
The Bronzerider of La Mancha

Date:  October 11, 1996
Place:  Benden Weyr's Living Cavern and Souther Bowl; Tzornth's Weyr; 
Gather Beach of Southern Bowl
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  On a whim, I decided to throw a Turnday party for 
F'hlan, the notoriously shy Thunderbolt Wingsecond (and, at the time,
temporary Weyrsecond for the duration of the renegade crisis); this is
the log of that party--and I like this log quite a bit, I have to 
say. :)  Many thanks go to M'rgan for help with the code toys I 
employed for this event (one of which, by the way, gave rise to Kassi's
later tendency to mix her own liquors and was the origin of her 
slightly infamous Black Gold variety), P'tran for his assistance in 
making this run ICly and OOCly smoothly, everyone in attendance who
was patient with the various delays caused by RL and IC snafus (which
means almost everyone there, bless them :), Jerethan for his fine and
hilarious filksong in honor of the event, and most of all F'hlan for
giving us a reason to celebrate in the first place. :)


The Log:

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Latiar smiles softly as he steps into the Living Cavern, his gaze flicking
quickly over the expanse. He grins and bobs his head quickly to P'tran and
Galadri, "G'evening." he says softly before making his way towards the klah

R'val wanders in with Kassima close behind, nodding respectfully towards
P'tran and smiling a greeting to Latiar, 'Evening, P'tran, Latiar..."

Galadri smiles. "'Evening"

R'val nods politely to the stranger as he sits down with his mug of klah,
propping his feet up with a sigh of relief.

P'tran is still peering into the klah pot when the others come in. He
stands to one side to allow Latiar to get at the klah, then looks towards
the other riders. "Has anyone, um, seen F'hlan yet this evening?"

R'val shakes his head towards P'tran in answer, replying when he sets his
mug down, "I haven't sir.'

Kassima follows R'val in, saluting P'tran briskly and waving to everyone
else. "Lovely weather we're having," is her rather wry comment, accompanied
by a rueful smile. Having said this, she shakes her head in reply to
P'tran. "Nay, sir, nay yet. I'd been hoping he'd be about, but nay luck on
that score, 'twould seem."

P'tran ums and nods. "YEs, I was wondering if we were supposed to pull this
off today or not ..." he says in a lower voice.

Latiar nods appreciatively as P'tran steps out of the way and he quickly
fills a nearby mug. He takes a quick sip and then lowers himself quickly
into a nearby chair.

Kassima sighs. "Aye, sir, but that may prove more difficult than
anticipated. I'd heard some gossip that his greens are starting to get
bright, so he may be staying weyrbound for that reason...."

R'val shivers, still warming himself up, his steaming mug clutched in one
hand. Glancing towards Kassima, he inquires, "So how's Lysseth going?"

P'tran rolls his eyes. "Not all of them at once again," he says, shaking
his head a bit.

Kassima lifts an eyebrow, and chuckles. "So far as I know, R'val, she's nay
going anywhere or anyhow--if you mean how she's *doing*, well, she's fine."

Krys murmurs something to Galadri, and Galadri stands an heads into the

Galadri walks off towards the kitchen.

R'val wrinkles his nose at Kassima, "Going, doing, you know what I meant..."

Kassima shakes her head. "I doubt the youngest is old enough, sir, though
'tis possible. I'm nay precisely certain how long it's been since she

Latiar smiles softly and takes a long sip from the mug, his gaze flicking
quickly between P'tran, Kassima, and R'val.

P'tran peers into the pot again and pours himself about half a mug. "Well,
I haven't seen him much of the afternoon, I believe he was still busy on
drills or renegade patrols."

Kassima inclines her head. "How are those going, sir? Has any new
information been uncovered?"

P'tran shakes his head. "NOt at the moment." He takes a sip of his klah
before continuing, looking thoughtful. "We're running patrols up towards
Lemos. We spotted what we thought was a camp left behind by them, but there
was nothing from the Lemos tithe left there. May have just been some

Kassima hmmms. "If they're using up what they stole, I'd think 'twould
become harder and harder to find any sign of the tithe goods as time passes."

Latiar quirks an eyebrow at P'tran and Kassima and nods slowly, "I was
wondering the same.." he hmms softly as he sets his mug down on the table
beside him, "This wheather can't make the searching any easier, I'm sure..."

P'tran glances over to Latiar and hmms. "Well, the snows have not set in
badly, it's mostly been rather light," he explains. "And before anyone
asks, no, I haven't figured out who to send on this infiltration idea."

Kethran enters from the Bowl.

R'val frowns deeply as he listens, "They can only get away with it for so
long before they slip up..."

Kethran strides in from the inner caverns and nods cheerfully to everyone,
carrying his customary mug of juice toward a seat.

P'tran takes another drink of his klah. "Well, the camp was in a rough line
between where the tithe train was stopped and the Lemos area, so we're
still checking."

Kethran glances up at P'tran as he catches part of the conversation.
"Another camp?" he wonders aloud, to no one in particular.

P'tran shrugs at Kethran. "Might have been. Hard to tell. There was nothing
left there of any consequence, nothing from the Lemos tithe. Might have
been just some holdless."

Latiar quirks and eyebrow, "Infiltration?" he ohs softly and then nods,
"That..." he smiles as he picks up his mug once again, "Hope the snows
don't pick up at all..." he downs the rest of his klah and sighs, "Sooner
the better I s'pose."

Kassima chuckles wryly. "You read m'mind, sir... well, 'twill be good if
sign is found soon. If nay, I'd think we might wind up with the same
problem of last winter."

P'tran nods to LAtiar. "Some riders had the idea the other night to send
someone in to try to 'infiltrate' the renegades. I made a point of noting
that it cannot be a rider, whoever got sent."

R'val nods, "Aye sir, simply isn't feasible."

P'tran sighs at Kassima. "Don't remind me. I'd rather try to catch them
before the harshest part of winter sets in."

R'val frowns pensively, "I doubt the renegades can cause all that much harm
during the winter. It'll pin them down, if anything."

P'tran says "Well, true, but I'd rather not have to deal with them and Fall
returning at the same time come spring."

R'val grimaces, "Not a pretty picture, that."

Kethran nods to P'tran. "The question, of course, is who to send," he murmurs.

Kassima nods. "Quite true, sir, much though S'riv and some others might
grumble. 'Twould nay be anywhere near healthy for the dragon's peace of
mind, I be thinking...." She grimaces. "I think we all are, sir. The longer
they remain at large, I imagine the stronger they get. And bolder. They
didn't dare rob the tithe trains last Turn."

R'val glances at Kethran and grins, "The best qualified volunteer?"

Kethran nods to R'val. "I would volunteer," he says hesitantly. There's
some reservation in his voice, though.

R'val glances at Kassima thoughtfully, "Not necessarily. If it's harsh
winter, they might find themselves in rather dire straits, being holdless..."

Latiar sighs softly as he hands off his empty mug to a passing drudge,
"Certainly not...Fall's complicated enough as is..." he glances quickly at
Kassima, "The bolder they get...the more likely they slip up, eh?"

P'tran grins wryly at Kethran. "I appreciate the offer, Kethran, but you'd
do us better at the Weyr keeping track of the Weyr's supplies in case they
start trying more of this."

R'val smiles at Kethran, "I think many Bendenites would."

Kassima shrugs. "They survived the last harsh winter just fine,
apparently," she points out. "With the tithe goods to tide them through, I
don't see why they wouldn't be able to do the same again."

R'val bites his lower lip, "Unfortunately, you have a point, Kassi. Harsh
though winter is, they seem to manage it."

Thentias walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Kethran nods slowly, a bit relieved. "I think you're right, sir. I think
it'd be best to send people who aren't... attached, if you know what I
mean," he says, with a slight grin.

P'tran grins more fully at Kethran and nods. On a more somber note he adds,
"It would be kind of hard to ask that sort of thing of someone though."

Thentias finds himself a place to sit down, and looks around the cavern,
still seems to shake his head slightly. You can hear small mutterings.

Latiar glances quickly at R'val and bobs his head, "I think you're right. I
guess all of us residents are always looking for ways to help the Weyr." he
smiles softly and nods to Kethran and then shrugs, "And it's not as if we
could stop the tithes."

P'tran glances at Latiar for a moment before returning his gaze to the
bottom of his klah mug.

R'val nods towards Latiar with a grin, 'Of that I"m certain."

Kassima nods soberly. "Indeed, I think finding someone who'd be willing to
volunteer, who isn't already critical to running things, and who'd be able
to pull it off might be the hard thing. 'Tis a dangerous thing to ask...
but quite probably necessary."

Latiar stands slowly from his seat, making his way to swiftly to the klah
pot, "Would anyone like anything while I'm up?" he asks as he begins to
fill his own mug.

R'val glances at Kassima, "With all the volunteers we have, I'm sure we can
find someone."

P'tran sighs and looks off into the distance for a few moments. "It's
actually a lot easier to ask a rider to do something like this, riders
expect to be asked to go on dangerous assignments like that at least."

R'val shakes his head, "A pity we can't ask a rider, sir."

Kethran nods to P'tran and R'val. "The question is finding someone
believable, responsible, and someone who's willing to take the risk," he
admits. "Might be harder than it first seems."

P'tran nods to R'val and then hmms? as he glances towards the bowl. "Laerth
says that Tzornth and his rider are available," he comments, glancing over
to Kassima.

Latiar nods slowly to P'tran, "I s'pose riders must become used to it after
fighting thread for so long, sir." he shrugs and then makes his way back to
his chair, recently filled mug in hand.

Kassima ahs and grins, sober expression fading as though it was never
there. "Fantastic! If you'll excuse me, sir, everyone...." She waves and
salutes where appropriate, then heads Bowl-wards.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

You walk south.

Benden LC> P'tran smirks as he watches Kassima leave. "Now the question is,
actually getting him to come with us."

Lysseth> Tzornth senses that Lysseth rumbles a quiet greeting. << My rider
wishes to know if your rider would mind if she stopped in to visit for a
moment? >>

Benden LC> Latiar smiles softly and then glances up from his mug to nod
slowly to Kassima before glancing back over at P'tran, "Ah, tonights the
night of F'hlan's...?" he lets his voice trail of slightly as he takes a
long sip from his mug.

Benden LC> R'val peers after Kassima, eyebrows raising in curiousity.

