-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazing Discoveries... Sort Of Date: November 23, 1997 Places: Aphrael and Prefeth's Weyr and the Telgar Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Can the world come to an end not once, but twice? Apparently so! This log was another fun one; ironically, though, the most hilarious parts (IMHO) took place after I left. C'est la vie. :) It seems that Kassima just hasn't been feeling like herself since being bitten by Slithereth. Is it a strange mutating tunnelsnake disease she's afraid of... or something else? Many thanks go to Aphrael for providing me with some great RP and the tail end of this log. Anything herein that's proceeded by <*> takes place away from Lysseth while Kassi's riding her; all else should be relatively clear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth's thoughts reach out to brush your mind, accompanied by the impression of a rumbled greeting. << Heyla, clutchbrother. My rider wishes to know whether you and your rider would mind if we visited for a moment? >> You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Prefeth lifts his head, from where lazy tones of greeting emanate, as he watches his lifemate putter around the weyr in an effort to clean it somewhat. << My rider and I are always happy to have visitors. She is.. cleaning, right now. >> He seems slightly puzzled by that, as Aph's definition of cleaning appears to be moving things around at random intervals. Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth is silent for a moment, no doubt consulting her rider about this bizarre concept. << Kassima says that this does not surprise her, >> she reports. Along with this is a vague and time-faded image of Aph and K'nan moving stuff around pointlessly when Kassi was unpacking her things in her first weyr at Benden. << She says that perhaps we can return the favor. We will be there shortly. >> <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring from Lysseth's Ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring into the sky above the Southern Bowl. You land on Prefeth's Ledge. <*> Lysseth warbles, a cordial greeting intended for both her blue clutchbrother and his mental case of a rider. Kassima's wave as she frees herself from the straps and starts to dismount is considerably more enthusiastic. "Heya, Aph, Pref. Lyss tells me that you're randomly moving things about for nay real reason whatsoever?" You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Prefeth's tone is one edged in the faint sparks of amusement at that memory, long forgotten by him, as he bugles a greeting to you upon your landing. Aphrael coughs slightly, shaking out a rug as she drags it across the floor of the weyr, pausing, and glancing up, waving with a grin, "Kassi, Lyss! Heya! Who me? No, I'm redecorating." Really. The same as moving things around with no reason, but it's all the difference to Aph. "Care to lend a hand? Where do you think I should put this rug?" Kassima lands with considerably more ease than she's shown over the past few days, though her left leg and arm still appear to be rather stiff. Leaning casually against the side of her green lifemate, the rider simply grins. "Ah, I see." Yes, she knows her sie well. "Certes, 'twill lend a hand; 'twould be impolite of me as a guest to sit back and watch you work, eh? That rug... hmmmm." Stepping away from Lyss and into the interior of the weyr to get a better view, she points towards the floor to one side of the bed. Assuming that there is a bed in here, anyway. "How about there?" Aphrael watches with head slightly tilted; apparently she's not as yet heard the story of how Kassima came by her injury. Brow furrows, as she inquires, "Whatever happened to you, sie?" She nods to the greenrider's arm and leg, before following the finger to the indicated direction. A pause, a faint chuff of amusement from Prefeth, before Aph grins and drags the rug closer, "That seems like a fine place for it." Dragon> Lysseth senses that Prefeth eyes the two humans, amusement coloring his tone a dark green as he offers, << That is where the rug was beforehand. I told you she was moving things around pointlessly. >> 'Am not'! Flows the startled exclaimation from the blue's lifemate. "The leg," Kassi sighs, "is due to agreeing t'help V'dan unpack *his* things. A sillier thing I've never done, but at least now he's so desperate to get on m'good side and avoid having a revenge song written about him that he's effectively become m'servant... where was I? Oh, aye-- well, I slipped on a spot on his ledge where he'd nay cleaned off the hide oil and went flying into the side of his weyr entrance. A section of stone had broken off of the mouth recently. 'Twas rather sharp; gashed m'leg up a bit, but with stitches and numbweed, 'tis nay so bad. Almost healed now. The arm, Slithereth bit." Rolling up her sleeve, she shows off the toothmarks: two teeth seem to have gotten through her jacket and missed her arm-guard enough to puncture her arm and tear through the skin. It's mostly healed, though. "Which is kind of what I wanted to talk about... oh, that definitely looks good there, aye!" Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth snorts, a ripple of gold-laced amethyst cascading over the maze of cool blue and deep green crystals that make up her mind--underlit, of course, by a thread of fiery blood-crimson. << Well, >> she philosophizes, << they would not be our riders if they were not strange and prone to do things that make no sense. >> Aphrael's eyes widen at the tale, disbelief in her eyes. If Kassi didn't sound so serious, likely she'd just laugh. As it is, she splutters slightly, "But.. how.. what? /Slithereth/ bit you? How in shards name.." She pauses, thinking, "Do I really want to know? That looks bad! Kept you from between?" She guesses, wincing sympathetically. Dropping the rug into place, a swirl of dust flows up, causing her to cough for a bit before she gasps out, "Talk to me about what?" Dragon> Lysseth senses that Prefeth considers that for a moment, the thought whirling across his cool blue tones; agreement comes in the color of a soft mauve. << That is true. They are definitely strange. >> How could he possibly disagree? Kassima grins, letting her sleeve fall back over the wound. It might be noted that she's wearing her old rainbow riding jacket again, for some reason. "Aye, i'truth. D'you remember that huge tunnelsnake infestation? The hundreds of 'em that ate up dragonweights of stores? Well, one of 'em happened t'be this monster snake, 'bout as big as Slithereth of legend... I killed him," she adds, with pride. "Just as he bit m'arm. His head is going t'be put up on m'wall when Eryssiara gets done preparing it." Waving her hand in front of her face to keep the dust away, she finds something convenient to sit on and seats herself. There's a pause for a moment, as though she's looking for the right words. "Well... 'tis a strange thing, I'll warn you right off, but I've a question for you. Have you ever had a wound be infected? Festering, mayhaps?" Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth sends a wordless impression of silver-veined agreement, apparently feeling that the one statement just about says it all for riders. Aphrael picks up a box, carrying across the weyr before placing it down next to the rug. She stands back, admiring her work, then turns slightly to regard her friend as she sinks down onto the edge of the bed. "Yah, a'course. Jerissa had all of us dragonhealer's out catching them, and practising our stitching," She wrinkles her nose slightly, but that expression fades as her eyes widen upon hearing the greenrider's tale. "Truely? I'd love to see the head!" A pause, as she considers Kassima's words, running a hand through her hair and spreading grey streaks of dust throughout it, "Not me, personally. I've seen it no less than several times with badly treated wounds before - why?" She leans forward a bit, "D'you think one of your wounds is so infected?" "You will," Kassi promises, leaning over to pick up a box from the floor near one side of whatever she's sitting on and move it to the other. "I'll invite you to its premier appearance on m'wall. Some of the teeth will be broken, which is a shame, but 'twill at least look more authentic that way...." Folding her hands in her lap, the greenrider shrugs, looking a touch uncomfortable. "Don't know. The Healers swear to Faranth that 'tis nay so, but just about ever since Slithereth bit me, I just... haven't been feeling well, I guess. I'm tired all the time; anything remotely resembling a vegetable suddenly repulses me, and there's nay been a day in the past two sevendays when I haven't felt queasy." She makes a face, obviously not happy with this situation. "I figure that mayhaps if'n the wound were infected, that'd explain it. Tinya warned me that naught festers like a tunnelsnake bite can." Aphrael pulls a roll of hides from the box; after a thoughtful glance at them, she places them back in, "I'll do that later," She mutters, as if she hadn't been in this weyr for over a month already. "Great! I can't wait. I just love celebrations," She says with a grin. A'course she does - it's a chance to drink and catch up with friends. Frowning, she chews her lip as she hears Kassima, lacing her hands together in her lap, "I suppose if the Healers say it's not infected.." She says, somewhat doubtfully, as she adds in surprise, "Queasy? And tired? They're nay usually a part of the symptoms. Perhaps it's something else," She says thoughtfully, then with an impish grin, adds, "Mayhaps the tunnelsnake infected you with some mutant disease," She teases lightly. Kassima grins again, the discomfort fading almost as quickly as it appeared. "We'll have to ask Ofira t'bake a cake in the head's honor--and I'll break out m'stores of Benden Red. Haven't touched 'em since... well, for a few sevendays now." The idea of a mutant disease wins a laugh from the greenrider, understandably. "Faranth! Y'mean *I'm* turning into a giant tunnelsnake? Nay, nay, that could nay be so; I've nay desire to run into the storerooms and eat everything in sight. Though, y'know," she muses thoughtfully, "some steamed rivergrains *would* be really good...." Shaking her head to dispell that sudden digression, she simply shrugs. "Anyway, don't think 'twould be that. Mayhaps the flu? Though I don't think I've a fever or anything. 'Tis the oddest thing. Y'know that I'm usually almost never sick...." Aphrael bursts out laughing at that, as she offers, "A tunnelsnake cake? That'll certainly be an.. interesting.. occassion, indeed!" Giggling helplessly, she adds, "Y'sure? Because y'know, if you /do/ turn into a tunnelsnake, I'll be forced to catch you, and practise stitching on you!" With a wink, she settles into a more serious tone, tilting her head slightly. "The flu? Nay, I wouldn't think so. No one else has reported any indications of flu, or likely I'd have heard." A faintest hint of something occours to her, and she asks, "When was the last time you were sick, Kassi?" Kassima gives an exaggerated shudder. "Ugh! The stitches in m'leg were *quite* enough, thankee; if'n I've nay anymore in m'lifetime, 'twill be quite content. And why nay? Aunt Keysanna can make cakes in the shape of *aught.*" Wrinkling her nose, she simply nods in agreement and exhales in a long sigh. "Thought that might be a long-shot. 