-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Even Odds Date: March 17, 1998 Places: Bitra Hold's Great Hall and Gambling Den Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Even though this log is more playing with code toys than anything (and thus might, at intervals, be better to scroll through than to try and read in entirety), how could I not post it? It's the only chance Kassi ever had to beat Bitra's Lord Holder at a game of chance! Many thanks go to the Bitra folk who organized this event; it was fun, and I've had a soft spot for the Even Odds ever since. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Public announcement: Cetirre announces "The reopening of Bitra's newly refurbished Gambling Den is about to take place! Come one, come all, we've got lots of great games and even a contest or two! The festivities will continue into the evening, with the awarding of the prizes at 9:30PM EST. +go bitra-gh,gd" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Dang. What a good time to have come online. :)" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn pounceaKassilass! Telgar Weyr> Mehlani grins to Kassi. E'rian there with bells on? ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Bells, loaded dice, and marked cards all three, 'Lani. ;)" You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring from Lysseth's Ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring into the sky above the Northern Bowl. The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! You descend to the Drum and Fire Heights. <*> Pleiath calls a greeting to Lysseth. <*> Lysseth bugles greetingly to the dragons arrayed on the heights, finding a clear spot for herself and settling down on it with a snort at the swirling snow. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Dragon> Pleiath bespoke Lysseth with << I wish some of our bronzes would arrive. They are very good at blocking the wind. >> You descend the steps against the face of the cliff, open a metal-shod door, and step back into the hold itself. You walk down the stairs to the second floor. You choose the stairs leading down. Ofira smiles, "Thank you. Well, your parents must be very prooud of you! You're a dragonhealer ..." she looks at his knot. "Senior dragonhealer!" Siara tugs at Fahloran's hand, "The cremony is begining I think." J'lan walks out the main doors to the courtyard. Fahloran glances at his own knot. "Well, Shandra is still the Senior senior... Oh, okay, Siara. Nice seeing you again, Ofira." Ofira nods, smiling. "Nice to see you too Fahloran." Fahloran parts the curtains in the southwest corner of the room and enters the gambling den. Siara parts the curtains in the southwest corner of the room and enters the gambling den. Kassima steps into the room, looking about with her eyebrows quirked. "Was that Fahloran I just missed?" she wonders. "Heya, Ofira... I hope I'm nay too late for the ceremony?" Patrice comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard. Garrick comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard. Ofira smiles at Kassima as she juggles the baby and all her bags. "I think they're jus t starting. I don't know where J'lan's gotten to!" seh says distresed, "Oh, and can you belivve that tall young man was Fahloran? With a pregnant weyrmate?" she syas, still shocked. Patrice parts the curtains in the southwest corner of the room and enters the gambling den. Garrick looks over at the curtains of the gambling den, swallows, mutters "Why'd I let 'Mante talk me inta this?", and enters the den. Kassima blinks, taken aback by *that*. "*Pregnant* weyrmate? Dear shells and shards--this is a tale I've got t'hear. If'n you're going to the celebration, I can give you a hand with those bags--and oh, Ofira, your son looks such a bonny lad! I'm sorry I didn't stop t'see you while 'twere infirmary-bound, but, well... let's just say 'twas nay in the proper frame of mind for being around children." Robyn climbs down the stairs from the second floor. Ofira smiles at Kasimma gratefully, "Oh, thank you very much! Lets' go in there, shall we?" Garrick parts the curtains in the southwest corner of the room and enters the gambling den. Robyn heads through at a quick pace, pressing through the small crowd. Robyn parts the curtains in the southwest corner of the room and enters the gambling den. You part the curtains and step into the gambling den. Candra looks through the crowd and smiles at Garrick waving to him. Ofira comes in from the rest of the great hall. Catalina looks over at Cetirre, destracted from Candra as the ribbon falls, and she applauds, smiling. Dorn claps and smiles over towards Catalina and his friends. Carow applauds as the ribbon is cut. "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" Bradamante sticks her fingers in her mouth and whistles over the applause, her little sister clapping as hard as she can from the perch on Mante's shoulders. Garrick waves back to Candra, searching the crowds for a certain Fort Weyr resident. Elif claps her hands..a lopsided grin on her face...this could be dangerous...she can't even shuffle cards Candra says softly to Catalina, "because gambling can be just like opening Pandora's box..." Patrice claps loudly then looks quizzically at the fire lizard dicing table. She wonders if she'd have any luck at the game. Ellwiny applauds enthusiastically, and laughs at Carow. Catalina looks at Candra even more curiously. "Who's Pandora?" Norri smiles at cAdfeal, "Vedra ccouldnt' come?" Siara parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Robyn cheers softly, coming to stand near the Lord and Lady holder. Alystraline grins sidelong at Carow as she claps, "Now don't go spending all your marks, Carow." Cadfael shakes his head, with a grin. "/Someone/" cue dark glance at Robyn, "seems to expect both of us to do work." Kassima did indeed take a bag or two from Ofira before stepping in, but this burden doesn't lessen her broad, and somewhat anticipatory grin a single whit. "Gambling!" she sighs happily. "What a lovely reason t'come a-travelling! Think you that I've a chance at winning enough t'pay for a wee gift for Kin and Kiat, Ofira?" Fahloran parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Cetirre notes to everyone OOCly that you should look at 'room help'. Places is in effect and must be used in order to use the gaming objects (other than dartboard and cribbage, which are just sitting here). :) Cetirre moves through the crowd, greeting everyone and pointing them in the direction of the various games. She gradually makes her way to the door and then slips through it quietly, leaving the party in the capable hands of her brother, the retired Lord Holder, and the other Bitran staffers. Carow smiles to his sister as she takes her leave. "Good luck, Cetirre. I'm sure it will come out well." Cetirre parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Ofira smiles at Kassima, searching the room for Emlyn, "Oh, I think so Kassi. You're usually lucky." Norri tsks at CAdfaels' answer, "That's a shame! Lets' try some of the games, - show them how it's done , shall we? Then you can tak e your winnings back to Vdra!" Elif grins and waves...taking her leave. Catalina hears the mention of marks and frowns, her face showing obvious disappointment. Oh well, she can still watch. Elif parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Patrice parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Soraya mutters to Bradamante, " Norri said... serve drinks... I... want... throw darts... darts... I like you..." Norri moves over to the trader wheel table. Garrick locates Bradamante (finally?) and begins making his way through the crowds toward her. Emlyn has Ofira's son in her charge. Girad's hand is in hers, and Emlyn is doing her best to charm the boy.,' Dorn moves over to the trader wheel table. Catalina moves over to the trader wheel table. Cadfael laughs softly. "Sorry, Norri. I'll watch. It gives the wrong impression if the guard gambles for marks." His eyes dance. "If you'd care for a game just to keep in practice, though.." Bradamante waves over to the trader, a 9 turn old little with a family resemblance propped on her shoulders using her ears as reins. Ofira makes her way over to Emlyn and Girad, "Well, I see your old friends already! Girad," she informs the boy, this is the Hold where mommy grew up." Norri smiles at Cadfale, "Alright. A practice game it is!" Candra follows Catalina and Dorn throught the crowd. Cadfael moves over to the trader wheel table. Dorn Home is the sailor--home from the sea Emlyn did not know that about Ofira and looks at her with widened eyes. Though now that she reflects on it, the master baker's accent couldn't be anything but. Garrick manages to squeeze in next to 'Mante, looking a bit ill at ease in the crowds. "Hey again, 'Mante. I don't know how I let ya talk me inta this." Carow wanders through the room, watching the marks fly. Happy. Ofira looks around, "So, which game shall we try first?" she asks the Telgar contingent. Soraya steers Bradamante toward the dart board, dimples flashing in her cheeks as she grins over at Norri. Dorn smiles as he picks up a third of a mark. "You try Cat!" Ellwiny pats a pouch hanging from her belt, and looks thoughtfully around the room. "Where to begin...?" she wonders to herself, then settles on wandering from group to group, watching the others before making a decision. Norri keeps an eye on Soraya as she places her bet and waits for the attendant to spin the wheel. Bradamante chuckles at Garrick "Relax, what your aunt don't know can't hurt you" Catalina clears her throat. "Oh, I dunno.." Kassima hefts the bags up onto her shoulders, and rubs her hands with a decidedly gleeful look. "With any luck, I may even wind up with enough t'purchase some of Grego's knives... the quesiton is, where t'be beginning?" A large slate appears to one side of the hall, a banner across the top reading: "BITRA HOLD GAMBLING DEN NAMING CONTEST". Below it sits a full tray full of chalks. A smaller sign sits to one side of the board, reading, "Please feel free to 'addidea <idea>' to the board!" (OOC: You sense that 'board help' is available.) Alystraline trails along with Carow, occasionally pausing at a prticularly interesting game. Garrick glances at the kid on 'Mante's shoulders, struggling to follow her. "Is that somebody I should know? An' Aunt Kanna wouldn't care anyway, it's just...crowds make me nervous." Ofira smiles, "Blackjack was always /my/ game." Carow turns around to find Alys in his wake. "So, do you want to play anything?" He opens up his purse and withdraws a Bitra 1/2 Mark piece. Emlyn lifts her hand at Ofira's question and defers. "I gamble enough every four days aloft. I simply wanted to show my support for the Bitrans. I miss overflying their fields." Soraya chatters down at Garrick "Hi I'm Soraya, I'm Mante's best sister. I live here, where do you live? Do you like Mante? Why ? What is your favorite flavor of bubbly? Would you get me a bubbly? Watch me throw this dart!" and it goes on and on... Ofira nods to Emlyn, sobering a bit. "Well, I see there are plenty of things to eat and drink and good company, as wellas the games." Dorn smiles at Norri. "Well how much did you get?" Tenefel comes in from the rest of the great hall. Soraya takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With consummate skill, Soraya sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but not in the exact middle--for shame. However, she gets a score of 75 points for her trouble! She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Norri smiles at Dorn, "I did prettywell. Red odd pays off two to one!" Ellwiny moves over to the trader wheel table. Dorn grins and nods. "Can I have a go again?" Soraya crows and claps her hands togeather exclaiming "Did you see that! I did that!" Tenefel moves over to the blackjack table. Kassima taps her mark pouch, considering. "Blackjack... well, I'm a poker woman more than aught else, but blackjack might be a good way t'be warming up. And they've darts, too! I adore darts--'tis nigh as good as blade-throwing." Robyn wows, having seen the holdchild toss. She calls, "Good job!" Garrick glances over at Bradamante. "Maybe I shouldn't o' asked." He turns back to Soraya, trying to be polite. "Handle's Garrick. Whew! Nice throw!" Catalina looks down at the wheel, utter confusion on her face. She's never gambled a day in her life. Emlyn frowns as Ofira seems to deflate. "You should enjoy yourself. Blackjack you said? There was a bull on our cothold with that name. Immense brute." Carow smiles as Tenefel enters the room. He announces somehow raising his voice above the din, "Everyone! Let's have a round of applause for Steward Tenefel who did most of the refurbishing of this room." he adds as an afterthought, "HE's my son-in-law." Dorn smiles and nods towards Ellwiny. "You take the next spin." Norri waves to Dorn and Catalina, "Sure. Come join us. No bets this time if you like!" Garrick applauds for Tenefel. Now THAT he can respect. Tenefel strides in, aiming for the blackjack table, but stops suddenly at Carow's words. Speechless, he looks around at the many faces, mostly strangers, who look at him, then completes his trip to the table. Ellwiny studies the wheel for a moment, then hears Dorn over the crowd and nods slightly to him. "Hold on a 'sec... it's been quite some time since I've done this." She grins lopsidedly. Alystraline grins faintly, "I thought you'd never ask... but I expect you to use that mark for yourself. I have my own." People stop to pat Steward Tenefel on the back as he passes them, whispering words of congratulations. Ofira laughs at that. "Well, I think I will give it a try Emlyn. Never too soon to teach Girad the game." Cadfael grins at Norri. "Now you see the other reason that I never bet." His hide token was on a black number rather further down Bradamante presses a dart in Garrick's hand and squeezes past him in the crowd til he has a clear shot. Robyn walks over to Tenefel, murmuring to him. Catalina sighs. "You're better off than me. I've never gambled before..no clue what I'm doing." Soraya takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With amazing grace, Soraya sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but it just misses the dead center--so close. However, she gets an amazing score of 75 points for her trouble! She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Dorn smirks. "I only gamble on me days off." Carow laughs at Alys, "This is a Bitran Mark. I'd never gamble with this. I prefer to use Ruathan or a Weyr mark when I'm not concentrating." Catalina