Benden LC> Kethran nods contemplatively. "Sir?" he asks P'tran. "Were you
thinking of just one person? Or more than one? More people would enable
them to help one another if things got rough. A single person is less
likely to be discovered, but if they /are/..." He trails off, not going
into details.

Benden LC> P'tran glances back to the others and finishes off his klah with
one gulp and hands off the mug to a drudge. He nods to Latiar and grins,
then says for people that don't know, "F'hlan's Turnday. Something of a
celebration was planned for him for today."

Benden LC> R'val grins, "Ah. And Kassi is the mastermind of this surprise,

Benden LC> P'tran shakes his head at Kethran. "We'll talk about it later.
Let's turn to something a little more festive this evening for once," he
says with a slight grin

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tzornth, after a moment, croons back, his voice
tinged with amusement and just a hint of concern, << He says it is alright,
as long as your rider does not bring any male fire lizards with her. >>

Benden LC> P'tran nods to R'val. "As far as I know, it's been kept a secret
from him. You know how F'hlan is about these things. Now, where was this
thing supposed to be again?"

Lysseth> Tzornth senses that Lysseth rumblechuckles. << I will tell her to
leave the Swarm behind. >>

You head up the low steps into Tzornth's weyr.

Tzornth's Weyr(#8157RJ$)
This is a smallish weyr, and one whose walls are roughly hewn, suggesting
it might have been one of the last ones cut into the walls of Benden Weyr.
The stone floor, too, is less smooth than in other parts of the Weyr,
tilting very slightly towards the dragon-shaped depression near one wall.
Higher up along the walls are several nooks and tiny ledges where fire
lizards can roost.
There are two exits out of this chamber, one out to the Bowl, and another
into a smaller chamber towards the back of the weyr, obviously intended as
personal quarters for whatever rider resides here.

Snow swirls lightly around you from out of an overcast winter sky.
Obvious exits:
Quarters  Bowl  

F'hlan is sitting on the stone floor near his dragon, holding his bandaged
left hand, and muttering softly to the trio of greens fluttering nearby,
"I'm alright, truly... hush now..."

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Lysseth with << So, skinnybutt, when does this all
start? >>

Kassima knocks lightly on the side of the entrance to announce her presence
before stepping in. Having taken Lysseth's advice, she is actually free of
her usual escort of blue fire-lizards, and gold and green ones for that
matter. She salutes F'hlan sharply, then blinks as she spots the hand.
"Sir? What happened?"

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Lysseth with << My rider would like to know where
this thing for Tzornth's rider is being held? >>

Benden LC> Latiar hmms softly and then glances at P'tran, "Boll, wasn't it,
sir?" he quirks an eyebrow before taking a long sip from his mug.

Lysseth> Laerth senses that Lysseth images the Gather Beach of Southern
Boll. << My rider says that is where everything has been set up. >>

F'hlan looks up, distractedly, then ruefully half-smiles. "Trying to trim
my riding straps; knife slipped. Nicked my hand."

Beside the bronze rider, two of the greens coo plaintively, and the third
flits to his shoulder to nuzzle him ferociously.

Lysseth> I bespoke Juliath with << As soon as I can drag F'hlan kicking and
screaming from his weyr, lardlegs. My rider wishes to know if you will go
to *Harper Hall* and pick up *image of Jereth* for us? >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Juliath snorfles at you. << This we can do,
brittlebones. *Jereth* is of a much more pleasant dispostion that you. >> :)

Benden LC> P'tran ahs and nods. "Yes, Lysseth just bespoke Laerth about
that. WEll, I'm going to head over there. Anything to get away from the
Benden snows for awhile," he says with a grin.

Tzornth cranes his head about to rumble cordially to the young green rider.
The bronze's eyes are whirling light blue, so evidently his own rider must
be well enough, aside from embarrassment.

F'hlan, with his right hand, returns the salute. "What's on your mind,

Kassima grimaces. "Shards, that sounds painful." She smiles
sympathetically. "Y'know, they say salt water can be good for wounds,
sir... which is a fortunate coincidence, actually." She watches the green
fire-lizards, obviously charmed by the cute creatures, then snaps out of
it. "Y'see, there's a bit of a gathering at Boll this eve. The Weyrleader
and some of the others are going, and if you feel up to it, we'd like you
to come as well."

Benden LC> P'tran looks over to Latiar and Kethran. "Anyone want a lift
over there with me?"

Benden LC> R'val stands decisively, grinning, 'I'll head over myself. It
sounds fun."

Benden LC> Latiar chuckles and nods his head slowly, "I'd certainly
appreciate that, sir.." he grins, "Let's hope Boll's at least a little
nicer than this..."

F'hlan quirks an eyebrow at the notion of salt in wounds; his fine-boned
nose wrinkles, just a bit. Then he blinks. "I'm weyrbound," he begins,
absently fluttering a hand at the greens surrounding him; all three are
glimmering slightly.

Benden LC> R'val glances at Latiar and smiles wryly, 'A little? That's an
understatement! Boll will be paradise compared to a Benden winter.'

Lysseth> Above, Laerth leaps from Leilanth's Ledge and flies into the air.

Lysseth> Laerth backwings for a landing.

Lysseth> Laerth gives a somewhat annoyed snort at the snow and shakes out
his wings a bit.

Lysseth> Vidarth rumbles a quiet greeting towards Laerth.

On F'hlan's shoulder, Neme nestles as close to her human's head as she can
manage, all the while trilling prettily.

Benden LC> P'tran chuckles. "Well, let's get going then, Laerth is already
complaining about having to stand in the snow."

Benden LC> P'tran heads out.

Lysseth> P'tran comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Kassima inclines her head and points out in her most reasonable tone, "Aye,
sir--but would distance from them nay do you some good? That's always
worked for mine."

Lysseth> R'val comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "Where's the party?"

Benden LC> Latiar chuckles, "Make understatements now and you'll be
pleasently suprised when you get there..." he stands quickly and nods his
head, "I'll seeya all there."

Lysseth> Latiar comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Lysseth> P'tran climbs up onto Laerth in one smooth motion.

Lysseth> Lysseth is captivated by the snow, as she always is, and seems
entranced by the movements the flakes make when snorted at.

Lysseth> From atop Laerth, P'tran reaches a hand down to help Latiar up ...

Lysseth> R'val uses Vidarth's side straps to mount up agilely, settling
onto the little blue's back and straightening. He pets his lifemate's head
once as Vidarth rumbles excitedly, ready to fly.

F'hlan chuckles, very softly, though more noticeably than usual. "You fail
to realize, wingmate, that these lasses don't stay away from me unless they
find a fair of blues or browns to distract them."

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Final boarding call for Vidarth Flights in the
North Bowl, departing for Southern Boll. ANyone wanna lift? ;)"

Lysseth> Latiar smiles graetfully to P'tran and clumsily pulls himself up
onto Learth.

Kassima ohs? and grins. "I don't suppose thirty-two blues would do to
distract them, perchance?"

Lysseth> Latiar carefully climbs atop Laerth's neck and settles between the

F'hlan actually smiles, lopsidedly, at that, a flash of teeth in his pale
face. "Very likely," he says dryly, as his dragon behind him shifts and
PEERS down at the green rider in intent curiosity.

Lysseth> From Vidarth's back, R'val waves towards P'tran and Latiar, "SEe
you there!"

Lysseth> Vidarth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Lysseth> From atop Laerth, P'tran smiles to Latiar and secures him to the
spare set of straps before turning to face forward. "All right, here we go

Lysseth> From atop Laerth, Latiar smiles softly as he settles himself
carefully on top of the huge bronze. He glances quickly at P'tran and
quirks an eyebrow, "Laerth doesn't mind, sir?"

Lysseth> Above, Vidarth disappears into Between.

Darvan> Vidarth backwings to a landing.

Darvan> R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch.

Lysseth> From atop Laerth, P'tran grins. "At taking a passenger, no. At
standing in the snow, yes." He chuckles as LAerth lifts off with another

Lysseth> Laerth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Kassima quirks a smile. "Well, then I believe that can be arranged. I
happen to have that many, much to my occasional dismay; if I summoned them,
mayhaps your fair would let you be long enough for you to attend, aye?"

Lysseth> Above, Laerth flies up and out of the bowl.

Lysseth> Above, Laerth disappears into Between.

Darvan> Darvan hisses at R'val from his perch on a shelf of the bar,
crouching defensively near a bottle of purplish-black liquid.

Darvan> From the sky, Laerth bugles a polite greeting to the watchdragon
before spiraling downward

Darvan> R'val :blinks at the grouchy firelizard and hrms, making his way
closer to the appetizers.

Darvan> From the sky, Laerth stops his descent towards the courtard at a
command from his rider and instead angles towards the beach ...

Darvan> Laerth backwings to a landing.

By now, the other two greens have joined their sister in trying to -- or so
it might seem -- send their human to his death by nuzzling. F'hlan blinks a
couple of times, occasionally smiling absently at the trio, and then
glancing up to Tzornth as the bronze chimes in with a cajoling warble. The
rider then blinks again, and murmurs, "My large companion here thinks I
need some air."

Darvan> Laerth backwings to a landing near the edge of the beach, then
streches his wings and rumbles pleasantly at the much warmer air before
folding them against his body.

Kassima chuckles. "He'd likely know best, sir." She tilts her head. "'Tis
safe for you to go *between* with that hand?" She seems to be taking it for
granted that F'hlan will come; after all, if Tzornth's on her side....

Darvan> From atop Laerth, P'tran grins and turns to remove Latiar's straps.
"I can better assist your descent from the ground," he says as he unstraps

Darvan> P'tran comes down from Laerth's neck in one smooth motion.

Darvan> From atop Laerth, Latiar straightens quickly, a broad smile
spreading quickly across his face. He grins and glances quickly between the
bronze hide underneath him and the Weyrleader, "Thank you very much, sir."
he chuckles softly and ohs, "And if you'd thank Laerth for me to, sir."

Darvan> P'tran reaches up to help his passenger down.

Darvan> Latiar carefully climbs down from Laerth's neck.

Darvan> P'tran nods to LAtiar. "I'll thank him for you," he says with a
grin before looking out over the rest of the beach.

Darvan> R'val waves towards the weyrleader and Latiar, as he munches on an
appetizer, 'Methinks the party's just getting started, 'He remarks,
glancing abuot the empty beach.

Melora has arrived.

