-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave Dwellers Date: November(?), 1996 Place: Benden Weyr's Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Holy Batcave! Another brief chapter in the renegade saga ensues. Kenai has news for P'tran: the renegades seem to have found a new base of operations, and once again the Weyr's plans may be in need of adjusting. The log starts mid-scene, as this is one from the MUDSock era when I often lost the first bits of RP; from what I can tell (and my very hazy memory), I believe the early discussion concerned Siraeth's flight that afternoon, and that Kassi had just made some comment about no male ever flying Lysseth twice. This was, of course, some time before Ularrith, Dulath, and Taralyth all managed the feat. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Caitria hms at Bree's question, and mumbles something, though, "Not Dulath" is distinctly heard. J'lyn *hates* mating flights... Alyssa smiles at Caitria. "I believe I just passed along the salient parts of Adonith's self-confident boasts. I..." She blinks at Kassima's words, then winces. "Apparently Adonith wants to change that record, Kassima." Triana comes in, waving to various and sundry, as she makes her way to klah. She overhears Breana's question as she passes by, and grins. "Rivesth just told me he's going to catch her." Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth with << I WILL fly you again. You are the best, and you are what I want. >> Breana giggles at Triana "He'll have to fly fast! She's really bright this time..I mean really bright!" Triana gets that wonderful drink, and heads back to where people seem to be congregating, finding herself a seat. She's laughing and looking out towards the bowl. "And now he's saying that he's going to catch Lorieth and Lysseth and. . . shards, he's listing every green in the Weyr!" Alyssa lifts her wine glass to Triana, her wingmate, and sits back, quietly, one finger rubbing the head of her gold firelizard. Skye walks in. Really. She has her gitar in one hand and a smile upon her face. Triana gets comfortable in her seat, raising her own mug in response. She waves to the harper, too, before concentrating on drinking her klah. Alyssa perks up at the entrance of the harper, and she calls, "Skye, good evening! Have you time to lift our spirits with a tune?" Skye says, "I do indeed, Alyssa. What would you care to hear?" Walkin through the cavern, her hips avoiding the table corners, her smile as wide as the summer. She sits next to Alyssa if there is room, resting the gitar upon her lap. Breana suddenly gets up and waves to everyone. "I'm gonna go and help Beni hunt tunnel snakes for a bit i think.. See you all later!" Caitria hms. "Nothing about bovines," she murmurs, perhaps an answer to Skye's question. Jackryn enters the room, peeks around trying to be unobtrusive.. Skye waves to Breana. Alyssa waves to Breana, offers the newcomer her polite, somewhat shy smile, then makes room for Skye on the bench beside her. "Oh, something happy. Please?" Beni wags his tail in excitement as Bree stands up..then dashes off ahead of her into the Lower caverns. Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Rivesth glances up at the sky. << And I'm gonna catch Siraeth, too! >> Breana walks towards the inner cavern. Dragon> Siraeth bespoke Benden dragons with << You missed the big chance. My flight was a few hours ago. :) >> Dragon> Rivesth bespoke Benden dragons with << There's always a next time ;) >> "The harper craft is full of love tunes and you want something cheerful? Let me see. How about a rousing round of Oh Benden? Or perhaps the firelizard song. Hmm? Or, ifyou're in the mood to dance," she plays a quick beat upon the gitar, "I can always play 'The Toss'." Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Tzornth considers the comforting fact that the greens rising lately have male riders, and, accordingly, his rider shall not spawn any more hatchlings. Unless of course Tzornth loses the flight and his rider is waylain by a female. But Tzornth will not lose, because he is, after all, Tzornth. Dragon> Adonith bespoke Benden dragons with << They are my greens now, Tzornth. >> Caitria sighs, grumbling good-naturedly about men never being around when you want them. "I was trying to explain the toss dance to Cav, Skye. I guess he just has to see it..." Jackryn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Alyssa laughs quietly and pats Skye's wrist. "A love song is fine too, Skye...though it makes me pine for my weyrmate, buried alive again in our weyr." Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Tzornth looks unruffled, and bribes Mehlani away from Adonith. Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Brynarth coughs, mentally. A stray thought of << Bulls**t >> is muffled by the sound. All this after Adonith's speech. Lysseth> Adonith senses that Lysseth rumbles, rustling her wings. << You'll have to earn what you want, then, same as any other male would. Do you think you can tread the steps of the next skydance with me, then? The tempo will be too fast for many.... >> Dragon> Brynarth bespoke Benden dragons with << I know. I know. I'll be IC now. >> Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Adonith notes that he learned so much from Brynarth, though. Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Siraeth reflects, << Brynarth wasn't bad, but his rider was substandard for mine, he tells me. >> Skye turns her silvery greygreen eyes on Caitria, "Cav hasn't? He seems like the type to know that dance. Though I can't say why." Her fingers tap out The Toss. "How about a nice rider song, then. About a young girl who wants tobe a rider. Hmm?" Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth with << Were it to cause me to burst my heart I would fly for you to the ends of Pern and back, lovely. >> Kassima snaps out of her seeming trance and chuckles at the blueriders' words, then smiles sympathetically at Lys. "F'nar has much hidework to do, then?" Caitria's smile fades a notch, and she hms. Her smile reasserts itself, but she rises. "Hm. I should probably go see if Cail is awake yet." Alyssa rolls her eyes and nods. "Always," she answers with a weary smile. "Though, bless his heart, he's got Alnar with him tonight, 'helping.'" Kenai walks in from the kitchen. Triana grins, nodding as well. "He always was like that. The harper in my brother never left. He would have done well in the records rooms of the Hall." Lysseth> Adonith senses that Lysseth is no more immune to flattery than any green, though she tends to go to further lengths to hide the fact. Her warbled reply is thus a bit cryptic. << Then we shall see where the chase leads, when the time comes. >> Benden Weyr> Triana says, "Like, woah. . . F'nar has a kid??" From the kitchen, Yanex walks out of the passageway that leads down to the storerooms. Benden Weyr> Triana IS AN AUNT? Benden Weyr> Sionelle says, "Ugly little cuss." Benden Weyr> Alyssa PEERS at Triana. Benden Weyr> Caitria blinks. F'nar has a sister? Benden Weyr> Mehlani says, "he has a couple, I believe. :)" Benden Weyr> Triana PEERS right back. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "He has three, I think. :)" Benden Weyr> Alyssa stomps on Sionelle and, like, what Caitria said? Skye picks up a pleasant song, making background music, soothing and pleasant, for the riders. She hums along, benignly, to teh tune. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "He does indeed have three. One by me. :) So far. :)" Benden Weyr> Mehlani .oO (Thunderbolt Wing, land of prolific dragonriders) Caitria lifts her hand in farewell, heading for the bowl. Caitria walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> Sionelle says, "Hence the name." Benden Weyr> Triana pulls herself out of mild shock. Kassima laughs. "Oh, so! Is Alnar showing an early liking for hidework, then?" She grins towards Tria as the Herder leaves. "Mayhaps Tria will be recruiting him as her aide, then." Benden Weyr> Caitria waves. I've got to take another nap, then go back to studying. :P Note: never take physical chemistry. Benden Weyr> Kassima pthbbbbbbbbbts soundly at Mehlani and holds up her 'Not That Sharding Prolific' sign. (Finally, I found an NTS catagory I fit into! ;) Benden Weyr> <Sionelle> Physical chemistry: Cause of prolific dragonriders? No no no. Benden Weyr> Kenai grins at Kassi! Benden Weyr> Mehlani replies, deadpan, "Keep flying on the same wing as my father and you'll get pregnant sooner or later." Benden Weyr> Caitria uhnos. Physical chemistry: cause of Tria's player's headache. Benden Weyr> Mehlani :) Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "P-Kem? I always thought that was a secret pre-med curse!" Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "Even *I* could get pregnant in that wing." Benden Weyr> Sionelle thought they made records. No wait. That's K-Tel. Benden Weyr> Kassima aiyees! Boss, can we discuss the possibility of a transfer...? ;) J/K, of course. *SnugsaTria.* Night, Moobabe! Benden Weyr> Caitria hms. Not required for premed here. Just for the chem majors, which, unfortunately, I am. So I'm heading off. Later! Benden Weyr> Mehlani .oO (Little did anyone realize that the secret ingredient in the pregnancy-inducing Benden Water is a lock of my father's hair) Skye says, "perhaps Alnar will go to Harper Hall, too." Her music on the gitar continues even when her voice stops humming to speak. Kenai looks around, a bit frustratedly, and steps over to Kassi. "Have you seen the Weyrleader?" Sanne walks in from the bowl. Kenai waves her cousin over. Benden Weyr> Kassima blanches. Mehlani, tell me whatever the heck's inherent in that hair isn't passed down? .o0(Good thing I locked that piece of 'Lani's hair I stole in... wait, I can't tell that; there's no Deadly Peril, so I can't yet reveal my nefarious plans!) Sanne smiles and makes her way