snorts at Dorn. "And how often is that?" Dorn grins and whistles innocently. "Oooh, a day here or there." Tenefel leans over to Robyn. "I hope not!" Alystraline rolls her eyes good-humouredly, "Well, be as picky as you like, but save your marks until I take them at the blackjack table." Kassima murmurs ruefully, "Wish I could've brought Kaylira, but she'd manage t'filch someone's marks somehow and then I'd truly be dead. Still, mayhaps I can pick up a few tricks watching you, Ofira--and take 'em home t'show her, where she can't get into quite as much trouble!" Ellwiny idly fishes around in her mark pouch. Looking up at Catalina, she shrugs. "Truth be told, I mostly stuck to dragonpoker when I lived here." She raises an eyebrow at Dorn, then produces a 1/2 Ista Hold mark. Catalina wrinkles her nose and crosses her arms, pretending to glare at Dorn..she can't hide that smile, it's no use. "Show off." Candra whispers quietly to catalina,"the only wagering I've ever done was on runner races." Carow laughs. "As you wish. Come, what shall we play?" Norri places her bet quietly and takes another spin. Garrick scrutinizes the dart in his hand. "I hope I don't do too bad. This isn't a knife. Wish me luck, 'Mante, Soraya." Dorn grins and retrieves a dinky HalfCircle eighth. Catalina chuckles. "Yeah, but even living here, you're better off at gambling then I am. Maybe you can teach me dragonpoker some time?" Garrick takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Garrick throws a poorly thought-out shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a snoozing firelizard, which starts up and blinks *between* with a surprised trill. OOC: Don't forget to try and come up with a new name for this room! l contest for details. "showideas" to see what others have suggested. Tenefel shuffles the blackjack deck, flipping it over and back a few times with rather expert skill. He eyes those around the room. Alystraline turns to survey the room, tapping her fingers on her chin as she considers what is available. Carow laughs and points to Tenefel, "How about blackjack?" Bradamante giggles at Garrick "Nice shot, I wish Vivian could have seen that." refering to her weyrwoman with a reputation for disliking the critters. Robyn grins at Tenefel and remains where she is. Alystraline's eyes were already there, "Just what I was thinking..." Garrick lets out a yelp and turns away, covering his eyes. "Oh, shards! Poor thing, I hope it'll be all right." Alystraline moves over to the blackjack table. Soraya pouts at Garrick and shakes her head emphatically announcing "No like this! watch me!" Soraya takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a half-hearted toss, Soraya manages to sink the dart into the scarred outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Cadfael laughs softly, at two more 'losses'. "Mercy on me, Norri?" Norri moves over to the trader wheel table. Dorn grins and looks at Norri. "What was that one worth?" Emlyn takes her leave of the Telgar contingent. "Pardon me, Friends." She makes her way for the doorway back to the Great Hall. Ellwiny shrugs at Catalina. "We could try that table next, perhaps." She watches the wheel spin, absently turning the 1/2 mark over and over between her fingers. "Hmmm..." Norri smiles at Cadfael, "Maybe we should bet on whether or not you get to keep teasing me!" she laughs, in high spirits. She displays her winnings of a mark and a half to Dorn. Ofira waves to Emlyn, "Thank you for your help!" Catalina looks down at the wheel and wrinkles her nose again. Dorn grins towards Norri. "Now lass, tell me what mine was worth because I missed it" he says grinning. Garrick considers another dart. "Maybe I better not. I'm doin' damage already." Carow moves over to the blackjack table. Emlyn parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Candra says softly to Catalina, "I have to get some air. I will be out by the bowl." Bradamante lays a soothing hand on Garricks arm, her eyes dancing with laughter "How can you do any worse. You can only get better!" and urges another dart into his hand as her sister giggles beside her, gloating over her score. Catalina nods and smiles at Candra, giving her a gentle nudge for the exit. Candra parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Dorn nods towards Candra as she departs. "Aye, I think I'll go out too, tis gettin hot in here." Garrick shrugs. "Maybe you're right." He selects another dart. "But like I said, this ain't a knife." Norri smiles at Dorn, "You won that time!" Catalina eeps as "her trio" is reduced to an uno. Wonderful. Cadfael aws. "But I couldn't resist, Norri! Not unless you can use your influence to fetch Vedra and distract me" Garrick takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With great expertise, Garrick sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...just a little off from the center. However, he gets an outstanding score of 75 points for his trouble! After some searching for a marking utensil he adds the score to the score hide. Dorn grins and collects his marks. "Ah well I think I'll stop while I'm ahead then" he says as he strides towards the door. Dorn parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Catalina sighs and looks at Norri, "Help" apparent on her face. Norri laughs and gets up. "I'd better see how everyone else is doing." Garrick stares, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping. "Yipe. What an improvement." Carow opens his wallet and withdraws several quarter marks bearing various seals. "Okay, Tenefel. Let's see what you've got." Norri moves away from the trader wheel table. Soraya smugly announces "See, I showed him!" taking credit for Garrick's improvement. Kassima espies someone in the crowd, and threads her way through the throng over to a place near Bradamante. "Duties to Fort and her queens," she greets the bluerider cheerfully. "Just thought I'd check in and see whether that stove of yours has been delivered yet!" Ellwiny watches as several members of the group gathered around the wheel depart. She shrugs, though, still scrutinizing the wheel. "Alright, I see how this is going..." she murmurs, and looks towards Catalina. "Still confused?" Tenefel nods to Carow and Alystraline. "Going to try your luck, eh?" He shuffles the deck." Bradamante grins "Duties to Telgar and her queens, no stove yet! But they tell its soon." Carow turns around and asks randomly, "anyone else interested in a hand of blackjack?" Catalina nods. Ofira makes her way over to Carow and nods. "You must remmeber I alwyas liked the game, Carow," she smiles. Garrick takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Garrick throws a poorly aimed shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a snoozing firelizard, which starts up and blinks *between* with a surprised trill. Carow smiles to the Master Baker. "Have a seat then, Ofira." Ofira moves over to the blackjack table. Bradamante glances sideways at Garrick, then bursts into giggles, doubling up over her tummy. Carow shifts a bit closer to Alystraline to make room. Ofira makes herself comfortable, waiting for the hand to be dealt. Catalina hears a firelizard trill and looks over in the direction of the darboard, then glances at poor Garrick. "Nice try Garrick, give it another go!" She calls. Ellwiny's head lifts at the mention of a blackjack game. She hesitates, then decides to stay where she is. "Well, let's both bet on this next spin... d'you think the ball's going to land on red or black?" She puts the 1/2 mark back in her pouch, and pulls out a 1/4. Garrick shakes his head, managing something resembling a rueful smile. "From bust ta boom ta bust again. Maybe I better quit an' not do any more damage." Robyn nervously eyes the line for the dart board. Sharp things flying through the air make her nervous. Catalina hrms. "Um, black." Ellwiny grins. "Well... I'll say red. And here we go..." She reaches out to spin the wheel. Catalina snaps her fingers. Darn. Tenefel looks about the room. "Anyone else for Blackjack before we get started?" Kassima wrinkles her nose good-naturedly, flipping her braid back over her shoulder. "Grego certes is being slow about that delivery. If'n I make enough marks, I'm planning t'go back and see him again--I'll be certain t'needle him about it while I'm there!" Cadfael moves away from the trader wheel table. Ellwiny smiles brightly, and collects her winnings-- a 1/2 mark. "Easy, see? It's all luck, though. And I get twice what I bet." Bradamante slaps her forhead and ohhs "Oh no! Grego! I bet I know what happened. He got Searched." Cadfael grins at Norri. "Ever helpful? I think I'll be generally guard like" Ofira glances over , hearing Kassima and Bradamante, wondering about that oven herself. Garrick takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Garrick throws a wild shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Norri nods to Cadfael as she hustles off. "Anyone need a drink?" seh offers. "On the house, just today!" OOC: Don't forget to try and come up with a new name for this room! l contest for details. "showideas" to see what others have suggested. Thanks to those of you who have contributed. GREAT ideas. :) Catalina sighs. "Unfortunately, it doesn't matter, because I don't -have- any marks to begin with. I don't know why I'm here." She hears the mention of blackjack and smiles. "Why don't you join that game or something, I'll just go outside with my friends." Soraya claps and cheers for Garrick "See, no firelizard this time. You're doing better. Not as good as me, but I am wonderful. Just ask Norri, she loves me!" and dimples. Kassima blinks, and looks... stunned. "He got Searched?" Her voice rises a little. "He got Searched before he could sell me those knives he kept talking about?" Oh, no wonder she's upset. "Shells and shards! I'm going t'have t'go down to Ista and have a talk with him... and congratulate him too, a'course, but the knives are the critical thing." Garrick grimaces, looking around and hoping no one noticed. "Ooch, bad one atain." Carow laughs to his son, "Uh, Tenefel, a word of advise. Don't ask that question until AFTER the first few hands. There's such a thing as being /too/ polite." Garrick parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Norri keeps a watdchful eye on Soraya as she pours out wine for the visitors. Ellwiny nods, pocketing the marks. "Take care, then." Ellwiny moves away from the trader wheel table. Soraya sticks her tongue out at Garrick's back, grabbing a handful of snack mix from a bowl. Tenefel smiles and nods. "Well, then. Shall we?" WIthout waiting for an answer, he begins to deal. Catalina moves away from the trader wheel table. Catalina parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Bradamante nods at Kassima with a deep sarcastic sigh "Searched, you think he would know better and tell them no, I have to do a stove and some knives. Ungrateful boy" then winks. Ofira looks at her cards thoughtfully. Conner comes in from the rest of the great hall. Kassima folds her arms and grins, her momentary alarm dissipating as quickly as it appeared. "Ach, 'tis of nay matter. I'll simply go to Ista and get him to tell me where I can find those knives. Besides... I've a bit of a story to tell him, too." Glancing about the room, she wonders, "Which of these games d'you fancy, if'n I might inquire?" Norri makes her way over to the Telgar rider and Fort rider. "Wine?" she offers, with a bright smile, briefly interupting their conversation. Conner moves over to the trader wheel table. Conner smiles wickedly as he claims his marks for the good round. Ofira bittes her lip, staring at the cards, looking to see what Carow bets. Bradamante shrugs at the games admitting "I stink like rock at all of them. So I play Darts out of the need to hit something when I lose." Kassima's face lights up at the W-word. "Duties to Bitra and her Lady, Headwoman," she greets formally before asking with some hope, "Is it of Benden's brewing, perchance?" Bradamante smacks her forhead and rushes to add "Fort's duties to Bitra and her Lady" also, but stays silent on the question of wine with the blank look of someone who doesn't know white from red except by shade. Norri smiles at the greenrider, "And Bitras' Duty to Telgar and her queens. It is indeed a Benden wine. Nothing but the best for this celebration. Shall I pour you a glass? Oh, And Bitras' duty to Fort and her queens as well!" Kassima chuckles ruefully at Bradamante. "Nay shame in that," she quips. "I somehow suspect I wouldn't have become so fond of knife-throwing if'n 'tweren't the case there. I'm rather fond of all the games, though... oh, if'n 'tis Benden, I'd be eternally in your debt, Headwoman. Thankee most kindly!" Norri smiles, eyes bright and pours the wine. "Have you come up with a name idea for our new gambling hall, rider?" she inquires. Ellwiny winds her way through the crowd towards the blackjack table, occasionally pausing to greet an old friend or two. Spotting Robyn over a few heads, she waves to the Steward. "Heya!" Soraya greedily grabs for a drink off a tray and just ends up dumping the whole thing on herself. She runs fromt he roms, peeking over her shoulder to watch Norri. Soraya parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Bradamante takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Bradamante throws an erratic shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Carow goes reluctantly back to the real world, leaving the warmth of his friends behind. Ofira taps her fingers, pondering her bet. Kassima admits in a leisurely drawl, her light brogue adding a lilt to the words, "A pair of 'em, aye, though someone beat me to the one 'twas intending to suggest. Odd how often 'iniquity' seemed t'pop up...." With a wink, she takes up the glass of wine and nods her grateful thanks for it. "Too kind, Headwoman. Have you plans t'do any gambling yourself?" She masterfully suppresses a cringe at Bradamante's throw. Bradamante winces and finds something less destructive Bradamante moves over to the blackjack table. Ellwiny moves over to the blackjack table. Conner moves away from the trader wheel table. Conner moves over to the lizard dice table. Norri glances at Bradamante's throws. "I see it runs in the family!" She nods to Kassima, smiling, "Oh, yes - I've alreayd won a bit at the trader wheel. Please - call me Norri." Tenefel folds Carow's cards as the retired Lord Holder is called away from the table. He turns to Alystraline. "Miss? Hit or stay?" Bradamante chuckles at NOrri "Luckily Caliath has better aim with his flame" Norri laughs, "I never thought