'Tis really puzzling, though, because what else...?" Though she's surely intelligent enough to know what Aph means by 'sick', perhaps purposefully, she chooses to interpret that question as vaguely as possible. "I had a cold just last spring. I guess that was the last time. Why?" Aphrael laughs sympathetically at Kassima's reaction, muttering, "Somehow, I'm glad I've never truely needed stitches myself." With a rueful grin, she adds, "I hope, at least, it won't be tunnelsnake /flavoured/," She shudders at the very idea. Rolling her eyes with amusedly tolerance at Kassima's question, she adds, "No, I mean like sick, like you are now? Tired, and queasy?" She certainly remembers; well enough too, she remembers some women's reactions to being told what their true 'condition' is, so she's not about to risk saying it herself. Especially when there are quite enough moveable - and throwable - objects about the weyr. "Maybe whatever it is.. you've got it again?" Kassima, true to her description of her symptoms, actually blanches and then turns a sort of sickly pale green at the very notion. "Unless you want t'see just what I had for lunch," she begs, "don't even *think* about that." Swallowing, she manages to regain some of her composure. "Well, aye... but that can't be. Y'see, that was after I drank the Water. And I haven't drunk any Water since." It's more than a superstition. It's an obsession. And, it might be added, a helpful thing to have on one's side in the game of self-denial. Kassi's expression is rather peculiar; one might get the feeling that she's already had suspicions along this track herself at one point. Aphrael sucks in her breath, eyes riveted to Kassima's face while the other turns a green color. If she has to clean out her weyr, /again/.. but luckily, that passes, and the bluerider's able to let out her breath. She decides to leave that topic well enough alone after seeing what damage it can do. Absently rubbing at the bad of her neck, she speculates aloud, "Well.. last time you didn't know you'd had the Water, until you'd been told, did you? I mean, obviously, you're not going to know, since you never drink the stuff. Water is water - and easy enough to diguise within something else." She should know. She's done it many a time herself, although she'd never admit that aloud. There's a long moment of silence as Kassi considers this. Finally, the greenrider breathes, "The cider...! That cider K'rick insisted I had a'fore I came back here--a'course! He looked too smug for it t'be a coincidence, but I didn't think... oh, Faranth's great golden gizzard. That *would* explain everything." Burying her head in her hands, she continues speaking, though of course the words are somewhat muffled. "I'd been thinking that this felt familiar, y'know, and there were so many of the signs... but then I thought, surely nay. 'Twould be too much of a coincidence--I mean, 'twas the only time I'd slept with someone outside of a flight in *Turns*, and I couldn't believe--but if'n the *Water* could be involved...." A snort from Lysseth seems to awaken Kassi to the fact that she's rambling. Remarkably pale, but at least no longer green, the rider lowers her hands and stares down at them. "Y'think it sounds like I'm pregnant, then?" There's one last chance for her to have read this entirely wrong. Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth snorts and side-comments to you, << *I* could've told her that days ago. But since when does she ever listen to me? >> Aphrael's eyes widen, nothing short of surprise shows in her face. She guessed right? Wow! "K'rick? That'd be right," She snorts, "I'd heard a rumor someone had carted a whole barrel of Benden Water along, though I hadn't credited it. Who.. who was it that you slept with?" She asks, curiously. Perhaps considering whether she should pack up and make a run for it before the newest KassiSpawn comes to life. She's not noticed herself that Kassima's rambling; to her, there's little enough difference. "I think," She says, very carefully, "That it might be in your best interests to seek a healer," Nicely put. Not agreement, and not disagreement - she can't lose. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Prefeth rumbles amusedly to your comment, agreement swirling through as he says, << Riders are rather Slow, ofttimes. And, sometimes they do not wish to hear what they fear is true. >> Kassima snorts right back. "A whole barrel? Try two--but since I knew he knew I know, I figured he wouldn't dare try it on *me.*" As she hears That Question, Kassi smiles crookedly. "Well, let's see. Since I somehow suspect I'd have discovered this long ago if'n 'twas a result of Lysseth's last flight, that only leaves one possible person. Jh'rin. Green Siaroth's rider, of Ista. Don't know if'n you know him." She doesn't know if her sie knows about the greenrider said to be *the* strangest in all of Pern? The male greenrider who cries for Moreta, insists that he's pregnant, and dresses up like a woman when he's proddy? "By Lysseth's shell, how could I ever tell him? Oh... you're right. A'course you're right. A Healer would be able to tell. That's how it works... aye, I remember now." Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth rumblesnorts, sounding almost sardonic. << It is not that my rider does not want another hatchling, but that she thinks this is a bad time. And she was not expecting such a thing to happen, even knowing that matings produce clutches whether they're dragon or human. This is one of the main reasons that humans are so strange, I think. >> Aphrael laughs lightly, shaking her head, "Shards, so it really /was/ true? He should have been assigned a few extra duties if he found time enough to drag barrels of water over here - even knowing that Benden's supplies were getting low." A shake of her head, and her tone turns to amusement, mingled with surprise, "Yah, I know of Jh'rin." Really, who doesn't? "You sure?" Her eyes flick to the boxes in the weyr; no doubt figuring out how soon she can pack and be gone. "It's probably nothing," She hastily reassures her friend. "I've heard of cases where similar symptoms had occurred, but no pregnancy.. seeing the healer's the best idea." "He was planning on