
Benden Weyr, April 9, 1996

Riders/Dragons ParticipatingWeyr Residents Participating
Weyrleader P'tran, Bronze Laerth's Rider
Weyrsecond M'kla, Green Torinth's Rider
Thunderbolt Wingsecond F'hlan, Bronze Tzornth's Rider
Skyfire Wingleader T'nnar, Brown Salith's Rider
Elyandra, Green Zibrith's Rider
Assistant Weyrlingmaster T'fian, Blue Meroth's Rider
Moonrise Wingleader Kassima, Weyrling to Green Lysseth
Moonrise Wingsecond T'lar, Weyrling to Bronze Nicoth
Meli, Weyrling to Green Juliath
Aphrael, Weyrling to Blue Prefeth
Maarie, Weyrling to Green Zuseth
Alyssa, Apprentice Dragonhealer
Davidon, Benden Weyr Resident
Halyn, Benden Headwoman
Lal, Apprentice Miner/Benden Resident
Mehlani, Benden Weyr Resident
Myklarr, Benden Weyr Resident
Portock, Apprentice Healer
Starratiel, Benden Weyr Assistant Steward

North Bowl> Nicoth moves over with the other weyrlings.

North Bowl> Nicoth warbles greetings as T'lar dismounts.

North Bowl> T'lar slides precipitously down from Nicoth's back.

North Bowl> T'lar has arrived.

North Bowl> Meroth warbles to Nicoth.

North Bowl> Torinth thrums at Nicoth, turning her head to call brassily at M'kla, still inside the caverns.

Benden LC> Kassima regards T'fian solemly, folding her hands on the table. "I believe so, sir. I honestly have faith in Lysseth's abilities and judgment, and--well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some doubts about myself." She shrugs uncomfortably. "But if you think I can do it, sir, then I'll do my best by Moonrise Wing."

Benden LC> Alyssa then says to Davidon, "We can always use assistance getting the supplies ready for 'Fall... Thank you for offering."

Benden LC> P'tran nods to M'kla. "Still, I want some of the heavier dragons near front and northern flank since they'll bear the brunt of this, supported by greens and blues on either side

North Bowl> T'lar bows to Leilanth and smiles over at the thrumming Torinth.

Benden LC> Maarie glaances towards the stranger at the mention of Southern Boll but reaches for her mug of cider to take a drink instead of saying anything.

Benden LC> T'fian nods. "Okay. T'lar's outside. I'd like you to meet me out there in a few moments."

Benden LC> T'lean shudders....healers in training...(fortuantely I've avoided those RL...trainees trying to draw blood is not fun...)

North Bowl> Jeody walks here from the south.

North Bowl> Jeody has arrived.

Benden LC> Davidon nods, "no reason for able hands not to help if I can."

Benden LC> M'kla nods at P'tran, and turns to head to her dragon.

North Bowl> T'fian calls over to T'lar. "Come here for a moment, please."

North Bowl> M'kla comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> M'kla has arrived.

North Bowl> T'lar salutes the rider emerging from inside. "Yes, sir."

North Bowl> Jeody walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

North Bowl> Jeody has left.

North Bowl> T'fian smiles. "How's Nicoth at flaming?"

Benden LC> Jeody walks in from the bowl.

Benden LC> Jeody has arrived.

Benden LC> Alyssa smiles quietly and nods toward the bowl. "Then please, come along...I'm Alyssa, by the apprentice dragonhealer."

North Bowl> T'lar moves over toward T'fian, saluteing M'kla as he comes.

Benden LC> P'tran folds up the map and looks towards Alyssa and her new friend. "You might want to start getting the infirmary prepared." He looks past her to the stranger. "Did he offer to help? Grab him if he did." he smiles slightly as he stands

North Bowl> M'kla waves the salute away irritably, moving to her green and unstrapping a few packs, letting them fall to the ground.

North Bowl> T'lar says "Doing well, sir. He was overdoing it a bit during practice, but I think we got it under control now."

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Laerth rumbles. << Benden dragons, start assembling in the north bowl for Fall >>

Benden LC> Davidon follows Alyssa, "pleasure to meet you ma'am," he turns at another voice and offers a wan smile before heading out with the dragon healer.

North Bowl> Alyssa comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Alyssa has arrived.

North Bowl> T'fian nods. "Okay. I've two questions for you. How do you feel about Kassima being wingleader. And secondly, how do you feel about yourself as wingsecond?"

North Bowl> Davidon comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Davidon has arrived.

Benden LC> Kassima stands up and heads outside, nodding and saluting to everyone as she goes.

North Bowl> M'kla glances up as someone tosses a sack of firestone at her feet, and bends to open it with her beltknife. Torinth burbles, lowering her head to take a couple of chunks. CRUNCH. CRUNCH. CRUNCH.

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden dragons with << I am here, Laerth. >>

North Bowl> Kassima comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Kassima has arrived.

Benden LC> P'tran heads out to the bowl.

North Bowl> P'tran comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> P'tran has arrived.

Benden LC> Maarie folllows Kassi's lead, heading out to the bowl.

North Bowl> Maarie comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Maarie has arrived.

North Bowl> T'lar's eyes go a bit wide, but he considers carefully before answering. "I think Kassi would do a great job, T'fian. And I would like to think I'd do well also."

North Bowl> Alyssa turns toward Davidon and says, with a nod at her bundle, "I need to lay my son down...I'll be right back."

North Bowl> Alyssa signals Thiva's mottled green Avivth, who flies from the Star Stones to give her a ride to Pavanth's ledge.

North Bowl> Alyssa has left.

North Bowl> Above, Laerth leaps from Leilanth's Ledge and flies into the air.

North Bowl> Laerth backwings for a landing.

North Bowl> Jeody comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Jeody has arrived.

North Bowl> Jeody moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Jeody has left.

North Bowl> Nicoth moves out of the way of the landing dragons and warbles welcomes.

North Bowl> Alyssa pats the neck of Thiva's mottled green Avivth, thanking them for the ride from Pavanth's ledge.

North Bowl> Alyssa has arrived.

North Bowl> Davidon nods, and moves clear of all the busy folks, eyes watching the goings on.

North Bowl> Kassima salutes all the riderfolk smartly, heading over to Lysseth to check over her straps.

Benden LC> Portock walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Benden LC> Portock has arrived.

North Bowl> T'fian nods. "Good." He turns towards Maarie and Kassima as they emerge from the living caverns. "Okay. Kassima, I want you to lead Moonrise, and T'lar will second you."

North Bowl> Laerth gives a snort as he backwings for a landing, already starting to look over the assembling dragons with a critical eye.

North Bowl> Jeody emerges from the infirmary.

North Bowl> Jeody has arrived.

North Bowl> Alyssa returns in amazingly quick time, changed into a warm tunic and breeches. "This way..." she says and walks toward the infirmary. "And your name is...?"

North Bowl> Torinth crunches her stone noisily, lifting her head to warble at Laerth around a mouthful of fragments.

Benden LC> Portock smiles to the headwoman.

North Bowl> Davidon widens his eyes, "Me ma'am? I'm Davidon." he answers and follows behind her.

North Bowl> Kassima turns back and nods to T'fian. "All right, sir." She glances over to T'lar. "T'lar, could you get that set of weyrlings over there to start filling 'stone sacks? I'll take care of these over here."

North Bowl> T'lar salutes T'fian with enthusiasm. "Yes, sir. Excuse me, I need to check on Nicoth and start feeding him firestone." He moves over to the weyrlings.

North Bowl> Maarie makes her way over to Zuseth checking her straps carefully.

North Bowl> T'fian picks up a bag of firestone as he awaits a response and tosses it over to a friend in Skyfire. "No, Meroth and I aren't flying with you tonight," he responds to an unheard question.

North Bowl> P'tran does a check on Laerth's straps and tightens one side. He turns to the others. "Start getting into formation. Weyrlings! Start distributing firestone."

North Bowl> T'lar organizes some of the weyrlings together bagging and distributing firestone.

North Bowl> Portock comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Portock has arrived.

North Bowl> Portock goes over to Alyssa to see what has been prepared already.

North Bowl> T'fian moves around between the fighting dragons, giving various riders bags of 'stone as they need them.

North Bowl> Kassima starts sacking stone along with the rest of the weyrlings, gesturing for a few of them to take places at the end of the weyrling chains and hand them out to riders once they're filled.

North Bowl> Alyssa smiles briefly at Davidon. "Well met. The infirmary's this way. Hey, Portock...come to help carry things?"

North Bowl> M'kla tosses aside her empty sack aside, and motions for a second one. Torinth sits, eyes half-lidded as she digests her lithic snack.

North Bowl> Davidon moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Davidon has left.

North Bowl> T'lar tosses M'kla a sack and moves on to others in that wing.

North Bowl> Alyssa then catches sight of Jeody. "Come on, Jeody...we could use you for a few minutes too..."

North Bowl> Alyssa moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Alyssa has left.

North Bowl> Portock grins, "Of course, as long as it is light and doesn't have to be fed to a dragon."

North Bowl> Tzornth lumbers here from the south.

North Bowl> Tzornth has arrived.

North Bowl> J'van, near the end of the chain, tosses a full sack to M'kla and another to B'fus when he sees that rider signal for more sacks as well.

North Bowl> P'tran catches a sack of firestone as it is tossed to him and empties it into his dragons's mouth one 'stone at a time. He watches the others as well, and occassionally shouts to them when he sees something out of place.

North Bowl> Portock moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Portock has left.

North Bowl> Tzornth glides into the bowl, and bugles firmly as he settles himself into his place near Laerth. Already on his back and clad for Fall, his rider looks around quietly.

North Bowl> Meroth rumbles, his eyes whirling quickly. He steps near the other dragons in Skyfire, then hesitantly moves over to the weyrling formation.

North Bowl> Nicoth rumbles something to Meroth and he moves over and joins the other young dragons.

North Bowl> T'lar grabs a couple of weyrlings and steers them in the opposite direstion with firestone. "Thunderbolt looks to have enough. Check on Skyfire."

North Bowl> Meroth turns his head to look at the large bronze and rumbles back to him.

North Bowl> P'tran now takes the sacks that are handed to him and attaches them to the extra loops on his dragon's straps, then a few to the loop on his belt. He closes his jacket and walks to the front of the formation.

North Bowl> Maarie goes to help the group Kassi went to look over, grabbing a couple of sacks and carrying them over to a nearby rider.

North Bowl> Alyssa emerges from the infirmary.

North Bowl> Alyssa has arrived.

North Bowl> Kassima snags a few weyrlings and hands them empty sacks, pointing them in the direction of Aerie. "And once that's done, go distribute some to Dawnslight as well." She turns to regard one of the chains. "Myra, didn't you learn anything about sacking during Candidacy? Those bags should be filled full, not halfway!"

North Bowl> T'fian thoroughly checks over his riding straps before buckling them around Meroth's neck, making sure the straps are snug and secure.

North Bowl> On Tzornth's back, F'hlan, as the weyrlings bring him the needed firestone, sets to the business of getting Tzornth chewing it. The bronze does so with the smooth readiness of Turns of practice.

North Bowl> T'lar drops a couple of firestone sacks before Nicoth and Meroth. He jogs off to ensure that everyone is well supplied.

North Bowl> Portock emerges from the infirmary.

North Bowl> Portock has arrived.

North Bowl> P'tran calls out, "All right, this Fall is going to come in off the ocean and head straight over Valley Hold," he starts to explain

North Bowl> T'fian nods in thanks to T'lar and starts feeding Meroth the 'stone quickly.

North Bowl> Portock comes out carrying the sutior kit and his own bag.

North Bowl> Around Tzornth, several of F'hlan's fire lizards flitter in red-eyed alertness; gold Narie chitters imperiously to bronze Sioll and the rider's flock of greens, apparently making her very own little Wing.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Final call: All Benden fighting dragons to the north bowl. >>

North Bowl> T'fian turns to make sure Kassi and T'lar are paying attention to the weyrleader's briefing and then turns to listen himself.

North Bowl> Torinth warbles insistantly at M'kla, as her rider stops to lean on her hide. Immediately, she returns to feeding stone to the dragon, apparently turning her head to listen to P'tran.

North Bowl> Zibrith lumbers here from the south.

North Bowl> Zibrith has arrived.

North Bowl> Elyandra walks here from the south.

North Bowl> Elyandra has arrived.

North Bowl> Kassima gestures for the weyrlings to pipe down, listening carefully to hear over the commotion of sacks being filled.

North Bowl> Alyssa sets down a tray of supplies and motions to two drudges behind her to bring out a table with more supplies. She pauses to look at the gathering dragons, smiles briefly and nods to Elyandra as she arrives, then moves about her business again.