of that! I'm glad to hear it!" she says to Bradamante. Kassima takes a small sip of the wine, her eyes widening with a connisseur's appreciation of the vintage. "Finest, indeed," she agrees. Smiling, she retorts, "In that case, call me Kassima, or preferrably Kassi. Well met--though I believe we've met before, have we nay? At the last Benden Spring Games, perhaps? I could be thinking of someone else, I suppose." Conner frowns at his luck at the dice table. Norri nods, thinking back, "Yes, I think we did. I was there with a man called Mac. Kassima," she agrees. Alystraline considers her cards for a moment, before saying, "I'll stay, I think." Oshay comes in from the rest of the great hall. Ofira nods slightly at Alystralines' answer. Tenefel nods, looking to Ofira. "And you ma'am?" Cadfael quietly makes his excuses, wandering off towards a spell on watch Ofira nods. "I'll take a card." Oshay peeks in quietly, to see how things are going.... Ellwiny watches the ongoing game of blackjack with idle interest, her eyes wandering occasionally towards the less-congested main hall. Cadfael parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Kassima remarks with some interest, "You mentioned a Trader Wheel... I don't believe I've played at such a thing a'fore. I take it 'tis that great spinning circle yonder?" Trader Wheel: A rather ornate wheel, roughly a foot and a half in diameter. The interior is a cone shaped with a ring at the apex of the cone. Along the outside edge is a series of small 'pockets' which are of alternating colors. Embossed within those are numbers: zero, double zero and one through thirty six. A small glass ball sits within one of the numbers when the wheel is not in use. The wheel can rotate slowly about its axis and there is a ridge which is the width of the small glass ball around the outer rim just outside the row of pockets. It looks like a gambling device of some kind. (OOC: 'wheel help' is available) Tenefel says "Dealer takes a hit as well..." Norri nods to Kassima, "Thats' right. You place a bet - choose the n and then spin. Different combinations pay off differently, depending on color or number that you spin," she explains. Oshay slips back out, just as quietly... Oshay parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Tenefel asks the table in general. "Anyone wish another hit?" Kassima fingers her belt pouch thoughtfully, eyeing the wheel with evident consideration. "Seems simple enough. I'm rather inclined t'give it a go... Bradamante, did you say you wanted a less violent game? Unless that ball should go flying and bean someone in the head," she grins, "I doubt the wheel would be so vicious as all of that." Norri smiles at the rider, "Youc an't miss," she encourages her. "Give it a try." Emne comes in from the rest of the great hall. Bradamante looks up from watching the blackjack game answering "I decided this looked peaceful, see, just cards. Not very good projectiles." Conner smiles happily as he tapes his winnings from the table. Emne steps in rubbing her hands to warm them up and brushing snowflakes from her hair Emne grins "there you are Ofira ...." Norri laughs, a light, merry sound. "I never heard anyone pick a gambling game because it was somethign taht you couldnt' throw!" Ofira looks up from her cards, "Emne!" She waaves, cards in one hand, baby in the other. Bradamante blushes at Norri. glancing over at the three darts still stuck in the walls at odd angles. Emne laughs and moves over by the other Baker. 'ANd whom do we have here ...? She beams at the baby. Norri's gaze travels to the dart board. "Oh. Yes. I agree. Black jack is a /very/ good choice." She smiles at the Fort rider. "As you can see, Soraya is doing very well." Ofira laughs, "This is Iraval..." Varaaki comes in from the rest of the great hall. Ofira gently shifts Iraval in her arms. Kassima chuckles and murmurs, "Never seen what a thrown card can do in an angry woman's hands, eh? I believe I shall try the wheel after all--heya there, Emne!" Smiling, the rider sets off to confront the mysterious wheel of fortune. Bradamante rolls her eyes. "I can't see how you put UP with her, you are such a tolerant person" she tells Norri "She is doing amazingly well with you, thank you for my family." Norri blinks her big blue eyes. Tolerant? "I do have to discipline her often," she says apologetically, "But I try to do it gently." She follows Kassima to see if she can be of assistance. Conner parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Bradamante spots her old craftmasters across the crowd and waves to Emne and Ofira. A rather ornate wheel, roughly a foot and a half in diameter. The interior is a cone shaped with a ring at the apex of the cone. Along the outside edge is a series of small 'pockets' which are of alternating colors. Embossed within those are numbers: zero, double zero and one through thirty six. A small glass ball sits within one of the numbers when the wheel is not in use. The wheel can rotate slowly about its axis and there is a ridge which is the width of the small glass ball around the outer rim just outside the row of pockets. It looks like a gambling device of some kind. (OOC: 'wheel help' is available) Tenefel smiles. "As there are no more bets, ladies, it is time to show your cards." He reaches and flips them... Ofira notices Bradamante for the first time. "Oh, Bradamante! Come see the baby," she tries to pay attention as she shows her cards. Conner comes in from the rest of the great hall. Ellwiny turns away from an old auntie she's been talking to, after embracing the woman in a manner which suggests family, and moves unobtrusively towards the exit. Ellwiny parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Tenefel nods to Alystraline. "And the lady wins a quartermark for her excellent play. House busts, as does the Masterbaker." Bradamante leans across the table, careful not muss the cards and coos at Irival." Ofira sighs, "I must be out of practice!" She smiles down at Iraval. Tenefel collects Ofira's half mark, sliding a quartermarker out to Alystraline. Iraval opens sleepy blue eyes and blows a saliva bubble. Bradamante soberly insists "Its cheese poisoning" Ofira blinks and opens her mouth and then closes it. and then laughs. "Well, you can see that the baby is none the worse for all the cheese." Kassima pauses, turning her head to peer in befuddlement at the three Bakers. "*Cheese* poisoning?" she repeats. Ofira blushes, "Well, for some women who are expecting Kassi, its' raw meat. And for someit's cheese." Bradamante tickles Iraval's pal with her finger so he will curl a fist around it and just laughs" Iraval grabs Bradamantes' finger and tries vainly to bring it to his mouth. Kassima ohs and grins, relieved. "'Twas worried for a moment, there, with all the cheese I've been eating since those blasted Healers suggested I be sure t'get a lot of dairy until Khari's weaned. How'd your blackjack hand go, Ofira?" Emne grins at Kassi. Bradamante says nothing about the dragon egg sized wheel of cheese she bribed Ofira with to get help with her OVens, no. Emne says "May I hold him Ofira?" A youngster comes up, handing Tenefel a small scrap of hide. Looking the message over, he frowns and catches Norri's eye, then slips away from the Blackjack table. "If you'll excuse me." Tenefel parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Ofira makes a face, "I lost! And Bitran born I am too!" She nods to Emne and passes her Iraval, carefully. Ofira gently shifts Iraval in her arms. Emne takes Iraval into her arms. Emne smiles and cradles the baby gently in one arm Sairie comes in from the rest of the great hall. Norri watches Tenefel go. "I can deal blackjack if anyone wantws another hand," sheoffers. Emne says "Go for it Ofira, you can't have bad luck all the time!" Conner moves over to the trader wheel table. Sairie tears in a streak of bright curls and giggles through the crowd, ducking between legs and peeking about. Bradamante rescues her finger from Iraval's grip, the task made easier by drool. Ofira laughs and shakes her head. "Not just now. Maybe a little later." Alystraline smiles faintly, "Unfortunately, I'll have to take my winnings and run. I have some children to attend to who failed to do their chores yesterday." Conner looks up. "What's a clear zero mean?" he mumbles. Norri nods to Alystraline, "Thank you for coming. And please, come again!" Emne curls one finger underneath Iraval's tiny ones Kassima offers to Ofira, "Darts instead, mayhaps? I confess, I'd feel on easier ground with games that involve throwing something... though I've nay very much practice with darts, more's the pity." Alystraline parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Verna comes in from the rest of the great hall. Ofira smiles at kassima, "Alright. But not without a wager." Being in her girlhood home does bring back certain tendencies. Conner moves away from the trader wheel table. Conner moves over to the blackjack table. Norri sees Verna and jhurreis over. "Good evening Auntie!" Verna wanders in, hands on her ample hips as she moves herself as quickly as she can, muttering, "Now where...?" A golden streak zips paster her, heading for the blonde locks of the little, Sairie, pointing the way. Kassima bows deeply to Ofira, with a flourish. "Gladly, Craftmaster. Say... a sixteenth per round?" Verna smiles and nods to Norri, squinting as she tries to make out her great-granddaughter in the crowd. Her firelizard might've pointed the way, but her eyes are failing her. "Evening Headwoman, lass," she greets, distractedly. Ofira makes sure Emne is alright holding the baby. "A sixteenth?" she laughs, "And you brave thereadfall every sevenday? A quarter at least, to make it worth my while." she teases. Conner moves away from the blackjack table. Norri points to the small girl zipping about. Bradamante parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Kassima rolls her eyes at Ofira. "You'd have me lose what marks I've managed t'scrape up for Kin and Kiat's next Turnday gift?" she asks in mock-horror. "Say an eighth, and I could be persuaded--but *only* because the 'Reaches eggs are so near t'rocking." A giggle can be heard as the little launches herself for Verna's skirt, burrying the blonde curls in blue fabric. A muffled "Granna! I was hiding from you!" can be heard from Sairie. Ofira laughs and then says with mock reluctance, "Well...I suppose an eighth will bbe alright." Kassima gestures to the dart board, then, not about to loll about for Ofira to change her mind. "First throw t'you," she magnanimously grants. "And I'll keep m'fingers crossed that you won't jinx me as Mart does!" Ofira takes her position and lifts a dart, eyes narrowing. Not so different from a kitchen knife after all. And she can hit a moving apprentice with one of those. Ofira takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Ofira throws a crazy shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Ofira sighs. "Baby must have changed my center of gravity," she grumbles. Kassima winces, though she looks somewhat heartened as she takes up a dart herself. How different from knives can these be? "Either that or the cheese," she absently agrees. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. Kassima throws a poorly thought-out shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits the scoreboard, making another scar in the hide to match the countless others. Emne hides a grin behind the baby's head Verna casts a dubious eye towards the dartboard, gathering her great-granddaughter close. "Sairie, m'love, this is no place for a little t'be a playing hide and seek, dear." Ofira laughs. "Well, well." Kassima just aughs and buries her head in her hands. "That was *awful*!" she wails. Then she looks up, hope showing on her face again. "But, a'course... the scoreboard is closer to the target than the wall, you must admit." Please continue to enjoy our gambling den everyone! And remember that there will be more events tonight, including our contest drawing. Its' still not too late to put your entry on the contest object in this room! Norri parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Ofira nods reluctantly, "Well, I suppose..." Kassima grins mischievously. "Of course, if'n you'd *rather* wager on the best two of three...." Ofira folds her arms across her chest. "Alright," she says, taking the challenge. Kassima leans back against a convenient surface, eyeing the dartboard in a way that, were it human, would be promising it revenge for her humiliation just now. "Your turn, then," she says to the Baker Craftmaster. Ofira nods, almost grimly and takes aim. Ofira takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Ofira throws a wild shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits the floor, along which it bounces several times before losing itself forever in some previously unnoticed crack. Ofira frowns, "My father would be so ashamed if her ewere here to see this!" Verna takes a seat, groaning just slightly as she does so. That done, Sairie scrambles into her lap, just in time too as a dart goes zipping past their feet. The elderly woman frowns, scanning the crowd in a way that might suggest she can hardly make out blurry shapes, let alone faces at this distance. Rolan comes in from the rest of the great hall. Kassima grimaces ruefully. "Da would've had m'hide for the last one, believe me!" Taking a deep breath, she calms and centers herself. "Think of the target as a big wherry's eye..." she murmurs. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. Kassima throws an erratic shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits the ceiling, amazingly enough, where it dangles for a moment before falling at her feet. Catalina comes in from the rest of the great hall. Ofira's eyes narrow, "I wonder if these darts are..." she trails off as Iraval begins to cry. "Oh, soemones' hungry again," she says, going to take Iraval from Emne. Catalina hrms and wanders over to the dartboard. Verna hears the dart clattering to the floor, and bends down to murmur in Sairie's ear. "Now that's why this is no place for littles." Her eyesight might not be so good, for that matter her hearing isn't either, but the dart clattering to the floor is unmistakable. Catalina wrinkles her nose and eyes it, then decides maybe later, and she looks around the room. Ofira waves to Kassima and Emne and tghe others and hurries off to nurse her son somewhere quietly. Ofira parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Emne grins and sighs as baby and mother depart Emne says "Well.. it seems you've lost your darts partner Kassi .... but I'd be willing to try my hnd at it." Rolan moves over to the lizard dice table. Kassima picks up the dart, and just sighs. "If'n these were *knives*, I'd have much better luck... oh, would you, Emne? With or without the wager? Since these things seem jinxed, I'll understand nay wanting t'risk money on 'em." Catalina sighs and looks back at the dartboard. Alright, alright, she'll try it. She shyly walks over to the group and decides to watch for a bit before trying. Kassima then calls over to the person who mentioned something about darts, "Terribly sorry about that, ma'am--m'aim isn't usually half so bad as this, honestly." Sairie whispers back to the woman who's lap she's seated upon, "But granna, that woman had a baby, here?" Obviously protesting, nearly whining. To which her great-grandmother replies, "Aye, m'love, but babes don't tend to go dashing 'tween folk's legs, now do they?" Rolan moves away from the lizard dice table. Rolan moves over to the blackjack table. Emne says "Money ...I don't mind.,.. how much was Ofira wagering?" Dorn comes in from the rest of the great hall. Emne picks up a dart and hefts it slightly. "I should warn you ...I'm terrible at these!: Dorn smiles over towards Catalina. "Darts?" Catalina grins at Dorn and waves. "Decided to wake up and come back?" Rolan moves away from the blackjack table. Catalina nods. "Yup." Rolan moves over to the trader wheel table. Kassima smiles faintly at the sight of the woman and the child. "Remind me t'be doubly glad I didn't bring Kay... we were wagering an eighth on the best two out of three, Emne, and you can't *possibly* do worse than I've been doing. Believe me on that one!" Dorn grins and nods. "There is such a thing as too much sleep." Catalina chuckles. "That there is." Emne laughs Emne says "Alright then...." Rolan puts a mark on 15 Emne eyes the dartboard Telgar Weyr> Rennick woo hoos and has hit 100 +mail messages. Emne takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Emne throws a crazy shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Emne laughs and goes to retrieve the dart "You see ...?" Catalina raises her eyebrows. "That's the fourth time I've seen that happen today..is it rigged somehow?" Rolan places a mark on 20 Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "for those at Bitra, d'you think that the dart board's rigged? ;)" Kassima stands well, well out of the potential path of any darts; after her attempt, and Ofira's, the things just plain frighten her. "The things *are* cursed!" she declares, looking at the hole. "Either that, or they truly have it in for these walls. Methinks 'twill see, here, whether m'luck's changed 'tall...." Under her breath, as she picks up a dart, she murmurs, "Bloody well doubt it, though." You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With a well-thought-out toss, Kassima throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining a score of 50 points. A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Sharding straight, it is. But it's getting better. ;) Woo, Rennick! Congrats! ;)" Rolan places a mark on 3 Catalina lets out a low whistle and claps. Catalina grins. "Guess not." Emne claps her hands. "Very good , very good" Emne says "Now I guess I get to see if I can hit at all..."" Emne grins Kassima looks more dumbstruck by the fact that she actually *hit* the target than she did when that dart fell to her feet before. "Must've been a lucky shot," she surmises. "'Tis the only way t'be explaining it. G'luck, Emne! Envision the bullseye as the face of a really horrid apprentice, or something." Rolan places a mark on 14 "One last try" Telgar Weyr> Emlyn says, "It's a mutation of that bow and arrow code. You have to do it over and over to get any skill at it. The bitrans are there all the time. Many of them just have their chars do it over and over when nobody's around to rp with. That way they're good at it. :-)" Emne says "Oh I don't have any horrid apprentices at the moment .." Emne takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With amazing grace, Emne sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but only a tad away from a real bullseye. However, she gets an outstanding score of 75 points for her trouble! A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Catalina grins. "Nice shot." Telgar Weyr> Jehrina used to be exceptional at teh bow and arrow thing :) Emne cheers "Hurrah ..now that's luck for you ... I barely even had my eyes open!" Telgar Weyr> Maylia ahs! and didn't know 'bout that one... hmmmm. Rolan grins broadly and scoops the small pile of marks into a bag Dorn yawns and waves towards Cat. "Catch ya later Cat." Dorn parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Catalina moves over to the trader wheel table. Rolan parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Rolan comes in from the rest of the great hall. Catalina takes a deep breath and looks down at the wheel. "Just you and me. I'm takin' you on." She grins. Kassima whistles admiringly, and with fairly good grace considering that her eighth is now in danger. "I hope I can do half so well," she says honestly. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. Aiming carefully, Kassima throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining an outstanding score of 50 points. A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Rolan moves over to the trader wheel table. Telgar Weyr> Kassima oohs, that's neat. I've never seen the bow and arrow code, alas. :) Catalina smiles over at Rolan. "I saw you grab a couple marks a minute ago." Telgar Weyr> Maylia hasn't either... but wants to! Rolan grins and puts a mark on 18 30 and 26 Rolan nods "I actually won, choose your numbers Catalina hrms. "Actually, you spin it first, I want to see someone play one more time before I give it a whirl..so to speak." Rolan sighs "see, i lost on all three marks Kassima claps her hands once, quite pleasantly surprised by the dart's placement. "Perhaps I'm getting the hang of this, though we'll have t'be seeing! One more round, Emne?" Catalina digs around in her pocket and whitdraws her only mark..one eigth. Rolan thinks and sets a mark down on 5 Catalina hrms. "I'm gonna go for an easy one..2:1.." She sets her mark down on a red space. "Here goes." Catalina snaps her fingers. "Darn." Rolan says "oh well, try again?" "I don't have anything left to bet," Cat admits. Rolan looks thoughtful and taps his cheek "I'll by a kiss for a mark" he laughs Catalina laughs. "A little one, and you're on." Rolan nods and turns his head with his cheek towards you Catalina grins and pecks Rolan on the cheek, then grins. "Happy?" Verna helps Sairie back to the floor, and rises, using the arms of her chair and with a soft grunt. One of the nearby waiters sees the elderly woman, and aids her. "My thanks, lad, my thanks. Come, now Sairie," and she heads off, the child's hand grasped firmly in her own. "Help yer granna, now, sweetnes..." -That- was redundant. Verna parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Rolan laughs and hands you a mark "Spend it carefully" Sairie parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Catalina eyes the mark, then the wheel. "I'll try not to lose it." Rolan says "Might want to get it changed to smaller markbits" Catalina hrms and eyes the eighth. "Into sixteenths.." She mutters. "Yeah, I'll try that." She looks around for a place to do so. Emne says "Sure, I'm game!" Emne passes Kassi an eight mark since she took that round Catalina glances back down. "Whoa, a whole mark..I didn't think about it.." She looks over at Rolan. "You sure?" Kassima pockets the eighth willingly enough, saluting the Baker lady. "M'thanks, Master! 'Tis your shot, I believe--and after this, think you'd be up for that strange spinning wheel?" Rolan laughs "right after you win its amazing how easy it is to give money Catalina grins. "Alright, alright. Um, where can I get it broken down?" Rolan says "just don't remind me i gave it too you after i lose a few more times" Rolan points to the nearest dealer Catalina grins. "Will do." Rolan puts one mark on each set of twelve Emne says "spining wheel eh?" Emne grins and take s dart Catalina looks over. "Oh!" She walks over to the dealer a second and gives up the mark, 3 fourth marks and two eighth marks in its place. She smiles and hurries back over to the wheel. "Ta da." Emne takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a passably skillful throw, Emne manages to sink the dart into the well-worn outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Emne says "I think I'm .... hmm sort of improving ...I landed it!" Rolan grins "Spent three, won three, hmm something tells me my strategy needs improving Kassima nods, jerking her thumb over towards the Trader Wheel. "You bet on numbers, colors, or some such thing. Shards if'n I know... oh, 'tis nay bad! At least it didn't land in the ceiling, like mine." She winks, then selects a dart after a moment of picking and choosing. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. Kassima throws a poorly aimed shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Catalina hrms and looks down, then places an eighth mark on 25 black and 35 red. "Here goes." Kassima winces. "Or do that. Ugh. We're still on best two out of three, aye?" Rolan says "eeks! wait for me next time!" Emne nods "Ayup .... we'll see if I can't get my piece back!" Catalina humphs. "I need to work on this." Emne takes a deep breath and eyes the board like a tough piece of meat which needs carving Emne takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With great expertise, Emne sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but it just misses the dead center--so close. However, she gets a fantastic score of 75 points for her trouble! After some searching for a marking utensil she adds the score to the score hide. Emne throws her arms up in the air "a haaa!" Rolan puts a quarter mark on 3 and 17 Rolan says "betting this spin?" Kassima whistles, already laughing as she pulls the eighth back out of her pocket. "Methinks 'twill have t'be giving this up in a moment's time! C'mon, lucky darts... I know you don't really *want* t'land in the walls," she tries to persuade one before throwing it. Catalina shoves her three remaining marks in her pocket. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With consummate skill, Kassima sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but not in the exact middle--for shame. However, she gets a fantastic score of 75 points for her trouble! After some searching for a marking utensil she adds the score to the score hide. Catalina shakes her head. Emne grins Rolan says "okay, Last try for me" Catalina nods. Catalina says "Go for it." Kassima actually *whoops* with happiness at that one, spinning the mark about in her fingers. "So that's the trick! Remind the darts that wood tastes bad! I can live with that. One more throw, Emne?" Emne grins and nods, and then we'll see who keeps the mark. Emne pushes up her sleeves and chooses a dart, blowing on it for luck Emne takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With her forehead puckered in concentration, Emne manages to sink the dart into the well-worn outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. After some searching for a marking utensil she adds the score to the score hide. Catalina humphs at the ball. "Land somewhere already!" Emne chuckles Kassima wrinkles her nose. "Unless I make a lucky strike, I think you've won," she reports, though she nevertheless does spend a moment murmuring to her dart. If her cousin Thera can talk to tubers, surely no one will look askance at this. Catalina grins. "Try it." You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With a well-thought-out toss, Kassima throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining an outstanding score of 50 points. She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Catalina grins at Rolan. "Hey, ya won that time." Rolan blinks "Hey! you're right!" laughs Catalina chuckles. Rolan scoops up the marks "New game! Rolan moves away from the trader wheel table. Rolan moves over to the lizard dice table. Catalina moves away from the trader wheel table. Rolan sets down a markand looks at Catalina "joining me?" Emne says "ohhhhhh ...there you're an eight richer !" Emne grins and hands over another eight mark to Kassima Catalina says "Um, sure." Catalina moves over to the lizard dice table. Emne says "well shot !" Rolan says "Want to bet on my throws?" "All *right*!" exclaims Kassi, Ms. Talk-To-The-Darts. "Methinks this just may be a working method, though I know nay whether 'twill continue working or I've just hit a luck-streak. 