
Egg-Touching One

Date:  Early-To-Mid January, 1996
Places:  Benden Weyr's Kitchens, Living Cavern, Galleries, and Hatching
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Of course I had to put this log back up when I found my
old link was dead!  It's the first time Kassi touched any of the eggs
of Dyinath's clutch.  If I remember correctly, the black egg everyone
listened to turned out to hold Meli's Juliath--I'm not sure Kassi ever
looked twice at Lysseth's.  Her favorite, the Graffiti Egg, had Nicoth
in it, and that of course was a lost cause. ;)


The Log:

From the living cavern, Asfala walks in from the bowl.

From the living cavern, Salless smiles sweetly at the junior queenrider.

Meli eyes the mound of chopped veggies. "Enough here for a gallon of stew,
I think."

You say "What's going to be done with all these veggies, Meli? D'you know?"

Thera nods at Meli. "Prolly dinner tonight then."

You say "Stew? So long as it's not tunnelsnake stew, that sounds delicious."

Thera grins at Kassi, remembering tales of evil aunts, and untold recipes.

From the living cavern, Asfala dumps her armload od hides on an
out-of-the-way table and trots up to Salless. "Salless, do you mind if I
kidnap your helpers for a bit? Dyinath says she'll let them on the sands
for a little while."

Meli laughs. "Neh, herdbeast I think." She pauses, pondering. "Eh, never
thought I'd miss -fish- but it's been a long while since I've had some."

Kassima grins and envisions stew made of carved figures of Slithereth--a
whole new kind of tunnelsnake stew.

Thera says "You should have seen the tuber dragon Rickon carved yesterday..."

You say "Mmmm, fish. Last time I had some of that was at Ruatha... I like
to experiment with fish. I tried roasting them and then slathering redfruit
pulp on 'em--Aphrael said that wasn't too bad. Interesting's the way she
put it. What tuber dragon?"

From the living cavern, Salless smiles wickedly. "Oh, certainly, Asfala.
There are a few in the kitchens just now, but most of them are busy down in
the stores with the tithe items."

Thera holds her hands /this/ far apart. "He carved it out of a tuber. It
was supposed to be a dragon - kinda hard to tell tho. It was this big."

From the living cavern, Asfala nods sweetly to Salless. "Thank you!" She
trots into the kitchen.

Asfala enters the kitchen from the living cavern.

Thera says "Wouldn't let me eat it tho."

You say "If 'twas detailed enough, size wouldn't matter. I've seen
absolutely miniscule children's dragon toys."

Asfala comes in, looking around.

Kassima looks up and nods respectfully. "Heyla and greetings, Lady Asfala."

Meli nods as Asfala enters. "Afternoon, weyrwoman. C'n I get you anything?"

Thera says "Well, he did only have a tuber to work with," she turns and see
the queenrider, "Allo Ma'am.""

Asfala smiles, embarrassed. "Just Asfala, Kassima. Salless said I could
pull you from your duties just now, because Dyinath says she'll allow you
on the sands, if you'd like to see the eggs?" Her gaze sweeps over all the

From the living cavern, Alyssa walks in from the bowl.

From the living cavern, Salless blows a stray lock out of her eyes and
continues polishing a table.

Thera bounces up on her toes a bit, "Sure!"

A slow smile grows across Meli's face. "-Like- t'see the eggs?" she
replies. "Uh, yah" trying to sound nonchalant.

Kassima blinks, grins, and says, "Certainly, and thanks!"

Thera looks at Kassi and Meli, hoping that they'll come too.

Thera peers out in to the LC and hollers, "Hey Alyssa, we're off to see the
eggs, wanna come?"

Kassima winces a bit at Thera's yelling. "You always were good at getting
people's attention, cousin," she says, rubbing her ears ruefully.

Asfala turns to the fourth candidate, a curly-haired boy. "Tomas, can you
run down to the stores and call any candidates who might be down there?
Thank you!" She turns back as the boy runs off. "Come on, then, this way."
She grins excitedly.

Thera looks down, abashed. "Sorry."

Asfala walks into the Living Cavern.

From the living cavern, Salless smiles sweetly at the junior queenrider.

Thera walks into the Living Cavern.

Meli walks into the Living Cavern.

From the living cavern, Asfala gestures to Alyssa. "Would you like to come
with us?"

Kassima puts down her roots and follows.

You walk into the Living Cavern.

Meli pulls her apron off and folds it, setting on one of the tables.

K'ti walks in from the bowl.

Alyssa blinks and says, "To touch the eggs?" she asks softly?