North Bowl> T'lar whispers to Kassima. "Move forward a bit and you can pass back anything we might miss due to noise."

North Bowl> P'tran continues, "after Valley its going to head over the hilly area to the west. We have to keep fighting it there as there's some cotholds scattered in and around the area. The winds are from the north and steady, but expect it to be tricky over the hills."

North Bowl> Elyandra runs in behind Zibrith, who is charging through. She stops as Zibrith joins the group, skidding to a stop at her dragon's shoulder.

North Bowl> On Tzornth's back, F'hlan lets his fire lizards raid the droppings from Tzornth's share of the firestone, as he himself listens gravely to P'tran's briefing.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << I have the visualization, you can get it from me (OOC: Same thread room as before :) ) >>

North Bowl> Elyandra steps up on Zibrith's thoughtfully extended forleg and climbs quickly up on her neck, seating herself securly between her dragon's neckridges.

North Bowl> Elyandra has left.

North Bowl> Kassima nods and dusts off her hands, moving closer to where P'tran is speaking--pausing along the way to tap a weyrling and give her commands to supply Elyandra with firestone.

North Bowl> A weyrling runs up with 2 firestone sacks for Zibrith.

North Bowl> M'kla tests Torinth's straps, then grabs on tightly as she swings up, the green rising to her feet in a fluid motion at the same time.

North Bowl> M'kla climbs up Torinth's side with the help of the riding straps.

North Bowl> M'kla has left.

North Bowl> Portock goes to the infirmary overhang and grabs some supplies laying by the enterace and brings them to the 'healer section' of the bowl.

North Bowl> On Tzornth's back, F'hlan buckles himself into the riding straps.

North Bowl> Maarie makes sure Zuseth has enough firestone before checking the straps a final time.

North Bowl> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra yells down, "Don't be afraid to toss it up, weyrling. I won't break!" She buckles herself in and holds up her arms.

North Bowl> The weyrling stammers an apology and hurls the sacks up to the greenrider.

North Bowl> P'tran concludse, "After the hills it should stop somewhere over the plains and farmland in that area. I don't think it will head all the way to Bayhead, but I'm not entirely sure."

North Bowl> T'lar's ears perk up at the name of his home hold.

North Bowl> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra catches the sacks easily, fastening them to Zibrith's straps. She calls down, "More! C'mon, hurry up!" She nods to P'tran.

North Bowl> From atop Torinth, M'kla straps herself in, carefully checking the belts as she does so...

North Bowl> Aphrael comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Aphrael has arrived.

North Bowl> Kassima puts two fingers in her mouth and gives a sharp whistle, catching the attention of another weyrling who hurries to fill Elyandra's request.

North Bowl> T'fian hurridly motions Aphrael over. "Get Prefeth ready to flame," he calls.

North Bowl> A collection of vials and bottles are set down near the table, along with a bowl of redwort, and with all-too-practiced ease Alyssa gets the supplies in the order to which the healer staff is accustomed. "You two over there -- you have a free hand; can you help toss firestone?" she calls brisky. "We're almost set here." A pair of apprentices hurry off to help the weyrlings carry stones.

North Bowl> Aphrael blinks and looks up at T'fian, nodding and selecting some sizes of stone, feeding them to Prefeth.

North Bowl> P'tran adds, "And make sure your flight suits are closed tightly! It is very cold up there with a driving wind!"

North Bowl> Torinth rumbles, moving into her accusomed spot with Skyfire.

North Bowl> From atop Torinth, M'kla idly does finish buttoning up her jacket, as if she hadn't thought about it before.

North Bowl> Near Tzornth, F'hlan's two oldest children, Fahloran and Mehlani, arrive only long enough to call good-luck wishes up to their sire. The bronze rider's grave demeanor lightens a bit, and he leans over, letting his lowered hand reach to ruffle the two young heads as the boy and girl scramble up Tzornth's leg, then quickly back down again.

North Bowl> Meroth looks over at Torinth and rumbles.

North Bowl> Maarie feeds Zuseth a last piece of stone and pulls her helmet and goggles from a pocket as Zuseth chews the stone loudly.

North Bowl> Portock raises his eyebrows as he watches Alyssa prepare everything with great efficiency.

North Bowl> Kassima repeats the instructions about the 'Fall to those weyrlings who couldn't hear properly, then points them in the direction of their own dragons. "C'mon, Moonrise, get your tails moving and your dragons ready to flame," she calls, running over to do the same for Lysseth.

North Bowl> T'fian slips on his helmet and goggles, strapping the helmet around his chin securely. Then he pulls on his riding gloves.

North Bowl> T'lar begins feeding firestone to Nicoth.

North Bowl> Meli comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Meli has arrived.

North Bowl> Aphrael buttons up her jacket, glancing upwards, then watches Prefeth chew slowly.

North Bowl> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra catches the next group of firestone sacks, loading up her dragon with as much as she can carry. She feeds piece after piece to the green beast with the red fire in her eyes.

North Bowl> P'tran turns to Kassima. "Kassima? You will take your wing in when we call for you. That should be just short of the halfway mark before the Hills. Be VERY careful. The winds are likely to start getting tricky at that point."

North Bowl> Alyssa smiles fleetingly at Portock. "Did I forget something?"

North Bowl> Kassima nods. "Aye, sir. What direction will the more difficult winds most likely be coming from?"

North Bowl> T'fian chuckles at Kassima, thinking he's made a good choice. He tosses in one final 'stone to Meroth and chuckles at the loud crunching.

North Bowl> Portock shakes his head as he looks at the table of supplies laid out before him. "I don't see how you could have, you have thought of about everything."

North Bowl> Davidon emerges from the infirmary.

North Bowl> Davidon has arrived.

North Bowl> T'lar moves around, checking on the other weyrlings. "Not too much too soon." he tells one overeager rider.

North Bowl> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra calls down to Alyssa as Zibrith spews a stream of fire skywards towards the wall, "Lys! I'll be back to help with the injuries!"

North Bowl> P'tran says "From the north. Its a steady crosswind, but expect some eddies and updrafts if we have to cut it close. We'll try to bring you in before the winds get bad.""

North Bowl> Alyssa waves to Elyandra and calls, "I hope you understand that I don't need to see you later for that...!"

North Bowl> P'tran calls out. "MOUNT UP!"

North Bowl> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra blinks at Alyssa, "What?"

North Bowl> Aphrael calmly tucks her hair under her helmet, looking more relaxed than she feels after the rope drills.

North Bowl> T'fian grabs Meroth's riding straps and pulls himself up, swinging his leg over Meroth's neck and settling in.

North Bowl> Kassima nods thoughtfully. "Aye, sir," she repeats. "We'll be prepared for the worst. Weather is unpredictable at best." She salutes and returns to getting Lysseth sufficiently stoked with firestone.

North Bowl> Alyssa shakes her head. "Nothing, Elyandra. Take care of yourself and Zibrith!!"

North Bowl> T'lar directs the weyrlings out of the center of the bowl to give the rest of the wings plenty of room for takeoff.

North Bowl> P'tran grabs one last bag of firestone and nods to Kassima before heading over to his own dragon. he attached the bag to the last remaining free loop on his belt and heads up.

North Bowl> P'tran climbs up onto Laerth in one smooth motion.

North Bowl> P'tran has left.

North Bowl> Maarie finishes getting Zuseth ready and pulls Zuseth off to the side a ways, giving the nearby riders more room to take off.

North Bowl> Aphrael starts to drag some firestone sacks nearer to Prefeth, getting ready to load them on after the riders take off.

North Bowl> Torinth beats her wings soundly for once, and trills in excitement.

North Bowl> Davidon makes his way to Alyssa, to see what he can help with.

North Bowl> Astride Meroth, T'fian quickly pulls off his riding gloves and fastens some extra sacks on the loops of his riding straps. He pulls his gloves back on and turns to look in longing over at the fighting dragons.

North Bowl> From atop Laerth, P'tran looks around and shouts, "Everyone in formation!"

North Bowl> Juliath munch-a-crunches at the edge of the formation, as Meli continues to move, adjust, toss, tie and generally stay out of the way as well.

North Bowl> Tzornth RUMBLES brassily

North Bowl> Alyssa waves to Davidon. "Bring that redwort here, please..."

North Bowl> TzornthRUMBLES brassily; off by the Bowl walls, Fahloran cheers in eager anticipation. His quiet sister just watches the activity, her blue eyes wide.

North Bowl> Portock quickly goes to the infirmary overhang to avoid the masses of dust when the dragons rise.

North Bowl> Davidon does as he's asked, handing Alyssa the redwort, "Here you are."

North Bowl> Zibrith BUGLES! Her eyes blazing red fire at thought of the enemy. She looks skywards, bellowing her challenge.

North Bowl> Lysseth rumbles and steps aside to allow the Wings plenty of room, chewing noisily on her mouthful of 'stone. Kassi busies herself with fastening extra sacks, prepared by the weyrlings whose dragons are already sufficiently 'stoned (so to speak), as Lysseth crunches.

North Bowl> From atop Laerth, P'tran gives one final look, his dragon lifting his head, eyes whirling brightly orange. P'tran lifts his arm and lets it drop in the signal to launch.

North Bowl> Myklarr walks here from the south.

North Bowl> Myklarr has arrived.

North Bowl> Laerth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft.

North Bowl> Athena bursts out of *between* and flutters around daintily.

North Bowl> Tzornth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft.

North Bowl> Athena flutters around daintily before disappearing *between*.

North Bowl> Above, Tzornth soars up quickly in Laerth's wake.

North Bowl> Torinth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft.

North Bowl> Davidon moves his eyes to watch the dragon lift off, then returns his full attention to helping the dragon healer.

North Bowl> Aphrael carefully heaves up and adjusts the sacks on Prefeth's back, choosing not to watch the dragons as they rise up in the bowl.

North Bowl> Zibrith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft.

North Bowl> Myklarr looks up after the dragons longingly. He hesitantly moves over towards the other remaining people. "Do you, uhm, need any, uh, help," he asks Alyssa hesitantly.

North Bowl> Kassima checks the fastenings again before turning to the weyrlings with another piercing whistle. "All right, Moonrise! We still need plenty of extra sacks--you there, K'ral, can surely make yourself more useful by filling them than by just leaning on Frazloth's shoulder and waiting!" She shakes her head at the weyrling, and directs a few others with idle hands to help him out. Turning to the busier ones, she calls, "Who needs more sacks?"

North Bowl> Portock goes into the infirmary quickly and emerges with his now familiar 'wait chair'.

North Bowl> T'lar pops a few more chunks of stone into Nicoth's mouth. As the dragon crunches away, he fastens sacks onto the straps for carrying.

North Bowl> Alyssa smiles at Myklarr and nods. "Yes, please. I always appreciate help getting ready for 'Fall. Oh, wait...can you toss the weyrlings some firestone sacks for a moment while I finish setting this up?"

North Bowl> Above, From atop Laerth, P'tran waits for the formation to settle in flight around him and his dragon

North Bowl> Above, Salith leaps from Salith's Ledge and flies into the air.

North Bowl> Above, Zibrith follows close behind Chiloth, filling in the space usually filled by a much larger bronze dragon.

North Bowl> Myklarr nods, swallowing and grabs the sacks, tossing them up to weyrlings that need them.

North Bowl> Meli's head lifts to watch the wings momentarily before she resumes her work, tying sacks on Juliath even as she checks the straps once more and supervises the green in her chewing.

North Bowl> T'lar nods to Myklarr. "Thanks."

North Bowl> Above, From atop Laerth, P'tran looks around and lifts his arm. After a moment's pause he lets it drop to signal the move between.

North Bowl> Above, Laerth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Zibrith disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Torinth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Tzornth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Salith disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Myklarr doesn't look at T'lar, quickly moving away to give the next weyrling some sacks.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> Salith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

North Bowl> Kassima taps her foot at Hyldri. "C'mon, girl," she says--nevermind that Hyldri's about three Turns older than Kassima. "Tsalmoth hasn't got all night to get ready. Speed it up!" She turns to regard Myklarr with a grateful smile. "Thanks, we need all the help we can get. Especially with some of these lazy weyrlings!" That last comment is directed at a cluster who're just sitting around. They grumble for awhile, then get to work.

North Bowl> Portock sits back and watches the dragons wink out between overhead.

North Bowl> Alyssa's shoulders sag as the dragons pop out one by one. "This is the part I really, truly hate," she mutters with a sigh, then, squaring her shoulders, she gets back to work.

