-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ferrets and the Bees Date: October 1, 2002 Places: Telgar Weyr Skyspace; Harper Hall Skyspace and Road Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: The reason why most parents hesitate to leave their children alone with Kassima is revealed when she takes advantage of I'sai's temporary absence to try and instruct young Lanisa in the ways of evil... or, alternatively, get poor Conn to do it. This was an enjoyable trip, and I thank Is for inviting me along on it. :) I also apologize to Lanryi for fanning the ferret flames, and to Conn for general wickedness despite his fine compliments. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You spring from Lysseth's ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring into the sky above the Northern Bowl. <*> Taralyth spirals upward in short, strong wingbeats, a swift warble preceding him as warning through the thick snow, and disappears just two rows of ledges later. <*> Taralyth disappears into Between. <*> Lysseth springs from her own ledge with a beat of wings set to send the snow madly flurrying; her own sound is more a rumble of disgust, cut off by her vanishing into an even colder clime. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Taralyth shakes out his wings in the comparative warmth, snow flurrying from them, and spirals down towards the road. Meanwhile, his rider says to the small fur-wrapped bundle in front of him, "See? Told you we'd find you somewhere warmer." <*> Taralyth flies down to land on the wide road running through the valley. <*> Lysseth doesn't descend until every last flake of snow on her dark hide has melted into water, thank you very much, and never mind the drizzling that unexpecting persons below may receive; when she is warm enough to be content, then and only then does she furl in wings to drop down to the terra firma. You fly gently down to the wide road leading through the valley. <*> Astride Taralyth's neck, Lanisa nods quickly as she peers around her. She leans to try and see even more, testing those straps once again, "Much warmer." <*> Taralyth obligingly crouches, lower to the ground than he ever does but for invalids and children and the like, though his tail whips back and forth in a way that's anything but placid. Is mentions with similar glee, even as he helps her unbundle and unstrap, "Didja see Lysseth? Tear's not the only one who wanted a change from the snow." "I blame you for this!" Kassima calls to Taralyth before her green has even fully landed, that landing being distant enough to allow both dragons plenty of wing room. "There 'twas, being a good little Wingleader and comparing reports on the Brensh's Valley mess, and *you* go reminding Lyss that places without snow exist. Look what it's got me. You're incorrigible, lump," and that, at least, is to the entirely unrepentant dragon beneath her. More than unrepentant: Lysseth is furling and unfurling her wings, revelling in the feeling of warmth on the sails. Her rider can only sigh. "G'day, Is, Lanisa," she offers with more amiability and less frustrated amusement, flicking a salute to the duo for good measure. <*> Astride Taralyth's neck, I'sai whispers quick explanation, "The avalanche, you heard? Avalanche is where lots and lots and lots of snow starts rolling-sliding-falling-something on top of people," before he returns a brilliant smile and matching salute to Kassi, and slides on down. <*> I'sai slides down from Taralyth's neck. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Astride Taralyth's neck, Lanisa giggles, "But the snow is fun too! We can make snow dragons and snow people and." She pauses and makes as if to climb down with out any help, "..and why can't we have warm and snow, wouldn't it be better that way?" Lanisa slides down from Taralyth's neck. Kassima, no fool, is quick to step enough from Lysseth's way once she's on the ground to avoid being hit in the head by relishing wings. "Snow happens when water's cold enough t'be freezing," she explains to Lanisa, or tries, with a grin for the girl's competance. "Rather like ice, y'ken? So snow is just really cold rain, which is why when 'tis warm we get the rain instead. Well. Rain and mud. What brings you two t'Harper, if'n I may be so nosy as t'be asking?" "And so the snow would melt," Is adds, reaching over to try and ruffle that strawberry-blonde mop of hers. "If it were warm. Like in your pockets. Remember?" To Kassi, "Learned any good snow-preserving techniques yourself, lately? And, oh, warmth, and of course grandmother," that last as