
Do You Remember These?

Date:  April 9, 2003
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Help!  I've gotten back into the habit of going to 
the Living Cavern for RP and I can't seem to stop! ;)  This LC visit
was worth it, though:  K'than, son of Kenai, Kethran, and K'tyn, has
traveled up to Telgar, and Kassi has a chance to catch up with him 
for the first time in many Turns.  Mostly they reminisce about old
gossip and scandals, making this a good log for anyone interested in
that sort of thing. ;)


The Log:

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

K'than looks up from where he stands by the hearth, and grins briefly.
"Igen's duties," he calls over.

"Stuff it up your nethermost orifice crosswise and covered in shards of
glass." No, that cheery greeting isn't for the visitor; it's completely for
Pierron, and oddly fond, if accompanied by a dirty glance. "Someday I'm
going t'ask Sionelle for some beautiful blackmail on you, so I can make you
*stop doing that*. Oh, stop looking at me like that; so what if'n I say it
every day? 'Tis still true... and why am I sticking around arguing with you
when there's food, anyway?" Kassima finally leaves the poor cook in peace,
drawing back the hood of her red-trimmed black cloak to scan the room for
signs of that food, and insodoing, catch sight of K'than. "Duties t'Igen
and her queens right back," she greets, amiably enough. "Shells, man, what
brings you to the Icy Wastes at this hour?"

K'than laughs a little. "I wanted some cold air?" he suggests cheerfully.
"Couldn't sleep, Igen was too quiet... no real reason, really. Thought
maybe I'd come out this way and borrow some snow for a friend of mine-
makes a good excuse, I suppose."

Kassima shakes her head in a gesture of exaggerated amazement. "If'n I
needed *more* proof that the Igen sun must bake brains... easier t'sleep in
cold than heat, 'twill give you. But I'd nay advise falling asleep in
*here*. You're apt t'wake t'find your clothes have been stolen and
someone's painted a bawdy limerick on your backside or some such thing."
Pause. "Nay that I speak from personal experience there, mind you. For the
record." Doffing the cloak, she slings it over the back of her chair at
Thunderbolt's table, but doesn't sit; no, there's a food table waiting for
her over there. "Borrow *snow*? What in Faranth's name do they need snow
for, if'n you can forgive m'terrible nosiness? And hey, d'you want aught
while I'm over here?"

     Being a rider has affected Kery's physique, giving him a bit of a
topheavy appearance brought on by narrow hips contrasted by very broad
shoulders. He just tops six feet tall, perhaps a shade more than that if
he's wearing heavy boots. He has his paternal grandmother's bright grey
eyes and both his mother's small ears and her small nose, which is doused
with a liberal dosing of freckles that are visible even through his Igen
tan. Even when he hasn't shaved, he doesn't have much facial hair- the best
he can do is a glittery fuzz that follows his jawline and dusts his upper
lip. Both his hands and his feet are a little long for the rest of him, and
his tanned hands are marked by a small number of tiny, pale scars. Kery
moves with an economy of energy: graceless, but not clumsy, quick and
purposeful when required but ambling and relaxed when it's not.0, He has
his mother's curly hair but closer to his father's coloring: dark blond and
light brown near his head and brightened by Igen's sun to coppery-gold
fading to pure white at his temples. It's a bit shaggy and in need of a
haircut, tending to stick out from his head in all directions after he's
run a hand through it.
     Kery is wearing a light-colored, loosely fitting sleeveless shirt,
leaving his tanned arms and freckled and tanned shoulders bare of even a
knot. His tanned legs with their bleached-golden hair are exposed by short
trousers of a similar light, nondescript color. A pair of sturdy, scuffed
sandals complete his attire.
K'than seems to be in his early twenties or so-- certainly not much older
than that.

K'than's right eyebrow quirks a little. "A bawdy limerick?" he echoes.
"They must have written very small. That's kind of a lot of writing." He
glances over at the serving tables and adds, "If there's something warm to
drink, I wouldn't mind that. And the snow- well, not borrow, really. I
wans't planning on bringing it back. But I've got a friend with a wrenched
shoulder, and he keeps running out of cold to put on it."