'Tis so bloody hard t'tell at times. Want t'move on to another game?" she inquires as she pockets this next eighth, grinning. "Thankee--but really, 'tis all luck. I'd only claim skill if'n 'twere knives 'twas throwing." Catalina grins. "Not this very second, but maybe later." Rolan crosses his fingers Zynassa comes in from the rest of the great hall. Rolan says "Shards and wherryteeth!" Zynassa slips in, trying not to be noticed. Catalina rubs the back of her neck. "Sorry Rolan." Rolan drops another mark on the table "for what? not your fault" grins Catalina chuckles. Rolan says "C'mon 9!" Rolan says "wow this is harder to win then it looks!" Catalina wrinkles her nose. "Looks like it." Catalina says "Talk about a game of chance." Rolan drops another mark on the bar Rolan says "Roll me a ten Cat" Catalina hrms. "Lemme try." She sets down an eighth mark she just got changed and grabs the dice. "Here goes." Rolan hides behinf his hands "Is it ten?" Zynassa heads over to the people, standing on tiptoe to try and see. Catalina shakes her head. "Sorry, 5." Catalina hrms and sets down another eighth mark and rolls. Catalina eeps!! Rolan says "you won!" Catalina grins. "Whoo hoo!" Rolan drops a mark on the table "Do it again! Catalina grabs her newly acquired marks and shoves them in her pocket, except for another eighth, which she sets down. "Okay, okay!" She grins. Rolan says "drats alright, try and hatch it" Catalina says "Okay, gimme a 5, come on..." Catalina snaps her fingers. Rolan says "keep trying" Zynassa parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Catalina sets down another eighth and rolls. Catalina args. Rolan says "you are still playing for that 5 Cat" Catalina sighs. "Here we go.." Catalina sighs. "This is getting annoying." Rolan says "you keep throwing till it hatches or you get a green or queen" Rolan says "which you just got" Catalina smiles. "So I noticed." Rolan says "darn" Catalina raises an eyebrow. "What?" Rolan puts a mark down "Last time, You got a green "Yeah..." Rolan grins "whoo hoo!" Catalina whoo hoos! " Rolan moves away from the lizard dice table. Catalina moves away from the lizard dice table. Rolan moves over to the dragon poker table. Catalina hrms. "Should I try darts?" Rolan listens to the dealer explain dragon poker and walks away holding his temples Rolan moves away from the dragon poker table. Rolan says "Sure as long as I'm standing somewhere /behind/ you" Rolan says "nah you mightwant to comeback later" Catalina shakes her head. "I don't think so. I really need to find a ride back to Igen." Catalina peers towards the door. "Siara said she'd be coming back for me.." Rolan says "keep um anyway" Catalina looks unsure. "You sure?" Rolan says "siara? Shes coming to pick you up?" Catalina sighs. "She said she was going to, but I think she would have been here by now." Rolan says "I hope she does, it would be nice to see her" Catalina raises an eyebrow. "You know her?" Rolan nods "I do indeed" Catalina grins. "Neat. Where from?" Emne says "Another game ... the wheel?" Rolan says "Back when she used to be a trader" Catalina ohs. Catalina hrms. "Well, I'll just go outside and wait...thanks for playing with me Rolan. I'll tell Siara I saw you, okay?" She grins. Kassima nods an affirmative, wriggling her fingers. "After all that dart throwing, I'm feeling lucky; the wheel sounds like a good place t'test that luck." Catalina smiles and waves, then heads outside. Catalina parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Rolan moves over to the trader wheel table. Emne grins broadly "right then ..." You move over to the trader wheel table. Emne says "so lessee ...how does this thing work ..." Rolan says "Simple, you put your bet over here on the little squares...." Emne says "ah ..." Emne squints at the numbers Rolan says "then you spin the wheel thing and if it matches you win those ratios" Rolan points Kassima looks the wheel over carefully. "I think... oh, here's a list of wagers t'be made. You bet on a number, a color, a section, or something. Looks weird, but at least 'tis all luck--I trust that more." That's Kassi for you. Rolan puts a mark on 16 Emne chuckles "Hmmm maybe not such a smart thing for me to bet on just now!" Emne puts a half mark on 30 Rolan looks to Kassima "you betting this spin? Kassima nods, tossing down a sixteenth on twenty-four. "Certes, why nay?" Rolan says "Ready?" Emne laughs and nods "Spin away!" Emne leans back to watch Kassima chuckles, and bobs her head affirmatively. "Whenever you are." At the trader wheel table, Rolan spins the wheel. All eyes at the wheel table peer as the glass ball circles and circles... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 1 - black. Kassima grimaces at that. "Perhaps 'twould be better t'be betting on colors for a time," she mutters. "Or sections!" Rolan closes his eyes and tosses a mark onto the table it lands on the 27 square Rolan says "anyone else?" Kassima furrows her brow, but finally nods--albeit reluctantly. "A sixteenth on red, aye." Emne says "spin 'er!" At the trader wheel table, Rolan spins the wheel. All eyes at the wheel table peer as the glass ball circles and circles... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 20 - black. Kassima just *groans*. "Foiled again! Faranth, this thing hates me more than the darts... but one more try, at least. A sixteenth on the third section." Rolan nods "sounds good, same section, one mark At the trader wheel table, Rolan spins the wheel. Winding around the rim of the wheel, the ball seems to linger, as if deciding when to drop... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 3 - black. Rolan laughs "I should have bet on the other two then you! Emne looks up as a gren lizard pops in just above her head Emne says "Goodness gracious .. Leaf what are you doing here?" The lizard lands on her forearm and chitters softly. Kassima makes a face at Rolan. "Hah! Okay. Last of m'winnings; I'll wager one sixteenth on the *middle* section, and with permission, I'll spin the wheel this time. Just in case you're jinxing it," she adds with a wink. Rolan grins and places a mark on the other two sections Emne says "If you'll excuse me ... I may be back later but I have something to attend to by the look of things." Rolan says "spin away!" Emne says "Kassima...keep an eye on my marks ..will you" Emne grins and strides out Emne parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. At the trader wheel table, Kassima spins the wheel. All eyes at the wheel table peer as the glass ball circles and circles... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 25 - black. Rolan says "Yay! I won!" Kassima nods belatedly after Emne... and just *arghs* as the ball lands one slot outside of her section. "That," she gripes, "is *nay* fair! Missed it by *that* much." Rolan whispers "We'll trick the wheel tell me your real bet and then bet on the opposite sections on the board" Rolan senses Kassima chuckles, appreciating that strategy. "Deal. I'll place a quarter on black, I think... and tell the board red, aye?" Carow parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Rolan nods Kassima draws a Seacraft Hall quarter-mark from her pocket, and cheerfully informs the wheel, "I'm wagering on red, got that? If'n it lands on black, then I'll know for certain that you're the epitome of evil." Rolan says "who should spin?" Kassima wrinkles her nose, considering. "What say I do it? It seems t'hate me more'n you." Rolan nods "okay spin it!" At the trader wheel table, Kassima spins the wheel. Winding around the rim of the wheel, the ball seems to linger, as if deciding when to drop... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 34 - red. Rolan laughs a Kassima stares. She gapes. She gawks. She then, finally, buries her head in her hands and moans for awhile. Rolan says "good thing you bet on red and not secretly on black with me!" Kassima shoots Rolan a grateful look, a grin starting to spread on her face. "A very good thing," she agrees. "'Twould nay be wishing t'anger the wheel the one time it tried t'let me win, would I now?" Rolan grins "congratulations!" Rolan moves over to the trader wheel table. Kassima has been sitting at the table silently for the past few moments, considering each little square on the wheel as though this will somehow help her tell which one is the best one for betting. "Black," she mutters. "I think 'twill be black." Rolan seems to have a pleasently woody smell about him. Rolan says "Red" Rolan puts down a mark Dacha comes in from the rest of the great hall. Kassima asks, "Going t'spin, then, or shall I?" At the trader wheel table, Rolan spins the wheel. All eyes at the wheel table peer as the glass ball circles and circles... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 33 - black. Rolan says "I think its mad at me for trying to help you trick it" Dacha nods to Chibi as she forgets to take something with her and returns for it. She returns to peer about the den, marking the games and assorted odds and ends around. Her gazes stops when she spots ROlan and a grin spreads over her face. She walks over to him and gives him a poke in the arm, "Hey.." Kassima grins broadly and scoops up her winnings, pocketing them quickly--almost afraid that the board would steal them, perhaps. "Could be," she allows. "Y'never can tell, eh? I hope you'll forgive me if'n I don't complain!" Dacha smakcs herself in the forehead, "I forgot to stow my pack.. Be back in a bit.." She turns and rushes out.. Rolan says "heya" Rolan laughs Rolan says "well, you are hot, better bet on a better odd section" Kassima drums her fingers for a moment, considering. "'Twill bet on even next, I suppose. If'n I win that, I'll move on t'sections again." Rolan says "alright" At the trader wheel table, Rolan spins the wheel. All eyes at the wheel table peer as the glass ball circles and circles... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 36 - red. Rolan applauds! Kassima grins and raises one fist into the air, a gesture of victory. "All *right*! That's grand! In celebration... an eighth on the first section, and we'll see how this one goes." At the trader wheel table, Rolan spins the wheel. All eyes at the wheel table peer as the glass ball circles and circles... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 2 - red. Rolan looks shocked and amazed Kassima looks rather shocked and amazed, herself--but not displeased. Oh, no. Would you be, if you'd just won a half mark in three rounds? "Shells!" she finally says. "The board actually *likes* me, maybe. Think I should risk another bet? Or quit while I'm ahead?" Rolan says "Bet! Bet!" Kassima laughs and slaps her hand on the board. "A bet, then! Second section, another eighth--we'll see if'n the luck holds, eh?" Rolan puts a mark on the second section as well At the trader wheel table, Rolan spins the wheel. A hush falls as the little glass ball spins around and around the wheel... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 29 - black. Rolan bites his lip "Sorry i messed it up!" Kassima grimaces, watching her eighth get taken away. "Eh, 'sokay. That happens... nay certain what t'be betting on now, though. A sixteenth on first, perhaps?" Rolan shrugs "I won't bet, so you'll win Kassima quips drolly, "Don't know if'n I'd be betting on *that*." Rolan says "so first section?" Kassima nods affirmatively. "A sixteenth, if'n you please." At the trader wheel table, Rolan spins the wheel. All eyes at the wheel table peer as the glass ball circles and circles... At the trader wheel table, It eventually lands on 25 - black. Rolan hits his head "I blowed it!? Kassima throws up her hands, laughing ruefully. "Ach! I give up--nay more of this wheel for me. I'm still a quarter ahead, and I think I'd like t'be *staying* that way." Rolan moves away from the trader wheel table. Rolan has departed. Rolan says "how about lizard dice?" You move away from the trader wheel table. Kassima considers, tilting her head to look at the dice. "Well... what are they? I've never seen such a thing, t'tell the truth." Rolan says "its simple, first you put down your money, then you roll the dice, then the dealer takes your money" Rolan moves over to the lizard dice table. Kassima rubs the bridge of her nose, which is rather badly sunburnt, and comments dryly, "Sounds like the perfect game. But, what the shards; you only live once, right?" You move over to the lizard dice table. Kassima suggests ever-so-magnanimously, "Why don't you go first, eh? You know the game better than I." Rolan puts down a mark Rolan says "you going to bet on my throw?" Kassima asks with surprise, "You can bet on throws other than your own? Nay, I think nay--I want to watch at least one round, t'get the hang of this." At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice skip quickly to the wall and bounce off, moving back towards the thrower, then settle on 3 and 6 for a total of 9. Kassima peers at the list of rules. "That's.. an egg, aye?" she hazards. Rolan says "now i roll till i get a p 7 or 11, if i get a 9 i win, 7 or 11 i lose" At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice skip quickly to the wall and bounce off, moving back towards the thrower, then settle on 3 and 3 for a total of 6. At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice skip quickly to the wall and bounce off, moving back towards the thrower, then settle on 3 and 6 for a total of 9. Rolan says "Yes!" Kassima laughs and applauds, grinning. "A fine thing! May I take a try? For lesser stakes, a'course, but... it looks interesting. And greens have always been lucky dragons for me--or one is, anyway." Rolan grins and sets down a mark "Go ahead" Kassima sets down a sixteenth, herself, not willing to risk more than that. With a measure of trepidation, she picks up the dice cup. At the lizard dice table, Kassima shakes and rolls. The dice skip quickly to the wall and bounce off, moving back towards the thrower, then settle on 2 and 1 for a total of 3. Rolan says "now ya gotta roll a 3 and ya win" Kassima rolls her eyes. "Lovely... 'twill be tough t'be matching that again. But, 'twill give it a go." At the lizard dice table, Kassima shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 1 and 4 for a total of 5. [Editor's Note: For the sake of the log, I've cut out all further rolls until her final roll--because there were a *lot* of them. Those dice despised me.] Rolan says "getting closer!" Kassima mutters as she rolls again, and again, and again, "Faranth, but this game isn't giving up one way or the other easily!" Rolan says "ooo very close" Kassima claims, with assurance, "These things hate me. Oh, aye. They do." Aphrael comes in from the rest of the great hall. Rolan says "come on a three" Kassima waves to Aph with the hand not currently shaking a dice cup. "Hey, sie! Come watch the dice torment me!" Aphrael strolls in, pausing to look around, before she hears Kassima's greeting and walks over to join the greenrider. Laughing, she moves alongside, peering downwards. "What are you playing, sie?" Rolan says "Sie?" Kassima eyes the dice with irritation. "Sadistic things. I'm playing 'lizard dice--and 'twill gladly hand you the turn once I know whether I've won or lost, so you can see for yourself what a wicked game 'tis!" Kassima starts shaking the dice above her head, just in case this will make a difference. "Sister-in-evil," she elucidates helpfully for Rolan. Rolan says "Ahhhh, gotcha" Rolan says "you got the two numbers on either side, that should count for somethin" Kassima snorts with amusement. "I wish!" Aphrael lifts her head as she hears Rolan, and grins ruefully. "It means sis--" She breaks off as Kassima beats her to it, and returns her attention to the table. "Thanks.. I think. I might need to watch you for a while first, as I've not played this game before.." Aphrael moves over to the lizard dice table. Aphrael joins you. Kassima uses her elbow to point out the list of rules. "That tells you about all there is you need t'know, I'm hoping. I've never played a'fore ere this, either--won a quarter-mark on that weird spinning wheel, though." Rolan says "Shes gotta roll a 3 to win" Kassima is starting to look slightly annoyed by these evil dice. Rolan says "and a seven or eleven to lose" Aphrael wrinkles her nose a little. "They don't sound like terribly good odds," She observes, as she watches Kassi throw the dice. Kassima puts down the cup for a moment to bang her head against the table surface. Rolan says "anything else is nothing she just rolls again till