Darvan> Latiar chuckles softly as he straightens from his crouched position
he lands in. He blinks quickly as he glances around, "Jays, it's warm!" he
smiles and then nods to R'val, "I guess."

Darvan> P'tran grins at R'val and opens his riding jacket fully. "I
certainly did not think F'hlan would be here yet, knowing how shy he is
about these things."

Darvan> R'val grins at Latiar agreeably, "Very warm. PLeasant, isn't it?"

Darvan> R'val grins towards P'tran knowingly, 'Kassi'll drag him here,

Darvan> Darvan merely glares at everyone from where he's curled up by one
particular bottle, to all appearances guarding it. Or maybe just being
nasty. It's hard to say.

F'hlan considers, peering thoughtfully at his bandaged palm. "Ah, I've
slathered numbweed on it, and it's wrapped well...." As his dragon rumbles
helpfully, he bobs his head, "Aye, I could always wear my gloves..."

Benden Weyr> Kassima loves her wonderful, bad-tempered fire-lizard. He's
kinda like a small blue pit bull. :)

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Laerth snorts in amusement. << Your rider still
having trouble convincing Tzornth's rider to come? >>

Benden Weyr> T'lar waves and snugs.

Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Anyone coming to F'hlan's Turnday party, head
over to the beach at Boll :)"

Benden Weyr> Kethran waves to a T'lar. Heya!

Lysseth> Laerth senses that Lysseth rumblechuckles. << Things are easier
now that Tzornth is apparently arguing for his rider's going. She says she
thinks he will be convinced soon. >>

Benden Weyr> Alyssa hugs T'lar and is rather stuck here. 

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Be right there, Alyssa."

Darvan> Kethran wanders in from the tidal pool.

Lysseth> T'lar slides precipitously down from Nicoth's back.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Sure...run my dragon into the wall THEN offer me
a ride on your brute? :)"

Benden Weyr> T'lar :)

Kassima nods and suggests helpfully, "Besides, Boll's warm enough that the
cold of *between* will dissipate soon enough. So does this mean you'll
come, sir?"

Lysseth> Alyssa emerges from the infirmary.

Lysseth> T'lar waves. "Going to the party?"

Benden Weyr> Meli just sighs at the big bronzebutt's rider.

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "It's all Lysseth's fault :)"

Darvan> Latiar chuckles and then nods his head, "Knowing Kassi, he should
be here anytime..." he chuckles and sighs stretching slowly as he glances
quickly at a passing seagull.

Benden Weyr> T'lar looks around for Meli and frowns. "What Large Room?"

Darvan> R'val nods with a wry grin, 'I dont' doubt it."

Benden Weyr> Kassima just laughs, and hmphs! Why's it my dragon's fault,

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Because it was during her flight that this whole
messy incident occured, souprider ;)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima uh-uhs! That was Lilith's, burger-boy.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "No, goober, it was in Lilith's flight. Adonith
flew Lysseth. Just ask him. THAT he remembers!"

Melora wanders into the weyr. "Come where?"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Blue steak and pea soup.....yuck."

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "It was? Doh. What'm I thinking *whaps himself*"

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "No offense, Lys, but I was relieved to see your
Super Blue lose for a change. ;) Just a shame he had to lose
so..ouch..painfully :)"

F'hlan blinks, and looks up all at once. "Mela!" he cries, in a tone that
would, coming out of anybody else, be described as gushing. He grins at the
Harper, slightly scatteredly, and waves his non-bandaged hand to her.
"Kassima says they're having a little gathering at Boll, love..."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa notes that she doesn't pick the winners of flights,
dear. :)

Benden Weyr> T'lar raises his hand and asks for directions to Boll beach.

Kassima starts in surprise, then nods respectfully to Melora. "Heyla,
Master... 'twas just telling the Wingsecond about a gathering over at Boll
that 'tis wished for him to attend." She then nods agreement as F'hlan
confirms what she just said.

Melora ooohs! "Warmth!"

Tzornth croons warmly to Melora, lifting his head slightly to look at her.

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "dtu btw Boll, beach :)"

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Dtu btw boll? ;)"

Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Knot is getting spammy, folks :)"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Thanks, Kassi."

Darvan> P'tran grins and steps away from Laerth. The bronze has contented
himself with curling up and closing his eyes near the edge of the beach,
tucking his wings neatly against his body.

F'hlan gets up, moving swiftly to embrace his weyrmate, at least with his
right arm. The left hand curls around her a little more gingerly. But he
nuzzles her, with all the enthusiasm that his greens -- who flitter off and
creel at being dislodged off their perch -- had just shown him, as he tells
her, "Love, so glad to see you... did Anra come? Mehlani's with her nanny..."

Benden Weyr> Kassima gets a nasty dose of lag; please bear with her until
it clears up. :)

Lysseth> Alyssa nods to T'lar. "A ride would be welcome."

Lysseth> T'lar says "I'm sure Nicoth would love to have you ride again."

Lysseth> T'lar is catapulted up by a quick movement of Nicoth's snout. He
gets the bronze an affectionate slap.

Lysseth> Nicoth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Melora hugs her mate, "Anra darted off for the lower caverns the second we
landed," she says wryly. (In case her player logs in later and wants to
show up ;) )

Lysseth> Above, Nicoth flies up and out of the bowl.

Lysseth> Above, Nicoth disappears into Between.

Darvan> Latiar * darns, "I have to jet...bed time and all that." he waves,
"Have fun everyone ;)"

Darvan> Nicoth backwings to a landing.

Darvan> Trelina carefully climbs down from Laerth's neck.

Darvan> P'tran * notes that Trelina was here all along :)

Darvan> Trelina was with dada all the time. Really she was.

Darvan> T'lar helps Alyssa dismount.

F'hlan doesn't answer immediately, distracted by just standing there
inhaling the scent of Melora's hair, and apparently forgetting that his
young wingmate is present. Tzornth SNUFFS at him, making him blink, and
look up again. "Huh? Oh... Boll..."

Benden Weyr> F'hlan lags pretty impresively too, and takes the opportunity
to lie his hurt hand out on the ice pack. owie.

Darvan> Alyssa climbs down Nicoth's foreleg to the ground.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa volunteers to kiss the booboo.

Benden Weyr> F'hlan presents his band-aided hand. His eyes are all big and
liquid, too.

Darvan> P'tran sets Trelina down very carefully on her feet, but holds on
to her hand, letting her walk (as much as she can at her age), but staying
close to him.

Darvan> Kethran waves cheerfully to his sister and to T'lar, waving them over.

Kassima chuckles. "That seems to happen often, with children," she
observes. "Nay matter where my family would take my youngest cousins,
they'd always be off and away the moment they could dodge their parents.
Now, about this Boll thing... 'tis considered important that you be there,
sir, if you can make it. 'Tis, in fact, an important enough event that Lyss
tells me Alyssa is taking a ride with Nicoth to get there." She smiles
faintly, though it's hard to tell just why.

Darvan> T'lar nods, waves and almost salutes. "Hi, everyone."

F'hlan remembers he was inspecting his bandaged hand, and he looks from it
to Kassima to Melora and back again, blinking a time or two. "Important?
P'tran need a word with me about the renegades or something?"

Melora eyes F'hlan, then his firelizards, and mutters something that may or
may not be like "Shards, not again!" But she tightens her arm about F'hlan.

Darvan> Alyssa dismounts a bit uncertainly, looking about her without
speaking as she stands beside T'lar...and tries not to tower over him.

Benden Weyr> Kassima swoons at He of the Liquid Eyes, then at She Who
Kisses Boo-Boos, then gets back to work. :)

Benden Weyr> J'cob nods agreeable to Dances with Swooncrafters

Benden Weyr> F'hlan .oO (Fortunately for Kassima, my Gullibility Level is
exceptionally high at the moment, with a hurt hand and five proddy green
flits, ayep.)

Kassima hmmms and replies evasively, "Well, we were talking about the
renegades earlier, aye... and I imagine P'tran would appreciate your
attendance, though of course I can't speak for him."

Darvan> Trelina toddles determinedly with her daddy. "Ehmeh, dehdeh!

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "P'tran, did you bring Trelina's translator? :)"

Darvan> T'lar moves over to Kethran. He pauses to kneel before Trelina.
"Hello, Trelina. You're looking very pretty today. And walking well, I
see." He winks up a P'tran.

Darvan> R'val grins down at Trelina, and remarks to P'tran, 'She's growing
so fast, tis hard to believe, sir."

Darvan> P'tran hrms? and looks over to ALyssa. "You came over without

Benden Weyr> Kassima vows to have all ten of her female FLs get proddy some
time. At the same time Lyss does. I can see the headlines now--'Woman with
Ten Proddy Greens and a Gold Slays Entire Feeding Grounds Full of Wherries.
Film at Eleven.' ;)

F'hlan's mouth makes a silent "oh", and he looks guilelessly to his
weyrmate. "I suppose I should go... will you come?" His gaze turns liquid
and hopeful, his tone oddly soft. "Come all the way from Fort just now, I'd
hate to go without you..."

Melora glances at Kassima, and says, "I don't suppose he'd want a Harper's
advice as well?" She is obviously deleighted at the idea of a trip to a
warm beach far from the maddening apprentices.

Darvan> P'tran is distracted before waiting for an answer and nods to R'val
with a smile. "Yes, she is. She's just about walking now, though she needs
a little help."

Kassima smiles at Melora and nods. "I somehow doubt he'd object in the
least, ma'am."

Benden Weyr> J'cob thinks we need a WingFlirt and a FlirtSecond for each
wing, P'tran. :)

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I would like to apply for WingFlirt for Skyfire."

Benden Weyr> J'cob nominates Kassima for Thunderbolt ;)

Darvan> Trelina looks seriously at T'lar. "Emneh me dada!" she proclaims.

Benden Weyr> Kassima isn't a flirt! Really! I'm just, um... evil. Right. :)

Darvan> Alyssa nods to P'tran, foregoing her now-customary salute as she
watches the Weyrleader and Trelina and looks decidely uncomfortable.

Darvan> R'val grins readily at P'tran, "Enjoy it while it lasts. Soon,
she'll be walking everywhere, and there'll be no peace for you.' He grins

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "You? A flirt? Uhh...Hard to believe, Kassi :)"

F'hlan beams. "Well then," he says firmly. With that, he strides off to
fetch his riding jacket and good warm gloves to pad his wounded hand. Then
he furrows his brow, in a softened version of his usual grave expression,
and adds, "Perhaps you'd better take us, Kassima, if Lysseth will consent.
I'm not sure I should visualize right now."

