
Rope Drill Redux

Date:  April, 1996
Places:  Benden Weyr's Hot Springs, South Bowl, and Skyspace
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  This drill brings back memories--not all of them good,
but most, from hindsight, wryly amusing.  By the time our class got to 
do this particular rope drill (which was a graduation prerequisite), 
some of us had already done a Weyr-wide rope drill and the whole 
Weyrling Wing had flown resupply in Fall.  I'm thus not sure whether or 
not this scene is timewarped; there was no mention of it, but some 
references suggest that the 'Lings shouldn't have been out in Thread 
yet when this took place.  Anyway, it was an important class, and the 
RP was pretty good (though as is the usual in these Weyrling logs, mine
was certainly nothing to write home about ;), so I figured I'd put it 
up even though I had to leave abruptly before the scene was really 
closed.  I've included a chunk of Hot Springs RP before the drill 
begins since it was fun stuff and prolly shows the relationship between 
the 'Lings better than the various class logs; the scene thus opens in 
the Springs, just after Ursa arrives. :)


The Log:

Ursa splashes in after Spin, sinking into the warm water with a very 
relieved smile.

T'lar scrambles up onto Nicoth's back and begins scrubbing those hard to 
reach places. From here, he sees that Meli and Juliath have joined them. 
"Meli! Hi!"

Meli sighs, resting her head against the edge, submerged up to her neck, her 
short hair dampened by the rising steam. "Yah, s'nice here." She grins and 
gives T'lar a wave.

Lysseth cranes her head to snort playfully, flicking one wing to shoot a 
small wave of water towards Kassima. Kassi seems rather resigned to this 
treatment. "You're getting predictable, Lyss...."

Nicoth prevents Alyssa from leaving the water by placing a foreleg in her 
way. His snout swivels arounds to regard her.

Aphrael shivers slightly, slowly making her way over to Prefeth's side and 
begins scrubbing slowly.

Alyssa makes a face at Nicoth. "It's cold outside the water, Nic," she 
murmurs, turning her back to the rest of the weyrlings. "My back is getting 
cold, you know."

T'lar says "You know? The view is great from up here." He looks down at all 
the unclad women. "Maybe I'll just stay."

Nicoth uses his wing to slosh water up Alyssa's back.

Aphrael looks up and /snorts/ amusedly at T'lar, muttering something about 

Meli blinks. "So? Jus' turn 'round an' float, 'lys. Much warmer that way."

K'nan picks his way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in 

Veyath climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in steam.

Spineth sinks into the pool until just his head is showing. Ursa scampers up 
onto his upper back, soaking in the water on top of her submerged lifemate.

Kassima wipes water from her face and dives, coming back up with a handful 
of sand. She scrubs Lysseth's shoulder, turning to stick her tongue out at 
T'lar. She--of course--is wearing a very decorous towel.

Alyssa looks at Meli and shakes her head vehemently. "Um, no, really, that's 
OK," she says as she goes on scrubbing, clinging close to the dragon.

T'lar says "Heh, Kassi. Haven't you realized yet that a wet towel clings 
nicely at the top and floats at the bottom."

Aphrael chuckles softly to herself as she scrubs Prefeth's outstretched 
wing, waving over at K'nan and Veyath, "Heyla!"

Meli, completely missing Alyssa's discomfort, she'd hardly expect the 
dragonhealer to be shy after all this time, just shrugs, sending small 
ripples off across the pool, mostly lost in the larger waves from the 
various scrubbings.

Alyssa shoots T'lar a very dark look.

Ursa looks up when she hears Aph greet some one new, and lazily salutes in 
K'nan's direction.

T'lar smiles down at Alyssa. "You're looking good. Being a mother agrees 
with you>"

Kassima snorts. "Doesn't really matter, with me usually being behind Lyss 
and all." To prove her point, she immediately swims over to Lysseth's other 
side and scrubs, content to be out of view.

Meli opens one eye, locates T'lar, and a moment later, Juliath's sent a 
mighty wave towards the bronzerider.

K'nan wanders over with Veyath lumbering along behind him. He chuckles 
softly at all the sragons and weyrlings, and raises a hand in greeting. 
"G'deve, all."

Lily picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in 

Alyssa says quietly to T'lar, "Thank you...I...um....gained some weight 

T'lar is washed off Nicoth's back by the wave. He splashes down on the other 
side next to Alyssa.

Lal picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in 

Juliath snorts merrily, as does Meli.

Lily picks her way over the rocks, waving a greeting to those present. "Heya 

T'lar comes up sputtering.

Lal waves as well. "Why hullo there!"

Alyssa very coolly shoves downward on T'lar's head, dunking him again.

Kassima peers around Lysseth's shoulder, nods to Lal, waves to Lily, and 
salutes K'nan.

Meli gives a sorta salute, mostly watching Alyssa and T'lar, grinning fit to 

Nicoth uses his wing to send a wave in Meli's direction.

Aphrael waves over at Lily, "Heya, come join us in the pool." She says, 
pausing in her scrubbing, then waves to Lal also.

Lily giggles at the dunking as she strips down. "I'd love to Aph.."

Lal says "What're y'all doin'?"

T'lar doesn't come up, but Alyssa suddenly disappears beneath the water.

Lily slides into the dragon pool.

Lal ohs!

Meli waves one hand at the others, still lounging along the edge of the 
pool. "They're scrubbin' dragons. I'm not." She grins.

Ursa looks up with a grin, "Heya, Lily!" then adds "and Lal."

Lily grins at Lal, "C'mon in and scrub..or swim."

Lal says "Miss Lily--why're ye takin yer clothes off? Oh me oh my!"

Kassima pokes her head out from behind Lysseth's shoulder again. "Washing 
dragons," she says with a grin.

Alyssa eeps! and splashes backwards.^

K'nan looks behind him at the new arrivals, and grins. "What, there a 
meeting here no-one told me about...?"

T'lar surfaces briefly to find Meli and then disappears underwater again.

Lysseth dips her head underwater, blowing a few bubbles contentedly.

Spineth regards the new arrivals with calm eyes. He wuffles gently, blowing 
a fine spray of water in their direction.

Lily says mildly, "Lal, do you want to walk across a snowy bowl in wet 
clothes? Really, it's okay. C'mon in.."

From beneath Meli, a sudden storm of bubbles appears. They filter around her 

Lily eeps, turning to laugh at Spineth, cupping her hands and sending a 
splash of water in his direction. "Want to play?"

Meli peers down curiously, and starts to move slightly.

Aphrael shudders at the mention of snow, and sinks further into the water, 
scrubbing lightly at Prefeth's hide, more out of duty then for any real need.

Nicoth tries again. His wing moves down into the water and then back up 
causing a large wave to head toward Meli.

T'lar comes up suddenly, turning Meli onto her side. Just as Nicoth's wave 
engulfs them.

Meli, watching the bubbles, misses the wave, and T'lar. She splutters and 
goes under.

Lysseth turns her head--still underwater--to peer up at Prefeth with 
luminous blue eyes. Her wings twitch slightly as she seems to consider 
wreaking some sort of splashing havoc.

Ursa shrieks as Spineth suddenly rises, lifting her out of the water, the 
fall air cooling her off quickly. Spineht uses his great snout to send a 
good sized wave hurrying lily-wards.