Taralyth stretches out, claws curling along the road, muzzle lifted to scent any stray wagon-pulling runners. Lanisa pouts, though wether it's for the hair ruffling or the disappointment of not getting warm snow, who's to say. She sighs, "I still think it would be better. No heavy coats or mittens to keep track of." "A'course," Kassi repeats, making a show of clapping a hand to her forehead in dismay. "How could I have forgotten Grandmum Saiya? Don't let her know I forgot when you see her. I quail at the thought of how she'd react." It must be a mild quailing; despite the shiver she affects, her grin doesn't diminish any. Broadens, if anything. "I've had nay wish t'*preserve* it, after Brensh's. Y'know we've been cleaning up after that mess... but I'll confess that I've stored a few snowballs in cold stores. I want t'hit V'dan with 'em this summer, when he's least expecting it. You're nay kidding about the mittens, Lanisa--d'you know, one of the Candidates lost hers too? Such a pity." Conn walks down the Harper Hall ramp and hurries to the road. Conn stalks down the trail from the Harper Hall, watching the horizon more than where he's going I'sai starts to wander on, but then stops short, "Mittens? You -do- still have your mittens, Lani? Tell me you didn't drop one *between*... and yes, well. Lucky V'dan. I'm sure he'll be - delighted. That cleanup's going all right? Now that your lot's in on it, I mean?" Meanwhile, prowling Taralyth's not above directing a snort at the passing harper, seeing as how the promised runners are nowhere in sight. Lanisa giggles, "Daddy, can I save some snowballs too?" She bites her lip and starts hunting pockets then, finding one mitten right away, but not finding the other at first, "Um, course I've got them..." A triumphant smile greets the discovery of mitten number two, "See!" Kassima murmurs, "Delighted should be quite the word. Particularly if'n I succeed in stuffing one down his pants." ...Ow. Lysseth notices no Harpers; not while she's basking like this, as if to make up for the days and nights of cold in one swell foop--but Kassi, *she* notes the snort, and looks over to offer a wave of her own. "Duties t'Harper and her Masters, Conn. And y'know, Lanisa, I bet I've got enough that I could share some with you if'n you want. Anyone in particular you're wanting t'throw them at?" To Is, "The clean-up's fair done, actually. A small Holding, so it didn't take much... 'tis the others we're worrying over now, the ones where the snow *hasn't* tumbled. Yet. L'cher's nay end of thrilled t'be set on snow-watch, truly." The presence of a bronze dragon changes the horizon enough for even the distracted Harper to notice, bringing him to a halt. This leads to more general study of the area, and thus the Telgari. "Harpers' duties!" He listens to the conversation for a moment, then laughs. "Let me get this straight. You came here for the weather? Granted, it's better than Telgar's, but.." "And I'm sure L'cher's dragon will be delighted at the knowledge that one mis-timed warble..." Is mock-shudders. "Good that you have both mittens, wherbrat. Don't want you to go through *between* and have your hands turn black and fall off - oh, Conn. Telgar's duties," tone more formal this time than usual, though he does add, "Do you remember Lanisa from when she visited before? She has eight whole Turns now, if you can believe it." "Nope, not yet. But I bet I can find someone!" Lanisa smiles brightly to Kassi, then rolls her eyes at her dad and sticks out her tongue, before she remembers she ought to behave, at least for a moment. So for the Harper a polite, "Telger's duties." Oh yes, the picture of eight turn old innocence. Kassima drawls drolly, "Better'n Telgar's is good enough t'be worthwhile, if'n 'tis me your asking. But methinks I'm alone in having come for the weather, sort of--Lysseth's idea; Taralyth teased her with the notion, so she dragged me along, though I'd likely have come anyway for the company." A tilt of her head and bright smile indicates the father-daughter pair. "If'n you're going t'have your hands fall off, better t'have it *away* from *between*," she solemnly concurs with Is, eyes flicking to Lanisa. "Else poor So will never find out if'n he'd prefer wee little hands t'eyebrows. A tragedy 'twould be. I have it on fine authority that Leerth's berating Lach for landing 'em in the duty, Is--for once! He's normally nigh as bad, but *this* seems t'be too much for him." "Eight turns! I'd have said at least ten," the Harper replies with a twinkle in his eyes. He crouches to give the girl a cheerful