over. Yanex walks here from the Inner Cavern. Alyssa looks toward the bowl, smiles at Skye, and says, "I hope he sings like his father rather than his mother. I was just thinking about getting him." Kenai fidgets impatiently, standing next to Sanne. Kassima hmmms? "Nay, Kenai, nay for a bit...." She nods to the newcomer, then grins at Lys. "Ach, you're likely nay so bad a singer as you say." Benden Weyr> Mehlani says, "Da has his Powers, I have mine. Though I won't come into them till I hit puberty, of course." Alyssa laughs and says, "Last time I sang four canines howled, I swear, Kassima." She nods to Yanex, politely, then sighs. "And F'nar has so wonderful a voice. :) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Thank Faranth. I shudder to think what your powers will be, 'Lani." Kenai clears her throat, looking distressed. "Could you have Lysseth bespeak Laerth, please? It's very important..." Benden Weyr> Mehlani simply looks serene. That would be telling. Alyssa blinks, looking suddenly at Kenai, her thought pattern broken. Skye smiles to the newcomers. Life is so safe behind a gitar. Her strums ebb and flow, quiet then louder, around the din of the living cavern. Benden Weyr> K'ti says, "Generally the same as all evil females to whom proper wiles are given." Benden Weyr> Mehlani says, "Ah, but I'm not an evil female, I'm a Good one." Kassima laughs and shakes her head at her friend, smiling. "They were probably just howling because they were hungry, Lys." She then turns around and blinks at Kenai, looking surprised. "That important, eh? All right, I shall...." Her eyes go out-of-focus as she passes the message on to Lysseth. From Alyssa's shoulder, Isolde croons in time to Skye's strumming, her voice harmonizing with the strings. Kenai snags Sanne by the elbow and tugs her closer. "It is." Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "Contracdiction in terms." Lysseth> Laerth senses that Lysseth rumbles. << My rider says to please tell you that *image of Kenai* wants to see your rider on a matter that she says is of great importance. >> Benden Weyr> Mehlani says, "Ask Kassima, J'cob, she knows." Sanne pats Kenai's arm a few times to calm her. Benden Weyr> K'ti hmmms... and deems that J'cob needs a prank. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Laerth expresses some surprise, relayed from his rider. << Really? No word of what the problem is? >> Kenai casts a quick glance at her cousin, and then looks out toward the bowl. Kassima inclines her head. "Anything you can tell me about the problem, for Lyss to pass on?" Benden Weyr> K'ti thinks.. it'll have to wait till after the kid is born.... but then I'll have even more prank material to work with. Kenai nods. "It's about the- " She hesitates. "About the renegade problem." Mehlani walks in from the bowl. Sanne nods agreement. Lysseth> Laerth senses that Lysseth pauses to get the information from her rider, and then relays, << It has something to do with the renegades. *Kenai* did not give any specifics. >> Yanex says "Kenai i didn't here anything about the rengades. Then again in half circle sea hold you never hear anything!" Kenai looks over at movement by the entrance and gives Mehlani a distracted smile. Sanne gives Yanex a measuring glance then shrugs at him, "Exactly." Mehlani blinkblinks, then suddenly darts back outside. Mehlani walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Laerth rumbles. << My rider is tired this evening, but if it may involve that, he'll be down in a moment to see what's going on. >> Kassima ahs and nods. "Lysseth's relayed it, Kenai." Her merry expression seems to have sobered up some at the mention of renegades and at Kenai's obvious anxiety, but she musters a smile of greeting and a wave to Mehlani. Skye is playing, tuning, experimenting with the twining of her own voice humming and the sound of strings with wood, unobtrusevly offering comfort to the riders. Lysseth> Adonith lifts his head and warbles to Mehlani, stretching his neck out to see her and whuffle her resoundingly. Lysseth> Mehlani runruns up to Adonith, accompanied by the bronze flittering wings of Holl, and opens her arms to the blue's muzzle. Kenai nods slightly and manages a smile. "Thanks." Alyssa just rolls her eyes and sighs. "I have the darnedest blue..." Lysseth> P'tran comes down the stairs from the Weyrwoman's Ledge. Yanex walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Lysseth> P'tran heads on hurriedly through the bowl on his way straight for the living caverns ... Lysseth> Adonith snuggles against Mehlani, but he watches P'tran with concern in his multifaceted eyes. P'tran walks in from the bowl. Salless tells her girls to look sharp when the weyrleader walks in. Kenai straightens suddenly and turns to face the Weyrleader, dragging her cousin around with her. Kassima unfocuses a moment, then nods to Kenai. "Lyss says he's on his wa--good evening, sir." She snaps off a crisp salute. Skye stops