-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting Fehuth Date: March 20(?), 1999 Places: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern, Southern Bowl, Central Bowl, and Lake Shore Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Here's an oddity. I only have a couple of logs like this--logs where Kaylira is the protagonist rather than Kassima, and the log was taken from her perspective--and up until now I hadn't been planning to post them. But now that Kaylira has a new player and an active role in Ista Weyr, I thought it might be entertaining to show what she was like when she was a sprat of about six or so and I was still playing her. (Not that I did very often; if she made an appearance it was usually as an NPC accompanying Kassi.) In this one, she has a chance to meet Bronwynn's Fehuth, and also to talk about something surprisingly serious with her friend Myklan. Kassi makes a cameo at the outset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Bronwynn rises, "Well, would you like to meet him Myklan? We can go out there now. And Kassima's daughter," she pause mid-sentence as the girl arrives. A'lex nods, "I'm always ravenous after fall." Erdrick leans back in his chair and sips his klah slowly. Myklan nods, just a little, "I'm ready, I guess." Bronwynn turns to Kaylira, "Would you like to come meet Fehuth?" she offers. Of course, Kaylira could always decide to spare Kassi the effort by coming in all on her own, blue fire-lizard on one shoulder and a brown stuffed dragon under her arm. "Mum," she asks plaintively, walking over to Kassi, "when're you going to let me be on groundcre--" But her plaint is stopped mid-word by the Magic Phrase. "Fehuth's brown, isn't he?" she asks Bronwynn, with considerable interest, and a belated wave to the rest of the Cavern. Bronwynn nods to the girl, "Aye, he is. Would you like to come meet him?: Myklan stuffs his hands into his pockets, offering Kaylira half a smile. Kassima gives her daughter's curls a ruffling, probably leaving ash-streaks in her hair. "When you're old enough nay t'get squished by one of the tanks, minxlet." Eyes are rolled over the girl's head at the Cavern in general. This is probably a question Kassi hears often. Erdrick chuckles quietly. Anlin grins and waves to Kaylira Kaylira bears the ruffling with dignity, distracted by Bronwynn's offer. "Ooh, aye, Weyrling-Lady! If'n he's brown, definitely, definitely. Hiya, ovineboy," she adds to Myklan with a cheery grin of her own. Myklan chuckles, a little, "Hello, munchkin." A'lex nabs a few meatrolls off a passing tray. Bronwynn gives Myklan a quick jab in the rib with her elbow, "Ovine boy." She gives the riders a general salute and heads off. Bronwynn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Anlin looks over Myklan with a scrutinizing eye as she quietly drinks her klah Myklan chuckles and rubs his poked ribs with an 'owwww' before he follows. Myklan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kaylira informs Bronwynn, heading after her, "Well, he *is*! And he calls me kiltrat, and I'm nay one, and--hey, wait up!" You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Myklan grins at Kaylira, teasingly tugging a long lock, "Kiltrat." Fehuth lumbers here from the north. Kaylira sticks out her tongue at Myklan, a gesture that makes her look rather like her mother. "Am *nay*. I don't wear kilts, 'cause kilts aren't brownriderly. You don't wear kilts, do you, Weyrling-Lady--ooh!" Yes, she's been distracted from her query by the arrival of the brown. "He's lots bigger'n Lyss, isn't he? Hihi... Fehuth?" It's half-question. Bronwynn tilts her head, "Kiltrat?" she question. As Fehuth arrives she gives the lumbering beast a grin. "Well, here he is, My Fehuth. Feh, this is Myklan and Kaylira." The brown lowers his head to Myklan, and with one sniff quicky blows out all the air he can, sending a pretty strong wind in Myk's diraction. He moves onto the young girl... Myklan hangs back, as Fehuth arrives, and watches from what could be called a respectful disance, even as the brown takes a sniff of him. Kaylira informs Bronwynn in a low voice, "Nay sure what it means, but it's got to involve kilts somehow." Stepping forward a small step, she lifts one small hand in an offer to scritch, causing Lucki to squawk and relocate to her other shoulder. "Mum says feh a lot," she tells him, solemnly. "Wonder