selling them to desperate women who want children," Kassima confides. "He insists that once Benden's supplies are back up to full level, there's nay knowing whether or nay they'll have the same properties." Staring down at her rings again, she lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "Would have t'be, methinks. I've nay been with anyone else since Lyss's last flight, and that was months agone. I guess you're right about the Healer, though...." She lifts her head, then, eyes unfocusing for a moment; when they're focused once more, her expression is one of surprise. "Lyss seems to think," she quips, shaking her head, "that 'tis truth. And if'n I'm t'be honest, I'd have t'say that I agree--but I suppose the *possibility* exists that it's something else." Aphrael snorts amusedly, rolling her eyes. "That'd be right," She mutters, "Always out for a profit." She rubs at her head, quirking a sympathetic grin, glancing out towards the two dragons, a faint smile on her face. "If Lysseth thinks so.. I'd say it's true. She'd know better than anyone, for she's your life's partner." Pausing slightly, she glances up at her friend, and asks, "Are you ready to be a mother, again?" Kassima worries her lower lip between her teeth, her usual sign of apprehension. "I think *I* am, but... ach, Aph, the timing couldn't have been worse. Just when we're supposed t'be showing the Telgarians that female riders can function just as well in leadership positions as men, I'll be grounded from mine for months! I can't even think of what P'tran will say." Sighing, she runs her fingers through her hair and adds, "Besides, this'll be even harder than with T'lar. I mean, I knew T'lar... and 'twas a flight; such things happen all the time. All other things aside, though, y'know what?" Her smile this time is sort of dazed, but genuine. "I think... I think I might even be happy about this. Or mayhaps I'm just panicking inside to the point where panic is indistinguishable from euphoria." Aphrael quirking a smile, she reaches out to offer a comforting pat as she says, "I'm sure P'tran'll understand. After all - he made you Wingsecond when you were pregnant last, so I can't think that this new development will upset things too much. And as for the Telgarians.." She pauses, then shrugs, "Women get pregnant. Even women in a leadership position." She chuckles lightly, half amused, and half pleased by her friend's reaction. "Just remember.. you can't be certain until you've seen a healer. Another little'un about the Weyr'd be nice, too. He or she'd be born a Telgarian." Kassima grins wryly. "Well... mayhaps," she admits, forced to submit to logic. The last argument doesn't seem to reassure her much, though. Indeed, most of the mirth flies from her expression. "Don't remind me," she sighs. "Listen... I feel like a mug of kiwi juice. Care t'come down to the Cavern with me, or d'you still have things that need t'be moved about?" Aphrael nudges a box with her toe slightly, shifting it about a handspan across the floor. "Nope, I'm done." She answers with a grin, standing and stretching. "I could do with a drink m'self.. listen," She pauses, seriously for a moment, "You will see a healer, as soon as possible, won't you?" "In the morning," Kassi promises, sliding from her seat on whatever she's been sitting on all this time and walking out to where her dragon waits. "I'd have to anyway. 'Tis nigh time for the stitches in m'leg t'be removed. C'mon; let's get down there a'fore all the good stuff is taken." You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Aphrael lets out her breath and chuckles lightly, nodding agreement, "Good idea," She says, edging about the boxes to move to Prefeth's side. <*> Aphrael uses Prefeth's extended foreleg to climb up onto the blue dragon's neckridges. <*> Prefeth leaps off the ledge. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You leap off the ledge. You fly downwards towards the ground. You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Rideen chuckles quietly, highly entertained by the conversations near her. D'thon's eyes sparkle at Richenda's comment, but he keeps his mouth shut. K'tyn salutes Aphrael and Kassima in between bites of a bubbly, nodding a greeting. Davidon waves to Kassi and Aph. Aphrael hurries into the living cavern, slowing her pace abruptly as she reaches shelter. Shaking her head, she mutters, "Shards, but it's windy out there," As she walks in with Kassima, saluting automatically as she smiles in greeting, "Good eve, all." Richenda waggles her finger at Caitria. "My sentiments precisely, Master Caitria. And speaking of fussing, Weyrsecond, how did you grow so tall eating nothing but fingerfish -- fried, mind you, in a light batter -- and drinking more klah than all of Saveen Hold combined and bless you, they need klah to stay awake in that dismal place." "Kiwi juice," Kassi can be heard to mutter to herself as she follows Aph in, a footstep behind the bluerider. "Kiwi juice, kiwi juice, kiwi... oh, heya, all." Belatedly, she snaps the proper salutes to Weyrleader and Weyrwoman, with an absentminded wave to everyone else. "Anyone know where the kiwi juice is? I'm thirsty enough t'be drinking the entire Lake, and perhaps half of the Hot Springs too." K'tyn gestures silently at a pitcher near him, draining his own mug and refilling it. Richenda apparently doesn't sit for long. She's on her feet again and angling for the kitchen. "Child, if we've any kiwi juice this time of Turn I'll be calling myself Faranth and laying gold eggs. Let me check just to be sure." Telgar Weyr> Richenda grins at Kiat. Maybe I'd best get myself some gold paint. Telgar Weyr> Caitria snickers. ;) M'kla chuckles, "Ye've got some ocause I went to Southern myself tae get it...Jehrina cares fer fresh fruit picked." Kassima just about beams with gratitude. "Thankee, si--oh, Richenda, there's nay need t'bother