
We're Off To See the Eggs

Date:  February 14(?), 1998
Places:  High Reaches Weyr's Skyspace and Hatching Ledges
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  It was something of a kick to come to High Reaches for
this clutching and find out that I'm evidently not the only one who 
likes alliterative egg names. :)  Moreover, it was great to RP about
them with the other folk who came, and especially to get in some RP
between Khari and Jhor that I hadn't been expecting.


The Log:

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Green Lysseth of 
Telgar Weyr.

<*> Prefeth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Blue Prefeth of Telgar 

<*> Herath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Gold Herath of Telgar 

<*> Herath returns Ulanoth's greeting with a respective trumpet of her own.

<*> Prefeth appears just to Lysseth's left, bugling in return to the 
watchdragon and Herath, before he starts to bank towards the west, wings 
snapping out as he begins a tight downward spiral. Showing off, Prefeth? Nahhh!

<*> Lysseth trumpets a strident salutation to Ulanoth, then rumbles smugly 
to Prefeth. "Insufferable lump," Kassi grumbles. With a shake of her head, 
she directs the green to begin circling downwards.

<*> Prefeth glides downward in the bowl, towards the western wall.

You wing down in the bowl, towards the west wall.

You glide into the dark tunnel in the north wall of the bowl. Soon you 
emerge in the spacious hatching grounds cavern, high above the sands. You 
bank and land neatly on on one of the ledges overlooking the sands.

<*> On the sands, 
                       Gregarious Glittering Green Egg                      
This egg is neither small nor large, is not especially pointy, nor is it 
overly round, but looking at it seems to give most observers a tiny burst of 
joy. Maybe it's the way the shell seems to glitter, as if coated in emerald 
dust, or perhaps it's the streaks of lighter green among the mottles of 
forest and grass. In any case, it is certain that the life growing inside 
this shell is remarkably content.

<*> Nestled in her familiar spot on Herath, Kindre tugs at the chinstrap of 
her helmet for a moment before able to free it from her head. Waving a 
gloved hand in greeting, she offers, "Telgar's duties," is a cheerful voice 
before slipping down. She calls to her fellow riders, "Brown," as she does so.

<*> Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the 
polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre 
until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn 
equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey.

<*> Prefeth snaps wings tightly to his back as he settles onto the ledge, 
every moment and bearing precise. On his neck, rolling her eyes in tolerant 
amusement is Aphrael, removing gloves and helmet as she unbuckles her 
straps. "See what Lyss has started now, Kassi? These two'll be at this all 
day." Swinging her leg over the blue's neck, she drops to the ground, 
nodding over to the other people on the ledges in greetings. "Blue!"

<*> Aphrael climbs down from Prefeth's neckridges with practised ease.

"Our duties to the 'Reaches and her queens!" Kassima can be heard to call, 
while working at the straps holding her in place--a task somewhat impeded by 
the bundle occupying one arm. "Green," she retorts to Kin. "And Prefeth 
started it!"

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Dh'lon waves his hand while leaning against his lifemate.

"Green from a mostly green egg," Kindre wonders of her friend, 
"Hmm...mayhaps." Turning back to look over the latest egg to fall to the 
warming grounds of High Reaches' sands, she smirks. "I'd not bet brown, but 
I think it to be so."

On the sands, The pattern is repeated, over and over again, as Elisanth goes 
about her work. Not noticably thinner yet, her sides bulge with the rest of 
the eggs still within her.

On the sands, 
                           Handsome Hide-brown Egg                          
Not one to be hidden in a hollow, this huge egg is actually worth a second - 
or even third - glance. It is the colour of the perfect mug of klah, the 
richest soil, the softest, sweetest brown dragon, and has a texture so like 
dragonhide that the casual viewer might be temped to hold out their hand and 
caress its contours. Does its outward appearance hint at what's inside, or 
will the occupant be something quite opposite the egg's fantastic exterior?

On the sands, Belaryth makes a loud rumbling sound now and then, when the 
eggs arrive, and especially when Elisanth moves after settling them and he 
can actually see them for himself. Wings spread slightly, he waddles here 
and there, as if shadowing his mate wherever she goes.

Prefeth stretches his neck forward slightly, rumbling in greetings to the 
dragons even as he peers curiously down towards the sands, eyes swirling 
happily. Aph just chuckles and tucks her things away in the blue's 
saddlebags, snorting. "Pref did not! Lyss is the one who started the 
circles.. Dh'lon! Heya!" Turning to regard the sands herself for a moment, 
she grins, "Green from a green egg is not that uncommon I'd think, Kin. 
After all, golds come from gold eggs, so why not greens too?"

Kassima takes a long moment to survey the sands before she settles herself 
on Lysseth's foreleg, tugging a piece of hide and charcoal stick from her 
belt pouch with her free hand. "Green," she repeats. "If'n nay green, blue. 
Whereas that one *is* blue, pure and simply. Dh'lon, g'deve!" With Kharisma 
in one arm and writing implements in the other, she settles for nodding to 
the bluerider. "Good t'see you again, m'friend."

On the sands, 
                 Illustriously Illuminated Indigo Ivory Egg                 
Creamy ivory twines lovingly through a rich indigo twilight, elegant clouds 
illuminated by moonslight across a night sky. Or perhaps the markings are 
those of a recordskeeper, lovingly inked letters on a thin sheet of precious 
paper indelibly etched for all of Pern to see. Indisputably irresistible, 
this egg reveals no inkling of the inimitable prize inside its intaglioed 
shell. Merely gazing on its wondrous surface could well be enough to inspire 
a harper's song or two.

Dh'lon says "Hello, Kassi, Aph, Kindre."

Lysseth gives a snort of her own, and cranes her head to nudge Prefeth with 
her muzzle. The fault is all his, the gesture seems to say. Folding her 
grey-streaked wings, the green extends her neck to eye the Sands and their 
contents below. "A nice egg there, too," Kassima observes. "Blue in more 
ways than one."

Kindre chuckles and nods at Aphrael. "Very true indeed," she agrees even as 
Herath whuffs a greeting to the dragons here on the ledge and below. "I'll 
admit to being terrible at guessing these things as is. I believe the only 
one I have gotten correctly over the turns was Hera's." Adding another 
chuckle to her words, she gazes over the swirled egg. "Oh. Now there's a 
brown's if I ever saw one."

J'dar says "We're a bit short on greens and bronzes. But I guess a Weyr 
never has a lot of bronzes compared to the other colors."

On the sands, Silora watches as Brommel returns with two chairs, helping him 
settle them near the activity and well enough away so they won't impede the 
Clutching's progress. Silora grins at Laurel, then plops herself down into 
one of them, folding her legs up under her and away from the heat of the 
Sands. "There."

Kindre bobs her head in J'dar's direction before an eloquent, "Oh," escapes 
her lips. Regarding the grounds below once again, she rubs her chin between 
her index finger and thumb. "Well, that should be considered, of course. 
Greens always outnumber the rest, though mayhaps moreso with this clutch if 
they're needed..."

On the sands, Elisanth warbles to her rider, as if to ask what she thinks, 
so far.

Aphrael grimaces a little in sympathy at Kindre's words. "I'm afraid my own 
luck is not terribly much better -- which is why I tend not to bet on 
Hatchings. I prefer to keep my marks, thanks!" She shoots an amused look 
over towards Kassima, then back towards the sands. Hearing J'dar, she nods 
agreement, squinting towards the sands. "I'd not yet heard; who's the sire? 
I can't say as I recognise that brown."