Darvan> T'lar laughs. "You don't say. And what else about your dada, little

Tzornth considers his rider, and rumbles approvingly, tenderly to him.
F'hlan looks up and flashes his dragon yet another uncharacteristically
warm smile.

Darvan> Trelina shakes her head. "Mehnen booga!"

Darvan> P'tran chuckles and grins ruefully. "Already went through that with
Jehran, I know full well." He smiles down at Trelina as she tries to 'talk'
with T'lar. "Well, I guess that says it all about me," he comments wryly at
Trelina's latest revelation.

Darvan> T'lar regards the little girl seriously. "Hmmmmm I'm afraid I no
longer talk that language. Do you want something?"

Kassima looks between F'hlan and Melora, obviously delighted. "You'll both
come, then? Ach, 'tis very good news--good news indeed. Lysseth will be
more than happy to take us, sir." She goes out-of-focus for a moment, then
nods. "Aye, she'll be at the South Bowl in naught but a moment."

Lysseth> You lumber south.

Melora nods, "That'd be best, I think. Those sharding greens aren't very

Darvan> Trelina sticks her fingers in her mouth, and looks solemnly at
T'lar. Taking her finger out, she says, "Bedemreh NONONONO!"

Darvan> P'tran takes the moment of Trelina's distraction to look over
towards Alyssa. "Well, just a note that I don't approve of a rider being so
far from her dragon. I thought I made that clear the other night."

About the weyr, F'hlan's three greens continue to flitter, and at least one
of them looks quite dismayed that her beloved perch isn't staying still
enough for her to land on his shoulder. Once F'hlan is stationary, though
-- and telling Tzornth mildly that of _course_ he can come along, it's just
that his rider doesn't want to try to guide them *between* -- Koei nimbly
claims the bronze rider's right shoulder and starts trying to eat the end
of his headband.

Kassima sighs. "I sympathize, ma'am, trust me. I've nine of them m'self,
and quite a few blues who aren't much better." She glances Bowl-wards and
nods. "Lysseth's ready whenever you are, sir, ma'am."

F'hlan, apparently utterly unfazed by Koei, strides smilingly out.

F'hlan heads down the low steps to the Bowl outside.

You head down the low steps into the South Bowl.

Melora comes down the low steps leading out of Tzornth's weyr.

Darvan> T'lar tries not to look totally confused. "You want something to
eat?" He points to the food table and makes an eating gesture with the
other hand.

Darvan> Alyssa swallows and replies to P'tran hesitantly, "I came to give
F'hlan his turnday gift, sir. I don't care to be this far away from him
either and...to be honest, I'd like to be back to Benden as soon as possible."

Tzornth lumbers out of his weyr.

Darvan> Trelina takes the opportunity of her dada's distraction to sit down
and start throwing sand at T'lar.

Darvan> Kethran chuckles at Trelina's apparent scolding of the bronzerider.
"She's obviously practising for the future," he grins, eyes twinkling.

Darvan> R'val smiles at Alyssa reassuringly, "With any luck, Kassi'll drag
F'hlan here shortly."

Lysseth rumbles greetings, already crouched down on the Bowl floor to make
mounting up easier for her rider and passengers. "Thankee muchly, Lyss;
I'll get on up first, sir, if'n y'don't mind. She doesn't take kindly to
being ridden if'n I'm nay aboard already, I'm afraid."

Darvan> P'tran nods slowly to Alyssa. "Normally I'd order you back right
this instant, but I'll make an exception in this case because of the
occassion. But do ask me first next time."

Tzornth slithers out after the humans, and croons pleasantly to the waiting
green dragon. From his protective nearness, it's easy enough to guess that
the bronze isn't going to let his rider far out of his sight.

Darvan> Trelina looks angrily at Kethran, "Emneh BEH!" she declares. "Emneh

Darvan> T'lar sits suddenly as if thrown back by the sand, looking
appropriately astonished. "Anyone know what she wants?" He makes to cover
her foot with sand.

F'hlan nods affably, setting his gloved left hand in his jacket pocket and
grasping with the other one of Melora's.

Darvan> R'val smiles behind his hand at Trelina's indignation.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

Darvan> P'tran glances down to Trelina and squeezes her hand very gently.
"What is it, Trelina?" he says softly, smiling down at her.

Darvan> Kethran quirks a brow at Trelina's remark, and smiles guilelessly,
spreading his arms in a broad gesture of innocence.

Darvan> T'lar glares at Kethran. "Okay, Keth. Spill it."

Darvan> Trelina raises her arms to daddy. "Mehpimeh!"

Kassima buckles herself in and calls down, "Should be safe enough now,
ma'am, sir."

<*> F'hlan waits until Lysseth's rider is settled, then, gently nudges
Melora to proceed him.

Darvan> Kethran looks at T'lar, and shrugs, still the picture of innocence.

<*> Melora smiles slightly, and clambers up.

Melora accepts Kassima's proffered hand and swings up onto Lysseth's lower
neckridges, settling herself behind Kassima carefully. Kassi grins and
reassures the dubious Lysseth that Melora is safe, and the green faces
forward as her rider gets ready to fly.

F'hlan takes hold of Lysseth's riding straps and climbs aboard the green
dragon, who keeps a wary eye on him all the while.

Darvan> "If I'd known F'hlan wasn't here, sir, I would not have come,"
Alyssa stammers, so blatently ill at ease that she is twisting her goggles
in her hands. "With your permission, I'll take my leave as soon as a rider
is willing to take me back. I feel deucedly unhappy here now as it is....my
apologies for not having gotten your permission to come in the first place."

Darvan> From the sky, Juliath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Darvan> Nicoth bugles to Juliath as she appears.

Darvan> From the sky, Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Jerethan leans
back toward Ellia as Juliath emerges from between, and he emits his
customary gleeful WHOOP.

F'hlan climbs up with slightly less stiffness than usual in his left leg,
as though for one he's unusually relaxed. He settles in behind his mate,
looking about for buckles on the straps.

Darvan> From the sky, Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Ellia can just
barely be heard under her , "...heights...."

Darvan> T'lar looks up at Alyssa. "I'll take you back, Lys, if you wish.

Darvan> From the sky, Juliath swirls lazily downward on the currents,
banking slightly to head towards the beach.

Darvan> Juliath backwings to a landing.

Darvan> P'tran reaches down and gathers Trelina up in his arms before
looking back to Alyssa. "That would be fine, Alyssa. YOu can certainly wait
til F'hlan gets here. Hopefully he'll be here shortly."

Darvan> Vidarth croons to Juliath from his nestled spot in the sand.

Darvan> R'val smiles at Alyssa understandingly, "It must not be very
comfortable, the distance..."

Darvan> Trelina babbles happily as she pulls on daddy's hair.

Darvan> Juliath bugles lightly as she lands in the sand, quickly folding
her wings and crouching low to allow her passengers to descend.

Darvan> Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Jerethan unfastens his straps,
and glances around with a grin. "Where's the guest of honor?" he wonders.

Kassima looks over her shoulder and points to the strap fastenings
helpfully. "Just tell me when you're ready, sir, ma'am; 'twill be good to
get there as soon as possible, I'm thinking."

Darvan> P'tran winces slightly and tries to disentangle his hair from
Trelina's hands. "No, Trelina," he says softly but firmly.

Darvan> Jerethan slides down to Juliath's extended foreleg with some help
from the straps, then makes the short jump to the ground.

Darvan> T'lar gets to his feet, brushing the sand from his britches. His
face lights up as he looks over at Juliath.

Darvan> Trelina says "Ehmehwherehm!"

F'hlan's fire lizards -- well, at least the wherhide-living Koei -- seem to
be interested in following; they swirl out and around the dragons, cheeping
in vivid interest. F'hlan hmmms?, then smiles languidly to Kassima. "Ready,

Darvan> Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Ellia opens her eyes after a
long pause, and undoes her straps. She seems to move with great relief
towards the ground.

Darvan> Astride Juliath, Meli unbuckles herself, turning to see if Ellia
needs any help, then casts a glance over the crowd. "Not here?" she asks.

Darvan> Ellia slides down to Juliath's extended foreleg with some help from
the straps, then makes the short jump to the ground.

Melora is well fastened, and nods.

Darvan> Alyssa nods to P'tran but comments with the ghost of a smile, "You
can understand, sir, what troubles me is not your displeasure but at being
away from Adonith, as R'val says. And I'd be ill company at best at
F'hlan's party. I'll bide my time briefly, if T'lar will wait, but as you
said, my place is with Adonith.

Darvan> Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to
the ground, giving her a gentle caress.

Kassima nods and gives Lyss the signal to launch.

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up
dust as she takes to the skies.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor
to carry you aloft.

Darvan> R'val Grins amiably, waving towards Meli, 'Meli! Glad you could
joit he fun.'

<*> Tzornth rises up from the bowl.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Tzornth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Darvan> Trelina tugs at daddy's hair again. "Mehbemwhemremar....
menemderal..." she babbles.

You wing down onto the gather beach.

<*> Nicoth sidles over to Juliath and nudges her to get her attention.

<*> Tzornth backwings to a landing.

<*> Kethran glances up and waves to the Harper, and his eyes widen as he
spots the new knot. "Jays, Jereth, has that thing grown since I last saw
it?" he wonders. "Or is it just my imagination giving me fits again?"

<*> Vidarth bugles spiritedly towards Tzornth and Lysseth as they land.

<*> Ellia wobbles a little as she settles on the ground, but looks rather
relieved to be there.

<*> Meli pats Juliath, getting her to move over to join the other dragons,
as she strides towards the cluster of people. "Found 'im, finally! Took me
awhile" she calls.

F'hlan looks down from the green ferrying him and his weyrmate, attention
mostly on the ocean, at which he smiles fondly. Tzornth, nearby, bugles

<*> Jerethan grins quietly, a bit embarassed at the question, but he
manages a nod in response to the Steward. "It's new, all right.'

<*> R'val smiles broadly, "You did great, Meli. Evening, Jerethan, glad you
could join the fun.'

<*> P'tran ahems removes Trelina's hands from his hair again and says a
little more forcefully, "No, Trelina, Trelina no pull on Daddy's hair." He
looks over to Alyssa again and nods but it distracted by the others
arriving before he can offer any more comment to her.