smile. "Welcome back to the Hall, Lanisa!" Taralyth settles in matter-of-factly, tail sweeping about his haunches, and studies the harper some more. His rider looks on as well, smiling as the other man stoops to his daughter's level, and refrains from trying to tousle her hair yet again. Tongue-sticking-out or no. "Oh, so it's So you're doing this for? I'm sure he'd be ever so grateful, and here I'd thought it was just that you wanted to sample ba... little-girl-hands yourself. Poor Leerth." - "Excuse me, though, I'd better find my mother." "I already have, when Khari was young; didn't you know? Her left hand is false," Kassi retorts to the bronzerider, without so much as a hint of seriousness nor any attempt at one. "Poor Is," she mutters after he's gone. "Hope Saiya's in a fair mood. How fare things for you, Conn? And the Hall?" Lanisa smiles brightly, "Thank you. I told mommy I was older." Then giggles as I'sai heads off, with out noticing she stayed behind with Taralyth. Of course she has to see what fun there is to be had here, first. Conn gives Lanisa a conspiratorial wink. "Well, we know better." Standing, he turns to Kassi's question. "Oh, well enough - you might want to cover your ears if you're coming into the Hall, though. First day of rehearsals for a new Turnover song, and all is not going well. How about Telgar - how's Tarien doing?" Kassima has to ask Lanisa, "What did your mother say to that? For that matter, what did Grandmum Ryi say, learning you'd grown older while they didn't notice?" Conn's answer elicits a whistle. "Nay that much longer for practicing, for Turnover, so here's hoping 'tis improving... though I daresay I've heard worse. Which hearkens back t'Grandmum Ryi again. Tarien?" Her brows jump upwards slightly. "Fine as best I know. I haven't spent any time t'speak of around the eggs since 'twere clutched, so I could nay say for certain, but there'd probably be gossip around the Weyr if'n aught were ill with her. Telgar, now, I can say with authority 'tis well. There's a bit of a mess with avalanches around one of the minor Holdings in our range, but apart from that 'tis as normal--which is t'say, frozen." Conn laughs softly. "With all of you lovely ladies there, I sometimes envy Faramen his posting. If you all had Ista's weather, I daresay I'd envy him all the time, but I'm just as glad to be here over the winter. Except during rehearsals, perhaps." The Harper chuckles. "Have you been around the candidates much? We've had a few of our students snaffled, as per usual - Taralyth here took Bianca right from under my nose" Dramatic sigh time, "Mommy said I still couldn't have a ferret, yet." Lani looks down a long moment, then glances up out of the corner of her eye, to see how the performance as gone over. Probably unaware of that give away, yet. She looks hopeful, "You think I should tell Grandmum Ryi?" "You flatter us, as ever--and forget that I'm nay lady," Kassima retorts to the Harper, but her expression is at once amused and pleased. "Don't envy Faramen; methinks *he* might be happier posted t'Igen, going by the rumor... I daresay Taralyth's quite proud of having stolen her away, too." She slews a look back at the bronze that's rather fond. "It sounds like him. I've been around a few. Lysseth's stolen only two; one's Elauren, from Benden Hold, though originally for Nerat. I'm going t'be placing wagers on her Impression when the time comes. Don't suppose you've any marks you'd care t'lay down...? Oh, Lanisa, 'tis a shame." And Kassi does sound sympathetic, even if her eyes are dancing suspiciously. "M'oldest son Kris--I don't know if'n you've met him--has a ferret. A'ser gave him t'me. Mayhaps you should talk with A'ser, and suggest he give one t'*your* mother, so she might give that one t'you! Or, aye, talk t'Grandmum Ryi. She might just think you're old enough indeed." Conn laughs softly. "Well, I'm hardly going to stop now. I'll keep singing the praises of Telgar's lasses while I've breath to do it." His eyes sparkle. "You even seem to be collecting more. No sooner did I discover a lovely girl called Caroline, from Igen, than one of your lumps snatched her up too. D'you suppose I could get a finders fee?" Kassi's wager goes without reply. "Why do you want a ferret, Lanisa?" Lanisa thinks this over, not that it takes her long, the wheels are a turning. She nods decisively, "A'ser and Grandmum Ryi. Okay." And cue the winning smile, "Maybe I can get two ferrets!" Yes, fear the eight turn old with a plan. And of course, she's happy to explain for Conn, "So I can catch a tunnel snake. One of the