Kassima scribbles on the hide as quickly as she can, squinting out at the 
growing collection of eggs. "Nay," she agrees, "but greens are another 
matter entirely. As Lysseth would say, a shortage of greens is a calamity 
indeed; perhaps this clutch will make up for the lack. I can't for the life 
of me remember how many greens were in Belaryth and Lrisseth's clutch, 
alas...." With a snort for her rider's foibles, Lysseth belatedly rumbles a 
salutation to the other dragons on the ledges.

On the sands, 
                            Joyously Jumbled Egg                            
The color of this egg is jumbled together in a jarring yet jaunting 
conjunction. Perhaps it is just the light, but the smooth jade surface seems 
to jump out from the sands. Its hue matches the jade stripe in a rainbow - 
brilliantly bright, and jarringly joyous. Vibrant jigs and jumping jags of 
jade and jasper jerk at the eye, jeering for attention. The 
three-dimensional effect of this colour is such that the ovoid itself seems 
to change position as the observer's point of view changes. In any case, the 
dragonet inside must be a happy young creature, and it's hard not to feel 
jolly after judging this diminutive egg.

Aphrael points towards the latest egg, beaming. "That's a blue for sure, 
says Prefeth." As the blue rumbles happily. "He'd probably know better than I."

Kassima blinks once, then twice at the latest egg to appear. "Green," she 
decides. "Definitely green. You simply don't know whom t'bet *with*, Aph."

On the sands, Laurelin gratefully takes her own seat, imitating Silora as 
she pulls her feet up as well. She giggles, and says out loud to her dragon, 
"They are beautiful love, as always."

On the sands, Laurelin thanks Brommel before he walks away.

Kindre grins at Aphrael. "I like guessing aloud. Not even V'dan will bet 
with me. I fear my luck in wagers is worse than his own," she remarks 
mirthfully and then turns to gaze at the grounds. "That's Silora's brown, I 
believe...I can't recall his name. I met her at Fort not long ago."

Aphrael shoots an amused glance at Kassima. "Well, obviously, betting 
against you'd be a bad idea. 'Specially as I'm sure that'll be a blue, and 
you green."

On the sands, 
                            Kiwi Kimono Kiss Egg                            
This egg bears light green markings all over its surface in a brocade-type 
pattern, putting one in mind of the keepsake garments created by the weavers 
with high necks and graceful, sweeping skirts. The color, however, is so 
pale in direct lighting that it's as if the egg were just barely kissed by a 
kimono-wearing, delicate woman, that it bears only a caressed reminder of 
the beauty. Kindled from within, however, the egg appears to pulse 
ever-so-gently, and its kingly stature belies the kindred spirit that's 
likely to be growing within.

Kassima snorts drolly at Kindre. "Nay luck exists that's worse than V'dan's 
own. 'Tis brown Belaryth down there--he sired a clutch at Fort, d'you 
recall? And he's one of Ularrith's clutchmates, too--ooooh, look at that 
egg. *Fine* coloration. I say 'twill have t'be a brown."

Aphrael repeats faintly, "Belaryth. Oh, yes, of course. He caught Shayna's 
Lrisseth once before, I recall that now." As she grins at Kindre, she 
laughingly suggests, "Mayhaps we should be betting against each other 
instead, since we're both so bad?"

On the sands, Belaryth seems to be adding his own reassurances to Elisanth, 
using a moment that she's actually still to nuzzle her neck with his own. 
But she's moving again, quickly, taking little rest between eggs. He paces 
back and forth, checking the Sands for foreign objects or anything 
threatening. That much he /can/ do.

On the sands, Elisanth croons to her mate, even as she continues with her 
own business.

On the sands, 
                           Loopy Lapis-Lazuli Egg                           
Languid swirls of Lapis-Lazuli adorn this shimmering egg, rather large and 
dusted with other colors. A loopy pattern of delicate markings takes a 
leisurely way along the surface, turning into the faintest hint of a 
landscape in blues and greens towards the larger end. The smaller end has a 
lavish silver tint, sparkling in the light of the Hatching Sands whenever 
it's moved. It gives off a sense of luxurious lethargy, as if this egg can 
calmly bide its time in its own little lagoon of blue and green for the time 
to lay bare what's inside.

D'va sits down next to Jeth and ushers Divya down to sit with him where she 
can see the sands. In front of the dragon, they lean back against Jeth and 
watch the action.

Kassima nods, setting down her charcoal stick for a moment to wipe at 
Khari's chin. "Poor lassling. She'll never remember this... a true shame, 
since clutchings are second only to Hatchings in m'mind. Since we all 
disagree, perhaps we'd be the perfect opponents in a wager; all the areas 
would be covered, so t'speak!" The arrival of the newest egg elicits a 
comment of, "That one's interesting. I say... bronze."

Kindre chuckles and bobs her head at Aphrael. "Mayhaps that'd work...at 
least we'd just trade the marks between us if one of us did happen to luck 
upon the correct guess," she says in a jovial tone. "That's where I spoke to 
Silora...at Fort after the clutching there. She and Emlyn are dear friends 
as well," she adds. The newest egg to fall quickly draws her attention. "Oh, 
that is a lovely one...mayhaps I'll agree with you, Kassi, as I'll likely be 
wrong anyway.

D'va perks up his ears at the mention of Emlyn, but otherwise doesn't respond.

On the sands, Elisanth takes a few minutes to step back from the mound, 
looking it over. One might think she was actually finished, if it weren't 
for her still-lumpy sides. She considers the slowly growing mound and moves 
to one side to shift more sand into place with her clawed foot, and then 
settle two more eggs into it.

On the sands, 
                           Mild Murky Mustard Egg                           
If there was a Grey Poupon among eggs, this would not be it. This shell is a 
deep murky mustard-color with spicy flecks mottling the exterior. It is a 
bit larger than its closest neighbor, but seems less imposing because of its 
subtle shade, as if it was cloaked in shadow. If this egg were just a little 
lighter, it would blend perfectly with the hot sands it sits upon. It could 
be easily passed over for a more melodramatic neighbor...until the moment 
that its occupant must break free.

On the sands, 
                        Melancholy Mottled Mauve Egg                        
This egg is medium-sized and well-shaped, but its color is almost sad. Pale 
pinkish stripes lend some brightness to the deep mauve mottled shell, as do 
swirls of white and even some bronze or copper flecks. The colors give the 
egg a sort of slow, thoughtful, tortoise-shell effect, suggesting to some 
that inner reflection is appropriate while standing in its vicinity.

Aphrael glances over towards Khari, and chuckles easily. "Oh, she'll grow 
soon enough. I bet you'll regret it when she starts asking you how she was 
born." Her eyes watch the latest few eggs, and she's quiet for a few moments 
other to offer "Brown.. green. Brown again." Giggling at the other Telgar 
riders, she nods agreement, "Aye, that sounds like a fine plan. At least one 
of us is bound to be right."

Kassima looks up from hide and child at the mention of the Telgarian 
greenrider. "I remember that. Silora would come t'visit her, when she was a 
Weyrling... probably since, too, but I've nay been paying so much attention. 
Lrisseth and Belaryth's clutch hatched some fine bronzes, if'n I recall 
aright. Lyndrath and Marinth--you know Lyndrath, don't you, Aph? J'riel's 
dragon? Anyway, I say those eggs are... eh... green. And brown--that's the 
mottled one."