yourself; 'tis right here! I think." The rider peers into the indicated pitcher, trying to make out whether or not the contents are green. K'tyn clears his throat, trying to speak around this suddenly huge lump of bubbly. "Its...ah...Cider," he croaks. "Not Kiwi. Good though." Aphrael runs her hands through her hair to try and bring it to some semblence of order; with an amused look at the greenrider, she heads for the hearthside, pausing, before pouring herself some klah. "Good thing all I want is some plain klah." M'kla ehs? "Did Jehrina drink it all?" Caitria polishes off her cider and gets to her feet, murmuring a farewell and a comment about rescuing poor N'thren from her children. Caitria walks towards the inner cavern. Richenda smiles at M'kla. "Well now, just because we had kiwis doesn't mean some smash-fingered drudge turned a lot of them into juice. In any event, fresh fruit doesn't stick around for overlong." D'thon watches the proceedings with mild amusement. Kassima's nose crinkles up, and she shakes her head once. "Thankee, sir, but cider... gah. Nay. All I really want is kiwi juice, though mango would be good if'n there's any of that...?" She sounds vaguely hopeful, if not overly optimistic. Jehrina hmphs, "I don't like kiwi any more than I like klah." Rideen grins and sips her klah, quite happy to listen. Richenda turns with a swirl of green skirt. "Let me see what I can rummage around and find in the kitchens, Kassima," she calls over her shoulder, gaily. "I'll be back in two shakes of an ovine's tail." Richenda walks off towards the kitchen. K'tyn looks unhappily at his own mug, turning hopeful eyes to M'kla. He mutters to M'kla, "... there's a... brew about..." Jehrina eyes K'tyn. K'tyn looks innocently back at Jehrina, a faint smile on his face. Jehrina snorts, "I've been Weyrwoman nearly as long as you've been alive. I've seen much better attempts than that." M'kla chuckles wryly, "Nay, between Richenda and Pierron, I've not gotten with in a dragonlength o it." Aphrael tilts her head slightly as she watches Kassima, a half amused expression on her face, though she says nothing as she takes a handful of grapes, heading for a seat at the Skyfire table. D'thon takes another swig of klah and watches. K'tyn 's shoulder's slump in a parody of dejection. "Ah well. I'll have more of that hot water with a few Klah bark pieces waved over it." Jehrina smirks again, "Good for you. No use making any worse impression than we already have, hm?" M'kla snorts, "Wha? It's nay my fault no one likes strong klah." Kassima hooks her right foot around the leg of her chair, dragging it over to a place at the table where there are less folk already situated. "I wonder if'n that friend of Ofira's could bring any more kiwi," she muses. "I really do adore kiwi. I believe that I would even trade some of K'rick's old stock for a kiwi right now. Or two. Or mayhaps even three. Don't you love kiwi, Aph?" Jehrina winks at M'kla, "There was a smithcraft apprentice in here last night saying the klah here is so horribly weak." K'tyn looks at Jehrina. "I've never hidden my preference for strong Klah. I don't see why I should now," he says reasonably. "I mean, it's not like I've truly complained of aught else, is it?" Jehrina shrugs, "It wasn't the klah I was worried about. I figure you can make a second pot if you like it stronger. Seems logical to me." Rideen chuckles. From the kitchen, Richenda rattles about, drops something that sounds suspiciously like a frying pan, and yelps, "Blasted bane of baking and breeding....I need ... oh! No, that's no kiwi...that's not a mango. Ah! Hahaha! Found them." M'kla says "Aye, and I would! If they had an extra to spare! It seems they dinnae though!" K'tyn looks at his mug and sighs. "All in all, I think I've done fairly well, considering." He smiles at Jehrina, pointing at the suddenly bristling Pierron. "I would, save that I'm not allowed near the making of anything, since I nearly set fire to the weyr--Or so says yon fellow. And, then again, why should I have to make anything? Tis a small enough thing to ask for." Kiat's eyes glimmer with humor. Jehrina makes a face, "Well grab that smith girl if you see her, and tell her I want a second pot then." Kassima immediately perks up, craning her neck to try and see into the kitchen--a very difficult thing to do from where she's sitting. "Are there really kiwi in there, Richenda?" she calls. "Or mangos? Or limes, or pomegranates, or tubers?" Blink. Blinkblink. "I didn't just say tubers," she mutters. Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Someone check Kassima's temperatures." Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Temperature singular. :)" Richenda walks in from the kitchen. J'cob walks in from the bowl. Telgar Weyr> Kassima has the same temperature as any raving lunatic, O Queen of All Things Piscine. Telgar Weyr> Richenda mutters, "Not a fish." D'thon grins at Kassi's reaction, then notices J'cob. He looks faintly nervous. K'tyn grins at Jehrina, arching a thick black brow upward in surprise. "I will. Thank you--tis a good idea." Maarie walks in from the bowl. J'cob is laughing like a loon when he enters with Maarie, "And then *she* said, so, where did YOU think I hid the markers?" Telgar Weyr> N'kshar would say she's somewhere around 101 degrees. ;) Richenda bounces back in with a basket containing a pomegranate, three kiwis, a pair of oranges, two limes, and what is likely a mango. "This is what's left of the most recent cache of fruit from the south. Here, dear. And it's good to see you wanting something good for you." K'tyn nods at J'cob and Maarie, eyeing the basket Richenda's returned with. "Ah! Is that a lime? May I have it?" Maarie is appearing more than a bit aghast, not finding the same point of humor as J'cob is with his story. She asks distractedly as she surveys the room, "So just where were they