"A'course small. Then they have t'use the wee, tickling brush, for extra
torment just in *case* the victim wakes up." Kassi's managing to be deadpan
about this, somehow. "*If'n*? We couldn't survive without warm things
t'drink here--what's your fancy? Cider, tea, mulled wine, or klah?" For
herself, she's poking into the stew. "Shells, nay fish in this *either*.
But mayhaps...." After a moment's consideration, she ladles a bowl--then
moves to the pot of kidney bean and porcine soup, and ladels some of that
in on top of the stew. "I don't think we'd *want* it back, so that's quite
all right. You might do better t'wrench a block of ice out of the Range,
mind. What happened? Another casualty of that Fall?"

K'than shakes his head. "No- just a bad catch. Most of the Fall injuries
from /that/ Fall are to the point where warmth does more good than cold."
He drifts toward the serving table, eyeing it speculatively. "Mulled wine?"
he echoes. "Never tried that. Cider might be good, though. Cider," he adds
decisively. "What are you mixing together, there?"

Kassima nods agreeably and reaches for the appropriate pitcher. "They're in
luck, then," she comments as she pours, "since warmth's one thing Igen
always has plenty of. At least in m'experience, which is more limited than
yours by far, so I probably sound like a moron even commenting on it." She
sets that mug, and a second full of milk, on a tray with her bowl; she
carries this to her seat, but stops along the way to set the cider in front
of K'than. "Should be good if'n they've nay dumped too many spices in it.
This? Oh, well. 'Tis herdbeast stew and bean and porcine soup. I could mix
you up a bowl too if'n you like? I'd have offered a'fore, only it didn't
occur t'me 'twould sound appealing."

K'than eyes the bowl as it passes by him, both eyebrows going up as its
explained. He picks the mug of cider up and asks, just to be sure he's
heard right, "Herdbeast stew, and bean and porcine soup, together? In the
same bowl? Is it good?"

"'Tis if'n you're pregnant," Kassima answers, settling into her seat and
flashing him a wry sort of grin. "If'n you're sane? Then, then I couldn't
testify. 'Twould be better with some sort of fish in it, but the pickings
at this time of night are a bit slim... you might like either the soup or
the stew alone if'n you've hunger, though."

K'than ahs. "Oh, I see. People do eat some odd things when they're
pregnant, it seems. Not everyone, but some do. I'm not sure I've ever heard
of anyone wanting that many different kinds of meat all together, though,"
he comments dubiously, setting his mug down again and going over to inspect
the stew. "I wasn't really all that hungry, but that does look kind of good."

Kassima admits cheerfully, "M'tastes are always slightly unorthodox--ask
our cooks sometime about the frosted cabbage, or the asparagus and whipped
cream, or the rivergrain pudding and garlic, or the kiwi iced cream and
ketchup, or... well, the list goes on, unfortunately. Methinks they're
relieved this time the mania's for something as easy as fish." After
helping herself to a hearty spoonful of her concoction, she suggests, "Help
yourself by all means. There's always plenty of it. The bread goes well
with it, too."

K'than glances at Kassima with a rather round-eyed startlement. "Frosted
/cabbage/?" he echoes in horrified fascination. "But... cabbage?" he echoes
again. "Ugh. Cooked, or fresh?" he wonders, reaching for a bowl and the
ladle for the stew.

"Stewed!" It shouldn't be legal, even on Pern, for Kassi to be quite so
bright and chipper about giving that answer. "Smelled bloody awful, but it
tasted good at the *time*. Do yourself a favor and be glad you're a male,
hey? Since I'm guessing you'll *probably* never have cause t'eat stewed
cabbage with frosting." Pause. "A'course, if'n you do it without cause,
I'll have t'fear you."

K'than grins over his shoulder. "Fear not, the very idea of stewed cabbage
with frosting is enough to make my hair curl." Which it is, of course, but
the observant would note that it was already curling. "Of course, the
stewed cabbage all by itself doesn't really sound very good to begin with."
Carrying his non-cabbage stew, he takes it and a spoon carefully back to
where he left his cider. "Sounds like something the gang would have come up
with for a dare when I was a kid."