T'lar flails and goes under, obviously not of his own freewill.

Prefeth snorts loudly at Lysseth, tail flicking back and forth amiably.

Ursa grips Spineths' neck-ridge tightly as finds herself atop a water fight. 
She snorts indignantly at Lily, "Hey!" but her indignance is quickly lost in 

K'nan peers over at the pool consideringly, watching people disappear 
underwater against their will. Hmm. Perhaps it wouldn't be too saf- Veyath 
takes the decision away from him as she nudges him in with her muzzle. *splash*

Alyssa emerges near the point at which T'lar went under, grinning as her 
golden hair streams water. "There," she says with certain satisfaction, 
going back to scrubbing Nic,

T'lar surfaces and looks around.

K'nan slides into the dragon pool.

Under the water, Meli sinks lower and swims around, then grabs at T'lar's legs.

Aphrael giggles over at K'nan, splashing lightly in his direction. "Serves 
you right, standing out there in the cold."

Lily laughs and gleefully allows herself to be dunked under the water by 
Spineth's wave. Resurfacing, she laughs and splashes again toward Ursa.

Lysseth continues to flutter her wings, snorting a blast of bubbles at 
Prefeth. Someone with very, very keen vision might notice a dark green tail 
moving stealthily under the water.

T'lar goes under, again. This time, he turns to grab his attacker.

Nicoth croons to Alyssa and close another set of eyelids.

Prefeth watches Lysseth's lazily, then rolls over in the hopes of sending a 
large waves at Lysseth. Then he ducks under the water.

K'nan surfaces to Aphrael's splash, and shoves wet hair out of his face. He 
grins over at Aphrael, then looks up in time to catch the splash as Veyath 
follows him in with a cheery warble!

Veyath slides into the dragon pool.

Lily floats away from Ursa and Spineth, toward the edge of the pool, 
relaxing peacefully in the warm water. For the moment.

Alyssa hums to herself as she scrubs Nicoth, at peace in this favorite chore 
of hers.

Lysseth is splooshed and raises her head with a surprised trumpet, regarding 
Prefeth with her most innocent look.

Under the water, Meli swims away, and finally surfaces, splashing and 
spluttering, grinning.

Aphrael turns back around to find her lifemate gone. She blink sand shrugs, 
"I guess he doesnt want a scrubbing after all.." She yelps at Veyath's splash.

T'lar surfaces and smiles. He sees that others have joined them and 
waves/salutes as appropriate.

Lily grins at Lal and gestures to her. "Come on in...splashing and washing 
is fun."

Meli wipes water from her eyes, giving T'lar a chuckle, then finally moves 
over to scrub at Juliath.

Lal says "But ma'am! I be havin' t'take me clothes off, an' that's naw decent!"

Prefeth appears further away over the other side of the springs, warbling 
happily as he dives away again.

Alyssa sighs and looks toward the bowl. "I wish Pavanth were here. Shells, 
he needs a scrubbing.."

K'nan looks down at his soaked clothes, and sighs. He climbs back out of the 

K'nan reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Aanya picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in 

T'lar looks up at Lal. "Aw, c'mon in. We won't look."

Lily smiles encouragingly, "It's all right here, Lal. Really. Nobody will 

Kassima adds to that, "Besides, you could wear a towel if you really want." 
Useful things, towels.

Luth climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in steam.

Alyssa splashes T'lar. "I BEG your pardon, but you certainly did look. At 
me, at least."

Pliarth climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in steam.

Ryialla undoes the buckles and straps tying her to Pliarth.

Lal hmms, covers her eyes when people start climbing out of pools.....

Ryialla quickly slides down Pliarth's foreleg and jumps to the ground. She 
turns to pet Pliarth's muzzle and grins as she gets soundly whuffled.

Kassima gives Aanya and Ryialla both salutes, moving over to scrub Lysseth's 

T'lar looks at Kassi and shakes his head. He moves back over toward Nicoth. 
The look on his face is pure innocence. "Me? Naw"

Lily relaxes back against the edge of the pool, "C'mon in, Lal. Nothing to 
be afraid of. We're all friends here."

Pliarth warbles to the other dragons and lumbers into the water.

Nicoth warbles welcomes.

Lal raises a rather SUSPICIOUS eyebrow at Lily. "Well....I dunno....."

Nicoth rolls over onto his back for a tummy washing.

Aphrael salutes over at Aanya and Ryialla as she swims over to Prefeth's side.

Ryialla waves to everyone. "Heyla..see you all got the same idea.."

Alyssa rests for a moment and grins at Pliarth. "Well, now there is a dragon 
I don't see enough...hello there, Pliarth," she calls warmly, then grins at 
Nicoth as she scrubs his tummy.

Lysseth rumbles a greeting, wrapping her tail around Kassima's waste and 
dunking her thoroughly at the same time.

Lal takes her boots off. She sits by the pool, but seems quite reluctant to 
enter it.

Juliath first-lids as she sinks lower, allowing Meli to reach higher in her 

K'nan relieves himself of his now-soaked clothes, and tosses them up on the 
sunning rocks to dry. With a half-angry, half-amused look at Veyath, he 
climbs back into the spring.

K'nan slides into the dragon pool.

Pliarth slides into the dragon pool.

Veyath wurbles innocently, and swishes her tail about in the water, looking 
around at the larger dragons.

T'lar says "You know, K'nan. Your clothes are gonna be REALLY cold when you 
get out."

Lily smiles softly, "I know how you feel, Lal. I was like that when I first 
got here, too. Hey, if you come in, you can meet Nicoth, the bronze that 
Master Susaen gave a Minecraft knot to."

K'nan chuckles softly as he sinks down into the water. "Better than wet..."

T'lar climbs onto Nicoth's stomach. "Lily, bring your friend on over. Nicoth 
would love to meet her."

Lal says "A dragon wi' a Minecraft knot? Odder n' odder."

K'nan smiles easily over to the other skyfire riders, "Heya Ryi, Aanya..."

Aanya discards most of her clothing, leaving only a long tunic in which she 
wades into the hot springs.

Vidarth climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in steam.

Lily smiles, "See, Lal? And after all, Nicoth is an official Miner dragon. 
You really should meet him. C'mon in.."

R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch.

Vidarth bugles to the other dragons!

R'val dismounts, waving, "Hi! Yeesh, what a crowd!@"

Lal puts her feet in the water. "He canna come over here?"

Alyssa wades over to Pliarth and says, "Can you use some help, Ryialla? I 
haven't been near this girl in ages."

Nicoth bugles a reply.

Aanya slides into the dragon pool.

Vidarth slides into the dragon pool.

R'val slides into the dragon pool.

Luth slides into the dragon pool.

Meli waves between scrubbing motions, then remembers and salutes, well, mostly.

Kassima splutters and struggles until Lysseth lets her up. She shoots an 
evil eye to her angelically warbling dragon. "Cut it out, lump, or I'll 
never get you clean!" She slaps her hand against the water to splash Lysseth 
with a grin, then wave-salutes over to R'val and Vidarth.

Benden Weyr> Aanya says, "Only 23 more places to fill. >:)"

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "All we need now are 23 more people and dragons."