if'n she's talking about you?" Bronwynn giggles, leaning against her lifemate, "Well put," she responds to an unspoken comment. "He says you stink," she laughs to Myklan. Fehuth lowers his head to the girl, giving her a sniff and finding her to be much less smelly than that other person. Brynn grins to Kaylira, "Doubt it. I think that's just something yer Mum says..." Myklan blushes dark pink, and looks apologetic, "I just fought Thread....on the ground. It's hard work." Bronwynn gives the young man a quick pat, "I know, and he doesn't care, " she laughs. Kaylira's grey eyes go very wide at the approach of the mondo huge dragon head, but in awe that's one shade short of worship, not fear. "Wow," she manages, in a low whisper. "Even your *eyes* are bigger than Lyss's. But nay bigger than Nicki's. That's Da's dragon. But you prolly know that--" Her attention is diverted rather abruptly to Myklan. "You got t'be groundcrew, Mykkie? Nay fair! I'm nay *that* much younger than you!" Pout, pout. Myklan chuckles patiently, "I'm twice as old as you right now." Bronwynn smiles, "Don't tell him that, he like to be the biggest, When he was really young, he'd always ask if he was big. ANd he's still growing ya know." She gives the brown a pat, "Who was yer Da, Kaylira?" Myklan looms over Kaylira, "And MUCH bigger." Kaylira cranes her head waaaay back to look up at Myklan, not at all afraid. Does anything scare this hellspawn? "You're bigger, but Uncle L'cher always says 'tis nay the size that counts--doesn't that mean I could still groundcrew even if'n I'm kinda short still?" Turning back to Bronwynn and Fehuth, she says solemnly, "M'Da's T'lar, bronze Nicoth's rider, and he's still m'Da. He didn't go *between*, like Khari's Da." Myklan's face blances a little, at Kaylira's words. Bronwynn blinks, the tightness in the pit of her stomach moving up into her face. Fehuth, at his lifemates discomfort wuffles unhappily at the young girl. Kaylira does a very un-Kaylike thing. She sets down Dagonth, and reaches up to try and give Myklan's hand a comforting pat. "Mum says that even after people go *between*, they're always with you if'n you remember 'em," she says earnestly. "She told Khari that. Your mum's prolly with all the other people who've gone *between*, watching us people still here somehow. I don't know how, but Mum wouldn't say it if'n 'tweren't true." So trusting, this child. Myklan swallows hard, not really regaining his color. But he has the presence of mind to pat Kaylira's hand back. "Yuh. Something like that." Myklan looks back up, and regards Fehuth in silence. After a moment, he speaks again, "He's very handsome, Bronny...like Kvasith." Kaylira must be slowly growing into some slight sense of tact, because she doesn't say anything else about people going *between* just now. "Kvasith's nice. He helped me hide from Foster-Mum, once, when she wanted me t'be taking a bath. But he *is* handsome, 'course he is! He's *brown*." Again that near-worship. Myklan nods to kaylira, a little absently. Bronwynn glances at Myklan cautiously, reaching for his hand and giving it a quick squeeze before turning to Kaylira. She looks around quickly and offers, "Would you like to ride him?" Myklan says quietly, as if he's not realized she isn't talking to him, "I've already been dragonback and *between* twice today...I think I'll pass tonight." Kaylira cranes her head up again. "Mykkie, what was it like, being in groundcrew? Did you kill lots of Thread? Was it fun? Were you scared?" Bronwynn's offer distracts her yet again, naturally. "*Would* I! I love riding dragons! But I usually only ride Lyss or Uncle V'dan's Chymeth or Uncle C'row's Servoth." Bronwynn gives Myk a playfull punch, "Not you silly, I know you're used to dragons. I figures she'd like a ride and Fehuth is terribly accomodating." Fehuth watches the little girl curiously. Myklan half-smiles, and then abruptly puts his arm around Bronwynn in a hug. That lasts all of about three heartbeats, before he's let go. "I uh...think I'm gonna uh...go lay down..." Myklan says "And sleep." We must explain this, yes, "I uh...haven't slept alot lately."" Kaylira informs Myklan, "Sleep's important. You should sleep. And... I hope you feel better soon, Mykkie. Honest." Myklan scruffs Kaylira's head, messing up her hair, "You have fun too, and don't annoy Fehuth OR Bronny. Bronwynn looks after