Thera nods behind Asfala at Alyssa, with a yepyepyep look.

Alyssa sits down slowly and shakes her head. "I'm...not sure."

Asfala nods eagerly! "Yes, come on, before Dyinath changes her mind." She
grins and walks out into the bowl.

Asfala pauses. "What's wrong, Alyssa?"

Thera shrugs at Alyssa and follows at Asfala's heels.

Alyssa smiles and admits, "Scared?"

Alyssa amends that and stands. "No...just nervous, really."

Thera furrows her brows at Alyssa, wondering why she's scared of eggs?

Asfala nods and smiles. "Don't be! Dyinath won't do anything. And you'll
forget everything like that once you get close up to the eggs." She nods
again for emphasis.

Alyssa smiles and moves closer to Asfala. "Oh, it's not Dyinath that
worries me. I guess it's the idea of the Hatching that's beginning to
unnerve me, that's all."

Asfala nods, understanding perfectly. "I know. I've been through it twice.
You'll get more comfortable the more you spend with the egggs and under
Dyinath's glare. REally." She smiles.

T'fian walks in from the bowl.

Alyssa smiles shyly and nods to T'fian.

Meli nods distractedly at T'fian, her attention on Asfala

Kerlyn walks in from the bowl.

Thera dosn't even notice the rider.

"--Ma'am" Meli says politely to Kerlyn, for once mostly quiet.

S'riv walks in from the bowl.

T'fian walks in from the bowl, somewhat distracted. He stops as he notes
the Candidates and puts a more normal expression on his face.

Asfala gestures to the pack of candidates. "Come on, let's go!" She smiles
encouragingly at Alyssa and heads out, throwing one happy word at Kerlyn.

S'riv ollows closely behind Kerlyn

Asfala walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Alyssa walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Thera hums and follows behind.

Meli walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Thera walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kassima gives respectful nods to T'fian, S'riv, and Kerlyn. "Good
afternoon, sirs and ma'am," she says before following Asfala.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Asfala makes a vtol-line for the hatching cavern.

You walk into the hatching cavern.

Thera comes in from the bowl.

Cetani is sitting leaned back in a chair with his feet propped up on the
edge. He nods at all the people, "Hello ladies."

T'fian comes in from the bowl.

Thera grins at Cetani and finally notices the rider and nods.

T'fian nods in return to Thera and finds himself a seat.

Kassima waves to Cetani and then gazes out at the eggs.

Kerlyn comes in from the bowl.

Meli smiles. "G'day, Cetani" she says quietly.

Alyssa hangs toward the back, still able to see because of her height

S'riv comes in from the bowl.

Thera looks out onto the sands, reality finally hitting her.

Kerlyn walks over to stand next to Asfala. She murmers something quiet to
the junior weyrwoman.

S'riv plops into a chair and smiles, "I just wanna know whow Dyi will eat

Cetani looks at the crowd growing, "She certainly found more than a few...."

T'fian glances over at S'riv and smiles slightly.

Asfala stops just short of the sands and turns. "Ok. Just a few words
before we go out." She leans over to hear Kerlyn and nods, "I'm just about
to do that."

and tries to scoot to the far side of his seat, pretending not to noticethe

In the galleries, Zaphia flies in from the bowl.

In the galleries, Lyree moves quietly, edging towards Kerlyn.

In the galleries, Katrina laughs out loud, enjoying S'riv's reaction.

Thera forgets all the other candis out there and slowly hones in on the
first egg she'd like to touch, heedless of the others.

Meli steps onto the sands quietly, her gaze torn between looking back up at
the galleries as they climb and the -large- gold dragon. She steps over
near Kassi and pauses before heading to the eggs.

Asfala gestures towards the candidates. "Just walk among the eggs," she
urges. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

In the galleries, Kerlyn's voice takes on a hint of exasperation, "I don't
understand you when you get like this, S'riv." Her eyes are on the
candidates on the sand, so she doesn't notice Lyree's presence until the
Istan gets quite close.

In the galleries, Cetani chuckles, "Except a big gold keeping watch."

In the galleries, Alyssa pauses at the stairs, still looking at the sands.

Kassima watches Thera and glances down at the sands. She can feel the
warmth slightly through her boots. Then she walks over to the eggs with
Meli, admiring them from up-close.

In the galleries, T'fian turns to watch the Candidates wandering around the
eggs. He chuckles at Alyssa. "Go on. Nothing to worry about down there."

In the galleries, Katrina smiles as she looks out at the sands, remebering
her own candidacy.