North Bowl> Davidon decides he's no good with getting things set up, he moves to lend a hand at hefting firestone sacks, at least that he can do with no problem.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth gives a loud rumble as he moves into his customary position in the Fall, craning his neck to look over the formations as they materialize aroun him.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith BUGLES! She pumps her wings to gain altitude, following behind the larger dragons. She turns her head to TRUMPET to Draeth, and he bugles in return, notifiying her that he's right behind her. Her eyes spark blood red as she looks for the deadly silver menace.

North Bowl> Astride Meroth, T'fian looks up at the vanishing dragons, sighing and then quickly fastens the last couple of sacks to the riding straps and hops down.

North Bowl> T'fian quickly slides down Meroth's outstretched foreleg and jumps to the ground.

North Bowl> Portock grins at the dragonhealer, "I will never get used to it, the waiting."

North Bowl> Aphrael chuckles softly and rubs at Prefeth's shoulder as he rumbles, then quickly resumes adjusting the sacks, hauling up some more and settling them into place.

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth emerges, a large blast of cold followed by a flurry of tiny ones, as F'hlan's fair of fire lizards arrives. The little creatures wing out and up, out of reach of dragon wings, dragon claws, and dragon breath.

North Bowl> Myklarr nods to Kassima and then quickly moves over, bagging the sacks with an expertise that comes from long practice at this.

North Bowl> Alyssa looks up from where she is setting vials on a table. "Good, Davidon, thanks...after the dragons are loaded, can you see about carrying some water from the infirmary? There are jugs in there..." She nods to Portock, smiling thinly.

Sky over Valley Hold> There is a definite chill to the air in the cloudy skies just east of Valley Hold. Cold air blows in from the north, carrying with it an unseasonably frigid bite. Occassionally, a large, wet snowflake drifts down from the clouds. It is almost cold enough to call it a day, but one look at the line of dark silver grey rolling in from offshore and the churn in waters just beneathe it where the threads strike the ocean show that it is still not quite cold enough.

North Bowl> T'fian glances over at Myklarr, smiling to himself.

North Bowl> Kassima finishes loading Lysseth up with sacks and surveys the line with a nod. "All right, time to get into formation. Standard V--you know the drill. Juliath, near the end--Nicoth, take the head of the left side. Prefeth, be on the right, opposite Klavrith." She keeps on calling orders, gesturing to the appropriate places. "Once you're in position and have all your sacks, mount up and get ready to launch!"

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Laerth rumbles, annoyed. << Its not cold enough to freeze it as P'tran had hoped. We're going to have to fight this one through >>

North Bowl> Meli nods as she catches Kassi's words, and she and Juliath head to the end of the V.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Tzornth snarls in disgruntlement at the temperature.

North Bowl> T'fian nods to Kassima. "Yes, ma'am!" He calls and quickly mounts Meroth.

North Bowl> Meli climbs smoothly up Juliath's extended foreleg and settles herself between the neck ridges, as the green gives a welcome rumble from deep in her throat.

North Bowl> Meli has left.

North Bowl> Atop Juliath, Meli buckles herself into the riding straps, checking carefully to make sure she is secure.

North Bowl> T'lar salutes Kassima. "Yes, Wingleader." He smiles widely.

North Bowl> T'lar is catapulted up by a quick movement of Nicoth's snout. He gets the bronze an affectionate slap.

North Bowl> T'lar has left.

North Bowl> Maarie grins to Zuseth, matching her look of mischiefbound delight before using her forelimb to climb up onto Zuseth's neckridges.

North Bowl> Maarie has left.

North Bowl> Meroth moves in the formation, behind Prefeth.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth cranes his neck again for a final look at the Fall as his rider shouts orders. "Keep the northern flank protected! The wind's strong from that direction."

North Bowl> Portock watches the weyrlings with a thin smile and silently wishes them luck.

North Bowl> Astride Juliath, Meli tugs on her gloves once more, then pulls her goggles down, adjusting them slightly. She gets a good grip on the straps with one hand, takes a calming breath, and sits quietly watching Kassima and T'lar.

North Bowl> Myklarr watches the weyrlings mounting up and turns to Alyssa and Portock. "Do you need any more help?"

North Bowl> Alyssa stands for a moment, hands on her hips and murmurs to Portock, "I wish they wouldn't be so cavalier about of them is going to get hurt..."

Sky over Valley Hold> The winds blow steady from the north. Below, the ocean meets the shore and the first cothold appears only about twenty dragonlengths inland from the high tide mark, the first in a ragged line of cotholds leading westward to the main hold at Valley to the west. To the east, the leading edge of the Threadfall makes the transition from water to land, and the battle begins.

North Bowl> Nicoth moves into place near the head of the formation

North Bowl> Davidon nods, stepping back to watch the riders mount up. He tosses one last sack to a nearby weyrling and looks around again.

North Bowl> Kassima leads Lysseth over to her place at the point of the V, taking a last look back at the wing and nodding with satisfaction before mounting up.

North Bowl> Kassima climbs up to Lysseth's lower neckridges with the aid of the riding straps and her lifemate's thoughtfully offered foreleg. She gives Lysseth a fond pat on the neck once she is aboard.

North Bowl> Kassima has left.

North Bowl> Alyssa then blinks at Myklarr and smiles again, touching his arm. "There are still those jugs of water that want carrying out here....and please, if you can and want...stay until after 'Fall is over. We can always use help. I'd appreciate someone like you, who's not afraid of a dragon, to be around to assist."

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth gives a loud roar as the Thread crosses over and is immediately put to work as thread drops from the skies near his position. He flames a patch that comes towards him with dispatch and realigns himself quickly back into the formation.

North Bowl> From her place aboard Lysseth, Kassima buckles her straps and pulls on her blue-splattered helmet, completing her Rainbow Rider outfit. She straps herself in and then turns back, bellowing in order to be heard, "Everyone strapped in and ready to launch? We'll wait up in the sky until we get the command to go *between*."

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Salith swoops into the steady beat against the wind, the drawn battle. << We are taking the north. >>

North Bowl> Portock picks up some sand in his hands and nods at Alyssa's comment, "I am afraid that you are right. It always happens."

North Bowl> Myklarr bites his lip, not looking at Alyssa. He nods. "I will stay," he says and then moves to go get the jugs of water.

North Bowl> Aphrael tugs at Prefeth's straps gently, checking to make sure they are secure. She stares at the blue dragon for a moment, then smiles.

North Bowl> Astride Juliath, Meli nods, though it'd be hard to see, and waits for the signal.

North Bowl> Aphrael turns to Prefeth with a smile, eyes slightly faded as she speaks silently to the blue dragon. She slaps at her lifemate's side with affection, then uses his extended foreleg to climb up onto Prefeth's neckridges.

North Bowl> Aphrael has left.

North Bowl> Astride Meroth, T'fian securely fastens Meroth's riding straps about himself.

North Bowl> Portock shivers a bit at Alyssa's comment about not being afraid of dragons.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Bring some of the heavier dragons with you as well, with the smaller ones filling the slots behind you. >>

North Bowl> From atop Nicoth, T'lar checks his straps and loaded firestone sacks. "Everyone got a belly of flame and plenty of firestone?"

Sky over Valley Hold> As the thick of the Fall moves completely onto land, a diffuse sheet of thread descends on the front lines near bronze Tzornth.

North Bowl> Davidon notices someone else going for the water and casts a look around.

North Bowl> Astride Meroth, T'fian leans down and pats Meroth's hide. "I'm sorry," he whispers to the pale blue and then looks up at T'lar. "Yes, sir!" he calls back in response.

Sky over Valley Hold> A Skyfire flanks to the leading edge of the Thread, as the dragons disentangle from the tight formation and attack. White flares dim to red and deeper to black smoke as the first Thread are charred.

North Bowl> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael straps herself in deftly, shifting in place, and pushing one of the sacks around for a moment.

North Bowl> Juliath rumbles, eyes whirling faster. She crouches down and extends her translucent wings.

North Bowl> Alyssa smiles at Davidon as she tightens her braid, making sure her long hair will not get in the way. "Davidon, there's a LOT of water to be brought out...if you still want to get them, there's plenty left."

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth banks a bit sharply to get into better position to flame, his rider taking a quick glance at the bit of sky momentarily vacated before it is lost in a bright burst of dragonflame.

North Bowl> Seated on Lysseth's neckridges, Kassima waits until everyone is ready, then raises her hand in the signal to launch.

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth ROARS, winging in to meet the sheet head-on. His flame, surgically precise, cuts straight through the middle of the silver rain. Above him, the gold fire lizard Narie hisses, diving in with bronze Sioll and their retinue of greens to take on wisps of the Thread.

North Bowl> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

North Bowl> Lysseth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft.

North Bowl> Juliath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft.

North Bowl> Nicoth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft.

Sky over Valley Hold> The shoreline passes to the east as the Fall advances inland. A large clump falls near green Zibrith and surrounding wingmates.

North Bowl> Myklarr comes back, carrying two of the jugs out and setting them down next to the other supplies.

North Bowl> Prefeth takes a step back for some room, then extends his wings, color glinting off the edges as he crouches down then launches skywards.

North Bowl> Prefeth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft.

North Bowl> Meroth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft.

North Bowl> Zuseth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft.

North Bowl> Above, Juliath adjusts slightly, quietly.

North Bowl> Myklarr works with a silent determination, quickly carrying out the jugs of water.

North Bowl> Davidon nods, "Ah, in the infirmery you said ma'am?"

North Bowl> Above, From atop Nicoth, T'lar turns to check the formation, trying to watch Lysseth as well.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith works her way higher, just under the larger bronzes and browns of Dawnslight. Spying a large clump she TRUMPETS the warning to her wingmates just before a stream of white hot flame scorches the clump into black ash, blowing harmlessly on the wind.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Laerth rumbles in approval. << Winds are steady ... Zibrith, you have some falling towards your area of the sky! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Salith bugles, followed by a blue that swoops from below, and a broze, then attacks a cluster of loose thread that drifts, carried by the wind. Three flames sear through, almost at the same time

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Zibrith BUGLES! We see it, Laerth!

North Bowl> Above, Prefeth falls into place in the midst of the other blue weyrlings, banking slightly left and right, almost lazily as he adjusts to the wings to stay on place.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Very good! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Below, the sands of the shore give way to more fertile soil surrounding the Hold. Winds threaten the northern flank as thread falls quickly towards brown Salith.

North Bowl> Above, From her place aboard Lysseth, Kassima turns back to regard the formation as Lysseth rises smoothly into her place up front. "Maintain formation, now," she calls out. "We'll have a bit of a wait until they need resupply, but don't get lazy!"

North Bowl> Above, Meroth holds his steady formation at Prefeth's eight.

North Bowl> Davidon moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Davidon has left.

North Bowl> Alyssa has connected.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Tsalmoth, you're out of line. >>

North Bowl> Zuseth keeps her place at the end of the formation, Maarie scan over the formation from her place at the end.

North Bowl> Above, Nicoth drifts slightly out of formation as T'lar doublechecks his side of the V. He resumes his place smoothly on command.

North Bowl> Myklarr finally sighs. "My brother's up there... with Trynth," he says quietly.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith turns on her wingtip, folding her dark green wings as she dives through the other dragons to catch a whispy silver strand as long as Laerth himself. She belches forth another stream of flame, watching it burn from one end to the other, like a fuse on a bomb. She opens her wings with a *fwop*, catching an updraft and rising higher into formation again with before turning for more firestone from her rider.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Close up the line a bit to the north. Flankriders, follow Salith's lead >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Salith bugles a warning, another brown quickly follows. Light is obvious, but the whooshing noise is only carried downwind, with the noticable soundlag. Then another burst and another, then both dragons vanish between, the telepathic noise sending a quick burst of instruction.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth banks sharply suddenly, flames one path, then roars loudly as another barrels on him. Not ready to handle the second so quickly, he flashes *between* briefly and it speeds through the space just occupied by the dragonpair.

North Bowl> Davidon emerges from the infirmary.

North Bowl> Davidon has arrived.

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth angles in immediately to take up the slack left by Laerth's momentary disappearance.

North Bowl> Alyssa glances toward Myklarr as she pulls on her heavy hide jacket, and she tugs at his arm. "Come on...let's get the stretchers stacked just in case. Believe me, keeping busy is the only way to stay sane while we wait."

North Bowl> Davidon carries the water out, giving Alyssa a questioning look, "Wher do you want these?"

North Bowl> Myklarr nods to Alyssa and moves with her, chewing nervously on his lip.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Laerth snorts. << We missed. Thanks, Tzornth. >>

From Sky over Valley Hold> The Fall has reached the outskirts of Valley Hold. Below and slightly westward, last-minute preparations take place as shutters are closed and the fireheights are ignited in a blaze of light. Just as the threads start to fall over the orchard fields, the Hold doors are shut and all is still. Everything is anything but still in the skies, however, as the Fall thickens. The winds remain constant from the north, continuing to set up a strong crosswind that blows the thread at a steep angle.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Tzornth rumbles back in acknowledgement, as he flames.