Myk worriedly. "Come find me some time, alright? I'll steal yo away to the star stones," she says witha silly grin. Kaylira's hair was already ash-streaked; how much worse can it get? "Will do, ovineboy. You think I'd annoy a *brown*?" Myklan nods to Bronwynn, then beats fast tracks towards the greater part of the bowl, no doubt to crash in the stables again. Myklan walks north. Bronwynn climbs atop Fehuth, giving him an affectionate pat as she settles between his neckridges. From astride Fehuth, Bronwynn reaches down to offer the girl a hand. "Come on up," she calls as Fehuth offers his foreleg as a elevator. Kaylira says in a rather sad voice as Myklan leaves, "He's sad like Khari was sad, 'cept he's nay crying all the time." This keen observation made, she scoops up Dagonth and follows after Bronwynn. "He really doesn't mind?" she asks, wanting to be sure. Kaylira beams broadly, then, and accepts the help, scrambling her way up. You pull yourself onto Fehuth, settling between his lower neckridges. Kaylira settles in behind the brown's rider, clearly absolutely thrilled. "Wow, Fehuth--you're really tall! I can see lots from up here!" she exclaims in delight. >>> Fehuth wuffles to the girl on his back, turning his head around to get a look at her. Bronwynn giggles, "Yep he's big. Do you ride on many dragon's Kaylira?" Kaylira giggles at the brown's whuffle, squeezing her stuffed dragon tight. Lucki, peeking out from behind the girl's hair, chirrups amiably. "Oh, I ride Lyss lots, when Mum takes us places. Sometimes I ride on Nicoth and Alymbrith and Chymeth and Servoth, but mostly Lyss. Some of 'em are big... but none of 'em are *brown*." Which makes all the difference in the world to her. "When I grow up and ride a brown, d'you think he'll be much like Fehuth?" Bronwynn laughs, "He might be. Fehuth is a very silly dragon, but he can also be very serious, like when we're doing drills and stuff." With a bit of a lurch, the big brown begins to walk around the perimeter of the bowl. "Mum says that's important," Kay obediantly volunteers. "I guess maybe a serious brown would be good for me. Don't tell anybody, but I'm nay always very serious." No, *really*? "Still, I hope he's got a sense of humor, 'cause people who don't are awful dull." She squeals a bit with glee as Fehuth starts to move, craning her head to look down at the ground below. "When you're in the sky, people look like bugs, but even up here things look pretty far away!" Bronwynn grins, "Kaylira, those /are/ bugs." Kaylira peers over the side again. "Oh. Well, okay, so bugs look like really far-away people then. Does Fehuth like cookies?" >>> Anlin comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Bronwynn laughs, "Maybe, I've never given him a cookie before. 'Member his mouth is so big he prolly wouldn't even taste a little cookie. >>> Anlin bows to Fehuth and Tierth respectfully before whistling up to Chaluth >>> Chaluth backwings for a landing. Kaylira explains, "I give Lyss cookies sometimes, green dragon ones. Mum always tells me she says 'Thankee,' so I figured mayhaps dragons like 'em but keep it secret 'cause they think it'd make 'em look silly in front of the other dragons. Foster-Mum's always got some brown dragon cookies. I could get some for Fehuth, mayhaps?" >>> Anlin goes about bestowing Chaluth with all the straps and gear. "Well at least now you smell better than you did.." >>> Chaluth rumbles, shrugging into the straps >>> Anlin sighs, "Yes, yes, and we'll come back so you can visit with Nraith more later.." >>> Chaluth croons greetings to Fehuth >>> Chaluth blinks slowly as she gazes back at Fehuth >>> Anlin shakes her head. "I don't know what's gotten into you, girl.." >>> Chaluth merely rumbles and preens her wings >>> Fehuth wuffles to the queen, tilting his massive head curiously at her lifemate. >>> Anlin shrugs into her jacket >>> Chaluth whuffles Fehuth in return Bronwynn shrugs, "You could try, though I bet if you stole a chunk of herdbeast from the kitchen, he'd like that even better." >>> Anlin blinks, "Chaluth!" >>> Anlin throws up her arms in exasperation. Kaylira watches this drama of dragons with clear curiousity. "She's pretty, for a gold. Does Fehuth like her?" she asks Bronwynn, none-too-quietly. "Oh! Chunk of herdbeast. Maybe I could... Mum can't help me 'cause they don't let her in the kitchen, but Khari might, if'n we