R'val slides into the pool after stripping and moves to begin bathing 
Vidarth, 'HI gang. How goes?"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Wow. What a crowd at the Hot Springs!"

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Hey, outta my head! :P"

Ryialla removes most of her clothes, leaving only her swimtunic, and slides 
into the pool. "I'd appreciate it, Alyssa."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Me and my big mouth. It was just me and Nic for 
ages. :)"

Lily smiles, "It's really a lot warmer if you get in the water, Lal." She 
waves to R'val, "Hey there, bluerider."

Ryialla slides into the dragon pool.

R'val grins, calling out to Kassi," She still likes to splash, eh?" He 
smiles over at Lily, "Hi Lily. Come to wash dragons?"

Benden Weyr> Aanya bats out the cobwebs, crawling out of K'nan's head. 
"Gladly!" ;)

Lal slides in the water. "Warm."

Nicoth looks over at the big woman on the bank. He croons to her in invitation.

Pliarth whuffles Alyssa happily, then sticks her snout under the pool and 
blows water at her rider.

Lal says "But now me clothes're all wet."

Alyssa smiles at the greenrider and goes over to Pliarth. "This is my kind 
of evening...warm water, friends, and a lot of dragons to wash," she 
chuckles, then giggles at the whuffling.

Lal says "Now listen. Mr. Minerdragon! Ye needs t'be meetin' me halfways! 
You be comin' here, please sir?"

Vidarth tilts his head about, regarding the many other dragons with 
curiousity. He whuffs the water and settles down for a nap while he's bathed.

Ryialla says "I'm coming, I'm coming. Sheesh, dragon." She wades over with 
her bag of sweetsand and wets a handful."

Lal motions to Nicoth.

Aanya splashes lightly in her fellow wingmates' directions, grinning.

Pliarth warbles greets to Vidarth.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Nicoth thinks that someone should help Lal 
into the water.

Kassima pokes her head out from behind Lysseth's side and nods, grinning. 
"Aye, that she does! Me and the other dragons, anyway. Don't think she'll 
ever change her ways... but then, I don't mind. I like being splashed and 
dunked just as much now as I did two Turns ago." She laughs and climbs up 
onto Lysseth's neck, slipping a bit on the water-slick hide, to scrub her 
dragon's back.

Lily giggles at Lal, "You tell him." She grins at R'val, "It's one of my 
favorite things to do, when I've time."

T'lar dives off Nicoth as the dragon turns over and heads toward Lal.

K'nan grins over at Aanya, eyes gleaming, "Hey Aanya, are greens ticklish?"

Lily floats over toward Nicoth, holding her hand o ut. "You look wonderfully 
handsome, tonight, Nicoth."

Aanya settles back against the pool's wall, smirking in K'nan's direction. 
"Ask Veyath!"

Alyssa scoops up sweetsand and scrubs the opposite flank of Pliarth, calling 
a warm greeting to Vidarth and Luth while works.

Ryialla grins at Alyssa. "Gotta love it." She tosses the bag over, and 
starts scrubbing Pliarth's hide. Pliarth practically churrs with happiness. 
Someone loves getting scrubbed.

Nicoth whuffles Lily and looks over at Lal. His eyes whirl with a deep blue.

Veyath looks around the pool quietly for a moment, and settles down, folding 
her wings back. The picture of innocence.

Alyssa nods to Ryialla, grinning back. "When I first became Selenay's 
assistant, I scrubbed and oiled as many dragons as I could to get to know 
them in relaxed circumstances...now I just love washing a dragon but so 
rarely have time to do it..."

Lysseth waits until Kassi is busily working on getting her neckridges clean, 
then flips over in the water to float upside down. Ah, the fun of drowning 
one's lifemate.

Vidarth rumbles to Pliarth as he settles back, his rider scrambling up his 
side to scrub industriously. R'val nods to Lily, "Good! I always enjoy it 

Lal looks at Nicoth. "Well, I told yeh me terms, sirrah!"

T'lar swims over to Juliath and Meli. "Well, there he goes again. Charming 
the ladies."

Lily floats over toward Vidarth, "Would you care for some help, then?" She 
smiles up at the blue, "Want me to scrub, Vidarth?"

Meli snorts softly, scrubbing a bit harder. "Yeh, wonder where he gets it 

Vidarth rumbles cheerily down at Lily and whuffles her wetly. R'val grins, 
"That's a yes."

Nicoth raises his huge head high above Lal in surprise at her tone. He 
reaches his snout down to the woman inquiringly.

T'lar laughs. "I can't imagine. Am I charming then?" He begins to 
scratch/scrub Juliath.

Ryialla scrubs just a little bit harder, grinning at just how quickly all 
three sets of eyelids close in contentment.

Meli grins slightly, but mostly hiding it. "You -try- anyway. Have t'ask 
some others if they think you're charmin'"

Lal giggles gleefully, and pets Nicoth on the nose. "Very good, sir!"

Ryialla grins over at T'lar. "Wouldn't know. You've never tried to charm me."

Lily eeps, ducking under the water, resurfacing a bit further down Vidarth's 
side. She scoops up some sand and begins scrubbing happily. "Thanks, 
Vidarth...you're a nice dragon.

T'lar snorts and smiles.

Kassima makes her way back up to the surface, coughing, just in time to 
catch Lily's remark. She chuckles and leans against Lyss's pretty well 
cleaned shoulder to watch, expecting this to be rather entertaining.

Humming happily to herself, Alyssa chatters softly to Pliarth every so often 
and continues scrubbing, quite content in her work.

Vidarth seems to agree with Lily as he whirls his eyes charmingly at her, 
bobbing gently in the pool..

R'val chuckles, "Don't flatter him too much Lily, he'll be insufferable."

T'lar says "Maybe I should." He moves over to Pliarth and begins scrubbing 
her. "How are you today, Ryi?"

K'nan wades over towards Veyath, then turns his head to grin over, "He 
already is, R'val..."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa watches T'lar suck up to all the greenriders, flights on 
the brain. :)

Benden Weyr> K'nan . o 0 (Hey, there're enough of us here. :P)

Lily laughs softly, working her way along Vidarth's shoulder, "Can't help 
it..I think he's cute."

Benden Weyr> T'lar  O:)

R'val grins over at K"nan, "Yeah, well../more/ insufferable I should say." 
He chuckles to hismelf.

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Though T'lar better not suck up to me. ;)"

Nicoth whuffles Lal.

Ryialla smiles at T'lar. "I'm well. And yourself..?"

Vidarth rumbles deep in his throat and nudges Lily with his snout, seeming 
to agree with her again.

Meli rolls her eyes again, it's getting to be a habit in her dealings with 
T'lar, and moves on to work at Julaith's flank.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Why not, K'nan> :)"

Benden Weyr> K'nan looks innocent.

Lysseth rumbles with amusement and spreads her wings, nudging Kassima 

Lily patpats Vidarth's nose, grinning up into a whirling eye. "And yes, 
you're quite agreeable, too."

Vidarth rumbles, quite agreeably, at Lily.

R'val grins over at Lily, "I never thought a master miner would enjoy doing 
this sort of thing. I know I never did this kind of thing when I was a 

Luth remains still in the pool, half-floating, her eyes fully lidded and 
revelling in the warmth.