Kassima returns the grin, but not before affecting a dramatic shudder. "You
won't hear me disagreeing with you *now*. 'Twouldn't even want t'be within
smelling distance of the stuff. And with vanilla frosting... well, I don't
even want t'think about that *too* hard while I'm eating." Not that the
topic's been keeping her from demolishing that stew-soup at a respectable
rate. "As if'n your hair needs more curling anyway, hey? What gang, the
other--would it be Holdbrats, Craftbrats, or Weyrbrats? Doesn't *sound*
like Holdbrats, but Faranth knows we got up t'plenty where I came from. So
y'never know."

K'than sets down his bowl and plops gracelessly into a seat. "Weyrbrats,
always, except when we were visiting my mom's family at the the Hold. Now
there's a crowd..." He samples the stew, and lifts his eyebrows in
appreciation. "That is good," he agrees. "Different kind of flavor than I'm
used to- I wonder what..." he hmms, taking another taste and considering it

"Tell me about it. Your mother's another one of those whose family's trying
t'repopulate Pern?" Kassi wonders, fishing a particularly large piece of
porcine from her bowl. "I should likely be able t'tell you, but honestly,
I've let m'cooking skills slip a bit. Methinks they got the recipe from
Ofira, back when she was Weyrbaker here. D'you know aught about cooking?"

K'than shakes his head. "No, she only had two kids, me and Kira, but her
parents had 4, and their parents had about a dozen apiece or something, and
a big chunk of them and their descendents all live back at Far Cry. Most of
the Hold's related to my mom, I guess, if you go back far enough and follow
the lines far out enough." He samples the stew again and hrms. "I only know
a little about cooking- I helped some in the kitchens when I was younger,
but mostly just chopping and peeling and stirring and washing."

Kassima's nod is understanding, if a bit absent with some of her attention
occupied by chewing. "I'm the only child of m'parents," she offers
post-swallow, "but most of 'em had plenty of sibs, and for awhile seven
children apiece was the fashion, so... nay quite as bad as a *dozen*, but I
can at least imagine it." There's a low laugh. "Welladay, that much I
could've guessed just from the fact that you ride. I envy any Candidate who
*doesn't* get collared into doing some of that somewhere along the way. Or
are the chores different at Igen? I'm guessing you did Impress there?"

K'than grins. "Well, when they go through a couple of mates apiece, what
with previous children and children from both marriages and all that, it
tends to add up." Another swallow of stew, and he continues, "Chores would
be much the same anywhere I guess, but yeah, I Impressed at Igen. About...
4 and a half turns ago. But I impressed sort of late- I had plenty of
chores before I was a candidate, as well. Either time as a candidate."

Kassima gives a low, comprehending whistle. "That's got t'be a bloody mess;
'twill nay even ask how they keep from inbreeding too terribly--far be it
from me t'cast slurs on one of the Holds we protect, after all." And if
that's slightly droll, can she be blamed? "Huh, nay long then. Which
Hatching were you from? I might've seen it--" There's a pause. A pause
during which a sheepish cast comes over her features. "A'course, it might
*help* if'n I remembered manners and asked your name. Or offered mine.
Kassima, green Lysseth's."

K'than shrugs. "Well, a lot of people leave home, really- my mom and all of
her siblings did. My aunts and uncle all're riders at Igen. Couple of my
cousins are riders here, a couple at Fort, I think one at Reaches, I've got
cousins in Healer, Harper, the Bakers, some of the Trading families, even
down at Southern and a couple of their Holds. Oh, and- I knew that," he
adds with a mischevious grin. "I know you don't remember me, though."

One of Kassi's eyebrows pops up; she invites, "Try me. You'd be surprised,
mayhaps, at what I remember--though you're right that I don't remember the
*face*, so I'm guessing if'n I knew you, 'twasn't as you are now." She
gives him a long, speculative look. "A'course, Far Cry and Igen are clues,
so I could make a *guess*...."

K'than beams, looking pleased. "Well, you might remember me from when I was
really little, if you noticed- that was somewhere else but I've been here a
few times in the turns since."

"I honestly can't remember seeing you here when you looked like you do
now." Kassi's tone is apologetic. "Which may or may nay signify; I've
certes nay seen everyone who comes through here... but let's see. Somewhere
else would have t'be Benden; you're nay nearly old enough for
Ruatha--shells, wouldn't have *thought* old enough for Benden. You must've
been a bairn then?"

K'than nods quickly. "I was... about 4, maybe not quite 4 when the miners
came to Benden. Almost 5 when we left."

