly--oh, plums! Could that be it? It does taste a bit of plum," though she tries it again, just to be sure. "Methinks... ach, T'kar, I don't think you want t'be asking *me* that. I can't dance a single step; I'd probably break every bone in your feet." T'mren squeezes Chaia's hand, asking her, "Want a drink? This dance is rather frantic, let's wait a bit, for something slower." He murmurs, kissing her cheek. Kichevio walks in from the bowl. Kyrola ducks her head as T'mren asks the same question that others have asked. "Umm, no, sir," she says, this time looking a bit embarrassed. "I, er, should get back to Ista. I'm sure there's something that needs to be read, or cleaned, or something..." Timbril chuckles as T'kar invites Kassima onto the floor. "Aha! I think someone has you now Kassi." And she turns with a broad smile to Kelset. "You have it exactly, my dear harper. It's plums ... and I must admit, it's a favorite brew of mine." She pauses and then quips. "If that's your only talent, Kelset, then I'm a stuffed wherry." Alessandra beams back at Timbril, head canting to the side. "Wonderful, of course -- ooh! Kichevio! Kichielove, over here!" Sloane tosses her dark locks. She's an abstract figure opposite Nyne, with elastic legs and hips, her arms raised. "What do you think?" she calls to her fellow Istan. Tilting her torso close, diminishing her motions, she inquires, "Any cute guys?" T'mren eyes Kyrola knowingly, "Mmm/hmm/." Kelset lets his head fall back for a moment. "Kassima!" he exclaims, laughing in mild exasperation. "I've hardly sat down. A moment to my drink, if you will, before offering my services?" he asks with a wink. Chaia nods to T'mren, "A drink would be wonderful, love," and then she peers at Kyrola, "I thought I was supposed to be the shy one?" She murmurs softly to her. Talisha glances sidelong at Kelset, gaze falling up and down the man in an almost, -almost- predatory manner. Then, she lifts a hand lazily, giving it a little flick. "No." And then she crosses her legs at the knee, and settles for staring moodily out at the dancers. "Humph." THe music spirals wilder, beat practically shaking the tables as the harpers play for all they're worth. Kichevio slips inside, taking in the crowd with a smile. "We're hosting half the North--ah, a friendly face." And she makes her way towards Alessandra, with a brief detour past the food. T'kar points a quick finger at Timbril. "You're next, my dear. C'mon, Kassi, I'm game. Let's show this lot our Wing can cooperate as well on the ground as in the air." Timbril wiggles fingers at Kichevio as the greenrider passes by. "G'eve Kich -- and I'm powerfully glad to hear that Alessi," she says with another of her bright smiles. More of that fragrant stuff vanishes down the headwoman's throat, her eyes sparkling more and her cheeks pinkening with every swallow. Potent? Perhaps. Kelset turns his eyes up to Talisha, meeting her unabashed stare-down while taking another sip of Timbril's liquer, a faint, amused smile upon his lips. T'mren smiles at his weyrmate quickly and nods, standing, "I know I could sure use one." He scurries to the food table, pours two cups of red wine, and returns to his weyrmate's table, slipping in beside her and glancing at the dance floor with a rueful chuckle, "Sloane and Nyne, dancing! Telgar may not survive!" Kassima flashes teeth in a grin to Kelset, brimming with innocence. "What, what? --Well, then, Tali, dance with Alessi? If'n Alessi's nay too winded. Or here's Kich, and I'd be surprised if'n she doesn't know how t'be dancing." Turning back to T'kar, her expression's clearly uncertain, but she finally sets the mug down to warily take the proffered hand. "Just don't say I didn't warn you," she cautions. "And if'n you die, 'tis *your own fault*." Alessandra giggles, reaching a hand up towards Kichevio. "And Talisha, I'll dance with you if you want. Kelset here reminded me just how much fun it was." Kichevio makes a face at Kassi. "I suppose I could, but it wouldn't be precisely _graceful_." Timbril laughs and waves T'kar off. "Go on swoop Kassi off her feet T'kar -- I've already had my turn with this -lovely- harper here," states the headwoman and gesturing toward Kelset. "Haven't danced like that in -turns-" she repeats that fact as if she hadn't said it before. Kyrola grimaces at Chaia's comment and slips out to the bowl. Kyrola walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Nyne shakes her head, letting tangled hair fly, soft brown tendrils whipping her cheeks. As the music intensifies, so do Nyne's movements, in ready response. "Nah," she replies, adding, "Bet they couldn't keep up anyway." Kelset lets out another soft laugh as, drawing a longer drink from his glass, he says earnestly, "You are most assuredly not a stuffed wherry, Timbril, so I fear you've proved your point. Plum, then... It's a wonderful concoction. I've not been so treated in some time! Thank you, Timbril..." Another drink quickly follows his first. Sloane throws her head back, eyes closed. Her physique is single-minded in its motion, in its pursuit of pleasure. "Oh! This is so nice!" she drawls. "I -want- to dance with K'ryn." Talisha states in a tone that -would- be grouchy, if it weren't for the smile suddenly curved across her lips. "Who's the best dancer out of you lot then?" Eyes tilt toward Alessi, Kich, and then again, Kelset. "Oh I meant to tell you, Kassi.." The young woman leans forward a little in her seat, flapping a hand around in an excited manner to try and catch the greenrider's attention. Kelset, flashing a disarming smile in Alessandra's direction, assures all concerned, "I have merely had the extreme fortune of two partners who have been as capable as their are beautiful." "Duly noted," T'kar replies with a gracious nod to Kassima, mischievous grin flashed to Timbril as he leads Kassima on. "Woop!" the brownrider declares exuberantly, bringing the Wingleader's hands up with his and letting her out a bit only to pull her back, warming into the quick step. T'mren proffers the cup to his weyrmate and smiles, "Here's to a dance. We're going to share one tonight if I have to bribe the harpers to play a slow song." Timbril's glass reaches empty and she sets it down on the table, reaching for the skin again. "And his feet as are as nimble as his tongue is clever," she remarks, eyes alight still, quipping about the harper as her glass is refilled. Then she leans over holding the skin out to Kelset as Kassi is ... presumably ... swept off. "More?" she inquires, both brows lifting in query, a few more words added in an undertone. Alessandra blinks up from a distant conversation, eyes focusing once again. Kelset is sent a wink, then those dark eyes look up at Kichevio, curiously. "How are you, Kich? Doing okay?" "When the dance is done, Tali?" Kassi asks as she's drawn out to the dance floor, her expression one of anxiety. Perhaps she's genuinely worried about killing her Wingsecond. With reason; she's unused enough to any dance step for his toes, at least, to be in grave jeopardy, but one probably has to give her credit for effort. "So when did you develop this taste for masochism?" she has to ask T'kar, though her eyes are cast towards her feet. Chaia takes the cup, and sips from it, fingers of her free hand tapping lightly with the music. Mostly, though, she just watches. The music virtually rages now, all instruments wailing in chorus, a wild paean quite unlike the more sedate music played earlier. Kichevio is watching the nimble dancers with envy. "Oh, I'm fine," she assures Alessi. "I just feel rather like a herdbeast or something equally stolid." Erdrick walks in from the bowl. Kelset, a smile flying readliy to his lips, lifts his glass without hesitation. "Please," he says, the glass already mostly empty. His cheeks, which had been flushed earlier from the dance, have grown decidedly redder. "It's absolutely delicious..." Nyne shimmies and spins, making the most of the lively tune. A grin spreads across her features and she lets out a loud cry as the music wails around her. "I," she begins, throwing her hands up, "...like," she continues, nearly panting the words, "Telgar!" "After the dance." Talisha agrees, trying rather hard not to laugh at Kassima and T'kar. She slides down a little lower in her seat into a lazy looking slouch. Sloane's gyrations ease. She tips her face up, shaking errant locks away. "Hey, Nyne," she begins ... but the music's raging envelops her. Soon she's stroking the air, all but swimming to the beat. T'mren slips his arm around Chaia and grins at her, "What'd you think of the hatching hon?" he asks, curiously, as his eyes wander around the room before returning to his weyrmate for an answer. Erdrick walks quietly into the cavern and pauses, daunted by the crowd. He slips along the edges of the dancing area to the hearth and pours himself a mug of klah before looking about to find an untaken seat. Red-nearly-violet liquid slides out of the skin into Kelset's glass. "I'm glad you like it," says the Timbril a bit of a giggle escaping her lips. "And I agree -- it's -delicious- ... and quite hard to get a hold of at certain times of the turn." Her eyes turn out to the dance floor and she giggles again, watching Kassima watching her feet. T'kar beams. Sometimes he's just too happy. "Don't you feel it all, the fun and happiness? Music's certainly helping..." Ducking a step to the right to avoid a slender girl with walnut-brown hair, he grins. "See, the Istans are enjoying themselves!" Alessandra snorts, nodding faintly. "I didn't stumble like I thought I would, however. Poor Kassi." Chaia pulls her focus from the dancers to answer, "I'm happy for Zai first and foremost, and it was interesting, of course...it was odd recognizing people from Ista, though. On the sands and in the ledges." She pauses, sips more of that wine, and adds, "Odd in a good way." Kichevio is reduced to giggles at Nyne's happy announcement, Kassi's wary dancing, and Timbril plying Kelset with alcohol. Nyne lets her eyes flutter closed, and woe betide the poor fool who ventures too close to her wild spinning and leaping. She may look a little silly at times, but it's obvious this girl loves to dance. "Hmm?" She manages, over her shoulder, glancing back at Sloane mid-whirl. Finally the harpers wild tune crashes to a halt and the lot of them sit there, just breathing and grinning at each other. The tired out group in the chairs switch out for a fresh and the new music is softer, kinder after those wild squealings. T'mren regards his weyrmate thoughtfully as she answers, nodding, "It's always strange to see 'em wearing different knots, on foreign sands...I don't think any of the Istan candidates impressed though, did they?" Sloane pivots to a stop. "Oh!" she exclaims, catching her breath. Kassima has to grin, inbetween attempts to prevent dance floor homicide, at Nyne's overheard sentiments; that momentary relaxation improves her low dancing skill a trifle, her steps less clumsy when she worries less about where they go. "Certes they seem it, and I suppose I do, only--oops--I feel more worry about injuring you and having *another* rider out of--sorry!