<*> Jerethan inclines his head to R'val. "I'm always happy to spend time
with my friends, bluerider."

<*> T'lar waves to all the new arrivals. "Bout time you guys got here."

<*> Trelina, her fun spoiled, starts kicking to be let down. "EEEEH meeee!
Eeeeeeh meeee! Ewaaah! Waaaah!"

Kassima waves merrily to the crowd, then grins back at Melora and F'hlan.
"Mayhaps I fibbed a bit when I said 'little' gathering," she admits. Then,
even as she unfastens her straps, she calls to everyone, "Sorry about the
delay, all! Persuasion took a *wee* bit longer than I'd anticipated...."

F'hlan blinks, turning his head towards the sound of... a crowd.

<*> Ellia quirks a little grin to Meli, and nods, thankfully.

Melora glances at Kassima thoughtfully.... "So I see...."

<*> R'val chuckles, 'Persuading F'hlan? I'm surprised you managed at all,
Kassi, certainly no need to apologize about delays!"

<*> Tzornth finds somewhere nice and bronze-dragon-sized to settle. His
head shifts in several directions as he takes in the sight of everything,
all the while warbling and rumbling in interest.

<*> P'tran sighs and holds Trelina firmly until he can set her down, taking
her hand in his again. He looks over to F'hlan and grins slightly, albeit a
quizzical look on his face as to his unusual arrival.

F'hlan says blankly, "Persuading?"

Kassima wrinkles her nose at R'val. "You have such confidence in my
abilities, bluerider," she quips drily, then nods to F'hlan. "Aye, sir,
persuading you to come. The crowd's here for you, y'see...."

<*> Trelina yanks her hand out, "NEHMEH!" she says angrily.

<*> R'val winks up at Kassima, undaunted, "I have nothing but admiration
for your abilities, if you managed to persuade F'hlan to come out!"

F'hlan pauses in the middle of undoing the riding straps around himself,
and blinks several times, during which the green on his shoulder happily
nibbles at his wherhide headband. "But... you said..." His brown gaze
shifts to P'tran. "... he wanted to talk to me about the renegades...?"

<*> R'val chuckles as he overhears F'hlan, and his confusion, 'A /small/
fib, Kassi?"

Kassima shakes her head. "I said nay such thing. I said we'd been talking
about the renegades; *that* much was truth."

<*> Meli moves further into the crowd, murmuing hellos as she steps over to
admire the cake.

Melora helps F'hlan with the straps, and says, "Somehow, I don't think the
crowd is here to talk about renegades, F'hlan. Too many wineskins."

<*> T'lar walks over with a smile for F'hlan. He moves on over to Meli,
putting his arm around her and kissing her gently. "Great cake, isn't it?"

<*> P'tran looks down at Trelina again and does not try to take her hand
back but keeps a very close eye on her. He only turns his head partially in
F'hlan's direction and is not looking towards him directly as he response,
"Well, not exactly. That can come later." He grins. "Like tomorrow."

<*> Meli nods, leaning into T'lar's encircling arm. "Yeh... good thin' I
had a light dinner, neh?"

F'hlan looks more alertly down off Lysseth, registering several more
things, such as the fact that renegade councils rarely take place on
beaches, with cake, and a large amount of drink. By way of eloquent reply,
he blurts, "I..."

<*> Ellia scans the large mob of people, grey eyes flickering over them to
see if she manages to recognize any of them. Failing at this, she frowns,
and wanders off through the crowd, occsaionally standing on tiptoe to keep
an eye on the people she can identify.

<*> Trelina heads straight for the cake. "Ehmben um!"

Kassima grins. "Right. Tonight, sir, 'tis nay a gathering to talk of
unpleasant matters--'tis a Turnday party. Specifically, yours." She
gestures to the cake, and the drink bar, and the people, and everything.
"Just a little something we cooked up in your honor, sir."

<*> Tzornth CROONS, deeply and reverberatingly. Clearly, Tzornth approves.

Melora chuckles, "I think you've been had, love. Let's get down before you
fall off in your surprise." She helps F'hlan dismount, and follows him.

P'tran looks at the cake and blinks.

F'hlan repeats, "I..." He's turning a notable shade of red, now, even as a
smile quirks embarassedly at his mouth.

F'hlan climbs down from Lysseth's neckridges with the help of her riding
straps, looking grateful to be back on the ground. Lysseth eyes F'hlan for
a moment, rumbling quietly, before turning her attention elsewhere.

<*> Jerethan smiles back to Ellia, and then finds a spot to settle down and
unobtrusively watch the festivities.

Melora climbs down from Lysseth's neckridges with the help of her riding
straps, looking grateful to be back on the ground. Lysseth eyes Melora for
a moment, rumbling quietly, before turning her attention elsewhere.

<*> T'lar settles the greenrider comfortable against him. "Yes, and rightly
so. This ought to be one great TurnDay party." Turning his head back toward
F'hlan. "C'mon, F'hlan. Let's get this party started."

Kassima suppresses a laugh at F'hlan's discomfiture, and swings herself
down from her dragon's neck to join the festivities.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

R'val smiles a warm greting towards Melora as she dismounts, and wanders in
Lysseth's direction, wine glass in hand.

P'tran takes a single stride and catches up with Trelina and bends down
beside her. "that's for later, love," he says to his daughter. He looks up
towards F'hlan again and chuckles. "Just as a disclaimer, F'hlan, this was
not actually my idea," he grins.

On F'hlan's shoulder, Koei finally realizes that something Unusual is going
on. She lifts her glimmering head and coos, perkily.

Ellia works her way through the crowd, slowly, just listening to pieces of
conversation, then finally works her way around to the fringe Jerethan's
settled in. She tilts her head a little to one side, and brushes her hair
back off her shoulder. "Mind if I join?"

F'hlan blinkblinks. His smile widens into a foolish, lopsided grin, and he
looks around at everyone, evidently dazed, but also quite thrilled.

From Kethran's shoulder, Randival crooOOooOOons to the prettygreen on
F'hlan's shoulder.

From T'lar's shoulder, Loki looks decidedly happy to see so many glowing

Kassima pats Lysseth's shoulder and strides purposefully for the drink bar,
pausing to wave to everyone, salute P'tran, and shoo Darvan away from a
particular bottle. "Scat, pest. You've done a wonderful guard job, but
guarding the bottle from me is *nay* what you're supposed to do."

R'val proffers a brimming glass of Benden Red to F'hlan, standing in front
of him, "Happy Turnday, bronzerider."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Everyone make Ellia feel welcome, she's at the
party visiting from Harper Hall :)"

Jerethan shakes his head. "Not at all, Ellia," he murmurs softly. His next
words are too low to make out.

Trelina points at the cake, and starts howling. "Emaaaawaaaaah!"

T'lar says "Everyone is welcome, dear lady." He smiles at Ellia. "Please
join us.""

Melora chuckles, watching her weyrmate. "Glad I came back when I did."

"I..." Perhaps deciding that he's said that already, F'hlan abruptly
giggles a little, and walks further forward. "Thank you!" Whether this is
to R'val, from whom he does accept the wine, or to everyone at large is not
exactly clear.

Alyssa clears her throat and moves toward F'hlan shyly, holding in her
hands a package wrapped in gossimer. "I...just wanted to give you this
before I return to Benden," the bluerider murmurs.

R'val accepts the thanks for himself, beams at F'hlan, and moves on,
standing next to Kassi with a grin, "Congrats, you deserve a drink for
getting him h ere."

Kassima picks up two bottles from the bar she brought, and walks back over
to F'hlan. "Gifts, sir," she announces with a smile. "Two of 'em, anyway.
There're likely more coming...." She grins as Lys proves her words true,
then proferrs the bottles. One is plainly blackberry liqueur; the other is
some unholy amalgam of wines that looks to be a rather muddy brown.

P'tran shakes his head and mumbles something about never having taken her
along and picks up Trelina again. "Shhh, love. You'll get some a little
later." He smiles over at F'hlan and echoes the sentiment. "Happy Turnday,
F'hlan. SOrry if this seemed a little abrupt, but too many people wanted to
show you their appreciation."

Trelina does not seem mollified. "Emehwaaaaaaa!" she sobs, heartbroken.

Ellia nods a little, raising an eyebrow slightly at Jereth, and most
definitively blushing. She settles down next to him, regards him for a
moment, and places a carefully aimed jab at his ribs. "You are impossible."

F'hlan's remaining four greens do indeed pop out of *between*, flittering
around excitedly. Koei stays on his shoulder, though, chittering brightly.
The bronze rider, brown eyes going quite full, just grins ear to ear at
everyone in sight. Shifting the wine to his slightly awkward left hand, he
beams at Alyssa, then accepts her gift, and mumbles sheepishly, "I, um,
perhaps I should sit down..."

Benden Weyr> Simile says, "A party? May Simile come, too?"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Sure. I may be back at Benden in a bit ferrying
someone. Want a ride?"

Alyssa shrugs her shoulders and looks at Melora briefly, uncomfortably, as
she remarks softly, "It's hardly worth so much ado, sir...just something I
thought you might like."

P'tran just holds Trelina in his arm and bounces her a bit, looking over to
F'hlan with a little bit of concern, but still smiling at the bronzerider.

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Of course! The more the merrier, and all that.
Gotta get someone to eat all this cake and drink all this wine; I don't
want any leftovers. ;) Well, not of the cake... leftover wine is always
welcome, of course. ;)"

Benden Weyr> Simile says, "Now I remember. F'hlan's party."

Meli nudges T'lar surruptitiously, with a knowing glance at Jereth and
Ellia. She then turns to watch the guest of honor, grinning at his apparent

Benden Weyr> Simile says, "Is it worth coming this late?"

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Of course, the party's only started."

Benden Weyr> Kassima would say so, but she's hardly unbiased *grin*. :)

F'hlan looks around for somewhere good to sit down; finding at last a
reasonably central spot near food and everyone present, he eases his way
down onto the sandand sets down his drink for a moment. Off come his riding
gloves, revealing a light bandage around his left hand, but this doesn't
seem to hinder him as he unwraps Alyssa's gift.

Benden Weyr> Simile says, "I'm at harper hall. I'll see if someone here can
give me a ride?"