North Bowl> Portock remains in his seat sifting the sand through his fingers as he waits the fall out.

North Bowl> Alyssa looks over her shoulder at Davidon, nodding toward the makeshift infirmary near Portock. "Right there beside Journeyman Portock. Oh, Portock...this is Davidon, a new friend and helper." She smiles fleetingly at Myklarr as she grabs one end of the stretchers and waits for him to take the other end.

North Bowl> Myklarr grabs the other end and nods to Alyssa. "Ready."

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth flames another patch soon after returning and then takes a brief moment to turn his head and accept some 'stones from his rider.

Sky over Valley Hold> With little warning, a thick patch of thread is driven across the front line. An initial burst of dragonfire misses it by a hair and it descends quickly towards green Zibrith.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith takes a sudden dive again as her rider calls out, "Over th... " and points to the North. Her voice is cut off as Zibrith blinks *between*, reappearing off to the west. "..ere!" Zibrith roars defiantly, her eyes flashing furiously as she plummets towards another mass of the gray menace.

Sky over Valley Hold> Salith emerges in the space, just cleared by the trailing dragons. His rider signals, a small groups separates, rising to the clump that was funneled up a turbulence. The rest of the wing rises as well, but at the slower pace, flaming the way through the whole path.

North Bowl> Portock smiles at the young man, "Nice to meet you, and thanks for your help."

North Bowl> Above, Lysseth casts a glance back at the left side of the V, and then the right, rumbling to a few to tighten up their positions. She turns back to face forward, silently waiting.

North Bowl> Alyssa lifts with a little glint of strain on her features -- she is not, after all, that strong a woman -- and moves with Myklarr to where the stretchers can remain hopefully unused.

North Bowl> Myklarr's eyes are on the stretcher as he easily lifts it. He knows the purpose of these very well, and it shows on his face.

Sky over Valley Hold> Near the southern flank, some dragons bank northward to better get at thread driven towards them, only to leave a hole that causes a clump to fall through towards the orchard fields below! Only bronze Tzornth seems to be within reach.

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth picks up his pace, as the thickening Fall eats up the visibility across the sky. Grimly clutching his riding straps, F'hlan hangs on, then yells as the huge clump nears him and his bronze. Tzornth dives forward and down, trumpeting. Flaming. F'hlan's fire lizards shriek and follow.

North Bowl> Davidon nods and sets the water down where Alyssa pointed, noding a hello to Portock, "nice to meet you sir."

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth munches on his firestone and dispatches it with a couple of quick chews before opening his mouth and roaring flame at another patch that comes in at a steep angle. He's force to bank hard for it, and when they return to formation, his rider turns Laerth a little more into the wind.

North Bowl> Above, Prefeth looks calm and rather subdued, while his rider is simply muttering to him, and glancing left and right.

North Bowl> Alyssa dusts off her hands and looks around, then proclaims with a little sigh, "We're as ready as we can be." She almost sounds disappointed, and her vivid eyes flicker worriedly toward the weyrlings.

North Bowl> Above, If one happened to be close enough, and could catch the muttering on the wind, one might think one had heard something that sounded like "...paint... not... time!" coming from the vicinity of Juliath's lifemate.

North Bowl> Myklarr nods and sits down crosslegged on the ground, looking upward at the young dragons and imagining the skies over Valley Hold.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << My rider wants to know if all are doing okay. >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We will be needing firestone soon! Please prepare, you will be summoned shortly! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth incinerates the curtain of Thread before him, in a long and steady burst of fire.

Sky over Valley Hold> As the Hold courtyard comes into view, several patches of thread assault the formation at once, the thickest one nearest brown Salith, the rest near the dragon's wingmates.

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We will be ready for your signal! >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Firestone check! I am going to need some soon. Anyone else? >>

Dragon> Zibrith bespoke Benden dragons with << We need more, Laerth! Running very low! >>

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We are ready, Nicoth. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth quickly flames a patch, then rumbles loudly and glances at the formation.

North Bowl> Alyssa blinks as she thinks of something, then turns to Davidon. "This is really important. Have you ever been in a weyr during a 'Fall, Davidon?"

North Bowl> Portock looks at Alyssa, "I tell you this every fall, take a seat and just calm yourself while waiting it out."

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth lifts his head again, and flaps his wings hard, to ascend back into his place in the Thunderbolt formation.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth simply rumbles assent to Nicoth, then silently acknowledges Laerth.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Salith has to pause before replying, as he detoured between, << We took some more, but several from the wing are almost out. >>

North Bowl> Above, High atop Lysseth, Kassima calls back, "Get ready! We'll be needed shortly!" Lysseth tenses beneath her, red-tinged eyes whirling rapidly.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith fights furiously to gain altitude, beating her wings to catch up with Draeth and Chiloth and the others.

North Bowl> Davidon shakes his head, "No ma'am." his deep voice is quiet.

North Bowl> Myklarr stares silently into the skies.

Sky over Valley Hold> The leading edge of the Fall is passing over the main part of the Hold. To the immediate west of the Hold loom the hills that surround Valley on three sides. The hills are peppered with clumps of evergreens, and several small cotholds lay nestled among them. The wind remains constant from the west, but as the hills approach, pockets of turbulence begin to develop.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << We better have the weyrlings come. The hills are near and the winds are going to get unsteady. Weyrlings! Come! >>

North Bowl> Above, Atop Meroth, T'fian looks over at Kassima.

North Bowl> Above, High atop Lysseth, Kassima raises her hand, signalling all to go *between.*

North Bowl> Alyssa takes a deep breath. "If a dragon or his rider is hurt -- and we will get injuries, most likely, do not get near the rider or dragon until told to do something. Please. It's for your own safety, all right?"

North Bowl> Above, Lysseth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Juliath disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Prefeth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Nicoth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Zuseth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, Meroth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Myklarr sighs as the weyrlings disappear.

Sky over Valley Hold> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> Prefeth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> Zuseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Tzornth announces, << My flame runs low. That last clump was difficult. >> But not, of course, too difficult. He is, after all, Tzornth.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth gives a loud rumble of approval towards the Weyrlings wing as they appear!

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth wobbles in a bit of turbulence, but quickly regains his place. His rider looks about for who needs stone.

North Bowl> Alyssa then glances up and watches the weyrlings wink out, and she folds her arms across her chest. "I know, Portock," she whispers. "I can't help it. Not with F'nar up there....and all those young dragons and their riders."

North Bowl> Davidon nods to Alyssa, "Alright, I'll leave it to you to point me in the right direction. I just wanted to help."

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth trumpets!

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith bugles as her rider calls out, "Stone! We need more firestone!" Empty sacks hang from her riding straps as she wings out of harms way towards the Weyrlings a bit. Elyandra calls out again, "C'mon, I need more!"

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth rumbles again and his rider signals for firestone, quickly!

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath resettles even as Meli begins to loosen the first sack, getting it ready for the toss. She looks to Kassi and T'lar for signals.

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth roars his defiance at the thread, eager to flame, but remains in formation at Prefeth's eight.

Sky over Valley Hold> Prefeth bugles loudly as he emerges, only his redly whirling eyes focused up on the sky betraying him.

North Bowl> Portock grins, " I know, I just had to keep up the tradition and tell you once more."

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Prefeth, take Laerth! Juliath, Zibrith! Nicoth--you take Tzornth! >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << WE go. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> A contingent in the upper part of the formation is suddenly overwhelmed! Several dragons blink between, leaving two untouched clumps to fall. One speeds towards bronze Tzornth ...

Sky over Valley Hold> ... while the other hits a pocket of unsettled air and is deflected unexpectedly towards green Zibrith.

North Bowl> Portock looks at Davidon, "Trust me, do not touch a rider without his or her dragon's permission. It is not pleasant."

North Bowl> Alyssa smiles at Davidon, though the smile is strained. "And I can't tell you how much we appreciate your help. Really." She glances down at the seated Portock with a hint of exasperation, then ruffles his hair.

North Bowl> Portock chuckles and tries to calm his ruffled hair down, "Looks like it is about time for you to cut my hair again."

North Bowl> Davidon doesn't smile, but then again, he hardly ever does. He leans aginst the wall and turns his eyes to the sky. "It's the least I can do--"

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath trumpets and wings over towards Zibrith. Meli gives a mighty heave, aiming carefully for the moving greenrider. At the last moment, they see the patch approaching.

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth banks sharply and climbs toward Tzornth. T'lar readies a sack of firestone and throw it quickly as they pass.

Sky over Valley Hold> Prefeth wings forward without further ado, headed for the bronze wingleader as he banks sharply. On his neck Aphrael unstraps a sack at a time, tossing them over to P'tran, eyes flicking to the sky now and then.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Laerth roars! << LOOK OUT! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth banks quickly out of formation, quickly winging his way to Dawnslight and tossing a sack proficiently over to a brownrider signalling his need for more 'stone.

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath disappears into Between.

Sky over Valley Hold> On Tzornth's back, F'hlan, as the Weyrling Wing blasts into existence, looks up hurriedly to mark their location. He holds his dragon steady, waiting -- both for the next flare of Thread, and for the Weyrling with his replenishing 'stone.

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Sky over Valley Hold> From atop Laerth, P'tran catches the tossed sack deftly, at the same time his dragon lets out a loud roar!

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth BUGLES, seeing the Thread and Nicoth arriving at the same time. But the bigger bronze aims for the Thread, first....

Sky over Valley Hold> From her place aboard Lysseth, Kassima gestures for weyrlings to start the resupplying, pointing to the riders they are to attend to. The weyrlings of Moonrise flick in and out of *between*, dodging the Thread as they toss the stone sacks deftly to riders in need of more.

Sky over Valley Hold> Salith descends lower, quickly replaced by a couple of already supplied dragons. His rider waves to an approaching weyrling, as the brown matches speed for the tosses.

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath reemerges back from the edge, her rider just a bit white in the face, though she works fingers stiffly at the next sack.

North Bowl> And, as if following the tradition further, Alyssa begins tapping right her index finger on her thigh, a nervous rhythm that will not relent until 'Fall is over or something else occupies her hands. "If that's that you need," she smiles tersely to Portock. "It's only been a turn or so..."

Sky over Valley Hold> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra catches the sack easily, securing it to the riding straps as Zibrith suddenly dives. She yells, "Tzornth! Look out!"

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth banks away from the flaming dragon and his rider holds off tossing the sack. He flames at a bit that gets in his way and a satisfying black dust falls instead.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Tzornth! Zibrith! Heads up! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael turns, almost frozen at the sight of the thread headed towards her wingmates.. quickly she recovers, tossing some more sacks to P'tran, then shouting as Prefeth dives back towards the formation.

North Bowl> Myklarr's eyes are closed, his face up towards the sky, imagining the fighting over the small hold.

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth flames his way through a small patch of thread, bugling with satisfaction, and makes his way towards another rider needing 'stone.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith dives out of the way of the larger bronzes, folding her wings until she is well away from their streams of flame. She bugles up at them worriedly, swinging herself around to face them.

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Be ready for more! Nicoth, look out for Tzornth's flame! You are all doing well so far--keep it up! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth swoops downward and tries to catch one of the clumps that got past the top tiers but pulls up when he realizes that it is going to be too far a descent for him and will leave more of the sky open. He pulls up quickluy back into his place and a moment later has his hands full with his own thick clump. The bronze expends the last of his initial firestone and his rider hastily tosses more into the dragon's maw.

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth moves closer to Tzornth to get the resupply to F'hlan.

North Bowl> Lal comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Lal has arrived.

Sky over Valley Hold> The Fall appears to be very thick now ... and there is a break near the north flank! A clump drops through the initial line of defenders and descends upon brown Salith.

North Bowl> Lal says "Allo. What's goin' on?""

North Bowl> Alyssa glances at Lal with that strained smile she tends to wear during 'Falls. "Waiting for 'Fall to be over, Lal...the weyrlings just left."

North Bowl> Mehlani walks here from the south.

North Bowl> Mehlani has arrived.

North Bowl> Lal looks up. "Shards n' dragon droppings!"

North Bowl> Lal falls to teh ground, cowering a bit.

North Bowl> Portock grins at the miners comment.

Sky over Valley Hold> Prefeth wings upwards, then rolls down towards one of the Skyfire riders, eyes kept skywards as his rider tosses the sacks over as quickly as she can.