hidden?" Rideen looks at the distant fruit basket almost wistfully for a moment, then her grin returns and she sips her klah in silence. J'cob stops half-way through the cavern, and turns to face Maarie. The laughs stop. "You're serious?" Aphrael looks up and waves to J'cob and Maarie, popping a handful of grapes into her mouth and chewing absently as she settles back, looking to be all but half asleep. Richenda scoops up the lime and lofts it at K'tyn with practiced ease. "Mind you dip it in sweetner or you'll pucker up overmuch before you see your lass next." Kassima beams her brightest smile up at Richenda, looking almost pathetically grateful. "Thankee! You can't imagine how hard its been t'find such things, and really, naught else has any appeal... well, save for that strange casserole. The one with... um... that white stuff in it. Nay quite certain what. Whatever 'tis, 'tis delicious." She scoops a kiwi out of the basket and takes an enthusiastic bite, eyes closing in sheer bliss. Telgar Weyr> Richenda decides that making K'tyn blush will be her single joy in life. :) D'thon quietly attempts to disappear. Telgar Weyr> Kassima decides that watching Richenda make K'tyn blush will be one of her joys in life. ;) J'cob catches D'thon and in the corner of his eye, winks at him. Maarie quirks a grin at J'cob, brushing past him to make her way to Aph's side. She mutters in passing, "No, nor do I want to know." K'tyn grins cheekily, his face red as he laughs at the Headwoman's comment. "I like sour things, Richenda. The more tart and acidic, the better--I've tried to describe the reasoning of it," he says as he deftly catches the green fruit. "Tis rather like hitting one's thumb with a hammer--when one stops, the lack of pain feels so good." D'thon looks around very nervously. Jehrina snorts softly. M'kla eyes K'tyn like he's lost his mind. J'cob heads for D'thon and grins, "hey! Need some more good advice?" K'tyn slices open the lime and sections it, offering pieces about. "Anyone want any? Tis good." Richenda hmmms. "I think you'd get along fine with my Rennick, then, Weyrleader. And speaking of that man I love, I'd best be finding him. No time to run my mouth like there's no tomorrow." D'thon makes an umm... noise. "I think I've got enough for now, SIR. Thank you, SIR." Maarie slips into a seat next to Aph, not even venturing conversation right away as she pilfers the various plates on the table. K'tyn grins at Richenda, happily eating pieces of the sour/tart fruit. "Rennick likes limes?" Kassima doesn't eye K'tyn; she already knows he's lost his mind. One lunatic tends to recognize another. "Oh, please?" she asks, even as she polishes off the kiwi in record time. "Richenda, sometime you'll simply have t'tell me what's in that marvelous white casserole with all that fluffy whipped stuff in it. Until then, clear skies t'you... and Rennick, too," she adds generously. Aphrael straightens up slightly, opening her eyes a bit, and smiles vaguely at Maarie as she watches. "Haven't eaten in a sevenday?" She guesses with a grin, finishing off the last of her grapes, and licking at her fingers. Richenda beams at Kassima before answering K'tyn, "No, but he's tart and acidic and when he's stopped hammering the lack of pain feels good." She giggles, girlishly. "And oh, Kassima, dear child," calls the assistant headwoman over her shoulder, "that's a tuber casserole you're meaning. Clear skies, all." Richenda walks towards the inner cavern. Jehrina snickers after Richenda. M'kla stares after Richenda. Handing Kassima a lime section, K'tyn blinks at Richenda. Just blinks-- before turning away to control a sudden fit of laughter. "I see." J'cob wanders over to M'kla, and stands patiently beside her for a moment. Maarie almost chokes on her first bite of stew, Richenda's voice carrying clear to her small corner of the cavern. She takes a slow moment to chew and swallow before answering Aph, "Might as well been. Sweeps with a rather inexperienced crew then some pretty lengthy drills 'til about an hour ago." D'thon looks much relieved. M'kla glances up at J'cob, and nods to him, "Yes?" Davidon gives his head a little shake. Kassima just *stares* after Richenda, the second kiwi falling out of her fingers and back into the basket with a thud. "I ate tubers?" she whispers. It's really amazing how fast color can flee from her face, only to be replaced by green. Swallowing once, twice, and then a third time, she manages to gasp out, "Excuse me, please!" before fleeing for the Lower Caverns and a latrine in which to be sick. You walk towards the inner cavern. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Forgive the hasty departure, but I just realized that my curfew's up. Must go. ;) Be well, y'all! :)" [Editor's Note: At this point, I had to bamf, but Aph did me the supreme favor of logging the aftermath for me. Since reading it gave me a few laughs, I've decided to include it with this log. :)] J'cob asks, "When can I get back to full duty, sir?" Jehrina giggles after Kassima. D'thon chuckles mildly, watching the greenrider's antics. M'kla glances at K'tyn, and then points to the bronzerider. "Ask him." K'tyn raises a brow. "I hope she's alright," he mutters, looking after the greenrider's swiftly retreating back. Aphrael winces sympathetically at Maarie's words, as she mutters, "Makes me glad that I only had sweeps, and started cleaning my weyr," She breaks off, peering after Kassima, then comments casually, "Methinks we shall be seeing a lot more of that in the near future." J'cob scratches his head, and heads to K'tyn, "Uhm. Same question, different order." Davidon turns to Aphrael, "She's not..." he makes a sort of rounded gesture over his stomach. M'kla looks up at Aphrael, and echoes Davidon, "She's not..." A'lex walks in from the bowl. K'tyn eats another lime section, clearly enjoying the intense flavor. He nods at