Thera moves to the shadow dappled egg, and holds her hands behind her back
as she survey's its intricate coloring.

In the galleries, Katrina says "Go on, Alyssa."

In the galleries, Lyree chuckles at Cetani's observation.

In the galleries, S'riv blinks at Kerlyn, truly not understanding what she
speeks of, "Like what love?" he asks, honestly not comprehending.

In the galleries, Elyandra sits quietly, engrossed in watching the
Candidates on the Sands.

In the galleries, T'fian sighs and glances out towards the bowl.

In the galleries, Kerlyn's head shakes slightly, "No. I'm just watching.
Asfala doesn't appear to need any of my help."

Thera presses her forhead to the egg, trying to think inside it.

In the galleries, Lyree nods absently, apparently her mind is elsewhere, a
small frown on her face.

In the galleries, T'fian looks back towards the sands and idly wonders to
himself what Thera is doing.

Asfala nods. "Yes, you can really do anything you want, as long as you
don't try to break one or steal one." She grins. "As if anyone could lift
one of these!"

Thera opens her eyes and lets them wander, blurry at this close range, over
the few inches of eggshell in front of her that she can see.

In the galleries, Cetani leans over and mutters something to T'fian.

Kassima says, curious, "What kinds of sounds do eggs make?"

In the galleries, Cetani mutters to T'fian, "... the..."

Meli nods and sets her ear against the egg to listen, her brows slightly
furrowed as she strains to hear anything. "How active are they at this
point?" she asks as she straightens after a moment.

Dyinath stretches her neck out until her muzzle is about 5 feet from Thera.
She stares, then rumbles. Her lifemate pats her on the shoulder. "Stop
trying to scare them, love!"

Thera grins, and comes up from the egg, happy in her study of it. To which
one next?

In the galleries, S'riv chuckles, trying to avoid any eyecontact withKatrina.

In the galleries, Zaphia wants to see the eggs too, she sits on her perch
and streches her neck way out, but she's afraid of her big gold cousin.

Asfala smiles at Kassima. "I don't know. I've never heard anything myself."

Thera turns about, and finds herself extremely close to Dyinath's teethy
parts, and stands perfectly still till Asfala talks to the queen.

In the galleries, T'fian shakes his head. He mutters to Cetani, "... not...
Bitrans... yet.... Lord Warder... to... the rest." 

In the galleries, T'quinn comes in from the bowl.

In the galleries, Cetani frowns.

In the galleries, Katrina looks at T'quinn, smiling.

Kassima tries to listen to the greenish-blueish crystalline egg, not really
hearing anything but thinking it's worth a try.

In the galleries, T'quinn waves happily to the others, tipping his head
respectfully as he states, "Fort's duty."

In the galleries, Elyandra turns and grins, "T'quinn!" She motions him over.

Thera edges around the gold, still grinning, and rises up on tip toes to
see the next egg.

In the galleries, S'riv chuckles, and mumbles, "A fort rider..ohh, that be
/all/ we need right now."

Asfala looks back at Thera, and rubs the queen's shoulder. "Come on, love,
don't do that." The dragon rumbles, disappointed, and retracts her head.
She lays her great jaw on the ground and watches Kassima closely.

In the galleries, Zaphia warbles and rustles her wings at her dragonfriends

Meli's eye catches on the inky black egg and she moves over to see if it
feels as oily as it looks.

In the galleries, T'fian looks over at T'quinn, narrows his eyes, and then
shakes his head. He salutes. "Benden's Duty to Fort and Vtanth, Bronzerider."

In the galleries, T'quinn smiles warmly at Elyandra and quickly moves from
his authoritative state to a moore genuinely friendly one.

Thera strides over to the other black egg, the slick one, and hugs it gently.

In the galleries, Lyree nods politely to T'quinn, dismayed that her
dragon's mood is starting to colour hers... Oh dear.

In the galleries, T'quinn pauses to eye S'riv with an odd expression and
merely shakes his head, settling to a seat next to Ely and smiling warmly
at Katrina.

Thera smiles at Meli, and moves over to share the egg.

In the galleries, S'riv posativly glares at the stange fort rider, then
turns his gaze back to the sands for a moment.

As she reaches the new egg, Meli runs a finger under her shirt collar a
moment as she starts to feel the heat. She then reaches out a hand to
caress the irregular egg, grinning at Thera.

Kassima lifts her ear from the egg and rises, watching Thera hug the egg,
and moves over to the egg that looks like someone wrote all over it. Smooth
and warm, just like she was told they would be.