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Meroth, Zhacheth and her rider need more stone. Zuseth, Draeth is also in need of resupply. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath and Meli resupply a gesturing rider quickly, dipping and darting to fulfill their task while keeping clear of the falling thread. They wing back to formation with a *snap* and a roll as they finish.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << I have enough supply for now, very good Prefeth >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth wings back toward the Weyrling wing. T'lar keeps an eye open for Thread and stone requests.

Sky over Valley Hold> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra calls out again to the closest weyrling, "I need a couple more sacks!" She waves them over.

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth folds in his wings, bugling a warning towards Skyfire's wingleader, as he nearly rolls over and heads down towards another dragon pair.

Sky over Valley Hold> Salith jerks his neck to the other side, flaming the thread irritably. Then bucgles to the closest weyrling, as his rider's expression grows severely impatient.

Sky over Valley Hold> From atop Nicoth, T'lar sees Elyandra signal and directs a closer weyrling to resupply her.

Sky over Valley Hold> Lysseth flicks *between* and reappears near Zibrith, allowing Kassi to toss over a sack to Elyandra.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zuseth leaves the formation and angling to meet with Draeth and his rider. Maarie reaches to undo a sack and get ready to toss it.

Sky over Valley Hold> Several large clumps hit the forward part of the formation all at once in an uneven line as the air becomes turbulent. blue Meroth appears closest to the assault.

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Juliath, Salith needs more firestone! Please see to him! >>

North Bowl> Alyssa manages to smile more reassuringly at Mehlani, and holds a hand out to the girl. "Hello, Mehlani..."

North Bowl> Davidon blinks at the reaction of the woman, "are you alright?"

North Bowl> Lal says "We--well, I just got bad memories about Thread n'all...."

North Bowl> Lal shivers.

Sky over Valley Hold> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael risks a quick look behind her, then spies Juliath moving towards Salith. Prefeth banks back towards the Moonrise wing, hovering as he rumbles softly at the thread falling.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Tsalmoth, Frazloth, with me. Dawnslight needs more stone. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth roars his defiance, turning his head and seeing the clumps descending. Banking towards them, the blues flies straight at the clump, flame issuing from his mouth, charring much of to ash. Just as he is about to fly into the rest, the blue quickly winks between, coming out near Lysseth.

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden dragons with << I missed some near the front of the wings! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath rises enough to aid her toss towards Salith and rider, arcing the heavy sack forward and down with a shout.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith BUGLES her thanks to Lysseth as she turns on her wingtip, away from the weyrling but towards the brunt of the Threadfall. Elyandra calls over her shoulder, "Good job, Kassi!" Her voice fading as her dragon speeds towards the other wingriders of Dawnslight, diving to catch a clump of Thread.

North Bowl> Davidon nods, "I'm sorry to hear that." he says softly, looking on with concern.

Sky over Valley Hold> The formerly steady wind has turned erratic as it passes over the rolling hills below, the terrain and occassional updrafts disrupting what would otherwise have been a steady flow of air. The wind continues to orginate from the north, but it now has many eddies and currents, making for a great deal of turbulence.

Sky over Valley Hold> Lysseth rumbles a return to Zuseth, her rider nodding quickly to Elyandra before they wink back into position in the Wing.

North Bowl> Lal compose herself, sitting on the ground. "Sorry....didna mean t'do that."

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Careful! This wind is tricky. Maintain formation, but be on watch for the unexpected! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Thread falls irregularly now, clumping thickly one moment, breaking into diffuse sheets the next. A twisted clump is blown violently about before falling in front of brown Salith.

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Understood, Lysseth. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Dragonfire punches some holes in a wide sheet of thread before the wind can twist it, sending some of the remaining patches near blue Meroth.

North Bowl> Davidon says "It's alright, really."

Sky over Valley Hold> From astride Salith, T'nnar catches the sack with the usual practiced precision, then waves for one more. Once it's delivered, he banks upward to the wing proper, preparing for the sudden outburst. The clump is instantly incinerated, and his wings beat down through the ashes. The pair resumes the previous position.

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth dives out and under the fighting, flaming wing, leading the other two dragons back to formation after delivering the needed firestone.

Sky over Valley Hold> Other patches from that sheet are deflected wildy by the turbulent air and fall near bronze Nicoth.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Look out, we have more getting through, its being blown towards the Weyrlings! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth roars, happily once again in his element. Belching a strong, steady flame, he heads directly towards several closely-packed clumps, charring them to ash. He bugles a warning to the dragons behind and below to get what he couldn't.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Nicoth! Look out! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth by reflex alone reappears where he should be, but he is drooping in his flight. On his back, F'hlan is listing hard to the right, and above the dragon, there are only four fire lizards left instead of six.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth roars a warning, which is cut short as he is forced to deal with more thread hitting his part of the formation hard. He blinks *between*, then repeats, the second time just barely avoiding a wingtip score as the thread blows past him.

North Bowl> Lal says "I s'ppose."

North Bowl> Davidon glances around, "Should there be wine or something for the riders when they come back?"

North Bowl> Alyssa glances toward Davidan and says, finger still tapping, nods. "Salless and a few others will be getting wine...but really all we get to do forever out here is wait. And I hate it," she sighs. "Ask Portock."

North Bowl> Mehlani looks solemnly up at Alyssa and declares, "Fahloran's looking for Anra."

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth bugles to alert the other two weyrlings and banks to flame the stray patch. The Thread falls jerkily on unsteady aircurrents, falling up and then down. He punches a hole through the Falls with the others following closely behind.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We got it. >>

North Bowl> Lal looks up.

North Bowl> Lal says " canna see anything....."

North Bowl> Myklarr looks at Lal, his eyes coming open. He opens his mouth to snap something at her, but stops and shakes his head.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Very good, Nicoth. Good formation. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Prefeth bugles back to Meroth, banking sideways out of the direction of the thread heading downwards, then banks down after the grey mass, flame bursting forth and charring the remains.

Sky over Valley Hold> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra screams over the din, "F'hlan!" Zibrith senses her rider's apprehension and immediately turns around, beating her wings to get to the large bronze. Elyandra calls out, "Tzornth, go home! We'll follow, go HOME!!!!"

North Bowl> Alyssa chews on her lower lip. "Well, love, where might she be? I thought in the dormitories...maybe at the hot springs?"

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Tzornth rumbles, sounding vaguely startled. << We... go. Laerth, Pavanth... fill our hole....! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> On Tzornth's back, F'hlan looks up groggily, for a few moments, as his dragon leaps *between* again.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Laerth rumbles loudly. << Tzornth? Injured? >>

North Bowl> Lal winces as Myklarr's gaze. "...what'd I say?"

Dragon> Zibrith bespoke Benden dragons with << We follow Tzornth! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Tzornth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to bronze Tzornth and his rider, F'hlan, welcoming them home.

Dragon> Tzornth bespoke Benden dragons with << My.... rider. >>

North Bowl> Mehlani blinkblinkblinks suddenly, looking up.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Zibrith and her rider, Elyandra, welcoming them home.

North Bowl> Above, Tzornth glides down from above.

North Bowl> Myklarr looks upward, seeing the bronze reappear. He looks at Alyssa.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zibrith disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Zibrith and her rider, Elyandra, welcoming them home.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth gives a loud rumble and his rider utters a short curse as he sees the other bronze and rider drop out and quickly shouts orders to fill the hole.

North Bowl> Above, Zibrith wings in closely behind Tzornth.

North Bowl> Alyssa looks up quickly, attention suddenly in the sky, and she sheds her jacket quickly. "Shells," she hisses, tossing her coat away as she examines the descending dragons.

North Bowl> Lal blinks at the sight of the dragons. "Is it over?"

North Bowl> Mehlani suddenly dives at Alyssa and tugs anxiously at the woman's arm, and points up with one tiny hand.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with << Go to weyr. Help there. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath bugles, catching the sense of apprehension from her lifemate, even as the pair move back into formation in the weyrling wing.

Sky over Valley Hold> From astride Salith, T'nnar spares a glance for F'hlan, filled with worry. But then is suddenly overwhelmed by the work at hand, as more Thread fall before his point. Flame and smoke and ashes and other fighting dragons obscure his view.

Sky over Valley Hold> The hills slowly give way to more level terrain, the farmlands to the northeast of Bayhead, on the northernmost tip of Nerat Bay. The winds being to calm, returning to their formerly steady flow. A very light, cold drizzle starts to fall from the clouds, enough to dampen everything but not enough to drown the threads. The Fall itself has started to wane, however, though it continues to fall in ragged clumps.

Sky over Valley Hold> From atop Nicoth, T'lar checks Moonrise's formation. He signals Kassima that all are ok and in place.

North Bowl> Alyssa looks down, startled, at Mehlani and says urgently, "I know, love, I know...I'm going to help him now, all right?"

North Bowl> Tzornth backwings for a landing.

North Bowl> Tzornth wings down unsteadily.

Sky over Valley Hold> Shells!! drifts across the wind from somewhere in Moonrise as the drizzle hits.

North Bowl> Zibrith backwings for a landing.

North Bowl> On Tzornth's back, F'hlan lists hard to his right, scowling vaguely to himself.

North Bowl> Portock makes his way near the landing dragon, but not too close.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth banks slightly to one side in partial compensation for the loss of Tzornth's position, his rider shouting one last order before being forced to turn back to the oncoming Thread, his dragon flaming a large patch as it nears.

Sky over Valley Hold> From her place aboard Lysseth, Kassima nods to T'lar, glancing around to see if there are any riders remaining in need of more 'stone sacks.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Yes, Zibrith, head back so your rider can assist. We are past the hills and the winds are steadying. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael hunches closer to her warm dragons hide as they wing up into place behind some of the other blue weyrlings.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with << Is more flame needed for Thread? >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Zuseth is still several lengths away from the weyrlings when a clump of thread breaks away from a clump being flamed by another dragon and is carried erradically on the winds in the direction of Zuseth and Maarie. Maarie's scream of pain is drowned out as the thread scores her arm by Zuseth's much louder roar of pain as the thread continues it path, scoring her across her flank.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Stay with us, Weyrlings. It is a tiring Fall, we may need reinforcement still >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Astride Meroth, T'fian looks backwards towards Zuseth at the green's roar.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Zuseth! Lysseth, check on your wingmate ... >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Zuseth! Go *between*--back to the Weyr! There are Healers there! >>

North Bowl> Starratiel comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Starratiel has arrived.

North Bowl> Lal rises from her place on the ground.

North Bowl> Mehlani's usually quiet little face crumples in clear dismay and she whimpers, darting towards her father and his dragon.

North Bowl> Astride Zibrith, Elyandra calls out, "Alyssa!" She scans the faces, seeing Portock as well, "F'hlan is hurt! I'll take care of Tzornth, get F'hlan!!!" She frantically fights her own riding straps to get them undone. As soon as they are loosened, she's off her dragon and on the ground.

North Bowl> Lal gasps! "Anythin' I cin do t'help?"

North Bowl> Elyandra swings gracefully from Zibrith's neck, using a thoughtfully extended forleg, she slides to the ground. Her eyes are distant as she speaks silently to her dragon before giving her an affectionate rub on her neck.

North Bowl> Elyandra has arrived.

North Bowl> Starratiel comes out and bows.

North Bowl> Davidon brushes his hands together as he takes a step forward, waiting for instructions of what to do.

North Bowl> Lal runs to Tzornth, offering her hands.

North Bowl> Mehlani pipes, "DADDY!" and tries to scramble up on the bronze dragon's leg.

North Bowl> Tzornth rumbles, sounding strangely taken aback and embarrassed. Near his rider's left leg there is a long and ragged score going down the bronze hide -- a score that seems to have slashed diagonally across F'hlan's thigh.

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath nearly *screams* for her clutchmate, diving and flaming the offending patch, as Meli tries to see the pair.

Sky over Valley Hold> A few tired riders at the edge of the formation manage to miss what would have otherwise been an easy target. The patch falls on a diagonal towards brown Salith.

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath nearly *screams* for her clutchmate, diving and flaming the offending patch, as Meli tries to see the pair.

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth dives downward out of formation, banking sharply backwards toward the thread that struck Zuseth.

North Bowl> On Tzornth's back, F'hlan looks up muzzily at his daughter's voice. Home. Right, home. Stiffly, he starts fumbling at his riding straps. Off the dragon, rider....

North Bowl> Myklarr blinks, looking at F'hlan and Tzornth in shock.

Sky over Valley Hold> Lysseth roars and breaks formation, speeding towards Zuseth to support the injured green--flaming the Threads nearby to cinders and ash.

Sky over Valley Hold> A little more of the dank overcast appears through the falling threads. A diffuse patch starts to fall near blue Prefeth.

North Bowl> Starratiel comes out with a pot of numbweed..

North Bowl> Alyssa reaches out instinctively and snags Mehlani from behind. "No, Mehlani," she says crisply, using as Melora-like a tone as she can manage. "Stay here so we can help him. Elyandra!!"