Ursa finishes swimming a few laps and comes back to see if Spineth is still 
splashing folks, but Spin just blinks at her innocently.

Kassima sighs. "All right, all right, impatient creature. I'll get back to 
work." She scrubs gently at one wing, glancing up to watch everything else 
now and then.

Nicoth decides that Lal is ignoring him and moves back into deeper water.

K'nan reaches Veyath's side, and starts to scrub at it. She firstlids her 
eyes, and croons quietly, content.

Alyssa scoops up a large handful of sweetsand and begins working under 
Pliarth's jaw, smiling and humming to herself.

Lal swims over to Nicoth, her clothes floating lazily on top of the water. 
"Sorry if I be insultin' ya, sir."

Lal says "Hey Miss Lily! How does one be scrubbin' a dragon?"

T'lar continues scrubbing at Pliarth's hide. "It's amazing. I can almost 
look you eye to now. Can't believe I've grown.

Aanya sinks into the water, having bathed Luth earlier, thankfully.

Aphrael leans tiredly against Prefeth's hide, more resting than scrubbing as 
she watches the others with a smile.

Lily chuckles, reaching up to scritch a blue ridge, "Well, unlike my 
Craftmaster, I have a fondness for the dragons." She smiles at Lal, "Watch 
the riders...use the sweetsand, but scrub gently.."

Nicoth turns back to Lal and blows bubbles in her direction.

Lal jumps at bubbles! "Great shards n' dragon bubbles!"

T'lar turns at Lily's comment. "Susaen likes Nicoth. She even remembered his 
name when we went to the crafthall.

Lal picks up some sweetsand, making clear she is imitating riders. "Okay 
Mr., you want some o'this stuff?"

Nicoth lowers himself so that Lal can reach.

Lily giggles, "He likes you, Lal." She nods to T'lar. "Yes, she does like 
Nicoth...is very fond of him, in fact. Prolly," she adds drolly, "because 
she still thinks of you as an apprentice."

R'val glances back at Lily and grins as he crawls up Vidarht's side.

T'lar says "yeah, I was still E'd to her."

Lal tentatively puts sweetsand on the dragon. "How's here?" She rubs veeeery 
gently on Nicoth's side.

Pliarth wurbles as she gets scrubbed under her chin, and Ryi suddenly dives 
underwater as the green raises her wing so quickly that T'lar gets a rather 
lot of water flung in his general direction.

Nicoth warbles and leans into her hand.

Lal grins stupidly. "I'll be damned if this isn't kinda fun."

Benden Weyr> Cerilla says, "Anyone who wants to particip in a rope drill, 
meet in south bowl. :)"

Lily laughs, moving to scrub along Vidarth's neck, "Wonder what'll happen to 
that apprentice that Impressed at Fort, T'lar.."

Veyath croons softly as her rider scrubs her, stretching out languidly in 
the pool.

Benden Weyr> Meli will let you ride Juliath with her Alyssa, if you want to 
get splattered ;)

Benden Weyr> Cerilla yas, Alyssa can come along. ;)

Lal ohs! "Umm....awright....let's try here now, and a little harder, eh?"

Alyssa grins and says, "Sorry, Ryialla..."

Lal scrubs a wee bit harder, attempting to match teh pressure with Vicoth's 

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Can i come along, I kinda need rope 
trai..err..nevermind ;)"

T'lar laughs. "Who knows? Depends on Susaen's mood." His eyes unfocus. "Uh 
oh, time for rope drills."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Just what I need to do...ride drills with the 
kamikaze weyrlings. See if I oil Quith again, Cerilla. :)"

Meli sighs, catching something from her dragon. She levers herself up out of 
the pool reluctantly.

Meli reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Kassima taps Lysseth's shoulder. "C'mon, skydancer. Time to get outta the 
bath and back to the cold." She heaves herself up out of the pool, followed 
by a grumbling dragon.

Lily blinks, "Rope drills?"

Benden Weyr> Aphrael laughs. :)

Benden Weyr> <Cerilla> Varquith mopes.

Ryialla surfaces. "*foop* What's up?"

You reluctantly climb out of the dragon pool.

Lysseth reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Aphrael grimaces and pulls herself up, climbing out of the pool.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa sighs at Varquith. No moping, you...you know I can't 
resist a mopey dragon. :)

Aphrael reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Meli dries off carefully before pulling on her clothes and stomping her feet 
into her boots.

Prefeth reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

T'lar reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Juliath reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Nicoth reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Alyssa looks around with a sigh. "Everyone's leaving?" she asks as she 
continues scrubbing Pliarth.

Kassima pulls on her clothes, then removes her towel and starts replacing 
Lysseth's straps as quickly as she can.

Nicoth croons an apology to Lal.

Aphrael shivers as she pulls on her clothes, watching the other sin the pool 

Ursa sighs and scrambles out of the pool. "Fun's over," she drawls as she 
dries hersef off.

T'lar says "rope drills."

Lal says "S'awright, sir! TWas fun!"

R'val grins, "More weyrling drills, eh? What fun."

T'lar dries and dresses.

Lal says "Waves madly at Nicoth, smiling."

Meli grins. "Yah, fun, sure."

Lily settles back, continuing her scrubbing of Vidarth. "Lal, you can help 
me over here.."

Benden Weyr> <Cerilla> Varquith mope mopes, and dips a claw in the blue dye 
and draws a big blue teardrop on the side of his weyr. ;)

Aphrael turns to Prefeth with a smile, eyes slightly faded as she speaks 
silently to the blue dragon. She slaps at her lifemate's side with 
affection, then uses his extended foreleg to climb up onto Prefeth's 

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You 
grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg.

<*> K'nan looks over, and chuckles. "Have fun, all..."

<*> Prefeth climbs across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.

<*> Ryialla climbs up on Pliarth, and scrubs at that bit of back she can't 
quite reach, otherwise. "I remember those days.."

<*> Meli sends her green along and follows behind on foot, letting Juliath 
drip-dry a bit more.

<*> Lily waves to the weyrlings, "Have fun in class!:

<*> Juliath climbs across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.

<*> Ryialla waves. "Have fun!"

<*> Meli picks her way across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.

You climb across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.

You lumber in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa oys at the weyrling spam. :)

<*> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael salutes over at Varquith and his rider.

<*> Spineth lumbers into the South Bowl area from the lake shore to the 

<*> Nicoth lumbers into the South Bowl area from the lake shore to the 

<*> Meli salutes, waiting while Juliath, at a safe distance, shakes her 
wings a bit, getting the last of the water off her gleaming hide.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar salutes and waits for instruction.

Kassima gives Varquith and Cerilla both sodden salutes, watching everyone 
else arrive.

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa salutes properly, though her clothes are crumpled and 
her hair dripping wet.

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Cerilla returns various salutes, and does 
her briefing atop Varquith, her voice loud and clear. "Okay, we're going to 
be pretending that this is the real thing. Blue dyed ropes are patchy 
thread, red dyed ropes are meant to be big clumps, and purple is stringy 
thread. Got it so far?"

<*> Meli climbs smoothly up Juliath's extended foreleg and settles herself 
between the neck ridges, as the green gives a welcome rumble from deep in 
her throat.