--commission--" We said she'd improved a bit. Not that she could be considered good. Kelset lifts the glass to his lips and his expression reveals clearly that he no longer feels the sharp bite of the initial sip... his first drink is a long one. "Where is it from?" he asks, settling back in his seat, regarding the swirling contents of his glass with undisguised interest. Chaia shakes her head, "No...they didn't. At least, I don't think they did....Listen, love, the music's changed." Tarlo walks in from the bowl. Pierron nods thoughtfully as he eyes the junior queenrider. T'mren's eyes widen and he nods, "It's quiet, slower." He squeezes Chaia's hand, smiling, "Time for a dance?" He murmurs in her ear before kissing her cheek again. Timbril giggles again and lifts a finger to her lips. "Shhh ... you can't tell anyone," she says eyes snapping with merriment and she leans over to whisper in the harper's ear. Chaia nods, smiling, "Yes, please. Alessandra grins up at Tarlo, waggling fingers at the other woman from where she sits, watching the goings-on with Kichevio. Tarlo nods back to Pierron, and offers waves and smiles to those she knows, meandering her way over to Alessi. Her finger flying, Sloane signals to Nyne her intent to sit this song out. T'mren hops gallantly to his feet and offers his hand to his weyrmate ,'My love, if you'd accompany me, I'll do my best not to step on your toes." He teases. Talisha glances up from staring at the various dancing partners, and wiggles her fingers a little in Tarlo's direction. Nyne nearly collapses over on herself, clapping her hands to her knees and panting, bent at the waist. As the strains of a more sedate tune begin to reach her ringing ears, she straightens, in time to catch Sloane's gesture, and she follows the other rider almost tamely from the floor. Timbril sits back after whispering the origins of the potent liqueur she's been serving out to a few and lifts her glass to her lips again, taking a long, slow draught of the purplish stuff. Erdrick plops down in a chair along one of the walls and takes a long drink of his klah. He leans back in his chair and looks about at Telgarites and strangers alike, looking as though he's resting from something or other. Chaia smiles, and follows T'mren, her hand in his. Her pale face alight with blush and perspiration, Sloane rejoins the Istan contingent. "That was great, Nyne. You can really move!" T'kar skids to a halt as the music ends, only then getting an unexpected foot on the outer edge of his left foot. "Oooh. Sorry, you were doing the step right, I just stopped. Why don't I let you sit down?" The lean fellow escorts Kassima back to safety. "But thank you for indulging me." The Wingleader is let free again with a polite, if rather playful half-bow. Kelset's eyes wander over the dancing figures of the cavern, a contented smile upon his lips, as he turns an ear to Timbril with active interest. His smile deepens slightly, and, whispering something to her in return, rises to his feet. For a moment he stands unsteadily, blinking several times. Then, straightening his vest with a quick tug, manages a more confident stance. T'mren slips his arm around Chaia's slender waist as soon as the pair are on the stage and tugs her close, to kiss her quickly on the lips, and smile down at her, he murmurs something in her ear and then, one hand on her hip, the other on her shoulder, he begins to dance with her, obeying the music's rhythm. Kichevio smiles over at Tarlo. "You couldn't haul K'ran out for the dancing?" The harper's lilting tune continues, a sweet melody, instrumental only, but no less a love song for its lack of words. Alessandra is silent, now, leaning back in her chair and idly sipping at a glass of water. Nican walks here from the Inner Cavern. Kassima winces nonetheless and offers T'kar a sheepish, apologetic look for the mishap, letting herself be led willingly. "Dance with Timbril next, as you said a'fore?" she suggests, nodding towards the Headwoman. "She may actually nay torture you in the process--but thankee for asking, as much embarrassment as it likely cost you." She crinkles her nose in play at him in exchange for the bow, curtseys--which her kilt quite allows--and sinks back into her chair to reach for that nearby liquor. Nyne passes through the shifting crowd, as some, like her, leave the floor, and others enter it fom the sides. She nods apologetically to several dancers whose wary expressions suggest that they aren't certain it's safe to be in such close proximity to the Istan. Nyne drops back down at the table, into her previous seat, conveniently vacated by T'mren and Chaia just in time. "So can you," She laughs, looking to Sloane, before musing, "Why didn't I get water?" She flings her head back, and shouts, "Water!" grinning happily. A serving lad snickers as he approaches with a pitcher, seeming fairly certain she won't bean him. Chaia blushes slightly, but is quickly lost in the music, in the dance, swaying softly to the lilting tune, and enjoying this moment with her weyrmate. T'mren's arms both slip around Chaia as the music becomes more sweet and sentimental, and presses his cheek to hers, waltzing with her in an unhurried circle and paying not attention to the other dancers. Nican enters slowly curiously watching the dancers. Tarlo looks a bit mournful. "He was tired." she admits. "He's finally finished with coordinating duties, and now he just wants to sleep. Can't say I blame him." She does eye the dancing enviously, though. Timbril inclines her head to the harper. "Indeed," she says, and lifts the skin of brew into her arms. The headwoman rises, her own steps unsteady as she picks up her skin of brew. She blinks a bit at Kassi and then smiles angelically. "I fear you must excuse me Kassima ... as I must return this to my quarters." She smiles giddily over at the harper. "Would you be so kind as to lend me your arm for the short walk Master Kelset? I fear my steps are no longer what they ought to be." T'kar's eyebrow goes up as he turns to Timbril, following up on his earlier promise at Kassi's suggestion. "Mmm. Detach yourself from this handsome fellow long enough to give poor T'kar a dance?" Brown eyes give Kelset a mirthful look before turning to the Headwoman with a look like a neglected young canine. Erdrick glances over at Nyne, hearing her call out for water and chuckles to himself as it reminds him of an old conversation or two. He mutters to himself, "Just as long as it's not imported." "Thank you," says Sloane to Nyne. Now that she's at rest, her mind roams. "Look, Nyne, there's T'mren with Chaia. He dances well," and this observation of hers is a bit wan, and wistful perhaps. Chaia lets T'mren lead her in the dance, not hearing the comments about who is or isn't a good dancer, just...being. T'kar pauses, grinning. "Don't let me interrupt your business though." Plea forgotten, he steps out of the way for Kelset and Timbril. Kassima spies that envy, suggests, "Tali--mayhaps you and Tarlo could dance? Since Kelt seems otherwise occupied at the moment." Incorrigible, she. Though she can't resist tossing to the Craftsecond and Headwoman, nodding to the dance floor, "See, Kelt, I didn't lie... oh, a'course, Timbril. Though I regret the loss of the drink, certainly! And T'kar regrets your loss, I'm sure, but--" Turning to her Wingsecond: "You're in luck: methinks there are plenty of young rider women here hoping t'dance. Why nay ask one of 'em?" With a significant nod towards the quartet of clutchmates. Kichevio smiles sympathetically at Tarlo, then just bursts out laughing at T'kar's poor-neglected-little-me expression. "How can you resist that, Timbril?" Aurian walks in from the bowl. Pierron gives a respectful nod to the Weyrsecond. T'mren doesn't hear either, his eyes are momentarily shut with bliss as he holds his weyrmate close to him, his hands pressed against her back as his hips sway with hers to the rhythm, slow and unhurried, that the music sets. Timbril holds up a finger and her eyes focus on said digit for a moment. "With great difficult," she says gravely, then laughs, tucks her precious skin of ... stuff ... under her arm and dimples up at the harper. Nyne arches a slim brow, twisting in her seat to peer at the dancers, seeking out T'mren among those gathered. "Think so?" She inquires, then turns to pour a glass so swiftly that a little sloshes over the rim and trickles down the side, over her fingers. She lifts it hastily and licks the precious moisture from her hand and the side of the glass, looking around the edge at Sloane. "Want some?" She pushes the pitcher toward the other greenrider. "You missing someone to dance with?" Kelset leans down--making sure to place a supporting hand on the table--and retrieves his gitar case, slipping it over one shoulder. Retaking his wine glass, he lifts it jauntily and replies, flashing a dashing smile to Timbril, "It would be my pleasure, Headwoman. Perhaps we'll constitute One and a quarter of a steadily-legged person between us. Kassima, stay out of trouble until I return." Timbril laughs and takes the harper's arm, steering off ... as unsteadily as one might expect ... listing slightly to the side, like a ship without a rudder. "Have fun T'kar! Have fun Kassi! Have fun ... evvvverryone!" she calls out in giggly fashion. Timbril walks towards the inner cavern. "You'd best make your return swift, then," Kassi ripostes, "since 'tis proven fact I can't stay out of trouble for more than ten seconds flat. Go, go!" Kelset stands up straight for a moment and tosses off a quick salute to Kassima. "Certes, sir!" A wink, a flash of white teeth, and, arm-in-arm with the headwoman, he attempts to counterbalance her in her exit. Kelset walks towards the inner cavern. Alessandra yawns faintly, letting her head rest on Kichevio's shoulder affectionately. "Mm. They sort of zap your energy just by watching, don't they, Kich?" "Poor lil' T'kar. Just look at those eyes." Talisha starts giggling as she watches said rider, then tilts her head toward Kassi for a moment. "I still have to tell you that something. But only because you tried to ask for me." Grinning rather stupidly, the woman leans forward in her seat, suddenly straightened from the slouch. "K'ryn answered me - if'n you remember the question." Tarlo grins over to Talisha. "I'm game to dance if you are..." the echoing sounds of the cavern momentarily confuse her senses, "If they're still playing?" Flustered by her companion's bluntness, Sloane murmurs, "No," but it is rather pathetic in its lack of confidence. "And no, thanks. I'm not thirsty." A brief silence. "How about you? Are you seeking a partner, Nyne?" Talisha adds, to Tarlo with an impish grin, "I'll dance, if you lead. I'm hopeless at anything but following along." Aurian walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. T'kar swings around and gets a good look at Tarlo, Talisha, Kichevio, and Alessandra. "Do I get to pick? They don't come as a bundle, do they? I can probably handle one or two, but the lot of them..." That wide grin plays on his lips. "Hmm. I take too much time deciding." Kichevio smiles a little. "I have the energy, but my feet would complain." All the same, though, she bats her eyes coyly at T'kar. "If you don't mind dancing with two people instead of one..." Nican makes his way through dancing couples and quickly finds a roll on the serving table. He starts munching, still watching the dancers. T'mren dips Chaia once playfully as the dance continues, and kisses her on the lips when he pulls her back up, grinning at her and quietly asking, "Nice tune isn't it? Are you enjoying this?" "Did he call me *sir*?" Kassi wonders, staring after Kelset. "How drunk *is* he? ...Oh! I do remember the question, Tali--" Her green eyes narrow as she studies the other greenrider. "Since you seem happy enough... should I be assuming, I hope, that the answer was positive?" Meanwhile, she shoots T'kar a look full of amused exasperation. "Oh, Faranth's sake. Will one of you ladies kindly dance with him?" Tarlo grins at T'kar. "You could dance with all of us, but Meri might never let you hear the end of it." To Talisha, "Sure...I don't mind at all, if they play something upbeat. Couple dancing might be a bit ackward." Alessandra mmrfs, sliding an arm around Kichevio's other shoulder. -Her- pillow. "Or... um... five at once..." But, releasing her fellow greenrider with a grin, she leans back in her chair and eyes T'kar as well. "But with me, it'd be three at once." Chaia laughs as she's dipped, and then kissed, and murmurs, "I'm having a wonderful time." "Aw. Not game enough to take on -all- of us?" Talisha flutters up at T'kar, head tipped to one side. "Not man enough for it?" Still, she's grinning, and allows her gaze to flit back to Kassima. "He said -yes-." And there -there's- a beaming grin, teeth bared and all. "No couple dancing though Tarlo? Aw." a wink. Nyne has already succeeded in guzzling a full half of her glass, and is well on her way to making it 3/4, but pauses to reply, actually going so far as to set the glass down on the table. "Not thirsty? Now I'm truly impressed. I'm not hunting, no. I'd dance with Elevan, except he's gone off sailing and isn't back. Should be back any time, really," she insists. "No, most men I'd say it's safe to say are not worth the effort." This doesn't keep her from admiring a particularly nice dancer for a moment, before downing the rest of her water, though with such haste. Kassima puts her mug down in order to slap an open-palmed hand against the table surface. "Tali, that's *magnificent*!" she enthuses, eyes alight with genuine pleasure for the other rider. "M'congratulations--or condolences--t'you both on finding each other, I assure. Now, now, have pity on the poor man; he just scarcely survived a dance with me. You can't blame him for caution." T'kar slides a hand through his thick, spiky locks, only barely touched with sweat after his short stint of dancing. "Well, strangely enough, I think Meri would understand most with you four out of anyone. C'mon, then, do you all fit?" Luckily his arms are fairly long, and he offers both out to the table of seated ladies. T'mren smiles at his weyrmate pleasedly, and kisses her, squeezing her waist gently against him, 'Good.' he murmurs to her softly, continuing the slow dance, "We need to do this more often!" Alessandra shoots a look on either side of her after T'kar speaks, grinning impishly. "You know we'd all four cause a scene, m'girls." Then -- "But it'd be fun, no?" Tarlo grins, and skips out onto the dancefloor. "You just stay in the center and we'll work around you." she advises merrily. "I once thought that, too," admits Sloane to Nyne. "Now ... I'm not so certain." Sloane slips damp forelocks behind her ears, each lock a dark crescent. "I miss Elevan. Does he dance as well as you?" Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Who's in charge of the music here, can we get a quick bit again? What am I getting myself into?" Kichevio starts to stand, giving Alessi due time to remove head from shoulder. "I _live_ to cause scenes, you know that," she teases. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Trouble, T'kar. What else? ;)" Telgar Weyr> Kelset honestly has no idea who took over music for him after the song he did. :) Telgar Weyr> Kichevio yays for trouble! :) Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "With Tarlo, Tali, Kichie and Alessi, it's /always/ Trouble." "Condolences to /K'ryn/ I think, the poor thing." Talisha keeps on grinning, then bounces up from her chair. "Now _this_ sounds like more fun than just flouncing around the dancefloor in a pair." Telgar Weyr> A'ser could always come down and add to it. But no one deserves that. Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Trouble is good!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima sniffles and makes puppy eyes at Alessi. I'm not trouble? Alessandra follows, giggling as she rises as well. "Of course it does, Tali love." Oh dear. T'kar's in for it now... Telgar Weyr> Kichevio says, "Kassi is one step above Trouble. She's Evil. :)" Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "You're your own special breed of Trouble, Kassi. ^.~" T'kar shoots a quick glance backward at Kassima, like the dying man who thought he could grab his favorite mug before the flood hit. "You thought -you'd- be the death of me..." And then he succumbs to the flow of lovely Clutchmates. Telgar Weyr> Kassima looks pleased. That's all right, then. ;) Telgar Weyr> Zaidra thinks you /should/ go to the party A'ser. It could be amusing to watch. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo is probably not quite trouble, but possibly around 'Mildly Irritating'? Nyne shakes her head, "Oh no, he's a wonderful dancer. He's much better than me," she insists. "That's why it's so fun to dance with him. Too bad he missed the party." Ice-green eyes seek out Sloane over the rim of her waterglass. "Changed your mind, maybe? Have someone in particular in mind? Is he Istan?" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Nooooo... nooo... we don't want things to get haywire" Telgar Weyr> A'ser makes doe-eyes at Zaidra. Is that all I am to you? Amusement at parties? "I still am," Kassi replies merrily, turning her chair about to best be able to watch the melee that's to ensue. "Just less directly. And you'll probably survive these four better'n me--*they* can dance!" Tarlo looks over at the harpers, trying to get a feel for what they're playing, or if not, hoping to catch an eye and make a request. Telgar Weyr> Zaidra laughs, "Not at all, cookie-monster. But I can't /go/ so having something to /watch/ would be cool." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Now now.. fuss over dragon babies.. much more entertaining." Telgar Weyr> A'ser WANTS to see the dragon babies! When do they get to come out? Telgar Weyr> Timbril chuckles. They're so cuuute:) Chaia has been completely entranced, but finally she responds to T'mren, "I wish we could do this more often, love." Her voice is soft, almost blending with the music. T'kar stops at the edge of the dance floor, awaiting the results of Tarlo's visit. "Well..." he checks on his company with a quick look, then mangles some grammar. "Pleasantest death I could ask for, in any case." Sloane demurs, "No ... not quite." Her necks sways with the Harpers' beat ~ with such music grace comes easily. "He invited me to dinner at the gardens of Benden Hold. I've never been there before. Have you, Nyne?" T'mren squeezes Chaia gently to him, "We'll go to gathers more often from now on, then, I think. If only so I can see you in this dress more." He murmurs, "You look radiant love. Absolutely radiant." Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Somebody help me out...what sort of music is being played?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima honestly hasn't a clue. Last I recall, it was a slow beat? Chaia laughs softly, murmuring, "Not radiant. Freezing. This dress is better suited to home." Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "It's slow just now, we've got that couple or two out there." Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "It was slow before -- dance beat" Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Like a waltz. I was emitting." Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "We need to kick it up a notch." Telgar Weyr> Kassima dubs T'kar Emeril. Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Someone else can feel free to take over:)" Telgar Weyr> A'ser could go for some disco. :D Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "We had rock earlier:)" Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "BAM!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima, while doing so, decides that she will be Chairman Kaga. ;) Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Does that make A'ser Iron Chef Italian?" Telgar Weyr> Kichevio whimpers and hides... Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Kassima speaks only in subtitles from now on!" Telgar Weyr> Aurian loves Morimoto. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick isn't sure he wants to know where those references are from. Alessandra snorts, sliding an arm around Tali and Kich's waists, if allowed. "Just keep the flattery coming, T'kar..." Telgar Weyr> Zaidra laughs at T'kar's last comment. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Or make it slow-naughty." Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Cooking show:) Iron Chef:)" Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "hubba hubba:)" Nyne watches the man trying to dance with four women at once. "Who invited you? El? Or your mystery love? I've never been to Benden Hold's gardens. I'm not entirely sure I've ever been to Benden Hold at all, really. Not for more than a brief stop, at best. Invited and you went, or invited and you haven't gone?" Apparently her lifemate's curiosity in all things gossipworthy has affected her tonight. Telgar Weyr> Kassima votes for slow-naughty, since she's not part of the danceage-a-cinq. ;) Kichevio nods, as the Impregnable Ring of Greenriders is formed. "Flattery is _always_ good." Telgar Weyr> A'ser will dirtydance with Kassi. <3 Telgar Weyr> Kelset /did/ have a pretty slow-naughty song. But Kassi didn't like it. ;) Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Hooah." Telgar Weyr> Zaidra awws. Telgar Weyr> Kassima acks! And snickers. Kassi ICly doesn't like love songs, no. ;) Telgar Weyr> Timbril howls with laughter. "Danceage-a-cinq ... love it Kassi. Love it:)" Telgar Weyr> Kichevio hauls Patrick Swayze in, if there's going to be dirty dancing. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima beams at Timbril. :) Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Ewwwww" Telgar Weyr> Timbril chortles s'more. Sighing happily, Talisha slides out onto the dancefloor with the others, and reaches to drape an arm 'round Alessandra's waist in return. "I like flattery. Flattery will get you -everywhere-." Lashes are fluttered again, and she looks over at the harpers expectantly. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick isn't dancing but thinks whoever wants to go out and dance should take over and maybe note on here that they are taking over. :) Telgar Weyr> Tarlo will emit music, if the IC harpers can be alerted by someone? Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "And, Kich... given that two of that ring *are* pregnant, I don't think Impregnable's the word. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "What IC harpers?" Telgar Weyr> A'ser plays piano man romantically for all the old-timers. u_u Telgar Weyr> Aurian sobs and hugs the 31 turn old A'ser. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Right. Gotcha. ;>" Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "So, anyone mind?" T'kar's eyes sparkle. "Not every day I get a chance like this. I'd better think of some good ones." He shuffles on out, at least making a decent effort not to bump into any of his wardens. Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Hit it!" Telgar Weyr> Zaidra says, "Go for it!" Telgar Weyr> Kichevio passes Tarlo the baton. :) "I ... we've not gone yet. Soon, though." Sloane considers her fingers, which she threads together, a small mass of fine bones and rosy skin. "Do you think I should dress nice?" Telgar Weyr> A'ser tapes Aurian's mouth shut vengefully. "QUIET." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick now ponders ways to make a coded 'harper' for some other event. Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Kelt's the Craftsecond and on this knot so I think they're alerted:)" Telgar Weyr> Aurian bounces and whimpers. He's old. He's old. Kassima prepares to watch the dancing troupe with great interest, hugging her plum liqueur as closely as if it were one of her children. "Get out there and scandalize people!" she calls helpfully to the quintet. Telgar Weyr> A'ser grrrs..... Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Who's old?" Telgar Weyr> T'kar is glad we don't have mosh-music. It'd turn into belly-pinball. One of the more enthusiastic harpers break out a drum, and a second a flute. They begin a two-four beat, with the flute wailing wickedly in the background. Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "Shut up!" Telgar Weyr> Kelset grins. And is alerted. And is also /not/ an old-timer, and /still/ a huge fan of Piano Man. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo is listening to Lady Marmalade, so y'all get an idea of the beat. :) T'mren squeezes his weyrmate's hand, and stops, "Looks like our slow song's done!" he says, regretfully. Telgar Weyr> Aurian blinks innocently over at her clutchsibbo A'ser. Alessandra snickers, following after T'kar and leading the, ah, two girls on her arms after the brownrider. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio grins. How appropriate. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick is listening to...his CPU's fan. 0:) Telgar Weyr> Talisha laughs, and just put that cd on :> Telgar Weyr> Timbril giggles. "Gooochy goochy yah yah yah yah ..." Kichevio salutes Kassima with a wink. "I hear and obey, Wingleader!" Telgar Weyr> T'kar plays Ewan McGregor for the night? Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Oooooh." Chaia smiles up at T'mren, "I'm a little tired anyway. Long day, and all." Nyne persists, "You didn't say who," she reminds almost gently as she presses for information. "If you go, you should dress nicely, I'd think. When did you think you might go? And who was it you were going with?" she asks again, not quite slyly. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio pounces T'kar! Telgar Weyr> Kassima runs to get her Bedlam Born CD. 'The Beggar' would be appropriate, I think. 'That of your five sound senses you never be forsaken, nor travel from yourselves with me abroad to beg your bacon.' ;) Erdrick just watches the party goers quietly and then blinks, realizing he probably looks a bit out of place since he's not dressed up for the occasion. Tarlo has absolutely no qualms about dancing with a group, but - sweet Faranth, where did she learn how to do /that/? With one hand to her head, her hips go a-shakin', and she undulates too and fro between the members of the little dance cluster. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "You can't be Ewan McGregor, then we'd all pounce you and Meri would -really- be mad. ;>" Telgar Weyr> Alessandra dies and agrees. Telgar Weyr> Talisha isn't afraid of Meri! Ohwait. Yes she is. Telgar Weyr> T'kar hasn't seen her in a long time, she won't find out ;) "Oops. I didn't say that." Telgar Weyr> Timbril swoons into T'kar-Ewan's arms. Oh MY Telgar Weyr> A'ser wants to hear Groove is in The Heart, by Deelite next, please. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio sighs wistfully. Okay, but we'd better tell Meri at some point that her weyrmate is Ewan McGregor... Telgar Weyr> T'kar almost just grabbed that, A'ser ;) Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "Sah-weet." Telgar Weyr> Timbril laughs! Telgar Weyr> T'kar settled for the -real- version of Lady Marmalade, though. T'mren slips out, hand in hand with Chaia, "Let's go then love." he murmurs, as the two leave. T'mren walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Chaia walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Nican walks towards the inner cavern. Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "That boy can -sing- mm mm mm. *fans face*" Sloane refuses to divulge too much. She explains, "He's not anyone to me ... yet. I'd like to keep things low key, if you don't mind," not that it'd matter too much if she did mind. "Still ... you'll see him soon enough. He's been invited to the Weyr to teach Qirith's weyrlings." Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "I've never heard someone sing 'The hills are alive with the sound of music' and make it sound a) sexy, b) -sincere- like that before!" Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Exactamundo babe:)" Telgar Weyr> Talisha just about -died- when he did that part in the movie. He's....*swoons* Telgar Weyr> Timbril drags Tarlo out to see the movie again:) Alessandra shakes, too, shooting a look of pure wicked delight at Tarlo, Kich, and Talisha. Let's see if T'kar can keep up with them -- even if two of them /are/ pregnant. Nican walks here from the Inner Cavern. T'kar eases into the beat of things. This is going to take some creativity, but he draws on the energy flowing around him and starts a little side to side shaking, bumping hips lightly in turn with each of his companions. Kichevio is giggling, not quite as undulating as Tarlo, but still dancing a dainty little two step (with some hip-sways that the original inventors of the two-step never thought of> around her various dance partners. Erdrick goggles at Tarlo and the other dancers. "What kind of dancing is that?" he asks the room at large. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio really must see this movie now... Kassima, having directed the five to scandalize everyone, now calmly covers her eyes so that *she* will avoid being scandalized. "Haven't a clue, thankfully," is her cheerful reply to Erdrick./Huh? Telgar Weyr> T'kar thinks we ought to have more Hatchings if they all turn out like this. Or I just ought to be more Ewany all the time. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "And you aren't settling if you are listening to the original version of Marmalade.. though the Rouge version is good too" Telgar Weyr> A'ser Will take you, Kich. <3 Telgar Weyr> Erdrick doubts most of you would know the song he's listening to. Telgar Weyr> Timbril giggles and makes a note of that T'kar ... "have dance after hatching more often" Telgar Weyr> Kichevio beams. Thaaaank you A'ser. :) Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "will make t'kar more Ewan-like"" Telgar Weyr> T'kar winks at Timbril. Still giggling merrily, Talisha starts wiggling her hips right along with Tarlo and Alessi - a wiggle that moves her whole body, probably in a rather scandulous manner to innocent eyes. "This is so much fun." She breathes. Nyne's water glass is tipped back for the last few drops, and she pushes it aside, sated. "So tell me about him a little. If you're interested in going to dinner, he must be better than your average grade of man. I have utter faith in your taste," she confides, stressing the 'your' in that last sentence. "Besides, if you found a good one, there might be more where that came from, it might be worth looking. Find someone who can keep up, when the music's good. If you find a good man, who will I dance with? Not an Istan, you say? What's he like?" Waiting for Nican to finish his roll, Serea walks up to him and shyly says, "Hi. My name's Serea. What's yours?" Tarlo grins and rocks her shoulders back and forward, as if to mock shoulder against Talisha and T'kar, then playfully presses against Alessi's back moving her hips in synch with the pregnant woman's. There she remains a minute before doing the same to Kichevio. T'kar leans forward, edging toward Talisha with one shoulder while his legs weave about smoothly. Before he pushes her back much, the brownrider switches to the other shoulder, bringing him around towards Alessandra. A broad grin is fixed on his face while his eyes flirt shamelessly with those of his dancemates. Telgar Weyr> Timbril chucks T'kar lightly under the chin and grins. "Hatching parties can be so much fun:)" Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Tarlo, you are *naughty*" Telgar Weyr> Kichevio just giggles. We're corrupting her. ;) Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "Who better to corrupt her than you and I, Kich? ^.~" Telgar Weyr> T'kar grins. "And I thought she'd be the least trouble." Swallowing the last of his roll harshly, Nican notices his newfound companion, and replies, "Hi. M.... My name's Nican." Erdrick shrugs over at Kassi, "Makes for interesting watching, but I wouldn't want to try doing it." "He's a desert man. And before that ... I don't know." Her pale gaze furtive, Sloane professes, "I don't feel comfortable talking about this, Nyne." Indicating the many-women-with-one-man-dancers, she suggests, "Why don't you go out and join them? I know you want to." Kichevio laughs softly, tossing a wink and a grin back at Tarlo. "I'm telling K'ra-an..." she teases the goldrider. Kassima dares peek out from between her fingers, and must immediately regret it since her head falls onto the table with a muffled thump. She certainly can't see that way, but covers her head with her hands, just in case. Alessandra grins, raising one arm and resting the hand on T'kar's shoulder while pressing back at Tarlo, then switching and pushing back at Talisha instead. See, this is why it's dangerous to get the four of those girls dancing together. Are you all taking notes? Telgar Weyr> A'ser pauses in the act of entering the LC. ...naughtiness? Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "What makes you think she's not corrupt in the first place? ;>" Tarlo smirks. "Tell him." she challenges. "He's never seen me dance like this, and I haven't done it in years." She rolls her hips, bending her knees into a crouch, and coming back up. Nyne rolls her eyes. "Not a chance. If I'm dancing with a man, ONLY I will be dancing with him. I'd rather dance with El. You hungry at all? I could get something," she offers. Telgar Weyr> Aurian hrms... "I maybe able to rp now... "Hi Nican," Serea replies, "Would you like to dance with me?" Talisha unwraps that one arm from around Alessandra's waist, and starts dancing with her instead, all the while keeping her head tilted to the side, eyes fixed on poor T'kar. A glance then, goes to Tarlo, and she laughs. "You've never danced like that for K'ran? The poor man, he's missing out." She winks, and turns about again, keeping her hips and arms in constant motion. Kichevio laughs some more, lightly bumping hips with Alessi. "I _really_ want to see his face when you do." Tarlo grins. "Drag him out some night when we've got harpers." She steps back and inserts herself between Talisha and T'kar if she can manage it, letting her body ripple in synch with both of them. Alessandra grins, then, impishly, she slides one arm back against Talisha and rests the hand on the other girl's hip. Pregnant? So what? Kich and Alessi still don't show very much -- and they can /both/ still move. Sloane declines, "Actually, Nyne, I should go." And, quickly, "But ... you should stay!" Sloane shoves her chair back, rising to her feet. "I won't be returning to the Weyr. I need to run an errand first." T'kar shimmies by Alessandra and catches Kichevio's hand. He spins her over to his unoccupied side and starts rippling back at Tarlo. Talisha is given a light hip-bump and a wink. Aurian walks in from the bowl. Pierron gives a respectful nod to the Weyrsecond. Sloane walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kichevio spins merrily, hair rippling out, and leans lightly against T'kar's back, hips shimmying. Work it, girl. Nyne glances up as Sloane rises, and chuckles. "An errand, hmm," she remarks as the greenrider disappears, finally seeming to recall the bread she picked up before all the dancing began. It doesn't seem nearly as appetizing now, from the way she wrinkles her nose at it and pushes it a few inches farther from herself. Aurian pulls off her goggles and arches an eyebrow, "Ahhh so the party continues.. glad I took the late sweep and let the wing participate." Talisha sways her hips from side to side, and spins around, hair flying, as Alessi's hand rests against one of them, to nudge her lightly with one shoulder. Grinning then, she aims a flirty wink at T'kar, and murmurs, "I think your getting the better deal out of this, brownrider." "Heyla, Auri," Kassi calls upon hearing the Weyrsecond's voice. Though since she's face-down on the table with her head covered by her hands, it comes out more as "Mmmphrrmrrn." Tarlo is workin' it...along with Kich, Alessi, Tali, and T'kar. She too waves to Auri. Alessandra waves at Aurian merrily before scooting over and bumping against Tarlo and Kichevio with her hips, twisting and turning. Are people /really/ supposed to be able to move quite like /that/? "Face down already Kassima? That many marks off the hatching?" Her eyebrows arch at the dancers, "And again.. reason to be glad the littles are asleep." She hopes. Aurian moves towards the serving table shaking her head with amusement. Nyne glances up as Aurian enters, and nods a greeting. "Ista's duties," she repeats, seated at a table with an empty water glass and an abandoned piece of bread. "I won't argue with that, Tali..." Surrounded by four quite danceable young women, T'kar raises both his arms and starts a slow spin accompanied by a rapid shaking of the bon-bon. Halfway through, outstretched arms flick a wave towards Aurian. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra falls over laughing. /Shake/ it, T'kar! Erdrick nods over at Aurian as he recognizes her. Telgar Weyr> Talisha /laughs/!! Telgar Weyr> A'ser feels left out and joins the sass. A'ser walks in from the bowl. Kassima shakes her head, or rather, rolls her head from side to side. A bit hesitantly, she raises up enough to correct, "I'm hiding m'poor, innocent eyes from what they're doing out there on the dance floor, 'twould be more like t'say." Unfortunately, her timing allows her to witness T'kar shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shaking his booty, shaking his booty, and she falls back to the table with a groan. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick thinks T'kar's group will be a tough act to follow. Tarlo whoops! and raises her hands to the back of her head. Once T'kar's completed his revolution 'round the world, she does a similar hip shake that swerves her body 'round and 'round in a pirouette. Kichevio matches hip-shakes with T'kar and Alessi, happily livin' la vida loca with her friends as she moves into a reverse or bit around Tarlo. A'ser stops on the threshold and stares. He stares a lot. Eventually, his jacket takes a southernward slide off of his shoulder. Aurian pushes her hair back out of her eyes and smiles towards Nyne, "Telgar's duties to Ista and her queens.." She takes up a skin of wine and pours some red into her goblet, "Oy.. Kassima.. you going to let your Wingsecond do that? He could strain himseld and then where will you be?" The weyrsecond stretches up a hand and waves it towards A'ser. Talisha isn't above doing the sexy-shaking-thing, and twirls herself all around in the process, occasionally dipping down low. She reaches back with one hand to rake up her skirt as it starts to slip down, and then pauses, to grab a breath, and watch T'kar. Nyne pours herself one more glass of water, though she sips it with little apparent interest. Eyes flicker over curiously to A'ser as he peers into the Hall. Alessandra steps back against Tarlo, butt-end against Tarlo's hips, before letting her knees bend easily to the floor. Her hands tap the ground, her back-end sliiides back up, and then her hands slide up her legs before letting them slap back against Tarlo's hips, twisting her head to look back at the goldrider. A'ser blinks his muddy green eyes slowly....and then gravitates towards Aurian's handwave, as if on a string. "I don't want t'know how he could strain himself shaking his behind," Kassi's voice protests from that table. "Are they done yet? Are they even close?" She does peek over at Auri's greeting to Nyne, if just to inform earnestly, "This sort of thing doesn't happen here every evening. I'm promising." T'kar spins through the four grooving girls, following his twitching booty backward in a figure eight through the bunch. "Woo! Somebody keep those Harpers going!" A'ser attatches to Aurian's arm gently, wrapping both of his around it. Snuggle. The harpers comply, slowing the beat down, making it a bit more...wicked. And you thought it couldn't get any naughtier! A'ser thought wrong, apparently. Aurian grins at A'ser with a gentle kind of warmth and leans in to wrap her free arm about the slender man, hugging him to her for a moment. "How are you?" A'ser offers to Aurian absently, "I saw the hatching today. Roma and Zaidra Impressed." He sounds pleased with that. Erdrick chuckles quietly, watching this rather unusual dance group. Nyne blinks silvery-pale green eyes back at Kassima, heaving a theatrical sigh and remarking, "I'm sorry to hear that, the dancing was lovely." She seems blissfully and deliberately unaware of the contortions going on out on the dance floor currently, throughout this unusually long song. "Though it would be hard to induce a hatching every night to keep the party going, I suppose." Aurian nods, "What colors did they impress to..." She shifts her wine about and awkwardly takes a gulp while still holding the greenrider close. Kichevio slows slightly as the music does, slipping up against Tarlo's back and matching Alessi's movements. A Tarlo sandwich! Telgar Weyr> T'kar is still rolling on the Pure Funk here. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick is listening to 'Freckles' Telgar Weyr> Tarlo notes if anyone has seen the most recent Farscape, there's a dance scene 'twixt Chiana and Jool that -so- reminds me of this. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio has U2 and Mysterious Ways on. *purr* A'ser is a perfect snuggle-bunni when Aurian's being nice to him. He wouldn't even harass Kassi during such a time. "Green and brown. Didn't you see?" Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Oh God, marry me?" Kassima admits, "I confess I meant the dancing that's going on *now*--for which I don't think lovely is quite the right word... but we don't have the other sort either, perhaps more regretfully. Perhaps nay. I can't dance, so I can't say I'm partial t'dances." Pushing herself up from the table--a new conversation gives her something besides the Jackson Five to concentrate on, after all--she offers, "Kassima, green Lysseth's. I'd be game, but I doubt the queens would." Telgar Weyr> Kichevio laughs!! Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "Puttin' on the Ritz" by Taco." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "'Princes of the Universe,' by Queen. ;)" Aurian gives a soft grin to the greenrider, "No poppet. Unfortunately some duties still hda to be attended to.. fill me in on the details Ash?" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Uhhhh a whirlpool commercial" Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "You keep on coming up with good stuff, A'ser ;) Though "Mysterious Ways" is undoubtedly the best song ever :)" Telgar Weyr> A'ser has a flaming desire to see a line of bronzeriders tapdancing to that, Ala "the Young Frankenstien." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick has a friend, with Bardic pretensions, who's a big Queen/Highlander fan. Tarlo seems to have no problem with being in the middle. She turns to one, then the other, evidently enjoying herself. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo has rediscovered Rush. Particularly 'Dreamline' and 'Roll the Bones'. "Hey." Talisha pouts a little, as she watches the Tarlo-sandwich thing happening. "I want to be sandwiched too." Only as soon as she says it, she starts shimmie-shaking around again, and moves to bump up against T'kar. A'ser blinks, a little owlishly. Details? "...uhm...there was a gold." Telgar Weyr> Kichevio is picturing the belly-dancer from the ZOOTV tour, T'kar. ;) Aurian blinks back at A'ser, "Ahh then that is good indeed. More golds.. mean more eggs..." She wrinkles her nose playfully at him. Telgar Weyr> Kelset sticks with "The Complete Simon & Garfunkel". The "If I could only listen to one CD again, /ever/..." CD. T'kar edges Talisha into Tarlo's side, wedging her into something more like a Tarlo Meatroll. "Patience," he advises between breaths. "Everybody gets a turn." Alessandra reaches out for Talisha, trying to pull the girl back with her. And hey -- put T'kar behind Kichevio, and there we go. Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Oh ew." Telgar Weyr> Kelset writes Talisha off his Christmas card list. ;) Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "that would be my Malice Mizer CD." A'ser wrinkles his buttonish nose back at Aurian before straightening up again--with an arm around the brownrider's waist. Mine. "I guess. The goldriders don't talk to me, ever, so I couldn't say what I think." Telgar Weyr> Zaidra likes Kelset's choice of music. Telgar Weyr> A'ser slaps both of Alessandra's hands imemdiately. "NEVER say MM at me! >O Never EVER. For SHAME." Nyne rises as well to return the introduction to Kassima, "Nyne, green Psylth's. Maybe if we stopped feeding the greens firestone we could manage it, but who could handle that many hatchlings?" A measured glance is spared for the cheerful dancers. Tarlo calls over the beat, "That's not true at all, A'ser. I talk to you!" Telgar Weyr> Kelset laughs. Well, you definitely stay on the list Zaidra. But you like Cat Stevens, too. There's just little danger for you. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra halos. Can I help it if I like Malice Mizer and Gackt? ^.~ A'ser peers over at Tarlo, standing on his toes for a second. "....you don't ride gold!" Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "Yes, you can help it. Start helping it right now." Telgar Weyr> Kassima snickers and puts on 'Dance the Magic Round.' It seems appropriate. ;) Telgar Weyr> Alessandra snickers. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio stands staunchly by U2, Sting, and Loreena McKennit. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra ends up caving and putting in Athena Cage -- All Or Nothing. ^.~ Aurian places her goblet back on the table and reaches up to smooth back A'ser's hair, "Ahhhh welll... there's always more of every color than gold." She shifts near to rest against the rider as she glances back with amusement at the riders who are still dancing. Telgar Weyr> A'ser prrs at McKennit. Telgar Weyr> Kelset says, "Have you seen Sting on the "All Access" IMAX, Kich?" Telgar Weyr> Aurian wonders what happened to her McKennit cd. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo adores Loreena...have any of you heard of Sheila Chandra? Telgar Weyr> Kichevio sighs. Sadly, no. Mirielle walks in from the bowl. Telgar Weyr> T'kar is right with Kich, here. Although at the moment Shaft has just started. "Who's the brownrider who's a dance machine with all the ladies?" Mirielle walks towards the inner cavern. The harpers begin to wind down the song, slowing the beat to a dead stop. Telgar Weyr> Kelset says, "He's totally the best performer on there. I had never heard Sting before that. So I went out and bought "The Soul Cages"." "Well met," Kassi replies amiably. "Methinks Lysseth would object to *that* notion... but then again, mayhaps nay. She'd certes have interesting clutches. You've the right of it, though, sadly; the Weyrlingmasters would kill us." She just doesn't look at the dancers. It's safest that way. Kichevio calls from where she's gettin' down with her bad self, "She _does_ ride gold, A'ser." Telgar Weyr> Kassima belatedly sighs with happiness. Loreena McKennitt. Bless her. Telgar Weyr> Kassima has five CDs of hers. Addicted much, *me*? Telgar Weyr> Alessandra has four, Kassi. ^.~ Telgar Weyr> Kichevio beams. The Soul Cages. And Loreena McKennit and The Lady of Shalott. A'ser holds still for the hair-straightening, which does not straighten so much as gives it a blatant reason to misbehave further. Wispy-poof. And as to this arguement? Asher makes a scowly, angry-kitty face at Kich. "Says WHO?" And juuuust as she got meat-rolled into Tarlo and Alessi, the beat has to stop. Talisha keeps moving about for a little bit, then stops, hands on her hips. "What happened?" Telgar Weyr> Kelset grins. Ever since she did a Blake poem, /I've/ been a fan. "Lullaby" rules. Alessandra ends up with her hands back at Tarlo's hips, grinning as the beat stops. "Awwww, but that was /fun/. Girls, we gotta do that sometime. You busy often, T'kar?" Aurian chuckles at A'ser and glances towareds Kichevio, "If he says Cariath is not gold, then that is what he says. Besides.. that is a compliment towards Tarlo and her queen." Nican glances up from his conversation to look towards the harpers questioningly. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Even though 'When Sin claps his broad wings and sails rejoicing in a flood of death' doesn't sound like a lullabye to *me*. ;)" Nyne calls out to Talisha, "The Harpers' fingers all fell off, that's all. No worries." Her attenion is redirected to Kassima, a grin spreading across her face. "I was more worried about the searchriders than the Weyrlingmasters, but I think you have the right of it there too." Aurian's statement piques her interest, though, and she has to inquire, "How is saying that a gold is not a gold a compliment? "She _does_," Kichevio insists, resting her chin lightly on Tarlo's shoulder. "I'd remember if she didn't...I think we scared the Harpers, Tali." And indeed, a couple of those journeymen are open-mouthed and staring. You'd think they never saw dancing before... A'ser nods sagely as Aurian speaks. That's right. Nican giggles Telgar Weyr> Kelset grins. No. No, it doesn't. (Ah, Blake...) Tarlo looks faintly puzzled, and nods, curious as to Nyne's question. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio points to The Stolen Child. Even better. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Oh, god, yes." Aurian sidles her gaze towards A'ser, "Do you want to explain or shall I?" Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "The Mystic's Dream." A'ser pipes up, in Nyne's direction, "'Cause if a gold ain't a gold then she's a green! Wa'oo!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima mmms Mystic's Dream. Mists of Avalon. Yay. Telgar Weyr> Kelset says, "The Highwayman." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Cymbeline!" Alessandra nestles back against Tarlo, pulling Talisha with her if she can. Much better. "Poor dears," she echoes, giggling helplessly. "I wonder if we scared them all away from Telgar forever now." Probably not -- wouldn't that be just Kassima's luck, though? T'kar straightens out of mid-groove and flicks back his hair. "Busy? I think I can make some time. Maybe even make a regular occurence out of it." Right, T'kar. You're not -that- lucky. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "Dante's Dream!" Talisha gives a little peep as she's pulled in with Alessi, then relaxes and stretches an arm out to loop it 'round the greenriders waist. Sighing melodramatically, she murmurs, "I wish you weren't both pregnant. I wish we could go to the lounge." Whine whine whine. Nyne shakes her head, tangly soft hair swinging with the gesture. "I don't know many goldriders that would agree, or agree that it's a compliment, though I certainly can understand the sentiment," her gaze drifting in the direction of the Bowl, as if she could see her Psylth through the walls. Telgar Weyr> Kelset chuckles. We're silly. Kassima follows the thought logically through: "And t'be a green is t'be the best color of all. Oh, the *Searchriders*--speak nay of that; I escaped Search almost completely this round, to Lyss's pique, but there've been times when she had me going all over Pern on errands so she could try t'find Someones Special. Faranth help me." A wary look is tendered towards the quintet. "Are you five done now?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "We're Telgar. It follows. ;)" Kichevio reaches around Tarlo to ruffle Tali's hair. "It's a date, in about six months." Telgar Weyr> Kelset agrees. "QED." Tarlo's lip quirks. "I don't know that Cariath would agree, but I'll take the compliment in the spirit it was meant." she grins impishly and says in an innocent tone to Kassima, "Yes, Wingleader." A'ser makes the kind of faces that cat's make when you laugh at them--all he needs are the ears to put back. "... ...well obviously that poor girl is addled in the head," he tells Aurian solemnly. Hmf. T'kar raises an innocent eyebrow. "Sorry, Kassi, did we forget you?" He grins at Tarlo in passing, then flops into the first available seat. Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Sting rocks live ... and I can't get the MIsts soundtrack out of my head" Alessandra giggles, lacing fingers through whichever hands she can get. "Of course, Wingleader dear." Alcohol? Who needs it? She, too, flops into a seat, rather out of breath but positively beaming. Aurian chuckles, "Take it as a compliment Tarlo, it probably means you aren't uppity at all." She grins at A'ser, "She rides a dragon, so not quite so addled, poppet.." Telgar Weyr> Kichevio would sell anything short of my soul to see Sting live... Kassima considers Alessi. Considers Kichevio. Suggests, thoughtfully, "Alessi said she was four months... Kich, how far along are you? Past three months yet?" She just makes a face at Tarlo, which turns into a raspberry for T'kar. "As if'n I could dance like that?" Telgar Weyr> T'kar loved the songs Sting did on 'The Thomas Crown Affair' and 'The Professional'. Nyne laughs, "For tonight, at least. But next time they can lasso more than one Harper at a time, I'd head the other direction." A'ser is regarded with an equally feline expression, a measuring one. "Do you mean me?" She inquires calmly. A'ser lifts one brow as he tells Aurian, "I KNOW she doesn't ride gold. Sometimes she gives me cookies!" "Just past three months," Kichevio confirms, flopping down beside Alessi and patting her stomach. "Get used to it, baby--your mama likes to dance." Telgar Weyr> T'kar owns the Police boxed set, too. Nothing quite like early Police - Sting punk. Tarlo says patiently, "You could if you were willing to learn. It's not hard." she holds out a hand playfully. "Dare you." she challenges the green rider. Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "Oh, that's good, Kich. Scare the baby before it's even born." Telgar Weyr> Kichevio says, "It's Kich-spawn. It won't be scared. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Erdrick decides trying to RP here and in another window just won't work, too much going on in the LC, so will go elsewhere. :) Alessandra grins, immediately lacing an arm around Kichevio's waist again, and following Talisha and Tarlo with her eyes. "We /do/ have to do this again. Best way to keep in shape after all." Pause. Blink. Someone just said the magic words -- "Ooooh. Snag 'er, Tarlo." Erdrick refills his klah mug and slips off into the inner cavern. Erdrick walks towards the inner cavern. Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Poor Erdrick. We outfunned him ;)" Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "He can't handle the heat." "Then there's nay reason you couldn't go to the Lounge," Kassi points out, lifting one shoulder. "Couldn't *drink*, a'course, but...." Of course, at this point she has to stare at Tarlo. "*Me*?" It's not quite a squeak. Just something close. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Just too many people. :)" Aurian calls to Tarlo, "Pay her! She wore pink lace for me cause I paid her.." She glances towards A'ser, "Well cookies... cookies are always welcome." She twitches her nose lightly at the green eyed rider close to her. Tarlo says mildly, "Of course, if you can't /handle/ it Kassi, I quite understand." her tone is challenging. A'ser points to Kassi with one finger and informs the brownrider beside him, with equal solmenity, "I used to be special lovers with her, you know. She -can- dance." Kichevio is trying desperately to stifle giggles as she watches the Kassi-Tarlo showdown. T'kar sits up, facing a tough choice. Insubordination in the name of fun, or a valiant attempt at protecting his Wingleader? Nican glances up suddenly at the mention of cookies. Alessandra grins, watching Tarlo and Kassima expectantly. "Sssst, Tarlo -- I'll add marks on this one..." Aurian flicks a slightly jealous look towards Kassima and then glances back towards A'ser stepping closer to him. Telgar Weyr> Timbril buys Kichie tix for Sting's next concert tour Talisha whips her sweaty hair up into a loose knot, then follows along with the others, flopping into a seat rather ungracefully. Flop. "It's no fun going to the lounge if you can't /drink/." Then, gold-green eyes round as wide as saucers, and she stares outright at A'ser. "You /did/?" Oh, dear. It's a Challenge. And if there's one thing above all others, even above alcohol and knives and gambling and kiwi ice cream with ketchup, that Kassi cannot resist, it's a Challenge. She slowly gets to her feet. "'Tis quite possible I can't," she allows calmly, "but just because I can't dance *normally*--A'ser, stop lying, sharditall, or I'll dump live spiderclaws down your pants--nay because I'm *scared*." Telgar Weyr> Kichevio loooooooves Timbril!!! Telgar Weyr> Aurian can't remember who's pants she filled with Spiderclaws. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Trevor. ;)" "She talks that way because she's so fond of me. I know what kind of underthings she wears." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "That's right." Aurian hrmphs and takes another moment to glare at Kassima. Uh oh looks like the Thunderbolt wing might end up with all the ultra 'fun' duties soon if A'ser keeps this up. Kichevio just watches her Wingleader Who Knows No Fear. Oh man, what a night. Someone must have spiked the drinks. Nyne frowns slightly at A'ser as he does not reply to her, but does not press the issue for once. Perhaps it is because she is a guest in the Weyr. Perhaps she finally discovered some self control somewhere. Perhaps she just doesn't know how to deal with a rider who talks like a child with a head injury. She moves back toward her table, retrieves her abandoned piece of bread, and deposits it in a bin. "Perhaps I'll be making my way back to Ista, it's getting late. Sloane should have made it home from her errand by now, and Psylth would like to go to bed besides." "He's *lying*," Kassi repeats, glaring daggers at the other greenrider. "He's never seen m'underclothes and never *will*. --Oh, g'deve, Nyne," she adds in a bit belatedly. "A pleasure 'twas t'be meeting you, a'course." Tarlo nods over to the harpers, who strike up a simple beat. She smiles over to Nyne. "Fair skies, and duties to Ista's queens!" A'ser says "They're shiney." Kichevio wiggles her fingers at Nyne. "Come back some night when we're semi-normal." "Clear Skies.." Aurian calls to the Istan rider before glancing back towards A'ser, "How can one have shiney underthings?" Alessandra eyes Tarlo, eyebrows raising, then grins Kassima's way. "You're nae scared? I think you are. You wouldn't even /watch/ us. We'll start at at least a mark that you can't learn to dance like us -- and then /prove/ it in at least a small crowd." Nyne chuckles, her spirits clearly undamaged by the encounter. "Pleasure meeting you, and I believe that your undergarments are strictly your own business, no matter what anyone says." She nods cheerfully to Kassima, before glancing at the others with a twitching smile. "I'd like nothing better, but I certainly hope that even semi normal you still can muster up some dancing. Did enjoy that." A'ser lifts both of his dark brows and quite plainly and honestly informs Aurian, "Well, they're like her knives, only, I think, they're metal under-thingies. Special made. I -saw- them. We were in the bushes out alone." Kassima mutters, "They aren't," as she reluctantly abandons the dubious safety of her Wing table. Very reluctantly. Very, very... oh, you get the idea. "Ah-ah--I'll try t'be learning if'n 'tis what it takes t'fulfill this *dare*, Alessi, but proving it's nay part of that! I'm nay dancing in front of other people! They might get *ideas*!" At this point, she can just flip a rude gesture at A'ser, one which suggests a painful anatomical action. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "For the record: Kassi has never, ever, ever gone out in the bushes and shown anyone her underthings. Ever. I'd just like to say that. ;)" T'kar doesn't give his mind to much deliberation, but pops upward. "Oh, goodbye, Ista! You danced well!" And then he catches up to Tarlo and Kassima before he misses much. That set of actions is carried out mostly with a dubious and bewildered look about what he's hearing from A'ser. A'ser wouldn't have any idea what that anato-whatisit might be. Telgar Weyr> Timbril stares and regrets turning +watch off? Kichevio's squeak is muffled. _Metal_--? Not going there, nope nope nope... Telgar Weyr> Kichevio grins. This log will be one for the history pages... Tarlo faces Kassima, and says simply, "Put your hands on your hips." She does so. "Like this." Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Ooooee." "Kassima has shiny metal underthings?" Talisha's all but green with jealously now, no-matter that this stuff is probably not even true. "Where'd you get it, Kassi?" Then she bounces up from her seat, all sparkling grins and flushed cheeks. "I'm going." She announces, and flutters lashes all around. "See you lot later." Telgar Weyr> Alessandra /giggles/. Yup. Nyne waves as she passes by A'ser and Aurian. "Pleased to have met. Hope you feel better soon, after your green rises," she well-wishes A'ser, clearly assuming the fellow's proddy. Just at the mouth of the tunnel she turns and winks at T'kar, "Not half shabby yourself, Telgar. Have to come back and do it again some time," she declares, then sweeps down the tunnel. Telgar Weyr> A'ser laughs and patpats Kassi adoringly. I believe Asher's tale IS true--from his point of view. They were out on a hunting trip and Kassi put out this LOVELY pose about how there were metallic glints coming from even beneath her clothing. Now, I BELIEVE that she meant to refer to hidden knives, but darnit..... Aurian clears her throat, "Kassima.. less rude gestures... please... " Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "hunca munca;)" Talisha walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Telgar Weyr> Kassima *laughs*! That's where that came from? Goodness. A'ser blinks after Nyne lightly, muddy green eyes wide...and just waves....gently.... Telgar Weyr> Timbril chortles with laughter Nyne walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "But that's what it SOUNDED like you posed! And Kassi practically had her posterior in Asher's face at the time...." "You'd gesture too if'n he told lies about *your* underwear--I do *nay*!" Kassi yelps after Tali. Oh, Faranth. At this point, putting her hands on her hips as directed is a much less traumatic action, especially since nothing has been said about bending her knees in ti-i-ight. Telgar Weyr> Kassima is fairly sure *that's* not so. Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "She was creeping. ^_^" Alessandra calls a good bye after Talisha, then grins up at Kassima. And extends a hand. "It's a bet. Mark says you can't." Though, with Tarlo as a teacher... "Need my help, Tarlo?" Alessi asks, brightly. Telgar Weyr> Talisha laughs. Tali's going to be on at Kassima to reveal where she *got* those fabled metal under-thingies for the rest of her life now. Telgar Weyr> Kassima has read that log many times to snicker at A'ser's poses, and does not recall any posteriors in faces, nope nope. Telgar Weyr> Timbril just totally loses it:) Aurian blinks at Kassima, "So wait.. you don't wear any underthings?" Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "Leave my imagination alone, dangit." A'ser guffaws quietly and puts a hand over his eyes. Please, ladies. Not in front of me. "Or mine?" Kichevio adds her willingness to help. Tarlo smirks at Kich. "Now," she continues her instruction, "Just pick up the heel of one foot and set it down again, and then the other. Almost like you were walking on tip toe." She does it, and of course the movement makes her hips go up and down on either side. She does it slowly, patiently. Kassima retorts, "Won't take it. I've a reputation for nay losing t'protect... I wear underthings, they just aren't *shiny* or *metal* or...." Just shaking her head vigorously, she focuses her attention back on Tarlo. "Heel up, heel down," she recites, suiting action to word. "Other heel up, other heel down." This is something she can manage, even if in all probability she's trying hard not to think about any resultant hip-motion that ensues. T'kar starts to bounce a little bit again. "Say, if I bump Kassi, am I going to cut myself?" he warily questions the room, considering her backside for any metallic protrusions. Telgar Weyr> Kassima dies again at T'kar. Oh, lord. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra chokes at T'kar. This one has /got/ to go up on the Telgar Weyr logs page. Tarlo grins. "Simple, see? Now do it twice with each foot, and lift your hands away." And she continues to be an example, slowly. Kichevio murmurs "She may cut _you_..." Fair warning, there. Telgar Weyr> Talisha agrees with that, Aless. People have to be able to see what Telgari people are _really_ like ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "She does indeed have knives attached to her belt, and there are some in her boots, but since she's wearing a kilt, there's relatively little other place for them to hide. ;)" Aurian giggles helplessly. Hrm perhaps the brownrider got a bit more drinking in than she seemed to. She leans her head on A'ser's shoulder. Telgar Weyr> T'kar beams. A'ser puts a hand to his chest in a genteel posture and intones, "Well, I know that I'm not lying, because my Scarf was there too. And it saw it." ...and then he snuggles his arm around Aurian more solidly. And Kassi continues to play follow the leader, slowly tapping the heel of each boot twice--quietly, since the motion's slow--against the floor and lifting her hands very gingerly indeed. "This doesn't seem so bad," she offers, rather hopeful. Ignoring A'ser, too. Alessandra smirks. That's all -- she just smirks, Kassi's way. Kassima must have missed the question about bumping. T'kar should thank his lucky stars. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "You know what I get the sudden, weirdest mental picture of? All of us as the cast of that 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' movie, with Kassi as Janie since she has the kilt." Aurian grins up at A'ser staying comfortably and contentedly where she is against him. Tarlo grins. "Ready to learn another move?" she asks. Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "I am so glad that I have no idea what that is." Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Oh boy..." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Kassima.. you scare me.. I just saw that on USA the other night." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "its like Xanadu.. only less disco" Kassima replies, quite honestly, "So long as it doesn't involve rump-shaking. I don't know if'n I'm up to the rump-shaking level yet." Telgar Weyr> Kassima did, too. ;) I love that movie, I have to admit, cheesy as it is. It has a great nostalgia factor. ;) Telgar Weyr> Aurian nodders! Telgar Weyr> Timbril laughs some more. Oh DEAR A'ser suggests helpfully, "Show her how to dip!" because he is a big fan of Kassi, dancing, and girls flopping into positions where their kilts shimmey up thier legs a bit. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra has no idea... o.o; Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "I especially like the part where the girl makes a mini flame thrower then sprays her hair upside down.. oddly enough that was Helen Hunt." Kichevio says solemnly, "Only the true masters can do proper rump-shaking." And she would know, yes? Tarlo grins. "It's a bit more difficult then what I showed you, but it's not rump-shaking. Imagine a glow was pointing down at the floor from right where your navel is, and try to imagine drawing a figure eight with it by moving your hips." And she demonstrates slowly - lifting one hip up and forward, and bringing it down and back as the other moves up and forward. Might take a moment, but it's not /that/ difficult. Telgar Weyr> Timbril nodnodnods:) It's a fun movie:) Telgar Weyr> Kassima snickernods! My favorite character, definitely. ;) Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "her last scene in the chariot.. that just rocked in a twisted and very entertaining way..." Telgar Weyr> Timbril grins. Hard to imagine it's the same person;) Telgar Weyr> Aurian nodders, "Academy award winning actress... yeesh." Kassima chews at her lower lip, but given that the alternative to all this strange hip motion is to wimp out of a Challenge... well. She makes the attempt. Hip-wriggling and a nicely red blush ensue. "Like, um. Like this?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima has to give you guys credit, by the way. I would never, ever have imagined that my char could be lured into anything involving hip-wiggling in the Living Caverns until now. ;) A'ser tilts his wispy, black-haired head to the side just slightly, both brows up, as he watches. "Hm." T'kar has paled a touch, but for some reason is still slowly dancing by himself behind his Wingleader, looking for all of Pern like he's just biding his time until the appropriate moment. Or the inappropriate moment, as the former just doesn't occur in this situation. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "It's payback for making Alessi dance earlier. ^.~" Telgar Weyr> Timbril LAUGHS:) Aurian whispers loudly towards A'ser, "I wish we had someone here to sketch this for us to remember." She turns back to blink at Kassima. Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "WOO!! Kassi's WIGGLING!!! HUzzah!!!:)" Kichevio is watching T'kar court death with a grin on her face. Tarlo smiles, "Yes! Very good. Try it a little slower - raise your hands above your head, and you've got it. Want me to show you another one?" Telgar Weyr> Timbril does a little victory dance ... Telgar Weyr> Alessandra merrily adds I'm Going Slightly Mad to her Winamp list, and /giggles/ at Timbril. Telgar Weyr> T'kar just laughs :) Telgar Weyr> Timbril giggles Alessandra smirks again, watching Kassima with -- can it be -- oh yes, it /is/ a predatory smile on her face. Giving up a mark for this, if Kassima pulls through, will be a mark well lost. T'kar gets eyed, as well -- curiously. "What is he /looking/ for?" A'ser closes one of his eyes and admits, "That would be nice....but....Kassi will always be here for us to look at. We don't have to worry about missing her!" Kassima obediantly raises her hands high, wriggling her fingers for good measure as she tries to slow down this hip-wiggling thing. "If'n this isn't enough t'fulfill the dare, then aye." Either she's unaware of her Wingsecond dancing behind her, or in serious denial. Either could be the case. Telgar Weyr> Kassima fears you, Timbril, and fears you greatly. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Oh, yes. And if anyone's player sketches this... they die. ;)" Telgar Weyr> K'ryo woo Telgar Weyr> Alessandra whistles innocently and hides her sketchpad. Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "OOOOOOOO now -there's- an idea." Telgar Weyr> Timbril gets out her pencils. Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "I killed my only drawing character. And Asher's forgotten what paper's for. No worries." Aurian nods slowly the slightly shaggy redhair bouncing about her face, "Yeah.. I s'pose you are right..." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Other than getting ink on his hands." Tarlo grins. "One more, and that's three dance moves. It's a two person move....maybe T'kar would be willing to assist?" she asks in mild innocence. Telgar Weyr> Timbril smiles at Kassi. I know I know -- I'm so scary. *sigh* Telgar Weyr> Kichevio will but a bbpost on the wanted board immediately. ;) Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "You comin' to D*C too Kassima?" Telgar Weyr> A'ser says, "That was M'kla's fault. She was a slave driver and she beat me and I love her enormously and miss her. ;-;" Telgar Weyr> Kassima would have to start a site for Dirty Dancing Kassi Art. ;) Alas, no, not this year. :) "You think?" Kichevio wonders innocently. Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Ah well:) No scaring in person then:)" Alessandra ponders this, as well. "T'kar? Since you're waiting there so patiently..." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick ohhhs, DDK art? :> T'kar bounces a little bit, looking urgently at Tarlo. He performs a couple of 'back that thang up' moves, nodding at Kassima. He quickly straightens at Tarlo's address, clearing his throat. "Oh, I could, sure..." Kassima casts a not-quite-fearful look over her shoulder--see, she did know he was there after all. "I worry," she says, very solemn. "I worry greatly. But I've nay backed out of a dare before, and, shardit, I'm nay backing out of a dare now." Telgar Weyr> A'ser claps for T'kar. I want to see some Gigolo Joe toe-tapping out of this. Telgar Weyr> T'kar kicks his head to the right and starts up the appropriate music. Telgar Weyr> A'ser clicks her tongue. "Hey Joe, whaddya know?" O_- OhyeahI'msmooth. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio pictures Gigolo-Joe tapping, and _dies_. And purrs. Jude Law. :) Nican waves as he hurries out the door with his new found friend. Tarlo grins and indicates for T'kar to come over. Once he does, she explains, "All you have to do is put one foot forward and back, alternating. Each time you step forward, stick out the same shoulder to the other person, and bring it back before sticking out the other one." She demonstrates with T'kar. Telgar Weyr> T'kar will be Jude Law for Kassi, since Ewan McGregor was used up on the other ladies. Nican walks towards the inner cavern. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Actually, this is giving me an idea for an event. Telgar dancing contest!" Telgar Weyr> Talisha would be in it! Telgar Weyr> T'kar finishes off that CD with some Rick James. "Kassi's a Superfreak, Superfreak, she's Super-freakayyyow!" Telgar Weyr> Kichevio oooohs and is in! Telgar Weyr> Aurian chuckles and needs to set a good example now.. 'shhhhhhhh' Telgar Weyr> Alessandra would be too!!! Kassima watches this demonstration very closely, doing her level best not to let any nervousness show. "That doesn't look too traumatizing," she agrees a bit dubiously. "If'n you're sure you're willing, T'kar...?" Tarlo prudently doesn't add the torso undulations that go with this move. T'kar slides out of the demonstration with Tarlo and inclines his head towards the greenrider. "Why, you look stunning in your kilt tonight, Kassi. It would be my pleasure," he beams. Something, one might conclude, is wrong with him. Given the way Kassi's carefully preserved composure cracks, she's certainly reached that conclusion. "T'kar, are you *feeling* all right?" she wonders. "You didn't hit your head or aught? But thankee for the compliment, odd though it be." Tarlo grins and steps back, watching like a pleased parent. Aurian watches the dancing and shakes her head. She slips her arms about A'ser's waist and blinks, "hrm.." T'kar grins quite widely. "Just the joys of Hatching! A celebration of new life and new bonds between friends and lifemates! That sounds like a toast!" That said, the brownrider leans in, slowly leading Kassima in her newest dance move. Sleep, unfortunately, wins out over fascination, and Kichevio slips quietly out of the cavern with a smile on her face. A'ser mutters to Aurian quietly, "Well. You could do that if you wanted to." Kichevio walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. A'ser evaporates like water. No, really. Kassima takes a deep breath before attempting, please stress attempting, to fulfill Tarlo's instructions: foot and shoulder forward, foot and shoulder back; other foot and shoulder forward, other foot and shoulder back. Right. She can do this. Except.... "I don't know quite how to ask this," she mutters, "but does this look as disturbing as I begin t'suspect this looks?" Given those torso undulations that Tarlo kindly neglected to mention and all. Aurian watches A'ser scamper off and the brownrider smirks returning to her seat at the starblaze table. Tarlo assures, "It looks fine." It doesn't look bad without the torso undulations, but it doesn't look as naughty. She smiles. "Three dance moves, challenge met. Well done, Kassima." Alessandra flips up the requisite mark, too -- harper-stamped, no less -- and hands it, with due pomp and circumstance, to Kassima. T'kar is obligingly rather slow, and only gets in one little chest shimmy before he steps back. "I don't know how it looked, but it felt fine to me," he offers with that innocent-but-still-ought-to-be-clobbered grin. Kassima halts dancing, then, in order to beam with relief. "Oh, *good*," she sighs, and nimbly snares that mark out of mid-air to tuck it into her belt pouch. "Thankee, thankee," she answers, grinning--for all that T'kar's comment makes her redden. "Oh, dear... well. Thankee for the instruction and assistance respectively--'twas most... informative, I assure. Though I doubt 'twill ever end up using the information." 'If Faranth is merciful' is kindly left unsaid. Tarlo grins. "You're a quick study. You should go out with us to dance at the Lava Lounge sometime after Alessi and Kich's babies are born." Aurian walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Alessandra beams up at Kassima, looking utterly innocent. "You know, Tarlo's right, you could." She's an angel. Really! Kassima slants a wary look between goldrider and greenrider. "Well..." she replies, doubtful, "I suppose if'n there weren't any men t'point and laugh... and I were sufficiently drunk t'nay think about how silly I looked...." T'kar beams and twirls along to the drinks table to grab a glass of Benden red. And to think, he hadn't even been drinking, before. "I can come along and protect you from unwanted partners," he offers. Alessandra plots. Oh yes, she plots. "Tarlo... What say you and I drag a few other girls with us in about, oh, say, five months..." Tarlo says seriously, "I doubt the men would point and laugh. They'd definitely look, though." Kassima peers sidelong at T'kar. "You wouldn't point and laugh?" Distrustful of potential male snickerage? Kassi? Nahhhh. "That's if'n 'tis *you*," she quips then to Tarlo, dry. "If'n 'twere me, they'd point and laugh. Or throw sandwiches. One of those." Tarlo shakes her head. "Not at all." she asserts. "T'kar, tell her." T'kar spreads his hands, luckily not sloshing wine on the floor, and nods firmly at Tarlo's remark. "She's right. Why, with practice, you'll be outdoing these young ladies." Alessandra eyes T'kar, one eyebrow raising. "Whaaat?" But the incredulous tone is lost completely as the word ends up in a yawn. Yup. Time for bed. "I think I should head on up to bed, guys, it's been a long day..." T'kar steps over to Alessandra, offering a hand up. "Not that you didn't carry yourself quite capably out there. That baby will be born dancing, and Kich's too. You don't need any help getting back, do you?" Tarlo yawns a bit, and looks around contemplatively. "I don't think so, T'kar," Kassi says in a perfectly Al-like tone of supreme lack of faith. "Nay that I'm nay fairly young for a dragonrider, thankee, but I never was any good at this sort of thing... bed, now, sounds like a good notion." She eyes her abandoned mug. "If'n, between the liquor and this, I don't end up having strange dreams. Sleep well, Alessi, hey?" Alessandra reaches up to take T'kar's hand, gratefully -- and, despite earlier undulations, she seems to be just a bit stiff. "Mmf. Might need a hand up onto Kiyoth, if you'd be so kind. Thanks, Kassi -- and thanks, also, for being such a good sport." Tarlo calls after, "Good night, you two." She may yet linger. Kassima indulges in a low, just slightly ironic bow to her Wingrider--but when she raises back up, she's grinning. "M'pleasure, in an odd, inexplicable way. I'd forgotten how interesting it can be t'learn a new thing or two." T'kar gets Alessi properly to her feet, with a light hand on the back to steady her. A last sip of wine is taken before he adds a nod. "It was quite a bit of fun, all around." T'kar appends, "Goodnight, Tarlo, Kassi." Alessandra waves at Tarlo, then Kassi, before yawning again and stepping out. "G'night, T'kar," Kassi bids, ambling back to her mug. She can't leave until it's empty, anyway. "M'regards t'Meri, hey?" Alessandra walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. T'kar nods, with a bit of a sheepish grin. "I think I'll need them." T'kar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima takes up the mug and takes a quick gulp of the plum liqueur, hissing out a breath. "*Strong* stuff," she mutters. Then, "Tarlo, a'fore I go, there's just one thing I have t'be asking. If'n 'tisn't prying. *Where* did you learn t'be dancing like that?" Tarlo smiles. "Traders love to dance, or at least my clan does." she explains. "When the nights were clear, we'd pitch out under the stars and play and dance and sing. The dancing...I don't know, it's been taught for generations, I think it may have come over with the Ancestors." Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "And so, the log of Hatching Dance with Assorted Naughtiness comes to a close. Goodnight, Weyr :)" Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "G'night T'kar:)" Telgar Weyr> Zaidra waves night. "Those Ancestors were racier people than I ever imagined," Kassi marvels, shaking her head slowly. "Methinks 'tis mayhaps well 'twasn't born a Trader--it sounds an interesting life, but I don't know if'n I could dance like that any clear night." Tarlo grins. "If you were brought up with it, you wouldn't mind so much. And to be honest, for all of the dance's stylings, trader women can be quite inhibited about other things." Kassima has to admit, "Given how many times I've seen how much less... oh... stuffed with inhibitions some Weyrbred folk are? Even m'own daughter--I can't be arguing at this point that environment makes a difference. 'Tisn't that 'tis a bad action, only awfully scandalous-looking." Her nose crinkles up in sudden humor. "As if'n I haven't seen worse out of proddy riders time and time again. Why is it, d'you think? If'n they can do the dancing, I'd be thinking they'd be *less* inhibited." Tarlo chuckles. "I know this may seem odd, but to us, the dancing was only play...for more serious considerations - marriage and bearing children, there were very strict rules about how one should behave." Kassima tries, lifting one dark brow, "Monogamy? Bearing children only in a handfasted relationship?" Tarlo nods. "Much like the holds. So how a woman behaved was quite important. Dancing was a way to court and flirt, and we're not kept under lock and key, but it was important to be..." she tries to find a word, "virtuous?" "Some would argue the definition of virtue," Kassi comments, swirling around the dregs of her liqueur in the mug. "But I know what you mean, methinks. 'Tisn't like in a Weyr, where half the population's regularly dallying with whoever they like." Tarlo nods. "Exactly. There used to be some girls at Weavercraft who were carrying on in...quite an adult fashion. I was quite shocked, and shied away from it." Kassima has to ask; she just has to: "Craftsecond Katlynn, by any chance?" Though she hastens to explain, "I've just heard things about what sorts of clothing she likes t'design, and certes that outfit she made for me was... well, mayhaps most wouldn't be shocked by it, but I found it risque. I'truth, I recall being nervous and even frightened of those who acted thus when 'twas Searched and first lived at the Weyr." Tarlo admits, "She was one, yes. Eventually she and I came to understand each other though, and we're friends. But there was another girl...I don't even recall her name off the top of my head - she was just awful to me. It was so bad that once I even sobbed on Merielan's shoulder." "I like her well enough," Kassi freely allows. "Methinks she'd just startle me even now--a bit like Keara with her teacups. 'Twasn't... what was the name... 'twasn't Dela, was it? I remember that she seemed t'be low on inhibition," the greenrider muses. "But she never struck me as particularly cruel. That's right, Meri was a Weaver too, wasn't she?" Tarlo nods. "Cordella. That was her." she grins a bit. "The teacups was just a bit of a joke. And the weyr had given me a bit of spine concerning such matters - but I almost didn't bathe for days at first - the mixed company at the springs was mortifying to me." Kassima shakes her head, though. "Nay Cordella; methinks I've heard her name mentioned--this is a different Dela. Methinks she may be posted away somewhere by now; haven't seen her m'self for Turns, certes." While she does make an exaggerated face, she confesses, "'Twas clever enough, even if'n I can't imagine how Keara could've worn it! Ah, now, you've likely more a spine than me--nay surprise there after tonight's demonstration, but. I've always worn a towel in the Springs and always will. It just doesn't seem right t'go about naked where men might see." Tarlo admits, "I've become easier about it. I know someone won't do anything inappropriate, and that helps." "I don't suppose anyone would do aught inappropriate t'me," Kassi dubiously agrees, rubbing at the back of her head. "I don't know of many who'd *want* to. Still, 'tis as much habit as aught else now." Tarlo looks at her. "Kassima - you're lovely. I'm not inclined torward women, but I know an attractive woman when I see one. Is it that hard for you to believe that you're worth a man's attentions?" Kassima drops her hand, breathing out a sigh that borders on pensive. "Thankee," she says first. "I do appreciate that. As for the answering--*women* generally have nice things t'say about how I look. Men don't, unless they usually prefer dallying with other men. And I've nay precisely had the best romantic history in the world. So, aye, I suppose 'tis difficult t'be believing." Tarlo looks curious. "You're going to no doubt tell me to shard off," she says, "But I'm curious...just what is your history?" Kassima flicks her free hand in a half-dismissive gesture; her words clarify what she's dismissing: "'Tisn't precisely secret; most of the Weyr knows about it, or knew at one point. I've only had one relationship as such, with a man who became infatuated with me after his dragon flew Lyss. He kept claiming t'be madly in love with me. Knew he couldn't be, but I fell for him anyway eventually." She rolls her shoulders in a helpless shrug. "He figured out he didn't love me after all and left. Didn't see him for a Turn or so, and by then he had a new love t'rhapsodize over. 'Twas some Turns ago." Pause. "We did get back together again later, but 'twas only because he pitied me and m'inability t'get anyone else. Didn't last. For good or ill, I've too much pride for that, d'you ken?" Tarlo cocks her head, brow furrowed. "Did he actually say that?" "Which part?" Kassi wants to know. Tarlo says "That the only reason he was with you was because he pitied you and your inability to get anyone else?" Kassima gives a quick headshake. "Didn't, nay, but it followed. He was spending time with at least one other woman, probably more, so 'twasn't that he needed or wanted any sort of relationship with one, and he kept saying how he thought I'd been spending too much time being alone--what d'you call that, if'n nay pity?" Tarlo smirks. "I very much doubt it was pity. He doesn't strike me as the sort of man who'd stick around if you were a bother." She tilts her head. "I'm surprised, you know." "Actually, he expressed disgust with m'being depressed all the time, said something about depressed Wingleaders being useless. It could've been an attempt t'sacrifice himself for his Wing," Kassi self-mocks, her grin humorless. "But I prefer the pity theory t'*that*. Surprised by what?" Tarlo looks at her. "I'm surprised such a load of utter runner-dung would ever come out of your mouth. Or for the most part, that someone as strong and confidant as you would allow herself to believe it." Kassima only arches a brow. "Images," she returns, with a careful lightness, "have a tendency t'slip at this time of morning, mayhaps. I believe what experience suggests is truth. Nay less. Which part was the runner dung, precisely?" Tarlo says "That you've no ability to get anyone else." she shakes her head. "I don't believe it at all. And it's far easier to believe less of yourself then it is to try and get past whatever it is that's holding you from what you want. Most of the time, it's because folks are simply comfortable with being unhappy, and don't want to or can't find the strength to take the risks necessary for their unhappiness to end."" Kassima sets her mug down, lacing her fingers together and turning them so that the palms, still loosely linked, are up: a 'what-can-you-do?' sort of gesture. "Possibly 'tis that I don't want t'take the risks. That's nay beyond the realm of possibility. However, many would surely disagree with you, you do realize? Ev was constantly being called insane for claiming love for me--shells, you heard T'kar earlier, saying I *might* even outdo the *young* women. I haven't even quite lived a third of m'life yet, but he's far from the only one t'be calling me old. I've outlived the time when I might've attracted a mate." Tarlo snorts. "Rubbish. You've carefully cultivated this air of personality about yourself, and the others have fallen in with it. But that doesn't make it any less a true fact that all the result of your not wanting to take risks has been that you're unhappy, and you're not a woman who deserves to be unhappy by any means." "I've been unhappy for over ten Turns," Kassi calmly, quietly reports. "It hasn't killed me yet... though I do thankee for the kind word. Kich said something rather similar about the image. It may be so--but it seems a *bit* late t'be changing it, even assuming I should. I'd rather be with someone who can love me for who I am, as cliche as 'tis sounding." Tarlo doesn't expect Kassi to be very happy with her for the next couple of days. "You barely love yourself." she says as quietly. "I wonder what you'd do, if not for Lysseth." Kassima doesn't deny it, nor flinch from admitting it: "True enough. I'm rather fonder of the image than the reality." Turning her hands back inwards, she remarks, "If'n Lysseth were dead, so would I be. If'n Lysseth had never Hatched, m'life would be entirely different. If'n you mean pretending for a moment that Lyss weren't a factor without her having t'die...." The greenrider curves a wry, faintly amused smile. "There're still the children, after all." Tarlo nods. "I understand. Life without Cariath would be unlivable." she sighs. "You're a stubborn greenie, you know that?" her smile is fond, if resigned. "By which you mean there's naught t'be done with me?" Kassi surmises, her own amusement touched--if momentarily--by regret. "I know, I know. Methinks that mayhaps riders have t'be stubborn in one way or another, though, t'be surviving very long." Tarlo grins. "I'm not quitting. I'm just performing a tactical retreat...for the moment." Kassima gives a genuine laugh at that, rippling and low. "All right, then, tactical retreat. I believe 'twill almost look forward t'seeing what you think of next--for the moment, though, speaking of retreats, I need t'check up on Kisai and get a few hours' sleep a'fore the drills start." She unlaces her hands, tapping a finger briefly against the handle of her mug before adding, "Thankee... for the discussion, and the lesson. It really was most interesting. Might have t'be taking you and Alessi up on that Lava Lounge thing--just don't tell L'cher I said that; he'd never let me forget it." Tarlo grins. "I'll remember it, that's good enough." Kassima snorts her amusement, and snags the cup to take it to the Cup Depository before heading for the exit at last. "G'night, Tarlo," she bids back over her shoulder. "Sleep well, when you finally do!" You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Telgar Weyr> Kassima finally zips out. Sleep well, everyone who isn't already up for the morning. ;) Telgar Weyr> Timbril cuddles the cat on her lap and will just go in a leeetle bit late tomorrow. Telgar Weyr> Timbril says, "Nini Kassi"