A frame wrought from the highest-quality Pernese silver embraces a
miniature portrait painted deftly atop an oval of polished Lemos wood, no
bigger than a redfruit. Captured in the delicate brushstrokes is the
vibrant reddish-bronze image of Tzornth awing over the verdant plains of
Benden's southwestern sweeps area. A closer examination of the dragon shows
astride him the slender figure of his lifemate, F'hlan. No Threadfall day
is this; the scene captured within the artwork is cheerful and free, a
private moment of perfect union of rider and dragon. The frame itself is
just as noteworthy as the painting as its tendrils wend a draconic shape
about the wood to hold the miniature firmly in place. Two claws are the
feet of the frame; the dragon's tail serves as the brace to complete the

Trelina continues to cry, heart-rending sobs shuddering through her small
body. "Ehwaaaaameh! Ehwaaaaaah!" She points repeatedly towards the cake.

R'val whistles softly as the gift is unveiled.

"I...um...commissioned it a few months ago," Alyssa mumbles, shifting her
feet in the sands.

Kassima settles back on the sands with both wine bottles, watching the
unwrapping with a broad smile. When she sees what Lys's gift is, she
whistles unsoftly in pure amazement. "My word," she murmurs. "'Tis
absolutely magnificent."

T'lar looks at where Meli is indicating and smiles. Giving her an extra
hug, he moves over to get a look at the gifts. "Wow," he breaths softly at
the picture and fram.

Melora glances at the frame, then over at Alyssa, then murmurs something in
F'hlan's ear.

P'tran winces slightly at Trelina's continued cries and tries to peer over
at F'hlan's gift but not wanting to get too close for fear of his
daughter's cries disrupting the party.

R'val nods quietly in agreement with Kassima, his eyes filled with marvel
as he regards the gift.

Tzornth gets as close as he can to the humans without stepping on anyone.
His rider stares down at the portrait, then breathes huskily, "Shards...!"
His eyes are shining, now. At Melora's whisper he gives her a radiant
smile, then turns it next to his dragon and finally to Alyssa. "Thank
you...!" Then he giggles again, roughly. "Weyrleader mine... perhaps we'd
better distribute cake next?"

Jerethan grins at Ellia, and nods. "I try to be. Thanks!"

Tzornth CROOOOOOOOOOONS throatily, eyes whirling vividly blue, with bright

Alyssa edges back and away from the bronzerider, content the parcel is
delivered and opened. "If I can get back to Benden now, T'lar?"

P'tran smiles weakly at F'hlan. "I think that might be a good idea at this

T'lar says "Sure, Alyssa. I'll be right back." The last was addressed to

Ellia wrinkles her nose cheerfully and grins at Jereth. "You're rather good
at it," she says, with a rather dry and bemused tone.

From atop Nicoth, Alyssa has arrived.

T'lar is catapulted up by a quick movement of Nicoth's snout. He gets the
bronze an affectionate slap.

Kethran gapes at the gift, and then at his sister, nodding approvingly as
his expression transforms to a smile.

Jerethan grins at Ellia. "Good to hear I'm good at /something/," he
chuckles softly, and then waves to Alyssa and T'lar.

Kassima laughs. "Might be a sound idea," she agrees, setting the decanters
of blackberry liqueur and whatever-it-is snugly in the sand. She points to
them and directs Darvan with a single word: "Guard." The blue immediately
wraps himself around the bottles and starts glaring at everyone again. "I
hope there's enough cake for everyone; 'twasn't sure how many folks there'd
be, so I told m'cousin to make it as big as she could."

Ellia quirks a little grin. "I think," she says with grave and amused
dignity, "that I shall refrain from comment on that one...."

R'val glances at the cake thoughtfully, "WEll, Kassi, there looks to be a
more than sufficient amount of cake, if you ask me." He glances at her
firelizard and grins wryly, "Charming blue, Kassi."

F'hlan gently places the portrait and its wrapping in his lap, then shrugs
out of his riding jacket -- dislodging Koei -- and laying it beside him. On
this, he places Alyssa's gift, and playfully he swats at his green as the
softly shimmering creature peeks at it. "No lass," he mutters, "that's not

Nicoth wanders down the jungle path to the west.

P'tran points over to the cake and looks to Trelina and grins at her.
"Trelina get cake soon." He hopes this distracts her enough and ventures
foward a bit to get a closer look at the gift that was given to F'hlan.

Simile wanders in from the tidal pool.

Melora smiles wryly at P'tran, "Reminds me of Anra, that one."

Isolde wanders in from the tidal pool.

Meli *notes that Simile came on Juliath.

P'tran hmms? and looks over to MElora. "Was she this difficult as well?" he

Jerethan smiles quietly and leans closer to Ellia. He mutters to Ellia,
"... still... people as..." 

R'val pats P'tran on the shoulder with a companionable grin, 'I know my
Valieri was. Terrible temper, as a toddler."

Simile waves at F'hlan and looks around for food.

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Are there no sky exits at Boll anymore?"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa os going to bed. Night, all.

F'hlan, still seeming slightly dazed, gets back to his feet and approaches
the cake. "My apologies if I'm awkward with this, everyone," he calls out,
holding up his bandaged hand and grinning crookedly. "Had a little slip of
the blade while trimming my riding straps."

Trelina stops sobbing as she listens. But wait a moment, the cake is there,
and daddy's going *that* way.... her wailing starts up again.

Benden Weyr> Kassima arghs at whatever mastermind decided to delete the
beach's sky exits, and notes for anyone who wants to leave, 'home' is
probably the only way *possible* to do it. :P *SnugsaLys.* Night!

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I had to "home" to get back to Benden."

Ellia nods thoughtfully. "I can see that...." she says, before leaning over
a little herself.

Melora nods, "She's still something of a terror. We tended to spoil her
rotten, I'm afraid, to keep her quiet."

Simile waves F'hlan away, saying, "I'll help myself, I'll get a bigger
piece that way."

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Deleted the sky exit? Aigh!"

R'val nods to Melora with a smile, "that, unfortunately, is a hard
temptation to resist, with tantrum-prone children."

Benden Weyr> P'tran will send a +mail to the Lord/Lady Holders

F'hlan, with that, smiles to Simile and peers in visible wonder at the
bronze dragon confection. "By the first Shell," he breathes at it. Then he
smiles with relief to Simile, apparently not minding that she goes first.
"Thank you."

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Night all. Pretend I'm there or something."

Ellia giggles a little, sort of preoccupied, and leans back slightly.

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Night T'lar!"

F'hlan picks up the carving knife and cuts himself a piece from the body of
the bronze dragon cake.

Simile says "Oh, my, it's beautiful!"

P'tran nods to Melora. "I don;t want to do that with her, but she's making
me miss this party for F'hlan, and I was looking forward to this," he says
with some irritation and takes Trelina towards the cake.

F'hlan, once Simile obtains cake of her own, waves P'tran over, and offers
a piece to his child.

R'val grins, 'Children. They have an excellent sense of timing when it
comes to getting away with things..."

Benden Weyr> Kassima zhaisnugs T'lar and will have to bamf before too awful
long herself (though I'll prolly risk Mom's wrath and ignore my curfew for
at least a little while :).

Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Lord/Lady Holders?"

Trelina immediately quiets down, and points at the cake, "EhmLet!"

P'tran nods gratefully to F'hlan and accepts the piece from him. "Thank you
very much, F'hlan. I apologize for Trelina's behavior. Even she's usually
better behaved than this."

Trelina points at the tail, and bounces happily. "let! let!"

Ellia tips her head a little to one side. "I should give up and just tickle
you," she says, mock-threateningly, before leaning in again to whisper.

Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "YEs, that's what you generally have at a Hold,

Benden Weyr> N'ren is just wondering what he logged into, is all.

Melora vaguely recalls her childern usually just jammed their hands in the
cake and took what they wanted at the various weddings they'd been to.

F'hlan carefully, and slowly, starts slicing more of the cake to pass out
to the folk nearby, and smiling all the while.

Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "The sky exits were deleted at Boll"

Benden Weyr> Meli thinks it's PernMUSH, but sometimes it seems more like RL :)

Melora says "Anra, in particular."

Benden Weyr> Meli apologizes for leaving suddenly, but I've also got to get
to sleep.

Benden Weyr> R'val narfs Meli *hug*

Benden Weyr> Kassima zhaisnugs the Granola Girl. G'night! :)

P'tran see Trelina ignoring the piece that was initially cut for her and
see where Trelina is pointing. Sighing again, he says to F'hlan. "I hate to
impose, F'hlan, but ..."

Jerethan stands and accepts a pair of slices from the cake, inclining his
head. "Thank you. Happy Turn-day, bronzerider." He carries the two slices
back to where he was sitting, and hands one to Ellia.

Ellia inclines her head, slightly, accepting the cake, and doing valiant
battle with a rather amusing tinge of rose that seems to be assaulting her

F'hlan chuckles softly, and takes up the piece for Trelina, and goes over
to peer down at her. "Heyla, little miss," he tells her, taking a fingerful
of cake and waving it slightly at her.

Melora chuckles at P'tran. "Stubborn, isn't she?"

Kassima grins as she leans back against Lysseth, an aquired glass of one of
those Faranth-knows-what home-brewed drinks in hand. "Hey, Jereth!" she
calls. "How about a little music? I think there's one song in particular
that's appropriate... y'know the one...."

R'val ends up standing close to Ellia and smiles a warm greeting to her,
offering his hand, "I think we've not met. I'm R'val, blue Vidarht's rider."

Trelina giggles happily at F'hlan, "Um Let!" she says.

Jerethan glances up from his contemplation of Ellia's face at Kassia's
call, and he nods quickly. "Oh, very appropriate," he agrees, and unslings
his gitar, watching the crowd and waiting for the right moment.

P'tran smiles weakly, looking faintly embarassed that someone else can seem
to handle his child better than he can, but looks grateful that the child
is not screaming. "I think she wants the tail piece," he comments

Trelina takes her cake, "Um Let el!" She stuffs it in her mouth, getting
frosting all over her face and P'tran's hair. "Umph Lemph!"

Ellia tips her head back, looking more or less relieved. "Ellia...
Apprentice Harper...." she says, to R'val. "Well met...." She trails off
thoughtfully for a moment. "Perhaps you might have met my brother - Ch'ran,
rider to blue Shanth at Fort...."