In the galleries, Kerlyn's lips press together even more firmly, "Benden's
duty to Fort." She doesn't take her eyes off the sands.

A young male voice from the galleries cuts over the general mumbling,
"That's the one I'm going to Impress!" Immediately after, a number of other
voice cover it up, "Shush you!" "Keep your voice down!"

Thera whispers, "Lean close Meli, and maybe i'll be able to hear you thru
the egg. Say somthing to it," and she presses her head on one side of the egg.

In the galleries, S'riv stands and heads for the bowl, "If ya will excuse
m'..there must be somethin' I need at be doin'."

In the galleries, S'riv walks out briskly.

In the galleries, S'riv walks out to the bowl.

Meli runs her hands across the surface a moment, then grins and leans
forward, softly saying "hello" to the egg.

Asfala stifles a giggle as she watches Thera and Meli.

Kassima blinks at Thera's attempts to use the egg as a communication device.

In the galleries, T'quinn smiles to Ely "How are you?"

Thera laughs. "I did! Here, you listen."

Meli blinks, her eyebrow cocked as she grins, but she sets her ear against
the egg.

In the galleries, Cetani shakes his head and looks up at Ely, "We weren't
like that, were we?"

In the galleries, Katrina rests her chin in her hand, watching the sands

Thera whispers, "Hi egg...i'm Thera, and that's Meli over there. You liking
it in there?"

In the galleries, T'quinn turns his attention to the sands and watches the
goings-on with an air of reminiscence.

Kassima runs a fingertip lightly across the scribbly marks on the egg, as
though studying them.

Meli's eyes widen. "I hear it move, I think!" she says, nearly cutting off

In the galleries, Lyree glances back to the bowl again, to Katrina, to
Kerlyn, to the bowl... and elects to stay near Katrina. She forces her eyes
back to the candidates on the sands.

Thera's mouth forms an o. "Really? What'd it sound like?"

Asfala raises her eyebrows in surprise. She then rubs Dyinath's shoulder,
in congratulations for at least one living dragonet.

Meli straightens and gestures Thera to listen again. "Just a really quiet
swooshing kind of noise"

Thera presses her ear firmly against the egg's side.

In the galleries, T'fian's eyes land on T'quinn and he pulls them away as
by a force of will. He returns to watching the Candidates, trying to ignore
everything else.

Thera says "I don't hear anything Meli. Maybe it was just for you."

Thera eeks!

Thera says "I was wrong....is it breathing in there?"

Meli watches Thera for a moment, standing still and quiet. "Did you hear it

Kassima cocks an ear to the egg, trying to hear what Meli described. "A
swooshing noise?" she asks Meli from across the sands.

Thera nods, quickly several times.

In the galleries, Cetani looks between the riders near him and frowns at
all the posturing. He shakes his head and looks back out at the sands.

Meli glances back at Kassi. "Yah, best I can describe it. What'd it sound
like t'you, Thera?"

In the galleries, Katrina wears a look of consternation on her face, frowning.

Thera's face lights up. "Wow...a baby dragon, all curled up in there..."

Thera looks up. "Swooshing? Yeppers....like the noise two hides pulled
across each other makes."

Meli steps back, looking at the egg, then up at Dyinath. "Wow... they grow
a -lot- in a Turn."

Kassima decides to listen to the amazing talking egg, and walks over to the
black egg her friends are beside.

You hear a rustling noise in the egg.

Kassima blinks. "I do hear something!" she says, surprised.

In the galleries, Kerlyn's shoulders stiffen, although nothing on the sands
could have triggered it. Her eyes close briefly, then open again,
determinedly focused on the eggs and candidates.

In the galleries, Lyree is tense, standing straight with her hands behind
her back. She mutters to Kerlyn, "Later would definitely be better, I

Thera grins at their shared experiance. "I've got one more egg i need to
see, where is it? Harder to find them down here, then up there," she point
to the galleries.

Meli gives Kassi some room, and looks around to spy that almost-gold one.
She heads over, her boots making scuffing trails in the sand.

Asfala watches the three girls and the "talking" egg with an amused smile.

You say "Yes, but easier to see once you find them... you heard a
swooshing? I heard more of a rustling sound."

Thera moves off to a pastel egg, swirling with color.

In the galleries, Cetani looks at the riders and sets his feet down,
"Should I go break out the wine now?"

Meli calls back to Kassi "Rustling?" She nods, and looks at the next egg.

Thera finds it and hugs this new egg, trying to look inside with her thoughts.

In the galleries, T'fian snaps back to the present and looks at Cetani.
"Wine?" he asks.