J'cob, "Question? I'm sorry, did you ask me something, J'cob?" A'lex sends salutes and waves around appropriately. Aphrael chuckles faintly, "Nothing that another good nine months or so wouldn't cure, I daresay, sir," She answers aloud to K'tyn's words, then quirks a grin at Davidon and M'kla's words. "Lysseth sounded pretty sure.. and she's been sick for a few sevenday now, so she told me.." She doesn't come out and /say/ it, but the implications are pretty obvious. J'cob nods his head and tries again, "Remember Rock approved me for duty, but I spent the last month doing drills? When can I fly actively again?" M'kla groans a bit, "Shards...more Kassima spawn." Davidon waves hello to A'lex, but his attention is mostly on Aphrael, "Jays! Another one?" A'lex blinks, there's Fear in his eyes, "Kassima spawn?" He looks to K'tyn... Jehrina wrinkles her nose, "Yee." Maarie shifts her attention from the talk of children, straining to hear K'tyn's response to J'cob or hopefully read his lips well enough to surmise the answer. K'tyn nods seriously, looking at the greenrider with a compassionate expression. "You wish to return to duty, then? Tis fine with me, J'cob--what would you like to do?" D'thon looks up and swallows hard at the mention of Kassima spawn... Jessalyn looks a little confusedly from one to the other and, finally, gets to her feet. Bobbing her head in a polite nod to the Weyrleaders, she scoots off toward the inner caverns, somehow managing not to trip over her own feet on the way. Aphrael shoots a look towards Pierron, who no doubt is still spreading the rumors about Kassima with that Istan greenrider, "She's pretty sure who the father is, too." Aph's already figured out how long it'll take her to pack before she can flee. Jessalyn walks towards the inner cavern. J'cob scratches his head, "Uhm.. replacing P'tran is out of the question, right?" M'kla chuckles some, "Aye, did she now?" Jehrina eyes J'cob, catching her weyrmate's name, "Not a chance." Davidon leans towards Aphrael curiously, "She is? Well...? Who is it?" A'lex shivers a bit and heads for the klah table after hanging his jacket. J'cob replies out of the corner of his mouth to Jehrina, "We all know I can't replace him /that/ way, weyrwoman." Jehrina snorts. Aphrael lowers her voice; never to be said to be one to spread rumors, oh no. She's merely spreading.. the truth. "Y'know that greenrider from Ista who was here a while back? Siaroth's rider, Jh'rin." She tells Davidon. M'kla pauses for a moment...and then just STARES. "JH'RIN???" D'thon's ears prick up rather high. K'tyn nods belatedly at A'lex, only seeing the weyrling after he moves, and looks back at J'cob. 'With regard to duty, J'cob--what would you like? Sweeps, watchduty... drills... " He lists the options. M'kla speaks loudly enough to be /heard/ in Ista. J'cob winks, "I knew what you meant, sir. I'd be happy with some sweeps." Davidon jumps at the sound of M'kla's voice and blinks between the two riders, "Wait, what's so bad about that?" Aphrael winces at M'kla's tone, then nods confirmation with a wry smile. "So she tells me." Maarie starts, turning her head to regard M'kla. She asides cautiously to Aphrael, "Need help with an escape route?" M'kla looks somewhere between stunned and afraid. Worse than the idea of her and F'hlan having offspring. A'lex carrys a cup of klah and some sweetrolls to a table where he can partake of conversation if the need arises. K'tyn blinks at the conversation about him, trying not to smile as he listens for J'cob's response. D'thon's eyes squeeze shut. "Kassi. And Jh'rin." M'kla ponders, "What would they name them? Kassirin? Jhassima?" A'lex raises an eyebrow, "Who's Jh'rin?" K'tyn looks back at J'cob. "I am sorry, my friend. You said sweeps?" J'cob nods, "Sweeps. Yup!" Aphrael runs a hand through her hair, grinning to Maarie in relief, "Most assuredly I could do with one. Did you notice she's already started to have that.. craving.. for Kiwi? And I thought Kaylira was to be feared." Davidon says "Jhassrin?" J'cob ahms, "Unless there are weyrlings to corrupt?" A'lex glances at J'cob warily. Davidon says "Well, Kaylira isn't that bad...her second child should be alright I'd think." K'tyn nods equably. "Okay. Would you like to stay with your old wing, or would you care for a new one?" D'thon leans over to A'lex. He mutters to A'lex, "... Kassi,..." Aphrael tries tentatively, "Jorissa? Simarin?" A raised eyebrow, as she asks A'lex, "You've never heard of Jh'rin? He's.." She pauses to search for a suitable description, "An unusual sort.." M'kla nods, "Aye...rumor has it he thinks he's a woman." R'val enters from the Bowl. A'lex looks unconvinced, "Worse than Kassi, yea, right, and Faranth was really Blue." R'val ambles into the cavern, "Evenin', folks!" J'cob blinks, looking aronud, and answers, "Can I be in Ursa's wing? She's a /babe/!" A'lex salutes R'val as he enters. D'thon has an absolutely straight face. "I doubt Kassima agrees with that, Weyrsecond." He stands and salutes. K'tyn smiles. "You can if Ursa will have you." Ofira walks here from the Inner Cavern. Ofira comes in, stifling a yawn with one hand and waving with the other. J'cob smiles slightly," I'll find out, sir" Rennick walks here from the Inner Cavern. Pierron straightens up and adjusts his apron as the steward arrives. Jehrina nods to Rennick, "Did your wife find you?" R'val beams at Ofira and makes his way across the cavern to her. K'tyn nods at J'cob, smiling a little. "Let me know, hm? If not, I can put you back in with Skyfire. Something suddenly hits J'cob, and he asks, "Hey, K'tyn, is Ursa's wingsecond Maarie?" Aphrael coughs faintly, no doubt to cover a laugh, as she murmers aside to Davidon, "Kaylira's okay? Have you spent an afternoon with her? Don't ever let her get a hold of anything hard.. she's got a mighty good aim, for one so young." She glances up, and smiles, calling