Still grinning -- F'hlan has never grinned so much in one place in the last
several Turns, you'd think -- he waggles the cake bit on his finger at
Trelina enticingly. "You have to sometimes make it a game with them," he
remarks conversationally to his Wingleader and Weyrleader, then grinning
more as Trelina's small hands get the idea and send crumbs flying.

R'val nods faintly, frowning in though. It breaks into a smile as he nods,
"Hmmm, yes, I believe I've met your brother on a few occasions."

Melora tries to figure out what a Let is.

Kassima laughs and nods to Jereth, then giggles all over again at Trelina's
act of anointing P'tran with cake frosting. "Bright Faranth, this is
turning out better than I'd dreamed," she murmurs sotto voce to Lyss as she
sips the whatever-it-is. The dragon merely rumbles in amusement.

Ellia nods slightly. "He's... memorable." She quirks a little grin. "I'd
call him a brat, but I can't, he's a rider."

Simile settles down near other harpers, looking around to see who's here.

R'val grins wryly, "Certainly you can. I know certain greenriders I call
brats all the time...' He grins impishly, "In any case, welcome to the
party. Having fun, I hope?"

Trelina is all smiles and cake frosting now. She babbles happily at the
cake man. "Ehmen Let um let umumumum!"

F'hlan turns, then, to offer Melora cake, and to scarf some for himself. He
returns to where he'd laid his jacket, shooes Koei -- and the two greens
Aeyri and Wrey who have joined her -- aside, and sits down to sample the
cake and the wine R'val had brought him.

Jerethan glances over at Kassima. "You do mean the song about a certain
bronzerider, right?" he asks her innocently.

Kassima is all innocence herself as she nods vigorously. "That'd be the
one, aye!"

P'tran chuckles a bit and tries to reach for something to help clean
himself up a little bit, and Trelina as well when she finishes.

Melora takes her cake, and her ears prick up at the words "song" and

Jerethan grins evilly at Kassima. "True, but I'm not so sure you'd want
that one sung in /public/," he points out, with a wink.

Ellia considers that for a moment, over a bite of cake. "I... think so...."
she says, a bit of a blush returning to her face right after she defeated
it, and she glances over at Jereth, before returning her attention to
R'val. "Seems like we're going to get serenaded...."

F'hlan blinks at the words "song" and "bronze rider" in the same sentence,
and blurts out, "What? Oh, shells, don't tell me..."

Kassima suppresses a snicker and merely says, nonchalantly--and with utmost
innocence, of course--"I don't see why nay, Jereth... after all, 'tis
certainly appropriate for the occasion...."

Trelina helps daddy clean up by rubbing his head. Alas, this has quite the
opposite of the intended effect, as her hands are all covered with

R'val smiles at Ellia's blush and nods, his attention diverted to the
harper journeyman, 'It seems that way, Ellia, whichis good. Music would
make th is party complete."

P'tran Sighs slightly but manages a smile as he pauses to clean off
Trelina's hands first this time before tending to himself.

Jerethan chuckles, and, with only a slight worried glance at Melora, lifts
his gitar onto his knee and begins to play. His eyes sparkle with mischief.

Elenni smiles, "Are you sure you are up for such a drink?" as he pours.

Elenni hands Elena a shot of Lava Twist

Jerethan plays a haunting melody on his gitar, which is soon joined by a
rich cadence of chords that together paint a compelling picture, a picture
of a bronzerider astride his dragon, proud and ready to defend Pern
single-handedly, if need be. Jerethan's mouth twitches slightly into a
grin, and he begins to sing, just as the music from his gitar quiets. His
voice is almost reverent.

        To chase, the impossible queen!
        To fly, the unbeatable gold!
        Impress, the unbearable green,
        To know, what the future will hold!

Melora glances amusedly at Jerethan as he starts singing.

Ellia quirks a little smile and settles back to listen.

Jerethan's voice leads easily into the second verse, and his eyes sparkle
with mischief, while at the same time his voice maintains the somber, proud
tone of the song.

        To sire, irresistible kids --
        To love, clear and true, only one.
        To fight, the horde of pursuers:
        Those girls just have far too much fun!

Elena digs her feet into the hot sand, her eyes half-lidded.

The chords spiral upward together, leading into the powerful chorus, and
Jerethan sings it easily, his powerful voice resonating with the resounding
majors of the song.

        That is his Quest, to follow his code!
        Nothing can shake him from that lonesome road!
        To fight for the Weyr, without question or pause --
        To be willing to take to the skies --
                For a good, noble cause!

Kassima laughs quietly to herself as she taps her feet to the music, eyes
sparkling with amusement.

Trelina babbles along with the music "ahineen.... ohd...ebehdehdeh...."

Jerethan's voice softens, returning to the original melody line, and a note
of gentle, wistful desire enters his voice then, supported by the firm,
unwavering integrity of the chords beneath.

        To win, the unwinnable heart!
        Demur, at the faintest of praise!
        To end, what another might start
        To blush, at an admiring gaze!

Jerethan glances over at F'hlan as he plays, watching the bronzerider's
reaction, and managing to ignore Trelina's contribution.

Gitar and voice crescendo together, forming a powerful, triumphant,
uplifting progression of pure sound that is belied only by the twinkle in
Jerethan's eye as he sings.

        To fight, for the good of the Weyr!
        To stand, for what's good and what's true!
        Defend, when the wrong's all too clear!
        To love, but to never pursue!

Finaally, with only the tiniest of grins, Jerethan repeats the chorus, his
voice stronger than before, more powerful, singing each word as if it were
itself a symphony of integrity, of honor, of strong-willed purpose.

        That is his Quest, to follow his code!
        Nothing can shake him from that lonesome road!
        To fight for the Weyr, without question or pause --
        To be willing to take to the skies --
                For a good, noble cause!

Elena notices the glance Jerethan has cast toward F'hlan, her gaze
following the harper's until she too eyes the Benden bronzerider. She finds
herself unable to tear her gaze away, and sits transfixed for several long

F'hlan, throughout the song, blushes quite vividly.

P'tran grins and holds Trelina close to him now that she's been cleaned up,
and he pauses to listen to the song.

Jerethan's voice falls silent, permitting the gitar to pay its respects
unaided, the chords offering a tribute through sound to the bronzerider.

Finally, with a final, triumphant, stately chord, the song ends.

Elena shakes off the stupor of her handsome-bronzerider-induced trance,
turning to applaud the journeyman.

F'hlan splutters on a swallow of his wine, then, grin tugging at the
corners of his mouth still, he coughs out, "I, um..."

Trelina, despite the fact the music's stopped, continues to sing(?),
"odododo.... awserawser... "

Simile claps for the song and its subject.

Melora says in amusement, "I don't recall hearing that song before, Jerethan."

Ellia waits for Jereth to look her direction, and shoots him a smile, her
eyes shining. She does not applaud- she still has this piece of cake to
deal with and knows if she puts it down her firelizards will get into it.

Kassima applauds enthusiastically at the song's ending. "Absolutely
magnificent, Jereth!" she calls over to the Harper.

F'hlan blushes, and, while blushing, _his_ fire lizards happily take the
opportunity to investigate his plate thoroughly. At least two of them two;
the other three seem infinitely more interested in that handsome bronze
Randival over there. Finally, F'hlan says gruffly, "Ah, um, thank you..."
Better than his words are expressing, his face suggests he's quite touched.

Jerethan glances back at Ellia, quietly, and then back to F'hlan, grinning
at the bronzerider's blush, and then turning his grin toward Kassima. His
expression falters somewhat as his gaze moves to Melora. "Umm, well,
ma'am... would you believe I wrote it /after/ the promotion?" he asks

P'tran laughs and smiles, unable to applaud at the moment with Trelina in
his arms. He looks over to F'hlan with no small measure of admiration for
his former Wingleader.

Melora chuckles. "No. I wouldn't."

Jerethan chuckles, then, at F'hlan's comment, and smiles. "Oh, you earned
it, bronzerider, rest assured."

Ellia takes another idle bite of her cake, watching the exchenge between
Jereth and Melora with quick grey eyes.

Elena jumps to her feet, ambling quietly toward the table bearing the
refreshments. She picks a few crumbs from the edge of the dragon cake, then
proceeds toward the drink bar, hopping atop a barstool and whirling around
to survey the scene.

Elena looks at the drink bar with interest.

Jerethan blushes a bit to Melora, but he holds his ground. "Most of it,

F'hlan, looking suspiciously damp around the eyelashes, murmurs again,
"Thank you..." His gaze on the Harper leaves the comment mostly for him,
though his regard's shifting slightly to take in everyone else.

Benden Weyr> P'tran unfortunately has to log off and can't stay for the
rest :/

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Night P'tran :)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima zhaisalutes the Fearless Leader-type One and really
hopes someone will be logging, since I have to go soonish too? :P

Trelina plays sleepily with daddy's hair.

R'val grins, "A very good song, 'He murmurs, with a smile towards Ellinia,
nodding his satisfaction.

Kassima smiles at F'hlan and inquires, "Think you've time to open another
gift, sir?"

Jerethan blushes at all the praise, smiling at Elena in turn. His most
anxious look, though, is directed not as his target, nor at his patron, nor
even at his Master, but rather at Ellia.

F'hlan coughs out, "I, ah, think I can fit in into my schedule..."

Melora laughs.

P'tran rocks Trelina to sleep (or tries to) and then rejoins the
festivities (ICly I'll still be here with everyone :) )

Elena sips at her drink, swinging her feet so that they bang against the
legs of the barstool. She watches the unfamiliar faces in the gathering,
apparently deciding whether or not to introduce herself.

Trelina yawns one of those cute little baby yawns, and nestles up against

Benden Weyr> P'tran heads off. Night :)

Ellia nods slightly, smiling. "Rather a good song indeed," she says,
softly, tilting her head slightly to the side to meet Jereth's look with a
mildly puzzled one, her gaze moving from him to Melora and back again.

Kassima laughs. "Aye, well, 'tis good to hear that. 'Tis naught when
compared to Lys's gift, mind, but...." She simply shrugs and pulls a cloth
bag out of her pocket, offering it to the bronzerider. "'Tis nay the bag,
though. There's something in it; kind of dimunative, but... anyway."

Trelina falls asleep, looking quite angelic in this state.

F'hlan blinks, then picks up the bag to inspect it and its contents.

Elena eyes Kassima's bag curiously.