In the galleries, Cetani shrugs, "Ale, brandy, or stout then?"

Thera purrs at the egg, a deep noise, that no one else can hear.

Kassima stands and approaches the mock-gold egg with Meli, nodding. "Aye,
rustling. This one's pretty, isn't it?" She kneels down beside the egg,
feeling the heat of the sands through her clothing.

Benden Weyr> Thera icks- class soon...i''ll have to be going now. mwerp.

Asfala looks out towards the bowl with a flash of concern, then pats her
queen and returns to watching the candidates.

Meli's mouth forms a small 'oh' as she looks closely at the egg, running
her fingers along the maze of lines. "Yah, and feel it! The lines are
raised some."

From the stands this egg look sperfectly uniform in color, glowing with a
golden sheen against the warmth of the hatching sands. Its wide, round
shape is almost a perfect ball with its color reflecting that of its dam.
Were one to inspect this large egg closely, one would notice not only is it
not uniform in its color, it's also not golden. An intricate maze of
delicate lines cover its surface in hues of red, brown, and beige
intertwined with lines of glittery silver giving it golden undertones. It's
not perfectly smooth, either. The lines give the shell texture that is not
only visual, but physical as well. With its labyrinth of delicate details,
this egg seems to pulsate from the life it holds within its thin walls. At
the end of this maze there are sure to be surprises to make one's heart
dance, as well as one's mind.

Thera stands up from contemplating this last one.

In the galleries, T'fian looks at Cetani, trying to make some sense. "Oh,"
he finally says. "Sorry, my mind's not all here..." He shakes his head with
some confusion. "I, uhm, dunno."

In the galleries, Zaphia warbles

Kassima runs her fingers over the lines. "You're right! And d'you see the
silver lines? I've never seen anything like them before."

Thera caresses the egg one last time, and begins to walk back to the others.

In the galleries, Cetani chuckles, "Yeah, I sorta figured that about you
and the others."

Thera says "Thank you so much Asfala, and you too Dyinath, for letting us
come out here."

Thera has to go before she gets in trouble for shirking chores.

Asfala smiles graciously, "You're very welcome." The dragon, however, is
too busy poking at the egg to notice.

Meli fingers said silver lines a moment. "Wow..." she manages to say. She
leans over to listen to this one too. "How thick d'ya suppose the shells
are?" she asks Kassi quietly.

In the galleries, Lyree stares down at the eggs as she contemplates whether
it's too late to simply go away and come back a bit later... and decides it
is. Sooth would never forgive her. At least not til he forgot about it, say
in a sevenday. But still. She sighs in resignation, relaxing a shade or two.

Thera walks quickly up to the galleries and back home.

Dyinath stretches out her neck and pokes at the oily egg with her nose, now
that the candidates have moved on from it.

Rhiannon reaches out her tiny muzzle to nudge the big egg, and chirrups
questioningly, eliciting a chuckle from Kassi.

Kassima hmmms. "Probably thick enough," she says. "Otherwise the hatchlings
might be overheated from the warmth of the sands. But I really don't know.
I guess if we get a good chance to look at the shards later, we can see...."

In the galleries, T'quinn hrms to himself and wipes at his brow though no
sweat gathers there. He glances from side to side, sizing up the others as
he slowly loses his own control over his mind.

Asfala smiles at Kassima. "You're supposed to hop that you won't have time
to do something like that, looking at the shards."

Meli grins at Asfala's comment and nods. "Yah, hope so..."

Kassima grins and nods.

In the galleries, Kerlyn stays perfectly still, her back to the rest of the
bleachers. Only looking at her from the sands would someone see her eyes
blink frequently.

In the galleries, Zaphia flies out to the bowl.

In the galleries, T'quinn pulls at his tunic, licking his lips thirstily.

In the galleries, T'fian starts and looks out at the bowl.

Kassima runs her hands over the shell again. "Do you hear anything in this
one, Meli?"

Meli glances around the cavern a moment, her hand still rested against the
egg. "S'lot of them here..." she mutters to herself before answering Kassi.
"Neh, didn't hear anything from this one."

In the galleries, Zaphia flies in from the bowl.

In the galleries, Lyree snarls softly, then blinks, and looks around to see
if anyone noticed.

In the galleries, Maarie comes in from the bowl.

Asfala sighs and trudges across the sands to grab the stool she had used
during the clutching. She lugs it over and places it next to Dyinath,
sitting tiredly.

In the galleries, Cetani glances from the snads to the riders. "Hmmm, the
sight up here might be more interesting."