got some for her to give some green or other too." Bronwynn smacks her hand to her forehead and glances down at Anlin. She responds to Kaylira, "Aye, I think he likes her more than I want him to..." >>> Anlin blushes a deep shade of Benden red as she catches Kaylira's question on the breeze and suddenly notices Bronwynn and the girl upon Fehuth's back Kaylira beams and waves down to Anlin, quite unaware of being overheard, and probably not caring much if she does know. "Is he lecherous? Khari's big on lechery. If'n he's a lecherous brown, even she'd want to meet him, though she likes *greens* better. Sisters are crazy, just crazy." Bronwynn blinks, "Lecherous? What's that?" She's flat out astounded the girl has used such a big word. Fehuth half spreads his wings, attempting to make himself look bigger. >>> Anlin pats Chaluth on the shoulder as she hoists herself up. "Come on girl. Between the haze of 'Fall and the steam of the baths you've gone loonier on me than a drunken firelizard in the middle of a feeding frenzy. I better get you home so that Fortian air can clear your head!" >>> Chaluth blinks slowly as she gazes back at Anlin >>> Anlin mounts her queen dragon with grace and ease as Chaluth kindly profers a sturdy foreleg. >>> Chaluth looks at Fehuth with obvious admiration >>> Upon Chaluth, Anlin gives Bronwynn a shy and apologetic smile, waving. Kaylira explains quite sagaciously to Bronwynn, "It means he likes lots of greens and golds and wants to chase all of them. I hear lots of stuff about lechery, like all bronzeriders are lecherous and Uncle L'cher is *really* lecherous and most male dragons are lecherous, too. So is Fehuth lecherous?" >>> Upon Chaluth, Anlin gives the signal to rise, and gives Chaluth a good kick with her heals. "Come on Chaluth, we've got to get home." >>> Chaluth croons farewell to Fehuth! >>> Chaluth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft. Bronwynn returns Anlins, expression giving her a wave. Her attention returns to the girl at her lap, "Nay, he's too young to fly, really. Though he is rather interested in golds and greens..." >>> Kirina walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Kaylira nods thoughtfully at this. "He must be really young, then... well, that's okay. I'm really young, too. 'Least, Mum says so whenever I ask her if I can groundcrew. So when he does fly, he'll prolly fly lots and lots of golds and greens?" Bronwynn groans, "Oh Faranth I hope not." Kaylira asks innocently--maybe--"What's so bad about that? Greens really are pretty nice, second from browns, and golds aren't *that* bad. Aunt Kin's Herath's okay." Bronwynn grimaces, "You should prolly talk to yer Ma 'bout this stuff. Do you want a lecherous dragon?" she asks, changing the focus. Kaylira gives an answering grimace. "I try sometimes, but she doesn't want to talk about lechery much. Dunno whether I'd want a lecherous brown or nay. I heard some people say that the best browns sire lots of clutches, so I'd want him to do that, I guess. I keep hoping Lucki will have a clutch so maybe I could get an egg and there'd be a brown in it, but he doesn't chase greens yet." Bronwynn nods, "It must be hard to tell if there's a brown though... In a firelizard clutch..." Kaylira grins slyly. "Oh, I'd just find Mum and get her to tell me. She always thinks she can tell. Isn't always *right*, though. Mums are kinda like brothers that way. D'you have any brothers?" Bronwynn laughs, nodding, "Aye. I've a few. THey always think they're right, even when they aren't." Kaylira nods, making a sour face. "That's Tam. Kris is too young to talk yet, but I *bet* he'll be the same way. You know what's really unfair? Having two brothers who have *my* Turnday." Bronwynn blinks, "You all have the same turnday??" Kaylira's nod to this is even more sour, if possible. "Aye. 