boys said they are good for helping catch tunnel snakes. So if one is good, two will be better." "Just make sure one of them is male, and one female, if'n you do," Kassi murmurs, ever so guileless. Never let it be said she's afraid of death. "Fire-lizards are fair for that too, Lanisa; mayhaps you should try and acquire one of those while you're at it? Conn, Conn, somehow *that* would surprise me nay 'tall. And if'n you're going t'include me in the *lasses*, you marvelously foolish rogue, then I'll even let you get away with it." Amused? Oh, yes. "Caroline, Caroline... I don't think I've met her yet. But a finder's fee! I don't think so, but you could always try that idea on our Weyrleaders. Who knows? Find enough and you may be accounted an honorary Search dragon." Conn looks no more enlightened by Lanisa's response. "Ok. Why would you like to catch a tunnelsnake? I thought you had candidates to do that sort of thing." The Harper bows floridly. "Kassi, my dear, after that divine dance we shared on the Weavercraft's beach, how could I forget to include you? Ah, now, I don't think I'd like to be that accurate. Have you any idea how much it hinders a romance when you can't even kiss the girl?" Lanisa plots, oh yes. Lanryi will likely kill I'sai for leaving Lani with Kassi's helpful advice. Though it's possible she's just hastened a similar conclusion that the child would have reached on her own, "One male and one female is better? Ok, I'll remember that. I wouldn't want them to fight. They should like each other. Right?" She nibbles her lip in thought, "Maybe I can get a firelizard too. If they help..." More thoughtful musing, never let it be said the girl can't cling to a subject like glue, if she wants to. "I can catch one better than they can! If I had a ferret, or two." Kassima lifts a finger as she points out, "Ah, but Conn, *that* was Lady Zuhluly; don't you remember? Though I'm nay sure that 'divine' would be the word t'be describing that august personage." Err, no. "Or aught that she did. But i'truth, I can say that I recall it fondly and am actually glad I didn't cause you injury... and nay just because half a score of lasses would've come after me t'beat me if'n I'd put you out of commission in any way." She flutters lashes once for good measure, then retorts in rather less affected and less Zuhluly-esque tones, "Accurate it might *be*, though; there are one or two dragons who downright seem t'*drool* over the lasses, and that's you all over. T'say naught of the ones who slurp, which 'twill nay, because that starts t'make the comparison sound indecent. You're very right, Lanisa, and Conn here's the perfect one t'explain t'you just why a male and a female will like each other better." Lanisa turns a wide eyed stare to Conn, ready to hear this wisdom. Conn nods. "Firelizards do help, I've heard - though I don't have one myself, I must confess. I'm sure the Headwoman will be grateful for your assiduousness in dealing with the 'snakes." He gapes like a hooked fish when Kassi lands him with that little wonder, then explains solemnly. "Ah, now. That would be because with a male and a female, the female ferret will have someone to berate, and can then feel fulfilled in her life" Kassima makes a face at Conn's attempt to dodge, and folds her arms. "But then what's in it for the male?" she asks. "There must be *something*. Surely you know." Conn turns a beatific smile on Kassima. "Didn't you know? We selflessly present ourselves to be berated, as it seems to give you all such satisfaction" Lanisa ohs softly and nods, as if this makes some ground breaking sense to her, but that slightly blank look probably reveals she's still a bit clue less before she inquires, "So girls are suppose to bera.. err what's berate?" Kassima shakes her head, only just refraining from giving Conn a raspberry. "I don't buy that for a *moment*. And neither should you, Lanisa; you've brothers, d'you believe for a moment there's much selfless about men?" After a pause, she grudgingly adds for the sake of fairness, "Or women? Berate, too, I'll leave t'him t'be explaining." Conn slips into teaching mode, again crouching to talk to Lanisa. "Berating someone is like what your mother or father probably do when they think you've done something wrong. Or what they do to each other if they fight." Lanisa frowns in response to Kassi's question, "Brothers are just pushy. They think they are so much better, but I can run faster." And once again she turns to hear the Harpers wisdom, nodding solemnly "Yelling, ok." Then two and to make, "But if the female ferret