In the galleries, Maarie nods to everyone before taking a ginger step onto
the sands.

In the galleries, Maarie steps down from the galleries.

Maarie comes down from the galleries.

In the galleries, Katrina suddenly stands up.

Kassima puts her own ear to the egg, to see what she can hear. Will this be
another amazing talking egg?

In the galleries, Katrina looks a littel dazed.

In the galleries, T'fian looks over at Katrina, her motion startling him
from his half reverie.

In the galleries, Katrina walks out to the bowl.

Asfala waves to Maarie, gesturing for her to come and join the other
candidates. Her attention is suddenly pulled towards the galleries and she
watches Katrina.

In the galleries, Lyree turns sharply as Katrina moves, eyes a bit glazed.

Meli waves at Maarie a moment before she takes her hand off the nearly-gold
egg and looks around. "Where's that red splotchy one..." she says, trying
to reconcile her mental picture from the galleries to her now ground-level

In the galleries, T'quinn's own eyes follow Katrina as she exits, his body
instinctively rising and walking after her.

In the galleries, Zaphia flies out to the bowl.

In the galleries, T'quinn walks out to the bowl.

In the galleries, Lyree walks out to the bowl.

Maarie makes her way over to the other candidates and she smiles slightly
and says a quiet 'hello'.

In the galleries, Cetani watches the riders leave and shakes his head slowly.

In the galleries, T'fian walks out to the bowl.

Kassima waves to Maarie and lifts her head, peering around. "I think it's
that way," she says to Meli, gesturing vaguely left.

Maarie glances about for the pretty blue egg with the waterfall and flowers
or something along those lines.

Meli smiles and heads vaguely left, pausing to occasionally touch other
eggs as she passes, til she reaches the cream and red egg.

In the galleries, Cetani looks over at Kerlyn, "Are you staying here or
going with them?"

In the galleries, Trenchard comes in from the bowl.

In the galleries, Kerlyn ignores Cetani, her eyes locked on a point just
above the sands now.

Kassima stands up herself and meanders around until she finds herself in
front of the psychadelic egg. She just has to know what that feels like.
Steeling herself, she approaches the egg and runs a finger over it, then
examines the finger as though surprised the colors didn't come off.

Meli runs her hand against the egg, and blinks. "This one's smoother than
those others... I thought they'd all feel th'same."

Asfala spots Trenchard and waves in his direction. She mumbles softly,
because he really wouldn't be able to hear, "Come on down!"

Maarie finds the egg she had been looking for and puts out a gently hand.
She traces her fingers over the surface lightly.

Trenchard comes down from the galleries.

Kassima runs her hand over the psychadelic egg again. "You know, up close,
this one's not quite so disturbing," she comments to Meli. She leans over
to see if she can hear anything.

Trenchard waves as he comes over.

In the galleries, Cetani looks over at Kerlyn, "If you want to go ma'am, I
can stay here and help. If any help is needed."

Trenchard says "Aho! Is everyone toastin' their tootsies on the hot sands?"

In the galleries, Kerlyn's voice is low, almost a growl. "Stay away from me."

Maarie circles the egg slowly. Then with a smile and one last touch looks
about at the other eggs.

Trenchard smiles to Maarie and ignores Kerlyn's growl.

Asfala smiles at Trenchard and Maarie. "Dyinath is still amenable, so
please, enjoy! Just don't do anything too sudden."

Maarie waves to Trenchard and spies 'Rickon's Egg', another blule one.

Meli diligently listens to the red splotchy egg, idly running a finger
along its surface to see if she can hear that too.

In the galleries, Kerlyn spins suddenly on one heel, striding out of the

In the galleries, Kerlyn walks out to the bowl.

Trenchard nods to the rider "Shells and bloody bilge bas-- beggin the
weyrlady's pardon-- the sands are hotter than Master Tiemar's stare after I
beat him out of a weeks wages at dragon poker.

In the galleries, Cetani furrows his brow and watches Kerlyn leave.

Kassima listens to the psychadelic egg--uncertain exactly what it'll
"say"--and traces the big flower-things.

Maarie walks over to the other blue egg and lays her hand against it. She
glances up at the galleries as Kerlyn exits.

Meli straightens and grins at Trenchard. "You need new boots maybe, eh
Trench?" as she points at her own recently resoled version.

Kassima grins. "Aye, that they are, but 'tisn't so bad once you've been
sitting on them for a spell."

Trenchard nods "Well, I'm just wearing these thin sandals right now.