Divya 's eyes slowly widen as the egg mound grows.

Kassima rolls her eyes at her friend. "Hardly, sie. I'll just tell her to 
ask Aunt Aphie for the details. How many eggs does this make, now? Can you 

On the sands, Laurelin sighs softly, content to be there. She says to 
Silora, "This is Bel's second clutch, right? Is he acting any differently 
than the first time?"

On the sands, Silora looks extremely happy as she sits with Laurelin, 
watching her lifemate and his mate complete the 'circle of life', so to 
speak. Minus the hatchlings themselves, of course. "She /is/ going fast. She 
must have been really ready!" She wipes hair out of her eyes, shrugging her 
shoulders upward. "He was pretty much the same, agitated and wondering what 
he can do to help. Just like a human daddy, no?"

Aphrael turns her head, nodding at the mention of the Fort rider. "Ayep, 
J'riel. Prefeth once Searched him for one of Benden's clutches, before 
Lyndrath found him at Fort." Mock-grimacing, she shakes her head to Kassima, 
"Oh, shards Kassi, you wouldn't do that, would you? Uncle Uri's better 
suited to answer than me, after all," An impish smile, before he attention 
turns to the sands, "Ten, perhaps?"

Kindre's head bobs as she listens to her friends though her eyes are on the 
sands and growing collection of ovals below. "I think sixteen," she offers 
in an unsure voice before saying, "Em was out on sweeps when I had Herath 
speak to Pleiath. I'm sure she'd love to be here...likely will come when 
duties allow." Chuckling a bit as she watches the brown and gold below, she 
adds, "A bit like Ularrith I think...clutchmates so I suppose that's not too 
odd." Aphrael's idea as to who Khari should ask causes her to laugh aloud. 
"He'll warp the poor lass!"

On the sands, 
                         Nifty Nacreous Nautilus Egg                        
Bearing a noted resemblance to a seashell, this egg even seems to be natant 
upon the sands rather than merely napping like the other eggs. A large 
portion of this enormous egg is a natal brown, the color sweeping over the 
shell's natural curve and contrasting with nettle shaded lines, both hues 
blending into a final, nebulous nacre curl upon one end. If you leaned in 
and pressed your ear upon this egg you would perhaps hear a narrative of the 
ocean, vague noises mimicking the roar of the tide in another world. Nearer 
to the stands than perhaps any other egg, this one forms the nadir of the 
clutch scape.

On the sands, 
                           Nice Normal Neutral Egg                          
The exceptional thing about this egg is that it is so. . . unexceptional. 
Its shape is that overlarge oval that can only be described as 'egg-shaped' 
and its shell is a blend of cream and classic eggshell white, with mottlings 
of pale blue, green, and brown. There are no lines that form a map of Pern. 
Nothing to mar the smooth surface. Just a nice, normal, neutral egg. Neutral 
enough, perhaps, to fool the naive observer into thinking the life 
burgeoning within is quite neutral as well?

On the sands, Laurelin settles two eggs on the mound, almost before you notice.

"Bronze, blue," the goldrider says quietly of the latest two eggs placed on 
the sand. "I think..."

Aphrael winks towards Kindre. "Ayep, that's the whole idea. Can you imagine 
any of Kassima's children being /normal/? Faranth forbid!" Peering back 
towards the sands, she whispers, "Green, mayhaps, and.. bronze."

Kassima shakes her head decisively. "Oh, nay. More than that. And I quite 
remember that Search, Aph--Lyss picked up S'cot on the same run, and then 
there was that flattery contest with Kiat that made you groan so." She 
snuggles her daughter closer as though to protect Kharisma from the mere 
thought of Uncle Uri's corruption. "Gah, nay! She'd nay doubt wind up even 
more confused than Bree was. And there're two more!" That probably refers to 
the clutch, rather than Bree's confusions. "I'm guessing... hrm... both 
blue, perhaps?"

On the sands, Elisanth settles two eggs on the mound, almost before you 
notice. Right next to Laurelin's. ;)

On the sands, 
                           Ornate Overstuffed Egg                           
Over the outer shell of this brightly bejeweled oval are glints of 
overpowering colors that will bedazzle the eye. Thin shadow lines in just 
the right places seem to puff up sections of the egg, giving it the 
appearance an overstuffed oval ottoman, gaudily dressed with gems and 
embroidered with bright threads. The base color is a bright crimson, shiny 
as satin, that melts into the shadow lines to deeper, dried blood reds. It 
is easy to imagine the hatchling within resting luxuriously on soft pillows 
and cushions, sleeping and dreaming of the day it will hatch.

Divyatugs at D'va's arm. "Daddy, how many eggs will the queen lay?"

On the sands, Laurelin smiles at Silora. "Just like a human daddy. Though I 
bet a man would be a lot more agitated if his mate were having this many 
children." She grins.

Kierth emerges from the tunnel to the bowl, circling momentarily before it 
backwings to a neat landing on on one of the ledges overlooking the sands.

D'va says "It's hard to say, Divya, but it'll be somewhere between 30 and 
40. I -believe- Elisanth laid 34 the last time she rose."

On the sands, Laurelin says "I've seen fathers of twins before, like R'yel. 
I can't imagine how they'd be if more kept coming!"

Aphrael chuckles amusedly at Kassima, "Yah, I recall that now. You two were 
just sickeningly /awful/," She exaggerates, then hastily adds, "Bree turned 
out alright, even after everything you and I taught her, Kassi! After all, 
she impressed Altaith, didn't she?"

Astride bronze Kierth, C'len grins before dismounting.

C'len gives his lifemate a soft pat before slipping down the long drop from 
Kierth's back to the ground, assisted protectively by the bronze's foreleg.

Dh'lon climbs up onto Wyith's back, using his straps as handholds.

On the sands, 
                          Passionately Prideful Egg                         
Fiery pinkish red dominates the markings on this egg in shades ranging from 
passionate pink to deep, angry red. Swirling around the curving shell, each 
angle reveals further vistas of penetrating colors, each drawing the eye 
over and over, around and around this shell, mesmerizing as a piece of art. 
Placed at the center of a small mound of eggs, it dominates its neighbors, 
just sitting in place. It's hard to imagine the even-greater power it will 
have when it begins to move as the dragonet inside starts to wake.

C'len quickly finds a place to sit, eyeing D'va and the other riders with a 

Kindre turns as the rustle of dragon wings tugs her ears more than the eggs 
pull at her eyes. "Telgar's duties to the Reaches and her queens," she 
offers respectfully before noting, "looks to be another wonderful clutch." 
Chuckling as she listens to her fellow riders, she nods her agreement. 
"Breana turned out fine...enthusiastic lass, but wonderful all the same."

"'Twould be an impossibility for any child of mine and Jh'rin's to turn out 
normal," Kassima serenely assures Aphrael. "And that was the *point*, was it 
nay? T'be awful? Eh, Wingleader... my wager's on thirty and seven," she 
adds, with a smile in D'va's direction and a wave for the newly-arrived 

On the sands, Silora's eyes widen, and she nods. "The First Shard forbid any 
human woman would have to go through this!" She laughs happily, then speaks 
a bit more softly. "Though imagine the pride of laying all these wonderful, 
healthy eggs."