<*> From Prefeth's neckridges, Aphrael tucks her dripping hair under her 
helmet as she nods.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar nods. "Yes, ma'am."

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa nods quietly, quickly double-checking the straps.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli nods, buckling herself in carefully as she lends 
an ear.

Kassima nods, wrapping her wet braid into a coronet and shoving her riding 
helmet on top of it. "Aye, ma'am."

<*> Atop Varquith, Cerilla continues, "If you forget which is which... just 
try to keep the stuff off the ground. The more paint splattered your dragon 
is for this drill, the better. That means you kept it from hitting the 
ground. However.... flaming the rope is even better still. We'll practice 
the first bit without flaming, to give practice in getting yourselves in the 
right spots. Then Varquith will tell you when to start flaming the threads. 
Take care not to flame another dragon."

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Um, we assume they've been 
chewing already? >>

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Varquith nahs, you'll start chewing in a 

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla points to the firestone sacks that 
drudges are now passing up to the riders. "Have your dragons start chewing 
now, but also make sure you've some extra to pass to them while in the 
drill. You'll also have to throw bags to one another when more is brought up."

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli leans down to take a sack with a smile. She pulls 
out some Juliath sized chunks and feeds them to the green carefully.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar takes a couple of bags with thanks to the 
deliverer. Selecting some stone, he feeds it to Nicoth.

<*> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael takes the sack, resting it just in front of 
her. Prefeth cranes his neck around as Aphrael picks the stones carefully, 
placing them in his mouth.

Kassima accepts a sack, settling it in front of her as she opens it up and 
feeds the 'stones, one by one, to Lysseth.

<*> Juliath munch-a-crunches

<*> Spineth cranes his neck around to receive his firestone, chewing 

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla adds, "Varquith will be well above you 
of course, dropping threads. There will be a few other riders doing this as 
well, so don't expect them from any one source. We'll be imitating a few 
patterns. Varquith and I will act as Wingleader in telling you which 
patterns to fly, but will not actually be in the wing. Understood?"

<*> Prefeth crunches contenedly, eyes whirling.

<*> Lysseth crunches her stone noisily as Kassi gives another nod.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli nods again, tying the sack onto the straps as 
Julaith chews away.

<*> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael mutters something like 'second stomach' as shs 
nods in reply to the weyrlingmaster.

<*> Alyssa walks here from the north.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Is everyone ready? >>

<*> Nicoth munches on the stone, asking for a bit more.

<*> A warm cloak now around her shoulders, Alyssa folds her arms across her 
chest and regards the weyrlings with a gentle smile.

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa nods, listening carefully, tucking the sack between 
two neck ridges, looping it into place.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli gives Alyssa a grin. "Goin' to get splattered w'us?"

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  I am. >>

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We are ready. >>

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We are ready. >>

Dragon> Spineth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Ready. >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We, too, are ready. >>

<*> Alyssa chuckles. "I think, Meli, that my unskilled self is better off 
here on the ground, watching you all work."

Benden Weyr> Aphrael giggles. Outta my head Meli. :)

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar says "We'll take you up, Lyssa."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Nice, Kassi ;)"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Um, why do you all want me to get splattered? :)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima grins at Meli. "Well, I didn't want to be totally 
unoriginal. Just somewhat." :)

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Cerilla calls out, "Simple V pattern, Two 
levels: Browns and Bronzes at the head, greens and blues below to catch."

<*> Alyssa grins and tugs on an earlobe. "T'lar, really...you and Nicoth 
have enough to do without having a spindly dragonhealer hanging on. Now mind 
Cerilla and forget I'm watching," she winks.

Kassima finishes attaching the sack to Lyss's straps and settles back, 
listening intently.

<*> Juliath moves out to the end of the V at Meli's silent request.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar nods in agreement to Cerilla, already forgetting 
his joking comment to Alyssa.

<*> Varquith shuffles about, watching the weyrlings get into formation. He 
seems rather overloaded with a plethora of sacks dripping different coloured 
dyes down his neck.

<*> Lysseth ambles over to assume her position at the other end of the V, 
opposite of Juliath.

<*> Nicoth moves to the front of the forward V.

<*> Prefeth moves down towards Juliath as he watches Varquith.

<*> Spineth settles into position just behind Nicoth and to his left.

<*> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael blinks and turns to peer over at Meli with a 
grimace. She sticks out her tongue.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli laughs softly, then returns her attention to Cerilla.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla looks towards Alyssa, frowning 
thoughtfully for a moment. "Alyssa," she calls out, "Would you like to come 
up and help with the ropes? Might make it more challenging for them."

<*> From Prefeth's neckridges, Aphrael snorts at Meli, shaking her head as 
she waits.

<*> Alyssa blinks, then smiles brightly. "My pleasure, Cerilla.

<*> Atop Varquith, Cerilla rummages in the large pack always attached to 
Varquith's straps, and pulls out a flight jacket and helmet. "Here, put this 
on and c'mon up."

<*> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael tucks her head up well under her helmet, not 
looking at Juliath's rider as she does.

<*> Alyssa smiles thankfully, trades cloak for jacket and helmet, swinging 
up with ease onto Varquith.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar checks the firestone sacks again to ensure that 
they are well attached.

<*> Alyssa climbs onto Varquith's lowered foreleg, then clambers up the 
riding straps to settle between his neck ridges.

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Cerilla raises her hand high in the air, 
and drops it in the signal to launch.

<*> Varquith leans back on his haunches, extending his huge brown wings, and 
leaps easily into the air.

<*> Varquith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry 
him aloft.

<*> Nicoth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry 
him aloft.

<*> Prefeth bugles happily as he extends his wings before sweeping them 
downward, rising into the sky with a flick of his tail.

<*> Prefeth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry 
him aloft.

<*> Juliath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry 
her aloft.

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust 
as she takes to the skies.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to 
carry you aloft.

<*> Varquith soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

<*> Juliath soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

<*> Prefeth soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

<*> Nicoth soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

You soar upwards and into the open sky above the Weyr.

Benden Weyr> Cerilla egads, Vyrinth is *still* here?

[Editor's Note:  I left that in mostly for nostalgia. ;)  For some
reason, F'mir's green Vyrinth was hovering in the Southern Bowl
Airspace for months.  I don't believe she ever did leave until 
F'mir was idledested.]

<*> Varquith flies out over Benden and disappears over the rim of the bowl.

<*> Spineth flies up from the southern half of the bowl.

<*> Prefeth flies out over Benden and disappears over the rim of the bowl.

<*> Nicoth flies downward towards the entrance of the Weyr.

You fly over the rim of the bowl and out over Benden proper.

<*> Juliath flies in from the direction of Benden Weyr.

<*> Spineth flies in from the direction of Benden Weyr.

<*> Varquith circles high above, bugling to the other dragons.

<*> Nicoth flies in from the direction of Benden Weyr.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << This is where we will hold 
the drill. Maintain formation and watch for the 'leading edge'. >>

<*> Prefeth warbles in reply, moving just ahead of Juliath, behind some of 
the larger blues in the formation.

<*> Juliath and the rest of the green-blue formation take up position below 
the others.

<*> Nicoth forms up and watches.