bera.. err yells at the male ferret, then aren't they fighting?" "So there must be another reason they get along," Kassi prompts, with a sidelong look towards Conn that's openly and rather wickedly merry. "If'n they're pushy, and get berated a lot. Would you nay think? Methinks the Harper's holding out on you. Tsk, tsk, Conn. You shouldn't hold out on children!" Conn hits upon a flash of inspiration. "But your brothers probably do nasty things to you, even though they get berated for it, right? If they weren't around, then they couldn't. For young men, that's another reason to stay. We grow out of it," he promises Kassima drawls out, "Oh, a'*course* they do." Lanisa now looks purely confused, "But if the male ferret is doing bad things to get in trouble purpose, are they fighting?" Conn shoots a persecuted look at Kassima. A few compliments and he gets hits with this! "In a way, Lani, yes" But what did he expect? He's male, and she's Kassi, after all. Torment is inevitable. "Occasionally males and females fight *because* they're fond of each other," she relents enough to throw in, though not without a glance of wholly unrepentant mirth for poor Conn when Lanisa's not looking. Lanisa looks truly perplexed, "So then, some fighting is good?" Oh yes, it's educate the eight turn old day. Who'd have thought? Conn nods. "As long as you don't hurt anyone, or get hurt." I'sai emerges from the archway, demeanor relatively subdued, though his gait eases up with every step that brings him further from the Hall proper, closer to his dragon. Ishimay enters from the general direction of Fort Hold -- she's not from the Hold herself, but that isn't the point. Surprised by the small throng, she straightens her posture visibly, and studies each person in turn. "Hello," she finallt greets, albeit quietly. Kassima bobs her head in accordance with this. "If'n nay anyone gets hurt, a bit of fighting can be terribly fun!" Not that she's biased. She catches sight of Is in his approach; that subdued demeanor momentarily causes her amusement to fade in touch in favor of a concerned glance. Still: "Is! You're just in time! Conn's explaining t'Lanisa why men and women like each other. Or trying to, in any event. G'day," she adds amiably enough for Ishimay, with a greeting nod. "Duties and all that sort of thing again." Conn grins, amplifying. "Like a snowball fight." Lanisa offers a cheerful greeting Ishimay, chirping a bright, "Hi!" She doesn't notice I'sai until Kassi greets him then turns a bright smile to him now, "Daddy! He says it's ok to fight.. sometimes." Yep, now there IS a lesson to gain from this, somewhere. "Is he, now?" I'sai narrows a dark look - a mostly-dark look, anyway - at the harper as he approaches. "And of course it is, wherlet. We fight Fall, after all, and..." it's Taralyth's long look that cues him in, and he turns to add his own, "Telgar's duties," to Ishimay. Conn turns to face Is. At the dark look, he shrugs helplessly and nods towards Kassima. "Harper's duties," the j'man finally adds, hoping that the father's arrival will cut off the questions about male and female ferrets "Duties, and all that, indeed," Ishimay pipes in, trying her best to at least *look* polite in front of these folks. Her amber eyebrows raise at the conversation as she quiets, though. Fighting? She's heard plenty about fighting from her brother, thank you. "How went the visit with your mother?" Kassi asks the bronzerider, in as much of an undertone as can still carry across the distance. Then: "He also said men are selfless creatures who give themselves up t'be berated by females for the sake of feminine pleasure, so I don't think you can credit *everything* he says, Lanisa... but he's got a good point about the fighting. D'you have a theory about ferrets, Is?" Big, wide, innocent eyes. Like she'd just let the topic drop? No one's that lucky. A nod to Kassi's wisdom, yes, corruption in progress. Lanisa smiles brightly to I'sai, "Is it better to get a boy and a girl, daddy?" Of course, note the lack of mention for who. "They're stinky," says Is in a tone that's much like Lanisa's, after a swift mutter Kassi's way that amounts to same-as-usual, look-he-survived. "And why would you ever doubt Conn about the whole berating bit? ...Boy and a girl what? - Tear, stop giving the girl funny looks." Not his dragon does. To Ishimay, "Just because we have eggs on the sands, he seems to think he has to inspect _everyone_. Sorry about that." Conn does his best to look as innocent as I'sai's description of him would merit. "Kassi always doubts me," he explains. "Even when I'm talking about the self-evident loveliness of Telgar's womenfolk. It's just another burden that I bear to make her happy" Kassima makes a face at I'sai. "They don't smell *so* terribly," she protests, but it's rather halfhearted; she's busy nodding, a but ruefully, to that mutter. "Poor man," is also muttered, and perhaps sufficiently far under her breath that no one but she would hear at all. "Why? Why? Because though I might nay know men as well as certain other women in the Weyr, I know they aren't *selfless*. Are they now. 