On the sands, Elisanth takes a few moments to gently move a few of the eggs 
closer to each other, seemingly wanting them to be as close together as 
possible. The growing mound makes it difficult to get too close to them, and 
she pushes more sand against one side, extending it so that more will fit in 
the cradle. Hm, just the right size for two more eggs.

Divyawaves happily at C'len.

On the sands, 
                     Quintessentially Quaint Quince Egg                     
Tucked away in a quiet quadrant near the comfortingly safe curl of 
Elisanth's tail this egg commands just a passing moment of your attention. 
Quite a few egg-gazers have quipped that this particular egg is a faintly 
queasy shade of yellow-green. Still others have been quoted as saying the 
shading is queerly like the waters of a quagmire; creepy and the color of 
cooked ochra. A quarrelsome few though find true delight in the calm, quince 
colored surface. The color is a yellowish-green, true enough but is that not 
a shade shared with some of the most wonderful apples produced in Nabol? 
Also, this egg's proponents will query, is this hue also not sometimes found 
in the stone known as peridot? Perhaps the beauty of this egg truly does lay 
with the beholder?

J'dar watches and listens. "I'm never good at guessing. But everyone 
Brenneth Searched has Impressed."

On the sands, 
                          Quiet Queerly Quilted Egg                         
Black lines jag here and there across the surface, imparting a stitched 
effect as if the shell was hastily sewn together by an inexpert hand. No one 
'square' the same, this egg is a hodgepodge of colors as if it just couldn't 
make up its mind which tint it preferred most. Deep sea-green sits next to 
twilight blue with not a care in the world, and lake-bottom brown coexists 
peacefully with pale bronze. Overall, this egg is a harmonious blending of 
light and dark, spotted and plain patches. One hopes the lodger inside is a 
bit less confused than the outside would indicate.

Divya settles back against her father.

C'len returns the waves, sparing a wink for Divya.

Prefeth warbles a greeting to the bronze dragon, as Aphrael grins to Kin. 
"Enthusiastic, yes. She'd had that from the moment I fostered her, though." 
Eyes to the newest egg, she murmers, "Blue, methinks."

Divya giggles a little at the attention from the dragonrider.

On the sands, Laurelin laughs too, obviously teasing. She smiles at the 
compliment, and nods. "Right now El's pretty calm...almost businesslike, if 
you can imagine it. Afterwards she'll be more excited. I can imagine that 
it's pretty uncomfortable, and she's glad to have them out at last. It makes 
it all so real, somehow, to have them in front of us, finally." She beams at 
her dragon.

Kindre grins and turns to regard J'dar. "Well, you're ahead of me, then. Not 
only have I only guessed one egg correctly...Herath's, which was no 
feat...but she's never Searched a soul." Chuckling a bit, she shrugs before 
wondering, "The dragons should be getting excited about getting out to 
Search, I'd imagine?" Bobbing her head to Aphrael, she says, "Blue seems 
right...mayhaps green..."

Kierth rumbles pleasantly shifting about to find the best possible position, 
obviously trying to seem impressive at the same time.

D'va sighs, quietly. Seven years old and already attracting attention from 
bronzeriders. Well, it's not like it was that unexpected. "Ho, C'len," he 

Kassima grimaces at the queer shade of the first egg. "Green, green, blue," 
she notes, making the proper annotations on her hide. "Lysseth sometimes 
Searches aright, and sometimes doesn't... but most of hers have Impressed at 
one clutch or another." Behind her rider, Lysseth adds her greetings to 
those of the other Telgar dragons.

On the sands, 
                           Rushing River Rift Egg                           
A swath of frothing blue and green splashes down the middle of this half 
buried egg. On both sides of the swath are dark, jagged shadows in grey and 
black, seeming to rise up from the egg's surface and threaten to envelop the 
bold river of color. Near the buried end, the shadowed sides widen and then 
come around to meet at the very bottom, forming a pool of darkly rimmed 
sapphire blue. The energy of this egg's coloring leads one to peer closer 
and reflect what might be stirring underneath its surface.

On the sands, Silora nods in agreement with that, apparently asking her 
lifemate how he feels. "Bel says the whole thing is nervewracking, but he's 
about to burst with happiness and pride at the same time. I'm sure after 
they're all on the Sands, both of them will be a bit more themselves again."

On the sands, Laurelin smiles. "Until the Hatching." She gives Silora a 
significant look.

On the sands, 
                          Sun-Streaked Sea Sand Egg                         
This shell holds a mottling of tans and browns, with the occasional speck of 
black. Here and there, pinks and brighter tans add color and visual 
contrast, as they appear much smoother than the gritty-looking mottle. Like 
light through a streaky window, a cast of warm yellow covers the egg, though 
rather patchily. Where it touches, the yellow brightens the browns and mutes 
the mottling, bringing an overall cheeriness. One might expect any moment a 
head to come bursting through the shell, spraying sand everywhere.

"I've a fur nearly that color," Kindre remarks while looking over the new 
oval upon the sands. "Though without the black hints...that, I say, will 
hatch a green. I'm almost positive this time."

"Brown, and... brown," Kassima reports. Again, she pauses in her scribbling 
to swipe at Khari's chin with a soft cloth. "Did Kaylira drool half this 
much when she was teething? I swear, I can't remember it. Keep this in mind, 
Kin, as one of the things you'll have to look forward to if'n you and Kiat 
have children."

On the sands, Silora settles into her chair for the duration, legs tucked 
underneath her, and for all the world looking like a youngster with a 
Turnday present in hand...these eggs are like that for her, a glorious 
present her lifemate and Elisanth have made together. Eyes wide, she 
continues to watch as they appear, one after another.

C'len returns D'va's greeting with warmth, surreptitiously presenting Divya 
with a small, green stone, striated with bright blue. He whispers, "To 
remember to-day by." He makes a great show of trying to distract D'va.

On the sands, Laurelin settles too, content to be in the presence of her 
dragon and her mate as they go through this together. The silence between 
her and Silora is a companionable one, not needing words to communicate, as 
they watch something they've waited for so long to happen.

On the sands, 
                      Tempting Tricolor Tourmaline Egg                      
Tricolored, this egg works its way through three equally titillating shades 
of rich gemstone. The top end is tipped by a tempestuous shade of ruby 
violet, darker at the very tip and then slightly fainter in intensity as the 
purple hue comes in touch with the second, more narrow band of crystalline 
white. Though nearly opaque the second band still maintains the luster of 
quartz, bright and tough as it holds apart violet from the third color 
ringing the egg: a tender, grass green. Partially hidden by the soft bed of 
sand, this egg's third color teases you with only the barest glimpse of soft 
green. Because of the way the topmost, violet shade is darker near its edge 
you would assume that this bottom down end would also run from it's paler 
shade to a more striking, emerald green. Perhaps it does, it would take a 
turn from Elisanth though to let you see all that this egg has to offer.

Divya's eyes brighten and her small fist clutches at the stone, hiding it 
from her father. She grins her thanks to C'len.

Kindre blinks a few times before turning around to watch her friend. "We, 
uh, actually spoke about that earlier today," she near-whispers to the 
Telgar Wingsecond. Watching Kharisma, however, brings her smile back. 
"You're lucky to have such lovely daughters, Kassi..." As other heads turn, 
though, towards the sands, she's unable to stop herself from doing so as 
well. "That's near to Adonith's hue along the top if I'm not mistaken...brown?"