Meli squats down to run her fingers through the sand. "Yah, I hear we come
out barefoot for th'hatching. -That- should be -hot-."

Kassima adds, "May as well get used to the heat, since you've got to be
barefoot on the Sands for the Hatching, I hear."

In the galleries, Cetani calls out, "You do."

Maarie puts her ear against the blue egg and listens for a bit.

Kassima eyes the galleries, as if only now noticing how much they've
emptied out, then shrugs and goes back to listening to the egg. She wonders
if the hatchling inside can hear her.

Asfala smiles at Meli and Kassima. "I think they make you go barefoot just
to give you something else to think about."

Maarie laughs softly, "I don't know if anything could take my minds of
these eggs. My feet would probably be charred before I noticed."

Meli grins. "Eh, yah, that might be the reason." She resists the temptation
to pull off her boot and test it out, instead heading over to the
kaleidoscope egg.

Kassima grins. "That would be distracting," she says, looking at the egg
again. She places one hand on the sands and winces, pulling it away almost
as fast.

Trenchard says "We really have to go barefoot at the hatching?"

Kassima hmmms and wanders around until she finds the deathly moaning egg.

Just looking at this egg causes a disturbance deep inside you. The
coloration is rather normal: a creamy yellow of very light cheese with
spots and streaks of a dark brown. It's the arrangement of the spots that
is disturbing. Thin lines radiate up from the narrow end, over about
one-fourth of the egg. Above that, the spots are set in such a way as to
image a gaunt face, mouth open and eyes almost shut, like a person in the
final, tortured moments of death. If you close your eyes, you can almost
hear him moaning...

Trenchard takes a seat near the eggs and sifts sand through his fingers.

In the galleries, Cetani calls out again, "And a thin robe."

Trenchard looks at the many eggs and nods respectfully to the queen dragon.

Meli walks round the egg, looking at all the designs on the side, then
rising up onto her toes to try to see the top.

Kassima kneels down and touches the egg for a moment, but can't bring
herself to listen to it. Faranth only knows what she'd hear, if anything.

Asfala smiles at Trenchard. "Yes, you do. But I don't." She leans forward a
bit awkwardly and hikes up her long skirt a little to show off her riding

Maarie turns and looks at the egg next to her, the plain greyish egg. She
smiles up to Cetani.

Dyinath blinks at Trenchard.

Trenchard hee hee's to Asfala "Oh well. I guess I'll walk around barefoot
lots before the hatching, so my tootsies will get tougher and won't get
cooked on the sands.

Maarie reaches out both hands and runs them along the smoothness of the
egg's shell. Her touch is light, "It feels like it would break at the
slightest touch..."

Kassima quirks a grin. "Somehow, I doubt anything could get you used to
this." She stands up, feeling half-baked from sitting on the sands even for
a little while.

Trenchard grins at Dyanith "Ahoy there, Dyanith. Arbreth thought I'd make a
good candidate. Don't hold it against her should none of your lovely sons
and daughters chose me. Hee hee.

Asfala smiles and looks intensely at the nearest egg. "I'd say you have
three sevendays, or four or at the most."

Maarie grins, "The sooner the better so I can start sleeping at night again."

Meli sets her hand at the top of the egg, running it slowly down the side
towards the rounded bottom, peering closely at the spackles at the bottom.

Kassima wanders over to the wintry egg and hesitantly touches it, as though
expecting it to be cold. She kneels beside it and starts talking to the
egg. Those with sharp ears might notice she's reciting parts of "The Tuber."

Trenchard waves to the Weyrlady "Ahoy Jehrina."

Jehrina comes down from the galleries.

It doesn't answer.

In the galleries, Cetani smiles and nods respectfully from where he's
sitting and watching the candidates, "Hello Weyrwoman."

Dyinath croons to Jehrina.

Trenchard grins "Ah, this eggs looks like some of the fog I've sailed through.

Asfala rises slowly from her stool. "Jehrina!" She looks proud.

Maarie smiles to the weyrwoman as she moves back to the blue egg with the
flowers and waterfall.

Meli presses both palms against the egg a moment, considering it, then
sighs and steps back, watching the other candidates a moment. She turns her
head and nods to Jehrina. "Ma'am."

Kassima chuckles and runs her fingertips over the small ridges on the egg.

Jehrina walks carefully onto the sands, and nods to Dyinath. "Are the
candidates all behaving, Asfala?" She smiles quickly.

Trenchard stands up straight and tries to look like he's behaving, but
winks at jehrina and Dyinath.

One of the younger candidates eeps slightly and ducks behind an egg as she
spots the Weyrwoman.