Jerethan cringes, and leans away from the bag, just in case it contains
firelizard eggs. Instead, he smiles at Ellia, her compliment obviously
having its desired effect: he blushes.

F'hlan stares, holding up the object -- a charm, bearing in amy tiny jewels
the sigil of Thunderbolt Wing, a dragon, and the sigil of Benden Weyr -- on
its two sides. "Wingmate, it's lovely," he says fervently, once more grinning.

Kethran smiles as he watches the bronzerider's reaction to the song, and
eyes the new gift a bit warily, in between bites of cake and sips of juice.

R'val whistles softly, eyes widening, "Now that's an impressive gift.'

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Don't ask why the bag looks like jewelry and
not a bag. It's a long story involving a very stupid coding goof on my
part. :)"

Benden Weyr> R'val snickers ;)

Ellia laughs, slightly, seeming a bi pleased with herself. Then her gaze
moves to the new gift, and she smiles, settling back to idly pick at her
cake and watch people.

Elena cranes her neck for a closer look at Kassima's bejeweled trinket,
raises both brows and juts her lower lip, then swivels back toward the bar,
sipping her drink pensively.

R'val stands near Ellia again, having meandered off to refill his wine
glass. He regards her with a smile and inquires, "Having fun?"

Kassima smiles, actually turning a bit red herself for a change. "I'm glad
y'like it, sir. 'Tis nay so much as Lys's, mayhaps, but 'twas just
something I thought of."

Ellia tips her head to the side, peering up at R'val. "Didn't we do that
refrain already?" she says, with a little giggle.

R'val laughs softly, reddening slightly with a lopsided grin, 'I suppose
so." He winks at Ellia mischieviously.

F'hlan admires the glittering object, which catches the attention of the
two greens still flittering near him. Once more he giggles and assures them
that, by all means, it is NOT food.

Ellia quirks a little grin. "One of the things we try to learn is not to
sing a song too many times in the same event...." she says with a sort of
amused, admonishing tone.

R'val sticks his tongue out with a brief, quirky grin at Ellia, obviously
teasing, "I'm no harper, I confess. How do you like your studies, anyway?"

Elena slips down from her perch, padding across the sand again, drink in
hand. Catching a glimpse of the bauble once again, she is momentarily
distracted. Not watching where she is going, she manages to trip over
F'hlan's foot, not falling exactly but splashing her drink every which way.
"Oh, shells, I'm sorry!" she sputters.

Kassima chuckles. "There's a bit more where that came from, actually.
This," she says, hauling from behind her back a large crystal decanter of
some sort of black-purple liquid, "is yours. And everything there." She
gestures to the stocked drink bar. "I don't know if you *want* the Bottle;
it seems to scare most people, but mayhaps you can just use it to frighten
away unwanted guests or something."

Ellia shrugs ever so slightly. "Some of them are interesting... others less
so... but my penmanship has been forced into something nearly legible under
Master Kurion's... delicate tutoring," she says, with a slightly wrinkled
nose. "Which is more than can be said for my brother's."

Kethran gets splattered with a bit of the drink, and glances down at it.
"No, no, I'm definitely supposed to be drinking it, not wearing it," he
comments, examining his own mug, as if wondering if it has been spiked.

F'hlan jumps, as Elena's tumble makes his fire lizards squeak and flutter
in opposite directions; as the young woman's wine splashes him, he
blinkblinks, diving to protect the lovely pouch in which Kassima's gift
came, then looking up to say ruefully, "Ah, lass, it's alright..."

Moira wanders in from the tidal pool.

Jerethan chuckles at Ellia's mention of 'delicate tutoring' and snorts

Melora, standing next to F'hlan, is also splattered, but helps to steady
the girl.

F'hlan sits up, then, when he's assured that he got more damp than the new
gift did. The bag and its charm go protectively under the jacket, as the
rider turns to checking exactly how soaked he is. Distractedly, he blinks
to Kassima. And then grins at her new offerings. "Blackberry liqueur?" he
asks hopefully, and immediately blinks, then, at the other bottle.

Ellia peers sidewise at Jereth and grins.

Randival takes the opportunity to flit away from Kethran's shoulder -- wet
place that it has become -- and flitters over to join the pretty green
firelizards that have been giving him so many admiring gazes throughout the

Elena stands sheepishly over F'hlan, her shoulders raised near her ears and
her face contorted into an embarrassed wince. "Thank you, bronzerider - I
hope I didn't harm anything..." With that, she releases Melora's proffered
hand, smiling her thanks, and ambles on back toward the food table.

Moira wanders down the beach and then stops as she sees all the people.

Kassima grins back and nods. "I asked around the Lower Caverns until I
found out what wines you liked; some *ancient* lady I talked to swore up
and down this was a favorite of yours, so I swindled it from Marcus. *This*
bottle," she explains, hefting the one of strange brown stuff, "is
something I call Black Gold. 'Tis a mix of the blackberry liqueur and the
Gold Dragon drink they serve here. Though the Bottle 'twas mentioning
earlier's over with the bar; 'tis the same stuff as I was carrying 'round
on the pub crawl. Mayhaps you remember."

F'hlan peers down at the winestains on his shirt; fortunately, the shirt is
a dark red, so the stains aren't obvious. He then blinks up at Kassima, and
blurts, "Blackberry liqueur and a Gold Dragon in the same bottle?" Brown
eyes going round at the concept, he stares first at the green rider, then
at the bottle.

Melora eyes the bottle warily....

Elena nods to Moira while popping more crumbs of cake frosting into her
mouth, loathe to cut herself an actual piece. She smiles a little.

Kethran eyes the bottle with slightly less wariness than F'hlan, and
slightly more curiousity.

Kassima nods, eyes twinkling. "Took some time before I got it to the point
where 'tis nay revolting," she admits. "But I think I finally managed. And
over yonder--" She points to the piles of notes stacked atop the bar.
"Those're the recipes for everything I mixed, all four of the drinks. Use
'em in good health."

Draped across Ellia's shoulders, Scaramouche raises a purple-spattered
muzzle and tilts his head slightly, letting out a curious-sounding warble.
Ell, familiar with that sound, turns her head shrply to peer at the
flizard, and immediately tells him to shut up, amusement in her one.

Jerethan looks at the drink bar with interest.

Melora privately suspects that F'hlan's health would be better if he stayed
away from the drinks, though she'd never say so to Kassima.

R'val nods to Ellia thoughtfully, "Apprenticeship in any craft seems to
lead to better handwriting. 'He grins wryly, 'IT did in my case."

F'hlan abruptly laughs out loud, "I'll remember, when my fair goes up in a
day or two. That sounds like a dangeorus mix you've put together, Kassima;
I'd better use it sparingly. But thank you." He grinningly accepts the two
bottles, to be placed by his other two gifts.

R'val grimaces, "Kassi, /you/ made a mix? Oh dear, best not to drink it,
F'hlan.' He grins teasingly at the greenrider.

Ellia quirks a little grin. "Archives. Work in the archives will fix even
the worst of handwriting.... No matter how long it takes." She reaches over
and hauls the blue flizard down into her lap, now that she's finished her
cake, and holds him down so he doesn't start any trouble.

R'val simply laughs at Ellia's words, "Sounds delightful. I had similar
work at healer Hall, when I was an apprentic.e'

Moira looks surprised by the large crowd on the beach, watching the
firelizards now more than the people.

Ellia quirks a little grin. "Ah, cataloguing...."

Kassima grins. "Nay so bad as the Bottle, sir! Nor the Bronze Bolt or the
Dragon Fire, come to think of it... but, nay matter. You're more than
welcome." She sticks her tongue out at R'val and retorts, "I made four,
thankee--just ask Aph, she was there when I brewed 'em. Oddest thing...
Marcus let me have all his drinks absolutely free. Said, 'Just get out of
my bar and y'can have whatever you want.' Odd fellow. I guess he didn't
like my flame-testing my drinks in the Lava Lounge or something."

F'hlan eyes his young wingmate Kassima, grins lopsidedly, and leans back
against the tree behind him. Expression still very full, brown eyes soft,
he regards everyone warmly.

R'val can't help a wry smirk in Kassima's direction, "He didn't like you
testing your evil concoctions in his bar, so he bought you off to get rid
of you.' He grins, "ONly you could manage it, Kassi."

Melora sits down next to P'tran, to chat with him a bit.

Kassima giggles. "Should've seen the expression on his face when I came
back to deal for the blackberry liqueur. I've nay seen anyone so afraid of
me since Lyss last glowed." With that thought in mind, she leans back
against Lysseth and chuckles to herself.

Elena, unable to stand her own forbearance any longer, picks up the cake
knife and cuts herself a generous hunk of the dragon cake. She places it on
a plate, then, placing it at such an angle so that it is hidden from most
of those assembled, sneaks off to a private place to indulge.

Elena walks further along the hot sands towards the tidal pool.

Ellia waves an arm around, to emphasize a point in a soft conversation.

F'hlan, spying a newcomer lingering in the vicinity, smiles kindly to
Moira, and calls out, "Um, feel free to have some cake!"

R'val turns back to Ellia with a wry smile, "You're a junior apprentice,

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "And on that note, I'm afraid I must depart.
Please assume Kassi parties on (party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth!), and
thanks everyone for the wonderful gathering. I enjoyed it immensely. And if
someone doesn't log the rest, then I'll... I'll... well, I don't know what,
but it'll be something drastic. ;)"

Ellia tips her head a bit to one side, and blushes, profoundly, then she
looks back to R'val. "Full. Full apprentice...." she says, seeming a bit

Moira looks around, and seeing F'hlan talking to her, smiles, "Thanks!
Somebody's party?" as she skips over.

R'val smiles at Ellia's blush understandingly and nods his head, "Ah-ha.
You'll make journeyman soon, no doubt?"

F'hlan blushingly murmurs, "Mine," but waves Moira towards the cake.

Kassima continues pondering deep thoughts and sipping wine until the party
ends, whenever that is (though her typist must dash. Ciao, all! :).

Ellia shrugs a little, thoughtfully. "I... hope so...." she says, stumbling
slightly over those words, as she reddens a bit more. Her attention drifts
to the flizard in her lap, and she scritches him along one dye-splashed wing.

Moira stops, cocks her head at Fh'lan, "How many turns?"

[Editor's Note:  And here's where I ran out; alas, I never did get a 
log of the rest, but probably things went on in the same festive 
vein until everyone had to go home. :) ]