On the sands, Belaryth moves closer to one end of the mound, tentatively, 
wanting to be closer to both Elisanth and to see what she has brought into 
the world so far.

On the sands, Elisanth croons encouragingly for the brown to come closer, 
not concerned at all.

On the sands, 
                   Unbelievably Unassuming Undersized Egg                   
Unlike most of the eggs around it, this particular one is unusually 
undeveloped and unadorned and is easily lost in the heap around it. Unduly 
plain, it almost leads one to believe a watchwher somehow snuck in and hid 
one of her own eggs in this clutch. A deep umber-brown cap casts dark 
shadows down the sides in an unformed pattern that blends uniformly into the 
bland brown beneath, creating a quite unspectacular picture. That is until 
from time to time the tiny egg is rolled by its mother, revealing a 
sparkling, gold-flecked cap on the bottom, as if it were lit up by a sunbeam.

Divya surreptitously rubs her gift stone as she watches the eggs and Elisanth.

D'va grins at C'len. "How are you and Kierth? Duties have kept us from 
seeing each other for awhile."

Kassima hides a smile at the sight of the bronzerider and the girl; catching 
sight of the newest egg, her suppressed smile blossoms into a full grin. 
"What a lovely egg for a green. I do consider m'self lucky, Kin, for all the 
trials and tribulations... mayhaps 'tis something like weyrmating, hmmm? 
What did you and he decide?" As this latest egg comes into view, she gives a 
low whistle. "Bronze. Definitely bronze."

C'len glances back at the hulk of a bronze behind him. "Top form, D'va. And 
certainly busy, the both of us. Jeth is doing well, as yourself?"

On the sands, The queen looks noticably thinner, her sides slack and the 
skin loose as she deposits her long-carried burden onto the hot, sweltering 
sand, where the eggs will harden over the next sevendays. She can't be that 
long from finishing now.

D'va nods. "Yes, very well. Jeth seems just as bright and energetic as when 
he first hatched. Truly time has no meaning to him in any sense." Jeth 
flicks his tail and croons softly at his rider.

On the sands, 
                       Vanishing Varnished Violet Egg                       
This egg bears a shiny surface that appears wet even after it's dried, 
catching the varying lights in the cavern and throwing them violently 
around. The violet undertones on the egg's surface are variegated with other 
pale hues of vermillion and green. The shiny surface of the 
chaotically-adorned egg is vibrant as if shining from within, and 
fascinatingly fools the eye into thinking it's moving, vanishing, each 
moment that one looks at it.

"If it happens, wonderful," Kindre replies to Kassima, "if not, well, then 
we'll see. Well, K'tyn doesn't drool, but mayhaps it is the same nearly," 
she quips with a smirk. Looking over Kassima and her daughter, then D'va and 
the young girl in his lap, she simply smiles before looking over the eggs 
again. "Now that," she says on a new subject, "is a glorious egg indeed."

Kassima takes stock of the appearance of the queen, and purses her lips. 
"Perhaps m'guess about the numbers was hasty. Thirty and two, it could be, 
but I don't know about thirty and seven. Oh... how lovely. And how perfectly 
blue, wouldn't you say?"

On the sands, 
                           Wild Wherry Winkle Egg                           
Blue...yes, this egg is definitely blue! But not your normal everyday 
blue...no, this is a special blue. The pale definitive shade of wild 
periwinkles popping up as a harbinger of spring, pure and delicate. Smaller 
than many of its neighbors, it more than makes up what it lacks in size by 
providing a restful place for tired eyes to linger, the soothing simplicity 
of it perhaps indicative of the dragonet's nature within...and perhaps not. 
Only time will reveal that particular mystery.

C'len pushes a hand through his hair. "Kierth is much the same, although I 
think I'm feeling quite unlike the boy I was Turns ago."

D'va laughs. "You and R'lym both, I'll wager. And C'san, too, although he 
was a bit older than you both when you all impressed. I remember it well, 

Divya's attention is now torn between watching her father banter with his 
friends, and trying to see the last eggs drop onto the Sands.

Kassima chuckles under her breath at the goldrider, nodding. "There's always 
the Water," she points out. "I could buy you some of *that* for your 
Turnday, next go-round? And I'm glad to hear that Kiat doesn't drool. He 
doesn't strike me as the drooling type, but y'never know."

On the sands, Elisanth continues her clutching, making sure every egg is 
placed specially where she wants it to be, as if working on a huge 
masterpiece that will dazzle when finished, as picky and as careful as any 
artist with a canvas.

On the sands, 
                          Whirling Wispy Wings Egg                          
The curious cool creamy colors of this egg are almost all shades of white. 
After watching it for a moment, you see the billowing softness of clouds and 
wherry-feather pillows. Watching further, your eyes seem drawn into this 
orb, conjuring memories of afternoons spent imagining fanciful shapes in the 
skies. The shapes lead your imagination to try to make sense of them, seeing 
here the snowy cap of a mountain, there a winecrafter's pale wineskin, and 
nearest to you, a dragon of white taking wing high over the Weyr.

C'len's mouth wrinkles a bit at the mention of R'lym, but he continues to 
smile for memory's sake. "As do I ... I was quite the polite, charming, 
innocent lad..."

J'dar says "Brenneth isn't quite the same as when he Hatched, but he's about 
the same as when we finished weyrling training."

On the sands, 
                             Xanthous Xebec Egg                             
Pale yellow with mottles of white and strong golden-brown, this ovoid blends 
in subtly with the other eggs around it. Nothing outstanding to it, except 
if one stares at its calm exterior long enough, a perceptible pattern 
appears from the seemingly random daubings on it. Could those white patches 
and toasted streaks perhaps form the sails of a strong sailing ship attached 
to sleek masts of well-seasoned oak and set adrift on a sea of pale gleaming 
gold? Only the voyager within can answer that question as it lies curled in 
blissful slumber, fathoms deep and cradled on a sea of dragon dreams.

Kindre bobs her head agreeably. "Perfect blue, I'll readily admit," she says 
and smiles. Tired of standing, she moves back a bit closer to Herath and 
rests on of of the gold's feet. Laughing, then, as she listens to Kassima, 
she makes a warding off motion with her hands. "Faranth forbid I attempt the 
Water...I think I'll take my chances the usual way." Her words concluded, 
she peers down again. "Hmm...bronze, green."

Kassima eyes the new pair of eggs contemplatively, her brow creasing. 
"Bronze... and green, I say. But I'm none too certain about that last. 
What's wrong with the Water, Kin? It works! You've but to look at Kay and 
Khari, for proof."

C'len nods to J'dar.

D'va grins. "Now you're just not a lad anymore, right C'len?" He chuckles. 
"Yes, J'dar, except for one thing - Brenneth is quite the search dragon now. 
He wasn't when he was first hatched!"

C'len nods, giving his most winning smile. "Exactly! Divya thinks so ... 
don't you, Divya?"

"I've seen it work," the goldrider admits before laughing quietly. Listening 
to the Reaches riders causes her to smile a bit. "Think we're getting on in 
turns? We hardly have the adventures we used to. I suppose duties have added 
to that, though."

Divya says "Yes!" enthusiastically, and then dimples up at C'len to see his 

D'va just shakes his head. "Okay, maybe not 'innocent' either, then."