North Bowl> Elyandra runs over to Tzornth as Zibrith moves next to the great bronze. Zibrith nuzzles the bronze head from his uninjured side in an attempt to calm the bronze. Elyandra runs around the other side and looks up at F'hlan, "Bronzerider, we're going to help you off....." She looks at Lal, "Watch his leg! We have to get him down...."

North Bowl> Mehlani's eyes well up in tears, but she obediently shrinks back.

North Bowl> Lal nods. "Yessim."

North Bowl> Elyandra looks over her shoulder, "What?! Lys?" She turns to look back up at the score on the bronze hide that runs across his rider's leg as well.

North Bowl> Portock goes over to help F'hlan off the dragon.

North Bowl> Portock quickly grabs his gear and readies for the treatment.

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We go after Zuseth! Weyrlings, keep formation and look after yourselves--Klavrith, you take over Zuseth's place! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth quickly reforms his position behind Prefeth as the other dragons erradicate the thread that struck Zuseth.

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth's head jerks around at the sound of the scream. He bugles in inquiry and distress.

Sky over Valley Hold> As she spots Lysseth moving in to assist, Meli turns Juliath back to formation, turning to glance at T'lar and T'fian momentarily, her face unreadable in the wind and rain.

Sky over Valley Hold> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael sits straight up, water almost drowing out her call as she shouts out Maarie's name, eyes wide.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Zuseth *PAIN*

North Bowl> Tzornth creels, as he tries to peer around at his rider.

North Bowl> Lal says "Come down, sir, I'll keep yeh steady...My. Dragon, cin yeh come down a bit?"

North Bowl> Halyn comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

North Bowl> Lal pats Tzornth.

Sky over Valley Hold> Astride Meroth, T'fian motions T'lar to the point of the V as Lysseth goes back to Zuseth.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth gives a loud roar towards the Weyrlings!

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Zuseth! Go to home. >>

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Home!! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth moves to the point of the V. T'lar glances over his shoulder anxiously.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Weyrlings, pay attention to the Fall! Zuseth, go back to the Weyr, now. Get the visualization from a wingmate >>

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Prefeth! Watch before you! >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Prefeth! There is Thread coming for you! Zuseth, I am here--you must go back to Home, to the Weyr! >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Prefeth bugles a warning, Aphrael blinking and looks back around as she spots thread drifting towards her. The blue bugles a second time, winging up to meet the thread, flaming it, perhaps excessively as his eyes whirling with concern.

Sky over Valley Hold> Zuseth disappears into Between.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Zuseth and her rider, Maarie, welcoming them home.

North Bowl> Davidon frowns slightly, not knowing the faces, but wanting very much to help, he steps forward.

North Bowl> Portock waits for Lal and Ely to get F'hlan down.

North Bowl> On Tzornth's back, F'hlan, finding several supporting hands nearby, mutters something to the air. Or perhaps his bronze. Tzornth shrinks down a little, and limply, his rider slides down the dragon's left flank.

North Bowl> Starratiel holds the numbweed out to Portock...

North Bowl> Alyssa watches Lal tightlipped as she heads toward Elyandra and Tzornth. To Lal she says more sharply than intended, "Please do not touch the dragon again. He's hurt and upset." She then looks up and exclaims as Maarie and her Gelth arrive.

Sky over Valley Hold> The end of the Fall can be seen in the distance as a loose sheet of thread falls on the front part of the formation. Most of it is flamed easily, but fatigue allows some to slip through and fall near blue Meroth.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth rumbles, concern in his voice. << We see it. What of Zuseth? >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << I will go after her. >>

Lysseth disappears into Between.

Lysseth has left.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Lysseth and her rider, Kassima, welcoming them home.

North Bowl> Alluire sails here from the south.

North Bowl> Above, Zuseth roars in agony once more and Maarie clutches her arm, trying to coax her down to the bowl.

North Bowl> Zuseth backwings for a landing.

North Bowl> Above, Lysseth glides down from above.

North Bowl> Elyandra hears Gelth and looks skyward. She sees the young green and hisses under her breath, "Shardit." She turns to see if Alyssa sees the weyrlings coming in, "Lys?!"

North Bowl> Eyrie appears suddenly from *between* with a blast of cold air.

North Bowl> Lysseth backwings for a landing.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Follow me. We flame the last with the others. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> Meroth turns tightly after the clump of roiling thread, Zuseth and Lysseth forgotten as he flames the patch easily, and barrel rolls downward after the bits he missed. Once the clump is charred to ash he easily slides back into position.

North Bowl> Alyssa waves briefly to Elyandra, "Take care of Tzornth...I'll see to Maarie and Gelth!"

North Bowl> F'hlan climbs down to Tzornth's foreleg, then jumps to the ground.

North Bowl> Elyandra pulls F'hlan off his dragon, supporting his weight with suprising strength for one so small. She and Lal move with him quickly, "C'mon, F'hlan, over to Portock..."

Sky over Valley Hold> Nicoth leads the weyrling wing toward some stray patches that have fallen beneath the fighting wings. He flames that in front of him, leaving the rest to the others.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth rumbles something, looking clearly annoyed at something, and turns back into the fall

North Bowl> Halyn pushes her sleeves up, as predicted, and brushes her bangs from her eyes. Pausing for a moment to get a sense of what's going on, she calls out to a drudge, milling about the living cavern entryway, "Inside. Fill glasses with wine, and bring it if I tell you."

North Bowl> Alyssa walks briskly over to Maarie and Zuseth. "Maarie...I know it hurts," she calls up to the weyrling, her voice now suddenly calm, "but can you dismount unaided? We need to look at you and Zuseth."

North Bowl> Lal tries to steady F'hlan.

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath follows Nicoth's lead, filling in some open gaps, flame seeming to almost sizzle in the falling rain as it turns the clump to ash.

Sky over Valley Hold> Prefeth falls back into position, strain lining his body as his haed moves around, watching for the thread that drifts towards them.

Sky over Valley Hold> The fall is quickly starting to dissipate now, the light grey clouds appearing through the darker silver-grey. Bayhead Hold appears in the distance, but it looks like the Fall is going to stop before it gets there. The northern wind is not as cold here as it was before, and not as strong, the warmer winds from the bay starting to influence the air patterns.

Sky over Valley Hold> T'fian shakes his head, clearly angry as Meroth flames easily the falling patches.

North Bowl> F'hlan makes a barely audible hiss as he lands on his injured leg, and he lurches hard against Elyandra.

North Bowl> Lal says "Y'need t'be carried sir?"

North Bowl> Lal tries to assist in carrying F'hlan. She is a big strong girl, and picks him up out of Ely's grasp without even thinking about it.

North Bowl> Kassima slides down from Lysseth's neckridges to land beside her with ease. Lysseth cocks her head at her rider, and Kassima gives her lifemate's eyeridges a grateful scratching.

North Bowl> Tzornth's eyes, whirling a dull yellow, remain fixed on his rider.

North Bowl> Lysseth lands beside Zuseth, flying closely beside the green to assist her. She does not seem to be injured herself. Kassima unstraps herself hurriedly, sliding down to the ground with a thump.

North Bowl> Zuseth visibly winces as she lands, favoring her left hindleg and bugling loudly in frustration at the jolt as she hits the ground rather clumisly, not sparing herself the least amount of pain.

North Bowl> Lal says "Where's Portock?"

North Bowl> Elyandra blinks in suprise at Lal, then just kind of shrugs and turns her attention to Tzornth and his threadscored side. She calls out, "Water! I need cold water over here! Clean, cold water!"

North Bowl> Maarie dismounts Zuseth.

North Bowl> Portock quickly takes his knife and cuts away F'hlan's pant leg to expose the wound.

North Bowl> Kassima sprints over to Zuseth, expression one of frantic worry. She steps beside Maarie to support the Weyrling, careful of her 'scored arm.

North Bowl> F'hlan, supported by Lal, slumps against her. And blinks rapidly as he tries to focus on the healer.

North Bowl> Lal lowers F'hlan onto the ground in order that Portock work more easily.

North Bowl> Davidon swiftly grabs the water and takes it to Elyandra and Portock, "Here--"

North Bowl> Portock grabs a jug of water and begins to saturate the wound in it.

North Bowl> Maarie clutches her arm and glances at Zuseth's score before walking to her head and murmuring softly, basically dragging Kassi allong for the ride as she goes.

North Bowl> Alyssa glances at Maarie's Score for a moment, then beckons to Garant, the journeyman healer who is nearby. "Maarie, need to sit. And I need to touch Zuseth. Can you ask her if that's all right?"

North Bowl> Near F'hlan, Mehlani whimpers again, "Daddy?" And tries to press around a grownup or two to see her father.

North Bowl> Lal says "Mister Healer? What else should I be doin'?"

North Bowl> Maarie tears her eyes from Zuseth and nods, "She will let you." She backs off and sits down on a rock close by, not taking her eyes from Zuseth.

North Bowl> Lal looks down at the girl. "Here, lemme pick yeh up sos yeh cin see him, lass?"

North Bowl> Halyn fixes another drudge with a look, and nods back over her shoulder in toward the cavern. The girl simply studies Halyn narrow-eyed awhile, before Halyn scowls faintly at her. "Later. Water now. Go on."

North Bowl> Lal motions to Mehlani.

North Bowl> Garant hurries over with an apprentice healer in his wake, smiling in a reassuring fashion at Maarie. "Alyssa knows what she's doing, lass," he says to Maarie. "Let me have a look at that arm."

North Bowl> Portock nods to Davidon after he puts the jug to the side.

North Bowl> Portock looks up at Lal, "We will need a stretcher in a moment, if you could be kind enough to grab one."

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << The fall is starting to break up. Weyrlings, break and prepare for some low sweeps. >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with << Yes. We descend now. >>

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Nicoth, you lead the wing. Mraanth will supervise. I am returning home with the wings. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> From atop Nicoth, T'lar signals the wing to break and head for the ground. Nicoth leads the way, expelling some flame at a single Thread that drifts down with him.

Sky over Valley Hold> The last patches of Thread fall from the skies as the Fall comes to an abrupt end, short of the outshirts of Bayhead. Some more rain starts to fall in the threads' place.

Sky over Valley Hold> Juliath follows the Moonrise Wing, her rider tired and damp, her face nearly as stiff as her leathers, but watching carefully for signs of any missed patches.

Sky over Valley Hold> From atop Laerth, P'tran sighs and mumbles. "Right, *now* it rains, after the Fall is sharding over."

Dragon> Meroth senses that Laerth snorts << FInd out why the Weyrlings Wing was left without a leader for the rest of the Fall >>

Sky over Valley Hold> From atop Nicoth, T'lar signals assent to P'tran as Nicoth relays to Laerth.

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Laerth with << I will do so. >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << Anyone find anything on sweeps? If not, fall back into formation for the trip home >>

North Bowl> Maarie mechanically removes her hand from her arm, nodding acknowledgement to the healer, but unwilling to take her eyes from her lifemate.

North Bowl> Lal nods. "Where is one, sir?"

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We do not see any. >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with << All is clear here. We will form up and return. >>

Sky over Valley Hold> From atop Nicoth, T'lar looks longing at Bayhead Hold.

Sky over Valley Hold> Laerth gives a roar and rises into position. His rider waits for the other dragons to follow suit.

Sky over Valley Hold> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael has partially disconnected.

Sky over Valley Hold> Astride Juliath, Meli watches for T'lar's signals still, moving her tired dragon up and into place. Her eyes then turn towards P'tran.

Sky over Valley Hold> From atop Laerth, P'tran looks around and raises his arm. He pauses, then lets it drop to signal the move between.

North Bowl> Portock looks at Lal after patting the wound dry, "Near the Infirmary enterance."

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to bronze Laerth and his rider, P'tran, welcoming them home.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to blue Meroth and his rider, T'fian, welcoming them home.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to bronze Nicoth and his rider, T'lar, welcoming them home.

North Bowl> Above, Meroth glides down from above.

North Bowl> Meroth backwings for a landing.

North Bowl> Above, Laerth glides down from above.

North Bowl> Starratiel wait, still holding the pot of numbweed..

North Bowl> Zuseth blinks and rests her head on the bowl floor, her eyes swirling slowly in pain.

North Bowl> Kassima steps away from Maarie, seeing her well-tended. She calls to Alyssa, "What do you need for Zuseth? I can fetch it for you."

North Bowl> Lal nods. "I be back!"

North Bowl> Atop Meroth, T'fian strips off his riding gloves, shaking his head angrily.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Juliath and her rider, Meli, welcoming them home.

North Bowl> Lal runs out of the bowl.