'Tis lad and lass ferrets we're speaking of. Conn, Conn, 'tis nay that I *doubt* you as such--at least, nay on that. I believe you find many of Telgar's women lovely. Primarily," she teases, "because I believe you find nigh aught with curves in approximately the right places lovely." Lanisa sighs, "That's what mommy says too." And quick to note, this might not be the way to go, if *He* thinks as *She* does--Change of tactic, as lighting fast as only a kid working over her parrants can manage. Big, wide-eyed, cute look, "Can I have a firelizard, daddy?" "Telgar's women, Baker's women..." I'sai teases after Kassi. "And, ah, lad and lass ferrets only if you plan on making more ferrets, Lanisa, which would mean the Weyr would be overrun, so we couldn't have that. Unless you want a ferret-fur vest, in which case, we could manage. As for the -firelizard-, well, if your mother says it's all right." Yes, pass the mark. Conn laughs softly. "Are you kidding, Kassi? You're completely underestimating the importance of a nice smile in the whole business." He's a cheerful enough cad, at least. The Harper breathes an audible sigh of relief as Is puts paid to the whole ferrets thing Lanisa's eyes light up at the thought of LOTS of ferrets, but she simply nods, "Ok daddy." Too easy, probably so. "Has he a particular thing for Baker women now?" Kassi eyes first Is, then Conn with amazement. "Faranth, Conn, are there truly nay women anywhere you don't admire? Pshhh. What a silly question. A nice smile? Is that all it takes? Oh, well, then. Is, will you participate in a wee experiment for me and smile at Conn? Really nicely, now." Oh, Faranth. "What are you going t'*name* the ferrets, Lanisa?" she asks at last, quite as if the ferrets were a foregone conclusion. "Good, good," I'sai says to Lanisa. "And remember that, what Conn said about smiles. Smiles are good. People trust you when you smile, as long as you don't show many teeth... Can you blame him, Kassi? And I'm so surprised that you're going to raise ferrets for her to name. Very surprised indeed. But it's nice of you to let her visit them at -your- weyr." No smile. None. Well, except for a glint lurking in his eyes. Conn considers. "Only the spiteful ones, Kassi. I'm willing to give anyone who's friendly the benefit of the doubt." He chuckles softly. "And smiles are always good. The day goes better with a smile." Better still if you have a nice one, of course Lanisa turns big bright eyes to Kassi, "Really! You will, umm, names... Valrieth and Taralyth?" Cue the huge smile, "Or maybe after Lysseth?" Taralyth'd -looked- as if he wasn't paying attention, more focused on the herdbeasts, and the girl, and the herdbeasts and all, but now he snorts rather windily at _that_ suggestion. Kassima flashes a very toothy smile as though to illustrate this point. In one sense or another, anyway. "I can," she assures, "because I a'course don't find Baker women 'tall appealing. Though Ofira has a lovely personality. Me? Nay, nay, nay; Kris's Kirri doesn't breed, thanks be t'Faranth. Nay, these are the ferrets *she's* getting. T'fight tunnelsnakes with. And make more ferrets. C'mon, Is, won't you smile? Pretty please?" She tries to combine an entreating look with the smile. And because she's not entirely unaware of the unsettling factor of the teeth, she even puts them away. "Spiteful. Can't be blaming you for that, I'd imagine. Though I'd love t'see you paying court to, say, Sionelle... is a smile truly all y'need, then?" Lanisa gets an approving nod, and even a smile that's--while not less genuine--certainly less wicked. "Valrieth and Taralyth sound like excellent names. Lysseth, well... I'm sure Lysseth would be honored." Funny, Lyss looks more disturbed by the notion than honored. I'sai reminisces to Conn, "Keara sure does have a lovely... personality... too, doesn't she?" - "Sionelle. I'd love to see him try, Shiny-Toothed Wingleader. In fact, I'd put a thirty-second into the pot." Big spender, Is, big spender. As for the ferrets, "If Lanryi says it's all right, and they never