Kassima mutters, "Miners," bringing a hand up to rub at her forehead. "Far
Cry, Igen, 'twere back at Benden; I *know* this, just give me a moment...."
Think. Think. Finally, triumphantly, "You're *Kenai's* son! Aren't you?
Kerythan, only nay anymore?"

K'than grins broadly, delighted. "Got it!" he exclaims. "K'than, now.
Ryeth's my green. I'm impressed- I didn't think you'd remember."

"A good memory for names and facts is the secret of m'success, I sometimes
think, at least with the gambling. But I had some help; *'twas* at that
Hatching, and someone mentioned 'twere there. So all I had t'do was add two
and two. Slowly," Kassi appends, voice wry. "But cut me some slack; *'tis*
late at night... shells, though, look at you! A greenrider! A proper
K-named greenrider! Your parents must all be thrilled. Tell me what you've
gotten up to, why don't you, or at least the short version?"

K'than grins and shrugs. "Well, my mom's thrilled- I haven't seen my father
since we left Benden but my dad, he was pretty thrilled too, I think. And
my aunts and my uncle.. well, when they weren't all worrying about what
would happen now that one of the passel of relatives had impressed a
/female/ dragon to go with all the males. That used to worry me a bit, too,
when I was a weyrling. But! Anyway. I've been studying dragonhealing in my
spare time since before I was searched, and I've been trying to teach
myself how to draw, and I've been told I'm one of the most unsual proddy
greenriders people have seen, and... what else."

Kassima tilts her head to one side. "Would the father be Kethran and the
dad be Kiat?" she hazards, before glancing down at her empty bowl.
"Faranth. Still hungry. Mayhaps some bread." She gets up to fetch some--and
takes the bowl with her, to refill with stew alone--but doesn't drop the
conversation, instead talking along the way: "I know that worries both
ways--one of m'cousins Impressed green, and his brother Impressed brown,
and their parents were *nay* happy... and a'course Kaylira Impressed a
brown. You've nay had any problems that way, I'm guessing?" Eventually she
does make it back to her chair with food in tow. "Dragonhealing,
drawing--what d'you draw, people? Dragons? Maps? And I want t'hear *all*
about this proddiness, if'n only as gossip-fodder!"

K'than nods to the first question about the father-dad comparison, picking
up his spoon and having another bit of stew. "No problems with it, yet," he
reports. "Not that I know of, anyway- I mean, with the way my mom's family
is, half the people at Igen could be related to me and I'm not sure I'd
know it. And as for my father- well- I hardly know anything about his side
of the family, except where he's from and that his sister's a rider. I just
decided that there wasn't much I could do about it, and that an aversion
that strong ought to let any of my relatives coerce their dragon out of it,
and, well.. I'll worry about it when it happens. Life's too short to worry
too much about a thing that hasn't even happened yet." He reaches for the
cider, then, and has a swallow before continuing. "I draw dragons and
firelizards- and eggs and rocks because they sit still longer. The
dragonhealing helps. I'm trying to practice drawing people, but I'm pretty
awful at it. And as for proddy... well." He pauses to fortify himself.

Making a sympathetic face, Kassi supposes, "So long as the relationship's
distant enough... 'tisn't as if'n cousins don't marry cousins in the Holds,
if'n they're far enough apart. So long as you don't find yourself
partnering a sibling, or aunt, or uncle, or... well, that's just getting
scary, that thought. Anyway. I could tell you a bit about Alyssa and her
family if'n you wanted? Nay that I know all there is t'know by any means,
but I know her children's names and whatall." She tears loose a piece of
her bread to sop in the stew. "Huh. Aye, 'twould say, good luck in getting
a 'lizard t'sit still unless 'tis sleeping... dragons oblige a bit better.
Sometimes. Or so Khari tells me." There's no vocal prompt for him to tell
the stories, but she does watch him with a combination of expectance and

K'than grimaces a little, and nods. "Well, my own aunt hit on me after her
brown lost a flight, because she hadn't seen me since I was a brat half as
big as I am now, which was when she transferred to another Weyr. So it's
something I've thought about for sure, but... all I can do is hope it never
happens, and hope my relatives get enough warning to get their dragons
away." More cider. "I'd love to hear about Alyssa's family. My mom doesn't
really like to talk about my father or anything connected with him, so I
never hear anything, and now that da- Kia- K'tyn, I mean, has retired...
Kyris doesn't really know anything- he's not that much older than me." He
takes another swallow of the stew and chases it with a quick sip of cider
before adding, "The proddy thing isn't really all that interesting, I don't
think anyway. I just get really... happy. Very friendly. Kind of almost
crazy-happy, really, like a 5-turn old who's snuck a whole mug of klah."