out a greeting to R'val, Ofira and Rennick, "Good evening, Uri, Ofira, Steward." Ofira waves to R'val, smiling, trying to catch up with the various conversations around the room. Maarie ears burn as J'cob mentions her name and she moves left then right as she tries to catch sight of the weyrleader and her weyrmate. Davidon blinks at Aphrael, "Can't say that I've spend the day with her nope. Most of the time I just see her around the weyr. seems like a fine bright-eyed happy child. Sneaking another bubbly, K'tyn nods at J'cob. "I believe so, yes." J'cob nods slowly, then adds, "Thank you sir; I'll be staying with Skyfire." Davidon waves hello to Ofira and R'val. Rennick strides into the living cavern, covering a yawn with one his hands. "Weyrwoman," he says, nodding to her. "I've not seen her, no. Is there something the matter?" His expression is harried and tired, as if he expects the only outcome of his last sevenday would be the Weyr's collapse. M'kla chuckles some, and just shakes her head. Jehrina smiels slightly, "No.. she was just wondering where you were. She was here just moments ago. She said something about painting herself blue and kissing the star stones if you were ever where she expected you." K'tyn smiles warmly, and after he takes a bite of the bubbly, says: "Glad to hear it, j'cob. I'll see you bright and early, hm?" R'val kisses Ofira as he makes his way to her side, "How goes, love?" J'cob nods, "Yup. Who's your second?" Aphrael absently rubs at her head, chuckling a little to Davidon's words. Deciding it's safer to change the subject, she asks, "Say, have you and.. Bree found a fosterchild, yet?" Ofira smiles at R'val, "Well. I think our stall at the crosscraft gather has been very successful!" She looks around the room, "I wonder if anyone went. I was too busy working to notice." K'tyn nods at Aphrael. "There's one. Asrai's the other." He takes another bite of the bubbly, finishing the small pie off. He nods a greeting to Rennick and stands, all in the same movement. Rennick smiles, a little and certainly without humor. "I could say the same." He yawns again and walks over to Pierron. After nodding to the Weyrleader absently, he speaks to Pierron. J'cob ponders for a moment, then grins, "Right. right. She's a nice dish. Thanks, sir." And he bounces off to Maarie. R'val grins, "Wonderful! I've not been yet myself, love." Davidon shakes his head sadly, but glances at K'tyn. "hmm?" Ofira blinks. "You haven't?" she says to R'val. "I thought you'd surely go and take a look at the lovely stall we set up." She looks around and calls, "Anyone here go to the gather at the Harper Hall?" K'tyn shakes his head at J'cob, grinning a little as he winks at Davi. "Nothing, I think." R'val sighs, "I'm sorry love, I meant to but I never got the chance..>" A'lex finishes up his klah and stands, "Well folks, I've got a prissy Bronze to go oil. See you all tomorrow." Aphrael doesn't notice K'tyn's indication of her, as she gulps down a mouthful of klah, before she asks Davi with a rueful grin, "Did Jerissa have you practising on all those tunnelsnakes, too?" J'cob sits down by Maarie and announces, 'I get to fly again! And with Asrai!' Ofira nods tiredly and pats R'val's hand, "Well, there'll be other gathers." Rennick nods at the Cook after gathering the last gossip, rolling his eyes and pretending not to care. Eventually he leaves Pierron's company with a glass of red wine and walks over to a nearbly table. With less care than he sets the wine down on the table, he slumps onto a bench. "They're all prissy," he mutters in response to some overheard comment. "Ah, Aphrael," Kiat says in passing as he heads for the bowl. "I've some charts that we need to go over--at your convenience, of course." He bows toward Jehrina and takes his leave of the grouping. "I've early sweeps. G'night, all." Maarie laughs at J'cob, "At least it'll not be with me!" Jehrina nods at K'tyn. R'val kisses Ofira's cheek, "I just will regret not sampling Baker wares..." Someone giggles about just *what* wares there are to sample. Ofira mutters to R'val, "... /this/..." Davidon shudders and nods to Aphrael, "Aye, seems like that's all I do lately when I'm not scrubbing floors." he makes a face, "Nasty little beasts those 'snakes." Aphrael glances up, and nods to K'tyn with a slight smile, "Surely, sir. Tomorrow morning'll be fine for me. Clear skies, sir!" A'lex heads for the door. A'lex walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Davidon waves to everyone leaving too. K'tyn beams at Aph, and heads out. K'tyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Aphrael tilting her head, she winces slightly as she mutters, "Shards, I didn't even get to that gather!" Shaking herself, she grimaces sympathetically to Davidon, "Yah, that they are. And they have a nasty bite too." Rennick toys with the rim of his wineglass. Overhearing another comment, he looks up and a grimaces passes over his face. Looking towards Davidon and Aphrael and the others discussing tunnelsnakes, it's simple to figure out what causes the grimace. Davidon nudges Aphrael, "So, c'mon lets go to the gather!" M'kla mutters quietly, "Prissy indeed." Jehrina grins at M'kla. Aphrael's eyes widen in surprise. "What.. now?" She says, hastily swallowing her mouthful of liquid. Davidon gives Aph's arm a playful tug, "Sure! C'mon, lets go!" Aphrael seems a little to stunned to object; she grabs for her jacket as she stumbles after Davidon, "Oh, okay. Well, lead the way then, Davi!" Ofira looks around the suddenly quiet cavern. "How is everyone this evening?" Davidon chuckles and glances over his shoulder as he continues to pull on Aphrael. "This'll be great." Davidon walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Jehrina ohs! "Ofira.. did that smithcrafter find you today?" Aphrael quickly waves, and calls, "Clear skies, all," Before she hurries out after Davi.