ever visit _or live in_ our weyr... we might be able to work something out. Maybe. But really, you should try visiting Alain's instead." Conn chuckles softly. "The Baker women are very appealing. Keara, of course, and Dendra, and Shoshana... Dary's posted here, and is also lovely. She's not interested, alas. It might be just as well, though - her father visits a lot. He overtops me by at least a head, and doesn't look to be amused by that sort of thing." He glances innocently at Kassi, then suggests for Lanisa. "How about Minx? Or Vixen?" I'sai coughs a few times. Vixen. Lanisa seems to got lost in the process of where her ferrets will live, but she smiles. Hey, there are talking names after all, "Vixen is pretty." It's Kassi's turn for a dark look, this one slanted Is's way. Turning from him, she tells Conn, "You really *should* meet Sionelle sometime, Harper. She might be in desire of a new man in her life; the last left her for a *tuber*, if'n you can credit it. Speaking of credit, trust that I can credit that K'dar wouldn't thank you for making off with his daughter. And if'n *he* didn't get you, her mother's a greenrider--Vixen. I vote for Vixen." I'sai can't help but inquire, "What, ah, 'special friends' -does- Daryan have these days?" before adding, after a moment's distracted look, "I like Nexiv better. It's backwards, see." Conn hmms. "Dary? Well, I don't know if she has any /really/ special friends. I've seen her at Gathers with a few of the Healers. Once I saw her father - K'dar? - I lost any inclination to hang around outside her door." He blinks puzzledly at Kassi. "For a tuber...? Suffice it to say that doesn't sound promising. No, I don't like Nexiv - doesn't have the same sound to it. Vixen is a pretty word" I'sai interjects with some humor, "Careful what you say about K'dar, too. He's one of my wingriders, after all," slight emphasis on the possessive pronoun. "K'dar," Kassi confirms, with a quick nod. "And for a tuber, but don't blame *her*," for she's surely not about to detail Sionelle's personality when that might spoil the prospective entertainment. "'Twas Pierron, after all, and you know what *he's* like. You could be naming the lass Vixen and the lad Nexiv, Lanisa?" A sudden rumble from Lysseth gets her attention. She unfocuses for a moment. "--Though it doesn't sound as if'n I can stay t'hear the final decision. I'm due t'be meeting with one of the cotholders and need t'be getting back. Duties t'Harper and her Masters, hey, Conn? And g'luck t'you in all your pursuits of women, so long as none of 'em are *my* daughters. G'luck t'you too in the naming, Lanisa. And," looking back towards him for a moment, "g'luck with your mother if'n you end up seeing her again a'fore you go, Is. M'thanks t'Taralyth for inviting us." Lanisa nods emphatically, "I like Vixen better too, daddy. It's a good name for a pretty ferret!" Yes, too many dreams are now forming that it would be a shame to crush. A vision--Of an army's worth of ferrets to help Lani catch tunnelsnakes with... Conn smiles. "Clear skies, Kassi, and I'll relay the duties." And probably another story of the Evil Greenrider, over dinner. "Your wing?" I'sai, being male, didn't get the study that Kassi got on arrival. "Congratulations, Is - or commisserations, possibly? So far my promotions have involved more hidework! Let's see - a good partner for Vixen. Scamp?" "Not even Kay?" I'sai teases. "Many thanks for the good luck," by his tone, he'll need it. "And... still mine in wingsecond-sense, but acting wingleader till Zai gets back, is all. Before the hatching. And I would like 'Scamp' to go with 'Vixen' if I liked ferrets and 'Vixen's at all." Kassima executes a polished formal bow to Conn; a shame she lacks skirts for a curtsey. "Nay even Kay," she fires back over her shoulder as she moves to mount her dragon. "*Especially* nay Kay! I'll want the tale later, Is--" And she's up onto Lysseth's neck, and Lysseth's reluctantly rocking back on haunches, the better to brace for leaving the relative warmth behind. Alas! Alack! Mourn for her, won't you? You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lanisa smiles brightly to Kassi then, "Oh! That works, doesn't it daddy? Vixen and Nexiv." Evil child in training, yep. At least the dragon's can be relieved with this choice. She waves after the greenrider, then muses, "Scamp? Well, maybe. That's good too." Never fear, there are ferrets for all names, in her current dreams. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. With a powerful push of your hind legs, you quickly leave the Road behind you.