<*> Prefeth shifts slightly, whirling eyes fixed above as he waits.

<*> Lysseth keeps her place near the end of one half of the blue-green V, 
ahead of the smaller greens and just behind the equal-sized blues. She 
descends with the rest of them, warbling quietly and then waiting.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Threadfall Comm with << So, for now we just block 
the ropes physically? >>

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Cerilla pulls out a clump of red strands, 
and separates them a bit as she tosses them into the air. She calls out, 
"Remember, no flaming just yet! Just get into position!" The reddish strands 
sail downwards, flying off to the left of Spineth.

<*> Prefeth turns his head to watch the descent of the red ropes above.

<*> Nicoth heads for the heavy clump of Thread, getting beneath the leading 
edge and flying through the patch.

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa blinks, then lets out a cry. Spineth dives, and 
manages to get Ursa splattered with red paint as he tries to catch the clump 
with his back. several red ropes go spinning outwards in several directions.

<*> Atop Varquith, Cerilla passes Alyssa some purple strands, then pulls out 
a huge clump of blue. She separates these into two long clumps and tosses 
them over. One clump gets pushed by the winds, missing the first dragons 
altogether, and flies towards Juliath. The other drops straight down, 
towards Nicoth.

<*> Juliath gives an extra wing beat, moving forward and up slightly, 
managing to catch the blue clump on her snout before it continues to fall.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Alyssa separates the blue clumps and tosses them 
downward; one section floats toward Prefeth, the second one catches a whiff 
of breeze and falls toward Lysseth.

<*> Nicoth turns and angles back for the dropping ropes. He catches some of 
his head and some on his right wing. Several fall just past his right side.

<*> Atop Varquith, Alyssa really sent down purple strands. :)

<*> Spineth dives after some of the ropes he missed, a futile dive. Quickly, 
he pulls up and gets back into position, pulling forward to see if Nicoth 
needs some help.

<*> Lysseth adjusts position and wings left slightly, the purple ropes 
hitting her shoulder and splattering both her and Kassima quite nicely. She 
returns to her spot in the formation, rumbling.

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Cerilla surpresses a laugh at Ursa's 
splattered appearance, but nods pleasedly at the pair's performance. "Good 
job!," she calls out. Pulling out some more ropes, she passes a few back to 
Alyssa, and drops the rest over Varquith's neck. Reddish ropes twist in the 
air, falling directly toward Juliath.

<*> Prefeth stretches forward without further ado, aiming for the purple 
patch, wings beating quickly. Maybe too quickly, he catches some on his 
flank and tail, other bits sailing off as he heads down after them.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Rill says you are doing 
well. The next clumps that come down, you shall try to flame. Clumps that 
make it to the second level should be chased down, if possible. >>

<*> Nicoth bugles to the others to catch the ones that got away and turns 
his bespattered head back to face the leading edge.

<*> Juliath bugles, banking slightly, the end result being that the red 
lands on her neck, just about hitting Meli square in the face. Meli pushes 
them off and wipes futilely at her goggles.

<*> Prefeth pulls back up into position as the last of the thread spirals 
away, peering upwards yet again.

<*> The wind shifts, and increases in strength. It becomes more difficult to 
stay in formation and chase the ropes at the same time.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Alyssa takes another section of rope and 
separates them into two groupings again, this time green tendrils falling 
directly toward Juliath, the other toward Spinath, as if aimed.

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa breaths deeply, panting as though she were doing as 
much work flying as Spineth.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli calls something that gets lost in the wind, even 
as Juliath lets out a fairly decent *whoosh* of flame, catching most of the 
ropes and turning them into black dust. Some falls through, however.

<*> Spineth dives towards the green clump, but a little too late, and his 
flame falls short, the green clump drifting unharmed below him, towards the 
lower level.

<*> One of the other riders drops an entire sack of ropes over the neck of 
his blue dragon, the purple mess falling in huge clumps toward Nicoth and 
Lysseth. The wind spreads them out, making a veritable chain of purple 
dropping through the air.

<*> Juliath banks down to follow the last strand, catching it in another 
flame, but she's out of position now and must wing stiffly to rise back into 

<*> Atop Varquith, Alyssa grabs a handful of bright yellow strands and 
throws them over Varquith's side, and the entire mess floats downward toward 

<*> Nicoth banks and heads for the ropes. His flame is strong and covers a 
wide area, perhaps a bit too wide. The clumps ahead and to the right are 
seared to dust. But he overextended the flame past the falling ropes.

<*> Lysseth bugles and beats her wings, rising upwards to meet the ropes. 
She lets loose with a torrent of blazing orange-gold flames, charring what 
falls to her into ash, cinders, and nothingness. Trumpeting with 
satisfaction, she drops back into place, battling with a tricky crosscurrent 
for a moment.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar quickly feeds Nicoth more stone with a pat of 

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Varquith OOCly hees as Alyssa starts 
inventing new colours. Okay, yellow means, umm... er... get ready to look 
like an overgrown lemon?

<*> Prefeth wings up a bit more slowly, this time meeting the patch of 
'thread' head on. With a woosh, he lets out a gout of flame, most of the 
rope charred to nothing, while a patch grace's Aphrael's right arm and sails 
past. Prefeth banks and dives shallowly.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Juliath liked the green too. Very Easter 
festive, all these nice colors :)

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  Big yellow schoolbus. >>

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Lysseth ooohs, yellow! Like Cioth! Big 
yellow--ack, Nicoth, get out of my mind.

<*> Spineth pulls up back into the position, reluctantly letting the clump 
escape. His Rider pats him reasssuringly, and then feeds him more firestone.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Tidranth wonders what mischief y'all are 
getting up to without me to supervise it.

<*> Prefeth flames the part of the thread, allowing one of the closer blue 
weyrling dragons to finish the job as it floats into his section.

<*> Lysseth turns her head to receive a fresh installment of firestone, 
chewing it with loud crunching noises.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Remember to skip between 
if the patch will hit you or your rider. Now that you are flaming, only 
drops of dye from the rope should be hitting you, not the ropes themselves. >>

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, A brownrider grins at the weyrlings and 
throws three handfuls of red ribbons downward, two toward Nicoth, one large 
clump hurtling toward Juliath.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Does this room have a dtu? >>

<*> That same brownrider gets bonked in the face with a bucket of dye as the 
wind picks up. :P

<*> Nicoth rises to meet the falling clumps, flaming the ropes into nothing. 
He veers off at the top of the clump to chase the clump heading toward 
Juliath. He flames the top of that clump. Suddenly, he veers off as the 
flame reaches too close the green.

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa flies forwards to help get the thread spinning 
towards Nicoth, flaming a rope that comes his way, aiming his flame 
carefully away from the bronze.

<*> A greenrider wings up from below, and begins tossing sacks of firestone 
to the riders. He signals to Meli first, and gives a mighty heave as the 
firestone sack goes sailing through the air to her.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  I am sorry. I was <too 
helpful> >>

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Alyssa twists around in her seat to throw 
two clumps of psuedo-Thread toward the flaming weyrlings, watching as they 
fall toward Lysseth and Spineth.

<*> Juliath flames at the clump aiming at her, then must veer suddenly to 
avoid Nicoth's flame, a last rope bouncing off a wing. As she banks, Meli 
leans over sideways to clutch at the thrown sack, just barely catching it. 