playing when the weyrleader arrives. Alyssa finishes her wine and rises to rid herself of the glass, saluting P'tran as he enters. She can tell by his pace and posture that he's preoccupied, and she can figure out with what. P'tran walks briskly in from the bowl, his jacket a little disheveled, looking a bit haggard. He covers a tired yawn with the back of his hand and look around the caverns for a moment. "Um, Kenai, are you h ... oh, there you are ..." Lysseth> Mehlani stands with her small arms stretched as far as they can go around Adonith's muzzle, and hugs it firmly. Right near her head, tiny bronze Holl flitters about and coos curiously at this big blue thing that seems to like his human. Lysseth> Lysseth warbles gently as she watches Adonith and Mehlani with evident curiousity, though she seems content to simply stay in her place at the blue's side, casting an occasional glance towards the Living Caverns. Lysseth> Adonith sniffs at the little bronzeflittything and seems to shrug before he whuffles Mehlani again, crooning softly. Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth with << She is mine. >> P'tran says "You mentioned to Kassima that you needed to see me? Something about the renegades?" Lysseth> Yanex says "Mehlani how did you impress the fire lizards?" Kenai nods. "Sorry to disturb you sir, but I've been looking and couldn't find you so I asked Kassi to.." she cuts herself off abruptly and takes a deep breath. "This is my cousin, Sanne. She'd been visiting with some of our family in Lemos and Woodcraft." Lysseth> I bespoke Adonith with << She is yours, too? >> A pause, then an amused rumble. << You did say all the females in the Weyr were yours, but I didn't know you meant the human ones as well. >> Lysseth> Mehlani then lifts her head to peer up and up at the blue; her face lightens at Adonith's crooning. Then, as she is addressed, she whips her head around and pales. Who is that? Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth with << No. Just Mehlani. She is mine. >> Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth with << And Alyssa. And Kassima. >> Lysseth> Yanex says "My name is Yanex and I come from Half Circle sea hold." Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth with << Oh, and Flannery. >> P'tran nods briefly to Sanne and mumbles, "Well met," before looking back to Kenai with concern ecthed on his tired face. "Yes, there was some word that the renegades were moving in that general direction," he comments. Lysseth> The child by the blue dragon immediately seems to withdraw, somehow, and her expression turns more shy and solemn. The fire lizard in question lands on her head, and croons first at the dragon, then peers over at the stranger. Lysseth> Adonith rumbles a bit at the stranger and wraps his tail about Mehlani protectively. Sanne nods respectfully, "Weyrleader." She takes a deep breath herself, "While I was in Lemos, there was quite a bit of gossip about the renegades from some people that I trust very much. The general consensus is that they're hiding out in caves in the area." Lysseth> I bespoke Adonith with << Then she must indeed be someone of note, to be grouped in with such females as you name. Why is she yours? She does not ride a green that is yours, as the others do.... >> Lysseth> Yanex says "I am sorry that I sound so rude, it is just that everything is so new to me." Lysseth> Yanex says "If I am bothering you I will leave." Lysseth> Yanex walks south. Lysseth> Mehlani nibbles at her lip, eyes going limpid. Benden Weyr> Mehlani eef. Kenai steps back a little and lets her cousin talk. Kassima listens quite closely to the discussion, not bothering to even hide the fact. At Sanne's words, she hmmms and nods slightly to herself, then returns to full attentiveness. P'tran raises his eyebrows and looks back Sanne with interest, brow furrowed. "Oh? Yes, I thought that might be where they'd head, but I didn't have any proof. You heard this fairly recently?" Benden Weyr> Mehlani says, "Give me some patience support, folks. :) Just ran into a newbie whose first words to me were, "Mehlani, how did you impress the fire lizards?"" Skye is listenin closely to this discussoin, too. Her fingers barely brush the strings of her gitar as she listens. Benden Weyr> P'tran grins. Just chant the mantra "We were all newbies once" :) Sanne pauses, "Then on my way back to Benden Hold, I was approached by a very scruffy looking character on the track. It was still in the Lemos area - within a few miles of the caves..." She ponders for a moment, "This was a sevenday ago." P'tran looks thoughtful and nods slowly as Sanne speaks. "That's not too long ago ... Do you think they still might be in that area?" Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "I still am :)" Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs a 'Lani. At least he didn't go up to you and claim to be a dragon, as I recall one guest--not a newbie--doing to Lyss outside. :) (Ditto, J'cob. :) Sanne says "The man offered to sell me a quite expensive carving, marked with the woodcraft seal. I was suspicious and turned him down. He was very angry looking but a sweep dragon flew over and the guy took off into the woods. I didn't stay around any longer."" Benden Weyr> Mehlani pages the guy, who vanished, saying something about 'if I'm bothering you I'll leave', and points out that 'Lani's very shy and not likely to talk to strangers. J'lyn waves. Benden Weyr> Mehlani also tells him to try not to use people's names immediately if they are characters his character wouldn't know right off the bat. Benden Weyr> Sionelle's alt had a newbie come to Seacraft and say he needed to learn how to code a ship from scratch in fifteen minutes because he wanted to role play being a missionary and needed the ship to take his ministry to Pern. Alyssa leans forward a bit as Isolde hums with Skye; the bluerider's attention is riveted on P'tran. Benden Weyr> K'ti blinks at Elle an puts a hand over her eyes. Sanne nods at P'tran, "What raised my suspiciouns the most was that he wasn't carrying any gear and it was a good two days travel to the nearest hold." Benden Weyr> Mehlani meeps at Sionelle. Benden Weyr> Kassima ohdears at Elle. Lysseth> Mehlani turns around, and looks shyly back up at Adonith. Benden Weyr> Sionelle grins. His 'ministry' consisted of rebellion against the tyrannical lord holders, craftmasters and weyrleaders who were keeping the pernese in bondage. P'tran hrms at that. "That wasn't very smart of them to be that obvious," he comments. "Again, these renegades are acting more strangely every day. I think you were right not to get tangled up in that." Benden Weyr> Mehlani splutters. Benden Weyr> Mehlani wonders what he wanted to replace them with. :) Sanne nods emphatically, "I was looking over my shoulder the entire rest of the trip back. I was glad to make it." Benden Weyr> Sionelle says, "Anarchy." Benden Weyr> Mehlani says, "(Speaking as an ex-Weyrleader's typist. ;) )" Benden Weyr> Kassima considers whether to be appalled, or fall off her chair giggling hysterically. Would do the latter, but I don't want to send ice scattering all over the room, nonono. :) Lysseth> Adonith nudges Mehlani with his snout and rumbles softly, affectionately, his eyes whirling loving blue-green. Benden Weyr> Mehlani snorts. 'Sure, guy, have all the anarchy you want, and we'll put you on the list of 'People We Don't Have to Defend from Thread'.' :) Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "That was ME Sionell!" Benden Weyr> K'ti hms. Kassimalady's full of ice? P'tran runs a hand through his hair, which was already disheveled, and this gesture makes it even more so. "Would you know where these caves are, Sanne?" he asks. Skyes' fingers stop making even the slight strumming sounds. All ears is she. Kenai stands a little behind her cousin, and off to the side. She looks over at Sanne, not knowing herself whether her cousin even knows that. Sanne looks over at Kenai then back at the weyrleader, "Yes, sir, my woodcraft cousin took me exploring a few times. I know where several are." Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs at K'ti! :) Ice Lady, 'dat's me... nah, just got a weird, swollen foot injury and thus an icepack. :) F'hlan walks in from the bowl. Kenai nods slightly in agreement. "Dione. I've been out with her too." F'hlan, after a while, comes lightly limping into the caverns, undoing the collar laces of his jacket, and looking around quietly. Benden Weyr> K'ti says, "Oh no.. Lysseth didn't trip over your foot did she?" Sanne blinks then, "In fact! We saw the remains of a fire in one of the farther ones. We didn't connect it at the time though." Sanne says "We thought it was just a hunter using it as a shelter." Benden Weyr> Kassima looks sheepish. "Nope, I did. Tripped over my foot, I mean. @set me=accident-prone." P'tran turns around as someone enters the caverns. "Ah, F'hlan, good, I thought that might get you here fast," he comments with a slight grin. He gestures for him to come over to where he is standing near Sanne and Kenai as he turns back to Sanne. "It was most likely left by the renegades, if they're still holed up in that area." Alyssa smiles fondly at F'hlan and nods to him, still listening quietly to what's going on. Benden Weyr> K'ti says, "Everyon, Kassima's wanting accident. She's set herself Accident_ok!" From her belt pouch, Skye takes out a hand sized piece of hide, and a stylus. She makes a few hastily written sentances, music forgotten. F'hlan's dark gaze picks out P'tran, and Tzornth's rider moves over towards Laerth's. His expression shifts towards more alertness, and as the Weyrleader speaks, F'hlan nods first to him, then to Alyssa, as he lowers himself into a nearby chair. Isolde leaves Alyssa's shoulder to perch on Skye's shoulder and watch her write, curious. P'tran looks over to F'hlan and gestures to the two in front of