she hatcehs her egg or rolls a green or gold" Rolan says "want me to throw them once?" Aphrael leans over to pat Kassima on the back. "It's okay. They're only your marks." She remarks with a wink. Not her money; she didn't get too upset. Kassima shakes her head, eyeing the dice stubbornly. "I will *beat* these dice, or die trying!" At the lizard dice table, Kassima shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 6 and 1 for a total of 7. Rolan says "OH!" Kassima sighs as she finally loses, and passes Aph the cup. "All that, only t'lose--with a green, nay less! G'luck t'you, sie--I hope, for your sake, that you don't roll a three first go." Rolan drops a half mark onto the table "everyone bet!" Kassima shakes her head vehemently. "*Oh*, nay. Nay on this game, I won't!" Aphrael accepts the cup, eyeing the table dubiously. "You know about me and betting; are you sure I should try this?" Of course, she couldn't possibly lose all the time on a fully random game.. could she? Aphrael snorts at Kassima and laughs, "Such confidence you have in me, sie!" Still, she takes up the cup, shaking it a little as she eyes the table. At the lizard dice table, Aphrael shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 1 and 3 for a total of 4. Kassima asks dryly, "Could you do any worse than I just did, I want t'be knowing?" Rolan says "ya gotta bet first!" Aphrael grimaces at Rolan's words. "Do I have to?" She asks reluctantly, digging in her pouch and finally placing a quarter mark on the table. Laughing at Kassi, she admits, "Aye, I guess not." At the lizard dice table, Aphrael shakes and rolls. The dice skip quickly to the wall and bounce off, moving back towards the thrower, then settle on 4 and 1 for a total of 5. Rolan says "Alright, thats your egg. ya gotta roll another 5 to win" Aphrael frowns as she glances at the list of rules, then back to the table. "So," She says, as she picks up the dice and places them into the cup, "I need to get another five? Shards, okay." She looks dubious at the prospect, but rolls just the same. At the lizard dice table, Aphrael shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 4 and 2 for a total of 6. Kassima quips, while watching the rolling dice, "Better a five than a three. Goooooooooo, Aph!" At the lizard dice table, Aphrael shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 5 and 6 for a total of 11. Rolan says "Dah!" Kassima shakes her finger at the evil dice. "See? See? There're reasons you don't dare bet on such things as those!" Aphrael grimaces, setting the cup down as she gazes wryly at the table, "See, I told you I had rotten luck!" Rolan puts down another half mark "Alright my throw, Lets see if i can win again Rolan says "Any other bets?" Aphrael pats her pouch and comments, "I think I'll keep my marks right where they are for now. I was intending to head to the woodcraft later on and it'd be nice if I still had marks to commission with." She flashes a grin to Kassima as she turns to watch the table. Kassima inquires curiously, "Woodcraft, sie? Eh, nay, Rolan--I'll save m'marks for the darts; they're surer." At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 2 and 3 for a total of 5. At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice stick together, hitting the far wall with a thud. Bouncing apart, they head for different sides of the table, then finally settle on 2 and 3 for a total of 5. Rolan blinks "Wow two winning throws in a row for me Kassima blinks... and then just slaps one hand over her eyes, with a loud groan. Rolan laughs and leaves the two marks on the table "once more!" Aphrael nods slowly as she watches the table, "Aye, it's K'nan's Turnday coming up and I thought I should perhaps get him something.. shards!" She curses, watching the dice. "Of all the luck!" Rolan says "Anyone else?" Aphrael does look tempted, after the last display. "Okay, maybe just a quarter mark," She says, setting it down on the table. Kassima assures Aph, "You needn't worry; I've still got what we got him *last* Turn waiting t'be given! Gah, I'm staying away from those dice. They loathe me. Loathe me, I tell you!" At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice skip quickly to the wall and bounce off, moving back towards the thrower, then settle on 1 and 2 for a total of 3. Rolan says "oh no a three!" At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice stick together, hitting the far wall with a thud. Bouncing apart, they head for different sides of the table, then finally settle on 5 and 2 for a total of 7. Rolan says "Bah!" Kassima wiggles her fingers at the dice. "Evil dice! Evil, evil, evil dice!" Aphrael pauses and blinks, turning to glance at Kassima in surprise, "Shards, really? What /was/ that anyway? It wasn't the knife, was it?" Aph's definitely not known for her memory; she's almost worse than Prefeth. Turning back to the table, she blances, "See? I'm definitely a curse. No more better for me tonight." She declares. Rolan puts down a mark At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 4 and 5 for a total of 9. At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 3 and 1 for a total of 4. At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 1 and 5 for a total of 6. At the lizard dice table, Rolan shakes and rolls. The dice bounce twice off of the table's felt top, slamming into the wall on the far end. They spin and knock into each other, then settle on 2 and 5 for a total of 7. Rolan says "alright i give up now" Rolan moves away from the lizard dice table. Rolan has departed. Kassima shakes her head. "The knife was many Turns agone; 'twas the crossbow--you recall, don't you?" She nods sympathetically to Rolan. "Wise decision, that." Rolan says "If he likes bows i know where you can buy a really nice recurve bow and arrows" Aphrael frowns in thought for a moment, then nods, ahhhing. "Yes, I recall now. Oh well, perhaps I'll save these marks just the same. Never know what I might need it for." "He's more of a knife man, I fear," Kassima says, "but I've already gotten him a knife once. Either of you up for darts, perchance?" Rolan says "Sure!" Aphrael's face brightens at that. Sharp objects? She'll be in on it! "Sounds like a good idea. Least I know I'm relatively decent at darts," She says, moving away from the dice table. Aphrael moves away from the lizard dice table. Aphrael has departed. You move away from the lizard dice table. Rolan says "how do we bet?" Kassima nods to Aph and Rolan. "What say you, then, to a wager on each round? Best score out of three tosses wins... but with what stakes? A sixteenth, an eighth, or a quarter?" Rolan says "whatever" Aphrael digs around in her pouch, and chuckles, "How about an eighth? I don't think I'm quite rich enough yet to bet a quarter a round, as much as that sounds nice." Rolan says "may I go first?" Kassima rubs her eyes. She knows she couldn't have seen what she just thought she saw. Could that brandy from last night still be playing tricks on her eyes? "Sure," she says vaguely. "An eighth would be fine--and 'twould be fine by me, Rolan." Aphrael gestures towards the board, "Be my guest." Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Rolan throws a wild shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a window, fortunately bouncing off without breaking it. Rolan winces "We are aiming for the window right?" Aphrael coughs a little, "Not quite," She says with a grin, then glances towards Kassima, "Sie? Care to go next?" Kassima snorts with laughter, shaking her head. "I don't *think* so. Aph? Want t'be going next?" Rolan says "Well why didn't you say so?" Aphrael rolls her eyes and grins, "You first," She says, watching. Kassima rolls her eyes in turn at Aph, but gives her sie an ironic half-bow from the waist. "As you wish!" You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. Kassima throws a wild shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Rolan says "hah!" Aphrael coughs a little to cover a laugh, and moves to take up the dart. "Let's hope I have better aim or soon they'll be charging us for the hole sin the walls." Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Aphrael throws an erratic shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits the ceiling, amazingly enough, where it dangles for a moment before falling at her feet. Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a skillful throw, Rolan throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining a fantastic score of 50 points. He proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Kassima looks obscurely pleased by Aph's success, or lack thereof. "A draw so far," she reports, until she sees Rolan's throw--at which she makes a face. "All right, so mayhaps *nay* a draw. My go again, is it?" You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. Kassima throws an erratic shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Rolan says "See you should have told me where we were aiming on the first throw!" Aphrael grins ruefully, then glances back to the dart board, groaning as she picks up another dart and takes aim. Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Aphrael throws a crazy shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Kassima claps a sympathetic hand on Aph's shoulder. "Looks like you're just as terrible as I am, sie mine." Rolan grins "My turn again?" Kassima nods ruefully. "Looks like, aye." Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With consummate skill, Rolan sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but it just misses the dead center--so close. However, he gets an amazing score of 75 points for his trouble! After some searching for a marking utensil he adds the score to the score hide. Kassima just groans, picking up a dart to throw at random since it seems pretty darned unlikely she'll ever see her eighth again. Norri comes in from the rest of the great hall. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With a backhanded flip of the dart, Kassima manages to sink the dart into the torn outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Norri peers in. "The eggs are hatching!" she says excitedly. Carow comes in from the rest of the great hall. Aphrael slaps a hand against her forehead. "I've not been practising enough lately, I can see." Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a well-thought-out toss, Aphrael throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining an amazing score of 50 points. A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Carow smiles at the visitors and watches the darts. "Nice shot." Kassima elbows Aph for that. "You're doing better than *I* am, appare--eggs? You don't mean the High Reaches ones, d'you? Lyss surely would've told me... oh, duties t'you and Bitra Hold, sir." That's directed to Carow, of course. Aphrael does a half little jump in pleasure. "I hit it!" Her first time tonight, she's so proud. Glancing up as she hears Norri, she grins curiously, "Eggs?" Though she doesn't seem like she's about to move. Grinning to Carow, she answers, "Thank ye, sir. Be glad you missed my earlier shots, though." Yep, there's yet more holes in the walls. OOC: Don't forget to register your ideas for renaming this room. Just follow the instructions on the Contest object (l contest). If you want to see everyone else's thoughts, just ask to "showideas". We'll announce the winner in about an hour. Norri nods to the rider, curls flying. "Yes, one of our littles has a clutch that seems ready!" Rolan bounces slightly "I won the first round Carow chuckles to the rider, "Well, I'm sure that you'll become adept in no time at all." Norri parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Kassima manages not to look too begrudging as she hands over her eighth, though only Faranth knows how. "If'n the darts are as evil as the dice, sir, I'm nay certain of that. The only thing that works is t'talk to 'em... oh, gah, 'lizards? Thankee, but nay. Twenty are more'n enough for me." Aphrael ohs and grins, "Firelizards? I've more than enough of them to make me want to stay away from clutches from now on," She says ruefully, sighing as she digs in her pouch and hands over the eighth mark. Rolan says "secnd round!" Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Rolan throws an erratic shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a window, fortunately bouncing off without breaking it. Carow chuckles. "Are you sure you won't take some of the flits out of this Hold? During the winter I almost have to open up the stores just to feed them." Rolan says "Are we aiming for the window /this/ round?" Carow cringes at the shot. Carow pokes his head out the curtain at the Hatching. Carow parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Kassima ducks the amazing bouncing dart, with something of a wince. "Ah... nay, we're nay." Taking up a dart, she starts murmuring to it in her most hypnotic voice, "You don't like the wood. You hate the wood. The wood is nay the target you're looking for." Ooh! Greenrider Mind Tricks! You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With great expertise, Kassima sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but it just misses the dead center--so close. However, she gets a fantastic score of 75 points for her trouble! She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Aphrael winces a little at Kassima's shot. "That's going to take some beating." She remarks faintly, pursing her lips as she regards the board, and takes aim. Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Aiming carefully, Aphrael throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining a score of 50 points. After some searching for a marking utensil she adds the score to the score hide. Rolan gulps Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a flick of the wrist, Rolan throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining a fantastic score of 50 points. A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Rolan says "yes!" Kassima claps for Aph, and Rolan too, grinning at their two good throws. Then... it's her turn. Once again, she seeks to bend her will upon the dart. "Become one with the target," she whispers. "The target is you, and t'connect with it is t'connect with your inner self... now fly, little dart! Fly like the wind!" You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With her forehead puckered in concentration, Kassima manages to sink the dart into the scarred outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. After some searching for a marking utensil she adds the score to the score hide. Aphrael tilts her head, mentally adding up, "Quite a score to beat," She says, picking up her dart before tossing it again. Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a flick of the wrist, Aphrael throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining a score of 50 points. After some searching for a marking utensil she adds the score to the score hide. "Well, you just equalled it," Kassi retorts. "Nay so very hard as all of that! The dart simply wasn't listening t'me." Rolan whimpers Chibi smiles to everyone, and walks out. Rolan looks at his dart "hit the bullseye okie? please?" Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With consummate skill, Rolan sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but it just misses the dead center--so close. However, he gets a score of 75 points for his trouble! After some searching for a marking utensil he adds the score to the score hide. Rolan says "If you both miss, I win!" Carow comes in from the rest of the great hall. Kassima picks up the dart, whirling it about her head for awhile. Yeah, she's a kook--but it's hard to argue with results. "The target is calling to you," she tells the dart encouragingly. "It sings to you! You want to go to it--oh, aye, you do. The wood tastes bad; seek the target instead. Now... fly!" And she throws the dart. If it hits the ceiling after all of that rigamarole, she's going to look pretty darned silly. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With a skillful throw, Kassima throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining a fantastic score of 50 points. After some searching for a marking utensil she adds the score to the score hide. Aphrael taps her fingers nervously against her arm as she waits for Kassima to throw. "My odds of hitting the wall are far greater than the bulleye right now; I don't like those odds." She winks as she watches, waiting. Rolan says "shards and wherryteeth" Carow chuckles at Kassima's antics. Aphrael claps for Kassima, but grimaces. "So I need at least 50 points to break even? Or higher to win?" With a sigh, she doesn't do anything special to the dart like Kassi, but just throws it. Rather blindly. Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a well-thought-out toss, Aphrael throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining a fantastic score of 50 points. A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Rolan says "shards and wherryteeth" Rolan says "So do i owe you /both/ an eighth?" Aphrael beams and looks back to Kassima, "Guess it's just down to you and me. Shall we play off for the win?" Aphrael's eyes widen and she grins at Rolan, "Oh, that sounds like an even better idea!" She adds with a wink. Kassima blinks, scratching her head as she considers the fact that she and Aph just tied. "Tiebreaking throw?" she asks. "Or should we just split Rolan's eighth between us?" Mercifully, she doesn't seem to realize that she's being watched. Rolan returns the mark bits "I'll get them back this time...are we aiming for the window? Carow strokes his face, wondering how he can get that eighth mark deposited into the Hold coffers. Aphrael giggles as she suggests, "We should make the window 10 points, and the wall 5. Then perhaps I'd win!" Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Rolan throws a poorly thought-out shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits the floor, along which it bounces several times before losing itself forever in some previously unnoticed crack. Rolan says "uh oh..." Kassima rolls her eyes at Aph, shaking her head. "Nary a chance of *that*, Aph. M'dart would probably hit the bullseye then for sheer spite!" Watching the dart disappear, she snorts drolly. "Perhaps the eighth will have t'be going t'replace the missing dart, and nay to either of us after all." Rolan sticks his finger into the crack trying to fish it out Rolan says "C'mere Pip!" Rolan shrugs as Azare's Fair takes flight from his shoulder. Rolan points "Pip, get that dart in the crack there" Carow walks over to the wall, "Did we lose a dart in there?" he peers inside. Pip sticks his claw down the crack trying to retrieve the dart Rolan nods "Don't worry, I'll get it back Kassima repeats thoughtfully, "Pip, eh?" Folding her arms and leaning back against one of those convenient wall things, she grins. "Good name for a 'lizard, I suppose--as good as any. Methinks it went into the floorboards, sir." The greenrider unbends her arms long enough to point in the vague direction of the dart's last known location. Carow purses his lips together and nods. "Alright, but don't worry too much. I've a feeling it's happened before." Rolan says "go ahead and throw Kassima" Kassima takes up a dart, eyeing the 'lizard worriedly for a moment. "All right... but make sure your 'lizard knows t'get out of the way if'n this dart goes the way of yours, eh?" You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With a passably skillful throw, Kassima manages to sink the dart into the torn outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Aphrael peeks down at the floor for a few moments, grinning as she takes a step back - just in case. After a few minutes of trying Pip holds the dart up triumphantly with a puny Bugle! Aphrael chuckles as she edges forward to pick up her dart, "Not /quite/ bullseye, but definitely a good shot." Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a half-hearted toss, Aphrael manages to sink the dart into the ragged outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Rolan says "which toss for the round is this?" Rolan smiles as Azare's Fair flies over and lands on his shoulder. Carow laughs at the tie. "The edge, and you call that a good shot?" Kassi retorts. Until, that is, her sie hits the same place. "Um. Well, I suppose 'tisn't such a bad place. Round one of the first game, Rolan--and your go again, in round two's beginning. I suppose you're too fine a dart player, sir," she remarks, turning to Carow, "for us to invite you t'play if'n we wish t'see our marks ever again?" Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Rolan throws a poorly thought-out shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits the ceiling, amazingly enough, where it dangles for a moment before falling at his feet. Carow turns to the woman and smiles. "Too fine to be invited? Never. I'd be happy to participate if you'll just remind me of the rules." he winks. Aphrael grins and pats her marks pouch, "Oh well. I knew I was going to lose them anyway; might as well be to the former Bitran Lord Holder himself." Nodding to the dartboard, she explains, "We're doing best total score out of three rounds, and the bet is an eighth mark for each round." Kassima snorts in the amused way of someone who thinks their leg is being pulled, but nevertheless explains, "'Tis simple enough; we're each putting up an eighth per round, with the pot going to whoever has the best score in three tosses. We take turns shooting, so that the walls will have a *slight* pause inbetween our attempts." She cracks a grin at that. "A'course, Aph put it somewhat better than I did." Rolan says "oh good, lets start the round over!" Rolan grins hopefully Aphrael wiggles a finger at Rolan, "Oh, no you don't! I hit the board this time and we've nearly finished this round anyway.. it's your turn, Kassi, isn't it?" She inquires of the greenrider. Carow smiles and opens his wallet to withdraw a Bitran eighth. "I hope you don't mind a Bitran Mark, it's all I have on me tonight." he grins, "To sweeten the deal, if either of you win, I'll throw in a glass of Benden Red. My treat." Kassima sets her fists on her hips and accuses, laughing, "You just want t'do that because we're beating you! But, i'truth, that'd likely be best." The greenrider shakes her head, then. "An eighth is an eighth, sir, be it Bitran, Bendenite, or Greystonian--and if'n wine's involved, Faranth help me if'n I should try t'resist such a deal! What say you, Aph? Willing t'begin again?" Rolan nodnodnods! Aphrael's eyes light up at the menion of the wine, "Well, that does certainly sweeten things." She agrees with a bright grin. Nodding agreement, she adds, "I'd only gotten the outside of the board anyway." Nevermind that she was hitting the wall earlier, and that this is a definite improvement. Benden wine's her favourite. Public announcement: Carow stands on a table and clangs his bell once again. Hear Ye, Hear Ye! There's still time to help us dedicate, reopen and rename the Bitran Gambling Den! There's a Hatching in the Great Hall and a high stakes game of darts going on in the den. You're all invited. Just +go bitra-gh; gd. Hope to see you all soon. Carow smiles. "Good. Shall we then?" Rolan says "Do i get wine if i win?" Rolan says "who goes first?" Aphrael steps out of the way, to one side, and grins. "Be my guest." She says, "I'm happy to go last again if you all don't mind." Carow sizes up the young man. "I don't see why you wouldn't." he steps to one side, "After you, young man." "But a'course," Kassima replies, turning to eye the dart board speculatively. Before was just fun and games, but this... this is for *wine.* "Oh, I don't care," she replies nonchalantly. "First, last, somewhere inbetween, all suit me about the same." Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Telarin comes in from the rest of the great hall. With consummate skill, Rolan sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but not in the exact middle--for shame. However, he gets an outstanding score of 75 points for his trouble! He proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Rolan grins Carow chuckles. "Well, it looks like I've stepped into something tonight. You two are all warmed up and I've not picked up a dart since I was a boy." he selects a dart and weighs it in his hand. Aiming carefully he rocks back and forth before letting it fly. Carow takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With great expertise, Carow sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but it just misses the dead center--so close. However, he gets a score of 75 points for his trouble! He proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Carow licks his lips and shakes his head. "Beginner's luck." Aphrael stuffs her hands in her pockets and leans nochalently against the wall as she watches. "Shards, good shot, Rolan." She snorts amusedly at Carow's words, nodding to the board, "You're certainly a good shot for one who hasn't touched a dart since a boy, sir." She says with a rueful grin. Kassima groans good-naturedly, covering her eyes with one hand. "Abso-sharding-lutely fabulous. When the first hit's like that, 'tis bound t'be bad luck of some kind." The second hit of seventy-five elicits an even more pained groan. She can just see her wine slipping away, right before her eyes. Nevertheless, she gamely steps up to take a dart and eye the board closely. "Be one with the board," she pleads with the dart before sending it on its merry way. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With amazing grace, Kassima sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but only a tad away from a real bullseye. However, she gets an outstanding score of 75 points for her trouble! A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Rolan grins at Aphrael Aphrael's eyebrow rises higher as she pushes herself away from the wall, shaking her head slightly in admiration. "I've got quite a score to live up to if'n I want to keep up with the rest of you." Picking up her dart, she eyes the board warily before taking aim. Carow laughs and calls over a drudge. "Can I offer any of you something to drink? A beer perhaps?" Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With her forehead puckered in concentration, Aphrael manages to sink the dart into the ragged outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Kassima cracks open an eye as the sound of dart hitting something other than window or floor reaches her ears. "Gah!" is all she can think to say, clearly amazed. "Lucky shot, that must've been." Aphrael half turns her head as she watches her shot, "Something to drink would be nice. Ale's fine," She agrees, then winces a little at her shot, "Well, I /did/ hit the board." She comments with a grin as she steps back out of the way. Carow slings the Raspberry Liqueur Skin off of His shoulder. Rolan says "sure sounds good to me" Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Kassima purses her lips, considering. "I'truth, sir, aught t'drink would be more than welcome," she admits. So quickly does she forget the Hulk's brandy and the resultant hangover this morning. "I'truth, you did! Better'n naught. Rolan, your go...." Rolan throws a wild shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a window, fortunately bouncing off without breaking it. Rolan scowls Aphrael grins impishly to Rolan, "We did agree the dartboard and not the window, right?" She asks teasingly. Carow smiles as he watches the scores mount then cringes as Rolan misses. He turns to the drudge, "An ale and three beers, please. Um...from my store if you don't mind." He stands and picks up a dart. "My turn?" Rolan nods Carow takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With some concentration, Carow manages to sink the dart into the ragged outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. He proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Telarin glances around and takes a quiet seat to watch the dart game. He waves to Rolan, and smiles respectfully to the dragonriders and the Lord Holder. Rolan grins "heya TEl! Carow chuckles as he removes his dart from the board. "At this rate, I'll be joining you out the window young man." he pauses, "Forgive me, you do have me at a disadvantage. What's your name?" Kassima ducks the whizzing dart, watching it narrowly miss the ear of a passing serving-type on its bounced trajectory. "Aye, sir--oh, heyla, there. Duties to the Winecraft and her Masters." That's directed to the newly-arrived Apprentice, along with a smile. "This makes a hundred for you, sir, does it nay? Better'n a window-bouncing." She winks at Rolan before picking up a dart and murmuring nonsense to it for awhile. Carow looks over the new arrival and smiles to the vintner. "Welcome." You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With consummate skill, Kassima sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...but only a tad away from a real bullseye. However, she gets an outstanding score of 75 points for her trouble! She proudly steps forward to add the score to the score hide. Aphrael notices Telarin's greeting and smiles, waving a greeting. She half lets out a hiss of breath at Carow's shot, wether with relief or otherwise is difficult to tell. Eyeing her fellow Telgarian, she comments, "Are you sure you haven't been secretly practising lately? Okay, my turn then." She says, picking up the dart. Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With amazing grace, Aphrael sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...just a little off from the center. However, she gets a score of 75 points for her trouble! After some searching for a marking utensil she adds the score to the score hide. Telgar Weyr> Richenda idles a tick. Carow laughs as the drudge comes back in with a full tray, he passes the first draft to Kassima, "And 150 for you." Rolan sighs! Aphrael beams at that shot, "Last round, then?" She asks, moving back out of the way again. Carow distributes the rest of the beverages and thanks the drudge with a smile. Rolan takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. Rolan throws a crazy shot, missing the dartboard entirely. Instead, the dart hits a random wall, in which it sticks securely, making a rather nasty hole. Rolan says "shards!" Kassima quips to Aph, "Experience with knives must come in handy, or something." Accepting the mug, she smiles gratefully and lifts it in a half-salute, half-toast before taking a sip. "For beer," she decides, "'tis nay bad at all. Quite good, actually... and m'thanks, sir. The name's Kassima, green Lysseth's rider, once of Benden and now affiliated with Telgar. Ack! Y'know, having this board here is bound t'wreak havoc on the walls ere too long." Rolan sighs sets an eighth mark down and walks over to Telarin "heya" Aphrael takes the mug with a murmered thanks, sipping at the ale as she watches the others take their shots. Names? Duties? Aph tends to forget those things in the best of times, especially when Kassi's around and can do it for her. Carow shakes his head to the young man, "I'm sorry. That puts you out of it." He smiles to the rider, "Well met, Kassima. Don't worry about the walls. Holes will just give them character." he winks, "and Tenefel designed them to be easily and cheaply replaced." He puts his mug down and picks up his last dart. "Here goes..." Carow takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With a backhanded flip of the dart, Carow manages to sink the dart into the torn outer edge of the dartboard, receiving a score of 25 points. After some searching for a marking utensil he adds the score to the score hide. Carow chuckles and shrugs. "Like I said, out of practice. You've bested me with only two darts to my three, Rider." Telarin wanders a bit closer and settles near Rolan, but not close enough to disrupt the game. "One twenty-five," Kassi tallies, setting her mug down to eye the holes somewhat dubiously. "Character... huh. Remind me t'remember, next time someone tells me I have a lot of character, that they probably mean m'head's full of holes or some such thing." With a wink, she picks up the next in her line of darts and whispers all about the glory of being one with the target: Zen and the art of dart-throwing. You take aim and throw a dart at the dartboard. With a skillful throw, Kassima throws a shot which hits the middle, yellow section of the dartboard, gaining a score of 50 points. A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. Norri comes in from the rest of the great hall. Aphrael winces at Kassima's shot, mentally adding up, "You've won, then. I'm afraid even /I/ can't get a hundred and twenty five in one shot. Congratulations, Kassi." With a rueful grin, she adds, "I think I'd best leave this game before I spend /all/ my marks." Carow smiles as Norri enters. "Hello Norri. You're just in time to watch me lose at darts." Kassima explains cheerfully, "I've been throwing knives since 'twas eleven Turns old, sir... it likely helps a bit. That, and luck. I'm a firm advocate of luck in games like these--mostly to offset a friend of mine, who claims unceasingly that his wins are all skill." Snorting, she picks up the mug of beer again and quirks up an eyebrow at Aph. "Nay going t'take your final throw? Afraid you'd hit the window?" she teases. Telarin smiles at the Headwoman. "Evening, ma'am." Rolan says "make me go home before i spend all my marks Tel" Aphrael snorts amusedly at Kassima, "Alright, I'll take the shot, then. And /then/ I'll really leave the game." Honest. Norri smiles at Carow, "Losing? I don't believe it!" She smiles at Telarin, "Good evening. I hope you're enjoying the games." Aphrael takes aim and throws a dart at the dartboard. With amazing grace, Aphrael sinks a shot in the middle section of the dartboard...just a little off from the center. However, she gets an amazing score of 75 points for her trouble! A passing drudge adds the score to the score hide. CURRENT SCORELIST: Kassima 625 Carow 475 Cetirre 450 Aphrael 400 Rolan 325 Emne 200 Soraya 175 Garrick 75 Bradamante 0 Ofira 0 Telarin laughs. "Are you losing that badly, Rolan?" Rolan nods Carow chuckles and shrugs. "It happens. Worst is I put up a glass of Benden to make it interesting." Telarin nods at Norri. "Yes, ma'am. It's all very impressive," he smiles. Norri laughs, "A whole glass Carow?" she teases. She nods to Telarin, "We pride ourselves here at Bitra on our games of chance - they're fairly played and a lot of fun too," she smiles. Rolan says "i'm pretty good at lizard dice though" "Correction," Kassima contradicts impishly over the rim of her beer mug. "You'll make the shot, you'll give me your eighth, and *then* you'll leave the--oh, *nice* one, Aph. Evening again, Norri-ma'am!" Aphrael glares pointedly at her dart, "Where was that score when I needed it?" She doesn't seem too terribly upset, anyway, and finishes off her ale before she edges back. "Well, I'm afraid duty calls me back to Telgar Weyr. And the lighter weight of my purse," She winks. "I'd best return before it gets any worse." Aphrael passes over her eighth mark to Kassima, then waves as she heads out the door. Aphrael parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Telarin chuckles at Rolan. "Well, stop that. You need to save your marks so you can buy me a turnday gift." He nods at Norri. "Oh, I can see that, ma'am. Everybody seems t'be having a lot of fun." He chuckles. "Well, the ones who're winning." Kassima casts her eyes up towards the ceiling. "Never knew you t'be such a tightpurse," she teases after her friend, with a wave that is--as all Kassi-waves are--far too belated. "Gah, Rolan, don't even mention those evil dice t'me. They were spawned by the Red Star or something, I swear it." Rolan says "Good point, I'm leaving while i still have enough to at least buy you a ...a something!" Telarin laughs. Rolan says "nice to meet you Kassoma maem" Norri smiles at Telarin, "I hope then that you'll visit again. Maybe bring some friends from your craft." OOC: Last chance to cast a nomination to rename the room. PAGE the ideas to Norri and Carow NOW before it's too late. "showideas" to see the other suggestions. Kassima shudders visibly at the ma'aming. "Just Kassima, please, Rolan--or better yet, Kassi. 'Twas m'pleasure t'make your acquaintance, too... and the acquaintance of your marks," she appends with a wink. Rolan says "OOC someone mention the naming is about to go on and I'll stay a while more :)" Carow smiles OOCly to Rolan, "We're trying to pick a winner as we speak on the Bitra knot." Telarin nods. "Oh, no doubt, ma'am. Any place this hospitable is bound to attract the Winecraft sooner or later. Probably sooner," he adds, with a grin. Rolan says "Unfortunatly if you get the apprentices the'll just take up space and have no marks to wager" Telarin nods his congratulations to the rider. "Sorry I missed your game," he smiles. Norri smiles at Telarin, "Please, call me Norri." Telarin heys, and looks wounded. "Us?" he asks, innocently. "There's always a use for winecrafters," Kassi calls over, "apprentice or nay! They can certes brew better things than *I* can. Mine are better at making good fireballs and eating your innards out than aught else." She flashes the Winecraft Apprentice a grin. "By the by, pardons for nay being polite and introducing m'self earlier. The name's Kassima, partner to this green thing who insists on following me around, occasionally making herself useful and claiming that her name is Lysseth. Well met, and all." Norri goes over to rescue Lord Carow from the dart game. "I think it's time ," she murmurs to him. Telarin laughs. "And I'm Tel, Kassima. Nice to have met you." Carow nods to Norri and hoists himself onto a table holding the Contest Suggestion box in his hand. He pounds his hand on the bottom of the box and shouts, "Can I have your attention for just one moment please? I'd like to announce the winner of the contest." Norri clinks a spoon against a glass to get everyone's attention. Rolan grins and crosses his fingers Kassima opens her mouth to reply to Telarin, but pauses at the shouting and glass-tapping. Setting her mug down again, she turns in the seat she's somehow found for herself to listen with interest to the announcement. Carow says "We do have a winner. But first I'd like to thank everyone who entered. We really did have some terrific suggestions and the decision was NOT unanymous. It was truly a hard choice to make." Norri listens intently to Carow, smiling excitedly. Carow smiles, "The first runner up goes to On Your Marks, submitted by Rider Kassima. Rolan says "Is the winner in the room?" Rolan says "congrats Kassi" Norri smiles and applauds the Telgar rider. Kassima blinks in startlement, and laughs. "Well, thankee! I'm honored that someone liked it, i'truth." Carow chuckles down to the young man, "Yes. And the prize for naming the room, besides seeing it splashed all over Pern, will be a bottle of red and..." he fishes into his wallet and withdraws a neatly kept dusty red box, opening it and withdrawing its contents, "and this pair of ivory dice, guaranteed to be weighted so that the owner will win every pass." Telarin nudges Rolan. "Hope it's you," he whispers, grinning. Kassima rolls her eyes, quite plainly amused. "Remind me t'stay *away* from the dice-table with whoever wins *those.*" Carow smiles, "Without further ado, I hereby rename this room THE EVEN ODDS Congratulations young Rolan of Benden Hold. Come and claim your prize. Norri smiles and applauds loudly. Telarin smacks Rolan's shoulder and smiles broadly. "Congratulations, Rolan!" Rolan grins and walks over to Carow Carow helps Rolan up onto the table. "Congratulations." he hands over the dice, "And thank you from all of us. It's an inspired idea." Kassima grins and raises her hands to applaud, calling, "Felicitations, Rolan! Though, with your luck at dice combined with *that* advantage... I just pity your opponents, that's all I can say." She winks, and picks up her mug to toast the choice. Norri laughs, "It was a wonderful suggestion Rolan!" Rolan says "thank you" Rolan grins "is there going to be a little sign that says "Named by Rolan or anything like that? Rolan chuckles Carow chuckles. "We'll see what we can arrange." Kassima suggests impishly, "You could spell it out with dart-holes in the wall, perhaps!" Rolan laughs! Carow laughs at Kassima's suggestion and climbs down from teh table. Rolan bows all around "If you have any other rooms that need naming you know where i live!" Rolan climbs down OOC: If you all look at the room and the name of the exit from the GH, it's now official. Welcome to The Even Odds. Norri smiles, looking around in satisfaction. "I'd better go make sure Soraya is still in bed." She excuses herself. Telarin chuckles. "Congratulations, again. Can I take a look at your dice?" Rolan nods and hands them tp Telarin Carow smiles and steps away from Rolan. Telarin shakes the dice lightly in his hand. "They feel nice," he smiles. Norri smiles at Telarin, "Nice to have met you." Kassima slips the handful of marks she's been toying around with into her belt pouch, smiling a decidedly satisfied smile at the clink they make. "At this rate, I may have enough to afford Kin and K'tyn's gift *and* those knives, if'n I can just track down Grego. I don't suppose you go in for knife-throwing, Rolan?" she asks hopefully. Norri parts the curtains and steps out into the rest of the Great Hall. Rolan says "lets head home?" Rolan says "Knife throwing? sure!" Telarin nods. "And you, too, Norri," he smiles. "Thanks again for your hospitality." Telarin carefully returns the dice to Rolan. Kassima laughs, rising to her feet. "I'll be certain t'be looking you up sometime, then... or come on up t'Telgar if'n 'tis your fancy. 'Tis nay so bad now that 'tis springtime, even if'n 'tis nay Benden." Sighing, she gazes towards the vague direction of the fire-heights... never mind that there are walls in the way. "Lysseth reminds me that 'tis past time I'm getting home t'see m'daughters off t'sleep. If'n you'll excuse me?" Rolan says "yup" Rolan tosses the dice onto the tabelo Telarin smiles at Kassima. "Clear skies to you!" Carow steps out of the room and comes back in carrying a platter containing a bottle of Benden red and a single glass of the same. Carow says "Before you go, Kassima. Something to keep you warm /between/ and settle our wager?" He offers her the glass of wine." Kassima pauses on her way out, though, eyeing the wine. She never has been one to leave the room when there's a chance of wine being shared, not if she can help it. "I can't *believe* I almost forgot the forfeit," she says with a slight groan at her own memory. "Right good of you 'tis t'be remembering, sir." Accepting the glass, she lifts it in a toast. "To Even Odds, of all kinds--and settled wagers, too!" Carow smiles and nods, "To the Even Odds." Rolan picks the dice back up Carow takes the bottle and sets down the platter, "I hope you prefer red, Rolan. I probably don't have to tell you, seeing as how it's from your own backyard, but this wine should keep several Turns before you drink it. I hope it's at a joyous occasion." he smiles. "And once again, thank you and congratulations." Kassima mirrors the smile, tipping her glass back to drink to the toast. As much of a hurry as she must be in to have nearly forgotten the wine in the first place, she takes her time--as is only right, with a good vintage--about finishing the wine. Finally, she sets the glass back on the tray and bows deeply to the former Lord Holder. "M'thanks, sir, and duties to the Hold--and to Winecraft as well," she adds with a smile to Telarin. "Clear skies and fair winds, all!" You part the curtains and step out into the Great Hall.