<*> Several more strands drift down towards Prefeth, these ones clumped 
together thickly. The wind comes in gusts now, making the patch dip and 
swerve erratically.

<*> Lysseth backwings, narrowly missing the wingtip of the green behind her 
as she veers to the side. She blasts the clump with another burst of fire, 
then, seeing that some dusty cinders remain, flames again--determined to 
make sure the rope cannot possibly remain 'dangerous'.

<*> Prefeth banks just slightly, trying to keep level with the patch. He 
lets out a burst of flame, catching part of the thread. With a deft twist, 
he follows the thread's progress, charring the ropes to dust.

<*> Nicoth moves to back up Prefeth, staying closely in formation.

<*> Juliath returns to her spot, leveling out. Meli eyes the splatter of 
paint left on her wing and shakes her head.

<*> Spineth beats his wing hard to pull closer to the falling clump, his 
enthusiastic flame charring about half the clump into ash. He follows the 
clump down, trying to finish it off, then suddenly winks between as the 
clump gets puffed by the wind towards his snout.

<*> The firestone-bearing greenrider signals T'lar next, his dragon winging 
slighty above Nicoth as he throws the sack expertly.

<*> Lysseth looks somewhat like a rainbow dragon as she swerves into 
formation again, a bit more smoothly than she left it. Kassi wipes some 
splattered dye from her goggles and watches the skies carefully.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar reaches up to catch the sack as Nicoth suddenly 
veers back toward the leading edge of the fall.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Alyssa gets more purple threads and looks 
downward at the weyrlings as if aiming, then she tosses the strands over the 
side. A few drift Nicoth's way while the others float toward Prefeth. "This 
is rather unnerving," she sighs as a weyrling is splattered.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli ties the new sack in place, taking the time to 
feed some more 'stone to Juliath, who turns her now more-blue-than-green 
snout around to take it.

<*> Nicoth winks out as he spies the falling ropes a bit too late. He 
reappears above the clump and dives on it, flaming.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla grins back at the woman seated behind 
her. "Nah, this is fun. What's unnerving is the real thing." She sobers for 
a moment, then empties the rest of a blue sack down towards the wing below. 
The ropes spread out in a sheet-like pattern, going for Lysseth and Spineth.

<*> Prefeth pauses just a moment, the rises up to meet the purple ropes. 
This time he's getting better, and manages to char almost all of the thread, 
only a strip of it splattering his hide.

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, The firestone-bearing greenrider signals 
Nicoth again, evidently wanting him to catch a few more that he can then 
pass to the riders near him. He tosses another sack, then one more as he 
sees T'lar catch the first.

<*> Lysseth spreads her purple-red-blue-green wings and again rises from 
place, tail flicking as she chars a patch of ropes here--then turns to blast 
another part of the sheet with another fountain of flame. She still gets 
dotted with blue here and there, and Kassi's head receives a healthy amount 
of dye.

<*> Spineth chews several more firestone rocks, then backwings to get out of 
the way of the new ropes, flaming in a wide arc, managing to get more ropes 
than he has before.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar catchs the first sack and tosses it on to the 
next rider. He turns back in time to catch the third sack. There isn't 
enough time to pass it on before the third sack comes hurling his way. 
Placing it across his lap, he snags the third, barely.

<*> Atop Varquith, Alyssa hrms and takes a bag to follow Cerilla's example, 
dumping the contents so that a dense and realistic pattern of the red ropes 
fall downward toward Prefeth and Juliath. "What's frightening is the thought 
of this BEING real Thread," she muses.

<*> Atop Varquith, Cerilla comments, "It sure wouldn't be in bags." She 
empties another sack down over the weyrlings, these floating towards the 
already busy Nicoth and Lysseth. A few strands float further, towards 
Spineth, these spread out so they'd be hard to catch.

<*> Juliath bugles as the clumps approach, she's not going to miss any this 
time. A large burst of flame streams forth as she sweeps around to sear at 
the ropes, til even the ashes seem to disappear in the heat. Overkill.

<*> Prefeth barely has time to move back into place before the second lot of 
ropes, this time a larger patch, heads towards him. Flaming for a moment, he 
suddenly stops, turning his head to recieve more stone as his rider blushes 

<*> From atop Nicoth, With a roar, Nicoth sweeps toward the falling clump. 
His flame is a bit weak and he misses a few. Turning his head, he mananges 
to follow the tumbling mass with the flame, sending dust and dye splatters 
back onto T'lar.

<*> Atop Spineth, Ursa points suddenly, her mental communtication with 
Spineth punctuated by several loud shouts and incoherent mumbles.

<*> Lysseth beats her wings frantically, swerving to the right this time to 
sear part of the clump. She inhales deeply and then flames the rest of 
it--but runs out of fire and quickly turns her head for fresh 'stone. As 
soon as she's received enough, she swallows and dives after the patch she 
missed, turning it to naught but cinders.

<*> Prefeth warbles, this time fully stocked as he moves down after the 
clumps, soaring around and flaming to catch just about the whole lot of 
them, while others drift off towards some of the other weyrlings.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla blinks downward towards Juliath, and 
frowns slightly. She looks up just in time to catch a sack of dyed rope from 
another rider above her, then unceremoniously dumps it over the weyrlings. 
These spread out in the gusty wind, barely catching the edge of the wing -- 
most will fall well outside their immediate reach.

<*> Spineth emits a large flame, but sears only one strand. He dives, 
following another wispy rope with a long, sustained flame. The thread gives 
in just as his flam,e finally wears out.

<*> Astride Juliath, Even as they begin to return to formation, Juliath and 
Meli spot the new clumps and must wing around, spiraling down and back as 
they catch the wind, flaming at them valiantly, but hopelessly out of position.

<*> Nicoth hands Nicoth more stone and sees the ropes falling way over to 
the side. He yells to the others, not being heard over the wind, and points.

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Alyssa chuckles softly at Cerilla's comment 
and watches for a moment, critically and with great interest. "This is 
interesting," she says to the Weyrlingmaster. "I can see how Scores occur, 

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Varquith * rotfl and gets this hilarious 
picture of Nicoth valiantly pointing.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar *oops, well you get the idea.

<*> Lysseth crunches another installment of stone, then turns and starts to 
chase down the flying clumps as they fall out of her immediate reach. Caught 
by an unexpected updraft, she roars and fights against it stubbornly, 
lashing out at the clumps with flame--but only singeing the edges. Bugling 
desperately, she gives another wingbeat and moves close enough to char some 
of the clumps--but there's still plenty left for the others.

<*> Prefeth peers upwards, and with a warning warble, wings up further to 
meet some of the rope, charring at will, and stopping only when he's on the 
edge of flaming another dragon. He drops back into place, waiting as more 
drifts downwards.

<*> Spineth climbs back into position, just in time to see a long rope 
descending on him. He winks between quickly, but not before the rope leaves 
a colourful line sacross Ursa's flight gear and his rear haunch.

<*> Juliath spirals round, beating her wings rapidly to rise back into 
formation, even as Meli struggles to find more 'stone to feed her. The rider 
can almost be seen shaking her head.