him. "Kenai and Sanne here heard that the renegades are holed up in some caves in the Lemos area and appear to have a location as well." Kassima absently salutes F'hlan, rather preoccupied with her eavesdropping. From Skye's other shoulder, Isolde's golden mother, 'Riel, coos. The two lizards symmetric in mein, and equally curious. The gentle harper, though, seems intent. Benden Weyr> Kassima glacks. Nonononono, K'ti! No more accidents! :) Sanne looks at F'hlan and nods. F'hlan returns Kassima's salute, but it's clear that most of his attention is on P'tran's news. "They're hiding well, then, if our patrols haven't been able to find him," he says, gravely, with a brief nod to Sanne and Kenai. Kenai shifts slightly on her feet. "Dione would know the most- she's always out in the stands, inspecting and things, I don't know woodcraft kind of things." Skye glances up at the weyrleader and at F'hlan, stylus pointed down. P'tran nods to F'hlan and looks back to Sanne and Kenai. "That is interesting that our sweeps in the area haven't seen them. You'd think that they'd be a little cornered being in those caves." Mehlani walks in from the bowl. Mehlani, somewhat on the footsteps of her father, comes padpadpadding quickly in. Kenai shakes her head. "The caves are really extensive, sir. There are outlets all over the place." Sanne shrugs, "The woods were thick in the area that I saw the man and he was wearing clothes that would blend in very well." Skye's attention drifts from the conversation to Mehlani, smiling at her from across the cavern. Lysseth> Adonith whimpers a bit as Mehlani leaves, then he settles down with Lysseth again, putting a wing about her protectively. Mehlani glances back outside, and almost smiles, but her gaze is very grave and serious. She lingers near the entranceway, watching her father in grim conversation, and her little face reflects worry. P'tran hrms and frowns. "That explains it, then," he comments to F'hlan. "They have easy ins and outs from them. It's no wonder they haven't been spotted." Mehlani notices Skye, and bobs her head tinily, once. Alyssa extends her hand toward Mehlani, motioning for her to come over and sit while the renegades are discussed. Skye isn't a harper for nothing. She offers a hand outstretched tothe little girl, but drops it when Alyssa offers the same. Comfort can come in many forms. Kenai nods, her forehead furrowed in concern. F'hlan's finely-boned nose crinkles. "How known are these caves?" the bronze rider asks the two who have brought the news. Mehlani blinkblinks, looking somewhat daunted, and staying right where she is. Kenai shrugs a little. "Locals know them, I think... but unless you spend a lot of time out, you wouldn't know much more than parts of them, like the places nearest the Hold or the Hall." Isolde rubs her wedged head against that of her dam and peeks down at Skye's words again. Lysseth> Lysseth tucks her own wings against her sides and snuggles up under Adonith's wing, crooning and nuzzling his neck in thanks. P'tran nods to Kenai. "Sounds like they've found themselves a very nice and safe area for themselves in which to hole up," he says with some disdain. Skye finally speaks up, "Weyrleader? What are you going to do?" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Is anyone else confused as to what's going on?" Benden Weyr> Alyssa is a bit, yes. :) F'hlan considers this, eyes drawing tauter around the edges. Out of the corner of one, he sees Alyssa's hand stretch, and follows it to the sight of his plaintive-faced daughter; he shifts a bit, gives the child a rueful one-side smile, and that, at least, makes Mehlani brighten a little. Timidly, the child draws nearer to the adults. Kassima hrms. "And 'twould be easier for them to walk about unsuspected if'n they're disguising themselves as traders in truth, should they be caught away from their hiding place," she murmurs thoughtfully to herself. Benden Weyr> Kenai points J'lyn to +bbread/bdw 27 :) Benden Weyr> Alyssa is way too brain dead to be following this latest plot twist. Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "The renegade TP is really confusing." Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "You can say that again... I'm totally lost..." Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks she understands, but then, there are a lot of things she thinks she understands and really doesn't. :) Benden Weyr> K'ti says, "Confusion is the height of chaos, the ultimate state of being and the highest form of kinetic energy availible. The beginning of the age of building.... oh, um, brainblorp." P'tran nods to Kassima and comments to F'hlan, "Kassima had a theory that they were maybe disguising themselves as traders at some point in time." "I think Kethran had that thought as well, did he not?" Alyssa inquires, then she looks at the bowl in that 'I'm talking to my dragon' way. Benden Weyr> P'tran wonders what's hard about renegades finding a cave system near Lemos to hole up in? Though I admit I had to stretch the plot out a LOT because RL interfered in a few places :) Benden Weyr> Alyssa grins at P'tran. It would make perfect sense to me if I were actually *reading* the poses and they weren't just words filing past my shut-down brain. :) Again, the bronze rider nods a single time, gravely. He murmurs, "Disguise need not be a restricted tool." Benden Weyr> J'cob shrugs, "Anytime discussion of it comes up, I head the other way. Like, only the Chosen Few know what's going on." Benden Weyr> Kassima ah-hahs! So for once, I really *did* understand something... I don't know whether to be glad, amazed, or frightened. ;) Kenai quirks an eyebrow, a little curiously. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "I guess the thing about it is that I wasn't prepared for anything to be hapening." P'tran hmms at Alyssa. "I think he had something similar, but not exactly that. Anyway, it's looking like we have a problem here. As to what to do," he says, glancing Skye's way, "That's the problem. We send dragons and riders in and they'll escape out all those other passages and we'll lose them. Again." Benden Weyr> Kenai grins at J'lyn. Swhat you get for disconning in the LC. Benden Weyr> J'lyn didn't have a choice!! The evilevil netbeastie locked me up! Skye's normally rigid posture softens a little. The scrap of hide is tied to 'Riel's leg, "Off to the hall." The gold firelizard leaps into the air, her grace mirroring the harpers fluid movements. She nods to the weyrleader then. Thoughtful. Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "The plot started before you came back to NC, J'lyn, don't feel too bad :)" F'hlan lifts his head slightly to P'tran. "So do not send... riders." There's a slight pause before his last word, and a slight crook to his right eyebrow. Kenai nods a little in agreement with the Weyrleader. "Or they see the dragons and just hole up so far back you couldn't find them if you looked until the next Interval..." Kassima inclines her head. "'Twill be infiltration, then, sir?" she inquires. Benden Weyr> J'lyn feels a bit better than, FL... Kenai blinks. "Alnar's apparently giving F'nar more fuss than he can handle right now," Alyssa murmurs as she heads toward the bowl. "Sir," she adds to P'tran, "as always, please let me know if you need me to help, all right?" Sanne looks from one speaker to the next, listening intently. P'tran pauses a moment and sighs with a slight nod of his head. "Yes, I think we're going to have to go with that idea after all," he says slowly. "Have someone get in there and see what they're up to." Mehlani comes up to where the adults are and studies them all with a look that makes her greatly resemble her sire, save that her eyes reflect anxiety, his a grim kind of resolve. P'tran nods to Alyssa. "Of course, Alyssa. Good night." Alyssa smiles and salutes the Weyrleader, then calls out a farewell to everyone else, putting a hand on Mehlani's head affectionately as she passes by Adonith's playmate/ Alyssa walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Skye's serious eyes look at the girl, Mehlani, and register her anxious mein. But she knows the girl will go where she will, in her own good time. Skye offers a smile again, but is still very caught up in the weyr leaders and their discussion. Kassima nods. "Dangerous, mayhaps, but necessary... and I doubt, sir, after what happened with Tinya, that there'll be a serious shortage of volunteers to help root them out." She waves after Lys, too late, as usual. Kenai nods shortly at Kassi's comment. Sanne nods, "And I'm sure the Woodcrafters would be happy to help. They've been getting nervous as well." F'hlan opens his mouth, then clamps it shut, and finally mutters ruefully, "My face is too known." He reaches with his right hand to his little girl, now that she's within arm's reach, and squeezes her shoulder; Mehlani relaxes a bit, her blue gaze shifting from face to face. P'tran nods to KAssima and frowns slightly. "I hate the idea of sending anyone in like that, though. Whoever goes basically has to try to win their confidence somehow." He nods to F'hlan. "I didn't want to send a rider in at all, since that rider would have to be away from his or her dragon by a pretty fair distance." F'hlan nods, tersely. Kenai looks thoughtful, and opens her mouth to say something, shutting it again quickly. Kassima frowns a bit herself. "Might be hard, sir, since their motives seem to be so peculiar. Have there been any clues of what sort of person--or story--they'd be most likely to trust and accept?" Sanne hmmms, "Someone with firelizards?" F'hlan half-smiles to Sanne. "Good lady, that describes most of the people of Pern." Sanne sighs and shrugs at F'hlan. P'tran nods to Sanne. "That was suggested before, and its a good idea," he says. "While the bond is not as stong, a flit could be sent off with a message." He grins slightly at F'hlan's comment. "All