The face Kassi makes at this point is less sympathetic than disturbed. "You
have all m'pity for that, I assure. Which aunt was this? If'n naught else,
you've something t'tease her about the rest of her days. Aye, I remember
Kyris wasn't born long a'fore you... Keth got involved with your mother
just after, it seems like? Or mayhaps 'twas even a'fore. I can't really
recall, that was such a mess. Nay that good things didn't result from it,
obviously." A grin for him at that, before she sets her spoon down and
laces her fingers together, resting her chin on the net created. "I don't
know much about Alyssa's ancestors, truth be told. But I can tell you she
was weyrmated t'R'till once upon a time, then F'nar after that--'twas after
she Stood with me, and didn't Impress; she Impressed Adonith the clutch
after. They've a son; Alnar was his name 'til he Impressed blue Tifanth
here, and he's A'nar now. Then she ended up with T'fian for a time, and
they've a daughter, Lysian... Tiffy and Lys were paired after they stayed
at Benden, but she came over here without him. That's when she ended up
with A'lex, and they've a daughter, Mykaa. Named after M'kla if'n you
recall her 'tall. How *is* Kiat, anyway? Haven't seen much of him since I
won ten marks off him at that Hatching, then lost five back." She grins at
the final part. "Ah, now. That's nay such a bad way t'be going proddy.
Could be worse--you don't dress in women's clothing or chase men around the
Cavern with dead fish at least?"

K'than mms, setting down his spoon. "It was my mom's youngest sister-
Taira. And yup- Kyris is a little older than me. He has a son, did you know
that? Kiatin. And he's stepped down as Igen's Steward- he inhaled a lot of
smoke in the storeroom fire we had, and he got better but never completely
back to how he was before, and I guess he wanted a less stressful position.
We stood for the same clutch but neither of us impressed that time around.
My mom was sort of.. well, she was involved with both my father and my dad
at the same time, actually. It wasn't until my hair grew in and my eyes
changed color that they knew for sure whose child I was. And Kiat's doing
well- he dotes on his grandchildren. Has three of them, now, I believe."

Kassima's expression brightens with recognition. "Oh, Taira! I know
her--well," cough, "sort of. Tyrinth caught Lyss once. But aye, I'd heard
about Kyris's son, and Kiani's daughter--nay of the third, though; whose is
that? A sharding pity about his lungs. And odd, how fast that fire came on
the heels of Smithcraft's.... oh, aye." Her grin turns rather droll, but
reminiscent at the same time, which is an odd combination. "Kethran, Kiat,
and Karise all weyrmates, then Suzotchka brought in on it, and Kenai seeing
both men on the side--*what* a mess. At least 'twas a grouping rife with
K-names, and the progeny likewise named, and who could ask for better'n that?"

K'than chuckles. "Well, I'll have to carry on the tradition if I ever have
any children- assuming the mother agreed, that is. Kiani has another child-
a boy, I think. I seem to remember Kyris saying that, anyway... hmm. Not a
K-name though," he relays. "It's very sad."

Kassima gives a grieved headshake. "What is *wrong* with these children...
but aye, the fathers have a harder time of it, I'll admit. But I'll cross
m'fingers for willing mothers. I'm taking that t'mean you haven't any,
then--is that a relief t'Kenai, or is she pestering you for grandspawn?"

K'than shakes his head. "My sister went and got herself all married off
like a Holder girl, so I expect to hear news of an impending arrival any
day, really. Her husband comes from a big family, and Kiranna always said
she wished she'd had more siblings, so I expect they won't waste any time."