<*> Nicoth winks out of sight and position and winks back in on the other 
side of the fall. He powers in, flaming the ropes to dust. One gets past and 
hits his shoulder and T'lar's leg. He manages to keep his flame above the 
other dragons.

<*> The wind shifts around now, almost by 180 degrees. It decreases in 
strength, surprising after the gusts that have been throwing the threads 
around. The problem now is, that most riders will still overcorrect for 
gusts. A bluerider dumps a pile of yellow ropes down over the wing, these 
falling in immense, thick clumps.

<*> Lysseth flames again in a hopeless attempt to reach the ropes, and then 
heeds Kassima's warning cry--another clump is coming from above. Faster than 
the eye can see, she's blinked *between* to avoid it, and blinks back into 
position almost as quickly.

<*> Prefeth wings forward as he spots the blue dragon near him in trouble. 
He lets out a short burst of flame, charring the part that was aiming 
directly towards the blue's rider.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Varquith will do one more, and then head 
you all down.

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Cerilla peers thoughtfully down at the 
dragons, then a mischievous look comes to her and she dumps the rest of the 
sacks over. The rest of the riders do the same, and a plethora of ropes 
comes barrelling down towards the weyrlings.

<*> Nicoth slips back into position and misses by yards as the wind shifts. 
A clump of ropes passes by him completely unchecked.

<*> Prefeth banks and rises to meet the yellow ropes, almost soaring past 
them. He adjusts his position by turning slightly and flames as he dives 
after them.

<*> Juliath, her energy flagging somewhat, heads up to catch a patch of the 
yellow that's heading their way, expecting them to disperse more on the 
now-calmer winds, and at the last moment, she and her rider wink into 
*between* still flaming, then back again, unfortunately right into a large 
clump of this new batch. The pair are well and truly splattered.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla has disconnected.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa acks! Cerilla disconnected and I'm stuck on Varquith! :)(

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Juliath cuts that last one up into 
smaller chunks, sorry (gah, run-ons)

<*> Nicoth bugles at the incredible mass of falling ropes. He soars upwards 
charring a sizable part of the plummeting mass to ash and dust. THis time, 
he gets the winds right and does his part.

Benden Weyr> R'val hopes Varquith doesn't tire anytime soon :)

<*> Prefeth is so intent on the earlier thread, that he almost doesnt notice 
the new ropes. A dragon bugles a warning above him, and he winks *between* 
barely in time, appearing in his position as he struggles to deal with the 
huge amounts of ropes.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa has faith in Quith. There are dragons who have orbited 
the bowl for months, Uri. :)

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Cioth!"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Such as Vyrinth, Alyssa."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa grins. Yeppers, Cioth and Vyrinth come to mind. :)

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Vyrinth has Cioth beat ;)"

<*> Lysseth trumpets and blazes at the blue ropes above her, Kassi getting 
hit with more ash and dye. The pair are forced to skip *between* to avoid a 
purple patch, then Lyss wings right once she reappears to attack a red clump 
with a vicious roar! It disappears in a burst of orange-gold!

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  My lifemate and I have to 
go. Tell Cerilla for us. Thanks. >>

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth warbles to Nicoth. << Take care. >>

Dragon> Spineth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << my player had to idle. 
sorry. >>

<*> Spineth dives after the last clump, flaming as much as he can to ash, 
but his flame gives out sooner than he expected, and several ropes drift 
downwards, unharmed.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Weyrlings, thanks for letting me sit in on your 
drill. I think dragonhealers should do this sort of thing...educational and 
all that. :)"

Benden Weyr> Meli thinks you'd be really busy tonight if it had been real 
thread ;)

Benden Weyr> Alyssa notes that she has way too much to do on the ground to 
be on dragonback during 'Falls. :P :)

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla has connected.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Rill says you have all 
done very well, and look very colourful. We will head down now and get 
cleaned up. >>

<*> Varquith flies off towards Benden Weyr in the distance.

<*> Juliath, her energy flagging, follows.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth rumbles tiredly in reply.

<*> Juliath flies off towards Benden Hold and the WineCraft Hall.

<*> Prefeth flies off towards Benden Weyr in the distance.

You fly towards Benden Weyr and look down into the large caldera.

<*> Juliath appears over the rim of the bowl from the direction of Benden 

<*> Varquith flies downward towards the south end of the bowl.

<*> Spineth appears over the rim of the bowl from the direction of Benden 

<*> Prefeth flies downward towards the south end of the bowl.

You fly downwards towards the south end of the bowl.

<*> Above, Juliath flies out over Benden and disappears over the rim of the 

<*> Varquith flies downwards towards the bowl.

<*> Spineth glides down from above.

<*> Prefeth flies downwards towards the bowl.

Benden LC> K'nan looks rather guiltily down into his klah.

You fly downwards towards the bowl.

You backwing for a landing.

<*> Above, Juliath appears over the rim of the bowl from the direction of 
Benden territory.

<*> Spineth backwings for a landing.

<*> Juliath backwings for a landing.

<*> Cerilla quickly slides down Varquith's foreleg and jumps to the ground 
lightly, turning to pat his muzzle affectionately as he rumbles to her.

<*> From Prefeth's neckridges, Aphrael unstraps herself, rubbing at the 
paint splattered clothes.

<*> Aphrael climbs down from Prefeth's neckrides with practised ease, 
reaching up to give her lifemate a thankful scritch as the blue dragon crooons.

<*> Atop Juliath, Meli unbuckles herself from Juliath's riding straps.

Kassima unfastens her straps, which are now mostly purple. A rather 
interesting effect, actually.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Astride Juliath, Meli unties the remaining sacks, letting them fall to the 
ground, then lifts her splattered goggles up onto her head.

Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to the 
ground, giving her a gentle caress.

Cerilla surpresses an amused smile at the sight of the rainbow Weyrlings, 
and nods appreciatively at them. "You all did very well, considering it was 
your first 'real' threadfall. That was as close to it as you can get without 
actually being in one. You experienced every type of thread pattern, or as 
near to, as you'll get."

Atop Spineth, Ursa touches Spineth's back toughtfully, her fingers dragging 
across the splotches of paint. She sighs, then snaps out of her reverie, 
quickly unfastening the straps.

Ursa climbs carefully down with the assistance of Spineth's extended forelimb.

Meli exhales loudly, eyeing all the paint on her lifemate, especially those 
rather ominous streaks on the wingsails. She listens carefully to Cerilla.

Kassima tugs off her blue helmet and glances down at herself. This riding 
gear is never going to be the same. Kind of interesting now, though.... She 
drags herself out of this contemplation to listen attentively.

Cerilla leans against Varquith, his own neck spatterd with colour as well. 
"Do you have any questions about that?"

Aphrael pulls off her helmet, rather pleased to see only a light paint 
coloring of her hair. She shoot a glance at Meli, grinning, then leans 
against Prefeth as she listens.

Ursa leans wearily against Spineth, nodding quietly, reaching out again to 
touch the coloured spots, her eyes narrow with worried, serious thought.

Aphrael clears her throat slightly, "That last time, ma'am, when all the 
rope came down really fast - is that what its really like? All frantic and 

Meli shakes her head, mumbling to herself, unhappily. She nods at Aph's 

[Editor's Note:  At this point, I had to go, so the log ends.]