'Cause Tam and I were born on the same *day*, and Kris was born on that day a few Turns later. When I turned seven. Khari's Turnday's different, and Meralla's is too... but the brothers, *they* got the same day!" Bronwynn laughs, "Oh Faranth! That /must/ be annoying." Fehuth begins looking towards the central bowl... You lumber north. "'Tis," Kaylira agrees, all woebegone. "And Mum couldn't spend any time with me on the Turnday Kris was born, 'cause she was breaking Kris's Da's hand or something... ooh!" Yes, she's espied the *second* brown out in the Bowl. Bronwynn laughs, "Aye, that's Dagazth, he's my friend R'yn's lifemate. He's sleeping now, so we'd best not bother him..." Fehuth seems to be continueing towards the lake. "Feh, where ya goin'?" she calls down to the lumbering ride. Kaylira nodnods, evidently agreeing with the don't bother idea, though she can't help a gawk. "Dagazth," she repeats, stumbling just a touch over the name. "He's handsome, too. We're going to the Lake?" You lumber in the direction of the shimmering lake, leaving the central bowl area of the Weyr. Deciding to head towards the water, you note there is an inviting "place" in which to swim. Before they realize it, Fehuth has plunged into the water. creating a bit of an island on which Brynn adn Kaylira are stranded. He fans hiw wings a bit, spraying water here and there. Kaylira yelps a bit with surprise as her legs are water-splashed, snugging Dagonth close. "Weyrling-Lady, what's he up to?" she wants to know. >>> Lysseth unlids one eye and offers a sleepy rumble to the brown and his passengers, which lightens into a slightly sweeter warble to her rider's offspring before she sinks back into her sleep. Bronwynn laughs, "Fehuth! We're still up here!" The daft dragon turns his head peering at the two on his back. "Don't worry Kaylira, he said he wants to show yo uhow to make bubbles." "Oh!" Less worried now and more pleased, Kaylira leans forward in the straps. "Bet he can blow really big bubbles?" >>> Fehuth plunges his nose in the water and exhales all he can, his muscles tensing as he concentrates on blowing out all his air. Huge, silvery bubbles storm to the surface of the water. The goofy brown pulls his head out and turns to lok at Brynn and Kaylira, water dripping from his face. Kaylira is delighted, clearly delighted by this reaction, not *quite* shrieking with glee but that probably only because it's too late at night for her to be quite that hyper. "Ooooh, those were *huge* bubbles! You're a really good bubble-blower, Fehuth!" >>> Fehuth rumbles with pride and wades out of the water. You lumber in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. "Even Lyss couldn't do better bubbles," Kaylira praises, continuing to beam. "But...." And now her face falls a bit. "I should prolly get back to Foster-Mum 'fore she comes looking for me and drags me off to bed." Bronwynn nods, "It's prolly time for you to get back huh." Fehuth raises her foreleg, waiting for the young girl to get down. Kaylira nods mournfully. "Wish I didn't have to, but Mums aren't always understanding 'bout being out all night." Gee, y'think? With a last pat to Fehuth's hide, she slips down to the foreleg, and thence to the ground. You swing your leg over and slide to the ground. Fehuth turns his head to watch you curiously. Kaylira backs away a step or two with reluctance, taking a moment to admire Fehuth again. "Thankee, Fehuth, Weyrling-Lady," she says, clearly trained in this aspect of politesse. "I'll see 'bout getting some meat for you!" Syri comes out of the weyrling barracks. Hagalath comes out of the weyrling barracks. Bronwynn slides to the ground, giving Fehuth a loving pat. Bronwynn grins, " I bet Fehuth'd like that. Bronwynn grins, " I bet Fehuth'd like that." She gives Syria a smile and as Maylia arrives, the W'lingmaster a salute. Syri and Hagalath, the former leaning lightly against the latter, come meandering out of the barracks. Neither seems to be paying much attention, more than it takes to put one foot before the other; thinking, perhaps. A shadow in the night slowly coalesces into a person, and that person is soon distinguishable as Maylia. Kaylira beams at Bronwynn and Fehuth alike, then starts to turn to go--only to see Maylia. "Hihi, Auntie May!" she carols before running off as fast as she can. Nothing can be scarier than a WLM on occasion. You walk south. Pliarth rumbles, still swishing her tail lazily. Ryi turns back to the green. "Oh, right. Not a minute ago you /wanted/ to go soak. And now you don't? Tough. We're soaking." Kaylira sprints through the Bowl, stuffed dragon in tow, as though Thread were after her. It's probably better not to ask why. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Canus grins at Kaylira as she enters Kaylira flees through the Cavern, sparing just enough time to snag a cookie and wave to people with it before disappearing. You walk towards the inner cavern.