C'len laughs joyfully, and looks to D'va, eyes sparkling with mischief. 
"Smart daughter you have there. You sure she's yours..?"

Kassima snorts at the very idea. "Oh, aye--we're decrepit and drooling at 
twenty-five and twenty-four! Shards, nay, Kin. Only when we start *feeling* 
old will we be old. You're right about adventures, though. What say after 
this, rather than going back to Telgar, we find another place to invade? We 
can make up for that lack of adventure, at least in part."

D'va coughs once, then somehow turns it into a laugh. "Why, looking to claim 
her as your own?"

On the sands, Elisanth starts slowing down, obviously exhausted but pleased 
by her efforts. She croons to Laurelin, and gently lays the last remaining 
eggs of her and Belaryth's clutch.

On the sands, 
                           Yelling Yellow Yegg Egg                          
This egg shouts, nay screams, for attention. It's yellow. Not the pleasant 
soothing shade of fellis blossoms, nor yet the mellow gold of many a queen 
dragon's hide, but a /loud/ and blinding yellow as if somehow the occupant 
inside demands to be let out and will crack this particular safe in a 
shattering burst of energy. Any weaver who could duplicate the color might 
make a fortune indeed, for this egg's sheer brightness could well be used to 
light up the darkest of nights.

Kindre chuckles before nodding her head. Shifting in her seat on Herath's 
bumpy form of a foot, she tilts her head as she apparently ponders where to 
go. "Mayhaps the Hulk? Maybe this time they won't try to toss us out," is 
remarked with raised brows as she suggests it. "Well, I don't feel old, 
so..." Herath's curious whuffle as the overly yellow egg appears draws her 
eyes to the sands. "Oh...my..."

On the sands, Zingy Zircon Egg

On the sands, If a rainbow could form and be seen underground in some hidden 
chamber, it might well resemble this egg. Uniformly a smooth reddish-brown 
when surveyed from a distance, this striking shell's surface subtly supports 
a translucent glow. Every angle one views it from causes a slightly 
different shade to appear, from deep mahogany to bronze to chestnut and all 
the variations in between. Exceptionally attractive, it must surely house a 
rare treasure within its walls.

C'len continues to chuckle, noticing how comfortable Divya is with her 
father. "I highly doubt that you'd agree to that, Divya."

C'len stretches dramatically, "Besides... the life of a strapping, young 
bronzerider like myself..."

Kassima takes one look at this new egg, and immediately declares, "Green." 
Lysseth rumbles in unmistakable accordance. "The Hulk? Well, mayhaps if'n we 
could lure Mart out of hiding. I've nay drained his mark pouch in awhile. 
Oh... interesting egg there, too. Blue?"

Divya considers this for a moment. "No, not really. But you can be my 
boyfriend, if you want."

D'va coughs again, almost choking. "Divya!"

On the sands, Elisanth comes closer to Belaryth, to press her snout against 
his, and rest against him. She lowers herself to lay on the hot sand, 
finally finished with her task.

Divya looks back at her father in puzzlement. "What, Daddy?"

C'len's eyes light up, "Now that's more like it! I said she was smart, D'va."

D'va just puts his head in his hands and shakes it repeatedly.

Kindre turns her head to look over what seems to be the last egg laid. 
"Mayhaps...or brown. Oh, true enough," she then agrees, "we've not gotten 
Mart out for any gaves of luck recently. I wonder if he'll be Weyrlingmaster 
again. If so, we've likely only four or five sevendays to do so."

Divya gently pats her father's arm and asks, "What's wrong, Daddy?"

C'len chuckles, grasping Divya's hand before D'va can stop him. "He's 
speechless, Divya. He cannot believe what good taste you have."

D'va says "Divya, you're too young to have a boyfriend. Especially a 
scoundrel like C'len here."

Kassima remarks in an undertone, "I am suddenly reminded of Breana, rather 
strongly. Brown? Nay, I think nay. 'Tis blue or green, but I'd stake more on 
blue." She winces at the queenrider's latter words. "Only four or five 
sevendays? Shells, we won't be able to steal many marks from him in that 
much time. I suppose we'll have t'hope for the best. Think that's the last?"

Divya says "What's a scoundrel, Daddy?"

On the sands, Laurelin gets up carefully, and with a smile towards the 
already dozing queen and her mate, steps softly outside the grounds.

C'len gasps, clutching his chest and pretending to be taken aback at D'va's 
harsh words.

On the sands, Laurelin wanders down the passageway to the Queen's Weyr.

D'va says "I'll let C'len explain."

Jh'rin eases himself off of Siaroth with the gracious aid of a lowered 

Divya looks at C'len expectantly.

Jh'rin slides down, calling, "Ista's duty to the Reaches, and hey! Sia was 
right...there're eggs down there!"

"If luck is on our side and now his Brownieship's," Kindre comments while 
her lips quirk into a rather mischievious grin, "then we'll catch him soon 
before that." The arrival of the familiar Istan green and her rider draws a 
wave from the golrider. "Telgar's duties, Jh'rin, pleasure to see you again. 
I fear," she waves to the near-dozing queen below, "that she may be done for 
the eve however...."

Kassima's attention is drawn away from the hide and yet another futile 
attempt at getting Khari's chin drool-free by the sound of wingbeats; upon 
recognizing which dragon is making said sound, her face lights up and she 
calls over, "You're just in time for the final count, Jhor! Sharding fine 
clutch, 'tis--at least three bronzes by m'measure! And Kin, you know 
better'n to count on that. For all that he scorns it, luck favors him most 

C'len returns his attention to Divya. "Your father is mistaking me for one 
with bad intentions. You might be too young to have a boyfriend, but you're 
pretty enough to have me as a friend. Can I be your friend instead?"

As he removes gloves and helmet Jh'rin answers cheerfully, "Pleasure's all 
mine, Kindre ma'am. Yeah, I heard she might be finished fer th'night, but ah 
well. Kassima!" The greenrider salutes Kindre, gives the other riders 
respectful smiles, and strides toward Kassima and her baby, his tanned 
visage splitting into a wide grin. "That our girl?"

D'va hmms and awaits Divya's response. This might be as far as he could win 
this battle on this day.

Divya pouts for a moment. Then she nods in agreement.

Kindre laughs while bobbing her head to Kassima. "Agreed, dear friend. Mart 
has more than his fair share of that, to be true." Inclining her head to 
Jh'rin, she can't help but grin winningly at him. "That silver tongue has 
not yet lost its calibre, I see."

C'len smiles, genuinely happy to have the young girl's friendship. "Then 
it's settled."

Divya's eyes widen as she is struck by inspiration. "Daddy, can C'len be my 
boyfriend after my next Turnday? Will I be old enough then?"

J'dar looks at Jh'rin, then flushes and turns away.

C'len raises his eyebrows and looks to D'va.

Kassima gives an amused snort, her own teeth flashing whitely against tanned 
skin as she mirrors the grin of the other rider. "Nay, Jhor," she drawls, "I 
just managed a medical miracle and spawned another child in only four 
months. Ushu's devoting all of his research t'me now, and I had t'hit him 
over the head with one of his books to escape." Winking, she affirms more 
honestly, "Aye, 'tis Khari."

D'va actually hides another look of sheer terror. "We'll .. talk about that 
when you get to your next turnday, ok?"

C'len nods, as if that sounded fair, even to him.