"What, *married*?" Kassi's voice registers a cross between delighted and
scandalized. A beat-long pause follows before she laughs. "Shells, that I
should find marriage such a strange notion--I've been riding too long,
methinks. Think you *they'll* at least give their children the Fortunate

K'than grins. "I don't know- I'll certainly encourage it, though! Isn't it
funny how Weyrs are so different? My sister decided she wanted to live with
our grandparents when she was about oh... 12 or 13, I guess. My mom wasn't
really happy about it, but with her sister's kids needing looking after,
and the other child she was fostering, it was really not all that bad, I
suppose. Kiranna really threw herself into Hold life without a hint of
trouble adjusting. It's strange. I suppose some people are just born to it."

Kassima reaches to rub at the back of her neck absently. "I suppose. The
way some take t'Weyrlife as if'n born to it--nay reason it couldn't work
the other way around, you just usually don't think about it. Well, if'n
you're me. But it probably shouldn't surprise me since I've a son methinks
sometimes would be happier in a Hold; nay reason there couldn't be others.
D'you miss seeing her?"

K'than thinks it over, and then shrugs. "Not so much, really. She was just
a kid when she left, and kids are, well... kids. Even when I was a teenager
I didn't understand people my own age very well. She seems more like a
cousin or some more distant relative- I'm fond of her, I like visiting with
her, but we're not really alike."

"I doubt there are that many sibs who are," Kassi murmurs with amusement,
abandoning the neck-rubbing in favor of leaning back in her chair. "And
certes some are closer than others. I've m'doubts that Kay really misses
her sibs all *that* much. Well, then; you've told me of your family, now
tell me about your green?"

K'than's expression turns fond, and he smiles. "Oh, she's a handful," he
declares. "Not as much now as she used to be, but when we were weyrlings,
she ran me ragged right into the ground. Go, go, go, go and then crash,
she's asleep. It was really hard to learn to separate myself enough that I
could get anything done apart from her."

Kassima grins; it's a grin half-reminiscent, half-amused. "Mayhaps that
runs in the family--Alyssa had the same trouble with Adonith, as I recall.
To the point where she nearly starved. I had it easy there, relatively,
since Lyss has always been so sharding *different* from me; made it easier
t'tell what was her. Nay *easy*, mind you, just easier. I'd be surprised
if'n any pair doesn't have troubles with that at the start."

K'than nods. "I think most must, to some extent. Ryeth, though- it took a
good 3 turns or so for her to calm down. Every moment she was awake, she
was going non-stop. Hardly ever even holding still. She's still pretty
restless unless something's occupying her, and she's always so... /strong/
in presence that it's hard to tell when she's actually getting close to
rising. Which I could wish was different, considering."

Kassima snorts with decided amusement. "Lysseth's strong in presence too,
but at least she doesn't have *that* problem--she's strong normally; she's
bloody loud and bloody obvious, proddy or rising. But the difference
between irritable and downright vicious is an easier one to detect than
some shifts, I'm suspecting. Is Ryeth much like her normal self then, proddy?"

K'than thinks a little. "More or less. The same only more... intense.
She'll be a little more coy, a little more flirtaceous, a little more
restless, but on any given day she might take the whim to act like that,
too. It's just..." he moves one hand through the air in a straight line and
then suddenly jerks the hand upward in demonstration.

"Ach, one of *those*." Amused, but sounding more understanding, Kassi nods.
"Probably easier t'deal with, but the warning *would* be good, with
relatives in the area. Still. Naught without its price, when you get down
to it, hey?" A yawn comes on her suddenly, though she does her best to
stifle it. "Stars and starfires, K'than, methinks you might have t'be
excusing me; I'm being told in nay uncertain terms by m'body that it wants
*sleep* now that 'tis fed, and now, if'n you please. It's been a rare
pleasure seeing you again, though. You should be coming by more oft!"

K'than grins. "I should!" he agrees. "I ought to be getting home and to my
bed as well, after I've fetched something cold from a bit higher up and
delivered that to the infirmary. Have a good night."

Kassima gathers her dishes and deposits them where they belong, before
sweeping her cloak off the back of the chair and back around her shoulders
in a swirl of red-edged black. "I should bloody well *think*, at an hour
like this--hope you can sleep better when you've found your bed again, and
g'luck t'your friend with the wrenching, hey? Regards too t'your parents,
when you see 'em next, and your green; and duties t'Igen and her queens,
and *there*, methinks that's the last of the rigamarole." That's said with
a quick wink; she then makes for the exit, calling back over her shoulder,

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.