North Bowl> Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to blue Prefeth and his rider, Aphrael, welcoming them home.

North Bowl> Above, Prefeth glides down from above.

North Bowl> Alyssa looks up at Zuseth's flank critically and calls over her shoulder, "I'll need that step ladder and water, quickly!" Two younger apprentices hurry off to get the supplies as Alyssa rolls up her sleeves and douses her hands in redwort. As soon as the ladder is set up, she climbs up to where she is at eye level with the 'scored flank.

North Bowl> Astride Meroth, T'fian reaches down and unbuckles the riding straps from around himself and gives Meroth an affectionate pat.

North Bowl> Above, Nicoth flies over from the south end of the bowl.

North Bowl> Lal moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Lal has left.

North Bowl> T'fian quickly slides down Meroth's foreleg and jumps to the ground.

North Bowl> T'fian has arrived.

North Bowl> Prefeth backwings for a landing.

North Bowl> Prefeth has arrived.

North Bowl> Laerth backwings for a landing.

North Bowl> Laerth has arrived.

North Bowl> Eyrie launches herself skywards and vanishes *between*.

North Bowl> Eyrie has left.

North Bowl> Nicoth backwings for a landing.

North Bowl> Nicoth has arrived.

North Bowl> F'hlan lies prone where Lal has placed him, frowning muzzily down at his leg as Portock leans over it.

North Bowl> Near F'hlan, Mehlani bobs her head mutely to Lal, and peers anxiously at her father's prone form.

North Bowl> From atop Laerth, P'tran unhooks the straps from his waist and unhooks some remaining sacks from his belt, letting them drop to the ground near Laerth

North Bowl> T'lar slides precipitously down from Nicoth's back.

North Bowl> T'lar has arrived.

North Bowl> Garanth strips Maarie's sleeve off with efficiency and at once douses the Threadscore in cool water, murmuring reassuringly to her.

North Bowl> Aphrael climbs down from Prefeth's neckrides with practised ease, reaching up to give her lifemate a thankful scritch as the blue dragon crooons.

North Bowl> Aphrael has arrived.

North Bowl> T'fian pulls off his helmet and tosses it to the ground in front of him, stepping over it quickly. His racoon eyes scan the people and he sees Kassima. "Kassima, come here," he barks.

North Bowl> P'tran comes down from Laerth's neck in one smooth motion.

North Bowl> P'tran has arrived.

North Bowl> T'lar looks over at the injured and the healers. He decides it is too crowded and starts for the South Bowl. T'fian's cry halts him in his tracks.

North Bowl> Maarie yelps at the water on her score and turn to look at Garanth for a moment before biting her lip and turning back to watch Zuseth and Alyssa.

North Bowl> Portock scrubs his hands down in redwort and then begins to apply thurough amounts to the leg wound.

North Bowl> Kassima sprints quickly over to T'fian, her expression a guilty one. She skids to a stop and bites her lip, looking up at him. "Aye, sir?"

North Bowl> P'tran dismounts quickly, a clearly annoyed expression on his face. he hears T'fian and nods to him and decides to let the matter rest with him. He heads across the bowl, pulling off gloves, helmet, and goggles as he goes.

North Bowl> Davidon looks to see where else he's needed, watching all the people come and go.

North Bowl> Alyssa reaches below her for the jugs of water and begins pouring over the Threadscored flank, dousing it with a heavy deluge until that jug is empty. As soon as it is, she drops it to a waiting apprentice and takes another jug to begin rinsing it out again.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Are all but Zuseth uninjured? >>

North Bowl> Aphrael slips down to the ground, her tiredness obvious. Prefeth croons softly, as both of them look towards Maarie and Zuseth, wishing they could help.

North Bowl> Tzornth rumbles wanly, peering all the while at his rider, as Elyandra briskly attends to his flank.

North Bowl> T'fian looks at Kassima intently for a moment and then says. "How are Maarie and Zuseth?"

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We are fine. >>

North Bowl> Meli walks here from the south.

North Bowl> Meli has arrived.

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We are well. >>

North Bowl> Smiling as he redworts Maarie's score, Garant comments, "See? Not too bad, probably won't even scar...and I'll get some numbweed on it in two shakes of an ovine's tail. How's your mate?"

North Bowl> T'lar removes goggles, helmet and gloves. He waits, wanting to help Kassima, but knowing there's nothing he can do.

North Bowl> Meroth lays down, tucking his legs down underneath him as he settles down.

North Bowl> Kassima glances over to them. "They're both having their scores tended--Zuseth is in the best of hands with Alyssa, and Maarie is being cared to by a Healer named, I think, Garant."

North Bowl> T'lar smiles wanly at Meli.

North Bowl> F'hlan looks up as best he can, hearing the noise of returning Wings.

North Bowl> Portock grabs another jug of redwort to finish off the wide burn. He looks up at the rider, "It may hurt like dragons fire, but its really not that deep."

North Bowl> Meli nods, her expression blank, as she tugs off her leathers and ruffles a hand through her damp, chilled hair.

North Bowl> P'tran pauses a moment to catch his breath and looks over at the injured riders and dragons, always distressed when there's even one injured in the ranks. He heads over to his wingsecond first. "How bad?" he askes F'hlan.

North Bowl> Aphrael reaches up and starts to take off the empty sacks, putting them in a pile for now, near Prefeth's leg.

North Bowl> Alyssa drops the second jug of water and shouts, "Redwort, please!" to someone, anyone, below, and receives it at once. With equal briskness she douses the score until she is certain it is totally clean. "Right then," she says as she lowers the redwort bowl, "numbweed paddles, please. Hurry."

North Bowl> T'fian nods. "I will have a talk with them, to determine her status." He pauses and then asks coldly. "Kassima, where does a wingleader's responsibility lie?"

North Bowl> F'hlan blinks up at Portock, then almost, _almost_, grins wryly. Seeing P'tran's face come into his field of vision, he mutters gruffly, "Hurts. Like dragonsfire."

North Bowl> Kassima says in a quiet voice, "With the Wing, sir."

North Bowl> Garant begins smoothing on a thick coating of numbweed on Maarie's left arm, bringing instant relief from the burn of Threadscore. "Better?" he asks gently.

North Bowl> Portock looks up at the weyrleader, "Not too bad, a lot wider than it is deep. I would say about three sevendays out of action."

North Bowl> T'lar glances at Meli and holds out a hand, his gaze (and attention) goes back to T'fian.

North Bowl> Maarie blinks back at Garant and tries to manage a smile to match his mood, "A lot of pain. She's hurting a lot." She stands up and moves away from Garanth, basically dragging him with her over to Zuseth. She sits down next to Zuseth's head and places the hand of her good hand on the muzzle, comfortingly, "Lys will take care of you, dear," she says softly.

North Bowl> Portock takes out the ever welcome numbweed and begins spreading it over the wound with his wide paddle.

North Bowl> Aphrael steps forward, towards Alyssa, "I'll help," She offers, nervous. She hands her the redwort, then goes to find the numbweed.

North Bowl> Near F'hlan, Mehlani settles down a little as she hears her father talk, and sees him look around. But the child is still teary, and she studies Portock anxiously as the man tends F'hlan.

North Bowl> T'fian nods. "With the /wing/," he says, emphasizing that last word. "It is comendable to you helped Zuseth back, but did it pass through your mind that you were in charge of 30 riders up there, not just Zuseth?"

North Bowl> P'tran nods to F'hlan. He glances occassionally in Kassima's direction, but his main attention is on F'hlan. "It was a rather unlucky gust of wind," he comments.

North Bowl> Meli quietly takes T'lar's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, the only evidence of the emotion roiling below the surface as she watches the healers work.

North Bowl> Alyssa catches Maarie's comment and smiles at her in a very tender, reassuring manner. "I will, I promise, make sure you're fixed up well as soon as possible. Another few minutes and I'll have some numbweed on this thing, and you'll feel better at once. Aphrael! Bring my suture kit, please!!"

North Bowl> P'tran looks over to Tzornth. "Tzornth get hit as well? I thought I saw Elyandra around the other flank ..."

North Bowl> Aphrael nods at Alyssa, moving to grab the suture kit without comment, eyes falling to Zuseth as she hands it over silently.

North Bowl> T'lar squeezes Meli's hand in return. Fatigue is evident in his face and posture. Even Nicoth looks a bit dull.

North Bowl> F'hlan sucks in a breath, relief easing his face a trifle, as the numbweed hits his system. "Dropped in," he reports as clearly as he can manage. "From above and right. Hit my fair first.... Tzornth, me... next."

North Bowl> Laerth peers at the other dragons. He gives a croon towards Tzornth, then turns his gaze towards Zuseth as well.

North Bowl> Lal emerges from the infirmary.

North Bowl> Lal has arrived.

North Bowl> Tzornth rumbles, trying to sound game. Apparently oblivious to Elyandra's tending of his own wounded flank, he stares yellowly down at his rider.

North Bowl> Lal returns from the infirmary, stretcher in her arms.

North Bowl> Portock finishes off with the numbweed and raises the leg a little so he can begin to bandage it.

North Bowl> P'tran ums and winces. "Your 'lizard fair was hit first?"

North Bowl> Lal puts the stretcher down next to Portock.

North Bowl> Alyssa smiles fleetingly at Aphrael. "Just hang on to it, please...I have to get numbweed on here first." She takes a paddle and large jar from a drudge and slathers on a coat of the thickish white paste, beginning with the deepest part of the score near the top. "There, Zuseth...that should make you feel's that?" she coos reassuringly to the dragon.

North Bowl> Maarie turns her head, searching out T'lar in the crowd of people, and trying to smile with a slight nod of her head.

North Bowl> F'hlan says "I... felt two go... I..."

North Bowl> Kassima squares her shoulders and looks T'fian straight in the eye. "It did not occur to me then, sir. At the time, all I could see was Zuseth flailing around--with me and Lyss closest to them. In retrospect, I wish I could say that I knew Nicoth and T'lar were well able to lead, and that's why I did it. I can't say that, though. It's not the truth." She winces slightly and glances down at her boots before looking up again. "I was irresponsible, I know," she says flatly. "There's nothing I can do to change that now. If I could do it over again, I would stay with the Wing--but I cannot."

North Bowl> F'hlan starts trailing off, his eyes going a little glassy. Only now does he seem to register his own words, and fleeting dismay crosses his face.

North Bowl> P'tran sighs. "I'm sorry, F'hlan. I'm not much for flits myself, but I know you had them a long time. I'm sorry to hear you lost them."

North Bowl> Aphrael crouches down next to Alyssa, watching her work carefully. She smiles slightly as Alyssa speaks to Zuseth, holding the kit in her lap.

North Bowl> T'lar nods to Maarie, adding a wave to show he noticed.

North Bowl> Near F'hlan, Mehlani sniffles, blinking again. Father lost fire lizards? Aghast, she looks around, trying to see if any of the fair have returned.

North Bowl> Once the redwort is on Maarie's threadscore, Garant begins winding a bandage around her arm as gently as possible to avoid jarring or disturbing the concentration between rider and dragon. His cavalier smile belies the worry in his eyes, and he looks away from the bandaging job at F'hlan.

North Bowl> Zuseth's eyes begin to lid as the pain subsides and she rumbles in response. Maarie smiles to Lys as she scritches Zuseth, "She is doing better, I think. Her thoughts have become pretty muddled."

North Bowl> Portock finishes up with the bandaging and motions for the strecher to be brought to him.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << How badly was Zuseth and her rider hurt? >>

North Bowl> As if F'hlan's daughter summons them, two of his greens emerge unsteadily from *between*. Creeling in terror, Koei and Neme dive straight for the bronze rider's chest and promptly try to burrow into his jacket.

North Bowl> Meli gives Alluire a smile as the gold lands on her daintily.

North Bowl> T'fian shakes his head. "It was your first time, I understand, leading a wing in an actual 'fall, but you've done enough drills that I thought you would have known better. If Zuseth needed help getting back, then you could have sent someone else to help her back. In that brief moment when Moonrise was leaderless, Prefeth nearly went dancing headlong into a clump. That's two for the price of one. Make sure that it doesn't happen again, Kassima. I'm glad that you realize that it was irresponsible, but I don't want to" he says these last words slowly, punctuating each of them.

North Bowl> Kassima shakes her head wordlessly, and then looks up, eyes dark with worry. "Prefeth--he's all right?"

North Bowl> T'fian shakes his head. "This is the hardest part of being wingleader. Each one of the riders under you is your responsibility. You cannot afford to be reckless like that. And yes, Prefeth is allright. He saw the clump at the last moment."

North Bowl> Maarie smiles her thanks to Garant and gingerly touches the bandages on her arm. She leans back, a bit more relaxed now, and watches Lys and Zuseth closely.