right then, I guess I'm going to have to find someone willing to do this among the non-riders." Skye stands, her gitar clutched to her chest. In a plethora of silken skirts, she walks out of the living cavern, waving to people, but absently. The last thing seen of the harper is the sway of brown hair that falls across her back as she slips into the inner caverns, purposefully. Skye walks towards the inner cavern. Kenai considers. "Perhaps a story... someone who didn't Impress, is bitter about it- can't go back home.. ?" She trails off. "Something like that?" P'tran hmms ... "That might work ... I suppose any sort of hard-luck story might work." Sanne pipes up one more time, "I think I'd be very suspicious of anyone claiming to come from the weyr at all though." J'lyn turns his head towards the bowl. He seems to be concentrating on his dragon. "If you'd all excuse me, Lorieth is having a problem of some sort." Kenai shrugs at her cousin. "Unless they claim it right off to disarm their suspiscions about it- so that they wouldn't find out later and get worried." P'tran ums. "Good point," he says. "Perhaps it would be better for the person to say that they're holdless and leave it at that." Kassima nods. "Someone with a manner that leads folk to trust them?" she suggests. "Who looks innocent--but nay too innocent? After all, looking *too* unsuspicious only casts more suspicion on the person." She smiles faintly. J'lyn stands and salutes and waves around. J'lyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. P'tran grins wryly at Kassima. "There's actually some logic in that." Kassima widens her eyes in mock-surprise. "What, me logical? Faranth forfend." She chuckles. "Still, there are certainly people who seem to automatically gain trusts and friendships, or at least gain them with relative ease. 'Twould be good if one of the volunteers had that sort of natural charisma." Kenai looks consideringly at her cousin for a brief moment. Sanne taps her fingers idly on her chin and ponders. P'tran sighs. "It's not going to be easy finding the right person for this. But I don't think we need to rush on this. Right now, those renegades feel safe. I doubt they realize anyone knows where they are." Sanne looks worried, "They may waylay other travelers in the meantime though..." Kenai nods, and suggests a little hesitantly, "Maybe the woodcrafters or holders might have someone they could offer, too- an apprentice turned out of his or her craft might be a good story, and they would know the area well." Kassima smiles, a touch grimly. "That overconfidence will prove their undoing, with any luck. But 'tis best to nay let the enemies know that their secrets are nay so secret anymore--that'll keep them from seeking new secrets to keep." F'hlan turns to Mehlani as she tugs anxiously on his sleeve; the rider leans down to listen to her whisper into his ear, and he then gives the child a gentle half-smile. "If you'll excuse me," he says to the others here, "someone needs some fatherly briefing." F'hlan, with that, rises, and takes Mehlani's hand in his. With a gravely polite nod to those here, the rider and his daughter slip quietly out. F'hlan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Mehlani walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. P'tran grins at F'hlan and nods to him as he leaves. P'tran comments, "I'll bring F'hlan up to speed on this afterward." P'tran nods to Kenai. "I think that would a good resource to draw on, but I'm going to have to ask you and Sanne to be descreet about this. In fact, everybody here has to be, so they don't get word they've been found out. The safer they feel, the more overconfident they may get, as I think Kassima suggested." Sanne nods gravely, "Of course, weyrleader." Kenai nods emphatically. "Of course, sir." Kassima nods. "Aye, sir, 'twas my thought. You've my word, for all 'tis worth, that I for one will keep this to m'self--but for now, I'm afraid Lysseth insists 'tis time to retire." She nods to Kenai and Sanne, salutes the Weyrleader, and puts her mug wherever it is that mugs go. "Good night, everyone." P'tran nods to Kassima. "Good night, Kassima. Actually, I was about to do that before all this started as well." Benden Weyr> Kassima tsks at herself. Shameful. Over four Turns at Benden, and I still don't know where the mugs go. Oh, well--I've been putting them wherever they go for a long time now; no use changing a system that works. ;) And with that thought, I must bamf. :) Benden Weyr> Kenai snugs Kassi. Night! :) Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Adios, Kassi! Nice seein' ya!" Kenai winces a little. "Sorry, sir." Benden Weyr> P'tran hands mugs off to the convenient "passing drudge" :) Kassima chuckles a bit. "Aye, sir, and you should, so you'll have the energy to solve all the dozens of crises that will nay doubt spring up with dawn's light." This said, she heads outside. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.