Jh'rin gives J'dar a confused but sincere grin, busses Kindre soundly on the 
cheek, and holds his arms out for Khari. "You mock me, madam. Now...lemme 
see my girl."

Divya says "Well, OK. Can C'len eat with us tomorrow night?"

C'len rocks back, smiling in complete, unabashed glee. He looks to D'va 
again, for the answer.

D'va nods. "Yes, -in- the Cavern. With your mother and I, and Br'mar." He 
looks over at J'dar. "You can come too, J'dar, if you are free."

C'len wrinkles his nose at D'va, and then glances along with D'va at J'dar, 
smiling a bit.

Kassima rises to her feet and bends her knees in a slight mock-curtsey. 
"Only because I must keep m'wits honed, if'n I ever hope t'keep 'em half as 
sharp as yours," she retorts, laughing. She stows the crumpled hide and 
charcoal stick in one pocket, then changes her hold on her daughter to a 
two-handed one and gently passes the girl to her father. "Your wish is 
m'command, O Master of the Silvered Tongue."

J'dar says "Sure. I'm always hungry."

Divya claps her hands together happily. "Please, please come eat with us 

D'va chuckles. "Good, then it's settled." He then looks back down at the 
sands. "Well, it seems Elisanth's handiwork is done. Did you see her lay her 
last egg, Divya?"

C'len turns back to Divya, "Of course I will, Divya."

Divya says "Yes, Daddy. I saw her lay 15 eggs. That's a lot!"

Kindre absently wipes her cheek before grinning at Jh'rin, now busy with his 
child and her mother. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she regards the 
grounds below...now full of eggs. Divya's words cause her smile to broaden a 
bit even as she studies quietly.

D'va hmms. "I think there's more than that there, however."

Jh'rin collects his daughter to him and leans over to kiss Kassima tenderly 
on the lips. "Good thing, too." He looks, by the way, not an ounce insecure 
with a baby. "So...how many's Elisanth clutched now?"

Divya smiles at C'len and says "Thank you." She turns her body a bit to show 
him her stone, so he knows the thanks are for more than just the dinner 

C'len beams, nodding his welcome. He then glances at Kierth, nodding 
absently, before standing. "With that assured, I must take my leave of you, 
Divya. And you too, D'va." He grins, bowing dramatically and with great 

"We were here t'see twenty and four," Kassi reports. "I think." Tugging her 
hide free once more, she consults it. "Aye, twenty and four, but there were 
already some on the Sands ere that. Did you catch the total number, Kin? Oh, 
and be warned, Jhor--she's teething, so you might want to watch for drool."

Kindre shakes her head. "I didn't count, I fear. Your numbers sounds about 
right, though," she remarks with a smile.

Divya waves and says "Goodbye. We'll see you tomorrow night." She slips her 
stone back into its hiding place before her father can see it.

Jh'rin tells Kassima with a crooked grin, "I'm used t'women drooling over 
me," before adding to J'dar, "Hey, bluerider...y'doing awright tonight?"

C'len winks at Divya again before striding to mount Kierth.

D'va hmms, his obvious attempt at distraction failing. However he waves 
cheerfully to C'len as the bronzerider departs. "Clear skies to you and 
Kierth, C'len. I'll be seeing you soon.. I guess."

Divya turns back to the Sands and beginss counting the eggs under her breath.

C'len places a hand on Kierth's hide before stepping upon the bronze's 
proffered foreleg and scrambles up, only to nudged the rest of the way by 
his lifemate's snout.

From atop Kierth, C'len grins and winks at D'va too, just to be insatiable. 
"Clear skies, D'va!" He nods in parting, to the other onlookers.

Kierth launches off of the ledge and into the air. Crossing the cavern, it 
swoops into the tunnel, leaving the hatching grounds.

J'dar tries not to look or sound too embarassed as he nods to Jh'rin, "Yes, 
thank you, I'm doing fine. How are you and Siaroth? And Ista?"

Kassima has to quirk a wry grin at that one. "Oh, aye. I should have 
remembered." Stashing both the hide and drool rag away once more, she folds 
her arms and gives J'dar a rather puzzled look. "Well," she says to Kindre, 
"'tis nay twenty and seven, but still, a fair-sized clutch. There may even 
be thirty or more, as was predicted."

D'va grins down at Divya. "So how many do you count down there?"

Jh'rin answers, happy as he is bouncing the baby, "Ista's fine, Siaroth's 
better now she's stopped glowing...and is mooning over Couranth t'beat all 
getout, and this is my new...well, relatively new...daughter, Kharisma. 
How's the Reaches, J'dar?"

Kindre bobs her head while pulling her glance away from the sands. "I'm sure 
it will prove to be a glorious clutch indeed."

J'dar says "High Reaches is doing well, you can see for yourself what our 
biggest news is."

Divya says "31 eggs, Daddy!"

"Yeah, Elisanth's done well so far, and by Silora's brown too!" Jh'rin gives 
Khari a kiss on the forehead, happily hugging the baby, then grins down at 
Divya. "You counted all the way t'31, m'lady? Wow. I can't go much further 
than 20."

Divya blushes with happy embarrassment at then attention from this new 

Kharisma stirs at the bouncing, cracking open a pair of sleepy amber-irised 
eyes and giving a small yawn. Her watching mother smiles warmly at the girl 
before nodding to Kin. "Three bronzes, at least--nay 'tall bad, for a 
brown's siring! Couranth? I remember that name. He flew J'lyn's green a Turn 
or two back. Remember that one, Kin? Faranth. Jal acted like a bloody 
madman." Oh, yeah. Like she's one to talk?

D'va nods. "31, hmm." He squints and looks down himself. "I'll accept that." 
He grins at the other riders.

Jh'rin smiles with respect at D'va, winking to Divya, then adds to Kassima, 
"Well...Couranth's a fine brown. Good dragon. His rider's a bit...ah...well."

Divya's blush deepens ever-so-slightly, this time from pure pleasure.

Kindre blinks as she searches her memories. "Yes..I do recall the name," she 
replies before shuddering a bit. "Crackdust, though, I remember J'lyn's 
actions more than anything." Smiling a bit, she nods to D'va. "A fine number 
for what surely will prove to be an equally fine addition to High Reaches' 

Kassima chuckles, nodding. "At least thirty and two was *close*, though 
'twas far from the mark the first time. 'Tis why I don't gamble on the 
numbers. The colors are much safer--with that, at least you've a one-in-four 
shot." Fingering her mark pouch, she adds, "Better'n cards, at that. I 
believe I met his rider once, come t'think of it... Bronia, aye? She came to 
Benden once and told stories--of you, in fact."

D'va just chuckles to himself at Divya's current "admirer," then nods to 
Kindre. "Elisanth has done quite well for High Reaches in the past. I expect 
nothing less this go around."

Jh'rin's tan gets a trifle paler as he caresses the four-month-old's hair. 
"I really am not entirely sure I wanna hear what Nia's said about me t'other 
weyrs." He instead prefers to turn his attention to Kindre and D'va, adding, 
"Well, sir, Elisanth's a fine, fine lady, and Silora's Belaryth certainly is 
doing fine by her. No doubt they'll give the Reaches a clutching to be proud 

Kindre's eyes widen with recognition. "Yes...I recall that evening fairly 
well myself. She seemed a kind enough woman. We had some fun telling 
stories." Turning swiftly to Kassima, she wonders, "That wasn't the eve we 
discussed the games, was it?" Bobbing her head as she regards D'va again, 
she says, "I remember her last. It was the first High Reaches Hatching I had 
been able to see. A grand group then as I'm sure will be with this one."