North Bowl> Alyssa looks critically at the wound and sighs, chewing her lip as she stares at the deepest part of the wound. "It's going to want stitches...Maarie, please tell Zuseth I know this is going to hurt..and I'm sorry...I'll finish numbweeding after the sutures are in, all right? You have to help me keep her calm."

North Bowl> P'tran blinks at the sudden entrance and watches F'hlan's children for a few moments. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, he says, "I'm going to see how the other riders are doing."

North Bowl> Prefeth lumbers closer to his rider, eyes whirling a little slower as he watches Alyssa with Zuseth.

North Bowl> Maarie nods to Alyssa and turns her attention to Zuseth.

North Bowl> P'tran heads across the bowl and stops near Maarie and Zuseth. "How are you two doing?"

North Bowl> T'lar turns to Meli. "Looks like everyone will be doing ok. I think Nicoth and Juliath need baths and food. You ready to leave?"

North Bowl> Maarie glances up and manages a quick salute with her good arm, "I am well, sir, onlyl a small scratch. Zuseth looks like she won't be flying for a bit, though."

North Bowl> Meli nods, some color and expression returning to her face. "Yah, let's keep out o'the way. Jul's mighty tired, an' I am too."

North bowl> Alyssa takes the suture kit from Aphrael and prepares a needle hurriedly but efficiently. Taking a deep breath, she then begins to join the two lips of the wound together, beginning at the narrowest point of the 'score and working in a deft, certain pattern toward the more gaping section. Her eyes watch her work with unblinking steadiness, a towel ready to mop up blood as needed.

North Bowl> Kassima sighs with obvious relief, then says quietly, "I'm very glad nothing happened to him because of my feckless error, sir. If something had...." She shudders, then resumes. "I know there's nothing I can do to make up for what I've already done. I can say I'm sorry--and I am--but that's not enough. Still, there's got to be something I can do to at least--I mean, something to...." She trails off, then finishes in a near whisper, "Something to make it up to them." She gestures to the Weyrling Wing.

North Bowl> P'tran ums and looks towards Zuseth, nodding slightly. "Did you see the patch that hit you two?"

North Bowl> T'lar nods.

North Bowl> Meli walks south.

North Bowl> T'lar walks south.

North Bowl> Nicoth lumbers south.

North Bowl> Maarie shakes her head, "It came in right on top of us and slightly behind, in a blind spot."

North Bowl> Lal says "Miss Alyssa? D'yeh need me t'carry folk anywhere?"

North Bowl> T'fian shakes his head. "It was your first time. I will tell Cerilla of this, and if there is anything you can do to make up for your error, then she will assign something. T'lar handled himself well, as did you before you left."

North Bowl> Starlight pops out of *between* and flutters to a landing.

North Bowl> F'hlan nods heavily as P'tran moves off, and submits to the last of Portock's care before the healer orders him carried off to the Infirmary.

North Bowl> P'tran nods to Maarie. "I see. All right, when you and Zuseth are in better shape, you may want to see if you can recall a little more detail if possible. It would be good if you could, in case there was some way of avoiding it in the future." He says this with calm and does not appear to be chastising or upset

North Bowl> Alyssa does not remove her eyes from her quick and efficient suturing. "Don't think so, Lal, thanks," she answers in as even a tone as she can manage given the stress of her situation. After mopping up more blood, she pats Zuseth's side. "Almost done, my brave girl," she whispers to the dragon.

North Bowl> Davidon helps where he can, standing up after a time to looks around to find everything not quite as crazed as before.

North Bowl> Aphrael moves back a little to give Alyssa some room, watching her as she stitches up Zuseth.

North Bowl> Maarie nods slowly to P'tran.

North Bowl> Lal leans down to F'hlan. "I'm gonna pick yeh up now, 'kay?"

North Bowl> F'hlan nods vaguely up to Lal, as Mehlani scurries out of the way only far enough to try to help move Daddy.

North Bowl> P'tran hrms and runs a hand through his hair, looking over the other injured. "I think I need to look at that flank formation again."

North Bowl> Kassima bites her lip again, and nods. "Thank you, sir. But if I were any kind of leader, I would've known better. T'lar is much more suited than me. He had the sense to stay."

North Bowl> Alyssa wipes her brow, smearing an unappealing mix of redwort and dragonblood across her forehead, and studies her work. "That should do it," she nods and hands the suture kit back down, exchanging it for numbweed. "Almost done, Zuseth, I promise. Maarie, you two are doing wonderfully..."

North Bowl> P'tran takes a step to one side to see Alyssa's work a little better. He smiles slightly to himself before looking away and heading over in T'fian and Kassima's general direction.

North Bowl> Lal leans down, placing her body so as to not strain her back. With fulidity, she picks F'hlan up.

North Bowl> Maarie laughs softly, "That numbweed has got her pretty well off in la la land. I think she'd let you do just about anything right now, Lys."

North Bowl> F'hlan has left.

North Bowl> Lal says "Awright. See ya! I'm takin' this one!"

North Bowl> T'fian exhales loudly and shakes his head. "I'm not gioing to admit I made a mistake because I don't think I did. I've seen veteran wingleaders do the same. I know that P'tran wants to kill me for that particular lapse of judgment on your part." He stops as P'tran approaches. "Sir."

North Bowl> Lal moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Lal has left.

North Bowl> P'tran hmms? as he approaches, having overheard. "Kill you, T'fian? Then where would Cerilla find another assistant as good as you?" he says with a slight grin.

North Bowl> Alyssa smiles down at Maarie as she finishes putting the first layer of numbweed on. "She's being grand, Maarie. Usually when a weyrling is first scored, neither dragon or rider knows what really to do -- the pain confuses them. I commend you two for staying so calm....can you ask her if there's any pain left, please?"

North Bowl> Maarie shakes her head, "She feels none."

North Bowl> Aphrael starts and blinks slightly, smiling as she reaches up to take off her lifemate's riding straps, bundling them in her arms. She leans back against Prefeth, "Do you need any more help, Lys?" She asks quietly, so as not to disturb her.

North Bowl> Kassima salutes P'tran with a quiet, "Sir," and looks down at her boots again.

North Bowl> Alyssa wipes her hands and lets out a gusty sigh, as if she's been holding her breath forever. "Thanks, no, Aphrael. But I really appreciate your assistance. Let's move Zuseth and Maarie to the infirmary, OK?" she says as she goes down the ladder.

North Bowl> T'fian smiles. "Well, it's a bit moot after the end of the month, sir," he replies, "Even if I were as valuable as that." He turns to look at Kassima. "Don't get down on yourself. You made a mistake, but you recognize that and admit it. Therefore, it won't happen again."

North Bowl> P'tran nods at T'fian's words and takes on a more serious expression. "I trust you explained to this Weyrling the mistake she made?"

North Bowl> T'fian nods. "Yes, sir. I have."

North Bowl> Kassima shakes her head stubbornly. "But it was *my fault*. Something really awful could've happened because of me." She still doesn't look up from those boots. Must be something fascinating about them.

North Bowl> P'tran nods to T'fian. "Very good." He looks over to Kassima. "Though I'm sure T'fian has already mentioned it, Kassima, your primary responsibility is to your *wing* when you're in that position. Don't ever forget that."

North Bowl> Maarie stands up and nudges Zuseth lightly with a boot tip and a silent command. Zuseth blinks at Maarie and rumbles softly before *slowly* standing up.

North Bowl> Aphrael nods and smiles. "Always, Lys." She moves back to watch them move into the infirmary, then looks up at Prefeth, mumbling at him.

North Bowl> Maarie moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Zuseth moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> Alyssa pats Zuseth's side as she lands on the ground again and glances toward Maarie. "Well, Maarie, Zuseth is going to be our guest for...oh, about a sevenday, I'd say. And she'll be grounded for two to three sevendays total." She smiles encouragingly and nods toward the infirmary. "Go on ahead...I want to make sure everyone else is all right."

North Bowl> T'fian nods. "Yes, it was your fault. And yes, something awful could have happened. But, like you said, it can't be changed now. Just as long as you understand where your primary responsibilities lie, as P'tran said."

North Bowl> P'tran says in response, "Kassima, stop it. Blaming yourself is not going to help. You made a mistake, you realized it, and you're going to make sharding sure you don't do it again."

North Bowl> Davidon leans against the wall as he looks around again, trying not to get in the way more then he's helping.

North Bowl> Halyn walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

North Bowl> Kassima lifts her head to look at P'tran, expression bleak. "I won't, sir... not now." She blinks, obviously startled--what did she expect, to be whipped and flayed alive for this? Yeah, something along those lines. "Aye, sir--but...." She blinks again, then sighs. "You're right, of course, sir. I can't help feeling awful about it, though."

North Bowl> P'tran nods. "This is the first time you've seen a wingmate go down, correct?"

North Bowl> T'fian smiles, kindly, and backs up a step, listening to the Weyrleader.

North Bowl> Kassima nods. "Aye, sir. Last time--there were some really minor things, but nothing like this." She shudders, remembering how Zuseth looked when she flew into that patch.

North Bowl> Aphrael and Prefeth angle across the bowl, pausing as Aphrael glances towards Kassima, T'fian and P'tran.

North Bowl> P'tran nods to Kassima, his expression hard, but not harsh. "Its something you're going to have to accept. You may not get used to it, but you'll have to accept it. I've had to more times than I can count." He pauses a moment and says in a softer voice. "Jehrina got scored badlyt in the middle of one Fall and I had to stay no matter how much I wanted to head back to the Weyr to be at her side."

North Bowl> Alyssa looks around and nods to herself as the other dragons seem taken care of. "If no one else needs me," she calls in a general manner, "I'll be in the infirmary with Zuseth..."

North Bowl> T'fian nods at P'tran's words.

North Bowl> P'tran glances over and nods to Alyssa.

North Bowl> Aphrael stops, rubbing at Prefeth's eyeridges slowly.

North Bowl> Davidon looks over to Alyssa, "I'm sorry I wasn't more help this evening ma'am."

North Bowl> Kassima nods. "I know, sir. I just--I saw them flailing around down there, with us close, and I couldn't...." She spreads her hands helplessly, then sighs. "It was foolish. There were others almost as close as we were who could've gone after Zuseth." She winces almost imperceptably. "That no others were harmed by my foolishness is a wonder. I wouldn't do this again for the world, not when I realize--now--how much I risked."

North Bowl> Alyssa moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.

North Bowl> P'tran nods quickly. "All right. No more dwelling on how 'foolish' it was. Just accept that you made the mistake and move on. You'll likely be assigned some extra drills or whatever Cerilla sees fit, but just try to learn from this."

North Bowl> T'fian nods. "That's all we can ask, and I think you have learned, haven't you, Kassi?"

North Bowl> P'tran glances at T'fian, nodding slightly. From his stance it can be seen that he is quite fatigued

North Bowl> Kassima nods slowly. "It'd be pretty hard *not* to learn from this, sir."

North Bowl> T'fian nods. "Good. Now you should be probably take Lysseth over for a bath and get some sleep tonight."

North Bowl> P'tran hrms. "That's not a bad idea for myself and Laerth either."

North Bowl> Kassima nods again. "Aye, sir, I think she'd like that. If I've your permissions to withdraw?" She glances at both of the riders.

North Bowl> T'fian smiles. "You have my permission, Kassima," he says and then looks at P'tran. "How many injuries?"

North Bowl> Lal emerges from the infirmary.

North Bowl> Lal bounds in. "Anybody needs carryin' t'th'firmary?!"

North Bowl> P'tran hmms. "Well, a few," he comments. "Zuseth and Maarie. Tzornth and F'hlan. I think F'hlan even lost two of his flits."

North Bowl> P'tran says that to T'fian

North Bowl> Kassima gives a parting salute to each and walks over beside Lysseth, murmuring quietly to her as they both head out in the direction of the Lake.

North Bowl> Lysseth lumbers south.

North Bowl> Kassima walks south.

North Bowl> Aphrael salutes, not sure any of the riders in the bowl will notice, and hurries after Lysseth and her lifemate.

North Bowl> Aphrael walks south.

North Bowl> T'fian moves over to pick up his helmet that he threw down earlier. He turns to look at the Weyrleader. "Until that point, she led the wing well," he comments.

North Bowl> Prefeth lumbers south.

North Bowl> Davidon clears his throat and head in.

North Bowl> Davidon walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

North Bowl> P'tran nods to T'fian. "I know. She's been doing very well all around. She'd be a credit to whatever wing she eventually winds up in."

North Bowl> Lal walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

North Bowl> P'tran says "I think I'm going to take Laerth for a bath and then get some sleep."

North Bowl> T'fian nods and salutes. "Good evening, sir."