Kassima looks away from the egg and nods to Jehrina. "Good afternoon,

Asfala nods minutely. "They are. Dyinath is very happy with them."

[Editor's Note:  At this point, I had to leave for some reason.  
The rest of the log was generously provided by Meli and is from 
her perspective.]

Maarie runs her hands lovingly over the egg again, happy to be able to
touch the egg she had only been able to admire from afar.

Jehrina nods again. "Very good. I got caught up with one of the Bitran
tithe contingent, who simply would not be quiet. Or I would have been here

In the galleries, Cetani mutters something not good about Bitrans.

Asfala eases herself back down onto the stool. "We had a lot of people
watching, too, until Arbreth rose."

Trenchard talks to Dyinath "Say, thanks for allowing us to come peruse the
sands. I've never been in a hatching cavern's sands before, or near eggs.

Jehrina nods, "That's not too surprising. I saw all the males chasing on my
way over here."

Meli moves across the sands once again, this time stopping near the
swirling sea egg, reminiscent of the ocean near Tillek. This one, she sets
her ear to even before touching, wondering if she'll hear waves somehow.

Dyinath turns her head to look at Trenchard. Just to look.

Trenchard grins to Dyinath and points to Meli and whispers to Dyinath
"Watch out for Meli. She likes to play pranks.

No waves, but you hear some movement.

Dyinath continues to just stare at Trenchard, her eyes not even whirling.

Meli grins. "Heyla, this one's moving too!" as she listens to the egg.

Asfala tries to repress a smile as she watches Dyinath.

Jehrina eyes Trenchard, "Don't attempt to amuse Dyinath. She's a queen.
She's also as intelligent as you are."

In the galleries, Cetani sighs a bit while watching the people of the sands.

Maarie puts her ear hopefully to the egg she is admiring. She comes away,
smiling, "I think this one is sleeping it's little heart out."

Dyinath raises herself up and rumbles, just a little perturbed.

Trenchard goes back to the eggs and looks around.

Maarie turns as she hears Dyinath and steps away from the egg. She looks at
Asfala, "Time up?"

Asfala bites her lip. "I think Dyinath is getting a little tired of this.
It's probably best to amuse her and let her sleep." She turns to see if all
the candidates heard her.

Meli looks up at the rumble, then glances at Asfala and Jehrina to see if
they should leave.

Trenchard nods and walks behind Asfala.

Maarie catches up with Trenchard and walks side by side with him off the

In the galleries, Cetani calls out, "She's just decided who she's going to
have as a snack." he smirks to himself.

Meli pats the sea egg gently and whispers "g'bye" to it before heading back
towards the entrance quietly.

Asfala pats Dyinath's shoulder. "You can go to sleep now, love." She rises
from her stool and begins to pick her way to the edge of the sands.

Trenchard says "Heya Maar'. C'mon Meli, time to shove off."

Jehrina nods, "Thank you, Dyinath." She turns towards the galleries.

Jehrina walks over towards the galleries.

Maarie walks over towards the galleries.

Trenchard walks over towards the galleries.

In the galleries, Cetani nods respectfully, "Hello Weyrwoman."

Meli waits, and as Asfala nears her, she quietly says "Thank you very much,
and please, thank Dyinath for me as well.

In the galleries, Jehrina nods.

In the galleries, Maarie grins as she walks on the cooler ground.

Asfala turns to make sure everyone is following her. She smiles. "You're
welcome Meli, I will."

In the galleries, Trenchard waves to the dragon "Thank you, Dyinath.

You walk up the stairway into the galleries.

Asfala walks over from the hatching sands.

Maarie smiles, "Thank you, Asfala."

From the hatching sands, Dyinath is happy these irriating little pests are
gone, and settles down on the sand to sleep again.

Asfala smiles and nods. "You're welcome. I'm sure we will do this again in
a couple of days. Right now, t hough, I'm as tired as she is." She sighs.

Maarie strolls out towards the bowl.

Cetani frowns at Asfala, "Now what did I tell you earlier, ma'am?"

Jehrina eyes the junior weyrwoman, "Go relax for a bit. You'll have Salless
all in a fluster if she thinks you've been exhausting yourself."

Trenchard grins "Well, that was a pleasant diversion after cleaning out the
(Augean!) stables.

Asfala grins sheepishly at Cetani and Jehrina. "Both of you, and Salless,
and N'ren, and J'cot, and half the Weyr. I'm going! Really!"

Meli steps politely away from the weyrwomen and heads back to the kitchen.