D'va nods and takes his opporunity to stand up, brushing a bit of dust and 
dirt from his legs. "I agree. Although you probably wouldn't expect me to 
refute that," he says and chuckles.

Divya stands up as well, imitating her father.

Kassima chuckles, shaking her head and then reaching up to flick her 
displaced forelock back out of her eyes. "Ach, 'twas naught too terrible. 
Just a few words about your exploits when your dragon glows." She winks, 
grinning impishly at the other greenrider. "A'course, one can hear the same 
stories all over Pern, so... which games, Kin? The Bronzerider Games? I 
don't think so... nor the Spring ones, but m'memory may very well misserve."

Jh'rin's grin returns, crooked and keen. "No, sir," he agrees, "I'd more 
surprised than a wherry outrunning a proddy gold if I heard any ill about 
the Reaches coming from someone of yer reputation." Then, back to Kassima, 
and not quite so happily, "Bronia's got some wild tales, I reckon. 
But...ah...she probably shouldn't be telling 'em as broadly as she does."

"Somehow I'd doubt that you would," Kindre agrees quickly enough. "Would you 
like us to say hello to Emlyn for you when return to Telgar? I remember your 
visiting her a few times, and she speaks of you now and again." Nodding to 
Kassima, her brows wrinkle momentarily. "I had thought she was there for the 
Bronzerider games. Hrm. Mayhaps my memory doesn't serve me well."

D'va smiles at Kindre. "Yes, if you wouldn't mind. Bryena keeps wanting me 
to take her up to the mountains there to visit, but she's been quite busy of 

Kindre inclines her head and smiles to D'va. "I'll be sure to do so, then. 
Mayhaps with eggs on the sands Emlyn with have reason to visit you soon."

Kassima drawls drolly, "Telling tales seems t'be characteristic of some 
brownriders. Just ask Channie." She conveniently neglects the fact that she 
herself spreads tales of things like, oh, Mart and R'val's run-ins with 
cross-dressing as far and wide as she can. "Could be worse, nay? Y'know, 
Kin, we really *should* have those games sometime. 'Twould be... 
interesting. T'say the least."

Kindre smirks a bit while nodding to Kassima. "I fully agree. We must sit 
with M'kla and finalize the details."

D'va nods to Kindre again. "I would appreciate that. And I hope that you and 
the others enjoy our hospitality while you're here at the Reaches." He 
smiles. "Let's go and tell Bryena all about the clutching, Divya."

Jh'rin lifts Khari high, sighs, kisses her, then offers her back to her 
mother. "I should probably head back t'Ista anyways...got dawn drills fer 
th'new wing I'm heading up. Rescue stuff."

Divya grabs her father's hand and waves goodbye to all the dragonriders. "Bye!"

Jh'rin makes a slight bow to Divya. "Take care of yerself, m'lady. Thanks 
again fer yer accurate count o'the eggs!"

"Thank you, and clear skies," Kindre replies before waving to both D'va and 
Divya. Overhearing Jh'rin, she sighs a bit. "We should head back as well, 

D'va climbs up the offered foreleg of Jeth onto the big bronze's back.

Divya makes a note to call out "Goodbye, Jh'rin!" as she mounts Jeth.

"She knows m'name," Jhor grins bashfully as the little girl turns to leave. 

Khari's gurgle at this lifting sounds almost like a giggle, eliciting a soft 
laugh from Kassi as she takes the child and holds her close. "Rescue? I'd 
nay heard of that; rumor travels slowly, in some cases. I'm glad t'have 
gotten t'see you, Jhor." She leans over to kiss the other greenrider soundly 
on the cheek. "You take care of yourself, y'hear?"

Divya climbs up the offered foreleg of Jeth onto the big bronze's back.

Kassima turns her head and nods ruefully to Kin. "Aye, you've m'accordance. 
'Tis like as nay too late t'roust Mart from his lair and haul his sorry hide 
over to the Hulk, more's the pity."

Jh'rin returns the kiss, cupping Kassima's cheek gently in his hand. "You 
take care as well, love...and watch over our girl. I'll try t'get over 
t'Telgar more. Kindre, ma'am...clear skies t'you and yer queen."

Kindre smiles wide at the Istan rider. "Clearest of skies, Jh'rin. You must 
come visit us at the Weyr soon."

High atop Jeth, D'va turns around and buckles in Divya securely.

From Jeth's back, D'va takes the straps and buckles himself in securely.

Jeth rises up off of the ledge and into the air. Crossing the cavern, he 
swoops into the tunnel, leaving the hatching grounds.

Jh'rin uses the azure riding straps to pull himself astride Siaroth.

Kassima smiles warmly, nodding once. "Could I do less, love? Oh--and clear 
skies and stuff!" she belatedly remembers to add. Right, that formality 
rigamarole. How could she have forgotten that?

From between Siaroth's neckridges, Jh'rin blows kisses to Kassima and the 
gorgeous girl she holds, sighs, then nudges Siaroth skyward.

Siaroth springs powerfully off of the ledge and into the air. Crossing the 
cavern, she swoops into the tunnel, leaving the hatching grounds.

Kindre sighs a bit before nodding. "Ach, 'tis a shame, in truth. We'll have 
to come roust him some other eve, though." Slipping off Herath's foot and 
getting up onto her own feet, she stretches. After Siaroth's take off, she 
says, "I suppose I'm ready when you are."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre switches between channeling Kassi and Jh'rin. Fear. Or, 
better yet, Fear Me.

Telgar Weyr> R'val changes Kindre's ODN Conduits. She's now channelling 
antimatter to the warp nacels.

Telgar Weyr> Richenda understood that, R'val.

Telgar Weyr> Richenda shoots herself.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "huh?"

Telgar Weyr> Kindre is K'lueless...and rather likes it :)

Kassima watches the green and her too-charming-and-weird-for-words rider fly 
off into the sunset, and bobs her head once to her friend. "I'm ready 
enough. Nay challenging Prefeth on the way back now, Lyss!" she chides the 
green, reaching up for the straps with her free hand. "Oh... and duties to 
the High Reaches and her queens, by the by. You've a fine, lovely clutch out 
there, and I look forward t'winning a respectable sum of marks when it 

Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Understood it? Haw, I could tell you how to do it! 
;) Treknobable, Kindre. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima gahs at Kin. Instead of being a happy medium, you're 
apparently a loony one. ;) *Snugsnugs.* G'night, Richefish! Swim well!

Kindre also offers, "Telgar's duties and, yes, it's a glorious clutch. We'll 
be sure to let everyone at the Weyr know."

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You 
grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre watches her rp go thbbbbbbt :b :}

<*> Kindre gives Herath a soft, loving pat on the side. Humbling her oft 
high-held muzzle, Herath dips close to the ground and Kindre half-steps, 
half-tugs herself up with courtly ease. An unusally easy and contented glint 
is in her eyes as her lifemate bestrides her.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima's pthbbbted before yours, Kin. Nyah, nyah. ;)

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with 
a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You launch off of the ledge and into the air. Crossing the cavern, you swoop 
into the tunnel, leaving the hatching grounds.